- U,\ .\> f,:t.'Al:blS,-L.:E - ;:ip , t..NllV : :: naktinal alma] --ADVEtITISEMENTS S. NLA P ADAIR, attorney 'at 'Law, OFFICE :No. 3 Election's Row, -on the Pub. lie Square, Carlisle,. Pa, April ,6, 1842, 1:Po ATTORNEY •AT LAW (lice opposite the Carlisle Bank: July 27, 1842. 6m-39 JOHN W. BEND EL, IDtoZitinteitecv ESPECTFULLY tendenihis services to the Ifir citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that ho ill attend to and perform all dental operations ZAch as. ,Cleaning r :Pluging,-and Exfracting 2 aural Teeth, and inserting incorruptablo 'artificial .tt!" from a single tooth to an entireset. -?-g2,---fG,Ciffice-opposite'M'Farlane's Hotel, July 20, 1842. . , , • . . • . • .. 7:.) our 143(3DECII:kc. A COMFORTABLY new brick DWELL. .i.1.1A JAG HOUSE.. Rent moderate. Pos. session given immediately. CHAS. OGILBY. f. 41 Carlists,' Aug. 10, 1842 YMMOM MLOZTBo Tust rJceived, some Fiesh Groom! PLOUR , fhe storo of A. RICHARDS. airlisie, Aug. 24, 1842. : tf.43 Valuable - .ambling Lois FOR SALE: • / IIPHE subscriber offers for safe several Value ble BUILDING LOTSon thestreet west of Dickinson College. September 21,-1.842 STATUTES • OF ; II j. • ' • CHAP:. ' • I. All the funds (or the use of a student; except in the cases_ hereafter Rimed, shall be deposited with . the General Treasurer, an officer appointed by the —board - of Trustees foil that purpose,lF,Whum they. shall he disbursed; aid it any student Shall receive money froM any 'ot6r source tlnin from the -nen - • surer, or-shall fail, in case he does so receive any; immediately to deliver it to the Treasurer, it shall •be regardrd as a high.olfence. ' • • ••2. The Treasurer shall ascertain, at the - beginnidg. of eacksession, - what expenses each.student-is ed to incur; and he shall be strictly governed by saielf informatihn in his disbursements.. • S. The Treasurer shell furnish each student, that the Faculty may authorize, with a certified account book; and he shall psy no bill, unless previously entered in such certified book.. 4. No student shall contract a bill tothe amount of — more than five dollars without an order from the Treasurer.. 5. The Treasurer shall give preference to bills in the following order, viz:—For College fees—Board —Washing—Teit books—all othersaccord;ngtothe 'date of their entry in the student's book. But he Adi, in no ease, pay any bill for horse or carriage confectionary, fruits, - ca.ables of any Mad,' or other actieles 'obviously unnecessary for a student at College. 6. He shan'be at libcr an amount of pocket money as the parent or guardian may prescribe; provided it doeti not exceed what, in Lis judgment, with the advice of the President, the interests of the student and of the institution require: 7. In case any student shall borrow any motley, or contract any bill; contrary to the rulesof Colfege, if the same he afterwards paid or caused to be paid,by his parent or guardian or other friend,'stach student shall be dealt with as for a high offence, 8. The. eitsurer shall be in his office at n fixed period every month, of which due notice shall be given, for the transaction of his duties; at which time, merchants, mechanics and others, having bills ogainststudents, will call on him, for the payment of hills which they have previously entered itt the_stu deideaccount books. 9. In the Monthly report of each student, the Treasurer shall state the iteriurof expenditure since the last report, together with the amount of funds received. { - 10. The accounts of Students shall be at all times open to the inspection of the President and Faculty: 11. Neither the yreaSurer, nor any other officer of the College shall, in any way, be held personally responsible' for ,any bill of any student., The ex penses of the Treasurer's Correspondence, in the dis charge of his &ties, shall be charged to the accounts. of the Students concerned. As a compensation for his trouble and' risk of loss, he may charge a coin mission of 2 per cent on all moneys paid out on the account of a student. - 12. These proviiioni shall not npply to students, whose parents or guardians reside in the borough of Carlisle; nor (with the consent of the Faculty) to those who nre over twenty-one years of age. Carlisle, Sept. 19, 1842. - . TO THE .PUBLID. THE subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks to his Wends and the customm for their &Vora: thus' far bestawkid upon him, takes pleasure iu informing them that he is still pre . pared to es,ccute any . and , every order they may stand in 'need of hi his line, as respects the finish. ing of NEW or the repairing of old ones, at his Coach dr, Harness Itlaunfaclory In Carlini and hopes from an earnest desire to please all Who may be disposed to give him a to merit a continuance, of their custom, .and: offera' the fol lowing CIIANCE to farmers "and dealing men generally, On ac count of the scarcity of, money, the undersigned ;, is induced t 6 hold out to every man an opportunity, 'of purely/sing' a Carriage for ' . .7-11.