Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 19, 1842, Image 4

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    • • _ • _ . • •:.
.::„.,,,..:,.... tal 7.431.- .. a t t i.,:-‘,..-- cr i r .-it:
• , „.....,6,1 A. .1 .. is .. ., -1, ~.
ant( e c ilturtt f teJtlattectoc ,„
....z,.,.,...t:,,.._.,,,,:.._:.. i ,.. ~.._:. ~..,„.
,• , ,Nlcrlivr.Ao.4lo.k.; ~,,,•-•:, .. ,
. lour - cii.iso. - itit )411. :114Aliiiti l .•
.13ank:Of.Niartii. America, -,- ~"- ' ' ~:.- per.
s , o,,sitniffchiej . ,:ilienalo,,A4noo..i,taini4W;itla •Obei'
.f.-.ty,,, Velitling,*6 pi , ena pie Ap. On BE4i; imir iliAriiind
~, ,' ,innistelhciitliniienbftlielltnikoff,NtielliA;aol 6lt i
5 , a 'and. 10?i,n1d.pitt!nj;tioniiorilieltidiodi,itiiiiititit:'
10'aystinh Ml'ilieretl Irrien'lN yiono.r.F. of ?rains&
, :etitltere(Photekitillgtireof Citirhneree iiittitto;fin
~ eagle berok , :lbil.l,on4ahilia livtlin , liiiek ground .'
• 20sacletts: 131V,Iiiii.4'qi 1819; 'IIY D;Chlboartl and
D., Valll,;:lett.,ll;'fippll 2tl;lBl7'itniy . ll. Chesney .
13airViiPtli6.. - Npith‘iii, 1 .ibertiea; par.
' ' — r '
pre: liiti'..t*;47A."lii',."l•B34, pny J.. Taylor;
(nres pporly I,l4tatcdt,-yietictch '
I,ose, 1ett...1%1.30y, + 0 ,..t.5.18..p,tty, : J, Starr; printing
Ink Pie
flCrit,altered..from.counterfiit Ill's; badly
~ d oite.:, .
pay ;1:. Jenks. ;
ormsylYaipa.- a 8
s'S;let;t: 11,1,..8;.,../ipriP,lBs6: pay fl.; W.. - \Wi l ler ;
ilniit4htte eit'cic around the. 5 at top, not in
PTO nel. )otl.•c't April 7, 18 '•'?9;',AriP.:..4vitits.
S's Lett. V. .pay
xotii, o f,,,u t rious ih con
• sitiCrall laixer 'than the : Owe letters—,
10's, 1c1t,5ept.,10,1834 pay J. Ilicka,,aigned
tewl#, - Prek;: no ;81101 cifficer;•:Attg; z 6:;•lB3ll;
• pay, S. 'Wray; .April 4 1829, pay, 0: Sity;:duntto on
." Pa. coat of arins , ronghly. Slone;. others; Sept:•l6,.
• . 283'f f pny-c,..t,ht . yc't,, • . • :.. • •
l'O'S, littts. CAprii.l9, 1835; pay IL Clay.
31 ; 1823, and Jniy 10; 1133; en--
• - • griver's firm kto. for Co.:, others, Aug. 27,1103,
pay 11. Clay •Cliatinney, Cash., instead of
• Chauncey. ' =
'so's ; lett; 11; • • •
50's, C;' March: 2ti, 1821; pny J. Boone. ' •
Bank o( Penn par.
rO's...Washininin on' 06 Lurrinstnad of ntairr en
20's; N'Illit)1113 tten, well: except 'the.-Franki
•. • . . .
on right niargin- which i s coarse. ' ' • '. :, ' '
'50% altered front 2 5's; Vignette of 50's, co mmerce
' sitting on a bale of goods;. right-end piece, Frank
-1114 left Penn.:.. . ..
Bank of the UnitedBtatesi - 58 a6O
fO's and 20's, lefts. A Sc B,licails and each end coarse.
50'8,1:eft, D; Dec. 2, 1.8361 end pieces coarse: •
50's Mid lOU's, let's. A and G; Oct. I, I /138; pny
Jno. Somerville, Cash., at 10 days; paper thin mid
-10(1's;lett. H; Sept. 1, 1838; pny .1. Ross at 10 days.
1000's, altered from' 100's; Oa. "11., 1838: pay to
and endorsed by R. Buchanan, at 5 nionths.
Commercial Paid( of Pennsylvania, par.
s's lett. I); March 4, 1819; ptty T..Atley. •
.s's, alter,frons the Conthiereial-Bank or Millington,
broken, by SnlislittulniPennsylvania fol.
which 'observe; vignette ofgenuine. Penn's
' the IndinuS.
I.o's, spurious; vignette iirgenuille,*ashington and
' —Franklin.; . .
10'sjett. A, Nor. 17, 11130, pay.TL R. Lee: March
' and Jitne 2, 1323, and 30, pay Geo. W. Ash;
Sept. 15, 1830, pay S. Girard.
10's, Ntts.- A a, Nov. 17 ; 022. pay E. Lyman; Nov.
3,1829; pay M. Carey; letter C, pay 11. Clay.
20's, signed Beni. P. Smith, dated bcforke_was.
100's, altered from CoMmereial Bank of Millington
• Md./ Railroad ears on one.end, denomination of
• note Oft the other. Entirely different from genuine,
500's, 50's, 20's and 10's, altered from s's, which .
only has:Penn's treaty with the Indiaen: for vig
nette. 1 . 17-Genttille 500's are printed in BED i nk.
Farmer'sland Mechanic's Bank, par.
s.!s,lo's_and_2s.'s, altered- . from Farmer's and Me
chanic's flank of Wkseonsin; vignette of s's, le fe
male holding a cup in right hand, left arm resting
on an eagle; of 10's , a fernale..reakr;• of 20's;
. female spinaing. None genuine engraved by'Bur
_ton & . ..
10's, letter E. Feb. 5,18,25; pay
Sales; letter 14
Feb. 5, and 19,1820, '!25; pay Nloses, C. Dull,
J. lionn; letter G; it 1529;
20's, well done; paper redder and signature lighttaz
than genuine; some letter A, Nov. 20,1804, pay
20's, letter E; Nor. 29, 1854; eiirollnillg very bad.
50's, letter C; Dec. 25,1819; pay G. Hirst., •--
Girard Bank, • 40 a-45
10's, 20's and 50'soltereil from s's, itliose vignette
, is Ili'' , Philditelphia Exchange. Holdup to light.
Kensin erten 'Panc par.
Manuf. & Mech. Bank, 8 a,lO
10's, altered from s's; . vignette „ilentaa, 10, a Ic
male and SPLYNING wiluct.:, which lent is_not ou
the altered notes.
50's, altereil.frorri s's; the word FIFTY is erooke
and bunglingly inserted,
Mechanics' Bank,
3's,Dlll emission; long simmhaulm!).
20's., altered from counterfeits on .7qm:hanks's Bank
New' Haven; miniature of '1 1 1;161:Mgt on on the
tight, and Clay on the left.
50's altered 'from Ps, April 1,, 13.33; FIFTY is
placed too close to Dow.sits; small lettering of
muss around the edge rubbed clear.
11loyamensing. Bank, • 8a 10
Philadelphia Bank, -. • • • par.
Ws old plate; witlidrawn. 'The plate in use has for
vignette a female. and end pieces, Washington on
the right,anthltaert Morris on the left. .
10's, lett. C; lan. 1,1819;. Sept. 7,1819; Deo. 8,1820.
10's, letter D,Peb. and May 8,1332; pay, l. Kam and
D. Evans. Vignette, three female figures with a
ship in the distance, and a view of the banking.:
house 'on the left, very imperfect. , Pruitt:l4_ ,0
_the right, and Washington on the left end,-
10'8ntul 20's, altered from s's: vignette of s's, two
fethales sitting; between them, a shield, on which
is a ship and plough: of lft's, it female reclining,
lier right hand resting on a shield, on which is Pa.
• . coat of arms: of 20's, Penn's Treaty with the
2.o's, old plate, letter E, 1114 9, 1814, 1824, 1825
. and 1827; pay I). Edwin.
Southwark Bank, . par
500'a, altered from 10'a, old inane, of large aim.; "ot
demand" extracted, and "Five Hundred" sub
•- atituted.
. . ,
Schuylkill 13fink, ' , par
s's, old plate, of various filling up. The heads o
:Washington and Franklin imperfect and coarse::
Westem•Bank • • - par!•
Bank•of.Chambersburg, , ,
. ~
• Bank of Chester Co., Westchester, pa
Bank of Delaware Co., Chester. -. par.
: 20's, altered Praia s's, well executed:
. 50's, altered from s's, letter A, Jain. 1, 1886; pay
T; Clyiki; Chas. S. Folseell; Cash. 'rho word rot YTY
after bearer*is bluiteik the circle dark.
