(Aft', fir r, U BMW NOTEILIST mut. eatthirvicitzle,torti?vk „leira, ''. titoomortimiumwm:-.0 , Bat*, fifi'N'tittlt A Meriolt e or (..,,,t,,i: :'.: 4 -• : ,3par:.,; , • s's; s iiiiilfoia4flielfif,triltOtirdf4ol4*dlitbersi. tY, vgildineiVkiii'ninnielottilli,,Sto.:;',oa.delidatid , in i'On•oioi.r 1.141)0d041184tit firerBtllllllt6lbZ4o3. vs liodlto*li..tfolite6wOillsoolo•o, vol,ilikigittit-t vra ai iiiicsirOidiatad itailikohrtigutlith of i B's and . of alli44,tlipteifyllicuAti,floltnnereut.alttlng.an. ea a le•bcfor . le ,-;,and 'atiii:atn'the back gi.outid. • 23'i liCilf.','. .i ~. kr&OZE8t8111VP , 01 0 0 111 110,* 13 : lictilli4O t:11;/1..firiC•24:41817,pay'lf:Cliesney. B. at"nke ,AS.t.t iV & -A W ist t i a s4 tli n il itrt4 fie lin' lleri. hflie iena s-v ,i-1 l' t ' ! b ' a P i a l t t • . I o 'l 4 ili -Oilni:3lo.Bs'l:Pli..):.Tartor;•sigl.n . •••n .' 10%; r lett. W l 1 i . 0Y4; • 1 838; ply X' Sta i r; printing inkindo..ntitllelloo.4l,;- , • '': - ' t o* soi eit o l l J:6lo i Bll'iaY f 3eks. 1;n s Batik At( ,Pettnql yania....: '.:,. , • ~ .7 6:B' 5'5,1ettp,•.,64...8.;,Apri12, 1636: 'pity G W.,Warder; a plaia.Q*,;oirt,4.avbaad:llte, 5 'at ' tap;tiot fa genuine; Lett. C; ,April 7.;1829,im1 1:. EIVA.118:, ; • Pl 3 ieIt..P.I;,W O V. q, 838 -1 - .Piiy, PL IMen—coitra4. ItYri; ritiarinitefilling ; itorth6 tin'. President coal sid o r a hly4agektlian the,otho letters. '' , 10's,lett. 1 1 1Seitt.13;fit35;'inii...1. Hicks, signed Tl. G. Lowle,:erol: no, 'stick °W 18311; eer:, A i og. 6, pay S . llrtiy;,.A./Tfl 4 1829; taty G. Siky ; motto on Pa. Coit4ifarms .roughly idoaccOthers, Sept. 10, 1837; pt p..- clay: .-. •,,, ~ • . - • . Iwo, tam Clind Ef 011110, 1833; tiny.ll. Clay. .. 10's, 1e1f.':11(:Apri1,..,1823, and' July in, 1 8 3:7• ; • en ttY' graretostrin 5i,D0 . ..0r Co:: • ott's, , 1838 , 4L'Oteyly: lE:' f Chiunite;y h ; :i Cash.",. ug instead of 50's, lett B; Jan. t-,•1 St i'.. '' , • 50's, leltv'e; • March 22,1821; pay J.-Bootie. ' . '• ,- • Baralt-ifif . -PeAWTOiviiiihip, . -, -'--- par:- • to's. Wis/tiagtini. on the Lt instead of ttiont end. 20's,ilid.ltitin aii,ies; well thine, except the Franklin on right tdargin, mdlich is coarse. so , a, attored'from .s'si -Vignette of 30 , 5, commerce aittlna , on a Gale of goods; right-end piece, Frank lin. left Penn. . ..- -...--- . ,-5. Battle of t e United States, . ''.sB a 60 \ .1.0...t5. 10'S ana o'll, le Atti. Alt %heath and each end Coarse. 50's, len, D; -1.11 .2, 1836; end pieces coarse. -50's and 100's, let A n and G ; Oct. 1, 1838; pay Jan.'Someryille,C sly, at. 10 days; paper thin unil . reddish.' 100 N, lett. H; Sept: 1, 1833 ; pay' J : Ross nt 10 days. 1000;s, Ultered , from 100's ; Oc , 11, .1838: pay to and gpilorsed' hy . R. Buchanan, t S months. Commoreial Bank of Pennsylvania, par. S's lett. D; March '4; 1819 1 pay T.../Vstley. • • s's, alter from the Cminnet.cial Dank of Millington, broken, by subs' itin , og Nona). tynn n-for4ii II i ng ton,. which observe ; vignette of gen& tie .s's, Penn's Timmy with - the lndiatis. ~ • --..•-- - - ” Prs;spiii•ioits., %%netts of genuine, IVaellington and Eranklin, ... , - . 16'si.lett.-A, goy. 17; 1630, pay R. R. Lee: March and June 2,18'28, , 2,9 and pay Geo. W. Ash; , Sept. 15,.1830, pay S. Girard. - 10%1408. Arti - Niiir.:l77lB‘4. - parD:hymntiidstot• • 13,162 J; pa s y , Af. Carey; letter C,pay 11. Clay. ... ,• sigoucli3en). I'. Sott latml Before he was Cashier. • : - • • • 100's, altered Commerc ial Bank of Millington • Mal ••Itiiiroad ears on one end f denotnination of note cm the other. Entirely different from genuind 500's, 50'a, 00's and 10's, altered from s's, which only has Penn's treaty with the Intliails for vig - tiette.r r,4- Oettnine 500's are s prinied in: ICED * Wk. . _ T'anner's ontl - Meehani - es ITaiik, rar ‘2,'5% - alt.irol - from -Farmer's and eltaide's Bank of Wisconsin; vignette of ss, fe- Fnal6' holding a cop in right hand, lilt strut 'resting onan'eaglm of a female • reaper; Of 20's, a feMileXpiitaillg. None genhine engravedky Bur . ton & Gurley. .10's, letterE; Feb: 5,1825; pay P. Saley; letter C; Feb. 5, and 10, 1820,'25; pay A. Moses, C. Dull,• J. 1101 m; letter G, hp il 0,1.823; pay H. Clay. 20's, well done; paper redder and signature lighter thatrgehuinei sums letter A, Nov. 20,1804, pay Gm Hurl. . 20'9,1etter E; Nnv. 29, 1831; engraving.very bad. BOlL,Oetter''.;; Dee. 25, 1819;_pny G. Hirst. .Girard Bank, • -• • 40. a 45 • 10's, qu's and 50's, altered froms's, wlinse vi g nette is thr - Philiitlelphis Exeltange. Hold toifght. Ifenington Hank, - . - par. Manuf. 4r, Mech. Bank, - 8 a 10 10'a, altered from s's; vignette of genuine 10, a fn. .truile and srtsrimowußtL, which last is not on . the altered notes. 50's, altered from s's; the Word FIFTY is Crooked, and inserted, Nlechanies' Bank, Vs, old emission;' long sineO•withdrawn. " • 20's. altered from counterfeits on Mechanics's Ilank, New Haven ; miniature of Washington on the right, and Clay on the left. 50's',, altered, fivn s's, April 1, 1838;"Firm is . placed too close to Hom.ans; small lettering of SINES around the edg.z rubbed clear. Moyamensing Bank, 8 a 10 Philadelphia. Bank, par. fifinid plate, withdrawn. The plate in use has for vignette'' female; and end pieces, Washington on the right, and Robthi Morris on the left. 10's, left. 1,1819; Sept. 7.1819; Die. 8, 1820. 10's; letter 11,1-'o'. and Mny. 8;1832; pay .1 . Kam and D. Evans. ; Vignette, three female figures with a ship in the dishmee, and a view of the banking house on the left,'very. imperfect. Franklin. on the right, and Washington on the left end. .10'a.mul 20's, altered from' s's:. vignette of s's, two ~females sitting;, between them, a shield, on which is a ship mid plough: of 10's, n female reclining, her r.ght hand resting on a shield, on which is Pa. cont'of arms: of 20'4, Penn'a Treaty with the' In 7 dinns. 2.o's; old, plate, letter E, May 9, 1814,. 18'21., 1825, and 1827; pay D. Edwin. ' SouthArark.Bank,• par. -500'5;ltered-from.la's, old issue..iff large l ize t "on demand" extracted, and "Five Hundred" sub stituted. • . - Schuylkill Bank, ' ' par. 5',,_ old plate, of various up. The heads of - -Washington:lnd Franklimimperfect and coarse. Western - Builk,"• '"- • - -par. . . COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Chambersbmg, ' Bank orChesterCo., Westchester, par. Bank of Delawa re , CO., Chester. pal'. 20% altered from s's, well executed. - .•• 50's;oltered from s'a, letter A, San. 1,183 G; pay T, Clyde; Chas: S. Fol wel I , Cash. The word r.trrY after bearer is blotted; the circle dark. Bank of Germantown, . . . ' p6r. 20's, altered from s's; hold the note up to light. Bank of Gettysburg, . • 5a 6 O's,Nßy. , !. .1, j'B2B-4,' pay R. Smith ; without the . °trembly water-mark seen in genuine. 5 's,co . ld plate. which reads Gettysburg 'Bank. ' Bank or Leimistown, - .. 9 a 11 . Bank Of Middletown, - ' ' 4a 5 • Bank . Mo -, of-tt tgomery C 0.,-NO rew n. —_ pa r. s'n; letter A, Oct. 2, 1829,, pay, E.' I.itez; Noy. 1, 18'33. pay J. IVylli; (41!ei:8 , :n 1/325-6, some, 2:1 'May. . . .s's, letters .!•:: And F, July 2, , 1825, variously- filled , \ tint. • Vignette light mid Coarse. - . . Bank '6lNOrtliumbertand, • 4 a 5 . . . . • ' Bank•.of.Pittsburgh,.. . , . 