= ..r: -, , FM= =9 CARLISLE , I"'LN.N• /DIEU ILITII A DVERTI SEM ENTS ;GROCERIES -TO SUIT THE TIMES. • BY CoUGII 5:7.9. N ' iidditi:On to a general and well selected \ as, " Er ijortmcnt of lit LO Agic .0 avri coiree's, Brown white Stimars Spicetiot.c. I have just receivod a large lot of excellent Loa' itga apart of which at the tow price. of 121 cants per lb. by the Loaf, and other qualities at corresponding low prices. • I Find .Gi-ien and Black Teas, at reduced prices,. - New North River, Cheese, Lemon, . Strawberry and Sarsaparilla Syrups, • Table Oil Wiul. Cider Vinegar;;first: lu'dlity, Sperm Oil, Sperm and • Wild Candles, Cavan: dish; Ladies _Twi:d . •cr Plag Tobacco, • ' - • ' Spa , ish, • • :Half *impish awl Common Se"gars, one Tierce of Superior Honey, Ground Alum. Salt, Fine Table Salt ; Tub,:,Buckets,Churns,Ceroßreetruk, Brlfshes of all kinds, Dcd Cords, Plough Lines, JHarket askeis, &c. Bakers N o. 1. Homoepathic and sweet spiced Tcaland Chocolates, as(i t lse- Cocoa and Cocoa Paste, Rice, Starch, :Mustard: - And a --- gmidral assortment of Ciltia3.,, CI I a foi4 .k censwpirr, Stone Crockery, Sugar House, -New. Oilcans and Syrup. Molusaes. • Together with a general variety of all other Cr. ticks in the Grocer'y constantly on hand and selling at the, - lowest cashl prices, suitable to the times. - Aso; •fine SALMON.. • The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the pidle, fertile very 'Meml encouragement recciv ed,.und hopes in future, to merit and receive it like support. His store is in the Briaz House, Main street, formerly tho-residonee of the late-A. Carothers, a feW doors west of the Cdurt..llouse. . J. W. Carlisle, Jujy f, 1849 er' l . ) ° t1:36 r+ ti- eo--~ ~ _ ate: ~: 1 - rte ,'? ~ !' . . Dr. L C.• Loonas, perinanctitly'located in Carrisle,and will per. I form, all Operations that arc required in the] practice or his prollir;:iion- 7 -such as *cal ra el i i lira, Plugging - . and —lnserting Art iiirial 'reel :a, - .. , from a single thati to an entire set.• • . • will• ['din Carlisle, the first two. wer.k.q in e a rth teenth 7 ---ntter which, In; will be absent until the .first twirtati - ks Ulna rnllowinginoath--at period he nay he ibund at his • Offire„ Pill 4. war Farlarie's 1812. • 0127 pARGAii°'4S,. 1 • . . VIE - :;lll) . eribi. , r will sell ow al. !;11 , atly rodue ed_pricrs, FOR CASIt, a largo and g . ..neral a esorlmenl o . DRY. GOODS AND GROCEMES, The stuck is new and cheap, cousisting in part of, Bine,lnetsiblwGreen,Polish' Green *and Brown Cloths,_ Sii perfine Casabneres, Cassloetts; a good assort- • meat of Putts Stittf, such as Stminicir Cloth 4, lialiboons: Morino Cassi mares, Coltunade, Linen and Cotton Drillings, Sze. ' A good assortment of Ve,stinv, Stocks, Shirt., Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &c. &e. -A largo stock of pkg.:nit Silics, BlarA and Bloc Black, Figured. and Plain Lig& new style. Mims lin de Loins, Lawns, Mn•dia de A agletures, Dom bwities, Irish Linens, Cheeks, 'Pickings, !Merlins, Calicons;Car Ming, Dress Ilandherchiefs, worked Collars, - Can - it:ricks; &e. &e. Also, BiNko ;Ind Straw Bonnets, Ribbons, Gimpy, Leghorn and Patin Leaf hats, - and a-great -variety—of- goodsi, not enumerated. - Put:chasers will do well to call at the old st r pnd opposite S. Wunderlieli's Ilotel, where (hey will find stacks of vends, selling cheaper than, ever sold in this county. _ - Carlisle: June 15, 181? FOR PFRADIRPHIA AND BALTIMORE, irIHE proprietors of the Susquehanna Linrz will run their Cars and floats as usual to Phil adelphia and Baltinioro during the present season. Thair friends will .pledse.apply to Wm. L. Pax, Broad st. and to Cdstncv,•Christlan & Curran, No. '76 south Wharves; Philadelphia, and Joseph E. War, Baltimore. Until furthe'r notice, the following prices will be adhered to between this place end the above cities. ' tV, 11 • ..;" A g 03 6 0x 15c llL2ti Groceries, Q Ware • and Hardward, 21) Dry Goods Mimi: tore and Goods, 25 Wheat, Bye &.Clorn per huSliel . 10 Oats do 6 Lumber per 1000 AL:). • feet $2 - Shingles, do 150 Flour per bbl. 311 — Shad do 371 Herring do 311 galt per sack, 28 Pitch, Tar and Rosin per 100, .16 Plaster gross ton, 82 25 Hemp per 100; 16 Hides, 20 Pig Metal; gross ton 2 50 Blooms & Coritings, 3 121 Bar Iron, 3 50 Nails per keg, 18 Leather per 100, 20 . Whiskey per bbl 50 Burr Blocks per 100, _l5 Curb Stone, do 121 Tin, do , 20 J. & P.. MARTIN. Successor to Miller S. Martins. Harrisburg, May 4i IRd2. 6a .27 --Estate-vif-John.., , Jllollz,__deceased.-1 1i ' OTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN, thatletlers ' of Administration on the Estate . of JOHN lOLTZ, late of Allen • township,' rUiroireflaii'd" county, deed. have been issued by the Register in and for the•Tiaid County to the subscriber, residing in East Pt:wisher° township: All persons having claims or demands against the Estate, of the said `decedent, are rs.quested , to make known the same yiiihout delay; anal those indebted, to make pay ment immediately ti: , JACOB SADLER, Adm`r. • 6t".:42 A4tst 17,1842. Ot , . tate • of Samuel 13.;:lso - , deceased, NELOTIdE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that letters of Administration on the Estateof SA iVPL. SO, Into of the township of Soutlitimptoo,. county of ,Cumberland, have. been isscied by the Register ,in Mid for the said county to bib .subsari ber,who resides in Southampton tp. iforesith2: All tersons having claims or demands against Zhe - Estate of the said decedent, are requested to ma k e ; .knoviir the same withoitt delay; and those hide): led, to:Make pay tipli •iitimedietely to ~ , . . '•JAMES KELSO, Jr. ...,. .- .7.. 