Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 17, 1842, Image 3

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    aul') a larpisaavoal
WednesdaY,AilOsi 17.',,1.842•
Subject to the decieionof a National Convention
hurryof preparing the prceodings.
pfthe;clay Meeting last week the name of Col.
I!attyNVlrracioor,sts one of the Vice Presidents,
was omitted.
trjl,lke Editor was obliged to leave home on
Monday morning !ant, which will account for the,
nen.appearance of matters intended far Ole week's
Paper.' , • ,
Fourth PUge.
OlirThe conclusion of the beautifu o l tale coin
manned last week, will b , s, found, on the fourtl
page of to day's paper.
(.I"Weaelt attentioa to the advertisement of the
New York :Ifelahl-,it paper knoWn all 'over, the
evarhl ail,..43ennett'a Herald."
Stevens'Mr. Tariff Speech.
trO,n the second page, will be found a portion
of the:adniirablo speech delivered in the Pennsyl
vania Legislature, during its •estra session, -by
Ti/ADDEU.S STE V ENS. Esq. Its sentimentS are
trNy Pennsylvanian, and., the speech should be
carefully read by friend of the L'ommon
wealth and the Promotion of hei best interests:—
The conclinihrn of thaspeedb will be given in our
The Difference:
IrrOur neighbour says„the Whig's promise,
when they get the sole control ofthe Govcrnmen_t,.
that Laborers dial' receive for theirlabor ~ $ 2 per
day and•roast beef." ' •
But what inducements does our neighbor hold
out to the people?
"Ton cents a day and.NO Neat!"
That-makes the riiiforence! - -ofintrrse; but - far
will be found , willinw to labor for Buchanan & Co,
q -2 "7 - •C-do•-
a. ..'en tents a day and no meat!" whilst there
is a prospect of gutting "$2 and Roast Beefrlt
That's a bail attempt at speculation upon the gul
libility of the people neighbour:
04,114 - 25 CEOPTS
The Herald-0k .Expositor
twill be furnished until the Election in Octo
ber next, for TWENTY-FIVE.CENTS, Cask!
- The time has "arrived when THE enema: should
be enlightened,- upon the iniquitous manner in
which they have been ROBBED AND PLUN
DERED BY TAXATION; 'and jdordcr thi,t all
may read and learn,We'have put the price of our
piper so low that it can he placed in the hands of
every taxpayer in the county. In portraying the
injustice done to the, people by taxation, we shall
also endeavour to exposethe ;illanous .inanner in
,which the people, in the name . of Dernocraty,have
been, fo- years ;hist, so basely practised upon by a
Cape iu this town, as to be comp elled to swallow
every numskull they choosy tri settle upon their
ticket! In this course we trust to receive the sup-
Porrof every man in the county priding himself
too much of armEErtAlr to be hoodwinked -and pull
ed about whithersoever the CARLISLE CLIQUE
may choose!
Let the Freemen of the County, then, send in
their orders without delay. Address, post paid, '
R. W. mtpuLtroN, Carlisl
'hig County Convention.
ErWe tesk attention to the call of the County
Committee for holding a Conventiomfor bottling a
ticket,to be supported by the Whigs at the approach
ing election. We trust that the call will -be
ponded to , and that every Borough and Township
in the County will be fully represented.
Bear it in
GUSTlNE,':together with the other Loco . Foco
members of Congress from this State, all voted
AGAINST the Tariff bill just vetoed byl o the act
ing President; and that ALL THE WHIG
BILL. Boar • this In mind, Farmers, Mechanics
and Lubourers.. -You here sea-who:are rri FAVOUR,
and who are orrossi) to your' interests! Whilst
the Whigs labour to build up the Commonwealth,
her credits and the prosperity of her citizens—the
Loco Focos labour to destroy her and load her with
ppor, disgiaced Pennsylvania!
1:0 - Nolvaithstanding the People have been ground
to the earth by taxation,' euchiles been the ex
travagance and wasiefultiess of Porter's Mean-is
nation, that there was no 'money in the Treasury
On the first of August to pay the Interest duo on
the State Debt! Nor had the interest been paid up
to .Saturday lase!: Poor, disgrabed, tax-ridden
Pennsylvania! Will she ever be rescued kept the
bands of the . Varnpirbs,,neyv sucking the Iffe-blood,
Atm bur vitals? - • • .
• 03" It Is rumoured, that since all'other parties
now have held meetings, the numerolia friends'pf
"I'Ver too" in this count' arc to hold a meeting at
an early day! , - '
Tice Effect.,
Ent fa estimated that 'nom than 300,000 tba:
. _
of wool
.have been - esneered in Livingston counts..
• 'ew York; during the",prosent season. l'his would
a~eitlde, saya - tlfiranchtiiBar - Erefnaiiat;sabikir - 20 -
cents per pound s , or; $75,000, if it were cold , at
the p r esent prices. .1, But , if no Tariff is passedfit
would not , average, more then
.18 ,or 20 cants, or
• a loss of•froin, $12,000.c0 $lB,OOO. If a Tariff
bill vrht• passed; would
_hying eve!' .50 amide a
pound s at an average incre'a z se $12,000.--
Thhithrongtiout the fatale; would make a difference
'to dm Arnhem of: inprelhark $BOO,OOOl
1 0 1ie atliquite,Tariff must be seen
acagten.:.cciant?y, would
forwiwd with new,life eita MY; while without
such • Picallare:we mast expect CofiVarativo •in-
activity •V• 44 044 7 4 1 11 0 • 1 102ent 'of" gado, '
The Harvest in Allegheny'.
cilVe learn from , the Pittsburg Americans that
in every • part of . Allegheny;:: there '
halt been a rich and boavy, gathering of the hariest;
beyond that Of all.fornier ruirs. The wheat,-rye,,
oats and ,hay.bave, been triestly giithonid in; and
accureit The - ti Com. buckvidiest4otatoes
, promise 'it like iituindetice,"es though
• ••= , 9Pba :' C}ot~nttQll to®.. , tv.r some special purpOse, had poured out its bounty
• ,gor , ,Ther fidlowidg,compose the Itielect CoMmit-
upon our people *milli sit misparinghartd this year,
tee 'to whom Woi 4 friga -Veto Message T hrn sn ° t ! J P! , r a e9n Olmsy, Ail-
Ma , im' ; (•clialrtotitbj rlttattiovV, Ones, e y ,rY'/ I ,ot.huti nature appears to have been
ozn,. Orirni;ftseatcs, #.7,2Fini Citorin, prodigal alike in cl uv A li g ie ' c i f P r uduntim -
C.iatinisze.:Liris, Romig. • c,O-.The steamer *OM
Ir.iLT -and 0.`3 ftrrJnal LL qp . foc4nglartd, risierclay ' '
irpTylees veto of The Tariff Rill wi rbo found
on the second page.of to-day'epapi3i, APollealetflY
after it follows the action. of the House of. liepreovi'
latives upon it,lmeiher,wititsomovetnariiit by Mr,
Akio-Albany:Journal truly observes:
An impoverished and . suf'eii ng Pa whose
hopes of relief had all dentered • that, great mess=
ore, are again Prostrated by a blow faun the-Usur
per. Ono man, accidentally. olothed with power to
strike down seventeen milliona of People, ltas coin
initied this act of national hoinicide. •
Joni Tram, usurping the prerogativeaof Mon
archy, has practically Changed our form of Govern
went. -The Representative feature of" the - Coniti- -
tutiun is blotted"out. The' power's of Congieds
are obsolete. Instead of a President, carrying out
the wishes „of the People and co-operating with
their Representatives, we have a Usurper resisting
and thwarting hOth.
