Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 16, 1842, Image 2

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" American Itotes for General
• • 'Cireulttlien,l?
- ``v ;
1102'4 NFAV ;
flew ivorlc,'by CIIARLIt9
tog_ tho result of his obserragßus on "men tend;
Inanners" in the bniteffStatei, was received , by
the Gieat Western steiinier, and has Prodticed • a
graatsonsatiOn in the cities.' it recOives a geed..
ly share of abtise.fruin-: ipnirters, and .inany
00004 ,heoli ,41+41, the audit:it both. altogether
,We s teW'CWANictA, Which will show
the: Otarrictes..,of.the :Iyorlc., The first on the
t-`4lvSiiati;cr r.nerally as it does,
is a weci:not long enough
• in iik'COuntiy to obtain a Itnov. , ledge or the gee
.crel"O'iira', or o c ,i)l F ss; and it. Was nageneroua
in 10'netco write such alilicl upon the whole press,-
solely frein the feeling ithich the.dnneyarices tie
the, New Ifork Herald gave 'hint, 'which. is
knew:xi° hase : ,heen the e:rttsc of his severe Ifni.;
niutlxersion .• •
Amen lhq herd
. of journals wl,ird: ~ a re,
liked in the' Stlites,..thero aril some, the read 4
mod scarcely .be-told, of character and credit.—
'From personal intereourso with 'accomplished
gentlemen' connected iclth 'publication!: of this
cIaSS, I have derii•ed both plea/tura and prOfif; hut
if:o,Ni= of these is few, and of the Othur Legion;
antl'.lho influence of the good I'S, power less, to
counteract the:Moral poison of the bad. Among
the gentry.of America, amongst the arcll, inform.
cd and Moderato,' in the learned . profs: dons, at,
heliaf and' Cn'tho bench, there is, as there can
but.,bno. opinion hi ,reforence to ,the vfmsms .
character °lilies° journals. it is setiie.,,
ti MCA 'contetided, I will not say string cly,, tis
natural to seek excuses for such ; disgrace, that
thc:ir influence is not 6c) a visitor would
must be pardoned for saying there is no war
rant, for this plea, and that every fact and eir
ciunstanco tends directly to the opposite •Cendtb .
sign.,; When any man of tiny grade of desert in
intollect or„ chareeter, can climb to any, public
distinction, nci• matter What, its America, without
firsegrOvolling down upon' the earth;and bending
the knee before this • monster of depravity: when
any, private excellence is stab from its attacks—
when any social' confidence is lett unbroken by
it, or any.tio
,ofsocjal decency and honor is held
in the least regard—when any that free
'country-has freedom of opinion, and presumes to
think for 'himself, without humble reference to a,
censorship which, for its rampant ignorance and
base•dishonosty, he Utterly loathes and despises
"in his heart—when those who most ' acutely feel
its infamy and the reproach it casts upon the na
tied, unaivho moirlietioutiee — itte each other;
dare to set their heels upon iti'llnderush it openly
in the sight of all men, then will I bclieve its in
fluence is lessening, and men ate returning to
their manly amities. But while the press has its
eye iu every house, and . its black hand in
every appointment in the State, front a President
to a postman—while, with ribald slander for its
only stock in trade, it is the standard literature of
an enormous class, Who must find their reading
:in a 'newspaper,;or they will not rend at air; mi"
long Most its odiurh be upon . the country's head,
and so long must the, evil it works be' plainly
Visible• - in -- tho republic.- To'llioe who are nc
eustorricd to the loading English journals, or to
tho respectable journals of the continent of Eu.
rope—to those who are accustomed to any't lung
ilia In print and.'paper, it would be impossible,
without an amount of extract for which I have
neither space nor inclination, to convey an adc.
quote idea of - this frightful engine - in America. _
_ The., following.ineident,._ which is related to
show tho tent:Wean independence of our people,
Isjust such a one as ; English travellers generally
-seize upon to Illustrate • our manners . It will
-strike every one here, that the worthy Ml_ 91 .
Crispin, who feed Probably iced llnmilton, Fidler
and Trollope, was o.dy trying a-bit-of waggery
with BozHthat is, if the -story is true:
The • republican institqlons of America un.
tloirbtedly lend the people to assert their selfre.
speet and their equality; but a traveller is bound
to bear those institutions in his mind, and not
hastily to resent the near approach of a class of
strangers Who, nt home, would keep aloof. 'This
characteristic, when it was tinctured with em
tholtsh pride, and stopped „Dort of no honest ser
vice, never offended me ; and I very seldom, if
ever, experienced its rude or unbecoming display.
Once or twice it , was comically developed, as in
tea following ease; but this was, ad amusing in
cident; and nut the role, or near it.
wanted a pair of boots at a.certain town, for
I had none to travel in, but those With.the teems
orable cork soles, which were moch,too hot, for
the fierydeekdof a steamboat. ' I therefore sent
u message to an artist in bootS, importing, with
my compliments, that I should be happy to see
him, if lie would do me the polite fa ‘or to' call.
lie very politely returned for answer that he would
"look round" at 6 o'clock that
was lying on the sofa, with it book and a
wine glass, ut about that time, when the door
opened, and a gentleman in a stiff cravat, within
h year or two on either side of thirty, entered, in
bin hat• and gloves, walked
,up to the looking
glass, 'arranged 143 hair, took off his , gloves,
slowly produced a mons* from . the uttermost
depths of:his coat-pocket, and requested me, in a
languid 'One, to "unfix" my straps. 'I complied,
but looked with some curiosity at his hat; which
was still upon his bead. I ttnight have been that,
or at might have .beerrthe heat—hut he took it
off, Then, hp sa t himself down on n chair oppo.
site to Mil rested an `nrm oft each knee, and lean
ing-forward very much; took from the ground,
by At great. effoi t, the specimen of metropolitan
workmanship which I had just phlled off—Whjst
ling;plettsarttly;ashe did so.
Ile turned it over and over; surveyed it With 'a
contempt no language can express, and inquired
if I wished hint to fix inc• a boot like that ? I
courteously replied' that ;provided the boots were
large .enough, 17wc uld leave 'the rest to him; that
if convenient and priieticable, I should not object
to their bearing some resemblance to the model
then before him; but that I would be entirely
guided hy b and woUld.beg tole:L;(0'111e whole sub
ject to his.judginetit and discretion. "You an%
partickilcr about this scoop 'Mille heel, I suppose
then?" says her 4Wo don% foller that here." I
. repeated my lest nbsoryaticin. Ile looked at him.
self in the ideas; nwain;4 went closer to it to dash
a grain,or• two of:ll4st out of the corner of hiS
eye, and settled his cravat. All this time my
leg end foot wore in the chair.. "Nearly ready,
sir,",l. iuquired,,,r,Well,, pretty nigh," lie. said;
"keep' steady." I kept as steady as I email], both
in foot:and faCef:and having by this time , got 'the
dust out, aud,round his pencil; case, he , measured
ine and it the necessary notcp4 When he had
finished, he: fell into ilfii i bid attitude; end taking
up 'rho beet again, mused, fur sonic time. pAnd
this,", he, said, at last, '9y an English- boot, ie it?
This lii'it'l London boot,' tit'?" , '"That, sir,"
pliad,•."lia a .Condoh•tioSit:!' '•lte mused .over it a.
gainv,after :the ) rtionper of Hamlet with
altUllt'inidded hia'head; as who would saYb'"l pity
theltiPtitittiOna.thatfied tot th,i.production_of this
-- ., - boetreitie,.pg up.itia pencil; notes and paier-.
