Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 17, 1842, Image 1

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    I\ollllll AM]
• •OSlce,,,Colitre Square., S. Ell'
Corner, at. the Old Stand.
• • nonfintionormaainnom
The HERALD &. EXPOSITOR is published
weekly, on a dobble royal sheet, at TWO DOL.
.LARS, per annum, payable within three months
front . the time of Subscribing ; oa.Tivo Dor.tans
MID FIFTY csnm, at the end of the year.
No subscription will be taken for less than six
months, and no paper discontinued until
all ar
rearages are paid, except at the optien.of the .
„ publisher, and a failure-to notify a discontinu
' tame will be considered a new engagement.
Ldvertising will be.done on the usual terms.
etters to insure Itttentimi must post paid.
C~o 'a d a r-%~r~ ~+~D
IN additionto a general and well selected as
sortmcnt off
J Brown*.
' While Sogars, Spices,
4 have just received a large lot of excellent Loaf
Sugars, a part of which at the loiv price of 1.1'.1
cents per lb. by the Loaf, and _othdr,_qualitiesar
corresponding low prices.
Fine Green and Blacq Teas, at reduced prices,
. New North River ,Cheese, Lemon, Vanilla,:
Strawberry and- Sarsaparilla Syrups,
Table Oil and Cid& Vinegdr,first
quality, Sperm Oil, Sperm and
Mould CandleS, Cavan
. dish, Ladies . Twist ,
4. Plug Tobacco,
• Spa• ish, -
Half Spanish and Common Scgars, one„Tierce of
Superior Honey, Ground Alunt ,, Salt, Fine Table
Salt, Tubs,Buckets,Churns,_Corn Brooms; Brushes'
of all
. kinds, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, — Market
Baskets, &c. Bakers No. 1. Homeapathic and
sweet spiced Tealand • Choeolates, as also Cocoa
and .cocoa Paste, Rice, Starch, Mustard. And a
get - keret eSsortmenl of .
storio Crockery; Sugar .1101.18, New Oilcan's and
Syrup Molasses.':-,, •
Together with u general variety'of'all other ar. the Grocery line, constantly ore hand and
selling at the lowest cash prices, suitable to the
Aso 'fine SALMON:
The subscriber rdternshis . slitecre thanks to the,
publid for theivery liberal encouragement receiv.
support. AIM store is , in the- Wick • • llinese,
Main street; fertnerly the residenbe of the late A.
Carothers, slew doors west of the Cony. House.
" J. W.. EBY..
Carlisle, July 6, 1612
• Dr. L c. Loomis, Dentist, i tomer6 there: 114 s business has been exclusively
IS permanently located in Carlisle, and will per. to-supply fumiljes witlf .GOOH GROCERIES for
form all. operations. that are --required in the c 06_ 1;4 4 twelye years,._and he flatlets hittiselfoliat
practice of his. pinfe.Q . sion-such as -for first - quality goods mid fair prices, he cannot be
Extractilm, i Hag. l'ingtVing. and surpassed in- the':city. His stock consists of a
Insert i d rill i•icial_Teelll , I general assortment,-some of which he will enum
from a single tooth to an entire vet. : - - j erste: • .
• N. B.' For %few months.' ensuing, Dr. Loomsltnrlin g ton
D A NIS, of Jones & Dutton and Grif
will hein Carlisle, the first two weeks in each fah N t b uot io s
month--after which, he will he alisent until the Sintik.ed TONGUES.. .
first two weeks in escli month—at which I T
Dried BEEF.
period he may he Mum! at his • . Green and Black EA, some of the latest
Office, Pill 'st. near ill Farlane's ! poi:tutintiß, and of very choice ywit4...
, Sperm OIL and pNLES.
Carlisle, May 4, 1842. 01
1, COFFEE, of every erni.o variety, s ome o.ltl.htva, forty
ltalimi -FIGS, a very delicate article.
Ihiliau NI-NC.lltOll and VEItNIECILLI. -•
, Sap Sago ,'I rot littitrrntilAiriiir .
ricau CHEESE.'
Underwood's PICKLES andSAUCES, of eyery
French, English, and' A tnerican usTA RD.
suGmt. Lnnf and Brown, of choice
CRACKERS, of every variety, Philadelphia,
Boston, Princeton, Ste.
rEIFIE subscriber will sell la at greatly reduc
ed price. 4, FOR.CASII, - a large and general
assortment of
The stock is new and cheap, consisting in part of
Super Black, Blue, Invisible. Green , Polish
.Green.and Brown' Cloths,
Superfine Cassimercs, Cussiootts; a good assort
ment of Pants Stuff, such as Summer Clotlnt,
Gannhomis ' Merino Caisiineres, Cottonade,
Linen and Cotton Drillings, &c. &c. •
• A good assortment of Vesting; Stocks, Shirt
Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &c. &e. A largo
stock of elegant Silks, Black and Blue Black,
Figured and Plain Light. Silks, new style. - Mous.
lin de Loins, Limns, Muslin de Angletures, Born":
bazinee, Irish Liiiens,,Cheeks,"Piekings, Nimbi];
Calieoes,Carpotimg, Dress Handkerchief; worked
Collars, Cambricks, &c. &c. Ms°, Braid and
•StraW. Bonnets, Ribbons, Gimpc, Leghorn and
Palm Leaf Hats, and a great variety of: goods
not enumerated.
Purchasers will do well to Call at the old stand
opposite S. Wunder.lieles'Hotel, where they will
find stacks of goods, selling clieaper than ever
sold in this county. •
Carlisle, Juno 15,1842
Yr HE.proprietors of the Susqudianna Line will
run their Cars andltoats as usuallti Phil:
adelphia and-Baltimore during thepresent - scasnn:
'Phair friends will please apply to Win. L. Fox,
Broad et, and to Castner, Christian & Curran, N'l.
76 South Wharves, Philadelphia, and JosSpli
Elder, Baltimore. VAr
Until further notice, the following prices will
be adhered to between this place and the above
.gip.G a..
1 0 1 a a
•2). 4 ro*
15e ‘` 22 $1 per bbl.
Ale per 100 lbs.
Groceries, Q Ware
and Hardware,
thy Goods, Furni.