'Adm.inistrator of Samuel Kelso, deeds .. Atigintl7, WM,: -. ~ , • , ' . .pt*.4 1 2 . . HE subscriber has. ,just. received, a further , supply' of Gimp, Flprence, Braid and Straw rip R ITNET i'abboi. few Misses Straw BONNETS. (Jso. W. HITNER.' • tf.34 ,Ttocte 22, 184, . • -i . ' -• ' ' ' ' . . I 1 • . , - ,• , , . „. , ~ , ;_,, . , ~, rp , ! . ..";,'.... .•-; z - •• • , 41 , . ~ : A'• -- ; -• &. ... . ... . 1. , ,'” :"... ~ - ' . ' Vl> •.„, ' ; . . 7 ,‘• ' :? , , IV:' 2 :',;." . * ,% . 4 .. ~.' . , . • •• -•-.). '-':. 1: e.'••, ,- 2,,•• . - • - ''s 4 I. :', • i'• • •• - _ - ,,ii - 4 ': '_: - 1 „ •'- ~ , --`, -, . • . , , -. . . .. , , _..-‘,.,.k...,,---..- _ ~ ~ •: i ) ~ , ~ - - , .. . . . • .. . . . th I& TI -E stock of New Goods, belonging to. the finrm offs liosserman4 o Rutton, consisting of • r rtaß - HAMMERED AND ROLLED IRON; N a i GrOCCriCS, OILS, DYE STUFFS &c. &c. ' Will be sold for'CASII, wlMlestile and retail, at re dUced prices. Those, wanting bargains,, ivill do well to call some, of the entire - stock will be sold to close the concern; dOn't pislako the place, at the Stor.e Room of liosserman & Hutton,.Nerth llhn over street. • GEORGE HUTTON. SUrviving partner of the firm of • •BOSSERMAN, & HUTTON. May, 18, 1842. 0-29 it 111 1 1 n 9 411 .L l s h 4/ 1 rt 121 . • . GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO COUNTR MERCHANT.% FrpsHE subscriber, having concluded to do an en ' ji tire Cash business, pMrs for sale Iris large and splendid assortment of , . 1 7 0111.?,IGN pis DOMESTIC IC:iS Ciallery, •• • lower than it was ever bought.for in Philadelphia. The Milo wing will give you sonic. idea.of the prices that I sin deterMintal to. sell at; 6 inch Carpenter's Patent 'Rini Locks, from .4 $l2 lu sl.4l_per doz. p inch Brass Striker, • 44. 6,59' Newton Darling Gras.i Scythes, 1O u Newburn's " 9 "- Day Forks, Solid Cap Perrtife, • 5 -" Cast Steel long . handle Shovels; Cumberland or Reading Nails, 4,624 Keg Phoenix or:Juniata .41 4,11 '' Other makes 1,31 • • sell any articles in my line fr.un 20 to 25 per cent. lower thou can be bought for on credit. Call on me—o.vambie my a list of my priees=.compare them with the prices of- other t.tores, and ascertain fur yourselveeivhere you rail hey the glicapest.. roee - • .111_10.1. Arb. 53 So IL th Third street, Pll ILA 111; Ll'lll 1, Op posit( the Brioking Ibitisr; - recently yiled by (hi: Giritril Bonk, • 1 . 1701)1.1.1 relTetrully!ittier the citizens Car V Yr lisly lied county,or -Cumberland genc;.ilty a first rate 11,1soritnctit of the choireit A?:;ARC - A - 11S - .' Selected with !peat care, whichilie will pitch and i forward by rail road to iltb . itildrens of those . who May favor hint with theirortlers. • I lavinig .tr c. ilieil a number of faintlio: in Cailisle audits viciiii;i, he Iwould he pleased to increase the number of , its touters there. 'llis business has been exclo :vely to 1.-uptily families with GOO I/ i . ;1;()C El? I 1.'.. , ; - for the last..twelve.y ears, _and he- tlat, - , ters_lthusell, that I foe lirst quality goods and fair pik e's, he canit-t be surpasied- in. the city'. -UP; nick consist,' tif n general assot Uncut, smite uf which lie %sill yiiiin- i erate: . fr" Itarlibgtou I-I %. :AS, of.loncs l.•( liiit'imi and 111 iF- 1 MI: iS:.. Booth', curing.. 1 Swill:ell TONGUES.' ' I.hicilllKEl , . . , • i I;t.tien owl lilooli Tr....1t., sonic of tilt': litie,t int . portations, and qi i \cry choice yialitivs. Sperm , ilf, and Sperm CANDLF.S. COPI , EP.;'ef every variviy, s tote WV . Java, forty years old. . HAS( s:S; PIC;S, I'ItUNIS, A I,NIONI) , Mid PE"..A N NUTS, .._ i___ll.alittialkil.A.L.very,„.d.diesdo.ar_tiole---.-......-- Italian Nl.'W.V.t..jp•N I mid N'III.NIECII,I.I. Painas.itt,Eir,lisle, - -Sop Sago, ilidland and .1111 - -410111 CH reEt,E. (311111'1'U ooil',, PICKLES and SAUCES, of uvery variety. - f • French, Etigli.iii, and Au - 101.11.w' NI mil' .% I; D. Sifii A It ,1,1111 and 111.0W11 • of elder qualities. fiIt.I(IICEItS, of ' every .. varicty, Philadelphia, • limmiti, Prkcel oil, S:c, ' . (Eatery SEE I), Ileum) 511111). English Split PEAS.' , ' . ~.- • , • . , SEG \ lIS of every quality, some very choice. i . PiIESP...IIXES. LI NIF,S CICIION, PINE AP PLES, G.lNtiEll. PEA 11 ,4 , l'ltt'NE'`, et' , &e• - eUltitY poNv twit, Indio S (J V,I &v . ,. with an I extensive asiortmem of ever y oriiele a f:Vtoilv. two require. . XVII.. I. 51.‘1)1)1>Cli, ' 5.; :.3r)titli - l'ltird Street, Phi bidet [dila. •-- If to ;NEtty _05,181'2. CILVS.. OGIMPir. CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. 113, South Second Street, Philarldphia. "+, • 7 , M 074 0 a. "2- s THE subscriber respectfully invites the Zeus of Carlisle and County of Cumberland generally, to call before pnvehasing_elsewhere, and examine his -t $1 per°lll,l w ~, v. y H zs 23 40 .. c " . ...,.... 174 ._,,, : 47 , ;, h:f i -1 6111 , .....,,,,,--,,,,• 1 ...„. ..•.:,!,.,,, t „,.. , , 1 ii ' ' - . 4 f 41 r, 1 ,, ; .1 ' ,4 . ' PLAIN& URNASIENA q I,2 '' . 'PL i --- -, or every diseription; which ant, J manufactured under -his own ho. mediate 'direction,of the best material, by superior ( Workmen, and which he :warrants of the best quality—nmi at prices as low as can he purchased in the. United States. Mlle also manufactures an 28 43c lin 93 50 2 00 35 50c 50 T,.• Da 071 D. the superioritysuperiority of Ninth consists in the aNtoni,h. int; facility with which an Invalid,with the slight est effort, may by the use of one - or both hands, move to and fin in the house, or in the open air in a garden or elsewhere, and turn 'quickly round without requiring any inure'srice than it occupies while standing.' ARR ATIAM McDONOU(H, - No. 113, South Second Street, Philadelphia. June 15. 1811. 1 3111:33 $2 .50 25 3 50 4 00 4 50 23 25 55 20 onljr,Ms rifillE CAUSE OF CONSUM PTION.