Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 16, 1842, Image 3

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    Itoitilberts h
r,,Voiktertoei n i
• l'rTli4olkrigkourtioighboring*oti*od§p,uo='
_ ~.91 . 14041.0.• ! /Zott;erkPl of kiiii, aPe r flailoiliWit'
NrS (4 ?sFeiltY • 1 40 1 4 1 ' OgiluenOilpeol).64
blip *km t.the Ifigeretown •Nows4l;.datia Antutrday
!ciao thnt n" Totter: tirds, feceived, by;tlyi
f,94!,Onnten.;itt , from,
4>F. lioneocki-whiaviontains,tho :;16tnils ofigi;ox;
tensivi •bntlary. arid loss of
_thine!! on, night, before het.•'.:'Tlici.titc;r4-AAli
'')iasoa itis entered and , about (tiro .02000 Own
'therefrom. About 0500. was titv:;spemeo and the
rest in notes, which *id! ; ;SlStiOli 'note 'on
the: IlieroinOt's: Bank-..of4taltitpure—Oree.,' of
elOO ,the , ; Fesititiii l ::(i' z i e t,recellecteil.
Mosars,:Shafer $e Robinson's'store was entered
also,' and 1;or:6800 . and a gold Watch taken Out.
The, (6 ,T4iiiiii;pf.iiioney is. not specified in thO
letter. •tici:•ntOraf of. Mrl John E. Marin was
also zinteickbat.the amount taken•theritimm is
butiataiL is impossible wenmieratand to fix
MisPichin on any one with certainty, but it be•
boinrMi.orcry . citizen to be , on the lookout for the
abate deseribcd notes. , • .
kIitIOATING PO9ll. ,CIIILDRIZN. Instead Orre.lllll
- the Poor Children to the couniy. Commission:
ers,, and paying their tuition, out of the County
'fitiaiury, hi 'the districts rhieh have not accept.
oil the Provisions of 'Om Common School Law,
as heretofinsytbe Legislature have passed a sup.
plemcnt, making it 'the ,duty 'of the Aisesisor in
itch ?Pcirvriship, to. retnrirn list of all the children
.in - their:respective districts, hotareen, the ' ages of
five a:idiffiiniOiinieitili, wham? parents aro !ma.
iiihnoling;l6 , the . 'School D.
rectors egidlNivitiohip; who aio,briund to leiy
a tax n'tlielnhabitaista of: silt! distriel;• to pay
for the 'edlicaiiennt such
,abildren''as may be re.
turit4 ;41tis.iMi', vie think; Viiiiiiunire the e.
; 4cptioni - of the 'Public- - Sehool Systim in every
Borough and. Township. in the State. • ; •
„ .
'etinsoliittt!t`r i 1 .
Oneof.the good effects of the:late Whig defeats,
is detailed in the • following:, • the .f.,ecofoeo .
One - in:mai Enquiice r . .piiriorting to be an : ca.;
erect of a letter fir l eiae:,Ei-President
These defeats map play the very deuce With the .
country, but they have cured Gen. 'Jackson, and
tnere is consolation in that:
"Wo have just seen a !otter of Gen. JACKsoN
to 'a frierid' . irtibil eity,in'Avliich he states that.
. -
,e - has entirely"ittavererfrorn effects of the
• • accident by which ho was lately. thrown from his.
. carriage and :severely bruised.. The venerable,
patriot nays, that .the great dethocratic, triumphs
.Okio,, Pennsylvania and Maryland, have cur
-4d all my •
wounds wfthout a doctor.'"
. ~Piroceeds of titOliailblic Landis' 4
- 4:l'lse accounting -officers of the Treasury, says
l e
"Itiatlisonian; lulve adjusted the accounts ofthc
4 . ides and Territories, under the-Distribution
act, and the Governors have been notified- by the
• --Treasury Department of the amount,spayable to
their respective States. The amountto be divid•
• tod is $572,1.44 18, exclusive of the ten .per_ -een.'
- - turn_ to the States in which the lands have been
sold: - ' . . • •
Thc• :m00 ... * due to Pennsylvania' is $60.313
which the Statetroosurci is ahthorizoti to ro
cave, and will be paid on application.
Thu pletunat Meacilio -is formed by a comblua
Wien of twenty diet:went all celeinnted
:for thecture Coughs, and Pulinunie
iplainteq 411 M :by as combination, if one of therattnrti
mles should be used separately and relief,
- the ErritAct 01! IfOAIIIIOUNP they are
ro simalkomintecl, that the benefit of the whole is 'ex
,perieneed in one Cnlnag'"" (l .' •
About three yearsaud a ha lf ago, this article was
first broughtbefore the public. It was heralded with
no previous attnouuccumut of its merit or value; hut
was introduced by the propritc.cn4 to the cummuoity
ki,timil/2 their decision, as ro b -tartled its beiseficitil
influence. That decision has been attained in n man
ner altogether unexpected. The unsought IgekllOWl
edgeinent of its worth has proceeded spontaneously
fivin thousands, who have experienced its benefits
dfiroughout the country.. 'Aiid why is it so ? Be
..wise the trial of its qualities in Coughs and Colds,
. .
I loarseness, Irritation of the Throat Croup„Whoop
int Cough, Aiiithnia . ; Ciiiarrlia, Palpitation' of the
Heart, Liver COniplaint, Night Se.eats,' iliffieult or
profuse -Espcetoration, and nil '-dimises leading to
Consumptiondiaa given it a value that no otherßim
ilar medicine.hnseie• reached. . -
COM - plaints of the lungs are the most dangerous
and at the same time most prevalent of all diseases.
Our climate is most peculiar; it changes suddenly
from extreme warmth to extreme cold, from wet to
dry, and it is from this change hi the climate that .
- diseases are apt to arise.
When the blood is in an unhealthy state, atul the
cnostitution naturally delicate, if cold sett-lit and
no : immediate relief takes place, the chances are al
together against the patient attacked; it is when rem
edies are taken in time, that dise-ise is checked and
life saved. .. 'There is no disease but may-not bestif
feredto,go such a length that no ntedbitue 04° ,
aioian save the person attacked.
This shOtild,.he rememhertd by alit the safety of
life is, to be prepared in dine, At the symptoms of
a Cold, tottet or Chilliness,‘TllK, CLARIFIED'
be freely used according to directions; and in every
eine Where it is snUted firprpper tin . le,the'Cough or
Cold will be broken up or 'eradicated.. We feel it
onefluty to Impress this upon every one—ull mime
diesitiuSt be taken in time: •' . •
'• Thal°Raring is one of a thousand certificates the
proprietor, ,couid gnaw, attesting the . 'virtue of Ida
ressuAr: .
• frtharc eiperimentally tested the' virtneti of your
djarified Misr:lee of 'lloorhoend candy, and. would
reethonicOdst to be Aniversally . used. - by all those
ilibaelisortere exposed--no public speaker should
be Rev. Mr. Liam
-," TottierlyPaster of M.' E.' Chttivh; Ycrl4. Pa.
‘lllettlensber, each package, of the genelne . lioar ,
boned Candy is signed...l. PEA= k Sort.
