Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 05, 1842, Image 4

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10.11tAl4D. &:`k.:XPOSITQA,,
VAeft, .Centre square,
Ceketer, lit the Olel'Stand:
The HERALD ..& EXPOSITOR iepublisbed
weeltly, On a double royal, sheet, at' TWO DOT
• LArts, per annurn, pay,akle withinthren inontha
,the time of suliseribing; on ,TWO DOLL AO
in) F
AlrrY at theend,oo the year: ,
NO sabieription will taken for less than.
months, and no, paper diSamitinued until all ar,.
Vearages are paid, except, at the option of the
publisher and a: failu r e to, notify, a discontiMi.
once will be considered a new engagement.
Advertising millbe done on! the usual terms.
to insure attention must be poqt pdia•
. ~
UCCD/1 4 2(9.314 . . ,. •
. •
4 , PETITION' foe the benefit of the Bankrupt
AL Law has beet) tiled the ltith,Septetuber 184'2,
• .
WILLIAM -B. MILLIGAN, Mt.ehiniet and
Coach Manullicturer, Cumberland county.
Which petition will be heard .before the District
Court of the United States for the Easier,, District
of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankrupteslat the Dis-
Feida3'.the 28th day of Owobee next, at 11 o'clock
, A. M. When and where all persona interested may
appearand .show cause, if any they have, why the
prayer of the said Petition should not be minted,
and the said RetitiOner be declared Bankrirpt.,
. .
• Clerk of District,COurt.
Philadelphia, September 1812. St-47
'lO ( . 0 1 Vrt a
111ETITIONS for Dischargeaud Certificate under
the Bankrupt Law have been filed by •
ADAM MAURY, Stone 'Mason, individual: -
-ly and as a member of the firm of Maury
•• 'Et Zeigler, • Cumberland county.
• GEORGE- V. JIMA, late Merchant, now
Shoemaker and Agent, Cumberland county.
' and Tuesday the 6th!day of December next, at 11
. o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof,
before the said Court, sitting' in Bankruptcy, at the
' District Court Room in the . city of
when and where.thwereditors of the said Pilitioncra
• who' have proved their debts, and all other persons
in interest, may appear and show cause, if nay they
have, Idly such Discharge and Certificate should not
be eanted
Clerk - of the District Cnm•t.
l'hiladelphid, September 17,1812.
. . .
fqr - Discharge.and -Cell ill
cate uutlee the Ikankeept lam hare lijen tiled
, . .
by. . • •
-MA17.1.1N . G. 11UPP; late Merchant .
. Cunkherland enmity.
JOSEPH TRY: Cabinet Maker vow •. .
. Laborer, • .. Cut:ll;et t:lial' County.
and TUFAHAY the rah (Inv of Deventlit•r neNt at 11
o'clock, A.... 111. is appointed fltr the !Marlin; thereof,
befare•the said Court ; sitting. in ,llatthroptey, at ilai
District Court Room; in i the City of Philadelphia,
whenand_where_the‘cry d difors of the .said Petition
ers, who have Proved Their debts, and .all other per--
snosin interest, may apprar, and show valise, if any
they InsVe, why sochl/iseharge and Certificate should
not he granted, • ~• •\, . '
• .
-• -- Clerk - of tlai District .Colirt. 11
• Philadelphia, Sept, 24, 1849. - 10-4.
I N.O T Z 0 El
OETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate
under the Bankrupt Law have been filed by
BVILLIS FOULK, Clerk of Court of
Quarter Sessions, Oyer & Terminer e
Orphans Court and Recorder of Dls, ,
Cumberland county.
JOSHUA OGILI)Y, late Merchant .of
Lockport lately trading in Company with
Charles F. Mitchell,' under the firm of
Joshua Ogilby. • Cumberland county.
:JAMES MdMATII, late - Merchant Tailor,
new Agent, Cumberland county.
and FRIDAY the 4th day of NOVEMBER next,
at 11 o'clock, A. M. is appointcd.lhr the hearing;
thereof, before the said Court, sitting in "Bank
ruptcy, at thh District Court Room, in the City of
Philadelphia, when and Where the Creditors of the
said Petitioners, who have proved their Debts,and
all other persons in interest, may appear mil show
cause, Wally they have, why such Discharge and
Certificate should not be granted.
Clerk of the District' Court.
Philadelphia, Aug. 13, 1842. , 10.4‘.1
PETITIONS -for Discharge and Cerli
kale under the Bankrupt Law have been
- _
now Tobictonist, Cumberlaml county.
JACOB GORGAS, formerly of Lancaster
county, Merchant, .Clllliberlitad county.
and FRIDAY the 21st of OCTOBER next at 11 o'-
clock, A. M. is appointed fm- the leaving- the'reof,he
fore the said Court, sitting in Bankruptey,at the Dis
trict Court Room in Blest' ty of Philadelphia, when
find where the Creditord of the said Petioners, who
Inive proved their Debts, and all other persons in in
terest, may appear 1111 d s'aow cause, if any they have,
why such Discharge and Certificate should not-be
granted. , FIIAS. HOPKINSON,
' Clerk of the District Court.
.nust.6, 1810. • 10-41
Philll. A
1110ETITIONS for Dicharge and Certificate
fr under the
-Bankrupt Law, have been filed by
SAMUEL GIVEN, late Merchant and
Manufacturer, • Cumberland county.
JESSE BAUMAN, Machinist and Iron
-Founder, ' • 'Cumberland county;
JOHN GRAY, Individually and as n mem._
-bar of the late firm of Gray and Gault: •
man Iron Master, Cumberland county.
chant of the firm of Egolf and Phillips,
' now Clerk, Citinberland county.
- JOSEPH MOSSER, Tanner, Currier :it.d
Farmer. Cumberland county.
C. E. R. DAVIS, late Merchant, now
Chair Maker, Cumberland county.
and MONDAY the 21st day of NOVEMBER
nett, at 11 o'clock, A. M. is appointed.for the
• hearing thereof, before the said Court, sitting in
Bankruptcy, at the District Court Rooth in the
City of-Philadelphia, when.aml whore the C/ Cli i•
. tors of the said Petitionars,who firma proved their
Debts, nd all -other persons in interest, may ap
pear and show cause, if any they haVe; why such
Discharge and Certificate should not-be:granted.
Clerk' of the District Court.
Philadelphia, Sept. 5; 1842, .10.46
'., EIAIDIYAth thlam4al44
HL nubacriller„ having concluded to do
AL an entire Cash business, offers foisalo his largo
• - anti sidendhfithortment of '
. .
lower `than it as over bought for in .
givp you some idea of the prices
that I am deterMintel *sell
6 inch capoateeql*Patc - of Altai, Locks, •
Veto.sl4 poi dot:
.., inch i,":traita ' _ "
1 ,. IslokanThriips:Gyass SOithki r : ' •
Bay Fork!iii tiqra pap).'erruli;n't7.:"-57 - '
.Cot Steel long- liandlett`Stiav - rts,' ' 7
• - •
- ,,:*)7,*.41( : ..* 0•':._:;-:.`,-
2112113allifill illAt231111331;
FIIIIF. • subsoil )ei s, at ien ,
MAC NE.I.SH op l on Main street, nearly op
positetlie CnuaitY Jail, in the'Borciiilt of Carlisle,,
Pst., still conline. to qr folloging' r ManlAnon
and Horse : Powers - vine: 1.