. .glartelng:;at hionself iolhe - glasa all tl:titime-'-pet
mu hiii;liitt;'ditink:iiitiltitt gloves .very.sloWly, anti
finally 1,v,,40.4-pcii.,: , When. lie. had gone about a
'minute, the' door 7:applied, and; his hat and' his'
- hataVyo,oliifekized. lib looked'round" flail rtuntib
and lit; litntopit 81;4illifi,1111011 ; WAS Ada lying qlll.llO.
ililfir!•tati.POitli thenghtfuljor a nitonte ,, -artd
thitti'•iii4d,'"Walkiimid'hilorinicin."'' . i 4 ll4tid nife6,:
n*4 l o . d4i ind:diut•WOP ended the interview.
• 444411.k.ii, ltflito.#4,"..NT. Dickens, more, amour re
1010•44FRIar3140.1*Fi,c';chtiPg- "I !V';
. tjniti,pytt:ii,;tilivp,:: „ o tl4.r - rptdont'S House; in
1 'tboi•ltot ' iliii',ln . , privitte'iniiiiiii . ic 10'4e:tint:Unita and`
• .. 4 1-r , oi - I .j ~y '...,,... . , -, ~ -, ' ' •
rtulroarrodrai int:•{Vati . perpottutlryllufkuite'd *itli
. iiotiatijittgiii.47.ltol.ol sit tp.folloifink amusing!
' illolotiCtriattilobo4ti iitt Meta : _ .;;;... : ~.;,: ; •.1,1'.i:-? .
• • . - : • ..,. . . .
.:''',lo949Urßeijk9 ; al . 3siew•Ypilt
ii...ol4ttfriky railroad; Fuidlwoff4riiiis IVO usually
;occupies ' bqWeeti lye diiirO*likiiii: ..11; .wati* - ;
•,.440 - ernitilg, tvhen•WO.wer,o2 the
' ' traitiilifiN*Cabili' "A44irkgl,4l.ifittlerllo'ml,a,
, uipit., l / 2 vmq4 , 0c,p,00: ..,-F4 ol 4S,Ml,licli*O. - sa!i.MY,•
f t
- 'iftivitiOW-Niaa'attrik cos tai IfiVisinorkatila‘ditpdari
., OfitlinlitirrtiVatt4l4s.*bith#o#4ihageritlditico&
11 11 .04.0044 1 ;3 - # 4 09iP a ilvibNit,'; ‘ 1. auppost .1 1.
• ' - Ori••inie tino•rras nceasioadillay,a nitintCr of in.;
•%• - .4stetiititY - 3 1Viciatilitialildp,vflihttit•AtiittlftrittlieV r t
:. ittilarAb4ti 4 ,illgr• tit , ' A 4 4 6 rfiCrftAkil . Wiqd.;:' 44;
''length' it;,ocour,raa. to me .that •th'fy. were only
'••: , :
. u kg l lte. itEiteli":Wa .
illi_le ed , tl ie l ''
er, tli tA
giiKpp:: ;ayWbl'iriAsoangere,Aviiich::it Waspcltildo—
.,. f 6. r th.. e e r l° em .
it sin,co 4, h urt
pltiryfbl and s incessant shower cf.oitimptoration,
I anflitill aijiloss to,:understsmk,notWithstand
ing. thevxpeOnrce itttilrattlingrrY Idniftrinie#
• Wliteli4 aftpepterdtilaCiltlit'edl AP.
00PorttmttY 'se** o.olPOlntpronoyil
'Of 'Which helpeakti:::ioMysr:! , ViitiOthit
baronet.. He, thus speaks of some oeits 'l•7o4ilts
upon the country and people in which, it existriE - ?„.,
"Tllla singular - kind Of - Coaching ternitnates*.
Prederielniburg..whene . e .
,there' is a • railway' to
Richmond., , The
: tract of conetry.throngh,w,hich:
it takerfite 'courier was'orree produCtive; but the
Foil has been exhausted by the - System of employ
ing a great mount of slave labor: in forcing
crops, without strengthening the land, and it is
how a little getter than a sandy desert overgrown
with trees. Dreary and uninteresting as its as,
port I was glad to the heart to find any thing
on which one of .the come of this: horrible In:
stittition'has fhllern• and had groater:pleastre in
contemplating the Withered ground• than the
richest and moat thriving:Cultivation in the same
place could possibly, have afforded mo.
, "In thiii district, as in..alLollwhere shivery
sits brooding. (I have frequently heard this ad
itt ed„even by , those .who are its warmest advti:
cateso thcro is an air o r 1111 . 11 and decay abroad,
which is inseparable from the'system: The barns
and 'out.honses are mouldering away—the sheds
'are patched and half ripogess--thclog, cabins
thoilt in Virginia with external chimneys made
.of clay or Woody ore squLtid in the last degree.
There is no look of decent comfort any where.
Tho miserable stations .by the railway side , ---the
great wild wood-yards, whence the engine is sup.
plied with fuel—the negro children rolling on the
ground before the cabin • doors, with dogs and
pigs—the !lila lielista of burden slinking past— .
gloom and dejection ere upon them all. • •
the' negro car belonging to the train in
whioh:ue journey, were a mother and
/id clrildred :whoThad just been purchased; the
nsband-and,father being, left behind with their
Id owner. The children cried the'Whole way,.
and the mother was misery's picture. The chute
pion of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
who had bought. them, eerie in the, same train;
and, every time we stopped, got down fo - sce that
they were safe. The 'black in Sinbad's Travels
with one . eye in the Middle of hisforchead, which
shone like a burning coal, was natnre'S aristocrat
comparell with this white gentleman." .
O .
ne great blemish in the poPularmind of Ame
rica, and the prolific parent of an innumerable
Mood of evils, is universal distrust. Yet, the
American citizen plumes hiinself Upon this spirit,.
°yeti when he is sufficiently dispassiofate to per.
ceivc the ruin it works, and -will often adduce it,
in 'spite ef his own reason, as an instance of the
great sagacity and acutcncSs of the people, and
their superior shrewdne4 and Independence.
."You - carrso, ' says the stranget,..this jealouSy
and distrust into every transaction of public life.
By repelling worthy men from your legislative
assemblies; it has bred tip a class of candidates
• for the suffrage, who, in
.their Very
.nct, disgrace'
your 'l'lsta - taint's and your nation's.choice. It
has rendered you so fickle. and so given.t.O change,
that your inconstancy has passed into a
ferry. I/ no sooner setup an idol firmly, than you.
are sere to pull it down" and dash it 'into (rag-,
meats; and this,'ltecause..directly if 'you reward
a benefactor,or a publiceervant, you distrust him,
• Ititeams . Clutis rewarded; and iinmediately
apply yourselves to find out, either that you have
been ton bounti fill in your acknowledgMents, or
he remiss in his deserts. Any man who attains
a high place among you, from the President
downwards,..mny Ante his downfall from that Mo
ment; for any printed'lie that any notorious
.lion pens;although it militate directly againskthe
character and conduct of a lilit, appeals; at eine
to sour distrust, and is believed." • •
---Another-prominent-feature is the-love-oDsmare
'dealing, which. gilds over -many swindle and
gross breach of trust, many a defideation, public
and private; enables many a knave to hold up
his head with tha best, who well deserves a hal
ter—though it lids not heels .withdut its
live operation, fur this smartness has done "More
in a few years to impair the public credit, and to
erip* the public sonreeit; than dull honesty,
however rash, could have effected' in a Century.
