INIE HERALD 'Sr, :EXPOSIT9R-, Ofitte,.:cesit're sytte - iiie;A'4lloll.l the AAVVVV""VINVVVVIAA - •„:.TF.II ,OF pup L [CATION The -41E2 eildiVixit.' ftrgITOR--.le.'.pnblislied iveekly,:en, adouble rhyareheetinf TWO ,DO.l. •L'ARS,;peranneinepeyehleveiShin three months from the subsailbingl .on T.Wo. DOLLARS MO) ierrie CrNt l fij 44 ihf1 : 01/4 the • • '3lO euheeiliption,.yilPhOphon.. for lese-Ahan eix motithe,..and,)ep paper 4econtinifed'hetil all D e_ rearages ate paid, oxeepf, the,„eptipp,orPie publieheTond a failure id'netiei,e, diecontinu azi,co4ll.l:4;`&eiaidOed Adtitexffletne*ili; ,dene,ork : Alie..useelterme. LetCtete!A'cries'u,re tten tidal re net he Oak' pp id... ';'•:: 4 ..,i'h..i , ',h'kti.:4 - ,,..f1i N.T:''.4.. . , Iht-11110',1.11erliP,frffi. rizteaatec. fiEtiftioN,Nr . thulienefit of the 13anikrupt: . : Liu , has 'been filed the 16th September 1.134.'2, y . ._.._... . . ... A • .:, ,v,,,,LA„,,..„,.: MILLIGAN, Mixt); njet and, Clinch Manullicturer, ' 2 . :.-'. Ctimlierlaild'enatity: Which IVW.lllll'..,VAirbe - heard; liefoli the District Court of the United States forii the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, iiittijig in 13aidtimptcy, lit. the DiS. triet: Colul.'RoortiAiinhe city of Philadelphia, oil Pridai,the,2Bth day of (*ober neat, at I 1 o'clock 4• M. Wheti told 'Where allir esonsinterested may appear Mid show cause, if aiiy,they have, why the. prayer of t h e said Petition slionlil not be granted, and the said Petitioner liti'declared Ittitiketipt. ' 2 ' :'•.''':.." - PICAS. HOPKINSON, . '. ,".. . Clerk of District Court. ' Phlridelphia i Serembev 17, 181'2. - . 3t.47 MEI JETITIONS the Dist;lnirge and Certificate le the Sankenot Law have been filed by ADAM MAURY, Stone Mason; ly a member' of the firm of INittury . • • & Zeigler, . • Curnherland,county. GEORGE V.. TULL, late 'Merchant, one Shoemaker and Agent, -Cumberland county. and Tuesday the Gth ()ay of December, next, at It o'clock, A. NI. is appointed for the hearing thereof, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Mom in the city of Philadelphia, wheri and where the creditors of the said Petitivers who ha've pt , oved their debts,anil all other Tsons Sit interest, may appear and show cause, it sty they have;why such Discharge and' Certificate should not be granted: . . , PRA& DOPIRINSON, ' • • • Clerk of the District Count. Philadelphia, September 17, 184.2. 10t-47 • .. (.0 . • •• . in,ETITIONS for Discharge and Certift cute Oder the - Ilanki•opt.Law have been file by • MARTIN 0. RUPP, late Merchant . • Coniberlaiul:CouCt) JOSEP[I.FRY.- Cabinet Mallet. now Liihorer,-_ • • - coinberlackl Count] ) and TUESDAY the Pith day of December ifeNt at o'clook,W. M. is appointed for Old licaring-theren • before the said Court, sitting in .littnisruptcy, at tit District Court. Room, in the City of l'hillfielphh -- when and - •whyre - the - erc'ditois of - the said - Petiticitt ers, who loive-proved their debts, and nil oilier per sons to Interest, may appear, atuf,show came, they have, why such Discharge foal Certificate shoal not bogrunte . ti. ' . . . FRAS. , HOPKINSON, Clerk of the District Court. Phi hulelithin, - Scpt. 24;1842.'10-48 NOTICE.' ZDETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate under,the. Bankrupt Law havelseen filed by WILLIS FOULK, Clerk of Court of Quarter Sessions, Oycr & Terminer & Orphans Court and Recorder of Deeds,. - Cumberland county. JOSHUA. OGILUY, Into Merchant of . - Lockport lately trading in Company with . • Charles F. Mitchell, under the firm of Joshua Ogilby. - Xumberland county. JAMES McMATII, late Merchant Tailor, now Agent; "' Cumberland county. and FRIDAY the 4th day of NOVEMBER next, of 11 o'clock, A. M. Is appointed for the hearing thereof, before the said, Court, sitting in Banlc. roptcy, at the District Court Room, in the City of Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors of the said Petitioners, who have proved their Dcbts,and, all other persons in interest, may appear and show Causo,;if any they have, why such Discharge and Certificate should not he granted. FRA S. HOPKINSON, • • • , Clerk of the District Court. Philadelphia, Aug.-13, 1842. 10.42 .73'0 TICE. • • PETITIONS for Discharge and Cerli fieatc' under the Bankrupt Law have been fil ed by- • • WILLIAM SNODGRASS, late Merchant • - now Tithuolinist, Cumberland county. JACOB GOIWAS, formerly of Lancaster • county, Merchant, Cumberland minty. mid FRIDAY the 21st of OCTOBER nest at 11 O'- clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof,be fore the said Court; sittiu„, ,, in Bankruptcy, at the Dis trict Court Room in the City of Philadelphia, wheU and where the Creditors of the said Pctioners, who have proved their Debts, and all. other persons in in terest, may appear and thow cause, Wetly they have, why such Discharge and Certificate should not be grAnten. FR AS. 11 OPKI NSON, Clerk of the District Court. Phila.August Gi 1842. 10-41 5-ff•eDe cra PETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate under the Bankrupt Law, have been filed by SAMUEL GIVEN, late ,Merchant and 'MitnufactUrer, Cumberland county. JESSE BAUMAN, 'Machinist and Iron Founder, Cumberland county. JOHN GRAY, Individually and as a mem.. her, Of the late firm: of Gray and Cauff. man Iron Master, Cumberland county. ABRAHAM. H. PHILLIPS, late, Ater..., ' chant Of the - firm of Egolf and Phillips, • now Clerk, Cumberland county. JOSEPH MOSSER, Tanner, Currier and : Fair - nor, Cumberland county. C. E. R. DAVIS, late Merchant, now Chair. Maker; • Cumberland county. and MONDAY the.2lst day of NOVEMBER next, at. 11 o'cleek,A. M. Js .appointed for the bearing thereof; before the said .Court, 'pitting in. Bankruptcy, at the 'Distriot ,Court Room in -the City, of Philadelphia, when and where the tors of- the said.Petitioners,Who have proved their Debts; and all other:persons - in interest, may ap: peak and show cause, Van,' they have, why such Discharge rind Certificate should not'bo granted. . ' FRAS.• HOPKINSON,,- Clerk of the District Court. Philadelphia, Sept: 5'1842, ' 10.46 talatvaa24 GREAT.OugtvIaNISOONTRI!MERCHANTe, ... T . 4 subtkcifier, dnnelmied (cid!) • ~ plaireicash tint/loess, ofierp,roi.,We his largo VIA Vendigt ossortrnot4 of. ;VO,IXEION :Str DOMES TIC Et ;R'll ;4 1Z vuoiervit„ , low t emAiojc 'wits evei.TOPiJght Oi",thilsgeliqiis. • Tife'rf*ivFg y,tiO ideo Dl thU rises' thali4d*deterrinruied'Ao'sell 'At: , 4f - 6 Inc Lnesti • - ec~f,r • 611y' , u • NeWY*l);trir Grass Soy& - oz '‘/' , f ‘: - ; .,,r' , „ 6 , =.'',,, , ,7;1:' ." , d4sl.2s , :+it , di,• .y.:'''4:4Acii - 3 , 4)..i..