III;li:11,'II t„): vp)s, R:,YItIITE . . MIDDLETON. EDITOR' it, PROPRIETOR' CARLISLE;, - PA: liVidnesday; Sept. 14, 1842. " • '.rog!•rikEszbErii.• . -• WINFIELDICOTL 7 I . HENRY CLAY. ' Opa . l Convention .r.DEMOCRATIC: WHIG kMI- 1 1 1 A.Z TWaErks P 3 L I4 •• - 'alines Kennedy: l Nowville, leorge Brindle; Monitie: • !Albert Laird, Piakikford. , PLIEECTBR, • •' • • • ioir ilkennemata; isi:l4ld% • _ AUDITOR, Alert C. Kilgore, Newtoh. . , PROTIIONOTORY, Thook.li; - Crissl;el:ll - Sfiii*habilig .• REGISTER, Jacob-Bretz, Carlisle: 306,01)En AND CILED/ti Rob,ert Wilson, Mechadiesinst; 6. - traltv 24 46 4 E.i0 s t The Herald ‘ & Expositor WHI be furnished until the. Election in liettl et next, for TWENTY-FINE CENTS, oct;h! . . /Co the , Patrous of the Herald & : . Expositor. • . . "rW A It . the last week's number our connexion. the "Herald & Expositor" ceased. We sink pare our. Books, that our friends, at their :nienee, can call at the' Office and discharge .r subscription accounts:-- - What is. due for Ad. • rtising and' jobbing; • would' . come very 'convert, nt to' us at the present time. , Sir months agcr, 'when we. took charge, of this Establishment, it was .our design, as well as our lish,to_make Carlisie our • rmanent residtMee: Our whole exertions up . to a few week's past, were 'direeted_to tit! end._ • •• • It is with regret—deep regret—however that eitlcumstances. have occurred to-compel us to sbvcr that connexion with thb• people of Cumher land county Which was beconiing every day more enlarged and:morn pleasant and agreeable. • 'When we left. ,Laneaster, Was . thought our or.. ' kangements had been so mado that our pecuniary - *Taira there would not require our peisortal utten. • 'lion. -We iivit-heen:deceived, and now find that . we must•eitliCr'gi;ic up the Herald ei suf f er a hods too great to bi borne with justice to the interests isf those dependent upon us for suppOrt. We have, however, the COnsolatiW of saying to Ithir . patrons that the Establishment has been ed in hands, that will well sustain it. Mr. Bur ' Las, the gentlenian who succeeds us, is a practicid rrinter2-mbayjne' derved an apprenticeship in the olvreofthe Village Record, 7 —a young man of good attainmenta, ; arid of one of the best families of Chester county. We bespeak for him the kind regatds of the people of Cutnberland county— confident that he will please those for whom it will be his thlty and pleasure hereafter to cater. To thcse Who hisve, in our short sojourn among . them, &ideated a disposition to support and sus tain !Awe hero tender weilianks and kind wishes . for. Mar imiplhess. To our neighbour, we, offer the right hand of wishing him much prosperity, and that his "shadow may new grow less!" • The public's servant, • . .'. R. WHITE MIDDLETON.: Carlisle', Sept. 141 1842. -It is but right to add, that the new Editor furnished,nothing for this nintiber.of the, Herald but the Article over his own signature. He will enter uion the diereherge of his Editorial duties with the next papdr. • It will be observbi by the above that the non: , t.rol of the "Herald-dc Expositot" will hereafter devolve upon the undereigneti .. , • Its patrons will probably desire and expect of ns'iome expesition of the political principles by •• 'which we shall be 'governed. hut; desiring milli 1 ; or that our future actions May be- made a stan k', ' daid of judgment; by which we may be fully •-i ..l . ; ,kriown i than any professions which we might at . ..present malte,'we preaume it is necessartfor .us : to say little more than ,bat we have ever felt a - t • warm and zealims desire for the pioniiilgation and triumph of those principles which elevated I: tetpr.fresidertcy ithe - geat arid toed Harrison,. t Andrilinive. to not:feel ourinter - ea' in the': least decreased, er our ardor in.any way abated, by the' ;. ;greetco arot y which came upon the countryilihe a • blighting mildew upon the .ripening harvest, and • the party which contended for those, principles, by ..the death or that long and well tried man in - ="wh " om . teeth : . centered .their . Cherished hopes' of many 'years. We , . do- not' , feel discouraged • it . WhO'lrek:,tairiteited" us, however great may be • ' ,',....,4igiet. : : : 31Ve - de t 4i.feel'olisheafteoeil,heeatise .: . one great•effort has been frustrated:--because the ' individual whore the Democratic Whig party - :: . ,,had elevated to .the' highest station in the gilt of '' ... •., thePecple,''anttAhroitghWhiim they had hoped to :, " s ; . eet a chpnge in.,,tiyi; administration'of out Gen ' - . • iii a i. , Ocfv.P.Plattnit:htot, bi l tito divine interposition ~ ' : -if ili c 4li s ,tace. Veen taken away, and a man, ' ,de --:.- - '• , -fierloi-stition; Called through - pre. ~0 4 16 0 1 : •Pean 14 ...• :. . . ,- . .. siiiion_44'ho,Cen'iti.. 44°, , !' 3 '. . occupy Ms Place,, . . .tomi arta inatead - et 41117)4147 . f,!- i i t i, r t ! i o, ;i6llii i . : ' ,:iatf,oo)igt.he,Glefaementi the'4:!ficiiil•q° - 7 . wh ich , > ho * B4 01.164erdiY(roi.essod 1 1 : # 0 ,44 - in , :,,acp 07 1, , , • ..,.It and *4 l ,iig* ,ll *. , . 4 . 6 ;V: his, O L OCcesoPr 1 0. 1 i; ed I traitlis*Uniq.' 4° vAioT , fie P.W# 3 l. ' 4 l PlelifiOSC ll' 7 , to the ' emeeratie Whig : party:and used his ' ut.i , ineit'etitle4vOrk t 4dat:at' q e4ili 'all the great idea , ...;aniett . .it'atideb'theY l o4, l ded . ., Lw . hnfin t4ingt o4 ~ .7 . .t fe :nai . ha'ye noon . the 'slightest . . •• 4 °Ml o i# e i., I MN i * lt #o 4 '7 . :9 41. 44 - .lii , " : ~:.',&kir i gef..f r g , .on! l i t ,i7..ef! i ? , ..iti ! iisYlkl.4.;ll,4:l'skiliich • 170 ,# 4144ite 5 i i . ;,..: 44 : T l 4 " 1 'lf k a ? , blOn411." con. '., . ~ tßi l .F#l4. 4=l F#P , Tft c . o ii ' ,#; l l.o . 4 ?_,A, 440 4 , _ ra .4 i644 at" , the plume' Ouv:ernpumt,,and the iiatinfactier_ in44o,lttiiiehltitrid!hiteitiati)ind , 00 ,finil24# Lniaffetts - eVtiu3 i iiiiiMtriSindlieettlAmindlin the ',AI:, .; 11 'i4 u 'r' ,-. lalily:lttiOtilo' condition Itief ?wrii. , !if*,' i',1i 4i ii . 44,.. 0. . t ~o i, rl io4k i iii, ,* io:, ? by4i, x ;.fcl, f fgro_ ; fei. ' :. iiiiiiiiiiiata4hl;l 3 ol4**.t.4.l)4. ' l* • Into 5. .. ~ ; beivlooloiticitaltt,iniennfoa.reneOmd action ci lia ..' ' - !'•14. *4 040440i**,iki3i*oi!tioitho.fitei. 