1 a 2 S'ir t letter C, old plate, withdrawn from circulation; .- yognette,'n blacksmith, thole, &o. .. .?s,.letter: tit Den, 4, 1834 pay. AVm.Wilkitis; oth ere, OttY,4, 1825; pay'll. liald win. 10't atid:2o%;44ltered,reorla counterfeit s's; badly , d0ne:.,....„-, ~., r .' ~; ~ ... • . - ,111314 , ilgnete, rufemale leaning on a.vase*ftowers; - *, -; Fnigenuitleill tilaalsamnb with ilia t 0015..--- -.- • . '• Bari k,' cit, Susquehanna, , . / 'Barks bountyßank,7Readh.• 4id,o 17'50 • sttii;:nuftet notes,% , :tontm 14 vignette, State Arnie, ratlier coarsely - ezeoa , l4 ~ .. i ,..,•_, ‘ sle' Batik. ... -rils•JPoir.B.likerill i. 18291 priv b : ar'eselei, The NheastrafiVoll.hkingtr,mlight.nrd coarse. ... .14:1 0 a,ttlitt btlteVe, altered IrOili Va;:poOrly:dOne: ' etiruiobiiiiiikrit BridOCii:Coliitilli,ii42it 3 ',7o'iialtite4.o,m 5.'..0 AlArouri..andP feffkale.,rea-t1 .tinspa balm:tat spphsiAr,,,iprio,,a;lairge, female . • kuraionelltfi'lvsting.qUileitiroirUrith a plough Aokoolidofrlibt tinklv figure of coplmerce,' - .-.::::0.11,40414k1410..kii,“-,q,..i,',„,,,,,,, ..,.' ~ par: .4 ...: ' ,. 1 040 - 12.6,40ki , .4.4c •c A 1, ' , Q.` , .,,.'.. .; - - - par; 1 . .-,; . ll,Vowyirliti ,lile'ttei:t;, - .i,1'f:•1827- Rtifi' t 4301: pay ,-I.!:;4lliltiteisor*Ofily' 6 . ;mot- sia) , N lB 4 l t . VaY.J. ~ s,- "I "legra*lns , in It lighter than genuine. - • .'': l etl ef r' sl - V 4- itaiktriWcl , - , q • •7';‘i. 04.4 .4 44 it ,4••'; ;!• k •.k.: ~:" -.. - .4 . 0 ' P T E j 4 -sit . ' fr e 10 4000140.4 4:P. rs 4 , B I* 0 k; . 14 R . vet i itate1:' , .4.4 . ;: , . :• • •; . 1-41 2' ,T44,,,,‘,.„. ,_;'),/..ta , IA:. .. rileftilig,:, arayker t ilOar I C 4 •Ei' ,. .t , q' -4 - N i . • i , n Ji l 11!? 1 ,0f,-.49,!!94 . .t 4 : . ii.t? -,. •,." .- ir*: . , t iikre, '0,....t. t. „i' 7.7 1t.k...., , g P . , Ir, , ,t; •,04e`' *. . 11 10 b i'Pat' • ' • &Ann ',-.. ‘,,,40.1,11: ~,,, ~„ .., , 0,... - ..:4 4 ..f ~,...-. I 4,1 !. ~..,. ~ , ! ..,t_t! , ~ ,010 joi• . .): , 4, , iL i k af f • ~' ,;., ' ~, p ,rl p . . . i g i ftr . 1 1, 0 2 1 4 1titees ~:i ~,' , ltio or .. ;g MI te.: s Y , -, is ' :eliNotigt(eA, -;44.1 . efiganitseateftbetweenNa'obeStr„.. '.. Aft n "*.shft,fir, WirOints 31.,1,10*e41eti,; pi ' .."•:•,Istbr, :4 so: 7 - . 7*" ' ' ..‘.•"- ' ~; '•'' ' -• •' ~,,-;,..:, . 1 ' ... : , '. ' . R aga: ` ' ''- '. ' lONlett A, #ated Sept. 7, 2830..Theilinistes Of • .' tleCashict snit Prendentnre - 4ithOgrapbeft...--- . , . . • • . 4 r r,7 "%r.:11?" 14 , - Vla 244;d- Vil•Mtirit i Baillt'ef Bnektlf.,ll4?i K y- J. oi ~ Arai, 8 4 4 dniettilrillnolo4lllrdAittli44342 : ;,,,; ~•s: ivlftti4A trilt,:c 1 al q• 14yoieftlicent .!1 , , ; ~ ,44, .1 - )45:: p l id.:o,l t3‘o 01 - posi - eimtgp,4 . , Ely,*pt.,4*o;l9;)slui,oti - e,i., wwi t ;.4,. , 1 , -, ,,, 0,:: 504(0 to ,k .. c d sf r otq , oh,:ttini4o6ll43:tif 'Sp% in,i' , lln4i , bitiaitetnof. litlrs,e,a,,a4 lnkro*ti"` , ' 2- L ' ii.:L'i , ' ', '; 'l'l4 Mfilts i nlitillt9,44,9l 4 4 ,';; bnig; ., :,.'..• .:.•, ,"!. iq.l. - .;:;,i. ii'-:i'.;; - ',;,!:2:7!..; ; #1::4!„11$` !FariAblteloo - litlitintiister,•:•4otrilicg4; :61111,64V,)1/211y*o.t,Ailloc,ow,pwindillut ketti., "Ptilticinoleti:p , PIM ileatiMitlireiraii fi tt6l l o - OtiVe• - ` 1 41`iii%NtlfriAlt 117313tVatidllthreR4419finnatet" ' Krug., filling up and signattireintsaimslituid. , t• .., 108, letter A; Mareli 9; 1.833,;:p0r J :Wind I:,v . ig-, • titette,it mill .',) -. : 7 : '•: " .., '''' • .. , ,n:•: - .•' ';,... • .:I'o'si . lit id' 80ti,141#04121111.AVOi,10Mit9. , f 4 " 1 4 4 ' , . ferfeit. , , . ..,. ..; - '''':'''...' - ',. ' ."': '''''''''' Fdr,iridii v iiti - nVili ri.`da aid to; *464 ing;'3 ti- st ' s, leiti.v AO iii.: 11189 . 5 ; inly'Gaitiliyig. - - kmber' .-. has "aI,IV mark; fitiripiesirtinee,• !' •)::: • .'!. : ... • +,i ) ..- sa;reiiril),!innA,.'l.B43 ' . pity - G.Smithi ' May , 20,, 18801 iiysM,Strong.t.: Coarse..—.,, , ri: ~,,, ~„ :109s, lett. A.;lol,k"Jelit al Sprat; l ; npup,atoh' genyine. rrlinklin' BankiWaeliington,..• T • , ..• , ~: .•.2.. 5s and 10's; altered , from . : then Milken i.,..i,liunit of • NV:, !.hi ngion," by prefixing: "Fiatkkip„." This Bank openeditt 1336,',.. Obse sos the date. , : - ,03 4 retter At. Nov. l,' 1336 ; 1r y 11..tWylie.; • John .51arshall;Casli..111ICS4-names .11grali!il. . Wives ...sion• smiaewhar faint, partly riy' the :lines under - , signatures %%Web tire tlistinc in the:genuine. • • Harrisbn rg. Bank, - • - : 5 a 6 51, letter' ). pay IC Alward, nted' May 14, 1819. Ss) lettir . C, Pis,' 'J. lioss, dated N QV. 3; tneoi ss, letter C, pay R. King, sidled Jan. 1,1393., I.os, May '4,, 1820, letter A. pay-,1. E:.AV hiteside.; . 10s ; vignette, a steamboat, railroad ears, kti The , r enable I O's have the goddess. of Li Jerry, and the 'Capitol itt the bark ground.. ' .• 1.0, nlt I....ri.frorri counterfeit 10'4 vignetle,u view of !' the Statelltiilitiogs. - ; • ' - 'Boni:maple Bank, Honesdale; li a. Lane,ister Bank. . . , • 'I - 6 2 olteredriOin letter A, October 3,18.36,:N0 4997. Lanetiswr Cpunty Bank, Lebannn'Bank, Merchant's & Manuf. - 13a0k,'Piteg.' .1 a 2 giners' .. Bauk of -Ptlosiille;. . :5' a s's, Hater F, pny J. Lyon, Juno 13,1341;' others, J. White, lug. 1,1840. The letter under the Kiu •Schts)lkill; in theixenuine ' it is below thel, and K; the cross of the rrp Pottslille inclines; up •••mi or hr 111118, in . sitqui of horliont_ Ain mown hela Bank, Brownsville, altttred from s'e, caaily detected. 50'8;this Bank has no 50'e nut. ' . New II iipe Dela warti Bridge Co. 20 n 25 (liernalecl to Lambertville, New Jersey.) - North:mil - atm Ban f“'AiientoWit, 12 alB s's, letter 13, Aug._ 2£1, - 1839;. pay, E. Lippincott; sig nittores and filling elignivoll; sont of tt !tile . genuine s's iBM/CLI amen 1857 hare a view of ,%feue,li Chunk. ,- Towanda 13ank; Towanda, • •70 a. 75 West Bl.9e.ll'l)'k, \V illiainsport,- • st) lON or varfnus filling up; some to 1. lielltim; T. -4.3oryelkt/ttelt; - .1. - II -Pren.;_vlgnette, eagle, railroad ears inure distaiwe:. Presi dpiit'soignatiire too light tool stiff; geeeral ;times ranee light; the first 1 in Williamsport resembles more a ligneee I.'' 50's, altered from s's; vignette, Winch is that of the s's, is' s. view of the tlMlloll.the tell end of note.- Wy . oining 13ank, Wilkes Barre, • 10 Yurk Bank,. : ,4 a 5 . s , 9;letteriA aiid B; Feb: 2,1890;. old glide; pay .._. _Wagner, which twill' 15. spelt Wagllol% 111 the - .tv mil FIVE, on the Irft h;Mil margin, the I is not &Cell. The. Fof Five:, in the boilv - of the note, does not exactly line s ith the other letters. vig nette-imperfect in many 'pin es.- • ld's, alteree from ernintovfeit'S '6. See preceding. Delitwaracidge Co. 10 a 15. S. DUI,ILAP ADA I-R: r .fint.orp,fey id Law, • • OFFIC E N. 3 Ileetern's Row, on the Pub- LP lie Square; Curlisle, Pa. '-April 6,1812. • •, . • tr. 23 zo• zo ATTORNEY AT LAW offlce oppasile ilte..Carlisle Bank. July 2 . 