_ . . ..._ ~. _ ._ _ ... . .. • . - 02141' - 'INOTIEILIIST -- PlirinerS Bank.of 8ue1tf .. ,.9., Brtato4„ par O'd, dated Thistalifflarch '4i at 4 April.l,%;.BgBl S .•: rtnift, ~,,,,- ~,,...i .44,. ~,„, f e lt *flik ;,4...1. A. i. 106 let,tei7'Ai Feb ,!"6,•,; 1818; - „piii, fkpinenr , Oraeli u ick11014444( A P 1444A.4.11,14.• , 29,1315, add 3; 1817, tit Hulene :Ville: . .pay . ll. . -- -' , ..• ;'• - • .... •,'; , ~ ;.t lt; 1.1 ' : Ely, Sept. 4 and 10, 1811i,othera, letter 13. ~•".,. 1P IR ' : 111161 thr - I'vliimiii' ' ' " -50 S, altered 11'001.5'8; the vignette' of - 9fl' triaty li*s . ' _ _,. , .-, • z • : b. dm •IPS .9 and liIIPPOWI4 I. • -,. ' . :‘, •-.:, , . •• • . - , '•. ~ I . I .01 1111 10 , PlifilLAiltElL PINTA HANNA: . Farmerei and Ihs.)vpra!•Bank, • Waypes-:- • •.• linnit l 'asit'lli . A, ni erieti'; ' T. . 2 '''' "J .; ' ' ' 'Peiv.•'' . '. burgr, .;'--..-.-.-, y ,, ;7: , •••,•,•:: ;-_,: , ,t •- • ,;i,;ji.,9.gT:113 • .. . .• ~. , , . .s . 's, iptirions; y igilette,flatyP'fsofJu . ,sticeAd.,l,.,iber-', ,Farinein e Bank ofgtintlCBSteri • t , ••:'' ~,1'a. . ,2, ty,- reading , we proimse to pay; fito;, 04 dpm4nii • ss, letter A; Mare11i;7,48,3; 'Pay 3 . , Windi ' HO gei l ! in specie', or paper 0.46 Flank. a! North Ameriem" , ..ni irtilot es artit'ts deseriPtion in' circulation; ;:ollif. s's and 10',a, old plittek enne geileincieinaining'out. ~, e1.:3,3%116Th 17,1801, and other dales; pny Geo.-11.. 10 , s . mid , 90's, altered from 6.'af.,Cigifettelif • - B,S'altd 'Kittg, fillinitip and aigainthrein same hand. of al termt,,notes,,a, :4 1 : 1 CP 4.COintrierce; 's,itting. all 19s, letter:A; 'March ty 1833 ; pay J. Wind '; yig-,: • eagle before tier , and ships in the bee'k gromid, • n e n u , a . m u, . ..,_ .. ~ • ' "--. 20's; Letts: 1) klitn.. IQ,. 1810; ,pay A Ctitheard and lOs and 50's,Mliereil fro m s'll'. of the •alitive coon., -D. Willi lett..ll,April 49,1817, parit; ChesneY, terfeit. , • ', •-: ~, .• • , ; ~.,: t . ; , . Bank of the Northern Liberties, . oar. • i Formtirs' Bank..pf Reading, R eading, 3lt 4 . , 10's lett. C; Oct. 18, 1837; 1)0' , J. Taylor; signs- ss, letter A; Jan. •1; 189,8; 'Pay G. Imilieig, I'4o tures poorly itnitated; vignette heavily'sliatled• has s;lk mark; fiddappearance. ' 10's, lett. Af 3 uly;4 . ; 1834 pay . 3.• Starr; printing ss,letter I); Jan. 1, 1833 . pay C., Smith ; May 20, ink, rale; arid-yellow ish., ._;,:,. • -..• . • • 1836; pay A. Strong.' Coarse. . ' .. 2's in' tend leotnicitunterfet t, lb's: haul). U 0710." • • MOS, len t A . ; pay John Harrold; none fateli ~ genuine. 200 'se 1 3. 1 3;;Silo!mi, 1815 ; pay J Jenks. -:. • ~,:' Franklin Bank, 'Washington, - ' . 2 • -• Bank of PennsYlrania. '•••., 7 a a• 5s and 10's, altered frdm• the , broken' "Bank of . s's, lett. 11 , 1:1; ,Aeril .::, 1836: pay G. W. Warder;. . Washington," by prefixing, "Friiiiklin.7 -This a plain white circle around the 5 :.t top, not in Batik opened In 1836. Observe. the date: gennine; , lett. ci 'April r, 18e9, pay E. -Leans. l's, letter A; Nov. 1, ' 1896 ; pay 'lt . Wylie; John .s's lett.lMtB; Nov. 6, 1838; pay N. N • olen-coarse. Marshall,Cash.;these names engraved. Imprei-• 10 9 8,bflyariou6 filling. up; the Ein President .eons, , sion si4newliat faint-, pmeticularly the lines under sidevahly !Inver than the other letter% • ~ •,, - : „ signatures which are distinct in the genuine. 10's, lett. F; Sept. 10,1836; pay 3. Hicks, signed E. - Harrisburg Bank, . 6 a 6 • . ..G. Lewis, Pres ; no such officer; Aug. 6, 1836; ss, letter, D. pay H. Alward, dated 'May 14,.1819. ,•.. ' • pay S. Bray; April 41829, pay 0. Say; -rnotto.on ss, letter C, pay J. Ross, dated Nov. 3,1820. Pit..coat of arms roughly done; others, Sept. 10, 58, letter C,' pay It. King, salted Jan. 1,1823. 1837, pay e.'Clay. .- • - ' , 10s, May 4, 1829, letter A. tiny J. E. Whiteside. • 10's; letts.o and EtAtiril 16,1833; pay H. Clay. 10s, vignette, a steitifiboat, railroad cars, tec. The 10's, Lett.: B; ,April; 1823, nod July 10, 1833; en- genttine le's have the goddeis of Li ierty, and the ~ graver's firm B.r. Eo. for Co.: others;Ang. 7' - 183- '2 8 t .. Cnpitol in the back ground. • • ' pay 11, Clay ; .E. , Clutunoey, Cash., iiistelid of 20, altered front coin:teat:it 10's; vignette, a view of f Chauncey. . • „ 50.'S,Izttf 11;3ati. 1,1817. " 1 . • the State Builditgs.. .• ' „ .. . 50'S;leti.,C; Meech w, I gel; pay J. Boone. i • ..Honestlale Tank, linoesdalo, ':1 i a ', • Bahl( of Pend'ToWnShip,... • -r- , ' par, Lancaster Bank, .. • la 2 .10's.. Washington on thi.t.Errinstead of nioirr end. s's, altered from s's, letter A, October 3, 1836, No. ' 20's, various dates, well , done, except the: Franklin 4987. i . . , on right margin, which is coarse. . LanithsterConnty, Bank, • -• • . •': 1a 2 50's, altered from, s's; Vignette of s.o's, commerce Libation BAtili, ' 4 a 5 sitting on a bale of gooda; right - cal piece, Frank- . • lin; left, Penn., • Merchant's & Manuf. Bank," Piteg. 1a 2 ,• Bank of the United States, . 58 a 60, Miners' Bank of Pottsville, 5 a*6 IMsand 20's, lens. A &B,heitds and each end coarse. s's, letter F, pay J. Lyon, June 13, 1841; others, J. 50's, left, D; Deo. 2, 1836; end nieces coarse. _, s t White 'Aug. 1, 1840. 'Fite letter tinder the It in ' 50's and 100's, Letts -A a and G; Oct. 1,18383 pay ' Sehnvfkil I; in the genuine, it is below the Cant! ' 3no. Somerville, Cash., at 10 days; paper thin and K; the cross of the, , TTS in POUNTiIk. ineillloB UP' reddish. ' ' • . wards, instead of horizontal., 100's, lett. II; Sept. 1, 1838; pay 3. Ross at 10 days. .Alononeallola Bank, lirownsville, - 5 . 100(1's, altered from' 100's; Oct. 11, 1838: pay to 20's, altered from l's, easily detected. and endorsed by R. Buchanan, at 5 months. 50's, this Bank has no 50's out. ' . • . Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, par. .New Dope Delaware Bridge Co. 2. 0 a 25 • _S's lett. I); March 4, 1819; pay 'l'. Astley. (11,t•inoved to Lambert% ire, No77' Jersey.) s's, alter from the Commercial Bank of Afillington, Northatn ppm Bank, Allentown, •• 12 a - 18' broken, by substit u ting-Pennsylvania for :Milling -s's tenet. 11, Aug. 28, 1830; pny .S. Lipid:won; Sig , ton, which observe; vignette °fgt . :twine s's, Penn's . Treaty pith - the lndians. ' , . . ,natures and fill.ing up engratiVarVi . glirtie, - COHCOf 7 Idle the (.;intilat l's issued since 1837 lilac 10's, spurious; vignette of genuine,.)Vasiti [lgloo and ail . Is ' W 6 , • - - -, Franklin", a view of Mauch Chunk. 10'3. . A Nov 17 1830 It Ti L ou,. , , pay .R . March f lett , To *anda Bank, Ti,iv - anda . , - 70 a 75 - and June-2, 1898, '99 and 30, pity Geo. W. Asir West 'Bratich It'lc, .‘l'illiants . port, . 50 - t • • Sept. 'l5, 1830, pay S - . - Girard. , • 10's of•varions filling up; sonic. to 1: Kenton; 'l'. 10's, lettit. An, Nov. 17,1822. pay E. Lyman; Nov. 'Coryell, Cash; .1. 