Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 23, 1842, Image 3

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    lies Of LekArropiolittir ,
./ I ''
nlrwsPllPor° g lg' 7
Jrndfiiiinr if the iitistiiigo of the Tariff Bar and ;
Locofecos or this entittfrk in•Aele
totitinr against 'lts Like Mrs Iluchtinini)lhey
;00E114Vid &tor' of aitigh
proyct, American Industry from the competition
ofAhoic own pauper labor, They bitterly;•;'..torrt
plaiihlof the blow dealt by the 'American ',Tariff
'pTosplrty ,
,of Manchester and Bitrnipg.
ham. •As soon, however, as the-loco-feces obtain
the.aecondancy in Congress, the tariff will bo so ,
" 6164 f i r d " te' suit the views
, of their British
411 - 'l l , , nkni we : shall then hear ni:more complaints
rorn .thatiAttarter. . • , ' < ' _ •
iliaquiiiiii(l(etiiiiiie is formed'hY.'n CM - M.4nm-
lAart,Uf :different ingredients, all, celebrated
Tor* attro:of Colds, Coughs, and Pulmonic dorn
:plaintit KM' by' its combination, if one of these aril.'
detiilraitid•he used' separately' atul afford no relief,'
111 Et E.TRACI .OF, 110AIllIOUND they are
so „
Mutiliatnated, that the-benefit of the whole epr
perieuced In one Compound.; ' . • ..
",About three years and a )ialf ago, this article was
first Vrou . ght before the pitblie: lUwas het aided with
,no kevious announcement of its merit or 'value but
vas Intrtiduced by the propri e t o rs, thiiimontunity
stand by their deciMun, tm regarded its beneficial
itilluctioe. , •That decision has been attained in a man
, nnr altbgether titiexpected. the unsought nektio'tt l
e.fgeincot °MS worth hai proceeded sinittaticoubly
frOn t ithilusands, Who have experiOtWell its benefit ,
lthrouglintlt the coubtry. And
,why ix it, so? Ile
.CauseAo 10111 of its qualities iu Coughs void Colds,
lloariusmes, Irritation of the Throat;Cronp;Whoop
'Mg Asthina,
,Catarrhs, Pulpitalion -- of the
;Heart; Pver Complaint, Night §iveats, difficult or
qtrofuin - Expectortition, anti all' . diseases leading to
'Consumption, has giien it a value that no other sim
ilar 'medioine has everreached.
•COmplaints of the lungs are the
: most dangeous
the same time most prevalent 0f..a1l diseases.
Our climate is most peculiar ; it changes sudihmlL
from extreme warmth to extrethe cold, from wet to
IV, Rini it is froth this change in the climate that
diseases are apt to arise.
the blood is in ritl unhealthy state, and the
eon:dilution naturally delicate, if a 091(1 sets.; a and
nu immediate relief takes place, the 'chances are al-
together agiiinst die patient attacked; it is when rent-
edies pre taken in ti r e, that disease is checked and
life sated— . There 4-tie disease but may not be stif-.
(Civil to go such a ;ength that no medicine - or phy
sician in the world can save Meyerson attacked.
This should be 'remembered by nll;.thetcifety of
life is, to be prepared . io time. At the symptoms of
a Cold, Cough or Chilliness, .THC CLAILDIED
be freely-used-according todirections t. sod in every'
case where it is so used'infirokr Ulm., the Cough or
Cold will' be broketr up or eradicated. • We feel it
-titir,duty to impress tins upon every one—itll rtunc-.
dies must be takeu in time.
.• •
___The l'olLowing i s of -a :thou : eat la i ht
proprietor could show, iattestiag the virtue of-his
" 1 hav'exxpeeiinentally tested the virtues of your
Clarified Essence or Donvhound Candy, tnni non4l
recommend it to be unit:era:llly used by all those
whose lamp tire exposed--mn vablic speaker-should
be without it. Rev: Mr. LYON, - -
.FuratAdy-Pastor of NI. E. Church,y or k, Pa.
Remember, each inickage r . of the geileiii6 Hoar
lionnil Candy is siipted - J• PEASE
letieVs, post paid, directed to .1. Pease& Son,
11.; Division ptrret, N Y, will be punctually attended
(10". Slerehants 111 the country wishing Pease's
limo:hound Candfentrobtan it at the nintotratetorer's
lowest teratot,lhy' order to any one in the
•eity with whom they have dealings. . ....
For sale Ity MVP:RS .& I . IA.VERSTICIc,
Sole A:elita 11.1. Cat•lisle,and by
.1. Dorshetmei• Aleehanieslairg.
- Daniel Shelly:Shiremanstown,
Abraham Getz, Kingnian' ,
• Joseph Crain, lloguestowi. '
. ' - Santuel Wilson,
' ;Inlin Gish, 3 Shippeashorg.
J. P. Wilson, Gte(vville.
j 1 1 1. etAaoti and storekeepers In This vicinity
cuta be 'supplied by applying to ,Messrs. M"ers-tv.
Haverstick, who have a large and fresh supply direct
Irons the Mattufactut•er.
Nov. 2, 1842.
PLIILAIALPHIA, NeveraLer 19, 1842
The weather this week has been very tinliner:No
for ent-door business, and but little has been done.
In leading articles little chatike has occurred this
week. To-day we have advicca from England to the
411. inst. Cotton had improved a trifle, and the 12;orn
market, which had been much depressed for sonic
time, it was believed laud reached its lowest point,
land confidence expressed of some RdVIIIIICe. 16 prices
FLOUR & MEAL.—Durin,, ,, this week the Flour
market has been rather quiet; the rtswipty and stocks
continue limited.. The' current rate or standard .
Penna. blinds is $4 12 . i. per bbl. Rye Flour . 3 per
bbl. Corn Meal has further declined, we quote
Penna. to-day at ,2 18 f a 2'i; Brandy wine 110111illal
Cleared this week 4693 hbls. Flour, 44 Idols and
1800 bids Corn Meal.
• GRAIN.—The receipts of Wheat are to a fair ex
tent, and the sales this week have hemeconsiderable,
chiefly for milling; u lot of Illinois mistaken at 85c;
Penna.:Ad and. from store sold at 89 a 85e per
bushel; simile' few lois' common red at 80 a 83e per
bushel. Sales Southern Wheat at 70 a 80e, as in
quality. • Penna. 12. j e5B a 6iic, and Southern do 48'
a Stki. Old'Southern yellow Corn 45e; new ties 40
a 41c; old white ilo'4oe; new do - 380 per bushel.—
Southern Oats :Lie per bushel. Cleared this week
for If w,est Indias 1177 bushels Corn. '
WEDS K EX—Afrlerate cleotaiolat ‘„?...k per ga II o
— BEEP CA I Ti.r.-647 head at market ;sales were
at 31 a di; extra se. Cows and Calves-48 aI t for
Dry Caws; $ll a-16 for Spiingersr $2O a 22 for
Mack Cows, extra $25 a 28. Sheep $t aei extra 3.
lIALTIMORE;IsTo - 719;184 , 2 — . ,
• BEEP CATTLE.—The offering s on Monday at
the yards, Were between 12 and 1'.300 head, all of
which (except about 200 - laid • over) were taken by
the butchers and salters at S a $4 50 pct. 100 lbs.