The merits ()fa broken speculation, or a bank...
rujitcy, or of a successful scoundrel, uro not
gauged by-its•observande of the golden rule, "Do
as you' would be done by," but . arc considered
with reference to their smartness. I recollect, on
both occasions of our passing that ill-fated Cairo
on the Mississippi, remat king on the bad' effects
such gross deceits •must have' when Ibey evplod,
ed, in generating want of cenfidence. abroad,
and discouraging foreign ineetament; brit I was
given to. understand that this was a vel'3 , smart
scheme, by which a deal of money had been
made, and that its smartest feature was, that they
forget .these things abroad in a very short time,
and speculate again as freely as ever. The fol
lowing dialogue I have .held a hundred times.—
l'"Is it not a disgraceful circumstance that such fil
man as So and So qlould he acquiring, a large ,
fortune,hy the most infamous and odious means,
and notwithstanding all the crimes of which he
has been guilty-should be tolerated by your citi
zens? Ile is a:public nuisance, is he not?" "Yes,
sir." . "A convicted liar?" "Yes, sir." "He has•
been kicked, and cuffed, and caned?" "Yes, sir''
"And he is utterly dishonorable, debased and pro
fligate'?"- "Yes, sir.". " lii the name of wonder,
then, what it his no I it?" "Well, sir, he is a smart
man !"
In like manner, all kinds of defipient and
tisages.are referred to the nationalliiveof
trade; though oddly enough it would bra weighty
chine against a foreigner, that he regarded the
Americans as a trading people. The love of trade
is assigned as a reason for that toinlortivss cur
tom, so Vary - prevalent eountry•towns, or mar
ried, persons hotels, having Jio 'fire-side
of their 'and seldom meeting from early,
morning until lute at: night, but' at the hasty pub
lic meals. • • •'
It wanld be well, there can he no doubt, forthe
American people, as a whole, if they loved the
Real Jess; and the Ideal somewhat •more.. It
would lie Woll if there were, greatar encourage
ments. to 'lightness of heart and gaiety, and a
wider. cultivation of what is -biuttful, without
being eminently and directly useful. But here,
I think the general remenitratteei "we are anew
country," - which. is so often, advanced as an ex
cuse fordefeets.Which are quite unjustifiable, as
being, of right; only • the slow growth of an old
one, may:be very reasonahly , urged; rind I'yct
hope to hear of there" being maim other national
amusement in the United States;, besides news
paper. politics. • • •.
,Thc r omlOnly arena akurriorons people, and;
their temperaniefit always-impressed_me halt'
of a dull and gloomy character. In shren , dness.
of remark, and a certain castlron quaintness, the
Yankees, or people of New England, unquestion
ably take the jead; as'they do in many other evi
dences of intelligence. ' But in travelling- about.
out of the large I have remarked in
former parts of these . was quite op
pressed by the,prevailing.sorionsness and melan
choly air of business which
se general. and
unvarying; that at' every ' new town I came
scented. to b meet the very panto .people•whom ; I
left beitiml meat -the' lest. Such defects is are
perceptible in - the national. manners, seem to be
referrablq, in a great degree, to this cause, wkieh .
has generated a sullen persistence in coarse
usagesi'and iejseted time ;greets of life_ as___Mide,
serving of f attention. There is: no doubt that
Washington, who Was plmosl,scrupulous and
nct'on points of eereteenj , ; . poreciinsd'ilie - tendency
towards ;this mistake; ()vett ite:kirtitnevnnd did,
his utmost to correct
1,1 Ili
on the 433 page of iher Pamphlet • !etre mt the
nresion of the teghilittere ofPonineyltraiaiit of 1.,842,
we fled ,the ltnportanil,twetittn, in
the_Aaled for other purioseti,' of one of the acts . . ;
" See: Wirfch'oillni oat entitled' lAn
eel for the regulation , of '.tho 'militia of this. Coin.
inewiyaelth . ;paleint the peeped day one
Jll°llB,ll'l4 might hundred . .hnd tui
Oultet tha• rrillitiap :be trained , on:"
tlisrp l V4eriday, .9flifity eapkye. , ir i ,he and the
eamc lashierttiy, repealed.:
Teer,e iprio humbug, ,atiouf the ivposition
Tariff with. tihieli the aro '.elierged:-LiThe
New 'York lioeiri'Fpeeir-in their Ward.ntaethige
%09}RPP - for tie British Free Trade doe
! . ,t, b i f c o
irloes.'— 1 r
.titel 4th;
RONDIVO4P PIO 4 Y ei, OVI J O•s i r OP r iOtiN4PN ,
Trg t ,sukopot posy. .liumitfone ,as
be'ratdieitint to o'ony.itiottitotts o 'Orah
untnuiCaLVlSiri s nrentillin il:tl;foi.v,:uPPsl4432,
high proisepregriff,,to
,to, the
few: *Well inainifaetutery• . 1 ' .' •
7/Wednesday; Vrovembar A 6;, 'lBl2.
Sullied: to the, decision of a National Convention
1. A sound National C.urrericy, rogulatod by the
will and autliority•oftho Nation. •
3.• An vicquate Revenue; with fair Protection to
American Industry. ' .
8. Juat restrainta on -tlio 'Executive power, cm.
bracing a furtlior rcatriction.on' Um exercise of
• the' . Veto. . • • . . .
4. A faithful administration of the public domain.
• with an equitable distribution of the prOcecds
of soles ofit among all the States. '
5. Au honest and economical administration of
the General Goyernment; !calling public officers.
- perfect treedmit of thought and of the right of
iniffrage; but with suitable restrainta against
improper interference in elections..
6.'An arnendthent to the Constitution,
the incumbent of the Presidential office to a
Tlicse objects attained, I think that, wo should
cel'ac to be afflicted , wiih bad administration of
the Government...—HENßY CLAY. •
V. B PaulEß, Esq. aihiS Real Eitate and
Coal Office, No. '194, South Third Street, Phila.
is authorized to act as Agent, for procuring sub.
scribers and advertisements for the- "Herald and
Expositor." _
• [Kr The Agent of the fornier prolirietnra of this
paper;rUquestsfusio say, that he will he intnwiklur
ing die session of Court, affording a last eh il oppor
tunity to those - who. are yet ii, arrears, to
their dues. lie may he fottiul on enquiry at thiSoliiee.
`Ci Farmers Will find un able article upon the
first' Page, addressed particularly to them 'on
subject of the highest importance. -
ter Of factarticle, and a correct view of the effects.
of the Tariff upon their interests, tho truth of
which will strilte . :theM at Once:- • • -
town is •h enlivened this week by the
presence of a large ntimlier of our country friends,
here in attendanhe nt Cutlet, aud-givinKgreat addi-
Conal bustle to one streets and publk .
CyThe Philadelphia National Forum, the editor
which enough to_ giyo,us art_ex,
change; is u. most excellent Whig penny paper—,
its leading articles are, generally, al& expositions
of Whig doctrines; while inthe'Other character.
isties of penny papers, it is not inferior to any of
its contemporaries. It should lie encouraged by
Court Sessiinis, _
Thli::Noweinber..or . in of tho Court of Quarter
Sessions and Oyer end Terminer for Cumberland
county, commenced . on MOday last—President .
Judge, &mum IIErDUS.N, Esq., andr-Associate
Judges, Jonx . 'STU.triT end THOMAS C. MILLS:RI
EMPirCS, on the bench. . •
The Court 'continues
. two %sleeks, and • has a
largo amount of business to dispose of, which will
probably occupy all of that time.
LITOn Monday last, on motion of J. Er,Lts
Esq. Mr. BERNARD CORNYN, and Mr. C. E.
BADS, wore admitted. to practic,e Law in thu ser
era' Courts of Cumberland county. ,
These 'gentlemen completed their studies iu
the excellent Law Seliool attached to Dickinson
College, under the charge of the Hon. :John
Wed. They intend locating in' the far Weil for
the putsnit of their protbfision, and carry with
them our best wishes for their prosperity, besides
a sky full of Paine.
Srscur.Aa6%N.—The Messcrs. Noble have
left with us for eititinitirition - ati c - ar of Corn,
grown from seed brought from the Rocky Moun.
tains. In addition to Cm usual husk over the
whole ear, each grain has a distinct coating or
husk. The yield of this Corn is said to be large,
and it is also thought to be better than our Corn
for feeding Cattle. It can be seen at our price.