XllJcttc rs,poetpaldi-4irected to .1, Pease & Son,
45 iDivistiju s meet; N Y, will he punctually Attended
(10"; hiterilia'ntit in tite • country wishing. Pease%
llotirtiound . CindyeaitObtoin it at the manufacturer's
lowest terms, by sending an drder to any one in the
haver,dealings• , • . ,
•• - :.,T . :;Sillei'Agenikrorrl
Ca' (ivr
litoslunsicenurz• t
- Abraloins
John 4 , Sisipiwnsburg.
J P. Willson Greenville., . •
attsl Sini , eleepees sty
tie be Sots iillo li d4l7..n'pplying to Messes. _ ,
ii:lira.;ind firish SistsisljriileeeS firom ,
4 11 e , r•AfitiriditottAre,l'. • c ,
f or, 1 2 1 ,, 642.
4milV;r,"l , l
_pektit didye;lntuttifaglittedile How& Co . :?of New
Voikpferealtiorrttery i reasoatible . toltrit:.•;t-teitere
tiaoisistedirr tim Editor of the Herald' tfeeive;
;7,' •1 •k7.4%:;‘,:
41111100.0PlitelPiCti,°11- •
tiCE l 4o4o f iCTE l oo44oo:ot;tli . lo ' ,o4l . n.,
tWoe a 'V.( 4itoustqir.tiar4er'Eyrfey' s iotitoO th :
Nfiddletod 111;Cord*odeettoty,00l'iiiiiiikt ,
• , 1 1 7.:
• • , i
,‘ 5
. -Noyeniaer so f , ti!Ve 7
.YFltsiflelit74leAk4ii - Flol?lthkWei4ti%nii;:.
tilluO*Rderale, 10011 01 44 i liOei;the r idii*paq'Toetti
,Mirtiltoa'Atoeki • frOfit,
.14 . 1.44 25--• being the eiuTent iatoaflie
statitlard ; Penni. brinds; :Brandy:winch; held , 48Z*
peOnirrel.... Aye Flour iedull. at 325. per
'Penna.' Corn 111eal 2 9Thyßpantlywine do 2 75. - Clear;
oJ.forforeio ports thus week 7201kis Flour, 0,11114
fibleCortt arid .50.11t01s Ityo.Fltinq,
'.;"GliAllst:•--ThiCeeeeipte of W h eat are light, ana
pricesteitcly. at..B4rit 860 pe'r binihelfor: Prime Penns
red, aml 88p . for white. do;
,Southern Wheat 75 ti.lo/o .
perlmilhel„ ' Sales POnlisi: nj*nt's3 a 660, and 48 4
506 . for Southern dti: 'Penna. round'yelloW'Corn Ale;
Southern flitt.vellow,ohl,4ls - 4 460, new (10'400;,old
white d 0.48 a'43e..oew do 38o'per-hushel. Southern '
Oats stead ya_ it-: 230 perstunsliel. , Cleared . this neck.
rot... British N..A. Colonies 800,busliels Corm'. '•
- , • • .• • •
• ALIEEF' CATTLE.-11.11e•offerings• •
at! the drore
tiarda on Montlay s exceedgil 6tt700. beval,all,o(Which
Lace been taken bythe
Sancti .at 3 to
$4 so per 100 'l4; a few choice for something over.;
Hogi are ple n ty, but we hive itOaales at lesS than,
, haveibitiatudi ff i ,
cult to operate to anyconsiderable extent since our
last'report. Prices remain without material varia
tion, City Mills Anil Howard. street selling i n'lots to'
suit purchasers, ats4, and Stimptehanint -sit 40t to,
4 Iva !ter 114111111 w et dealers • paying 3 871 .tor
Howard street-, frotrf,sthe•wagoniand cars. , • •
k GRATN.—The . :yeceipts. of good Wheat are. ot
equal dematialthough they have improved,
but prices reinalit ifl'o.aitly r go o d to, prime command
ing:Bo to 84 eeats, 11101111 invi, !nimbi of Peo•usylfaula
.redfrom store; at the latter. Inferior lots' of Mary
land and Virginia'are taken at various' pricey, from
70 down to 50 cents - per bushel. •Corn sells moder
ately at 4216 40 cents for obtain' nes either yellow
or white; and Maryland Hye 45 to 50. Oats may be
quoted 20 to 21t eentooleinundslimited. , '
InctitaxED, •
7. On the Ist,: Inst. by the Rev. Jno. Ulrich. Mr.
Of Carlisle. ~ • •
~ • ,
/On the 10th inst: by . the same, •Mr. WILT:TAM
•TRAGH, of Chester county, to Miss MARY ANN
M)MJL, of SoutfOliddletou township. - • -
/On the lame day, by ,the • same, Mr. GEORGE
GELLING, of Ferry , county, to Miss CATHARINE
19z.FLINE, of Carlisle. • •,,
OO the 3d inst. by the Rev. Henry- Annuli]; Mr.
of this place. •
In Octobetlast, by the same, Mr. J. KOZER, of
Mechanicsburg, to Miss E. GEORGE, of Frank
fort township.
.tori Thursday last, by . the Rev. Mr Bose. Mr.
.ME; all of Weld Pentisborough_township.
DIED, - .
In this- 'Through: on%the 9th inst. Atm ANN
VANTZ, in the 79th ye \tr.:if-her age.
asteissauls c
IVO' 2112 - .
wilErmAs, thit subscriber. mire w note for
Seventy- j: Dollars to Andrew Roberts, of
the Borough o 1 •. larlish; payable in four ruths,
dated' the'lsth o iOettilier, 184'2, ' unt for which I hove
not received con ideration, I therabre warn all per
sous but MICE MI Imignmctit . or said note, as lam
determined not to my' it unless said Roberts makes
good - the itobsiderittion agreed upon for the slime:
S. J. IiacCORNIIICK. - '
Mifflin tit. N0v..16,1842i • . St-55
Registei's Notice.
CARLISLE, November 14, 1842.
NOTICE ishereby given toalliegntees,Credi
tore.'and other persons interested, that. the
fullotving accounts_have_been filed in - this—Office
for examination•by the accountants therein named,
and will be presented' to the Orphans' Court of
:Cumberland county, for confirmation and allow.
once, on TUESDAY the 'l3th of DECEMBER,
1842, via:—
1. The account-of Michael Fishburn, Exccu
tcir of Jacob Shainbaugh, lulu of-Nortit Middle
ton township; &mimed. -
2. The account of David Mule ' Esq.• Admin.
int' ator of George Myers, latd of Silver Spring
township, deceased. '
3. Tho account of Jonlah MANI, Administrator
of William M'Donald, late of Springfield, deed.
4. TlMaccouut of David Palm, Administrator
with the will annexcd.ofJacob Goodhart, decens
ca, filed by said Palm's :Executors.
•5. The account of Rudolph Krysher, Esq. Ad.
ministrator of William Moore, late of Monroe
township, deceased.
.6. The account of Andrew M. Middleton, Ad
ministrator of Mathew Laird, late of Mifflin
township, deceased.
7. The account or Joseph Martin, Executor of
Jacob Martin, lute of East Pahnsbaro' township,
. R. The account of David S. Runshaw, Esq. Ad.
ministrator of Janice Clark, late of Southampton
0. The account of David S. Runshaw,.Esq. Ad.
ministrator 'of Henry Pilgrim, late of Southamp.:
ton township, deceased.