1 - 1. Cowden, Pres.; vignette, a 3,1821; pay M. Carey; .letter I:, pay H. Clay.. . flying eagle, railroad ears in the. dist:time, PreSi 20's, signed .I.3cilj. l'. Smith, dated. before he Was• dent's signatuito,too light and stiff; general appea . Cashiq. , • . • ranee light; the testi in Wrilliainsport reseal:hies' - - no's, altered from Commercial Bank of Millington more.a liguree 1.. : • ' . _ 251 d. • Railroad cars on one end, denomination of 50's, altered ft•oniss'Bl,vignette which is that-of the ' note on the other. Entirely.different fi•ord genuine s's, is a view of the town On, the ' left end of note..- / 500'5,50'3, 20's and 10's, altered Vont 's's, which Wyoming Bank, Wilkes Barre, • •• - 10 .. • only has Peari's treaty with the Indians for vi g- - nette. 1:i:7 - Genuine 500's UPC printed in BED ink. York -Bank, ; ••- .11'5 , Parmer's' and Meeltanies Bank, oar. l's, letters A and B; Feb. 2,1830; old plate,• pay.W., ' Wagner, added:aline is spelt Wagnorl In the _"_•' s'B - ; ill's and 25's, altered from Farmer's and Me word Pivr, on the left-Inntl--inagin, the 1 is net chanic's Batik of Wisconsin; vignette of s's, a te -defied. The Fof Five, in the body of the note, male I - Kidding a cup in right hand, lift arm resting does not exactly line Wit ' lllleoiltee letters. Yig- on an eagle; of 10's' a female reaper; of 20's, a near imperfe c t in many ;;l ac es._ ._ female spinning. • None genuine etinTaved by Our, -- ' ton Br. Gurley . , . ~.. -. • - 10 'solltcree - froin - counterfeics's,----Sedpreeetling.- ..; • , 105011IfilTETPer,T8 - 9 - .31 - pay P. ,- Saley; letter C; - ' 'll - , • . 'd , Co. Tayltirvd.e• elm% att - Bri 1...,e C 10:// 15 . Feb. 5, add 10, 1820, '25; pay A. Mbses C. Dull, .1.. limn; letter G, .1p; il '2, 1826; pay el. Clay. :20's, well done; 'paper milder'aiiil signattive liglitcit than resume; - some letteri• A - , N0v..20, - 1804, pny G. Hurl. 20's, lettei It; Nov. 2_9_,_1_83.4;_ engt•aving very had. 50's, letter C; .Dee. '25,1819; pay G. ]first.. Girard Batik,4o a 45 • . . -10's, 20's and 50's, altered from 5'"4", whosc7 vi g nette is the•Philidelphid Exchange. Hold op to light. Kensington Bank, ' _____ . par. Manuf - & Meeh. Bank, - 8 a.. 10 _ 10's, altered front 5 1 e; vignette of genuine 10, n fe male tuid SPINNING WIIEELOVIIitII 11187." is 110 t on . the altered notes. . - )nal _so's, altered from s's; the Ms FIFTY i s crooked, and bunglingly inserted. - ~_ rllechanies' Bank, . • i's, old emission; long stnee withdrawn. 9.o's, altered from counterfeits ob Ilechanics's Bank • New Haven ; 'miniature of Washington on tin right, and Clay on the left. , 00's, altered from s's, April • 1, 13,33; FIFTY IS ' placed too close to IDOLI.AIIS7 small lettering of rivES around the edge rubbed clear. ' Moyainensib)g Bank, . 8 a 10 Philadelphia Bank, • par. s's old plate, withdrawn. The plate in use has for vignette a female; anti end pieces,Washington on the right,and Robert Morris oinie left. ' 10's, lett,C, lan. 1,1819; Sept. 7,1819; Dee. 8,18'20. 10's, letter D,Feb. and May 8,1839; pny J. Kant and D. Evans. Vignette, three female figures with a ship id the distance, ainl a view of the banking _ House on the left, very impeittect. Franklin on the right, and Washington on the left end. 10's :aid 20's, altered from 5'3: vignette of s's, two females sitting; between them, a shield, on which is a ship and•plough: of.lo's, a female reclining, - het-right hand resting on a shield, on which is Pa. coat of arms: of '2o's; Penn's•Trerity %fhb din'ln- Mans. . . .20's, old plate, letter B, May 9, - 1814, 1824, 1825, and 1827; pay I). Edwin. Southwark Bank, - . par. 500's, altered from 10's, old issue, of large size; "on demand" extracted, and "Five Hundred" sub stituted. Schuylkill Bank; --:.--•- • ,-... . par. s's, old plate, of various filling up. The heads of Washington and 'Franklin imperfect Mid coarse. Western Bank, . par. - • . COUNTRY BANKS'. Bank of Chambersburg,. • - - Bank of Chester Co., Westchester, par. Bank of Delaware Co., Chester. par. 20's, altered from s's, well executed. „ 50's, altered from sts, letter A, Jan. 1, 1856; pay wont FIFTY after bearer is blotted; the cirele dark. Bank of Germantown, par. 20's, altered - 11.6m Pa; hold the note up to light. Bank of Gettysburg, 5 a 6 s's; Nov. 14, 1828-9, pay R. Smith; without 'the circular water-mark sea in genuine. s's,old plate. which reaps Gettysburg Bank. Bank - of Le iiiioto`w ti, 9a 11 Bank of Middletown, 4 a 5 Bank Of Montgomery Co., Nors' wn. par. s's, letter A, Oct. 2, 1829, pay B. Litez; Nov. 1, 1823, pay J. Wells; others en 1825-6, some,2il May. s's, letters B and F, July 2, 'lB2s,,,x4triously filled out.. • Vignelte.light und conryir" Bank of Northumberland, 4' a 5 Batik ' of Pittsburgh, ; . - 1a 2 b's, letter C, oldplate, witlittatwn from circulation; vignette,a blacksmith, tools, ?s,letter , C; Dee. 4, 1831; par Wm. Wilkins; oth • ere, MaY.4,18253 . pay ff. Baldwin.. .. • 10's and 20's, altered from couttlerfeit s's; dly done.. • en% vignett*,n female leaning on a vase of no era; . 'of genuine, a blanksmith with his t 0015.., • Bank 'pf Stisrititthantia Co.ontr9se, 6a 8 „ . . , Berke. ounty Bank,. ReadinEe '4O a 50 2's, relief, notes, letter B; vignette, State Arms, rather coarsely executed. , ---Carlisle, Bank, --- 6 a, 6 ;ORB. April , 801, pay J. Cressler. The heads pg Washingtonlight and coarse: lre,.and.others e altered from poorty'done. - PoloohitkPk.'4St firidgeCo.Columbia,2 a 3 ling o'4.2lt,ered,traral'ai Mercury and a female restan haleopf,gtmdej, of 100's, a large female sfrore,,criOrtyai resting cut* shield' with stplough '' and eblti. on right end; a'figurecof Commerce.. • DiArt4oiiiit Bank,-•.: . -par. • Eqpton " , , • par. 311, nlsie,letter C,Aorpl, 1827 and 1830; pay ILL Itioe;;,,tiame May 6,1829; May .1,18.11; Fin Amin much lighter than genuine. _ - ';' , l4Pail'efteiz.pi ',Feb:1,1824; pay . J. Post.. . ' • ''6 Eitaliange Bank, Pettaburg•& Branch, I •:: • t • I a 2 T Na S;Attei,t/git"ette'fif4 ap • hid an an. ;4or t ;Whirethe4trultiuti ; dtistiee:andhn.k ' ,l- Atinfing;and•WhOf. 11M1 PPWif!rine!9 l l.4 l niy and tia ro'd altered Einhangoilink Philadellihlarodgeettee Pierre -victory.'' figure seated between twat:bests. r, l oote. sign4„ThoiriatiAll.llowe,. Cash., sioc e July, • • • Sept - . 