Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 05, 1842, Image 3

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    Prisiciples of the Wliig
We invite attention to 4119 - letter belk , "erinti
the pen of the' Whig bandit:tate fmtha ni4trinsi.
deriey. If mill beSeen.iNi(4o;ll;44;siiiiiitiY47:'
besird t ,,„ift , ,ernhodies„.in,a few nicapienCkti&„
pketinwardeneondensition of; the real4iiin i ciples';
'oral() Whig Thia'ialfintrue'doinle The
People. nOt,Only know their.eandidatee,-but::
they:sliould,unoOratand,tima,sense , altogether un.
• cijillvomil,thensasiires apd . prineiples-WhielahoSe,
candidates: urge and,'advbeate, When' tha,'
enjoyment of power. The tine, has arrived for ,
the ahandonirnent Of all (juibbli4 ofalr
trick., of ell dealing'double. arid ; latunaaced poliei.
Mr. Clay,spnaks likn a Man' tind a patriot.—
Hie old friends will rally round him with the
Moretiamth; While' thousands of nen! ones Will
m ,o
arshartiannselvis under his banner, because ho
advocates tbc measures , essential .to the real • and
perminent.prospezity of the millions in this coon_
, .
try. *; . tirez, ..repeat, thiii hold: avowal is worthyef
Mr. Clay`.' It is . worthy of the Whig cause and
the Whig, candidate, - • : •
~ ~ . .
' • ASHLAND; lath Sept., 1842. '
- .
"Dear Sir—l received your_ favor, - coMmunica... -
' ting the patriotic purposes an.d Views of the young'
men of Philudeladelphia;und I take pleasure, in
compliance with your requesViii itiltinglimirViiri
the principal objects Which, I suppose, engage the
ti ti.,
.....,coilitiM desire and , the cdnimon.exertion of. the
WhiFii rtY tci.bring about,. in the Government of
' tiM Unit .d States. • Theie are.
A Sound national
,curreiley, - rettilated by the will .
and authority of the nation: • ... - .
An adequate revenue, with', fair prolectiOn to A.
inericuli.industry:,. • • . . .
Just , restrbints on, the Executive poWer, embrac.
- ing u further reihriction on, the exercise. of the
veto: '
. A faithful adfninistration" of.tho public domain,
with an equitable diptribution of the proceeds'
of sales of it among all the States: . .
An honest and econoini , !al administration of the
General ,Government, leaving• public • ofilecra
perfect . freedont of. thought, and of the right of
suffrage; but with suitable restraints against
improper interference in' elections:: - '
An amendment to the Constitution, limiting the
• incumbent of the Presidentiall office Loul single
tbrm. .. - • • . ,
,These objects attained, thinh that we should
cease to be afflicted with bad administration of
the Government.
lum respectfully, '• • '
Your friend, and ob't. servant,
Mr. Jacub Stratton. IL CLAY
Lcttcr from Goneral Scott
Tho following letter of Gen. WINFIELD SCOTT,
•explanatory of his' position : -with -. regard to' the
Presidency, we find ptiblished..... It will arrest at_
-tention and '
be re, d with interest, coming from one-
Who ix so highly distinguished for the signal ser
ilice he has , done his •
IV4siii;taTor4, Sept 3, 1842
have tiot .forgotten the warm
shake of the hand you gave me in tha- •Pennsyl :
Narita Avenue Smile tiuteigo; bird thafilt:,yoAsiti 4.
-cerely for the cordial letter just rcbeived:' • -
I am not a candidate fur the •Presidency , or Vice
.residency, and carelinoW no ... tre us a:candidate'
for either place until a nation al..convefition diall
have spoken. Indeed, in the"present st - ate of parz
tics, 1 deem it utterly unsafe for the -Whigs to
place candidates buli,re the people without d
gular noutioution. • '-
I, have been; in many -indirect ways, within
_seven nienths, operated upon with a iiieW to in..
duce Me to consent to he muned.for the Vic`crl'rc
sifleite:y, on the—ticket of a Vcry..distinguished
statesman. I have invariably answered, that I
had neither.clahnsmor pretensions eit;.er to the,
Presidency or Vice Presidency;-that i was quite
indifferent to the first, and that nothing could in,
duce rne-to think of lhe second place; but ilmoni
nated by a regular national cbnvention; fur
. the
Prcsidency - A should certainly accept the - honor, '
if I got not a vote tit the Union. preoursc,with
auelbnomination, there
.would be but one demo.
cratic Whig in the field, and there certainly ought
not to be two. Who that-one may be, is quite in
different to me; but he he who, ho may, out of
sonic hundred pdrfains I clot name, be-shall have
my hearty prayers for. his success.
, In these lbw words 1 have given you my creed
and position; I- never express myself in other
terms, to auy body; and all who -know mu will testimony temy singleness and sincerity;
I do not wish to appear in the'newspupers when
I can - possibly avoid it, but have not the slighest
objection that what' I write. and say;" should be,
known to all who may' 'desire to know my semi
My professional duties leave me la time to tr.'.
vel, except occasionally, and then snub
duties. An excursion into Ohio would be highly
agreeable to me.
With great respect and regard,
. • 1 remain, my clear friend,
• Yours truly,
change iii the Ada►iui.tration.
The Globe of Wednesday last, says—. We
heard.yesterday'from two sources entitled to cred
it, that the lion. P. C. Fuller, Second Assistant
Post Master General, is to go out on the Ist of Oc
tober, and that his place is to be supplied by John
A. Bryan, of Columbus, Ohio.: The Second As
sistant Postrnaiter General appoitifs the Postmas
ters at all the minor Post Offices, anti therefore
has more patronage, in the way of appointnientw,
than any other officer under the General Govern
ment. The change will' indicate that Mr. Fuller
has not consulted the wishes of tbu President in
making the apliointinents. •
It is nomr,we believe reduced ton certainty that
•the Hon. Walter For ward,Secretary of the Treat. ,
ery, is to giveaway to the Hon. Caleb - Cushing, at
the end of the present fiscal quarter.
EXCELLENT.—Oni) of the vendors of the life of
Henry Clay—says a N. Y. paper, walked • up to
the which 111 r. Webster departed from.
the Astor , House, 'and earnestly said, gait° the
lifo . of-tionry,Clayr "I eannet take the life of
sO:onaient a citizen,'! was the reply. • .
TAN.—NC7 Orleans papers of the 18th instant,
piite„&trir in , possessioW of crates from Laguna to
the Oth • instant. Thu town, it appears, was in
posSessicin, of thirteen hundred of Santa Ana's
troup`ti: two hundred troops wore taken prison.
ersand sent toe-am:peachy: The Yucatan Nov,
lifhg aptire time inthe,port_ of Laguna . comist
ing: 9 l;...µ brig two vehoorters, capitulated . with_
the town withoutTesistance . ThO' Metrican force
, Lagunw was comprised of one steamer, one' brig, ‘,orio,, e,ettooper,and four, transpbrts,, which
iiCro,. fOir Ott niiiVvaayPl3.ftei;"the'.oopitellitiiiiiiii .
thoiroti:sittier."9oadaloupo,", recently built ih
Etlifs4 ' Tito intolligmi&& is Important, as it af
fects 'the iiiture . • operations, of Mexico against
Tozer!. The addition , of the YuCatan Navy to
' that'of:Mexico;willioon,onable:Soiita Aria to re
-dherri,T,Olitirid-Okitu-limissiotriond.thenhpying Con!,
qucred, the"refrlictery. divisions of his, own gt;v : .
ernntent his'neit'oeiationwill.h.ingainst-Texes.,
11 0:hlay,Soott expect to hear something oi..inter 7.
est' froli those countries. . :
!;Tat ' SAIVAW/Cll. DILANUIL—TrOpOrty. •, tO the
amiiiii. of one' million of doll 're is held by Amer..