-A-D Et - - forwhich will be talceAthe folloWing produce and _merchandize,tomit: ' Iron, iumber, Tron4,. coat,, Flour, Corn, Oats, WhOzt, 11 10, and any indiveri, kind of Sieie Goods, or, almost anY kind Of trade. Now is your Chance Farmers;call hiMid look for yourselves; you who had an excuse - for' not attending,Church or visit. your there is.no- excuse for young,,old, lame, blind; or those witheut;CARRIAGES:. BVasm rlatifig of all' kinds,,dona; et the' Shortest notice,' in tbe neateet.marinar i linden the most reasbnable'terins. Plit'streeiAkaith of. Iligh;in'the "rear of thelte. - thedisrlEpide'Ojial arid Immediately pot the'iridened of IVlrt John'Noble. ~; -Cr0,14 anima, taken, in ea _ change . for pew. ones icrid °pawing done with neatness ancl,d spaten, and on very reasonable ferias.' ' • -• rJepao.,then giyp .a ,eall along with , the rent of the CtiaCti Brikera. be.pleasted tcib'ee nOrifekiiaviedge''rny iliarike for their Pail:magi: 4813NSZERAP1'NUTZiP - Au g gat 24 1 1842 . • . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . • .... _ . . ••... . . 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I , ,I . . . ~ , . . ... , ...—. . • , • .., ~ , , .. , , , DM tf-36 Yea! there, e'en when all hope had down,' We wept away each lingering hour,' Until the shades ,of death mime down, - . And closed at last the shutting hour. And yet it seena'd like Biwto grieve , For one so patient and resignedi, • . For if she'mourit'd.lwas hut to leave' Such breaking hearts behind. She died.. Yet death could "scarcely chill Her smiling beauties, she lay , With.cold extended limbs; for,still Her lime looked Lim than the day.' Those eyes eke eloquent with bliss, Were closed'as soft as shutting flowers,_ . Oh! few could bear a sight like-this— • Yet,suph a sight was ROBERT EMORY 3t-47 flow slowly wore that king, long day; • • • Like spirits in some haunted place 'We'd sit and sigh, then steal iway . _ • • •• To lookoncemor&on-that•pale thee.- - • We C'onld not.think her soul had past awri - ufliounils of, morral btrife';,„____ • that -warm heart was,colil at last _That loved 118 more than life. • And when thelunerat rite'was'Snid, - . They bore her from hop happy home, ' And left her with the silent dead, A pale-faced tenant of the tomb. " , They reared no marble 'mid the Bowers, • Above her grave to 'hark the spot; .; '• Yet many a heart as fond as ours Still holds her unforgot, ' -- Months passed, yet still our sorrow gusli'd, , The like, glad laugh no more was heard; And ninny a little voice was hushed, , That used to warble likes bird. 'Amf though_at times we strove to smile , • Serenely, for each other's sake, : • We wept in secret all the while, As' if our beads would break. Yet why should death be linked with fear? 'A single breath,a low drawn sigh, Gm break the ties that bind us here, . And waft the spirit to the sky. . Stich was her end. A calm release, No clam Inge to ticia mortal-clod,_ _ She closed her eyes, and stood in peace Bef.re a smiling God. to curnisli "Mother, do not ask • me," sobbed a weeping . girl, clasping her hands and look ing-up i n her parent's face. ,f ‘ ,'Oh! could. you know my heart you would see that 1 am not:dWob - ient. But reannot Inve Mr. Bartlett—indeed; indeed I eannet: Death would be more preferable to'me than Buell a union." "Really, 'Miss," said the step-mother, "these are fine times when a daughter thus sets at defiance the wishes of a parent. I will not, however, submit, to such disobe dience. I command you now to prepare -fOr your - marriage with Mr. Ben* - and i" with these words she turned to leave the room. But her daughter clung to her robe. • "Oh! mother, dear mother,"-she said, "retract those dreadful, words. Never have I disobeyed any command of yoUrs, but this I cannot obey. If my heart was my own, I might school it perhaps to love even Mr. Bartlett; but I love another, and can not follow your command:" , .. "What!" exclaimed the step-mother, turning nn her daughter like an angry tiger, "you dare to love another—to love with out my consent! and though her: passion choked her words, s he still glared on th'e Trembling and supplicating girl at her feet, aking her hand at her as if' she would strike - her. 