4Aibilifrigkiinii:Aireiaiialiiii, ioibiable44aii: • ;,'•'.;4111441417,0r01010bit 004:.ilmilY , • . be . 1 wPil ; 4 4 1114 1 iii,,..:44i:iii.irid ivigh•spiiirfi i'f . AVl. the ..Denseeretie ,3 4 ' !lig 4taila s toifiraltest !•erest aqre dtizei . et y: t,hie . . " . .44,1nnetftni 'of' gieat momcnt fa rery 4 'Wei*. interest the eitifenaeCthispartiobitarAso Illoii..elt-bountrii--to the; ple • of , Cumberland thbuntyi .Thit ii' ..tgat•grain , The'soil' is 'ad Mthellent Anethe climateconic! hiali• the; , Inhatitarlis ekaled in•the scieriacr.of hns ' ban firy"4 and every' thin g 18'1 peculiarly' adtipted Iv> • the siMeetiritui persuit of all tho various •branches hot ihepeepieherehavectperiene. e~ the 'Omit ofa iiiiirkel-41ey see plainly the absehiteneCessity; to the •Miceeesful continuation of their ,Ptirsuits, cf,ionife AO of consumption: • ErnaPeiiii markets are 'Closed aktiinsi ok aapt at 'priced they profits—prices Which. will not .. portiricitliatti: Nerd for their labor . A market of pin'eivit have . , • act had for the reason that farthe greater portion of our labor is eniployedin one paiiichiar hianch ef . agriculture,- . 7 erisirig freni the ff:ll6L that,We• are' unable to• compete with ffircigri manuifactures An; acceunt Of the:great :difference in population and the consequent difference in the , pkiee of labiavvvithoUtthe.protectiett:a govern= meat' :this necessary protection has heeti; Until thti • present reement,' withheld; .we have been unable thfireferevauccenditlly to 'engage in the, besides"- bf nianufacture, end•ootiserjeentli the prodliee . .fif 'the fat Mer has ,fetiral no 'market. The urlbfhss =been ", compelled to receive the various :articles einaniWathire Witieli his wants ratiliire tram those who "would ;Mt receive in return the products ofkiir 'labor. His time, labor; and mon-_ try ..e.ipeaded has', ',therefore, id a nieasurc been thrown away; it has , been useless because there has heed fib demand for the staple , irproduceil t e r t home, abli.he has been prohibited sending it atioaa. The people as well of ,the grain:growing, as of the manufacturing districts hare coma to see, and' Understand thial - and - Ahey - see-the-re niedy-th e . only remedy. We' must create a market of our Own, by 'doing our. own ,martufaeturingp4-:must Create a market by creating a variety of Pursuits —a 'variety "of business. One will then conaumo the labor 01 the other;—the mutinfacturei will comiume the products of tho farmer; and the far. tiler in return , will consume the producte,of the manufacturer; and in this way a' new life will be kiven. to businees,Hindustry will receive its just toward, end prosperity And happiness will !Tread throughout the whple country.: ' There is :one Man whose ,whole history is so Identically connected with this policy of govern %menu one whose voice has a thousand times bean heard, in: its , defence,—who has plead for it before the assembled mass; And in Chamber' and the beet years of whose life hare been-Ns:int m thus endeavnring • to bring about a system of Government,by which the laborer may be reward; ed for his industry , and toil, that it is not to be wondered at that he should be the especial choice . Of the people 'this great agricultural district, for the office of Oilier Magistratc;—indied it. would-fie-strange.vvero-ittiot-so;-gratitude loud demande it. This .man is HICNRY CLAY.' He' too is our choieetret trot choice,—and we . verily-be, lieVe him to be the choice of the great Democratic Whig party throughout the country. However should it appear otherwise—should it appear that there is another Man, which we cannot believe, - who will receive the pieferenee - Of the majority of that party, in a National or State Convention,and who is a good Man, Willing and able to carry out the principlei Ibt which we have been, end are contending, we shall waive all personal prefet; , entes;. shall-eheerfully--yield up our first choice; is we sincerely-believe it to be' t h e desire of;that great man his friends should don in such a. case; anti Support to our utterinost the choice of the greatDeratiefatia - Harrison party:. In conclusion we would hope that the liberal' pa= tronage which his heretofore been'extended to the estsblisluarnat may be continued, and ask that a reasonable allowance may be made for our age; and inexperience as an editor; and If industry and perseverance, and an honest desire to make the "Herald & papositor" an interesting :and Useful Public Journal, may gain fur us the _favor and ap: probation of the public,the consitininatiqh of Our hopes and wishes are near ut hand. The Tariil=—llosmi Laboni. frln our paper to-day will be found the con; •elusion of • the Tariff Bill as passed by, Congras; The. good effects of the passage of this bill are al; ready _apparent;in many portionsuf the Union. In the different Factories in Delatkare bounty, in this State, upwards of five hundred persons, here. torero Unemployed, have already gone to work; and in the City of Philadelphia several factorica which havelong Lam closed,will immediately coinmence• operations. Anieng them the Globe Mills, Len. fling's Chemical Works; and Dr. Dergen's Glass Works. We learn also, that the Lehigh - Corn. pony has been applied to for water Owet• to hem ; plied to some new Iron' Works. These are in: Need elteetingAgoa of the tithe% May they in. creaeo and . multiply! • ' 0:11110 "NATIONAL Foati is the.titio'Col" it new daily penny paper just started at Philada , phis, several numbers dfWhich have been receiv:' ed. It supporte Mr. Clay, and IS edited wltli much ability. ' • ".' On dur first tioke will be, found the address and' resoluttonn of the Scott xi:lnvention lately- held at ,Ilarriehurg. AlthoUgh:preferrtng '"Harry of the West," we are, - ,deteripiried to show fair pl4y_;p3 lord ChTp iiiielit 007•Tiin 'above iii about: , the only Clay paper in the . Stati thatluni Vad magnanimity enough to copy any portinn'of the iiroceedinge of the Scott State ConvcntiOrd VVtiuf a commentary Minn the independence of that portion of the "Whig" press bound to the support or ti tnqn: However, rain: mum will yet triumph. ." impieldence Itebuiecd; A large and respeetable, meeting of the,eiti. teris,of Carlisle was, as every body knows , held sometime age in the csiart-hinise for the purpose of ,taking measures to bring to martial .punish, ,ment, certain Officers, at the . Carlisle Barracks for Maltreatment of some priiate Siddiers-".the Court of Sessions having determine& that the offenders werenot_amenable lo.._.their_jurisdiction, __A Com mittee pfthis meeting prepared a filemoiialiwhieh inSdiiiieted,lp be ;transmitted t i ck the Secretary of War, praying for an investigpti'on 6f:the sub. ject. Wo•ukiderstandihovveteri that the , memorial has not been east oh,' because Ofthe.Deparinitint's 14 0 , v ii, , z_directed Court of Inquiry while the paper was h, ' bib) r i::!"414104 for:signatures, and 'General Seer'shavt.r.:r: issued a General Cipler",.. forbid.' ing the illegal . inuOad of punishment which were , the, i ir a i n i p i i ;ii i i,against : these officers -4- Ouldielititi ;In 'our. - paPet last' With thin meeting we-IniennOinetOL4l.