7,1b42. - GM-39 30ECET - 'ERNIDEL to - z - oru a 12 A ESPECTFULIX tenders his services MOM ,citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that he w.ll stiond to and "perfoim all dental operations such as Cleaning, Pluging and •Extracting na tural Teeth, ana inserting incorruptable artificial teeth from a single toolh to an entire set. •tri•Oliice opposite Wrarlane.'s Hotel. July 20, 1542. , tf-3S ligil NiiitESZIFIOS SA virtue of a Writ of Alias Levari Facias to me directed, issued nut of the Court oiCommon Pleas of Cumber laud County, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court !louse in the borough of Carlisle, on SATURDAY the sth day of NOVEM BER. next, at ten o'clock, A. M. the fdllowing de scribed Mal Estate, to wit: Piece or Parcel of La hl, Situate it: Monroe township, Cumberland o-tinty, bounded find described ax follows, viz: Beginning at a heap of stones, thence by lands ol,lacol: Pricker and Michael Ego's heirs, - North eighty-one and a half degrees Fast, fifty-nine perches to a Spanish Oak, licence by land of Michael .Ege's heirs, North twenty-eight degrees West; forte-six perches to a mom:, thence by feud of the heirs of 111artin Brandt, _Soutli.eighly-six degrees West, thirty-four perches to'stoned, thenceby I.Mds of the Iteivs - ofJacob Wick "cr, Sbtitit twenty-six degrees East, five perches aud two-tenths, to a stone &c. Containing • : • az , ( f) 12 0 itinre or less, about four acres cleaved and the balanee timber hunt; tidying- thereon erected 011 C 1111 , 1-a halt story stone Housp, and a fraine weatherboard ed stable. S eized am taken in execution as the pro perty of Jacob Shearer. A lid to be sold by me PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,? September !MOM. 5 a 6 TO THE THE subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks to 'hie friends and the customers for their favors thus far bestowed upon him, takes pleasure in informing them that he is still pre pared to execute any and every order , they may stand in need of in his line, as respects the finish. ing of NEW • trthe-repairin g -of-old-ottescathis,-Coach &- Harness Illainifaciory In Carlisle, and hopes from an earnest desire to plpaec all who may be disposed to give him a call, to merit a continuance of their , eastern, and offers the fol. lowing RIJU CHANCE tceihrmers and denting men generally.' On Ac count of the scarcity of money, the undersigned is induced to hold out to hvery man an opportunity of purchasing a Carriage foe, grn A.D E for whipli will be takthi the•folloiving produce and morobandize, to nit:._ . .• , /rota,•Lumber,. Prooil, Coal, Flour, Corn; prigs, 'Wheat,: Rye, , . „.,. and any and every kind ocStore Goods, or 'almost any kind of trade going.' Now; is your. chance Farmers, call in and look for yourselves; you who had an' exchse,for not attending Churpli or visit. yOur•frienilsi there is no,,ozonsei .for,,young, nit], lameiblitl, or those villhout.-0111,1AIGES. - ~ find' .. nb of dorm at4he' ehortest notice, in the neatest 'al Snneri andoq tho most retunWitible terms. . Es bliShntent - Piititifet; ige t riiiii•of the Me ppitlcapat ph rcla, and, Poodo thq residence of. " • , ; .44:0141 terriagee: titken 'excifiente ; for new OlPig. 4 1 0 R1iP,0 1 , 1 .,4 11 50",* 16 :: ato36l,l4lil,,de :epetehona o n . TenreitStr!ible terms .,,:; : " Flamm, thee eve ,niq.e.eitlfidong s w,itAlt!thii.l,4ei. 0 C 4014:P1ar4 Mikg.e.f be phiaildd eatrAll; welt +/impel:ledge my ,thenkifoi..their,iietrenegeF ' - tI3ENICZER:D. ,_ 4 tf.43 .iiiiiiil„'loo. .h.,.., , o snoyair4it a irikoci2-...067;4 r * ..:fiiiih, gmiliOtito-, , li,k-#.A. , to lad:. lute: fl e f eoisivito*: th erlitdielivedintlefytioilow i fp 4" liiroictrit e d toMmiPioth,rr InviuktiOh.l An 1 nal) iiiivoith it voisiolitiepßs .OF,JANu 4 s, y next,oltttiOttle4 tiOtiolottitirnot? illttiiiii'Ve iilneett to other handsloiciollection: ' , ;,',.. 1. - , Ii.'''SONTiiroIIVIER St,LINDAPER. '. • . Centemillei 3 Octotier 19,104%. ' _ _ . , _St-SI af:a'fb ~ &••t - ii .- -- .• „r orisow; ,. ; toi r ~..g, ,, r ; .4 , .. .v. .A4,,c.:..** . 0..1.:... : 1ftentnT. lit or . k: •:,,i,:on to rne,00:44 rh,cirr-_. corx, ._ • -v, 4 ,,, tiat.dpitPtiohe . fetP.94° l 3, , ty: M*,,,m.,-N pocticoot: 4,g4pNTIRT I I7MM.II4:4';:r: , 'ilitql~rlth*Mlllllolßltfu, , 1,-,,lnser • „ ,•,•:,„ i 4 4.045iA61,n4400,40 1 . ,'f r ili 9 T 4 jl . i . ,olit,tZllti u ;,.,H , l4 l 4t i= , • - n l o:V-:-a - li C ei".!vr i ttiwlie , Viiill46%4utititii*fifitilitini 4 Aiili t i b uidibaki , iri&ich''roifii,v4i)ktiiiiiiili+4 vr i ilo • ' *rid •lio'hittiboldlifidtiitiliiio): ',: 4 -4 .114 ; f k, , Ten- . ~, , :.. „ - , aAfatleine4,lloel.l 100 4 afft040 0 g r 'Mi'4 , .“! , *.iy;, ,,, ,pq0y. • Qarligle;M4 , 4oBW •- , •• • .. - ~, ~ 1.,...„1.7, 1 ~,,, „:,.. . . ..,, . : . • ~,, , —... ...i. - -, , ; : 5. , : ,. „ . , .: .itt k odli*.oo -- sbtog,7,..Liro a...., 4 . r;I:aP. , ' .. 7. " 71 ' "" . 42 '11 7 " •. • •••• .; .', 1210107 or* Oritifniore: ~ • [' 07,4 II l :R 4 .411. 11 64.1)', 2 0*, 0.4:7,v74.4 '?..'- MITE Subscrilier'gratefill: past favors; begs., 'lca . ve to inform' his' , friends and .the public generally, that lid cotinues" to riny.s.-line of bnrtlic Cartilegiilarly lietweeri'Mcclirini6burg and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by Which goethi• and, produce. of all descriptions will be forwarded With' care and . despatekatjho .lowest rates of freight. - • •„. - : be received at his Ware House,in Mechanicsburg, and. forwarded to - either Phila delphia. or Baltimore; according to the direction of the owner, ' . • lane 'highest price -will be given.'fcir Wheal and Flour. . •' . MARTIN, MEILEY. N. B. Plaster of Paris and Salt alvirs,.ys kept on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. 17,--SailaWslll:o(2.Zaors?G: la 2 4a5 'Po has also an hand, atthu Dopot in IVlechanick burg;forsolo, 1.X.171111161G, such . to Boa rdS • S iiiiaes, Se:n.selhiunte,. ace. of all kinds, which will he 'sold 'On liberal terinse , August 1;4 180. . ' • tf--42 TO - rARDIERS; 2111125 1 2114 illatannl rpm: subscribers, nt their • FOUNDRY AND 11 ACII INF. SIIO I!, on Main street, nearly op posite the County Jail, tit the Borough to Carlisle, 1 , 1 1., still notable to build the following Machines allot florSe Powers—VlZ; T. D. Burrell's Patent Improied WIRED AND FOUR' • M05.0 ) ,3 LPCY VMM.,9 tlnrizliattl - 111111f1-ivlieel; , w ilk a U u Ilk to cot duct the strap to the 111m:hint: , - • • B EVIL GEA kt •ON S TOWER, Th.e baud whm mishie of the horses. They tire well ealeplntell to put to one side of the barn bridge, et-tinder the barn stied. A !e1,7 and 4/ 0 34111 Shaker, To separate — the grain froni ttie - stfaw, which-will dispense with one 'Or two IlatidS o Niil he niatielcithe aboyd'Alatilinelf - wanted. • - .•- Purchasing :my of the above , hfachines may have the. privilege. after to limir trial, of returning time same if not sill stied. . All Alaelmines unal•llorse Powers are warranted fur one. year, if well used. RE PG111? lalrO. - - All kinds on'epairing will hr (lone ntthe ahnrtrs witice and nu the most.reiisonnble terms.. 