'This then is the :reason you . will not have 'Mr.' Bartlett.- 'This is why You raft* wealth and eintion..: 'Oh!' I- have found you out; - have 'IF And . who pray May bet!titifellow?sertie Winderinetnutiie teacher, I suppose,: - WhOM:YOu'llaig Met: at boardiehOol,_fot.4l9 one but prOpef sons have I-suffered you , tit associate' With: - since - yourreturn." • " ; , "It' is no wandering 'music teseher, no imprAlier .lierson,':' Ylsry, witlysud" den spirit, "but , one whose fair namels as 'unsullied as that 'Of the' hest and bright est is the land... Nor is he wholly unknown to you'. It is with , Henry Alfordi - have plighted my troth," end as the daughler thus spoke t • her, eye kindled, her form be erme erect with coneclotte, pride, add there,. was a sudden ftrinneseitiliet to`ite,thatcOT.' trivtiiclAnely,)vith hertam , suOplieatiOg de- • 4 7J , `,7 '7" :7 7 e:r -, "' ....- Re0,115),r..!. •F o ,!•an, MP! tg9t . tht3 atel)-mottlei wool 'viqitived• lily , this, transformation., But ehe'srioir. , recoversd from , him surprise. 1. • i i±.!..1-1aity.46ity,3414417 eis_et, Clai T :od; ..O Pri! , 3r --ftals . ril!i!)o .111 ' ; ' 43 :.a#-Oe;--i9,,i4an ,Oaashtera tack this *ay , to A hP:kto•o 3 e l " 4_ ge ms pAA'ailt. mi o."' ,_ --.! With siveetefit flowers enrich'd, From varipita lardens cull'illath care." The firet Death of household BY • #MEGIA! B. .NVELIIIt." Oh, mattz:a **Mid year bath flown, Sbleb'first amid our fetidly, band • Death came, and stole Our loveliest one, • And bore her to. the spiritland: Yet shrived wiih many a swcet, sail *Ought, - That loved one's memoryiingees still; • • For oh! she left a void that nought klnt mournful thoughts could fill. . Years.have assed by, I said, and yet . . . It only seems the other day, Since round her dying bed we met, With breaking hearts to weep and play. - • Her gentle soul we strove to think, • Would linger yet mid earthly flowers, Even when 'twati trembling on the brink Of lovelier worlds thaO ours. Lt lt TOB.A WHAT IS DUTY? BY ELLEN ASHTON MOXII ENE Henry -Alford • indeed!—a poor, starving, unknown, physician, who; A dare say'pheate his• landlady. and washerwornan out of. their bills, and , who is never hecrclof in good 'society! 'We'll see who* you'll, plight your . troth to him, a, beggardlyfortuneh,un ter, who, 'if ,he could get Your ' money would'nt care how` soon he saw You : in • ~ your.grave. • . "He is no ,fortune-hunter," indignantly replied guy"; "and for his family, h is as good 'as, our own. If he sought what you call good society, its doors would be. thrown, wide open.'to .him.. .If- he is poor, is that a crime? I have enough for both," and then changing,' her kine, ; attd . bursting. again-into tears, for . her over-wrought .feelings would be no longer coritrolled, she . . continued; .."0111 dear mot6r, forgive - me if I talk thds, , for Henry' A iford(bs the. nohlest of men, and yonr own heart will assure you that you • wrong I learned to love him years since; when WS 'wetfe' both chil dren,- and he Was yet a - ward of my 'father. I intended to have told you all . long ago, but—.-you favored Mr. , Bartlett so much that I delliyed , it from day to - day. If you will nofeonsint'to my union. with Henry," she continued,, speaking so rapidly and eagerly that her mother eoUld not. interrupt her, "at least do not force me to marry. Mr. Bartlett, I can never . . lovn any one' but Henry, yet I . will 'promise :not to marry him without your consent—only do' not compel me to . give - --my-hand where I can- tiet bestow MY heart." have heard quite eneugh," said the Mother, 'speaking in those tones of. forced calmness which extreme anger affects, "and now go to your room. We_ will' ee who• is to conquer. Go, I say." . Mary'a . it not reply, but silently left the Toon . 1-,' though: the-hotTteks - rolleardown her clieeks;aiid - list towering steps could .ly Support her, for well she knew by,thuse. calm tones; and by•the ominous eye of that permit that.her 'fate was decreed, and that her..mother Was. inexorable. . While this conversation was going on in ,the luxurious mansion of Mrs. -Swansmi, two perions, sat in a sparely but yet de cently furnished physician ' s, office, in one of the principal streets of the city. The, yotingest speaker was one whose ample forehead and intelligent-eye bespoke hint . possessed of more than _ordinary intellect: He was on - the point of speaking. "In this emergency, Penrose, I look to you for counsel. You know Mary—you know also how deeply I love her, and that the dear girl has proMised to be mine. But I fear we will never win the mother's con• sent—and Mary will never marry without it. rkirdvr-that__Mrs. Swanson has fixed her heart on a union between this Mr.,Bart lett and her daughter, and that every thing that can, will be done to bring about the marriage. But I know the 'Sweet girl 'on this point will he firm; though her mother's entreaties should change to persecution.