OE Ilin =OM MIII SEE • .''-'• 1"-.`'Y.C1flitilr,OtE:;,,T•E'NY 114 1 121 113\t/1 :','„ . :7 t r.:.(,),it,'.i',1 4 #:4:ll . 'i', it .k p .... 4 . / Vl/ ..i :GROCERIES TO- SUIT.THE TIMES. 'cr.: p. tea . ,i.v. N`• addition tO a gcneial pod well selected as- I i , soitmeht of - _ .... Pv -11 0 4 t Java 'Conte's, asroWil & bite Sugars. opices, dm.' thayeitast"r . eq`cived alarge lot • of excellent - Loaf ugauris, o iitirt of which at the low price of 12i ce9t#,Pet3b.,by the, Loaf, and other , qualities at InitionpqndingloW prices. ' Ilie;;Green and Black Tecte, at reduced prices, ~;New Worth River Cheese,. Lemon, Vanilla, Strawberry and Sarsaparilla Syrups, Table Oil and Cider Vinegar, first quality, Sperm Oil, Sperm and Mould Candles, Cavan. dish, Ladics Twist .5- Plug Tobacco, Spa , . ish, -Half -Spanish anecoinmon Segars,"One_Tieree of Superior Honey, Ground' Alum Salt, Fine Table Salt,'Tubs,Buellets,Churns,Corn Brooms, Brushes of all. kinds, Bed Cords, Plough Linea, Market Baskets; Sic.. • Bakers' N0..1. Homoepathic and . 'sleet spiced Tcaland Chocolates, as also , Cocoa and,Cocoa Paste, Rio; Starch, Mustard. And a general aSsortment of `China, Glass & Queenswa're, Stone CroeltotT,Sugar House, Now Orleans and .Syrup Molasses.. „ , , , -• . 2 . Together with, a general variety of all other ar ticlesi n - the Gcocery line, constantly on hand and' - selling at the lowest cash prices, suitable to the times. ;, "Aso,' fine SALMON. • ' TheAbseriber returns his sincere thanks to the public for the, very liberalencourageinent receiv. ed, and hopei in future.to - inerit and - receive alike 'support. His storein the /Trick Mouse, Main street, formerly the residence of•the late A. • Carothme, -- a few doors West of the Court House. '..1. EDY. - Carliale, July 6, 1842. . tf-36 f(~"/! .mar ...% L1 — ~'~?J~~.i~ ~wi 0 • Dr. 1. C. Loostas,---Dentist,: , . permanently located in Carlisle, and . will per . form all operations 'that are required in the practice of his profession;—such as • • . Extracting', Fining Ptecipangi.lthd • Inserti n g Artillehtl• Teeth, . Item a single tooth to-an entire set: . 'N. 8.. For a few. months -ensuing, Dr. LOOMIS will be in Carlisle, the first two weeks in each month—=‘after_which w lie,_will_ba. absent until-the first two weeks ineach foll Swing month--at which Pill sl. near M'Farlane's Carlisle, May 4, 1842. .. ' ' . tf-27 BARGAINS, BARGAINS. . . yirlHE subscriber will sell_utr at gre . atly reduc• cd pricos, FOR CASH, a large and goneral assortment of DRY. GOODS AND. GROCERIES The stock is new 'anti cheep, tionsistitt in Oca l a Superßlack , Blue, Invisible Green - , Polish areen - oudßrown Cloths, Superfine Cassimeres, Cassinetts; a good assort ment of Pants Stuff, such as Sumner Cloths, Garnboons, Merino Cdssiineres,- Cottonade, Linen and Cotton Drillings, &c. Szc. . - A good assortment of Vestings, Stocks, Shirt Cellars, tioSiery...Gloves, Sze. &c Ste. A large • stock of elegant Silks, Black and Blue Black, Figured nd Plain Light Silks, new style. Mous ' lin de Minns, Lawmi;Muslindo AngletureS, Bom bazines, Walt Linens,Checks,Tiekings, Muslins, Calicoes, CraiEsititig, Dress Handkerchiefs, worked Collars, Cambricks, &o: &c. Also, Braid and Strati: , .Bonnets; Ribbons, Gimpe, Leghorn and Palma Leaf Hats, and a great variety of goods not enumerated. Purchasers will do well to' emi at the old stand oppOsite S. Wunderlich's Hotel, where they will find stacks of' goods, selling cheaper than ever sold in this county. . _ Carlisle, 'Juno 15, 1842 FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil. adelphia and Baltimore during the present Beason. Their friends wilt please apply to Wm. L. Fox, Broad st. and to Castner, Christian '& Curran, No. 76 South 'Wharvei, Philadelphid;and Joseph E. Elder, Baltimore. Until further notice; the following prices will be adhered to between this place and the above 2: , IT El . El g F Z 'L 9 15c Ale per 100 lbs. Groceries, Q Ware and Hardware, Dry Goods; Furni ture and Drugs, .Wheat, Rye & Corn per builiel • -Oats do Lumber per 1000, feet $2 75 Shingles, -do 1 50 Flour per bbl. , . all • Shad •do 371• Herring do. • '341 Salt per sack, . 28 Pitch, Tar and Resin .; per 100, . 'l6 Plaster-groSipton, -$2 25 Hemp per 100; , 16 Pig Metal, gross ton. 2 50 & Castings, 3 121 Itar ):. , 3 50 Nails Oar keg, • 18 Leather per 100, 20 Whiskey per bbl 50 ?Burr Blocks per -100, 15 CurhStone, do • . 421 , Tin, do 20 • 25 •-• ' ' r MARTIN., Successor to -Miller . & flarriaburk,,May 10 ' 6 Estate ok '41014, deeeased. '• ' °TICE •la gERt 1 7Y, GIVEN, that letters Of A.itroliijetratiorli on: t:1 0 ' Estate' of JOHN TA , late , of Alien -, t4 4,,.. f i,,;,,, , - Cumberland .; , koiraty."depid. hare bmth issued lirtlui.BVls_tor in `, ,an'd fw the riujd:Coonek;to'ilmenhioFiiint.,/,-'9oing ••,'; Ito Soot Potatabbie .townaltip: All persona having,* '' ,, t6laime or; demands agalaat the Estate, Qf thca j iaid ' , `decadent, are requested 'to make know,' the same "' Without tlelity;,), and those . ia , dokted, to makepay. ;',.iiiimit !Minedi4el,y,to . • " :-: .., .is ''', ; . ~, 1. . .... ! r.: ; — 4 '' ' ; ''.. '" ' ' :Twos, iiiA.DLER, Adin'i.." l AeaMlCl i trli342'..: ' ' ' '' , ''' .''', "' •''.; ' dii,-421'l 110444COtiAle:MTIO. Sel`47.4"de..ft, ~, T- ,PTttOB:_.IS,IIMIERV.'fAV 4; . OA i 'P• t tqri i. i , ':., ; , of Mintnistration tittilio . ,'Eit*!w.A.Ar 1 , •, N s .0, E 14,i late Or. tile township. corSoutttaffiPtoits county of Comi4orlatid, havo been: issued: by lthe '. '--Retistei fiv. and' for thti , said ganniy, to tlin subscri-, ~hor,yito. mikklifis t ;iii I:39olshiplon'tp. Aforesaid: WI. ' i'sonii - having titilins lor dpman‘ls against I tkp Il tato of thomikttlooadeilktite r.equested in nilike I ~ , k u i T mthe, I ittno c wittiontflalay and fiis!? .tintuti "-,, 441.t.9 P f4 ).00. / ,P, a , xn9l*lol*aliiAlia. l .. ,i j . ~u r. : ,q,ANE.s:, , itigt„t'o.tr. .;;,.. „i*nitlfairo.!..t§AvviA44:4i‘464'd'i ~._ugu5i1i7,4,34.4.4.,:-,,,„,,,---4,,„-r's ....„-, ~A euv.-4:1,5,w-1.7 -,..,,aiE,igub.e.