Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 23, 1842, Image 4

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    • 7 Allll ---- 'lllllr - E"LOST
- roltueottntets4ltoocaoc
• •
• !•::i, , PLULADEL PillAttiANKS.• • ,
7 .1341V,4k0rtii - ,Ametlea;
s's, ,:i g netto;fl q iirei ofJisticelind
py,onitse 0011'24414 oktleinaliQ
nspeCie, or paper.of ofNortli•Amerioa,.'
~8?s and 10's, old plate; none genuine rctuaiuiit out.
,10'8;sulter ed from s's; vignette of 3'i:end
ofaltered notes; a figgine;of.Commeree
' eagle before : her, and Ships, in the back ground.
letts. 1) i; Jan. 19,1813; pay D. Cutborivil and
April2o,lBl7;pay R. Chesney.
Bank of Northern .Liberties, • -par.
OR. 18, 'l.B37;:pni J. Taylor; siva
' • tures poorly imitated; vignette liesiVilyalladed.
10's, lctt. A; Jitly,'4, 1838 l pity J. Starr; printing
• ink pale and yellowish!
23's,altered from counterfeit 10's; badly done.
9 0 !.s.jetL:G;';Jan. 1, 18t5; pay J. Jenks.
PennsylvAnia. 1 6it 11
lett. M. 8;. April 9,1836: pay G. W. Warder
white circle around the, 5 at top, not it
g•mitine; lett. C; April 7, 1899;pay E. Evans:
.• s's kit. P.• 18; Nev. 1838; priy'N. Nolen-:Henarse.
10"s;of various filling :up; the r. in — President cote
siderably larger than the other letters.
10's,' lett. F; sept.,lo; 1834 pay J. flicks, signed E
G. Lewi9 , Pres.; no such Officerp Aug. 6, 1836:
. pity S. Brayt , A pril 4 1829, pay O: Say; motto on
- Pit. coat of arms roughly done; others, Sept. 10 ;
1537 pay C. Clay.
10's, Letts, C and E; April 16, 1833; pay 11. Clay.
Itr.clett..B; April, 1823, and July 10, 1833; en
graver's faun & Eo. for Co.:
,others,Aug. 97,1838,
pay -IL Clay ; E. Chaniiney, .Clisia.,. insbuid 01
Chauncey:— . . •
50 's,9ett;.B; J - an. 1,1817. • - .
sirs, lett, 1E; March 22;1891; pay J.Botine.,
'Bank-of:PennTownship.:' •par.
• lo'li:Washington on the r.Ser. instead of norm end.,
20 's,WriOns dates, well' done; except. the Franklin
on tight margin, which is coarse. • . -
'so's, altered from s's;'Vignette's, commerce
, on etude of goods; 'right-end piece, Frank
' lin; left, Penn.
Bank of the linked States, " 58 a . 60
10's and 90's; letts. A Sc B,heada and each end coarse.
50's, left, B; Dec. 9, 1836; end pieces coarse.
53's and 100's, tette.. A-' a and ILI; Oct. 1,1838; pay
. ..Inn. Somerville, Cash:, at 10 days; paper thin and
reddish. ,
100's, I-1; 'Sept. 1,,,1838; par.T. -- Ross at 10 days:
altered from 100's; Oct. 11, 1838:
and endorsed by R. Buchanan, at 5 months.
..Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, par.
s's lett. I);
,March 4, 1819; pay Astley.
's's, alter feom'the Comineruial Bank of ,)fillington,
broken, by substituting Pennsylvania for Milling
ton, which observe; vignette of ggnuine s's, Penn's
. I.'renty wills the Indirms. •
10's, spuriotfs; vignette of genuine, Washington. and
--- Franklin.
10's, lett. A,Nov. 17„ .1830, pay R. R. Lee: March
and June 2, 1828,"'29 and SO, pay„ Geo., W. Ash;
Sept.•ls, 1830, pay S. Girard. • , •
10's, tells. A a,Nov. 17, 1822. pay F., Lymain•Nov.
• 3,1820; pay M. Carey; letter C, riav D. Clay.
20's, signed Beej. I'. Smith, dated Istfore lie was
Cashier,. • - •
100's,altered from Commercial Itaidc•olMillington
Md. Railroad cars on one end, denomination of
note on the other. Entirely different from genuine •
500's 50's,• 20's and I.o)f,'atercil, lion: s's, which
only' has Penn's treaty with the Indians for vig
-nette. -1:K:0 - Genuine 500's are printed ill 11ED ink.
Fartoor's and : Mechanic's Bank, - par.
s's, 10's and 25's, altered from Fat.mer'S and Ale
. charms's Bank of Wisconsin; vignette of s's, n fc-
- male holdings cup in right hand,lt:ft arin resting
- -on an eagle; of -- -10's a feififile - reaper;
.of 20's, a
female spinning - . Nongetiuineiengraved by Bur
- tun & Gurle.v.
10's, letter E; Pelt. 5,1825; pay P. Saleyililiffr C;
Feb. 5, and )0, 1820, '2sr pay A. Moses; C. Dull,
' .1. Ran. letter G, A
2, 1826; pay . Clay. well ;Ione; paper redder and signature lighter
than genuine; some letter A, Nov. 20,1804, pay:
G. Hurl. '
23's, letter, E; Nov. 29, 1834; engraving very - bad.
50's letter„C; Dec. 25,1819; pay G. Hirst,-
• Bank, . -
40 4.45
ttra; - 20's and tcom s's, who Sec vignette .
' 'is the Phasilelpliia Exchange. Ifold.itirto
Kensington Bank, 'par.
Mame. & Mech. Bank, a rt 7 - •
10's, altered front s's; vignette of genuine 10, a fe
--male 111111 SPINNING IV HEEL, wlllOll last is not on
the altered -notes. •
- 50's, altered from s's; the WOIILiIPTY is crooked,
and bunglingly inserted: '
Mechanics! Bank, - - par.
3's, old emission; long since withdrawn.
20's,•altered from counterfeits on Mechanics's Bank,
New Haven ; 'miniature of Washington on the
• right, and Clay on the left.. •
50's, altered from s's, April' 1, 1833; Firer is
placed too close to DOLLARS; small lettering of
• rivt - s around the edge rubbed clear. . • '
iMoyamensing Bank, 5 a 7
Viiiladelphi4 Bank,
s's old plate, withdrawn. The plate in use has for
. vignette a fismalet and end pieces, Washington on
• the right,and Robert Morris on the left.
10's, lent. C, lan. 1,1819; Sept. 7,1819;Dee. 8,1820.
10's, letter D,Feh. and May 8,1832; pay J. Kant and
. 1). Evans. Vignette, three female figures with a
ship in the .distance, and- ti view Odle banking , . -
braise on the left, very imperfect:,Franklin on
tho right, and Washington on the let end.
10's stud 20's, altered from s's: vignette of s's, two
females sitting;, between them, a shield, on which
is a ship and plough: of 10's, a female reclining;
her right band resting on a shield, on which is pa.
coat of arms: of 20's, Penn's Treaty with the In-.
dittos. •
20's, old plate, letter E, May 9, 181.4, 1824, '1825,
, and 1827; par D. Edwin.
Southwark Bank, par.
sou's, altered from 10's, old issue, of large situ; "hn
demand" extracted, and " Five Ilundt•ed" sub
' stitoted.