• cause ive , eared lot :ibMit fravelling to, the 43t g., racks 06 , 11 5 ,gp , oun:4 l, ..qioniinnoiiinink - iiioiMt . I kYi.V.94 6 Fmrst 'biiewtienii;Oini men aside PO, may 4'?=;cii, 0 , 4;4 „ h , * fie COMptoinis niati'y , 4. .64 •a f :6; t# 4 ,R ie .t!' ali f:7 ll°' l -69 :TO‘‘ 155"f1i a! bided a. *ace itottlik eh; men ,in that ,4stegiiit oitioid point - the fingoiSof,onOrM ond not n. 1 440agri;:4 4 5)* 440 m, Molars; amit a jiii; 41,et; a Week age; Lieuten anti. bthi tcifi he, tiro Wtiose • • preiiithe'eondifitt•loUsinlitho':indigiiiiku('..3if the citizens, declared in the presehcb seithrtitgthi., tlbmeu that ' th(i•ORDE, P0671;,1400 alluded to wee' . ttiiiiiiititcsO t i•vngittiemanikartd indecent; e brotriL. Against this soil of "tininilitaririthieutleineniy• itildlnddcent language', rsinthig ite; wit 'else pro test. 'lf, this heilth subordinction'of 'aft , inferior officer to a superior, We misuridersthini the duties. - • of a Soldier.. We ,do not spealt„these•thingisit. guardedly,--thity.dre . otitteefitiblp of , prof :The geutiethanly conduct of ,the , superior offi-' Col. at the Barraoksi, Anil of all. the. officers , NO from tine to tithe hare heed stationed ~thero, their intercourse with, the' citizens, has, with the few recent shatnefill exceptions,been.zuch al't° ethrmiaild; iinhanted .respect;' and We trust that herinifter the tengtieofimprodent youth—in toion,. at least=will be:more guarded.' , • • . c:l4 week or 'taro far arreiiinges clue the old proprietors were loth to subecribers , to the Herald.. Letters; have been received by the present proprietor in referenda to those bills, up. on which he has been compelled to pay thtt , tage. < This is tinfitir. If inibicribers concerned do not see proper te pay' the iostrige--(viltioli it is their 'duty to d6)—they will hereafter direct their letterS to the Agent,. Mr. J. C. W~LLrAete. Our postage is already heavy—;tooheavy nOw that we have bOtn.proscribed by, the "powent.that be." 1:6-THE Panai STRANOZIL IS the title of a neat little papa:. juit r atintedititliiiilace, :the encorid ,oumber.-of which 'reached us on Saturday last.— Theinunes of the publishers aro not given. We, hoviiieer,yish them success. , Tiini.obarge of his Honor Judie HICITURN, to thS in the recent "Conspiracy" case, will be found , in)Mother coltimn. it is 'published at the request of a great many of out subSeribers.— Volunteer'. OtPThen "a-great many' of' yrour subaCribera aro great . foole, and Judge Ilephttrn is exceeding iy soft, ndigithpur! , . The B.epliettilles In the Field: That portion - of the Mormon tribe opposed , to the nomination made for Assenibly by. JOE SMITH, of_ South Middleton,- and=his Elders, I . creunn, McCuME, Kickapini GRAHAM & Co., of . Carlisle, met in 'this, place on Monday last and nominated' JOHNi DUIYLAP, of Weil .Pennsboro' SENJ.:HAVERSTIPK, a S. Spring. They did not disturb the balanceiof the Tax' TicketWelsupposeiwa_shailisow_h*_.a regu lar fight. We predict- that . JOE, Prophet' though - Ile be, will get most awfully used up He can't run .thoi gauntlet with such a load as ilepipurn & Co. on his back, broad as it is! We really pity you, Joe ; but you are " a gone gos. W hat weeping and wailing - there be in Nauvoo . . WHIG ANTI-TAX TICKET. a:rtt. is truly gratifying to learn that the utmost ". m ood feeling preyails throughout the County in re. ferenCe td the beirideratic Whig Anti-Tax Ticket: 'Omni every section, we liaire assurances that.the Whigs anci3other•Taipayers will turn out andtive it a hearty Slipped, '4l better one has apt for years been presented to the people of CUmberland coun ty for their stiffrages::* - . It is made up with ilibn Vulio know. what it Is to labour and toil fot a living; and who will; con:. sequentlY, not be likely to be extrabagant with the people's money; Men whd having heavy taxes of their. own to pay; will 1% far from loading arid doubly-loading their friends and fellowleitiiend with burdensome taxation: These are the "very mon the fiemile 'et iienti4l: Dania Ml* ad require to fill.theli Legislative' Halls and Cotitity Offices-z-atid no men can or will do more towards bringing about Retrencimlent and Reform; and a REDUCTION OF TAXA TION, than these presented to the „teomanry df Old. Mother Ouniberland for their support. Arid the perfect Union and Harmony now prevailing in referende to the ticket above alluded to, is a cer. tamp presage of its TRIUdyPAINT ELEC TION on the Second' Tuesday of October next. It is THE PEOPLE'S TICKET, and Aey HOW desert their "xsowN and STEADFAB r friends. W. BUTLER Rebuke lo - LlXWhen tho Committee on Indian affairs foUnd it necessary,for the purpose of investigating alleged fratids, to examine . paper's in the War Department; the 'lnformation wad infused: An . : cordlythexhaiinian of that Committee, the Hon Lilies doodad.; df Adults; Indeduced - the &Hew: leg tedeltitionliefdtethe Ildusei • • . . "Rholptcl, That :the Hetlee Of Repke sentatitres he a right to dettiand from the gxecutirre'inati heads of beparthiehte such information air duly bp in' hie or 01'4 Os sessirin. relating to slibJects df thei deliber ations'Of the House, and'Within the sphsti legitiniate powera." " • This resolution was adopted j 45 to 'B, the nog. may° Notes hnving , been" given by Melons. Black, Cliehing, , Witi. W. Irwin, Robert McClellan,Prof. fit, Reynolda,Banfottl and Van Buren. Mr, Wise:. did riot, vote. • irrWe learn that• Mis Horn, of South Mid. dleton,giyins ua the credit of bestowing upon hint his prisent tithsefjos SMITH, the Artie and faith ful leacicr "of ,the Morrnons.b You, are iintirelY wrong,friend Joe. You were ehrioteried by swim of your own party with that, digribis4 But you'should not complain; It hi imuch pret tier than :SANDY ,:BOAR! Yon. understand, , • ' - ••,": .