r .. _ ' 11 1%.1110 A taaalsnalq • ',,,..,,,, • . 4. • - I‘ tir` zaw_..,' P. , .-.,.: . e . • .---- ‘, • it,g . ,:- 4k.- 1.• : i? I ,o `, 1. 3 ,4,: , 50 'Y ~ l' 'n -- - . -I'l - • ..4 . rtip( l -,-.4 z , 05 • - ....4.1,. .... . - R, WHITE MIDDLETON. EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. CARLISLE, PA: FC=!=X= FOR .PRESIDENT ' . . WIiFIELD SCOTT:, I ' HENRY CLAY.. mubit4t to the dOeision or a National ponvention ; • DEmocllAiie min; ANTI-TAX. TICKET. ASSEMBLY, Ijaitaes . Itlearnedy, Newville; Geolv i e BritAttie, Monroe. co3rnissloNr.R, II{obeo•$ Laird, Fil!rilt:flircl olitEcroa, • , ►lcichoir 11rean6aph:e. AUDITOR, . • g'oD)eo•1 C. Kilgore, Newton - ritirrumvoToßy, Thos. IL Criswell, Sl4pi.msburg REGISTIV, Jacpb Carlisle • itHCOIMPII 6il) ? • . - I.{9bert, olson, MechatticBburg, 0.311 LP try CE,77 I SI • - The Herald k Expogitor -c - j -win be fUrnished until the Election in 04o her next, for T WENTY : FIVE CENTS, Cush! Cy: ra :tat NieS nagaZi (Cr This periodic . al fur the Presiit month has sen . reccived, and contains original productions ram the peno'fl.on,gfellow,Pana, Ifcrbert - ,Strcet, Vitakerman, Benjamin, Sgba Smith, Mary Lawson and others. .The ' e mbellishments 'are of - n torperior Order,—"The proposal," engrav ed by ,Alircd Jonc:s, the "Lady . Alice," engraved 'by Dick, ..'The Fashions" for Septcfnher, and original music. It can be had at till)t.y's. 'etni,e . r:vncli -Mass fr_r A. - 3111...3 Temperance 'Alt:Mlllg will be held at the Ifead_of near.llo,gueseOwn, .in thilrounty, SA'I'URD.tY liel,.the 10th The Temperanec-Incicties of this and the - aneexencrally, are earnestly incited 'to attend.— Sc cal able Speakers front a distance aiscex:pcted. In tend ,ant - deliver addre.ifies, The :,plaeo of 'tncciiuy is.dess - than n mite , Noatlispf the -Gunther.. —laud Valley Ri.il Road.- _ , (rm. Coartzl:i Dr:Tr-1'11i! tid,et setticd by• - ;the Demo cratic Whig County, Convention, it ap pears front intelligence .frciet. the differ ent sections of the... County, is trulyjip'oP ularene, anil wiM receive the united sup port of all , opposed to that iniquitous Sys tem of taxation which is wresting front the taxpayers their hard earnings,• to .he wasted upno our useless public works,and in support of the extravagant officehold ers under the State oovernment. Of the men composing the ticket, we shall. speak in our next. It is sufficietit to say, that they are men that know and fed the re- spoßsi!de trusts about to be eumMitted In them by their fellow-citizens; and so iden tified :rd" they and their interests with the interests and prosperity ;,f their felT4iii freemen of the County and State; that those trusts will not—eannot be abused.— The pvimle ,of Cumberland county can safely confide in them.- TZSC The ticket formed by' the wire workers of. the borough, through the Luco Foe° Convention:is the most objectiona :ble one . ,thati ctinid have been presented to the support of the rople of this coitnty. shows too - plainly how little calculated' smut/ Judges and fourth-rate aristocratic Lawyers are for political leaders! It should be,—and no doubt will be,—a caution to them hereafter how they attempt to force their favorites upon even their own pa'rty. We submit the ticket : • Assembly—WlLLlAM BARB, JOSEPH JOSEPH CULVER. .Prothonotary— W B E ETE M. • Re order '. ':AIRY.. Register---JOIIN B. DUNCAN. Commissioner -I-JOSE l'H T REGO,. . •Diretr---JOHN ZUG. • • Auditor---WM. B. SCHOOLER. The first two men. are WHO:4o defeat any ticket, however ti h the party ttating-theth roily be i the majority. Men who VOI ED. FOR GAMBLE'S MIL LION AND A HALF 'I'AX BlLL—fora bill doubling the Takes upon their fellow .citizenti—for a bill throwing thousands of dollars upon a clasp of public plunderers called 'dornestic ofecljtors"—and for plac ing, money—wrung from' the- people by taxation—in the hands of men to waste and .lavish upon . the lazy vagabonds on the-pub lie works! Such men re-nominated and attempted to be forced, by the Judges and their iinderstraPpers„ upon, the freemen of the County! . CAN NEVER • BE ELECTED. " -Noman in the county, who regards his - own rights," or the inter ests of those entrusted to him, will so far forget, yvhat is.due to justice Or-onaiistency as to support either BARB or CULVER. _ Of 111 r. BEETEM, it isfoUnd fault, that, althO4h,a clever young. man, he is not the, chniCe -of •his party. Older . members •of the party, it is thought, have been uncere moniously thrust aside, ,and 'whose older clainwankoft-trjed aervicee have been dis i -' .regarded. .. . • • .1 ?Tr. Our,' isfalso highly objectionable —being . doubtful go .wiliprini in politics, and. at present a Tyler office: older! Of couriirlie'can rebelve riO'itlppe . t from e ith- • et', Deoructits or Whigs. Mr. • Atmcorsr is also objectibnable rind ... 