7, 1839., -The ,iirintet of tht Cashier and-President are lithogiaphett •S. DU N LAP AD AIR ; attorney at Late, • - Arbi FF IC E N 0.3, lleetetn's itow,t on the Pub. qty lic Square, Carlisle, Pa. • April 60812, 5 - sca c , A-T 1' ORNEY AT L'A iV (Vice opposite the Carlisle Barth . July ", , 7, 1812, • „ JOHN EXENDEL, ESPECTFULLY tenders his services to the citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that he wall attend to and perforin all dental operations 'such as Ckanin ,, , Pluging and Exiractiatrila lard Tee/h, and inserting incorruptabte artificial teeth from a single tooth to an entire set. (o . ollice opposite July ;20,• 1842. t I-3S par. SHEICIFirS SALE. 111 ,virtue ol'a writ of Alias Levari Facias to me 11 - 31 dirated i issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of (jumped: OM County, Will be exposed to Public sale, t. the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, on - SATUR.DAIrdie sth day of NOV EM IIER next, at ten o'clock, A._ M. the -following de scribed Real Estate, to wit: Piece or Parcel of Land, Situate in Monroe township, 'Cumberland county, bounded and described as follows, vizi Beginning at n heap or,stones, thence by lauds of Jacob Bricker and Michael Ego's heirs, North eighty-one and a' half degrees East, riftymine perches to n Spanish Oak, thence by land of Ege's heirs, North twenty-eight degrees West . , forty-six peirelnis to a stone, thence by . land of the heirs of Martin Brandt, South eighty-six de revs West, thirty-four perches to stones, thence by lands of the heirs ofjacob Brick er; South twenty-six degrees East, five perches and two-tenths, ton stone.&c. Containing . morely less; about four acres cleared and Rich:dance timber land, halite; thereon erected a one multi halt story stone HOUSF, and a frame wentherbotini eil stable. Seized am taken in execution as the pro. , perty of Jacob Sheaffer. ASA to be kali' by me PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offire, Carlisle, ?. September 28, 1842. ono TO TM PLJBLIJI rillHE subscriber, irr — retiatijng his sincere thanks to his friends and the customers for their favors•, thus fir bestowed upon him, takes pleasure in informing them that he is 'still pre. pared to, execute,any and every order they may stand in need of in his line, as respects the finish ing of NEW a a or the . r_f . pairing of old imp, at his Coach & tutot-Itisti ait fatal) r ril WC al. is I!, and hopes hum an earnest desire to please all who may be disposed to give him a call, to merit a continuance of their custom, and offers the fol loWing RARE CHANCE to farmers and dealing men generally. On. ac. count of the scarcity of tnoney,,the undersigned is induced to hold out to every man an opportunity of purchasing*. Carriage for TRADE, for which will be taken the following produce and .merchandize, to wit: , Iron, Lumber, Wood,' Cent, stout, Corn, - Outs, Wheat, Rye; and any and every kind of Store. Goods, or almost any kind of trade gning. .14oni is yew. chance Farmers, call in and look foryourselves; you who had an excuse for,not attending Church or visit. your friends, there is no excuse for' yyoungg, old, lainc,blind,'orthoie Without CARRIAGE& Brass. and Silver Plating Of all 'kinds;.done at the..shortest notiie," in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonabln terms. . . .. ES.tabliSh.ptent, . . . Pittedroet, South of High., in the roar of the Me. thodiat • Episcopal Church,.and imniodiately op. point° the raja - nee - di Mr. John Noble: , • 1: - .0 - 0,1d,Carrismo taken in exchtingo for now 0/11311, and Ropaumg dono with, nettmemo and de. aPatob. , and,ort very maiOrtable tornio. 2, • Mimeo ,therr gim mo a Calf along yvitritbe refit of tho,Oottoh,,Makiro. „ 11l b. 3 nidaseci tO epti pll, ah acittiOwledgo my - tbofilia for' ttitil rpatronago. EDDNEZER D. .NUTZ. _ • tf-43' klitust 04,:tfit:Mc r. .Six'Otto Reward, R4 3l 4)YfiCiiptuAho pffirromtim in'aeiite4 -04 red 4v4tebornamid ' - cf Colima , Altpotifotuiti* lE4i*att:tect- not 104+ iiiirbdur Said bur or - Artill him on pir Anyverson,twong„bigt wind repirnme hint tp : meirollirtecciveth9Abgvo rawo4-.04Cn0 cliargca, Carlisle, 0ct..5, 1842, • : 30.49 ODUla t ti k tri n;.rgs2 EnWO . 1 , " 77 7. . r • • lf! • , Jtartriiis, • • • locatdd in Carliblec arid 4iliperl.: JIL form 411'opprtitions' that` tird: . rel u irad in the ['practice 6E14 proferie!M4-Suirlias„ illiektingArtillieltil from a magic Aooth 40 an entire;.sOr • N.• B. For a fetii menthe 4)11mill:iv Dr. Loostia: trill-bo' in :Carlisle, the •first tufo, weeks in each' ,month—after which, he , will .bo :abhent Until the; Brat two togas ineach following montli,-at whiehi period ho.may bo.found,at his . Dlice,Pitt et. near 111,?Fierlane's • Hotel. • Carlisle, May 4,:1842. , • . tf:27 Nieeha nics.burg e oink , • "roan et " 72.4. • , • , -.Awe • , • lietaieen alechanitriburdo and iltitadelphia or , ll7aUitnore... , • [.11174.41L ROAD QR .C.4111:414 • . • MOE subscriber grateful for 'past favor's, begs leave to inform his. friends and the•publia• generally, that he still continues lo.run.a,line of 'hurthen Care . regularly between Mechanicsburg and Philadelphia or .Baltimore, by,which goods and produco.of•• all descriptions Will be forwarded with care and despatch at the lowest rates of freight, • Produce will be received at his : Ware House,in Mechanicsburg, end forwarded to either delphia or Dithimore, according to the direction of the owner, • CCP'The highest price ivill . be given for Wheat and Flour. , • • , . MARTIN MElLtit. N: B. Plaster of Paris and Salt, always kept on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. . • • . • He has also unhand, at the Depot iii.Meeitanics. burg, for sale, LUMBER, inch Evi-Boards, Shingles, Scantlings, etc. of all kinds ; which will be sold on liberal terms, August 17, 184.'1. if-42 TO FARMERS. • V 2111 1 ,311114 111112111/1 rpm: subscribers, at their FOUNDRY AND •g 4l AC 111 NE 51101' t on .Maitistreet;nearly posit'? the_ County. in the Borout1: ot P a., still contitte to build the following Machines and Horse Powers—viz: . T. D. DOrrell , ms Palma Improved . TIIICER AND POUR • lECZSM:S ' F - SONVi - 1 - 2.' Willi a horizolital band-wheel, with a trunk to eon 'Met the strap tii the : Machine.. • 'BEVIL GEAR HORSE POWERS The bond: wheel outside of the horses. They 'are well ealeidaled to put to one side of the barn bridge; or under .the barn tiled; - . A -New and lin proved Shaker 9 To seprOade—the grain the straw, which will dispense with one or two hadds, will be made to the above Machine if wanted. seaza'acams . Purelaising ani• °fib Lyaliate_lllttehitiminay. ha trial, - orFeturnitT - the same it' not satisfied. All Alaeliines and Horse Powers are warranted I'm• one year, ir w e ll used. 111E.P.1111 - .1•71i 1 V All kinds of repairing will be dime 'itt the shoi•tes notice and on the most reasonable terms." They-111- c ays keep on hand all castings necessary to'repaii the• above Machines, or anv others now in_use.— :IRON7-AND BRASS FOUNDRY.. MEI 'flu .is NIA') attached to dn. - above establishment an IRON AND lIIIASS FOUND.ItY, at which all kinds of CASTINGS eI4II be had —such as Apple Mills, Cocn Brokers, Plaster 13rakers, Mill Gene ing, SawMill - Crankti, -- Machine - Gentlng, Wagon Boxes, &c. &c., Also, 6m,39 AND FINISIEING; Such as Spindles, - Car Boxes, Turtling Lathes, &e., all ini the hest order, in iron :Intl brass. (CrAll orders will lie ( xecuted at the shortest no tice;:mapromptly attended to. Farmers nod others 111 . 