16,,IgurrelPs-PAtent xurkprovd
'.lVith a hariitintal 'hand,wheel, with a trunk to eon-,
_duet-the:4dpi!) to-..the Maeldne:
'rho hand. wheel outside of ,theAiormea." Thet , are
well ealeulated - toind to.onesidd ofthe barn bridge,
or under the barnand , • •. • ,
- . .
. . •
A New and inaprOved Shaker
.To separnta. the grain , from" the strnw; which 'will
dispense with one or.two bittals, will he made 'Attie
ithove4lnehine if whaled: ••, : .:, . ' ''. •
. .
a VI 10 , 3.12-S.
Parebasing nny of the above Machines majidinve the
privilege, after ft fair trial, of returning the sable if
not satisfied.,•, All Machines it'll(' florae Powers are
warranted for one year, if
,wellaused. • •
/LEPellifielV ) G.
All kinds of repairing will he done at the shortes
- notice eunhorthe-ninst-reasonalde-ternis.-7-They-sl
oar. keep on hand all castings necessary to repair
the above Machines, or nay others now in nee. .
There is also attached to the above establishment
an IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, at which all
Isindwof CASTINGS can be had—such as Apple
Mills, Cora Brakers, Plaster Beakers, Mill Gear
ing, Saw Mill Cranks.,_Machine Gearing, Wagon
Boxes, Btc. kw. Also, •.•
Snch as Mill Spindles, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes,
Ste., all in the'best order, in' arms and brass.
co''All orders will be executed attlie,shortest no
tice, and promptly attended to. Farmers and others
ars respectfully invited to give ma call, confident
!hat they can be si4ted to their satistliction.
Carlisle, Ang.lo, 1842. ' IE4I
Iletiwood's ruid'Ogle's PLOUGHS
;fiu fri..OUGll CASTINGS;sueh as Cutters Laud
sides, ean'ulso he had at the foundry.
Valuable Restate
)X Pt OAL:a
TIIE subscriber, Assignee of Daniel P.
null by piailic outcry, on the
premises, on FRIDAY the 14th of OCTOBER, 1842,
at- t-it'Clock, P.-M. 104 ACRES and GI PERCHES
vl first-ride PATENTED
• I:44,lltestotte _Land,
Situate in \Vest Pennsbortktownshp, Cumberlial
county, threttaniles west of Carlisle, the State road
to Newville passes thrOugh the property, so also does
the Candlerland valley railroad. The land adjoins
that' of Henry 'littler, Samuel McCornitek, John
Eishburn and others. ?The property is in a healthy
seetimi of the country. The -improvements nre - a
good two, OUT
4 ? 0141
- U S
A first, , rate new STONE BARN, a Itou;"e occupied
a DISTILLER?, and other necessary out-build
ings:a well of never'failing water at the door,n young
and ihrivimapple ORCII A RD with other fruit trees.
About 00 1101.11411 . the land IB cleared Malin a goOd
state of cultivation, the balance is.covered with thriv
ing timber. Come and see. "
ALSO, 011. the same day at 10 o'clock', M., a
with a_S_team lloiler IttuLlarge NVond Vessels, with
col Mer Worms, 18 new double Hogsheads. Th'e
above mentioned articles are new turd of the best
kind. it can not be sold together,it OlTer
t;cl in pieces. The larger vessels will mitlte
lenl cisterns.
Any person wishing to see the Real Estate or the
Distillery, will please call on John Hays, Esq. in
Carlisht, or :John .14:reitzer living on the premises,
wino will show it. Possession will be given on the
Ist day of April, A. D. 1843,•aMl'an Indisputable
title nestle.
• 07:tAttenilance• given and terms or sale made
kiic a❑ on day of sale, by
Assignee of Daniel P. Siterban.
A ugusll7, 184'2: 4t-42
71A7.11VE rOR SALE,
ralllE subscriber will dispose of at public sale,
mi the premises, on THURSDAY, the 20th
of OCTOBER next. •
7,1117M 1 .201 11...T8D1
of Slate and Limestone,Land, in North
ton township, Cumberland county, containing 117
ACRES, more or. less, of patented land, adjoining
lands of Coduer, Zigler, and otherssaid farm is a
portion of the estate of. John McClintick, dee'd.
'Phe improvements are a .
. ( 1 .1 peas
' , • A:IND Bet liN,
There arc also 2 never failing springs ofwatcr on,
the premises, convenient to the house.
Said farm is but a few miles distant from Car.
lisle, and is well worthy•the attention of capitalists.
Persons desirous of viewing the farm previous
to the day•of sale, can be gratified by calling on
Alexander McClintick,who resides on the premises.
The terms will be made ensy, and a- cleat;
disputable title will be given. _ _
Residing in ChaVilbersbuyg.
ts• 39
July 27, 1842
Two Valuable-Farms
THE subscriber offers 'at private sale, on very
reasepable terms, •
No:.1. Containiig 110 Acres.offirst-rate
2212013.22011113 Vitt,V4 2
Situate a few miles West of Carlisle, Cumberland
County, near, the Walnut Bottom Road—with
good improvements, and a never-failing well of
water—Also, 5 Acres of Chest not Tint.
her, within a good haunt* diktance of the
above property.
No.. 2. , Qontaining 125 Acres of
Adjoining the Pmestone . Land,.,,near Middlesex
Mills, East orCatlisle, Cambrland bounty, with
good improvements, and a stream of water on the
same.- -
qj'A further description of the above Farms is
deemed tinnedessary,. as those desirous of purchas
ing will, of course, view the same. , •
• Application to he made to the subscriber, living
.at Middlesex Mills. _
Agent for Bie Owners..
August 24, 1842. • tf.43
HO USE ,e 1•47). it T
TIT ILL be sold ot,publte ittle; o n thepremises , premises, on
;Saturday the of pctoher nest, at 12
OUSE s , Pairti
Igo eittitierApul,,H.cicov4; deceased, 'containing'
ONI Agn.E7iiio r e..' gr 'l,4ll—isititated in IVlephanies
..horg'Xtrnttatillid ddulitrk.kik;.b93l9#o.,;atih-e-latit
West,by a kit of Nitney insay, and North by a street,
er alley;,,,*-The.,liOus,e;iii,too. stories high, plastered,
iagniorny,*lth a Kitchen and Dining
l oan excellent well Of water p Its door, nd 4,l;9lct . .rsitcjiirice fruit trees on Am
AOlROitti. other conirenteneee=the whole property
being g9popt - repair, „Persons wishing
,to purchase
• will he.shenin. the properiyhyealting
AVIA Aleiheeiseburg.
