Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 05, 1842, Image 2

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AROITSF. -: 710.5
:. riteli .0.x.x . 1i.x0 . ' Collaina.L*l.l,
' l , Strike • for year o'llars end year Fires 11l
FREEMEN,. OF CUSY.BEILVAND COTINTY ! • By the time this paper reaches the
rnajority . it you, the second Tuesday of October,,the day ofElectienArill:
pave=arriVed.. Orithat . day you will be Balled
.to the Performancfief what is
.no less a sacred duty under the laws of our Commonwealth, than it , is the
highest, the.noblest;:the dearest privilege of freemen—the right-of 'suffrage.
We have laboured during several weeks past, to present to you faithfullyand
truly theiinportant,interests-wliich . the Contest or next Tuesday inVolyes to
yourselVes and the: Commonwealth::, ,Fully forewarned; we trust You 'are
also fully Prepared, and now ask you to strike kir the'srhety of your princi- .
pies. The.time of deliberation is passed—the hour for ACT-lON has arrivL
ed. AroUse`then fit your majesty and might! Fall in with the army of
yotir friends in every part of the State, who are battling for your sacred
Principles, andpush"on the coin= to ,VICTORY AND TRIUMPH over
the enemies of -Retrenchment and Reform and good Government!.
Let none remain yotir neighbour is infirm with age, assist the
gray-haired patriot to the polls—if he is - unwell, procure him a - conveyance
-if he is in health, appeal to himly all that may move to the performance
of duty—by every fed* Of patriotism-that he.has in his heart—by every
, .
sense t has of his riglits as 't Citizen—by all of mitniincss that May
animate his n lure, and >as he values the heritage of Freedom left to us by
• our fathers-Lnot to neglect this' most important of his duties, but GO TO
— THE POLLS on Tuesday next,'and lend his aid in redeeming PennSylvama
from snisrule, praigacy and corruption. ." .
- We ask . you not to take arms - for a deadly battle:strife—n(3r to ,any field
of sanguinary conflict. We ask you' to act hi a peaceful &colulidn, effect
ing by the simplest means the 'mightiest endSproth4ing by the quiet effort
of the ballot, results . as great. as those which have kept the sword bathed
'for years in=blood.' We ask You to THE • yoLts, to display your 'power 1
. *
______ .
_. _ . "There is a . wpapon firmer set, .....
. '
_And better, than the bayonet; -7 -
A warfare that conies doWn ; as Still • , -
.. , .As snow flakes - tipon . the sod, . ' , —• •
But •exectiteS a freeman's -will . •
• ... - As li4itriing does the will of God; "..• " •
::,.• :
• . .. And from its force - no bars nor locks . .
, .
..::Can shield them—'tis the BALLOT-Box VI
RALLY TO TITE BALLOT BOX, Voters, on Tuesday next ! Give
that day solely to your Conary !" Push on the 'column to - the Polls !: Vote
the Whig. TieItetTHE_IVHOI,E WHIG . TICKET—and a glorious and
muniphant VICTORY will crown your exertions !
• F.E;LLOW - CITIZENS: Ai the Whig 'County 'Convention held• in Angus
last, through delegates selected from the body of the people . we were 'mini
nated-mail..llaced'before you as candidates fOr the State Legislature. Al
though unsolicited on our parts, yet having been settled, we have detertnin
ed to rest the matter with you whether the selections made shall be confirm
ed_at the ballot-boxes.
The Convention which nominated us adapted and published a creed .em
bracing the principles and measures to be carried out and ndvocitted` by
• the opponents of 3iISIUTLE rind TX3cA.TroN in Cmpberland County—all of
Which were published• with the proceedings of the Convention, and have our
hearty approbation. • • ,
. But to leave nothing in the dark, and to take frotri our opponents the op
, portunity of saying we "avowed no principles for the'public eye," we here
DECLARE, that, seeing nothing but Debt, Embarrassment and Increased
Taxation before us—and knowing all to be the result of bad jegislation and
the mosereckless extraVagance in every departtnent of the . Government and
on the• Public Works,—should you see proper to elect us to the Legislature,
we will, so .far as in our Powei, most strenuously advocate and vote for the
following measures of Reform—to. wit:
Ist. TO limit the Sessions of-the-Legislature to 90 days at most, by pay
- Ingthe pet diem allowatice.only during that time, or by giving an annual
salary, not more than equivalent to the daily pay during that time.