3 respectfully iorpcd to give Its call, confident that they can he suited to their satisfaction. A. STOUFFER & CO. • Carlisle, Aug. 10, 18.1'2, tf-41 Ilenwooo and Ogle's PLOU (.; IS and TLOIT(:II C Awl-11 , 4;5. such as Cutters Land &c.; eau also be laid at the foundry. A FARM FOR SALE; jIIL subsCribcr will dispose or at public sale on Vic premises, on THURSDAY, the 20t1 of OCTOBER 'iicxt„ • \YALUIII23,IIM of Slate-and—Li mosione -bap di-in. North drift ton township, Cumberland county, containing 117 ACRES, more or less, of patented land, adjoining lands of Coover, Zigler, and others—said farmis a portion of the estate of John Alegintick, dec'd, The improvements area ; . LOG ssssi, AND 11AltN, There arc also 2 never failing springs of water on the premises, convenient to the house. Said farm is but a few miles distant from Car. lisle, and is well worthy the attention of capitalists. Persons desirous of viewing the farm previolis to the day of sale, can be gratified by calling on Alexander IlleClintielc,who resides on the premises. The terms will be made easy, and a clear in. disputable title will be given. ISE JOHN McCLINTICK, __Residing Cliarnbersburg:--- Ji4 27, 1842. is-39 .BITER JAMES - .Produce,. Commission and . Forwarding Merchanls. N. W. Cornsr Broad 4 Arch Street, Philadelphia EDWARD SITER,' • WM. H. JAMES. Erßeferenue to. Williath B. Murray, Carlisle July 27, 1842. Hilla.NYlll2 o 11111lirgalliti GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS THE subscri'vr, having , concluded to do on entire:Cash lisindss, olFers for sale his large and splendid assortment of . FOREIGN & DOMESTIC /1•11/t .D lffr° `4 I? .E , Nails .& o,llWry, lower . than it wag ever bought for in Philadelphia. The following will give you some idea of the prices that lam determined to sell aft . • „ . '6 inch Carpeuter's .Patent Rim Locks, from_ ~ , $l2 to $l4 per dot. 0 inch Drise - Strikei.; " ," • Newton Darling Gresi Scythes; ,• • itt • Newborn's n , ••• Flay Forks, Solid Cap Perrulei ' , Cast Steel long handled Shotels, ' . 7: ' • Cumberhind or-Reading '4,64-Keg. Phoenix (*Juniata • .. • ' 444' " Other makes • '" 4,31 .. I will sell 'any articlesin'vYip line from 20 to 25 percent. lower than can be bought for. on credit. Call on ere—examine my goeds—get a list of• my. prices. —remnpare them with the , prices of Other storcs,and ascertain -for yourselves where. you can, buy. the cheapest. , • , • • • ' .HENRY L..ELDER, Importer'. 403 Afarliet st.nbovel3tli,North side, Ph Had el phia June 1,042. . Gm-3 . . . I: . 1 r -Ns sralley;Tio'Gri•xiv..;Lime.burneig, -4t-94,-Pit.groT.).! -com , . orstank .for sale t . : j; - 4, la: AI Rn ~, , ~..;.. •,.., ~ • Fluc6abottit6lVtillet: ' Sz; Maitelis ',', • liatreaitlig: Avril '40, , 184.2.•'' , k 4 .' l :' ' t 11l 45 -.,..• ' . . ~ . . :. ~ 441 :•:, bat piititedigtttile ojfietr, 4 fitiii iiiisoitnieiii cif - _ , Dievistr' , Artoyleri,Afifog ''tifil, --::,'041410 1 it V i e&fable' rtosH supply:joist retielybd.'-by the '4uBdorilidl. ; J. whois Agent : , fortho gargle. •4 . ' '''Carlisle, Aug. 31y 1842. ifwif MfMM , ~. . . ' U AgAVAEIti ' 3 1 1 / 4 0:111MOVN - ... i , : ,,, ,', 3 , ,,... ,,, ~,': 44.-''' 'f ' r 'r " 4 • 4.!. 9 ',..l 4 ''' ''," •.'•••, =3,";-'`IV• If iide*in liki ngiiityit , ".'Jz ^ tr;' , . LOSS' Olt, DAMAGIIIs FIRE. , „:., "- (4 .... CHA , RTER. . PEAPi.,TITAL. , .-. , , . TO.VijP4: :qai ,d0i.'1v , ..: i -Tti.B.6.raote Coin=; puny, of , 1? ?illackip l'oa, „,,:, j• .; 1 . ts 4' iNkIRANO4; ,eithei'tomporot or • ikorpotuil, against loss or clambrin• by "Fins; in: burp orcountry, on 4ouses;Barns and piiidd; ings of tall'ltitids:' onlionsithold Fitrnitfirec• Iller'i Chandixo, Horses, . 'rattle, 'Agria'ulturai, Commee•:i cial ; and :Mtknufacturing •Stook, aPd •Piensils,o 1 e very, dopeription i n s woltos AttiOimn (MS arid ,G ROMA') Iti.Nr, upon tile most ftivoyablO ternii.' ',' ." • ' .r .,, -' s„ , al rat The fellothing - aie the 'utues,' vex: , , Oa Stone'und brick buildings, from' .2- 35 to 40 ctsoon stoo 60 to 70 cts.,on' 100 . . . "Log and frame "Ilierehandize and forth: Lire 'in •biielfOr Aline buildings, from "Do. in log gr frame,' "Home :cattle, .farming utenails and -sundries, tit aluout • PERPETUAL' RISKS. On Brick or stone buildings, $25 on .$1;000, the premiunisubject to be Withdrawn at any time by the party insuring, at a deduction of .sper cent. on the amount paid. ; ' • Applications for Insuranee, or any information on the subjectonay be made either • personally or by, letter; at the Company's Office,. at 'the north. . 'west corner aSlikth and Wood streets.' MORTON MORTON WMICHABL President. Morton M l Michael,' George M. Troutman; Jes s ePh Wood, Samuel Townsend, P. Laguerenne, • Robert L: Loughhead, Elijah liallett, ''n W. Pomeroy, Chai. W.• Schreiner, Charles. Stokes, - • Joseph J. Sharpless September 14, 1842 • JaHN'HARPER Corsi ntissidner in hlici►ihycrupicy. ifThilICE in South Hanover . street, NJ! Clellan's Hotel, where all infor)nation desk• ed, in reference lathe duties of those intending to apply for the benefit of the Bankrupt Act, can be obtained. . . Carlisle, Mn,' 4, 1842. . • tf-27 FARMERS'_ .HOTEL Tut . iubsesiber — hereby informs his • frielifis Hod the public iiigeneral, that he still .continues to 'keep a , • PUBLIC • 111 F"f (r, porn to the contrary nom ithstanding,) at the OLD STAND, in East High Street, a few doors ,east of the Court House, where, he Will at all times take • pleasqre itildministering . to the ttomfgoa..of those who may fhsor him with their custom: - • • Ilia DAR shall be constantly supplied witir.the .ehoicest. iitoors - , --- and - hit - TATTLE with the best the market can furnish. A Careful OSTLER always kept in attendance-and nothing Shall be left Undone to please all who call with hint. BOA 41)!L . q,S Jake!' by the week, Mond' or year.- • TION WONDERLICII. . Carlisle, A pliF4-1.8 1.14.1 Union 'Paper NEM THE subscriber respectfully inft.trne the pith. lie at large, that he has leased the above ea• tablishmeht, six miles south of Carlisle, for a term of.years, and the MILL having been recently re- paired; and new machinery: introduced, ho is therefore • prepared to manuliteture to order / (and -also has a supply - conatantly - ort - hurid) - Paner of every kind and (ilia Wye which ho will furnish.to printaai merchants and °there, in any quota:Ries at . the lowhst- city pricea. - All'ortlers addressed to the subscriber,-at" Paper town, Cumberland county, will reeeite prompt attention: . . Haring lately Toceived a imp* ofthe'vcry best Materials, lie flatters himself that ho will be able to manufacttire pape'r equal in quality to any other_ establishment in "the' s country; WILLIAM B. MULLIN. Papal:town, July 20,18.12. tf-38 N. B. The highest price paid for rags. ssixt.r CUMBERLAND COUNTY, SS; The . quipplanul faith P enn tPArif sylvanta, to the Shen . ° if Cunt '"'" berland County, Greeting: - WIIETLEAS", henry andC. Least! in the Court of Connuoit Pleas, to wit, of the term of January. in the year of our Lord, one thousand.eighr hawked and thirty-nine, before John Reed. Esq., and his Associate Judges of the same court, did, b} consideration of the same court recover against lsaac Crowell an -1 Sinulerson, Atf minist(•ators of Samuel — Crow e! 