Abort 6 to 700 Hogs were also sold, which reiltamil
the stock to only 260 head;. the peices paid were
from 3 80 to 4; .of,the unsold.
FLOUIL-,The demand for Howard street Flour
onntintles quite limited and prices are without change.
We linens good mixed standard ()midi from - siores
sitS4.oo and from wagons at 3,871 1 .
GRAIN.-Sales of Wheat at 75 aB5 cta. for prime
'.Yid: redly and at, 50 it 70 ets, for inferior sorts, at
.cording to quality. S t yles of new white and yellow
Aid Carts, at 46 a - 43 etst for.lots suitable for shipping.
A sala 4 Old Md yellow Corn today at 44 eta. Sales
•ot Md Bye at 45 a 48 ets. and Of Oats at 21 a 22 eta.
WHISKEY.-The Market emiti ues ebti rely bare
.of hltds. Moderate sales of lthls." at 23 cts. The
Wagon lariae of litacis 19 eta. exclusive of the barrel.
..r.I.I4ILUXE no, 1 . . •
ACtn_thelstlt..litid4Rey. Henry Aar:m . (4.W'.
iIIEXT4 I OMOCB " 1' ; of Newton township, to
AS „MEER; of Ditskinson
On•the 17th inst..;
. 71 e etmo, Mr. JONATHAN
C. BEEBICEII4tif 'Perry 6ininty, to Miss CATHA
., .19NEllyVIGERT'Of.North 'Middleton township.
4 la ihis borough;on Thursklwy the 10th inst„.by
'e IttlY; , ',MrSttrring,. :Mr. - JOSEPH 'ABNER
WILL AS. Of 11srrishurg, to. Miss CAI:IIARINE
8111REMAN;Of ShiretnatistOwn,'Cumberhind co:
.• • •
".. On:Thursday, the 27th tilt, hvlthe Rev. Mani
crupSq,Ounuett . ,, Mr. ANDItiM, Gll VAR, to
fiss,/,4 f S 1 Alt both_ of
,Cortiberhsnd county
, .
itineOrt Qf
preo::Sittnitaeic" , .ll 57 ' 4 .!KtoiiJO: aria If Jaye,,
t hi o;lmi** SXLl 3,B jPiti4ilX ,:cotteor.,
,ot John 'Li4itip,..Eetl'.citytsgort,y Itft!itttpoott:tottnehlt
ttie 61efrytew7eit
• :,•,111144 1 PTS SMIOES.. •.; -,•
NQTRE itupply •qr `R OT =drill
*ISA' qff oE§,just. reiietr.:4 ind '4l'l6'oll:mon
lay,Otlififitoli ' ••. Z.VqAS. CfGp..l3Y.'
.7 14rEqb , Fre 9 '?2' ,18 W‘ L•:t tf-66
• 4.:
T • lig subscilberCoffdr,, tdi: 116,nt,
ariodious TIIECQ Story , -Tavern Stimuli-kw:4n astlip
R.l 'RAY 'A.'.l:l Ha II
dititatti tilt • the'corner;of Hi gh an . ,
eitt aired Carlisle, and noii , oceutned . by ernena
Mith'iirlane.. - :elijOya a large , share' of
inclading . tlie advantages derived from the Itai Erma!'
travelling. There , la attached kilt extensive stabling; ,
and all necessnry.:conveniencOsi• 'lt is , *ll +Worthy
the consideration of. Hotel keepers: • 'Postiession will
be given on the , !star pritoiesi.Application to
nuide lo • ~..., r JOHN
.N081.4:0c., CO.. .
. • • . tf,56
, .
• P; S. 'Clic furniture and gisturce nnw In the.Hatel,
will be thsposed or in the new.lessec,ini 'rensonable
ternni. ; . ; • . , , .
~~~ ~ c~,~s~~~v
„ • • • •
A, DI T U [0: f WINTER'
GOODS,Stist received and selling lower, for'
Cash thou ever sold,in Carlisle. The .supply has
been bought at the present reduced paces, and
purchasers Will find it decidedly,to their interest to
call beforepnrclinsiOg elsewhere. ' •
November 23, 1842
Winter Sperm ',OIL.
Table pil, „ . .1 Prime new Cheese,
Bunch Ni 1 Raisins (new 'J Presh_Currants,.
crdp ' )' '. Y Assorted Pickles; .
Rio & Java
Coffees ' Brown & LdidStigars, '
Mould Candles
.6's & S's, Spp'm do 4's S's - Si. S's.
C:041 In & Panel'. Soaps, Painted Buckets,
CtalturTubnt. Churns, &c. :Fur' sale ni the Atom. of
.J. W. EBY.
Cii 1.1 ste,. Nov. 23, 'lBp
Cali I , Casht
~ •
/it LI, persons indebted to the subscriber
'are notified to call nonl settle their acOnunts be
fore the Isth December next, as longer .indulgenee
cannot be given. • •CHAS. OGIL.111(..
November 13, 184 i. • - , .'' t1:56
A LARGE quantity of first rate Cheese,
LA. York Cheese, st -reduced priers. Wholesale
or Cetail. , Also n lot of SALT at the store of
November '23, 1842. tf-5
der Ilitinie,rupety.
PETITION for did — ll - mei - ire the
Bankrupt Law, has been tiled the 14th Novem
ber,lB,l.2, by , •
of Dayton, Ohio, now Clerk, .Cumberland co.
'hich Petition be_heard before the District
_Court of the United States for the Eastern, District
of Pennsylvania sitting In Bankruptcy,at the District
Court MI/Mill tiltrOlV of Philadelphia, nu FRIDAY
the 23 day of DPICESIR ER next, at Ilio'clock,. A.
M., when and where tilLpersons•interesled may -ap
pear and show *muse, ifqtny they- have, why the
limier of the said Petitions Omuta tint be- granted,
anti the said 'Petitioners declared Bankrupts.
7 - Fit - AS. fIOPKINSON, -
. Clerk of the District Court.
...Phila. Nov. 23,1842. St-56
1 - 5 c) a. Li. a.,' as , .
PETITION for - Discharge and Certificate
Ile under the Bankrupt Law, has been filed by
GEORGE. HOLLINGER, (of . the firm of
Hollinger and Davis,) late Contractor,
• Cumberland co.
and FRIDAY the 27th day of JANUARY
-nest, at 'll- tfebielt, A. M. is appointed rci r the
hearing thereof; beforc•the said Court, sitting in
Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room in the
City — of'Philadelphin, when and where the Ci
tors of the said Pctitionors,who have proved their
Debts and Otherpersank in interest, maymp.
pear and show cause, if any they have, why such
Discharge and Certificate should not be
Clerk df the District Court.
Philadelphia, Nov. 23, 1842. 10.56
PEITrIQN for the Benefit of the
Bankrupt Law, has been filed the I9th No
cember,'lB42, by
chant and Partner, Cumberland co
Which Pitition wiii he LeMal before the . District
Court or the United s , tates tin• the Eastern District
,otl.Nnuisyhanin, sittin 4 ^ it Ilankrupfey, nethe Dis
trict Court room in Me City of Philadelphia, on
FRIDAY the JOth day of DP.Cp,MBER, at I I o'-
clock, A. M. when toil where:all persons interested
may :appear and show cause, if any they have, it bt
the prayer of the said poltjoii.shotild not he granted,
stud thin said Petitioner declared Bankrupt,
ERAS. itolq“.NsoN,
• . Clerk of the District Court.