• ',,•:-' tt,'-ekeit::".+i:', 4 4,1 , 1 froni2o'Aa.. 1 2.4; 7*i:credit'. - Cill. t :Of t, 1 #1 40 :4 44 . 1 4 , .4111 4 - .bity,, , st : - ,:404,5,T, " ;Itnilicieter':',' , .'' , "l 14.41014'Oeltihis, , , .t . f.7.4 , !.'4" -,:' , 1, , ' vii3 . a , -1,0,,,„ c4.1., , ,4,..., a.94,5,--- .;:f , r,ictp 4.1krutib,),...0 . 1,-7d104,1f GLS ,411P4 , , MEI "n'. Ww•7es • -- titiv -- Aitioans - -- i'o3lll3ttlaildwilan )1101 t . * :F.T)TSS,0,0t;t4_0, 44;ki1/04 . St/0 ariidt; Ono . nosite 44oirn4p,*irgi.A 4 ,illic 9 .; I nhit T. 'ya > ttriiel Ins lii •Witli a laiiiiiultitl'ludidriirlteli:With trunk.tO duct the!itrup,lo the Machine:: . , 'I3,EVIL ' GEAR 2 -110ii.SE :POWERS,. ley , nrc well calculated ,tO Inn to of n side of tiin barn, or tinder the barn shed. is, • r • . ... , , .. . A lite* . and lautprovedAlaaker ' .ro separate the g.,liiiii li•ani• llier,,Alrii'ity,Wliieli , will ill spi2ise iilitiotimor,two:'hatids, willim niiiiic: 0 the plicivi; Illitioliine,,if wanted. , . -,,,, . ...; :',- • . w.aa w.g ,stAt',':.'..' Purchasing ally of the above.llllle)tines may have the privilege: after a fair.truili of returning the same-if not.satisfied, AU 'Machines and Horse .Powers are warranted for one year, if %yell IEP4IIIMG. All kinds.of repairing will be done at the shortest notice 11111.1 mi the most reasonahle terms. They al . ways keep on Rand all .castings necessary to-repair. the &iliac Maniacs, or any others now in use. - • . • ' ' • _ . IRON AND: 'BRASS: FOUNDRY. • Tbeeti is also 'Minled to the. ahoy(' establishment so IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all kiwis - of CASTINGS •can ,he hail—:such`ns Apple ills,'Corn :13rakers, Plaster Ilrakcrs, )fill Gene- Mg, Saw Mill Cranks, Al:whine Gearing, Wagon, Boxes, Ste. Bm. Also, • TURNING . A.ND Spitulleff•Xiti• !Ikea, Turning Ultima, St.e.,wil in the best•ordet, in iron and bros.+. ' • (0-All orders will he c:ecuted at the shortest no and promptly attended to. Farmers. and others 111% respectfully Invited to give min call, confident that they call lie suited to their satisftction.. • A. STOUFFER & CO. Carlisle, Aug. 10, 184.2.' ' 11.41 (0 - ^Planck's, fletiwood , s Unil Ogle's PLOCGIIS antlll,olsGll CASTINGS, such as Cutters Laud sides, &c. coil also be had tit tlie foundry. -..• . Valuable Real Estate eta.,IAT )10‘,4 THE subscriber, Assignee of Daniel P: 114 Sheehan, will sell by piddle' putery., no the premises, on FRIDAY tl I , l'lll tit OETORER,'IB42, at 1 o'eloek,P; 'I. 104 ACRES and'6l. PERCHES of first-rate PATENTED . _Littlest:oe Laild, - Situate in West Penbslioro township,'Cumbeyland county, three miles west. of Cut lisle, the . Stitt to Newiille plisseathrough the property, so also does the Cumberland valley railroad, TIM hind adjoins tout of Henry Rimer, Samuel MeCorrniek,'.lohn Fixhbnrp and othcrs....-The property is in a healthy section of the country. The e improveme . api. Arc a rirrELL7.l.-4 • . s . ' pfirP El E A first-t:ate new sToNe: BARN, a Itowe occupier as a DISTILLERY, and other necessary out-build ings,a well of never failinw water at the dooica your and thriving apple 011.S.:1 IA. RD with other fruit trees About 90:acres of the Imp is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance is covered with - 00 v ing timber. Come and see. .ALSO, on the same day at 10 o'clock, A. M. it ZLIOU'UtaxII-4111IliZo with aStenm llgider'ntul AVoodlressels, will (tappet. Il 4 bras, 18 new double Hogsheads. Tln nbove mentioned articles and of the bet kind. It' it can not be sold togetlier,it will be face ed in pieces. Tile- larger_vessels will :maw ex - eel Iced cisterns. Any person wishing to the Reid Estate nr the Distillery, will please cull nn John.. Days, Esq. in Carlisle, or John Kreitzer lisinj; on the premises, tin will show it. POSSCSNIMI will lie-given-on the ta( day of April, A. I). 1843, mid an indisputable title made. o:7'Attendance given and terms of sale mule kno,wn on dap of bale, by DNVID CDFILD, Assignee of Daniel P. Sberban • August 17, 18.4:1 A FARM FOR SALVE, 111 subseribei will dispose of nt public sale, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 20th of OCTOBER next, A 7:AL. - W.:AMU:AM -TAM= of. Slate and Limestone Land ; in North Middle ton township, Cumberland county, containing 117 AMES, more or iCSN of putenWd land, adjoining lands of Coover, Zigler, and others—said film is a portion of the estate of John MeClintich, dec'd. The improvements are a • LOG . ' •••.1 2 i • VLY - AN D BSA .. There are also 2 never failing springs of water on the premises, convenient to the house. - Said Elam is but a few Miles-diStant from Car. lisle, and is well worthy the attention efenpitalists. Persons desirous of viewing the farm previous to tho day of sale, can be gratified by calling on Ale Sander McClirdielr,who resides on the premises. The terns will be ma s le easy,. and a clear in disputable title will bcgiven.. JOHN ItieCLINTICK, Residing id Chanibersburg. is-39 July 27, 1842 Two . Valuable Farms FOR SALE. /OHE subscriber offers . at private sale, on very, reasonabloterms, TWO VAL UAWS LE FABIUS. No.,l.,Containing 110 Acres of first-rote 1t22212,Z2V283 - 240.V1.0, 3 , Situate a few miles tVesrof Carlisle, Cumberland County, near the Walnut . Bottom Read—witli a good :Improvements, and never 7 failing well of water—Also, 5 Lerch of Chestnut Tin'. her; .within a gOod hauling distance of. the .above property. ' No. 2. ' Containing 120 Acres of ' SLATE LAND Adjoining the Limestone Land, near Middlesex Millsi-Eavt'of, Cailisle, Cumberland cotinti,• with good huproieinents;.and a stream.of water ,on.the same. • ' .I:GA:further descripticih of the above Farmsiii deemed.unnecessary, as those desirous of purelt/e 7 - lug vitill;of course, view - the same. , Application to be made t6the subsciiber, living it Middlesex Mills. •, MICHAEL .FISI - 111U11V, Agent Tor the Owners. August 24,.1,842.. , ALSSILGSVA,' YEAI4 14A. 1 16 - E. A `,.llong•p 'ftn4::.Lpt for' ;Sale, . . nrHE'subsiiriber r Azisignee of floury Reeser, V will "•` atpoblidtuale, on lii. ,pinniuls,oo SAT Ult:,l DAY r Atte..lsth,d4ty, of 9C1,01.1E11.,..1M, ILL o!-. A L AtiIM l ear VlaTeZta - ki . Containiat OACP E. '6llo4e' io tho line Of. rintwwiwni ver..,Sming.tawinthiri, •C° •I.,ll;n9w , l L ty, bouJuled nyd , outl° of , .Tpoaa 4k V4r n , other!. Bating " th eieon wfiAidO.gO O VEWPATPACV DWELLING lilt - 141%n it firit° kstiwitpdathor`out-buildin k c ~ • • • 4kWyo ' y origqe.,!iwkuptoglioniValonr itceitW'who 'reault , i49,Rtno•rtirwrOntes:;llwlwili , ill;bei°lo,e,krip,r • ': f• • ),'.i,-,i.,' I'' ; P. , L.: - •' , ; ..f,.F : tS i.,.Ltis.,,yrE .roO00);'t, o.Sv. .A i a..0111410,.4v,'- i-llif l ifike" ' ""i- ' T Fl*corkOenrzl4 4 ffirf ! Plt to l t # , ••le i ?t- 1 , 1:41• , -..; • t '•'.. '.. ; , Il :',•ottlk,7:•,4:!?"" :l7 ;',At' -- • - • 1 il l tailietii;eto Williciidli,AthiwuFf°4t CurP,l9t iVI7, 1 842 ' . ''' ' ' ' "',„" i'', , :_.7'..7.,,v, ,',_ - -:- . -• . _ ;mac . 