1 : . will teceiielnitTiiii, — if an}' voice, in hid, own•neighboritootl: is thi.yetty l ivorst ehoieiS that could have been made by. Uzi Coliri for the office of Register.' _ . i • ...The balance of the men, but bs they are; caught in extremejy . bad company, the tax-pryers 'of the county will let them stay 'at hi;me. Indeed, so• o bjectionable, is the' whole ticket that the best rtien — iirthe -- party L have come out openly against "The Guillotine at ``Sock:) [ion. SAMUEL HEPLIVR,IST, Pre. sident Judge of the se'eral Courts of: Cunt berland. county ; the. lion. 'JOHN STUART, 3ssr;;ciate fudge of the same Courts; JAS. GRItHAN, Esq., Deputy :attorney Gen. erat-Oo prosecutes therein, and the Hon. CHARLES MCCLURE, member of Congress that Was', and would like to be, halitt been politically . dec'apitated ! We shudder when we thinit of, and weep when we_ record. the immotatien of uncorrupted and in-. corruptible dignitaries-. upon the altar Of diicontentedness, reared by a peevish and ir- - reverent plebeiancp whom they were "born to command !" • No sooner had the Grand - Satiliedrim of immaculate deMocrArprOclaitned 4") i. the snpport of the .party, a County ticket, - -the mnnattitat co in pone nts of. which , had• been soldered togeiher.-by the noble cluateridon in the chamber. of his • Honor, than , iOne. Handfed and Forty-Pipe' rebellious sub jects, im this peaceful village, renounced all -allegiance to their - rightful sovereigns.-- ' %Yid) iniquitoits"boldness they congregated in the very temple of justice in , which hi s . kronor so ably presides,, and thereput forth a wicked protestation against the'doings of their-lords and masters, the trio.of Honor ablcs. and the Kichapoo Deputy. Nor was this all, for with malignity. unparalleled. they solemnly declared that these, the ac credited dictators of their party, were trai torous, ' dishonest, - hypocritical.' and Oils; denounced .them as dtkuirganizers, and:de liberately read them out of the fellowship of all true democrats. U yei of little faith! Ye might have been pardoned: far. oppugn- Mg the Alictation of the lesser cOm man tlants domiciled in your -own town, but hiiiu dare you refttse obediencP to the will of the' great - Slermon prophet, the riotleiis Joe•Stoit4 of Soutli.MOldletonl - 11111 1 ----Dois—nOttthe_LjtoliciaL_s4tionit •of their Honors vest Vein with the right to lead in party polities;. has not the Depttty.a hereditary right to govern; does lnut "Do mestic Credit mantle the Ex-Gongressman With full, power to command? . Alt! it was barbarous to slaughter ;the, indiscrimi nately. But the thiog is done, raid the faithless rebels have rallied. tinder the banner of Gencral Bennet of the Statesman; cjirryho , lofty.i.rests and limiting sin - Icily at eery poor devil who clings to the truef:iith. - that Democracy is great and Jot Srurrn'is its prophet! • I The 19areisLurg. t iwitoikan. ecrWe very much fear. that: this paper is.dpiratival schooner, sailing under false colours. ,It pretends to be a Whig paper, friendly to Clay; but, with the excep don of one single week, it deals ;nit weekly splenetic articles of 'that portion of -the Harrison party WhoSe preferences are' inclined to Gen. Siiiitt fur. the Presidency. : Wit portion of the party with which we act, are desirous that the whole strength of the opposition to Loci) Focoism and mis rule should be united -in endeavoring to den a majority to the State Legislature suflieieta to correct the abuses. now exist ing in our State Government, and provide means to lessen the bur.len of taxation now 'so ,heavily himie by" - the people. This cannot be done if the object is lost sight of in abusing those . olour friends that cannot go with us for: our paftieular candidate for the Presidency. • if the Capitolian is truly a •Whig paper, and desirous of co-operating in the work of Reforin now so much calle d in our Cornmoliwealth let it cease ita and_uncalled for abuse and misrepresenta.. tions of the friends of Glen. Scott. 