„,h...,,,,t4, 4 , 1 rure. for; 4i,„ . ..pp0,,,0rt0mp,,n,..,,,..,,4414,46.0:5tr0k: ~, IVVVkiklito;ei fow.Allesci OTOWAQN. liM. •t ,' t4.A.- 4 .4;i i ''.'-''', 4 'i i 3 O' Y t4IECI:.W. lllTsE,ite., , i I Tani22 1842 :' ,, 4 , '''vl .i. ~, - T 34. ME • , • . . . . , .•. • . kir'• ,;•, :•;.• *, ." • -••,‘ (z 4•„•••::: 4: • •. ;.: • f 1 4 ' ' ' . 3! . . • ~ I t • 4 "' W •,; ‘• .1" -. • . :;'. '• ? Ce 3 THE stock of New Gooile, belonging to. Abe fir* Bosserman utton, consisting of HaRD'IP46IRE,' • HAMNIEB'ED"ti . Nt RO'LLE'D IRO'Ni traiivits, • OIL-4.)YE STIJITS &c.' &c. • Will be eiild for CASH, wholOale, and retail, t re- ducted Prices.' 'Those • wanting bargains, will do well to call soomas the entire stock will be Sold to closb the concern; don't , mistake the place, at the Store Ropimuf BOsserman & Hutton, NorthHim ever street: • • ' • *,'• • • GEORGE HUTTON.. • • . :Surviving partner of, the firm of . BOSSERMAN & HUTTON. May ift,'.1842: • - A • tf-29 mataIDVAIL GREAT -INDUCEMENTS TO-COUNTRY MERMANTS, rinHE. subscriber, having.tancludedio do an en-. JR . tire Cash business,Oeis for salohia large and .spli3ndid assortment of • • . FOREIGN ez DOMESTIC • • ' Nails & Cutlery,. lower than it' as ever. bought for in .Philadelphia. The following will give you some ided of the prices that I am determined to sell tit - 6 inch Carpenter's Patent Rim Leeks, • from " Si2 . to $l4 per dot:: '0 6,50 10 " .g • It 4,621 .Keg • 4,4.4 4,31 - 6 inch Brass Striker, !I ,Newton Darling Grass Scythes, Newborn's " HOY Forks, Solid Cap Ferrule, Cast Steel long handle Shovels, Ctiniherland. or Reading" Naild, Phoenix or Juniata - • 44 Other makes,' I will sell any articles in my . line fr.ern 20 to 25 per cent. lower than can be haught for on credit.. Call on me—examine my gouida—getp list.of my priccs—compare them with the prices of other stores, and_ascertain for yourselves where you can buy the cheapest. - • HENRY L. ELDER, Importer. 493 Market at. abotli 13th, North side, Philadelphia.. June 1, 1842. • . • 6m,31. Family, Groceries. WILLIAM L. MADDOCK, .No. 555 South street,. Pamauf 01)- po3ite Oe.Ba ing-Ily uoei-recen I ly . occul -" ^ • WOULD respectfully offer the citizens of c sr -7-r lisle and county - of - Cumberland generally, a first rate assortment of ?the choicest- Selected with 'great care, which he will pack nod forwtird by rail road to the dildresx• of those ti•ho may favor him with their orders. Having-supplied a number of families in Carlisle end its vicinity, he would be pleased to incieaSe the number of his cus tomers there. Hia business has been exclusively to supply families with GOOD GROCERIES jr the last twelve years, and he flatters himself,thst for first quality goods and fair _prices, he cannot bo surpassed in the 'city. His stock cOnsigis of a general assortment, some of which he will enum erate: • Burlington of Jones & Dutton andCH:- fiat & Booth's curing. • Smoked TONGUES. • Dried BEEF. . . . Green and Blnek TEA, some of the latest im portations, and of very diem,. 'Sperm flit. and Sperm CAN nizs. • ,conl4, of every.eariety, some old Juvaiforty_ years RASINS. FIGS PRUNES, ALMONDS, mid PECAN N U'T'S. Italian FIGS, a very delicate article. • Italisu MACARONI and VERM ECILLL ~-, Fatimsau,Englash, Sap Sago, Holland and Ame rican EESE. Uuderwood's PICKLES and SAUCES, of every variety. French, English, and American MUSTARD. S LIG A lt, Loaf mid Brown, of choice qualities. CRACKERS, of every variety, Philadelphia, Boston, Princeton, &c. Canary SEED. Hemp SEED. English Split PEAS. .„SEGARS of , every quality, some very choice. PRESERVES. LIMES. CI IRON, PINE AP. rixs GINGER. PEARS, PRUNES, Ste. Ste. CURRY POWDER, India SOY, &c., with an extensive assortment of every article. a_familv can require. WM. L. MADDOCK, . 55,,Sotfth Third Street, Philsidelphia. May 23i 1842. tf 80 CHAS. OGILTIY. tf:33 FANCY & 'tVINDSOR CHAIR. MAN.UFACTORY t No. 113;=South Second. Street, Phila4elphia. n- g E:g:1 ;7 *- V !Lig, THE subscriber respectfully invites the chi tens of Carlisle and County of Cumberland generally, to call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine bia . , p •Eg ' . $1 per bbl 23 40 , \,••)•••••,• , . . . ~ . , , . Ymcgr. • , . 4 .. , 54.,, , ,, ~ • , •,-.-_-„1.-.. ,, e.., , ... ..w-; ; ,,-, , ,q 1 , 4 - .T4-.-., .• ,_ ~' ~ . , ; t,,. PLAIN&ORNAMENTAL 111= i or every diseription; which are • • monufsetured 'under his own• itn. mediato•iiireclion.of the best material, by superiv workmen, and , Which he warrants of ,the best quality—and at prices 'as low os can be purchased in the United States. Inr Ho also manufactures 611 - .U.Ept'Qrt3lltlo32 * (....Mo=ft.Lte` 9 ' the Superiority of which consists in -the astonish ing Bicility . with' which an In . valid,with the slight= cat effort, •may by the use of one or both, hands, move 'tepid fro in the house, or in the open alr in 4 gaiden or eleewhere; and turn quickly, round without requiring any more, space than it occupies whil e, standing. ABRAHAM McDONOUGH, ' No. 11 o uch Second Street, Philadelphia. .. Juno 1.5, 812. ' iia.33 ...GO tHS' g, GOLDS • ..... , THE. CAUSE OF CONSUMPTION.—Sim- ple'as these complaints are usually considered, no one con deny their being Ahtt„iiiitst_iommon_ cause ef thii fhtal nod distressing &limits. It is indeed a melancholy truth, - that thouiands 'fall victims to Consum 'tied every-year from no other cause than tiefflecle Colds. Yet •we find hun-, 1 dieds, nay thousan s who treat such -Complaints with the groatest _indifference, and let them run on for weeks and even months without thinking orthe danger. At first you have what you nady con4iitior a slight cough or cold; yqu ' allow liusi poss,'l:4misure or carelessness to prevent:ion from gliting if i.:11): attention; it then settles, upon, your. ;§ r o oo 4 s o 4.:eoceorne: hohrse, have pains.in e the, --44 0 . - or ' ohOW: c3 i i iimforattit large Muni Mee otinat. lii;riefliapit mixed ';',itif..lt , -blood,' a , difficulty; ',of ;brcathing °MHOS, an'd ',theit-' yen And ;oulrf•ot.yiti .foolish ,neglece , haii•:'hictiiglit ,on ALIBI distessing .complaint.t;:iftli6n Y 04 1°4' 10 : 0 ? 