Phila. Nov. 23, 1842. 31-58
• A first-rate Iron Printing Press b of super Im
perial' size, inanitlauttireA by .Hoc Ai Co. of New
York, for side on very reasonable terms. Letters
addressed to the Editor of the Herald Will receiVe
Estate. of Peter Difck, deceased.
LI, persons indebted to• the estate of
PETER DUCK . , late or West Pennshorough
township, deceased, either by bond, note or book
account, are requested to diseharge their dues previ
ous to the.2.oth day of December next, urtherwise
snits will lie brought. TriciSe having claims still
present them properly authenticated rot. settlement
.10SE11 1 11 McDONALD,
November 23, 1842. td-sr,
Turnpike ECeetion;
AN Election for Nianagers.of the Han
over :th(i Curlisle Turnpike yowl company, will
be held at the public limise .litmeit litirley,in South
Middleton luwnahip , Cu niberhiml cowl ty,on Tuesday
the l3th flax of December nest. '
Novenilwr 10,1844.
aIIaItWZBAU llVlL.tatte
FirlHE subscriber will rent by public out-cry, on
inst., that extensive .11E11C11,1A1' MILL, be
longing to the estate of Jacob Harnish,dee'd. situa
ted in South . . Middleton township, on the Yellow
Rivet:lles Creek, five miles from Carlisle. -Attach
ed to the property : are a
;;;;; FI? -
Stables, and other necessary outhouses. ills ,
Thel,Mill has three run of burrs,. one
pair or. sand stone, with all other necessary ma
chinery, all of which is complete:lnd in first rate or
der. Possession 'given on the la of April, 1842.
To commenee at 1 o'clock, A. M. - ' -
November 16,1843
Stray Metiers
gri AMR to the plantation of the subscriber iiA-New-
NO ton township, Cumberland county"„. on the Mk
of October last, a Red and white spottedor speckled
ER , , •
supposed to be one year l old `last sprinathe towner
is requested to come forward,prove property, ry
charges and ,taki3lt awax, , or it will bo: dispool,e
eiccording,o , . ' •
• "\' • GEORGE, EWlgl3.•
Novembei , 16; laie: •'. - • • •.: ' 3145'
. , .
F4T4211e111 -
V • . '
TIEREAS, subscriber - gave a note. fore
w y 4-mllly : five Andrew Roberts, bf
the Boraugh of Qtelisle, payable in four months,
doted the 15th' of fletober, 11142?. for Aid, have
not reeelved.emitditeration, I therefono
sons not to take an issignmeat of said note, as Tato
determined nit to, per it noless said Robert' makes
good the consideration aeret.4 upon for the saurie;!
• • mtcoaritie
. f'-
' tp... Nov: 16, 184 e. , u. ,
, "4 4 4 V5t 8 14420Y4 4 411411.4 :: .
1101.Klellst8,! kiiii;;Dittee, 4 , eiienes;' , fresh currant
,11.1VGP!Pes, i-;eXeotgi.,:. AI emedpbCoooe . nuts, ; -}1 l
lects; rresti:eink Oippliji,rforpat ! zs, Catchpp,.„Pep
pe'r Efattb'e:;gliil
,F3rtic!e of iablevi I,
,Supri putter
and Water era s',' Ctiudieil Orlin: kinOe for wile b y , ihe subset .• ' '' ' . NVlV.'tll:' 14 - 11.1ETII '
-,,..",-;;" "s ' : 4 .1.• .-...; - ..1. t.-.0' , '1, ; '..0i.:.•,•?.,1,:..., .
rri:76llAr °lilac Company':
0 111 111811.11IPTION OF-1111E'ILUNGS*
~or iviakaes4 741.1 . rea0 pr
Coughs,pleatigy;lliemorrahre,Of.tlie huni,e; ,and
itrecdoniof Pidinoriatw Oval*:
. ...;NATURE'4,,OWN PRESCIIOI 4 I.OIsti. .
• •
II compound preparation of the 'Prelate
P:irgiidatua on!' Wild Citterryllark,"zombined'uf FOP
the, Alroract fl'or, - prepared by a ,new cherriical ,
process;uPproied reconamendeillbi,the moat
diatinguialied physicisini, and IT rattily, flake° w ,
dip must valuable medicine , ever Aiscovered•
NO, CiOACKEitir !!! 1/ktbE.e.' TION
' .10,setting forth the virtues of this truly great toe-.
divine, we have no desire, to deceive those who are
laboring under affliction, nor do We wish to eulogise
it more than it justly deserves. Yet when we look
around and see the, vast amnia ofsuffering . aqd this.
tress oc• t ufted by many. of the "diseases fu which
this me Heine has proved 'so highly successful, we
feqPlha. We cannot urge it's claims too strongly, or
say too much in itsTavor. - • -'.
~. , • ,
- Various remedies it is true have been offered and
puffed into notice. for the cure of diseases' of the
Longs, and some have no doubt beeq fount Ever,
useful, but of all‘that have yet been discovered, it is
admitted by physicians and all who have witnessed
its &tees, that none has proved as successful as this.
Such, indeed, are the • .
Of this Balsam, that even in the • advanced Stage of
Cortsuairriere, after all the most esteemed.retnedies
of;physiciana have failed to effect any change r the'
use. of this medicine has be en tiroductive of the
most astonishing relief, and actually .ellected cures
after all hopes of recovery had been despaired of. '
'ln the first stages of the diseaie, termed "Catarr
hal- Consumption," originating Iron' neglected t:ohls,
it has been used with undeisatiiq success, and Imn
shreds acknowledge they owe the'restuesition-of their
health to this invaluable medicitie Slone. In that
form of Consumption 'so prevalent amongst delicate
young females, commonly termed debility, or • '
A complaint with which thousands are lingering, it
has also proved ,highly successful, and not only pos
sesses the power of checking the progress of this
alarming complaint, but also strengthens and invig
orates the system more elfectually than any medi
cine we have ever possessed.
Besides its surprising efficacy in ,Consumption, -it
is equally - ellicaciouS - in Lives• • Comptainis,.istlinio,
.11ronchilis, nod all affect ions of the Ltings, and has
cured many of die most obstinate bases, alter every
other remedy. had failed. Bt3i-For particulars 'see
1)u. Wistar's Tretise on Consumption, to be hail ti"
the Agents. ' r •
ittending , the use of khis Medicine, hi_ diseases of
lie Lungs, and the many sitigillar cures it has el
ected, having. nafurally attracted the • attention .of
natty o%l'sk:tans, (its well as thea'kule fraternity of,
peeks) vaeiouseoldeettires anti surmises have /11 . 1131.91
. . .
'respecting . its - composition ; some• physicians have
supposed it to contain ladine;other ignoran4 wren=
tiers say it lutist contain Arereary, initi to sorne•such
substance they each attribute its singular ellicacy.—
•As such opinions are 'altogether erroneous, und cal
eulattcl to prejudice many persolfs against it, we
Tina it contains nothing of., the~kiaid, or any thing
the least it jnriousL tin the contrary, it is composed
of the most simple substances, the prineiple of which
are the extracts of TAR and II iht Cherry Park,
and the whole. secret of its ellleacy -consists in the
mode by which they are prepared. -
As we have already publi=bed numerous certifi
cates from the highest authority, which prove its
virtues beyond all'iloubt, we consider it oiniceessary
to, exhibit a long•list of them in this place, and - will
only mention a few cases, to show what it liasOlone.