•ture-and Drugs,
Wheat, Rye Corn:
' per bushel -• • - 10 . 11
Outs do 6 . ' 7
Lumber per 1000 - I
feet. . $2 75 $3 50
Shingles, do 150 _
Flour per bbl.. 314 35 50c
Shad do , 374 - 50
Herring do. , . 314
Salt-per-sack,- 28--
Pitch, Tar and Rosin
•• per 100, - ) . 16 21
Finites grosslon, $2 25 - - $2 - 507
Hemp rr 100, . -16 22
Hides, ' ' 20 L 25
Pig Natal, gross. ton 250 350
-Blooms & - Castings, 312 4 00..
Bar Iron,. 3 50 4'5 0 ------
Nailupor keg, • ,18 .23
Leather per .100, • 2O 25
Whiskery per bbl„, .50 S 5
Burr Blocks por 100, . 15' 20
Clush&ono, •do ; -12 i
Tin, , 20
J. -& MAR,WIN:
Successor to Miller & Martina. ;
Ilarriabutgi May! 4, XR42. •
• -- .IG4DIES
IEAT B haviljuit received a splendid lot of 13,RAID,
V-Y "t80N.N.1 .- 8 and GIMP ; thO store of
.June 8. : .1842 • tit 42
. .
, . .
' -:- --:- , '--COAth , - -:: • •
YIiAN,S ; Vgllpporke Gr.g,Liri!e-bnr'ners,
and.Biturokozus CCOA -oontountly , lor
o,ly , ~ ~.- A % 4: &•:P. MARTIN, .: -
• • , '
;Successors to Miller& Martins: ~
triaburz'Aprjl 20;1842:. • . ' '10'13.15
. . .
. .
. .
... . ,
. -
• . .. , _'.
.• . .
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:&44. 4 ' ' ' ', L7l, • • -:-
...‘ ....... t o.. :,::, .....,..„, . .. .. •,n 4 ~ ,I. • ;
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yqq .
1 .ve:•'•',",•', •'' • ~...• ' 7 ,J.
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... $ .
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• ••. . . •... .. , . . -, - • .. . .
, .
, .
.. .
. ... .
tX/ 't
23 40
25 • 28 43c
a t - • . 3 o
I ,
IMRE stock of New Goods, belonging to the'
firm'of BoSserman , &. Hatton, ecinsisting of
114111 D •
, - Nails, 4,;roceries, 'Paints,
Will be sold for CASH, wholesale and retail, at re
duced prices. ThOse, wanting bargains, ,, will do
well to call soon, as the entire stock will be sold to
,close the concern; don't mistake the place,•at the.
Store Room of Bosserman & 'Hutton, North Han—
over street. . . ' • •
• Surviving partner of the firm or
May Is, 1842. • - • tf-29
111110111111111* UlalllDlTallt
ran HE subscriber,. having concluded to do an en
tire Cash kusiness, offers for sale his largeand
splendid assortment of
lower thah it was ever bought for in Philadelphia.
The following will givn you some idea of the prices
that-[-stn determined - to sell
6 inch Carpenter's Patent Rini Lpcks,
. .
' from $l2 t.usl4 per doz
6 inch Brass Striker„ " " 6,50 "
,Darling Grass Scythes, 10 "
Newham's tlf - 9 , / I
Hay Forks, Solid Cap Ferrule. ' 5
Crist Steel long'handleShovels, , 7 "'
.Cumherland or Reading Nails, 4,623 Keg
Phoenix or Juniata " • . 4,44 "
Other makes 4,3 "
I will sell any articles in my line fr.on 2040 25
per cent. lower• than can be bought for on credit:
Call on me,—examine my goods—get a list of my
prices—compare them •with the prices, of other
stores, and ascertain' for yourselves where you can
buy the cheapest.
• • HENRY L. ELDER. Importer. •
493 Market st. above.l3th, North side, Philudel phis:
June 1, 1842. • t . • Ont-81
Panaily GrOCC7riCSO
No. 155 South /Third street, PIIILA4ELPIIIA, np
posite the "kinking:l liiase. recently °cm
p!ed by the Girard Bank, •
_ l N,T4d.U.l.Lreapeetfully-nfler l-r-citizensof ear
V lisle and countS• of llinitherland, generally
a first rite assortment of the choicest
Selected with great care, which he will pack and
forward by railroad to the address of those who
m ty favor hint with their Orders.- Itaving supplied
a number of famili( in Carlisle and its vicinity, he
would be to increase the number of his cus-
Catinry SEED.
:Hemp SEED.
English Split PEAS.
SEG A.RS of every quality, some very choice.
CURRY PO \V DER, rudia SOY, &e., with an
esti!..osiVe assortment of ever) article a litudly,, eau
require. WM. I. M ‘I)DOCK,
• - -55 South Thiro Street, rntitatiewli. -
Mny '25,181 . 2: ' 2 , SD
. South Secwid Sfrret,'Philadelphia.
THE -subticriber respeetfulli invites the citi
zens of Carlisle and County of Cumherland
generally, to call before purchasing elsewhere, and
examine his
c :
Ce - k •
..,„,„.,„,,,.:: . 5.
......• PLA IN& ORNA 51 ENTAIL
,y - of every discription; which are
• Manufactured under his own im
mediate direction_ best Material, by superior,
workmen, and Which he warrants of the best
quality—and ni prices as low as can he purchased
in the United States. Kr Ho also manufactures an
aa - 3.771'.5:1, 1 3-5,0a
the superiority. of which conaists in the astonish
ing facility 'with which an Irivalid,with the slight.
est. effort, map by the use-of one or both hands,
move to and fru in the house, or in the open Or
in a garden or elsewhere; and turn quickly round
without requiring any more space than it occupies
while standing.
• No. 113, South Second Street, Philadelphia.