Aerate kOO:aqi on the day
,of, ludo,
AxtviapliticrirEri,? d
• JOHN4ickovER,:. s• • . m l •f• •
; stenitree'.7 - • ti,;45
jr4 01,,
04, l l,.c.Oinrak*-i_oo
N. W. coinir Ittpand*Woh str'reriPANdelphe
4 - Atio,
`taltotbrone to' Willia m B. Myna , Cerliel
1842. , ;• '
•Nli - c*" haniesburg : . iiie
• `,
" 12,17
Wititteeki aIROC: a zcsbit lr 'arid
ot‘ ,, ltialtimore.
• [13.F.Ra11,,110.4D 011' ad.N.4L)
MAD' subscrilieegrat4Al for east: fiivore;begit
'leave to iffform" his - frieddtt RA. the public
generally # 4 that.he,s,till contiriumi• to .run if line, of
berthen Carn 'regularly? between Meedianicsburg
and Philadelphiti Baltirrtore ; by Whick.gooda",
and produce of , all descriptions will be; ftrwaidwl
with Mire and despstch ak. the lowest "rateit of
Produce will be received atlas Ware IllOuse,in
Mechanicsburg; and forwardMilo` either rhibi l
delphia or Baltimore, according•to the direction
of the owner. , 4
&The highest • pride 'will be given, for Wheat
and Flour, ,
N. U. Plaster of Paris' "and Salt alwaye kept
on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. ,
• '
• I-le' has also an hand, at the Depot in Mechanics
burg,,for sale, LUMBER., such a, Boards,
Shingles, Sonaillings, ate; of all kinds,
which will be sold oh liberal terms.
Miguel 17, 1842.- , • - , tf.42
_._. Uni on _Peer
subscriber - respectfully i nforlna .thO puh.
lin s at,largeithathe has leased the above
-tablishment, six.miles south of Carlisle, for a term
of years, and the MILL having: been recently re
paired, and new-Machinery, introduced, he is .
therefore prepared to manufacture to order, (and
also has a supply constantly on hand)
Paper of every kind and Quality,
- which he will furnish to printers, merchants and
.others, in . anyluantities at the lowest city Prices.
All orders addressed to - tho Aubgcriber - at Paper=
town, Cumberland, county, will receive prompt
Having lately received a supply °film very best
materials, lie flatters Himself that lie-will be able
to manufacture paper equal in quality, to any other
establishment in the country,
Papertewn, July 20, 1842. . , ' tf-38
N. B. The highest price paid for rage:
vAimwaolat azia kuct3z,
. Indemnity against .
The Spring Garden Fire Insurance Com
pany of Philadelphia, - .
MAK C - INSURANCE, - cit her - ternporary or
perpctnal,,egainst loss or damage by FIRE ?
in Town or Country, on Houses, Barns and Build
ings of. all kinds; on Household Furniture, titer-
chandize, Horses, Cattle Agricultural, Commer
cial-and Manufacturing Stock, and Utensils of
every description,as well as MoturAois and GnouND
REN T, ulion the most favorable terms. '• ' - ' •
The .following are the usual rates,: viz:
Oh - Stone - and brick. buildings, from ' '
35 to 40 cts. on $lOO
'Log and. frame " 60 'to 70.ets. on 100
ulHercliandize and furni
' turd in brick or storm
buildings, from .: '
' Bp.,in log or frame,
.116 scs. cattle, farming
ut 'lsl's 'and sundries;
•' about .•
On Brick or stone buildings, $25 on $l,OOO, the
premium subjeet - to be with - drawn ut any time hy
the party insuring, at a deduction of 5 per, sent.
on'the amount - paid„—
, Applications for Insurance, or any information
on the subject, may be Made either personally or_
hylefter, at the Company's Office, the north
west corner of Sixth and Wiical streets. ..
L. KRUNIIIIIAAR, Secretary, or ' _
- JOHN J. MYERS, AGENT, Carlielo,
Directors: •
MorOnAliMichael---George - I - MA'routmarr
Joseph %Yawl, Samuel Townsend,
P. Laglieremic, Robert L. Loughhead,
Elijah Dallett, R W. Pomeroy,
Chas. W. Schreiner,- Charles Stokes,
Joseph J. Shurpless
September 14, 1E344
Selling off' :0 first Cost.
TH. subscribers intend winding up their busi.
'lus t and are'now'determined to sell goods
at such Azniisucl low prices as cannot_
faillo don
vine° the. purchaser,that they have the cheapeet
goods ever offered in this region of country. -
' Their stock is NEW and CHEAP, consisting
in 'part of •
Blue Black, Blue Invisible
Green, Brown and Drab Cloths; Cassimeres'
4. Satinets, of varipus colors and prices,
a variety of Afouslin . de Laines,
Plain 4 ''Figured Silks, Black
4 Blue Blade Bombozines,
. Summer and Winter
luslins, Calicoes, Dress Hankerchiefs, 4e. cVe.
There numerous advantages in purchasing
goods whieh..were frequently. marle.ktiewhin.for
mer advertisements, will be sufficient proof to
satisfy all those desirous of obtaining bargains,
that they are now prepared and fully determined
to sell them exactly cheap enough. Como then
.all ye who have so long been 'suffering under the
severe pressure of the times, and adopt the r mody
which i 3 hero. provided for you, i.e. C MAP
GOODS. 111
t?Thcy would particularly invite the attention
of purchasers to their Cheap Cloths, Cassb.
weres. and Sattinelts. • ,
P. S. Those who are yet indebted to the sub.
scribers, will please sattsfy the'same between this
'and December next.
ShippensburE, July 20,..1842. - 10.38
3Clll.lo‘litalqPil'illar . .4lM4OkT.ll
Dr. I. C. Loomis, Dentist,
permanently located in Carlisle, and will per•
form'ail operations that are required in the
practice of his profession—such as .
ExtcactlitgyFilinr, Plugging, and
• • Inserting Artificial Tectit,
from a single tooth to an entire set.
N. B. For a few months ensuing, Dr. LoMtis
will ü be in Carlisle, the first two weeks in each
month—hiter which, he will - be absent until The
first two weeks ineaCh following month—at Which'
period he may bo found at his • ' '
Office, Pat et. nedr 111'14vlane's Hotel.