14hijii — t.hii` s Sioulivicti Isla 4a. ' Ode.' Irettitee
orTitwo Iltont4tdae'resAtri d niidar. good:cut -
titratietw ai.mug . littleTont we etioittil , th inlr..-
_bpiebirgittrmit 1111., ;new Nuvy
rdtiou',lato.~oes jiito'operation on the let' day , •of
orsilltitifirilr,Vfi!lbe.lo°4-1° the
equivalent inane for the end,
!.! r. • •
ozrrierso*tollgirirwrrat.-+Johri Ahern. clerk
koloi4ok's otipolin , Ntitv York, ie dkicovetp4
4.* defioter to •thO'lniVoditt.
c:',llllie,!Electioir '
. . „
For the
oters,we publish`
folloWint CxtiaCts from' thil en
•- • .
ittied) 4 an Act relating' tq ;Abe Elactions Of. this ,
plkotrionwialth," passed July 2d; 1839,—relating "
to ; the qualifications of offircra :of. the' Election,-
the Manner of their election, the `qualifications
of voter's, &c. It is of great interest
this time. . 32119 law. provideto as fiillqvioo,
. ,evory Per Son, exeopting jukiCeeof the'
peace, who shall hold surf:di& or'oppoininient Of
priffit'or trust under the guvurnnteii of ttin United
States, to/ of this - State,. or' of any '
city. of incor
porated district;,whether a dbmmissioned 'officer;
Of otherwise, a.subordinate officer or , agent; who
is, or iiltallbeeMPlOYed ender the legishotive,oxe;
cutive or jud,ciarytleptitinit of this gtu.te,
the United States,.or 'ot: any, Hy:or incorporated f ;
district,:andsisir th tit• rritie in bee of Congrees„ .
and of the:State' legielatare,. and of the -'sffieCt or
cominiiirkouneil of any eq, or cum iniasioneriof
any ineOrporated e iii"byllaw,incapabffi.
holding or exercising; id tli'O same thine the office
or appointment of jqdge,.itii , ioctqi or `clerk ofiinY
election of thi.ti'enininOlivi4altli, and that he in:
Spector, judge or other, offiCer'of any such election •
shall be , eligible , to any lFi
oceto be there voted'for."
."rhat the liosPecters and Judges' of the Elec
tion shall rrieef'ut tha'reSpeetiye' places 'appointed .
for balding the electron in the District to which
they respectively belong; before , nine o'clock in
the inoming of the second Tuesday' of October in
eacoranuivery year, anirerctra — saiillinipistator
shall, appoint on Clerk, who shall be a qualified
voter of each District. ' .
, "In enact thaperson Who shall have received the
seceed highest number' of votes for Inspector,'
shall.not attend:on the day'Of any election, - then
the • person who shall • have' received • the second
higlatot-nurnber fif votes for. Judge at the next pre
cedent election, shall-apt its an Inspector in his
place, and in case the perseri• who shall have re
ceived the highest' number-or votes lbr Inspector
shall not attend, the Person elected Jralge shall aft;
Inspector in his 'place, and-in ease the
perSoti electedra Judge shall nut attend, then the
Inepeetor who received the highest number of
votes shall appoint a Judge in his place; and if
shy vacancy shall continue in the board for the
space of one hour after the time filed by law for
the opening; of
. the election, the qiialited voters of
thelownship, ward Or diedriet, got which finch rail.
cer shall have been elected, present at the plaCe of
election,. Shall elect one of their number to fill
Buell vacancy.
"It shall be the duty of the Several Assessors,
respectively,to attend at the place °lidding every
general, special or township election, during the
whole, t lie said election is kern open, for the pur
pose of 4 ring information to the Inspector, and
Judge, w milled on,' in relation to the right of
any person assessed by then; tb vote at such elec.
tio.f tor such•other mantles in relation to the at:serfs.
ment•ot voters as theirad Inspectors or Judgp,or
either of them, shall front time to lime require."
person shall lie permitted 'to vote at any
eleetiera. as refbresaid;raher than a white freeman
orthaagent twenty-one years or mora,who shall
have resided in this, state at least one year, and in
the electien . dindriet Where heofters - to vote at latest
ten days immediately 'acceding such eleetionond
within tempters ;add u state or county tax,Whielt
Shall have been assessed' at least tin days before
the election. , But a citizen el'the finited•States,
who had previorady been a qrailified voter of. this,
• -state, and rentran;tl--therefrime and-- returned ; and
t6husbad have resided in the elfietienteli-triet and-,
• paid titles, aforesaid, shall bt entitled to vote alter
residing in this state. nix months: • Provided, Tied.
the white freemen, citizens of the tinned State-,
between the ages Of
.21 and 22 years, and. having ,
resided in this state one year and in the election ;
distrrat ten days as aforesaid, shall he entitled to
vote, although they shall not have field taxes."
"No person shall lie entitled to vote,whose name',
is not contained in the list of
. taxable inhabitants
furnished - by the CotorsSioners, unless, First, lie
a receipt for - the payment, within , two
years, of a state or,couedy tax, assessed agierably
to the Constitution, and give satisflietory raiicienett
eit herrati 'his 'ow n ofitlf or ailliquitiota or thstint ail
other, that, te-has paid such a tax, or On failure to
produce , strait a receipt, 231)1111 make oath to the
payment thereof; •or Second; if he claim a right to
Vete by being an eler:tor between_ the aces of
twenty-one and twenty-two y t ies, he Anal depose,
on oath or trairinatten that he has resided in the
State at [just one year next before his application,
and make sutra proof of residence in the district
as is required by this set, and that he doeS yerily
believe, from the accounts given 'him. that is
of the age ,ateresaid, and give such; other evidence
ns is repined Ify this net; whereupon the name of
,!fro person so edinitt•d to vote shall he inserted in
the alphabelical lint by the-Insp netters. and a note
madetopposite thereto by writing thaword 'tax,'
it he shall be admitted to vote, by reason of having
paid a tux, or the word if be Shall be ad
- witted to vote on Account ot his age; and in either
ease the reason'of such vote shall be called out to
the Clerks,, who shall make the like notes in than
I,st of voters kert by their;,
"In ell cases where the name of the person
claiming toinde Is nut funnel oir the list furnished
by tine commissioners and assessors, or 'his right
to vote whether finned thereon or not, is objected
to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of
the inspectors to examine such person on oath as
to their qualifications, and it' he claims to have
resided xvithin tin • State for one . year or more, his
oath shall bos'n:indent proof thereof, but he sit di
'nuke proof by at least one &an patent witness,
who shall be a qualified elector, that he has read.
ed within the district for More thain'ten days next
immediately preceding said election, 'lndianan also
himself swear that his bona fide rentidenc:, in pur
suance of his lawn') ealliog, is within the district,
and that he did not remove into said district for
the purpose of voting therein.
"livery perspn qualifkd as aforesaid, And who
shall make due proof, if required, of his residence
and payment of taxes; as afoiesaid, shall be admit
ted to vote in the township, ward or district in
which he shall reside.
" 'fatty person shall preitentor attempt to pre.
vent,any °flirter Gran election undo§ this ;milt om :
}lidding such election, or use, or threaten any vie.
knee to any such officer, or .shall interrupt or im
properly interne° with him in the execution of his
duty, or shall block up or attempt to block up the
window or avenue to any window where tire same
may be holden. or shall 'riotously disturb the peace
at such election, or titian use,: or practice any.iti
timidation, threats, lance or violence:with destgn
to influence unduly or over..we any elector, or to
prevent him Pon; votrag,nr to restrain the frf e
dom 'ethnic", such persims no conviction shall be
fined in any sun not exceeding five hundred der
' lars, and be imprisoned for any time not less than
one nor more than twelve 'months; and if it . hall
be shown to the court,' where the trial or sucliot
fence shall be had, that the person' Ell) offirading,
was not a resident of the city, ward, district or
township where the said offence was committed,
and not, entitled to vote
,therein; then on convic
tion lfo shalldne sentenced' to pay a'fine 'of not !esti
than ono hundred not' more than one thousand dol.,
lars, and be imprisoned not lestithan , six months
b oar rribre..tkan two years. ' • . •
If any person or persons shall make any bet
or Wager upon the result of any 'ejection within
thiS domfoonwealth; or shall fifFrr 'to make any
smith het fir wager, either by verbal procluniation
thereof, or by any written or printed' advertise:
'rack, challerigel'or invite Shy' person or pet sons
to motto such bet or wager, upon conviction there
efA4,cr they sball,forteit and pay three, times the
'amount sa,bitt•or offered to be bet.