1 '14 , 001 .4.-1.,14 ) .. 'ir, haltileg, i trg . :Lipe ~ stot ~,„1...,..t..,.....t„,...,.,.. ~,t...„.,...,,,,,, i:,..„.„,,__,.._ I •N ,. ,„.. :•• . - ). 4 , "...., - '•%,,A;- , -...-., , .-,',''';:” --'—'"---. -' •lt '' '' ' 2 - -11! - 'kr . liitiVeCPi? / i l lfulTsfrsiA l ) (l , --. ' .: ~,,, . , ~. , • -,PiithsdOrp*4iiiirA ' 'isiiiinOiv . l'E l ift-Yalkliio` r ene*'4 ,s y:Of ~ ~..7 - ,' A 'AI , V - '" , : •'' ' , A ' , ''r . 1,,,. ~.. • rtiwio,44tibdi v apfkaropprpro, r , • -,-. lk ,,,,,foi:lncoiii...iiii,,,ofeAdo-tiiralhilittlithe! gondlially4 iliat'heiiiiir4Odiliiifeilliiiiiififfh'l*.'or . biirthen Cars, regularly , batweett: , -MeohatUfiliptg: and.illilladelphia or. Ballisaorii,AV:Whieli:goOds, 'and produce of. all.desoriptiops will -ho i fokwardcr ,with care 'ipesoiprtekitthi'loot 4atot of ffei*i''.',.''..,.. l'':1 : , ,' '',; `,'; el ;,,4 A ' I Ptnee will be ieceii, , ed' it Ilia ...Wiro_fioUse. iii Mectionieetniirgi , and fOrWariled t'e Sither,Yliilti:4;l delphie oeDaltiiiiore, aceoiding yi;the,,ditocticiti; ErThe;liighes!, gice :will he'llvett - for ;Wheat . and Flifilr :i' ' ~ : ..- ' :; -• . ... ' • . , .., ' ,- ' laliTta It/$ ll Eir ;- , N. B. Plaster of Paris sand-801t... , i.alWays kept, on hand, and- lb!' Hale at. tholowest prices. ~,,, . . LL/QI:LUZEitiI)CIDUIct . ' . , .• .. 'lle has alsoan baud, at the'Dopotin Illeehanies.- burg;for sale, LUMBER, 'such' al Boards, Sim I ngles ' - ScaastliargA F,,(1.,d all kinds, , which will be sold on liberal tent's. • , , . August 17,,1842. . . . • • Uri Paper Mill'•• subscriber:tespeetfelly. infbrins the pub. • lip at large,ihat lie has leased the abOve tablislinient, six Miles south of Carlisle, for a term of years, and the Mud, having, been recently re. paired, and now machipery • introduced, ,he, is therefore prepared to manufactureqo order, (titid also has a supplrconstantly.on hand) . Paper of every kind and Quality, which he will furnislido printrOnerchants and others, in any quantities at the lowest city bricos. All orders addretsed to the subscriber, at 'Paper. town, Cumberland county, will receive prompt attention. • - Having lately received a supply of the liery , best _materials, ho fl atters himself that le will be able to manufacture paper equal in quality teeny other establishment in the country: • WILLIAM B. MULLIN. rapertown,ly 20,1842. tf.3B N. B. The highest price paid for rags. ax.mtiagaa.laztawazQ Indolisnity against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. CHARTER PERPETUAL. The Spring Garden Fire Insurance Coin 7 pany of Philadelphia, • WTI AIM . INSURANCE, either.temporary. or ,or a perpetual, against loss or : damage. by Flax ; ! n own or Country, on Houses, Barns and Build. ings of all kinds; on Household Furniture,. chandize, Horses,'Cattl% Agricultural, Comnier. Stock, and UtenSils of every deseription,as well aalon•rsuEs and GROUND Rns•r, upon the .most favorable terms. The, followins are the usual rates, viz:- On *one buildings, from • • 35 to 40 - ets. on $lOO . "Log and framo = "•-• GO to 70 els. on 100 "Mcrchandize andfurni: Ore in brick or.stono buildings, from "Do. in log or frame, .41orses-cattle . , farming utensils and sundries, ! -- at about PERPETUAL _RISKS. On BrieLorstono buildingnis2s on 81,1100, the premium subject to be withdrawn at any time by the party iiisuringott a deduction of 5 per- cent. on the amount paid. 'Applications for Insurance, or any . information on the'sutiject, may be made either personally or by letter; at the clonipany's Office, nt the north. west corner of Sixth and Wood streets. MORTON !WMICHAEL, President. _ L. IMUMBHAAR,_Seeretary, or JOHN J. MYERS, AGENT, Cathsle, Pa._ Directors. Morton APMichael, George M. Troutman, Joseph Wood, Samuel Townsend, P. Loglivreivie, Itob.•rt L. Lough!tout], Elijah'llallett, • It W. Pomeroy, Chas. W. Schreiner, Charles Stokes, - Joseph J: Sharpless September 19, 1842 CM ,Selling or at first Cost. CHEAP GOODS! NO MISTAKE. AT TOE STORE OF MADE) Gllll S D SIIIIIPPEWBURG. THE subscribers intend winding up their busi. tress, and' arc now determined to sell gOnds at such unusual low prices as cannot Ilia to con. vince the purchaser that they have the cheapest goods ever offered in this region of country. . Their stock is NE\V and CHEAP, consisting in part of ". • • • • . . . Blue Black, Blue Invisible Green,Brown and Drab Cloths, Cassimeres atinets, of vttrions colors and yricei, a variety of Moulin de Lathes, . • • Plain 4. Figured Silks, Black 4. Blue Black Bombozines, • Summer and 'Winter • Shawls, Muslim, Calicoes, Dress Madanlitels, There numerous advantages in 'purchasing goods which were frequently made known in for. iner advertisements, will be sufficient prOof to satisfy all those desirous of obtaining bargains, that they are now prepared and fully determined to_sell...them enctly_cheap enough.., Come then all ye who have so long been suffering under time severcipressureofille times, and adopt, the remedy which it hero: provided for you , i. e. CHEAP GOODS. arThcy would particularly invite the attentio of purchasers to their Cheap Cloths, Casa' inures and Saltines ts„ P. S. Those who aro yet indebted to the sub. 'scribers, will please satisfy the same between this and Veconiber next. • Shilipetistkurz, July 20, 1842. Dr. I. C. Loomis, Dentist,- . . lirS 'Permanently located in Carlisle, and will per il. corm all operations that are required in the practice of, his , profession—suchas , • parading, Filing,. Plugging, and Tpetl4 from a. singlet tooth to - an entire set. ,, • N. B. For a li2w.months , ensuing,.Pr. Loomis wilt be in Carlisle, the' first tivo: toseksiit...each ' month—after , tyli left,. ie bo absent 111 . 111 . 0 m first two weeklineaeh follmining month—at-which period . lie at. near AfFartune's: Hdtei - CarlidoiMay ,;;'tf:27' JOHN'FCARPER I . - Contnaissioiter to itateicrespreAu eF . IC_E'in South Hanover. 'stoat, • noir' h•l4'., `.elellanNZHO - tel;rm in reference to the ( 1 40 1 'of 111 ;We' intending apply for the. baileiit;or - the' •B.anikue Act, can by ebtninefl: _ • ;•••.. • 4,1842.`'''' ; • ' ' , ~.,. 4;' .. FAR 2 i ~.-..NoT Ls - v - i - -...:.:,-,..44 ; ;; , .. : ,?,, ~ ell 6 , : 4 1 1 41' di e gliktit e tt i e t tllai h p iH .44 1 4 . 