Carlisle, May 4,1842. - tf.27
Commiskioner itiMaiticrupecy;
•-rhITIOE in South :Hanover street,. near M':•
Olellan's Hotel, *horii all.intormation.desir,
ad, iureferenco to the dUties. of ‘ Oleic intendifir
to applifOr the benefid'of the Bankrupt Act, cal
Fr HE . subscriber hereby informs. his
AL 'friends and tho public' in-general; that he still
continues to keep a
. vtisLic
npoctatothe contini.notivliltstoutling,)at tho °Cl&
swam, in Past.'ligh §treet,:a tuw doors 'emit. of
the, Court luouse, .wkerO.,he 4111 M ait, times take
plosoce „ hkothrtinisteritig,tolko vOraforti.tif thafic,
-who may:favor him with their,
J118'•-BAR, ; shall•he,.constintlp sapPllatl'aitk.the
choicest liquoc6l:64 kisTAIILE ''3ettltthi;heat the;
mar 441. 07 4- AlrP l et! :aVPAr ' eOir OSTLER, 'always'
kept in , atteollancid.gothint " lll 2l! kileg,titidone
16R:ease: all who call' witk..
blia.• ' • '. •
6, 1114% .thowecitmontlt or year.
- •
40 to 50 cts. on' 100
60 to' 70 cts. on 100
.00 cts. on ,100
, • • • •
',-ILECTIOW4PROCIAMATIO ina by , an uct-fif the General
.11:esernblv - afflik.Cotitiotitile6ltlf or pendayl ,
valeta, eatitled ' 4 An actrelatiog to the Oath:Ms Of this
: missed the 2d thik of July 49n0
thoesanirtight !Mildred mid 'thirty.;nine
it: is Made the duty: of the • Sheriff 'or every county
within 'this Coninsonwealth, to give• public , notide of
, the General Elections and in such tioticerto enumerate,.
1. VIM Officers to be elected. ,
2..:Desl4na t e the place,at ,whichthe election, is to
I; Paul Mirtie,lffigli r Sherifrorthe County ol'cuni: ,
berland, do berebY,'.lnake linowe.and 'give" Oda
, .
, CIO.
to the eleetois. rthe:Conntijor, Cumberland; that nn
(being the - 11 Th "day orthe Monthi a' General Elea.'
.tion will be held at the several election districts ear
tahlished by law. in .sp id , county, at Which time the? ,
will vote by ballot far . the several alters hereinafter .
named; viz:
. .
to re p resentp the county of Cuinberland id , the House
of Representatives of Pennsylvania., ' •
for the county' of Cumberland: • '•• •
• • •
for the county ' 9 f Cumberland.
. - :ONE
for the county of Cumberland. • • •
• . - ONE CLERK, ' •
of_the_Orphnos_conr4-Clerk--of—the-Sessions, Oye'
nod Terminer and Itecordei of Deeds; Bto..
oNp. Inrn,Ecroirt •_ •
of the Poor and of the Hous e of said
to Settle the public accounts of the comity Commis
sioners, ke. ' ,' •
The said election will beheld throughout the Coun
ty as follows:: -
• The election in the election„ dish ict composed of
the..bonough_ .Carlislc, and townships of North
idd !eta': —Sonth . Middleton, Lower Dickinson,
Lower Erna:ford, and Lower Westpenimboro,' will
be held at the Court House,in the borough of Carlisle.
The _election in the district composed of Silver:
Spring township, will be held at the,public House of
Johli Trimble, Hog wn,estoin said township. •
The election in the district composed of that part of
Eastpennshorough township, lying West of Oyster's
Point, running from John Holtz's to Eichelberger's
tavern, at the puldic house of Andrew Kreitzer,
said township, -•
The'electionin'the district composed of that part
of East Pemisborough tp., lying East of Oyster's
Point, running from John Holtz's to Eichelberger's
tavern, at the public • house owned by Robert It.
Church, in Bridgeport, in said township. .
The eh:A:Brio :maw distriat'composed of New Cuni:
berland a n d a part of Allen township, will be held
at the public house of John Sourbeck,in New Cum
'cite election in the district composes! of Lisburn
and n„partof Allen township will liclteld nt the pub
lic house of Peter McCann; in Lisburn.
The election in the district coin - posed of 'Unit 'pail
of Allen tnwtollip, not included in the New Cum
berland and Lrshorn election districts ? will be held
at the public house of Dorid SheaGr, itr.Sheperdi
town, in said to wtisl
T i
heelection n the distriCt Camosed ofthOmronkif
of Mechanicsburg, will be held net the public house
of JOhn hoover, m said borough, -
The elt;etion in the district composed of "flonrne
township; will be held at theiniblie house of Widdw
hiChui•chtown, in said township. •
The election ju the district composed of ,Utcper
Dickinson toWtiship,: city - be" held tit 'Phi I Wea
yer's House, hre,ntreville,,in said township.
The election in the district composed of the bor
(nigh at Newville, and townships of Mifflin, Upper
Frankfort!, Upper Westpennshoro', and that part of
.Newton township not included in the Leesburg elec
tion district herein after — mentioned, will be held at
the Brick School House, in the borough of New
The election in the district composed of 1 ii town
ship ell lopewell, will be hidd at the school house
in-Newburgi-in-said township.
The election in-the district composed 'of the -bor
a-ugh of Shippenslnirg„Shippensburg tow nship,llllll
that part of Southampton township not included' in
the Leesburg election district, will be held .at 'the
Council House, in die borough of Shippenshurg.
And in and by an net ail* General , Assembly of.
this conimonwealth, passed the 211 July -1839, it
thus provided, "That the qualified electors of parts
or Newton and Southampton townsliips in the coun
ty of CuMberland, bounded by the following lines
aintr.uoa, no nor,
thence along the line (Bailing the townships of Dick,-
said turnpike to the Centre school-house, 011 Said
turnpike, in Southampton township, thence to a point
on the Walnut Bottom road at Reylick's, including
lieybuck's farm, thence a straight direction .to the
saw-mill belonging to the heirs of George Carer,
thence,tilong En skier's rot to the Adams cottinv line,
thence along the line of Adams county to the place
of beginning, be and is hereby declared a new blec 7
tion district, the election to be held at the pithlic .
house of William Maxwell, ill Leesburg,Soutlimnp
toil township. - • •,- - -
Given under my hand nt Carlisle, this 25th day of
.August, A. I). 184 e
August 31, ISi
Jll V. virtue of a writ from the Hon. - CALVIN
P BLYTHE; Presithint Judge 12th
Judicial District of Pennsylvania, bearing date
at Carlisle, the ^sth day of February, A. D. 102, me Ilirected—
That a Special Court will-be held by the said Hon.
Calvin Blythe, and the Assor;inte Judges of the
Court'of Common Pleas of Cumberland county,
at the Court House iii the Borough of ,Carlisle,
commencing on MONDAY the 17th of Ot.:TO
BER, A. D.'.1842, to continuo ono week, for the
trial of certain causes depending-in said Cciurt,in
which the Hon. Simnel Hepburn was concerned
as counsel, prior to his appointment as President
Judge of the 9th Judicial District—said causes
being embraced within tho provisions of the 39th
section of an act of the. General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Toonoylvanin,lveepd tho,T4th
of April, 1834, relative to the organization of
Courts of Justice.
Of said Spe s eiel Court, Jurors nod all other per
sons concerned will take notice. •
Sherifrs Office, Carlisle;
August 24, 1842.