• Bank of Gerrrianiown, . par.
20's, altered retina 5%; ; hold the note up to light.
'Bank of Gettysburk, , 5 a 6
5'5,6 - . ov. 14 ; 1828-9, pay 11. Smith; without the
circular water-mark seen . ..,i'geuniiie. , . • -,-.., .
s's,old.Olute. which read. tictlytthurg Think. ''' ,
• . Bank of Lendstown, . , . 9 all.
Bank of, Kiddleto wn, , • 4a 5
Bank ofilinntgorneryp:, Nera t wn. ,par.
• - 'ir, letter A, Oct. , 2 1829, 1)2!y IL Litez , t Nov. 1 . ,
1,823, pay s.l.AVelitif 'others in 1825-6, some; 2d
s's, Nacre 11 and F, July 2, ,1825; variously filled
' out... Vignette light 40,430:int% ~ • ~ •
Bank . •of Northumberland; ~ . i , , •
, ...4g 5
• Bank Of - Ptittsbnigh ~ :. . ' - l'a,2
s's, letter C, old plate;;;sitialeilivii &mil circulation;
vignette;:t .I)lsta:smith, tools, Sm.
• ' '5, letter C5.Deni , 4,,,11131.; Pay.Win..Wilkinsi,otii
-4era,.llslay 4,16251 pay 11. Ilaldwfo.:. 1.i , - , ...;..'..' , ;
.10's neil •..9.9%.attered . f . rorst nimutAttosl#;. badly
d O Ol - ' ' - ; ; •'' , ~ ..,-; ' •4$•••, , . ,
,29"s,V0e114a1e,thale leanly% on`.if T - 154:440irers;
, 'of g . esuilie, a, blatikassittli with liis Mai. ,:....'l'...i, ,
`Banle‘pe 5001,16404, Co. m - 9 ,1)00gb,' A lift
.. er # County,. Sank,. Reading.- ...• 404250
..Va. yetiorpotea,Jetter It; yignette,, State,- Arnie;
.''. vathei ; coarsely:: ex ecuted:. .... ~, ~ ,
•. : ParligleAlalileit , sc; , ,': ..7- !'` .:, .' :','.. , • -.. _ _
5 '8,191t.M.114:AP1•11 il i' J. Cressler. The
,440, 0 boy f oin g ;o 9 light - and coarse. . " :
10,%anitinhersiaWroafrooks.',01 poorly rilane.. ,
' - .Caluxatia,Bk., &Bridge CO.Coltt m hi a,2 a 0 - •
• • - •;,"alteiodfrain 5,); Mevo9l3`,Sintl si , female t
. .ea-1
''s tin'etifilbliters 'or ,goodii(Kloo'l4l',ltirge.,.foa4le
. ' 7 4titeVaiici OW teiting , iin it:shiag 'with lilnkitigk
. . ,,, and'iduktoill•igt'enditfiglirtiof,Coramoree.l' ,
2, Doyitiiii . oiittilMokik.) ,-, . ,, !,:.--c.r.-- 7, ! '',., - . :or.
Inig(*ttaiite,'' . .:-:- - ,.l'V't:'!i' . ‘ . ''` - '._.';'.lia)• . .
: , s , ii;L - 614. ) ;wittiiii , t,la,:1 ; .iivir .',, iaso j 0 #
I = l* * 3l cadv , 8 00.110 - 3 , 6 fiti29.olag t";',1£1311'!-Pay:.t.
:, - 'V•liast4:atikt*iing tattali lioi . ,otliaivio..iitrt;'' j • :
.10.44 . 4e'tter.g f 114 1 ,1,10.4i' , pay:•.f.'Peat:, - :',;• =•,',:., 1 , • '
9'.nii4014 i.Plio .4 .''::::,;:'...!'''''-'''',,':• - 1.P.,0,7
3 1"' . 4,0 01,(00,egnikile 1 0* (2
- :Arm.i
g,E,2-4::{e,,.::',-- - ii",:'+ , 3
.4 - 4 61 0 1 804 14 ftitii . .`P9ar.. 16 nibignilli.iPet:.:*nii
.• wg ! lignye4nateptuto , ,pra oir.e„:lutgictrud an=
airs' ' , 4 . 03 1 P141 4, :; - :' , ipr5 . • , ....: - ... • tFtl 01 . 11 , ,1 , ' ~ - q -1,, ,` ,,, 4
:44*,4pol'Aimminigi,.FAm r .,ww,
l'4lthii.- a l l i P t T:' l 4l,; l6 :". ,4l Altr , 414
'.• ...iii , 6): ~ it . : , 4-.. - -::A.,, , Vftit*• 3 'ell!!!3%,,*4 )l :''
L: il* •-! .. w .- ,L#l6itiit'""o, ,
.o , lkiiiiiil;io:iiii(i.j
0: AltrA: ' te,:. I. ' ;T 66 ', ..,.$, ' •'
• ' ir.eftwiti • OitnOte,
),, , 0001 4,00M41.4 tar
-, :sigi)etfaiiiroyi(areAtittita'- , ,bifrod6toih e io.
;. , e4norkotiLogoil.nuiwg - t ooter.vw4si. 1
~.11ihri Oyfli ,i 4 4: J: • 'l,l • ••iio.l:f , '• (f Att i f , , , ,f f i i , t , . : .1..j..,•,. 1
ttPi,lettei:.A; dated leilt - T; . 48'3 0. The tiiiiiki4l
'••; , ft-Castarg l io Frean;gokare lithographed. ....•;
''•:'',' •'. ' . • - "-- •-=:--4.',.1-F.-,:•=4,4,-.,-"••-:,--j
liarmert3 . - is.aptc•orofttima.l.i . i
s'.s, 1 1 4RIA . 0 4 0 1 'Mittli1 1 1. 4 4 164 tfil 014-1. 1 q8 ;
,are)),, 1 8 1 .7);;PgrEe'Ai'lliSal 4 10 ° "'
'o , o;lirO,:',lllikql.AP, - 2.1kt,i0) . 1. 1 1 7 W , Vi1,..i 101184 ,
'P. , 111i , 344:45..iiii.1 4 q;„:18
TOO ititde 01,4
if,i4d.lAo)ll4ll l- t
Aank;;1631 44 4,.r j : -i ;
ij ur e;,-%
a 2,
,5,4,A0.ct..v,r,A;par101t,7 4 ,183y;
: .7 •:+u !1 6 : 11 °.(4 8 :9f Oteti6i;ll4ion lo,,oircutat,niill,•fith 4 :
,I) , firelt
l''' lipOW ilgiitifeijnme hand,:
Ift,'letter : A; ;
vig - •
10i',;ltlt4t'eil Of„fhe obeiye noun-'.
FarMereMatilt; of 14.00 int;
Is, eitin:9fi..lBl4sl iittr.flAatil‘t•fg,.,.l'aper
', has silk mark; fair atipearttoCo.-- , :
58; letter 1); ,1nar.4.,4883,T pay. , G;Sinitla l'i,
4836; ,pay... Ptrong.i, ;Coarse. , . 1 , t
14)0s, lett. Ai flay Sphui'llarrolthodtielitch Ono
Is'and nitered frain..the brat:en Ba'nk of
ifs 19 , ,,iPi•eilit I 4. Prank ;This
111111 k. 'opened in"l/131.". Observe the:date."‘
5 4 5, letter Ai,lNTsv. 1, 1836'; pay. It. Wylie; .3ohn:
Aini.sll4,Ctialt.; these games engraved:
sinti'amnewhat thint, porticitlarly , the .lines under
signattires*hich are distinct in the genuine.'
HarrislittrA• • -' ` ` 's'rz 0
ss,lc4ter 11. pay 11. Alward, dated May,
Is, letter o' . ; pay.l.- Rosa, dated Nov. 3,18.20.,
letter C. pay It. Kihg, tutted Jan. 1; 180. .
lOsi'May'4,lB29, letter-A. psv J. F., AVllitrahlP-
Ws; vignette, a steamboat, rafleoad ears, &c - . - The:
genuine 10's have the goddess of Li,)erty, autl
' • Capitol iu the hack:wound. , -
20;ultereil from.counterfeit I.o's; , vignette, a view of
./joßesclale.,l3Ank, 1-Joneedule,. • . a,.
, Lancaster . - .1 - - a 2,
Vsoltercd from Vs)etter A, October ft, 18311, No
4087. -"
Lancaster Connty Bank, _ 1a 2,
Lehi non Bank, • • • 4a 5
Mer \ eltaht's* Mantif. Bank, Pittlg- 1a 2
111iners' Bank of Pottsville, 5 a
s's, totter F, pny J. Lyon,,lnite 13;1341
Wbl;e, Aug. 1,1340. 'The lettertintler the Kin
Seltii}ikill; iu the genuine ' it is below the L and
•K; the cross of the rrs ,Pottsville 4telities
warjls, instead of horizontal. , .