Thrtreasons whieh are assigned for this or any
other outrage. that John commits, ere tan:
werthy 'of consideration: A man so utterly faith
less is net to be judged, by; fair Wards:' Falsehood
is ever specious. The President signalized the
close of the Extra Session of Congress by his Veto
upon a Fiscal Agency drawn up under his, own
eye and presented to_Congress with his approbation.,
Ho has now refused his sanction to an important
Tariff bill because it'did not repeal a Law which ho
signed and approved in August of !adieu!
Since, by an overshadowing calamity', John Tr
ian to the Presidency, he has domtlitila:
else than falsify his professions of principle, betray
the friends who trusted' him, and defeat the mess
urea of Relief and Protection for which the Peo
ple, in 1840, accomplished a great Political Revo
Congress has done its duty`nobly. The Tariff
'Bill, cast back by the President, had it been signed,
it would have restored 'prosperity and happiness to
a suffering People and a fallen Country. But the
hopea of the People and the efforts of Congress
have proved alike unavailing. •This Veto leaves
Industry unemployed,' Agriculture without mar
ket, and the Government without a revenue... The
cup of national bitterness and dishonor is not only.
full but running over.
• DtruTHE CAPTAIN'S WIFE," a very interesting
novel, has just been received at Gray's news of-
fice. Call speedily, i f you wish ascopy.
_ . , 6 A bad Spfrit.
cuithe following. paragraph_ from_the
:Virginia Free Preis—published in "the land of
'Pyle! r —and add the simple remark, that it
be - regretted.that such a spirit.doca prevail- among
a few 7 —and we hope a - few only--of one potion of
the Harrison party, and that thatpartion is deter_
mined 44 sink or swim,:i land or fall, with Henry
Clay, and.....iienry_Clay_onlyWe._.-tura_not—so
wibided to arty-:man ;. but are vaulty - only to . " rise
or fall, sink or swim" with our beloved country
and its cherished institutions; and- pledgeetifielf:
to yield our preference for Gen. SCOTT the moment
a National Convmtiort decides thiit the -good ~Of
the country calls us the support of another man
But to the extract:
Scott is friendly to Mr. Clay - and - his
election to .111 e Presidency—and he knows perfect
ly well that timgrear body of tho Whigs mean to
stand or fall by Mr. Clay in the next canvass.—
The General, therefore, cannot feel paratklarly
giatifnai with the course of his supporters in re
forenCe to the Western statesman. The voice of
the Whig multitude from every quarter of the
Union pointato Clay; and to Cloy only ; and al
-though the Pennsylvania dissenters may, by their
indiscretion, throw .themselves out of the Whig
ranks, still the hosts will be sufficient to secure in
1844 a triumph oven more glorious than that of
Appor,tiouetocut ifl:07310.
CyWe learn from an exchange paper that a bill
has been reported in the Ohio Senate, for dividing
the State into Congre,..sional districts, which it Is
suppOsed nil! pass. Thu bill will givii the •Whigs
but six members in the next delegation to Con
gress from that State. The cOnceded, Whig dis
tries are the 4th, 61h, 10th, 14th, 16th, , The
lst, 2d and 11th, and poss:bly another areconsid-,
erect doubtful. The other oleYen arc regarded as
eertain,for the Loco Feces. The majorities . in the
Whig districts are piled up by thousatals,while from
six to ten of the Loco districts can be carried by
small majorities of 11om one to four huildred.—
This division is very justly complained of, by . the
Whig party
Fifty Thomand Dollars Gone!
Taxation without Representation!
c::rThe Harrisburg Chronicle says : The extra
session of the Legislature as every body kninve, was
hold for the express purpose of apportioning the
State into Congressional Districts. After a sea-,
eion of, nearly two months, and after numberless
ineffectual attempts, the Legislature succeety on .
alniost the lasi . day of its session, in passing a bill,
founded on mutual compromise 'llO concesiiOn..—,.
By this bill, the federal loco foco party—who have
a majority in the State of not more than four or
five thousand under any circumstances, unless
when_the,Rennts-miVrffirjoisino, ciuseortifeWir .
Vargrigiolls—were given fourteen members
certain out of the twenty-four, with an equal chance
for one more. Yet this bill; Which gives thb loco
foco party nearly two-thirds of the State delegation
in Congress, is to be vetoed because it did not give
them nue more.
Thus the whole fruits of the extra session, -
which has coat the people about FIFTY TrIOU
SAND DOLLARS, and to pay which and the
salaries of the. offtce-Ladders, the TAXES HAVE
bErac nom men by !hie same Legislature, have
been lost by the selfish and reckless policy • of
David R.-Porter. Here is "taxation without rep
resentation" in its worst and most odious feral.—
The luseiciislature continued in session within a
few days of five months, at an expense to the tax
payers of this State of between one hiindred and
fifty end two hundred thousand dollars, for elf of .
which they have laid a direct tax on the people.
Andycf they aro not to have the poor privilege' of
being represented in Cengrega Tor two years to
come. The fearful rOsponsibiliCof cheating
Fermsylvaliiiriiiirof her vorei l ln. etiiiiriiiatint I
Legislature has been assumed by the 'Executive,
for no higher and •no worthier motive than ;the
hope thatsnother election will give his. Fatly the to gerryrininder the•Stato as to secure
more - than two-thirdsellihe members of Congress!-,
113 - 11mPittOtpo 4.opcaN Thunitioy.sajek.r
"Thefiv.Ort.ilait,e already risento'forty'inChea,
are still-rising. Business montirdes very.dulll fe w .
sales to report . Wholesale Thy (rood;
Wan" anti Grocery Merchants hailirgerierrilly
cellent stocks, and
, thore'sre dailyirrivij* which,
together with quite a good supply o ron, Nails,
Giese, and alrhost every kliid of Pittiburg'inanti
facto - me on hand,' make Mir ,Pittaiiirg' Market an
excellent one for early and el!Oice . Supplies . Ofcheap
goods for . casti; or et!!:!rt cr ` editsto very punctual
men. Flour is coming in more plenty end . falling.