'The); nl eays keep on 113111 CI all castings ncccss:u•y to repair -the above nit:bin - es, oritny - otlicrs now in use. IRON AND BRS S FOUNDRY. There t attached to the ahncrestablishment an 1111111 AND BRASS F . OUNDRy,,,t N vid e b all kinds CASTINGSOI. can be.hatl---smelk nq Apple Mills. Corn Makers, Plaster Braker:, ing, Saw Cranks, Machine Gearing, Wagon. Boxes, Ste. Stc. Also, . - TalitnoiNG AND FINIMIDNG, Such RR Mill Shinines s Cur Mixes, Turning. Conies, ke., nil in -tlw iwst mkt., iu iron Ii Ass. c c r An orders will he t iccuted at the shortest no tice, and promptlynttenolcd to. Farmers and others sea respectroilly invtled to give us n call, 1:011fille.0 that they can he suited to then• flaisfaction. • A. STOUFFER & CO.. Carlisle, Aug. 10, 1131 e. tf-41 Ilene•nnd's and Ogle's PLOUOIIS and PLOUGH CASTINGS.sueb as Cutters Land shies, &e. &c., tan also be had at the foundry. rawys IFOR 'SALE. ninflE subscriber will dispose of at public sale IS on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 20tI of OCTOBER next, 7.11,U.1711101a1 of 'Slate and Limestone Land, in North Middle. ton township, Cumberland county, containing 117 ACRES more or Ices , of patented land, adjoining lands of " Coover, Zigler, and others—said fiirinis a portion of the estate of ,Tohn McClintick; deff'd. The improvements are a • LOG • • :iiss D ISA 111-Ai There are also 9 never Ailing springs of water on the preiniSes, convenient to the house. Said farm is but a few miles distant from Car fisle,and is well win-thy the 'attention of capitalists. Persons , desirous of view ing.,tlic.farnt previous to the day of gale, can be gratified by calling on' Alexander McClintick,who resideson the premises, The terms will be made easy, and a Clear in. disputable title will be given. JOHN McOLINTICK,. Residing in Chambersburg. t 5.39 to-i 8 July. 27, 1842 BITER 8c 3'ELIVIE3, • Product- 1 , C01R111116401111 :" and Forwarding, Merellantsi N. W. Corner Broad 4- Arch &reel, Philadelphia EDWARD SUER, • • WM. If. JAMES. rrßeferenee to William B. Murray, Carlisle July 9.7, 1842. . tf..3 11111011.411, 1111017411 L GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS.. ,73 1 111 E sobscrit , er , hit . ving conblutied to tin an entire Cash business, offers for sale:his large and side:mild assortment of • FOREIGN &. DOMESTIC, Aral 10. IP a zo. 11 . 11:vil4 Ar, Cillicry, Iniver than' it Was ever bought for in - . Philadelphia . . The following will give, you soreeitlettpf the prices that lan Iletermitiett t 6 sell at: , ' . . fi,iliclk Carpenter's Patent liim Locke, , • from . sl2 r to $l4 perAoi 6 inch.BrisiStriker, ' "' - 6 - Newton flirting Grass Scythe', • •'. It' St Newborn's• " • • • 9 1 . - • 1111iForki - iSallit Cap Ferrule, — • - 5 - • - 4 , Calif Steel !wig handled ShoVeli; . .2 1 3 Ctiinberland or .Reatling Nails, '; , °.„ Phoeniic dr " , ';434 Other . ~ . • :4;31 - ..1 sell ' tow artieleti ; inf . 'Hoe front 20'16'25 pee . eiiii;lfiw& thati esio,beb,otight rdv oted.it. Calf gobdetget alive or ini•iiritei ..-.4 ! •cornquii•e them with the prices of .o_ther.efoliormiiit tilde - et - 2in for yhdreelves tvlierey yotr• cad buy: the' ohemieet. - •^ ' . _ -HENRY:I4 ELDER, Impriiter.i .49.11LiHket if. aticfri lath, Hoyt!) eider P.hiliv.l,ophla • . _ . , . .., ‘c. t' ' '''OAT, tt--YILEN4 ValleyriineGroict.tirms - .burnor. . maiiViritiim — iiitiin 1 . 00a. ,- ciolotoqi" ,or e k i. 7 ,2, ;`. ,c , •• I. 'tir. 1,, 3 11[ ARrkft - , • , r; = :'; ,, , 5itaiieia4.1.9111,410.,&11.1411401_,!, t*ltirrifibnrgrAPol:2otj@firitka.,•..64...l,-,6"-:35 11. 114)t'h ' 411_A , n ivll r r• ' faKilqpply.o4sok,**4rkleo.. rho Agint en O. • • • , • _,LCailiele,.Au g . 41 2 tf—le ammmmLarmaammayskmm ..__..,...-._.,r....f.w.r.,~ .’_...,. . .1...‘ .m. N. v‘ ‘ - “" ' fl ’ x . n1 '4 . n3 ~ 5.: “ tab tresortmiiitior k iftlecimitatf d tol:ll l 4 --- '.l ' • 04441' !,113 A 4t - , • t wq. 1( t. "1 q; , 11< , lar 4*.niks.Ntwo :04 0 . 4 t9V'" " rfl;*o . riiioi!*V4:74; 7 4 4 );:"- ' Theigkrak Gitrdeielitre Insurance , 1 ifOti,g4l l .o , • .'oerpptitiil, , hgeiloes yy n. Cbliftfry,t:c . n. °taint, barrio:oh' I figthiiizeWreei.Onitlerfkgflatilittrolf' , 4 3 ohinie# cid:" and 1 ,.:114164,41i,el 'MOOR . ," a*-'utteiiiikkj)f , 'ifoily"deicriptionota Well - neli4.Orer*ous , Viv figionlifgWi'e# 6 .attiti'aiffkftgli:0 vQrgble.,terme ~ ,44'11 On Stone tmd•brick '", • •9 1 .4, 1 ,04 , 60 t0.70 ,- cte:liivAoo "Itlerchandize and' furni- .• • ". .:ture, in -brick Ori - a.torwa e,• - - e. • , buildings, fro ctsion, rh , 100 14'0' :' 60'to cattle,' firming..., -: • : • : Oleneiht;Aiuk sund,ries, '- • , 60 o ti'o ,` r 100 : 2PRPETIIAL ; I I I - SES On: itzlit" or atone liu~ldinge, 826 on sl',ooo, t}fo, hyorniunt tinbject • to be withdrawn at anyiirhOy, the party insuring, aV O. tieductien of 5 per cent. of the amolinfl•id. , -; ~, 1, , 1 Applications for Insurance,enany information oh the subject,, maybe mado,either. personally or by letter,:d the Coniprikre:Office; iho west corner of Sixth and...l,Viiod streets: , MORTOR - ,MIVI.ICHAEL; , Prnsideni. L. Secretary, Or . JOHN;T. YERS, Anzirr, Carlisle, Pa:.: • DireetorN' , . . . . , .. . Morton llPMichael, aoor g e M. Troutman, ',Jopeph Weak - Sanriuel Townsend, . P. Loguerenne, . Reared L. Loughltoad, Elijah Dallett, n. W. Pomeroy, Chas. W. Schreiner, Charles Stokes,•. Joseph J. Sharpless., September 14, 1842. ' . JO -H N H A Rl' E 11 1 - Conithissioner in Hanka: upi efirt 'GE South -- HanoverTiliWf, — ifearlr=. - `C Jell a n's Hotel, where all information desk. ed,in.referenee to the duties of those intending to apply for the, benefit of the Bankrupt Act, can be obtained. Carlisle ; May 4'. - 1842. • tf-27 --FARM EMI -HOTEL. • ••. . . :THE subscriber hereby informs, his mends and the public in general, that he still coutinues to keep . . filli Cr ports.to diet:lath ary Hoot , ttlistandiug,) at the 00 STAND, in East Hight Street, a tew Iftiot•s eqst' of the Court flame, where' he will at all tiines take pleastire in'athninisterin n , to the eohtfut•ti of those who may-favor hint with their custom. Ilia BAIL shall he et - instantly' Supplied with the choicest liquors, and his TAIILE with the best the - market clot - furnish. A careful OSTLER always keiii in attentlance—shalt - Shalt he left imdone to ,Rage all who cull with him. ' DOAILPERS:taken theweek, month or vear. - • • SIN1ON • WONDERIACII. Carlisle, April 6, 1842... tl-23 • . Union'.Paper Tfl l's subscriber informs the pub.. lic at large, that he lid's leased the above cs. tablishnient, six miles south of Carlisle, for a term of years, and the 311 LL having been recently re paired, and new machinery introduced, ho is therefore prepared to_. mahuracture to'order, (and also has a supply constantly on hand) Pa per of every k iatta and Quality, which he will furnish to priritcrs, merchants and others, in ° any quantitiei at the lowest city prices. All orders addressed to the subscriber, at :Paper town, Cumberland county, will receive prompt attention. - Having lately received aitipply of the very best materials, he flatters himself that he will bo able to manufacture paper equal in quality. to o.ny other establishment in the country. • WILLIAM B. MULLIN.' Pnpertewn, Job, 20,1842. • 108 N. B. Tiic highest price paid for rada. i9mxr, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, SS. it irt:77;l% oWe, The CominonweaL'h of Penn sylvaniu, to the Slierrofeum 'N. berland County, Greeting: WHEREAS, Henry and . C.' Lease in the Court of Continue Pleas, to wit, of the term of January. in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-Mile, before John Reed. .anid his Associate Judges of the same court, did, by consideration of the same court recover against Isaac 11. Crowell and Davitl Sanderson, Ad minim] ators of Samuel Crowell, dec'd., with notice to the widow of the said and to Samuel Crowell' his