• , The BeHatb Of the Vaned plates tejeeted .the nominatieit 'of 'a Mr! JoneS, *he; it appears, ldji the follo*ink 'hest the adiatiniahOr a brother or the editor of,thsPresident'll organ: • ' "We take' cieeksien ;hi ea' irocriit rekrll4 this ocoariencit. f; Our brdindr never was a :parti san, and F l 49 4 , ll3 inAletd.of nopeeuniary std Atom the Goverpreent, , What he titliy,do bereaftaili in etiajtiectiorii*ith'ethdr vietima do the Indoilit, Ideate: 'peihapkeeitilis Senate : re wlltitnikv here,- aftei!" • ' ' scrT iebleatten Au' 9,evetpor ! op -p l ace ` tact - Al; , far,ae l kkumi the sub4Ta.ed,,,wc,ll.: majority flic;* 1 44.idiciop t..4,,qty.,! , iin0r4 it ii.firpoik li 411 .ii" 6 :0 11 : 1 0 - 404POP • el ‘Oilta iiii;-FußstAti ii)t, i p' r'' ' 1 1 , 11 4 ' ii/i RA/ 1 . 8 • a ' • ' 'Liguten'- ' c ''''', atedfof.do*MiiOr', mid, , ~,. ~ , liot. ,m(iii:F:9 e ft- t a k - iii',lhe it4tle• `7/7: oft,A'44iiit4ira4i; ._• 'l` ,4 ciliiii:' ii i 6 ma ~ ~;.." .- a li i p a p pciA ._ e. 11- ~) -- me alio Teni 'r , , .. ~ , Jority. 'Th• iv, •. • yelloweves Is • rog , g _ear r eene; though' it Oep '` iio ai , P66 sor i.1 3 t 4 /kit ' fi s Ji'sod f')'• , • . ank : •,„ o Oji'lito City Rs 110:c1610141#11:' ":'Thy e,6biadh. fistitttg Reporter stags, hits not. Ell A -~'.. ;,~7. Esplan6.tion. Fon ASSEMBLY, UNION AND HARMONY. A rulistiaiiie; iriend.Toe?, MB - ' `iyVlre suilattleiroiC f t . ; We . iidiWeeriie.tit 04 my.4.1 ; .5:06:644 - 0 7 4 inroivtio I.Poinp.nt . Lb, oln~abj : in' ; oiie'ot thp , very b'esi in` die - tido; pit; of b$ property=holiii, yv,i; Aid( hopet - otheri Ytie:id our totitsteils.i ' , 2 ; o :: rAt a recent meeting in Coldmbta;b l hio; the . Harrison deinocrats:runanimOualy pissed the' fol.. • • Imving just resolution en the 'charaCter:ancl ten, denqies oijoecfOcoisrm` - . • Thif Of j),06 °co s'AjleaillY: blight' and *Oink 0400,i, to eioryelethent , Or ~ eutt,n4toolll, pro's peritY;" . Ite' , :reesite ; ,,iittetttipo secure tit!ilert ifk toi,itittrisPea!iiiaAfe 4l ,ttgiA, :jusit,ti,s and - wiidletig,'oelilW:Se - Ptel'iiifrVOeti!; , " .gFeosi':an4.le r kiertfti",t,4 4 ,4ie r beoi, s ,o ish capita[ - and, htei 1111 . 0, niesSU res;:a it iniquities an'd' ; apiped Ilia climax ; , of its L'diripk, SitiuirlOtionst hat w e';h* r e4y de6l t ara eterrial ~WaiT ; Sieinst. its,pririiiples fits pp,ierters, slid- pledge' ourselves not .to cease our .effi - Arts . to over throw intl.deStroy: if utterly" ' - liurired4rid fiftiNones;iketo en Reeolutione hi:We:ll4 13elaion o Ciangress; Itini:tra.4We hey° another glory 4bciiit 'the election in this atitts - which 'eayii, Ttlie;~~iigs have 10 niajoritiiii.tho'Senitte; and: thalchgrinerati 10 in the ilauee t Ori joi4e.baiisti,!fe, •;.. ' - 4 :1:‘ - -' 4 .431 ED"..;, bri.the 6th inst.; Mrs.:MARTHA MACFAR . LANE, wife of '4O ll -•Mofnyl A u f , Of. Gettyi burg,.in the 49th year of 'her . On the - 25th ult., in Clarhe' County, Ohio WILLIAM D. RAMSEY, - • Esq: fiiimerly of Car Pa. In Lancaster,. on the Ist init., the Hon. SAM UEI4 • DALE, aged 79 : years..„ • REVIEWOVTHEMARKETS. ----- -- THILADELPDIA, 5ept.10,11842. - , FLOUR AND'MBAL.—In !he early' part of the Week. sales for export of Flour weremade at $4 .52i at which: rate it is to day ge.rierally,,beld by . Motors on she Delaware, though sales tor, shipping have been made on Market and Woad' Street at $4 5u per bid.- We quoit) . to-day- it.. 14 50-a .$4„623. as as the current rate. Rye Flpur.s3 75 per barrel. Corn Meal $2 - 75 per bhl foe Patina, itotl42 90 for Brandywine, '." - ' ' '.. t GRAIN.—The receipts Wheat fiiiie only been modende this. tveek . , and p ices,:ateady at 920 . for prime Penna, red. Southe a .Wheat 76 aB2aas in Cualkty. Sales Penni. Rye t 6 1 iper bushel. Oats onsideaable salei Of Soutlibra afloat at , 29 a .3230 per buShel-;—Corn'Meal - $4 75 per bushel, t 'oria has deolinetta trifle; we qu i bte Southern flat yellow at 52, and whitedo 50 5.1 b • per bushel. Pedna. flat Corn at 520 per bushel: /. • . .. . ' - - ----W-1-11SK.Fltt_blils.imlbe.Del&are is sellini_ in lots at 21 cents pergallon. -: -CATTLE MARADZ-;-Bee.f Cattle.-876: in .market; sales at 4 to Se; a few extra: sold, at 54e; 400 were bought for the - New -York 'market, Cow)! and Calves--270 it market; sales fiom $l5 to 22, oath, sold at $3O. trogii.-46ilat market, sales from 1 $44 . si - 8. Sheep--1170 at: market,. vales !It' $l . 25 a $1 873; .extra $2 . 371. . ...1 . . • - BALTWOIiEI, September 10, 1842. FLGl7l2.—The'cotiree .of this. article has, been dewnivard for some vveekii, and 'Mee 'airiest report; which then quoted Howard street' 4 623, it has further gradually declined, sales, having been made yesterdayat.s4 ' 371, and it 'is not improbable - there •E ay have ceen transactions at something hay 'the last receipt 'price paid was $4 25. • GRA IN.-1V heat hail tome forward more freely, but the quality does not improve, and piictii remain unchanged. Some• pied Petinkylvanla Bed's have sold at ill a 92 cents. Rye may - he - quoted 45 to 50, With light receipts. _Oats in 11mitrd,,de - inand at 21 a 22. Corn is steady at 50 cents for White Or yellow. 'WHISKEY—is rather 1111 a ; hltdl. are held at 214 22• cents. CA ITLE 41ARKET. 'flet(reattle.—TlitOffer hip this week by the drovers, amounted, 580; of these shout 450 were taken Ivy the city hatchets at prices - varying froni 9 25 101.14 25 per 100 Ills; 150 were taken to another, market, atid 20 remained unsold: Hogg are in less request, and may be quot ed shunt $5. ' ' . • Teiiiiie#ititee;' • " Tim Carlisle Waslet4tcut;Temperatice So ci will meet, as heretofore," ON EVE- - It SATURDAY EVENING, at half pat en o7cleek, at the Court House. The members of thhaisociation are particularly requested to attend on next Saturday eimultit; as businesii of helper; tante to it's intefestiq will tlb brought before the SOblety fdr curiaideratlbm. , EDW. PENPER.GRASS, September. 