It iiselling to-day at $3,50 a 3,82/ bitrel-from
wagons, and from stores $3,87i 4 ! " „ • '
under the
Church, to
on the 261
this mom
the 9th
which tool place in that city t.. previ.
ous, in which some German Voluinteer compit.
nies_that Were parading and'other citizens. were
the combatants. .The soldiers fired blank cart.
rigea on the crowd, which they returned with
brickbats. Eventually the Mayor interfered and ,
restored order, after_ some of the principals in the
riot were arrested..
The Itandy Letters.;
Will Porter now re-commence the suit
against Broadhead
The Harrisburg Telegraph says : "It will
be remembered that during the recess of the I.egis
lature, when the Governor 'attempted' that great
scheme to I?umbug the people, and divert the tide
of investigation—the arraignment of Brodhead,
Selma and Handy, for a charge of conepiracy—it
was proclaimed that the failure to substantiate that
charge arose from the 'want of the - Handy letters,
and the determination qf Mr. Shorewood to retfiin
posiession of tharn, ifs chairman of the inveetigrit
.ng Committee; and the minions of the Kieliapoo
firm boldly asserted, that with the aid of these let
ters, the Governor could be proven white as snow,
and the whole odium of the lumber business of
1840 be thrown on Brodhead. There is now an
opportunity afforded of testing the sincerity of these
protestations, ands& bringing the---roal-olfenders-to-,
justice, if there, is any disposition so to - de. By
the following extract . from the Journals' of the;
House, it will be soon that-these-lettere-have been
deposited with its clerk. If- the Governor and At
torney General now - dare conamenie'a iroseentio
against Brodhead and Selma, using - Mx; Handy-as
whole seriyssit-letteri, the truth may be "probed
to the bottom." If Brodhead 'with the conscious
ness of guilt, still keel:A - Stray, a requisition on the .
Governor of New York will bring him back to
answer the injured laws. '
'' We now call'upon the proper anthorities to corn
mence this prosecution—let the issue be fairly made
and the truth be proclaimed, no matter- where the
bolt may fall. There is now no
_excuse that • the
proof-cannot be obtained—the Witness, the papers'
and the criminals are within the_grasp of . the law.
In the Ilonse-of .Repre,entaiires,
July 14, 1842.
Remletyl, By the House of Representatives, the
the letters and papers obtained from George HandV,
by the Investigating Committee, now in the hands
of their chairmen, be deposited with The clerk of
this Honse, to be by him deposited-in the archives
of the Honse.
Extract from the Journals.
WM. J. 13. ANDRE WS, Clerk H. H.
Received, July 27, 1892, of George Sharswond,
Chairmen of the Lovestiguting Como ittee, the
letters and papers referred to in the above Irwin
flops, numbered from I to 109—also two letters
obtained from B..ltlylert and two from Thomas
Dunlap, witnesses examined before the said Com
WM. J. D. ANDREWS, Clerk H. R
4, 11VC must sustain the Governor: ,
You need hart* be told, Mr. Middleton, that the
above was the."binden of the song" of the present
',county office-holders. first appointed by thi3 Gover
nor, and then . pleading for election under the new.
Constitution, Some of the people did not believe
'that the Governor noted in good faith towards them,
as respects the Banks ; and there was some fear
that John Banks, of Reading might succeed him, if
he , Was not sustained! But these very men were not
then so anxious to have the Governor sustained, as
the nselvea; nor are they novit, if the truth.was
known; for his power has ceased, as regards their
offices. Both the Governor and themselves, bow
,, were elected—and now, notwilling-to- wog--
1 the wholes( me democratic principle of Rota
tion, it is said that, every.mother's eon of them, is
looking and longing for a nomination, by the Court
iY COnvention;;to keep them in office! . They, as
all pther folks who want offices, profess to be demo.
crats "dyed, in themool l ", but their theory and.
practtee don't agree: Nrpetuity in offices ii not
a democratic principle; yet, 'these modest men, still
,hanker•afterthrhother Gumker ,..,
land, and have a'svish to monoPiiiiiat (Mi t
and fishes for their own exclusive use, and staive
out - the numerous , expeciants and applicants for
their places.
One would suppose, that after having. "sucked
the Cumberland. Sow" so !Ong, they would have
been salVetl i but like hungry "leeches, they in.
'Clliirirhu tiger! Heve they the vanity . to suppose,
that should they evenget amoulimition by thaaris
tocratic few, who shall compose the County Con
vention, that the democracy of the County will re
gard ihiiintetim? They will find that the clay
has gone by when the aristocratic few shall govern
the Democratic many—andthat their nomination
shall be tantamount to en Election! 'lndeed, one
can hardly believe thatory Convention could be
formed in Cumberland County, that would now et
tempt' thus to , usurp the rights of the People. But
we shalksee, whetherthe_Convelition will dare to
dictate to the People.' The • server's of the Pee . ..
plc, by the lenity of their inaatero,have been ustirp
,ere,teoleng; end . that one reason why uthe times
Bare eo muelutliotioing_Laalttmate,Rreer4mr,-,
lupus .Seivanta should he held with a tight rein;--
for they, 0%40 7AgiP,oWh eaaesild emolument nacre
than the welfare or the people:—their masiene, , ,
It is an old Maxim that, "Old - Cihcers become
corrupt," It that t.bey •Ahpul4 "ciceasionally he,
removedi - that - - rottatalha4 - heconns a democratic'
Principle; for the People,.being their own eoveri.
eigne, never intind,and.hat very; seldom' do wrong::
end if they dip- 7 the - Y 'error sta'seen as
th# dilicOver . ll, Al leicat,ea ARM ea...ePportunity
a lamentabley o that d maforit of
; our
; oar
publia qr, ? ,ante srftsiihvr,..without moralcpurage".
a nd Morel-lioneaty,, or 'without energy to Mieielse
'ltiontfrom the P, U.
occupation of a Coo/dr/61i, - '4O see;} our
t er o i ;;v h o are . idi ?i tit rd u Poolhe ValcAfotaer of Li- •
beky, d'ott'Cairroya:!!cry aloud and: spare not;"-to
Warn thin People cOlact and
, flakahae.,*' . who hair), upon mbro,aticittite Bout
,ono, speculated upon Illek credulity, r s
Carlisle, Aug. 13, Y 642.. /I.'
leholpollgy -,44, th e firlotids Oft :C lay
The Oley and ,Seett men have hortn aeuraired by
etevp Py.eneqtteauthilt,adititrptin the:party, for con.