01 ' Ileilt q_ , be Warnedin time, and .don'i trilla;vo, YMllr'',Cor..ci,' or trust.to any, qyack nostrum. to Cure, you, but LeMedialely procure a Ogle, qr t w o ; tt;f ..l i titlY fa.; : outi.romedy i 'Alie;,?l3sLAK el?'•:W. 1 .0 ) , :gim.: 4lo " which:ls. welt known to he; the. Most eimeO.Sur. e ever known, as : thousands will testify whose lOctf brivigl be& saved by it. -' ,e.:;, •-•.• ','''l iErße 'very particular •when .you purchase to, ask for ‘,4l)r; %.iniiiiiiiii BALSAM oi Wil.nCirenity,!' I 'as 'OOl4l is also a SYRUP of this name in use.'.',: - 7 Preparedr wholesaleand---retail,hy._Wrataidit 'Ott Co4'Cheri?iptai, , No.- - SS,Sonth Fourth siitet, -Philadelphia..::' --. i.' " , a ~ I • '..;,"' Sold in, Carljelo by 28 43h $3 50 2.00 35 500 50 , 21 82 50 25 3 50 4 00 4 50 23 25 55 20 . , , SAMUEL .PLL,IOTT... Price One Do/far a Barre. „ •1unti , 22 1 4842 , - , ": • 1920.31 43 4;r •;';'4* FAMILY _CROCgRiES9 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ' , ;I ' 1111 I:Pci A T T.O tt ,N.E- 1 1 - - -A. T-11-AW.• . _ oce opposite die- Carlisle Mink. , Ju.li 2l ; 1 . B f 2 , 1 • • 6m-39 , . UNLA .P,' A D A I. . .111Ornk*''ot Low, OFFICE ,15t0.3 'Sectaries Rotv,, on the Pub. lie Square, Carlisle, Pa. • • April 6,0842. I[I4SIIIIIBIB . 1/11hHE subscribers, at their FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, on Main Arad, nearly opposite the County Jail, in the 'Borough of Par still continue to build the ,Tolloisring•Ma chines. and. Horse -Potvers ' viz:' - • • T. D. Buirrelps Patent Imp_roved • THREE' ARD FOUR ' • • • LEOZZai n D ONlntria,9 . With a lierizontal * bend-Wheel, with iittunk to eon duct the strap to the Machine. -• • ..1 .„ • BEVIL GEAR HORSE POWER, - The band4rheel •butside of the limiters They are wellealeulated to put to one side of the !Rim bridge, or under the barn shed. • -A New and unproved Shaker, To separate the'grain froth the straw, which will diiiense with one. or two hands, will be made' to' the above Machine if wanted. • • • • • • Ut.2ltlfga Purchasing , any of the above Machines inay hove the privilege, Idler a fair trial, of returning the same . if not plitisfied._ 'All Machines and Horse Powers #re warranted for one year,if well used." All kinds of repairing will be done at the shortest notice and .on the most reasonable terms. They always keep on hand alt castingi necessary to re pair the above Maahines, or any others noviiii•use. RON AND BRASS :FOUNDRY. • There is also attached to the above establishment an IRON=. AND DRABS FOUNDRY, at all kinds of CASTINGS ein be had—such as\p ple•Mills, Coln Brakes, Plaster Brokers, Mill Gear, M ill Cranks, Machine:Gearing,_ Wuglon. Boxes, Ark: &c: Also, • illZl~'il~ ND FIiNISIIING, Such as Mill Spindles,- Car Boxes, Turning Lathes, &c., all in the best,order,_in.iron and brass: orders will. he-wetted at tit 6 shortest - notice, and promptly attended to.. Farmeiii and others are respectfully invited to give us a call, con fident tlcat - they can be'suited to their satisfaction. -•A. STOUFFER & 'Carlisle,. Aug. 10, 1842. - tf-41 - 1:0". Planck's, lienwood's & Ogle's Ploughs anftPloaigh Castings, such as Cutters Laridsides, &c. &c : , can also be had at the foundry GROUP 11WhCHILD2E14. MOTHERS,' BE .ON YOUR GUARD!-- This is the season when this destructive complaint attacks your interesting little children, often robs you pf those you fondly doat on, and carries hundreds to the grave.' Every mother should thareforiN know its syMptoms, watch them closely, and Always be prepared with a remedy as many are daily sacrificed by such neglect:. At first the little patient is seized with a shivering, it grows restless, has flushes of heat,tho eyes become red and swollen, it breathes 'with difficulty, and then' conies that fearful Cotton that will surely ter. ininatein ,convulsions or death unless something is immediately given to check it. In this complaint the "Balsam of Wild Cherry" is well known' to be the most speedy ever dicovered. It is indeed a precious remedy—mild, safe -and innocent, and is sure. to give the sufferer immediate reliefs- and quickly restore it to -sa&ty and health. Fami lies residing in the country And indeed every mo. -tiler who loves her children, should always keep this medicine'in the house' and . give it to them early, by doing so you may often save the life of one you fondly love. Remember this is the famous remedy of this distinguished physician, • Dr. Wis. rar, , which has cured thousands of • CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, ASTHMA; CONSUMP. TION, Ste., Mier ever Y other - medicine lies tailed. a l.Be particular when .you purchase to ask for "Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CIIKRIIT,", as there is a sinter of this name advertised' that is entirely a different medicine.' • Prepared only by WILLIAMS & CO., Chemists, No. 33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Sold in Carlisle liy. • :,: SAMUEL ELLIOTT. • Price One. Dollar a Bottle. Jnne 22, 1842. . ' , , t 020.33 • PriRIFIC.At(OIfItitGiA7. 4 ION. _ . Boih . theai'EAStsirriProduOed by • LEIDVS 'BLOOD "ILIA. kr.A. : COMPONENT •I'AILT QV Uri. Ltatir > z's lltoon pies Salt cOritain' in'their coniposi-, : lion invediente which produce the com-' . litiirdand desirable effects or PURIFYING •THE BLOOD AND ' • , Cleansing the ilowelgi-- rriHEIM ore no Pills hi existence which may be timen;ages and ' ISCilbollll, ,--- - - ' . - apt, .., ......,...ig of ti1e,,......, . without restraint trom. . , living or occupation, as 'Dr. rn I,eitly's Blood "Pills. '. ' . . joints and rheuaticlaa ad, utward remedy, it has noequal,and vvhenused wit. the( Rheumatic Medi., • From their cabal 'lslam, they are'calculated to .