heir, late of your county, a certain stun of seventy nine dollars :ttul .filly-three cents, lawful money of Pennsylvania, debt,iis also eight dollars and sixty two cents, which to the said Ilenry and C. Lease in the same court, were likewise • adjudged for their damages which - they sustained 1.13, occasion or the detention of that debt, whereof the said Admini-tra tors with notice &c., are convict, its appears of ,re cord, kc. And whereas,the said Jedgment to pre-• serve the Lien according to the Act 01 Assembly in - such case made-nod-provided,_should_he revived, as is suggested to us by the said 11. Sc C. Lease as also execution of said yudwnent remains to be: male, as on the WM nuition of the said If. & U. Lease - Uillinve received, land we being. willing that those things ‘viticli in our same court are rightly acted, should he brought to due execution; therelbre, we - command you that, by good and lawful men of your badly ick, you make known to the said Admibistratois'icith no &c., that they be and appeal' before our said Judges at Carlisle, at our Court of Conurion Pleas, there to be held the second ‘I,ONDAY of NOVENI - next; to shew•cause, atty'they have, 58 Iv the said IL & C. Lease ought not to have their Said judg ment revived as aforesaid, and they Ought not to have execution against diem for their debt and damages aforesaid, ccoViling to the force, form, and effect 'of the recovery: aforesaid; if they think fit.' And you have' than thieve the names of those men by whom you shalt so make known to them and this writ.— Witness Samuel Hepburn, Esq. at' Carlisle, the twenty-sixth day of August, in the year.or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty,two.. - For George Sandereon, Prothonotary, •- ALUM PAUL NIARTIN,ISheriff. September 28, I SW. 3t-48 -- FOR — PHILADELPHIA - AND - BALTIMORE'— .rrnE proprietors of the Susquehanna Line 'will --.. run their Cara and Bouts as usual to 'Phil,: adelphia and Baltimore during he present season. Thair friends will please 'apply to Wrn. L. Fox, Broad at. arid to Castner, Christian & Curran; No. 76 Sonth, Wharves, Philadelphia, and. Joseph E. Elder, Baltimore. . • ; ' Until further notice, the following prices will bo adhered to between this. place and the above cities. . . . • , . Ale Per 100 lbe. . .. 150 -. , .•. 24 -, ,- "Lia_ hbL Grocerice,,4 Ware •- -- -; - - - - •• ;• efnet Hartlimiaie'. • ' 20'- -- - ,', 23 40 H . _Pis Goode , Furni, : .:-. ' '• -; • ' •....:a , ',.' '5.: : L i • ..', 'turd iiid . Diegsr; '7 . .. '25, . • 28 .. - 430 _. ''.. Whe a t,a . l64 & Co rn-" '--' ,': F - '•.', i• ' . .'. P . O t hpi ll 3;3l .' k ' ' :...: 10 1.; 11. ~ , ,11 ' ,-: ~' Pr-1 ' Oats' ;,: do -- '' --,, :%:..6- -.,„.; ; .7. . ~ ,-• Ldnab'e4er . 1000 31': • ,. ,-,,•'!' ,•,'‘ i: !!, •-• ,-, '... ~ -:? • , ! '-'- - -' r ibOt '.. ;-:' •. ' ' 4O/141.% ., Y:- 1 93;5 5 1): •,,,, ,f , ., , —. :-. --,' - 'Shingles,'- do - ':. 1: - .•50 -,,-, gkocr - ' , 'Flour;per bble - ~ - "e311i.,-:.35;,,1. ... 009 ..„- I Shia! -::dcr!,!- . ;, -, ~ , :.131i ~, -,.- - 'AO- - -,': -: ' , , ; ' ~ firoy c kf l ie . 4.4, ,•:.,.. • , ',;.i31.4,. , • .4 . 1 -,,,,,,- ..;,,, ~: •,, •• .;:•,.. Ba)tiierlack . t ,-'- ' , "j.,;• - 7. ',, 28 32 ' ' 150),Vriti otgo-4v,- '.. . . . • ~..v pkr:loNL. :,..: ::, N . ~ , .1 6 _ . '2l L Plan`: terikodijin4 'KV& • s2 .so ~ : ..- . . liiiiiiii)veii4WD • ...,' .'k ;16 "•• ,-'. 26.• „ . ;t ip. Itit101()‘• 1 •;1:-V. ;V.ti; 60 -1 , , gs- ....,, - , . . --1 11 g-'1 OsiitaiiX,so:,:-=- . .4-50-4 . -________:_ - __ l Blniiii,*itnige,o , l2l - -4 00 Barri Ul-7.-i. ::., 4 '3 SO ''• ,4 50 . 1.4, 4 ~..:..4_;....:i":--, ... - -,ir e gi - IF.rVill • , `' -1 ,-18 :- -. 23 1. , ,- .. 1 : i a • iifir , 4oo4llo.2o' ,'• :-- - 25 - • -• ~ . 7 ; ft-, Whiskey, per bbl. ,:ZllO . ;...;!%': 45 .'; .t . ,;, „ VI , I ;', i 501 1 2 k i !t e :tl ol V -' -IS 74i--:: , '1 •:!,, 4 0 `,..- -;- :.-:--, i C::.,5 14114514,02 Ot4-ql:gg,t' ,%i• ~ . „,...•-•,,,,,,,,,,,,,-........,... ~ r ....„, 0.,,,, ~,,.,.,. ~.,.. ~..., ii•t,H.,, • min . ut e , ----- flarriibirgi may-4094w , 7 '.l • ' si n .27 • . , LP IH. ,‘1.,:-.. , ' ,,,, ' . it 111 ~. .Naga a . •t t. .:-. • , -481 - - • , L. 74 ; ..__ ii , ..0 , ..„ 1 .4 4,- (41.14 .1-..ititgit_, ~, , ..§k. ,: wit.i ' .: 1•PrI , indeed nviiiebvißtmly4Fig,l4,,,! watid ~ 1 001- 1 . 4,o44alogoltpußrighon,eveVenytaln*o(no. eniisci , i4o44oll,l6lK;„ 'it„,(VwscA,W;litli„ ifti t lei l tayzilinulinitiooliotreniiiiiiii r liA.-.O9.P.IRTfe 14 ,1 ..,,,,torsottilytotroroo,,„ta,l,hwit.4%, , ,40:vecktivnooielt.:Mrithli withbiitaltiokipg 'o ilibitlifirgia9X.OlihtlytAl 444ll , ll oypiv , nkayri I@iiiii4eilleiltt.o4.lk,9it;Oliff.yoii - 41t,41,,, , 1ibwu1„, ,il9l - 0," fay pl,poippiCLoy„,e'p:relopkrippployieqy ,}1:1F00.7; ,e4iiiig4, 1, P7A 1 4.0 1 „:4 614- 4 1 „Piti T I'. 60 , 0 t.k...! 3 AlliW: , .br0pivyaii , *59,192A04 . 46,..1110-Patne; 4u the, 7306.,,,0,r ; cheitie1trect,40.04,4 6, 50‘fi. t.ittiVir e to,* tfiii - Pciliemtriixed viivitli4lP9lrt,4a,,r,44*,,,iiiKir•...'4 6 f; tied:lieptbineet.obee, - t. 'il'ebv:you And:i.,your.: ow,» . foolisb,lteVieet ,- 11hi0 ; IPiiiiiihriortbip; , dieitepang. p.orq,pbiliit: - .4filitilel. 6 iikok l G 6 lifbYori liegth;', bp, ,wornest I,l,,Anneipnd with' don'tteillil inur,ecod.; . . Of tr4slio rink quilg.:liidatiiiiti - to - bbprirou; but. - , immediately proidirn ii.,iiditli* tiVito2:l'ofiluir fa. IMMIN remedy, ill° oral:sin cir,".VVlth Ciiiiniv,". vildch , ii well known / to b,e Alto:most, speedy, 'curo • ever krie*ri,ns..thunkands will leetiftwhose live,. MVo', been: saliedliriii: , , , t - 2 , : ,- . , .; ~.. 4, , ' '' ',...(E,T8e very 'paiticuler vuluM4 - .18 purcluuur to `nsii - for . ,'Dr. Warrsn'S'BiLiiisros , vvitmeticanv,",' ns iiipre ; . 's also a tiv. l :9if. or tlqffnameAn' nee.; '', Prepp,red, avholeirile Rikk 'retit ‘ iik . by Virctirakini St. CO..' ChebijObi,, 'pro; .3'J:' - pOlitli• Foiirth street, Thilpdellphia... :, ~ • .i, "; .• : 1-: ';;;, :, . Sold i n Ca i•lislo by . 1 % .- .-,., , ; ' '' ' '' ' '''' ''SAMUEL 'ELLIOTT. ' oh Price ()lie Dotiara.l3,4lle; ' Puna 22,4842. „.:.;', t 020.33 T . ' l 4 ; lari ;•.:4 • 1 4 • •; . • ' • 11_4 4 :11 C .111 OA' OINTIONTOtT ts. rums OINTMENT is a safe and agreeable IL application, and has never been known to fail in curing various affections l of the skin, when used according to directions. - Hundreds of certificates might be procured of its efficacy-from-Captains-of —Vessels,—§chool_ Tench7._ erg, Principals of Factories, and Parents, were it not for the delicacy of having their names publish ed in connection with so loathsome and disagreE able affections. , IrrPrice, Twenty-five cents dbox. - , Prepared and sold only, wholesale end retail, at Dr. LEIDY'S' . HEALTH EMPORIUM, )91 North Seeond•street, near Vine- (Sign of the Golden Eagle and . .t'erpents) Philadelphia. • 1 For sale in . Carlisle, by , • •• , • • • - STEVENSON & DINKI,F,;• 'Agents for Cumberland County. Carlisle, Mac 18;1812. . • • 19-29 GAL RLEG INVS_ aa13112 (DI MIMI Tr II E Subscriber_has_ reeeived:_addition atly,ve mulled eel-united • BALSA= or HEALTH,.. • basin a rew Velll s ellred:111 1 1 relieveaMpwaras" of-SIX UtIOUSAIq I) persons in Mitt:rent sections of the country, Of the follott ing diseases, such uti In digeatiW+, D5 8 1)4 ,8 