— Mrs. Swanson however—for I know her character—will say when she learns all, that I am a fortune hunter, and nothing more will be necessary to prove the charge in the eyee - of - most-pers ms, than the mere fact that I am poor and Mary My only heritage is a good name, and shall I sacrifice it, riven though innocent?" "I scarcely- know what to advise,",re plied Peproee, "for though we ought to Pay. some deference to the world's opinion, .yet I should never hesitate to act when ever I thought I was,right. Perhaps, in your situatidn;l would await' the turn of events. In .Mary's circumstances I would iliaregdrile - step...mother's Comioands•with out.dfiainute'S delay; for though,, as a gen eral rule, we are bound toGbey our parents, yet, , in the matter of marriage, where the happiness of our whole life depends on our choice, we ought to exercise, in a ,mea sure, our own will, and if we have given' our love to a worthy object, and the opposi tion of our parents is factious and tyranni cal, we ought to follow our own judginent and not theirs. , It is true young persons are. very apt to bestow their affections on unworthy objects, and to imagine that their parents oppose their love unreasonably,ana we should, therefore,-be very cautious in marrying .c against the wishes of natural ad visere...l3ut.•iu yoor,caskihere can be no 'doubt Tam older -thah' i you and married. .1 may advise you, therefOre, with the more freedom: But: ydu come of a proud spirit-1 ed race,and I prediclt thateicce-Mrs:_Swan jion has called you foriiine-hatiter,lOO will nd 'ethild. be brought to elope, ytiu'Would wed - her - to=morrow:" '= neverdo; and though no-doubt you Ai right in alliowhay.e said, yeti would rather my ‘should :obey , than disobey:her"- paient; even when'that parent's_ injustice: and tyranny is -- • '"And4 lionor you' fo it. I elioutd not; 'under the eireumeienCes, blnme Mary if ahe wateto elupe,lut I 10e, her the mote for . lter with theee . werde' die 'eciitvereation eleeed. . . Time passod. Now 'that iiirs.,Swanson holeaTile# Henry; Alford, ,w,lBYer datightoes, loar, all jritetvie#A, ,Intwnen them 4'9MrendeFekithi°BBll)le'r. gas .ayes. Mary was .clo'ssly, ? _ confined- to, IlleA9401" and allowEd to acemp:one,nnl4ssr t . - • 1141 t E*POSliOlt or irtY LIVIDiG ACTIONS: rb3x.tt'ea.ctsta..9t.cL*P64' ;:k:*it4t4lo,o,l44PAi JiiiaDatn woN,Esimy: 00.T00rAn',5.:,:1842.:. iii the 'presence' of. , her: otOther:' ;The per secutions; to .whiCh.-the,penr i girLwas now subjected,WOOld have . eubdued.,,many. a Mynheer Van. Der , 'Who, in I7oB' in lived, in high style on .the 'Wu's.' .Gteght, weaker heart, but Mary,. theughyielding in Amsterdam, hail . 7e,!Jerk.pretty wife,whO greater little „things, hadS.latent,Ormnese,,which dressed . most•extraVagently,- played '• 'high, emergencies calked._ forth;, she .• rose superior -to all the taunts and vocations gayeexpensive,footi, and showed every dispositien to squander money as ' fast as to which was subjected, for taus cell ; sciousnees of rectitnde cheered her amid her husband' gained it. ' ,She 'wig .yonng, . handsome, ,vain'ned giddy,' and Completely all. Her, constency;wei the Mereaelf-sus.. the slave of fashion. Her husband - had twined because she had- not heard from.her not the politeness to allow himself :to be lover far weeks, and.because there *28,0 ruined by her unfeeling folly and , dissipa female friend ..on.- whomshe . ,.could loan . in her distress;'but left alone.and unitided,'She tion: he complained of her conduCt to her patents and nearest relatiens, whose-ad , could _only think of .Henry,and,resolve to suffer—for his sake. • It may,seern.strange viee.was no morit,utie-than-his own. Next that Mrs: Swanson should - possess' such he had recourse to — a irespectable dainiater' of the Lutheran church, who might aSWell power to tyrannize oyer'her stepdaughter, have, preached to ;the dead. It waiiin vain but Mary's now. deceased father had mar , : rued his second .wife late in life, and -the to diny her'money,for•no tradesman would refuse ta.eredit _the elegant, the fascinating hride,,thui brought into his household, had soon managed•to - obtain such control over wife of the rich Van Der—. 