„,,,..., purify tlie blood and anitnal fluid's during the Inter- ""'"'" will greatly. facilitat tile :cure. The an. and between taking themand their gperationi all impurities, as well as obnoxious substances of the when nual ' s of History do not pro uce . itscqual, and this . the greatest prevetit . iven gain_st c9lO, _theJia stomach and bowels; are" carried off by their mild knoWnivoild"For'particula a see duectlonsaceorn. purg,ative properties. ~. " - partying the bottles:' ' Fri 25 cents: . . • UPWARDS 00 100,000 BOXES " - • ' • - TOOTH'ACI - 1 ' DR.QPS,... _ _ _..._ of - th - dminot been sold during the past six months .:77'--A n i n f o loble,ente 'if ea d- according to . !lirep•- rd.le ; stud . . UPWARDS,,OP 11/9(1,000 - , tk o n st . ik;ice 25 cants per ma.. , . ~, . since their first - .introduction by the proprietor; Dr. 7 • rs-ALVE N, :H. Leidy; • , • ', . ./ • .. • , .1, - • ... • .:• ..• +. . .. • lia'reilie - y - e liN V i rteTi l t 9 1ii - O L tino sir fa it il ll i C it E" 'pro - d ' a s ol;4 4- ab l d a- se dtt re dgi es- c o d lti lY- S t r b te bel"l NS, Of MT:l t' d:7' .a s'i n o d r- w i ll o l u p nll te lr .. gobd effects .',.: '• • • . , 7 , ..,_.• • _,...„ . 7. , . vent . if need: in tints, rria y onarations; and pre.. nit LEIDY'S. BLOOD, PILLS,' '• - • ';vent Logli-JaW;7Pairts in 7 e'. Dack . ," , Hstati•-tif•C.-.;-, I contain no Ingredients datigerausto: thb constitution. , Armlet( Who' are "so 'unfelt %incite as to-have' sere '. •NO I11ERCURY ; 011 ININIDIALS, ~ which are:employed 'id aIL Pillii inanufbatured• by , s ' '7. breaate,•and Will' Ilse thin'Woriderftil salve, will be Quacks and 40,,postars, who',dspend. upon, stick dead , eter,cclfin' a Sery'silottios i.it cannot. be too high. :ly:lreceirinitiridce For fa i t erpartiattlars see dime.' gerousinedicines under ihe iinpresiion.,('Whicli 7 lthowe •, .• '•,. ni,iiii.l2lockiiii box.' ~ ...., .7 . . .: • 'their 'ignorance % ) that all diseases sips yield to the - ... , ..!P!!!1• '‘ t.. ,„,...„2 ,;,- , r ,. ~T , ...: - L -,,,,,,. --. i v - ~ • : kfr ee p l O E, Afernory and' other Mineral's. ,-,• : I. 1 i..., ~• - vt'l i iti in .LA L:711 %A-PP N .' '.I,IPWARDS - 01 0 'sow cnirrimic A ES'-. e.,., .-An excellent °Welt} f the "cure of worms, ir, :Ir ,proin Physiciatisputt tubers ; hav,eheea 7 requentlY, " adults as- well as, ehlidre , 7 avid. Wi il cure when publiihed CI the happy . ,,effects"of Or. Leh : vow! ;:other. remedies fail: •:: Pri , 6i cents per holt.' ... ; ; pills arid fUrther COlnlnCtli upon theit:pierttn-nspii.i.,i -.`. '' :' 'COUG Er'L ENGES.' , , ... :- o ,4 e „ ar y.. Ale, 'Ant ‘Oion , ltPv3evOr.te,llil 6 !!!' rear :„,'';l , - ,,,,6Biii,,iiti c it gfii, l Pold§iiie throat; commend to.,aly.irequiritig a purifying. or purgedY9 " 7 ' ••• - ' h••• 7 , - ''' • ”'' or ' r b r a - jj i" '' ' yi.• 61 'medicine; to`. procure - his 7 BLOOD'. pIDLS,Vnetu try ; .Br,one ltielmo difficulty' 7 „ .Ing--- , ,i.c.f! . them ? ~ No lattetwill eirer mm Ally otherlind,lutsbag : vbents par flot.,;_, :2 '-1 : 1 :1 Once givelitheat'alitir tidal.' .- ' - 7 . '-. 7" , '..''' 1 '',:xl ~1 '::: old wholesale had reU fI i .(rp . 'BEWARE. O O,.CODNtr.RFIEITS=IIfpre , :NO;3I34,'Nortb . - . 3d street :Cured ,ii.orntlis sole tuastufacturer and proprieter, Dr, 1: .7... -,-,,,, 7 ,•:•7 ...,r.•,...J0HN- 7 .0 151.7 ILLEIDY,UthiaIIEALTD•EIRFOItIUIVI;Isini". 7. • f ., - o,,,,i' i ii.'irmi e itf o 121...-Nutter-Sroond,street,heloWNinestreat4Sign ot.; ~- 3 i n i o . 22 -1 8 4. k. the , Gulden Engleand Serpelits ; YPltlladeliilutt;there can he nopussibility, of 'mitstake:'•l '. ' ' 2 • - , ..7-5. - -: - ,: -, •:" - "„..ffiietareglitipeatt :Apr mnstitktlisT . ,yelpectablli f V Druggistti - obibidelphia;snd - hy resp_cetablelTeNl chants ond,Drmilds throughotit the, United States. 'PRICE; TWO , NTT=FIVE. CENTS •kr.110X.:4 ' Pow sale; in CafllsleibY 7 'rs'..,r 'i - ..: A' j , ~: ~r ° ..',. ; IrgvENsoisi , .4..pul,KLE, , -T' -, r. - --- - :."iont.sigit'unit,4rigyidrctigiits , .; ,,, . -.- ciablel.llll , tailB42.7 -- .7 .1,., • •:y,.. t ilr;;?, :t ./1 429 1 :' ~ ''''N ' t ' Y • . ::li h':..) '' : rf' " , (1 ' ' ' ' -' rc , '.;;. , 1 . - F• ',.;,' =NM OTHE OZ . :. ;E N.. 0,40 -5 ;AP - CP:X: IC , 6-84 . 143417 : 051 V 114-4- A --- . 0 , "ft - ol f: •r, LPEPaualttcDda Eumm- PPcmitbatto3PD'ai'm ; ; ,,W,F 4 j):NE$O*-it . 5:.,4'fq,. , E•MJ1F4'R41...4484.4:',:y .-. TO FARMEftS, 0 11- - 11 - , -Comnitssiener fit Saiplcreeptcy. FFICP in Souilk ; ,nover,stree , near X. taintnrrnittiOn'deaii. ed, in reference to') OS' of Aimee, intending. to apply for tbe'benn 4: i the Bank r upt 4t, can be obtained, &„:' Carlisle,May 4. 184* , ty.27 • •': FARMERS ) .- wog ':: L rriHE46beAriber ligitki* informs his friends imd, A . ' the' Public in gericral, that he 'still , continues Qo keep a 'pa pazo•ctiulit UP, (reports to tliC contrary' rotWitt4iiiiiding,) at the OLD STAND; ; SOM.. tile* doors east of the, COurt Roue where,he,will at all times aqiiiinist Ming -jo the-iotitforts - of those who'may faint: himnithibeir custom: -- BAR' shallhe_constuntly_iupplied.with the choicest liquors, and his TABLE;' with the beat the market can furnishes A carafht:OSTLEß-; always kept in . attendance—and nothing shalt 4 . .10) un done to Please till who Call will him. BOARDERS takenby the Week, monlli or year., 611VIDINI woNpEgucn. • April 6 1842. ' ~ tf-23 !Ma TO THE :PUBLIC. VIANUPACTURED and kept on hand, for 171 Bale, in the city of Lancaster, near . the Rail Road; . . Endless Chain Horse over 'THRESHING MAC.HINES,', for one . horso and for two .liorsen warranted to Work well, and of, greater .durability than any other Machines, for similar purpose known to the:subscriber at present. WM. KIRKPATRICK. . . Laneaster, May 4. • A HIRE CHANCE - 2 . • A NY 'person„ wishing iv indest a few . Thou. AIL lend Dollars in new and subitantial Pro, perty in Carliale, yielding ten peteenfper annual, will hear•Of an opportunity of d oing So by calling op the Editr4 of the "Herald de gipositor." Cat I We s , June P 9,, 1842.. • . 4.05 • • DR. GOETTICH, HAAS &► CO'S. vaintaavaa 2103111111 • . MHE OLIVE BRANCH PILLS for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Conan mption,-Liver Com. plaints, Asthma, Bronchitis; Sore Throat, Dys: pepsin, Shortness of Breath, pains in the Side, Breast, Back and Shoulders, Agile and Fever, an intallable cure, and all Scarlet and Bilious Fevers, and all, diseaSes rirising:' from exposure and de. bility, no matter how long standing—in feet all diseases to whit.