14tht1842. It-46 VALUABLE , FARM FOR SOIE. , •'• - • THE atibetriber will Bell at Public Sale; on FRIDAY the 21st of OCTOBER 'neat; at 12 o'clock, M., . • ,• ••' *ARM - OF anaatoevow , MATIZoo Situate in - ' We st ' l'erirtsborol 'township, Ciludiei land County . ,.. t on , MOunt Rock .Spring, one mile Rom Mount :Rock;:boonded by lands of Samuel and Robdrt & Heirs of Wm: DaitiAson; CONTAINING 40 A CRES; • &Het measure. The improyemcnts arb a TWO:STORY, ,Loq, c : HOUSE& KITCHE r ti-it with a welt of ' good - Water" ritiaHbe - • house; un apple ORCHARD of grafted - trait, BANK BARN; Corn Crlbiind Wagon Shed; also; a good TENANT HOUSE & Sll‘liril 'l5lllO P t and Stable; with' a -goo Lot and Gar-. den. T'his property wilFbriuold - beparato er to. gather, skit may suit purchasers.:-- , ARCM:lance :will , given :and ter m 's made knowu 'by the.SubSeriber.: • ' • '• '. • • • GEO. - DAVIDSON. September.l4, 1842. •• • • - :• ' • • M. 46 ownw:tounaszolywro „g;adaninitt 'against._ LOSS OR DA,M#GE. BY, FIRE. 'Ou4trrso. ' The , Spring Ga . rdeh:Fire Insurance Com- Paay qf PhilYdeleqa,' Amp 'INSURAN 'thee (4rlpraryi . perpetual; againeiloss or damagyky`Fias; 'm :town or Country, on lioteieei,norna and Build: inge or. all Kindel4on HoUaohold Furnitnre t thanAzeirHorseal cattlo i ;Agrioultural; Comm+. Mat ancl, AlannfactUriiii, I.3toelti aud,„.Utenalhs of eirditydescripti'cirnismellaildOnTiMie andOilouriO :REPT; Offorc the moit:,faforabliterina: • •' - The follothins are tAi-ttetcatrattl, On• Stone and brisk' buildings* from. :• ' ,;• 0. 0,5,40 Ofe.•oo•IF 1 00! ki . r ,sl; o 4Aufuine ti • '430 to lOO "Arefehandize and fon;i1: . • , ttirO r :ln 'hilclCor ••• bnildingek 40 to so etas: On , 'l9O ,ItDm: in log or frainp; 60 to.7o•etel on 100 `, 4 1 1 :04 8 4) 0 4ti10 . 41,0ing • ' , , • uL4146 itifoor PERPE , , 'SO cti t :dn, tOn *lolvor,etone intd !oioi 06 bit If . ioObithi pitjmliieo tiatb,o4i itt OarV'ineurink; aV a:dednet!oit'til s'per ant; on the:amount paid. , • •,;,11 ,44 • , Appnentlinurfoi,lrunii4lkop;oi njr, loroptrutthih On the mptjeutkmaymi,ntocle eittior, pen/0041y ot 101W4 at,1,04 P0E40.0'01E64 at Th lho 14,:ber' corder . ofl3iith'.nott.W6oll°t•rebu': MORTONIIIITCIIA,Ere; , PrbOident. :I(llUhlallkitl4,:Sieretary; or;' 44 ' ll l ll 4ggiAtilo l. 4 l oarhstei Pm' , tZlgor6l - /Vlllialt , o4'; , ',4;fkirk4l4l,, Joseph WOO, ';i•ilSiltnnel•Toyryte,end,i;;,- ~t, , X, a guorequo? • Lmlibtottgor 0004 romerojir iV:itlabitilhO'i; I.,•lllmydpp, J•SekteinhOr t4,1942:"`. • ' •• ~- ; .:;; ; : . . .4 - -y:ii:.;i:T,, OBITRARY:REC,OAD. , - Mani rT,_.vragegsi ,'i. - ..l:',..!.W.ViLatT4splgEsTs',,' , .. - : . !.'.. • : ~„ ~.. . , , : ~y , . • legal --.-•• ••11 sentaitVe ,1 4. t he'ileirB an ' '' deOfir:••f- ••i, .., .. 'a i!si• v Aitirit,nger.l-.:L.,' the 6?',* 9,,,,n,,,.-4.kk AO .4. ii t , -Ai' F(irtiti ••••• , .4 -",- `,..", .n... 7", •, . 1,5 f i. V,V •- - , ' t of - . 1' 6.i , vlr t "e‘ - 6 . ir ' 4 ' illed ou will hold,. • ''' }tA , b~: ' ~,,i,c , /bre te . 1 nty, 1 T Fd' Nation to berfind Con _ u..mnudg ted 0 • • -' ' 0 .., G it. of Cum fit,. dire° , k- 4- ' • Oitiiil/B;fie" at by "41 at 10 ° °I" lect.inil, *n nquis—on6f°64°l'Cri iB4; d *here all Intre t66-19t4.4"."g; 4hell dr! " . - DI- Sheriff. :.. on 1 16'''Prni- ,tlllnk.iironfii MA RTIN "0rif.:11169, ~ :,P A U L ......_.---,,7124,t--- ii4i.iff's 0fpf. , ,....... .. , dlrlisie' ? ept• 14 u , ,83!' to Elie teir, arid .legal Repitaelitativee of'Margaret Qlogleo. deceased; . late Margaret. crochet.. and d a ughter. ' George.Ciocket: ) ). •' TAKE NOTICE. ' licillA.T*- by virtuti.tif . a writ.Of Partition or valuation to me directed , leaned out . of the aani' Court or cninberiand poilnty, will hold at,by said writ directed ,on WED NIESLIAY, the, 28th day, of Seritecatier, , i'A.'lr 'Otto lecicior.::*;-'114.i• on the :prcmieett, when and - where all.iiiteietied, may attend if they think pro per., ' ' PAUL , Sheriff siiieireg ..?' • - iCarliale,;!Selit. 14th,, ts".l2d • .. . IN BANKRUPTCY. :'• . , ...:.„ , 43.-.32) , atteslicso.;••• - - ETOIONSfor 'Dischnge and Certifiente JF: under the Bankrupt Lew, have been filed by , . . SAMUEL ;;GIVEN,- late Merchant an d • "..",' . Manufacturer,• - ' . , Cumberland county: JESSE - BAIIMAN, Machi nist and' Iron Founder, , :: - - E' , ,"-; - •"-,-, - -- Cumberland county. JOHN: GRAY; Individually and as a.mein. • . - - ' her of the latOßrirt ni"Gray and Cauff- manlren Master, • , • .Cumberland comity- ABRAHAM•II. PHILLIPS; late . Mer-* • . _ chant...of:Ake firoi of Egolf and. Phillips, . ' now, Clerk, Cumb - erland•nounty. JOSEPH MOSSER, Tanner, Currier, and .Farmer.' . • Ctimberland o:Panty. C.. E. IL :DAVIS, late Merchant," now- -• , Chair Maker, ' , Cumberland county. and. • MONDAY the 215 t. . -day of NOVEMBER ` , 14 next, at O'clock, A. -M. is appointed for the hearing, the eof, Wore the said Court, sitting in ' Bankruptc ,at the District Court Room in • the City of Philadelphia, when and where the Ciedi• tors of the•said Petitioners,who have Proved their "Debts, and all. other persons in interest, may ap pear and show cause - ; - if any -- they-have, why such Discharge and Certificate should not be granted:, -------- —--- - .- FRAS. HOPKINSON, Clerk of the District Court: Philadelphia; Sept. 5;1842i • ~, 10.46 ._S,ix 'Cents .liesvard.. RANAWAY froin'the subscriber, on Monday last, an indented Lad, named. SADIE EL BLAIR, aged 17 or 18 yeare. The public are hereby cautioned than harbouring, or trust ing him ITT account.' The above .reward will be paid for hie delivery. JOHN MHLLINGtR. Dickinson tp. Sept. 2, 1842. ' . 3t*-46 Wro_Valuable rartng ' FOR SALE: • AHE subscriber offers at private sale,' on very reasonable terms; TWO VAL CAB ILE - FACR ISIS. No. 1. Containing 110 Acres of first-rate 311=2.2205213A1Zi1b u Situate a few miles West of Carlisle,,Cumborland County, near the Walnut Botioni Road—witi geed Improvements, and ,a never failing' well of water-Also, 5 _ , _ieres Of Chest sant Tint. her, within a pa hauling dibtantie df the above property. No.