A SURPRISING - CURE.--Aniong the many
singular .cures which this medicine has effected,
there is perhaps none in. which its powers arc so
fully shown as in the vase of Mrs.:Austin.
'ibis lady ,had been consuiriptive for several years,
and the greater port of this tinie.bad received
-the best medical attention, and tries! all the -most
valuable remedies, yet nothing could be found to
arrest its progress. She became subject 4o violent
fits of coughing, expectorated large quantities of
nutter oceasinually tinged with blond, mid step
step this fearful disease continued its course, until
all hope an recovery was entirely-desPaired of.—
While in this ilktressiug situation, lingering , upon
the very verge of the grave, -slie coMmenced the use
of this . 13alsalm, which, to use her own ex pressioe,
operated almost like a cht.rm. In a few d,ys she
expectorated freely, the cough was gradually sup
pressed, and every day, appeared to add fresh-vigor
to her looks, and now, in the place of that emaciati d
form withering to decay, she is seen mingling tt
iciety, in better health than she has enjoyed for
Dzstvrttrtr.sTr.lo wilnesset
the surprising efficacy of 1)1.. Wistar's lialsalm o
%Vitt! Cherry, in the ease of Mrs. Austin,l cheer.
fully acknowledge the' above statement to In. tru•
Mal correct. • 3. C. WALTERS, M. D.
Woodstown, Sept. 4,1841.
Dear Sir—Although your invaluable medicine has
already found' hundreds of powerful advocates, it
mat' still be gratifying to yol to receive a eommuni
vat; m from any one that has been relievad by it.
Such, Sir, is truly my case, 1 have been a victisii
to that terrible disease Consumption, for mimy
months, and have suffered so much, that I had be
come almost weary of my life., Hearing your
Babalm so highly praised.began taking it, a few
weeks back, and -call assure - , ou it 11118 relieved me
-snore than any thing I have ever third before, and I
confidently believe it will cure me effectually. Please
give the bearer the worth of the enelosed,and oblige
Yours Itespectfitlly, iott N PEAnsoN.
Chester County, Sept. 6,1841
Friend Wistar-1t gives me much pi, asure'to in
form thee that my - wife's health has improved vc ry
much since site has been using thy Halsahn Of Wild
Cherry, and we think there is no doubt but that it
will cure her.. She has taken the two bottles.l - pal'
chased from thee a short time siuce, and her cough
is much better, she alio sleeps well at night, and
says she has found nothing to give herso much re
lief. Thee will please give the hearer two bottles
more foe Thy Friend.
lieu;Altri flovics.
• Lancaster county„lnly 18,1841: -
Dear Sir—Please send me two bottles of your
(;en Ba I sal m - Id - Cherry. l. have leen fir
iliOted with Consupwiun fp, the last two years, and
suffered eery much . with a severe cough, pains in
my breast, difficulty of breathing, night sweats, &c.,
and having tried numerous remedies, and also been
under "several doctors; yet,' could not find any timing
to relieve me until I used some,of your Balsam.
got one bottle from a neighbor amine who is using
it, and have found such wonderful relief from it that
have no doubt it will, cure me - effectually.
Very resPectfidly yours, &a.
,• ICi Read the fidlowing from Dr. Jacob Hoffiesn,
a Viysiisian of extensive practice in Huntingdon
county : .
Dear Sir--I procured one„hottle of Dr. Wistar's
Balsalm of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Reed, Esq.,
of tliis. place, and flied it in a case of obstinate
'Asthma on a child of Paul Schwebie, in which many•
other remedies had . beeit tried without tiny- rend. -
The Didsalm gave sudden relief, and in my opinioit
thy child is elle'ctually cureliby its use.
,- Yours, &c. JACOB LIOPFAIAN 3 M. D.
DeceMber nd, 134:,
Dear Sir---I'our Belsaltn of Wild Cherry has ef
fected some astonishhag enres-here.- -One of*whielt
is an old lady, Mrs. Russell, who had been searing
for long time with sitertnei sof breathing, and gen.
era] weakness, until sate was filially obliged to keep
her bed. Atter' various, other remedies had been
resorted to in yain; she commenced using your Dal,
saltit,tudafttir taking two bottles,, was so far recover,
ed is to, be able to attend to the ditties her
house', tind:on taking two bottlea-more Was entirely,
etiF:ed. • Respect:l . 4V, Sta.
• " Ilott - F S. C,
' 'CAUTION:—As there la a
callediS'yrup of Wild Cheer y , piire'haers should be
) 1,
vet 7 • particular to ask fur M. WISTAIt'S ! 43 L.:
SAAII, and:Observe Ids'aignattire Orl Abe Bottle.' •
. . --- proprietor , ~.- .. , -
Prepared for the, and sold at wh o e,
sale by Williams ti. Co., Chemists, No, 21 Minor
street, Phlladolultia.., ~' .': . ::,• : - . .-- ' •
Sold , hiCarlisle by' ..' - • • ,
: 4 4it MOE ri ELLWYT . ;
- In'Shipp'rriaburillithe liev.--.David Smith; -Hap
ri aburg..hy joho W_yeth . r, , Jri. Lancaster , by .11.' Gish;
Chambrsbur; by y Loyna Denig, and le - almost every
town and village,throughOwethe country. '
.Pike: 40.1) 00,A ; boltle.` ,
..f 't
Noveinber 2.4, 184,2
77118 T iirintad at this olrmat, a Ana gkalmit I = l 9 1
elf. larsoAlro.4.olpk
stated isi‘.fo O r =s el L . ;i n i t u it iit
i b o b u tin
o a i n i d rir te e tl ia n;
the 16th day, of August, A. 1). 1842, lefore ; the Hon.
Sam'll flePburn, Pres% and John Stuart and T. C.
Miller, Esq. Associate Judges of the sane Court as-
Biped &e., the following proceedings were had to
wm—Upon the Petition'of Mary Mann, the Grand
mother of Snail Miller. A „minor child of Jacob.
Millet' 001. Hespectfulltrepresentingthat Samuel
Millet' wide of the sail rumor Samuel Millen,
wax appointed hiti Guardian by your Hon. Court,and .
has receiveff upwards of fourteen hundred dollars of
the Money of the Ward, and has no
.removed to
the State of Ohio; beyond the 'Jurisdiction of the
Court, without giving anysecurity for the perform
hi= of his ditties. . 'Your petitioner therefore prays
yotir honors to award a ritation to the said Samuel
Miller, to appear at the next Orphan's Court and
settle an Recount of his GuardinnshiP,lind !thew chime,
why be should not lie dismiSSed, - a»d another Guar- '
dian he in his stead. . . .. .
'Whereupomirth :May, 1842, Citation iiwnriled,
Returimidel6th' 'Aug% 1842; by the Court. 16th
August, 1842, Sheriff Martin makes the following .
return, "Not to be found in my Ilailiwick." •
Now to wit, 1601 August, 1842, Alias .Citation
awarded, public notice to be giyen in two papers for
three weekk. ' . -By the Court:
Cuinberkind County, es. ' . .