% the human family are subject to. These pills are unsurpassed by any medical compound ever offered to the.public as a general re novator and family medicine. They are very gentle in their operation, causing neither pain, sickness nor debility by the tips of them; but on the contrary they strengthen the, stomach and bowels in a wonderful manner, and soon 'restore nature to its former course and vig,or. The per son using the Olive Branch Pills soon forgets that lie• was sick—which is very easily accounted for: there is not that prostration of strength in thcse.pills as in many. oilier remit:4o.a the day, because the materials used in smounkteturing them are In harmony with the powers of life and act in concert with the opinionsof Dr's. Brown, Bosh, Armstrong, Montgomery, Ileiscy, Kendrick, Shopper and the celebrated Dr. Waterhouse, formerly Lecturer on the theory and practice of Physic in Cambridge University.' Massachusetts. Purchase of them, and give them a fair and im. partial trial, and you will find that permanent re. lief, upon which the proprietors depend to nuke them the most universal family medicine used, and which will stand unrivaled by any other in the known world. Price 25 cents per box. RHEUMATIC MEDICINE one of the most certain and effectual cures for all rheumatic, chronic and inflammatory Rheuma. tisnis that has •ever yet been .discovered, and in nurberous cases has eradicated that dreadful,, dis ease from persons afflicted entirely. All sour drinks and. victuals are. strictly forbidden,, and 'spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by any means whatever, or it will be of no use to take this medicine, as it will destroy the good cf. fects of the medicine entirely. Prim 81,50 per package.• 'AUGSBURG LIFE TINCTURE. These celebrated drops have acquired the high. eat 'recommendations in this ; country, as well as an Europe for its most' valuakle proprieties for all inward weaknesses, cramps,celds t agues and fever;' and when used with the Oliva Branch Pills,novor tails to cure " the fever and ague. Price 25 cents per bottle: ' • ' PECTORAL I. unrivalled for its curativel qualities evert *heti used in cases of maladies ultich were otherwise, incurable: • Many recommendations have been giyen of the beneficial effects it has had Willi; cure of pleurisy, pectoral end pulmonary con. sumptions; Colds, &c. Price 25 cents per bottle. HYSTERIC OR MOTHER DROPS. This most excellent art elo has a AtellitY of calming instantly rand without fail, all : clamps of the stomach, cholic and that troublesome disease called mother fits or hysterics; and when contiuu.l ed for some length of time will cure the patient entirely.. Price 25 cents per vial: • . • 'GREEN WONPER OIL,' • A certain cure for ,Pruses, Burns, and the niciat.effectual curator, the;pilee—it will cure The person afflicted ;Dia very 'short time ? if used according to directional PAN) 25 etc. per vial, ' SPIRIT DE-11EXICO. This spirit is highly recommended fur all gains, swelling of the limks,'or leaders, sinews, • ' ,0'11Z116111(013 Cll 4 :l;e:',ol'l ll o 4 .g ' iSV . , days; .All ortiprs, .fileAy,attehdadi.o:t ,i , tearlitile; Atm. 24 4 18 1 tt: , t , t•Attri . tiint'iy... , •:. n. DM CARLISLE, Sept. 10,1841. 4, Messrs. E. Rollinaon C.o.— Gentlemen, I have; fairly tested the "Hot Air Stove" which you fait up at my.house,4oo can recommend it °evinces, ing-ptirietples of econotny andconvenience far surpassing. way, other 'stoic which . l have evi3r seen. The boilers doming in . immediate contact with the? fire'gives great facilities far boiling, and the oveit-brAutiited-cat-ittph-'repnrneipltrth'artiread - hr 'baked litas, manner as in a bricktivrat. find it : aleo a great eaVirig,of fuel .and and vvould advise alit° adopt it, , . • • i• . mrroar.L IIinCLEfLLAN.-. • lIA.MBERSBURGt, Scifi. 6, 1841. Ta. , cot tify that I dirt i riOw tieing ono ot . • way's Patent lint liotAir coohiitg Stoves, ,NO. and, do recommend it`, as superior ' to any' • etota I: have eeen, the gieat;eavitt,of cnel, end the liatiety Oat aatihe cooking At; tlie,eatne' 1111{64 it jest to thoso who Wlels to flu:Wilda , the' operations of thaltitaheti. ) - carliedeiJittve 274 ~ta15.34 . ' AUCTION , GOODS. calicoes, wog* .. , !hawjs,' Muslin dc . Luins,: vfroy4ll,lol , ollg4,oairtboong, Reite; . ll ara;l34oo t iaii,§heee; 01s, 404 ; jupt,received, auctiope, and , sellipg for cosh,;, cry. , jew at the store of • ; 'VI - I-A5..41)C444Y; '.• - Af4i. 777 7 7 1111149irl1irticrlintot -- =7: Ar 1782"; feeeityed;.loo'"dazen, P r aha' Leaf Mite; "aild ykoleaoe, - 001 4 % th#Per ' - than'o4:pfeted'hefitefota ? " '" ' • MPT 45i1t3 2 ' ;.: '' 0 !; 7,r-4, ::!` .4• ,:spl , • I.•at the pri ncipal etßee, Philadelphia; and. l 4 , ' RAY, Carilala.Pa-' Cetiiberland County,„,, •i %1y:34 H 13:41144,L ...;i!iiti?,#cOffoiaf few hie line. MEM MEM • 111(1)0.V51 ,. 4 031(911iitaa tAltGglot of. "goers , * SWOES; of:all - deilcrintion j apt, ieceivad; or caah, uncommonly, Jaw ; at tha atfirtl of ',. . :CHAS., OGELBY..• Aug.lo, 1842. ' - tf.4l. " Selling oW at. lirst•Coot. SHEA OODSI NO MISTAKE. AT. THE ,STORE o ,61 LIBBINIS D --"SIIIIPPENVnG• , . , subseribera !intend vAnding nio then busk. 11 1 . 1 and noiv determined tO•sell goods I .lls at such 'unusual ,loiv prices as cannot t, con= vino tho pdrohaser, that thu s have the. , o4spest goods ever. offered in this repou-of country.' Their stock is. 