Alonong.tiliela 131Ink,'Browneville,
CO's, nltx , ned. from s's, cagily thAectntl. •
stra, this Bank has no 50.'s out.'
New Hope:Delaware Bridge Co. 20 a 25.
(Removed to , Lambertville, 'New Jersey.) •'
Northallipton•Bank, AllentoWn;.: 12.a.18
'a, letter B, Aug: 9.8„1839; pax S. Lippincott; sig
. natures and filling up engraved; vignette, coat of
arms, while the genuine S's issued since 1837 have
a view orNauch It . ltunk. '
'Towanda Bank, Towanda, '7o a 75
West Brandt 1)1c, Williatitspnei; • 5O
10's of various tilling up;.sonic to 1. Nelioro t .T.
Corceil,.~Cusli; J. 11 , : Cowden,' Pres.; vignette; it
flying eagle, radrimd cats in the distance. Presi
---dentis-signatitre-too mid - erio
ranee liglitv the.first I in Williamsport resembles
. moven figitrer' 1. .
50's t :diered from Ps; 'vignette, which is that. of the
is a view of the toWnon the. left end 'of note. •••
Wyoming Bank; Wilkes Barre, --. 10
• . • 4 a 5
5. , 5, letters A mid 11; Feb. 2,1830; old plate; pay W.
Wagner, which mime is spelt . .Wagnor., lit_ the
Word Taus, on the left hand margin,The i • is riot
dotted. The Fof 'hive,'-in the 'hotly of (lid note,
does not exactly-line w ith the other letters. Vig.;
nate imperfect. in many places.
10's,alterce frormconntmfett - rs:'' See precciling.
Taylarsvifle,Dclaware Bridge Co. 10 a 15
8. DU N LAP - :/t - D - Pi 1 R
- •
.attorney at Law,
OFFICE N 0.3 Melon's flon:,' on the.
Ho Square, Carlisle, Pa.
April 6, 181% . • _
. .
A TTO ZLE 17 AT 11.4 IV
Office opposite ilte Carlisle Bank.
J 1812: • (311).3.5
ta te .
E6PEIOTPU,LLy tenders his sunless to the
citizens 'of Car .
Carlisle. and vicinity, that he
will attend to and perform all dental operations
such as. Cleaning, and lc:a/meting tal
trawl Teeth, and inserting Incorruptable artificial
teeth from a single tooth loon entire set.
(0 - Office opposite MTarlane'a Hotel.
July 20, 1842. tf-3S
TILE sub Scriber will sell at Public Sale, on
FRIDAY the 21st of OCTOBER nexteat
12 'o'clock, M., -
LtAtinaattVala a2ll.V•is
Situate in West Pennuboro' township, Ctimber
land County,' on. Mount Rock Swink, one mile
from Meunt Rock, hounded by lands of Samna]
and Robert M'Kechan, & l feint of Diividson,
Strict measure. The improvements arc
with a well of good Ivater near the ,--
house; an apple ORCHARD of grafted frMs, a
BANIC BARN, Corn Crib and Wage,: Shed; thin,
a good 'H EN ANT
SHOP, and Stable, with a good Lot and Gar
den. 'This property will be sold separate or to•
gutter, as jt truly suit purchasers.
Attendance Ny ill he given and terms made
known by the Subscriber:'
September 14, 1842. .„. is-48
1.04011.1 01.1.414,ca
anbsedifer will -(liannso of at
Y_44 1 14--ABLE FARM
of livid-rate PA'l.ll,tll •
. .
in Dickinson township, Dulitharloiltl county, about 5
miles 'west of Carlisle, between the Turnpike and
%dim Bottom roads. SaidFarmisoneofthebest
improved in the county, rind contnins
125 ACRES,
about 90 Acres thereof are . eleared, ; (under excellent
r on ceo ini& th e fimidue heavily, tiiinbured.'- Tlict
provementearcit NEW -MO STORY.
IR I ,C.N . - 11 - 0 ,11S;;11
Sant( "aittliew,
.11 Shine ll'enk. Burn; Thigon Shed and Corli • As,
itittl other necessary out-buildings. , There ie h well
of 'itecer‘fni ling , water- nat. the house. .There are
TWo'gRCHARDs ofl 'roe: grafted fruit
-on the arm. •• . • •
7 4 -Thn• well worthy the attention of caw
talisteomd ts'in all raspe'ct,tn ann. • '
Any Welber de'seripttmrts unnecessary, inasmuch'
as pucchascre will be, dispose.; to call and judge for
thelnselves...: • .Y .
Tie terms Vill'hO thnde n clear and in
disputable title gicen., • Arlyto
•tip#ember 2,18$2:••
5 a''6
''.'"'' * - 8111E2111FIIPZ4 5A1.F.4%,1, ' '
virtue..of agNrrit, of Aliatr.evari Facins to me,
0 directebsueil Out of The Court of Common
Pleas of CuMberland-i.Counti;;Avill .hea exposed to
public side, at; the Court' Housein•the liOrougb of
Carlisto, on SATURDAY. the sth 'day of NOVEM
;BEA,next, at ten o'clock, A. Ai: ; the foll6wing de
.seribed.iteal Estate, to wit:, '. , • • '. 1 ~ ,'„ :-; ;.,
`.l:i r i Par
lece. Parcel' of Land, , , ,
Situate in Monroe township .Cumberlamf county,
bounded tind desctibedas follows, viz:- Beginning at 1
a heap,of,stones,,thoneo bs Isods,ot;Jaeolt, lirieketi,
find MiehaelTied . heird, North' eightY:.One anira
100 i,14010C Kili6:. tiftykilno . peit'he tol, , se;Stiantill
Oski;thotieti hy-itind of:Allehttet'Eie's,:lieiti,•North ..
Iwbilli4ljtadegreetrAVdstilortidiiix Verehes to a
stone, .thet*;by,Jand 9fti!o.hArs.tifiroliii.ll3rsirolt;
i ffouthr iglity-six'tlegrues, N'Velit.,
,fin r yfour' perches
oginep,,theasel4-,htngii i3lt4e heirs of 4494 mil op.
~.,;i s ciiiiii.twentys......dg gr e4hiEifeyfii,e pereliettand
lif.olteuthei Lou litboe449;s Containing - ...t , 4 f' , ,c'-' 2 x„.A . •
„.:„i)1;3„.,..,, Irv! , 31 :,, 41 ., 357t t,i,,, . )1 .: 2 , r ,,... ,
r9t.. I . 7 ;4l4lB4l°ll.,,,,,fie,.rAii:MgrO:#nd lkiiiipiii6
, 1 4 ,-t 5 , ~,11 , A , ,.tp. t.- rp e erlte9,4,9pOtnit'alilc
. P''
r —.. j,/
4ogy i r ........
torftl6# OUS, oftiirmfwetttlibrbor4 l
,ytt)c,bii v 000,1614, 10 , 1)1119‘'-'
1)9 11 3 ,f:if, t .T4 , 4kfirggr. Aid to l)o tlfallit) :tritßlsSit th4;ipiiti s 4:l44
1 .'A. 11 4 ,1 1 1 : 4 4 1, 1'JP,049 011 : wiio , lB , AgintFro - edi - wiiiitice - : ,
ompo;'..PH:rilater,i ' ' • ,•; -
It> ,, ifjcptaxixelt 9.1 i • f .
' A Corlige, 31, 1842 . . ktL4
S permanently 'elated mo,ae4 , ,,,willp r.
ir 4 - 9 A u saiLo t ieottikiooteditivrq,i4ctlkt,
pLattiteett•Aralprasi y ou annkarr : !- , ;•'O l •••
• I
• • l'l nt 6 k#olF 4r JF! C VAl i ft'W eetir,l T '" 1
.Or,AL .•fer4 OMORl 4 e:eo, 6l3 Pgttj r • P. UV ßil
Araelwe weeks •
andnol44:ifier .whiebilbe ceir'illtbac•':abaent , tinfittli
,two.xf).e.elar jne ach fol rlientjt.,44 whip.
PoTiedbe May be ruun d,11t•13 is . • •
fi a(.:ned). 4 41" , ,arZdti,e18 - 7./ott
/242- • :•.• c. • •• L.; t-2
, Ni . e;oku.taics urg •-' - . um
~,,,,, ,_ ~.,..,,
.., ..,., ..,
`Sr . a:. at;; Vt"l42 : -
' " ' , ',,,- ~ 1. 4 *.A2: rmo - . •
fi' - iWCCit - 4/kekaiiiCBblerg'fitifd
.' - '2fi' . lii(adelphiaOr:•2llooitiiat•e.