Arrr.E.—A •Tulpehocken pippin Apple,
was'shown 'us ,yesterday, by mine host of the
Railroad Muse, which 'weighed eighteen and a
half ounces: It was . 'beautifully. mellow, and
came from the farm of Rev. James Graham,of Al.
, Congress commences its next session two weeks
from • next Monday:' the term entre present
Congress expires, by 'constitutional limitation, on
the 4th of March next:
Tar AvertivilL. monthly Lady's Book, published
by F:Clna rre,'New York, is art clegarit - pal4xlical.
The. nunfbet for 'November is
.embeilished with,
three elegant colored engravings,- one of' which
is a plats of the Fashions, and a pica) of Musk: .
The reading matter is of the first charade.
It may be had. of Mr. Gray; South' Hanover
Efrect. • ' •
CO-Wc have given a goodly Por Dickens'
Notesiin.anothercoluinh 7r Aore perhaps tha4 will
pass freely, or we receive thanks,cor. : ; •
have .recetscd` (rota . Mcsarei.:_Jobiison do
Smith, 'Typo fottudoM, , of Philadelphia; a book
containing specitimns pf:thelatost stylo of fancy
TypoS'mamicactrjfed by ,thepu• • The varieties are
yeo numosouc both of letters and ,borders, and
most ta'skul aCliCittoluplbeiMtifutin
thee° 'tnitotjirieina'ioittlemen are tiOvi* able '•to,
`a apply every thin in the.. iirinting" ROO 'of the
eery, beet kind, • , , •
Vzrlire are requested to eaj ,
Wu, anneadiVed to "take place'
on the'l9lli init.., will nor. tiiktplice - thia-.!.fa11.-:.
The latariosa of the Beason; and the probable fp*
elerettett4if. !Po meather t aro' theireroona
hy , hfr. tlytar, re!, PP)? IP ; ePPliqin9Elli.
-aThe 4earirhfiEvanavfileOndianac .i9te al,
mclilltl3OrOT:44UoYat,khy t firacoa, the, rqght,ef
Novpiaber .401 A
4tr.' .t' ; ".•• rot
We blii/0 1 04.4 nieliqr*hcikr rtilitor. !Oro Pir; a
vFF'ek. , t l o4:Pur , .:olPikd4Al l 4 4 . l 4 4 t l o44.:h?s, ' 1 ' 0 ;
the' rail road ,117 i; are liappi'tfl know `th f it
I iipiY it will tat iviV,YeitAkita.:
* 4
do" f v. o, o o , e—•to Or-
Fria heiti a • Es,i
• . .
... N c , , I; , ,
PAM; llt1;41:-.-0-Al.„1.:.
FOR :rmuirDErvi
Specimens 'Of Type.
seco p a ~L #O,. 1.4".. , ~ ;
TheseeondjeetureoftheCblAienb , y ,)
elkempstwr'"esspeken'air•, er4,tlat!K
I•*o l *•*sTiaitr. leroO *
ili*l4letilndeO f e ,
qfeekiiktroler w e "lhtelritieiiest
tercet and received the warmestipprobation of the
auilieace. The•sebject was well treated, and the lee !
reittiotiiided• in fine thoughti aud'apprppetatell,-3
liisigatei r ii: '•• .• ' ", ,:. •.. • ". "i• t $ t 4.;,•3!:,1','
•••• UPl:wits wand*, this Lecturer: Wok nocindott*
review. in prettrieyere torms,.the precediklectirre
of the.Miumiej - aStep.ildelt We,..hOpe will !mit 4* a ! ,
doi)tc. 4 l as a,trtecedent
,for" the future. .We Canner
:.$1114!"11.61Vre has beill an ul!IN° sensitrtonel,
reli.lAth regard Co the liclureoif" - Pennsylvaniar'—
tiiiit . leittire".We Mips etAdii'df with approbationliir
the fe'rrid plaitiotisin it evincetf,"hui 'din
same timokw . txtlionglititamithuaten,merd.air-caitle
7 itseateulatipi• of r ,tho resources' of 04g4ata was
eicaggeratediii , the extretne,and those resources were
Summed up` in the account . of wealth without any con.;;
sitieration of the annual consilinptiOn;of the State or
any.estithate : of the effects of; currency: upon'. their
value. But this was an error of judgmettfra tlieught,
which was the offspring of dm, Wisktimt•Yeensylva..
nia sliatild surrepresented. our opinion;
neither dila error, nor the other in Which . he was led
into .by this, Of making unjustrefieetions upOnfone of
the, pepularmovements in , this county, was sufficient
to merit the aeverO.personal . visliation it receiyed,on
such nn 'oticashiti anti in such a place. ;, • -
.BUfalthongli.we•thiinglit must•be
conceded that,the, I..ceturer's e4osititin and %indica- .
tion of 4iiti.Tax doctrines .was tnost lucid, plain and
triumphant, aial,fidiyit:Mleeined tlhere and 'the party
holding ththn from the unjust imputationswhiehliave
been cast op 'lliem- , -tisperiiiiithem as llepudiatOrs;
&cc. . ' • • ' • •
By the way, cannot the young men 'who have the
control of this matter, prevail upoti the kindness ofa
few more. gentlemen, to entertain the public with
weekly instead of semi-monthly lectures ?. A. very.
general, wish has been expressed to this acid, and
'we think there is no doubt it Would *tm amply pat
ronized. lye hope they will endeavor to circa it.
The next Lecture will be delivered on Tuesday
evening next; by Rev. Wttmant T. Scitot.m. The
subjact is not yet announced.
The Money Market.
The last Philadelphia Exchange. and Trade
Rcgister,says, we arc happy. in announcing a much
better feeling in relation to interior • bank. notes,
and less fluctuation in celiac (pence; although the
imprOvement . of rates is-yet trifling and must be
slew. -TheLtlemand for relieflina-been - siif elent.
to lessen the discounts, under the first shock of
the payments . • from the • Treasury, materially.
while the Proptirtions id which they wore paid
out, has changed somewhat, odr-fernier. clasifica:
Lions. - The following w ere the .rates ofyestcrday,
which lfaire maintained something of stability
from day to day. .We give buying and selling
twee. --
Broken Bank Relief, including Eric and Penn
- Township, - 121 al5 '
Banks of Pennsylvania and Low. ' • •
istown, , • 11 a 12i
Sollient, interior banks generAy, ,8 all
Farmers' Bank of Reading and Pats.
Inirg and Lancaster Banks, 6 a 8
The .FarmeOs Bank of Bucks county, relief is-
sues, arc redeemed in specie 'al the counter-and
rate in Thirdstreet, With — New Jersey.anti-Deld
%F.Ore small bills, at 1 - a 2 per. cent. discount--
The relief issues of the Bank of the - Northern
Liberties, Michanics' Bank, Bank of German
town, and Banks of Cheater and Delaware coun
ties aro at par, ondtheseonly:
Counsels to the Young.