'Crowell, deed., with notice to_dre widow of the said and to Samuel Crowell his heir, late of your countyotcertain sum of seventy , .nitteAtillars-and-lifty-three.cents; Inwlili fi~aiicp of Pennsylvania, debt, as also eight dollars and sixty two emits, which to the said I lenry and C. Lease iu the same •court; We're likewise adjudged for their damages which they sustained by occasion of the detention of that debt, whereof the said Administra tors with notice &c., are convict, ns appeals of re cord, Ste. And wheremi, the said Judgment to pre serve the Lien according to the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, should be revived, as is suggested to us by the saint & C. Lease as also execution of said judgment remains to be made, as on the information of the said L. Lease we have received, and we being willing that those things which in our same court are rightly acted, slrmild be brought to due execution; therefore, we command you that, by good and lllWrld men of your bid li wick, you make known to the said Administrators with no titkt &c., that they be nod appear before our said Judges at Carlisle; at our Court of Common Pleas, there to be held the second 'IIONDAY of NOVEM- DER next, to spew cause, if any they have; why the *sobi,)l. tease ought not to - have their sai II Og - =1 omit revived as aforesaid, and they might not to have, executicto against deem for their debt and damages aforesaid, accort:iug to the fare[ form, and elrect-of die rlyovery aforesaid, if they think tit. And you have then there the names of those men by whom you shall so make known to them and this writ.— Witness Samuel Ilepburn, Esq at Carlisle, the twenty-sixth day of August, in the year our Lord ae.thousand eight hundred and forty-twO. For Gunge Sanderson, Prothonoinry, .lowc MAIN. PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff." 448- CM= FOR . PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. THE proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil: adelphin and Baltimore during the present 'season, their friends will,. please apply- to Wm..L. Fox, Broad st. and to Castncr, Christian & Outran, No. 76 South Wharves, Philadelphia, and Joseph - E. Elder, Baltimore. Until further, notice, the following' price's be adhered to •between this place and the above cities. Ale per 100 lbs Groceries; Q Weft) and Hardware, bry...Goods, Furni ture and Drugs, Wheat; Rye & Corn per bushel • 10 Oats do r • • 6: .7 Lumbar per 1000 _ • feet $2 75 63 sty Shingles; do' 150 ,2 00 Flour per, bbl ;' 35 500 Shad do 37a 50 Herring do . 31# • Salt par sack; . .28 314 • 'Fax and.lioein , • , per 100, • • it . • Plaster grails toil; $2 25. ' Hemplierloo, ,;" • t 16 ,•22: Hides,' .20 • •;•. Fig Metal k gross tan 250 • '-' 3"50 t Blooms & Cantina; 3.121 a 4 00, . Bar Iron, , 9SO 41 - 40 : ' Nails lB 26 •-•:' Leatbar per . 100, 20 4 ' 25 Wh4 l o7;per 56' .;= Burr Bioelisper 106,45% , • " 20 • Curb StMtof ../20 ‘," Tini , 7 ' - :•;. 7 . , ..Suaeassoilt Miller' &Martina. Harrisburg ; May 4,1842. • ••' • ' 6,101' 40 . t0 50 otg. on° 100 60 to 70 ate, on .1.00 KRUMPHA AR, Secreta ry,, J°FtN J. YERq, AGENT Carlisle; td C. to r. :14 • E ST ?tr . 1 - 59 r' dtsi pertbi la, 40 2:5 18 • 43'c. " I Na lli filOLOS I ; TrinE dkust, , AtrO,Q..s n•krtifoXt•r;•sini - • A plwati theseeeigUlaibtkit*.usuidlitiaiiidered, no otielee&ilehliheit. 9 biAr Cowie of thin fatal nod 'fdja,troseitfedittetitii. indeed nitnelincholk : glitipbat-Alienitande • victidie: , t 4 .oiiiplinip#o . :Opryyear:tro l l no:baer. Canso tlititt• 4ipeieted* . ide: Arsit-;.,wit'.,.fiO4 • tregt:Ptibh-.oOntekt.kits.' with the greateifindiffereiiee, -- andlet• „inn on' for' weeksiuniegitit ritatithiwitkont-, thinking , of theAanger: At fiis k yen , !lave What. you' mat , • dern, COugli'or colilfYett.'i talk-Minh eatii lileatiuip or Carelaisneas to prevent . you from iotpi, upon . yout. .breast, , yea. become firdnit f,irQ Lite Bidder cheittoipeatorafe Mat= t.er, Perham+ mixedwitlajdood; ,'a'•••iliffieniti, beentlaing ensues, and :then.iyou ;own foolish neglect .I)er:brought on, this dleteising, complaint:-.',...1f then you:value life ~or health, be warned in tithe; and den'tiiifltrWith' . y,our COLD, ertriistja any quack nostrum "Owe you, bk.' immediately procure a bottle or two - of that fa 'mous remedy, -the 4Bar,:east • cietNrin. Cuinar," Which is well.knowri to be the most,speedy.cpre ever knOwn thinniands 'Wig testify wheat, - lives have been saved7,l . , lETEe very particular. WheEyou purchase .to ask for "Dr, WiSTAR'S ,BALSARI:9I!WILDCMEIMIYP as there-is olio a SYRUP of this name in use. •- . Prepared, Wholesale,and . raid!, .by' WILLIAMS & Co., Chemietti;•..No. -33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia." • • • , Sold, in Onrlisle'hy , 'SAMUEL ELLIOVT, Trice, Onc!,Pollar a liuttle,, , - June 22, 1842._ • to2o-33 60 obit. on 10G TETTER & ITCH' is•.)o-miTmENT423- OINTMEN'i' is a safe and • agreeable 2 application, and has never been" known told' in curing various affections of the skin, when used 'according to directions. • ' • • 'Hundreds of certificates might be procured ofits efficacy-from Captaitik of Vessels, School Teach ers, Principals of rectories, . and' Parents, were it not for thedelicacy of having their names publish ed in connection with so loathsome and disagree able affections. fri - Price, TWenty;five cents a box. • Prepared and's* only, wholesale and • retail, at Dr. LEIDY'S HEALTH EMPORIUM, 191 Mirth Second sired, 'near Vino. (sign of the Golden Eagle quid serpents) Philadelphia. For sale in Carlisle; by STE VENBON , & DINKLE, • Agents for Cumberlana County: Carlisle; May 18, 1812.. . • ly-29 =I Bb i 0 tlliLL~ MBE Suliscriber has received addition -it al supplies of the above named eel.lirated BALSAM, OF HEALTH, which has ih a few Yens a curie and relieved Upwards of SIX THOUSAND persons in different sections of the country, of the following diseases, such as In digestion, Dgspersiaouid all thcise trains uf dietise's arising from a disorders d contliticaiiil the stOnnich Uniliiverolerangement of the digestive functions, such as _ • • -General Debilitt4 or- Weakness- of the- Stomach, • Costiveness, Headache, Jaundice'. Matti ' lent El _ . • tiona, Pcv.r and agile, ' • and has destroyed all kinds-et WORMS, both in grown persona as well :lain children, and cured Ma- . ny other complaints which are too numerous to in sert in thiii advertisement. w Well eau be seen in the directions which call be found scrapped around-each bottle, with a number of certificates of cures per formed by this-valuable Balsam of The great demand for Thisiliilicinrict — ffealili ha; lately induced some unprincipled persons to impose on the public a spurious article for the genuine BA. Sam of Health; therelore the proprietor cautions the public fr om purchasing nay but from his regular' appointed agents,---The genuine Balsam of Health has the mime of the medicine blown °lithe 'glasii of each bottle, thus—"Garlegniit's.Balsam of Health, I repared only by JoIIN S. MILL En;" and besides that, he has his Signature;written on a labs), which is pasted on the outside wrapper. of each bottle, which seciires it (rota being counterfeited. ' ir_rTo be had at all times of his Agent in ibis place, who has already' sold' large quantities, st hick proves it a medicine of great cable and celebrity. SAMUEL ELLIOTT. ,Carlisle, September 28, Mil fim:4B Garlegant's Balsainrofilcalth THE subscriber has just received a fresh supply of the above named celebrated BA LS ANI OF 111 . 