1, 1 :; 1 .4tif '1 6)1 1 rht il' O l it ii k - eef" . • " . 1 , • ~ ,i , ~l ' ~, ' 101#1141,u ~i 4. VI , ? '-- .'''' .'r 44 j.'4:'ll.4iVt,-, 4 4 1. 4 7-r 4, . 44: . „, 1 ' ,^:i , . Op i l . z .`;sl,42:lC: Uct? 6 r4r4R 'faidoiiic,e.oriiriir ipsitHl l 4l4(4 - R " . ii )44 4 4 Q.,1,40 - 1' ,stitigtrizr.re4agio - ,_,Ottils4-40,Agasik ?NT theToif-iregirki •M`krii 9- . 0 1#.47%f 144 liti*';lrk 44. • 1 -' , - , lo ° i; •P 1 • ~-1 ‘4 . "4“4 .' • la i iiti f t f O I / 4 . 1 .,P 1)111 ! , • , 1 1 Ml!' eed,l,Vl'il4rfilik, .. me mvskhir.borition ly ..1,. tp. .w.,.. • f4i" Uoiii ••• *ll4 , bili VOlLErowlthAli $l . gift Altalkik.. 'I .• $•,• - ; -;• A otateffil 104Ttatr4it Wrie# , mitiket 'van •ftwhill!` ..‘` - ihiabezlqrelrinelottit 1100tidattteadattl_ 04 0411 j5g; . • • 4 .. 4 . ;C -ho Gill Wit i 'ilill4tid:' , ,,, , lryt L.l 4 . A ., v„. , 1 0 thense rill i I ,, je 66k : nonth • or - , etii . . f1304WRAn5.44446190; WO#DPIWPW'r% ' Carlisle, Anil_ 6440,2. , . . , t =ME -.1(44 i i, 4 , l , , :,ll6`iihrta„Vliiii - Azuplartiols . . , t -AN. , i 6 , Thettoptinoriiiyeaili c io,linp ''::-.',2„...-, : . .119160.nysaolhe its oft? ~ '. ici::.; , :i, ' . . i:: P ,Aill i gltraitilik'‘44 ! diiiigPVT 4/ 1' ~,., I'l -‘ -11 - .loLlNA*4llkintiy , arttitijiellittifiill , • ,1 ;. ~. tho!OOttt - dt.Commlin. ,, Pleattifithtvitoirthe: iiiittil.rinjiintitirp - s iti:the year; of.ourAltrd - ii:tattL thousand eight hundred and thirty- nine ;,befdrirj,ol* . 7:loed . :,Esq.-; - ..aud - lilif -Associate-Judges ofiholuUni!, "eetirtildittAy Consideration - of tiMsante - courtreairtde , agniiistiattac"Xf.ficriv4Vatid tfiVitb:SandOriaiii; . Ad.;'. "ininistrators fif . 4kihtterPOS' Weli,:ileed4,W*oll twilit', to the Widow„of-the.ttn,id„sind.tO,Saintte,lo-04. 4 1di• 'h 6 krilate 6 f i9 11 i . - .6 ' 0 . 1 , 1 .titYi4-00-4"i 5 .091 of..l9ePt.t;i. iiinOtillarsanir,fifipthree *Ma; ;lawlullit,Mipey, of . l'entiitylvania;debt; L tis Alp ; eight, , ,cliAltirs, and..sitq , 7 : two 'cents t ii hiekte: AC'. Said. I Leary ,ftntl, C. Lease sit Ihe' same Cetii;iverciliikewlse' ititindgai fciitheirt: Illitimgcti - Which ftlieY,suantitieti , •, bk. otioplikiri . , 0 . ( . 41M. , detention of thatilebt;:whereof theisiitAdnitaikrti tori*Withliiitice 'Sic.; are 'conviiik;-ava,Pl'6W°COP -. cord,lko.-,,- And tWitereas„the.said•JUdgmentAci ; -.prci serve the Licit accorditig ; to the; Act' r .11sseiikblil such epic. inaclOmil provided, should be: reVived,ps , ;is soggeated tops by the,Said 1-1. - ,St . .,, , ,Leititeps alsi, execution eff'said"Judgmentierriains to,he made; as on the information oftliciaid H.46.,Leinie.,*c liave-. receired, 'and ' We being Willingthat those'. thingi. which in our saitiC'eourt are . riglitt.Y,R4ekelMuldte , . brought to - due exeCuilinu therefore; We emainaint . yOti that; bt n ;, god - aiiii lawful men of your , bailiwick; ; -you woke Jcowtito the said A ilminiiitrS!torii tditli.nd, ace &e., that they lte -- anthappearifetore per said. *lodges at Carlisle, at our Courtof.:Conirpop - f,ileati, there to be held the second ItIOND A Ir,orNOVEM.- BEit next, to show pause, if any.they havc, 'why the; said .11..8t-C. Lease ought not to hire their saitlitidg. , meld revived as aforesaid, and - they ought not tohave execution' against them for their debt and damages aforesaid, according 'to the force; form, and effect of the recovery aforesaid, if they thiliklit.: And you have' then there the names of those - men'hy.Whour. you shall so make known to (h'em and this' writ.— Witness Samuel Hepburn,, Esq. at Carlisle, the' twenty-sixth dity of Aughst,in the year Of. our Lord one thousand eight Imtidreil and forty-two. ...... For George SatidersotiliProthodohiry; ' , - Jonisr .111sirt...- . PAUL AfAll'l'lN, Sheriff , • .Septerober eR, 1342. •' • ..• • ' '' • '3t-48 ''S TATUTES' —- ~ I. All the funds for the use °fa student, except in the cased hereafter named, shall be deposited with the General Treasurec,an officer 'appointed by the whim of Trustees for that purpose, by wim they -shall be' disbursed; and it any student shall receive 'Money from any other source than front . the Trea surer, or shall - hail, in case he does so receive any, immediately td deliver it fo the Treasurer; it shall lie regarded as II high offence. 2. fhe Tre;isurer ascertain, at the begitining ,af each session, what expeases each student is allow ed to incur; and he shall be strictly governed by -inch information in Ids disborsemeots. 3. The Treaserer shall furnish each student, that the. Faculty may authorize, with a certified recount book; and - .he shall pay no bill, unless previously entered in such certified book. 4. No.stmlent'ahall contract It bill Icitheamnunt of more than five _dollars with Out an order from the • Trenstiver. 5 The Treasurer-shallgivepiTference to bills in I the following oilier , viz:—}'or College fees—Board --Washing i-Text books—all others nccordi ti: the (bite of their entry in the 'student's book. Hut he shall, in no case, pay any bill for, horse or carridge hire, confectionary,, fruits; eatables of soy kind, or other articles obviously unnecessary fora student ut College. ' 6. Ile shall he at liberty to furnish, monthly - , such an amount ofpocket moneyes the parent or geardiati may prescribe; provided it does not exceed what, iii his judgment, with the advice of the President,Thr. intyrests of the student and of the institlition require. 7. In case nor student shall borrow any money, or contract any bill, contritey to the rules of College, if the same lie afterwarde 'pnid (itemised th be paid,by his parent or guardian cli• other friend, such student shall be desk with ma foe a high offence. _ • 8. The n ensurer. doll lie in his offiee - nt n fixed period' every Month, of which due notice shall be given, for the transaction of his duties; at which time, merchants, mechanics and others, having hills against students; will call,Omhirm forthe payment of bills which they have preyioubly etitpred in the stu dents' account honks: - • 40 to SO'cts. on 100, GO to 70 op 100 GOots. on 100 9. In the monthly , m11(114_01' etnOcrit, Treasurerahall state the items of expenditure since the last report, together with the amount of funds received. 