'lnicilved as the young lady Waff, in the vortex of him, that when he died lie left her a largo it> pardon of his fortune, and the .urilimited . fashionable dissipation, she had not yet ru ' guardianship of his child. '.Perhaps,if her toed her health and reputation; and her husband, by the advice of his friend, M-- step-mother had_ not been thus specially in-' It-,--r.. determined to send- her for some vested with her. father's autherity, Mary months to a Verbatering Huiseit, or !ntie . Would have paused ere'she promised not to , - • .. -- for the reformation of manners, such as is marry without *her• conigerit; lint now she felt called on, as it were, by a voice from to be found_in most of the towns •ip Heil theland. With the-1114165i 'secrecy -he laid tomb`, her mother's commands before lheApunicipar authorities the most to that extent, though she could not Make herself unhappy for life by marrying 'Mr. complete proofs of her wasteful extrava- Bartlett. • , gence 'and incorrigible . levity; added to •- whieliohe had • recently attached herself Many were the attempts made by Alford to obtain, an interview with Mary; .1 to gaming with French officers ofrank, who lay;under an iinputationef being re or, even to convey to her a letter,. but•;inl . markably expert .iii levying contributions.. every instance, without seecess. Atlengiii,, She was already in debt upwards of thirty conscious that Mary would - nefer marry j thousand florins to tradesmen, though • her without Mrs. SWanson's, consetc, and un'-` : able longer : to endure the cry Of .being husband alltrwed her to take from his cash ier Henry a stipulated sum* every month, which - so-near and yet not beholding her, was — nie-rit than'suificient to meet • the cur left .. the city for- the flat west , rept expenses of his household; while, to ' there to' accumulate a fortune , and return ' ' I meet a lois which had occurred in play, and claim Mary's hand.' With this rOsolu ' tion, he foudd, at length, means ,to acquaint ' ' her finest jewels were in the hands of a greedy money-lender,. who accommodated her; and received in return a ss urances of _ - the necessitous upon unexceptionable seem her fidelity. — - • pity being previously left in his custody. Yearselapsed. - Henry Alford was tiot , i The husband waifulFtWenty.years old wealth,a distinguished man, and rapidly - acquiring'. ' er than his volatile wife, of whoin he was when one day he wa's-called to a ' neighboring village inn, to see a sick lady. rationally fond, an - d at whose reforMation • , Mrs. What was his_ surprise, on entering- the he aimed before she should - be ton; far car room,to recognize Swanson , now ried away.. by the stream of fashionable pale:and etnaclated and ov.idantly dying.—; d6.ipation. Against his will, she' had The •room - in which:she lay—a' scantily agreed to make one -of '-a party of• ladies furnished garret—betokened thole Change ,_who were invited to a grand ball and sttp 7 lied,befallenher worldly circumstances.— ' Per at the house of a woman of rank and Henry's heart fluttered, and he glanced his faded .character. Her husband, at break eye around the room, in' Search of .1 well fast, told her she . must change her course known form. Mrs. Swanson was equally: of life, or her - extravagance would make surprised with himself. She 'was, how- him a bankrupt, .and her children beggars. ever, the first to spealt,and it was in a hum- She:beganher 'usual playful way of an ble and penitent tone. • ' i swer, saying,•"She had certainly been a "God be praised for the unekpeeted meet- little too thoughtless, and would•sooncdm ing," she said, raising her eyes to heaven, mence a thorough reformation." J'You "for I can now repair ,a' grievious wrong 'must begin to-day," said her husband;'"and ere I die. She is hero," the sufferer ex- as a proof of your sincerity, I entreat yon claimed, as Mary, entered the room "God to drop the company of --L,and to spend bless you bothony children, and forgive 'no- the evening at home this day with me and the evil I intended you.",• . . I your children." We will not attempt to deScribe ,the meeting 'of the long separated lovers.