44 utid;oll ihoso tivitis di diseases loosing from a disorder, d condition'of the stomach and liver, derangement of the digestive Cuiu pious, such as a.Gencral Drbilify, or Ireaknesi of the Stomach, Costiivuess. Jieuduche, Annular, flatu lent Ed Bilious' i tholic,Xervous lions, 1 ev.r and ague, and has destroyed till kinds of WOli'ilS, both in grown persons as well as in children, and cured ma ny other complAints which tire too numerous to sett in this advertistmem which can be seCu iu the direiitionS which can be found a rapped oround each bottle, with a •number of certificates of cures petr-, formed bv-this valuable MINIM 01 Health. ' The great demand for this Balsam - of Health has lately induced some unprincipled persons to impose nit the public a spurious article toe Ole:genuine Bal sam . of Health; therelore. the proprietor cautions the public from purchasing any but from Ids peptide appointed .dgente. The genuine Balsam of Health has the mime 01 the medicine blown. oil the glass of each bottle, thus—"Garlegant's BalsaM of Health, prepared only . by Jour? S. MiLLEIq" mid besides he has Ins signature, written on a label, which is panted 'ail the outside wrapper of elicit bottle, which secures it from being couoterfeited. trj-To be hail at all times of his Agent in this place, wan has tlirtlOlV sold large quantities, w hick proves it a medicine of grunt value nod , celebrity. • . SAMUEL ELLIOTT.. Carlisle,. September 28, 1842. , 6m:48 Garlegalises Balsam of/Stealth /wit - 1E subscriber • has just received :4 It fresh supply of the above named celebrated liA LS ANI OF HEAL :I'll, wht:lllmin it few years eared awl relieved up mulls of four thousand per sons in different sections of the country, of the thl lowing diseases, such as the Dyspepsia, all Chalks and Nerv . ous DibeaSVS,llllllilll those trains of diseas es resulting:from a disordered condition of the Shim itch—cures the Ague and Pei er; and old and fresh Sores, and elestroysoll kind of worms, both lit grolliat persons and children, and many other complaints. All hose persons that purchase this Medicine will find a full direction to each bottle, as well as a fan bee of certificates of cures perliirmed. To be had 'at all times of his ngcnt in this place, who has sold already large quantities: The great demand Mr this Balsam of llealth has lately induced sonic unprinei-, pled 'person to counterfeit it-- . --therefore the prom ie titrThint ions - t It e-pit T hlie-from - purehasing_any._oulyl from his regular lippointed agents. he gennitie flotsam of ilehlth hits tire name of the medicine blown on the gloss of each'bOttle; and Iris signature, .lifito S. Miller, wrote on is label Which is postetton the outside -cavern chich completely secure them from being counterfeited. For sale only in this place by SAMUEL. LIA.TOTT. For sale also; by Messrs. J. W. & P. S. Storer, in Waynesboro', Pit., and John Bracltenritlge, , in Shippenshurg, Pa. SeptcimbiT 28, 1842, Most Spfeadia, Lott Voles. J. 6. Gregory 4 Co. altattagers. M A ONIFICENT SCF,SIa-"60.0130 11)011ar5=-- sow Dollars- 7 -15,000Uollars-42,000 prizes of 1,000 dollars. Union Lottery, Churl A, for 1842. To lie dram net Aleilindria, D. C., an Satur day, (Molter 15; 184'2. Grand Scheme. 1 grand prize of 60X109 . dollars, I do 30,000; !di,' 15,000,1 1 do 1t2,100, 1 (k. 10,000, 01000;1114 7,000.1 do 5.666, 2 pilzca of 5,000, 3 do 4,0110; 5 do 9,000,,5 do 2,000, 10 prizes or 1,500, 20 do 1;250, 111(1 do 1,000, 153 do 500, ticis. &to; 78 Jitunber:liittery-113 drawn ballots. Tickefs S2OF , -411iltiea - $ll/lanarters - $5.-- Eighths m5O. The price of a certificate of a pack age of ,f 26 whole tickets in the above splendid lottery is only $2BOl UCertiEciite of 26 halves only $140; a certificate of, 26 quarters wily s7o;a certificate of 26 eiglithionly $35; and a certificate of a Package may diitW the, four highest prizes.' Maryland Consolidated; Lottery. C,: for 1842'1'0, be Amy n 'in the city of DnltienOt•e; on Welineschty, the 19th of Oen) 832. 1. prize of 30,000,1 do 1000, I do 1,000, 1 do 6,000,,1' do 5,007,1 4,0o0; Ido 3,000, Ido 2•- 500,1..,d0 t . c,1158,.30,d0 1,500; 30 do , 1,000, 40 do 600, 50 do 400. 4 Tickcis'.slo-11alves ss—Quar ters 2' 50: . 13ertifientes•of n package of , 26 wholes $530,•46-ha1ve5.65,.26 quarters $32 50.. ! • , ~ .. . , Virginia Ittonipgalid.Ziottory.• • ' Claim N, for 1842.. To beAlrorn A Atexandria, Virginia, on:SatrOay,-11,1e,82j1 oi79:anli - 9:', silty: ,!„•,,. ;,. ~,•.. • ,ALL•PR1Zi.18;.,....,.:•-.••.C.:. Tli*.tiattetit - Tebich sled'. bittezti' flied'' , noire: of the.dt'swd numbers will be' efitilled to', Ailee - dollars. ii e ri.,.- .Bthithi; -. uoriie of $50p00; 1 i do 1,600, ;,1,, do 4,000, 1, 0 0,000,1 ild.' 2,209, '1 do' gposi:44- 40 .1 600, ,2 do 1',500',' tO do 1,000, ‘ 20 500; ,. .64.c.;,.&e,:-.:. itr e kep skohat lip's' •-li%itueters -.V 50:- ' C'ertifiklie of aldicksge .42 , 5 „ 6 , b0te5.5120,- 25 halves qc i o;.gs i'.. - 3 -,' '- ---...- ----`-'-- -' I,. rirgtisift Leisburg Lottery, Cirri. 0..f*1.1142•••‘,TP be tlrauin . _itt ..iti4aildrle; Vlrghtia,oniSator,d4,the Ath.pf - 1:100e4:„1.44,2,', l'' • 1 -,,, •Le :., - .i , :• l loAsto:Ptivits,. ~, •;,•;.. -,!.., 1 ~,, .•,-' • '.. , t 'Oka; 4.1/q5. 0 041 I Ido: 1 04c 1 ;.1: , iiii*Poo, 11'! 66; 2,000, I do 1,716, .1 0; 1.90, ~,10 4,lioQlt; ; 1$ de. 1500 4 1,1 0 44414:0 ;I oron frpumbers - iiiitir 66: - Whole Tickets VD—Halves $5-Quieter. s2s 50., Cettia-' l i r T ' ltt %g ;10 0. 1 2 .1:7414V!9 0 ;: 22 !ia1iiiii55 0, 1 AS_ ' .."- V - , --- 4 , 44.-'--s.-Z-ITT.'% l4 `' ' • ~., ~ocirr ,o .by,4ol,lnlttaegthe ritOttpxpropt . 7 toentio ; all Yeethiin St ettetitirswi km' IS of an 4,J. , ., .airiiit i i lit.viinoatxtriacriftviiiihr e efro n e tt i,, -, ..„,, ' - -•Atlati3l4o , l-' , . F:J:ilG.,NrßEfilOgirliCV,C6, , ', 1 ' s - ''' a P.- 4 _ ''''.' 7. 'aiMlitgiiiikOs;!Virfitll4ngtoci OW Do - ,.c,' . c ,,, 'Eleptetriber42B 484,14 - -4-- t' ifr ''''''4 - ~';, - r 1}1 1, 4M --1 , 4, r • ' ki• • . VIII VatV .- W g 104644 IDER 61-4 , l44l4,Earissitie 4A . by the subscriber.. • : 1 ,7 ,1 165 4 40,0 4 %0 . . 044- Carlir4e, Au—V.9ll;l Ilablet 4 etirei 'Mid' it Bairlei and - Bi k l orit Sir Oriedbeilirlelilefiontleispbeitto4RdAle;,. , sll4y,latix'ini4tWfliowronti spimi f iymmeli tW *hi* the hoinary,krinfily (kmaubjept,to.,: rtrEbbid:tiiispittie --.ll„Pasv az merdLod! compound Cdhreit ttrthe pubfio no a, genet* ref, inothdof and''famifyi4Medielnee: , ;'ll:?yi,Mtp fkory: 1469q#10010.