. June 15,1842. . 3m.33
• crwrins AoLos -
pIe/ as these complaints aro usually considered,
no one can deny their being the , most common
cause of thiS fatal and distressing disease., It is
indeed a melancholy truth, that thousands fall
victims to Consumption every yarn. frorn no other .
cause than neglected .colds. Yet we: find hun
dreds, nay thousands who treat such complaints
withilie - greiffeilitidifference, anirret- thorn run
on for weeks and even months without thinking
of the danger. • At firer you have what 'you may
consider a slight cough or 'cold; you allow, busi
ness, pleasure or careless - nese to prevent you from
giving_i/Anylittentiont-it - then settles upon your
breast, you' become . hoarse, bay° pains in. the
,sidp or chest, expectorate large quota ities of mat.
ter, perhaps mixed with blood,, a l difficulty of
breathing ensues, and then you find your own.
foolish neglect has brought ssothis distessing
complaint. 41then you valets life. or health. be
- warned in time, and don't trifle withjyour POLDi
or trust to any quack nostrum .to.cura you, but
firtinediately•procure a bottle or two of that f a .
mous remedy, the s l l3sLisst or WILD CIiZMITP,
which - is well - ktiovvn to bo - the - most• - ,speptly,
,ever known, as , thousands will testify whose lives
have been saved by
ila•y_part!ctilar When you Unrolls's°, to
ask for "Di. W 'MR'S BALSAM, orWiLOCnsitary",
Proper/id, wholesale and retail,: by, Wi aLtio
& Co. ,Chenticts, , No. 33 South, Fourth,,street,
Sold in :Carlisle by .. • . • • - 1
. 1 'Tribe aqeDalleir 'a &tile:.
.7 tiliekrlll42
• . Qffice opposite the darlisle Bank.
July 27, 1842. . .61n.39
S. 151 . .INL.AP , AbAIR, -
, at Law, •.
fiIIkFFICE N 0.3 Ileetem's, Row, on the FO
WL"' lie Square, Carlisle, Pal.
April 6,1812. • , • • • • • tf-23
MEW ESPECTFULtX tenders his services to the
'Alt citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that he
will .attend to and perform all dental operations
such as Cleaning, Plugini: and Extracting na
tur-al Teeth, and inserting ancorruptableartifiCial
teeth from a sin'kle . teeth to an entire set,
July 20, 1842." tf-a8
erodUce,, Cotaistlission apt!
Forwardiorm Inerchan
N. W. Corner Broad 4 Arch Street, Philadelphia
- - WM. U. JAME . *
ocrßefbrdnce to William B. Murray, Carlisle.
July 1i; 1842. .
42 . a012c,
TETTERs of Administration .upon the estate
of I'HILIP.FISHBURN, late of Dickinson
township,CumbOrland conntyideceased, have been
granted in ducTorm of Law to . ..TOHN, FISHBURN
and ANTHONY ,Ftsimunc:: .all persons who are in
debted to the estate will make payment imme
diately, and those who have claims will present
them duly authentica.ted fur settlement to
Residing in North Midnleton.township,
Residing in . Dickinson township,
July 27; 1842.
'-L'a 3 CI , .8 5 1 - , •-•
y UMBER of cr - cry dcs . cription & SHI,NGLES,
AL-4 for sale cheap, : . •
-' • • - J.-4-1 1
,7-MATZ TIN, ,
Sticcessors tb lltller & Marlins.
liarrisinrg, - April 20, 1842: .6m-27
rst - iiirri fforr
Goods. •
111:14 - 4XE just received from Philadelphian splen
rut did assortment of
of the latest styles, to which they invite the atten
tion of Purchasers.' They are
.prepared to offer
goods at' such
. prices as cannot fail to meet the
wishes of those desirous of_purehasing Cheap.
GoOdu. .
—Country:Produce taken . -in-exchange for goods
811ipperisburg, March 16. 1'842:7
This is the season when this destructive
complaint attacks your' nleresting little children,
ollon robs you of those yeti fondly • dont dti, and
carries hundreds tp the grave. Every waiter
should therefore, knon its symptoms, watch ihein
closely, and always be prepared with n remedy
an many are daily sacrificed by such neglect. At,
first the little patient is seized with a shivering, it
grows restless, has flushes of hent,thc eyes heroine
,red and swollen, it breathe with difficulty, and
Thevcomes that Panful Cocomthat wiffsurely ter;
I initiate in eonvulsionsiurilmith unless something is
immediately given to check it. In this complaint
the "Bottom .of Wild Cherry" is well known to
ibe the most speedy ever dicovcred. It is indeed a
precious remedy' mild, safe and innocent, and
is sure to give the suffcrei• immedinte,. rclier, , nnd
quickly restore it to safety Oa he:4th./ Fami
lies residing in the country and indeed every mo
ther who loves her children, should always keep
this medicine in the' house and give it to them
edify bv doing so you may often save the Hilo(
one you fondly love. Remember this is the Famous
remedy of this distinguished physician, Dr. Wis..
ear, which has cured thousands of CROUP,.
TIO'N, Sze , after every 'Other medicine has tailed.
(1 .--,,8e particular when you purchase to ask
for “Dr. WisTA les llm,srist OF WILL CHEMIN,"
as there is n svnur of this name advertised that is
entirely a different medicine.
Prepared only by Wu LIMOS & Chemists,
No. 33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, •
Sold in. Carlisle lay •
Plice One Dollar a Bottle.
Jnno 224 184% , t 020.33
Both. these .Effects are Produced by jii unrivalled for its cure:live qualities even when
Br. LEIDY'S' BLOODIPILLS. used in cases of maladies which were otherwise
- ~-
A 'COMPONENT PART OF AVIRICTI IS ineurtille. -Many recommendations have been
At f eaß SaIIiP•IRILIL given of the beneficial effects it has had in the
Clar• cure of pleurisy, pectoral and puli'rionary ton.
Dn. Lriiiv's 13i.oun PILLS COlaltili in their composi- sumptioni,•colds, &c. 'Price' 25 cents per bottle.
lion ingredients which produce the com
bined and desirable efrects of HYSTBRic OR. MOTHER DROPS.
PURIPVW THE BLOOD - This most excellent article has a quality-of
• .21•
AND calming instantly and withe4fail, ell ertiMps of
• ' . .
. the stomach, cholic.and that troublesome disease
ha ng
C . nsi, the 'Rowels. called mother 'fits or hysterics; and when continu.
ra`IFIF.RE are no gills in existence which may be
ed for same length of time, will cure the patient
I.• so safely used, in all titres; ages and . seasons,
n ithotit restraint tram-living or occupation, ei ly Price 25 cents- per vial. ..' . •
" Di. '
r n ire
Leidy's Blood Pills. .