'and CHEAP, consisting in_part.ot_._. • • - , Blue llMack, .111 tie Invisible Green, Brown and Drab Cloths, Castionerea ¢= Satinets, of ,varioua colors and prices, a variety of *wain de Lames, Plain 4: Figured Bilks,lllack • et Blue Black Bombozinee, • SunimerUnd.Winler 11fus4ns, Calicoes. Dress. Hankerehiefs, tfe. There numerous advantages in purchasing i.. ? otis which were frequently made known in fer nier, advertisements, will be sufficient proof. to satisfy all those •desirous of obtaining bargains, that they arc now prepared and fully determined to sell them exaetly cheap enough.: Come then all ye who have so long been . suffering under the severe pressure of the times, and adopt the remedy 'which ii here provided for you; i. e. CHEAP fErThey 'would particularly invite the attentio of purchasers to their Cheap Cloths, Comfit 'hones and ,Sa tt net s. • P..8., , Th05e who are ye't indebted to the sub. scribers; will• please satisfy the samobetween this and December next. i3hippoOsbuig, July 20, 1842. Fll-101E R Ttite; COppOriiMith, and s'lave - , :Bitsineof. JACOB .FRitq,Ey . ,&.ELIAZER .ROBIN. SON, having entered into Co. Partnership, in he Tin, Copper", ami Stove 'Business, under. the. firm of FRIDLEY & RODINFIONIbIIy inform - the pnblic that they intend' carryin - ratr their business 'all its braricheS; at the old stand of-Jacob-Fridleyi - North - Ha - rroverstrettreatliTAT where they will at all times,' be prepared to serve purchasers with any article in, their line; on the. most:reasonable' term/. • I la - addition to all other varieties of stoves, which they will - constantly have pn hand, they have purchased of Mr, J. G. Hathaway, the ex clusive right tornanufacture and - sell, in the coon. tics of Cumberland and - bauplzin • Hathaway's Patent "Hot Air - . Cooking Slovei." . ' And being aware that thmpeople in' this place and VicipAty, - have been- much itimosed upon by the introduction of new and highly recommend. cd articles which they have been induced to pur. chase, and which have been so slightly made, and of such bad material, that in a short time they have 'Ailed and become useless. We, therefore, do not intend offering stoves for sale until they are fairly tried. in this community, and pronoun ced. more durable in their constructhm, better adapted to - the. purposes of boiling, bakingand all the varieties of cooking than any other stove; also, that they area great saving of fuel as well as labour.: , cr . j-We earnestly invite farmers as well tus:resi. dents of this place nod the neighboring villages', to cull on us at' S. Wunderlich's hotel, or notify us by letters (postage unpaid) that they are will. hug to try our stove—and the stove shall be placed in the kitchen of every person givilig us such no. tic°, and taken'away utter trial, without anycx. pense.te persons making the trial. . The stoves will be kept for sale at the Tin Shoji Of Mr. Jacob Fridley, and at the Foundry of Messrs. -Lay & Stouffer, in Carlisle. Having contracted for One Hundred Tons of Castings, we will, in. a few days., • supply stove dealers' With all the:different sizes, on the most -liberal terms. . • ELEAZER ROBINSON', of Carlisle is agent for selling the right in make and vend the 110 T AIR . STOVE, and Will diSpose of counties in this and the adjoining States. - Wepublish the following recommendations from some of those who are using the stove, to eneour. ago others to, try it. p • CARLISLE, Sept. 12 1 1841. I have in use in my,kitchen one of Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves, and can morn, mend it as a very superior article. The oriel have is No. 3. It heti 5 boilers Mid an oven sufE. biently large to bake six loves of bread. The baking, roasting and broiling can all be done at the some time and with much less wood than is required for any stove which,we have used. This size appears to be peculiarly , calculated for ,Parreers, and for their benefit I invite them to call and-see this stove in - nee, art I Oran take pimiento in showing thie . .stove to all whom interest .or curiosity may ipduco to examine it.' SIMON' WUNDERLICII. ' . -CARLISLE, Sept. 114841, Messrs, E Robinson 4 Co.—GENTLiMEN, have during the few days I have had your. Hatha. way's not Air Stove in use, become convinced of its great superiority over all • other stoves I have used. or seen. I And.by the trial that boiling, .rousting, baking and broiling, may all be donerat the sometime, in a most perfect manner, and with less than one fourth the fuel.l have ordinarily used .for tho same purposes... I hove heretofore. been'of the opinion that bread could dot be well baked in a cooking• stove, hut I. am convinced upon trill, that it can ho done as well in your stove us in a . . brick oven. . _ ',believe that the general introduction of your stave into use will be very beneficial to the public, therefore I shall take pleasure in recommending it to"my friends. Yours respectfully, • .. • . WILLIAM MOUDY,.. • VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY Tilt subscriber ON SrAt3ON4Lt =ISM, hie valuable , • 2 , Antra 2 8 24 . 64124 . 22 6 0 Coitalliming 110 Acres%totalled Situate.in Monroe townshii, Cumberland county, Pa., 7 miles East of Earlikle t on . the public road leading from Carlisle to York; Fnife•from Chuph tmvn, and 5 from Mechanicsburgn—. Imving there., on erected A THREE, STORY STONE • `,* . . , - . 7 IIERCH•fiII T - ..• AND . • ' (11113LtrAY2 atIMILsi • " 40 by 50. feet, with four run of stoned, and all ne cessary, -Machinery, die.-belonging to a mill, all in firet•rate order, . . • . . 4 1 2 1gster. Jllill. .14". Sally .71111, with every .thrng about them •in complete order; all situated on the .YELLOW .BR E ECHES CREEICk—a large two story • '• - - with the necessary out-buildings and other conveniences; alarge new BANK BARN; roomy, compact and complete; a thriving ORCHARD of apple and 'other fruit trees; a well oraupllent ,watcr at the House, ,and water in nearly - allay field on the place, , The whole of the above property txttn.the best condition, and the Mills are situated On ono of the 'best. &Cams in the State; and which never fails. The neighborhood is the most thriving in the country, affording a first-rate.custom, and every facility for the conveyance of Flour, Grain, Loin. bcr, &c. to and from the Mills. - • - ' Per Sons desirous of purchasing,- are invited to to • call on the, subscriber; residing:lin the propertyi who"will show the .same, and ,inake known the terms of sale; nr he