, .
..rt, shall be the duty attic Inspectors an Judge,
of ther election to reject 'the votes. of , all poraons
who they, or any, of them, sliollknow, or Who shall
be, proven hetbre them to have made, or who are
in ony manner. interested:in any ; tiet or wager on
tho result of said . election, and, on ikerequest of
any qualified' olector, said inspeCtora Mid 'jtidge,
shall receive,prooMo show whither the person so
or wager, or, is or le pot interested
"IL any person - not by - law-qualified,shail•fralr
dulently . vote at any election within this - Voininonl
wealth, er'heing otherwise
,qualified shall; vote oat
of his propeidlistriet, or if ally personknowing
the wancie Such nualification,rshall aid Or proaum
each; person to vote; the' person'Orperanns (so or,
tending, shall, on , onviction, be fined in any sum '
not 'exceeding...two hundred and boimtirie
oned. for any ter m , not _es eceding Ali too months. • .
. irony person Shall vote at morothen one 'loc. ,
tion district, or otherwise ' fraudulently vote More
than once on the same day,' - or 'shelf frandutently .
fold and deliver to , ilie'inspeator tWo, , tieltets'3(r,
getlier;twith the Intent to illegally .`voto f
votiiike S '
ame Or , if any , person- shell. mivispWind
PrOettrO;nnOther an OA°, he orthoy so offending
eh .AR Conviotiali ; bO,fined it sum : ,' lilts
ihstWifty 'tier 'there than; ttea hi.ioariotiollireqqfid
'likinalitlekinel for any 'ternir'not-leas than three
Por.more tharilWelvetniorithK,
, If iiny`pmotk-notAiliblifilid to vote iii this coin
monwealth,'agreonblo to lave, (except the`Sons of
cli?ehlied M 146600411 appear at any place of
leetiOnfor the purpose' of ittinalitrtinketifol'of
ituencini ; t44 "
one' huni10:11, .411 W fo t'6;*ry, is u ck . 0 nce,f>.<u dt
be. impriiroo o .l!)r,o74, , Otiz ;Rot *.fecling,threi
. ,
"FOR .THE .c.n.4148Lp - nErtAt.p
- '
•aidSitlikeletWit ll l.lo 4 sorre ) frefE'i'4.q;
MR. Eorrottp.)! ,, find intthe"ldit; - :i 4 34l9titearirf,,.
Bar for Monine ; 'te'cvnehip.
Yn the'firat ot•these aimi'sn'altdcl
i•did Tat
'c'eot'oh'ipng, (dilmetatefi 16i idinr fidai , taxatkati;
being tespiaed,foT roads, fite:),Jind.•insiatthat4,
,told, oath tapetfai.m
his duty, he %Y 46. ;fnPrYed to return the,
the bona lido vttint, theieofV and .fleave the Own.
ihiaaiunere`to Wialie , the -. dediiellesi''desigiiiiti4 by
the la*.'
To the second question I rep1y,,011...A . attended
no appeal for
,; but I did forrkileti snit
other estatts under My Maiaienient.=Ll was the
first to's Bend. the appeal the si per Cent
struck off from other ; lands not noy..owtir and the
Com no i ssioncys 'promised to hive it: taken :off of
mina, —AlterwardT,-fiTin-,lcTolqiiieliniakeiiiiess
ments, L foUnd the sLic'per cents had• ]Seca lakeri
off of all the farina around me lad not ray own, oat
wutcit,im .13 FCENTTO•tIII4 DAY!..9o;tliceommission
ers did not go to tbe trouble of revising the whole
duplicate and dednet.tha six' per'of Avery
farm in the township!. •
My farm not being. released with thoie of my
neighbnra, gives evidence ,of the :spiteful: feeling.
Which exists against me in .a certain quaitcri
which too,-probably, was the motive which actu.
ated the author of' these 'quorieS iri.biinging , this
matter before the public. In conelitsiolt I would
say. that the communication in the Volunteer is
an ontire fa/Bei/Sod from beginning to end.
Oct. 1, 1542. GEORGE BRINDLE.
It knoliM that ar considerable degree of
apathy preyailed in'the Whig party of Cumber.
land -County for Many months after the death of
Gen. I arri'sgn,— ind need by disappointment, and'
the unparalleled troaeher_y of Capt. Tyler. Hay.
iog 4 nothing to hope for-from him, and without a
piwent motive' to rouse them in action, they, as
well as their .brethritn throughout the country,
grew carcless and inactive,—and it was not until
they had witnessed the Made stand taken by-their
frieinls in Congre'ss; that they .were Sialficiently
moused to look to the future defence, and
tablisliment of pritaciples identical to their exis.
tenec us a party.
. Viewing - theite things, and being once more
roused to action, tiCounty Conventien was called,
and e . oinpotied riten - eni,irely honest,
capable, ati=adtittit in defence orWhig
through evil and through good report,—was:
fitrined and preserved' to the' party, as claiming
their comiteinitimend ihipport.
The question thence arises shall We, as Whigs,
give to tharticket. ou'r undivided suppertr Or
shall we, after asking men to accept a nomittation;
nd run the risk of defer when thc_prospects'of,
cicetion•wcro by no means flattering, now aban.
don - them and vote for dor encinies4 thus
twining thentio their sirtiggli * .s to defeat the honest
port ion of their own' party and the Whigs toe! -
To to so Is not, - in my opinion; the way to sc.
once the triumph of Whig principles, er to treat
men who are blatneWss and capable: To abandon
our candidates, and go over !011ie enemy at a time
when.their dissentions render an election easy and
ci rtain, is not the way to induce men to stand a
nomination in the darker days of our career.
• The 4 rotnarks arc called ft.rth, by a rumor
which ha's reached my' cars, thala Prominent
candidate for u county office on-the loco Theo tax
ticket, is boasting of and making strong calcula,
Lions of receiving the votes of_ a large number of
:Whigs among his personal friends'in town. In
this I trust he is doomed to disappointment. flow
any of our friends can lind their support to our
opponents in preference to voting for our noknina
lions, when not a single' objection can die urged
against them, is more, than I can understand.
Indeed, I can conceive of no more suicidal act
of policy than to abandon our own 'friends, and
encourage, by our votes, the corruptions and
stratagems of our enemies. To secure the•aseen
dency of Whig princi des, it is necessary that
Whig Officers should he elected to carry cttt . those
principles. This we have already learned to our
cost in - the treftehery of John Tyler; and it should
titmice us ea utiousdiew we bestow our votes in fu
ture. Besides, in view of the great battle to be
fought in,1844, for the permanent establishment
of Whig measures; and of the necessity of uni.
mating gnd stroigthenfirg the Whig Party, pre
paratory to that great contest. I should expect
to find every ipefriend of the cause already at his
past. ,
In all this, however, I do not mean to be under
stood as uchtocating.thc sl.vish doctrine of submis.
sion to, party right or wrong. The destructiri
tendency of such policy,we already see in the die.
sentions and recriminations of our ()portents.—
The honest portion of, that party, fur daring to
think and . Setfoi them Selves, itr'enOw 'denoti'need
and- stigmatized' off traitors and rebels., 'I
moan that when the candidates of our party' are
principled, capable, and honest men, they should
be stipported by tall who fireless to bo'gnided by
Oct. 1, 1842. WHIG PROCIPLES.