Schuylkill Bank, ' par.
Vs, old plate, of various filling. up. .The bends of
Washington and Franklin imperfect and coarse.
Western Bank,- • par
Bank of Chambersburg, 6 a - 9
Bank otChester.Cp., Wesichester, par.
Bank of Delaniare Co., Chester. par.
20's, altered from S's, well executed:
-- .so's; altered from s's, letter A, Jim.' 1, 1836 ; pay
I'. Clyde ; Chas. S. , Cash. The word tarry
• after bearer is blotted ; the circle dark.
Bank of Germantoivn, par.
20's, altered from s's ; hold the note up to light.
Bank .of Gettysburg, 0 a 9
5%,:N0v. 14, 1828-9, pay R. Smith ; without the
circular water-mark seen in genuine.
s'a,old plate.•which-reads Gettystiurg - Bank.
Bank 'of Lewistown,' • • 11 a 14
Bank of •Niddletown, • - 6 a 8
Bank orMontgothery Co., Nors'wn. par.
s's i letter . A, Oct. 2, 1829, pay L. Litcz ; Nov. 1,
1823, pay J. Wells ; others in 1825-0, some,.2tl
May. . .
s's, letters 13 and F, July 2, 1825, variously filled
out. Vignette light and Coarse.
Bank of . Northumberland, 0a 8
- •
Bank of Pittsburgh, a 2
s's, letter C, old plate, withdrawn from circulation ;
vignette, a blacksmith, tools, &c.
'B, letter C;'13e0.'4;1831 ; pay Wm. Wilkins ; oth
yrs; May 4;1825 ; pay H. Baldwin. .
.• 19's and 2.(3'5, altered from counterfeit s's ; badly
20's, vignette, a female leaning on a .vase of flowers;
of genuine, a blacksmith with his-tools. '
• . Bunko! Susquehanna CoAlontrose,B a 1 0
• Berks County Bank, Reailing; — '4O a 50
2ts, relief notes, letter B; vignette, State Arms,
' rather- coarsely executed. .
. ,
• Carlisle .Bank, •. • • • 6a 9
s's, letter 13, April 1,1829 i pay J. Crosier. The
heads of-Washington light and, coarse,.
• 10's, and ethers, altered trona 3's ; poorly done.
Columbia Bic:. dr, Bridge Ca.Colum biajl 462,
• evii,alieied"fratn:Pi t 'Mercury and a female res-t
Aitigon'biles of goods; 'of 10,0'5,. a large female
figure, one arm resting. on a 'shield - with a plough
'and:OillF . , - Ofi"ri g ht end, figure of Cernmerce.
• - Deoy l einawnyßanki - f•-1•••:: -- ''''''' - -,77- pr.
". • par.
s b ti;oltroitd.;leit/ k. l; t . 1 ; 1827 and 1830; .pay
l'CaZi.e4 smile ,
El; 1829; ,Mtly t, 18311
engraving.mach‘lighter than ' canine:
rei*letteV, CiTelf; 1, 1824;-:•pay ;1 . ..P05t. • •
BrO'llahlt;-`Erie;•: 'CY . '6 a 7
hyanoh, 1 a g.
. _
Oertlficatiti, -' • 1 a 2
ro 4. Notes,:..s's,theiHM
'leaning against fin in;
~.Ohor,whileithegenthie haveqattic&
poei (*omit,
-3''siletterß:lniy7H. - NaSh;ll::"Litnsing; an .
I,'.lB3,(npatier 'rather , heavy and
10's,;`tilterW-iron'i' h.:indolent ExclitingeThinit 'and'
Satinss :Institution of Philadelphia ; ' vignette,
PerreiCirlitOrk:gonliiiieAlrei nti r . e 'for
vignetterf female `Dime seitedlietWeentWo Cheats.
•'All:fiOtettelgnett l'homits l l3l.lfowe.,...Cash.v s i nee.
July, 1839.
Itra;letter-AAaled Sept. 7,1839. The" Minits Of.
• the" Cashier and-President arc lithographia. •
Va,dateilfirlatorlHark,h.llsl,ll.l4ll4B2B. • .
lfialetter'A E pew ev.lBl:sqv. „Pigeo n Waal,
• 29, 18.13,1 it rid 3; , 1817; . titt , 11n1 . pay
10 ; 1819 01.W0;10tteellt"'t'''
,3fis, altered . (rota B'ti ,, thOrtiteettecOf r .2o,',Cis a4Ms
bandmim,-horses and harrows._ , ..,, • ,
tite4elir mitt OcoyeTs'alancilif,apies • '
b u rg, • 6.a 9
Fariners' , l3ank - otlancagq, :.• "' ' 1 a 2
3s; letter Itt Mattli;7, 183211)0y-1 Windt no gen
• nine notes of this description in circulation; oth
ers; March 17;1831, and other dates; pay Geo. H.
Krug, filling up and. same hand. •
ins, letter A March 9, 1883; pay J. Wind vig
nette, a mi 11.,. . •, .
IN unit 301 i, altered front :3'S of the above coun
terfeit: ' .
Firmers' Bank,of Reading,-Reading,
se A; Jan. 1, 1835; pny.G. Ludwig. Faller
has 'B l lk mark; fi 'l,Ap' appearance. .• •
55; letter D; Jan. 1833; pay G. Smith ;,'May 20,
1836; pay A. Strong'. Coarse: '
100 s, lest. A; pay John Harrold; none suet genuine.
Franklin'Bank,' Washirigton, • .2.
ss'and 10's, altered from the broken "Bank' of
-Weld ligton ; " by.' prefixing "Franklin.". This
• Bank opened id 1836. Observe the date.. •
s's,letter A; Nov. 1, 1896; pay It.. Wyliei - Jolin
Mareball,cash.; these names engraved. Impres
sion somewhat faint, particularly the lines under
signatures whielt are distinct in the genuine.
Harrisburg Bank, • -8. - a TO
Is, letter D. pay 11. Alward, dated May 14,4819,
ss, letter C, pay .1. Ross, dated Nov. 3,1820. • •
sa, letter.C, pay IL King, (tilted Jan. 1,1823.
10s, May 4, 1820, letter A. pay J. E. Whiteside.
10S, vignette ' n steamboat, erne , , The
genuine 10's have the goddess of Llierty; Rad- the
Capitol in 'the back ground. -
20, altered from counterfeit 10's; vignette, a view of
the State 13'111(11.1gs. • -
Honesdale Bank, Ilopesdafe,. , a.
Lancaster Bank, ' ' • .• 1 a 2
altered from s's, letter A;Delober 3, 1836, No.
Luneakee County Bank, r a t
Lebanon Bait,. • .fi a'7
Merchant's & Manuf. Bank . , Piteg, 1a 2 .
.Miners' hank of potteville, -• 6 a'7
s's, letter P, pay .1. LyOn; June 13,1341; others, 3.
White Aug,. I, 1840. The letter under the Kin
Schuvikill; the genuine, it is below the L and
cross of the rrs in Pottsville inclines up.
wards, instead of horizontal. -
Monongahela Bank, 13rownsville,
20's, alterdd frorn.s's, easily -detected.
50's, difii Hank leas no 50's out. .
• •
New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. so a 25
(Removed to Lankliqrtville New Jersey.)