From their composition, they are calculated to ! A certain 'cure' for all Scalds, Druses,,Burns,
purity' he blood and animal fluids during the inter- and the mast effectual cure for the piles-•-:•it will
val between taking them and their operation; when cure the person afflicted in a very short time, if
all impurities, as well us oblinXicitis.siihstatices of the
'Stomach and bowels, are their mild
~ .
used according to directiOns. Price 25 eta. per vial.
purgative properties. • ' - ' , .•• J i
. , r ,..... UPWARDS ARDS OF 100,000 BOXES -. • • 11. This spirit s - highly , .r l3 994 . Tlen.ded_ fiz .la
of them have been Sold during the pail six tnonths 'sprain's, swelling - Of the limbs , or leaders, sinews,
alone, and .Dpw Altos or I.,tamooo :'' . joint/311nd rheApttlatic; atan'outwafd remedy, it has
since their first introduction by the proprietor, Dr. ,no equal:and when used with the - Rhauinatie Medi.
N.' D. I..eltlY• . • -'- - . - . -'' ,_ ' : •', 'eine, will "gOriff,y;.facilititie Alm'. mire.. The an.
hake- ilier-0v.:1,-.-beeti'vyttewri:to-fall--iii---producitig—,_ = .-..
pailsor History do netproduce its equal,,and it . is
telEireat tpreventive,against cad: . in the
good effects. • . •• • - 45:" - -• • -
, known w orld. For particulars ace.dtrectionsaccorn.
contain no, ingredients dangerous to the constitution. re_nying,the bottles. Priao-2 , s_Contii. , , . , .
- - — 2NO,IVIERCUItY. tilt MIZiERALS, : 1, , .. „ TOOTHACI - 3E1,„ ROPS,
-,. .
wh i ch are -employed inall -Pills-manufactured - by; At infallable cure. if used , according to dime.'
Quacks andlinpostors,-who depend-upon such ilait-. 7 tforie Price 25 otints.per vial..., :. .., ;,,, .
.- . •-,
gerbils medloineamiderlheimpres,sion,(WhichshoWs , . ,
- ~ .- . • SALVE; OF -DRESDEN: ; .. • • '
their ignorioiceo that all diseases must yield to, the
Its ..deeidedly-the .:best application .for.'motinds,
effects of Mercury and 'other lvlinerals: . '1
UPWARDS. OF 300 CERTIFICATES .'. and Items; , oldor new; of all Itinda, ' and will pro..
From Physiolans andothers,.- have been frequently '' vent if used in time, niany-:onerationif; anifpro;
übiisliett Ot the happy drone of 'Dr: Leidy's Blood- vent.Leek.Jew s Paine trithe,;Backi Head, &c.—
Pills and further- comment -uriontheir_inerits_itimai-: , Females-who ,, are-eq-unfortunata -rut to have 'sore
necessary. Dr Leidy . would,however,earnestly,re-, _breasts, atitwill. use this, wonderful salveovill be
ooMmend to all .requirlitga p ur ifyi n g or purgative. - cured in is.very short time.. it cannot be ton high.
, lirconitnepded,ror fut i rr PariOularOsee direct.
medicine, to
his, BLOOD PILLS, and try,
them. , 'No one will ever nail any other kintkhaying -..,. ti one "Wee 4 . 2 i yaenti. r40,v4,„,,, -
_ .s. , . , ,
! ..
e'er, them alter trial. . • • 1: - ' -.' :' WORM _LOZENGES.
forth° cure of, worinsin
.-,tc's•BEAVARE 'OF COUNTERFEIT S - ITS.-4f.pro4 • ,_:• ,[••• „
'cured from the sole matutfaaturer and proprieter,Dri- = 'Art excellent 400 1 0-
N. B. LF.IDY; at his HEALTH EMPORIUNI,-Nm•-: adults , as well es -obildren, :and will- cure: when
" th lti g o o i r d t e hAcco rio l i ti n t d re s e e t r r it o u t ) V 4, i h n i e4t d r e e l e o t h , i (S , i tt! go c,ir o:_ r other reinedicalaili ;Pelee :61 'Mita per box , - .7
11Ati•trlIfF 11
They tire elso - leerlif roost ' or `t I- '-''''-7'
P6iiiii Ally cif Mistake.'. '''' . .-__ - --'• 7:7 , COUG Et LOZENGES J. : . ..•, ~.
-, -, ,e. superior articlefaCou f f,ltsi tiolda,filore throat.
Druggists of: Philadelphia,and by •Dronelutts.and difficulty ,breithingi : Prino'N'
PrOgßisttEthropghoilit th r e esP ti e i c ii t te h d ite St I te e 7::: ' dents rior:bcs. %., • :, , - - i
chants a
i : " .•' . •.' STEVENSON, .Si:-.DINk. A L ° :: :' : ' j f ~ .§ol4 , wholenaloindletOlv if the principal office,
: - Pim - 01 e , -hvCsrliale, by, •,'. . . .. -;;,' '-' NC, 384; Nottb 3d street,- Philadelphia; and-by < •
. - JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, Pa.
. • Agents for Cumberland County. :' . General Agent for Cumberland County.
Carliile,.May 10, I 80..,j• - .
r , ... June 22, 1842. .-- ' - 1y.34 .
. .
t 020.33
Commissio:ler, in ilarkrupicy.
jITIdE in South Hanover. street, near 114.'-
Clellan's Hotel, where all information desk.
ed, in reference to the duties of those intending
to apply for the benefit of the Bankrupt Act, call
be obtained.-
--Carlisle; May' 4,.1842, tf-27
THE subscriber hereby infornia his friends and
the public in general, that he still continues
to keep a • • .
Loa, . PUBLIC'
Z.A.5C.E.).a3.- 1 II
(reports to the contrary notwithstabding.) at the
OLD STAND, in East High Street,a few doors
east of the Court Bathe:where he wilt at all times
takia'pleasure_in'_administering-to- the-comforts of
those who may favor him with their custom. -
His BAR shall be constantly supplied with the
choicest liquors; and his TABLE with the best the
.market can furnish.. A careful OSTLER• always
kept in.attendance—amt nothing shall be left un
done to please all who call with him.
BOARDERS taltenhy the week, month or year.-
April'6, 1842. • .
LL kinds of SI .LrElt and 1113.1.15 S
.PLaTLIIrG done at the . shortest
tines, in the neatest mariner, and on thin most rea
Boilable terms, at the CarriageManufactory of
Carlisle, April ?0,-18,12
ANUFACTUR.ED and kept on hand, for
Iv axle, .in the city of Lancaster, neat the
Rail Road,
Endlegs ifilOrse Power
. :6t.39
. .