FLOUR ANt) MBA.L.—The receipt.. of and
Stock of Flour eaatinue limited, with hut a moderate
export4houliiiiii early in the week most holders lid
vented their rates to $4 56 ii 4 6•2 i per which
small sales were made for home use; to-day howev
er, the current prlee asked Ihr atiiiiihird, brands is
-j4 50 per hl.l—for 'bandy wine $4 1123 is' asked.—
Bye - Flour is ;Wady at $3 37i • per Md.,' with senile
rate stock. Penna. Coro. N,leal in fair deamial.lit
fe.4. • : • ,
G ItXlN2—The ..receipts of Whrat..keeP mode
• rate and pr7ues arwftiMilystipported; soles this week
have hem,. pi.etty , 93 91e per bushel
foe prime and 87,. !m .y
Smithivii; Wel
75 t 0,130 for iiir.rior to rule (pithy dm Sales Nowh
ere flit yellow. _Corn fair. ,dewand at 520, mid
white do. 51,e, whim . A
MrIIISKBY—In tibia on the Delaware is selling
iii lots iit ••. . ." •
CATIIok: M Beef Cattle gere
1)5i) • Perms, Cattle, aiiiil.lso:Viirgibia;.6oo were sold
At the drove yards over, tlie,Svheylkill for the New
York Nlarketoind 40 'taken by the hoteliers over -
Selinylkill at $4 a 4 '
1' extra fi r aught $44.400 le ft
over.- Mil Cows 11fillCillv9a; sales • , SIS to 24; , extra'
$39 to 32. 300 llibo,aiiles at ss,a sold.—
. FLOUR.--The demand, for eitylls bits • beeti
'moderate throtigh'the week,.:,and' i priees steady at $4 25.. 'Holders have advatieed.thear rateS of
street ;dud bar'd:hiten,
made of $4•37k per tild,'froiii" attire. for gdod.
anti $.) 25 front the cars; 10 dealer's. ; There. %las a
*Meal 'sale of Sitstpletniondat thdalinteOf la tweek,
at:54 . .50! ,butint Prdient tlie Market: is
GltAty.—,whent 'conio - forWi m l ,in
Oonseiptened;of Prioeit haydailetnieeil and 'are
„still looking up:- mime •gooCtirlme :,Maryland;
jede at 80 to 86 centil and ,prime
would ediamaind•9o 'ld eetifs.t.'Nfaryliind
rabgei from 43'tti45i '; find Hata 22 . to 23 '.etniht;•
cording trimuilltr; :COrd'idridbetter and
'sellaat 53 to'ss`Centii:fntiitsidte 'hod. yglltix: e_
C.l't"rLl; hitißKETllleef 'Cattle.. The , of
feringe oil Monday: of
which-Sold:4oft 300, 10,13,,4 5 : 0 :. 1 4 : 23 li,er,:;loe! het
from 60.711 were lett overi and•th'e,i,emaiiider : taw
kstl• tc atiothei:rmniket. t'llOgli have deelineil;ittpoieq:
in toiler - pi eilep of ,tltizt omptily exceeding th ek ibmieed, , ,
The ritintitroll'oot la %q 4 0 0 aCcoiding .
e • • '' • • ' "
.• . •
liAtTlifORE Oct. 1, 1842.'
' •
. 0 4 1 4014,:T.
( L flo,urler yelletet
bill found agni#4;luitl;by Elie grand, jury' of tbtit
eityi for
,leaying OA State vlov ppliepkr! , ;
e ffair:ivitli Air..*e'
lata bb
was bound,iter. la the earn of $3,000, to answer
the oberge.,...
tlnAlte ult.,. 14+. Aft.,: , •!4Orol'o, • Mt':
thi43th illt, , ;bi'titei Rev. Ailr.Afitwo Wll.-
1 lA* 11/i,ltlt,Esq . ; to , ,ltlrs, ROMA SIIARP,
hhrof:NeWton tow uHItIIK Curoberlititif
drOothe nit: by Alte'lleir.
.TER. MOHLER to.Miii ANN: GR01L1A.1,166111 . 4
Iliatiktbrd towoqhip. , ' . • :r- -
irOn t h e 2Utit tilt. by 'Alm mote; Aft.. tVIIL LIAM
'BUNK- - to *ilia • , lELIZA P.tICKER,.7 , bOth-. of
, .
At Williamipoil; lb; the 101iirdt., at the residence
, of his father; ellAltel:9 -W: HKIRBURN; Esq.;
ut Harrisburg; hi the 24th'year of hii age.
Mr. 1:'. was Citt-olf,'.Conlifenly,justafterhe had en
tered upoii his profession; lo.yoinig' •,of amiable
manners' spyl 'impish% talents, and tenderly endear;
eil to a large auil'highly respectable Family.
1% Uenhio•u
Big Sprint; Adamantine Ginardtii!
1,7_00 are altered to parade on TUESDAY,"
•A. the 18th •of 'OCTOBER inst., at the house
of Major Hatiket,otuite turnpike, Ono:mile West
of Stoughstowni .cfnnplettily - ar,ined and equipped.
• ' Dy order of the Captain. - •
&SHAD:Pi:O: S. -
October 5, 184 2 .. • tp-43
'Joannais am ti "ficteporigs.
Orrtct:,Carii le,
Septernbu 29, 184.2.
nil HE Journals of the Senate and Ho - use alio
prosentativcs of Pennsylvania;. and the Re ,
ports of the State Treamirer and AuditerGeneral
for 102, have been received a• this office, and
aro ready Sur delivery to 'those entitled to r,.ccivc
them. JOHN IRWIN, Cl. to Com'ra..
October 5, 184 . 2. " -- • 3t-49
• "To school Directors.
• • eomigssioNins9 opricE,rarrisie,
- • •
i September Pi 184!2. i
THE - se' eral Boards of 'School' Director's in.
the county, are hereby notified that the
Eighth Annual Ikpb rt ... of the Superintendent of
Cointrion Schools, has been received at this office,
and will Las delivered to those entitled to , receive
them. JOHN 111 WIN, Cl. to Cotters.
Oetobers, IXI2. ,
3t 1h
. . . .
gr, - ,.LIPPINGER .5- • C.AREY, have
li..—/eeeived nn extensite apsortnienk-of CLOTHS,
CASS! Al F.llB. and S:\Tro;Un- which will be,
tiol,l a reduced prices.. ' . _ . •
Shipiwneburg, Oct. S, 18-12. -
ALL persons indebted tope Mtrite of MAR
TIN G. RUPP% who was decreed a: Rank,
rola, Jurro2o, 1' 4 42, will make'payinent to the;
undersighed Assignee'of said bankrupt, on or be.
fore the Ist day of January, 1812.
. _
•. • i'. F. 'EGE,
Assignee in Baiiiir s uptcy of Martinßupp..
011 ire "ppnsite c.atistuji,uk._
Curlisle,Pq, 5, 1811 3tn..49
!k•iN nr-I.Tard. •
F AN AWAY from the subscriber an indented
Eat .enlneed serysii - lt boy named GIEIYIIGE
SE 00 K ER. All person's arc forewarned not
to harbour ' , aid' boy or trust him on my account.
Any person taking him urand returning him to,
me. will receive the above reward—hut nutharges
will be paid. _ •
CarliAc, Oct. 5,184.. 30.49
WIIEREAS, John S. Meriow of the for
(mutt of Neweille, Cumberland • county,
Pa.' has nhtained from the Subscrihera . „ a note of
hand fluted :2-111 September, lB4‘2;for Sixty OM_
lars and tarty-five cents, payable in three 'months"
after date with intsrest, and -without
.stay, for
which he trace only
,fifty. dollars and forty-five cts.
The public arc hereby cautioned, from- the
chase of said note, as we arc determined not to
pay more than the)law requires, in such eases, un
less otherwise compelled.
Newton township..
A. L. - COYLE,
• 'Noonlle.
October .5,18,12.5t-12
ViT-heatfield. Factory
;Tuns valuable and profitable
is for relit It is ',Mimed iii• p,
county. ill 1111SineSse011111111iiit
Agin one mile from Peieriditirg :Ind the Stimmehitiont
'fir e r. IL will be rented 0111 the iiiii st reasmiable
tertns—tilt a6ieb , and foe any other information in
relation to the same apply to the Proprietors resid
ing on the 'premises.
OWEN . 1111 OWNS: C!).,
October 5; 1144: • :30-49
4;70 TICE.