1.1 it wishes a discussion upon the merits and demerits of Mr. Clay ,and his clritns to.the Presidency, it shall have it, in due time, to its heart's content; but for the presetit, our suffering, Slate' calls loudly, upon all.irue Pennsylvanians to sacrifice minor: consid erations in her behalf. • • . We hope, therefore, .to her nothing more, from either tlrb•friends of Clay or Scott - upon the subject of the Fiesidency, until after the claims of the Commonwpalth are disposed of. _ • • ...... • Who pays for AU? IL — FThe ilarrisburg Telegraph says: An old, picture represents a king sitting in state, with a label, "I govern all;' a bishop with a legend, "I pray for all;" n soldier with a motto, fight foi, all;" and a farmer, drawing foith reluctantly a purse, with the superscription, "I pay for all!" With a little variation this picture might be made to suit our State. The G(iVernor may say "I govern all;" his Mita , ' 'holders, "we prey for 'all;" his contractors, in violation .oflaw, "we fight for all;" and the farmer as usual, may dolorously exclaim, ".!payfor all!" The Goveonor pockets his 0,000 annually_and the pickings; Ms . office.holders secure, all the fat jobs; his contractors violate the laws to make themsolVes domestio creditors; and then DOUBLE TAXATION is resorted to, AND THE FARMER PAYS FOR ALL! Infoa•e.'Treachery. 01-The U. S. Senate have redueed the rate Of duties g,f the Tariff Bill that had passed. that, body and been vetoed, and sineo,passed the House, on' some important items to make it palatable to the Loco Feces and the traitor Tyler., The .vote on redu64 the duty on tolled iron from• 827 50, to 825 per ton, was as follows, Messrs. litiehauan and Sturgeon both voting in favor' of It, thus showing MORE TREACHERY tOlhelatorests of their con` itoon(st • • . • , owe. •Arolfor, Barrow, tAose„)Bay. ard, , BUS ANAN, Climate, playton,: , Coi:ad • . Crit enttan, Dayton,' Evans, rilifrittßE!id. Merrick Miller. Morehead,' Porter ,Simmang, SiPith,Pf Ind; Spraugo,STUßGEON;Ttilltitadge, and White-23. • " • • ':NAYS—Messrs. Allen,'Ragby, Bentor,fierri rien, Calhoun, Cuthbert, eultbn, Graham, . Hen derson, King, X.,lnn,Preston, Sevier , Smith,' of Comm., Tappan, Walker, Woodbury, Williams, Wright, and Young-22. The,duti on krE; was reduced to s9.per ton: Stir 'atore ' , Treachery , to Peati sylvania., ikTln the Senate on Monday, week last, the .bill to prtivide for . thO" repeal of the proviso of of the sixth section of the'aet to appropriate .the. proceeds of the sales of the public lands, was call ed up on motion of Mr. Crittenden, and passed by the following vote: , YEAS- , -Messrs. Areher, Barrow; Bayard, Choate, Clayton, Courad:-Drafts,Crittenden, Day ton, Evaiie; Graham; Huntingdon, Mangum; Mil ler, Morehead, Phelps, Porter, •Sirmhons, 'of Indiana, Sprague, Tallniadge, White, W4od bridge.-23. NAYS—Messrs. Allen, Bagby, Benton, BU CHANAN, Callioun,Cutlibert, Fulton, Hender son,' King,. Linn, Preston, gives; Sevier.S . P UR GEON, -Tappan; Walker,' Woodbury, Wright„ Yount.—l9. , This bill rcpealcd the provi.-oNlitilkind dis tribution bill, which suspend distribution when the tariff of duties was raised above twenty per cent, and consequently continues the distribution tothe States under the tariff bill than has passed, should it become a law: .Buchanan and Sturgeon, both 'again played TRAITORS TO PENNSYLVA in their votes against this • measure. Iltit thanks to' the Democratic Harrison Senators, the bill was 'passed, 'and 'the DISTRIBUTION IS AGAIN SUSTAINED BY 130TH .110 U, OF CONGRESS. Deserted mod Despised. rrOf all the host of paperla. that supported Harrison and. Tyler, says_ the Thirrisburg Tele graph, we know of but one, throughout the whole country, the Delaware County (Pa.) re— publican, which'now suppr le. Of course we exclude the Ma, Ingrate ful viper, which now turns round to sting the ydrty that nourished it when it steed in need,— Dons not .this desertion speak volumes 'or the infainy of 1 ilirt"Tyler?- But oncnow to dhim reverence, of that proud list . which two years dine° was doing battle noblywgainst those very principles which he now hugs to his heart, but which' he then • repudiated! But one, and that one hOughr up, by a petty office of three -dollars a day! Come out Walter, fret) among that "foul party?" . Franklin County. , liemoiiratic %Vhig friendi in Franklin have nnininated for Assembly, 7140 MA S CARSON . ; .41 111e . reersbuii . And JASPERAI) Y, 'of C hambers. burp:, " • .'These are good men. and tene, and •' sleeted, go - hand in. — hand witli NW4 -- rs. KENNunv. 