. .
fr HE proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will
.1 run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season:
Their friends will please apply to Wm. L. Fox,
Broad at. and to Castner, Christian & Curran, No.
76 South Wharves, Philadelphia, and Joseph E.
Elder, Baltimore. • . - • "•-•
Until further notice, the following prices will
be adhered to between this .place and the above
• •
Ale per 100 lbs.
-Groceries, Q Ware
and Flartlware f
Dry Goods, Furni
ture and Drugs,
Wheat, Rye & Corn
. par bushel.
Oats do • •
Lumber per 1000 .
feet. 82 . 75 , $3 50 • •• -S
Shingles, do 150 200 , •
Flour per bbl: •31 , 35 • 506
Shad 37A 50
Peering do 314
'S'alt--per-sacki---: •
_ : per 100, .• • 16 • 21
-Plaster gross ton, 02 25 02 .50'
Hemp per 100, - 16., • • 22“
Hides, 20 ••• c'23
Pig Metal,•gross toti2 50 3 $0
'Blooras &Castings, 3121] 400
Bar Iron,• 3'50 • 50 •
Nails per , keg, 18. i:O3 -
Leather Per 100,
~•• 20, .
Whiskey per.bill ;•
, 55;
iliiry:l3lpploo,per-100, 15 20,
darbptopo, do ,
!TIN do.::: ..20
- -tf4l7
B,r, P. TOUPIN. -
Successor to NOW & Martina.
-garrisburg, May 4,1 8 4 2 i 6m-27
N r egeiable 1.1110 ;
stitiply just receivd: by ihe 801) Bor i b e rt
-s• '
Carlieler Auf. 30832. ' '-‘trt-4,14
PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff.'
- te-34
%XI • td
, t 1
a 0 b o
sap p
r 5
15c . 81 p r Lob],
23 40
25 28 430
40 .11
6 7
rnIIE CAUSE'OP,CtiSSlllitivrito.- , - Sim
theßfalmplaiiiiftire ifsuallOtelaidered, ,
no one. can deny their batik. the most common
'cites° of 018,0:ad : One dikitssing dieniala, It is
IndectialiaelariehOtf . titith; , that - lhansinda .fall
victims to Censinuption every-year from no other
,eause,thatOiegiCcl;l/240/40., every_
- fipd . bun
drede, noy... s theusands'whe treat inch - complaints
~vi'fth• thecgreitestinilifferiice,atid thoin • • run
I:cidlill‘l,l9(l9o,•citikoVen "iiidilthaVithent thinking..
of the Conger. - .';4l,firstlett have - What you
'consider a slight cough or . ,Cold; yoq allow, bUsi
nese, pleasure or ettrelessneSs to prevent you from
'•giving,it:tteynttitiiiih; it then settles upon golf'.
breastiyeu „become hoorse, • have pains, in the
.side or chest,. expectorate, large quantities of mat
ler,'Perliaps Mixed with blood, lit';` difficulty' bf
breathing ensues,'.find , then `you find your „:own:
foolish' neglect has brought . ,on ;Able, disteSsine
complaint. If then you value life or health; be
warned in 'time; and don't trifle:With your Comi,'
or titiet to any qiulck' nostrum. to Cureyou, but
immediately Ordan° w bottle or two of 'that fa
inouEi roniedy f the ,ll .lltulig OF %Vim) rimier,"
which is•well,known to be the most speedy r.ttio
ever known, as thousands will testify whose livei
have bedn sa*od by it.• " • • ' • .
lI.TBe very particular when you purchase . to
ask for."Dr, Woran'a BALSAM OF Wino CHERRY,"
as there:is also a trinur'ofttiiiOname in use.
Prepared, wholesakried retail, by WILLIAMS
& CO.; ChilMiCtS, Xo. 33 Soath Fourth sew!
Fliklailolphiti. •
Sold in - Carlisle by -- •
- . .
• . Prfce One-Dollar u Battle
Jbno 22, 1842:
___TAT.- ' ' •"'''‘ •-• .
L. ) l' • ~,- - - .k,.„-' 'tire II .
1 ~,. iTT 611,......„- , - - , F i O ts.
'. rt .?-- 1- ; . ....,-:- iiiiiiMENT•V.)
(a 15'..'-ci V)0
THIS OINTMENT is a safe and agreeable
application, and has never beer; knOwn to fail
in curing various affections of the skin, when used
according to directions. .
Hundreds of certificates might be m °mired °fits
efficacy from Captains of Vessels, School Teach
ers, Principle of Factories, and Parents, were if
not for the delicacy of
. having their names publish
ed in connection with so loathsome and disagree
able affections.
KirPrice,. Twenty-fiye cents a box.
Prepared and sold only, wholesale and retail, a
North Second Street, neat Vino. (sign of the Goldin
Eagle and Serpents) Philadelphia,
For_salairt_Carlisle, by. -7"N'
Agents for Cutnborlantl County.
Carliale,.llny 18,- 1842. ly-29
atlita 01 man/
Subseritier has receiveil addition
a . applies of 'the Marie named eel, brated
which has in a few cured aiitl relieved upwards
of ril(Jll§A.N4persons_iit_ different,seetintis
ortlecoutiii.y, thefollowing .diseases, such as In
digestion, ligsnepala .ittid all those trains of diseases
arising 11.0111 disor der d. condition of the stornaeli
and liver, derangement - of the digestive functions,
such as - , -
A General Debility, or I!'eak-2160 of tho Stomach
Costiveness,-headache, Another, Flata- - -
lent & - Bilioualeholic, Neri , oue Affec
hone, tev.r aril Ague,
and boa destroyed all kinds of ^WO/4MS; both in
grown persons - as well as in children, and ctiredvot
ny other complaints which are too numerous to in
, scrt-in,thissolvertisement, which can be seen' in the
directions 'which can be foinufwraPped around each
'Mule, with n number of certificates of cures per
formed by this valuable Balsam of Health.
The^great demand , for this Balsam of Health lots
lately-indivd some unprineipleit persons to impose
oa the paAlte. spuriouoi article-toe the genuine Bal
salmoillealth; therefore the proprietor cautions the
„ „
-mimic from purchasing any but from , his regfilist•
OpoiniettAgents. The genuine Balsam of Health
has the mime of the medicine blown on the glass •of
each bottle, ILus=`.:SiatCli~aw~'s Bakollt of Health,
prepared only by Jolts/ S. Mttuta;" and — beffiles
that; lie lots his signature, written on a label, which
is pasted on the outside wrapper Of each bottle,
which secures it from being counterfeited.
VrTo be had at all times of his Agent in this
who 11{1.2 alr e ady sold !urge quantities, which
proves it a medichw, of great value and celebrity.