2d. To pass a law requiring the Clerk of each House to note upon the
• journal, everyday, the names of all absent members, and to disallow the
pay. of such absentees in every case, except in that of sickness and inability
to -attend. --And also wholly to abolish the practice of paying niernbers dur
ing holyday adjournments, and. other. recesses of the Legislature. , •
Sd. - To - pass - a law defining the etnitingent - OkpensesTtit, the legislature, and
all other departments of the government, and confining the same to Station
ary, Fuel, Furniture of the Halls, and to Postage on letters and documents
sent to memberS during the session.
4th. 'To repeal-the law whicirftthorizes each House to draw for all their
expenses through their respective speakers, and to pass a law requiring all
accounts of each House, and every'depariment of the, government • to be
settled by.the Auditor General and State Treasurer; as in case of other ex
penditures of the public money. • . , •
sth. To pass a law
,consolidating the ,offices of Stirveyor General and
Secretary of the Land Office, so - that one head,and half the munherof elerks,
will_perform the duties of these'departments.
6th. •To pass a laW . 'giving Out all the ptiblic Printing, of- the Common
wealth for 4 tcrin'of 'three` years at a time to the lowest bidder; with ample
security_ for faithful performance, to'be approved by the governor. , .
. 7th. TO dispose of, for State State Stock, in payment.of the State debt, or
for completion, all the branches of the Palm. Works to companies, under
such proper restrictions and reservations as will effectually guard and pro
tect, all the interests of the,Cornmonwealth and thoseiif
• B,th. To dispose of in a shnilar.manner, and. for State Stock, the Main
Linefrom Pittsburg to-Philadelphia; Unless the legislature shall have clear
•and undoubted evidence that under the future manageMent 'thereof the'
commonwealth will derive' some reasonable amount of .revenue beyond the
expenses of repairs.and management. —•
9th. To repeal the Act of the 19th of July, 1839, which' increased • the.
salariea;ofthe .judges,by adding to . soma - $400,. ; . to , Others
ssoo per annum. '1 tie constitution the salaries ,of- jOdges : cannot be di
minished below the sum fixed by law at the date Of their commissions; but
as .fb* . vomerkiesibes have been issued . sirieQtfie:paSsage of this act - 'liqge .
`.stun-can b'e saved by~withdrawing-this - addition-
theilidgetl ;%iilinse!cominia§ione.bettr date 'beibt*lt - a: , passage;' and , fiom all
J,lieteaftei.;' appointed. •,; .„- ~,•, ,
Oth., / to,,yepeal all laws:nialcing . tiOless!and'areees,sary appropriations to.
ne value. to the ; P.eople,or, th*Qotittininwealth. •
( 41Htik4T.,o . .F . eio01 . the infattious,6ot Tai
4d'bt the late' '• '
„•- 4 - ' , •2 , , • , • • , '
quer' to hilt* about a,:
! , State',:a4d e as e :th people • of,
• •
thenitta : ,*oll,:ap . to, leaser* the
4110,0 1 1400 ; outt,kineiples; and
r-tp _clothe ms with
'Ol, ands-=pledging' ourseltres,
'Oeoufettini'veri).ue tbe.4llsnei ,
avi o ns ,z e ,„
-04411 . 6';''.4i , ::5 7 4tP0tti , 010,4
lirettinesdiiy, Octobei^ 0, 1842.
• ' - FOR PRESIDkiNT. •
SUbject to the ,decision of a National Convention
- Jame . s - Keane tlyj - Newville; --,
Gporge .Monroe:
.nolfrerit !mink, Frankfoid.
neichoir Brenneman:
Hobert "C.liilgore, Newton
Thos. EL' Criswell / Arppepsburg.
Jacob Bi;elz. Cnrlisle. •
Robert•Wilsoai, nech4nicsbileg,
To maylale. 16trOni.
The . stillseilhers'sl3ooks min be found
at the Herald office. ollaring contrnefediCfew debts
In Carlisle lie would feel obliged if thrisoitiiiebted to
him would call AS early asconveltieriruld enable Ititn
to "square accounts" with his creditors.
Oct. 5. 71. N. 11111)DLETON.
• ,11-We make to.dny-our lard appeal to the voters
of Cumberland before the •Election. We shall
not issue again • until after that event;, vlien, if
the 'spirit of the "same old coon" which, carried
the county, - triumphantly for the lamciited and
good old-patriot, litittitsiot, in 1810, - still exists
among the enlightened voters - of thiS•courdy, we
shall-have the proud satiolhction of trumpeting :a
- victonv - ,7aritt - prothliming to thir --- siMer countleg
that "old mother Cumberland" has promptly res
ponded-to their call to save
,from further misrule
our noble and beloved, but mis.governedTenn.
sylvania! Odr • frlends—vilio have-the power' tu
avert it--:witl take care that vie come not out."in
sackcloth anitashes!"