Northampton - Bank,-Allentown, 15 re - 19'
s's, letter 11, Aug. 28, 1839; pay s'. L ippincott; sig
natures and filling up engraved; vignette, cost of
twills, while the genuineys issued since 1837 haVe
a view of Mauch Chunk.
• •
TOwanda Bank, Towanda, 70 a'7s
West Branch hic,. Williamsport, .
10'8 of various filling up; sonic tot!. Kellum; T.
Coryell, Cash; J. 11. Cowden, Pres.; vignette, a
flying eagle, railroad cars in the (limning!.. Presi
dent's signature toolight still; genehl opium
.rimce light;' the first I in Williamsport resembles
more a tiguree 1.
50's, altered from s's; vignette, which is that of the
fi's. is a view of the townoh the left end of note.
Wyoming Bank, Wilkes Barre, 13
York Bank, • 6 a 0
s's, letters A'and B; 830; ohlplate; pay W.
Wagner, which name is spelt IVsignor. I n
word Pt v F., on theleft hand margin, the I is not
dotted. The of:,Five; in thelitaly-of the 'note,'
does not exactly line with the ether letters. Vig
nette imperfect in Many places:
10's, alteree from counterfeit Sce preceding.
Taylorsville Delawarcßridge co. 10, a 15
ADA - 111 . :
.111or1iry• al If4aiv,
PRICE N 0.3 lleeterresttow, on the Pub
..hie Spurr°, Carlisle, Pa.
--- April 6, 1842. , , tr. 23
ava-r _
_ glice oppithite the Carlisle Bank.
. July 27, 1842. 6ni-39
JOHN W. ELE/Wrats,
mob ESPECTPULLY, tenders his services to the
MI citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity,That
Will attend. to and - iterfOrm all dental operations
such as Cleaning, Pinging and Ezfraclingnar
Tura! Teeth; and inserting incorruplahle , artificial
teeth from n 'single tooth tp an entire set. •
CO- Office opposite M'Farlane's Hotel.
July 20, 1842.
.- - •
-11 3
Dr. L C. Loomis, Dentist,
S permanently located in Carlisle, and will per
m. form all operations that are required in the
practice of his professiOn—sueli as
Ektrneti nig ; tiling, Plugging, and
inserting Artificial Teeth,
from a single tooth to an entire set.
Ist. B. For a few months ensuing, Dr. Loomis
will be in Carlisle, the first two weeks in each
month—after which', ho will be abSent until the
first two weeks ineach following month--at which
period he may be found at ,his
Office, Pitt st. near APParlane's Hotel.
Carlisle, May 4, 1842. tf-27
Vlechanicsbur Line
,platetwia. 17:1
Between Oiecleanicsbarg and
Philadelphia or'. Baltimore.
IrlE l
übscriber grateful for;-past favors, begi
leave to inform his friends and the public
generally, that he still continues to run a line of
burthen Cars regularly between - Mechanicsburg=
and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods,
and produce of all descriptions will be forwarded
with care and despatch at the lowest rates of
Produce will be received elide *are ipuse,in
Mechanicsburg, and forwarded in either Piffle,
delphia or Baltiniore, according to the direction
of the owner.
LETTIie higlieet price will be giiien for Whoa
N. IL Plaster of' Paris and Salt always kep
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. •
• U.LiZka:latt)Q&l:n o
'De has also an hand, at the Depot in Mechanics.
burg, for sale, LUMBER, such ag Boards,
Shingles, Scantlings, &c. of all kinds,
which will be sold on liberal terms,
August 17,71842.
TIIE subscriber, having concluded to do
no entire Cash business, offers for sale his large
and splendid assortment of
lir 4 If .19 'VW', a li B ,
Nulls 44 . _Cutlery., - .
lower. than it was ever 1;044 for in .Philadelphia.
The following Will-give'you some_ idea of the
that I tins determined to sell ati_.2.,...........,- ,-.-
-4 inch-Carpenter's, Pittent - Riiii:Vaiks,
• from ,' ' - - $1 to sl4per doz e
8-inch Brass Striker; . "
•" 80 ' "
Newton 'Darling Grals Scythes, . to " '
Newborns ' -, ... ','..: 9 • , -. "''
flay,rorks,Sediti Cap Ferrule, ~ , • - , 5 . • :61
Cast Steel long handled Shovele o .1 . 7: , • fig'
Cumberland or Reading Nails, -.. - 4,624 .fi,ec . '
Phoenix' 'or:Juniata " ' 4,44 ''" 7
,Other malte , s',.. I 'o 4,81 "
' -', IWIII ,sell anyartielee In my line from 20 to 25
per'eent. leiver than canhebought for On credit, Call
on me—examine my goods --get a list of. my',. prices
~ . .conapare them with the prices of other etoree,anr
ascertain - for- yourselves zvhere yeAl
„tett _buy....the
•• '' • - ••' ITP.JiIi'V 1 . 1. tLDEß,Tniifortek
498 Market ati aboie 13th, North aide, PlAiadelphia
June 1,1842 -.'.:,, . . . , . _ - ,.
YKENS Valley,Pine'Groye,Lime.b irrier , / ,
and COAL,,. constantly for
Sp P, MARTIN, ..
• ; Successors to Miller &Martins'
Harrisburg, April 20,1842, ' 6m.25
k':PKTltlONfat4liactarge and 'Certiflcate'9ll 7
der AO Bankkipita*, boa been-filed by
THOMAS FLO.WE RS; Irinkeeper,`CU tierland Co.
and FRIDAY the 27th day of JANUARY next, at
El o'clock; A. M. is , appointed for the hearing there
of,. before the said' Court; sitting in - Baidtruptcy,nt .
the District Court Room, in the City ofPhiladelphiiri
when and where the Creditors of theaaid Petitioner,
'who have proved their Debts,', and all persona hi in
terest, may appeair'and show eause, if anitheyhave,
why Such Discharge' and Certificate should not'
granted. ' FRAS. HOPKINSON,.
Clerk of the - District Court.
Phila. Nov. 9, 184 . 2.•.. • ' 10-54-
, ,
• .
111(1".ETITIONS for -the Benefit of the
bankrupt Law, have been. filed the tat Novem
ber, 1842, by ' .
Maker,• . _ Cumberhind co.
MICHAEL P. EGE, late iron Master, (in
., divitifially and as 'a Partnerpf the late firm
of M.; P. rand .1.-A. Ege.) Cumberland co.
JOSEPH :A. EGE, late" Iron Master, (in •
divTilually"and as a Farther of the late firm
of M. P. andJ. A-.-Ege.) • • Cumberland co.
JAMES COLE, , Tailor, Cumberland eci.
WILLIAM. HIGLEY, Currier, Cumberlnnilco„
- Which Petitions will be heard before the District
Court of the United States for the - Eastern District
of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at" the Dis
trict Court Room in, the City of Philadel tibia ;on
FRIDAY the 9th day of DECEMBER next,'lB49,
at I L o'clock, A. M. when and. where all persons in
terested 'may appear and show cause,ifany . they have,-
why_ theip_rayer_of_the_said __Petitions..Shouldnot:be
granted, and the said. Petitioners he'declared Bank
rupt. " ' . . FRAS. HOPKINSON,
• "• Clerk' of the District Court.
Phila. Nov. 9,1842: •
prerriON for the Benefit of the Bank
riga Law; lens been Lied the 28th October,
1842, by
CONRAD HAD, Farmer, Outlaw:land co.