— Sim pie as these complaints are usually considered, no one can diiny their being the most common - cause - of this fatal and-- distressing-disease:--It-is' indeed a melancholy truth, that thousaUds ; fail victims to Consumption every year . from no other ifagialtrainlF. -- IreFF — we dreds, nay thousands who treat such complaints with the greatest indifference, and let them run on for weeks and even tnenthslvitlibut- thinking: - of the danger. At first you, have what you 'may consider a alight cough or cold; you' allow busi ness, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from giving - it any attention; it then settles upon your breast, you becontirjaZa - e—have pains in this side' or chest; expectorate large quantities of mat ter, perhaps mixed • with blood, a difficulty of breathing - ensues, and then • you find your own fooliA neglect has brought on this distessinv complaint. If then you value life or , health, be warned in time, end don't trifle with your CoXis; or trust to any quack nostrum' to cure. .you. tint immediately pro Cure a bottle or two 'cif:that 'fa: mous remedy, the, "BALSAM pF Which is well known to ho the most spe_ y cure, ever known, as thousands will testify Whose lives I.mve been saved by-it. • ~- • . ,T.:.rße_very particular whenyou purchase to ask "Dr. BALSAM. OF WILD CHEItY, " ati there is also a SYSIIP of this narcii in use: Prepared, Wholesale and -retail/ by': 1/ 1 1Ve. & Co., • Cheloiets, No. 33 Speak' fonotio '‘ '4 yhiladelphia. • • • ''Sold in Caili'sbi by • SAMtai BLOOM , . Pri be One DaUnt a Bottle: June:Z. ) , 1842, r 40.33' — HENRY, 1.. Importer. 193 Illtrttettit. above 13th, North side; Philadolphia. Juno 1, 1812. . 'emt•3l =EMZEiIMiI =I N . O . 0,,T10 . 12 IIER A LD: NO.. OF MY LIVING Ag.TIONe, ' A 7. 1842. afa. 4-itt“.41.Z.42, ATTORNEY AT LAW •• Office appoSite the Carlisle Bank: JUly 27, 18•12.- • • Gin-39 S. DUNLAP ADAIR .. .I(toriley cat Lau?, OPPICE N 0.3 •Heetem's Itow, on the Pub lic Square, Carlisle, Pa: April 6,1812. k tf-2.3 ac atim VT. ETD L, la ITV 11 "Wal <4 , " ESPECTFULLY tenders his services tothe AAR' citizen's of Carlisle and its vicinity, that he will .attend to and perform all dental operations such as C IC(111 . 1 . 77 g; Pinging diu&Extracting no turcil Teeth, and• inserting incorruptablc artificial teeth ( - loin a single. tooth_td,iin entire set ; - • myollice oppositC ill'Farlants'sillotel. • July•2o, 1.842, • • • 2 .. if-36 SITYAR & ZA,74:4E13; Produce, C o nim iss lon a nd . }Forwarding Tigerchanis 7 N. W. cori!er Brume .j Arch Street, Philaderigik EIAVARD BI'T'ER, E. JAMES: 07"Refo - onre. to •Williarn I.l.•Murray, July 27, 1842. • tf-3:1 Za CU ULU.) Wa. T'I"I'LRS of Adtniniatrattion upon the estate id A of PHILIP FISIIBURNOute of Dickinson toWnithipfenmberland coutity,sleceased, have been granted, in -doe form of Law to JOON FISi I BURS and 'A N'IIION all persona who are in debted to the' estate will make - payment imme diah ly, and those • who have claims will present them duly authenticated for s'eillement to ~ • JOHN FISH BURN; Residing, in North Aliditleton township, AMMON V phtIIBURN, Residiv; in Dickinson township,. • .11.03 , 27, 1812 , T• . St . ', "Nle ;. , -1 4 1 , 1 `L! , ) 'IT'.11131:11 of every (Ilusetiptiob _LLeI for sale cheap; 'by. ' • • J. '&P•rtt4h. Suei;cesors t6Alartins. Ildriisborff,.:lprit 20, I S.F.!. • - 6m.27 TABII3[I O [ll - . 041 . 1 S s is t,t-e8..E.ii..0N nn IN; 0.1.11 hen 1 f G isdE l ; : t llt ructivo complaint attacks your intereting little children, olken rolls you of _those you fluidly dont on, and caPrie„÷ -hunch cds to .the _ grave. —Every.. mother should thcrelbre, know itasyniplains, watch them closely, bind always be iTepar:ed with a, remedy as many are. daily by,stich bcOect. At tirst.tholittle patient seized with n .shivering,. it graves restless, has thN hes or hcat,the eyes become red and swollen, it In ea tiles, with difficulty, and than conies that fearful Como that will surely tcr. miticte in convulsionsAmdcatleutdess SOMething given 1.1 the , •ii i t. 111 lids complaint the "Bal6am of Wild Cherry" is .veal }mown to be the most speedy r V . Cl' diCoVerCd. it 10111edy- - 111lid, eufe 1111 d innocent, and is stun , td give the iiufferer immediate relief, and quickly restore it to safety and health. Tittni hies residing iii the country and indeed every too.. tiler who loves hr r children, should alWays keep this medicine in the house and give it', to. the . 9).• early, by doing so you may (denearly, give the 'Riot . one you fondly love. E t emember.this is I ammis remedy of this distinguished physieb. , Dr. Wis. .rar, which has cured thMisands . of CROUP, W HourING COUWI, AST(INI A, COlsiSll7llP -4110.Nr-6..-e,otfter-evy othermMdicine haii tailed. ii;lrtieuter when you porchase to rnik for' , Dr. WherAtt:s.l3nr.sAm or WILD Cimanv," as there is li SVIII.II. of illiS*11:11118 advertised that is entirely a different medicine. . only by LIAMS & Co.,' Chemists, go, Fourth e.trect, Phi in Carlisle by SAMUkr, ELLRATT. Price Otie .1)61lar a Bottle.. . hine 422, 1 ~01 A 1 _,---- , ‘ 37 .,.. ;r: - , , '::' ,1 :' 3, 1 7 ;qe-- $. '' ' ' , ..,,.4 tylt,,,i, v 4 ,) g. e. 441 .#,.. .... .. ~,_ .:-.'.. - ;•,.-. - ,,,4:, ~ d -':rst): j. 1 . ...0 . 6 -Pi otl ° ii l R.,• ,- ',....- , .. , "”, -,, - ' bal : .ii ret.z.: , ..,7:44 . f 44, tz.3 4if4f--* ' 11 :t7I - W.4 - AcM ftltar:#4:ii.l. ,-.:.:•;:1...,-,,•,:,..1.,.=km,_.--tc.-..10e1-,...i.:-.4,1.7. PUIIIFWATION AND P URG AT lON =lN===o Dr. Kt ft)plivaLm-4, I= Dn. Ltinv's BLooDPif.d.ti euutain 111,111 Cir Whidi jn•odnrc the . e . olll.