PETITION for the Benefit of the Bankrupt
Laiw, has been filet! the Ist of October, 1842, by
W L.1.1A :OE Saddler; Conitierlaiid
JOSEPH. cirro,. Carp.U.ter and Cabinet
maker, Cumberland co.
Which Petition will he heard before the District
Court of the United Statt;'s for the Eat. rut Mi r k'
of Pennsylvania, sitting in Ott the Dis
teirt Court room in the cite of Philadelphia, on
I'NII)AV die -tilt eay of NOVEMBER. licit, 18.1'2,
at II o'clock -,-.A. M. whit and where all persona in.
torestr4l hinny amour abd show esurie, if any they
ll:kyr:why the prayer of the said Petition should not
granted, and the said Petitioner he deeini'ed
Clerk of the. District Court.
Phil. Oct. 1, 18.1.2. 3t-49
PETITION luta .been filed by SAATUEL
LUANG. duly vcrctied, twayiont that DANIEL P.
sCI lERBAI I X,. Alerchant i ottal Retailer of iller
chantlize, of Cumberland county, may be declared
Bankrupt: \Vlach Petitimu wig ihe ! wa rd h e inr c th e
District Conti of the United Stab s f the 'Easter,
District of PCIIIIbVIVIIIIi3I, sittiog iu Ilai.kruptcy, at
the District 0 , 110 .. 11t0nM Milne City of Philadelphia,
mt FItII)AV the 4th day of NOVI: if II Kit ttext,lB42.
at I I . o'clock, A. NI. when and where all pt rsans in
terested malappotrllllllsll' , W eause,if any they hove,'
why the. prayer of the said Petiti•ms should not be
granted, and the said Daniel I'. Scherhalin declared
Bankrupt.. •- • - •
Clerk of the District Court. •
Phila. Oct. 1,184'2. Sir
va.lva• malla -up.auala'
nnHE 'subscriber offers at private solo , the. fol
.!". lowing described Valuable Real Estate;
Situated:in; North'. Middleton township, Ouniber..
landloynty, containing . .
• _1:59 CITES.
iricire — oriCsicof - PATENTED LAND: dwelt-125
acres of which aro cleared and in a higMatato of
Cnitivation, and thaYegaluo la ciwured wi;h thriv..
lug.young The-improvement., „
TwoI3TORY - . ,
Flamone,,„; wilh!-wagon shed and C01.144:4.16; and
a fine young thriving ORCIIAED,.Iaith-leboteir*
fruit trees. Thti 'farm 14 .
east tiniber,! . and,has ' a .nuntber• neydr-fraiing
springs of, svafer dear the door.
i^ The
. i r iboic riniltroned tract: is all LIMESTONE
and-id in 'a healthy neighborhood, within
Parlhiliz•!ind one 'ntililiorn the Cum
berlarid' .17alleY, Rail • Roadadjolidir' tandW of
John' WOnderlich and Jobtr Noble, and: bordered
by tturEatildriguinet area. . •
Ai!' IndiritiatoblirtifinSivill beiitaitt4fltr terms
ri'pittylit eiabadtihet.'" 7
;.: *- ,40111/'.}lstinunik se"nr.
, • -,-.• •,•• - . --- --- 7 - " - -" - .0. - -7 --- " -- - 777
. ~ . - ~.... . ,
lialt•Y itirhieore )velt
• Uf Allei 14Y4tri **,sei;!s (Onr
jpll ilittaiited; !ssuett :out ,oi‘'-tittrt.:ourt i of„, , Veitunii
Punts tit :Ciiinherlund -, cOunty, wilt" be , AtiOtid to
imblio ; este, nt,,„the , ciiMA-ifrOtilie in the bOrOugh of.
Cm 4 liste' ow §', l 4Tl7lo)o,,Y,Alie;sth tiny Of TIOVgAi., , ,
1361; leaf ; nt:tett, , .0.:40ek;,71i.,,51,/ , tho. fol4owingder
at:gibed -Lteul.r.Ostei ; to„*lts ',. ~ ''
tat-- , .4,-Pie;el . ':or,'P.4 4 o l •':Ot,.;id, . '
s!tiiiiin,iot . Alittirtni tiSiOishijr,VgaiherlithA eriunty;'
'hounaed mild tlesiiribettiAik-fulk(AVSOite, Begiimi 'gat
'si hrapAeltonetit tht*lt.ity,,lo,4lo,Orieeo,h, , ,iir itire,t,
Ai td Ai felittel ,Eg;teti ;heirs , . ,, ProAth * !Fighq , "Pnc ' "I t ' , '
*lniir,itel,rtietitik.a Eit,' liftv n t I iPLV•III44;h4B. t 4, U S r ' iiii9ll '
°4 4 ;s ll,3li ie 6y; Iftt,d iir,'Nlielinei ,ekib,'s 'heirs, 'ortli:
.ts4nit,Y=eigl4, dekrizetaW,6at; fori;•-sis: iiiirelt s te:u
stone,,thetten'hy li4ayiif Elie heirs of Martin Brandt,
'South eighty,- . six degrees Wept, thirty-four perches
to'sunt`es;illettibliy,lifols Oldie heirs ofJoeolt Brupk'-
er, lioinit tweit(y-stx 'ttegrees—Enst,: five, peeches , ,ind
two-teitilis;toiiitoite,oatic.Contuitting ': ,;,„! ,
,' •!„
ai • -4 • ,
~ .. ~, • „
mare or lasi, about tour tiaras citareil nod the. ban:nice
iiinberlann, lioitik iin;
',M reoa erected a oue tied a half
.biory stone tii . oust ouid a frame weatherboard
.eil ,table. Seized tool t,then in reseetui'on its the pre
perty of. Jacob, Siniatrc.+: , ,And to toksobi by me
'',PAUL MAItTIN, §lterlif.
Pheriff's Office;:Csrlible, . - -,-.• -'. - , l,
Septeiabinr"lB, itl42.•_. S • . -, , - ti-413
_ •
.SP-CEN D I D. A S. S 0 RTIO'N I !
THlE,_euliii.riber • has ill
' esortment.of
"ii'ire,%lt a Ind t::ho ap. koceries', ,
add utliM'artieles in his liate-tiniong:whicli a lot p ,
first quality No„ fresh MACKER.EL, a.
Part In Nat" Judi - quarter lrarre .8; Mao, ItNeeliellt
/New 's 81111 Porto Rico FAVA
Own , hest
quit ity., Refined tmusliedLouf SUG.Akt; &Annul
nut 1,0 4 SU GAli., 'J:0 1 14111)4 41111 illl/21'1UP
A new lot of c LirxEsr,,, first-r*e.
An MI(141011:41 LuAny'ot ltto;and Data 'COP
FEE: •
. r Sperm and \Mile - 01 L.
Serm. mould mi l l muumuu IcANDLEs,
best' quality. . .
,Enie and Ground Aldm SALT, by the bushel
and sack. •
A supply of fresh SPICES, ground atid-um
• nun, Ahuna, Palm, Galli le tuithulter qualities of
SOAP, :Amble, lid shaving, washing,
;nise with all other 'alleles to his line, the sub
set ibex is prepared to sell 411 dm most accommoda
ting terms, cut his old stand, in - West Alai.' street.
.• r JASON W. EBY.
Carlishi, Sept. 28, 184.4.- • - -11-18
''-‘4 l 'T-i' ' CUMBERLAND COUNTY; SS- - -
• ,I:rt,. ' • ' 1
irr..A ~,A .4 771 e. Cuitintunweal Ili qf Penn
...,--,g-q.i'f:4- 1 •
„ A
.4 ,, 6N vuttea, Iu Ille Slieripj'C'unt
i'Prw * berland Coui4l.ll,'Vr,eeling:
WIIEREAS, H '.llry and U. Lease in
t.l)..e Ctairt. of C 1011
MllO 'Pleas, ll 10 W, 01' the
ieriu of 'Jitiatitry. iii the year of our Lord, one
thotimail eight littailnid and thirty-nine, before John
Iteed. Esii.,. and his Associate Judges of the saute
court, dill, by coogaleratom of tile same court recover
agaiiiit Isatte'll. Crowell um! Ittsiti . Saildel.soll, All
•iiii, istiators of Satttuel Crowell„ilee'tj., 8 ith'iloiice
to the widliw of the said 81011 to Sainifel Crowell -his
itch.; bate or your county, a certain sum of. ser'enty -
nine thilhus and - fifty -tin ee cents, lawful money of
Pciaisylvailiar,debt,.llB also 016111 0011111'S 1001 .S.Xq . ..