. . • [ll Y IMIL IiO4D.OR .C.CIVIRL3
E'subscriber giratefulJOr past. f a vors, is
'leave to inform his friends , ana the public
generally,, that he still continues: to run a line Of
burthen Cars regularly hetWeen Mechaniciburg
and 'Philadelphia: or Baltimore,. by which goods
and produce of all descriptions will be forwarded
with care - and despatch at the lowest - rates , of
' Produce Will be received at' his Wore House;in
Mechanicsburg,. and forwarded to either 'Phila
delphia: or Baltimore, according tcrthe ' direction.
of Ihe Mvner. ..'• '— '• ' - ' --, ' .." ' '
o_+ The highest price , will be given for Wheat
„ . - • MARTIN 111E1LEY.
-Isl . . IL 'Plasler'Of Paris' and Salt' always kept'
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. '.
. ,
.17,...tazny_rsTIU . Doz?,. ' . - •
• lie has nito un band, at the Depot in Mechanics.
burg, for sale, LUlfilliSEEt, such an Boards,
Shingles, San nt ling's,. Sm. of all kinds,
which will be sold on liberal terms. . -
, August 17, 1842. tf-42
1.111111111E34 . .
trtiln subscribers, at Oleic.
4, c rikl . S I,4'oll;dlift Main street, nearly up-
Vosite the County Jaiii in the Borough of Carlisle,
siill contitai to build the following Machines
and Horse Powers—vizi
T. D. Burrell's •Patent Improved
* 7 . THREE AND FOUR - , --- •
momixt3 .I_,Pownm,
With n horizontal band-wheel s with n word: to eon-
threrthe - sh op to the Machine.
The band-when) outside of the horses. They :UT
Welf•calettlated to put to one side of the bhrn Lt idge,
or under the horn 'shed. • • '
AttarituLdimitproilmall Shaltuti!
To sepailde the grain from the straw,
dispense with one or two bands, will be nnitle to the
above Machine if. waked.
• .
at ..Z—L-------
p iii : if ; sl6 7,ciny of Ille'nliove 11Ineliiiien 'may have the
privilege. tiller 31 fair f rnl , of returning tin! Ennui if
not- smisfierk - All -Al:whines and I lone Powers lire.
NVIIITAnted for one yenr;if
Pcli 111,;11W,
All kinds of repniring will he done nt the sin - Mien
notice not-on the most Peasonside terms. They al-
Nays keep on - hand fill, castings taxessary to repair
the above Machines, or any others 110 W 'in use: -
- •
.Tliere is also attacked to the above establishment
an 111.01N.AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at N . Vbiell 11l
kinds of CASTINGS - Clio Apple
Mills, Corn Makers, Pismo. Brokers, Mill Goat,.
Saw. Mill Cranks, Maelline • Goinlhg, Wagon
Boxes, &c. Also,
Such as Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, 'rurnin . g
ke., all in the best order, its iron alai brass.
ej'All orders will he t xcented at the shortest no.
tier, and proniiitkr attended to. Farmers and others
ara respeetrally invited to give us a call, em:fidee.t
that they can he suited to their sati.fartion.
A. s•rournm & CO.
Carlisle, Avg. VI, 184 , 2.
rPlanideq, I ICIIWOOIPS and Ogle's 1'i.01 7 1411S
and PLOUGI/ CASTINGS, such as Cutters Land
sides, ke..S.r.e., can also lie had at the foundry.
raaatz YOB. aaL,E,
. • ~
11l ,ostrmer will dispose of at public sale,
on ibc premises, on THURSDAY, thc :20th
of OCTOBER next, a ' '
1 9 ' iVaItAID Tar=
of Slate and Litnestnne Land, in North ?diddle
ton township, Cumberhind county, containingd 1 7
ACRES, Inure or less, of patented luud,adjoining
lands of Coover, Zigler, and others—suit turn is a
portion of the estate of Jelin 111cClintitlti dee!d.
The iniprovemenis arc a
• •
E=3 ;:r
filr BA 12
There arc also `3 never failing springs of water on
the premises, convenient to the house.
Said lit rill is but a few InIICS distant from Car
lisle; and is well worthy thea Minion olcapilidists.
Persons desirous of viewing the farm previous
tit the day of sale, can, be .gratified by calling on
Alexander MeClintielc,who resides on the premises.
Tho terms will be made easy,. and a clear in
disputahle title will he given. •
Residing in,Chitinbersburg.
July .:17, lEld2. t 5.39
Produce ) : Comunission and
Foriorarding Itilerchangs. •
N. W. Corner Bt•orta Arch Street, Philar:leiphia
• • EDWARD saw?, •
.WM. U. JAMES. •
Irrßeference to IVilliam B. Murray, C 41113,16.
:" Jdly 97, 1849.
• • : -')-1;f•?,
HE suhscriher, having concluded to do
ASI. an entire Cash buMitess;'ediers Or sale his large
sec; splendid assortment 'of
Bran IP ad. BI
• . .
Nails .&_Culleyy,
.lowtr than it was ever bought for in. Philadelphia,
The following will give you some idea. of the prices
atn,determiiked to sell at: .; ••. 1. t
6 inch CarpcmceePatent Rim Locks, . •, „
front ' r • • • $l2, to $l4 per doz.
6 ;Mt crass Striker, " « 6,50
-Newton Railing Grass Scythes,_'llo :"
Newburn'ti•-•—•- , "'- • 9 tf
IlarForkti, Solid Cap l'critile, 5
Cast Steel long handled Shovels, • 7
Cmnberlapd or Reading Nails, 4,62 k. Keg:
Phoenix or Juniata . " 4 . 4,44 4 ,
Other -e„ .. ... 4,3lmakes-. .- • • 4,31-
I will sell any articles in my .line front g 0,3 0 .2.4
piece titan cittibeCoUghticirourcrctlit.`Calf
eent. -
orrme—examinetnylvods--get a' list of my prices
--compare them with' the prices of other stores,and.
ascertain for yourselves” where you, can, buy ..the
' 4 011)0'; 6.2 ''•‘•
• • .•••;IllEtItY• L. , ELDER, Importeo.
493 '4farket-st. above lath, North. pule, Philadelphia
June. 1; 1542. , • ..„ • • .1... 6,1,0,3
-- COAL - -- . -
0 17 KENS Valoy; Pine Graveittme-burnots; k .
.. :and - -Bitiii,iiiiii/iiii. " , C co
OAL, nstapqy ; lot
'ea 0
,bY - ' J. & P:ICIARTIN; `,
..,-- --- - •' - ;,'' Sticiesistirsliiltfillee& Matins '.
410, - S I '3 IN . (k', r i•
4 11 .01.40 0 1
Nl ti%‘;:if W 01: - 1
LON 11
, 44. kfto pr.*
;:;a; qd. P
micp, of
F*14110;;; , Mde; ,1
itl4..;lll . ikpifaco,ringoStook, Mot tttenoilo ,of"
,cycry Ario, Ccilogo,as wolloollowrArize orld,qaotfOo
RENT, upbn , the Ooati,fav o tablo'tortts..; ,, n , o;',s•
_The yollowtng,:vire. thr :tiButil:rate 9, - -
ClifStori9atipirrol%buitdpiiiii` , from ,
' 066
" .50 to 70:ele. 4100.
"Nerebnuilize VUif
. 'tuto in brick or stono
;;;,•builaings,, from , , 50 eta. en'',4oo'
log;-er, frame,. , 60 'to 70 els: . ow; 106,
"'Torsos 'cattle,' farming ' '
' utoniils , and eundiieo,
at about
PERPETUAL rizsics.
On .Brielt °igen° buildings,l4,,ooo, the
premium subject to be withdrawn at - any time by
the party. minying,:c,t a deduction
on the ainoun(paiti. , „
Applications for Insurance, or any infornintion
en the, subject,. may be made either ;personally:or
iik.letter; at the ComPany's °Mt -0,,
.at the:',north
weSt .corner Of Stith and Wood streets: , ',• .
• •-•- MORTON.WMICHNEL,. President:
.. E. I.I2IIMSHAAR, Secretary, or ,
'JOHN J.. MYERSIA,orrrr, Carlisle,. Pa.
Mort6n M'Michael, George M. Treittman;
:Joseph Wood, Samuel Townsend,
P..Laguerenne, Robert'L'. Longlihead;
Elijah Hallett, Pomeroy;
Chas.. W. Sehrehrer, Charles Stokes,
- • Joseph. J.. Sharpless,
September 14, 1842.
Commissitmerinßankrupley• •
OFFICE in South Hanover Street, near M'-
Clellun's Hotel, where all intorniation &sir.
edi in reference to the t. dutihs *of those intending
to apply . for the benefit of the Bankrupt Act, can
be obtained. •
Carlisle, May 4,1842... e ' t?-27-
T"E subscriber - -hereby - informs his
'frienda and the public in general, that he still
euatoaies to keep 4.