.fining their ea/Isfer 041 1 011MoilYonfions, ti&c,
-v( 6 140 0 1i, 'to lha.,resPeetlYe„ frieptle, of, the tiva,
candidates. ''Thiit ltiO.Clay Men are censured
' for calling Okty• • meetings', 4e., and. the Seek men'
rOf.Calllg Scott eoneinfir4 "4c. it'
:is alleged,,is,contrary34.thp usage•of the party and
injurious . -titttleticy, with, atll . of. which:we
'make issue.„ • „,„ ~ •
~, _ • ;
' The editors taking, exeeptionti, to this policy •
have certainly fOrgettenthenureives, Some strange
h i lallucinatieta haietakeif posseasion of them.
What!' 'Must men ofthe *Mae party cease to ex.'
press proferenees - Tor,candldifilicf . or the office of
President If not, how,are they to express, their
Preferences if they dare 'nut: . call meetings, con.,
ventions,,or resort to anyOtheirriettetiof making
known their sentintents? - Most strange theory in
this enlightened age,. audits Aiirdetnocratie gov
ernment. And as Ter usage,: whoever ,heard of
any othervin eithei , Plirty? Whit Meana.the
,chanan, Jobn'sotf, Cali, Yawl:ur:en, Ileriten;
holm, &o. die.,ineetliags Ofoitipolitietil opponents?'
and what Meant the Crawfitid,gircluten, Calhoun,
&c., meetings end cianwititieni,c fifteen and six
teen years ago? Were,theritilikactices unusual in
- the. of our: politielii - OPpanerits? And , look
at the usage of our Owe partysince erg/mita
tion. Look at the Clay , aiid.Hirriseri 'meetings
and conventions of'3B - atid l 39:•Atut why argue a
'self-evident question? If Men are allowed the
'privilege of expresalng prefireaceifor candidates
for office, and desire to advance their clainaamitat
other means can ' they adopt,. than doing It by
'meetings, dcc? - , • • - •
But the:equally. queer, if notuonsensical notion,
is advanced by, these sage editors, that it is ruin.
one to the party to call meetings, and conventions
exclusively Tor the friends of Mr. Clay or Scent
that its tendency is to excite bad feelings between
the friends of the rival candidates. Now this is
not so; but the effect of the policy Is the reverse of
this, and hence its universal adoption by all par
ties-from the very, origin of parties in'this maw
try. Look at it: What ts• trier` untfbrerteardt or.
meetings or contentions, called for the' promotion
of rival interests? We can recollect but two or
three of this description; and each broke im in a
row, and caused a split in the party. And in the
nature of the thing itself nothing else can grow out
of them. Could a resolution be passed recom
mentlineeither Clay, or Gen. Scott; for the Presi
dency, at a gathering composed 'of the friends of
both candidates? No one will pretend that such a
thing could be done. Why then have a meeting
of 'this description? Who would be benefitted by
it? Nay, who would not oppose it?' Who In the
party, would not be inured by it? And then,
what injury can grow: of .of these exclusive
gatherings? We meet to eltprcas our belief that
ours should be the candidate, that he ip the best,
&c. &c. &c. What harm can, grow out Of this?
We will not be angry with our Scott friends for
!.elieving and saying theirs is 'the moat popular and
most available candidate; and ,we believe them_
- 10 - be equally goed-natureffus to the views- we ex
press of our candidate. These expressions of pre
ference swill 'not prevent any kern uniting on the
candidate of the
-party in '44. •
le Circtiit,
12 13
e received
tt Tiznes of
a conflict
Standing Committee Itlpeting.
-- Arn - tnenting - ortlin - tringicTiffeTN7hl . /B"Ft9i - d:
ing Committee of Cumberland CouMY,let_tbri.
house of C. — M'Farlane, in Carlisle, on Monday the
15th of August, on motion,::.. -
knurtitsr, -
1). Et. RUNSDA-W. • .
• On motion; it was •
RODlved, That we recommend
r to,,this Demo,
cratiCWhig, Party of .this county, to meet at their
usual tilacesof holding delegate electiOns. on Satur
day the 37th of August, at 3 o'clock, in each
Borough and Township, and elect.two delegate/ to
the County Convention.
Resolved, 'Ppm: said delegates be requested to
meet at the County HA in Carlisle„on Monday
the 29th of August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. to nomi
nate a full county Ticket, to ho supported by the
party at the rthVgaiteral Election.
D. S. Ruesua*, Secy.
anti-Tax eliffting.
Pursuant to public notice,' number of the citizens
of Cumberland county opposed to onerous taxation
and in favorof the sale of the public improve
ments, met in the Court House, Carlisle, on AN:cd
ncsday evciiing,.the . 0111 of August inst.
On motion the following 'persons were appointed
officers of the meeting. • • '
•. Preddenti
• Vici Pria:dents,
THOMAS D. UtilS, •
George W. Crabh, .§tewert McGowen, Samuel
Gould, U. 13. Barnum and John Moore. were- rip- -
pointed a commute° to dratt resolutions, who re•
purled the following, which were adopted.
W heroes, instead of hearkening. to. the voice of
an oppressed constituency remonstrating against
any mcreused taxation, or any taxation at. all for
,rate purposes, ugul a sale of the public- works
should have been effected, and thus • the main
source-of our heavy btateDebtreumvisd, ourLegio.
lature, at its recent extra sessionitUrned a deaf ear
te . our just compliant*, and•sleliberately passed a
Bill doutiling the present moor taxation—author
ised the Governor to. increase the State debt, L bY
borrowing sBso,ooo—reflised to repeal the act of
Assembly endowing Collages, Academies, and
Fujesl .o seininaries- r -appropriated thousands of
dollars to repairimproveuients of nti'litility-and.
finally closed their iniquitous. labors by passing a
deceptive bi.l for the sale of the:pUbltc works.—
ttesolvid, that in, the opiniou.ef this meeting,
t is high time for tue podpie to take their interests
into their own remonstrate in themost
lOM • 424.1 1 V919,, , tatr j 404,440g1igity,
diga y - our - lotaro - Logistature—iuid ai
oppose tor, irowlection every representative who,
upposiugh fis own judgment to the judgment o lui
tistituauts, abused his agency by. eadung Wit : vote
in favor of measures injurious to their. forests and
in direct opposition Co their +munition,
...11esolued. That wo look upealbit'lli impost g
additional. taxation upon ibo people of this Coin.
mouweilth as unjust, arbitrary, and oppreasivo,and
that we will support no:man for the .Legislaturo
who willutit pledge himselt '
let To urge a repeal of the additional Tax 'Law
and of all other lawdimposing inure taxes, until thew
public works are sold., • ' ' •
iaa To urgi and, vote for a• repostrof the lite en .
dewing' Collegeo, Academies end Female tionti-
• 3d, To urge„kbe Julmediate sale of .the
workaand' all other stats , property poi neceasury fur
carrying. 011 the adtninistration-ot•ythe government.