Which Petition will be henril.before the District
Court of the United States for the Eastern District
of Pennsylvania, sittiiig in Bankruptcy, at the Dia
flirt Ciiiirt• room-in the City of Philadelphia, on
FRIDAY the '9th day of DECEMBER next, 1842,-
at 11 o'clock,A. M. when and where all persons in
terested may appear- , and show cause, if any they
ligive, why the prayer of the said Petition should not
griinted, and the said Petitioner be declared Bank
Clerk of the District Court.
• -Phil. Npv. 2,1842. 3t-53
IDDETerioNs. for Discharge and Ceri
ficate under the ljankillpt Law, hail: Lace fl
ed by
JACOP A. RAUM, Inkeeper, Cumbc...
WILLIAM NOAKER, Saddler and • Die-
DA - VIOSON,, Al ill weight •nn I late,
Butcher, in company with David
and FRIDAY the 30th day of DECEMBER.
II o'clock, A. M. is aim - Muted for tha hearing there
of, belbre the said Court,sitiing in Ilankeuptcy,atthe
District Courtroom in the City of Philadelpluo,when
and where the Craitors of the said - Petitioners, who
It:4.6'1)1;61-0 their Debts, and all other persous an in
terest, may appear ant' cruise - 0( mm they have,
Avlly - sttch-rDisehargeitud - CertifiCate - should irur lie
Cidrli of the District CI
Phila. Oct. 26,184'2.
• .ott 2C ill?
APETITION for Dist It mid Certificate tin
, der the Ilankriipt Law, has beet, filed by
'Cumberland co.
and YRIDAY:the 80th day of DECIi_IIBGIi next,
at llWeloelt;A.V. is appointed for Abe hearing
therea, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy,
nt the District Court Room, in the City of Philadel
phia, when and where the CreditorS of the said Pe
titioner, who have proved their Debts, and all Other
persons, in interest, may appear and show cause, if
any they have, why such Discharge:and Certificate
should not he &anted.' • • -
Clerk of the District Court.'
Phila. Oct. 12,1842. 10-50
IrDETITIONS for Dischargettml Certificate under
. 1 . 7
the Bankrupt Law have been filed by
ADAM MA UltY, Stope Mason, individual ,
and as a member of the firm of Maury
fsc Zeigler, - Cumberland county.
GEORGE' V. HALL, late Merchant, 'now
Shoemaker and Agent, Cumberland county?
and Tuesday the 6th day of December next, at I I,
o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof ; the said Court, sitting' In 'Bankruptcy, at the
District Court Room in the city of Philadelphia,
when 111111 where the credit,rs or the said Petitioners
who have proved their debts, and all other persons
in interest, may appear and show cause, if nay they
have, why such Discharge and Certificate should/tot
be granted.
Cleric of the District Court.
Philadelphia, September 17, 1849. 101-47
• 11 04 . 3 (0 1 . 4
DETITIONS for Discharg43 , and Certifi
cute under the Bankrupt Law have been file
MAIITIN G. RUPI', late Merchant
. e C timberland County.
JOSEPH FRY. Cabinet Maker now
Laborer, • . Cumberland County.
and TUESDAY the Gth do ir of December nexuat
o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof,
before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the
District Court Room, in the City of Philadelphia,
when and where the Creditors of the said Petition
.era, who have prayed their debts; atnl, all other per
sons in interest, may appear, and show cause; if any
hey have, why such Discharge and Certificate shawl('
not be granted.
Clerk of the District Court.
Philadelphia,Sept, 24, 1842. 10-48
A ILL persona indebied:to tlfeEstate of MAR
IA. TIN G. RUPP, who was decreed a Bank
rupt, Juno 20, 184% will make payment to the
undersigned Assigpce of said bankrupt, on or be
tide the Ist day of January, 1842.
P. F. EGE,
. .
Assignee in Bankruptcy oflllartin G. Rupp.
011 ice opposite the Carlisle Bank '
Carlisle, Oct. 5, 1842.
Notice in Bankruptcy.
District Court of the United States
for the Eastern District of Permsylvailia,holden
at Philadelphia, having on 'the 21st slay of Ociober,
1842, by its decree upon petition of Jameson. ,Han
non and,George Het'lel/moor, Creditors of Jonas Miller of the Borough of Nevallle, 'Cumberland
county, declared said Miller Bankrupt-;-wititiii the
true intent and meaning of the Act of Congress, and
the said Couriluivingprdereil me sa Commissioner
in Bankruptcy for Cumberland county, to take proof
of debts due by the rahrßankrupt—to his Creditors;
they are' hereby notified; that I have fixed the 21st
day of November,4B42, between the hour's of 8 o'-
clock, A. M. and 5 o'clock, P. M. and every subse,
odent day, between the same hours—until the 26th
day of November, 1842 inclusive; for taking proof
of all claims against the laid Banrupt, at my office,-
in Smith Hanover street, four doors soulli - J-ef the
Court House, Carlisle, Pa. • '
Novembe'r 2,1843.
HE well-known .Fulling Mill of tho eased.
ber, on the Yellow Breeches creek, in Seuth
Mi letou township, ffourtulles- month or Carlisle,-
will be rented, with all tho machinery connected
with it: It Will be rented on reasonable terms if
early applicatim is'made.- --- Poureesion'4ill - be
Oren on the Ist of April next. . ' ' • •
November 2,1842. , ; ,4t..58
1r- aa.E3
I"...._llMBERotevery deserlption—&-SITIPYIeis,:
'll4 for: pale ,yeaicby ' .
• • .& P mutTrisr.
SuCeessors to 'Wier &Martins.
=Harrisburg, April 2.:1842. ;, • • gm:27
- ,
• .
L/PPINgER• P;AREY, just re.
calved an eztenalvp assortakent of CLOTHO(
CASSIMERS and sArrixpys, which *4B be
sold . at.Taduced'pricee, • , "
AipiPensburg, Oct. 5,.1842, - :1149
,- •
THE proprietors of the Susquehanna
JIL run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season
Their friends will please apply to Wm. L. Fax
Broad at. and to castner, Christian & Curran, No
76 Smith Wharves, Philadelphia, and Joseph E
Elder, Baltimore.
Until further notice, the following prices will
be adhered to between this phice and the ahem.
A.le Per 100 lbs,
Groceries, Q Ware
and Hardware,
Dry Goods, Furni. .
turn and Drugs, '25 . -
_Wheat, Rytt-So Corn
per bushel
Oats 'do •
Lumber per 1000,
feet ' $2 75 $3 SO
Shingleti, do-, 1 - 50_ , 00,
Flour per bbl. • 31,6 35.
Shad' do • 376 50
Droning - do -
Salt per sack, ~.28 ' •
Pitch, Tar and Rosin
per 100, - 16_ 21
Plaster-gross ton,' *2 25 f 32 SO
Honip per 100, 16 • 22
Hides; - •,- 20 25;
Pig dotal, greastott 2SO • • 3 50
Blooms & Gastings, 3 126 4 00-
Barbori, • ,•-:. ,3 50 4 50
Nails per keg', , 18 '.23
Lenther.per, 100, , 20 ' ; 25
Whiskey per bbl.' 5O •55 •
Burk Blocks per 100, 15 '2O = .