- 2. C i ontaisiidg 'o'o Acres 6f - SLATE LAND,. Adjoining the Limestone Land, 'near Middlesex Mills, East or Carlisle, Cumberland county, with good improveinCine, and a stream of water on the same. Cj'A further descriptive. .r deemed unneoew.ryt.s those deakeus of "purchas log will, of course, view the same. • Application to be made to the subscriber, living at Middlesex Mills. MICHAEL FISIIBURN, Agent for the Owners. Aiigust24, 1812. tf-43 HO VS.IO .4.11 PD LOT AT PUBLIC SALE. ' WILL be•sold at public sale, on the premises, on V V Stittird4 the Bth day of October next, at 12 o'clock M., Siela- MOUS ' AND 't' LOT OF GROUND, late the estate of Antis lloovEa, d, ceased, containing ONE ACRE, more or less—situated in Mechimies burk, Cirlishertand bohniy, Pa.,• bounded on the east by 4114, on the Sohtli by a lot of Adam Reighe, Wog. by It lot of Nancy Ktnsay, and North by a street oe alloy.. The holise is twu ,titokies higb„ . plastered, lihd riiolky;With a' Kitchen and Dining Room attached. TheFe ih an eteellent well of water at the door, and Y variety Of choice fruit trees on the lot, with other Conlibuettece-; , :the,, whole ' property belitg in gOod 'repo*. Persons wis hing to 'Witham will l'eattewn the pt:oilerly by balin g cut Jollti Hooy' l er is MechanisChurg. „ The terms will be mAde known on hie day of sale, Mid atimilltukte given • , , DAVID HOOVEN • • HOOTER, Scptembet 7, 1842.•• ,15 1 .4.5 „ . " SEICRIFIPS SALE. • Yvirtile Of sundry' writs : of , . pup etponas,:to sup directed, iisuairthe' Court orCoolindit'Fiddi:of biini}, *PI' be °tooted to . thibitio . sale, SATURI)AV the lat slay or ogoßrat, k ß ii4"2,iii 10 o'llobk, At tit the Cauri Hon in the oi:ongli of Catlin e, tlio kcilloiv lig ilbscribid,teht bitate; 0/44 Mit Le Ulf' (E/IIicVEMTILre the toitu of spriuefield, Cuni6erland coun th,botnitleiltin the,Aiorth.by_a lot of Young% heirs, on the tiaiit by a lot 'or Samuel French, on the south by a lot of, bane Alai:guar, and on the. Neat by lands of:Jacob 'teller; containing abcint, one half acre, having thereon erected a two story' dwelling house, :part ,brick and part frame, a log building erected for a distillery. and a log spring house. • • •Aloo, :A Lot: of GEOund • situate idthe town of Springfield, containing about one fourth of an acre, bounded on the north - by a lot of Daniel Sweigert, on the east by - , a lot of Josiah Hood; on the south by a lot late the property of An dre&Moursi anCon the West by a lot: of Samuel French: Seized and taken in execution as the prep erty of tieter.Noacre: ' And to be sold' by me, • - PAUL mmtrnsr, sheriff . ; • ~. Sheriff's OfileeiCarliale, Sept 3,1844. : ,t 545 • ..Di . „ , v • ' di, Eihol3J • • ItEl:Stibisbritrer 11/15 on band,at his shop, to Male street,Carlisle,next Ilpor to Mr. Loudontalluttic- Sture s w. new supply •of f, . Commenk Skittg dud SPANLIS ADD - LES, fine and. cedullint• Harness; .ColJart, Bridlei, flatters, 'Martingalett;:.Whips and Fly Nets (wasted soil leptber) 6 firtd-rate one or two horse ;• 1 •••'• 41U1111_ . ZlLA,Citlia • • aletttiO;oeb °rile WAGON, all 'or tvhioh ite fell (or sale obettber thud 1110 can be bought-else, *bite. - ••• 4 , " • - • SitsnitiliSiddleh are deoldedlY ••Orafer plank •ollieb kind", anti, are adniittedsby thoile?klat haye tried died) to .moist eas tu y' and bofortable •ri.dlng" jutddlei ever tbanaablthred. 7 - „• , • .4 ; Orders trinuabtlied will he plinettitilly iitenlltil to: -- - -; ..-SAMIJ,Gp•ENSMIN,GGR.; • September 7;1842 • • • tf4s . . T"NJ.TWItLECTION. fat . otflbers and pianageri.of thectitatairlandlralley Rail Road ,Cornpany,.. will he held 'at t h e house of Monti; ens Maofarline; indiebiiiodg_ia of Carlisle, betWeeh. thO hours of . 10 At. M. 4,13..111;,0f • Monday the 3d day OF ilt,olkas . „ BEcToi[.,E, secy., • 18412.;31.43 'it' ' '''C'' ti - - '' . .- 1 ray.. at 0 .. ~ . ~_ VA ME 'il risnihq PrOififitediaf , thei isiibecri= I;%fiiiiat , istillifor# township ;•Ckiraberlsind ciadritY;; I fet ilia • ffillaif ,deaeribikl ' eitge , -iviar• in gay lasi L a. ,kriti4liik B I s said it...l9ly.lastlap;la , api,*bite optioa 4 EER., ' Nir tiartlbutato*rks otlikerifabla lA citit eittp*:' •' TO 'OwneOlii•ch*fari Kitt • ' telpleat• :ad to can* fariiard ;Prove, ptitrety * pay thaicvaa'and ,take, ,!t,.,awiiv77ollitirTise , it, , l s afill.' ,be '',4l , ispmw , Al, gr .ae:ookdio'g pii, 'law; ~ 1 2 : ':•!:," ' `‘,- *`' '• , , ' - ,:, , „ --, :'( , ,,v...‘4 -:, A ' : ' ! '..-,1!) .#9 11 N... 0 4 .ER, ' ''' 6epterabeeri int'. :.' -...-, - . ,34*-4:5, 1 . • •, , Ir•IREMPOIC S"-E: L—• • - • / 111 60 4 itidfi ' effiieAinniiielip galeitheEklifq On *Well' tiv d i lyrov tr . ,e rick', einroty t 'state Of coltimiYieV . . tu.tati, 41®]I Vila Cori adjeht ngg;Mz golintioti Jacoh' Poe; end taring: 'IV nes alien t 9 miles front FrOdeilelt miles' West of Woods: befougli; dir‘e!ii , .4)n : the east bank of the Mono: 'Cosy: • "The soiliif :this land id a. Mixture of lime and amid , stone. aboilnds 'With 'first quality of lime sione: — Tat* offithlehirth a . In 1) KILN In operation . ; . It was pOt,.up about 3 years ag6i by proper attention . there might be a very large. (identity :of lime burnt and sold every year at this Kiln, as it is'ntost tonvenient.tOthe red laud Set: tlemont where they have begun to lime their land: I have put out'about 3000 bushels on this farm; it acts finely: The farm is divided into 11 ficlds; besides sortie small lots around the buildings: They are near: Ty all divided by. locum. posts °and cheanut rail fence. 'file buildings are. If ery comfortable, con: silting of aslarge 11V5412 , 4mL , r IP% and ti eatherboord Froni, and Stone Backbuilding and Kitchen ~a good stone lA, N; corn; carriage house, and' other buildings. CM this farm there aro 4 first rate Springs, one near the buildings. Also a fine 011 C NI Alt pi add other fruit; all selected by Mr. Chas: Beltran; who formerly owned.tfiTs property: There is about td-46 7O or 'SO . Acies of Wood to this farm. It can be conveniently divided , tb give wood' and water to each field. It abounds with yellow loculits. Any liersoii . ivrshing id Or. chase will do well to call ;on tho subseriber living on said farm., TIIOS: J. WORTHINGTON:• August 24,1 . : - • . 3t-43• VALUABLEMitt PROPERTY 31)21 . R3ilgiLEa RY virtue of in order of the Cirpitane Court of Cumberland County; will be sold oh the premises; on SATURDAY the Bth day of OCTO BER next, at 12, o'clock, nouns of said day, the ful: lowing , t . 