4th To reduce the pay of the , GOverriowlieilde
of Depertmenta,,State, Tmaeurerp,Membeprot• 'the
Legialature,Proaident dudgea of ttinCourprorlfaivi.
Canal biminiesi poem L'ugineere4luperintendent4
Qupervieors,'. Werke' and O. otheis:•69Plo i 0 in a?'
'service of the btate.: - • t. •
Iliaolved„ That , e have tbo authoriti of David
.11efoner foe .sayingi that' iatPlinrametits• in the
hi - Maof "t hif§titteriiiirtirnifiiiijiiinsiireeipte
than when in Ibe_tunil ef ,intitaillaulat!otfid . , that
experience fortifies tla in, the °Pinion that it te,rorao
than madness to expect anitettint Sethi the Lanais
and Roil 'ficiadal of the -State , ao 'ding eit , theYitie
entrusted to, the superintendence of .political par.
OM, seho-slrot,baso-aud ever .ussithearto - p
mote their own cativo - rosartibtes *Vic weight of
6.4 and' ,oration " which ; course throve
upon the shoulders' of the psepie;•,— • •
*cabinet, That in taielhe goat liegialaluro Anti
imitate the example ef the Inst;:andrefuse to grant'
ProtalutrYjelief ',Weir the: peOptit have 'thus
ier.atkeltu ,vstaAt-,their ,henda r rOthey„
fa. idditien* taxbill-if they
idtelf neglect or ref the,publio,worki4—o
I they 'Shilf.attainpt to inciesuaitttiOtiaii and !!1).
&opiate Maher Sinus' to' tratensiotirand
then„ i4 , thaiutigttlent,of this oneetint: the, peeled i
will hayi entos.,Noiew eppositiowo the. 4 1 % tattl
muse. to ' be crimnal,And reptulistiou be ieetilb4 by
0* feria Pf rieuesait,Y;; • -.
Jikrilved; Thati,,ourlder, Caroni,
and Itlefetuaban deiertierthetlianktinit nonfidetied ';
,'of the teeple,of 'qumberiantioninty!for the - tea/11y !
end which:they obeyed the wish='t
ea of cgoir constituents, in spite, of 'the baleful in- I
fl'ueneea.hy 6hic h 'they Avero surrounded.. •
Sure Myles.
Batiks?: Vititrviti Ce hairs no r cordldetice - in
rePreSentativet wbd.:lmotaing tho will of their con
stitaants,:refuse tombey - or only-partially fulfil it.
Radford, Mutt Geode! W--Cralah, Philip - Spend.
ler;, Dr. GreUrge D. Foulk, Jsaon W.-Eby., Capt.
'Samuel - Crop, iThoidas Bradley, Co(. Armstrong
Noble, 'John KAtindenecker, and Win. Dean, Bk.,
he a committee on-the part of the Atill:ro4 men
of Cuniberland county to iddresslnviriesto.such
candidates as may be 'brought 'before the people by
party conventions or , appear voluntarily As caudi
dMos -for " the Legislature—and that they have'
authority to call a dotterel county meeting of, the
Anti-Tax mixt of the:county, at such time hove-,
ter as they may deem expedient.' -
Resolved, That these proceedings be -published
itrail thepapers'in Cumberlatiti county. and in all
the papers in the State opposed to °items taxation.
Caltrat iinteltigence.
6:yThe Presdent of the United States has of
acially recognised ,Theodorp A. Pinknoy as Vice
pineal of Belgium for the port, of Key West, in
the Territory.of Florida.
the course of a speech
Upon M. Arnold's bill, Mr. Botta said he went for
a reduction•
. of mileage. ,As it now stood, he said
some gentlemen received for mileage an allowance
of $2OOO, while their expenses were not over $l5O.
recobied'himaelf $lOO, white it cost but $2O to
go and return. The average, of pay and mileage,
gave soma gentlemen not less than. $Zt a 'day,.
while Mr. B. received 118 i. •.
• IlliirßionmiaoN.—LThe Parkesburg, Va.,
Gazette siatei that dackion county is in a stare of
open Rebelhob. Ori Monday, [Court day] 26th
ultl, the people paraded the streets of Ripley with
guns, clubs, &c., and threatened to ride - upona rail
irny Inan'who bid•for property under two third's of•
its value. Property was offered but tttero was no
bidders, • -
• (par HARD TIM gs.—The Slier:if of Craw.
ford county Missouri, has returned hi; papers;
books, &e., into the court, am) •resigeed his office.
The reasons he assigns for resigning are that them
is not money enough in the hands of the people Of
the - cOunty - to fay their taxes, saying nothing about .
the executions, ece. from tha couris,and he would
not ho the instrument of distressing them and sac
rificing their property.
HARD • Cufintrxcit.—The foliowinu, it
is said, wore the funds With which a certain safety
I • in-Michigan-redo4ned-its-notes,- , to-wir.
All under $5, in whetstones; all over . fits under
810, in Grindstones; all oser . slo and underB2o, in
millatoned; all a•ovor 82Van4upwartiscin.cherlus
on any quarry in the. State,
confinement of Monroe Edwards, the accomplished
financier - sits - heavily - upowhim - Tainl he bus reen
putting his wits to work to eacapo. A police Oft
-c-er;Wholutil-sonnyhinbicif the - attempt. on Mid
day called to look into the matter. !The Courier
says that on examining his cell and his trunk, he
discovered a rope ladder 60 feet long, with leather
loops secured' to it to place his.hands and feet-in;
also a large iron grappel about two feet in length,
to aid him in securing his ladder on the wall or
fastening it to the same; also a small. iron sledge
hammer, a largo wooden mallet, a number of large
iron•wedges, saws, files; - cold chis.sels; • punches, a
number of keys and various
.other implerents - to
be tried in effecting his escape. In his trunk wai
likewise found'a large pistol loaded, with percas.
"shin car and ready for firing in case of emergeney.
How Edwards obtained all these things is a toys
tray, Hs is now looked after a little closer.
IiAirTHE VETO.--The "extreme
cine"-of-the Constitution, says the Alexandria Ga
zette, hes come to he the daily food of the people.