IWO CCIAS, 011001; to llai stud 1101117 /.1011 . C. Lease in
toe same ,c4iirt, were dike vise alljudgeq'tbrilterr
damages 8•1•teli they - suet-hied by' occasiOti, or the::
i km,t,,, k ; of:th.,t dein otle•reof flu; s.iid Ailitiiiii• tra
tors %%ills lattice ti.c., are cool Jet, as appeaesmi et ---
ei; : 4l, ke. Atilt w l O rens, Um 0.00 .11111g111i,14 to pee
ser.c the Lieu accordingto the Act of Assembly in
'Numb ease toat)e awl prmidttl, slibuld he .rei i veil, as,
iti - siiggestiftil.., us by the said 11. SC C. 1.0.150 as also
exerittion t.,r said yudgincht remains to be made, as
01. the Mial tiimioa of the said II * * 6.t C. Lease we 11.1 - ve
.nee'cii - c'il, and we being willing 'that thos . e• things
which ill 000 080)0 art. rightlyaeillt '4lllollld he
brought to due execiltion;therefore,, We COllllOOllll
30U 11101, li) good 0 Al lawr • of nioa Of yoim bailiwick,
you wake known to the•taid Aditii"istravirs With inn,
lice lac., that (her he anti-arprar lichwe our said
Judges at Carlisle, at otr
,Court cif Common rlt'as,.
there to be held the b1:10011i1 MONDAY of NOVEN 1-
- B El 2 Lest, to show . eatise, - iltuly - they - have,. 0 I iy• the
said . ' I. & C. 11..615t. INIA111 , 110( In 110Vetill'il. 51611 illil r .;.•
MoOt 1.C11%e1l 09 .il l, ll.said, ionl they ought out to hale
;•1..11 cumin :against them for their dill and damages
afiiresaid, accori:ing to the liirce, form, and l. (Ica Of
the ro.olory sf..res.lll ; if they think fit. Ail, you
hate (lien there the lianies El' those men by 0 ham
you shall to make known to them and this writ.-
1% . billets Samuel Ile phtaru, Esii at Carlisle; the
t ((Clty-sixtli day of August in the )car of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and fin ty -two.
' Fur C.O PO Satakrdon, Prodemotary,
.1011:i IM %Er. .
PAUL MARTIN, I•3lu3rilf.
Se . idesuber '2 1, 1, 1812. .9t-4-S •
, ~
c lea: king I: Calorittg
.littU' l lrooiens of all lauds.
Also, I.lrool .114eIng Stionrin cr,
8?, T. 3
p EISPECTFULLY ihe vittzeith r
E lije and Its vici4l4,. that bike stilt lkelktillel:b
Culnriug 111111 Seething
• •
!tart:iS. Cr:;,E)cs, Pineriptoc amid
Ibl'Oulcos of ail iiitials;
in all its various brandies. She maybe round at her
yesitletiee jit opposite Education
,Whyte work will be timid:rally ITCCIVI.:(i, nail execu
ted in a neat mid handsome
Corinth., Sept. :LS, 1/4'2. :11-48
First Arrival • •.
. • . OF •
.1 r. MI • Rail laoisel,.
eitat?? ISS3II
veil apletaitill'ass .istmetiref —i ' •
Wlliell .1... y are determined lo sell at the %cry lowest
Cash prices. •
September 28, 1842. , (648
- ew Goods! New Goods: .
sTucti OF
F.l Li; be VTIVTIEis GOOD .;
bright nt greaily reduced prices, nil will sell Ihetit
FOR . CASH, cheaper than ever. Persons winitink
bargains hi CLO I lIS, CASS'
'PICKINGS, VESTINGS;&e,-Iltei,Ste:, will tin well
to cull at this out stand . , East Iligh sireet, Opposite J.
%Vomit:AMß% Hctel.. ' •
- , • •
• °GILLS Y. •
dtrlisle; Sept. 28, 1842. . tf-48
1:34)(0) 121,33: Erractillpeq,
w VAT • 'riveiveil; a flew of
fill BOOTS
:to s it. WO -boa
son. Selling low for'Cubli. • • •
Serit. 28,,1842,.
U.A.T.5..4k, ..40:1‘..P5:!
A NEW supply of Soo Russia 1-lAT, just re.
• • • crisod., ••A•lurgo lot of Jr:ur, ClotO, , Veltite and
IlitoirSral CAPS; now' 'opening and for Nair, very'
. ,at the -tore of • CHAS. OGILBY.
Carlisle, Scot. 2R, IRV: , I • --: - * l'4B
•1 tet. lOgiipeist -
if: mberionil ':Vo lun teerifi •
vou . lace ordered to parade at the hnuie of , Maj.,
Hatchet; on the' turhiiilt!tt.' 9 0 Tor.Sl),AY'the
18th of OC*l'l/111 11 .. tavit.'ait ten O'clock 'pi eciaeliv.:"
Corulletgy'earifaifqf:, drill (laumini. ilCesta,) , ;''
."rgf}};U , UliN;Cbi C01:1111t...;,.4
110IIS116. iVOR
A well;finished::4*esiory.::BßlOL , HP. UB
E; in a.
OnoiOilirvit • tao*.tf- the; '090 . 140,i `atilt :not far
liven thO COiir(lliciusii otrero,ll' ;rent feion the
tst - of - Octobor oett.- ?Lai/Wk. of the editor of the
BePPSetibee7.'; - .
• 1114.1,',1riVt*A:. -
Iteca,, 4"4115:e4,..
HE sub' orjber notice' ,
THEEs „ In a b„, 9 , 1 0
- ;;Ve l i l h;elnlay 'and l'heradnyithe Sik
s c:: 11 .411 •
W rodober next, for'the'Vrts 4 l; it ol rp . :2 l l'
tip:the eitater of NA' ll l/It . Nli r t'uri ti 414,. td
,„,„t rri khowleg. eM
'Weald denerotetr,'elther ?
beibmiliPlehbleddeMr-- ;w ertl tottthet a b il °olir t A hl s49)te cd r e
book acoount ,. a 7 , 1 ,11 : - .44-thoerk,) clflitge
Paivll-1° enlh ntleated for`settlereenb
will preterit them ' - 4 .? 77 Icon itosire,R;r.
Adtutobrlt% 9f addin"illet4'
September 2l#
A Iv e Col ,for . Salle
)1"'• sub,s,rtber,tAss !g ai,ee'pf Henry lieeser,
at rikiblio aide, pa the pragniiiea, on' sA.T u It.
DAY;' , the 'lsth - iLay: . .of 011E1i,',1842, at 2. at:
. ,
:Containing ONEooPE•igionte tfi4 ,
gage of Ktngstuwu , Si ser: :Corn:
berinnd county, bounded' bt:latids'orThointia Lou
dolt, PuterCUissihger'irid'otlfer'it' , liiirhig - Iltereon
everted good rvvp „wrolty ,E11:04.0 , • .
/ 41 I i;
SiiihierainVothtr . outr4niiidingi:l'
Persons - view thdpropertY, prior to Ili&
day of sale, will please Call on'llenrY, Itethier, who
.resides ou thO premises. Terms 'will be made known
on'the. day of sale, by •
•, • • i•i•' • , "3"1:10:11AS'. D. URIC, •••
• Asisenea of lipyißedirer.
- §eptembec 28,1842: • • . is-48•
a 0 44/12d. , ,7(0 1 3:611111:11Q
HE subscriber will dispose of
of firstrate PATLorrEil
in Dickinson township, Cumberbettil county, about 5
liteimmt_alio.ween thejuisqiikd and
'Ant 130n,,n, --• • •• •
Wiloot Bottom roods. Said Form is one dihe best
imprctved'iii the county, said contains',
.12. w ACRES;
about Olt AeresthereOf are cleared, f under excellent
relate.) HO the residue Itetteilytimifered. - The int
prove !wads are N 1 W rWO STORY .