. .
1.5-' CCE)WMT.-0, 9 :E U
(reports to the contrary not w rtlrst:inding,) nl iIMOLD
STAND, in East flight Strhet, aicw. doors east of
~ Court .where lie will lit all times take
tileakure An administering to the coinforts of Oman"
olio rollY fiivor him with their custom.
_Llia_BAR. shall be-.chnstantly anpirlipti with he
c'hoiceAt liquors, and his TABLE with the hest-the
market can furnish. A careful OSTLER always
kept ih attenchnio- - -Lnial nothing slialrbe left undone
to all whd call with. hint.
_BOARDERS talcapthy the week, montli-or-yottr,--- ,
-Sl3loli--11'ONDEIMIC - 11;' - ' 7
Carltsle, April fi,._18 . 42, -11=23
Union Paper
11111 subscriter . reipeetfully m
•infore the pod ) .
IT lie at large, that he has leased the aboVe es•
teldislnnent, six miles south of Carlisle, fora term
of years, and the Ai ILL having
paircd, and new machinery introduced, he is
therefore prepared to manuliteture to order, (and
also has a snpply constantly - on hand)
Pappr of every kind mud
which hemill furnish' to printzra, merchants and
others, in any quantities nt tlic lowest.eity pricee.
All-Orders addressed to th is snhaeri her, nt-Paper
town, Cumberland 'county, will - receive prompt
attention... -
Havinglately received a supply of the very best
materhils, he flutters-himself Vlach° wilt he,able
to inanufitetufeliapeeeqnalin quality to any other
.establishment in the country. •
Pa pertown, July 21),1812. tf-38
N. B. The highest price paid for rags.
t "t, ,
.1 he Commonwealth of Penn
sy Ivaniu, to the Sheriffof Cunt
. [mt./and County, Greeting:
WIIEREAS,' Henry and C. Lease in
the Court of Common Pleas, to wit, of the
term of January. in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, before John
fired. Esq. ; mid his Associate Judges of the Rune
bowl, yid, by consideration of the same court recover
againit Issue H. Crowell and Das id Sanderson, Ad
ministrators of Samuel Crowell olett'il.,witli notice
to the widow of' the said and to Samuel Crowell his
heir, late of your county, a certain sum of seventy
iii no dollars a nd ,fifty-three cents, lawful money.of
Pennsylvania, debt, sin also eight dollars. and sixty
two cents, winch to the said !teary mid C. Lease in
the. same court, were likewise adjudged for their
damages which they sustained by occasion of the
detention of that debt, whereof the said Administra
tors w nth notice ft,tc„ are convict, as appears of re
cord, ISce. And whereas, the said pre
serve the Lien according. toto the Act of Assembly Id
such - ticse made iii, provided, should be revived, as
is suggested to us by the said 11. & C. Lease as Id 90
exerution of said judgment remains to tic made, as
nn the inforinati on of the said C. Lease we hare
received, and we being willing that those' things
which iu our some court UPC rightly acted, tbrudd be
brought to due execution; tberclore, we command
you that, by good and•lawful Men of your bailiwick,
you tanks known to the sahhAdministrators with no
tice &e., that they be and appear before our said
judges at Carlisle, at our Court of COmmon Pleas,
dieme to he held the second %Miff:MY-of NOVENI
11-Eff next, 'ln'slicwwause, if any they have; why the
said IL& C. Lease ought not to have their said jiidg
mentr9,ived as aforesaid, and they aught not to have
execution :against damn fig their debt and daninges
albreenid; according to tht force; form, and 'effect of
the recovery aforesaid, if they think R. And you
have then there the names of thoie . men by whom
you shall so make known to them and this
Witness Samuel Hepburn, Esq. at Carlisle,' the
twenty-sixth day of August; an the - year of our. Lord
-One thousand eight hundred and, fOrty-two.
For Gtorge:Sanderson, Prothonotary,
, • , • Jon:: Mimi. •
• 7ih;mber the, 18-12. St-48
T P E 4 . iroprietors of the .Susinekinnir iirie will
run their Cars and Boats as dsual to Phil
adelphia and.Balthuoris during t,ltOpresent season.
Their friends..will please apply to, Wm: L:.Fox,
Broad et . and totastner i risti an, & Curran, No.
76 ld S e o r, Baltimore.
thairiatro.v-e!, Idlarlelphia, and 3
Untilfuither notice,.the following .pribes will
be•aulliered to between this place and'the above
- V
tj',l.••••• Cl' 4:1
i• 07 4 :•—••.: F' ,•
.`L , ft
• l:4
'lso 22 lorper
Orcioeries,Q Wire
and Hardware,
Dry Goods, Yurni.
turo and •Dnigs, •
Whent, Rye, & on
per hushol
Oats do
Iturnber per 1000;
feet . 75 :$3,5 0
Shingles, .1 50 ,-2.00
Flour per . - 314: 500
Shad 'do
SalCpeciabk,', 28
Pitch, Tar rind Rosin,
20 23 40
25 '-' '' 28 43c
-per 100,' • 16 2rk •
Pia*teUtoßa-t°l l i 2 - 51 ;''t t 4! '
Hefei) per 100 s; 10 „
,PitMeteh'Broo 1000 40 3 0 11 't. ,
Bleema,4% c094,1664it3,101t.,:.1.4;90;;N: _ t:.-
Bar Iron, . 6;40, t 501:. t:;
Nailtipertego , 2-. . 1 48 23
,X;eather per 100, , e+2s
,Whiekey per bbl 50 , 55
Burr Block tper 1,0,,-45•A •
ClunN / Ito
Ti . 05 17 ,
Sig`eeeiror to &Martine.-
ttfAft'• , ..7 -4 " Qtet..2l
coormot t A 0 L i. it
) ••,:fA r f
'pieCATISR.Cif,-,,,4031; Pal 'N.:4;JSiin"k
as k
noc theire'nerniiWgittrOonal.ifOotiblifeitig
xitatatifi'denftheiktiiiing'4oo4l4*:ld4lN'ill!, ,
amuse pfthisfabitaiitKdigitrgiiiiiitediligaiie , ltlik%
victims' to Cousudiptioivevaii.y.eoVfriiln - ncoathligt .l.
initn+PAth..**.ig4Pfe44. o .4.4o o Vt•twt i Alkti ltl P L ''
girods,viay, Jhousarnis;wholtreq such, cigroplqiiits ,
`oiiwjttitlaateatlif4i:llViciliesond io,t,theel run
elleg4i4eveil4anths:#,ltinio,:-thiniii rig'
Of`the'da 'Aifirstyciri have what you
99P31491;.4.01614,a90gk0r oolci; „ailose,,,,h
nosS plOiuTtp" or earplessnesol9,pievent Top front •
alibi; it :than wetting Aipoil! your
broaiit,-yinf'beconur hoarse, have pains in - thgi
Sido'br chest,' iniiteatoritte. lotto - 461d ities of mat
ter, perhopiartiked;- - .WitiOblood;' a, - diffintilty: of
broathing onants,,:and , you find lona-own.
foolish .. .neglent itas brought • on'this Aistassing
coniplaint.. - If than you Value life •• or' health; be
warned inn titrie;:nrid your
'or kifittl9 any Quack , otiatrtitti; . eitrd' i y On, - lint`
p,r9coten bettla,or-iWo.
rimedy, • the 1 .1P4X6194 , .'W/
which is_welt: known le be : the moat, speed:yrcure ,
ever r liiiovm, as thousands will testify, whosa,lives.
have. ' , been Savedby it.
60'6te:ini 100
ILTBe very ptirticular ' ''when yoli-purellase : to
asirfor c u Dtc‘WiaTAWe BAT.B/11e0F T WILaCtItnrtv,".
as there 'also - a sYntir of iaae: • '"
Prepared; wholesalth*rid :,retail ,, by 'W IT.rJAAIB
& CliCililClS t No. 33 SOuth rourtit
• Sold in
~ . .
' .Pu c e One.POlcit; . 4Buttle.
„Julie ' 22,1842: '•:; • ‘”
• -
rfel s TVAri& - -ITCIE
(')5 c-ts)0111‘1.41±,V.I.0••
Fir HIS .OINTMENT is a 'safe' and -alTedable
application, and, has never bcen.lcnovvn to Tfail
to curing various - affections of the sidle, when used
according to directions. ,
• Hundreds of certificates might be Noce red of its
efficacy from Captains of Vessels, School
ers, Principals of Factories, and Parents, were it
not for the delicaty of having their name's publish
ed:inection• with so leadusome and disagree
able afections, • .
.Price, Twenty-fire cents a box.