'aftsable Real-itkiate; Late the propettyof JACOB . HARif iSf - L of South Middtettin'teuutsblic - deeeasedi - to - wit: -- 4 IS:fice . cOilttiinipg T/q.,irilpTwo.Aere s . . 162521113202112 'IMMO Situate in,Cthaherland Cduniy; on the road lead ing from - Carlisle to Hanover, about flee miles from ~the fighter place; adjoining lands of Thomas and James Nichairey, Frederick Hoover and the Yellow Breeches Creek: ~ Having thereon erect. ed; a FOUR STORY ' • CENZ:l 7 "l:3saLtilaziapatt uri AND • z•ii LTir • MmL., Three DWELLING HOUSES,drst is a two story LOG M HOUSE, ivaggon Maker . Shop and new BARN, sedond is a onelidry LOG - 1101JSE“tml - stable; - a - Log House, Smith SIMI) and Stable, ethriiing yoimg ORCHARD Of choice fruit trees: The Mill isin complete order, containing four rho diStonest two pair of burM for Henri one pair of burrs for chopping, and one pair of sand; hay. ing elevators, smut mahhine and every other ma terial dsed mills;. all nearly. nevi and in first tate order . and•quality. The whole Mill Machin ery has been put up now Within - the last year; The Mill is driven by the Yellow Breeclibir - creek, :a never-failing stream - of Water, biCated iq .the'lMart of a grain growing eotintryonfording, ail extenSiVe teuntry . cusbim. And. haViht_eicel lent facilities for Cent-eying , - inerellant - tvork- to market by the Ctimberland Valley tail road: Terms of sale will be made known en the day °kettle s by • JOHNPETERS; • - hxecut9i_ofJacob Harnish, deed. August 17, 1841. • is-42 lir -1.. 7 .1.1.3. 1124.4 I Elan ie. ' . AT P UBLIC SALE. -.: - • ..._...... /VVLIPVtLVtIII/I.IIAIIMIIA N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' 1 1, Court of Cuntbcrland Uounty,Pa. will be sold at pu lie sale, on the premises, on , Saturday the 15th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, the following described Real Estate, late the proper ty of ELIZABETH rEhOUSON, decensetV--to tvpi .1 T '' /tali CT OF Liti i si .0 1 in West Pennsbord' township, t'unitteiland county, ou the turnpike road from. Harrisburg to Pittsburg, about 6 miles west or Carlisle, is:Mulled by mud. or Joseph Rimer, Esti. and the IfiritofJolin Sharp, de ceased, imittaining about F. FTY OIE A.... CUES and allowance, wt h a two-story og Hoir,.: i r , 9 Me •, , DOUBLE LOG BARN• A n d 0 GRANARY thereon erected. e t.iie Tani lA,Lirii steno, Of the best quality; about floe Gores of Tint her land thereon, a well of wake near the dtvellingi atulmt apPle orchard had Other chdite fruit trees near. the house.' . .. . The Tenni of gale are The.eirieniei of sale to be paid by the purchaser ots confirtnation of the sale by the Court, one half of. the residue, of the jitteellitse money to be paid on the debtor April nett, Mien pos session wi ll he given and a denedmiatle to the intrtlta; ser; and the balance In twO wilttai &Omuta • jiaritents thereafter without idterest—thus *bole to be Secured by recognizance in the Ortillan'Z' Coltri *lilt 'Opprov; cd security:.,,_,. , _ 3 , • , . 1 ' ' , .. . MATTHEW DAVIDSON, .., , AtlM'e, of Elizabeth Fcignient, deed: ' S'eitibinher,i', 184% - • 4t-45 Vallihblo •'.Linitjoi.lloll - ram , • . . -.•.;17' PU BLIC &JILL. - •• •',, IN 'tysusienn onisiYoi:(lo of i.lanOrtihtinie Collrt 'of Caantyi Pj4, *ill Ito, Rohl et ; sale, On We 131eniiiiei, SATUttI)AX the '224 Slay. of OCTOBER 14EXT;iit the fol. lotting described t•altiable • • "- 'FARM -- 41G - IrAkVIE nit - MitiUSE4 , Into the property of PETER DUCK ;decentell...Tim' • . CSka", U..CaiEtdi ell . . situate partly in West Pennithero' anti partly in Dick inson townsitips,ligythiled by lands of Jamtis,Myers, Vim. McCune, John Sirvely's heiid. Jab Pipi r and others; containing J7l Aerate 6i, 'l4olsP,'erches; neat mehsure—hav thereun en:l:tett aldrge llzstory, plastered •• S ; 111 U • • • a large' Blotto and frame BANK BARN, wagon stied, COW' erlh•, straw hoUse and gra nary; a bake hotise, smoke house.and wash house; a good cistern dud 'wall of never-failing Water near the. ddor; %lin, a hirge SI'ADLE tor horses,. separiite front tile barn. ...There is on said farni an apple oroli 7 art] lind peach orchard, With a varieky of dther fruit trees, dud beider pies: , The hind Is Limeatoiie, of the best 9tiality, in a high state Ortulhialion,tioid.aboht 3d oilers of dinkier land thereon. The tiirittiike road from Philadelphia, Pitteblirg Paseo., through said thi , ni, On . which die iinprotientents hre situhte. . The above property . is now and h.ei Deed 'for.u..thimbln . of.years occupied, as k T . avfatt _Stand;. and as and Tavern Houtie,!aone f die best improved nun 'hold 'ignitable firoilertiell In Cilinbeidand Cobety: . It lies:about AO Wiles West of carlhie anti the, sonic distance. Emit of Shitilenshrg's Or it nine •fronvthe Head Or !ie Big• Tering, of .Stileiwil 'HS Ilneiitindred dollars 'on the en3,,,fi rend ion' of the sale by, the Catirt,' the residue of one half toe paid On the Istof ,April nett, wheit'pcieliessieti wil l be git , en and a deed made 'to',the nuridiaseri end rethaininghalf to tie paid in,: three equal ainnialipay,nients thertußer;without tut= reef; to be seiiiired-bY.Judgnient.Lor-mortgu. • ' Any peison winner to view 'the above prkirettly Cell call on Major.tlapgrioisiding thereon or chit er ofthe undersigned. ' • . • Sliciehlthottbore ant be sold at the titneaPpoliiteti; it vidlithen bd . rented for the , torin.of ' one year or. ItitiEßS;,7l'lreilt,Pentieboro; • JOSEPH MeLIKRINIOND,NewOIIe;'' ditus i , f L'etci Dilck, ' '..sepieinberl7; 1 ' "Voliinteer;Caliisqi,,Repiirler And Telegtsoll;l4l , -. rishuiV.lntelligeneeraiid Exiintiqi;,Lanciister i 'and; Lehituoit, intleit till sale , .eltki'olftlOriitiltoneivsiper to,Aft.:Meo4oo#4 , at lOviiiille;e4iiiiibeiltiod • -11114:n.`"P,, v,4llo;:nike,6iaie„falr:lturnerth ;and fOr tot o' '7'14 .I%t"MARTAN, L! ' - ? Cfhl6deiliOro ; to Millor*-111irtino ., , . .• atrititye:AprO 2O 18n, - 6r11• 25 li El ! , ;_FtIVinftfitLAS:,.& , : ,. PAiI::ANOLS; 4 1a01214:(4.., &Atilt.- ¢(' sireet-,fl44cielphia; 11 AVE; tdifays on Inuit] . a V'ri* „ , anfierier and extenetVe aseuriaterit:.ef SKIL0 , 17111114: as ECILAS.: SCO TCH ' TCII. GINGUA NI, lIIINBRELLAI4LaIid t-iIrICON Ind- BRELLAS ! of wiry' description. 