wills' (*hang° the same for a good landed property. JOSEPH LATIBIAIC, 6t-42 August 17, 4842. !, 10-38 Valimble Real Estate aotglit MIKE subscriber, assignee of Daniel P. Sher• ban , will sell by-public outcry, on the prem.: ises, on FRIDAY the 14th of OCTOBER, 1842, at 1 o'clock, P. M. • 104• ACRES and 04 PER• CITES of first rate PATENTED " • ~ • Situate in . West .Pennsboro township, Cumberland county, three miles west of Carlisle, the State road' to Newville passes .through the property, swats° does the Cinnberlatill valley, railroad. The land adjoins that of Henry Bitner, Samuel McCormick, John Fishburn and others. ' The property is in a healthy section ofthe country. The improvements area good two storPog . • • DWELLING • • 1111 110-U . SE A - first-rate new STONE BARN, a house occupied as DISTILLERY, and other riecessary - out-build., ings, dwell of never failing water at the door, a young and thriving apple ORCHARD with other fruit trees. About 90 acres of the land is cleared and-in' a good 'state of cultivation, the balance is covered with thriving timber. tome and see. ALSO, on the same day at 10 o'clock, A.. M., a Loacrealto.bw. - 11):c,„ with a Steam Boiler and large Wood Vessels;with copper Worn's, 18 now double Hogsheads. The above mentioned articles are now and of the . beet kill& If it'aen not be. eold together,* tvili r. or, feted in pieeei. T,ho 'larger vessels wilt niiite:'6 , • telient cisterns. .• . , Any person wishing to reo the :Real Estate or the Distillery,' will please call on John Hays, Esq. in Carlisle, or John Kreitzer living on the premises, who will show..it. Possession , will be given on the Ist day of April, A. D. 1843, and an indisputable title made, ErAttendance given and terms of sale made known on day of sale, by DAVID COBLE, . • Assignee of Daniel P. Sherban. August 11,.1842. • 41-42 A FARM part S.ALE, rong ..übscriber will dispose of, at public sale, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the yOth of OCTOB R next. • Ai 11,4i11311i111 a 0 4121/11 of Slate Limestone Land, in North Middle. ton township, Cumberland county, containing 117 'ACRES, more or Roe l of patented land, adjoining lands of Coover, Ziglcr, and others—said faun is a portion of the estate.of John 'McClintick, decNi Thc, improvements are a -LOG, ••• Z - :.= CD' 'Ca 13 :; i• AND ISAIIN / , There are also 2, never filling springs of water on the premises, convenient to the house. • Said farm is but a few Miles distant from Car. lisle, and is Well worthy the attention ofcapi toilets. Persons doslrous'of viewing the farm previous to the day of *lle, can' be - gratified by calling-on Alexander McClintick,Who resides on the premlies. Tho terms- will 14-made easy, and a clear,in. disputable title will ; ha given. 'JOHN, McCLINTICK,- Residing in Chambershurg. July 27, 1842. - t 5.39 - - A-I\r.r) • •; C 1(5.4 • - - -.• • Cate&Extract, of Sarni parilla. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS- IvILL be forfeited by Dr. N. B. LEII)Y, for it preparation of Sarsaparilla equal - to Ilia Medicated Extract of Sarsaparilla.. It islioisitively the strongest preleamtioe of Soria patilla in :existence. ONE 'llOl 'I'LE is equal to six pints of any other.,Sirup , thatia made, and is bought by numeroue personsehroughout the city:and countrzfOr t makint therefrom, and who sell it a p rae - efficacy' of-Sarsaparilla is well known in Serofula or King's Evil; Er,yeipelas, Diseases of the' Liver,' AffectiOn 'or the Skip and : Bones,. Ulcers of the Throat and Body, as well 'us an Antidote to ftlercOry and the Minerals,: Constitutional Dia-. easeeited h general purifier of the:Blood aud Animal . Comment upon its "virtues is unnecessary; eiery betly knows its efficacy. It is only necessary when twin' it to get' a good yreparation of it, and' thou there will be, no dia;tppnintnteut in its effects. !! • •• .' . lllf. I '.eidyWould refer to the most respectable pity.; sicinns in 'Philadelphia, as well' as -thrum:hoot the United States: for the character of ItitqtreparMieini :is welfillsti' to thentinterOlitrei , itifiiiiles pkyst clnes 'and' others, that have Leen: from time to tiote . published:. new deemed tuinepeasirr, as theehtirtie - gi ter of hi s pr'eparati ohl establfsheiLYThrotigli.' . : oiit the'. Southern States -it is - used: altogetheirOind, throughout the Werth takes• the precedence over-ill Others; tiarticularl among tho-phyeieians; olio;' far ttie*polf . iif , tlitAilitilent*,:alritys • reatintrrMed . .'it. !The reader- ik retelVed, tol:the direetionstationw pan . yiOgeortiliottiefOrtecoiomOoOtilooti;oortatat • Aik ,•nail -:!!! ! qttarStii i tigitt ivholestalcoind , retoitiii , Dr- LVDPSlnumroxmtromemmatz t Skotity•iitr44lli4oirlffnejolq et yrr :i ilf: - )rit • . • t t•-0,•!•t tt:l • , ...• . FOR :SALE. LITIIIESTONE :AND, BY R. WHITE.MIDDLETON in itankrOptcy. •-• "C3DCCL' a IXiCZZEIEtob PETMOINfiaI for - Discharge tind.Certificalo Mt, der toe ,Banltript•LAW have been filled by ABRAHAM HAMMTO.IS, late Merchant, Of the firm of Harnilton 46 Croft; now Farmer, - • • Cumberland Comity, ABRAHAM W. GRAFF i late 'Marabout • - of the firm of Haniiltun dig craft now • Clerk, • ' Cumberland con*. 'EDWARD-- A. sa ngn, Teacher, " • Cumberland"county, and FRIDAY the /Met day • of , .SDP2'.EMBER next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., -in ttppoiniedlcw . the.. heari. , g thereof, befoie the . said, court, 'ghat/gin Bankruptcy, at the District .Court-Rooin, in the City 6f Philadelphia, whoa and vvh.f.re.thequttlitoie of the said Petitioners, who haviproved then' Dobta, and all other "persons in interest, may appiar and show cause; if any they have, why - su 01:Discharge •- and Certificate should not be 'grouted. • Clark of the,Districit Court. Philadelphia, July 11, 1842.. 