'tickets! Tickets!
ej-The Whig Tickets for the county are ready
for- delivery and can be had at our office. _They
arc. life "tight stripe,"zand we shotild like to see
pout thiee Oousand of them voted!
col%.l.r..,l3rindic our Candidate. for Assembly
has a.corrimuniOatioit in another column, to which
wo direct attention.
LETTER FROSf GEN. SCOTT.-A letter from this
distinguished gcntleinan,written to friend in Ohio,.
will be found in to-day's paper, to which wu refer
our readers.
r Nu Congressional candidate is running in
this district, unkiss the Locos have one under cover let out one Election 'day. By the way, the
I People should recollect the important fact at the
Pulls, that the extra session of the Legislature
last summer, which swalMwed up just about $.50,.
000 : Of their Taxes, 'was Called exclusively to form
a Congressional apportionMent bill, and that it
performed this duty, but that our enlightened and
econdmiral Governor has given the bill the
pocket Veto because it was not shaped so as to give
his nephew, A. Porter Wilson, a district in which
he could be elected!
LARGE PROM/CrIoNS—IIERE ANC T 6 cons: l 7:4r
Michael FishburMfrom the "Middlesex Fan o" in
this neighborhood, showed us. on Monday, an
enormous Sweet Potatc., raised by him, which is.
eleven inches iu length, five inches thick and
weighs three and a half pounds! It is a regular'
anti-tax production, Mr.. F. informs us, although
it must certainly have taxed the richness of the
soil considerably for its immense proportions.—
Like locofirceismit was most likely professing one
thing and practisiiik' the opposlief
Next week we expect to publish the dimensionS
of another anti-tax production, for the especial
del igh tor our lace feco_frietrds, in. the. way • ef-a -
big beet!
Great Speech.
The long looked for speech, was delivered ac
cording to appointment in Fanelli' Hall, Boston,
on Friday afternoon last. It is of course a great
speech of a great man, but it will very much dis
appoint the majority of Whigs who read it. Mr.
Webster avows himself still a Wlng—"a Massa.
: Whig"—he praises the Whigs fur the
passage . of the Tariff Law,' one good effect of
which is that it destroys the "Compromise" prin
ciple of 183.2—1ie next censures the Whigs for
neglecting the Currency, and avows'himself in
favor of the E.icheque'r plan,uf President Tyler,
which he says ought to ho passed—the man who
now advocates a National, Bank, pursues in his
opinion,:an • obsolete idea. Mr. Webster next
speaks of the Veto power, against the indis
criminate use of 'which none, he says, has spoken
and written more than he, - and in the exercise of
which .in every • case 'by Mr. Tyler ho advised
against. , .Mr. Webster thinks there aro still other
important matters to be settled with Englund,
and intimates pretty clearly that he intends to Stay
in;the Cabinet to . arrange 'them. ,
Wo shall 'endeavor iii our next to ,give copious
extracts froth thisthost interesting speech of Mr.
'Webster, possessing. Emit does .deep interest for
evcry o.n.caithugh,thezeadermay...thot—acquiesee,
in all its opinions.,
• It will be seen by ieference to our Matrimonial
department, that . 'Our late Representative, Wu.-
' 4104 BAa a, ja i " a
fled at tho fact. ,We presume it became evident.
to Mr. Barr, (getting sharp about this time,j
is to iWery ono else, that h is political aspirations
' were about to disappointed, and he thetefore
in the true spirit orphilosokihy, as he needs must .
spend the winter at home, set immediately ahout
proeuring; hinisolf a suitable companion, without
whose iittrast iv,6'oo` ciety " and :trusting; affection,
htiiiiiraiAild , "b'e Cosiluid pleatitiht. : Me'has
shown litinielf infinitely more sensible and stiga. ,
OiSittpin thus donfilini hinieelf this' winter;thait
,he did the lastAn Wecor-•
clially, a wl~h !hg happy pair a longlife, of ' 49 1 '4'14 1 e
enjoyment, with its calmness apd 'sunshine mar 7,
red' by OtifOW cares and shadows as could 'fall to
tke lot of the most fOrtlitiatif." '
T4e - LatitT.ippe a 1 !
A Benedict !
Addtresi trod' 111hesere. do
7. •
The , address in te-dayis the
Ceildiicates for the LegislatOreotirthe.iN big
ticket, Meaers:k.ENNEDY and BRINDLE, to
theveople of Cumberland county, deserveri
the acrioue, attention of iiiterk'iOter: It
will be Seen, . that lionesily'and sineerely
de voted. to the cause of Reform, o,or , earl
didatel hOldlY feriessly,, avow ihdie
priniiiplea.andstate specified and
the . variotisinCasuree their are . - in'faviir Of,
and will 'rimy eupperttif they'are elected.