Carlisle, September 28, 1 . 842. 6m:48
GarleganVis .13alsain of Health
THE subscriber has just, received a
fresh supply of the above named celebrated
BALSAM OF DEALTII, which has in a few years
cored and relieved up'eards: of four thousand per
sons in different sections of the country- of the fol
lowint, diseases, such as. the Dyspepsia, all Clothes
mid Werious'Diseases,and all those trains of diseas
es resulting from' a disordered condition of the Stom
ach—cures Ow/Ague and Fever, and old and fresh
Sores, and destroysall kind of worms, both in grown
persons and children; and many other 'compla tots..
All .110 Se per/101E18 . 111M purchase this Medicine will
find a full direction to each bottle, as well as a num
berd of certificates of cures performed. To be bad
at all times of his agent in this place, who has sold
already large quantities. The great demand for this
Balsam of Health looflately induced some unprinci
pled person to' counterfeit it—therefore the proprie
tor—cautions the public from purchasing any only
from his 'regular appointed agents. The ,genuine
Balsam- of I leshlt: has the name of the - medicine
blown on the glass of each bottle; and his signature,
.lobo S. Miller, wrote on a label which is pasted on'
the outside cover, which completely secures them
from being counterfeited. For sale only in this place
by '. • SAMUEL numyrr.
For sale also. by Messrs. J. W. & D. S. Stoner,
in Wayoestioro!,„Pit.,
.310(1.,J01in Brackemidgejn
Shippensburg, Pa.
September '2B, 1842. , 6m-413
Host• Splendid Lotteries.
J. G. Gregory If Co. Managers
. .
-50,01)0 lars-15,000 Dollars--12,000 Dollars-100
prizes of 1,000 dollars. Union Lottery, Class A;for
1842. To be (Iran nat Alevandria, D. C., on Satur
day', October 15, 1842. Grand Scheme. 1 grand
prize of 60,000 dollars, A0.,,§ . 9,00),,1 . do '15,000,1
1 do tem), 1. di; IrcONY,Tdo 8,000, 1110 7,000,1 do
5,966, 2 prizes of 5,000, 3 do 4,000, 5 do 9,000, 5 do
2,000, It) prizes et '1,500, 20110 1,250, 100 do 1,000,
133 do 300, &c. tic,. 78 numbße lottery-13 drawn
ballots. Tickets s2o—Habies slo—Quarters ss—
$2,50. The price of a certificate or a pack
age of 26 whole tickets in the ribove splendid lottery
is only $280; a certificate of '26 halvesoob.,s/40;
certificate of 26 quarters imly47ll; a certificate (4'26
eighths only $35; and a . certificate of a package may
drawAtte four , highest prizes. .
Consolidated. Lottery.
iviß C, for 1842 To be drawn in the city of
Baltimore, oh Wednesday, the ofOctobbr, 1892.
BRILLIANT Ben ENE. ( prizeof 80,000, 1 do 12,000, 1 do '2,000, 1 do
6,000, 1 do 5,000,1 do '4,000; 1 do 3,000,• 1 do 2,-
.500, 1. do
. ..c,OSS, 30 do 1,500, SO do 1,000, 40 do
600, 50 do‘400: Tickets slo—Halves ss=-Qular
(en 2 50, Certificates of a package of 26' wholes
$l3O, 26 halves 65, 26 quarters $32 50.' .
. -
u Virginia ItToriongalia Lottery.
Class N, for 1842. To be drawn at Alexandria,
Virginia, on' atbrday, the 22d of October; 1842.
Those tickets which shall ha,ve' on them none of
the diaWnnumberh will be entkled to three dollars
nett. SCIIEME. 1 prize of $90,4000, 1 do 8,000,, 1
410 4,000,1 de 9,000, 1 do 2,4200, 1.,d0 , do
1,600, 2 do 1,500, 10 :4101,000, 20 500, &c.,..Pec,—
Tiekets-slo:..halvess ,, quarters..,.2_so.:%Mccedicat •
of - a - package '„,of,2s ; wheles : st
quarterBBo.. , .
lriegitaa - Leesburg. .Idittery.
ciaBB 0. for 1842. Tokio `drawn_atAlexandria,
Virginia, oil linturday, 2fitli of O t0ber,134,2.
' G.H 41
prize idsls,oop, t 10,000, Ido 5;000, do
.2,000,1 do. 1,500, 11), do 1,000, .15 do
500, listr„ fice; 13 drawn,numbers onikoc 60. Wh'ole•
Tickett ss;—quairkers $2 50. Certifi
cate of, a package of R 2 wholes $lOO, 22 Wires sso i
22 quarieva $25, 2 , . • ,
g'Atl,orders by: mail, will meek rank proMpt
attention,imd - ak soon cash drawing is, over an Re.
count 'of it lie sent to all Order from us. Address . pr:.GAEG,,94Y Sr. CO. ":
. „.
Septetaber 28, „.. , • td, 48
.1 11 4C — KH[4 1 1tid '' 4 OINEGAtt .
PURWCIDER VINEGAR for piAling , Mir sale
by tberiAboorlber•-, ,, • ,
Aug 31,18424 - •
• ‘,/
. .
otfvkiplior.A . rn..Lisr or the intro
pf Conghs, ColdeXonsu ption; Liver C04r.,..
plaints, Asthma;;Bronchitie' Sore Throat; Dye
pepsia; Shortness 'of Breath, the Side,.
Breaet,'Back and Shoulders, Agin, and Fever; an'
intnllable 'cure, and all Scarlet and 'Bilious Fevere;
and all .rlitteastis arising front exposure and de-,.
bility c znOuniter 'how: long standing—in fact all
disetunii tO which the human family are subject to.
The tiinitirptiaaed ,by any . medical
eomponiad eidrliiffered to the'public nee general re
novator :and :fafriily medicine. They are' Very .
gentle in their 'operation, causing neither pain,'
sickbees notclebilitYby the'tisti of them; 'hut on
the, - contrarY, they strengthen-.the stomach end:
wonderful manner,.and soon restore
nature te,its formeitteurse end vigor.. The, per,-
son rising 'the Olive !3rettali:Tills soon, forgets;
that he, was sick—which 'very easily; CcOunted
for: there ,ihat prostration of•strength in
these pills' as in nartnyetluir remedies of the day,
because the materials,used in Manufacturing them.
.are In harinony;Withithe . powers ofand act
in concert with the opinions of Dr's . Brown, Bush,'
Armstrong, Mntioritery; • Kersey, Kendiick,
Sheppey' and the, celebrated Dr. Waterhouee,
Lecturer,formctly . the theory and practice of:
Physic' in Cambridge Univereity, Massachusetts.