• . .
, ; 11 , 1 , 1; Commoli e; ultii of Pennsylvania
•;* to • •
'ilk Samuel Miller, Guardian of Sammil
.rj- Miller, n minor child of Jacob 15-
ii ler, deceased.
rrrrY't• Greeting:
' You s u e licn 1 ailed, to appear before the Judges
of the Oephan's 'Conrt at Carlisle, at an Orphan's
Court there - to he held for said County, on TUES
DAY the 13th day of DECEMBER next;, to settle
no account of your Guards:mship, 'mid show cause
why roil. should not bevlismissed and another Guar
dian be appointed in your at ea d—Witmems- the said
Sant'l Hepburn, Esq. at Carlisle, the 19th day of Au:,
gust, A. D. 1842. W. Foticm,.Cll. 0. Ct.
• .PAULMARTINiSIierifr.-
November 16, 184 a. • , St-55
ATa stated Orpban''s Court began and
held at Carlisle, far Cumberland County, on
Tuesday the I Gth day of Augudt,A.- 11. 1842, before
the Hon. Sain'll Hepburn, Pres't, and' John Stuart
and T. C. Miller, Esq. Associate Judges of the same
Court assigned the following proceedings were
had to Upon theTetition.ol. Mary _.Mann, the
Gratid-mother of Jacob Millet, 31 tumor child of
Jsicob Miller, tlec'd RespectfUllY representing that
Jacob Miller, Sen. the Grand-iiitlieroftheaaid minor
Jacob Miller, was appointed his Guardian by your
Hon. Court and tins received upwards orfourteen
!quaked dollars of the Money of the Ward, and has
now removed to the• State of Ohio, beyonif the juris-
Aietitm.of.this.Court, without giving•nny•security-for
the perlbrmance of his duties. -
Your petitioner therefore prays your 1100ra16
award a Citation to the said Jacob NI St:D.lo. the next Orphan's Court end settle ant
count of his Guardiauship. and • skew enlist: wily lie
should not be disniHSed and another Giiardian be ap- -
pointed in his stead. Whereupini,l7th May, - 1849,
Citation awarded r'eturnable on the 1 Gth . of August,
184 , 2. 15th August, 184'2, SherirMartin makes, the
allow ing return "Not to be found in my Bailiwick."
Now to wit, IGtlyAugust, 18411, A lias,Citation wan:.-
ed, public notice to be given hi two papers for time
weeks. • Ily the Court.
Cumber.'and County, so. '
ir rAX.t.l. ,.
I t o
.1' '.. e , ,„ Jacoli Nlijler;Sett. CuarthanofTneob 4 A k l l. l , ll , ti e r c ,n „e - minor child of Jacob Ma ,
You are hereby cited, to appear ',Mitre the Judos
of the Orphan's .Court at Carlisle, at an Orphan's
Court there to he held for said county, on '1 Ilk:S-
I/AI the 131 h. any , or DECENIBIiIIi next, to settle
att account of your Guardianship; and ',hew cause'
why you should not be di tanissed and smaller Coal ,
dian be appointed in yotrrsteml.—Witness the said
.' tmuelilephurn; Esq. at Carlisle, tilt , lath day of
August, A. 1). 18.12. W. Fottlx, CM. 0. Ct.
PAUL MARTIN . , Sheriff.
November It,, 111-W.- -'----51=.5.15-
• Ladies Cap strings. - 1
. _ .
1 UST opening gupply.of Steel Cap ...Springs, for
•j Ladies Caps, Soaps for Cloak Fasteuiogs, Shawl
Pins, flair Phis, Nieto! Mylets by the gross or dozen,.
Evict l'uncbefi, Purse TrunnUngs, &e.
Not•cmbcr 9, 1842
Y virtue of the powers contained in the Last
Will and Testament of CHRISTIAN HUM
ERICH, deceased, I will expose to public sale, on
; the ;metal SCS, Collier of Hanover and 'mother streets;
ill the Borough of Carlisle, on FRIDAY the tit] day
of. DECEMBER, that large and commodious
1 1 ) 11‘311 1 ,1111J)ITH/
11l 1 ,rt
situate on the Counter of Hanover and
Lowlier stf•ects, which was lung occupied as It Pub
lic House by the said Christian Ilmocrich
Also all that Two Story BRICE HOUSE alit]
LOT OF GROUND, situate oat the - North side of
Lumber street, in Carlisle, in which the said Chris
tian Homeric!' resided at the time of hiti decease.
Also a HALF LOT OF GROUND, situate on
Locust Ally, being the one Half of the same Lot on
•which the (ferman Reformed Church is !milt.
Also all that Two Story FRA E WEATIIER
'BOARDED HOUSE, — situate of ilitiSouth side of
Louther street, in Curlisle, adjoining_ the German
LoutheranCluerch in iyhich JOllll Harris now resides.
AlSo all these four 10 Fs OF GROUND,bound
ed by North street, Pitt street, Locust Ally and
Lot of ;lames Hutton, the saute which the said
Christian flutnerich purchased from 3lrs. Bracken- -
Also all that not LOT OF GROUND, shunte in
the Borough of Owlish!, bonntletLimthe. Creek lane,
by the road'from the Turnpike to Pitt-street, by the
road to Alexander's Mill, end by It ,Lot or James
Nobles heirs, containing THREE ACRES. •
Also all that Ont• LOT OF GROUND, ,in the
Borbufth of Carlisle, bounded by the mall which
'leads trgin the turnpike to Alexander's Mill, by
LW', of William Henderson, Esq. and John' Noble,
containing Five Acres and Fifty-five Perches.
The terms which will be easy,will be 'undo known
on the day of sale by
Administrator of the win annexed.
November 9,184'2. 11-54
Estate of Saiquel Wild, deceased.
§ - HEREBY GIVEN, that letters of
tration on thel:Tditte SAMUEL NVll..l),den'd.:
late of Newton township, Cumberland county, have
been Oanted to the subscriber, residing- in the same
township.. All persons indebted to the said estate
are requested tamake immediate payment 'and those
!Min ehiims to present them properly authentica
ted for settlement to
November 9 ,1 8 4. 6t=54
Military 'Notice.
T LIE 'Brigadier General, the field,,stafr
ned iliatoon,fofficera of; the Ist Brigade. 11th
Division P. M., are respectfully iniitcil to attend et,
the public_ house ,of H. L._lltirkholder, in tarlislei
on Saturday the.l9tltinst. at 2 o'elo'ck in the after ;
noon, for the purpose of selecting three, or snore
delegates, to join' others, to . iepresent 'this Division
in a National. Military Convention, unichis to as
semble; in full unifortn, in ~ W ashingfort City, 1/ C.
on the 3(1 Monday in Decerribir next, for general•
Military purposes intended, for the good of the .
Union. 7 -by request. • - : • - .% •
• Brig. Ceul. 1 ltic Division, P. M. •
Noveinber 9,1842. • '4-54
fir HE stibsoriber hasjuit received &good
nesortment t or ,Fitr trimmed, Sandal and., plain
RUBBERS f or Ladies Wear, ids° ;Ev:id..Assort
meat of Geutleniees' Rubbers. ' • .