. FA
TN El E S 111 NG' A9H I N S 1 .-
.. horse and for tiro horseswirr r unted•to
:work well, and 'a greater: dUrabilitjr.• than Inly
other 'Machines, fora- similar purpose lifiewit to
the subscriber at present. '
. . . -.. WM: Mt:PATRICK.
La ,
ncaster,'May 4, 042. ' . tim..27
•A 1.1,1,1ZE CHANCE!
-" P eziou__w_isltin g -Ltri-inuest-a4eW—Thou;.-
sand Dollars in now and atilistnntial Pro=
perry in Carlisle, yielding ten per cent por annum,,
will bear of un opportunity of doing so . by Grilling
on the Editor of the "Wrald & Expositor."
Cat lisle, June 29, 1842. • • • tf.35
41 1 1111111 . 1215 111111111113
IurE,OLIVE BRANCH PILLS f...i the cure
.01Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Liver Cann
plaints, Asthma; Bronchitis, Stir° Throat, Dvs..
pepsin, Shortness of -Breath, Pains in the
Breast, Back and Shoulders, Ague end Fevetvri
intallable cure, and-all Scarlet sod Bilious Fevers,
and all diseases arising - )'rod exposure and de_
bility; no mutter how long sti , diug—.-in filet all
diseases to which the tangtin family aro subject in.
These pills are inisigipassed by any' medical
compound ever °Died to the public es a general re.
nova tor and' -tinnily. medicine. They are very
gentle in their operation, causing neither p tin,
sickness nor debility by the use of them; but on
the contrary they strengthen the stomach and
bowels in a wonderful manner, -and soon restore
nature to its former course and vigor. The per.
son using the Olive Branch Pills . soon forgets
that he was sick—which. is very easily accounted
for: there is not that prostration of strength in
these pills-as inernany other remedies of the day,
because the nintriiials used in manufacturing them
are In harmony With.the powers of life and net
in concert with the opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush,
Armstrong, Montgomery, Hersey, Kendrick,
Shepper and the celebrated- Dr. Waterhouse,
formerly Lecturer on the theory and practice of
Physic in Cambridge University, Massachusetts.
Purchase of them, and give them a fair and im.
partial trial, and you will find that permanent re.
lief, (limn which the proprietors 'depend 14 make
them the most universal family medicine used,
and which will stand unrivaled by
,any other in
the Inown world. Price 25 cents per box.
bi,one of Bid:nest certain and effectual cures for
all rheOrnatic, chronic and inflammatory B 1 ening.
tisms that has ever yet7becn discovered, and in
numerous cases has eradicated that dreadful din.
ease • from 'personsi afflicted entirely.. All sour
drinks and victuals are strititly forbidden
. and,
spiritous liquors ,must not he Wien inwardly by
any means whatever, or it will be of no us to
take this medicine, as it will destroy the go o l of.
fects of the medicine entirely. Price 91 , 5 00 per
package. . . .
These celebrated drops have acquired the high.
est recommendations in this' country, ua well as
in Europe for its, most valuable proprieties for all
i'nward_tv_eaknesses, cramps,colds,ngues and fever;
nnd•ivhen used with the Olive Branch Pilknever
tails to cure the, fever and ague. Price 25 cents
Per bottle.
w 4 ACES,. Edgings, Lawns, Calicoes,.Muslins;
Handkerchiefs, Shawls, Muslin-de:Lains,
Gloves, Stockings, Gamboons, Linens, Hats, Boots
and Shoes, &b. &c.,. just received from the city
auctions, r and selling for ,cash, very. low, at, the
store of ' • CHAS. OGI aBY.
Carlisle, ,Aug: 10,1842, y 6.41
HE subscriber, ageptfor the former ploprie.
tore of the Carlisle Herald & ExpoSitor,gives
notice,.that he may be found at the printing office
during' the session of Court, and, request all, who
know themselves indebted for subscription, editor.
tieing or job viorlc, to call and settle their accounts
and save all unnecessary, expense and trouble.
Carlisle, Aug.:lo, 1842., • tf-41.
/:21.0(C 4r 2R,1 Ouid
ALARGE - lot of - 16007'5. etii 5110 ES,
of all de'seriptions, junt received, and lolling
for cask, uncommonly low, at the store of
IcHAS: OGllAir.'
Carlisle, Aug. 10,1842. tf..41
telling off at dirt Coif: - •
• •
THE'subsci•ibers intend winding up their
ness, and aro now determined to sell-goods
at such unusual, low prices as cannot fiil to con.
vince the purchaser that they have the cheapest
geode ever offered in this region of country.
Their stock is NEW and CHEAP; consisting
in part of
Blue Blaeli, Invisible
Green,Brown. and D?ab Cloths, Cassimeres •
Satinets, of .-various colors and prices, .
.; a variety of Nowlin de Baines,
Blain ,rigured:Silks, Black,
4 Blue Black Bombazines,
Summer and Winter
• •
Shawls, -
Pluslins, Calicoes, -Dress Hankcralefic 4-c,
There numerous - advantages in pUrehasixig
goods:which _wcro,,icequently.mudelmown in for-.
Mier .advertisements, will - .he, -- p - roof - to
satisfy all those desirous of Obtaining bargains,
that they are now. prepared and fully determimed
to sell Weill cslietbi cheap enough. Come thou
ell a=vlto haLu l atrlong,teon,antlering.tintler - the
severe pressure of an, times, and adopt the remedy
which i - i - hero provided Ibr foe, i.c. CI - LEAP
Errhey would particularly invite the Mtentiou
'of purchasers to, their Cheap 'Cloths, Cass i
merest and, Sit ttinei es.----
. . ~ .
P. S. Those who arc yet indebted to the sub
scribers, will pledse'satisfy the same-between this
and December next. ' .. - -.
_Shippeasbure, 'July 20, 1842., " 10.38
11 Defickrozpicy.
PETITION for the benefit ofthe 13ankrupt
Law has risen filed the Hi ;filly, by
JOSEPHTPRY, formerly' Cabinet' Maker,
. now Laborer, • Cuieberland con ty,
%Videli Petition will be heard before the ,Dia-
ti in Court of the United States fur the Eastern
District ofPennsylvania,sitting•in Bankruptcy; nt
the District Court Room in the City of Philadel
phia, on MONDAY the 2.2 d day of AUGUST
imxt, nt 1 I &clock, A. M. When and where all
persons interested may appear and-show cause, if
any they have, why the prayer of the sand Petition
slotuld' not be granted,-and the said-Petitioner be
declared Bankrupt.
Clerk of District Court.
PhilMlelphia, July 8, ]842.. I 307
D')ETITIONes fur Dkeharge and Certiflealo un
1. der the Butdoold l,uw ftave•been tilled by
ABRAIIA NI HAMILTON, lute.l4crehant .
of the firm a Hamiltob & Craff, now,
Former, Cumberland.county
of the firm of Hamilton & Graft now
ED'NARD. A. SEIKER, Teacher,
. . Cumberland county.
and FRIDAY the 30th day of SEPTEMBER
next, at 11 o'clock, A.. )1., is appointed for the
heat ieg thereof, before
,the said Court, sitting in
Ifankruptry. at the. Mania Court Room, in the
City MT hiladelphia, when and where the Crolito";
of tho Wil3 have moved their Debts,
and all other persons in interest, may appear and
show onus's, if any tliCy have, why such Discharge.
and - Certificate_should - not be -rrranted.—
Cleric of the lit,itiiet Court.
Philadelphia, July 11, 1842, 10.38
A PETITION for the benefit of tho Bank
rupt Law, Jr 66! -been filed the , 22c1- July
1842, by. •
ROBBier SNPDGRASS, late Merchant
°Ellie City of Philadelphia, now Agcnt . •
of • • • Cumberland county.
Which Petition will he hoard before tb
triet Court of the United State - s — fory the EaStern
District of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy,
at the District. Cort 13ocon, in the City of:Phil.
Monday the 19th day of September,at
11 o'clock, A. M; When and where all persons
interested may appear and show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of
.the said .Petition hould
not be granted, and the said Petitioner be deelar.
ed Bankrupt,
Clerk of District Court.
July 27, 1842. 3t-39
1 .
Carlisle, July 16, 1642.
- ROOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter
lll ested, the t the telloWing uccountsliave been
filed in this office for examination, by, the ac.
' cotintants therein named, and will'be presented to
the Orphans' Court, of Cumberland county,- for
confirmation and ,allowance, on - Tuesday - the
•16th day'of August, A. D.,.1842, viz:
' Tha ArltnihistratiOn account of George Park,
Administrator 'of Elizabeth Deihl, late 15f the
Borough of Shippensburg, deecitsed; ' ' —
The Administration account ofJOhn Fully iler,
-Administrator-of—Williaiii 7 B.--Ftilwile;ri-late - of
the Borough of Shippeliaburg, deceased. ~ .. -
The' Administration : account of Jacob Disler,
• Administrator•de Mullis non, cu in ' testatneeto an.
nezoi of William Hamilton, late of Curobarlaild
.(now_Perry) colinty,Acceased. •' ' ' •.i
• The Administration'account of Samuel Woods,
Administrator of,Sanipson S. Mullen, late of Hick:
inson township, deceased. ' • . ' - • ' • .
The Guardianship, account ,of Josiah ;Hood,
Guardian. of John,Cope and James Cope, miner
children. itif,Thilip , Cope, late of West •renns.
bOrough,tawashiP,-deoeased.,:-.. --.' t.- • . .
.The ,Guardianship aceount:of.Jacob Keller,
Guardian' , of Mary. 3.,, William and' Elizabeth
Stephenson, minor children of John Stephenson,
aVrof-SiArtallprirtglervras :p i -deceased. ,
. . . .., .
_t • PAAC GNEY,' Hegister.
• 'July, 26, t B 4 2 '. '- C • . , '.. - . at-38
~.: . nails .t. lints kidlif ats
11761 1 received `" 100' dozen Palm Leaf. Hate;
ej Which will be sold wholesale or r‘Mil. cheaper
than ever offered heretofore: • .
; • CHAS. BotBNITZ. '
Carlisle; .1".15,' 1842. - tf.3o
. UST printed TO. this Mika, a fins assortment of
other BLANKS; • •
EA‘CQ’EWZ @3129
Cumberland county
Nov B,'E
THE sabsaober - afrera at pritr.ate
A Tract. of Twenty -Two Acrets of
situate In Cumberland Cquuty, on the road lead.
ing from Shippensburg to Newburg, 'one' mile
North of the former place, having thereon
tr) FiVV
4 .1 A EZT Clffralletk •
hes y• • AND- '
I '
.A. 12 tt iSI,T DETrNiFfIOIB a!
choice fruit, stabling, &c.
The'. Mill is. in complete • order, containing
three run 'of stones driven by the Middle .Spring I
a never fhiling stream, and located 'in the hart of,
an extensiVe grain groAng_country,-affording'a-1
large country custom and having 'excellent far:Ili:1
ties for conveyingmerchant work to market,beine;
within one mile of the Cumberland Valley Rail
The Mill property will be' shown to any percon
wishing to purchase by Mr. J. FISSEL, residing On
the premises.
The subscriber will also sell, either in connec
tion with the.'or separately,
A wract.p'f Acres of tEr.riyl;ig'
lying two miles South •of Shippcnsburg, near the
road lending to Mary Ann Furnace. •
Terms will be made .rcasonable and payments
to suit purchasers. For furtlnr iiilin - mation ap
plication must be made to the subscriber, at Car
lisle, Petinsylvaiiia. .
,Crtrlisle, tl July 27,1842. 4.39
A ss.o n r st v .r, l*ri
T"'ubscriber will displi.e of nt public sak,
Onthe premises, on VRSDA Y, the .9.oth .
of OCTOSER next,
412 . 7.1.12110 1 1 . •.1) 1. LIA 11 3 /[o.a ITS:a
of Slate and r Litnestone Land, in North Middle.
ton township, Cumbertamteuunty, containing 117
'ACRES, mere or less, or patented l'and;aJjoining.
la,nds of Coover, Zigler, aml 'othera r —said fhrm hi
portion of the estate of John illeClintick,dee'j. -
The improvenients arc a. . ja,„
LOG - • Iti l 'il k , '4 l
• Cr.> 'QC? • GS.3 M
it 111) Db IR
.There, arc also 2._ .. nc . v.ct: failing sprinc,_oc.etwaterori
Th'e ifrem !sea, cririVeiiient to the house.
Said form is, but n fcw miles rlbitant Mini Car
-lisle, and ikwell worthy the attention of capitalists.
Persons desirous of viewing, the farm previous
to the day of, salt, Can be wall fled by calling on
Ale xlitider M Witt -0 ick,Wlm reridm oil thu premises.
The ternts will be made easy, and a clear in:
disputable ti,tlekvill
. -JOHN AltetlNTlCli, •
• • - Residing iu Chumbersbire." .
July 27, IEI2.- • 1 - 8-39
•.- ma' GP 11. risirt.' FE Et S .
Reniatning in the Post (3.(jice; at Carlisle,' ,ltign,t
_ t.t r - 7EtiquiFer will olense to.say aclvinliktl
• A - . I ,riilig George
A braliiins ',llB Hannah Leslie Dennis .-
Armstrong James 1.4 , 00 William
Ayars Rey James B , I,oelcarkl Jane'.
Armstrong Joseph ' I.viirli Rohert
Sgilly Jos - - I yntliieum Z •
• II , M. - ,
Baker Daniel m e Mnrry Jane
Barber .1 onepli :Nit:Cart) Sarah
Ban-her William
ll,llAliss Ann ' 'Mr Nlaniis John T.
13i•elmati - Christian .- Malown 'Airy 1
Wittman ...leieliel • NIA NAV r.l osrpli
Blain Reuben - •Martiii James - II
Boyer Nlargrate Illeekcr C '2
Bob') Ali,s .I,lli A I eixt:l_,loliq .. : .-.
11°1111)1M Jllllll 2 Alerkel'Alt• •
Bower I lenry'• Miller George ,
Braille :l . ' Thomas , . :Miller JII Al I)) i
Brandt Ilenry , .Nlilllintise I .
Brim ii George , Alintsieli Lennart.' ' •
Brown, ...a ' Alonilv Cam \V m
Brown John W .71Inore \V illiam
liri.,wn John ~31oreland Alexi. • . ,
• C - . ~:11ohans Saint p: . -
Carl 1 lei,ry '-. . . N
Corinanr .1 olin .1 NO snll )Les 11 S 3
C:ll . ter 9 . 111i:t111 ' NVISDTI 1)81 ill ...
Captains of Volunteer'Neßliit Susan & Anna
• Cnpanies • Nol,le- 1. 7 1.1111 Vis , ..... 1
Clark William Null John '
Clark John A . -- Nom D
Cnruhrohe W;lliam . • 0
Cowiek John . Oatman Andrew
Cromnier William Oslnwinr William .
Crooks Geor •.e R Jr. - Wens Rev :lest•
1) . , 1'
Dacidqon Matthew Penwell Hasid •
Deiin Moles Penwell Mrs Su ',an'
biller John • . Plate Christ• u m . .--=,
Donnell s !teary .
Owe Elizahcili Randall Mary
Date . ). Charles, ' Reiliard Gollieb.
F . llidille Martin •
rahnestnek Rubinson Jane
Fisher Wilson . S .
'Fisher Samuel ' Sannar Jacob
Fineli John - --- - -- • - Simi' Alfred W --
Ford William - Simpkins William S
Fries •lames 11 Shoemaker John
,Fuller - J - J ' • Shetron-Peter
' G— Smith Samuel Esti ‘2 ,
Gardner Franklin , Smith Nlary
GlirVer Charles Sterrett Robert C
Gibb Henry Steven's J W
Gilbert John • Stouffer Benjamin
Giving Daniel_ _. .. Strock Jacob
•Grove Jacob; Suydam Ja c ob
' ' H ' Sssartz John
littil4; IfC Ts •
Hays Eliza ' . Thurston CM , '
Heft ter Jacob - Trimble John. _
I leittley Charles (drovcrlTremblev Daniel s
Hutchings Mrs Trough William
Herly William Turner Charles
Ilnerner Andrew • • - ' U
Hoffman Martin UpdegraffSitsan ,
Holmes Eliza W -
Hoover Jacob F Wallace 3 NI
Hoover A ens • 'Milli' Sabina .
I & 3 ~.. Walt John
Irvine Lucinda (colored) Warr Joseph
.• ' . •
Jones Etneline '' . W . atts F.dward . ' •
Junes Jacob Webb Henry L
K - • Wills 'Alezunder
Many Elizabeth • Wharton Mr . .
Keller Francis • Wierman Ruth
- Klechmautt lieurich - Wilsoit Hestix . •
KutzDaVid . . . VV,ingurd Isaac
,•., - L Wert Joseph •,, .
Lane's-Thomas C Rep' IVonderlieh John
Lamtban Thomas . . ' ..Woodward.L G, .
Latsbaw Sarah ' . . - Wright Mrs Wm:Li '
. •
Ashly James B. .Lape Jaenh
Astily James • MoLnughlin James
Burton M..- ' • McKay Ln.wrenee - C
Bruce William .. ' Petersoit
Graham .Joshua C , R 'ngold Cipt Saml.
Htitniltori,Lieut F YdDragThompsoli II
PORTER, e. -
Tote- t -The postage on all letters intended for for,
•eign countries must be paid wherirthe ! c otter is de
posited -iirthe office, otherwise they cannot
.be for
warded. •
Remaining - In the: atearllsleiAtigust
1844; for West Hill. Curriberland colinty, Pa..,61051
office discontinued. , •". ..;
Itryner Sarah Ann. Shaw Susan "
Moori-Wilham S Snider. John ' .
Musselman William : Str.nme George .
Ressler'Andrew Wise:Elisabrth,
Riekabaugh Henry .
. W PORTPR, P. 7 44 . "
August 5,184.4.
', • ; 113 OD — 1011.213 r tr • -''''--,; Qi‘ . . '
HE sitheciiber has juit reiieived a Imilior
': f supply of. Gimp, Florence,' Braid and Sirs*
BONNETS) slso;ti fow.Misass Straw BONNETS.
junosi l 2, 1842
'111121 71, 1a,
Inia4aßalia aanna44
raIHE euhreribers, at their FOUNDRY.r4DID
IL MACHINE SHOP, on Main street, nearly
opposite tile County Jail; in the. Borough of :Car
lisle, Pa., 'still eontinoeto build the following Ma
chines and Horse Powers—viz:
Btarkelirs iPatut'lmprored
With a, horizontal hand•wheal, with a trunk to con•
•duct..the atrap to the Machine. . • •
Tue band wheel outside Of the horses. .They are
well calculated to put to one side of the barn bridge,
_or:under...the ' •
New 8B Hssupeoved Shaker /
To separzlto the grain from. the, sfrew, which will
dispense with one or two hands, will. be inade to
the. above Machind if wanted,' •
Purchasing aily. of the above Machines may.itive
the privi!ege; after a fair trial, of returning the same
if not atitiAleil. All Machines rind HorsaTowors
are warranted for one year, if well used.
All kinds Of 'repairing will he done at the shortest
notice and nn the most reasonable terms. They
always keep on hand all' castings' necessary to re
pair the above Machine, or any. others now in use.
There-it= also attached to the above establishment
an IRON AND BRASS . FOUNDRY, at 'which
all kinds of CASTINGS din Ire had—such as Ap:,
pie Mills, Coin Brakes, Plaster Brakers, Mill Gear
ing, Saw Mill Cranks, Machine Gearing, Wagon
Boxes, &C. Also, ..
T 511ittk
Such n Mill Spiiidle, Car Boxes, Turning Lathes,
Am, all in the beet order, in nu, and brass. •
'll7All orders - will be executed at'the . shortest
notice, artd.yrorniitly attended to...Far/11ms and
Obttie are respectfully 'invited to give pit a - call. con-
lident.thatr they can be - suited - to - their sailifaction.
. Aug. CO, ',KZ. tf-41
cr;:j. Planalf.'l,. I renswootns gltajaloitgills
vuelt as Cutters
hanththlcraTtSu - :&e - ; - ,r.Turiiterui" . iiiiaTtt — tlia foundry.
'PE-11:RE,Z TIACI-1.0
TVA A" . .
ROPOS A LS for teaching the Cotnifran
. schools of this norough. will' lie received
until the 26th instant—TWO MALES & ONE
•FEIVIA LE would-be preferred. -It will be nerles,
szry that one of the _ teachers, at: least,-should be
able to'giVe instruction in the follmVingliranches,
Reeding and Writing,Arithmetic, Geogra
phy, Grammar and history; and the others to be
abk• to instruct in all the above-brunches, except
ing the two ].mt. _ - --
The schools arc to be commenced on the 2nd
Monday of , hext month, (September,) and cuntinu
leasty six mouths. '
- RI It will be nereatai , i..y that — all applicants be.
able, to.givc unquestionable testimon.als of char
acter and qualifications.
Separate propetials fbr either of the above schools
will receive attention, addressed, post Raid, until
the above date:
Meelmniburg, Cumberland county, Pa.
August 3, 181. 4t•40
;Union; Pa,per
TF übscriber respectfully iniiirms the pub.
a lie at large, that be has leased the above es
tadishmunt, six miles south•of Carlisle, for raerm
sayears, nod the ,1111,1, hiving been recently re.
paired, and new machinery introduced, he is
therefore prepared to •manufacture to order, (and
also,has a supply constantly on hand) ' •
Pnpor it ei - Ory lestitd rind Quality,
which be will furnish to•printzrs, merchants !Ind
others, tb any quantities' at the lowest city uriees.
All orders addressed to the subscriber, at Paper.
town, Cumberland county, will receive prompt
attention. .
Having: ledely received a supply oftbe very beat
materials, he flattersAlimself that he will he able
'to pumutzicture paper equal in quality to any other
establishment:in the country:
Papertown, 3tilv 20,1842. tf-38
N. B. The highest price paid fur rage. •
subscriber offers for Tale, on acconuno.;
K. dating terms,
Containing ACRES,' AeRE, more or' less—with a
BARN thereon erected..
Theland is in a good state of cultivation,
watered'and.under - good Anew!. -
.43150, "Wood Land.
Both -parcels lying and being-in Mifflin township,
Cemberland county, six miles West of . New.ville
and four North of Newburg.
Any person wishing to purchase will call and
examine the premises, when the terms will be
made known. - • W. STEVENSON.
August 10,-16.42. 4tutly*-41
cr) Eaq.
CO M FORTABt.Y now brick DIVEtiL.
ice. - INCA* 11-10 , 1 USE. Rent inedeidte.. Poe:
session given immediately.
Carlisl9, Aug. 10, 184.2. ' • tf4l
A LL persons, who know themselves in arrears
to the late firm of BARN ITZ & PEFFER,
either by note or book account, are earnestly re.
quested to pay their respective dues, on or before
the 15th September nest, to CHARLES attINITZ.
- Carlisle, Aug. 10,1842. 4t.41
01k3 0131
ALL persons indebteno thecubscriber;:are
,quested to maim payment without Jelaq 'c
• ' ' • JNO. A. PEFF.ER.
urceal. FOR C.ISIL
UST received, another !apply, of Season.
a hie .Goo db. , bought at greatly reduced
prices for cash. Purchasers will find it to their'
Interest toi call and get
_bargains,. ae Twill sell
goods, lower FJR CASH, than ever sold in thivi Once.
0G.148 Y.
darlislo, Aug. iO, 1942
1 c7PO TICE.
ETITIONS 63r Discharge and Certificate Inr t
der the Bankrupt Law, hive been filed,hY - -
i L 1 A l‘ll SNODGRASS, late Merchant • ' •
n „. T o t,„ con r c t; Curnherlind-county. _
'JACOB' GOBGASS, formerfy of Lancaster .
' co unty, Merchant, - Curcherland county,
tind'PRIDA'Y the 21st of OCTOBER next'et'll •
'o'clocki A. M. is appointed for the tearing t!teraeri"
before tho ssid.Couft., sitting in Bankruptcy, et the
District Conirt.T% . .cxnrs in the'Clty of . Philadelphia,
Nolfirrinii - *liiif#M - Ciiiiitbiu — aftlidiaid - Politintib
are; who liii , l344ovediliiii: Deists; end ail otiier:lir%*•'
suns in 'interesst; `toay appear and show kanse, if:
any they have; Why suid; Di!ieltarao aid (ladle's*.
should not be granted:'"' ' _ • * : "-''
• - Clerk of the District Court; ,
' . Phila. August 6:1612. ~ e• 10:41