We hive copied onilic - firat page of to-day's paper
tin admirable ertiele'With thii title, from the pen of
110aArt tinteuvilltYSible editor of the N. Y. Tri
dme, it is s. pupee,4letrWith sterling suggestions
and one that should receive the attentive perusal mid
serious considerati o rm of young men ; especially of
that clues, who, like the author of this Paper, born
Wit hout.nny of the advantages of wealth; are thrown
upon the world, not merely to acquire animal subsist.
hence, but to fit themseives by self-culture, to become
reputable maul useful Members Of socricty;eir perhaps
to attain the bigheit pops of honor andguide.the des:.
tildes of the nation. The author of these counsels to
the yeuing„affords iu his own ;Jerson one of the finest
exemplifications of what every young man may gain
by persevering self•eulture. Not many years ago
thermic tireely wits but a poor printer's boy, advilt
upon life, with pollen but his own unaided energies
to rely upon. Ile has advanced thrimgli the progres
sive stages of mental and professional improvement,
making himself" wiser and letter as time rolled
way," until he now stands at the head of one of
t ewspapers, and most
,extensive. printiug:es-,
tablishments in the city of New York. Itisceputa
tion is ditimpeaelialdeCs a eitizeir, and his station in
the community is influential. Ilin faMe is wide and
enviable 'Wan Editor, and, be is known as one-of the
most enlightened popular Lecturers of the day. And,
to his credit let it be added, he hai not sought nor
Used his present elevation for. any mere selfish' pim
pese, but with nimble spirit has made it subservient
to its fullest extent in inciting-others to .emulation,
mid by pursuing a similar course to achieve the same
We did not start . ,odt.', however, with the intention
of writing a panegyric on him. Our only .purpose
was to draw the attention of young•men r te an object.
which they toq fregeently neglect, (nt least for im
provement)—gtemselves.. There are thousands of
young men whom the germ of greatness Is bribed
dell, but because without watering, without
lion, it does not shoot forth intoluxuriance, it is suf
fered to remain undeveloped, and useless. In this
they commit a wrong upon themselves and society.'
NVe would invoke them tdthe duty of self-culture.—;
Let them act to the Work-with all energy Mid peigie
verattee—let them not be daunted by, difficulties—let
no embatiessinents repress their ardour—:
, - "In the bright lekicon of room,'
There's no such word 'asfail"-7. • -
and though " hills peep o'er hills; and Alps on,AlPs
arise" in their path, a deletigined spirit will carry
them triumphantly over id!: Fame.may not crtrio
.their' exertions; but liaPpiness wlll shed its ?Sweet ra
diance over their lives, mid Virtue rowers their tf-•
forts with her riehestiuddob. • ' '.• • •
Snoiv StorinS.
Mixed in with the queer hasher all kinds of
weather, during the last week, were two Of three
furious falls of snow. They did not., last ,long,,
but, considered as the avant couriers of others to
.come, many bright eye' ennead With new
&light; wo Ween, and many a bounding heart in
dulged in bright viskinviif sleighing.and'merry.
meetings, robn to bireinjoyed. Col.,Carter seems
tb lIRYt3 A glorious•cdneeption cor l imh,thinga.—,
" 4; 11 . 1 " *11'1419 Colonel in 14 _1 1 tRarr , " t h " e •
ie a Wild eivitement—an n eitatle pleasure—about
a whiele*Orde cannot express. The
moon shining clear, and r bright44he slued
ling With' raiiture-4he ehbw lielgning dna spirit , :
ling in the thoonbeame—and, then, :the merry
jingling of the tind the liditsninthere'd ix
-0004104 of:joy, or your . (air , . whu
silo eltio end cosily byi yei* enveloped' in
nits times•seizing yap ibytliFr a gin,
ful terror, and putting hetr„mylet;,littip t ?ninith
shoes to yen) face,,ll dri t ee,quilxf,so
fait. l *here is 'raison I
A large. Clay oneeti4 held .• the
frAPlrtklg9", of /44•0An0"ii on the 7th iuet '1 q.
i i *A`9 l l l /0 , PfitOP"lf49l l4 Yg n "RP?
ind lagpi State Cosir 'eitijon t
do ih* 22d Fetirattrs wise
the town: 4lfooiiiirtoittatty ;oaiy'4riitgq.Pf4V
11 1 1ity.: , ... (1
, 0
,IlilUlßie t
atifoo i i,. ., 71 i ,::
41 „ patioroo
tr: !itE ~*i. : *WA , ?, l ' 'slt ‘'l:,
lis tv Oilier' o f ' qtj4t , 040shmtnit'to
ctb,Prve Itljfisheiop'f* Clittfi*Otlie feelink
Which exists with'ielia,ifi tOiiiiilininense &Main
knowis . ";ititi l'uldiiX% lOttik - 1 11 .iPOlkii;liP:d°,
i .;1 4 61 i2..40 : 1 , 1 i'.10 .11 #'04/Pi . : l. ;fii ' i'; tAintrilr
tbeYilitt?e' independendn;ana. iiiitif, *nigh te, Ml
'ible,tbiliiiA Uit tiiiii`iiii;lii4•64.4iiiii!if,;iic'
natri'llfrkmukis"'og' , .itenisi , - , thby-areintheclan:.'
gunge' of John Quincy Adams, , ”tlie' deftest in=
leritalice"eitet beiteWed by . ii bountifill - Creatr
, upon, any national anninunity. All the nines of
gold,' silver.end'preeiousetones on the - caw,' oidn ,
tbo bowels of.the glebe; are' in , vilui compared to
them Mit'tho (lust 4of the balance 1.,-- - Ages iiiini -
ape of continual progressive improvement, pity. ;
eical, .roval, ;Political, ;in, the condition,,of. tho
whole people of this Union, aro stored,up in,the
piegiessien and dispesal,of these iandn f" ,;"
' And yet' but for the persevering efforts ofHenry'
clay, these I ands , ;-this bound lees_denial n-would
have been pawned by MartinYair Buren to a few.
Western States, for the ineignificant,..pnny, con-,
sideretion of electing hinryresident of the United
States it Second term ! And now, just , when the,
Whigs by their accession to Pewer,, had as they'.
thought Bp*" secured thii 'rich 'inheritance to
ho people, an Accidental President, turning tut
.tor to the party and Firiapiplec
gave him
poWer, js again endeavoring to,
.Test from. the,
people this:groat means of relief,--trOineirhauati
blasource, from vhich, it the Teeple but i rill
the means may be derived, for liquidating Akeir
State tlehts; and . ccimplt3tely relieving
,theM .frorp
eppreisiie State Taxation, Will they 'do it?' Will .
they awake to thei vast importanO of this enbjeet,
and in their majesty demand of Congress and the
Accidental President, their just proportion Qt the
benefits of . tills great domain?' Or , are they will.
ing it Obeli go_ into the coffers_. el the National
Government,to be lavished upon political favorites,
nod become the fruitful source of waste, prolligaty
and corruption ? •
With those few preliminary riamarka aro would
invite the attention of on readers to the-follow
ing proposition, having in view a plan for the re:.
lief of the States through the instrumeiitaSty of
the Public Linde. if ever a proposition deseeved
- grave and earnest consideration of the'publie,
it.is_this_one. We fear if Homo, moasure_of_this
kind is not resorted 'to, the time -is not• far distant
when it may belmpossible to avert the Mirse.of
kepgdialion. If this proposition slimild be up.'
.proved or, the 'pepPle ought to demand the im
mediate eetion'of Cungresif upon it.' -
.The Hon. Wes. COST Jon Newt, of Md. during'
the last'aesSion or Congress introduci.d.a series of
resolutions, which had for their object the relie•
eif.the indebted StztesUpon the basis . of• the Pub-
lic Land fund. It received very_littlo encourage.
mont at the time by the members; but public at—
tention hos been dtawn in some quarters toward
the matter, since the adjournment, and the prin.
cipla appears to be favorably regarded. We think'
(soya the Adams Sentinel) that during the coming
session a proposition will 'probably be brought to.
the consideration. of Congress, in regard to the
policy.-` Mr. Johnson's.views,as embodied Milk
resolutions, were, that the National Government
shonld issue '2OO 'millions of stock, to be divided
among all the States in Proportion to their - repre.
scntation in Congress, and that the proceeds of
the sales of the Public Lands should gointo the
Notional Treasury until ilia redeMption of the
Stock bythe Government. •
Mr. Johnson haslctely addressed a letter to his
constituents upon the subject, in which he ably
argues the prop.riety.,of the policy. We, incline
to the opinion, that some measure of this nature
will cro long find favor with the peoplo,nnd through
their influence some legislative action ho induced.