'aid . l - ruli'sFDLn, of our county, in brieling about ii - -. Reform in our Stale (lOverninpnt, 'and in Tedueing that inigititous system of taxation ..whieh now ore'r-hurthens the people. • . The_Federal - boen ford TaxiteS . liave settled a tinket, but iii its surrrss• they have, •im h(,. a ys— r as will be seen t h e following letter:_ C.or,te;pontionee of the Ilerald'a Engesitor CII.I,IIBER.SBUIV:, Sept. 3, 1842 FRI lIND MIDDLETON—Butte parties are now in the field ready fur the light. The tickets you wil. see in the . papers of this place. Outs is 1 an excellent ope—every man on it Worthy and we I gnalifte.di for office, .ruid trill most assuredly he eleeted by a handsomeVority. This is now admitted by thetLocos,, w i have n ticket thrjed. upon them by the wire-workers here Hat . at all in accordance with their Wishes. The men on the Loco 4ssemhly ticket nee of course, the I very men to support David 12. Porter's extrava..l gam, wasteful sod tax' Admini-tration. The/I cannot even get the support of the taxpayers of their own `party: For tic County Oilices they were al oi unfortunate. They live ngain forced some of the old worthless office-holders upon the ticket, and shoved aside the more honest and de- serving of the patty! Like Cumberland county, we have heie men too intelligent to submit to such treatment. You may, therefore, confidently say that Franklin county will elect ,the whole Democratic Whig ticket by if nridsome majority; rcatletion of the ratki, rrThe total force °four army in 1841,,inelud ing Cadets, was 14,506. Under the netv.laW it will ho but 9,019.; the artillery , 206+; the dragoons 178, and the Commissary General, I,ltwry.eyors, 10 Assistantt Surveyors, 1 Inspector General, 6 Military store keepers aud 3 paymuSters having been abolished. $200,000 Lill issing FURTHE.R EXTRACTS. trar.We promised last week to give fur ther extracts from that •higly interesting , pamphlet entitled "The Report of the In vestigating Committee,',' &c. •W• 9 accord ingly call attention to the following ex tracts: $32,000 in the U. S, noies—e6o,oQß. in. Burks county Bank notes, and 815,000 in Virginia Bank notes—the balance In negotiable paper writ.' ten in the "Indian Language. , .' "Po , which cert . ificates of Stock shall be issued in such amounts and made transferable in such manner igs the Governor may, direct."-(nagv 278.) Harrisburg, March '25, 1840. "To George Handy, Bitq4-7. - You will observe that the Governor is to direct the manner of transfer. log; this is a trick which in all the d. bating was not discovered by friend or foe, and I think will not be. My object in having this unusual provi. sion is, that you may make a currency of it, as it' may be issued in any amounts. Then will fellow the resolution I sent you last evening, legalizing the suspension, amid-I now in: dine to think we will add the small note law as an additional pro Vision. Uwe can carry this, then all will be complete, as the one,two and three dol lar bills will make the small currency, and the State certificates of loon the larger. Give me by to.moriow — nights mail ell your views. Yours truly, • D. M. ,BROADHEAD. (Page 280), • • I:hirrisburg 3rd month 27, 1840. "Vo George Handy, Esq::— The Goverrtor is vory anxious ghout the fate of this hill, he has been to our house, (B 1101114%) this evening, got me to call out Stevenson, Snyder and Patterson, With whom he held a separate and private conference, he alsri' saw Miller of Berke, and Myers at our house; he and his special. friends are determined to get it through. SAM'L. R. WOOD. (Page 253.) Harrisburg, March.l7, 1840. "To George W. Smith, Esq. Phila.—Dear , Sir. —I have just hnd anintervieW with the Governor,' and while nt his house, Gen. Wilson of the House and Mr. Beli of the ghee, two of the Commit. tee of Conference called; they stated' , that the COmniittee were nimble to agree, and that it was the intention ofcertain members to ask for the ap. pointment of two additional members from each house, this the Governor Objects to, being fearful that the additional. members would be opposed to his stews, , *and toe are consequently at _work to prevent it - if *poSsible. • * r • The committee es-it new stands is thus, four in favor of resunilitiOn* on the Ist of February next, and two in favort of July .4th rie4:_they—must however agree .tinenimously-befeie a report can 1 3 e'm'acte. We inteceeded today in *eventing the . .