This 'address should'be read by every vci
ter in the county.' Let the'Work of Reforiii
be commenced in • dill:manner and faithfully
carried, out, -and our Commonwealth will
soon be relieved eroin her embarrassments,
and the people'no longer , groan under OP
We ask particular attention to the ad
dress, 'it mill speak for itself.
Let no good
.Anti 'ax Whig be kept
fnith the Election On that' ecentint , .. Better
by far endure that.. for "oiteL , day,
,than the
reign of this hien fticit: Taxation- govern
ertintent ler:years ! .
"Let no_Anti_T ax_Widg_he..abseni-from
the ElectiotLon Tuesda . y, thinking that Ids
single 'vote will make no difference: Geo.
Darsie, member of ihe Senate. was
elected last year by:a•majority °Pool!' one
Dole! Mamie Morton was elected Gov
ernor of Masßachusetti, two years ago, by
a majority of wily one vole! . Recollect
that on one vote.may hang.•the faie of our
ticket in this county. Let every man vole,
and vote the Thole Ticket!
Vote the .`Whole 'Picket!
We hope - that no 'time - Whig, - Wile is
sincerely attached to, ant values the pros
perity of hi; Pitrty, will'on any account,
"scratch!' or otnit any of the candidates on
our ticket, either for the Legislature or
Oimuty. dffices.- —They are,-We know, Men
of intelligence, capability, integrity and
business character,' all the Onalifications
that are necessarYto
of their trusti,and-shoull therefore be firm
ly suliported by every_ Whig voter. : It
woidd be strongly reprehensible .fn
Whig who shonld , at this juncture strike
ofr the naMe•Of any candidate on . :our tick
et, and vote for an Opponent. They re
ceived our pledge of adherence in the
Conuty Con vention, and their n 011 . 1 In a tions
should therefore be abided by and fai:hfully
supported at the Election with . our whole
and undivided :party - strength. _Vote the
fiehel--TIIE WHOLE TictZET--A. N D
SOLDIER.—McaIIs. J. &A. hi,
Diller haws issued proposals 'for publishing in
Philadelphian weekly newspaper, under this title,
ddrotcd to military matters. number of dis
tiiiguislied military gentlemen will
_contribute to
its pages. Terms st! dollars per anntmi. The
first number. will 'appear in Novemb'er, if
tient encouragement is previously oared.
- lllr. Webster, thinks it-would be very im.
politic in the Whigs, as Mr. T) ler has thr..e years
of his term yi:t in.expired, to have "a full and
nal reparation between him and the Whigr." It
is the praudetit rdleetion with the IVhigs that in
the lust nine 1110111//b, they have iullutti cd the die.
Lutes 01 right, lee:reit:se of policy.
My. Silas Moore, an extensive mail contractor
ditAl on 1• rivay last in Hollidaysburg. •
Webster's speech viewed in whatever
light it may be is unclutiutedly a
. poweriul covert
attack Nam Mr. Clay.
Joseph Bailey, loco foco candidate • for
the Senate in the Montgomery, Delaware and
Clidster district, gives a public pledge of adher
ence to Coy. Porter!
The 'Guillotine at Work!
" Cf The Madisonian promisee an early removal
now that Congress is out of the way, of all office
holders-whose political of tlities are riot agreeable
to iic President. ..Many friends of the Aden inie
tration," says the official paper, "have manifested
much impatience - at the delay," which, it adds, "is
now nearly terminated." It. is further suggested
that "NEW APPLICtNTS should have thCir friends
on the spot—to be represented by those whom
both they and the appointing Power can rely on!'
.The, Newark Roily Advertiser says, this bold,
scini-offiaal notice by the organ of the 'Adminis
tration to the office seekers, to send in proposals,
exceeds anything that has yet occurred in the his
tory of official bribery! •
IltitstaA firm Policy.—The whig deJgation of
the county of Philadelphia,limi resolved not to set
tle a ticket for members of the Legislature and
county officers. The temporizing course of the
Whigs in the county for some years past / has in.
creased the loco fodo majority to such an amount
that they are at last compelled to hack out Of the
fight altogether. Such consequences .always fol
low such a eou'rse. The loco feces are running
two tickets in the county—the Regular and the
!!L~durruptihle ." ,' • _ .
•• • rrgan England.