Curb Stone, 'ode 121 ' • •
Tin,.,...,d0.. ; , 20 .
• • • P. MARTIN .
Suceesear & Martine..
Marrieirurg; May , 4 , 1842. ,` _.': 6m 27,
.2.4l.l.altaapaitlitAo l.l )34llllrs;,.
IA :',: n, '':l z . .. 1 0 4, !W• 2 4-..4. ;I ''' -- 1:',t;e::,1, lel :: s '
. _
`:' Y ''''` ) ' '' .. ' Midi* la ity ;.agiOnist ~ .1 , 44 '4: .:a
• , :ctrAtentit' • PERPETIYAfd.' , • •.'".
Tliq tViiiiig : Garilqi Are likurauce Ce-in
' •; ,, ,parry,.of,Philadelphia, , ~
' . AitalbittUltAllCE, 'either temporary. or
perpetual, against lcrss or &drive , by rink.,
in own or, Country, MiliOuses,-Barns and Build.
ingS . ,of ell kinds ;, on Household •ruiniture, Moir.
elyandize,Borses - , Cattle, Agricultural; Commer.
cial and : Manufacturing Stock, and , Utenalls of
every description,as wallas MonTscits andVaotrui
RENT, 'upon the•rnost favorable term
The, followln; are the. usual rates, vie:
On Stone and brick:buildings; from ,
and , - . ' 35 to 40 eta. on 8100
' "Log frame " 60 to'7o cts.'on - 100
"Merchandize and furni
. tare ,iiri brick or stone
bbildings, from
"Da. in log or frame,
4 . horses, cattle, farming
- - utensils and sundries,
. at about
On Brick; or stone buildings; $25 on $l,OOO, the
premium subjeetto'be withdrawn at any-time by
the party insuring, at a deduction of 5 per cent.
on the amount paid. " •
Applicationa for insurance, or any information
on the Subject, may be made either personally or
by letter, at the Company's Office, at the north
west corner of Sixth and Wood streets.
•'" MORTON WMICHAEL, President.
L. KRUMBHAAR, Secriitary,or •
. JOHN J. MYERS, ACIENT Carlisle, Pa.
Morton M'Michael, George M. Troutman,
Joseph Wood, . Samuel Townsend,
P. Laguerenne,.. -: Robert L.l.oughlierid,
. Elijah Dallctt, • R W. Poirieroy,
Chas. W. Schreiner, Charles Stokes,
.Joseph. .f. Sharpleas,
• September 14,' 1842
'THE subscriber hereby . informs his
friends and the public in general, that he still
continues to keep 'a
rc . ports to the contrary notwithstanding,) at-the-OLD
' N-Driit-Ettsi — Higlr - Stre a low doors east of
lhe;:Court — llouse, where lien ill at all times take
pleasure in admi ll istering to the comforts of those
-who may favor hint with their custom.
• Ilia BAR 'shall he constantly'. supplied with the
choicest liquOrs; and his TABLE with the best the
market con firnish. .A careful OgTLEft.,always
kept in attendance—and nothing shall be left undone
to please all who call with him.
BOARDERS taken by [lob week, month or
Carlisle, April G , 1942. . -
• 'Union Paper 1%11.11. - :-
FinHE 'su - bScriber respectfully itarms the pub.
lic at larke, that he has leased the above cs.
tablishmeni, six miles south of Carlisle, for a-term
of-years, and the MILL laving been
- paired, --- and — new maehinery introduced, he is
therefore prepared to roanufactuire to order, (and
also hasa supply constantlyon hand).
Papelo.oF every kind and Quail ty,
which he will furnish to printers ; merchants and
others, in any quantities at the lowest city prices - .
All orders addressed to the subscriber, at raper.
tewn, Cumberland connty, will receive prompt
Wiring lately received asupply °film very best
materials, he flatte,rs himself that he will be able
-to manufacture - paper (*al in quality many other
establishment in the country: •
Papertown, July 20, 1842. " ' tf.3B
N. B. The highest price paid for rags:
fro ranzimits.
tra212 , 111118 3..a121112.30.
9111 F. subscribers. at their FOUNDRY AND
ACIIINE SHOP, on Main street, nearly op
posite. the County in the Borough of Carlisle,
Pa., still contine to .build the following Machines
and Horse Powers-i—ciz:
T. D. lintorell's Patent Improved
With a horizontal I)4d...wheel, with a trunk to con.'
duct the strap to the Machine.
The bind!. wheel outside of the horses. The): are
well eakulated to put to one side of the barn bridge,
or under the barn shed. ..
A New and I/improved Shaker,
To separate the grain from the straw, which will
dispense with one or two hands, a ill be made [tithe
above Machine if wanted.
_ •
• 2a - a , '
Purchasing any of the above Machines may hate the
privilege, after a litir trial, of returning the same it
not satisfied. All Machines and Horse Pourers are
warranted for one year, if well used.
R. P. .161 P G.
All kinds of repairing will be done at the.snortes
notice and on the most reasonable terms. They al
ways.keep on band all castings necessary to repair
the above Machines, or any others now in use. •
There is also attached to the above estoblisluner
an IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which ak
kinds of CASTINGS can be bad—such as Apple
Mills, Corn-- Brakers, Piaster Brakers, Mill Gear
ing, Saw Mill 'Cranks, Machine Gearing, Wagon
Boxds, &c. &c. Also,
Such as Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes,
&cc., all in the best order, in iron and bras%
co"- All orders will be executeiratilic shortest no
tice, and promptly attended to: Farmers and others
ara-respectfully -invited to give us a calL confident
that they can be suited to their satisfaction.
Carlisle, Aug. 10, 1842. tf44
c o-Platteles, Ilenwood's and Ogle's PLOCGOS
andI'LOUGWVASTINGS;sueb as Cutters Land_
sides, ace. &c., can also be tenet at the foundry.
fg m ."'P"
• P cr.
• E . ;,7 1
ec D o cm
a. o.ti
150- 2/ • 81 per bb.
20' 23 40
10 11
40 to 50 cte. on - 100
60 to 70 cts. on 100
' GOC.ta. on 100
7 !. Dr.
- TETMR. S.; 1 - 1 21 CH
1( 2 5 c is)OIN TMENT4,2 , S c
THIS' OINTMENT. is safe and • agreeable
application, and has nevcr.bcen known to fail
in curing various affectionsof the akin, when used
according to directions. -, .
Hundreds of certificates might be procured of its
of from Capins of VCSSCiS, School Teach
ers, Principals of Factories, :and • Parents, were it
not for the delicacy of having, their names publish
ed in connection with so loathsome and disagree
able affections.
irrPrice, Twenty-five cents a box. -
Prepared and sold only, wholesale_atuLieW4-al
North 'Second street, near Vino. (sign of the Golden
Eagle andSe'rpents) Philadelphia. •
-•- • For sale in ,Carlisle,,by
Agents, for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, May 1 0 ff, .1942. , Iy-29
TuE'Subscri66r has received additio
al sapid ies of the above' omed ceh heated
which has in a few yeais cured anti relieved upwards
-of SIX- - 141 . 0U5AND personsin—dilfecent
°Nile country, of the following diBCll66B, such as Ih
gligestion, Dyipqrsia and all those trains of diseases
arising froth a disordered conclition_4if_tho—stomach
and liver, derangement of . the digestive functions,
such as • o
.7 Central Debi or - IPC - akiitis of the Stomach,
Costiveness, ileadache, Main
lent El Xemous .
tions, itv.r and ./Istne, _
andlias destroyed all kinds of both' in
grown persons as well as in childrenonall_curiulma
ny oilier complaints which tiVe too numerous to in
seal in this advertisement, which can-be seen in the
directions which can be found .wrapped around each
bottle, with is her of certificates of cures per-
Ihrmed by this valuable Balsam of Health.