10. The accounts of Students shall be at all times open to the inspection of the President and Faculty: It. Neither the Treasurer, nor any other ollleer of the College shall, in any way, be held personally responsible' for any hill or any. student. •The; ex- . pet ises of the Treasurer's Coi respondence; in the di s ttliarge_of_his-clut les, - shhil be charged to the accounts of the Students concerned. As a Compensation for. bia-trouble and risk of loss, be may charge a COIO- 'lOBBlOll a 2 per cent on all moneys paid out on the account of a student, 12. These provision dual not apply to students, whose parents. or guardians reside in the borough of Carlisle; nor (with the consent of the F'aculty) to those who are over twenty-oneyears of age. • Carlisle, Sept. 19, 1842. • • • SPECIAL COURT. UM YllY virtue of a writ from the Hon. CALM _ILO BLYTHE; IPresident Judge of the 12th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, bearing date at Carlisle, the 25th duy ofFaruary, A. P. 1842, and to me 'directed— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, . That a Special Court behold by. the said Hon. Calvin Blythe, and the Associate judges.of the Court of Common. Pleas 'of Cumberland county, at the Court House lit the Borough of Carlisle, commencing on MONDAY the 17th of OCT°. BER, A. D. 1842, to continue one week, for the trial of certain causes depending in said Court,in• which the lion. Samuel Hepburn warrconcerned as counsel, prior to his appointment as President Judge of the 9th Judicial Distriet,—said causes being embraced within the provisions of the 39th section of an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Peonsylyania, parsed the 14th of April, 1834, relative •to the organization of Courts of Justice. Of e9d Sp:mild...Court, Jurors and. alLother per. eons concerned will, take notice. . . . . - • PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff.' " • Augtot24, 1842. ( tc-43 FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE,, T H E proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will run their Cars and .Boats as usual to Phil adelphia and Baltimore during the present. season. Thair friends - will please apply to Win. L. Fox, Broad at. and to Chattier, Ch ristian* Curran,No. 76 South Wharves ,- Philadelphia , mid Jose ph E. Elder,- Baltimore... .• • • Until further, notice, the following prices will be adhered, to between this, place and the above 10.38 Mc per4oollm., Groceries, Q Waco,.,. ' and,Hardware, Dry - Gloods,-Furni.-- ture and Drugs,' ' Wlidat, Rye & Corn rocr.buslwl 40 • 11 ~ , Oats ad. . ' 6 ' ' 7 ' Lumber per 1000 , , .--,—;', : - ',feet '' • '''' '' ' 60: 75' ' ' '89=50 Shinglcis,.,---40 , --4--50 ./..--1-2--00 ' '' " Flour peiTibl. — 3ll - • , ', 35t ---- . - '5116 -- 'And...ld& ', r':3li: 1,-: ' '.50 .- ' ' • Writing! do ' •.'' ' . 314 , ' • , ... Ssit'por Backe ..' .' 2 , 2 , .! .t 32,' . . .'• • PitchiTer and Rosir, iTh, .. ' ;1 . .. • . •• ~- ttpbr 100,: P tister'grosir.tbn,' $2: 25 . I '42' SO -•., • L'' llorn'p' peril 00;' .I 1., i. 16,..,... , ...",,.. , , - 22', .1 • :.:. ' • I Hid es .) .. . , 7,..: :1`..:. .1,.. to i1f7,3.41,:,05.. , i !....„ , ..,: l i , , J, .L . P irM o iitt kroes ton 2`50 "i' 1.,. .." '?3!AO , ,'--' ,:',,,-,, okkomil'•&, , cam , t 1.% ti inioi 4..00 - F"t ti I ','-• !. , ' I 3 urfriSni'* "..;' ,l Il ~ r ,‘ljlttylt `I a41501R z-i I,fi't'o , N a no p o i:keit., r,•••„ts..'•;. , 4 1 :t, intA - r.:221 1 .....u; '1;... ; 5:',..... tri. 4llithint'f i toloo,‘l.. r, , 1 209,b/y4 25 :.''t '„ •t,:;;, Iyhistiey per bbl =. ~50 •i5, , ,, , e4.:5511, ,it t ; '.1... ..,,,..„ lilititiocaorporefooi:lls:s..4 ~'• i' 'lO ':. 'lT'' ,l . * r 41 4" ');1 piebefediy.4 4 l 4 s; li.: Cal* f-li't i.•. Sit -E-..:1 , r7 1.,i6.,: . 0,4,; Tin; 0 ewur ve ii ±.,,,,,- to,l 14 : 1 , `.' 0 0115 i.,, '{ " rd. 4, lk - I : '^ tv,ii.,,3.., f ), 1V7.73" - t1 #:,1.44- 5 -PAIARMEN:I 1 ° tro y ' AI 'Stiehftitor,togii,illetAl‘tiairdel - "i if:V*01461,44,414 4,: 1042" 4I! :I',' ' ,, t • - ,:6,14:27.: , - ,• •:. 1.1"..: ) fl.l .1 t.I ,63 4 4 ' + C wfA p i i t 4 ,t,,,,„6,,,„ - " 1.114111110' * 2 — ,thgltlF:SH• „ suiaply•Just received by the subsCriber; rata,ficAgartiitaretaiiio • ''• '.:, t • • Garlible~Aus. 31i 1841. • ” tr-44 DB t 1412112. CHAP. VIII. • g l • • ' VI ton g• „ P , a , e, ps, fix ° t,4 13- 2..7 1 • " r, 15c 22 • 81'14•1•blkl.. 20 23t ,40 25 ' ..2El' ) 43c •' ' ° ME .'"rkil- -40 trlN:STa in e, .7.7 : , -in to. 044 . 1 4 .14`.1 V ."',f " ' ' /Or 'A ' lit 'I ' .5' ' .., is , iffra b 1n1emi„,,.,,,,, ~ • .-- 1 eft , . .- -, . ~ .., rpok, CAUSP - 9c:!t , /..O,&PIRSiin4. 1111211141111Mainari ( f 'l,` i , ild'iiiiifieiahiffliltal ' 11111100144.*te 4, `_ i,, .-.... 1 , , j ,,T,.., .. .. r '„.••,,.....• '1,,....., .. . irrt one CanAirty r tlieirlol6 4, 1 hirmeat, - 1 9 m mo k t • .4:lm . .z..lAyri'ira Ak, 0 . 0 4 ,, , ..2,.. ,rtt.,, , i , ,?t,:p ,I.h r %.,,-oty,[ l oll . .'iitiii, isftlii4aittliniakViitt , 1 ifVfgrititisir P,Ttilie f • fI.P•E:: - Pirti:VP ,l l44, - N.P.ELPThlS.,4l7tha•kilk , jntleed it MellinehPly. trutit;ith4t. ihennends fall i ,i-P f ..C9Pg4 9. 9o4l!ticlkrtlt4OtlgniP'sref . P.B l ° i r arietitfot fiL'fflitatitiptihri biery yettP ffonfiiiirtithei . 1 )6 4 1 .t H t 'Afthillai ./.11)flohit's; S ore l'hii , at; ' `u hi '• - bantet , tbati liegleb led 'cOltlit:',. Yet •• We; find-- Janie telklai Slterf.titiee'!•ef'Breatlt;•.ii in' the , si d e . .drede, any tbettidnifie o:l,x.triiiiiiue IC complaints 'Llteacti'flatit'ttnagbotkliti3iffrAtileanit'FC4o.l; Sir' with titc,groatasejoifftiorico. and jet , jiinej,tun itttallable ertr.•_nrid:lillKatirlethnd Bilious Fever: on for'.Weelittlind even'trionfini WitliOut ,-thl n h . ll4:‘ 4 llll=4,: • 4lolo , l*.iflsing , froni itsleure,.ind dO• ` ef thetlartgert•'.'Ai. first yeiliti've-wthrldelimay - .1 , 1 1 4Y,;-11o,..mihtter , how,, tong, e t r i j ,44 l7 . 7 .if e §j„,6ll e,onei der tk . slight - eniugh or cold; p re y ~ ell6*•:' %Midi' diocesan, to.ts.,hialitinaliumart. i ore ea bjeet;to item, Pleasure oeeirelentiness to prevent frolif ,':- i Tbptioi:pillit alie!,plisarintsaeil•by any ••inedi aid compound: Mier offered to tirdpablic asn'genartilie kiving it•Opytit#,Ptionf it, then settles upon 11.4 i: tiOvittor and ' &May • ' medicine. They esti very breast, y 4 4 41444 - hoarse, have pains in* . ;liide.or.cheet;'expectorntitaltdiniiiititiejTitotal: ientle-im,:their-operationTetofiattentithifiliilit tneknese ner debility•l4, , the:,Mie of tbecti;on ter, paryapti mixed : 'with' , blood,_ a ~,difficulty. . . of bierithing , eatities; and; then, you find nyouV•ro,wit tlie•coti.trave•rther'l°tkenttlittOthe stomach and lbelielt neglect has .brooght ~ m i this' disteeSing 'h4weht..lll4'N'iqlderfal,•4ll4.4or.'•Ond soon ' reioCre natein to itti•former aoareentid'' vigor.' _ The per. complaint..,, 7tfiliohlii Valuellkt , :iii'',. ifiiiith; be Warned in time and floret:J.ooh with' lour Com), Pt")• usi ng . th e' °live 'fit'Attgl Pills'!'gioon ' faficld or trait' trianyrOdek.' , :aeitrant• •to cure you, but fl int he 'tt'alt'.i fit Olt' , :ts•t'oi lia 6 i l Y!abc: 6 4itte immediately precure Otottle,or Wi t t i ,f°: "..). 