The 'iteanici laritisli Queen Orrivoil atN Ynik,
on Thursday hst, with.sii days 4ter intelligence
from England. The intelligence is .not •of great
~ iie — Eliglish --- papers — are-congratulating--the
country upon the amicable arrangement of the
difficulticswith the' Vnited States. The strike
a'niotig . the Oolliers hits elnad, 'and Jim' workmen
have„rettimed to their duties, the pro Posed rediie.
tion . in 'prices', having leen • ahandonpd, The
Manchester workinen, , both aidtiners and weal&
,orsAro at work at the,old prices; while tliesotith z
War,cl,and eastward-:.-espaaialfy at Ashten; 844.
bridge, 9,lo!sep. Hyde and Rtocitport 7 .4ll are still
at tistand, and ; without any reasonableProNiect'
of et:spied . * rodunptiois &f employinent. In Man..:
9110s,ter the spinners 'aro all, of nearlyoll at work,
while t.ho Vv,evprs are generally:ldl4+ .'Altogether.
the number of polar looms new. standing is sup
posed to be nearly 60,000. -
'Tita Queedprithe'Bth 'lift tlie Royal palace at
Scone, acccitnpamed lik his'Regtilllighness prince
AlbPrLtm a visit to.o4Sit nd. ~. ~f, , : -, . . 1 : -,
: ' , F,us 01; fkotr. the roc ,iii:
~ E eropi r...i s not • of
any inifoor nce. li, itkie rsihat the.s cret Boei.
atlas In Paris are still •ineditatingin . lino projects
agsinstthe government of S'indit'..'• ' c '. '' .- ' '
Rally to
- Tties4: next:! Give quit
flay to'YOur COunity,.'end:poll every - Whig
Anti Tax ' that ! can, b . e . Ilion& In the
ceurty. success is Certain.
withotit it we cannot hope tosecceed..Do
this and it may. secure to .yourselves.' . aed
your Childien'irthumerable blessings:•Curn-'
beilentf , eoUnty Must speak7out Alitinder
tenesiber hatred to niisrule'and *MOLE
~Vote for Kennedy and' airindle,
for the Legislature I •
- Wotild Yeti. have the TARIFF LAW,
'lately passed by the . Whig, Congress, and
which has already 'relieved, thousands of
:suffering - Laborers,-Saved-• front- the -RE--
PEAL threatened , by. - the. Loci) Foeris if
they get the power.? Vote 'then:for KEN-:
NEDY and BRINDLE, the Whig candidates.
for the LogislatUre !
Would you have, the LDISTRIBUTION: of
thafglerious'measure of the' Whigsyliault.
would : e. few years if carried ont; pay
pir entirely the-great debt of Pennsylvatibi
and relieve her people altogetlieCal TAX
ATION,—agnin renewed, and• Pennsylva
nia's share received into lien Treasuryi—
Vote then for Whig members of the Legis
lature, who will demand its passage. by . '
Congress, and" unli . ke thp last loco foco
Legislature, will 'vote to'reeeive our share!
IVould you have the Congressional.Sen 7
atorial 'and Representative "D.stricts s of the
State, fairly and justly apportionetl, 4 %at
our party may have . a voice equal to its.
popular, strength, in Concress•andthe Leg
and BRiNDLEi_whi) will see that your in
terests are well taken care •ef! . •
(ittlrl, you have the infamons bill . .of
DOUBLE TAXES; passed by:the last 10-,
co fecofoco Legislature, and 'which will be
fastened- ,upon you for years to came,
continue in. , povVer—REPEALED at
the • - coming -session? - Go to - the pHs;
then, everyla-.4)liyer, and vote for the Anti-
Tax- centlidates',---Messrs —KENNEDY and
BRINDLE,. who are pledged to vote for its
repeal! - .
Would inn hare. the PUBLIC 11 , 1
the profligate and wastuful inanagemeni'
- of which is the cause of our Taxation and
embarrassments, and of ti e rorrtiption ,
whic;hso . alaiiningly prevails? Vute then
fiirtlie Whig candidates for th e • Leg 'sh
orn., who are pledged to advocate and vote
fur the lode Of the Pttblic %V orlts!'
In short, would you, introduce a general
and thorough system of Retrenchment and every apartment of the Gov
ernment—in the Legislature where so ma
ny abuses are practised—in the Judiciary,
-with its high salaries{—in the departments
connected with the administration at Har
risburg, Where sinecure dices have been
solong tolerated--:in the• State . Printitig,
mid in many other places, where the prun
ing knifelof' retrenchment . would find much
to do in lopping otT abuses, --you Joust
• go to the Polly, and vote for Messrs. KEN
NEDY and i3RINDLE, who,in their :id
dress to voters• in this day's paper, pledge
themselves to the tinrCluitting advocacy of
these necessary and 'wholesome Reforms.
The issue is now with the 'people-, ,, it
reibuins now for Mem to say whether they
loagtir tolerate these wide-spread
abuses, or by a bold and di;eisive stroke on
Tuesday next, put an•end to them forever.