-i 4 oliblA0 0 4:10.00/P1114 , 0 4 44319 'erB4oeitmir aiitiiniklifi,l46!Oi:o3lolll*,loo:',oA, itio..pofitmii4ra t i . , o 4o of, ;tb t j:• s toPlßP l li_ti t hrk bowels hiCesfoii Otfur , mffntiOvisoitiAoon,:irAtor. ritilid'tleille - lbflak`ebdtrarlrid , A l ON '2 ,! ;Cho,Ptit4 eon :using thti43lh!tOPteilighfifilla apc?p,:forgets, 014 bfl%*.Whog 4 Which 7 o'*e.F.Yo. l44l .lCaOPOniict , for: therer itiflitKitiii;VJArki'ithitlOpXot-stroogtlttni these pillWaiiilemadylother 3.retnadtedof,tltolday. because tEici.ii4ittiritittrtleed 'are Wbbl'ili4nYt*ith llinitilawareief-lik , and :et, in'e'oneert trithlheeipitilonadf D'Ai f ifroNni "Aidto;rtMg;".MotiVOmpty - fiTlieraey;;l./Kendrielt,-, Shoppei; and` tho calebrited. .4 - .Watothooti6;', formerly.fieetm t er: orr.tboAhebry,and: practice:. of: -PhysibLp Carr:laded UniVereity,, Miteamllruiptlrr,' Purchase 'of them; and give' :them a, ,foit and ina-. partial trial, and yoteVill 'And thatipermanentrol lief, 'lmola Which the proprietors depend to snake ' 'thorn the most Miaditerial Tainily , :medioinamsedl and .whlch' will anrivalactf-by any other ; in. the Imeivn world. ; Price .25.couts per box. ..: R usual Atr Into! NB '• ' ' ''' , . . . Ts ianis:c4•• the mist. certhin 'and effectual cures for. all rheumat 16, chionieend intimate:tory Rheuma. lisms that has ',ever yet been ,diseovered, , ,and, in . nuiverotis eases - has eradicated that. dreadful. diti• ease front, persons efflictedNmtirely. All r.'ur drinks and victuals' are 'strictly forbidden; and spiritous . lititters 'Must not be taken inwardly, by any means whatever, or it .will n be . o f no, use to take this medicine , as it Will destroy . the' good of...fects of the., medicine entirely,. L.Prtee,9l,so per package. . . .. ... - - • AUGSBUItG LIFE 'TINCTURE „ . These celebrated driMs have aequirecitfie,high 'est recommendations in this country, as well as In Europe for its most valuable ,proprieties for all inward wen ICIICRSCS, cramps,colds,agues, and fever; and when used with the Olive Branch Pills,never, fails te core - the fever and . ague. Price 25 cents per bottle. • . . .PECTORAL EUXER • Is unrivalled for its curative qualitieaeven when used in,cnsos of maladies which were otherwise incurable: Many recommendations have been given of the benefieird effectsit lina had in the' cure of pleurisy, pectoral and pulmonary con: sumptions, colds, &c. Price '25 cents Or bottle. ---HYS'rERIC OR MOTHER" DROPS. --. This most excellent artiete hasa rpiality of cal Ming instantly and without fail, railcrainpg of the stomach, cholic and, that troublesome'discaso . called - mother fits or hysterics; and when continu. cd for somc_length:oLtime, ytill ctirc the patient entirely. Price 25 cents per that. , OLULEF,N WONDE,I2 OIL, , A certain' cum for all Scalds, Bruscs, and the most effeetnill core for the piles—it will cure the person afflicted in, a very short time, if used according to directions. Pricn 25etti: per via! ) MEXICO. ..• - •This spirit is :highly recommended fur all sprains, swelling'of the linbs, or leaders, sinews, joints and rheumatic; as an outward remedy, it has noequal,and when used with the Rheumatic Medi. tine,will greatly facilitate the cure. Via an. nuasof History do not produce its cud, and it is .the greatest preventive against cold, in the known world. For particulars see direetionsacemn, .parrying the bottles. Price come. TOOTHACHE -DROPS, An infallable cum if used according to direc tions. Price etr cents per vial. , SALVE OF - .Is decidedly the best application for - wounds and sores, 'old or new, of nil kinds, and will pro. vent if used in time, many operations; and pre yak Loc,k Jaw; Pains in tho Back, [lead, &e.— Females who are so unfortunate as 'to have sure breasts, and will use this wonderful salve, will be cured in a very short time. It cannot be too high ly recommended. For fmther particularssce direc. tions. Price 121 cents per Inax. • WORM LOZENGES. " An excellent article for 06 cure of worms i adults as well ne children, and will CUre other reinedies fail. Price 61 cents per•box. ,COUGH LOZENGES. 4t superior articlefor Conglw, Colds,Sure throat, Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing,. Price (if cents per box. • . Sold ‘,lloletialc and retail, at tlie principal office, No. 384, North 3d street, Philadelphiaand by JOIIN GRAY, Carlisl e., Pa. General Agent for Cuutberland Countk. June 22, 1842. 1y 34 READ WHAT IT HAS DONE, A 'ND ifyou haven friend, a relation, or know AIL any one that is afflicted with that distressing disease. "CON:3UM PTlON,"persuade them with. out delay to try. that furious and unrivaled medi. eine, the "flrdsaut of -Wild Cherry," which has cured thousands of this comfflaint at; ter every thing else had failed. ..Reasl...the.... fallow ing undo.,fflted,proofii of its eflieacy; DEAR SlR:—Plense send me two more bottles of your .Balsam of Wild Cherry,.like that you sent me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two, and confidently believe this medicine Will cur° tne. I have , used n great many remedies within the last year, but have never found any thing that has relieved me so much. It has stopped my cough entirely, checked my night sweats,. and I sleep better at night and feel better in every way, than I have for many months. Yours, respectfully, JAMES KELLY, MEM FRIEND AVDI'I must akain trouble thee to send me two bottles more of :thy imialuable sam. Mee now taken three bottles in all,:end ,enn assure thee that it has done more good than alltheMedieino Y have ever :taken before. Bend by the stage as soon .as possible, 'and-oblige: thy Trierid, , . • JOSEPH HOLLOWAY: ' - • • 1/01118TOL, Sept. 1841. DEAn Docron:=Elcarin'g so many people, talk of the wonderful 'mires your Balsam of Wild ber. 'ry has' Made 'in .COnsuniritiori, T sent 'to `.one , of your Agents the. other day fore. bottle; and have found it to have relieved me so Mitch, that I want three bottles more sent soon, as I believe it Will cure me tem' I have used-Juyne's Expeeterant and other Medicines besides, but nothing funtdone me as much-gond as yours' ,hua.. Send.'hy: the steamboatifolivar. ' • ' Yours; truly,.. , . • WILLIAM T11031+S; ' • .115711esiOs : iis etFteney effectuzil remedy, over discovered •• for' LIVER • COMA LAINTS, :A eiTil A.I3RONCHITIS, COUGM, OROHP,, WHOOPING COW &e,, as flaadradS 011 tFa tify who bareleari : eured hyII idleran other dies had failed., DRUGQI and,,D AEETI will find, thia, Medicine's twakihiltii,:o(llo9l:, to k h, eirLatock, eimuld,alwaya hc,39Con hundois acipowledged.-ke,:oiia,iif the Mo'st,U,safii medicines noW uso., ' " ' • ' trf BP.Nrrzy careful 4oask,. far , Dr. , A `ad/RAN.O.P Wirip,cpstiti r,,;Scird'lkolet, sale and retail_fiy SWILETAME ar The gen 0 2,8,4149 liale ; bn.sAmpla,.,ut.t.44otr; 4pevnted' Agent. Priect.4l- petapt46 : . v.„. - 1 '74 1 4101291. ;a . . 3;1 ,To Argo, PVlEttil;4 AMiddittiely'rifie*itiVii clifinB;l4: IT.lsllo7lolBoBlSy'rlatiiiiiieahteiPtkearrakt. 'Rail'ithita,i' i /rY i''''' ''i; , .4.-'.-;' I' 4 ''' ,,4l ' 4 1 t 'tl #ll4l ` e t Viiilthl 4 llooll , icA t ovrtit , p 1.4 ) 541 . „. 4 ,. ~,. „0-9., .. IS 114 6 XPWAISA 4 1 i t Vort.r9 , c .c 41 4 17 / 141 #.EL. Ath..V 1. 1 . 6*7 ' 11611/ t e **Vik TAgt,tigkopriperat nurt... ,, zl - ',',1, , ,' Uv. , , ~ I ... ~ ~ ~4,..r5,,r,1-4,?p,, , olioVAL , ATlttrioisrillthC j, 1 - • Lattoaater,-liny 4;1892. -: o n1 „2 , 1 I Ilsanonouoti, Sept. 10 1841 lloLmtEntrno, 5ept.12,1841 !2?* H 4 ~. n- .-„,,,,, AI, thitoettliombsia.thi ' , 4t AcixolfinsApill 080 )89CW,CIKe.,- , , ,- 1 .4004# 4544 0 11 BULYeta f'lll-M°`" 4100ctrf--;, 1 - 0 , "r"Fil', 9 2l/ 1 1 740 W 0 1, 4 17, i 4 ''' ~ 0 ft,YßA3;Pti'ParPolv h. ww,gedX,.,, ;:,. Al•i tiu o tY'oo.4o,l,l,ooe rt.t49o l ?7 , ,PchOdqttj,:,%; 4/0 1440 P/040044,1 0 0P 1 M i tt,lb -d iA l t9l l ,AiStwi•',' 1 rtr 4 oolloool,lteettuAlgtioa o o l 4 l4o l 9l, o i, , tlcook. ':, leik,"1,0?01*-0004040,141,fini., 'w4 :"IlithettitYs'irid I ,',•.: 044 4 0q 1411 4 00 0 100 ,0\0-91f.