B RIG 11 0 11S E 163,
n Stone Bank rs , wii, Wagon Shed and Cfnftt ri IS,
and other necessary out-buildings: There is a we II
of never.litiling water 'the house. There are
Two ORCHARDS of first rate grafted fruit
on the. Farm, •
"'Thu property is well wn•tli `die attention of capi
balsas, mail 14 In all respects a superilr farm.
dnj• further alricription is unnecessary, inasmuch
as purchasers will be ilibposed to call and jil'alge fur
etnselves. '
'the terms will be made easy, and a clear and ia
sputable title will be given. Apply to
September ttl, 184'2. s
Town Property
uNDF,It the, triwer vested iii mem,
. pose, ofter. at public sale,.ott SAT tii6 ,
it the Nth of ourollEle next, at Ili o'clock A,
NI:, tit the Cowl Mame in the gavot%lt of Carlisle,
the folltiiving pi dpertV;_aittote hi said liefNottglioiv
I, 1140 . 1' . 0 GSttY II I), •
hit 11:111• ot. the booth sith..of Pomfret htrea, adjoining.
:t lot of Charles F.keger ost the lye:A, Chvel A Hey
on the §:toil% atIO-other ornpet ty of the heirs on the
enst, coot:to:log about GO ft front and :30 back, i
ll:tire:Ha erected t,“ o r srurtli BUILDINGS Ruda ‘iell
of water.:_
. ,
1, 'lke three tgo story • • .
and the GROUND attached, beiallnut. CO feet
frold tu,encloNcru,e niid '2101Ci.4 - iliiil)Tifitjoinihg the
ab.oye property on, the west, on,r.tho tot (occupied by
Barney Carick)) on the cast. • Thesb‘properties
he-effered eithbr entire or separately as may 'best,
suit purchasers.
3, Tate noose k Lot 61 - Ground
Sjitfale Oil the corner or Pokorrei
a ith a well Of watvr in-the yard, adjnialu4 the last
mentioned brick house oil the west,euntaining about
Go feet in front by '.240 feet deep.
All other particulars v.all'be -flank_ known on day
of'sale. - JASON W. EBY,
Tru.siec of linilgut Came) 'l3 1112 IN, •
Septembei"2l, 102.
SElCltgEo'Vb'. &tiit .
w Ens of Ventlit Exponas
RY virtuesuodry
to toe directed, issued out of the Court of Coal
cotioty, w ill be exposed
to public sale at the Court nous,• in the Borough or
•Carlisle,.no sATuttimY the sth day of NOVE.INI-
IiEIf., A.l) , 184:2, at 10 o'clock, A. Ai.i . the
tlencribed [teal gstatt.Tto wit:
'1',9,?.1 1 CT OF .14.1.17)
situate in New too townAltip, Clunberland county,
coutstining 40
: acres more or less, bounded by bolas
of John AVillianis;.lolto Wagner, L. 11. litualelland
others. having thereon erected
Log 114,mose dud Log Barn.
Seized:lllli taken in exerntion as the properly of.lef
ferson Hales, with native to Joseph North and An
drew French, terre tenants.
Als(), it; LOt of Groulnid
sita;~tc its the borough of \e‘% villa-, loitilided on the
North by it public road leadiiig to the Roil Road
Depot, on the- West by n lot of John Davidson, on
the :ioutli by Paxtoirand hsdbrssith, oil the East by
aiiiiiher lot of Joseph Otto, being Co feet in (*vont,
:old SO feet in depth, be the same more or less.
fgo, A Log of:VG:mend •
sitna6• in the borough of Newville, containing 42
feet 8 inches hi breadth, awl '220 feet in depthoitore
or less, hounded by at lot of John Bricker oat the
East, by at :tti list alley on the Smith. by another. lot
of .lonepli Otto on the Wrest, lay Rail Itoatl *Area an
the North, littriog thereon ereiateal at two stdry
lit • • ka, El. 0
told frame back building.'.
No, i Loft of Groond
in the borough of New ille, containing. 42 feet 8
ii.cht 8 in breadth and 220 feet .11 depth, more or less,
hounded 'no the North by Hail RAO street, on the
NS:est by I lezekial. - Roads, on the South by a 20 feet
Alley and on .the East by the above described lot,
having thereon erected a frame Shop one story highi
Seized and taken in execution US the property of
Joseph Otto. And to be HUM by me
PAUL, Ni AUTIN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Sept. 21, 842. ts 47
Varnable Li in coqione Farm
1 N pursuance of an order of the Orithatis' Court of
Cumberland Cotitity;Pii. will be mold nt piddle
bale, on the ;mend ses. oil SAI'UItDAY the thail i day
of OCTOBER islEXT;nt lo o'c'dick' A.M., the loc.
lowing described 'valtaible•
FAUN' . ct. Titi V El , l litlV, 1101 Ts IE,
Irate the tiroperty of PETER DUCK, deceased—l, tz:
bA... ...• \ -. lr.nal.C.(L 'CELT` 5-, .... - W.. I 2DtM
sithitle pal* in Webt l'emisboro' and portly iii Dick
'lllsoll townships, bdUlltielt iIV I:111119 of James :t1) evil,
WIII.,McCune, John Sinvel)'s heirs .Ins PliWr Mid
idlers, Colltilillilg 171 acres & 1445 ',grebes,'
neat nom so t.e—tarimohet cue twit:Jed a large 2- 0 ory
piestered • , ..- • •
H., 0. 112 -S . E. ' (.?:.. -.
, :;.. ° : c
a lor , ie s'ilinc..a.tiil frame'BANK ,
.__ _ II -
B.A It N,'wtigint shed, coin erih,straw !muse Haiti ,Pli
igii, 5 a Waite louse, smoke house and a ash house; a
good eistero and well of tiesev-hilling water near the
door; visit, 'a. large STABLE tor , horses, separate'
frobt the barn. There's on.saidliirra an tipple Drub
aril Awl peach orchard, with a Vattety of other fruit
trees, and a eitler . press. - . - ..
The land is L i mestone, of the. best: quality, in a 1
high state Of ealtivatioli o und alio - 1113S tieres'of timber
land theeeint. 'The titriapilee road front Philadelphia,
to Pittsburg passes tiusßugi raid throt, on which the
i'mkOtiontents arolilmate.,Jhe'dilinto, property . lb
"ltOT.ttail'ildi•brea, ( ip* number of . Years • oticuplo. l
Its a . Tasierit" Stan t., And us a Farm a n d Tavern .
'louse; le one of the best inilit'oved anitmoat tato:dile.
iteNitirtieariii'Citiulierilind CobutY:„ 'tiles
.mtleirWest-cifettelii t - ttittl.the• some distancei:tot' of
ShitTensbnig, ond i of , a - mile
,l'otti the he:itl.of the
.Big-.Sprin4 . : .. - , „ :r.,-.. d;' :' , :::: 4 Y.: ,. ...•:' - , a . . ...
The Terms . of Sale .'avo . 41i4 (00* ' One hundred
dolltirs on the °guff rmation , ot tho Onle:by. the ~C00rt,.,,
the, residue of one hue Ile paid roil thirtiti of :lAtitil:
tiest . ; • W heti' posseibinit'elit he ileki‘'SlO#lleetl:maile;
to the inirehnser; Mel the'reniamihithtilffolitilialillo:
ihree - t*ijilltraittill'ilittraitits'lli ' ler';WitlitieoOte;,
I ' 6 4.1 ";1° 11-0 : :ikllilli'e l l bs . .ithtf i rn ' - '', 0 .4 4 00. ,, 1,
, i per it
--L A nylicrinit Lnliiiiiii; ' vielk iTie'-'.. liciye'3),rokirt j'
can eon on Rlti„itir 11.AciOireadhlithir i ' -" '
erltif the utideesiga,O, • ', - "'.:,..''''''-':'
'' Shinitil the tiboraiiethOanitlittlitiit
it will then lie' ented foi. the :,tii*:ok
• 1 . ~ . 4 '. '... ••r '' " JACOB ' MYERS Wet
i l l:.''''.. ::' ~ '....105E PH . Npipliiim a
~,,- .k . ddlcf,:av:o4#,
';,.. ago4ini,i6i , - , 1 RO: .' ,. .":k.?„ ., ,;0''.:• - -
Esate'Ot 'eras. Ile,
d nom atitatic ,
' tesounentorpoo tho , ott
j.t , !ES , ' NPfAULA4 I !itO:4 I 44O I 4.