The great demand for this'llalsam of Health has
lately induced Some unprincipled persons to impose
on the public a spurious article for the genuine Bal
sam of Ilealtli; therefore the proprietor cautions the
public from purchasing any but. from his re"ular
appointed Agents. The gpmine Balsam of'llealth
has the name of the medicine blown "onithe glass of
each bottle, thus—"Garlegant's Balsam of Health,
prepared only by JOHN S. Aficttati" and besides
he' has his signature, written, on a label, which
is pasted nn the outside wrapper of each bottle,
which secures it fermi being counterfeited.
a . - 7-To he had lit all tunes of his Agent in . this
place, who has already sold large quantities, which
proves it s medicine of great value and celebrit
Carnal; September 28, 1842. 6m:48
Carle ant's Balsam oflicalth
THE subscriber has just received a
fresh supply of the above named celebrated
BALSAM unr 68 In a few) ClirS
cured arid relieved ',pants of four thousand per
sons in different sections of the country of the fob.
lowing diseases, such as the Dyspepsia, all Milks
and Nervous Diseasei,and all those trains of discus.
es resulting from a disordered condition of the Stonn
nch—cures the s Ague mid Fever, and old and fresh.
Sores, and destroyed, kind of worms, both in growli
pet sons null children, and ninny other emnplamni.
- All 'hose persons iat purchase this Nfedicine will
find a full direction to each bottle, as well as a num
ber of certificates of cures performed. To be had
at all times of his agentim this place, who has sold
already largequantities: The great demand fey this
Balsam of Health has lately induced some unprinci
pled person to counterfeit itl---therefore the proprie
tor cautions the publio,from• purchasing any. only
from his regular appointed agents. The genuine
BalSam of Health has the name of the medicine
blown on the glass of each bottle, and his signature,
John S. Miller, wrote on a label which is pasted on
the outside cover, which completely secures them
from being counterfeited. For sale only in this place
For sale also, by Messrs. J. W. & D. S. Stoner,
in Waynesboro!, Pa:, and John Ilyackeuridie :
Shipp&islairg, Pa.
September 28, 1842.
CIDER VINEGAR fur Pickling, for sale
by the subscriber.
Carlisle, Au g . 31,1842. tf-44
1 1 1122 1 / 1 21V
From 575, Bowery, N, York.
OR nine
,yerieS - thia - Medicine hits. tood unrivaled
Joe the . cure of Coughs; Pain in the side, diffi
culty of breathing, Bronchitis, and all those alTec l
lions of the Throat, Lting!Vand Liver 7whieh are a
source of so much suffering and which unarrested
Oo often terminate in Consumption. So extensively
has thisyemedy been used and in so many cures has
it proved 'successful, the proprietor 'feels, no hesi
tancy in recommending it to all Who *unfortunately
have occasion to resort to some means of recovery.'
Alultitudes who have experienced its happy efrects,
.eau testify to its utility, and very many rescued from
a' premature death, point to it as the means of their
restoration. ,
The originator of this remedy wrs - well versed in
the science of medicine, and a skilful practicioner.
Physicians familiar with its effects not unfrequently
prescribe it in their practice, and with the Medical
Faculty generally it has met with a larger',filiaro of
approbation 'than is common. with exclusive pre
parations. •
. .
IrrCONSUMPTION- : -Plie following remarks
were taken from the last' number of the Medical
Magazine.: . . • .._1- ,
!' rhe surkising.effeer proatiCed by the genuine
Dr. Taylor's Babiam of Liverwort, made at .375
Bowen, in consumptive cases, cannot fail exciting a
deep and thrilling interest throughout the World. We
have so long believed this disease (consumption) in
curable; that it is difficitilt to credit our senses when
we see persons, evidently 'consumptive, restored,t6
health. Net it is a fact bf daily occurrence.,
,_ .„ .
LIVER.4IOIIIpLAINT and General poilitr,l
do' e oUsider' inycere Wiliest mirticiihni a. .1 was give)
up - brtWo - phYsiehins and - told'tcr prepare for -- tleath
I was in this Itiiv: state - whesi a friend s'ent,me a-bot
tle of Ot. TaYlor'i Balsam of Liverwort' from' 375
Ilowery t and before it Willed Up., ilin.'bottle Twits
able toast up in bed, by theTariber tisel'hiVe tom
pletely regained my health. All shoutilitse it. •
i. GEO. : , WELLS, '23 John st, - . ,
been'inireit of a violent' . pAin le,
e the side, ittentlitig
through tii the . shoitider,'lndigetition,'ilizznewi, loss
of appetite and-general' debtlity; . by thelise t it twei
bottles of Dr..Taylor'eltalssim of Liverivert, ' •.
J. •A: 'IL 'ALLISF, 7 Me : rehint's Row". ''
For -sale by STEVE;NSOR*. , BiDINKLE; ' siile
agents for Carlisle and_vicinity. :
October 26;1842. '1
ver printed at this °tried. s fisc sssort.4wfit Pr ,
DEUDS; 'q1,101914049pi 191 d.
other BLANKS. • • -
• a " - -77,7 .4 '
':6AtiflE OP '-' , -utINSUitiP
ple airtheaccomplaiitite' s ere nsuoilitfronsidered,
no one can' enithelOning ths most. common
caued'Of thieiktaintidldititreseingiiiiXt is
indeed 'a Inelaticholytroth; 'that" littitstinde fall
victims to Consumption eisry year: i'Venixei other
cause -thairnegietted colds.: Yet wo bun.
"drods, 'nay 'tboulandlivim lreat , ineW s 'eomplaintst
with the . greatest indifference ' and lot them run
on for 'weeks and even- monthsfwithottt thinking
of:the'dariger. At first , you lave what you, may
cone - Met slight Cough or.coldiyeu alloW boat.
nese, '
pleasure or Carelessness to prevent you from
giving it any ottcritieni thole settles upoii."Your
hreast, yOu become hoarse, have "mins in the
eide or-chest, exp i ectorato largo quantities of mat
ter,•perhims Mixed with blood,: a diffieplty ',Of
breathing ensues, and then" you find :your own•
foolish-neglect has - brOught on - this *distessing :
' complaint. If then you value life or' health, be
warned in time; and don't trifle with your:COLN,
or trust to any quack nostrum to , cure you, bu
immediately procure a bottle or twd of. that fa
thous remedy, the:"BALSAM OF -WILD Olean',"
which is well known 'to be the most speedy cure
over known, as thousands will testify whose lives
have been saved by it. -
. (LTD° very particular when you purchase to.
as there is - alio a SYRUP of this name in use.