GEO. W. pet,NER. ,
November 9,1842, .
• 00.1r.rEt,
. ,
SPLF,NDID assortment' of RIBBONS of varl
-1 idticajtlit;lTC , Chbil .
' : lIITNER,
INovember p, 184 •' '* "
, .
BuolOupt . l4r,blie 40ml/10;041%h NOiOnio
* bar 1842,by- , '
•- =,
- 'Member ofth‘firmofßrnithand , Quigley,) •
Merehttitt, , ant!
' '
SAM LIED DA:V.IO3ON; 'Pinner Btithirrier,,
end as Botcher, In C.,okifutny .rith Joint.
• • ;
: bebenril before the - DiStriat
Court:of the'United - States for the i. ' DnefetiDiStriet
of , , Diiiikr4Tit4; at 'the Dis--'
triet , Court room in the City of Philadelphin on
PRIDAYthe 23'day ofDECKMBERUt It o'elook,
A. , Bl..when and ,where all !persOnivinterested'uniy
appear and suet cause 'iffaoy :they , httve,',w,hy the
prayer of the sail' Petitioners should no;,l?egrunted,
and the said Petitioners tieelareil .• •
• ' ' Clerk of the District Court.
'November 16,1842. .'3t-55,
Comtnpiovealth of Pennsylviinia
Native .
rvititifi§ eiNITALfir.
The following. indiOnansabittfamily Mine.
dies may be rebind 'iiEllat,rillage drug attires,
and, sitcm, erery country, store; hi Om state.
Itnitimber, and never get .tbem unless they
- !lave ,the • fu&sintile. signature of ' i.
ivranpers, as all others
by the samtrnarnes are base impositions and counter.
kite.' If the - merahatir nearest you heti. theni
urge - to procure 'at 71 Illaidtin.lane, thu
visits Nov
next time. te. ow York, or to . write for thorn.
Nu family 'should Le a' Meta without these remedies.
which-will stop it 'if fidling . o . ut, Or, restore it on bald
places; and on eltildren 'make it gron , rtipidly; or.on
those who haVe kaf theltair from any eruse.: -
ALL VERMIN }hat. infest the heads of Children
in schools, are prevented' or' killed by'it at otice.—
Find, the name of -40tdefre„:14, on
it, or never try it. Remember this alioaye.
• -
positively cured, and all' shrivelled Tanaka and limbs
are restored, in the old or young; by tho' INDIAN
but without the namo of Comstock & Co'. on It.
come on, if you use the only true Hays!,Ltinstamr.frorra
g:972tdkC‘ ALL'S - ORE
and every thing relieved by it. that admits of an out.
*ward application. It nets like a.charin. • Use it.. -
1 - IORSES that have Ring-Bonn, Spavin,
Wind-Galls, &0., tiro cured by Rom' Sesame ;^ and
rOtindered horses entirely cured by Roofs'
Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. .
Dane os Magical Pain Ex
tractor alve.--The most extraordinary
remedy ever. invented for all . new or old. -
and sures, and sore Ey Es. It has delighted
dititigands. It will take out all pain in'ten mina es,
and no fuilurc. It *ill cure _the
A better and more nice and useful article never was
mile.- : All should Weer them regularly.
un the principle of substituting ili,tonic in. place of
die -stimulant principle, which has reformed so many
drunkards. To be uscd'witli
Bt GOO .PILLS, superior ~o ell
. _
ing-tho-blood, and for all irregularities of the bowelo,
and the general health.
[See Dr. LlN's sig: ( Ar C (#
• .„
nature. thus:]
will effectually cure sick—hvidaehe,- either from ails
br bilious. Hundreds o
using it with great joy.
furnilics are
for the certain prevention of FEVERS, or any
general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per.
feet order, the, ixTels.regulsr, and a determination to
the surface. •'CO::LIDS'. - C : 0 •Lra.M.':S.
paitut in the; bones, hoarseness, and .DROP SY-•
are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying.
CORNS: The French Plaster is a sure cure
~ , , ,,, - -- , :-------,_::•:•3„1 -
~*, -5.„.. -...-- --,..._, -.. i t , . v. l
-,...... :"... - P. V - 44 , ,../... ,
- •,' --sv , n,
..., 0
11 ' • '..; '' :rte . ----, . , : - -F.:- - - - ...--- • A
hair any shade you with, but will not color the skin.
POUND EXTRACT. There is no other prepare
Lion of Sarsaparilla .that can exceed or equal this
If you are aura to get Com Tool's, you will find i
superior to all others. It, does not require puffing.
11170.111t0 LAILIIST9S
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and, all
external ailingtall internal irritations brought to the
surface by friction with this Balm;—so in coughs,
swelled or sore throat, tightness of the cheat, this Balm
applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once,—
Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by
will prevent or cure all incipient iensumption.
taken in time, and is a delightful remedy. Romeo,
her the name, and get Conustoelee.
eradicate all W 0 R M in children or adulta
withia - certainty quite astonishing: — lris the same as
Marinade by • — stock, and sells with a readily
almost incredible, by Comstock co., New York.
TOOTH DROPS. KLlNE'S—curo effectually
Entered encording to net or Convok. in the rear 1642. by Comstock
4- Co.. in the Clerk'', °Moo of tho Southern District of Now York.
By applying to our agents in each town and
village, plipere may be had free, showing the most
respectable name, in the country for these facts, so
that no one can fail to believe them.
(0 -Be sure you call for our articles, and not
be put off'with any stories, that others are us
good. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be
your these _ never can be true and genuine
without our 'Wales to them. All these articles to be
had,whqlesale and retail only_ f
' ,010 4 0/y 4 0160 , Wholeenlo Druggists.
Meiden.Lane. New York. and of our agents.
• For sale iti Carlisle by.
November 16,1842. ' .
. •
l'his.remedy : for-Worms la one Of the ritost e*tra
ordinary ever used:' It kilhethallY eradicate.* worms'
of all sorts, from children 'and 'ndults. , • •
THOUSANDS polish by..Worrni without the real
caule.heing known, - Some othey reasolt,i3 ussighod
for their sickness, untiktoo late to cure the real cause..
What immense responsibility then rests, upon the
-parent WhO does not know; and the doctor who does
pot understand, the complaint Al hielt ".ii .. deatroying
those :precious flowers of lifecbildren.
What should be . done ? ' •
The answer is plain. Give this,yeriniflige, which
will be sure to do geed if they have do worms; and.
if they hityq, it will destroy and 'eradicate them, with
Keertaintrtindprecliden truly 'astonishing.
._ For sale- in Carl hy-SA NI:II6I.AILLIOTT.;
and STF. 11..INsom:k. , DINKLE-=-and inWinds
bui*by 'OW 01 Y;II: • • •
I , l.inmher In, 1842;
•, &NG- 1101.1 SE: - Rent
leash* given imincdiatclii 1 -
Carlit/ • • • tr.4l
-."'64040-4* 1F;(42 I' •
OTlegiaelatrikiviiiito Letateip,Ciiodi?
• eutirathiii - peratoinrAntirehtbd; tliat, the
fallowing accounts 'flue dlddiri.this Office
fordxaininationt by the adconnitints therein ruined,
and will be presented to the Orpliansl-Court of
Cumberland county,, for cOnfirnsatioh' and allow.
anee, on ,TI.I,E4DAY the 1314 DECEMBER,
• - 1. Theaccount of Michael fishburd, Exocu.
for of Jacob Shimbaugh, lutd of North Middle.
ton township, deceased.