— A. few words, of explanation will clOse ,our narrative. Mary had remained firm to her troth under every persecution, and, at length, Mr. Bartlett 'withdrew. in despair, though it was said that the loss of all Mrs. Swanson's.fortune and that of her daugh ter, which about this time occurred, had no little influence on his deterMination. M is fortune softened .the mother's heart,. and she repented of all the wrong she had done Mary, and would willingly have bestow ed her on,..Henry. . But, in pursuance of his resolution, he had kept his residence a secret, even from Mary, intending only to reveal it when he 'could claim her as hiabiide. At length increasing poverty forced Mrs. Swanson with her daughter to seek a re fuge in the far west,and we have seen how opportunely they met • with Henry. " We hax;e only - to add thatahe saw 'the lovers united at her bedside ere she died, which I event took place in a short week after her journey had been stopped by her illness. "Was I not right?" said the young bride to her husband, "for now we have no reproaches to inakb to ourselves for want of duty.". "Yeo!" said he,, fondly kissing ter. VVVt/VVVVVIAA/VLINVIAIII bPIEEItFULNOIS IN A WlFE.—Charles Dickens,-whose'writings, contain much admire, and. show _a keen pereeptinn of_hu, Man character, remarks. upon this subject, as-follows: - "A woman may he of great.assistance to her husband, in busifirati, by wearing a cheerful smile cOntingally on:her counten ance. man's perplexities and gloominess 'tire increased a helidred. fold:when his bet ter half moves abotA'hitn with a• continual scgswl upon,her brow A pleasant, 'cheer Cul wife;' is as a rainbow set in the 'sky, When . hcii. — htisband'fi' 'mind is tossed With storms and • iempetiti; but. a dissagefied, and fretful wife in the•hour of troublei. is like 'onei)f these f fierids delight to Winn, 'ost "" • ' -•;'• Another writer expresses• similar, views in.language evielly. forcible, but.not alto gether so peetical, He nye: • "Ortiod hintiOrin'a' wife; ; is hko gold leaf in a pill. It deal, noi alter the dose, , hitt it makes it go dOwn,',', l „ , REFOIIIIIIIIO A. ,WIFE. "Quite impossible, my dear . sir," said the giddy wife, in reply; "I haVe given my word, and cannot break it." ":Ten," said her husband, "if you go out this day; dressed to meet the party, remember for the next six months these: doors will be barred against your return; are you still re solved to go?" "Yes," said theindignalit lady, "if they were to be fUrever barred against me!" Without either anger or malice, lqnlieer Van der told her "not to deceive herself, for—as certain as 'that was her determination, so sure would she find his foretelling • verified." ° She told'him, "It' nothing else . had power to induce her to go, it would be his menaces." With this they parted—the husband to prepare the penitentiary chamber for his i giddy young wife, and the latter to eclipse I every rival at the' ball that evening: 'Tr/ afford her a last chance of I taviiitlitit an ig nominy Which it pained him to . inflict, lie went once more to try to wean her from her imprudent:course and'proirosed to set off that evening for. `Zutphen, where _her mother 6414 but he found her sullen',,and busied with miliners and dress makers; and all the parapharnalia of splendid attire:— At the appointed hour the .coach cirovo to the door, and the beautiful woman; .(full dressed, or . rather undressed,) tripped gaily it,nittairs,:and stepping lightly: into . the coach, told the driver to Stop:it the Keizar,Gragt..li, was - then dark,. and she. was .a little surprised , to find the. coital,' ..hatl_p_assed rt.m.3._ofthe city gateeLthepujul of a clock awoke her; as if from' a -dream. She pulled the check string, but the driver kept on; she then called onti when some one behind the coach •told her " she was . tt.: prisoner,, and must' be still:!P:Alhe, shot*: •was•seiere; ithitrembled 'iri every and._ was 'near "fainting!'o4ll„'*rcT. 1 . 3 0.4 ,;:titin ijie6;iciiei4iiod the ii4eitipf 'a Verbatering,. Hili!ep..,Fheie she was 4loamed , to take xtp,heresidence.: • TheMaticin 'of thie::ltonae, agrave, ae tre4e; set well-bred mane;:opened..the door; and. calling the. PLOY k'./r, her ‘ ll ernepreqtretel! her. , alight. • "Where,amll ' : 1 beaeeolt ion:to , tell me; and • vihjr 'brongfit here?"' r "You will be infordied of:every , ihing,Mailam, if 'you' *.Vitkee -lippo.par she . eiiid aftriglit. "sere be me be murdered?" "It Was your - bus band who drove you hither, madam; he is . now upon the coach-box!" .This intern gem:6 , was cpnolusive;• all her assurance 'forsook her; Atha submitted to int conduct ed intO ihe eat pale and tremb ling', her eann: tad' dress exhibiting the .moty,,t striking 'contrast. The husband, deeply.