,ICumbetll64:LCldiihty,“..densesikvV - ,tstHlN
PaYMti q
tattoo l*V 4:3 4 t
übdoo ,
presont •
theto• JA,QoB LptvporlyAu f tfientitred fc
AllOti 4,414*:..•
PALI:lb . .' WINTER . 'GOODg .
rklat., 4 ' subscriber is just receiving a fresh supply tir
GoOtls,,,atitong,which may be tbund •
• Bciatei• Cloths
and yaridusAve,BeCkuichAlis.: A great variety oy
and other seasonable gOotls for men's wear..
, I so, ti:general assoornetit of Afer,',4:andiie for the
Ladies, to 'which lat, resiteetiltliv eel is their attention.
Caliantisee aStinint as in t ssihiectts the entire stock
will bc'eold very clatipjar cash.' •
- • GEO:= N'tr, - HITNER.
Cterlisle, Sept. gt, 102. 5147
• . .
U3l.llElt'cititverk de tic ript4in st:sniNGLEs.
toi italcrchegl,-by
••• • J. & P. MARTIN,'
• . ; • Sucbessorti to. Miller & Martina,
Harrisburg„ April 20. 1542.
To 'the' Heiii;t2iid legal Repipseniativq.
of John Tanger,
TAKE,NoTte E. - ' •
rp H A T b;i , virtue of- a Paititiot)
-111- . or 'whaiation to nit, directed, issued out of. the
'Orphans' Lauri of. Cumberland County, I will hold
on Inivisktion as • by said writ directed on Monthly
tbetthli day of October, 184.2, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
on thU iMemises, when and where all interested 11111 Y
,attend, it they think•prnper:
Car11)06,8(.0. 1401;18-V2.5
,Ti the Heira • on - d legal: Rep, esentatives .
ottlitirguretaeceased, late
. Margaret (rocket and (laughter •of
George Ci'belcet.
/1111 II Al' Gy virtue of a writ a Partition
A. or entaation to me directed, b:stiectont of _the
Orphans' Court of Cumberland Couwy, I' will hold
all tl quisition SIS ',by said Mrit directed i tin WED..
NESDAY '2 l ltiii day of September, A. R. 1842,
at 10 o'4;lock A. M. on the. premises, Whell and
herd all imerestcdonay attendlf they think pro-
PAU!. MARTIN; Sherif':
Sheriff's Office,
Carlisle,, Sept. 14th,, 18-12.•
nrtnE subscriber will sell at Public alle,.o'n
FRIDAY the 21st of-OCTOBER next, at
12 o'clock,
it.ayamacktuaal La' aiymi s
Situate iu West Penneboro' township, Cumber- .
land County; 'on Mount Rook Spring, one mile
11 ono Mount Rook, ['minded by lands of Samuil
and Robti t & irs of VVin. Davidson.
Strict measure. The improvements are a
with a well of good - water near the •
hou,r; an apple ORC ILI RD of graficd fruit, a.
BUNK BA RN, Corn Crib end Wave. Shed; also
a good Ir.sni .N'ir HOUSE Ft SIIHTI4 '
NERO P, and Stable, 'with a good Lot and Gar.
dtn. Tim, property w i ll be Fold beparate or to.
gain r, ay it may suit verglinst ca.
Attendance will be Unica and terms made
known by the Stibsclibtr ,
&Member. 14, 184.2
Y virtue or an order of the Orphans Court
o. of Cuniberlabd. County, will be sold on the
lu:L•uiises; on .A'I`URPAY the tith day'of OCTO
BEII next, at 1:1: o'clock, noon; of 'said day, the fol
Valuable Real LWale,
Late the- proi)err,r - i)r 34c.P8 HARNISIt•of
South' Middleton township, deeeasod, to wit:
A Tract aotttaining Thirty-Tiro Acres of
V.:2=2l'2OMM 2i.b..111.%
Situate in Cumberland Cetinty, on the road lead.
lug from-Carlisle to Hanover, about fivo miles
from the fernier place, adjoining lands of Thomas
and James Ilehaffey, Frederick Hoover and the
Y i Bow Breeches Creek. Having thereon erect
ed, a FOUR STORY - .
, „ 4.,.. .... : 17. , :;: ii._.
sT:‘,.4 l :. ` , 2`CZilaaMr-f-l'a 41 i g ''''
AND " . ' z", ft I h‘q
Three DWELLING HOUSES,first is a two story
LOG Horrav, •
yragg,on maker Shop and new• BARN, second is
a one story LOG HOUSE, nod stable, a Log
Houw, Strati) Shop and Stable, a thriving young
ORCHAR D of choice fruit trees.
The Mill is in complete order, containing four
r mi . of Stories, two pair of burrs for flour, ono pair
el burrs for' chopping, and,olic pair of sand, hay.
ing elevators, smut machine and every other ma
terial used in mills; all nearly new and in first
rate order and quality. The whole Mill 'Machin
ery has been put up new within the last ye:ir.
The Mill is driven by ... the yellow Breeches
creek, a never failing stream of w•utcr, located in
the heart Oa grain growing eountryoffortling au
extensive'countrY custom. ' And having 'excel.:
lent facilities for conveying merchant work: to
market by the CuMberland Valley rail road.
• Terms of sale will beinadc known en the day
ofsule, by
Executor ofiticub Ilarniolt„ deo'd.
August 17, 18.12. t5..1`.1
nN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Cumberland County,Pa. will besot(' at •
public mle.mi the premises, on Saturday the 15:4'
day of I, et.,rwr nest 'at.lo o'clock A. :11. of said day-,
the following described Heal Estate. late the proper
ty of ELIZA U rni-VERn wigs, deceased—to wr:
TiTaCT 14,1411),
in West Pennsboro' township; Cumberland county,
on the turnpike road from Harrisburg to Pittsburg,
abOut. 6 miles west of Carlisle, bounded by lands'a
Jos'eph ititnet‘, Hsi'. and the heirs ofdohn Sharp, de
ceased, containing about: 'INFT y ONE A . ...
etttS rind allowance, with a two-stogylo4
I L I . 00 'i VI 7 1 ' ; ‘ 14 . 11
I V .."..;•!'
6013,11 LE Li.),G BARN; and
GRANARY th6reon The laud, is- Lime
gtotie, - Of the best qoulity:.nbciut fire acres of Tim
ber laud thereon, a, well of water near the dwelling,
and .10 oreharil :kid other choke fruit trees
near the house, • . . .
The Terms of Sale are: The expenses of sale to
be paid by the purchaser on ciit,firrnation atilt , wsl
by the CouriOnw half of the residue of the purchase
money to,be paid on the kit of April next, when pos-,0,,
session will be given and n':letultuade to the:pi:Mtn
ser; awl•the balance in twO'equnl annual payments' ,
thereafter whole to be, secured—
_by .reeogniattnintin.the.Peplisins''Cotirt Witkapprov.....
Atltnir. of Elianbttli Ferousßlsi'dee'd.
Septapaber . 7 i 184,13;;:, ; • 4f-4•5
, amt. zISTATO 'tk COAL 011 ::"P •
WIEWZMAVOCRAW 40503g4,7r0 .
me.. 4 . 4 , 5 ,. Exchanc, PAIIFAIvh*
ti.p 6:.S' '0 6" - M a
t.. a. ts-4 6
S•q - ai - P
Val Viable _Beat Estate.
• ST PUBLIC 5. , 4 LE.