10. The account of Jacoh Kirk, Jr. Adminis
tratoCof Eve Hiflleinan, late of Allen township,
deceased. •
I I. The Suppleinortaraceount of Leonard Helm
Executor of Jacob flehn, - late of Southampton
township, deceased..
12. The account of Williatn Hinney,Adininis
trator of Jonathan Reese, late of the Borough of
Mechanicsburg, deceased.
11 The account of William McConnell, „Ex
ecutor of William Cowan, lato of the borough•of
Shippensburg; deceased.
14. The account of Mary Ann White, Guardian
orCharlotte A: NVliito minor child of E. White,
Esq. deceased, filed - by William Byrn, the Us:
band of said Guardian.
• ISAAC ANGNEY, Register,
Isinrember 16, 184:1 t 0.55
A LL those who know themselves incleb
-1-Xleil to the late firm of BomaTniatt.St Ilation,are
requested to call and.make settlement, on or before
the flstlt.instani; as niter that date (mallet' tir;coulds
will be placed ut the hands of .David: Smith, Esq.,
for eollectiodr: • ' •
Tuke potiee,unTiTiNa 25th inst., cm rent money or:
countrypr m otlnde will he taken in . psyment of debts;
but in aliases wheei....chlleetions are mule or suit
brought br the Justide of the Peace, PAR t tiims or,
its equivalent will be required;
,Surviving partner of the firm of Bosiermdn & Hutton.
.Novembor 16, 1842 . 8V.55
.. .C.H, E
,:g s E •
A 'Lot' of frriniaie CHEESE on hand
L and for" sale. Also a lot of SALT at the store
of? . WM.
Novemb . er 'lll. 1842 7. - ' . tf759
Estate of Jacob Cart, deceased.
islic. ENTERS of Administration on tho Estate of
a JACOB CART, dee!d. of the Borough of Car
le, C.urnberland, county, have been granted to the
subseriber,residing in the same Ouse. All persons,
indebted to the said' estate: are requested •to make
payMent_ immediately., .and those. having chitin to
preatuit them 'properly ituthindiesited for settlement.
': : , • . :,,, - • ' WILLIAM , CAII.T., , Adner; ,'
November 10,-18 , 12. ~ .'', i ; ; , - ' , . : ;' !. Alt-55 .
. ,
utuatimnia.n te • zurtaatb
• ''O RENT., '
rvint subscriber will rent by,publio out-,cry;oti
L. SATURDAY theVtith rtay , of 'NOVEMBER ,
:inst„ -that 'extensive AMR OHAN'T 41111.1., be=
longiugtoithe estate Of Jacob litarnish,deo'd.: chum.
: Routh Middleton township, oltr.the Irene*
;11reeohca 'Creek; At'elPilea.frOttl'..Cfrlisle• :Aliacit
ed to tbe.prihterl.Y_gre • ' • ""
w,c E , lloUSlip- [f m
saitOilus. and omer.necel4BSY Cfithoplittli. al U
The Mill lids three, run of burrit,,one -
pair of plaid stone, with other neeessat•Y'rUa-'
ctiinery, all of width is complete andln Brat rite
Aar. Potisesston given on .tbe Ist of April, 18.12.
:To commoncosit..l o'clock, A. Mc. c ,
• . , AOtIN PZTERS, ger.,%l
November 111,184 : 2. 2t-55
1 ayr
AIVIE ia the phaitatiOn of lltc subscribir inNeiv-1
aitnaliip,,Cemberland•wuntY4 ARAN/.
.0. QiitigAbiinet; Rarind spotte4 or speckled'
aiii,ooi44 is ie One yatir OM' laetiiipi ink;, (lie ' owner'
larequif&d'tiiachWiToicvkail. propCrtYsTo ,
icluirgclAtid‘ tsikoit cvaillrile•c:kwAti bo'..despose a
'according . ),
~ ,, S oyofikber i co, !Oil; '; .405
Nov. 12, f 842
• '
' 'P t r ii/17 40*, 41 0/liAi4P ' o:(4: 4 7tilo
17" anki l i0 A 41 : ;h" PT 0 . 1 40LA C 01 11 ; 4° T el) 17
, 642; by ' • :•.• 11 .`i•-i,'' • • v. l ' v••• • i•-,
,a - AMUlEL'EMlTll;'(iiiinioldtoulramit'ioi a .' "•
;• ,,4 Sfeinliet 4 ofthiifii`fiiOfSitiltlatitiqufgrey;);
' 1 43 Merchant; ItEllergicod.; find For- , 1
' ~ ,,6 2 ,,: CUivilieVland co.
loid',Os,o lll •Buteheg ,'•••
Court'or the StOtet; fOi,.the•MosteVbibleiriet ,
of .PeiiiisylvOtiltioittiiig ibel l Dis- ;
tAti'tourt' room' the. City, or Ploliolehiliisi,; on
FRIDAY the Zlility of DEUENII3EK.ii 11 d'elobk;
A.; M. l 'lVlion Oncl'where . iiit4onv,liitereiieirriiiiy
'cause': if - tjavei .
.phiyee of tbevald'Petitionees thOoltlioit be grouted,
mid tSevold PetitithiersAleduredllitiikkipts.'!--
•; •
.4 ,
November 16,18443.`. `'.,-..4,1" '‘St-5,5
T'astated 'Orphan Cant' began' mid held la
cariii,k;:foi..v..b o iatid adunty,• on' Tuesday
the 16th nuy'of AugustiA..H. 1842 , before the Hon.
Satin Heliburn, , Preet,'Hod . .tabiltuart 0nt1.1% C.
Miller, Esq. Associate" Judges of . t to same Cum.; as-'
signed-6m, the - - following -proceedings. were, - had to
win—Upon the Petition of Mary Marin,tric Grand
mother of. SumT Miller, a minor child: or Jacob
Miller, dec'4. Respectfully representing dud, Samuel ,
Miller the uneleot the said manor Samuel. Miller,
wasappOlutc'd his your Hun. Court,and
has receiied upwards of 'fourteen hundred dollar:for
the 'Money of the Ward, and !IRS now removed to
the State of Ohio, beyond the„.iluristliction of the'
Court, 'Without givin n __. anyaecurity for the perform
once; of: his, duties. Your petitioner therefore prays'
yditi bonora to award R citation to the said Samuel
Miller, to appear at the next ..Orphati!O Court 'and
settle an account of his G uardianslup, and shew Cause
why he should notbe dismissed, and another Guar-.
dian be appeiated in his stead • . _ I
Whereupon 17th 'May , Citation, tiiiardeti;
Returnabler 16t h t Aug't,
.1842, , by tlh Court 16th
August; 1842, Sherin Martin rnakek the renewing
return, !'Not to be found hi my littilrwielc.'! -
Now; to wit, 16th August, 1842, Alfas Citation
awarded, public notice to be given in two papers for
three 'weeks. By, the court. ,
Cainberland Cortaqm, sat
,olz,r, . The Commonwealth of Penbajlvania
Li )
Z, . 13 ‘ 4'4' sc t '' °- Satntn;f Miller Guaraian of Samuel
:A - )( . I 'I" Miller, ..a minor, ' ithild of Jacob Mil.