Purchase of them, and give 'them a flaunt' itn.'
partial trial, and, you will find that permanent re:
lief;upon . which the proprietors' depeed,to make
them , the most universal family„medicine used,
arid which will.stand •unrivaled bY 'tiny other in
;the kriewn world..-, — ,Price 25 cents per box. -
Is ono af the most certain and affeetrial cures for
.all rhettinutie, chronic and indsmmatory Rheunia
tistns that has over yet boon 'discovered, and in
numereue,eases has eradiCated that dreadful dis
ease from persona afflicted entirely. All, sour
drinks and victuals, are strictly forbidden, and
spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by.
any means whatever, or it will' be of no use to
take this medicine; as it will destroy the good ef
fects of the medicine 'entirely. 'Price-$1,50" per
package. - • -
t 020.33
Thesi 'celebrated drops have acquired the, high..
est recommendations in this 'country, as well as
in Europe for its . Most valuable proprieties for all
inivard weakiiedses cramps;colds,agues and fever;
and - when used with the Olive Branch Pillo,never
Jails to cure the fever and ague. Price 25 cents
per bottle. ' • . •
Is unrivalled f0r.3441 curative qualities even when
used in case's of maladies 'Whioli -were.otherwiso
Incurable. Many recorhmendations have been
given of the ben( had in the
cure of plduriiiy,
sumptionp, colds,
This 'most cm
calming instapily
the stomach, choli
called'mother fits' or hysterics; and when coming,
cd for , some length of Limo, will cure the patient
entirely.--- Price 25 cents per vial. •
A certain cure for all Scalds, Bruscs, Burns,
and the. most allectnal cure for le piles--it -
Cure the person afflicted in a vary short tiine, if
used according to dircetious._Price 25 cts. per vial.
This spirit is highly recommended for all
sprains, swelling of the limbs, or lenders; idnews,
joints and rheuMatic; as an outward remedy, it has
no equal,and when used with the Rheumatic Medi.
tine, will greatly fimilitato the cure: The an.
nuals_gf History do tiot produce its equal, and it is
the greatest,-„prcventive against cold, in the
known world. For particulars see directions accom.
partying the bottles. Price f 25 cents.
;An infallablo cure if used according to dircc
Linn% Price '25 (units per vi •1. ~.
~,__. -. SALVE .OF D ESDEN.
Is decidedly. thd best applicatrom for wounds
and sores, old or now, of nil kinds, and will pre
vent if used in time, ninny operations; and pre-
Femnles who are so unfortunate es to-have-ssq
breasts, and will use this wonderful salve, will be
cured in a very short time,. ft cannot Tic too high
ly recommended. For further particulars see direc
tions. Price it 4. cents per hos.
. An excellent article for the cure of %coma in
adults as well as children, and will mire when
other remedies fhil. Price 6.1 cents per box.
A superior article for Coughs, Colds,Sure throat,
Bronchitis and difficulty of: breathing. Price 61
cents per box. •
Sold wholesale.and retail, nt the principal office,
No. 384, North 3d street, Philadelphia; and by
General Ajent. for Cumberland County.
Juno 22, 1812.1y-31
. .
A ND if you have a friend, a relation, or know
11Cany one that is aflli eted. with that distressing
disease, "CONSUMMON,"persuade them with.
out delay to try that famous and unrivaled medi
cine, the
".13a1Rato of -Wild' Cherry,"
which has cured thousands of this complaint af
ter everything else had tidied: Read the 'follow
ing undoubted .proofe ofits efficacy: .
oxsortemi ; Sept. 19'1 841.
R Sin:—Pleas`e send me two . more ottles of
.your. Balsam of Wild Cherry, like .. that . .you sent_
me before. 1 have taken nearly all alba first two,
and confidently believe this medicine will cure me.
1 I have used a great many. • remedies within the
last year, but have never found any thing that has
relieved me so much. It has stopped my cough
entirely, checked my night sweats,, and I sleep
better at night and feel better in every tray, than
.I. have for' many months. - Yours, respectfully,.
llormEssurto, Sept 12, 1841. .-
FAIEND IVISTkE:—.I must again trouble thee to
send me two bottles more of thy invaluable Bal
t ran. 'I have now taken three bottles in all; and
Can assure thee that it has done more good than
all the medicine I have ever taken before. Send
by the stage' as' sour) as possible; and oblige thy
friend, JOSErli HOLLOWAY.
. . ' BUISTOL Sept. 8, 1841.
.DEAs Doevoni-tpearing so many people talk
of the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cher,
ry has made in Consumption, I sent to one of
your Agents the otlur day for a bottle, and have
found it to have relieved me so much, that I want
three, bottles more sent Soon, a's I believe it will
cure me too I have used Juyno's Eipectorant
and other medicines besides, but nothing has done
me as much good as yours has. Send, by the
steamboat Bolivar.. . Yours, truly,
WBesides its nstonielling 61licacyjn
Consumption, it is also the most effectual remeily
ever discovered for LIVER COM PLAINTS;
WHOOPING COUG li, &c., as hundreds will tes
tify who have been cured by it after allnther reme
dies hadfailed. • ' •
DRUGGISTS and DEALERS. will ' find This
medicine a' valuable addition to their stook, " and
should elwayslceep it on habd, as it is universally
acknowledged to . bo-one-of t the moat useful family
niedieincs no* in use. • .
•1 4 60 . 5 e very 'careful to ask for Dr. 11 7 1STAIrS
saler end retail - by - W - ILLIAMS*CO.-,LChorairts, l - .
16.33, South - Fourth Street, Philadelphia. ,
. ICErThe, genuine littlsarn Old' in Cnr-,
• ,
tiy;,SAMVEL . ELLIOTT, appointed
Agent, Price—sl per Bottle..
Juno 22,1800 - ; . • t 0203 3
.',l7q 3 ‘ THE ;- PUBLIC.
ItirANUFAC7lo3lb,,arl kept oa. hand l for,
- MI,- sale • in theAtir,,''uk Lenetutter. - near the.
Eildte,SC:co4ll* `Norse. Povkirt
4T. 11 ) 1110, 1111,4 , 5 ".' MAC I E',44. 7 g',,
,fc,r,s;4:llotee .
,and, f or two ;nonce, warrented,t6
work•well, atrd` OrgreaterrAtrability .than. ;any,
oiler ::Mechineecforfe. langur rupee() known tp
thp'ealuairiber'o,l l 7 , lo l4, -• • • `•
.'ilait*lo o F/A#Y4 4 it 1 8 ,42 . ,. .;" ' 'fim•27
_,.‘ r7
, “(my
inary con
per bottle.
quality of
I cramps of
•mc diocese
, OTHERS; 'BEr. -:.
" GUARD!--:.'this is, the. Setugon *hen:this destructive,
comp aili/, 44 14 4 3'o
r:interesting little children,
often robe:yore of those you fondly'doat 'on, and
earrieeltpudreds to the 'grave: •,Every Mother'
shoUld therefore, knoW its symptoms, watch them
Chasely;randfalways be,prepared with n'..rernedy
aemany are daily sacrificed bynueliraglect. '.At
.first ther.little patient' s seized with a shivering; it
grows reeiless, has flushes of beat,the,eyee , becoine
red and swollen, it breathes with. Aliflicuity, and
theticomes that.fearfulCouon that will surdly tor.