1 w hieh has in few years cured and relieved owl ards of font thousand per sons in`dilierent sections of the country of the col diseases, such as the -Dyspepsia, all Chalks and Ikfervotts Diseasesottul all those trains of diseas es resulting from a disordered condition of-the - Stan: -molt—eurerthe'Aglie — iiiiii Fever, and old and fresh Sores, and destroysall kind of worms, both in grown persons and children, and many other complaints.. All hose persons that purchase this Medicine will find a full direction to each bottle, as well as it num ber of certificates of cures performed: To be had nt all times of his agent in this place, who has sold already large quantities. The great demand, fokhis Balsam-of Health has lately induced some unprinci pled person to counterfeit it—therefore the proprie tor cautions the publie from purchasing any only from his regular appointed agents.,The gehnine Bids:tot of Health hiss' the name of the medicine blown on the glaSs of mei bottle, and his signature, John S. Miller, wrote on a label which is pasted on the outside cover, which completely secures them' from being counterfeited. For sale only in this place by SAMUEL ,ELLIOTT. For sale also; by Messrs. J. W. & 1). S. Stone in Waynesborol, Pa., and John Brackenridge, Shiupeosbuf•g, Pa; September' Zli, 184:1 Inost Splendid Lotteries. • Gregory 4 Co. aitaitagers MAGNIFicENT SCESIE!--;60.000 DollarB=- . 50,000 Did lars- 7 15,000 Dollars-12,000 Dollars-100 prizes or 1,000 dollars. Union Lottery, Class A, fdr 1842. To be drat; nat Alevandria, D. C., On - Satur day, October 15, 1842. Grand Scheme. 1 grand prize of 60,000 dollars, I do 51000, Ido 15,000,1 1 r do 12,000, I do 10,000, do 8,00141 do 7,000, 1 d 3'3966, 2 prizerof - 5 - 000;3 - dhlo 3,000, 5 do 2000,10 prizei of 1;500, 20 do 1,250, 100 do 1,000; 133 do 500, &c. Ike, 78 number lottery -13 drawn ballots: Tickets s2o—Halves s lo —Quartersss— $2,50.. The price of a certificate of a pack age of 26 whole tickets in the nbove splendid lottery is only $280; aveerlif.cate of 26 halves only $140; a certificate of 26 quarters only $7O; a certificate of 26 eighths only $35; and a certificate of a package may draw the four highest. prizes. 11.14tryland conikollit4tifed LoiterYi Class C, fur 1842 • To be- drawn •in the city of Baltimore, oil AVedneeday, the 19 t h ofOotober,lB32. Bp..ILLIANT SCHEME:: : • 1 prize of 90,000, 1. do 12,000, ,1 do 8,000, 1 Flo 6,000, 1' do 5,4;02;1 de 4,000 1 , I do 5,000, - rilo 2,- 500, I do 2,41.513, 50 (10 1,500, 30 110 1,000. 40 do, 600, 50 do 400. Ticleeti, s(o—Halves ssh Qiiar. tors 2 50. Certificates of package , of 26 Mioleit $ l 5O, 26 halves, 65, 26 quarters $92 Virginia Pgtenottirapo Lottery. .- Clads for 1842. To lie drawa at Alexandria, Saturday, tfic 22d of October; :1842.1 • ''ALL ' • •,, • „ , . . • • , . • • Those . tic kets Which shall have , on 'them none of the tlrawn numbers will be entltled'te three dollarP nett. SCIIEXE. r'prize of 00,006, de 8,000, 1 4,000, dw*,ooo*. ,209,, L di). 2,000, 1,600; do 1,500, 't wires !,00klozoo, &o: TicKets $lO--helves 's—quarters .2 50... Certinc 3 i e of a package of 15 wholes SF2O, 25 . -halves 60, 25 quarters SO,. _ eesbtirg. .it,otterir Class .0., fox'. 1a32.T.c! be drawn .44 Alexandr i a, yirgittio,ci Satiirdai; the 29th of, October, )442. • , , . 1 iwize_of $45.000,i. do" 10,000; I:dci',6;o; 1 49 2,000, 1 do . .1,7,50; 't' do 1,500;'10 dr, 'l,O ,"_l5 d o t1(10,' teq,;lSte:' l&tirsiven Mmibiredabf WhAie Tickets $1.0.,-4folies $.5-I;piatiero 4 2e 7 Wo: C6:ti.&; ilr ato'eviisioaerr Ssllvfioleti $100;22 kilvetllso, cCiAtWorrders,by, 11l Meet thegnost prompt Ottenslo,lmdiks mgoOltioch "rowing is over an so. count of wj . ll:Kacok fm4ll ho order from us. - ,v,,01'.:4..„t 0; 6 EGORY & CO. s' 7S I "Aunterk)Vosh "ion City, D. D. -.;so,otlliAter-g8;:1 td.4B •' •iii la • " 1 16.1itiV*I ipoomv. icipAt.V,,,F.9.o . ropykouippf 9r • • • • - • • • (.‘ NST,TIPTR, Cailisle;fiii. 310.842. .1144, GAI4LEGAAtT'S. '',', 7 OII,i6pETTICH,AAASI44OI - ,,, T.hEibr , tvE . Dß - ANon . PILLS'for thrinbre. Congiii; Colds, COnbunipticarq LiverCciiM, platiitatiAnth l P4- , pron4hiliai Sore :11 1 roati:AYsi r :: 10 0 .POni Shortness,. Breath,, Pains in SIM Bide,: ' Breest,'lla, r ek and Shouldera t Agne:ritilFever,nn, Feveis, and all- diseriees'-nrisint 'how exposure : iihd de . - . • ,_ hilityinolrriattc.r howlong standing—in fact all • diseases , triNhicli thit Unman family are subject, t,o, Thes . e, pills are " unsurpessed by spy medical. Coinpound everoffered to the public ass ,generalre l'l7o'rnjor:,, end fainll4, medicine. arcs very: gentle' in their 'Oporation,..causin,,w, neither; pain,' 'sickness nor debility the ,use Of ; thomCb . ut On the contrary.; they, strengthen, the stomach . and, bnwele in a wonderful Mannerourid loon Miter* nature toits' foirianiveotirso and - tiger.' The Par son using the Olive Branch Pills ; soon :forgets. that he wasmiclo—w,hiob is very easily anCounted for there le °not that;', r prostration of strength in these, pills as in Many, othe remedies of the day, ,because the Materials uskl in riuMufactuting them,' ere harmony . with"the 'powers' of life and act • in eoneertyvith the opinions, of We:Brown, Bash, Armationg; • Montgomery; .flersey, 'Kendrick, Slieppe:r and the Celebrated. Dr.. Waterhouse, 'formerly' Lecturer, on .the theory, and•.praMine of ' Physic in Cambridge University, Mas,sachueetts. Purchase of thorn, and give, them a fair andinr partial trial, and you will find that permanent re=, lief, upon' ivhich the proprietors,depcnd tornake. them 'the moat , imiversal medieine need, and which 'will stand unrivaled, by any:other in, "the known world. 