0. ler, deceased. - „ - . • '
You are hereby cited, to appear before the Judges
of the Oeplian's (..lourt 'ut. Carlisle, ni • an Orphan's
Court there to beheld foi said County, on 1 iIES
DAY the 19th day Of DECEMBER next, to settle
'an ticeount of.your Gonytleanihip, pad show cause
why you should not he dismissed and ;mother Guar
dian be appointed in your, stead—Witness the said
I Sanel llephurn, Esq. at Carlisle; the 19th day of Au
gust, A. D. W. Fotax, Z.:1'14:. 0. Ct.
PAUL MAIrI'IN, Sheriff:
November 16',1844. 3t-55
A'N.litated.:Prplian's. Coprt began and,
held at Carlisle,. for Cumberland Coubtv, on
Tuesday the 16th day of Atigust, A. D. 1842, before.
the lion. Sam'l Hepburn, P'res's, and John Stuart
and T. C. Miller, Hsq. Associate Judges of the same.
Court assigned. btc. the following proceedings .were,
had to wit: Upon the Petition of Miry Maria, the
Grandmmther • of Jacob Miller, a minor' child of
Jacob Miller; dee'd 'Respectfully representing that
Jacob Mil ler,Sen. the Grand4lither of the said minor
Jacob. Miller, was appointed his ..Ctiardiiin by your
CP.itri_andjuut....metseit.. upwards _of_fo u rteen
hundred dollars of the Money of the Ward, and-has
now ranioved to tlie State of Ohio, beyond the juris
diction of this Court, %idiot& giving any for
Ate performance of hikautivv.
Your - petitioner therefore -prays - .your honors to
award a Citation-to the said Jacob Miller,- Sen. to
appear et the nest-01-OWe Court and Settle an ac. ,
count of his 6ttardianshiLp. and spew cause why lie
-should not be dismissed and another Guardian be ap
pointed in his stead. • Whereupon, 17th May; 1842,
Citation awarded - returnable on the lath of August.,
184'2. 15th A1%014,1842, Sheriff Martin makes the
°Bow ing reftwo . "Not to he found in my Bailiwick."
•Now- to- w it, 1-6tlv-AugustilB42, Iv ia s Citation aWaril
eq, poi& notice to be given in two papers for three
weeks. By the Court.
Cumberland County,ss.. -
'3;111 The Commonwealth of Penns3lvania
. • •
'lll •••,' .Incob*Millcr,Sen. cluardinhof,Tricni
a C t Miller, minor child of Jacob Mil
1 . Ari 46 > ". Icr P deceased.
You arc hereby cited, to appenobefore the Anises
of the Orphn's Court at Carlisle, at •an Orphan's
Court there to be held for said county, on 1 IJES•
DAI the 13th day td . DECEMBER next, to settle
an account of your .Guardianship, and alien cause
adiryou 'should not be dismissed and another Guar-
Ilian he appointed in your istenti.—Witnen the said
Samuel Hepburn; Esq. at Carlisle, the 19111 day of
August,-A. D. 4842. W. FOULIC, Cl'k. 0. Ct. •
November 16, 1842. 308
- Ladies Cap Strings., ••••
UST opening a supply of Steel Cap Springs. for
sif Ladies Caps, Snaps for Cloak Fastenings, Shawl
Pius, Hair Pins, Metal Eylets by the gross ur dozen,
Eylet Punches, Purse Trimmings, &u.
November 9,1842
Y virtue of die powers containcd in the Last
Will and Testannalt of CHRISTIAN HUM
' ERICH; deceased, I will expose to public sale, on
the premises, corner of I Ismover mid Loather streets;
in the Borough of Carlisle, on FRIDAY the 2d day
of DECEMBER, 1842, that large and commodious
TWO STORY •, • •
IPlatifliaED 11411 , 32
situate on the. Cornier of Hanover and —__ -
Loather streets, which wits long occupied as u Pub
lic House by the said Christian Humerich •
Also all that Two Story BRICK HOUSE and
LOT OF GROUND, situate on the North side of
Lciutiler street ; in Carlisle, in which the stilt! Chris
tian Hunierich resided at the time of his decease.
Also a HALE' ,LOT OF GROUND, situate on
Locust Ally, being the one Half of the same Lot on
which the German Reformed Church is built. ..
Also all that Two Story FRAME WEATHER
BOARDED HOUSE, situate qn the South side of
Loather street, iu Carlisle, adjoining . . the German
LatitherunClittreli in Odell Jelin Harrianow resides.
Also all these Emir LO I'S OF. GROUND,hounit
ed by North street, Pitt street, Locust Ally and r
Lot, of-James Hutton, the 1 1 / 7 11113 which the said
Christiati,llamerich purchased from Mats. Bracken
' • .
Also all that out LOT OF GROUND, situate in
the Borough of Carlisle, hounded by the Creek lane,
by the road from the Turnpike to Pitt street, by the
road to . Alexander"S. Mill, and by Lot of James
Nobles heirs; containing THREE ACRES; -• •
Also all that Out LOT OF, GROUND, it the
Borough of Earliile, hounded by' the road which
leads from the Turnpike to Alexander's Mill, by
land Of William Henderson,. Esq. and John
containing Five Acres andFißy4fre Perches.
The terms which will be easyvill -he made knerini
on the day'ef. sale by'
Administrator of the Will annesed.
November 9, DM: ' 11-54
Estate of Samuel Wild, deceased.
S HEREBY GIVEN, (Nit letters of Atliniois
!L (ration on the Estste of SAMUEL WlLl),dee'll..
bite of Newtmi Cuinherland county; have
been granted to the 'aubacriberovahliegiwtheleame
townstql. ',:illl,iiiranns indebted to the _ ,said estate
are requested to nutkii inunediatepayinent, and those
hiving claims td present them properly'. Sutheittien
teij for settleMent to • • • , ,
NoNtinlier,9, 184'2
..i.Military Notice.
Brigadier General, the field, staff
JO" , and phithon officers of the Ist 'Brigade 11th
M., are respectrinly invited to attend
the'public house of It' L Ilurkholde, in Carlisle,
oh Saturday the 19th hist: at : o'clock ' n the after
nebn; foe the purpose Of, selcictint 'three," or more
tlelegateir, to join othera, to tepresenf thle 'DPI/Bien
ist a National: Military •iCinfientioill,r `a/litchis to as.
,semble l fitful/Auld/arm, hi. Washington City, D.C.
on tbe3llMonday in' December next; for geneial
111ilitaiy 'porpoises intended. fdr the goon of the,request; , • „ • , •
• ' Dent. I Ith Division,l'.ll.
November 9, 2t-S4
,01171 HE aubscAPei. haajoa!reeeive a good
, `At trinit#2o';Onfrlnl Ansi, Otnio
int.lllllE t ßB ftn.,Carlieit Wear, stpip atittort.-.