1.4r 1 ej i l,.. ii " : * t ' i i i4; ••• t i iPsir • . " 4.l • "13.61.1 ' t ' ll ' i' moue remedy' the' , 9".lii.enta OF Witti,;Cuanart . ,• 4 .ttlegit!".Pi. l,l ••• , inlEOpy, 0 ! .411x? rernOdies'Of.. the 44- c hticausetlielniaterlaleueelliriniuntifitaturing.thet which ie well ' be the most ?Peed) , cure . are In harmony with the , poviars of,life Anil ac ever known, as thutnnunie wilLtestifywinate limo_ have been saved by it.,f ,; ••. • , ;,..,, ~. Sp : concert:with theepinioneof Dr% Brown, Kush .:Hersey, i,Kendriok '' ltTl3e very particular when you , p i ir oi thj3 j,,; . ' Armstrong , m o ,,t gomet -i ri ._ ask for !Tr. %STAR'S BALSAM OF WIIIDCtiEgp;qI: Shopper and thee!,celebrated..Dr.; Waterhouse as there is also a SYRUP of this name in use. ..,,• formerly-Lecturer , On the 'theory and • practice' o Prepared, wholesalennd retai by Wll.l:l4tmi. 'Physic in Cambritrtc•Univereity,-I.llaisnehtittetts St.;Co.,'Chemicts, NM 3$ South" Fourth street, Purehase of• them, .end give thertro:fair' mkt! .. Philadelphia. ,: :, •., . , „ partial trial,.. end you Will . find' that, parniarteatre.: ' 1 . Sold in Carlisle by ': "' .• •, ,`•• ": • . ' 'lief, tmon . which the proprietors depend Ili `mak •'' '• - ssmusi, ELLIOTT • ' ' theta the Most universal family, medicine ,uie . • ' =and which ' wiltstantf . unnvaled by, any otherid Price . One.Ddllar &Bunk. ' M . ' . a I.nown world.• - Price 25, cents per , box: .....-. - , June. 22; VMS,' . •-...-• ' • .. RIIEUMATEC mtpiCINF,.: ; •: , Is' one .- ;of the moat certain and effectual cures foi. ail rheamittic; chrOnic and inflammatory Klieuma tieres that bee ever' yet• bean filseoverecr, and in numerous cases lain-eradicated that dreadful ,dis. ease-from 'persons' afflicted entirely. All sour drinks.eand, yietituls ' are etrlctly • forbidden, and 'sPiritout. liquors _imust not be taken inwardly by; any. means whatever, or it will be of no use to take this.modicine, as it will destroy the good ef. rents•of the medicine entirely. Price $1,50 per pabkage,, • - '-' • . 1 AilasßOltd.. LIFE TINCTURE. These celebrated firitim have. acquired the high est recommeridatiOnit'inllfin teuntry, es`rvell a tn-Europe for its . mor,l valuable proprieties. fora inward weaknesses cremps,colds,ngues and feier; and when used wit h the. Olive Brancli,Pills ' neve tails to Cure. (Ile fever and ague. Price 25 cents per bottle. ' .• - .. - • . I".* 11[06 1 10:111CZS'is ' T ErFgll, '&4I I C , (s"c L5)(01 EN-T. 2 5 c ts) I MS OINTMENT is a safe and Ogreeahle T application; and has never been khown to fail in eudng various affeetion!cof the skin, when used according to ,directions: ' • Hundreds of certificates might be piocured ofits efficacy from Captains of Vessels, Schap! Teach ers, Principals Of , Fietories, and Parente, were it not for the delicacy _of haying their minim:Oldish ed in connection with so loathsome and disagree able,affections. _ - . • • • , IKrPrico, Twenty-five cents a box.; Prepared and sold only, Wholesale and retail, at Dr. LEIDY'S HEALTH EMPORIUM, 191 North Second street, near Vine:(sign of the Golden Eagle and t•:;erpents) I talelph . _ . 1 ,For sale in Carlisle, by.. ..., _ STEVENSON & 'OINKLE, • Agents for Cuniberland County.. Carlisle, May 18, 1842. " Iy-29 11111a111 (DI 311111iL Pr HE. Subsciiber has received addition sapidicaof the above named cel orated - -BALSAM orisniti.tirsr, • - Whit:ll)lAS in a few year cured and relieved upwards of SIX ruousAND persons in differetit sections of the country, of the following diseases, luck as In. digation; Dy!tpepttia, find all those trains of diseases arisiogfront ti disorder d conilittouof the stomach mid liver, derangemeitt; of the digestise functions, .such as -. • 9 General . Debility; or, !feuknees of the Stomach,. Costiveness, Headache, Jaunthee',' Phan lent4lllHiotisiChOlic, Arei-vous Affec- Hono r tcu r and Ague, ' • • and bus destroyed all kinds of IVORAIS, both in grown persons as well ha in childreri f itml cured ma-. ny other complaints.wb lel' are_ too numerous to, in sert in this ailvertiienient. which can be seen in the directions which can be found Wrapped around each bottle, with a number of certifreatea of cures per formed by this-valuable Balsam of Health. The great demand for this Hallam of Health has, lately induced some unprincipled persons to impose on the public a spurious article for the genuine BM- Sam of flealtln therefore the proprietor cautimiS the public from purchasin},•• pay but from his regular 'appointed agents. The genuine Balsam of Health has the nrinle444ke medicine blown on the glass each -brittle, thus—"Garlegunt's Balsam of Ilenlth; prepared only by JOIIN S. M/LLELt;" and besides that, lie has Ms signature, written on a label, which is pasted - on the outside wrapper of each bottle, which secures it from being counterfeited. (CrTo be had at all times of his Agent in this who has already sold large quantities, %; Lich . . ;, . ; .... ..... . • .. lowing diseases, such as the Dyspephm, all and Neiwous Diseas r eibltellallthose tritliinThrinseaS 'esThatltiWri'Viii-Weserdered condition of the Stain itch—cures the Ague and Fever, and old and fresh Sores, and destroy:mil kind of Worms, both in grown persons tind'children, and many other enrol& tots. All hose persons that purchase this Medicine will finds full direction to each bottle, as well as a num ber of certificates of cures perliwined„ To.„be Iwayl nt tittles of' hie agent in thiaphice, who hns'snld al ready large genet dim The. great demand for this Balsam of Health has lately induced some unpeinci pleilsperion to counterfeit it--Ithereicirellie proprie tor cantions the public from purcbitiing any only from his regular appointed 'agents. 'The genuine' Balsam of health has the name of the medicine blown on the glass of each bottle, and his signature, ,lohn.S. Miller, wrote on a label which is pasted on the outside cover. which completely secures them from being counterfeited.. For sale only, in this place by SAMUEL ELLIOTT. For silo also, by' Meslirs. J. W. & D. S. Stoner, in Waynesboro' Pa., and John Brackenridge, in Shippensburg, September 'a, 1842. Intist :11 G. Gregory if Co. ,Olatieigers. MAGNIFICENT 86E51E1-0.000 Dollars— :302000 Dollars-15,000 libillars--12,000 Dollars-100 prizes of I,ooo.dollars. Union Lottery, Class A, for 1844. To be dramAlevandria, D,U., Satar duy, October 15,18.42. Urinal Scheme.,, 1 grand prize of 60,000 dollars, I do 40;060, Aldo 5,000, Ido 12,000, 1 do, 10,000,, do 8,000,1 Ilft 7,000. do, 5,266; 2 prizes, of 5;000, 3 do 4,000, 5 do 3,000, 5 do , 2',ooo,'ldiniZe‘a 'or 1,500;20 do 1,250, 100 do 1,000, 133 do 500, Bcc..B;c, 78 number lottery-13 drawn ballots. Tickets $2O-4,lalies, itilo7quarters ss— $2,50. TI e price of a certilleate-of a pack age of 26 .wholelickets in the above splendid' lottery' is only $280; a certitude of 26 halves only $140;11 , certificate-of 26 quarters only .