• 1 / 1 1INI 1111 . :11/11! Li 11,19 el P UR I '1'111.: IS I,OOD ./0:1) or, ea %IV ye. • nIIIIEIII.I are no Pills in evistnnee wlunb 'nay be ',fel,. tiitsa at sal titn,;, ages . atitl seasons, withatit Wow cr occupation, Ns Dr. Leitlv's Blood From their rorato'sition, they are a:deal:lied to purify the blood old during the inter val hetAi - emi takiir; them and their Oper.itiOni then all impuritice, 115 well as olmosious sal:stances of the stotaa,elk:lncl bowels, are carried off by their mild purgative properdifi. IJI'W A (WS OP 100,00)) 'BOXES of diem 'lane liven sold during the pit six months :den:, stud UPWARDS OR 1.,n00,u00. hinee their liv.st 'ititrothietion hy the proprietor, pr N. 13. Lenh•. IN NO SINGLE INSTANCE have they ever been known to fail. in producing good efreets, DR. Lmtri BLOOD PILLS,? contain no ingredients d:urgc•rnns In 16 ecootitn;:on NO MERCURY Mt whirl) are 'ntnployod in ,•111 fills tniumfluutio •' Y (bricks and Impostors, who depend upott"Atyi gerolts medicines under the intprrhsion,(w)iirh t• their ignoratter,) diseah,ni rnust;A•ield eflcets sf Me re„tit . y nit l older 11 nerals.' U I‘NVA “US 01" BOUZCH R‘l'l l-‘ICA'I‘ES Prom Physicians and ()Burrs, have been frequently published of the happy effeats of Dr:Leidy's Blood Pills and further conaught, upon theie Merits is nu neeesbary. Dr Leidy would, however,e,arnestly re coramilnenriall requiring a_purifving (wpargat ive • medicine, to procure his BLOOD) PILLS, and try them. No one will ever use any other 'kind; having -orate4,ivee-rhent-kfair tria.. ~.:___:.'' . ei-FISEWBE A OE COENTERPEITS--I( t pro-, curedirom the solemonntitatur_r tindproprietor, Dr.'. N. B. LEIDY, at his BEA I II EM PORIUM, No.. t9l North Seeond street, elow Vine street,(Sign of the Golden Engle and S peids,)Rttladelphia,there can be no possibility.° mistake. . . . ~. . They are also ke t by' roost of the respectable. Druggists nf,Philad Iphinond by respectable iNle chants and DruggisA throughout the United States. PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOX. i c k For sale, M Aisle, by -,STEV NSON •& DINKLE, • .'..,: Agents for Cumberland County. May. 18,184.2. •• . . Iy-29 Estate of Agdin l'anger, , citeeased. E . '.„l - STT,ERS Administratipn on the Estate of _ILI JOHN TANGER, late of SoutlFlNiddleton ,township, Cumberland county, deceased, having liken granted to the ,puberiber, residing in the seine township, uP . persons indebted to the estate will 'hake paymtmt end those hay. ing claims will In esent•them duly - authenticated fort.aetthirnent to • CHRISTIAN HERR,Adm!r. July 27, 1842,, . • . 6t•39 ' 'DR: P 110 7 102"1? • ...Ak BEAUTitt7I, Materitil . for' G9ntlemeri'e reeiiveitilir the eubserftier ,• : GEO. AY. MTNEIR. ' I'4 1S•12.• • • - "" )11. ' 43 . -qc4G n cs.ulcra L%-)gtabll.o.llla.c3d3, Q-'I4N• ' H' A RP E R .- 1 . Connnis:sionOk in .1114nItropicy. OFFICE in South Hafiever. street, , nenr M'- Clellan's Hotel, where all intorination desir. ed, in reference to, the duties of thosO intending to apply for the benefit'of the Bankrupt Act, can be obtained:, Carlisle, May '4,:1842., ' . FARMERS ) "HOTEL . DE subscriber hereby informs his friends and - the public in general, that he still continues to keep a • 1. • • PUOLIC • rlttt.. .py r ii II (reports to the 'contrary notwithstanding,) at the OLD STAND, in East High Street, a few doors east of the-Court House; where he will at all times take.plensure in administering to the comforts of those who may favojjAim with their mistrial: •' His BAR shalrFe constantly supplied with the choicest liquors, and his.TABLE with the best the Market can furnish. A careful OSTLER always kept in attendance—and nothing shall be left un done to please all who call with him. . BOARDERS taken by the• week*, month or Year. SIMON WONDERLICH. • April G, 11342. - tf-23 • TO TIRE 'PUBLIC. ~ V &UFAiTTUIIED And keptlri hand,' for sale, in the city of Lancaster, nor the [Lid Rood, • • Eaidless C,hain Powci . THR ES HING -M A C-HI NE S for one horse and for two horses, warranted to work well, and . 43 ' greater durability thah any other Machines, fo • a similar purpose known to the subscriber at pre ent. WAR ICIRKPATRIQK. Lancaste'r, May 4.1812: - .- .- - flaria7 Adininistriaors. •39 ANY person wishing to i nvest a' few Thou. sand Dollars in now and Hubstantial Pro perly in Carlisle, yielding ten per Cent:per annum, wilt' hear of an opportunity of doing tro by calling on the Editor of thecr - feld & Eip6itor." • Carlisle, Junir 2J, 1849. tf.3.5 1--Dll,--GUET-TiCii,l4A A s_Bl,ctrs.i: 1 (ty. , o' ‘.l.f4l).hitto.u:iirtrja:Pi-iiir' .--.. . MBE OLIVE; BRANcII PILLS for the eth:o 111 of Coughs, Colds, Consturrpticiii, Liver Coin. Plaints, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sufol Throat, Dys repFinr;Shortuc9s-uf - Brea - tic - Pains - in the• Side, Breast, Back and Shoulder:l, - Ague and Pever, an intallable cure, and all Scathit and Bilious Fevers, and all diseases arising' from exposure and de bility, no matter how ° tang standing— in fact all diseasel to which the 'human fitinil; are BUNCO. to. . pills aro ,unsurpassed by any medied I compound ever olfered lu tire public as a general re ' novater and fluffily. medicine." They are very • genii& in their operation causing neither prin, sickness nor debility by dui use of , thern; but on the coo trary they- .alrengilien the stomach and bowels in it wonderful manner, and soon restore nature to its former coinsmand vigor. The per son using the Olive Branch Pills soon forgets that ,I.Wrwas sick—whiolt_is very easily accounted forrtficre is not aka, prostration of strength in these pills us in marry other remediespf the day, bees use the materirls used in innufketuri rig them are in harmony with the powers of lire and , act in Concert with the opinions of Ur's. Brown, Bosh, A riffitrong, Montgomery, Hersey, Kendrick, Shepper ;Intl the celebrated Dr. Waterho4e, fOrmeily Lecturer on the theory and practice of Physie in Cambridge University, Massaohusetts. Purchase of them, and give them a, fair and im °partial trial,, anti you will find that permanent re lief, upon which thin proprietors depend to make them the most . universal fluffily medicine used, and which .Wilj stand unrivaled by 'any other in the known world. I'rice 25 cents per box. . RHEUMATIC `AIEDICINE