'pent of aenttornytnii , •
.11oviittistait; ; t ,
Xiii4M44.s *"'
SPLENDID nssortoicnt o f vari:
"ciilir kinds vat cecetqlt Z
‘r: 2 , .4F4
iCovember 9 2 P 8 .1%, • ' ll- 1 " . •
- 4 4 st , The . 5 411 W:ditetittii**,:
and soon at every eitonn4,o6,oA*7
Itnineinfint ands' never get the*,
". •
Oii:eit" . 4l4 0 0-therv . (ripp`ep,..o.edlroOnni:
tithe 'O4 - inditeit base linOniinene„,ki;a
toittit-: . If" lin . ;innieliiint Afoul 'not,
urge : him' procian.' them 'at, 7 Marden.lnno,.. the
nep foi' thou': ;
4V fdir~ily shoitlithi a weeki6itlitifiti
XL 17:N ES S.
out,* . i:eature it on, bald,
plat , esi 3 tind'on . eitildten maim it
,groi'vfapidly; or on
who havo lost ihe hair from anycattee. •
ALL .VERMIN that infest the: ho 4 di • o f o ldi t k o d
id schools, are , pii6vdhted or killed liy h at mica.—
Find Me' name of 4:p2;,:aAheito.--ori.
t, or never. !ry . it.i 104 ,;:il.4,atie
'positivelyintred, and all abirelleti taus,:6B and limbs
are restored, in the 'old or ' young, by the. 'man
,but never without thoname ofComstock & Co. on it.
COMO Oil, if yOU use the only irpo iilasylaNtatENT,froin
VOinere o C4 W5l A L SOR ES'
and.every thing relieVed' by it that admire of an out.
ward application. •It'acts like a charm. Use it.
.HOIRStS that Italie Iting.trope, Spaviti,
'Wind-Galls, dec., aro cured by Roots'Setcmc ; and
FOTiiiileriTt horses cuttriiii cured by 'Reef..'
Ointilient.. Mirk this, all horsemen.
.Pain 133 z!
tractor Salve... The most. extraordinary
remedy r•ver invented, for all .new or old
and sores, and sire EYE S It has delighted
ounntids. It will tnke our all pain in ten minutel,
ilia No fuiliire. It will cure the 'Rutzs:
A bettor and ntoro nice end useful article never was
undo. All Bliptild wen!. regularly.
n the principle of substituting the tonic in place of
he stimulant principle, which has•rcfornted so 'many
Tankards. To be used with • •
:Tor to' all
. LIN'S . BLO.OD PlLL.%.,supf;
thers for cleansing the system and the Minter§ affect
ig the Wood, and for all irregularities of the bowels,
id the Oheral health.fij A_
Vice Dr. Litt's .sig. EVC(I, I I — •42) tkari
nature. thus of,
will;elfeetually-cure - nick—headache, either front—jhe—
Or bilious. Hundreds of families are
ping it with great joy. - • _
fin. the certain . piovention of FEVER S' or any
general .sickness ; keeping the stomach in 111081 per.
feet ortier, the bowels regulni; ad a determination to
thou ''o'o'L D S-*
pains in thebance,'lmarieneas, and DR—CY P C , V
'are quickly cured by it. Knew this by trying.
CORNS.—The French flamer ie a sure cure.
7••( blh
-/_._..' - 4,'
~ -;-".5 .. - (‘-- -'-' 'Z - 2 - -.--1'
•? 4 , -- ..›,.... ~ "7:%, . 4 . - . '7l
• *)! .") . -7) ' . - '3 15
--- A
hair any shade you wish,but wilt not color the skin.
POUIsiII,IiXTRACT. There is no other prepara
tion' of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this,
If you arc sure to get COMSTOCVS, you will find it
superior to all whets. It.doeiruit require puffing.
OF CHINA. A positive cure for the pike, and all
external ailings—all internal irritations brought to the
Surface :bY 'friction with this Balm ;—so in coughs,
swelled or sore,throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm
applied on a flannel will relieve and' cure at once.—
Fresh wounds or old sortis are rapidly cured by itt
Fir. Sartholemetu'm
taken totimo, and is a &Ikeda! remedy. Amnon:
bar the name, and get Comstock's.
eradicate all \A . / 0R M in children or asdidta
with a certainty quite astonishing. It is the earns as
that ymade. by . stock; and sells with a . rapidity
almost incredible, by Comstock 4. Co., Now York.
.TOOTH DROPS, KLINE'S--,oure effectuitily
Entered according to actor Congress, in the year 1812, h#Conistack
4.C•:. in the Clerk's offiee of the Bouthern District of New-York.
applying' to our 'manta in; each town and
villages papers may be had free, showing the most
respectable twines in the connify for these facts, so
that no one can fail to believe. them , • •
'(pp-Be sure vitt Cull tot aidarticies, and not
be put of with fink stories, that others are as
good. HAVE THESE. OR NONE, should be
your motto—and these never can be true and genuine
without our names .to Than. All these article* to be
had whqlesale Mid retail only of us.
/ ' :Wholesalo Druggists,
1 hiatden.i..itne New York, Rad of our agenis.
For sale in Carlisle by- •
Nove'mber 16;484i. ' ' ' fe..65
This remedyfbr Worms is one or the - most emir.
ordinary ever stied. It effectually eradiiiates worm.
of all sorts, frcnichifilren !toil adults, , • . • •
THOUSANDS perish by worms without the real
cause being.knOwn. Some other reason iq tiuigned
for their sicknasiontil too late to cure therrial cerise:
What immense responsibility then rests upon thei
parent who:Omit:not know; and the doctor who:doed
not understand; the complaint 'which-is destroying
those preidous flowers of Alb—children. ' •.• • •
What 'should be Ilona . • . . •
,svil ,
• Theacnswer i s plain. - Give thidversaifoge,icis.•
sill 4+t sore to do good if ,they•have bo.ivorins; and '
if they.have, it stilf,destroy, and cradicale
a certainty andrpreeision,drety Olaf drilske,
For sale tin Carlisle by , SAMUnt. ELLRITII
burg by ././ iV Orals. ;':
November 16080. 4
,PccGara , Ulatllozl4,2c.'2,
.. •
da.lll G govqz Rent tutuicrate. '
ressitOten,in nuelliately; • •
Y.Clirlislo, Aug. 10, 10;1 - 1i ' "s'T; • titl 3.1.
• •'' ' '' . .ilLe.,lNlll • :„ •
-s . lpc. APTIONS,
184'2; bir, •.• •••• ••,•-• • ,;
FArmgitypit:•A;' KENNEOY c Inte Coiteli. •
4 w4fiei.„ . •• co:
:tirsoatally,tinkkitait Ptirtnertirihe',ltitefi . Ctii
I •
:JOSEPH late Tren . .14suiter,. (in, k' •
dlvhluelly 'Enid:ASA PArtner"of ice firm
of- M. 1.. nnd'.l.A:Hge.) ',Citmberland co.
JAMES COIA, Cumberland
BlGLEY,Cudried, Cninberland 00.
Which Petitions will fie heard iiefore the District
Court of BIC Dnited States or the -Eastern District
of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at
trict. Court Room in the City of l'lttlridelphia,on
FRIDAY the•Ddiilay.of DECEMBER nest, 842,
at Ii M. when and wheiduli,persone in
terested may apPear and show eiiiise,if any they have,
why the prayer of 'the said Petitions should not be
grantdd;andble 'said Petitioners be declared Bank/
rupt. ' , --- FRAS. HOPKINSON,
• , • . Clerk Of the District •Conrt.