A power which a British - Monarch dare not.exer
(dee,. and which the founders of our Republic
thought could only be used on the moist Important:
occasions aril in cues of great emergency, is now
familiarly and constantly handled and made to con
trol tile legislation of., the representatives of the
States and the people. We are told that when the
last' Veto wa'S, very little interest was pi
pressed in the House or 'among the spectators in
the galleries. It had - hce s proe an "old sone," and
none were startled at its introduction. Thus do
men hecome familiarized to Powxa. Accustomed
to its mien and port, they learn, first to endure it,
and, then, to yield to its dictation.
—lJy the fourth section of the Stay Law of this
Commonwealth, passed' the sixteenth day of July
1842, personal property taken in execution by
virtuo of a writ Of tieri facies, issued out of the
District Court; far the city and county of. Phila
delphia, may be said by the Sherilf or. Coroner,
without tho-ex cense or trouble of an appraisement;
and for any price or prices•bid or offered at public
vendee or auction; nor is any defendant entitled by
the provisions of said law to stay of executton fur
one year, on an execution issued out of said Court;
when the same is levied on personal property, al
though he should tender or give bond to the Sheriff
or Coroner, in double the mount of the value of
the goods, (eeixed and taken by Virtue thereof.) fur
the faithful forthcoming end delivery of such goods,
at the expiration of one year from the date of the
bond or levy, •
• WPLATTE CITY, in Missouri, WAS two
years and u,half "eines, a forest., It his now a
hundred substantial dwellings, "and fine public
Oben many specimens of Western oratory, but the
following which we cut from an exchange, "takes
the rag Off the bush" completely. We wonder
,Irlei•tietPii4Rner, PUS acquitted
• entlemen Of the Jury—Might it be permitted
mortal mini like myself to stand with one foot upon
the earth and the other upon Georgiuni Bidus—a
*tar which rolls its course in the nigionsof everlast
ing space, More than ten thousand miles from this
Court House—l would catch the winged lighten
ing' in my two hands. and bring them down to
enlighten' your benighted 'understandings. Then.
indeed, would you rise up as one man, and exclaim
in a voice' of thunder,,McLauren is innocent, Me-
Lauren' is innocent, and so is Hagan !"
. .
Var MlllRlyelt ER Cavn 11 T.,— Flanagan,
one, of tffe murderers - of Mira. Milder of Cambria
county was arrested near iielifunte, after a desper
ate resistanee—pistid shad hieing been cramps
ed-'—by William Ward, Esq., late Sheriff of emu?
tre county 4 The. other person concerned in the
tr, uiriler, a heother of die ona arrested. 'bas not yet,
been taken. "Mn. Holder was the aged lady Whose
'hOusawas Mitered and robbialand herself murdered.
. .
.N.ittrAr. - ;•;- - rhe brig Argo, at Daltimbrp,
.from Rio, Jana•23d, reports that ,tho American
agbailron,conaiating of tho Dclariare,lohn Mania,
concord and Docatur,lad left port in company to
: gab* On the minion. Thif Entinprhar Was at
Coniniodere Null,
-it elated, is eppoioted 6 4 11 7_
minder afloat of tho Naval elation at postan:
, Coma:loora , Fidgety ' will probably receive
,the' wimacampluid at New York' "-•-•• • '
.ciherositiOuts of
Gov. Dorr Liss at length been 'disco_TWO. He is
now enjoying himself at-Hoene : NewHipogObo..
He was there On 'Monday ibit - Sth" inst . , escorted
by' one of the: - aids . Of;Goeeirror
since, learn that the GOiernoria ai
af-present,maliloglity. l, HiShaiidleslffidi pikbfoik
much better than be di4;ilust
• Ari.. Esee*a ttierivthat,Presi
deiiii,Tyier isi4 be a cendidate tor-
Ai kiwi; hiojor rllogti intinniii that. his name will
tic euhniitleirtn: the 'lYeinociatic Loco. Food Con.
and' ." hy ' ite decision, elaarly and luinOrar
•bly idado," afar the Major, "Mt. Tyler will rhea
.'" • - . • •..
1111 1rPER4pRi:: , -Mr.. - "FiPieb. an: ,
;011.:11CP . *C*1011,,Nigk'perinry
eking &Leen/tries' tit' the *custom linage, tiaii been
fri bait, . •••"--
'7 7 .Tins Milton (litdiatin) Couriersayer
klur klayur neibinet. 'rnakeri - our, -.Marshal a
blankanith, this 'City Adorn - ay' a plaaterer, the Se*
metiny riceipsnter, the; Assessor a pattern maker,
the,Vollector a tohaeoonist, tbreeorthenine Court
cilroen•are tailors, ,two are tamenters„ nue a ma.
ekillis‘ one a wagon maker, one * millwright, and
OM a fanmill maker. ' Let any other city in the .
United States heat us if they can. ',Who will say
we are not workingnienl7 '
1 1 4v3k PVDDING.—Beat eighl eggs
very light, and one pint of milk, one quart - of flour
and three goiters of a pound of butter after it has.
creamed, cut and atone yotir raisins; rub them in
flour and infix tht*m in the. batter 'With half a nut
meg, viel.your cloth. flour it, tie it up tight, and
shake it frequently to prevent the plume Trum set
tling at4ho bottom, put
.iour 'pudding in when
the water is bulling; haves plenty ot , water; two
hours will boil it well. • The sense used is made of
sugar, wine and nutmeg. ,
1 r • ' FirA short time sitMeli lad, the, son of
Mr. John - Andy, near Reading, while engaged on
Saturday in gathering blackberries, dropped his
hat into a small pond. tie stepped into the water
to regain the hat,•but finding himself detained by
the mud, into which he mita sinking, ha.called out
for help. Mrs. Audy, his Mother, hearing the cry,
rushed to his rescue, but found herself alto unable
to live the lad. or to aid- herself. Her cries bro't
ruler aaeistance het niarried t daughter,Mrs. Boyer,
who sprang into the water, but was unable to effect
any good, and they all perished in the pondonother,
daughter and son. The , pond in which these per-.