Is one of the must certain and effectual cures for all rheumatic, chronic and intlinmatery Rheum tisms that has ever yet been discovered, and in numerous cases has eradicated that dreadful dis , ease from persons afflicted entirely. All sour drinks and vietualtt arc strictly fiabidden, and spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by any meami whatever, or it will be of no use to take this medicine, as it will destroy the good 'ef fects of the medicine entirely. Price $1,50 per rac loge. AIitISIIURG LIFE TIN-61E11E. These celebrated drops have acquires tho high est recommendations in this country, us well as Eurcipe fbr its most valuable proprieties for all inward vlksil; tiesses with and li:ver; and.when used the Olives Branch Pills,ncvur Mils to cure the fever And ague. Price 25 cents per bottle, Is unrivallad for.its curative qtialitiefi even when used in cases of maladies which were otherwise incurable. Many' recommendations havo been given of the beneficial effects it has bad-in the cure of. pleurisy, pectoral jtnd pulmonary con sure ptione, colds, &c. Price 45 cents per bottle. . HYSTERIC OR MOTHER .DROPS. This most excellent article has a quality of calming instantly,9nd without fail, all cramps of the stomach, cholic and that troublesome disease called mother fits or hystcries; and when continu ed for some length of-time, will cure the patient entirely. Price f 25 cents per vial. OItEEN WONDER OIL, , • A certain curo for all Scalds, Druseri, Burns, and the most elfcctual 'ebre:fpr the piles—it 1011 cure the per Son afflicted in u very, short time, if 'ased according to directions. Price l els; per vial. SP' MEXPJ„. This spirit is highly recommended for all sprains, swilling of the limbs, or leaders, sinews, joints and rikeumatici as an outward remedy, it, has nocqual,and when used with the Rheumatic 'Medi. nine, will greatly Ihoilitato the cure. The an. mulls of History do net produce its equal, and it is gleatest preventive against cold, in the v., own world. l'Or particulars see directions accom panying the bolllds. Price .9.5 .. CC11it3. . 'TOOTHACHE DROPS,' Aninfalltiblo cure if used , according to dircc tiontioPrice 25 cants fTr - . • _ SALVE OF DRESDEN. It; decidedly the best , application for wounds kinderand-wßl•pi* vent if used in time, many operations; and pre verit,Lock Jaw, .Pains in the:Back; Head; Funnies who are so unfortunate-as to have sore breasts, and will uss this wonderful salve; will be cured in ayery short time. It cannot be:too high. Iv recommended. For further particplamsee dire 6. tions. Price 194 cents per heir. • WORM 'LOZENGES.' An excellent," article for the cure of, worms in adults as well - es ebildreu, 'and will cure when other remedies fail. Price 6A cents per box. COUGH .LOZENGES. • •• A superior article for Coughs, Colds,Sore throat, Bronchitis and difficulty of bre4lhing• ',Price 6 3 cents per hini,, • • • *ild _wholesale andrrotail, at the principal office, N0.,384, Noith -3d street, Philadelphia; and by -JOHN GRAY, Carlisle; Pa. • Cialieral Agent for Cumberland County.. lone 22;1134 . 4 . . • / Y-34 . . ERAUGH I • Olnadaa(pra Wltliii"/XZVo AN'bu found NlTarlanAt Ido l iel for a few 11) days." All =lora id hie line 'will - be punc. Wally attended to. Cailiple, Aug. '24, 142. lt-43 RA HE CHANCEI PECTORAL ELIXIR A LARGE lot of ROOTS 10 SHOES, of all descriptions, just received; and selling, for cash,, uncommonly low, at the store of CHAS. OGILBY. tf,ll Carlisle, Aug. 10, 1842 •., OW. ottt first Cost: CHEAP GOODS! • NO MISTAKE, . AT THE STORE OF. • AfiINOLD ABEAM% SHIPPENSHIJII/G. THE subscribers intend winding uptheir busi. nese, and are now determined to sell goods at such unusual IoW prices ns cannot .fitillocon. vinee the purchaser that, they htte the cheapest goods ever offered in this region of country. Their 'stack ie NEW and CHEAP, consisting in part of . ' Blue Black, • Blue • Invisible' Green, Brown and Drab Cloths, Cassimeres 4- Satinets, - of various colors and prices„ ' a variety of Mouslin rle Plain 4 Figured Silks, Black ' • 4- Bloc Black Bombozinei, Summer and Winter Shawls, • Mu.slins, Calicoes, Dress Hal:kerchiefs; ‘S.c. 4e. There numerous advantrigca in purchasing goods which were frequently mode knovin in for 'mar' advertisements,Nwill , be sufficient proof to satisfy all those desirous of obtaining bargains, that they are no - prepared and fully determined , 4 to sell them 'e tly cheap enough. Come pie!' all *ye who have ' long bech—sirffering under the severe pressurripf the times, and.adopt the, remedy which i i here provided for you, i. c.. CHEAP GOODS. ~ . E.r-They would particularly invite the attention of purchasers to their Cheap Clotips, Cassi 'neves 'and Sattino Is. . . P. S. Those who are yet indebted 'to the 'sill, scribers, will please stittsly the same between this and December ntxt. Shippensbur, July 20,1842. 10.38 FRIDLEY'BI, ROBINSO N . Coppersmith, friut Obve • .82ftSbieSS:' • ACOB FRIDLEY & ELIALER ROBlN having entered into Co-Partnership, iu the Tin, Copper -atid Stove "tininess,' under the firm of FRIDLEY & ROBINSON, respectfully inform.the public that they intend carrying on iiitalbrtrranchesimt-the-01.1-ktnd of Jacob Fridley, North Hanovoi street, Curliele; where they ion:a all times, be prepared to set cc purehaseis with any article in their line, on' the mcet.rensonnble terms. I, addition to till other varieties of stoves, .which they 'will - constainl; have on hand, they Mrve - purchased of J. G7-Hathawayi-the ex: clusiye right tdmanutheture and sell, coun• ties of Cumberland 'end-Dauphin • Ellitthavnl Patera - "ZIot Air CE)Oftilig 14101,rf!5." And being aware that the people in this place and vicinity, have been much impot:ed upon by the introduction of new and highly recommend. ed articles which they base beep induced to pur. chase, and which have been so slightly made, and of such bad 'material, that in a short time they have failed and become useless. We, therefore. I do not intend-offering stoves far sale . until they are.fairly tried in this community, and pronoun. -eed more durable in fili.ir construction, better ' adaptinl to the purposes Of boiling, baking and all' the 'varieties of cooking than any other stove; also, tl n they arda great saving of fuel us well as labour. (Q_ r.