Nov. 9,1842',' . •
.PETITION for Discharge and Certificate un
der, the Bankrupt. Law, has been filed by
THOMAS FLOWERS, Innkeeper,Ciimberland en.
and FRIDAY the 27th day of.JANUARY nett, at
lY o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing there
of, before the said Court, sitting in 'llankinptey,wi.
the District Court Room, in the City of Philadelphia,
when and where the Creditmaed the Said Petitioneil, ,
also have proved their Debts; and all peesons in in
terest, may appear and' hoW , owe; if any they have,
why,suctt Discharge and Certificate should. not be
granted. - FRAS. HOPKINSON,
„Clerk of Alai-I/Istria Court.
• Phila. Nov. 9, 1842." ' .• , • 10-54.
P4RWST tit all S
y WILL sell my. properly; situate upon
Jhe Yellow Breeches Creek, in Cumberhind
County, about 5 miles from Carlisle,, consisting of
350 Acres of 'Land, with a
itZt07241. - -EiMalt
. 9
And - Sitter AM.
thereon erected, upon such terms ns will make it an
object to purchasers. ~
The Merchant Mill lins'two pair of Burrs and one
pair of CounhyThtones. The Clover Mill nod Saw
Mill nre both in good order, and; the water-power is
the best on the Creek, there being alwaYssutlicient
water for all the mills to go at once.
I have divided the Land into three farms of about
11 0 - ite restai ch - , and - the Mills and Water - poiretyridi
about , 20 acres of Land, and I will any one pro
petty'sepsrately, or' the Apile together.
There Is tibout•2oo aerTiof thetand covered with
fine TIMBER, and the residue is under good-leave
and cultivation with all Me. tiecesry HOUSES,
!Isms and_out:buildings, to necommodater a farmer.
The Land is of an excilent quality, with, a •
upon t t , which will supply Kim; for the Litiul to any.
'extent. .
The.title-to the propertyis perfect, and the ternui'
of payment will•be made very easy..
. For any further information apply tOPrederick
Watts, Esq. Carlisle, or to the subieriber on the
• . .
premises. JOHN WEAKLY.
• November 9,1542. 3t-54.
I,:inemter Union and York Republican.
publish 3 thuds and sentl_billV to this office for col
lection. ,
November Ist, 184'2. }
TlM.Board of_Direetors of this.lnstitnti on, _have
this tiny declared a Dividend of 23 percent. for the
last-12 months on the Capital Stock paid lit. Stock
'',liters .ot 'their repreiemittives can receive their
dividends on nod alter the 11th inst., subject to the
pavinent - of the tax to'the. Commonwealth. of Penn
syivania, niEreenblY to the provisions.of the net of as
sembly of the 11.0rJunc, 1840.
November 2,1842.
TM': Stockholders or the Carlisle Bank, are re
quested to meet at their Banking Daum:, on That's
day the'Rth day of December next, at eleven o'clock
A. M. to consider the expediency of applying to the
Legislature fora renewal of the - Charter of MU
Bank, and to adOpt such measures - in relation to
. the
expenses of the institution, and the Relief notes is
sued for the use of the Conunan wealth by the Banks,
as their interest may require.
By order of the (Word' of Directors.
. - %V. S. COBEAN, Cashier.
November 2, 1842. , ' • td-5.3
TIIE subseriber — being determined to.
. leave Carlisle, requests all those havinfr an
settled accounts with him,to call at of Chas.
liarnitz, and settle the atirllo, on or before the 14th
inst., as after that time the books hill hi: left in 'the
hands of a Justice for collection. '
No VOlllber C, 184:i
.20A,D CLOTAg i &D.
AFURTHER siipply of Low priced
HRthkil CI,OTIIS , miitnbie fire overcoats.
Also OASBINIFIRES Sr. SATTI N r:rs, just receiv
ed at the Store of GEO. W. lIITNER.
NoVember '2,1842: ^ tf-53
ratsiet ARRIVAL.
LAJIGE and general assortment of FAMILY
GROCERIES, received by the subscriber con
sisting in part.of Coffee, Teas, loaf; Lnnip, Brnzile,
Clarified and ,Broven Sugars, also Roney, Syrup,
Sugar House ; New Orleans - and PortoriCoMolasses,
also SperM and Whale Oil, Sperm Candles, Roll
Tobacco, Cut carendish, best Spanish, half. Spanish
and Comm - oil — Cigars, and best'Rappee Snuff, and
every article in the line of a Grocer, all of vchich
will be sold cheaper than by any of those .Ito have
given n catalogue of their piccolo the public. Cash
and no credit. %YM.. M. .MATEER.
November 2, 1842. tf-53
Cinnuipisioner in Bankruptcy.
artaTlCti-South Hanove4 street, near
Clellan's Hotel; Where all intormatirin 084.
cd, in.referente tp the duties of those intending
to ripply for the benefit of the• Bankrupt Act; can
be obtained.
Carlisle; May 4, 1842, • 41:21.
• M.Oll S
FRESH Supply of Cashmere Moo&
111„. de Lines, just received at the•Stgrc of . • ,
'GEO. Wi 11l
November 2, 1841. tr. 55
X o.
.1 s Rna q t i u Bareels, gulf and tparterni of
eery siipertor dualityy.•:*" •
I‘Toventober 9, 1 . 849 . . • tf-53
N asscirtmeni.of TARTAN PLAIDS,
1111., for Children's Clothes, now opening nt the
Store of ." GEO. - - W. - 111TNER: —
Novemter 2,1 . 842: • • tf-53
;. 416141224.220 9 44111k1r0 •
RAISINS;.: Pim Prunes t fresh currant
kik, Grapes, Lemons, Almonds,' Cocoa nuts,
berts; fresh Pickles in jars, Tomato . Catchup ? Pep
per Sauce, a prime *mule of table.oil,,Suguri flutter
and water crackers,. Canines Oran .kinds for salts by.
the subscriberi.. ,:• WM. M. MATEER.
Josember 2, 1.843; • - tI-53
-A. O E ,
.AuTipui,,,nipirial - ru ;ladies'
Drestes, of .rarious colora,jott r . eeeived at the
Store of GEO. W. lIITNE.R.
Noiember 2,1832. • tr-53
,110ols _Shires anirl.Csitilk
riN"ft, - Boy'asitid IYouthts 13 oots,fspo and,oisarse,,
Men's, Boy's and Vonth'ir Brogan, awl Shoes;
en's and t.adit'a Elastic: told leather' "oTer:
Shois,farreal badjes ailk IhsesCandlv,addfdkaiters,
frenoliardOlo . --43r0hZe idiriorro; ogie kid
motto slip Ye, and a ftdraisortment or all Mods of
Shsseski NelisMois . andl/gulp cArp r lato s tree.
thostiierihan ever for cash. - , ' '
u r vecsky.ed.ifrtibb to "o s,.
olaisia; Chocolate: . Clove:0
N 71A..
,Poppc,r, Allap)ce,,Citfhooten
&O. 1t0 . .; all 'or . which IM il l• pp1I . it
,Prices for, cas h.." '
Octobei 26 4 • • tr-52,
, siFr
BiolltotitiattiVit •
. - ifoolooi76,tgot. •
Ifii,Steek cif Groaeries eddsistiln Oil of COFFEES
SRGARS. TEAS; FISH, SALT. • . He, also keeps
D l re..Stuff,,end general issortmeot of CROCKERY
He has sitist. revel Sled 30 &sea of SiioE:g & BOOTS,
inch as CAlfslFin Bolifs77.Conrse 'do. Boys'
'Floe and Oita*: IlObti-:=3leil'i died "Menroes
—Fine on'd 'Coarse Shiva. Also n general assc rt
tvient' of Ladies'. and Children' s Wives of every de
All article§ in.bis line - will be sold at the lowest
prices, for task, or
.approved country • produce. .Ile
soWs ashare of public putr;ottage. • ,
' , WILLIA 31 .31. AltiTEElt.