Tax-payors of Cumberland! • The Victory
is within
,your grasp! W ill you fold your
arms and permit it to be lost through your
own apathy, or will you not rather arouse,
and with one good, strong. and manly et:-
fort - . 11A LLY 'l'o TUE POLL S ON.
TUESDAY NEXT, cast off the men who
have brouglit 'Os to our present .einhar
russments, and relieve yonrelvea now
and forever of OPPRESSIVE
re on your Guard
Look out fur handbills, circulars, &e.,
containing false representations, intended
to injure' your candidates, which poisibly
may he circulated thrdugh - the Cotinl by
the Taxites just on the eve olthe election.
The best proof of the falsity of iiew charg
es made against - candidates' just' before the
election, is the fact that they are retained.
and not put out until the eleventh hour
Never believe any such representatii n ►s
howeVer •speciously made—if they were
true they could not rentain 'in the dark un-:
til just the,day , liefore the electii►u. Look
out and be prepared fur them, We repeat.
TheVay - the teh i iiof nohey
Gocs: ,
The Ilitrrjskwg
had die contiact'for rebnilding the dam ai l
, Easton , alb l itted,likni'hy the Canal Commis- .
airwave , at thirtm...thoulnd dollars, in the
face of the. ;fact Oath Infos: built for
•iii . threen
. 0191y1,14nd 4.114r4
. ol:foirceeri,,,lhousand dollars in. i
[he Lx-Judge's favor,', besides the,intpor
tantennsideradon that alloe materials were
on thii . ,,spolt;:;:furnishod to his band,.all irf
whiob;the first ,SootraCtor'tio to; sotitityll
Tittle ilia ''triOriSY
dered by this vile favoritiand Who can=t
tell 'us'Of' an instariee:'ofa dollar of riuiney
'hai%iOdbeet'i the 'Preasii rY 'Since
Sfatal'reasurer, who Ele'6.,
ted by vo t es; hits been in'tiffiiie,
e'er'? t Writ e 't tniji ions . or 'D a •Por tor?
POini thstlf :•
• "
4 Fe in. ,of, the ''' , ;: lrof . v.
IN T113G . ..110i15T:q..L1104.151.4. 9 11rU)RE.
1110" The Jeuttals of the - Legislature
have at length been received, but too : lata .
fir examination' by the people beforObe
After eonsiderablo • trouble, ,;ye
proeuredlhe tisp'?:of a cepy—through the .
politeness of .Capt: Sanderson, hiving
been , denied one by the Clerk—butat too late
an hotly to' take more than. a
i hasty, glance
over a portion'of its'
contents, and, tomake
the following . selectiOns: • - .• • ,
Page 53, Mi. Barr and Mr. Culver vot
ed for:oite .. copy;-;eaeti : Or the new,::editioti
of ,Ptirden's.Digesifor.:The members,. of the'
House tine : ituMlred:- . Ampies of which at
,eight cop y 'would amount to
/ Page 62._ Barr arilColVei voted to have
'a large additional supply of the Governor's
Message' prinfq, merely to .threw several
Itundred,ilollars!to'one of. the Porter prin
ters at Itarrisburg.
- Page - TO, Calves voted di fookillione - the.
consideration of aoresoletion to amend the
Constitutien, se as to limit the `Btate-Debt!.
Page 147, Culver voted against the con
sideration of a resolution relative to a % Put ,
teed ve. Tariff !
Pages 239, 240,and 241; •Barr andCul-'
yer voted against' Wlirdesome":resolutions
relative to the State Shio plasters! .
Page 279, 'Both . , voted on . second' yearl
ing against the appoititinent,ol a committee
to investigate, the charge of bribery by the
Banks . against the .Governor and • others!
On the final passage of the resolution Cul
ver voted Witlo2 others against it!!
Page 567, Barr voted against the con
sideration. of a resolution 'staying execn
tions between the Banks and their ereditiirs
until the Batiks resume specie payinents=.
thuS going for the Banks and against the
people! • ,
. Page 364,:8arr and Culver voted against
resuming the consideration id ' resolutions
• relative to a ProtectiVe Tariff!
Wage 364. Barr and Culver voted against
-reshming--the -consideration Id• -a trill to
**spend the collection of money -on exe
cutions and to protect the_comnlou welfare.
of tlie Citizens 0111115 State,"—thus avow•-;
ing thi:ht hostility to poor men unable to
pay their debts! •
Page 365, Barvand Culyer voted against
second reading of the ACt limiting the
Statelikrbt! • -• •
Page -374 i ',Barr-•voted against
frig ,the Banks to , resume Specie payments
on the.. brit 4)f A-41045t: last—Bois •being
- rig - Mut the Winks at Winne, and for the
Banks at •flarriskiirg! ••:
~Page 39.7, Bari. and Cnlver voted to
postpone the sceood reading of the bill to
sell! the Public Works!