$7O; aicertificate of 26 ,eighths only.s3s; , and , a certificate of a package ,may draw the four.lii4lnist prizes:: • ; • CollBtilltd4ted Lottery Class C, f or 1842 T o , . bo, , threwn In the city of Ilaltimote,on Wedneinlity, the Inth ofthStobeil 18321 :I print? of 36,000, I do tepuo,:i do ;8,0(X), 1 do: 6;000, 1.1 do 6,0)9, t do 4,01,0, tdo •3,U00, '1 •do 2,; 500,.1 do i,058/ SO do .1,500, .1,000, , 40 do 600, 50. do 4002 .Titkets • $lO-=Halves. ss.—Qoar ttir9 2.50: gertifitsatell_.of rt.paolitigelaz.2o ~ wholejo $l3O, 26 !lairds 65i..26 quarter. p32 , (L. :. VirtiOih,;llonolid• a Lottery;,.,• • '' aineall, for 1642. , ;To be drtmo: a 1 Alexandria,; Virginia,o4, Saturday, tlielod, or, October, .1842..• • . -)•;,,..;, ; ,: ~ j:i'l ALL patzesi; , ~• to •,; 4.1 4 04 4 '. iVoii;fqii.4i"ii444 4 ll/ - kiitt 4 i.liii ' v n)t..iritill ,' oii ' lii - eitAiriiiiiiiisgekr‘illttieittrttedler - tfiree - - ailtiffe sett. - 494EmE. , I prize^of 430,000, ' , I - Awl 8,0,0 1 ;0 1 ,•1. d0'4,0110, t , dti 3,000, 'I d0'0,209; I'llo 1,9,00, I,dq, 1 1,600, 2do ,500, 10 do„1,000, 20 500; , 5t0., &0.. •Tiokelli '1110.44144311.5...m1uarter947'40:-Veflifieste 'Or 1 PaOis.of lit/14, 5 7 ‘q 1 9.44';:5.4.V;,'!' ;Mk 1 4 409t'APA 25 Atue:ters no. • , , , •,, ~ - ~,,. , „/ ~,,. ~ , - , vi • ~ ; -,, .r., , , .?, , :,...,4V' ~..;1 01 i1b , 1A . ,% , . , / i t'l t 4 . ... I 1 , . % ' l rfrit ia ! lq 4 ;4 , ... r d ecf i tHrig . ,;, ' WW i tt r ibiJ ,t: 4 . i ' cannelP. , corAß,4l3a' . „To * ln c ,nt ..41.1nund,, 74144inin, On gicitfiqiy, tlie'ol.l" ittbEtokr;lB42.. ) , ;no,: od y t i iiib rf i gi t g ; tr..,T.1L.4...-strill . , l, 0 1 i 012,ii41; $2,00.0, _trVaOliklri'Llitoliioo. ti3dtp 5 1 10 'd d° l9°' Y R iigniciVPik" 9 4 s 4l 9 ' 1 iBto,.1114: '- t die nril e u o . 6. h i 0 I Tickthi slv,:t4llnlynseles.4;Quartetns44.llo.r.llC6.llll.t$ lv,:t411nlynseles.4;Quartetn$ 4 4.110.r. 11 C6.1111.t 6 tP, ( lf 4 F1MAP11 1 1.0% 2 011941,411 0 4MA*Ct./00ez )01Miiiiterii.$2s. , , . .. ..,. ~ ~, ,;0:1•All or ere by, mail will meet tbeiiiiii.liroltiike littention; and as soon as each driottftile liter ilia 4 boi t ud,ol,a-wlll-begentAaall-srlsser frnm-01 1 ,- ; :z;r,„ .1 ! d l iolie , 0010 3:rO. V itcIiKOORMA eW e l , 3 I 7.1, r., 84,V"AtstungtesilFastilbgtois CitipDr.nA„7, 4 1 Septcfrater .48.41411.1fatiar:',0-"!4:t4.1P1r ,1.q.423 ' •-• 101711 t ClUKRl,VOTEGAltibrancitlibg, fin. !eV 411 on , 1001,, gup..:, 6E9. etatic, 1842: . . - '4, GARLEGANT'S =2 t0 . ?0.3 . 3 PECTORAL. ELIXIR Is unrivalled for its turtitive qualities even when usedih cases,of maladies which were otherwise incurable. Many recommendations have been given of 'beneficial effects it "has had .in the cure of pleurisy, pectoral and pulmonary• con. surpptions, colds, Sr.c. Price 25 cents per bottle. HYSTERICOIt MOTHER - DROPS. --- • • Thia - most excellent article Ilis a quality of calming instantly and without fail, all the s t o mach, cliotic and that.trouldesome disease' called mother fits or hysterias; and when continu ed for some length .of time, will curb - the patient entirely. P , i-ico 25 Cents per vial. •- OREBN -- AVONDER - OIL; certain. cure for all Scalds, Bruses, Barns; and the moot-effectual cure Au' the piles—it-will cure the person afflicted in a very short time, if used according todireetions: I:!rice2s.4s.per vial. SPIRIT DE MEXICO. This• spirit is _highly recommended for all Sprains, swelling of the limbs, nr leaders, sinews, joints and rheumatic; as an outward remedy, it has no cqual,and when used with the Rheuinatie Medi. cine, will grea fly. facilitate — the cure. Thc - ati. ;male of I-lister-Add not produce its equal and it is the greatest preventive against cold, in the known world. For see directions accom. panying Ole battles. Price 25 cents. . • • - .Tborri Ac HE DROPS, • An 4'15111111k enre if used according accordingtddirec ions. Price 5 cents per vial. SALVE OR DRESDEN. Is • decidedly the best appticatinn for. wounds and soros, old or new, of all kinds, and willpre vent if used in time, many operations; and pre vent jr.ock Jaw, Pains in the Back, Head, &c.--- Females who, are so unfortunate es to have, sore breasts, and will-use this wonderfill salve, will be cured in a vdry glue time. It cannot be too high ly recommended. For further particularssee direc. tions. .Price 11/ cents per box. WORM LOZENGES. •• An excellent article for the cure of worms in alts EL S well as children, and will cure when tier remedies fail. • Price 64 cents per box. COUG ET LOZENGES. A superior article for Conghs x VoldfiSore throat, onchkis and diffieulty-ollireathing. Price 6,1 nts per • _,Sold-wlitilt;t4ale and retail, nt the prineipatoffice No. 384, North 3d P treet, Philadolphin; and by JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, Pn. General 'Agent for Cuntherland County. Juno 22, 1842. ly-3 READ WHAT IT HAS DONE. A Nlrifyoirluive a friend, a relation, or know . 4-11 any one that is afflicted with that distressing disease, "CONSUMPTION,Thersudde them with. out delay to try that famous and unrivaled medi cine, the "Bataan!' of Wild Cherry;' which has cured thousands of this complaint of.. ter everything elsu had failed. 2 Read the follow. ing undoubted proofe of its efficacy: l• DEAR Stit:Pleatie Send me two more bottles of your Balsam of Wild cherry, like • that you sent me before. 'I have taken nearly alter the firsetwo, and confidently believe this medicine will cure me. I have used 'a .g.,reat many ; remedies within the last year, but have never, fdind anything Thal relieved me so Much.' It has stopped ' my'cough entirely, checked my night sweats, anti I sleep better at night and feel-better in every Way; than I . have for many months. :Youre, respeetfully,. '.•'JAaiES KELLY. • ME ' Ilomtessintn, Stipt.l2, 1641, riIEND ifOttf trouble thee to send the two bhttlei Mete , of ty„invaluable earn. 