..I.lllr.•Johnson; in the course of his letter, says—
"When the Government, the Statue, and the
!People are„all involved in one common distress, I'
believe that no remedy wilt he availing that is not
I co-extensive. With the distress; and that the credit
and prosperity of the nation can never bo restored
without.thc restoration ofthe credit and prosperity
of the States: The einbarraildments of the States
act as a mortgage Upon the property of the Peo
ple, and direct taxation in perpetuity will paralyze
the enterprise and prosperitY of--the People, as an
incubus would enervate their physical energies;
and so interwoven is the genius of our complex
forms of Governnient, and so blended is the bu 1-
nese and portraits of the peOple of our State with
those of another ; that pressures upon, 'the people
of one State act injuriously upon the energies of
another—that to restore prosperity to one,'rellef
must be extended to all. Look, for example, at
Connecticut, in the heart of the tariff interest,and
Georgia, at. the extreme of the anthtatilf interest
--both 'free from debt: Yet business has languish.
ed as much ih Connecticut as in Penhsj7liania,'
which has u debt of forty ratilitotie ; add the prices
of labor and preduction.are as much depressed in
Georgia as in the neighboring. State of Alabama ;
which hav a large public. debt."
Inreference to the claim of the States 'onlhe
. .
Public Lerida as a special property hold in trust
for their benefit, Mr. Jonssox sTkaks with ninon
force: But even if that - claim "did notexist, hil
holds that the policy of a National • guarantee of
the State debts would still be good—and'in this
we agree-with him fully. ,
The follow ink would be the ratio of diArllinti°"
of the $200,000,000,0f National Siclekto be , is. ,
sued.according to Mr.-.lottivsou's proposgh •-. '
Dist. of Coln $700,000,1 Maryland 96,600,000
Florida, ..,, 700.0001 Virginie,' ' 14,600,000
Wisconsin, -- .700,0001 N. Wolin°, 0,000,000
lowa, 700,000 S. Carolina, 7,400,000
Michigan, . 2,600,000 , Georgia,. ' " 7,400;000
Arkansas, 2,600,0001 Kentucky; . 9;800,000
'Maine, ,6,000,000 Tennessee, , 0,800,000
N. ampshi 5,000,000 OhiO, ' '13,000,000
Vermont,,., 5,000,000,
_Louisiana, 3,000,000
Mussaeh'ta; 9,000,000. Alubam, . . 5,000,000
Rhode lehinif,3,2oo,ooo Indiana, 6,200,000
__- . .....
Conneetioft 5,600,000
New York; 26,000,000
NeW jersey, 5,600,000
Pennaylv'a, 18,800,000
Illinois; '— 3;600,000
Mississippi,, • 3,200 4 000
MiAsoitri i ' '5;200,090
'annoy:_ _ ,
Delaware,. 2 , 606,030
It is proprisedihat the Stock ahould bear an in.,,
threat of four per cent. The indebted Btptel could
exchange their'shaie of - this . for their own bonds'
now held by foreign creditors; the no'n.indebtd
States . could UtictAbeir portion in establishing
schools for fredadnention,or in extending , inter hat
improvements, us thitir interests • might requO.
Some of the many advanteges „that would result,
, . ,
from this great measure are thus specifie d:
- It would revive eonfidence,and enable the banks
tit resume specie paytimets, and to pay bat efiait
quantities orgold and, silver in their vanits,whicli
.they could substitute, by. Mitt stocit,wiiieb could ,
be replaced by specie' upon OnYneeessiii.
would 'add to•the mieuletion , of•the nation; and a
scarcity of vapitaland) nevi , A,natienal )
' Would al:thence the Value, or steaks
of .ever 9 depreciatedoint- especiallit
those, hypothecated, by, the .Stales ankimprove.,
wont' coninanies. It would prevent unpleasant
negotiations between this nation end 'the fitititatii ,
of tirepe,,yrbieb.will asminadVcornmenen when
iditudiation, real or virtual, shall once obtain.'
would servitts a itafity"ralviCtliat'inelld receive
the excess of scronnee which Woicil4ttroA 2 lol,ol9'
accumulate ,from excess of importation and large
saletintilhe publielands that Might toecasionally
occur, anti thus kepi britint cifthe inaChinery of GOve'nitnent. It would'
indueeetainornY ir,expeadllurns in lite 'adtilluisc:
tratioll,or 5M0,1414.'
iZtefiutii‘ the Value of
'eitatti andirelitwitigit =oParatiiiiilof
upon allltixpble ‘ propOitir. ,would Uniefit . toe:
doily ltibotitir,r-by errnebit&brittaFrilivard'rei
, 81 0, 11 104 d 1 i_ I !4' 3 , I II.4 4 ;ViiPerPIPIA4
increlti,* caPitm. 4t would . be sertnott,lohn
nliintilbehird; jiletariftilitte
benefit. the taint, by, .snaking•thatrnilfp Urge
nkteiititite, tiitalmteavatc,urebettalttatria
front ; unst bfloorivi,etilbiutrindagabitioiv
- ,„
h t r • Pim PUritttits
.eta_ bat* •
* 3 r litgrtiii.
W N . _ IO 4;AP*O h P S; -. O ! , 4ll4ftfi "Ak'f4•
loWing SOnsiblo - adviee to the
Wictga, every Word'
of which We fully enderse: The,whele Admititi:„
AratiOrFor the' Governnient — ,7the - WerentifeOnd
Legislative functions, are now all in the hodi Of
'tlor:Lbiofocas; ',aid •• With' 'llititi - thenatbrOlitionlit•
and. must remain the whole responsibility, 4t ,
has been , a fine plea for them . within the lest two
et three year's, and they have mode the moat of it,
to make the ±loations Senate" bear all the roapon.
.sibility;., of, the: mat.admeni etre lion or jiiiblka:ef.,
f . airs.;--'Now, the Senate-is. Locefeco' too; and can::
not of iniursOPreVent; Jaimearitmatton of. any
schemes the y ; may project.. The Whigs in . each
brapakelinutk. - moke,4 point ; to . Interpose no
obitaeles in the way of Legislation—let the Locos
carry deeigna, without triterruption T -if
,measures tend •
.to the public, bene fi t they
•I• • •
will have the,credit.end if , they, but serve to in :
ereese'State and public ditfovalticsiuut embarrass.,
merit, let them answer fer it to the People--let ,
them bear the Sold resPimeibilitY. •
• Now they are going-to work again this winter
with the Banks, and 'as they .say; mean also to
repeat the Reliefßill, and. draw its notes out• of
circulation.. If they can eta legally, 'they. will :
deserie the public' applause ! But what is !i . eeek,
aary to be done, we believe wilt : not...even bo at
tempted. There will be no attempi-ot Retiench.•
merit of public expenditures--there will be no at:
tempi pt a. sale of the pqblic works, and conic.'
quently no relief frommxcessive taxation But',
in w,hatever is done we trust the Wtrige will stand '
aloof 'The following noble_ artielefmm the #e- •
perter; the icasoning • of which we fully agree-
• We have a wisid , for the Whig in the Legisl a
Lure of this State, which will be as welloaid now,
akat atiy other time. It is, this, that they . stand
Perfectly aloof and give' full awatto the destrAc.
tive propensities of tha Lecofocos. It has hew
the practice of the Whig's haretofore,.'especiall
in the Senate,in which 'We have had a majorit
until nor, , hi bold in check the mad-cap, leveltin
politicians of the Locoroco party. At •almost,
every .aession,'some .ruidoiis measure or other,
which they would succeed in porsuading.thi3 pea;
ple to be the most-salutary, has been originated
in the 'House; pushed through that body; arid sent
to the Senate lobe strangled to deatht.Whercupon
the charges would tio rung upon it froiii •oacred
of the State to the other, that-the Whigs' arrested
such and such . measures of public :utility, which,
but for them, would have .scattered bro4d cast,
"blessings and`benefits." •
All . the odiurmof the iniquitotitidegislation :of
the last five.or six years, lias„:been cast upon the
Whigs. It is but due to our friends to say, that
in their course they had the good of the. State'
steadily in' view; they interposed to preyent im
minent danger to the public eredit'and pros**.