Page 630, Barr voted -to: postpone in
-definitely, a ritsolution for stopping the
tv,Mtk on 'the North Branch anti ea
and redtieing the•number Of, officers
MI the public works!'
Patre 698. Culver voted against abolish : .
jog the office of Appraisers .of damages,
and conferring their duties •on the Canal
Page 785, Barr and Culver voted against
flanking the stockliidders of the'W isconiseo
.Canal Co. liable individual eapaci;
ties fur debts ilue . by said company.
Page 816, Biirri and Culver viited for a
resolution allow additional pay, to that
fixed by law to the Clerk, S'ertfitant a t
'Arms, Diior Keeper, amounting to sev
eral thousand dollars l•
Page-873, llatr voted-against a provis
ion to stop' the work on the unfinished lines
of tile public improvements, and providing
that not more than one principal engineer
shall C eMployed got the public-works.
. We have no room for 'further extracts,
owing to the late liOurat which we receiv
ed a copy of the Journal. Thee, howev
er, are S milliement to show the Tax-payers
of Cumberland the utter recklessness which
eharaeterized nearly all the vittes given by
Barr and Culver! Nor must it he forgot
ten that Barr and .•CulVer, both ,voted for.
Gamble's hill INCRE ASING TIIE,
A HALF OF DOLLARS! amid• that on
the last day of the session" Barr voted for
TII E TAXES, already too heavy for the
Taxpayers of Cumberland! one and all
to the polls and vote against such reckless
and fool-hardy men—men wlto have
evineed no consideration fur either, your
rights or your property!
Facts t..* be Illemembereri by Vo
ters on 'Tuesda y next:
That the" State 'Delit of Pennsylvania is
about FORTY-FIVE MILLIi*I4 ' Of Dollars!
That.the . yearlyleterest on the same
is over one million and a hay!
That the luterest due on the Ist of
,auneuutkug to, $BOO,OOO is
That this debt has been INCREASED,
from about. $24,500,000 since Jan'y. 1.
1836, by David.:lt.. Porter, to keep up
the Public -Works of the State.? •
That whilst the State has thus become
deeply involved in - debt; D.. R. Porter: has
become IMMENSELY RICH!. M4ny of
his office. holderi lave also . ‘been - enabled
- to buy S Pb. E N-D ID FARM S i urect
I'AUTIFUL PALACES, ' and boast of
their THUSA . N DS :OF , " DOLLA RS IN
That for all those ihitigs—,•and to "save
'the credit , the o , rn.inonwealthr—the
Fpr , proof! turnip the TaxCollectorB'
receipts:. • . • ,
'MTDDLEIiNg or. the .Herald; and his auxiliary
Caaaauf . the Statesman still continue their, abuse
of 'Judges Hopburti and Stuart, and other
nent'membersbfthe De tito sratt o party.[ Vain n tear:
Ir:l 7 'llt:tloulitetWiel '• • ' •
~. ozrc.ol. R. M. JouNeori, the powerful rival of
Mr.' DiieNitiiiii liiPc;inisyhiania, for the liresidiia,
50 i.
cy,wiii to haie itriveil iitilarrieburit do Mand 'y','
whore after
_a goaidesit'af cieretnorii*Oi "'lf'
hie proper reetiption t *he war! ;to .titiirt fr
our this ugh Northern Penne,',-.commencing with
hili:picrticipatio'n , yin great, celebration of the qn•
nioiOis,r) , lif the tattle of the viiiins,:ni timii , lll,.
7A: 'oil; tlicl4th'ef octoliei. ' ,'''. •'- ''''
' ,
.., ,
401 .
_ ~i~ i.
, .
Push on the . Col umn: r:
Datil& ethos 1 • • '
Under t hi s ' ins Aide,' the Editor
of the''Harristire,Telegrapli thus energet
ically and eloquently diseOuises,l We wish'
it could be sounded iti the ear andthrill the
heart of: every. lagginOVldgin Climber
land, on Tuesday next, where to achieve
a glorioui victory nothing is now wanted
,hut to, boldly and unitedly PUSH ON MK
When the victor of Waterloo, saw by
the wavering lines and broketi - ranits,Of
opponent, that the ini;ment• had 'arrived tcr
decide the flit? of battle—he sent an
aid to. the' reserVe, with the order "PUS Ii
ON THE COLUMN!" . Such is the pte=
sent crisis in the political contest, where
and lecofocoism the common enetnY,against •
which all are . centending; and all we have-.