0-9fi PETITION for the Benefit of the Dank:- ' rapt - Law,. heti been filed the 22d July; 184 by ROBERT SNODGRAPS,Aate •Mereltaut of the City of Philadelphia, : boie Agent of" • Cumberland caunti. , . Which Petition 'will be heard before the Dis trict Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting in' Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room, in the City of phi!. adelphia,milltlonday the 10th day of So.ptembeatit , When and where all 'persons interested may appeal ansishow.eanse, Wang they " , have; why the prayer_of_the said Pptition-ahotild nut - be granted, and the said Petitioner be declar ed Banitrupt. July 27, 1842 ..--,. 5Z1C11).‘U 4 . 1 .,71.;(rA .E: - :`.....c. • - • .;,EnTioNs £.r the Benefit of the Bankrupt Lairlitive been filed the 19th Aug. 1842, by fAt JACOB it, RAUM, Inkccper, ~ Comberland co, GEORGIE HOLLINGER, of the 'firm of . • • Hollinger & Davis, Contractors on the - - WILLIAM Works, not: Carpenter, Cumberland•cci. , WILLIAM " NOAKER, .Sadler and Die. • tiller, . - _ • • Cumberland co. THOMAS FLOWERS,lnkeepei,Cllmberland co, • • Which Petitions will be heard before the Dili, _ Wet Court - of the United . States for the. Faistern• _ ni District of Pennsylvaaisitting in Bankruptcy, at Atte - Dlstrtot - Cinitilliitififiicifii - City of Philiiiirel, -... . phia,- - on TUESDAY, 90th day of SEPTEMBER next, at 11 o'clock,../t, M. Wilien and where_ all personirimay appear and show cause,. if any they hive, Why the prayer of the said Petitions should not be granted, and the s3id - Feiltioners be declared Bankrupts. . • ' FR AS. • HOPNINSON, . Clerk of District Court. . PhiladelphiaiAng. 24, 1842. , • . 3t.43 NOTIC3. griIIETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate JE • under the-Bankrupt Law have been filed by WILLIS FOULIC, Clerk of Court of . • Quarter Sessions, 'Oyer & Terminer &' - ' • Orphans Court and Recorder of Deeds, - Cumberland county. JOSHUA OGILBY, late Merchant of. Lockpbrt lately trading in Company with Charles F. Mitchell, under the firm of -. Joshua Ogilby. • Cumberland county. JAMES McMATH, late Merchant Tailor, ' now Agent, Cumberland county. and FRIDAY the 4th day. of NOVEMBER.next,' at 11 o'clock, A. M. Is appointed for the hearing thereof,, beep the gala 'Cart, sitting in_ Bank. • piptcY,at•the,Didlyiet Court Room, in the City of ThilidOpttlaokelien,atuiwkere the Creditors of the said Petitioners, who have provia all other persons in interest, may appea rani show cause, Wally they have, why such Discharge and CertitiCate should not he grunted. • FRI. S.• 1101KINSON, Clerk of the District . Court. • Philadelphia, Aug. 13, 1842. • 10.42 eitaOTICE. rILETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate un• der the Bankrupt Law have been filed by LIANI BNCIDCRA'SS, late Mir-Chant now Tobacconist, Cumberland county, JACOB GORGASS, formerly of Lancaster 'county, Merchant, • Cumberland county. and FRIDAY • the 21st of OCTOBER next at.ll o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room in the City of Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors of the said Petition ers, who ha , o proved their Debts, and all other per- sons in interest, may appear and show cause, if any they have, why such Discharge and Certificate ahOuld not be granted. ERAS. HOPKINSON, • Clerk of the District Court. • Phila. August 6,1842. 10-41 . vit iej A PETITIM tor the Benefit of the Bankrupt Law has been filed . the 22d Aug. 1842, by JOHN ,DAVIIiSON, Millwright; lately . • engaged With Sim net - Davidson,. Ilk the - . Butchering business. -Pumberl.and county. Which Petition will be heard' before the Dis. trict Court or the United Status Oar the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, _sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room in the City of Pltila. - delphid, on FRIDAY the 23d day of SEITEM. BER, at 11 o'clock, A. M. When and where all persons ihterested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said Pail- ' tion'should not be grunted, and the said Pal tioncr be.declarcd Bankrupt. " FRAS. HOPKINSON,' • Clerk of District Court: Philadelphia, Aug. 31, 1842. 4 .44 , - Niost Splendid Lotteries. J. G. Gregory dl Co. Managers. 50,000, Dollars-25,000 Dollars-12,500 Dollars. 50 prizes of 1,200 dollars. 14 draWn ballots. Union ,L.ottety, Class No.lB, for 1842. To be drawn at Alexander, D. C. on flaturday„ . Sept. 17,1842. Untitiairr Senattz.-1 grand cap ital of 30,000 (fol iar*. 1 splendid prizeof 23,000.d0. 1 . do, do. 12,500. 1 Mize of $9,000, ldo 0,000, •do .1,000,1 do 3,000 1 do 2,617,2 prizes of 1,230, 50 do 1,200, Aso. Nearly es many priaes n* I'l4lool. 78 number lottery drawn ballots.; "'Tickets sls=-HelleaVs so .7" - - . Quartiris3l—Ejetthatl;ll7. The:pa:ice °facer. liaale.nf litrge ofilr splendid lottery . is only $lBOl-a-tertiflisttn , ofil, Ital. • 'yes only $99; a certificate of 26 quarters only-$45; • certificate' 41 . 26 eighths only' ray% end aeertifi. et.te or a 01004014 drew the fitelliglieit • - • ,• • • _ •• M A OKIFIcENT„ScEsE t--60,000 Dollars-- 3 oot) Pidlaro-15,000.1)ollors7 , •_ , /2 0 00600110 ,0 100 prizes or .1,000 dollar'', ,Thlion Lottery; Class.)3,, f o r. - 1844.1;,7'n be drawn at.Altliandria, §situr. dity, 7 oetotier '15080.2: Orind Scheme. : 1 grand prize 0f , 60,000 . -(l6llfirs, 3 do 30,00,1 do .1.5,000,1 ' dp12,09()„ Ido 30,000, t Bp®, 7NO, I s,96o;a:prizea of • 5,000, 4,430, sdo 0,000; sdo . 2,lltxli 1U prizes of ,j,500,,g0 do 1,50, 100,flo 1,000, 133 t,hi 500 . t ice. Ego, I.B..roiodier . lottery-33 'drawn ;: telkels.s2l:l-.;,11olie4I10-9.ua l ti:era ' , Eighths $ 2 OO- "Thb Price Pf it certificated'. a pack ;,.,6 wtmle,:tielatts lit the above 916icti4 lottery . fa'i m iy $240; .a. ; 26 ./ 1 14R064i s! 4 th *ertilloute of gfb qufwiertp,pitly FA 44rtiniatte of WS ' ' eisbths only • 05; . 110 R,cfriifte.oe 0f",„*L4e.40 auly draw tliefour.bighest. ittizv?„ „ , ~• ; • •••• mail Will Atteil mum alkaPPO az cacti, draw-64 to overlin at- • - loouot l'of, it adll.liensentl 0 All-who:Order frOm ire •AddIVSS 011EGPItY • • •• • u orptemer 7' 180. • • • • • • •-•k JUST printhd et thil otace. s fine( (trsolmentot ..-' 1 11 0 11010 , 0840 OS MOUTGAISS .41/1/1/ Of i r E P lGAN f i ei" r I ‘l' J . • * [WWII 111114 NOTICE. . . — I 4 IIA.'S: - HOPKINSON, Clerk of District Court. 209