But thtiir motives were always misconceived, or
misinterpreted. They seldom got any credit for
their; enlarged patriotic views of Slate policy, or
their ceaseless resistance to the r. lilighting and
deadly schemotrof - thc - corruPt and depraved, fm
!ideal gamblers who sought to sacrifice the Com-
Col. Carter, of the Lyeorning Gazette, iclike our
self, n' bachelor, and takes frequent '.oceasion to feli- -
eitnte himself of his good fortune-Anil to expatiate.
I - glowingly-on the lumpy freedom - of single blessed.;
ness. But as we learn from his last paper, WI
denteccurred with him lust week, which has wrought
"a change in the spirit of his dream," if we' do not
mistake; The Cohniel. although a bachelor,,recrii- -
eil a 'curtain lecture - lately, .filled
. with litrong re.
monstrance and:bitter reproaches,
.wl?jcii t iteeripyt
have made a - deep impression on him . . • .
In a recital of the renian*ic incident, which ticeu
pies two columns of his paper, aller.a bold and (laths
ing exordium on the pleasures of a bachelor's life;
the Colonel says he :retired to s rest on 'filesday
ning last, and after "-laying down in the matt digni
fied manner, in one of the most luxurious rooms of
. .
the 1..7 S Hotel, he complacent) , • surveyed tie room
with its various articles of trumpery and value of
which he wait the monarch, and as lie_ tucked in the
counterpane he could not help, exulting in the ithavol
his single. blessedness." And as sleep gradually
weighed down his eye-lidS,he cottld,not in that half
dre:iming slate, forbear murmuring—" Here lies a
haeltelOr, aged tWenty.three, an hone : * man, a per.
feet gimtlemaiv, an honor to the editorial corps and
human nature, aid to the Governor, and friefidlfr td
John Tyler."
These words.had scarcely been spoken, he says,
before the door was.openeil in the most unt,ervino
nious manner, and in walked a figure robed in white,
'wllol7l he thus describes:
Our evening — iislter Was 'e'ritlently a young lady of
great personal charms, and in the spring-time of life.
We had never seen her before to the best of our rec.
ollectinn. Her dress was a lain; figured w bite mus.
lin, lan loiS in the neck; and she wore neither. gloves,
cape; collar, sash nor belt ; and shit* to say she
was barefooted, Her halt' was parted an front, with
out the nssisiance of eithee combs M. piiis;and fell be
hind in lukuiisint natural tresses. jlel• sweet blue
eres;Avell cut nose,finely Chiseled mouth, and a dim
jilein her chiM gWve her the look store of an ancs•l
than a mortal. She took seat on it trunk; dear the
head oldie bed, and as we firmly believe, looked ale.
illteratelylitaLluniudently_. in. 011 - NM. Not a word
isaasaid for at least two minutes. , ,
The tileiiCe wilt at length brokeniand a short col
loquy ensued, in *ltich_ahe_ informed the Colonel she
was a good Spirit, and then proceeded to talk to hint
over his past and present errors in the Idllowing sol
emn itiaiiner I
" KnOW then, rash end ignorant mortal, I am a
ware of. the nature- of your meditations, betero I en
tered this room, and to dispel your ignorance is the
cause of my visit. You were created torn tar more
noble tome usefid purpose, than to vrander , through
life selfish, solitary and alone, plucking sifeets from
eaCh flower.that blooms by the road side ; and at Ihst
cut off, a dried tip, withered, rootless, branchless
thing, unwept; itillionored and 'meting..' Your enjoy
ments arc, but few,; and at best of a Trivolous and.uns •
Substintial before. POsitive comforts you have none
—snng•and cosy as Foci lay.. Look' at the state tifYour
wardrobe. Your shirts are. satily.torn ' notion of on
in' great need' Of buttoni. Your handkerchiefs are not
hemmed ; and your stockings not darned." . •
" Darn the stockings." ,
• "De +dol.: - There' is ant in 'article of dressolang.:
ling attliefoet of your bed, but stands hi neettof re,
parrs. These are only a few of die evils of single.
5 'esiedadas. There is no one titiat feels Interest in
your welfare and lumpiness, such as woman Only can
feel—there is no one to rejoice with you wliesi you
are glad—to weep With you when you are' sad."
" fhat'it a rhyme."
• "'Hush! You want a proper incentive to hfribition;
and even supposing yuu to . .havu arrived:at the MM.
mit Of yodeearthly liopei and wishes, you have none..
to. share your gain* and glory with. ,And when you •
6'll, wrapt et the mantle of selfisitness,your greatness
dies; with you:,;Not its bud or bldssont, branch or root,'
to apeak ,of d i eparteti pride an 4 Pdwer 7!', ;.
Dveadm thought!" "
at the Married', man • • flotilla late and' ar.;
ly sure, and,eats the bread of carefulness f ‘ and
feels ill the reaponsibility . ittbached to ti .huSband and
father.. ..But yikoomo ß tip Joys and'eautforti fir pd.
weigh, all his responsibilities, Cares Oind anxieties—.
When he intere rtes he is welcomed fiLifie;
smiles and embraem,of a devoted, Wife, and, his littlp
erielgather Actin him nin tom! delight . ' if he is in
tcouble,zhe retillowkintel and sympathy t , if
perotts what dear . partakers of the mum catt.boast
4eidisli.:-Whit ministering • imgeli • sirround
couch of suffering ! is snore than inonarohi for .
he is surrouded by loyal and loving subjects;
,and op.'
like 'the rbaelielori nokiiowni unthought, of tindreigo
teti•,.lf h e should wake at nightand sneeze, there, is
'always SoMetaitoltity . 4 "noithlOiiirYdri.”"Taike the'.
adviPe ftghpat, amok yam
./dttSuler PPlk"Vii Sot%
believe me a bachebieti 'Pleasure's are not what
tire'eratited up ao bp. ' t
bad practice,you, bori.ol *jog your; eitodto Ouron
So'diyinit, 'she walked composedlytrihearth,
snuffed Om:candle, out with , liertdellealelingelii and,
,F_K*taimeoliespi)e_ared uptke, t
nek ItiziliaWa it' die' 'Oat` OA::
man- shld the ,, Nl tee a Nitigiiti,'"llo.,:k
‘l94:tirtiliklic.C.4l4lAt.l99r 4 ooo. 6 g we/
t e ,':?tr e llMA o ? o )!ltai'93 4 PY r "irtl!!,i'l.. l 9l%!•* o .
shOuld ~ o nset , it eubduld even the Witty, haughty.
910 il&0010 st!ed ed n !tor of the
Litooptitg.l64ol4‘44*tidthikt , fietiellkerelont en.
.001 0 0 v, send./te. 1470 !tpqpi l i',loll.„foi Tow
but r s t
• .sprlfolg, a a • lc l t virr . erierelf ( ?r ,
fogs) ball` otitt" Benedict, (lie's ai' ed itstiit!'+.Y`
e 200,000,000
quire a Uoinaace.
`.' 4 17 - irocO 'Election!