Prepared, wholesale and •retail, -by VVILLIABD3
& CO.. Chemicts, No. 30. South pourth street, •
Philadelphia. r -
Soldin Carlisle by - •
Price-C)ac- Dollar a-Dottie :
June 22,.184?3,
~~ 3~iiL:~ ilJl [IL
v .77-7- '77 , 1.1!
for the care
. . of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, _Live4 Com:
p,aints, Asthma,' Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Aga.,
poplia; ShOrtriess of Breath,- Pains In the Side,
Breast, Back and Shoulders '
.4guo end Fever; an
intallable cure ; arid all Searle t and Bilious. Fevers,
and all -diseases arieing . from, ()spasm ; and;dro
bility, no matter show long standing—in fact all
diseases to which•thnhuman family are subject to.
These pills are unsurpassed ',by any . medical
nom pound nver offered to tbe . public as a general re
novator and . family
,medieme. They are very,
gentle in their operation, causing neither pain,
sickness nor debility by the use 'of th'em; but'on
the contrary they strengthen _ the stomach and
boWols,in a Wonderfamanner, and soon restore, its former course and vigor. The per
son using the' Olive Branch Pills soon forgets
thtit'he was sick—Lwhich-is very -easily accounted
for: there is
,not that prestration of strength in
these pills as in many other remedies of the day,
because the , materials used in - manufacturing them
.are In harmony with the' powers of life -and aet,
in concert with the Opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush;
Arriistrong, Montgomery, - Hersey, Kendrick,
Shepper . 'and the
_celebrated Dr. Waterhouse ;
formerly Lecturer on the iheoriand practice of
Physic in'Cambridge University, Massachusetts.
.Purchase of thein, .and give them a fair and im
partial trial, and youvill'find that permanent re
lief, upon _which the' proprieters d epend : tgmake
them the most universal family medicine.usell;
and which will stand Mr:rivaled by any otherin
the la world. own - P rice 2.5 - eente per hOs.
t 020.33
Is one of the most certain and effectual cities for
all rheumatic, chronic and infleitimatory Rheuma
tisms that has ever yet been discovered, and in
numerous casee'has eradicated that dreadful dis
ease from persons afflicted entirely. ' All sour
drinks and; victuals are strictly 'forbidden* hnd
spiritous liquors, must not be taken inwardly by
any means- whatever, or it will' be of no use to
take this medicine, as it will destroy the good ef
fects of, the. , medicine entirely. Price $1,50 per
,These celebrated drops have acquired the high
est recommendations in this country, as welnis
in Europe for its most valuable proprieties fpr all
inward woo lc ncsses, cram ps,colds,rigues and fever;
andlwheroused with the Olive Branch 'Pills '
fails to cure th 6 fever and ague, Price 25 cents
Is unrivalled for its curative qualities even when
used in cases of 'maladies which were otherwise
incurable. Many recommendations have . been
given of the' beneficial effects it has had in the
cure of pleurisy, pectoral 'and pulmonary con
sumptions, colds, &c. Price 25 cents per bottle.
This most- . excellent. article has a quality of
calming instantly and without fail; all cramps of
the stomach, cholla and that troublesome disease
called mother fits or hysterics; and when continu--
ed for some length of time, will cure the pattent
entirety, Price 25 cents per vial.. . .
A certain , cuireTor allOcaldS,.,Bruies, Burns,
and thtl most effectual cure for,- the piles—it will
cure the person afflicted in a very short time, if
used according to directions. Price 25 cts. per vial.
This 'spirit is highly recommended for 'all
sprains, swelling of the limbs, or lenders, sinews,
joints and rheumatic; as an 'outward remedy, it has
no equal,and when used with the Rheumatic Medi.
eine, will greatly. facilitate' the cure. - The an
nuals of History do - not produce its equal, and it is
the greatest. - preventive against. cold, in the
known world. For particulars see di rectioniapcom.
panying the bottles. • Price 25 .cents: . -
An infilllablc cure if used according td dircc
ons. Price 25 cents per. vial.
Is decidedly the best application for wounds
and sores, ' - old or new, of all kinds, and will pre
vent if. used in time, many operations; and pre
vent Lodk Jaw, Pains in the Back, Head,
Females who are so unfoitunate As to have sore
breasts, and,will use this wonderful salve, will,be
cured in a very short time. It cannot be too high.
ly recommended: For furthe'r particulars see direc.
Lions. Price 12h cents per box: •
An excellent article for the cure of worms in
adults as well as children, and Will cure when
other remedies, fail.. Price 6.1 cents per box.
A superior article for Coughs, Colds,Sore throat,
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing -- :Price fi.l
cents per box:
Sold wholesale and retail, at the principal office,
N?. 384, North 3d street, Philadelphia; and by
• • • JOHN GRAY, Carlise 'Pa. .
• General Agent for Cumberland dounty.
. Jime.22, 1842. 1y.34
AND ifyou have a friend, a relation, or know
any one that is afflicted with that distressing
disease, "CONSuMPTlON,"persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled medi
cine, the .
"Balsam of Wild cherry,"
which has cured thousands of this complaint af
ter everything else had failed. Read the follow
ing undoubted proofs of its efficacy:
• . Roxammeon, 'Seq. 10 1841.
DEAR. SlR:—Plertie send me two niorc bottles of
your_Balsam of Wild Cherry, like-that you sent,
me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two,
and confidently believe this medicine will cure me.
I have used a great many remedies within the
last year, but have never, found any thing that has
relieved me so much. Itches stopped my cough
entirely, checked my night sweats, and I sleep
better at night and feel better in every way, than
I have for many months. _Yours ' respectfully,
HOLBIESDURG. Sept.l2, 1841.
FRIEND WISTARI—I . must again trouble thee to
send me two bottles more of thy 'invaluable -Bal
sam. I have now taken three bottles in all, and
can assure thee that it hail done more good than
all the medicine I have ever taken before. Send
by the stage as soon as possible, and oblige thy
• BRISTOL, Sept. 8, 1841. .
- DitAn_EPocrottlearing so many people talk'
of the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cher
ry has made in Consumption, I sent to one of
your Agents the other day for a bottle, and have
'found it to have relieved me so much, that I want
three bottles more sent soon, as I believe. it will
cure me too. I have used Jayne's Expectorant
and other medicines,besides, but nothing , has done
me as much good as yours has. Send 'by the
stemhboat, Bolivar. "Yours, truly,
• • •
tlWßesides its astonishing efficacy in
Consumption,.it is also the most effectual remedy
ever discovered for LIVER 'COMPLAINTS,
WHOOPING COUGH, &c., as hundreds will tee
tify who beve beek cured hy it after all other reme
dies had failed.
INiUGGISTS-and .DEALERS 'Will find . this
medicine a valuable addition to their stock, • and
sh ou ld alw a y s keep it on hand, as ilia universally
acknowledged to ba. one of the most useful family
mediehies nowin use. _ . " - •.' • '
n• - •Re very careful. to ask for Dr.'W/STAR'S
Sale and retail by WILLIAMS & CO.,'Chanarts,
1 . 40:33, SouthTourth Street, Philadelphia..
.The_genuine_..Balsrirn-eol4, in-- Car. ,
lisle by, SAMUEL' ELLIOTT, appointed
Agent.. Pr - W- 4 81 per Bottle.