„ . propoSeretritcus - of - demoeratie , limbors-to-have ; 'been held this evening. ,I thin k. every thing looks' ,favorable, and from obi - averred niady privately bi the Governor I am indue t od ta'believe that he will .net Sign hit name to providing fora re fit/warm before the firer of January 1841. He wishes however to avoid the necessity of a VETO, and' it is' for this we ate Contending. , I will *rite to you to-morrow at ope o'clock; and .let you know the proceedings of the HOuse up to that time;;l will ,be Obliged to you if you would call at the Post Office every evening, 41. intend to,write by every mail. I intended to have returned to Philadelphia to-morrow and' come back on the succeeding day,"but now think it better,to remain until something is dorm of a decisive character. The Governor wishes as many of Ms friends to remain here on the spot as conveniently can. Yours respectfully, GEORGE READ. The Laticas'ter ExeMiner says: 7lf This letter is false, how was . • George head -able to write the precise facts that occurred one week after the date of-this letter? Where did he get all his information? `..From ob servationsin&te rivately by the Guyer nor." : The Resuniption resolutions which became a , law were for the first time offer- ed by Bell in , the Senate,--March-?, : lth, - ,and the letter was written March 17th! •• • • Pag6. 245.) Sams lo Hand y. ' •".1. shall pay my inspects again to the Governor k. and have a talk, and will talk in the "Indian Lan gouge.' • pp .274.) Soln to 1-h;n4 "There seems to be a disposition to procrasti nate cud to create inure difficulties, so us to pro tilted more mint, or some other kind of a more luxurious nature, iSce. I say, noi/, it is necessary lo be firm and to submit to 110 kind of requisition. We have argued well, and are 'tired of. hearing a bout further arguments —if they will not du now, wliat is the interest of the State and the Demo.. cratic party, let them go to—." Old Srratch we suppose. Joseph Solms, Page 102, thus answers Q. Mr. Sohns, in these letters did you not write what would induce the Banks to pay, the .most money?. 'A. No. I (lid not write flick! haters with the view of inducing the Banks to send money here. Q. Why did you write these extraordinary al lusions to the Governor in your letters? • A. Because I heard it publicly in Every place, I heard yf bribery and can uption o/-paying money, it was a public tulle. (Page. 1(i5.) • ' • . . . Q. In No. 1 L you say !'your letter (all Is tight,) of 106,_has been received. There is an objection; the 5.3,0110-inud be placed immediately in hands." • IVhut does that mean? A. I should suppose:sonic man wanted $5, who it was I cannot tell you.. There were very fre quent upplicationN; how much have you in your trunk? These were applications made to me by a good many men whom I did not know; 1 can't Mille any of thein. Q. 'You say in this letter "1 spent a Portionof ktiondliy. with .the Governor and some of his , 'friends; the time for action. was short,apti 1 took 'responsibilities, &c.' HA you - any such inter views with the Governor and - A.I may have, I don't know. • Q. Did you state any filet in this letter of pint. own knowledge, which was !hist!? dithrot-state 7 4li4o-falits“-may formed false conclusions. The facts which I state in these letters as having occurred within lily own knowledge, are true Asfar as 1 C . au recollect., = 'E'crqun't we prevail on otr neighbour to give publicity to the above? • Hapeporiailt Document. or - T° The following important doetitnetW. - from Ceti. ewer, was hantled_ao_us. evening, with a reqweSt to. give it - a 'place in' this morning's riper: We do so with pleasure. We understand it was read a few (lays ago at the Carlisle Barracks. The Arotty--Gesnerai Heart Quarters of the Army . , :110 General's (Vce, Washington, Aug. I11:1, 1. Int imations,through many channekreceived at general head quarters, lead 'to more, than a sus. Melon that blows, kicks, coin and las4s, against la w,..the gond of the setqice and the faith of gov. vernment, have in many instances', down to a late period, been indicted upon private soktiers of the army by their officers & sop-commissioned officers 2. It is duo to the line, generally; to add, that those intimations rclitr almost exclusively to the 2d dragoons and 3d infantry. 