°u1.0 4 10 ,1 , 314 : 0/ t f6 4 CI; 01Pgle° eqll"lo9nACAdFalit?l,l4d&OP:,t/PettilriVBt '/L,„, • e r ,dilitety,,tA to 00e0tAt-4Pu'"kcSivri"t-,1,- e144 1 4 110 ,4044 4 44 e0 T , Y1; 10 .ttellitlOwit SO :! A 01 0001 5 0 k rOttrAlover'fltW '4"h ae ed*' 4 .2^ l 3 ,, .prieiPuttil.o9Kati#o l t l 7o: o 4 . o ,oooooe4ttAildt. t.'. 4senre, tmglyetne eutforpOtnenediate ,r`olipf, - ,00,1',;,. A9l o4l 9.9testoreoit ' .to titSfein';an :lii;tdo; :7,4 6 ,14 / '-`:,,'' 1108- 1 0 0idingin the P0utq1r. 0 94,,rt i 1d,e0d .' 0 40 7,Lin ( 1 ,. .,7 : ,' Atter 'vAbo itiv.roAterpol l lloll4 l t 7 . l3 44.l'l #I' 'NI TIL. K CI r',ll : ;thin medicine irkihe,i itetteo,o l ,ol, giro it t.O mold' , • , early, by, doing,opyou,may ,oftoo,"Wen'the.preoc;',.' ' , ' oneyou fondly love.. ,Ilememberib:is tithe Anntte; 7 remedy athiwcriptinguislicii pliyeiernin:,,D • ij Whim, ,tar ' which -, hen -,,-. euralthousanehri - or. C OPP, ~ ,Whoorirro,couoti, APaVVIA: PoPAtigP-' T m lON, &, atter every other medicine, Vil,n` faired; . cane part,iculitr„wh9 ,yroy, ,pprehnso, to y MSc' '• r0r,...Dr., Vtrtsinit'd BAthnu ol , ' • W full Grimm," - es- these is a SYRUP of th swim, advert/di d 'that ii entirely n`different mediente.' ' ~ , 'l9 ' '.'.' ,prepared roily by Wammus.de Co.; •Chemists; 15f0.;34 Seuth fourtirstreef;Philedelphin; , h , Si;yl itiCarlisji• by , `-, • ' ' ' . " .SAAUgt 'ELTACnT• ice :49 Ac I)(4lar.d:Boflte., "inn012;1849.. . , . PURIFICATION: AMU- TUROA Effecie a 611 11,V* //Pail iltite6f4 DR. LEIDY'S DLOOD.Piti,iicontoin in,their coinposi.; , lion ingretlithlt.B which iirilnee'. the Comm-' bitted and-Nlesirrtble effeCtsr.Of . PURIP.I7I.NG THE BLOO.IA, ,- • : ~ : : 1. :I •, . " ' • e Cleansing tile Bowels:. r . Viti. " Iri l l ri nII PI MT IV; Pills in exlstenCe . Wlacli r!itty beta , I Fo suroli used sit all timesolgei :anti sensons;.' itltoot restraint trop !king or occupation s as 1)1.. Leidy's Bkmil -- • - • From their paint osition, they are :calculatotto the blonil_anil finitia-during4lultiter.-- VAI bet*Cell.takillg them 111111 their operation; when nil impurities, as well as obnoxious sublimates of the Biome') suul t i owels, are . carried oiP.by their mil - purgatiNe properties., UP WA it:DS- OF 101)001) BOXES .--• ' _ . , of them have litivi(solti iiiiiiii,,i , the-past six months 'el tie, mid, UPWARDS DV 1,000,000 since their first iiitroduaiein,hy the : , proprietiiir ; Pr. N. IL Leidy. , . , IN NO SINGLE INSTANCE . they ev.ir Ifeeti known to fail in producing . • - • g•cioil effects. . ' Olt, LEIDY'S BLO PD . PILLS,. contain no dinigerou4 to tlit constitution. NO •AIERCURY.OII MINERALS, which are employed in all Pills tonnufiiatttreil by- Quacks and Impostors, who ilspend upon such dam. ge1 . 0119 medicines under the impression.(which shows their I.,,toorattee,) Mat all. diseases must yield to. the effects of Mercury awl other Minerals. UI'WARDS•OP.. 300 Cr.uTIFIcATES From Physicians and others, have been frfamtney ot the happy -elleet Tor Or. Pills :mil forther - roiniiiem upon their merits is unii ogees-Ivy., ,Leidy woulti;linive,ver,earneill) re commemlto alt reiptiring,'a purifying or purgative medicine.-to Procure his LOO D . 111.1,..5,.pijit try them. — Nn nut wiit overuse any other kitid,having once given I.llcot tide trial. . •. Kri(EWARE OF cousitrAtFErrs--TrPro mired 6 , 411'111e !vale ortiodlitittit•er and proprietor,,Dr. N. It. 1)Y, at his FIB %Lill EMPORIUM, No. PA North S rood street, below Vine street,(Sign of the ;olden Eng-leand SerptutticYPltilddelphia, there tan he no possibility of mistake.... lire also knit Ite most of the respectable I)ruggistsof Philatielplaia•nitil Ivy respectable 'Mer chants and Ihinteists throughout the United States. PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BON. ~ For sale. in Carlisle, by • STEVENSON DINKLE, • . Agoim ro;• cuinheoato•cotinty. .lay 18,18.0. 1v °D encdicalcd Extract of Sorsa- varilla. •. ONEHUNDRED DOLLARS 11.1: be forfeited by Dr. N. It IjEIDY, for a pre.parition Of Sarsaparilla equal to liFt • Medicated ‘E.rti•act,of Sqrsapatilla. • It is positivelvAlte stronrest 'preparation. of Sarsa parilla in- existette.--,ON - 11..novirLz is. conal-to— si pints of any other Syrup that is made,. and is bough II tby IILIWV : 0115 persons thronglinut the city, and -.- coutitrt for making therefrom, and who sell it at sevent)-five cent.) or one dollar per bottle (abetit.half a pint.) -Tile efficacy - of Siirsapnrillit' known in Serail& or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases Of the Liver, Alfertion of the Skin and Bones, -Ulcers of the Nose, 'llltrosit and Body, as well ns tut Antidote . to lertiory stud the :Minerals, Constitutional - eases,attll a general' purifier of the Blood and Animal Fluids., .Doiontent upon its x,irtuesis unaircessarY, every holly knows ,its efficacy , I.t i# only "necessary when having .it to get n good pretuaration .61 it; and thin there will be no disappointment •in its effects.- Dr. l.eitly would refer to the most respectable play nicians in Phi haileltilsia, ass well' as throughout the United States, fortite-chartteter of ilia :PrePlFa.fifq't no: ell also to the pitineromi rertifitatfet front Pity tit ohms -and othersoliat haye been front:time toppic published, novy.aleenagil Oneees6l;Y,,,ati'llatrt'elnu:ae ter of hispreparation is firndrestalil out the Southern Stntet,it. is used altogethee;,Mid theotighOtti-thartli_takesLifte_trecedenceetter - oliterN,P 'EliellttriY'attrittg the p titicinn's; Who, for the benefit of tliCie paitents, 'treat - 41mnd :it. ' TIM' reader it released to the • iliketionat accent ponying each bottle,forrecommendations;CerttfiettLl4 nod further certificates. .• CrifitlCE ONE .DOLLAW PER! zorrpF* it ~ Prepared , nntl ?sold, wholesale and :retaitat, ,LEI ors HEALTH ENtpoittuM;pici.:lo'.NOth Second street, below Vitte; : ltignorihe_GOltteii.tigle ' ; 4' Serpents;Philadelpillat stud for i4le in (Itirltele,by . . .STEVENSON nylislej A . 14 Ot t !lt , P •• ' • '1)"49 -.. ,,, :.41 ,11 :agC1.. ,PP , 1?.. , :i: , :,1 - ....: ''''i'"' - • 1 ' •`,:.# 44i*Agis • iye. ..,Its : C r ,! , Q 0 r ;34tretiup.l In g,n.tig4,:OnlitnitAciiiii‘.;ta'. 1i.0.: tifrlitli , 4ohinel, ; Nun 41-.1 1 00 1 , 41 .9.*.1. 1 4/79A:She Briten,4F.Alnurcltlti9c: Spitting:of 1110,41‘;§49,Miess .', 4.;Brein,6„Antaaping..oiugla k ,,Olr:insensenAshe Drouniina '.l ! ivinip; andfor - tlwaiko4 - 01,4ipmFA .7 ------- 114 . 01Dinnuilittlon. ::•:....t.m.:,,,,,i ,v5c,,,v.i.,z10.4107 • '" Bs ' Pigillt*Eiffikv: - BeCtittii . N - PultroluttZtO*Tr - ' titiye'thieaglloutallzGerriany, in Vnfa •inkilllfrtliT• l l;tilign;lthac fitin'iAnt .intinonlinni • iiirtititkkriiklha l l f Vectites.4tis..thoteninetokus . • •khalithadittireiY"rotratiolitovtirelter. 4 • .7,itii• - iiiiktiliaalitiletwii•qtl6o, il''-014':441g , - it v l in o n d r fu) cureq in tliiikinlW6l.l,4 l .o B jr"o - ,,, P /Y t ° ' - Isliiiilllitr liiil4iti-iir eio; niatWit-4 01 4° 1 *,t *'and , . 00 *iiiivoliiiicititl 60 , ".:` , ,:.:. Otitiortt ,:.44t.i.0:i;••=t,'VY,' .l. • nf66041;t , I. i to ~....,-. B_ . -.F*;... ,14'hi..., ,iii . ,..*tay‘t DK ' . Er''''':' ' k;: -1?,.: ‘t :' 0 • ~`: ...,11)1 •4' . :',... k.Q..'4..4_.'10 . , 1 tlie .. ' " •:;V:•.lf;•l;•,'v' . t } ixwg 1 1 • i 4. :,... . ., • ''**.' s et,.• % iira :9r a1?,...:04.i41tt • • ' • • 842 ' ; thy MEI =MI ' ° tat ) $ 1— " f" ; ...: 44 in :v lON.