BMW . were drowned is perhaps, not mare than twen—
ty feet across, though the water and soft mud are
fißeen feet deep. • •
is generally knoWn hare, says the Eastport Senti
nel, that our Passamaquoddy Indians are divided
into two political partiee„ between whom a good
deal of acrimonious feeling exists. Ont party ac
knowledges ate its head "Gubenior John Francis,"
I and professes allegiance to the State of Maine;, the
other party, denies Francis's authority, acknow
ledges as its chief Saha& Neptune, and on a for
"trier occasion swore fidelity to the Governor of
New Brunswick. Between these two .parties a
pitched battle was fought on the glorious fourth,
in whicb.S.thatis'a party got well drubbed. A week
or two afterwards they sent up the river, and mus
tered.eome' roore belonging to - the party, and. took
the opportunity, when the Governor and most - of
hie- men were off hunting pcapoiseS, , to cut down
tke flagstaff and- burn it. The trouble is not yet
Notice-to Bankrupts.—. Applicants for discharge
under the Bankrupt Law, will understand the tte
cessity'of keying the reports--of assignees filed et
least'one week previous to the day appointed by
the court for final hearing.
!Kr The lightning struck in a Camp Meeting ,
in York, Pa., on the 24th'ult., killing three bursas
and stunning h number of people.' The -scene is
represented to have been very awful.
- A French naval .officer lately returned Grail a
prefent to hts sister, the complete costume of an
_lndiiiitprincess in one of_ tile _Suciety_lslands..At
consisted of a necklace! •
eirMICHIGAx . TAXE . S.—During .the
month of July $25,006 were received by the - State
Treasurer on account of ilelinquent taxes. The
largest portion of this amount was in State scrip,.
the balance in State bonds, with a moiety of cur
rent funds. • •
• VirMrs: LAURA M. THURSTON ' one of
the Meekest poets of the West,
• died at Ne w Alba
ny,--111., on the 28th ult.,- aged 29 years.
The Rev. Mr, McGurßey, Piesident of
the Ohio University, is to deliver the Anniversary
Address before the Alumni Association of Wash-
ington (Pa.) College,•on the 27th inst.
• DZP*The lion. Arnold Pluinnr,llto Rep
resentatiaa from the 25th Congressional district of
Pennsylvania, deClines becoming a candidate fur
-EtirThe I;Zitnesville• (Ohio)• 110,pnblicnn
says: Wheat is coming to' market rapidly and in
large quantities. It is yet selling at 130 cents per
bushel, aped° paying paper.
EirThe wile of lanes Fitzpatrick, of
West Troy, New York, has given birth to three
fine children. two girls and a bey. The mother
and children are ail well, and bid fair to live.
K9ZWilliarn and Jidies Weeks, brothers,
wem tried in Northampton, Mum; , the other day
for robbing hens' nests! They were each fined
$3 and costs, which amounted to 817 14, and be
ing unable tol.ay, were cooped up in jail.
bany, N. Y. Advertiser, says: Mr. John H. Hid'ey
called yesterday and stated the following facts: On
his farm in Urcenbush he has this season had,from
a single kernel or grain of rye. 78 stance, well fill
ed; and on counting the grains•in one of the heads,
of a medium size, or about a fair average, he com
puted the whole number of kernels in the 78 beads
o be about 6,000, or about 60 kernels to a head.—
Thisis the most remarkable increase that we ever
heard of; 6,000 for tat!
INFsnENCE.—A sohnnlmistress
wu advocating temperance; when a little hey in
quired, "Did you evtir get drunk and fall into the
river?" "Why, no, my child," She replied with
some astonishment, "how came you to think of
such a thing?" "Because my` grandfather did,and
that wu what made him a 'cold - watervusn."'
On the 16th of June lael, by The Rev. Samuel
Keppler, Mr. JEFFERSON 'DAMES to Mimi
MARY GARSON,iII of Cumberland county.
Ocala June, Mr. ISAAC L. TODD, of
the U. S. Branch Mint, formerly of this place, to
Miss AUGUSTA;AnAWTRY, of-Morgan coun
ty,-State of Georgia.
On Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. Gutelius,
Mr. ISAAC LEFEVER, Editor of thu "Republi•
can Compiler." Gettysburg, to Miss NANCY
ANN MULLET, daughtersof Mr. Job Mullet, of
Mainiltonban township.
. .
-• DIED.: •
On Sunday tot, Mr. JAMES BELL, a respect.
able citizen of this place, aged 76 ear!. •
ThETI,TIONS for Discharge:.itnd Certificate
,under the Bankrupt Law Mare been filed by
WILLIS FOhLKt Clerk of Court . of
Quarter Sessions, Oyer & Terminer dr,
• *Orphans, Court and Recorder.of Deede, • "
• - , CuMberlind , county.
JOSHUA CGILBY; late •• Merchant ,- .of •
Lock port•lately trading in Company with
Charles F. Mitchell,, mtder,_the:firai of
ioshiia DEBIT: . Cumberland county.
-JitMES-MoltlATlMater - MerehatitTailor,
Dow Agent, , • • -• • Cumberland county.
and FRIDAY the 4th day of NOVEMBER next,
atfl 1 o'clock , A 4 M. is appointed for the hearing
thereof, ,befitie the said . Court,. sitting. in Rank
ruptcy„ at the District CourtEmin, in the Cit,y . of
Philadelphia, when and whirethiCteditori ot
mid Petitioners, who hive proved'their Debts,xnd
an other persona in interest, may appear ei:l4 show
cause, if any they have, why suck Discharge. and
Certificate should not be granted.... .
. . - . Clerk ethe District Court. -
Philadelphia, Aug. /3,4842.
Estate' or stinau f g,Aeviti, *atisok
ofAdininistration on the Edits of BAWL.
E Oilate of' the township of kientinimircill;'
county of event's/land, have been issued by.the
Register. in end for dm said. county to the subansi.
benwhei resides in tkiuquoriptim tp
Ee .
rsfurbitriNf , :cliape,r . ot
Nstste'ofithe aid decede.ut; dr? Ite4 u 'aite4 PlipakAt.
known the 'la!" . e ith" t 444 - 46 k6:
1 09 . 10M4 "
Administrator 4:1111timal Weir.
I,I ,
.I!Alit.%l %tit%
AniVtivtAti.vinAafti. tAtit •
• AmwtnAvt - ILvwvivt.A.l
NOTx,ov,: - .
. .
rirvig man 80,. oNliVa minx. VCR k
hie valuabll
=rat. metettuatrarze
Containing 110 Acres '•Paiessteit
Situate in Monroe township, Cumberland county,
Pu., 7 miles East of Carlisle, on the public,road
leading from tarlisluto York; rini le from Church.
town, and 5 from filechanicaburg=having there
1.71/Eir C i Jr2filde/1 112 7 1
• , AND " , ;dr.:
46 by fact, with, four run of stonesoind all ne
cessary Machinery, &c. belonging to a mill, all
in first-rate order. , ;
.1 Plaster .11ift .it' Sate Mill,
with every Ming about them in complete order;
with .