‘affected; first' spoke. He told her "that he had no other means to save' her from ming and fuitiOsted •the reinedy would he effectual; and that when she Milted that retreat, she would be worthy ,of, his esteem." She then essayed ; by the humblest Protestations, by tears and en- . treaties, to return, and vowed that never more while; she lived would she offend him; "Save me," said she "the mortifica tion of this punishmert, and my future con duct shall prove the sincerity of my reor matiOn." Not to let her off too soon, she was shown her destined, apartment and dress, the rules of the house, and Abe or der for herconfinement, during six . months! Stye was completely overpowered with ter ror, and'felf senseless on the floor. • • When she recovered; she found her hus bandpchafing her temples, expressing the utmost anxiety for • her safely. "I have been unworthy of your affection,". said the .fair penitent, "but spare me this ignomini ous fate; take me back to your, home, and never more shall ynu have cause to reproach me.'!. --Her husband, 'who loved - her With -. unabated affection, notwithstanding her. ley ity, atlast relented, and the same coach drove her , biek to her home, where not ene . of the domestics,(a trusty servant excepted) _bad the least suspicion of, what had , occur red. As soon as her husband - led her to_ her apartment; she 'dropped on her -knees, anctiMplored-liis , pardon; -- tohl the eir tent of all her debts, begged hint to take •hei'..to: Zutphen at; a few weeks, antrproin-, ised s'o - toLreduce herexpeliditureri, as to make - good' the sums she had BO ineonsid.; exately thrown, away.' Allowing for the excessive terrOrshe felt ; when . , instead of being drivento . —'s 'route she was pro= . .ceeditig round. the_ ramparts outside of the city gates i which she could not wholly otreicotrie, she spent the happiest: evening other life with her husband; and from that day abandoned her former career of dissi pated folly, and became all that herlinsband wished—a - good wife and an affectionate mother. =I FROM THE MEMOCILATIC EETIEW JOHN QUINCY- ADAMS. Our attention is now attracted to a ray of light that glitters on the apex of a bald and noble head " located" on the left of the House, in' the i neighborhood of the, • Spealier's chair. 'lt proceeds from that won derful man, who in his person combines the agitator, pOet, philosopher, statesman; critic, and orator—Jonx QUINCY ADAMS. Who,d;at has seen him sitting beneath the cupola of the hall, with the rays of light gafhering and glancing about his singulatly polished head, but has likened him to one of tie luminaries of the age, shining and glittering in the firmament of the Union ? There he sits, hour after hour, and day af ter day, with untiring patience; never ab sent from his seat, never voting for an ad journment, vigilant as the most zealous member of the House—his ear evet on the alert—himself always prepared to go at once into the profoundest questions of State, ' or the minutest points of order—What must be his thoughts as he ponders upon the past, in which he has played a part so con spicuous? ,We look at him and mark his cold and tearful eye, his stern and.abstract-' ed gaze, and conjure up phantoms of other scenes. We see hint amid fes,tive And splendid halls years back, Standing stiff' and awkward; and shakingk tall, military-look ing man by the hand, in whose honor the gala was given to commemorate the most splendid of America's victories. We see him afterwards the bitter foe of the same "military chieftain," and the competitor with him for the highest office in the gift of a filid people: We look upon a more than king, who has filled iiery departritent of ItOnor in his native landostill at his post; he who was Preaideht over millions.'now the Repfeseritatße of kitty odd thousand, quarrelling about trifles or advocating the highest princiftles. To-day grOwling and Sneering at the lieneewith enabolition pe tition in his tierhbling hand, and anon lord ing jt Over the passions, and lashing' the membirs into: - the .wildeet state ; of eutHuai=- by his indignant antl ~ emphatic elo~ quenee. Alone, unspokeiv, consulting with never with Olh •r' `ter sits a part, wrapped, in his reveries; •and , With his finger resting on his nose,"lie mind to move like a gigentittpencluluro,: stirring'up the hburs of 'the Past,"and 464 turbingihose,bithe hiddenj` iif(t for pro- , • _ bably writing—h* .tit.:PerPalu” , employment--but :what h gases. Pethapteomn'poetry bum;! He looks'e h (MIAMI Vtilkt_44o, never tired.; ‘worn out, but ever combats:melattehoth but let a tall front any member, and that„old , man's face iswfosithed . ePti!pe.t: he eppelgt s passiVe,;:but7(oB , l4 o kbe:unrartrq ° ber that;artirf.l l t,Nal ihe ea' BY Ei - BEATT Y. txmatnta gle id ndtlenifter‘in flight than Mr. Adams.. • With his agitated: finger ' . .quivering'in sar castic gesticulation; he seizes upon his foe aryl an* ,the ernitilintifent - or the Reuse, ha rarely ihils"to. take d signal vengeance. His'atores Of.stieeial knalviedge on eve , - ry Object, gradtrally garnered up through—, the course of his extraordinary life, in the well-arranged storehouse of a memory that , is said to hade neder yet permitted a single -; fact, to , escape it, gives him a great advan..!. • toga overall compeers ioencotinters of this' kind. He is a wonderfully eccentriege 'nins.. He belongs td no party', nor. dbes any party belong to him. He is of too' . cold a, nature to be long - a party. leader.' He ieOrigieal—of very . peculiarideas,and 'Per featly fearless. ant: independent in-expres sing and mentioning them. __He is able' for his "affahility . to young persons and, surrounded'by them at his own table, : he can be . as hilarious and happy as the gayest of them. For one service, at least, • his 'country - owes him a debt of gratitude ; I refer to the fine illustration which he of-. fered of the 'true character of our institu- . • tiont, When he passed from the'Prsideit tial palade, to his present post on the flOni— of the House of Representatives. Though - the position which he ; has there made his- . own, may not be that whieli his friend's• might wish to ace him occupyin that body. yet the examptil, in .every point, of view,. was - a - fine one.- - • His . manti - ct of speaking. ispeculiar; he rises abruptly,,bis -face reddens, and in a Moment; throiving himself intoltho attitude of a veteran gladiator, he pre . pares for the attack the'n he becomes - fill of iestieula-- ;ions, his body sways to and fro---self-corn-: mand seams lost- 7 his head is bent fOrward • earnestness unti tt, sometimes almost touches the desk ,•• his voice frequently shakes,:butife pursues his subject through atl its bearings; nothing daunts hid—the Bousipay 'ring with the eries of order ! order ! unnroved—ontemptuous —there he stands amid thelenipest,. and,.like an° oak that knows the gnarled and linetttd strength of its frame; stretches its arms forth and defies the blast! W A.I,VIIM.VVLI/1/LIII,AILV g2,:ohi.i.ENT.--John -Near beautifully says—" When a man . of s.ense;.ricl matter now humble his origin or degraded his rep= utation may appear in the eyes of the vain and foppish, is treated with contempt he Will soon forget it ; but he will be sure to Put forth all the energies of his mind to rise' above-those who thus look down in scorn upon him. By shunning the mechanic we exert an influence derogatory to honest la-: beer . , and make it urdashionable•for young men to learn trades or labor for a support: Did our young Women realize that for all they possess they are indebted to the me.; chanic, it Would be* their desire to elevate him and eneotirage his visits to their socie ty, while they would treat . with scorn, the laiy, the fashionable, the sponger, - and tfin welklressed pauper: On looking back a few years, bile most "fastidious ladies can trace their genealogy .from some .humble mechanics, who perhaps in thelr . day were sneered at hy .the proud and foolish, while their grandmothers gladly received them to their hoSolris.". • VLAAVVIVVANtatt4.VVVWII A G i REAf Wong.—" The education of . children,". said John Adams 'to- his wife; "is never out of my mind. Train them to virtue. Habituate them to industry, ac -tiiity and' spirit.- --Make : -thent—consider every vice as shameful .and ; unmanly: Fire them with ambition to. be useful.—; Make them disdain tO - 76e destitute of any useful of ornamental knoMedge." G=l Jersey Caale.—Thore was au exhibition 'week bekire last at New trunswich, of five cattle, raised in that State, . weighing as follOsts viz: 3993, 3 3951, 3877, all steers, and a heifer weighing 3317 pounds. AAiIAANiMAAAAAtiMAAA One screw . establishment ih Rhode Is-t land,nianufanires two thousand gross por day! It employs 200 female, and 150 men and boy.e . ."§ix hundred tons of refihed merican ikon rod, worth $l3O per tone are used annually, in addition to 750 to.ts of Pennsylvania' coal! . _ I= Anvgamsmo and btfiiness areas closely; connected as is 'effect' with ong of the most important Means by which it is pro, iilimnAvvminnif‘my‘i% r` fitIrROVEMENT IN Ins P s iorfialtitir* T*l4'4. Allgemigii a Painte,ii,viai WlTlol , 4 4 !fr. announced in the Autsburg,'o,l4o*Thet, he has discovered a • praaisii ;whereby,- 1:11 1, r•--10