Prepared and sold only, wholesale and retail, ;it
North Second street, near Vine. (sign of the Golden
Eagle and rierpentA) Philadelphia.
For sale in Carlisle, by . - -
- Agents for Cumberland County._
Carlisle, MayllB, 1842. • ,„ ay -2a
MaltitADl maaaa4
Subecriber lia9 received addition
ILal 'supplies of tile. Above named pei, butted
whirl) los in a few yours cured and relieved upwards
of SIX EIIOUS.Afc.) rrsons iu dilVerent . sections
of the country . , ‘,.)1 .
— the lid.lowitttplocases r _siMlOM-.7a-
VgairoicAisfidssiali, nil all tkos - e teal lIS of Ali soises
arising from a disorder,. d cvnid)tion cd . :the .stoniaeli
and liver, derakcinent of the digestive functions,
stub as
.1 Ocuei;a2 Debility,or Weakness of th e
Coativeinvg, liendache, dawidice,
lent eff Ltilion.sielodir,,,Vervons
-1 ffec
tions, .h.v.r and Ague,: I. .
and hasilestroyed all kIIIIIB of WOR.I/8, . both in
grown persons- as well as in children, nod cured ma
ny other coniplaints which are too numerous to in
sert in this wh'ertisement..ll hich can .he seen in the
diriirlitnis-Whieli ran he found wrapped around.cach
bottle, with is nuli,ll/Cr uertilkentes of:-cures
fortned by_tbis valuable
The great demand for this Balsam' of flealth 11115
lately induced some tinpiiind pled persons to impose
on the public Viporious article for the genuine Bal
sam.Of Ilealth; then:lore . proprietor.eantionstlie
pittilia from purchasing any ,but,,.fronii his regular
ap pa rated .3gents. The genuine Balsain" 'of I realtb
has thit 11111111. of the medicine blown on the 'glass of
each bottle, thos--"Carlegavit'S Balsam of ltealtl,,
prepared only by Joiisi S. ikftLi.ytt" and besides
that, he has his "signature, written on It label, which
is pasted tni the outside wrapper or each bottle,
which secures it from being
i:CrTo 1,1 had lit all times of his Agent in this
place, who has already sold large quantities, which
proves it a MelliCille of great rahie and celebrity.
SA Nalartworl`.
Carlisle, September 'j.3, I . 61n:48
litalsam ofilealth
THE subscriber has just received a
fresh supply of the Above nained celebrated
BALSA M OF. lIEAI,TII, whichhaa 111 /1 I'OW ears
cored anil.relieved tips arils of four .thowand per
sons in different sections of the country of the lid
' diseases, such as the Dyspepsia, all Cholies
and Nervous.lliseases,and all those trainirof discos
vs resulting from a disordered condition oldie Stom
neli--eures the Ague awl Fever, and old ;mil fresh
Sores, and destrorsall kind of worms, both in grown
persons and children, and niany other coil& hits.
All 'hose persons that purchase this Medicine will
find a 1101 direction to each bottle, as well as a num
ber of certificates of cures pc.rformed. To be hail
at all 'hoes of his agent in this pinch, who has sold
already large quantities. The great demon! for tlk is
Rals;uu 'of I lealth has lately jnduocd some iiiiprinei
pled person to conittc:rfeit it=-therefore the proprie:-
tor cautious the public from purchasing any only
from his regular , appointed, agents. The genidOe
lialsanLor I leslth has the ?Malt or the' medicine
blown on the glass of each bottle, illlll IliS signature,
,total S. Miller, scrote on a label which is pasted on
the outside timer, which completely secures them
from being counterfeited. For sale only in this place
For sale also, by Alesswi..l. - w. Sr. I): S. Stoner,
in Waynesboro', Fa., and John Brackenridge, in
Shippl.llollll.g o
September '2B, I 81 it,
Gregory Co. - .Managers
111-U;NIFEcENT, ScEME!-60,000 Dollars—.
30,04)0 Dollars- , -- , 13,000 Dollars--13,1100 Dollars-100
prizes of 1,000 dollars.. Union Lottery,'Class A ; for
1842. ~To bo draii II at Alevandria, IL C., of Skip.=
day,. October 15, 184'2.. Grand Schetru,. „ *grand
prize of 60,000 dollars, I do 30,000; Ido, 154100,1
I d o 1,2,000, I do 10,000, do 8,000,1 do 7,000,1 'do
5,966, 0 prizes of 5,000, 3 do 4,000, 5 do 3,000, 5 'do
42,000,1 p prized of 1;500, 20 do 1,250, 100 do 1,000,
133 413,51.8), &c. &e,.,..75 number lottery-13 drawn,
Widnes.. 'Pickets $2O-11itIves $10 --quarters ss—
: 'Die price of a certificate of a pack
age of 26 whole tickets:in the above splendid lottery
is only 11,280; a eertif.ente of 26 halves only,sl4o* u
ctirtificate of '26 tituirterfolilY pio; ii Cf,:rtifielitei, of 26
dighthi only $35; odd it Fet , tificlite Oil pi:Auld may
draw the four highest prize's. . .
. , .
Maryland Consolidated • Lottery.
Class D, for 1842 ' To he di•stwn ill the city' of
Baltimin•e, on Wedhesday, the 12th of Oetober,lB32.
• ,-,' ' ' BRILLIANT SCITRAIE: •' ' .' . ” '
1 prize of 30,000, I do. 12,000, 1 do 8,000, 1 do
6,000, 1. du 6;000,1 'do 4,000, 1 do 3,600, 1 do 2,-
500 ;. 1 'do 14,058, SO 4
do 1;500, 30 do ,000, 40 do
60(4-'5O do 400. .'
Tickets slo—Halves ss.7.Qinir
tem 2 50. Certificated'of 'a iinekrige 'of 26.' wholes
$l3O, 26 halves 65 1 26 quarters $32 .6p.
• lirirg4riiaMpitiiiii - alra Voitcry. .
. •:Class 34; tqC:l'B4 , 2:. -' To he droWii • if Alexandria,
A 7 iiiiitis,.oUlla'ltirdtiy,lhii 22(1 of
,tietober; 334 - 4:•
''' ' '.' '''' ' • ' ALL' PRIZES!
Those tiolimisAhdi slialrbairo,tfon.)heni .:on,n6 of
the, drawl' numbers will b 6 emilletL6 , Art : el dollars
MU. ScaEmE. 1 prize or s3o,ooo f tt dci•18,000, X
do 4,000,8 do 4,000, I do ,2,209, I dO. 2,000,.1 .(10
1,600, 0 do 8,500,, 4
10.00. 1,000, 20 500, * 71. t
0., a..-• 4
Ticketii'r 4slo-slveiSqubribrti . 'so.'.zdertaieste
of tt,ptkokztge t ollP.wholes $l2O,
,23 halves 60, 25
ylarlia•B6o. : ,;!,, : ,•.,
.. 0 vii 4 Fw in Leesburg: ' Iteiii;": :
Claps 0., roo/142C,T0 hit'.driEly t,,AleJtunilrlti;
)flii•gfulti; on §atili'llaj , ,iberKlhA cMber, 130; ~ i
, A 110 c of $5,1400; 1 , d019,006;ii , do, 5,000, 'l' d o
, 2',000, I "d0:1,7,50';': t do : 1 ; 500 ; :10 do 1 . 00 9, 15 AO
. 506; fice;liii.". JCR "draiv 4 numbers - oil lof .64. Whole
TjeketB4lll4lll,4l4-41,iinfleit$1 , 1'511. Ceitifii , -i,
eitto of ,a paelcagepc.2,,2,.rbofr i s slo 4 q,,F2lqy#4Ki
.12 4tisrlers' , V4W.'!' -:?.- --'''' -,'".-:; —., , ;
. 0 4 :4 • 01 - ied6re '1 4* 1 1 *ill ineetAbili'iiiostprotept
!titteetloe , ,.:tod:iiii!soilens'etii , h ditowititiefot-briiiiite
I.o oleitiori it AridlibirAtent to4l 1 - 4ho:deder retio t iii - LiPi -1
5.1:7‘.),,A11i1tp1iF„ , ,h 1 - N. 13-41',GGilaGORY , ISOWIA
'-'14:".,'1,-I,''6.ll;''',\';‘,.titTigi.‘etkrigd'lllgtdo g13341041C.4.22
:'.'''-•' ~--,' - k v.,nrc.4. l-? , .. .', ? - ri pr.:_itrli , -4,5,:a, i,:416...1,8,
• •, • ik-Y;,,' , ,c;
ir v i A tp 40.041446 AR foryiekiing, Cm; talk,
..11r=biA,A9 4 „Ah'r • - "
' e•44;' , : 0
7.,,,', g W GAP, W., HITNER.