3. Inquiries into the reported abuses arc in pro gress, with instructions, if' probable-evidence of guilt be fittlid, to bring the offenders tr, trial. .1. It is well known to every. vigilant (Allem that discipline can be maintained (—and it shall, be so maim:kilted—) by legal means. Other resorts are in the end,. always destructive of good-order and subordination. - 5. Insolence, disobedienee,mutiny .nre the usual provt,cations to unlawful violenbc. •But these'sev. mil offences are deliouneed by the 6th„7th and 9th of the rules and articles of war, and , made punish ,ble by the sentence ofeourts martial. In stead, however, of waiting for such juidgment,ae cording to the nature, and degree of guilt, de. liberatcly found=lhe hasty and conceited—losing all sell:control and dignity of command—assume that their individual importance is mere outraged than the majesty of law, aml int,l4'oece, as leg: 'slaters, judges and execuiitibers. . Such gross • usurpation is net-to tolerated many well g,ov. cruicd armyr 6, For inSolent words, sildressi.d to superior, let the soldier be ordered into confinumenirThis, of itself, if followed by prompt repentance and apology, may often be found a sufficient punish ment.• If not, a court can readily authorise flue final remedy. A deliberate, or unequivocal breach of:orders, is fruited With yet greater judicial rigor; and,in a clear case of mutiny,the sentence would, all probability,' extend-to life. It is evident, thin, that thereAs not even a pretext for punish- Monts decreed on individual assumption, and at the dictate of pride and resentment. 7. But it may be said, in the ease of mutiny, or conduct tending to this greatcrime—thatAis ne cessary to cut down, on the spot, the eviler or ringleader. First order him to be seizrff. If his • companions put him into irons or confinement, it is plain there is no spread of the dangerous ex ample. • But, should they hesitate;—mr should it be necessary in-any ease of disobedii nee, dcser. Lion or running away—the object being to secure the person for trial;—os always to repel a personal assault, or to stop an affray—in every one of these cases any superior may strike and wound; but Only to the extent clearly necessary to such law. ful end. Any excess, wantonly, committed be. yond sue)) measured violence, would ; itself, be punishable in the superior, No other case can possibly justify any superior in committing vie. lance upon the body of any inferior, without the judgment of a court—except that it may some times be necessary, by 6f:urea, to iron prisoners for security, or to gag them for quiet. /1 Harsh and abusive words, passionately br wantonly applied - to unoffenditig inferiors, , is Init little less reprehensible: Such lang . urage 'sot Once unjust, 'vulgar and unmanly; and; in this cennee.. tinn,it may bo useful to i reeall a pa,sSage from the old general regulations for the army: . "The general depot-linen' ofoffieers towardsju.' riiers or inferiors will be carefully watched and regulated. If this be cold or harsy,onthe one hand or grog, ly familiir on the other, the harmony or discipline of the corps cannot bo maintained. The examples aro numerous and brilliant,in which the most conciliatortmanners have been found per. !belly compatible with the exercise of the.strietest command; and the officer who does not unite a high degree of moral vigor with the civility , that springs from the heart, cannot too soon choose a. mother profession in which imbecility Would' be less conapicubps, and buirshuedis loss wounding and oppressive."-, (Edt. 1835.) . 2 9. Government not only reposes "special_ trust and. confidence in the patriotism, valor, fdelity and abilities of" army officers, as is expressed do the face of commissions; but also in their . self. control, respect for law, and gentlemanly conduct on all occasions. &fibre -under either of those heads ought alwaYrto' be folloWed by the lees of g commission., ••• . 10. , At a time wholly notwithstanding the small ness of the establishrrient, thousands of the most promising . youths are desirous of military cianu. missions the Country has a right to demand—not Merely the usual exact observance of laws, regular lions, and Orders, but yet more—that every officer -shalLgive_hirriself4lp entirely _tp_the cultivatiotl and practice of all the virtues. and acconiffifili: merits which can elevtito anltOnorable profession. There ii in the - Army of the United States, na ttier room nor associates, for the• idle, : the igno. rant,tlie vicious, the disoliedient. To the very few such thinly scattered over the service whether in the line or the staff, these .admonitions are mainly addressed, and let the vigilant eye Of all commanders be fixed upon them. No bad .or In. different officer should receive from a senior any favorpr indulgence whatsoever. 