2. The account of David liume,-Esq. Admin.
;513 ator of Geer& Myers,.`latebf Silver Spring
• teWnship, deceased. • . •
3. The V:.tcoiint of Josiah 'Hood; 'Administrator
of William' M'Dohald, late of Sl t
tagfield ,i duc'd.
t b
4. The accounf David Puln dmintstrator
with thewill'annexed ofJacob GoodhuiFdeeens.
cd, filed by said Executors.
5. - The account:of Rudolph Krysher, pai l . Ad
ministrator of William Moore,-late Meanie
township, deeetised. '
6. The account of Andrew M. Middleton, Ad.
ministrator of Mathew Laird, lute of Main
t3wnship, deceased. • • •
7.,The account of Joseph Martin., Executor of
Jacob Martin, Lite of East Ponnaboro' township,
deceased, •
A. Tho aceOunt of David S. Renshaw, Esq. Ad.
inieistratur of James Clark, late of Southampton
wnship; deceased.. ' • •
9. The account of David S.'Runshaw, Esq. Ad
tninistrator of Henry Pilgrim,lato of Southamp
ton township;Ae_cetta.,.'
10. The:account of Jacob 'Kirk, Jr, Adminis
trator Of Eve Ilialeman, latcle Allen township,.
deceased. . , . , '
1 I:The - stipple:Mental account of Leonard Heim
Executor of Jacob Helm, late of Southampton
township o deceased. e :
- 12,' The' account of Williate Hinney,
trator' of Jonathan Reese, late of- the Borough of
Mechanicsburg, deceased.
13. The• account of William McConnell, Ex
ecutor of William CoWan, late of the borough of
Shippensburg, deceatied.
• 14. The account of Mary Ann White, Guardian
of Charlotte A. White minor child of E. White,
Esq. deceased, filed by WilliaM "Byrn, the hus.
bind of said Gutirdian.
• • ' ISAAC ANGNEY, • Register.
Noyember 16, 1842.
A Lb those who knOw themselves indeb
ted to the lute firm of Hosserman,fit Hutton,nre
'requested to call and make settlement, on or before
the 35th:instant ; as after that date unsettled accounts
will he placed ut the hands of David Stnith,_Esq.,
for collection.
Take notice, until the 25th inst., current money or
country produce will be takcn in payment of debts;
but in all cases where collectious are made or'suit
.brought by. the Justice of the Peace, PAR }ENDS or
its equivalent will be required. .•
• UP.OIICF.: '
Surviving partner of the firm of.nosserman & Hutton.
November 16, 1842: St•ss
Estate of Jacob Cart, decett ir sed.
ETTERS or Administration on the Estate or
JACOB CART, deed, ()rem Borough or Car
lisle, Cumberland' county, have been granted to the
atrateriber,'residing-in the-same place,---All-persons -
indebted to the said estate are requested [a-ntke•
payment immediately, and those baying claims to
present them properly authemicatedldr'seglement.
November 16,1842.•
701 . 8
• - won,
11—WILL.sell my --property_, situate upon
the Yellow Breeches Creek, in Cumberland
County, about 5 miles lions Carlible, consisting of
.350 Acre% of Lam', with a -
i'SZOV I 3 22-ZUL • -
And Saw 11111,
thereon erected, upon such terms as will make it an
object to purchasers.
Jibe Alert:hunt Mill has two pail. of Burrs and one
pair of Country stones. The Clover Mill and Saw
Mill are both in good order, and the water-power is
the best on the Creek; there being always sufficient
water for all.the mills to go at once.
I have divided the Land into three farms of about
110 acres each, and the. Mills and Water power,witb
about thi'acres of Land, and I will sell any one pro
perty separately, or the whole together.
There Is about 20d acres of the Laud covered with •
fine. TISIBER, and the residue is under good fence
and cultivation, with all the lICCCENII7 HOUSFS,
Barns and out:buildings, to accommodate a farmer.
'lle Land is of an excellent quality,. with a
upon it, which will supply lime foe the Land to any
extent.. , .
The title to the property is perfect, and the terms
of payment will be made very easy.
For any further information apply to i'rederick
Watts, Esq. Carlisle, or to- the subscriber on the -
premises. JOHN WEAKLY. •
November 9,1842.. 3t-54
n" - •The Lancavter Union and York Republican,
pulifish 3 times and bend to this office for col
November Ist, IW.
TIIV Board of Directors of this institutiom have
this day declared a Dividend of ei pel• cent, for the
last I'2 months on the Capital Stuck - paid in. Stock-
It.dders or their representatives can receive their
dividends cm nod after the 11th inst., subject to the
payment of the tax to The Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, agreeably to time pl•ovisions of the act of as •
sembly of the 11th Jove, 1840.
W. S. COLMAN', Cashier.
November 2,1842.
F. - Stoekhohlers - of the Carlisile antikotre•re-
quested to meet at their Banking House, on Thnrs
day the Rh day of December next, at eleven o'clock
A. 101. to consider the expediency of applying tn the
Legislature for it renew.' of the Ch:n•tec or the
Bank, and to adopt such tneusures, in relation to the
expenses of the Institution, and the Relief notes is
sued 111)1. the use of the COlninanwealth by the Banks,
as their interest may require.
By °HET orthe Board - of Directors.
Vlr S. COBEAN, Cashier.
November 2, 1842
snbseriber being determined to
g leave Carlisle, requests all those having un
settled accounts with Itim,to call at the store of Chas.
liaruitz, anal settle the same on or before the 12111
inst., as after thnt time the hooka will be left in the
Initials of a J ustice for collection.
November 2,1842.
DROAD oLovH , t3, 3 - efra,
A FURTHER supply of Low priced
„OIL BROAD (mums, suitubfe for overcoats.
Also CASSIMERES & SATTINETS, just receiv
ed ut the Store of GEO. W. HITNER.
November 4, 1312. • tf-53
LARGE and general assortment of FAMILY
GuocKILIES, received by the subscriber con
slating in part of Coffee, Teas, Loaf,
Clarified and. Brown Sugars, also .Honey, Syrup,
Sugar House, New Orleans and Portorico 'Molasses,
also Sperm -and Whale Oil, Spertn -Candles, Roll
Tobacco, Cpt cavendish;best Spanish, half Spanish
and Common Cigars,,-and-best Rappee Snuff; and
every:article iu the line of R Grocer, all of which
will be sold cheaper than by any of those who have
vOl a -cat R logue of their prides- to-the-publio. , Casir
and no credit. WM. M. MATEER..
-- Novisinher ' I • -44.9
J 0 H-N H - A .E R
Commissioiter its Datihratpjoy.
grIFFHIE In South: Hanover stibot, neer 111%
1, 17 Hotel, where all information desit
ed, in ramose° to Cho duties. of those, . intending
to apply for the bene fi t of the klankinot Mt, eau
be obtained, •
Carlisle; May •4, 1842: • - • ifi27
ILA 14 7 .11 0 -I F- 04 4
Ak';c:FRESII - supply or,- eaehmere sloua
S]L do Laines,just mewed nt the Shire of
in oht 'of TA WI'A P ID§;
t , now opening . nt'the
St„or ,of l,lr Mot.