- - ettelisio-;-43P,V,t1,;18.421,
Rk:Gt.s4l psim,
}tad., ,PtArd , r; o 13.4 r"Pral, ,
131115111111111D11351 aN
" 1/IE:OLIVE BRANCI - k. Intdr,"s t roi ,, ttie cure r
d 0( 1 1 tau!, CiAde, Cur -Air Itiiereiiipts
,-, ~, If ,of,Ocitglis, Odds, Lo - ninimption", l -LiVer,,COrn'i'..
)111 1
:g a ntireAsthind,'; Bronchitis, , Sore Thritisk, , Dirs4l.,
.gepsiailShortneis of..l3rorith - , Painsirilthtri•Ablii r ,
Breast,d9aeltittid - Shoribier,ry "A gtMlin drteVev; fin.
intit,llable:Oire, , and ull Scarlet:rind Bilious Ftltrers, r ,
,and albt.diScasee,,arising.ifrom: exposure - itad , ,do:
-bility,,milriattexi how': lohr,standing—z-frilitdt, rill'
diseases to which the human farnily=aftsubjdet 0;1
, ~ Those, gillS.itiv:iniatirpassed by cstryl4rietlidai.
..compound evCrofreredto theptiblic.arinteneralre.•l
newsier ; and ,fainil;v Medicine: They :rile,:veil,, , ,
gentle in :their, opbratiorv,cansint neitheiiiisin; I
sickness nortiribility , httlie , use: 4ri'llunriyrbu tt on
the ,. contrary,4hoY,, , .strengthow Sib' stonuich laid,:
boweliv , in;lt wondeiftti inahner, , . rind ~: soon. restore
, riatu,re, toitsTormortdouise andrarigeri,':. Thriper , :
son , using, thefACo4:!Branch Pills,. - soon' forgeid ,
that heivari , sick,l,Which is very easily sedouniecl,
.fori thortiii 'hot , thatv prestration of : length' in
Ithere pills ris in puny,: other remedie of :the. day; ,
because the materials used ih insii , during them
are In harmony , 4ith the:, po , • r I hi', life rind 'act, '
in conderbwith the opinions . i 'ls, gi swni Bush,,'
Armstrong,' IViontgotery.r-,lfersey, -, :Kendrick; I
Shopper . and ;..the - ,:melebrated ;Dr.. _Waterhouse,
formerly,Locturer, ,on : the, theory and , practice of.
Physic in COMbridgiVniver,sity, Matisachitsettii.
Purrilmse of thorn,. and give . them, a. fair arid' im.
partial trial, a nd-yontvill, find ibid. permanent're4
lief, upon , which the proprietors,..depend tojilake,
thorn the . ost., universal family . medicine heed; .
and which will stand ; unrpialed ;by 'any. other in
the known tverld.. Trice-25 cents per:bori,',. , .. '. .
t 020.33
fs one of the triost , dertain and effectual mini for
all rheumatic, Chronic and inflammatory Wieurnit. -
tisms-that.haic ever yet been diScovered, and in
numerpus cases has eradicated that dreadful,dis.
ease from -persons afflicted entirely. All ,sour
'drinks and victuals are strictly forbidden, and
spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly, by
any Weans whatever, orit- will be of no use to
take this medicine, as, it will destroy tho good of;
fects of themedicine entirely.- .'rice $m1,50 per
package.. • , . .
These celebrated drop have acqUired the high
esticenirimcmlations. in this country f -as watts
in Europe for its:most valuable 'propricties for all
inward weaknosses, crammeolds,agues and'faver;
and when used with the Olive Branch-Pills,never
foils tp cure...the fever and ague.- Price 25 cents
per bottle. '
Is unrivalled for its curative. qualities even when
used in caseg - of maladies WhiCh were otherwise
incurable.. Many recommendations have been
given of the beneficial effects-it has had in the
- cure of pleurisy; pectoral and "pulmonary .con—
sumptions, colds, &c. • Price 25 cants per bottle„
This most excellent artielo"has, a quality of
calming instantly and without fail, all cramps of
the stomach, cbolic.and that troublesome disease
called mother fits - or hysteries;' and when continu
ed for tfliitie length of time, will cure the patient
entirely. Price 25 . cents - . •
• , .
A' certain cure ?'or all Scalds, flruses,
arid-the - most - effeetniilThufe piles-it will
'cure the person afflicted in a very short time; if
used according lod:irecOofis t .Price 25 eta. pervial.
This spirit_ is _highly recommended for all
sprains, swelling of the limbs, 'or leaders, sinews;
Ijoints-ntid rheumatic; as nn outward remedy, it has
cqual,and when used with the Rheumatic INlndi.
chic, will greatly 'fncilitate the cure: — The an
nuals of history do not produce its equal, and it hi
the _gre a test preventive against cold, in OM
known world. For particulars sec directions accom—
panying the bottles. price 25 cents.
An infhllable mire if used according to direc
tions. Price 2,5 cents per vial.
Is_docidcdly_the best application for wounds
and s?res, old or new, of all hinds,.and will pre.
ventif used in time, many operations; and pro.
Yent Lock Jaw, Pains in the flack, Head, &c.—
Females who arc so unfortunate ns to have sore
breasts, and will use this wonderful salve, will he
cured in'a very shot time. It cannot bo too high
ly recommended. For further particularssee dime.
Pri,•e 123. cents per box.
An excellent article for the cure of worms in
adults as well as children, and will cure when
other remedies fail. Nice 61 cents per box.
A suprri,e• article air Coughs, Colds Core throat,
Bronchitis and difficulty of breathing.: Price 6
rents per I , ox. •
SOId tvh , iVsnle add retail, at the principal office,
No. 384, North 3d Ftrect, Philadelphia; and by
' JOIIN GRAY, Carlisle, Pa.
General Agent for Cumberland County..
Jnnc 1842. I y. 34
ALND iryou have a friend, a relation, orknow
, any nue that is afflicted with that distressing
disease, ut:ONSUMPTlON,"persuride them with.
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled inedi.
tine, the, . ' . ,
"Balsam of• Cherilo)
which hascered thousands dr this complaint'af•
ter everything else lad kited. Read the fellow.
ingyinkmhted Proofs of its efficacy:
• Rnxsoneuan, Sept. 10 1841.
DIA li Stn:—Please Send me two more bottles of
yourlialsam of. Wild Cherry, like that you sent
mo before. I have taken nearly all of the first tWoi
and confidently believe this medicine will.eure me.
I have nietl ‘ a great, many remedies within. the
last year, but have never found any thing that has
relieved me so much. It MIS stopped my eolith
entirely, checked my night sweats, and I 'sleep
better at night and feel better in every way,than
I - have for many. months. • , Yours respectfully, •
. I • .;: .. ,;,,.:, YA,s4:ti .
.. ,
' . HOLM egistruc, 2, 1841.
. .
FRIF.tiD Nis An:-1 must again trouble thee to
send me two,,bettles more, of„Jity e ova luahle . Bal.
'sard."l have no taken three' and
can assure thee that Wiles:done more good than
ull the medicine I have i nver,,,talten before., send
by 'the stage as soon 'asliessible, and obligc thy
friend, ' • . . Houi.ourrti: •
. : ii34lo4ll;',Opt. 841..'
DCAR Docrun:—Hearitig:so anapy,,people talk
Ortha Wondeifutcurds your Basalt - I - of Wild Clier.
ry has ntadeirr•Conatimptien, I' vent , to ?ono hi
your Agents the otlnr day for n bettle;, and.. hayo
found'it to hive rebored Me so much; that I want
three'bottles more sent sden, as I believe it
cure, me too.. I ,have .used jayrio's., p ?f peetorent
and tither 'Medicines besides; but nothitig hati done
me as niddi.good : 'as , youts :hat: , '!.Send , by the
steamboat Bolivar.. • . )(owe, :
' • • • ' •
V:rßesides' 'its ' nsionistiing . ' ntricany in
Eiguanlption, it is also the most effectual rernedY
ever discovered, for. LIVER COM I'LAINTS,
.WIIOOPINGCOUG . ikc.vastundreds wilitcs.
ti fy. wfrodmve bean cured by lkatter all ot4of rem
dies` bad failed: - •
DRUGGISTS. and 'DEALERS with tide'
medicine a vkluable,addition.totheir.,,stock,. bad.
141/thild always keepit on hand;ak it is universally
acknowledged to be one. of the most uixtifulTainlly
; - •
very` careful to'isk for Dr. WMAR'S
&ale and retail by ,WILL,,LANIS dr i ;CO, chornirp,
N 0.33; South ,
Sticet, Philnd9lphia.
!isle bj~,>SAMUEL' EbLlOTlVilppOiniEld.
goP tr, '.j s rice ..7-4,11. pei,ttott le.,
Jane 22,1812. • •tosV3-71
TO THic:pielrette.