Minnie in convulsions or di3ath nnlesiscanething is
immediately giien to Cheek it. 'ln this complaint
the t`//alsurirni. WOct.Cherryw V
be the most srieedy ever dicovered. ::It Is indeed.a:
precious.remedr—mild, safe and innocent, and
is sure to give the sufferer immediate relief, and
'quickly restore 'if to safety and . health. ye:mi
nes residing in llie. cenntry and indeed eVery mo.
ther who loves her children, Should alWays- keep.
thkernedicine in: the house and give 'it to them
early, by doing BO you may often' save the Urea
One you fondlylove. Remember this is the famous
remedy, of this distinguished phySician; Dr: Wis.
Tar, which has . cured thousands' of CROUP;
TION, &c., after everY other medicine - has failed.
0-3:Be particular when you , purchase to' ask
as there is a sinter of this name a vcrtised that is
entirelyn different medicine. ^ '
Prepared,only by Wii.mroas & Co., Chemists,
No. 33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, ".
' ' • Sold in Carlisle by • •'. • ... .
• • • • SAMUEL ELLIO'rT.r
• . Price One Dollai• alfigtle: . . ' '
• inno 22,1843. -'. .. t02P.:3
Botkasese Effects are Produced by
Ilh 1..1;11/Y'S 131069 PILLS contain in their coinposi-
Lion ingredients which produce the coin
. blued and desirable effects of
rilfiEßE ore no Pills in existence which-inay be
co safelfused at all times, ages and Seasons,
with:int restraint from living or occupation, as ft.
Leidy's Blood Pills.
Prom 'their composition, they, are calculated to
purify the blooil and ultimol fluids doring the inter
val between taking them and their operation; tviten
,all impurities, as well as obliliiibustatfispttices of the
otoniach and bowels, are . carried off
. by their mild
purgatiVe properties.
. 100,000 IfOXS"-.."'"
of them love been sold d'oriiig the Mist siiC months
;done, and- UPWARDS OP 1,000,000
since their.firsl, introduction by the proprietor, Dr.
N. D. Leidy: ."
have they evzr been known to fail , in producing
good effects. .
contain itlredielltB - (111111pr6MItti the - constihdiett.
Rich are •opidoyed in all Pills mannfitetured by
Quhaks and Impostors; who depend:upon 'such dan
gerous inedieines under impressiou.(hirh shows
theh• ignorance,) that alllfiseases must meld to the
effects of Merour7 and.other Minerals.
brwmips OF 300 CERTIFICATES _ •
„ .
From Physicians and others, have been frequently -
published ol the Iptppy effects of 1)1.. Leidy's Blood
Pills and further comment upon their merits is un-
Isevessary. 1)1. Leidy would,hoWever,eartimtly re- .
commend io all requiring a pantry hug or, purgative
medicine, to procure his BLOOD I'ILLS" - ,ane try
them. N o one will ever use any other kind,having
once given them a fair trial. ; -
nrBEWARE OF couNTERFErrs?-If pro..
r ,
~,.,u,uhe.soleini Nut over and proprii•inr, Dr.
N.., H. I EIDY, at his HE %LT! 111 Ni Poltium, No, -„,”
'I9 - `No)111 S:contl . street, below Vine street,(Sign of
the Golden Eagle and Serpents,) Philaddlphia, there
can be no Nissibility of mistake.
They arc also kept by most of the respectable
Druggists of Philadelphin,and by respectable Mer
chants awl Druggists throughowthe United Stmts.
For sale. in Carlisle, by • -
Agents for Cumberland Cnynty. . '
Carlisle, May 18,184'2. ' iN-29 -
~ P ictlicati!d- Extract of Sarsa
W l i L n .. pp l: t d ra f t o i r o f: io te f ild a iy r •
sa . l):: :l 7 dia ll e . clu L t r. t l o ll i :o r . a
-Mitdicated Extract rd. Sarsaparilla.
it is posittvely the strongest preparation of Sarsa
parilla in existence. ON E. 1301 TLE• is equal to
six pints of atly other Spat p that is made, and is
bought by numerous persons throughout the city and
country for making therefrom, and• who sell it at
seventy-five cents. or one dollarVerbottle (about half
'Poe efficacy of Sarsaparilla is well • known . in
Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the'
Liver, Affection of the Skin anti Bones, Ulcers of
the Nose; Throat and Body, as Well as an Antidote
to Mercury and the Minerals, Constitutional Dia
easesamd a general purifier of the Blood and Animal
Fluids, .Comment anion its . virtuesis unnecessary;
every hotly knows its efficacy. It is only necessary
when tiring .it to get a good preparation of it,,and
then there will he no disappointment in its effects.,
Dr. T.eidy would refer to the most respectable phy
sicians in. Philadelphia, as well as throughout the'
United Stales, for the'cluiracteiC - of his preparation,
- as well also to the numerous certificates friars physi
cians and others, that have been from time 'to time
published, now deemed unnecessary; as the charae
ter of hi s preparation is firmly established. Through
put the Southern States it is used altogether, and
throughout the North takes the precedence over all.
others, particularly among the physiciani, who, for
the benefit of their patients, always recommend it.
The reader is reterredio the. directions, accom
panyi each bottle,forreconivnendations,certificat
and further certificates.
Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail at- , Dry
Second,alreet, below yi n e, aign ofthe Goltlen,Eagla
Serpents, Philadelphia; nod for sale in Carlisle,,by,
Agents for Cumberland, County.
Carlisle; May 18 , 184.9...: • '
• Every Body Oaght to snow of
- ,
Pulmonary Presfrrallic..
Oefreeteal itF Coughs, Colde, Influenzes, Ca.
QF truths,' Asthma, Paine of the Side and of iho'
•of_Breath,=Whooping Ditietoee-Orthe
Statist. - Liitte, and for the arrest - of appriiich
ink Consumption.. „ . • •
So popular is Dr.' Bechter's Pulmonary Preset.-
votive throughout all,Gerroany, and so affectuatin
Diseases , of .the Lungs, ; that from its urinal:pitons ;
effocts and ,wonderful ctires—it Is . theTe ;getter.l4!)"i
knowii and 13echter's Preetirwri,! --
As, narrieMus certificates of its very gnod efteets,'•
and wonderful' noires in this country, hake. been fro•o•
iluontly publfidied, it is deemed necessary only to '
remind the public , of sOlaluablon, rnedicintrOdid.
inform them wher,,c, i 4 can ; be,procareil , ganaitr@. ;. ; • 1
• a'rrics—Fifty Cents a half pint, WOO %
*,* PrepaMd and ioid;Wlfoleimiu and retail
at llr'
11EALT11 EMPOIIIUIVIV'NO;. - ' - 191`'.
North • Scloond street,. Vine;(sign'uf the
Golden Eagle and Serperits);flhilridelptria.,
• -• "tor sale in Carlisle, by • ' - • •
Ageittsfot.Ctimlierland cohntv,
• Crirlisloelitsy !St P 34247 -•.! • -IZerAlt