-We earnestly invite farmers as %veil mr rest. dent.: of this place and the neighboring villages, to call on us at S. Wundurlich's hotel, or notify us by letters (Postage unpaid) that they-are will ing 'to try our stove,—and the sieve shall be filaced in the kitchen of every person giving us such no tice, and taken away 'after trial, without ally ex pense to persons making the trial. The stoves will be kept for sale at the Tin Shop of Mr. Jacob Fridley, and at -thet.Foundry of Messrs. Lay & Stouffer, in Cadisle. Having contracted fir One lln nnYed Tons . of Castings, We: will, in - a few days, supply stove dealers with all the different sizes, on the most liberal terms. ELEAZER, ROBINSON, of Carlisle, is ngerit for selling the right to make sod ‘'euril ;he Ho'l' AIR STOVE, Will dispose of cowlties in this and the adjoining, States. We publish the fujlowing reeoinorendations from some of those who aro - using the stove, to covet:to: age others to try it. CARLISLE, Sept. 12, 1811 I have ill use in nay kitchen one of Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves, and can recom mend it as a very superior article. The one I have is No. 3. It has 5 boilers and an oven suffi ciently large to bake six •loves .of bread. The baking, roasting and broiling; can all be done n't the same time and .with much less wood than is required air tiny stove which we have - used; . This size appears to be peculiarly calculated for 'Farmer', and for their benefit I invite them to call and Pep this stove in use, as I shall take pleasure in slinaVing this stove••to all whom •interest or curiosity may induce to examine it. • SIMON WUNDERLICH. • CARLISLE, Sept. 11,1841, Messrs. L . Robinson • CO.-GENTLMJEN, have during the, few days I have had your Hatha way's Hot Air Stove in use, become convinced of its great superiority over all other stoves I have used or, seen: I find by the trial that boiling, roasting, baking and broiling may all be done at the same time, in a mosfperfiiet manner, and with less than - one fourth the Biel I have.ordinarily. used for the same purposes. I have heretofore been of the (minion that bread could no} be well baked in a cooking stove, but I am convinced upon tibil that it can be'',slope as well in your stop.: as in a brick oven. , I believe that tbe general introduction of your store into use will be very' beneficial tu•the public, therefore 1 shall take pleasure'in recounnendiuk it to my friends.. Yours respectfully, WILLIAM 1110LfrOY. . CARLISLE, Sept. 10, 1841. illest,rB. E. Robinson..S. Co.—Gentlemen, I have fairly tested the "Hat Air Stu've" . which you put tiß r at my housciand can recommend it as posse,ss. ing, Principles of economy and COTIV6IIiI.3IICe far surpassing any other store which,.l lye ever seen. The boilers coming, in immediate contact with the fire gives great facilities fur boiling, and the o v en _i s vested orumeli u princi . gle_ that_brend.i, bakod in as fine a - Manner as• in Et brick ore . find it, also a great saving of - foel and lahor,, and would" advise all to adopt it. M ITCHEL MeCLEL LAN. CHAMBETZSgEI/O,SCpt. 6, 1841; I do certify that I am now using one of way's. Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves, N0..3, arid do recommend it as superior to any stove 4 have seen; the great saving of fuel, and the variety that can be cooking at the.same 'time, ptakes it an ob ject, to those whowish,to facilitate the operations , of the' kitchthi. , . .10S. CULBERTSON. Carlisle; June 22, I 842: * t 515.134 - .. ACES; !! !!!!!! t i 6 B ; 4Handkprchiefs; Shaye. Muslin-de74Ains, ov g O •Boots and Shoee,l2n. &C.. jun received from tits c ity auctiohr.; rind Felling for cash. very, .3w, at Oa store'of .. • • . CHAS. (g. , ,ILBY'. ; ! Cudisle, Aug: 0,1842 . . , . tf.4l Ilk's! ELMO :".cials! TUS:r received 106 dozeri Pella year Hats, el which will be sold wholoosale or retail, cheaper than evor offered heretofore, • ' • • CHAS. BARNITZ: . y Carlisle, May 25, 1/ 42, • • tf,3o 1140A-B-LE-311-LL-PR OP ERT FOR SALE fit sulmciiber will HOU ON TiEASONA I.F. TEM+, T antatrl rratOtinalaWU Coul:kining 110 Acres Pateinted T AfiIIESTONX Sitirate in Monroe township, Cumberland county, Pa., 7 miles East of Carlisle, 'ori the. public road leading from Carlisle to York; L rniletroM..Church• town, and 5 from. Mechanidsburg—hayMg there• on erected A THREE STORY 'STONE JEER Cirle(fa• VT - 14 ; AND sel , 1111011 [Kr . l etart . P,Jurt"a - uartJ . l - 11 1.41.!?A. . 9 '4O by 50 feet, with four run of stones,.and all ne cessury Machihery, &c. belonging 'to u,rnill, all in first-rate order.. , ' . . .4 Plaster .771011 A" Saw 01114 with every thing about them in complete order; all situated. on the YELLOW BREECHES 'CEEEK;-Lirlitrge two story .^4 ) 4li ?:0 111 Era l 1111111 ftwilh the necessary out:buildings and' •- other conveniences; a large new BANK BARN,' roomy, compact and compkite; a thriving ORCHARD of apple and other fruit trees; a well! of excellent Water at the 'house, and water in nearly every field on thelilace. The whole of the above property is in the best I condition, and the are situated on one of the best streams in the State, und.which never fails. The neighborhold is the must thviving in, the country, affording a first-rate custom, and every ; facility for the conveyance of Flour, Grain; Ulm- tier, 41. c. to and from the Mills. , Persons desirc us' of purchasing,- areinviled Ui to call on the Subscriber„ residing on the properly, W.hilkvill show the same, and make known the, terms tffsale; or he will exchange the same for. a good landed property. • • • JOSEPH LATSHAW. August:l7, 1842. • • • 61.42 Valuable :Real 'Estate el 'DI • - . • . 