'I have now takOU ~4ttlesin, all, and can assure thee thOt it, haidone, niece iond'.llhfp, all.the medicine rhata - etet taken' before... send hy - rhe stage as soon atrpossiblncand ,obligri „thy, friend, ' Joifilru flotlofvsy.., ! •7 . •-: L • Bnisroz., Sept. A, 1841. . i Desni.Docrom;--Hearing so many people talk Lot the,wonderful cures your Balsim of Wild Cher ry has made in 'Consumption ? IL sent to one ?,,f your'Agehts thnothfr day'for a bottle,' and have found it to hive'rclieved 'me so much thOt I want three' bottles more sent ionnios I benefit), ;it . will ohm ' haye_ Used ,Jayritet Elpectorant. andhther: ? intidielliee hesidep; but,pottillog hue dOtie` Me as inualcgood;• as, yours !leek; Send by the. steamboat Bolivar.' Yours, truly,' ; :!.•:' ; :.! WILLIAM' THOMAS. , ' „J572,P.,01i4e5, la 4 1 .,t 0 PAhiPg,.e!ileacir,fin. ' 1 0 , 1 2, 11 1 1n inialh, It la alai ' tho moatlofftictual milady. ovor ',discoiored - t for ':.LIVER COM 1? - 1. - AINTti - l • ASTHMA, BRONCIIITIS, COIJGII9;'CROUP;; `WHOOPING COUGlffikia.,'aa hundreds willtax. dry 'who haveboon cored, by it'all.or all oßier& ,rein i iiiewhad falleti. ,, '. 2'. ".'",' ' :''': ..' ' ' 1 '... — „; ` 4'l ''''' 1, DRUGGISTS and' L/EAl t EttOlAir Itn.J:oo. laadicine a yaltiOlOWilltica4il&ilialx4lkali',.;*Oill ' 'phiiiit4A r iOillit 66 oV4AliAfolififtle,pnii*iioll, - , aO 6 / 9 0049 ,1 ,4p 1 r.,4 4 ._9f 1 4.!9 !1108tWetul family, Inc m dictu aor, An move?, ~ ,}$ ~ , ,1..',1 t , :i. , 4 1 n - itte . yery e.e.reful 'to ask foe Dar •.W.ISTARW “BALSAM OPI,Witi.4 , CIiBRRY ,- ...501d wh s qletj , 'Bll# arid retail liy . ..W ILLIAMS - & CO.; oho , iniate, , ' 3 N0.,33„...,,,;F f m h.5tr,„,iii,ud„i),,..,.,„.„, ,007111030016.-,l36r4,,,ii.wiirciffri:, iio.4:-*;;A:APIU It:, Vl;LiVrtyvirifuledi A str i l , tl ,, rrie!4-49plier tßo t ixe , b,-w ,1,114tt .Q.ll. ,t.j . 1 3 .22 18 4 7Vi xhic4. 4 r43,7ft9 , ,WWI 7 7” 1y, , ,,ti.....-1-, t aorw a 1 , ' 74, ~.‘ ~:i,!Ai 41ctre< ,Vio k ,,{4 _,,,if ir vip ~, A , Itikati„, A Vil...4lWill.Aploott , Wil, finf .041,4 In kbe,J , ptutiAdd4cbalp4y:nciaT, ,, the;, ell. itoadof 11-fid e,,,,i„*;,2t,,,g,„:,,F-:,...--v..f/4 ~ienotsiieth4.&4. 10100'yr wr i r t ,' 1 aili:o 6 ll4:**) *0:414 fill i'i” 04114 I .for; blc.llsl4' ' , ;10,:t*4.jilltel , k1Offitilii i !, ,w4V,irgir ' **ti:4l, 4 1 .0.& .* - !0Y..4, j'Aq ' Flif4 6. - 1 # . 4 I4, WW4VRINt9 . PI.MR•is 4,4 1. _4b ,: ;#l. : , ~, o',fiwfiitctillitL.6l.:t4rivo '44*: . v _i . ! , nt .. r,-Ruiy 4,,1P42 % 1 ', - . ,. §m T . ._ . ROXBOROUCIII, Sept. 10 1841 =M• . 0 - 12 f f , (1757r,TiTs-717tTe" . 1/40711ER%1 'tBE:IO,N E , YOUR IGUARDI-41 . 4- 01 1 , 1 1 - irGlMi444. l 9,o'9wbvi,4l#l6lgsltugtilro OP-ti**L'glL,YPTcYgSreqmg,ttitcbqiY9rtfvc 1217 rO9ll ot , those you loudly „ilchit 9a Uitllittith l etifthe' - i. "'should theriflitreOriblnY its SyrriptaniioVritth" on theirit U l U6elyvlatit•alisays 4iirepared•mil.h;•„ro reutedy,:;l. 4 81 1 1 : 1 0 1 4;:040%delity', sieriheedbysuch:negleet.•;t/ACi , t iltk# l . B .littliq , ..alic.l4 is 89ked*ith atlkl'arill/t4iiiaoi roynttrestless l ltuefluitheslit%hent,the eyetilipcuruu•.„ thoSi'ebities thitt fbaifilleouculthit Will litirelY 'initiate in enTiviilaioiliteediita it* Di - 6 7 .913.00! of Pherry” its„irell-,,ltnoWn , to "i btj the ritrist spee#4c.yprdtecisered. • Acis'iudgedri, ; ;', and_pxecious,rumedqq` c ~-ritil,J t safe , ntmeent;i• i ttnik ~.. s• sureto glsd sufrerer jrUMediatii" ien6f, - and rest•tire'' it 16 :s`aretit and' health.' • litsi ieSidierlit the coulitry and•ind6eifevery.metP l ,thdrullto loses herehildeteni, Should alweys:•lie4 ,-, this rnedieine, in the, house-,ninCgive it to them etirly,•by doing so you may ~ eflea.„.ave the lifeof} a; One you fOndly Remember this;is the famous remedy oftliuldietlitgUitihed ithYsiciiin",:'Oe Wis.. rtir, ,, ,whiehi,htte cured •.•;thouettuda WII6OPINg CO,IIgIi,ASTHM24 .I ..CONS,IIIIIO- •TION, ;•.'.0:1'lle pa rtiettliirvrhen • yoil.iittrahaltis'lU bilr) for !'Dr; .NYrtrren's, Itustiss of Ciikkav,7 SS there is a SYRUP of this ttarres advertised 844 . 4 entirely a'ilifforent rnedieuie: • ,•• "" • PitiparedfUhly:byWri.t.ismi &• CO:;•Chciittititb, :11 . 6;33 South Fourth street; Philadelphia ;' • • " • ' :SAMUEL 'ELT:I6'IT. Price Orie_,Dollar a; Bottl e: June 22;,1842.,• ' PUTt Efeatft are Produced. by",, HDr.LEIR PI LL S. coirp*ENT, PART OF is San 8011P11/R4.4144, Da. Lit ntr's 'Moon PILLS contain in their. composi. Oen in;redients which prodOce.the bored and desirable effects Of '. .`. PURIFI'ING THE BLOOD.- • Atic'D . . Clransing _the 'bowels. ‘• • . VrIBECIE are no:Pills in existence wide!' maybe FO surely OSCII at all times; ages . seasons, without restraint• from living or oeeniation, as Dr: Leidy's Blood Pills:, • • - . • ' From•tleir: eonij theyare calculated to limrify the blood.suld animal thuds during the biter: val between' taking -them and their operation; when. all in:mut:ides, as well as obnoxious substances oldie stomach and boivels, are carried off by their mild purgative properties:: . • • ' • .UPWAttps OF 100,0Q0 :.; - -of-thont-Itsve- been i3 , 1111-41tirinvlanii asiAix. months al r• ne, Haul UPW 1)9 OF 1,000000 since theiefivstitaroductiou the proprietor, - Dv _ _ _ . . N. 11..Leidy. : . , IN NO SINGLY. INSTANCE • have : they; t;eeti Icootvo to fail iv • producing. good effects. s' . • • ,• • DR. 111001) PILLS, • contain no ingredients dangerous to the.constitutton. • NO MERCURY. OR MINERALS, which are_emiloyed in all Pills -manufactured' by quacks and Impostors ; 010 depend upon sited) dan gerous tuedicittes tindertla hiipretudOn,(w Web skoii , B their ignoranuti,) thatall 'diseasca plust yield to the efreebt of Mercury and other . • UPWARDS Or spo craTincitTEs Prom Physielansund otheCs, hove been frequently mtblished of the happy: effetga of Dr. Leidy Blood Pills and furthec comment upon their merits is tin qecessaiy, Dr Leidy would, Imwever,earnestl3 commend to all requiring a ',deifying 'or purgative medicine, to procure his BLOOD PILLS, aim try them. No one will ever tine tiny other kind,haVing once given them a fair BE WA I , c 1) L" CO U . ; N 1 ' ERFEITS- -If pro. cured from th Ole inannfacturer and proprietor, Dr.. N. B. LEI DV, tt kis 11E 1,1,1.14 BM I'ol4l UM; Ng. 01 Wirth Second street, below Vine street, (Sign Ot the Golden Eagle and Serpents,) Philadelphia,there can be no possibility of mistake. ' -, They are also' kept by most of the' respectablo Druggists of Mandel phia,and by respectable Mer chants and Druggists throughout the United States.. PRICE.•TwmNTY-FIVE CENTS A BOX. Foy_salc: iii Carlisle, by .. , ,-------- STEVENSON R. .DI NKLE; - Agents for Cumberland County. Carlisle. May 18 1842. 1s•-29 aledicaled Eal.raci of S. a. parffite. ONE:HUNDRED DOLLARS IV ILL be forfeited by Dr: N: B. II1111)Y; for a V-V• prepnriktion. of Sarsalterithv . eluill to ..! lledica►ed - Ertra