" , •...;: . .. ,, f3.;:1 -: „ ,
At 1 111 .0 111 4'0!0,..." *en .Election ~ held in New
Ifuttl,ait 'wCifli . o:,
... ' ;.cmti papers , are making ea
,Igreal*piee.:ehOiit* twe don't • ace • much con. •
forl;i r ,. , 1 ., , lipapore. Indeed 'if there wag
' - titik - Wi '''' ' •
an-Election herd, we do not hear of the' Whip
takiOtrotich part in it! •
7Nelearriihit - tho - iticjoritiliir Baiter, LoCo
ro,e9. candidate for Governor ,- iv 20,000. The
Lugiakciunnetandery Fr''.'-e';','"'''',,,,,,,,fr7:m-1,..47-a,
4 .113 e pate; ' ' Ogee,
Aire:;`" • 10' ' as.
, 22 ,•02
Lino majoriipioh jointl;attot 10
-- -, ..At;iittif : 4l,ettriviire Right
Litt!P.o ll 4*- 14 0140.4 little 11 14t:t;;,' 0 #04 11 11
her r
*qv and, timilii4iriag..
After a very closely
have eleatedtheit M e mbers :cif:doititesit,ituilairer
both lirtineliati dui Legielattire:
States have a great 4160 the laiiiiit:eoat t , l • • '
Mazza , for Florida I
The I?Viijie ba!ie tiitinaphentfrearrie4 the Lek..
iehitOrerof Florida, in the , knointinir recently held.
Who carom, fOr Now York rum -
CarDile ilarracks.
In. noticing the unfounded rumor whicfi
how or,other , haw got Widelk circulated; limit -the
Government had atnindoned the illilitaiy,Statien
here, the • )lairiebuyi Reporter._ take. tweesion'to
speed! of our good borough in thli fallowing
tonne. • -.
e ,•, . •
CA RUILX :13ATtnAcice.—Tho report has been eir
culated far and wide, that the reittlety station at
Carlisle..watto be liinkeilup.:llrfa „are( happy to
learn t• iethis notthe'inureand...iitir*thbons
of this ,bitintital4own, ,
m i tory,. teraryl' and hoSpi attiapliOns, for
whi cli they are so famed::: • • .
COnrention, jibe men..
here of which are to appear in full uniform; as.
senibles' in Washington' city, on the second Min.,
da*nf December.
n"•• All the Rail:re:A • Bank,:and• Canal Stock.
belonging Aci •the State of Pennsylvania. will be
BM at the - Merchant's Exchanie; id Philadelihia,
on the 21.1 inst. 1 - - •
Tnr. TAFATY between ihe-U; Statue land "Great
Iristiin is officially published in'tho'Wachington
'papers of••Friday„' signed by -91 e proper officers
Of both: G ovcinmehts. • ' •
Rotation iniSliiiptoellsbutg,.
We learh that Mr. Johathan Peal, who.wai a.
limit two months since removed front': the Pitmt
office at Shippenstire.,.to..give place tel Mr. P. gA
Arlie, was re.instated laafWbeic; fitoeeedind
forme the very beet staluiardhy which to int aline
the`iiiiiiitY of 'John Tyler.
"Ilie t • Ger Assembly ofliftmle, IStand have
pad st;bi appointingthasclaY; Die 24th.inst.,
to*obectited -ail a day of ; ihariitsgiving through,
put.that plate. The GOvereoroficew York lies
aiipeinta . Thursday; the Et th of December, for II o
tame _purpose; • The Governor of Marylandlcas
not yet fixed
Why cannot we hail's a Thanksgiving in Penn.
43ihrimia ?. Wliat a heathenish prictiee this is of
erijoyini the Creiter;7lv-itli*nt,tito
slightest tritiiiie Of.thanks. •
.g - j-The • Packet..T r ines en - tho •Peortsylvanin
Quint stop running after the 15th hist,.
I afilimore and Ohio Hail Road.
important, road, was last week
completed to Cumberland—foiming an unbroken
line of one hundred and seventy.eightmilee;
moans of Which, , Cumberland is brought within
ten hoarse and Wheeling within abont 'thirty
hours of the eity of lialtimere.
t-:- / A deetzuctivei Ffil;••Th4timore
on Satnrday•morning last, whielventire4 , consum
ed the Baltimore. Prin•ing and Bleaching . Worko ,
owned by . Wm: •McClellan. Loss estimated at
11:* - It is said Judge Parsons,Sccretary of Com
tnonwealth,i;s to take Judge Barton's place on the
bench of the Criminal Court inThiladelphia, ,
ErThe frienda of Col. Johnson have called a
mass meeting to ho held In liarrisburg,on the Bth
of January next...7' - . , •
Counterfeit Detector.
The ."Reeliangeand Trade Regi ter," and the .
'Counterfeit. Deteitar," published , by Storm and
Morgan; No. 51 South Third Street Philadelphia,
former weekly. at (kti per annum, and the lat
ter semi-monthly, at $1 4 50, or monthly, at 10 . 1 per
annum,•are.most falnable publications, and ought
to be in the hands of every mcrchant ; •Meehanic
and businenss min In the community.'
Li Persons Wishing either or both of theio pa:
pen, will be supplied on lsavirig their . names it
this office..
Our Defeat to Ohio.
The Cincinatti Tintea, a neutral Oipor t Pub:.
lishcs a statement which praise that what, Shane'
uonis vote is about the'samo 'as 'in 1840, Carvvitt's .
vote is 19,174 loss than it.wait - that tlintti' 'No
wonder that the Whigs were defeated, when so
large at number abacnted.• themselves , from, i tim
polls. The Times says the result watt brought a
bout not by , a. change of apirtion on national ,
tics, for the Loco vote is not increased over 184 a
Deducting namilton county, whore; aver one'
thousand foreigners were'nateralized a fen , days
before _the election, nearly 'ill of which ars said
to have voted; for Sliannon; and it will be ; found,
that he runs behind"hti Vote of tlmt yodir,`
the sevon'edunties of
Oeernscy, Lake,
; ;Summit;, and
-Oorwin's vote year.falle exitet!i. 3,08 short ,
of his vote cif ; 1840, while, in the nathe counties,
Shannon's veto only \ varies 53 from ihaiet 1 040.
If the whole Abolition veto be added teCorwin's,
the two united ' m ill7 still kall'o'vCr 13,003...5hert of%
the Whig vote of 1840.
.TliCieTaits show cos.
.clusivoly that the laietriuroph of. the Leeofeces.
in Ohio is a temporar y one,.and.that by a united
rally of the Whigs they-een carry the State ,by
Hie overwhelming majFily,w l oo.crowx l o their:
!4, 111 4,, cO A
tbey, will reklisetheAMperterion'ef Uniting Visit'.
energios,and makieginelinosally is 41344;.-ws,'
have not. a'doidit.' • •
113130ve!al bintarkhwo ; 00111?,
initted is tiorristhetrzr:Chirged with numerous,
00PAnothailliter40-raW O 4.4 ,IOI) O I *WAION.
Ogton County Battlfvlit Md., on;
Wednesday last.
1“ .
• Nmorl4Amrs unic..3llo Uotf:'loiii;'o.,'Atlieri: ,
biletvelecte&ll vehi;e!atts,
Y!ift N°` 4 'cork N dis a YIP 31. 1 41,0 04,
t4 ,, ,4 l + 4 4 n t‘ih e . ih,d ?P.l n #C o q.P r :41 ! k a *"`
I W s urcs 1 );Tv nitnndi Won ,alipp4o;prig#,49,7
tn plating , 01, stop, icj9l.l insisiun,,thpatnne4
l'iiebolOcin,4andati , itlAnennonn" 411 4' Mann
4 °Oniinit in OW 1.1 " 411 " C M fic i ti i ol 4l ll uni%
nniX4korihninAtOlito'4ll6,l4WAniiiiAintei Au*
• •••341 0 0 . iitthielett affifirlividr kd '
• , .. 411 eft'