Oatrlisle, Oct. 19, 1942. : I'y-5I
. . .„
N E -
r i vir, subscriber Wog receiving a fresh supply of
L : Goods, among mhich may be found •
nitaytir'&. Pilot' Cloths
and various other Broad Clotlitt. A la•+nt variety of
and other seasonable goads for men's wt
Also, a general assort meld of ..Merchasolize for the
Ladies, to ,wjaicit he aespectfolly calla their attention.
. Cull sod see saloon as possildeos the mtire stalk
will sold very chdop for cosh. .
~Cat litl Sept. t'.1;1t42.-7-
41/ST received, nniititer supply of Wlti
lubir l'Eit -GOODS; !idyll. as Cloths, Caissitielts,
Platinels, Merlitous, Mouslin de Loins,. 13Iniikets,
Shawls, &c. &e., nil of which will be sold for cash,
cliestper tlinn' ever sold iu Cnrlisk.. Cali et tlk: old
stand. opposite S AVonderlicli's lintel: 4r".
OHAS. - 001L1E1Y. •
'October 26, 1842." 1682
• .•
suldioriber. lids just opened a lot of New
Gondm, ot. SOK: It VIM: CLOTHS,
!!lack, Blue and • Fancy colored Cassimeres, Casi
nets, all colors and prices. - itleritmes, Alouse de
Laines; Gloves, Hoseiry, 5-4. Brown
lo:y, 4-1 bleached do for n .fip, Flalihels from .2u to
25 cents, with k variety, of other goods, all of r. hieb
will be sold at very low prices to suit the times:
S. Al. HARRIS.'"
Carlisle, October 12,.1842.. tf-5t
First Arrival
- OF ------ --
Wear thc Rail- Broad,'
11Avr. received n Splendid assstrtment of
Which they are detertnihed to sell at the - very lowest
ens!. prices:
Septonthei. 'a, 1842,
Estate of Noah . llcchlen,doceased.
WS HEREBY GIVEN, that loiters of.
Administration on the Estate of AIOAIF FlEO
pEN;tlee'd: Vtankford Cunibtiiland
county, have been grunted to the subgeriber. All
persons indebted to the deleased, are requested to
make payment, and those having elahns to present
them for 5611.1ernent. - _
• - - • FREDERIck:4IIGLEtt i AdmY. _
October 2(, 1842. 60-.54
Estate. of James Reed , deceased.
thnt letters testainentary on the bust will and testament of
IA NIES REED, [ Ate of Newton township, Cusnher
hind County, deceased, have been issued, by the
Re g ister of-said County, to the subcriber, residin g
Mthe borou g h of .Newtille. All peitams indebted
to the said Estate, are re n net:led to make payment
immediately- 0 1rd those havin g claims will pretent
them, properly authenticated 'for settlement, to
Newville, October 17, 18th.` 6t-51
.EICCIiO2I of Directors.
• • Oct. 18,1842.
iv ()Tux. i; hereby given to the Stockholders : in
1 this Institution, that an election will he held at
the Banking House, on the third Monday of Novem
ber next, (h6ng the 21st day of the month,) for thir
teen Direetcres, to serve the ensuingvear.
. WM. S. COHEAN, cashier.
Estate of Joseph eminelley, deceased.
IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt letters testamentary
on the list will and testament of JOSEPH CON-
NpLI X , late of West Pennshorough township,Cum
berland county,deceased, have been grantzd to the
8./list:66er./ residing in the same township : All per
sons indebted to the said estme are requested to make
immediate paythent, and those having Otime to pre
sent them" properly authenticated for settlement to
• Nov..dd, ' Executor.
Notice ina. Bankruptcy.
IFIHE District Conant' the United States
_it for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania holden
at Philadelphia, bating on_the 2tst day of October,
1842, by , its deciee upon petition of Jameson. Han
non and Geoi,ze Hefilebowotir, Cfeditors of Jonas
Miller of the Borough of Net6vihlt, Ctimberland
county, declared said Miller Bankrupt—Within the
true intent and meaning of the Act of Congreits, And
the. said Court having ordered me as CoMmissionee
in Bankruptcy for Cumberland county, to take proof
of debts due by the said Bankrupt—to hil Creditors;
they arc beieby notified, that I have, fixed the 21st
day of November, 1842, between the hours of 8 o'-
clock, A.X....a.pdS,o'clock, P. M. ittul oVery subse
quent &Iv, between the same hoOrs—until the 26th
day of November, 1842 litoltisiie; for taking prool
of all eltiiing against the said Bankrupt, nt. My office,
in Bondi Hanover street, fotir doors south of the
Court House, Carlisle, Pa..
J NO. IWIPE;I2, Com'r.
November 2, I add., 3t-53
• HE avell.known Filling Mill of the subscri.
—der, on the Yellow Breeches creek { in South
Mi • dleton toWnship, four miles, south Of Carlisle,
will be rented,-with all the machinery connected
with it. It will be tented on reasonable terms if
early application is made: Poteeesion will be
given on' the let of April next.
November r4 t 184. ,
15 -WS Mai
LUMBER ofcvory . description &SHIpiGLEN
for sale . cheap i by ' - •
& P. MARTIN,. .
• ' gucceskors to' Miller &Martins.
- -ittrriainirg - i - AlO - 1120, •
LIPPINGER it. 'CARET, have just re.
%; el r e" B° l t°:C LOTIIS,
111VR and Strl4r.'tlic
sold at ieAuced prices.'
Shippcastit!rgi Oct, 5 . ,
. 8 Coloring
4nd Woofers of etq'kinds.
Aho, .Wool *Ol4 & SC tY~ll.g
MAW.. O'4lSlll /IS, mom. zi a i.t4tar
gESPECTFULLy inforliathe'Cidzenicol Ces.
lisle and Its -vicinity, that she-still continues
ming and . Scouring . ... -- , '
.. • •
:Sigliti.S:.Ci - ikoef : Nteillitges - and
• . ! Woolens 'of • all kindov
, ~
- kt s:o';,,w 091, DYEING A N D,S O,O,IiRIN4',
in all its varioue branches: She mai. heti:mud atelier
residence in ellufets Alle :l ,y oppoilte. Education Hall,
whoa wort snit be thanhfully receirid, stud exece., •
led-1n a. muitand handsome manner, ,',
~ ' , , ---,
~..,- into • ,, , 4 __,,.111 if,lo , w. ~ . . ~..
-Carlialo,Seph 29, 184 4 . - • . , _ , 3t..0 '__ .. ,.,kj„.„., ~,,.
, i 4„ , : , ,,..
214 ... 45 , 1;iiii i i i) 4 4s tter ,
1m et
~ ....- "- : '' * - " ,:ru" fu,r64,.l:,i'' '- , i,t,,,ipa hicirliao.