1.1` , ..0 1 11 111.1.1• ; - roHE subucriber, assignee of Daniel P. Sher-. ban, - will sell by public outcry, on the prem ises, on FRIDAY the 14th . T of OCTOBER, 1842, -I, o'clock, P. M. 184 CRES aticF64 PER-. C14.18 A of 4irst rate I'ATEN'PED - • .LLlneetetae ILeentl,, itunte ill N•VesiTelinsboro township, Cumberland coutdy, thrardles - west olCarlisleithe (State-wad i() Newyille' passes: through the property, so alsO does the Cumberland •valley railroad. The land '.ndjoins.that of _Henry, Hinter; Samuel John Fishburn and others. The property is in a -healthy si:ction of the country. The improvements are a good two story log R? 4 - 0. • d-N0 2:0 A first-rate new STONE BARN,'WhOuse occupied is a DISTILLERY, and other necessary out-build logs, a- of never failing water at the door, a young and. thriving apple ORCHARD With other fruit trees. Afibut 00 acres of the land is cleared and' in a good state of cultivation,. The balanceis covered_with thriying timber. Come and see. ALSO, on the same day at 'lO o'clock, A. M., a IDltuQsa-1 - 1 : 01 . 1A1 quo v.ith a Steam Boiler and large Wood Vessels, with copper Worms, 18 new .double Hogsheads. The above mentioned articles ale new and of the best kind. If it can .not be sold together, it will be of .fered in pieces. The larger vessels will make ey cellent t isterns. • Any person wishnig to see the Real Estate or the Distillery, Will please call on John" Hays, I.lsti. in Carlisle• or, John Kreitzer living on the premireq, tvho will Amy. it . ;_pnxsession-will- he-given on the Ist day of April, A. D. 18434, and, an indisputable title made. • Er Attendance given and terms'of sale mile known on day of sale, by • • . DAVID C0 1 131,E, ;ignee of Pallid. P. Sherban. Angu-t 17. IND!. 41.49 7: 1 117. 1 ,.. %) , E Trg a s AIAI • rI t ulisariher dispose of at public sale, ti on the premise:l, on TfritlllSDA Y, the 40th of t)(70.1.1E1i next, ' vtAvv . A . ,:al 12-,121 TaLciat of Slate and Limestone Land,lit North Middle. ton township, Cumberland county, containing 117 ACR E S,. tetoro or less, of patented land; adjoin log lands of Coover,Ziglcr, and others—said farm is a portion of the estate of. John- MdClintielt; dec'd. The improvements arc a LOG • • .11; , • U-D Ef7.3 - El , BA Et There arc also never filling springsef water on the premises, convenient to the house. • Said forth is but a few miles distant from Car lisle, and is well worthy-the attention of capitalists. Persons desirous of viewing the _farm previonC tothe day of sale, can be gratified by calling on Alexander McClintiek,who resides on the promiSes.' The terms will be made easy, and--a clear in: disputable be given. . JOHN McCLINTICK, ` Pu '' 4 *' ir Residing in Chainbersburg. July 27, 1842. :nredicaled Extract of Sorsa . porilia,„ ONE EUN,bRED DOLT:ARS - , 'll 7 ILL tie forfeited . by Dt•.N. B. 1.1. 7 .1 DY, for a ' 1 6 preparation of Sarsaparilla equal to his • Medicated Exirui.e of Surzaparilla. It is positively the strongest preparafion of Sarsa parilla to existence. 'ONE BOTTLE is equal to six pints of tiny other Syrup that is made, and is bought by ntimerons persons throughout the city 'and chantey for N V. aking therefrom, and hr., sell it at tk,.. seventv-five•ceo '''or one dollar per bottly'labout half • ....)--;--- v • . .The efficacy" of Sarsaparilla is well known in Scrofula' or King'sll'vic Eilsipelvs, Diseases of the Liver; Affection of the :AM and Bones, Ulcers of the NOse, Throat and Body, as well as an Antidote to Merettry and the Minerals, CovistittittonaLDlS eases,aad a Genesi:LVOV! ft......r . afilie. 'Mood and Animal Fluids.' -Comment upon its- virtues is unnecessary, every body knows its efficacy. ' Ills only necessary when 'using it to get a good 'preparation of it, and then there kVil I be no disappointment in ftx effects. J'a.. Leidy wouldrefer to the most respectable pity si:sions in Philadelphia, as - wt.:,11 as throughout the I:hilted State's., , fin. the ammeter °lbis preparation, as well also to.thgnume:ous certificates Rem physi cians, and others, that have been from time-to time published, now deemed unnecessary, AR the.charae ter of hi3prepasation i s firmly ctiaCtfte' Southern States it is used altogether, and throughout Mb North takes the precedence over all others, Ili . ..Trion/407 among thellVsiolans; who, for the benefit of Their patierits, always re:Co:or:teed :;t. Thereader.in ref, , rred to the 'dirtet!onr; isce- 6, t - . partying eichshatleforrecorcinendatioos,ciertificat S. and further certificates. '. - -. ,! -.•,!, : : Prinz Ot sold' PER IIt.TTLZ: t- , prepared and told,' wholesale, and .retail Elir- LEIDY'S BEA.LTIII EXPOILIUM,No39I Norte Sec.snd streeltil4elo:W Vine, sign attic! °Od e .k Setpents,Ehiladelphiaiand for gale in Carliale,l7 n , , STEVENSON dr,DINKLE, . _ : .'-'.---.- , - -Agenis for Cumberland County. , c • arlisls • Vac IR; t 44, I y-'29' . • BY R. WIIITE,MIDDIAtQN: in IlankrirPUY. PETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate un— der the Bankrupt Law have been filled.by ABRAHAM HAMILTON, late Merchant. •• of the firm bf Hamilton di Oraff,.noW • • Farmer, Cuanharland..eanny; ABRAHAM W. GRAFF, late Mereliant'•', , •• ,df the firm of Hamilton & Graff; now Cumberland county.' EDWARD A. SEIKER, Teacher, - • • Cumberland county. and FRIDAY the 30th day of SEPTEMBER next, at 11 o'clock,_ ,14.. is appointealpr the' lieari , .g thereof, before the sag Court,— sitting in Bankruptcy. at the District Couit Hoorn, in the City ofPhiladelphia,*lien and wfiere . theCieditors of . t he said Petitioners, who have pieced their Debts, and all other persons in interest, may appear and show manse, if any they have, why euch Discharge and Certificate should not be .granted. FRAS..HOPKINSON, Clerk of the District CpUri. 