1 June 22,1842.
mANUFACTUnto and itekt on hand, for
sale in the city .6rLiineaster; near the
Road, . '
Endless 111Oroe Power
WRIS:11 I N cHINE a,
for one . horse and for two !tomes, waintined td
work 'well, 'and of greater durability than Any
otbOr Moohlnefis Tor 11 "‘ImMai 'inirime known to
the enhaeriber atpiestust. ' , •
Uncut% May 4 , 1842 , • •6 27 I
OR 0 L , D R
,Jhni is -thii! t iiiiasen when•thisdestructire- •
attaiikiiyour Antoresting little children,
Often robs you or those you fondly doit on, and
carries hundrids •to the' grave. Every- mother
should therefore, knonr-its symptoms, watch them
closely, and. 'always, be prepared with a remedy
as' many are daq,saerificed by such neglect. At
first the little patient Belted 'with anhivering, it
grows restless, has Similes of heat,the eyes' become
red and swollen, it breathes with ..difliciaty, and
then cornea that fearful Conon that willsureiy, ter:
minute - in convolutions or death tualais something,is
imniediately given td checkit. In'thie complaint
'the "Bediarnof Wild Cherry" is well known , to
be the most Speedynver dicovered. —lt is indeed a,
precious ieirisdnild„. safe and inneccnt„,„,and
is sori,;*givellin sufferer,-inimetliati4olKAand
(IWO. restoin to:safety" and • heallh.;,';',-.}:Ami
lies'iniiining in.the country . and indeed nyery.*o ,
ther Who' loves her children, should 'always, keep
this medicine in the house • and 'giro it to them'
early, by doing so you may Often 'save the life of
one you fondly lore. Remember this is the famous
remedy °films distingatehed physician, ; •Dr.-Wis,
rar; which has, cured thousands of :CROUP,
-TION- after - ovary otheimedicinehan failed...-
I:01h particular whim- you purchase to ask
as there is a SYRUP of this name advertised that is -
entifoly a‘diffcront medicine. • , ' „
, „ . .
PreparciFivioly by WlLT:imps &'Co., Cheo49,
No. 33 South Fourth strentePhiladelphia,
CaiVsle by _
. • Price One Dollar a Bottle.
inno 22, 1842.
• • Both these - Effects are Produced by •
Dn. LEI . I;IeS lhoon nue contain in'tlteir conspoi 2l .._
. bitted and desirable effects of .
. Cleastitt. , the itotveht. - •
frUIEIUL are no Pills in existence 'which may be '
E 0 safely used - at all times, ages and seasons,
without, restraint. IroM living or occußation, Or. -
Leidy's Blood Pills.
From their dompirsition, they are 'calculated to •
purify the blood atu animal.-fluids during the inter
val between taking 'them livid their op . eraticut; when
all impurities, as well. as obnoxious substances oldie "
stomach and boWels, are carried off by their mild
purgative properties. • ,
- ' l-- tH"AVARDS -- PF - roo;000 - noxps
of them hare been sold during the patt six months
OP - 1,000,000 -
since their first introduction by the proprietor, Dr.
N. B. Leidy.
have they ever been knovin — tii - lairlii "producing
good effects.
contain no ingredients dangerous to .the constitution
which are employed in all Pills manufactured' by
Quacks and. Impostors . , who depend upon such dan—
gerous medicines under the impression,( which shows
their ignorance,) that all diseases must yield to the
effects of Mercury and tither , Minerals.
Prom Physicians :Ma others, have-been frequently. -
published of the happy effects of. Dr. teidy's 3.1100 d.
fills and further co 11111 l ent upon'their merits is un
necessary. Dr Leidy would, however,earnestly re- --
commend to all requiring a purifying or purgative
medicine, to procure his 111,00 D PILLS, ant trE l
them. No one will.ever use any other kind, having'
once given them a fair trial.
cured from the Bole intinfooturer And proprietor, Dr.
till North Second street, below Vine stifeet, (Sign of
the Golden Eagle nod Sereents,) Philadelphia, there
can be no possibility of mistake.
• They are also 'kept by most of the_ respectable
Druggists of Philadelphm,and by respectable Ater
chants and Druggists throughout the United States.
For sale,.in Carlisle, by
Agents for Cumbet•land County.
Carlisle, Stay 18,1842. ly-29
.71edicated _Extract of Sarsti- , .-,
papilla. • -
VVT ILL be forfeited by ..Dr. N. B. - LEIDY, for a,
preparation of Sarsaparilla equal to .11141
Medicated Extract of Sarsaparilla: •
It is positively the strongest preparation of Sarsa
parillai in existehoe. ONE 801 TLE is. equal to
six pints of any other Syrup that is made,-and is
bought by numerous persons throughout the city and
country for making therefrom, and who sell it at
seventy-five cents - oh one dollar per bottle (abouthalf . '
a pint.)
The efficacy of Sarsaparilla is well known in -
Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the
Liver, Affection of the Skin and "tones, Ulcers of
the Nose, Throat and Body, as well as an Antidote
to Mercury and the Minerals, Constitutional .Dis
easei,and a general purifier of the Blood and Animal
Fluids. Comment uponits virtues is unnecessary, ,
every body knows - its fficacy tla Only necessary .
when using it to get,a good
. preparation of it, and
then there will he no 'disappointment in its effects.
Dr. Leidy would refer to the moat respeiltoble-phy
sicians in Philadelphia, as well ,as thrOueliout the
Milani States, for the charaCter of his preparation,
as well also to the numerous certificates from physi
and others, that have been froth time tallow,
published,- now deemed unnecessary, as the charae-
ter of hia preparation is firmly established. Through.
out the Southern States it is used altogether, and
throughout the North takes the precedence over all
others, particular ly among the nhysiciani, who, - for
the benefit of the ir patients, always recommend it.
The itader is referred to the - directions skietuti-:
ponying each bottleforrecommendationi, a,
and further certificates. '
(Ti l .ittiE ONE DOLLAD. PEE I)OT.TLZ. • • .
Prepared and sold, wholesale• and 'retail aCDF•
Seiond street, below Vine, sign of the Golden Eagle:
& Serpents; Philadelphia; and for sale in Carlisle'
l A s f l e s n 4 ts 2 for Cu 71?er17 . 1 . (1 : 1 C 7 . uai i - t y y :2o
C ,"- #O.l - tS. COLDS tki.
Every Body o,alykt to Slow of ~ ,
DR. BECATER'S.- :.' ' of'
Pulmonary' Preseyvallpe.
0 ) 41: - .)efrectitAl inCdtigho, Cold!, , infloenz . ory Ca-. •
votive throughout all. Germany, and so,-atiectual in
Diseases of. the Lungs, that (nom its -mirteultius:
effects and wonderful 'cures--it is there generally
known and styled "Dr. Dechter's Life Preserver."
As numerous certificates of its -very good effects„,
and wonderful cures irk:thiS country, havelicert,fre....
gnently iti deemed
remind thiir Fettle of :scs ;valuable a sletheime,`ap,d
infirm them wherait cart he procured en k •
:otjp . iicerifty Cer te . a hail PiPt butt
Prepared and sold, Wholesale and re, ikst.ur,,,
North Second-!itieitil'4etamie Viiii:rislgn'Atfthe-
Golden Doe° and atrwhl) Phill44lol‘. •
yor ei4;irrniiiitilt 4
I.s',T:TruverisoN -4 j)I . I4IELEi.',
;; - , Agent!, for Outilberlaiir),Viiiipty. •
• Carlisle, May 18, 1847., - - 1911.8
t 0203 3
to2o 3