.4 1 1184,-.Ae , . . t1:53
~.-, 4 11146fR06114,1151
/! ~ •
Tr limiter bkillet *Perla next , door to *.!
fell le-Hotel, - • • •
. .
Fiji stOok:Of Hi/ice:Fres emisiats itipart Of - COFFEES
SUpARS, TEAS, FISH, , SALT Ho elsOir,eeps
I.He-Stuffsientints,neralassortnitetr F
He htdijnit read) ied SO cstsetior SHOES& BOOTS,
such' as -At en's Cittfskin Itoots.:ColutO 'Hoye
ConreaHoots—Men'a and Boy's 2.10nr0n6
HFlfic sad Coarse - Shoes., Also n,genersil assert
ruck ' '
of Linliesend Children's Shoes of (Airy de
scription. ••
All articles in-hie 1011',,he sold nithe totrest
prices; for rae/i or spProved 6otintry' -Produce,/ 'He
solicits _n share of puldic r initronsgoz, . •
Csrlisle, Oct,10;1$4:1. • •
. .
w orm v.thaerilmr is.jaat tweriviairafreali suptiffiX
GoOds,'sunoug aWell may Lto found. '
Heaver 4k- Pilot .Cloths
and various otlivr Broad Clot e. A grejit vdriety of
anti.other seasonable goods for *mea's wear. '
• Also, ta general assort miri,t of Merehantlizeforthe
lieNto which he resPectfully calls their attention:
Cull 'sold see asocial as possible, as thii'entire stock
will be sold very cheep jar cash. .
• - HrfNEtt.
Cot lisle, Sept. 21; 8812.
1111 HE subscriber has just opened a lot of New
ll_ Goods, consisting of SUPERFINE. CLOTHS,
Black, Blue mid Fancy
. colored Casstmeres, Casi
nets, all colors and
. prices, Merinocs , Mouiq de
[alines, Gloves, Hasetry; 5.4' Brown Muslims, for a
levy, 4-1 blest:lied do for a tip, Flahnelifroixt 2U to
25 coats, with a variety of other gotuts, all of which
will be Gold at very low priceato suit the times. •
S. 11. HARRIS.
Carlisle, October Iq, 1842
T •
HE Subscriber has just received a
splendid assortment of
Feed& and Cheap Groceries!,
and other articles in.liis line—among which a lotof
first quality No. I fresh MACK.CREL, R
paid in half mid quarter barrels; alao,_exceilent
ew Orleans and Porto Rico SIIGAItt belt
quality. Refined erusloal LcuifLurop
and Loaf stTGAR A . R A nd it s ; upenor
• -
A new lot of cligustil, first-rate.
An additional "supply of Rio and Java CO -
Winter Sperm and Whale OIL •
Sperm. mould and commou
befit quality.
• Fano anti Ground Mum SALT, by the' bushel.
and sack:
_Asupply of fresh SPICES, ground and un
tine Almond, Palm, Cartile and othermualittes of
soAP, suitable for shaving, washing t &u.
1111 , 0dier•Ildickli in his -linp r tbe-aub--
scriber is prepared to sell on the most accommotta , .
ting terms, at his old stand,- in Wrest Main street.
Carlisle,Sept. '2B, 18442
. First Arrival ' • •
• OF
./Veto* the Rail Road,
M.2.I?EaTI P:3031001- -
. HAVE received a splendid assortment of •
'which dmy art - TitEttnninetl to sell at the very loivest
September 28, 184'2,
Boots' and Shops.
MIIII "stiliscriher will sell a cheaper and better
. zoarse BOOT then can he found in Carlisle.
ALSO-I,aily's d,uble soled Morocco and Kid
Shoes; 'l'ies and Buskins, zi sttperior article, together
with Boys'kip Brogans, wonians' low priced Shoes,
children'sjto. • S. M. HARRIS.
Oct. 1 , 4, - tl-3l'.
NEW supply of fine Russia HATS, just re
ceived:' large 16031 Fur, Chit Celette and
Hair Seal CAPS, now opening and for sale, very
lo‘Voit fife store of • CHAS. OGILBY.
Carlisle, Sept. 28;1342. • tf-48
Ever offer'eeto the Public !
for burning Lard without any preparation, for
sale by the subscriber•. The light is equal to the
best sperm-oil, is entirely free from smoke or smell,
and tmsts less than half the price. 'the apparatus
fin• prating the lard is neat mid simple, does not de
tract from the appearance, is not liable to get out of
and may be applied at a small expense to
those kinds now in use. Confident that this article
requires only to be known to come into general use,.
I respectfully invite the public to call and see them
in - operation. = S. M. HARRIS.
-- Carlisle; October 6,5
una.)tez EalElValaa
usT reeciied, new and Inrge Supply of
40, 13001$ & SIIOES, to suit the sea
son, Selling low for L 11.1311.
_ _ _
Cakialc, Sept. 28, 1842
Estate of Noab Hedden, deceased.'
lIEREBY' C4IVEN, that letters of
Administration on tIM Estate of NOAH HEIN.
DEN, dee'd. of FrankAird township, Cutnbcrland
county, have been granted to the subscriber. . All
persons indebted to the deetstsed, are requested to
make payment, and those having claims to present
them for settlement.'
October 26,1842. . 60-32
Estate Jags Reed, deceased.
NAMoilcv. IS DERIEBY— GIVEN, that, letters
- sKmentary on the last will and testament of
. ES REED, late* of Newton township, Cumber..
land County, deceased, have been issued, by the,
Register of said - County, to the anberiber„, residing
in the boroUgh of Newtille. All. periens indebted
to the said Estate are .retieested to make paytnetd
immediately, ard ! l ime having ahilies.trill• present
them,properly authenticated for settlernent,to -
.1A NIE6 KENN'Elif.; —
Neltille, October 17, 1842.*
A, BEA U'AFUIf.,-material foi Ladies . '
Dresses, of various colarit, just. iveeli , eaLat the
Store of IGEp. NV, ;HITNER.
November 2, 1842.. . 11=52
-- Itifotg; -- 51114Yek;a1,64 7 . apt',
onarao 4 ,
Meats, Boy's and Youth's B_ogans arid
and .I.adiels Blastin and .leatli c t-.Oer
Shoes, furrvd Ladles silk , lined.and waddedialer4 , a ,
french article---Bronza - S4 :kid alitipm t vidt_ ,e be
sattin slippers, ri and a full assonu,‘aeof 'Linda or
Mina, Boys and atilo;.' •
Cliesiati Allan etterior cash; '' ,••••,,,
WM. M. DifiktrißlL
'if (*ember 2, 1 842::
4P fee,
RP fee, B,l`.46._F.M4Osave.'a4bootst,.",ClOreo; Nut:,
mega, Itico, coogyr, AP spice, ,4.3100,g0i
&C. &0., oil of whit h I_ol self at'ututlY, re 4 Nced.
privet; for cash.•
October I'B4l. . '
• • Vl4 ES 111 , ,M ACK E
. I 2 . ann , 3;: In Barret ; lia!f
\sl xa
Na verrouperlor quality
- • , , ' AVM.' 14. . A ) 1 •••
N0ver0k . 0 , :24;184
. tf-48