VE-XisTUFA.d'itit D ,kepi on bon , „
•qtalo l o is llia litgoViitteio neke 7 ;ol4
IL'r? 72' 4 7
PrilliP l 7 6 l l ciMIP; ~14 4 , 3I r
4,difitareriin ecinitir"o orge,
4+l3tli *it
POPAPISotI oilnil.o4llol.M l l o ,lo4own'ibi.
su b scribethe r nt present. '
""10Ittrt'A'riiieff - . -- ;`i
—01044ca5t04344),,01A142, Er) 1:ii16414/1
t t ,lll6.4lllEl7:B,4...43l3i',ON o VOtiftiGlfilkln--
,04.11.14.,Titi1f9,i4h:g4.4149ti0n; ;Alieivthiencstractivo
'c t onmkunt st,tacks's,ccr,kterstinglittis.ckildren,
aft.en'idliii'goit'llf yoii, fondly 'deaf:" 45n,,,C.nd
eairlOtr:lnitidOds Vve4.inother
,s4ooldtheiorinii;:krioist:itssYriiptorne watch them
014° !$',0 ':fLit . ttl-u!i l 'Uti" Pr9parcd,wit4
nem - any' ate daily c ... cdrifieedkr suchpegleet..., :.At
' , Valtrale,r)Sttlq '6, , illivering, it
sgiowarestlese,vliaSiltiS'hoinf Wetit,thii eyeelbeeome
- 4., e 4 " 910- • P*°lloo4ClirentheE6with4 iliftiaultyr:and
' tkcip;colnea.that fearful Co4.9lrtAlt4 w r iilpurely, ter.
liiirfale in cOnvnisiOn;inetleath uniesSpdxnctlpng is
giveh id MO.:frit
thiv.!.Balanin tofjVild•Cher*lliTiAlr - leil'avvii to
dicoveredl=- 4 1tilindeed a
Pr,q4 lo4 BfluTtqd": 77 olildo .ssfe ,and
ta eofivc ltiC.'fiiuffever iniinetilate 'relief, .gtul
ggichly redthie 7ttAts, .
'flea residing in , the. cotintry andindecilreicryno
tiler Nulao loves /ler , Oil4ron, should , alvive keep
this medicine, in, the „kegs? :,and. give it to, diem early, by' - dOitiesci` you'iMig 'Often' .tciVe tliC life of
one you fondltldve. , "Relfisrhherthiti is the faidOus
rar, which" has 'cnred, thousands of CROUP,
TION, &c., after every' gther . ipedidinClias failed.
partiotqnr.wlien . you - 'purehase to ask
for ‘'Dr. 'l l . VisrAnts 1.3.1i55 . 8r With btrennr;"
as iliere is a setter' ihis'naindSniertii4en that is
entirely k different medicine. 3' '
Pi:Cotie4,only W.H.Lptsis
No: 33 Sodlli FOuro stre - 4,.Philad9lphOy,
Price, Oh.e'Dollar"4: Bo tile.
Jnno , 22, 1842
''• Both these 'Elects are Pr,odvecti by
Dr. LEI Y'S po,olim PI ILLS.
SAW ' SO W' ILL 06t• , . Imov's Moon. VILIA contain in Their composi
tion ingredients which produce the corn-
hatted and desirable effects , -
. Cleansing; like Bowel's:
mMGR a; are no existence •,which may he'
f:o safely used at all times, igcs" tun] seasons,
without restraint trod laying or,occuinition, as 1)r.
Lekly's Blood Pills. ~
From their 'etornrositimi drew calenlated to
purify the blood and mana ' fluids during the inter
val between.taking them nod theiy operation; when
all iMpurities,us well as otmaions substaneeaof the
tstomach and bowels, are carried off by their mild
purgative properties.
- U PNVA RDS. OF 100 - ,069-MOXES
of them haie been sold during the.prist
shine, soiIUPWARDS DP I
-since theidlostrinteotliictiotaiS• ilie •prolTict6r, Di.
•. - ,
have (hey eve breo known to fitil o 'io producing . ,
good effcts.• •
ILF.1111":3 BLOQD .PILLS, •
eontai nn ingredients dangerougitoLdie gonstilution
.N0._211•712.CP111'.. Olt
hich are employed in all Oils manufactured hf
(413 , 4.4ka and Intuontora; wilco depend upon such dan
geroui medicines taiderihe imprchsion.(which slaws
lir,noratcce;lthat'all it iseasett. must Yield to the
effects of Mercury and other Niinerals.
FI : 0 ;U . Physiolans unit others, linVe been frequently
pithliShed ul :the happy effects of Dr. Leith's Aloetl
andforther comment' upon their merits IS un
necessary. Ilr Leidy wotild,however,earnetaly re 7
commend to All .requiring a 'pririfying or purgative.
medicine, to procure his BLOOD PILLS, sou try
thorn. No one will ever use any other kind,having
once given them n fair trial.
cured from the sole netonfactover Mid proprietor, Dr.
N.' H. LEltWott his lIE \ 1.1111 lUM, No.
19t North Second street, below Vine strect,(Sign ot
the Colde!r Eagle and Serpents,) Philadelphia, there
can be no possibility of mistake, '
They are.ll4o by most of the respectable
Druggists of Philadelphia,and he respeepthle
chants and Drdggists throughouCthe Unitzd States.
For tale, in Catdisle, by - ,
Agents for ,Cumbetiond County.
May la, 183 e. . .•
E .
xtrirct Sarsa
. parida.
, •
lar k 7 Ili be forfeited N. B. LEIDV, for a
I preparation of Sarsaparilla equal to Ina •
Medicated Extract of Sarsaparilla.
, . .
It la positively the strom-est'preparation tif Sarsa
parilla in existence. ON'E 'BOTTLE is equal t. ,
hlx pints a soy other Syrup that is made', and:is
bought by numerneis persons throughout the city '
`country for making , . therefrom, and who sell it
seventy-,five cent.: or one dollar per.bottle (about hm,
a pint. • ,
efficary, of Sarsaparilla is, well known in
Serofuls or King's Evil, Eryshielas, A)I - Reuses of the
Liver, Affection : nl* the Skin and pones, Ulcers of
the Nose, Thebett and IlitelY; as well'as en Antidote
to Alereury and the , Minerals; Constitutional Ms
eases,and a general purifier of the Blood and Animal
Fluids. A.:moment upon _ its': virtues is mnecessary,
every hotly knows' its efficacy. • It is only necessary
when iwingleto
: get a stirs', yrepuration •ot it, awl
then there wilt be cal ilißappiuntment imits effects.
-MX I ,ciely would refer to tliC most respectable phy-
Etching in PhiladelphiMas 'Well as timely:omM the
United States,thr tlie'cltracter of his preparation,
tt ttlio to the numerous certitlcate.s front ph7si--- -
,ciana and .others, Iltut.htive•heen frimi time to time
,publi sited, : now deeined unnecessa7; as.the
tee Of his preparation Is establtsheil.. , Throuo-.
Qll ' t Olt! 'i,t Is: used: , Riltogethet; antt
throtikhOM the'Narth t4k.,e" prettßicnce oyeritll ,
bikers, partichlitrlYAinning.the pk,sicians, who, for
Ate liei,cfit thblu'itattits,tilw-nys''lreCoMMerd
The reader itrrelerreco
panvingeachbottldfoi.recontineadittiotti'certtfießt s,
aniffurthei certificates;
, PRICE .01fli-DOtLATi • PER 310M17,.'
Prepared and, sold, wholesale. and' 'retail nt DY.
X.El,DX,'4lltliazru Emvattium, No:19 t‘ North,
Sdennq atmet, , ltelow Vine, sign *Mlle, Golden Eagle..
B,.;ei•ile 4 t q ;Ptilla(lelpilln l ,an(t sale in Canlial6,ty
- • .2.- .Agents far. Count.
Itray 1 ts42'
•:•‘BEOEITEIVa . '
otroctuarin .
;. Slioftni>~a
df B'el*.lmh6OPTA"
!Won taut-1.40e, 4ndlcirAlp ar eat o f ii ~irpac}t
vativelhroughout'all;Ggrrian` a 'a ~
iti4o B „iir
troil 440 1310kr. i;i4fstrefogiori!
..AF I -P rii O 4 : %l q .0 1 ,040 06 i,ipf, & , )•>o.9o.ffpolg.
have tvea
01 . 1 . agaMp, ,p/01046N , aIMI
I ,q,„ O "#,,I I I O ,RY I SifP . UP.ff9 WitfoctOd gokiNfinf.u.
~.11J75 NOPpintAtittlo.aui
repatedandao~d,•Nbioloeido"andiSetail at Di
q9J,(19%11PA19.199,41.4V:1031191):.MM0:1tihi5ry ty.
. 14,:;.".„7.;•;.,
1 .
t 0.9- 3