'Alsda largo variety of moat, elegant and superb • , . . Vidiich tlibjl are,noii . ofrorintai prices adapted to. ..the-tirttes:-X s ountty..llkichaßtjuuntthilittldiittro invited to an inspection. previous to' making their . . . purchases: • :' • Notes iniceti Observe No. 1, Sarril SEcoNni . ody one door' Velow.Market street. The cheapest store ill the city. : Aug.n 2,1,1.842:; iFILOWato• . JUST received , some F resh Ground FLOUR,. at the stole 6f RieffAßDS.* Catlidic,iAtie. 24, 184.. • , . tr.4l TO THE PII33LEGO ,TIHE subscriber, in • retnriiing his sincere thanks te'his friondif led the mistorners for . their favors. thud far ilestoWed upon him, takes pleasure iii informing them thatle.is still prc- Wed to!execute eny and evely order they may stand in need Of in his fine s as respects,thu, Anish ing oftTEW •• • or the,repairing of old ones; at his Coach it 11.11.anetfacIciry,itiearlirile, Ski Hopes &inn di earnest desire to please alt who maybe disposed to give' him a milli to merit a continaance of their custom; and offers the fol.. • isWing - • : . • • • . .eii A INCE . to fanners and dealing men, generally. On ac - count - of-the . Ciarei tt-of-money,-the r -undersigned need to hold out td every Men.anopportanity of inirchasing , S Carriage for • ' • E • 7 - - • taken the toli.win g prodtice and mirthatidlie, to , Iron; Ltunpeii 11 ; ood; Coal, Flour; • Corn ; flats; . 11`4cal,. Rue, and any and every kind ofStOre Goods; or almost • • any kirid of tradc going,, Now is your clianoo - Farnicrin call In and lOok fOtyourseltos; you who tad'an-cicuae-fbr riot- attehding-Church_or visit-- your friondsi" thorn It 110 ext . usd for, young, old, !alum blind,'or thOse without CARRIAGES: itrass and SiliVe Plating' of all Mode; (loon ai the rilthriest noliCeAl the noatost_manner; and Oil the most, rogatinable __- • . . • . Establiklanteha l Pitt street, Sentlt of High, in the tear Of tl thodist 'Episcopal.-Oltureh;•and` irntnediately op positelhe residence of Mr: John Noble; er Old Carriagee taken in eichaitger for new • ones; and,Repairintr - ,dono with neatness and de- • spateh; and on very reasotiable.ternis: Please then give me a call along With the rest - • of the doach Makers; I will be idi:atieil to see all, • and anknoVuledge in 3; thanks for their - patronage; • : -- EILENEZ El - I — D - NUTZ7 tf-43- Aligust 2.4, 1812 T - ' `nPaperHE subserib subscriber respectfully' Informs -the pub: lip at large, that lie has leased Bib above es. tattlisbinent, six miles soUth_olCarlisterfor a4crin - ofyeaKin Mot the MILL having been r6ccritly re paired, and new madhlnery. introduced, he is therefore prepared to 'matiukilietttr'n" to order, (and also has a supply oonsiantly on hand) Papek of eVdry - kind which he will fiirnish to print.lrs, - Merchants and others, In any Miantitiei al the loWest City urices: Allorders'addressed to the subscriber, at liaper- - town, Ciimberiand contity; will receive prompt - attention: v:llaiing lately received a supply °film very best ; nikeiinls, lie fialteis'himself , that lie. ill be abl y,, , to manufaettire paper equal in quality to any other establishment in thlreothitry: • WILLIAM B. MULLIN'. N. B. The highest price path for raga. 1.i,2-cDzaCk. COMFORTABLY. neiv brick CA" ING HOUSE: Iteht tnattirate: 1. 1 ; session given immediately. • CHAS: OGILitY. tf-41 Aug. 10, 184:2. • NOTICE. A LL persora4 wild kooky themselves in airbars Ai to the late firm of BARNITZ & PEFFER; • either by note or book account, are earnestly re; quested to pay their respective dues; on Or'beford the 15th September next, to Coniti.Es • CHARLES BARNITZ; JOHN A; PEFFER, Carlisle; Aug; 10;1842; V 0 W 34af ,122 ALL persohe idilekted tt?„ the Aubscriber, arc quested tb mdk6 im4ment withourilehty. JNO. ; •PEFFER. tf-41 Aug; 10; 1842 C.ISII.JUST ieneiied; another supply of able d °ads, holight at greatly kedueed pricesfOr cash; • Purchasers will find it to their interest to ball `and get . bargains; as I will sell gobds loiter run CASII; than ever sold in this place: • CHAR; OcilLBY. • • Carlis~ ci Aug. 100842: . . V-41 M • E CAMP , bitikiEßLy dr, the 'Weeititigion Hotel; kaki removed to , • • cbror Bail-Road,Strfets; Wlibte site wIIL be latc_hor.old clilitthnerk diid oili'ets, in the beit style end on the, mod retieondhloiennw: 180 i34F; • • SPECIAL COURT. 11014 . virtue of a.writ.from the •Hon: CALVIN .DLYTRE; President Judgo of the 12th District. of Pennsylvania, heating. date tittailiSic; the 25th day of rebrilarY; A-. D. 1842; and to me directed NOTICE IS iittradin . GIVEN, . That a SpeCial Court Will be hat liy the bald 'Hon: Colvin Illythe, and the Assbelatoludgea of the Court of Cbintrien 'Ciintberland county; at the Court _House in ilk) ,Iltiroitgh :of. Carlisle; omniencing on MClNDAY , iliejl7th of. 001 . 0.. DER; A: 'D. 1842, - to continue ,one week, for the. , trial of certain causee ilepentlipg4/I,fiaid - Cohrt,hi whibh the Hon: Samuel Hephern : was Coricerned ne eotinsel; prior to his appointment as President Judge of thb -- 9th•Judieitti -, fliatriet.r;4aid ,causes _ being einbrateil withisi,tho prcwiaions, of the 39tli eeetien of An net of of the UommonWealth,OfiPenneylikpiii;`ptisedlhe 14th of AprilizlB34, relativ o e to' the higinizatirin of Courts of:Justiee. . said Special' conrti Jurpilkapd :all other per: suns Concerned wilitteke notice:. -• • - • PAI.Tri- - -MARTIN - Sheriff: Slieriff'si 011ice,Carliale;', , • A.u4net-24;'18441,-- I-. .0 IsIrIXTA3EN - DE • ram auk Ite3 .EsPEqTyubt,y, tenders !as. serving jot; the AA; vicinity ! that ho , will ~t i tteladi ~0:an11 jicafplin? MI 'donna. Oporithione. illicit tie Oleeinstagi"Pliigni 'Extraititig nu= taittl:Tieth)qu'ad inserting incerritptablo 'artificial . tiOilt - fiats) 4; single tooth; to ~'•; , l , , ,,,4,&oltOiimppuaitoll; l 'f'l4lenes, H 9foi.l • Sny;o;;Xt342. ;,.• . tf-3s . , . , -'-.• SITEILS4"3,AIitri - ritiatioo l s , -CoititalskialiC and ,- Ifilorlivardingll)l[o:rchanis. • ..i 3‘ l. v„..iv,c0r..„i.:8„ ~4i.frsfi.,,Stetif,'Philcidefehig. ':'S' , „ ,T "'„ Ex) AR rnr scit; . ' , f,'.,.0„,.f,f ,, t'..q - i ,i?vir. ~ lii.l.l4tAtt,s; ~ Pf Ert04,414:t1;,-191 * ,lt4 ! #,:lcavturvq, oirlisie, t r,oo' ' f *, , ,g , ? ,i , , , ,,, 0 ,' , : ,c,,..4.,., , ,,0 , -. „ , , • IMED MU tc.43