CREEK;--njurge two story
17111 T Sl4 I[lolll4 o
„ t With the necessary outbuildingo and
„_,P-...2Z other conveniences; a large tieW BANK
BA RN, roomy, compact and complete; a thriving
ORCHARD of. apple and other fruit trees; a well
of ekeelfont water •at the house; and water iu
nearly eVery field on the place. . ,
The whole of the above • property is hi the best
condition, and the Mills are situated on ore of the
best streainsin the State, and which never fails.
The neighborhood is the most -thriving. in® '.the
country, affording a first-rate custom, and every
facility for the conveyance of Flour, Grain, Lum
ber, &c. to and from the Mills.
'Persons &sirens of purchasing, arc invited to
to call on the subscriber, residing on the property,,,
who will show the same, and make known the
terms of sale; or he will exchange the same for
a good landed property.
August 17, 1842.
Valuable Real Estate
FI E subscriber, assignee of Daniel P. Sher
ban, .will sell by public outcry,.on the prem
ises, on. FRIDAY the 14th of OCTOBER, 1842,
at 1 oclock, P. M. 104 ACRES and 64 - PER;
CIIEB of first late PATE.NTED •
..t - mese°lac Zane,
Situate in West Ponnsboro township, Cumberland
county, three miles west-of Carlisle, the State road
to Newville passes through the property, so also
does the 'Cumberland valley railroad. The land
adjoins that of Henry Bitner, Samuel McCormick,
'John-Pislthurn-antly-otheas: • Tho - property is - i - fr a
,healthy• section of the country, The improvements -
are a good two afory log
• -
-.Tap ...11
A-nrst4atenow-SIZNE-HARN-ra-housevocupied "
as a DISTILLERY, and other necessary out-build
young and thriving apple ORCHARD' with other
fruit trees. About 00 acres of the land is cleared • •
and in a. good state of cultivation, the balance is
covered with thriving timbei. Come and see. •
ALSOon the same day at - 10 o'clock, A. AL, a .
' 7- uaavartaittavaztv . •
with a Steam Boiler and large Wood Vessels, with
copper Worms, 18 new doable' Hogsheads. The
above mentioned articles are' new and of the best
kind. If it can not be sold togethtir, it will be of
fered in pieces. The, larger vessels will make ex
cellent cisterns. ,
Any person wishing to see the' Real' Eitate or
the Distillery, will please call on John Hays, Esq.
in Carlisle, or John Kreitzer living on the premises,
who will show it, ' Possesai9n will be given on the
Ist day of April, A. D. 1843, and an indisputable
title made:
If3"Attenilunce given" and terms of ssic mado
known on day of sale, by
Assignee of Daniel P. Sherban.
' August 17. 1842. 4L-45
Y virtue of an order of the Orphans Court
of Cumberland (Aunty, will bo sold on the
premises, on SATURDAY the Bth day of OCTO•
BER next, at 12 o'clock, noon, of said day, the 'fol.
Valuable Real Estate,
Late the property or ,JACOB HARIOSIL 'of
outh Middleton township, deceased, to it
TA3 Trete et;nta' itting TI irtll Ttr o Acres of
t •
224113,020112 Mabu,
Situate in Cumberland County, on the road. lead
ing from Carlisle to Hanover, about five miles,
from the former place, ndjoilling lands of Thotnas
and Jetties Mchatfey; Frederick .Hoover and the
Yellms: Brpeches Creek. Having thereon erect.
ed, a FOUR STORY • k rz . ••
c si•...)L P C. 6) Lr 2:::; 12a =math .4%11 -.
. AND .7. 7 ., , ,
~.. / I i
' GRIST :MILL. , o-,.. .1., V
f 4 - ..Z.N, '
Three DWELLING HOUSES,first is a two'story
LOG 31017310 -
waggon maker Shop anti new BAKIN, secon d is
a ono story LOG 110t/SE. and stable, a Log
House, Smith Shop and Stable, a thriving young
ORCHARD of choice fruit trees. •
The Mill is in complete order, containing four
run of SWIMS; two pair of burin for flour, one pair
of burrs for ehopping,nnd one pair of aand,.hav
ing elevators, mut machine and every bthor ma.
terial used in mills; all nearly new and in first
rate order and quality. The whole Mill Machin.
cry has been put up new within the last year.
The Mill is driven by the Yellow Hresches
creek, a never failing stream of water. located in
the heart of a grain growing country,affording an
extensive country custom. And having excel
lent realities for conveying merchant work to
market by the Cumberland Valley rail road:
Terms anal() Will be made known on the day
of sale, by
E:tecutoruflicob Varnish, dec'd.
August 17, 18474„ t 5.42
4 vPuVolksfretind' and "Intelligeneer & Jour•
nali"•La 'master, insert:four times, and send bill to
this office. •
Estate of Jolas• 'MOM, deceased.
XOOTICE IS HERESY •GrvsN, thatletters
of Administrition on. the Estate of :JOHN
TZ, late of Allen • township, CuMberland
county, deed., have been: issued by the Eegister in
and for the said County to the subscriber, residing
in East Pennshoro tonmehiii: All venom having
claims demands against the' Estate, of the said
decedent, are requested to make known the same
without delay; and those indebted, to make - pay,
input Immediately to . .
- JACOB SADLER, tdtri'r.
August 17,1842.
echanicsburg Line
Betivecia •Veeltapkictib.lfg aOl4
l'hitadeiplaila vs. Ifialsiencire.'
[Br BALL R 0449 OR 041VAL]
I r .
1 - lasubactrihergrattful for 10013,0 re, hags
. leavo to - inform. - his :friends - and. the e ubhc
generally; that he still continues" to rums tilde of
burthen Cars regularly between
ancl'•••Philedelphia or Baltimore. by which golds'
Bud produce or all devcriptions.wiltbo forwarded
with care and despatch' at4tteActetteat ; plea of
- - ‘Pitidneo Will be reeniveo at iiiti„Wqa`
Meehinictibtirg; • , Brid for warded to • 'either
delphid'ur 'Baltimore; secording•te•tbnYdircetiort•
of the owner. • • ••!. • ' •
• ILYThe-highest — priest - iSiltbc - Elvon for IVheait
tndrieur: — , ,•• . iIX . .
Phittbiii of rer.ts 'Shit
pain, and thi s Beli' at ' the loliest priebsi -•• 17'
,;:r4V4O34734CiiitELT•*. • ,
VC SOU' ainco an haokit - Da.PßpOtt.nhirechOic ii.
burg; Unit aili l6ll •lrdic
sot stlWAti , SIN* Aiiii mss:: oninda t
which 'wilt be sold on liberal terms.
Augazt- 17,-1842. , . 1.144.
Itl l
e i3 :11 :
rYait [IA.\ u:o.