'Prige 25 cents per' •: RHEUMATIC MEDICINE- -- Is one 'of the most' certain and effectual Cures for all rheumatic, ahronic and inflammatory Rheurna-, tiema that has. ever yet been discovered, and in numerous cases has eradicated that dreadful die. • ease , from persons afflicted entirely., All sour dripks and victuals are strictly forbidden,' end spititous Minors must not be taken inwardly by . any means wlmtever, or it will be of no use to take this medicine, as it will destroy the-good ef feats of the medicine entirely. Pi-ice $1,50 per package. . • , AUGSBURG LIFE TINCTURE. These celebrated drops have acquired the high est recommendations in this Country, as well as in Europe for its most valuable proprieties for all inward weaknesses, cramps,eolds,agues and fever; and, when used with the Olive Branch Pills,neier tails to pure the fever and ague. Price 25 cents per bottlS. , PECTORAL ELIXIR Is uneg , alled ftr its curative qualities oven when used in caSe4 of maladies' which wercotherwise . . incurable. Many recommendations .11ave : peen given of the beneficial effects it.has bud in the cure_of„pleurisy,..pcctoral. and pulmonary icon. sumptions, colds, Price 25 cents per bottle. HYSTERIC OR MOTHER DROPS. - - - - 'This most excellent - article has - a quality ?If calming instantly and withoutfakall cramps of the - stomach; cholic and that troublesome disease called mother fits or hysterics; and when continu ed for HOMO lehgth. of•time, will cure the patient cniirelp Price.2s cents per vial. GREEN WONDER OIL, A certain cure for all Sealds,• Bruses, Burns, and the most effectual cure for the piles L-it will cure the person afflicted in a very short time,.if used aceording_to directions, Price 25 els. per vial. SPIRIT DE7MEXICO:- This spirit is highly recommended for ell sprains, swelling of the lithlu, hr leaders, sinews, joints and rheumatic; as an outward remedy, it has no equal,and when used with the Rheumatic Medi. cipe, will greatly facilitate the cure. The an nuals of History do not produee:ita - equal, and it is the greatest preventive against cold, in_ the known world. Forparrticulars see direclions accom. inlaying the bottles. Price 25 cents. • TOOTHACHE DROPS, An inclinable wire if used according to dircc ons. Price 25 cents per vial. • SALVE OF DRESDEN. Is decidedly the' best application for wounds and sores, old or new; - df all kinds; and will pre. vent if used in time, ninny operationsiand pre vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Backrlfe - ad, &c.— Females who aro so unfortuae. rut to have sore breasts, and will "use this wonderful salve , will lie cured ip a very short time. It cannot be too high ly recommended. For further particularssee direc tions. Priec.l2i cents per box. WORM LOZENGES. . An excellent article ihr the Cure of worm in adults as well as children,,and will cure when other remedies fail. Price 6 cents per box.' COUGH LOZENGES. • A superior article for Coughs, Colds,Sore throat; Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing.- , -Price 61 cents per box. Sold wholesale.and-kball, at the principal office, .b10. , 384; :- Niii:th 3d street, Philadelphia; and. by JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, Pa. • - General Agent for Cumberland County. Juno 22, 1842. .1y.34 READ WHAT IT HAS DONE, AND ifyou have a friend, a relation, or know an}• one that is afflicted with that distressing, disease, "CONSUAIPTION,"persuadc them with. out delay to try that famous and unrivaled' niedi.. cine, the . "Balsam of Wild •Cherry,” which has cured thousands of this complaint ti£ ter everything else had failed. Read the follow ing undoubted proofs of its efficacy: ROXIIOROUGII, Sept. 10 1841 DLARS.III:=PIOIIBC send me two more bottles of your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent me before. I lutie taken nearly all of the first two, and confidently' believe this thedieine"will cure me. I have used a great many . remedies within the last year, but have never found any thingthat lias relieved inc so flinch. It has stopped my cough entirely, checked - lily .night 'sweats, and I sleep , better at night and feel better in every way, than I have for many months. Yours 2 ' respectfully,: JAMES KKLLX. OM • • trotetsenuno, Sept. 12, 1841. FRIEND WIEIAR:—I 1111.1 k. again.trouble thee to send me two bottles more of. thy invalimble Bal sam. I have now taken three bottles in all,_an can assure thee that it has done more good than all the medicine I have ever taken before.. Send by the stage ae, soon as possible, and oblige thy friend,' • " JosErn HOLLOWAY. .11nisToL, Sept. 8, 1841.. . DEAR Docioni—Hearing So many people talk of the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cher ry has made in , 'Consumption, I sent- to one of 'your Agents the-0111'r day for a bottle, 'and have found it to have relieved me so much, that' twant three bOttlei more sent soon, as I believe it will cure me tod. I have used :Jayne's Eipectorant and other medicines , besides, but nothing lisedone mo RE much-good s _ae,„yriurs hulk ; .Send by the, steamboat Bolivar - . Yours, truly, . e WILIfIAAI 'Erßesides its.llsrohisliing' efficacy irk, Consumoption, it is also the 'most effeatual 'remedy ever discovered for. LIVER COIVI VLAINTS, ASTI-IN A, BRONCUITI§, COUGHS, CROUP, wzipOPING COUGH; &c m as tiundieds will tea. tify wholidye limn cured by it after all other rime. dies' had Ailed. • • • • • - DRUGGISTS DEALERS find this medicine a valuable addition tolheir stock, -and shoitid skimp' keep 'it on hand, as it universally acknowledged to be one of the m oat aieftil family medicines' now in Use. Bo Very careful 'to ask-foe Dr. "WISTAWS BALSAM qr:WILD Cligßliy. Sold whole. sale Mid 'retail by WILLIAMS iSsco, - cherniLlN No. 33 i South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Wir The genu,ine Balsam sold in Car lisle by, SAMUEL ELLtO1 1 1c,appointpd 4 192013 'a ; •~■'~iVi ~~ ~IITRT~ ;;~~T' ~i i ' ~'V ~i:RaJ~~~ "vri ANuFAcTunro 'and itekOn:hand,':thr iyikipteLinda:der i t: , ' near the Rail ,d . Endless Chain, ilicitgelPOWtri T i;N G:44 4411,1 tfr s thr ono%littravindlor livoti horlia4;e4tianted to• . m:4 410,4 3 14' 4,l;tlior gp3/0 - titc• itqAtajltty, than iitl of Maehinera,-fOr . , n)f!nitlft,i,lattposi)*iv l ii to , ^:" WALKX I 3O4TRICIL Lancaster, May 4,180;„ ' 614:27:' OBOIDV:::ONVITLIOREIN c , "tttothi'GOAßix--: id' deinidn Mich this destruetivn complaint - lit.itinks.youtinteresting little .ehildren," 441( m.F9bt549 11- 9Ethat 3 9 , 3rop.,f o oy . de,at , -en, ,and- „ eatriesAmbdiedi to the, grave. *Very mother syniptolns, watch thani elese/N!iitirl 'aftiriya be 'prepared . with • remedy,' 48 InanYattoioty gaerificed.by such neglect: ' Br-st, llttlapatieni•is seized, with a shivering, it gt'o' wv4 ,o3 ' 'of heat,tlic'eYea become 6 1 Wo'llen; it'bialith'ee''Witli' ll difllcillty; and r'ioneq tliatfearful Conon that will cutely ter mutate iii: etn ivUlinons or, dead! unless,sernething is iirtmediately given:to' cock it. In this,nornplaint 1 the "Balseinvof -Wild Cherry" is known to , he the‘most'ailaedg aver dicovered: indeed a precious reiiiedy-mild,, safe and innocent,'and is