11. The attention of' commandas of depart. ments, regiments, companies and garrisons is di. rected to the 101st of the rules and articles of war, Which reqiitres that the whole series shall be read to the, troops at least one° in every six Meats. Miudjeid Scott. "I'AM JOHN TYLER'S DOG!" Madisonian is . the organ ofJohn Tyler; the iitature of accident' now-acting as President of the United States. . Every oThee 7 holder under him iSlooked upoxi with a jealous eye if lie - appears without his collar,.labelled.Al AM JOHN TYLER'S Ii 00!" Some •enjoying the-patronago of .the_crov "ernment have heretofore been rather asham ed to 6ppeal l before their old friends with this, degrading collar, but the following significant hint from Tyler, thr'mgh, the Nludisoniarr, is whipping the .ras als 'into the traces all over the Union. 11.4 it: . “Very many•of the Vi big papiirs women, that are the most abusive Orthe: President, 'nee in the enjoyment of Government patronage. Weintend, to speak out unreservedly on Nis satinet. Any subordinate officer, under the President, who will contribute to sustain any paper in the habit of abus ing the head of the nation SHOULD HEIL/1831198ED '6FFICFL. A friend of the Executive would "take the responsibility;” The lash has even reached Carlislere, Mote though it 'be from the .Presidential l'alace—as will he seemby-the following Bulletin _issuedon igonday last from the Post 011iee at this place 7 —eopied verbatim, excepting "Loco Foco" in 'brackets: • P. 0. CARailil, 'Sept: 5, 1842 DEAR Sim—Youmeeil not resolve room for the, fist or letters in the Herald 'this week us 1 intend to commence the publication in two [Loco Feet)] papers From this date. Rests:Wilily yours, %VM. M: poRTER, P. M. It W. MI LMLETOS,' ESQ. - . • . AM.JOJIN TYLEJes, Boo". now! "hur rah for .Tippecanoe and Tyler •tool" But what a - contrast is - here Tresentee in The following letter from a Post Maker too ,iturcpendent to wear ..tohn- Tyler's.' collar even though it tre trinoued with • 130iDEN LACE ! POST OFrICE, Milq,:Yatcle Co. N. Y;? . August 24th, 1842: M the Ilon. the I'. M. Geneial: Sir—On tl:c 29tIrult. I, addressed you, hut c h r n: t to no answer it return. • • I I nr . received the appointment ut Post Mnit Milo from your worthy predecessor, .the lion. rItANCIS ciraiscciti - who Only-required of me bonds for the faithful 'dischint, orthciduties-of the-of. Tice. The -post nowappearti - to be •!coupled" with conditions nhtiving nu utlinity . to each other," but' "wholly _incongruous in their character.", Fur instlitice; tundsrstancl-Post Masters have been re. moved for expressing their political opinions, en the.plca_that_they arc required not to interfere in •politi.+•, while on the other hand, most of us have received a cireultr-fram New s York, urging us to aid the .views of.the "Administration General Committee." 1 am further advised, front high authority,thut I'OA Masters are .511re:fully directed 'where and how to advertise their "List utlietters." Now, sir, wishing to retain the'priVilege I in. het ited as an American citizen, of expressing my views Ircely on all subjects; the Taritr,and_Mr. Tyler included, and.being unable, were I dispos. ed i to further tire views of the , _‘:;erietal Commit. tee" before Mentioned, for want t.f material, there [Wing none in this county—and constsning dicta. tioq in the advertising or Leiters as galling, it' not tyranieul: I do again, fur these reasons, ro gether with the edict of the Aludisonian, - Most cheerfUlly tender you my resignation, .and petty the speedy' appointment of a more coinplying Deputy. I am, Sir, very respectfully, Your Wt. Serv't. • GEO. W. LIAZARDu, Hon. C. A. W.CKLIFFE. • (Zile Grand Jury of Rhode. Island have re, turned to the•Suprcme Court, now Citing at New port, R. L, bills •of indictment for high treason against Thomas W. Dorr, Duttee J. Pearce, Jos. Joslin, Daniel Brown, Seth Luther, Nathaniel N. Carpenter, John Paine, and George Fiissel.' REVIEW•OF THENARKETS. 1 3 111LADELPIIIA, Sept. 3,184'2. FLOUR & .N 1 L.—Duringthe present week the Flomr market has been steatly,and prices pretty uni form. NV.t noble to-day standard Peitna. brawls at $4,87i per blll.. for fr. sit ground' superfine, with a moderate demand. 'lR:Ye . ltits•dee.litted a tritle,the de :nand not (mite V) active at 15.5,57 i per bbl. 'Sales for expin 'of Penna. Cure, \lea(ut v 2 75. ' AIN.--.—The reeeipts of ‘Vhe'st•this weak have bee t , udr, a n d %%inLilat probably he large until utter seeding time. Sales of Sotithern sae Poem. ‘arying in ptiee according to quality, at 85 to 99e for South ern, nod go, 94 and He for Penna. rrd: New South ern Ikte sold this weekatfiSe, tied at 70e per bushel_ Corn is in fairActew'al at ',5'2.d tar South ern flat )Cillow, and 51C:for 1‘ hite do; PCII6II. round 56e. South, re Oats 21e,and Penna. '256 pee bushel. bids. on the Delaware is selling. in lots'at :81-at 4:stunits per gallon; in Broad street it is 'lather searee in hhds. BEEF -CATTLE.