to do, to ensure success, is to •
Let the FARMERS of 'outsState—the'
great;censervative power--who think much,
but do not engage actively in
. polities, call
t ( p .
mind the various inflictions to, which
they .have been subjected, under. VII: iroit .
rule of.locoftmoism. Let them look at
R A SILA'SIIIMPLA - STERS — viliiiliiiiiVe
taken the 'place 'of specie—the IMAIESE
time of, a DOUBLE TX. 4 X, the proceeds of.
which are not tobe-used for sustaining the
credit of the Ceomminwealth, by paying
interest en her stock debt—the value of
[which. in the markeysthe true standard
of a state's credit and eorrect government
—but to satisfy RAPACIOUS PAUTI
ZANS., and induce them to work at the
electimis•or to . be squandered upon public
works, WflichOnder - the - present system of
manageinen - GmUii contimie yearly io make
the state petirer and the office-holders rich
er. Let them remeMber these tbings,.and
be prepared on .the 11th of October, when
the word is'given, to. ' •
Now is the very time to charge! The
elements oh e: - ;rruption:among our cMnpo- •
nests are working.their disunion—they are
fighti4--amoug themselves f o r the spoils,
like Brigands over theplunder of a mur
dered traveller, and rather than relinquish
them, they, ,will.destroy each other! There
is not a citizen of.our State who, is not ,
aware of the RECKLESS , EXTRAVA.7..
COMMON W L'Pll. It has beggared.
our Treasury; ruined the credit of the
State; brought its (time. proud name into
disgrace, and made it a 'by-word and re
proach throughemt . Chris.tendoln. Now is
the„ very time to ,drive the spoilers friim
their prey—to send the tr tin hands of cor
ruption, the Myritnithms of power and the
various plagues of "bee, and locusts" en
tailed :upon us by loe9foeoisni, back to
their forliter insignificance with the -con
tempiof an•outraged people ringing imtheir
pars. We have•now . a chance to thorough
ly redeem the State, amiadministersuch a
rebuke to those in high places, that they
will hardly dare to outrage the pPople, by
longer opposing With the
prospect.of such a glorious consummation
before us, who will be laggard, - Or refuse••
to lend hifrassistance to
"Fiiryour dearest rights as citizens—for r
'the - love - you bear the'good old sfiil you
mead—for the sake of bleediug. liberty and
clown-trodden justice-4or the hopes you
indulge that our country may remain for
ever FREE; and not become the heritage
of demagogues—fur the perpetuity, of 'our
sacred institinions,,our rights of ”thought,
speech and action"—fur your detestation of
locofticoism and its attendant evils,, and
your love of PURE, TRIOT!C, SIN
CERE DEMOCRACY, we ask you to
lend your might, your energies and all your
zeal and ‘ assist to
elistence' of .tiplan C. Colt.
. We learn" from the New York pulers; that jno..
C. Colt, convicted in March 'last of the murder of
Samuel Adams; has been sentenced by Judge Kent
to be Itung:oti the 18th of November noel. •
• Previous to receiving his sentence, Colt read a
paper, thi substance of which was that he wished'
his ease' might be carricd to the Court for thecor
rectioned• Kyrors, ami-.applieation.. z was ; made to
that greet by his counsel. also requ'eated the
Court, if sentence Were passektOonait the usual
remarks' made mien such occasions, as being un
necessary in' his case. •
Judge - Kant havingitade an allusion to,the
ver: •
dict, Colt rose us firm and self-possessed as ever a
man showed ltititself in' such'a situation', untreald
that he 'did net intend to' ast the slightestriliflo — C. --
tionbn the jurY.-:-•he doubted not they anted con
scientionsiy.. 'said,.._public opinlon, butt
.changed, and he believed that nine-tenths of the.•
community, were e i onvinced'that he' had .not P c4lll :s
mitted wilftilalurder. have iteibicaeamit.
tad att action in my he."-wfilck •
under the same circumstances, A.woul4
gain. I was insulted. inlnY 9frlectand l - Ponted
it than wpuld do new, whieli tkt-dAs result!
:' '
Throughout the iybole seerte,.COCP;6lhite4,bili„ . ;
usual firmness. Of cfitirticter;,and . during the doliv;: ;
ery,of the scalene° did • n6t - seem .teltetrity the
slightest emotion.' ,
Boston paper Wehtithriatiptteek
hala . tlisuppoiete4 ,the hopea : and the tees
toga. or a . , , largo 'tatoportiott,ttf the Whip of that
,•Sol it will ever,' where,