sure to giv.o the anerer ,irfilnediate relief, and quickly restore it,to„safety and health. Fami- Iles residing in the country and indeed every ,ther Herfehildteng shoOld " alwnyii keep Alibi medicine in the house and , give it to them early, by doing so you may, ofted save the life of ,oneyou fondly love..kemember this is the famous - iemedy' Of this distinguished physician, Dr. Wie: which has • cured thousands •of ' CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH,. ASTIIM4, CONgUIVIP.: TION, dic,,utterevery ether ruedicine,hae A;C.Be particular when you purclia.4e to ask for "Dr. WISTA ass BA LSAH OF WILD CHERRY," as there is a SYRUP of this name advertised that is entirely a different medicine. Prepared'only hy,WiLLinms & , Co., Chemists, No. 33 1 8Outh' Fourth street, Sold in'Carlisle by ' • SAMUEL' ELLIOTT. Price - One - Dolittra — Bott/6: — ' . ' Anne 22, 1842, PURIFICATION' AND PURGATION, Both theie Effects arePiochiCed Dr. LEIDY'S' BLOOD PILLS. A CI:)1PONI:NT PART OF WRICII IS SalßSalPella 1.11. Da. LET l i rr'§ Eicoon'Pt L T:Si contain in Weir composi tion 61411:Alt:ids which proihice the corn- . : - toned and. dOsirable elects of• , --PUB:II O 37NQ THE BLOOD. CleansingAm - Bowels. rrgIIERE are in existence which may so safely used at 'all tunes, ages, qui:: seasons, without - rttStcaint Iron] living eit.occupation, as Leidy's Blood Pills. - . pfoin their coini osition, they are calculated to pup& the WO aolraliiiinal_fluitls during the Inter val between taking them and their operation; when all impurities, as teeth as OblION1?)113 substances of the stylus:lA and-bowelsoire-carried-orNsy—their-rnild— purga live properties. UPWARDS OF 100,00LL,BOXES • • of them have been sold during the' past_six months alone. and UP W A DS .OV 1,000,000 _ since their first introduction by the proprietor, De. N. B. Leidy. IN Na SINGLF. IiNgTANCItI , have they cy.tr 'been- known to fail ifs producing gaitiffects. - • DR. LEIDY'S 13LoOD PILLS, contain no ingredients dangerous to the constitution. NO MERCURY OR MINERALS, .which are employed itrall Pills. manufactured by Quacks and Impostors, who depend 'upon such dim medieines under the impression.( which sboxs, their ignorance,) that all diseases-must y kid to the elrects of .Mercury and other Minerals. . UPWARDS OP 300 CERTIFICATES Prom Plivsicians and others, Itae been frequently pnblisbctl nt .the happy effects of Dr: Leidy's Blood Pills and further comment upon their merits is un necessary. Dr Leidy would, however,carnestly-re-' commend to all requiring a purifying or purgatke mediuMe, - to procure his It 1.001) PILLS. anti try them. No one will ever use any other kind,having once gi yen I hem a fide trial. n=IIEWA RE OF COUNTIMPFTS- —if pro _ enred from the sole, manntiletnrer and proprietor, De. 11. LEIDY, at his I \1:11L UM, No. t9l North S. mod street, Ikelow Vine SI reet, (Sign of the Golden Eagle anti Serpents,) Philadelphia, there eon be no possibility of mistake.' They are Men kept by nnistof the respectable Druggists of Philadelphinornd by respeetahle'Mer chants and IbMggists throughout the United States: PRICE, TWENTY:FIVE CENTS A BOX. For ride. in Carlisle, by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Agents hot Cumberland County. a Carlisle, May 18, - 1j '29 eVedicated ,E f xtrati of Sarsa. //aril/a.. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 'TIT ILL be forfeited by,Dr. N. B. - LEIDY; for a preparation of Sarsaparilla equal to his Medicated Extract of Sarsaparilla It is positively the strongest preparation of Saran• parilhr to existence. OS BOTTLE is equal to six pints of any tither Syrup that is made, and is bought by numerous persons throughout the city and country for making 'therefrom, and who sell it at seventy-five Ceuta or one dollar per bottle (about half ti pint.) _ - . T.tie-Aficany:iir-sarsaparil6- is well-• known .it• Scrofida - er King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of th e t t Liver, Affection of the Skin and Bones, Ulcers o the Nose, Throat and Body,,as well as im-Antidote' to Mercury and the Minerals, Constitutional Dia. eases ' and a general purifier of the Blood and Animal fluids. Comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, every body knows its efficacy. It is only necessary When'uviug it to get ngood preparation of it, and thrii thero will be no disappointment in, its effects. Dr. Leidy would refer to the most respectable pity •sicians in Philadelphin, ns well as throughout the United States, for the character of his - preparation, -as-well-alsertcrthemumeroutrerrtifiestetlirom—pWd eittns rind 'others; that have been frmit tithe to time... published,* now , deemed unnecessary, as the charac ter of hi s preparation is firmly established: Through out, the. Southern States it is used - altogether, and throughout the North takes. the ,precedence over all others, p•trticularly among the physicians, who, fur the benefit of their patients, always recommend it. • The readeria'relerred:to' the direCtions seem panyingerich bottleforrecommendations,certifient s, and further certificates. ajPater. ONE DOLLAR PER Remit. Prepared and sold, wholesale'inid retail at Dr. LEIDY'S HEALTH EMPORIUM, No. 191 North • Second street, below , Vine, sign of the Goldtureittgle & Serpents, Philadelphia; and for stile in Carlisle, by • STEVENSON & - DINKLE; AgOrito for , CamberliiioltlOOnty. . • , -.1yr,29 , . , .. ...„. CONS UMP TI 0 X!! C-OTI' RS : .COLDS kc. Every Uo4y Oaght to Icaow 1) 1. Dll. ~D EORTER'S• ~ „.;::) , 1 . ~. . 41mulmottary, Preservative: OctOfintl twestiuifia;COldsi,;;infliienikei" Ca ko tarrha,:Alittona, 'Pains of the Bitletand.of the Breast, jlronchltia, ,Spititni of ,Ellood. !tuntae sa of, Breath, W r )tcx2ippnt,Conah,' all Diseases, of the Breast, and Lungs,, and for the arreaf of appiaach k g ing Was inritlon. " '' ' c ''' ••' • ''' Solthp tar ii D. • Beetitor's Pitlinonary Preset% vative,thro bout all, Gennany, , and, so 2affeetual In Dieemeg of the .tLuna k that,frorn ,ita Orarulous. • -effocte and wonderfid cureo—ii is there, gener ally blown and atyileil ' , tor: ileehiii'll 'LifePreVei , Mr• Ali numerous Certificates of ,ita Nary pod Vireos,. tind'ObnderfUl:r,iiiiia in Ode' country; hitio 'been Tre -itlatitl,f- Published: itii deemed :tecieisotirf only to *thud thoz public -of so nolluahle araedicine, • and inforntlthent:wheroit_can. liapro , ?areitgpaulaa ? ,. i try•Price—Pifly Conte a'half pint bottle. , *,,,s Prepared and aoldovholeaido and retail, 'lt br. •I-M. l ,Driii '#EALT,I:L.PO'O4I I /14.„.N0r,.-191 NOrthSecorid,, stiont, :lAloW', \rine • (vigii,:ef the' oOldilli - Eaglit, ati'd Serpents) PhlltidelPtlia': ''' '1 " ' (I "'''''PorialeiW:CPrlieliivbi-2 1 2"4 , L'i • 2:',i'l" ...,., '' A i'' ' ; " l' '..OrBVENSON ti ,DINICEIE4 ,, - . .-- ---- . Agents for Cumberland. County. , • , C'arliviiki'llit:)' 18, 1842 i 1.',Q4.1,` to2o.- a IMEMI