180. • • 10-38 NOTICE: . . . A ' PETITION foK the Benefit cif.the Banlt; rept Law, has • been 'filed the 22d July, .184,2, by . . , , . ROBERT S . SODORASS, late Meichani of the. City of Philadelphia,.now Agent ' of ' ' • • • Cumberland . cbunty: Whieli Petition will_ be heard before the Dis trict Court of the United States for the Eastern District of PenrisyNatile; Sitting Ed Ilt:iiiftifitey; at the District Court Room, in the ibity of Phil adelphia,on Moi4y the 19th day of September,at . 11 o'chick, A. M. When and Where all persona . interested may appear and show cause, if any they ' have; why the prayer of - the said' Petition should not lie granted, and the EinAil Petitioner be deolar; ed Bankrupt. j .141 y 1842 ETYMONS for the Benefit of the Elailltrupi.` ' 'Law have been filed the 19th Aug. 1840, by JACOB A: RAUM, Inkeeper, Cumberhind co: GEORGE 'HOLLINGER, of the firm. of -- Hollinger & Danis, .Contrectora oh. thi _ Public IVOrks, now Carpenter, Cumberland oo; WILLIAM NOAKER, Sadler and Die. • • tiller, Cumberland co THOMAS FLOW EllS,lnkciper, Cumberland co AVIC,ch Petitions will be heard before the Dis trictCni:rroftheUnited:litntes flu- the Easterrr District of Pennsylvania',sitting in . flankritptcyv.at phia,,on TUESPAY,-9.oth.day of SEPTEMBER next, at 1 1 o'clock; A: M. When - rind . Where all persons interested /nay : appear and shOw any they have, why,the prayer of the said Petition s should not be granted, and the said Petitioners, be declared Bankrupts, FR AS.- FIQPKINSON, Clerk of District Court: Philadelphia, Ang. 24; 1842. 3A-41 NOTICE. ETITIONS - for Discharge. and Certificate under the Bankrupt-Law have been filed by - WILLIS FOULIC, Clerk of ,Court Quarter - Sessions, Oyer.& Terminer & - Orphans Court and .Becorder of Deeds; . . Cumberland county: JOSHUA OGILBY, lete Merchant .'of Lockport lately trading in COMpa4 With • Charles F. Mitchell, under the firm.a • . Joshua Ogilby. , Cumberland 00,1mty.' • JAMES McMATH, late MerchatitTailor; . - now Agent, Cumberkind county: ' and •FRI DAY the 4th day of NOVEMBER next, at 11 o'clock, A. M, is appointed for the hearing thereof, ,bcforc the said Court; Fittingin Bank- . ptcy, at the District Court Room, in the City of Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors of the said Petitioners, who have prtived their Debts,and all other persons iii intermit, may appear and show , cettse, if mil they have, why such Discharge and Ceititicate should not be granted... ' Fits_ S. HOPKINSON,- - Clerk of the District Court. Philadelphia, Aug. 13, Mk?. • '1042 eleOTIC10: DETITIONS for Discharge and Certificate un der the Datihrupt Law havc bee n filed by # . 1 ILLIAM SNODGRASS, late Merelimit • now TObacelllAtit, . • • Cumbdiland county; JACOB GORGASS, fornierly of taticasqVi county. Merchant, . Cumberland county.' and FRIDAY tlie `2lsi. of OCTOBEJ? next at 11, o'clock, A. M. i s appointed for the hering thereof, before the said Court, sitting, in Blinkitiptcy, at the District Court Mount in the City of Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors of the said Petition ors, who ha‘e proved their nelita,and ill'other per- Sane in interest, may appear and show cause, if any they have,. why such nisch:l(de and-Ceitifacate should not begranted. . • • • Pras. HOPKINSON, Clerk of the District Court. Am - miit. 6 1842 10-41 TO FARMERS. 1111231711 THE .snbscribern, at their FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, on Main street, pearly oppoaite the County Jail, idrhe Borough of Car lisle, Pa., still continue to build the following Ma: chines and horse Powers—viz: T. IlD.Barrelrs Patent imankcnred THREE AND ' FOUR .• • © 1., , ,g1.2 1 . -PCD\A/MEn Withja horizontal hand-wheel, with ti trunk to con tieeAl the strip to the ta:tilde: ■ B EVIL GEAR HORSE POWER, The land-wheel -outside of the horses:. They are well calculated to put to.ono side of the banfbxidge, or under the hale shed. A New atill Improved Shaker, To separate the grain from the straw, which will dispense with one or two hands, will be made td the. above Machine if wanted. • . .2'a la s Zit 3la Z • Purchasing any of 'the above MaChines maylavi. the privilege. after a fait trial, of returning the same if not satisfied. All Machines rind Horse Powerii ore warranted for one year, if well used. . - . REPAIIRIAV G. . All kindsof reliairiit will be done,at the - sh'oitest n , notion and on the moat reasonable) terms. They .. alway), keep onliand all castings necessary to re pair the abu‘e Machines. or any others.now in usia.vh. . _ IRON ' AMY BRASS .FOUNDRY. • There is also attached to the ahove establishntent : in IRON AND BRASS FaNDRY, it whietic all kinds of OASTINGS can be had=sueb. as Ap- . ple Mills, Cotn Brakes. Plaster Brokers, Mill Gear- . ing, Silt'''. Mill Cranks, lefichine.Gearing , Wagori , Boxes; &c. &c. Alsc- ,_ ... . ... TIV UN MO AND . iFliOli[SiiiNGi• Such as Mill Spindie, car Bores, Turning Lath** - &c., all in the best order, in iron and brass. . . ' &All orderi'vvill be erecnted at the-Oortgit notice, and promptly attended to. 'Fermate and . others aro respectfully invited to give ue: a call, con fident flat they can bo ached to - their stitrefactins:•• • • . . .' A:, STOUFFER Ss 'CO: Carlisle, Aug. 10 .1813.' , - ''' ' tr.4t : , a7 Planck's,llonwood's 4. Bee's , 194 414,- , . u i ti. :awl Plough taiitingsq such stks:.C: i.•':, Landsides; &c. &c.,' can also be had at the . 113 . Ve , - • • - •- Sist. . .. , . .. . tt 111 UST printed,ht thiko ffi co, a trie aetiortna, .. CO ;DE EDS, 'Pt OIitICGAGEti . a , 'other IBIANlES; ' ' [V1331121 k \7 , HOPKINSON, Clerk of ,District Court. , •r ' I