' 19444:1‘14 g3.,"' elL itAtrigii . sat;:: 7 iti 4 s Qu jf-La t ieih;:i i stsoteditObtoe . .e nd : iCid
-A„...1.4 . 0 , 1_ 0tt r ,54:4 0 i 1 ,,trpi...i.,... tut, , eet oviend' tow briceil hoes„.
•a r, S'ilii7 - 16: . ita...,l• ol3ll l t an d r°r . sB/6 " , 2 - " h i d , , g ,,,1 p; , , %.' , :S, , ,M.T . ItAttINS.‘
1 14
' W S' i tth i° l3 -1 0 T y i s e. ei kt'i B a ross "3l) l . t h S B ,N ' l lk *o ll ill .qt' at t s l°, r ailiCtlit r h".
_ ! ~. , ... ~ -0 AS. 0 ILIA . e t ren s, ... , - . - - •,- , -4-14...11.
- I P ii `* el * , "' °l " ' 1 ' - u '''' - /-: • • , 4-4 '9' DAC" ''. '''''. -: ''''' '•' ' ' ' ''' ' ' ''`-
~ - -'Caillile.SFVt• 28 i S ' - ' l ' ''''''':. " a Oct.'
i4111111t1)111, S
y u e itithority
mlftf contained in the last iviU and, testament of
Afzeunr+ Biz" dea'4.; I now alert:or sale, the '
Carlisle Irori 1/o" — orlEry
Slimmed, die' Ireiloir Creek, 4
. 4 Whet
cost carliSlC Pa. The estate conbiets ora,rtrat rate
. .
111 1 / 4 b1t024 el;
. .
with ;Ten Thriii.4ancS .AcresOfl4Bdi
w Ayr 11IILl.thtbfourrunorstone,
.linipheil on the pecist opikrovell plan. AboUt 500 acres
of t he land cleared and . higlbly pultilittod;
theretiii erected
7 1- b rce' ;Large Bank •Bartis
and neeessary TEATARTIfiIIUSES, The
works are propelled by the xeitow Alreeettes Creek
and tiM•lluilinir Spring; wltith neither fail herfreexc;
There are upon the prerrdiebill the necessary werk
ineeS houses ' coal hooka; aarpenterand shops.
and,sieblingbuilt of the molt substantial Materials. The ore of the belt quality 4 and inexhaustible, it
within 2 mile!: Of the Furnace. There ib "perhaps
lie iron• Works it, Pennsylvania which positessea so
perior'adientejsetfAtid offeri. greater indhCenteets
the investment of Capital; -The water power. is so
great that it might be extended to tiny other menu- ,
lecturing purpose.. Persona disposed , to purchase
will of course examine the property. The tern:mot:
sale willbe made known . • . .
Executrix of Michael Ege,Aeo'd.
Carlisle, Oct. 19, 1842.. . tl-51
Paltimore Patriot, National Intelligencer,Unitoil
States Gazette, 'publish in tri-weekly
_mtpers, the
amount of $5 and send bills to this olhee. ' •
rOIIE subscriber has just received
ji . splendid assortment of.
Fresh and Cheap. G Voteirieo,
and other articles in his line—anion i i winch a lot o
first quality Fo. I fresh • MACK ERELo
part in half‘nd quartet.
,barrels; a So, excellent
LIP.RitiNG• " .
ew. ()mans -end Porto 'Med- SIVA IV - hest
fimdity. Refined crushed Loaf SU AR; Lump .
alai Loaf SUGAR,. common and superior
q.ualities. .
-.-, --, •
. A new lot of CHEESiIi, fir,si-rate.
An additional supply of Rio and Java cop.:
w inter Sperm and Whale 011,.
. Sperm. mould and thiamin' CANDLES.
best quality'
--Fine-and-Ground Alum -- StiL4% -- by - ttie - bushel
and sack. ,
A supply of fresh SPICES, ground and un
Fitic Almond, Palm, Cardle and other qualities of
SiOAp 2 suitable for shaying; wa liiug, &c.
These with all other articles in jib line,-the sub
scriber is prepared to sell on for moat arenantnodu-;
ting terms, at his Olirstand, in West Main sheet,
'Carlisle, Sept. 28, 1842,
Eyer offered to the .POblie !
for bunting Lard without any preparation, for
-saleby- the subseriber.. The light as equal to the
hen sperm-oil,Ss'entirelY free from smoke or smell;
and costs less than half the price. The apparatus
for heating the lard is neat and simple, does not deli
tract front the appearance, is pot liable to get out or
repair, and may be applied at a , xinall expense to
those kinds now in use. Confilent that this article
'requires only to he knoien to come into general use;
I respectfully invite the public to call and see them
in operation. . S. M. HARRIS.
Carlisle, (Mobil' 19, I 84.2.
t HE subecribor offers for 13111 . 1:, on accommo:
JL dating terms;
iza l aval Lt j aztlp o
_ _
Containing 170 ACRES, more or less—with a
' 11101USEAlc BARN thereon erected.
813 The land is in a good state of cultivation;
14al well watered end tinder good fences.
.111so,";345 Alcres Wood Land.
Roth parcels lying and being in Mifflin township;
Cumberland county, six miles West of Newvillo
and, four North of Newburg.'
Any person wishing to purchase will call and
examine the premises, when the terms will bo
made known.. W. STEVENSON..
' August 10, 1842. 4tmly*-41
macolni zsztulack
"RUST received, a new and large sappy of
BOOTS &. SHOES, to . suit the sea
son. Selling low for Cash.
Caelihle, Sept. 28, 1842
. 210:0Z2,41,4if 2 F i
0114 C. Painter and Glazier,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that
he ham commenced the HOUSE PAINT
all their varloits blanches, and hopes by strict at
tention in litisiness and moderate charges to merit
and receive a share of public patronage. Hlfl
shop is •in,Pitt street, directly in the roar of Ste
melon &pllitilOs Drug store:
Carlisle 'Oct .141 x 842 -
oymPic,iind McElrath.
. ,
I INC in New York City, but mailed to distant
nirscribi.ra no the Thursday preceding, and container
all the News received in New. York up to and in
cluding that morning. It is a Family and' Businesi
Newspaper, printen one very large *beet of good
paper in Quarto form (eight pages per number,) and
embodies a greater amount and variety' of Political
And General Intelligence than ant other, Weekly
;Journal. Among its contents will be fotind—
Consiating Mainly of the best Tales, ,Poems, Nam. ,
tires and Reviews, selected from the currant Anieri
can 'and Foreign Reviews Magazines and New Pub:
lications. Original' .11 rtiores of the same class will
more sparingly begiven, with brief Editorial Notices
of all New Rooks of genera! interes t ,
AI:INTELLIGENCE. Proceedings of
Gttngt•ess, reported daily for the TrihWy oup owt! ,
lteporter, who is attendance elite:ken ,
slon; Doings of the New York suid other State Lek. ,
islatures; Political Movements, Coitensions ;
monstrations;tco , with early and tull'rctueus of all
transpiring Elections throuihoill ihe in this—
deFirlarent, The Tribune tall not be c'xcelled;:-
thueatie: :all raid varied; Al a
NVecklt Reports of the otints,
""- tiettain- ,
eat *lit, •
itme ar-'
1 0e*AT,*
Ctaligror. -
11.04:4. 1 rerti:
tehkt .114*a- ,
164700 qt,,
ilfOr i c4o o
for•Ts Pot
kbOartionfit .