—SaIes at 84 a 34. Cows and Calves-192111 market; Sales from 818 t 0 .22; extt a soh' at V 27 to '23. Capes, in the drove 3:lnk $1:25 A 2, 1 '2A; lire a ei;;ht on the . 1)ela Ware, $2;'25 a 3,'.15. at market, salesai ,$4,50 a 5. ,Sheen. - - 1470 at market, sales at 81,37 a 1,873 i extra $:'.,373. B ILTINIORE, Septumli. - 0.3,T1942. FLOUR—haft further declined. The eliising A id e s of last week for II award street were 4 lilt to $4 75, and the littler was the rillitig,price till 'l4 cd nesday, on and since the article has sold freely or been nfr-red at $4 62h, the receipt price $4. 50 itv Mills has soul at $4 75, though generally held hOort and Susquehanna has sold also alt 4 75, but prices fiir dil' &windmill in arc generally gm/0'1ml• by those of 111 - iwaad st.ivet. • GRAIN.—The receipts' of Wheat have been rath sla4k, awl consequently ma increased ffimiand is perceptible for beter qualities. hut we cannot under stand that prices have improved., The hest qualities of Red command from 115 to 90c, and inferim s sell at all prices below the later down to 500 cents per bushel. We hate no Rye operations to note. - Corn is very dull, and sales A fleeted with difficulty; we think 50 emits per bushel could not have been ob tained for any, considerable quantity yesterday;eldi er for white or yelldw. We quote oats at 25. a per bushel. WHISKEY is - firmer and'held at 120 t 022 cents. ••• CATTLE: M A lIKET.Beer ferings at the drove yard this week wets: nearly 400 head, app generally of very fair quality; and except about 70, wffieb were taken to another market, all sold at about ,4 to $4 51 per 100 lbs. 'I he market for,Hogs.remain as last week, at $55 per 100 lbs., with moderate, hut fain-siimily. tY.ISENIAL lI.FIGISTER • .MARRED. , On the 9th u 1 by the Rev. John Ulrich, Mr. J. WIERM AN to Miss SARAH MIXER, both of Adams county. - On the Ist inst. by the Sarno, Mr. THOMAS .5. MeELWEE,to Miss'ANN LH , HNOER, till of this 0111TU4:1171r B E C 0 R 11 DIED. In Mistison v inclinna,totithe 29th . ult.., Mrs. A.141‘1 PATTON ;SEA. M AN, wife of Mr. Iflrsim R. Sea man, formerly . of Jefferscin county, Vit., .and. only sister Of. the Eclitor,of this paper„ aged abMit, SS years. - .* In tbis Borough', on Thursday 'evening last, At.tinT Mr.i.zonst, infant 11011• Of RUFUS E; 10111.811614 i Ssinr- LEY, aged ab.nut 7 months. • • "Happy infant early blest . •. • Rest, In•peneef•it slinnber , - Early resent:if from the cares. ' Which Inovease with , growint; yvars:" ADVERTISEMENTS.: V:idosable Real, Esdati ..1271 , , , 7 WWWVIAVVVCAitiVtAIyIet , ' puApursuance of an order of.tbe Orphans' Court of Cumberland Cotinty,Pa.*lll lieeolrd at die sale, on 'the premises, on SaturdoY the 15th Jay of (Molter next, at 10 o'clock:A. M. of said day, the following,described Real Estate., lute the proper ty of Et raeebefd Fiatausos, deceased—to wvi, 771.1 e: or .L.SAD, in West genissborci' township, Cumberland. county, on the turnpike road from Harrisburg to Pittsburg. atheist 6 miles west of Csirlisle, bounded by lands of Jimeph Rinser, Esq. and the,heirs or.lohn Sharp,sle ceased., saMtnining :Mout .'iontorry. ONE CRES and.alloWassee, with a two-story log • NOD): TrY, DOUBLE' LOG BARN, arid i v GRANARY thereon erected. The lend is Lime stone, of, the best quality; tibnintfive acres of Tim ber land thereon, a well of water near the dwelling., and an'apple orchard and other cholde fruit trees near the house. The , Terms of Sale are: The expenses of side to lie, jihad by the purchaser on co:Tn.:nation of the sale by the Court, one half of the residue of ,the porch money : to_ be paid on the first of April next, wh,co,pos session will be ~..o;iven and a deedanade to theimrebe antl the baleace in two equal hininal .payrnents thereafter without intevest—th , whole to im secured by recnnizance in the Orphans' Court With approv- - ed security.. Al Aril I ENV DA V IDSON, Adtn'r. or Elizabeth Fer:suson, dee'd• ' September 7, 1813. - .a • 4t-45 ' • Val:cable •Lianesione Fitrun APT PUBLIC Mit; (I,MI.IIIWLVIA.IMINVVVVIe I N pnrsuance of ail order-of the Orphans' Court of •Conitierland County, Pa., will. e sold of politic sale, nit the premises, on SAI'URDAY the .24il dav of OCTOBER NEXT, at 10 o'c:ock A. \l.; the.fof lowing deseribed sato:tide PA Rill TATEMN dEOUSEy late the property of PETER DUCK, deceased—viz: