RE C ARIA SLE P.E.N , N 111131 iftlitALD & • XPOkSITOR. Once,. .Centre Square S.' Ir.', - Coriiti•; at Me. Old • . rOnArvvlivtAnntvmstrvin TERMS- OF PUBLICATION : The HERALD' & EXPOSITOR is published • weekly, on adouble royal sheet, at TWO DOL. LABS, per annum, payable within three months , from the time of subscribing; OR TWO nor.i.Ans el 3 t, FIFTY CENTS, at the end of the year. -(/ - .subscription ~Will be taken for less than six , months r and no paper discontinued until all er. reurages are paid, -except at the option of the publisher, and a failure to notify a discontinu. mice will be considered a new -engagement. Advertising will be done on the usual terms. Lettehrto insure_uttention must NI post paid. ", atiuti vytall, litillilifiltilliflo • GROCERIES . TO SUIT: HE TIMES GR.EAT INDUCEMENT'S TO COUNTRY MERCHANTq, Bi r. .. , ,rlitlllE subscriber, having concluded to do an en , CL 'o 5..."..,e c1.1.,.. 1 - ?...r a , " jff tire Cash business, offeinfor sale his large and IN, addition to a general and well selected as, ! splendid assortment of ' A sortmeut of •-•• ' - , 1 .. _.,.. FOREIGN '(U DOMESTIC . null & .0 ava Coffee's, llgrown 46‘. I . P • C._.4 ..s.:l --- ?_ . riDN..9,44:11).;?aa, '• - White Sugars, Spices,.&c„ I. Nails .13c Cutlery, . I have just received a large lot , of excellent Loaf . !Gver was ever bought for in Pluladelphia.- , Stagiataiki a partof 'which atthe low=price - "C - , l2 lTlie - tollinvitifYyill give -you tainreitletrof timprices7 cents per lb. by the Loaf, and other qualities at that Jim) determined to sell at: corresponding low prices. ',- ' - " 6 inch Carpenter's Patent Rim LoblES, Fine Green and Black Teas, at reduced prices, . f ro m . $l9 to $l4 per doi. New North R.ver Cheese, Lemon, Vanilla, ' 6 inch Brass Striker, 1 . " " ! 6,50 " Strawberry. and Sarsaparilla Syrups, - . N e wton Darlin • Gras ' s Sythes lO .. " . Table Oil and. Cider Vinegar, first. , Newborn's . 6 • o i . . • ' • - g . ii 'quality, Sierra Oil, Sperm and . Hay Forks, - Solid Cap F,e.' rrule, . . 5 o Mould Candle , , Cavari: • Cast Steel ung handle Shovels, 7 /1 ' ' • dish, Ladies Twist . . Cumberland or Beading Nails, • '4.624 Keg 4. Plu g Tilnicco,: . ' . • Phoenix or Juitista 11 - 4,44 0 Spa ish; .'' , " Other makes__ " ' .4,11 " ! Half Spanistfind Common &gars, one Tierce of . articles' in. my line 'km 20 t r o e 25 Superior Honey, Ground Alum- Salt, Fine Table.; - i -will sell any Salt,-Tubs,Bu.ckets,Churns,Corn Brooms, Brushes per cent. lower than-can be bought for on credit. Call on me—examine my goods—get a list of my of all kinds,. Bed Cords ? Plough Lines; Market Prices—compare them with the 'prices 'of other Baskets, dr:e Bilkerss - NM I. - 11Oinoepathic 'and sweet spiced Tealand Chocolates, as also Cocoa stores;-and ascertain for yourselves where you can and Cocoa Paste,, Rice, Starch, Mustard. And a / buy the cheapest. . . general assortment nf • -. . HENRY L. ELDER, Importer..., , • • - i 493 Marketst. Obeve 13th, North Side,Philadelphia. Chinn, - !lIIIIVISM lar 4 131Areellswa, re, , Juno 1,:18 , 12, . • . 6m-31 , . .. Stone Crockery, Sugar House, NeW Otleatit and ! Syrup - Molastios. „ . - . - ~ ' ' • • • 1 'i l makily Groceries. Together 'witka general iarietY of all other tg.,, - •.. - , • . :- titles in the'Grocery-line, constantly on hand - and 1 • Belting at the' lowest cash sp.rices, suitable 4o the 1 • 2- WILLIAM ta MADDOCK ----- - --- , ~ - times. . , ,_ .. f No. 55 South Third -Street, PIIII;ADELPiIIki4 2 , ---'---.--- - ' - TAroN . - ' --- Aso, .finTS - A . _ posilethe Banking House,Teceiztly °Cat. .. - -The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the , .. , : . pled by the Girard Bank, public for the very liberal encouragement'receiv. I , . VOULD respectfully offertke' citizens of Car ed, and-liopes in-future:to tnerlt and receive a like tt .1 1 ,Y lisle - iind - county - oCmberland -tgenerallyi support. His store is inane Brick House, a first rate aSsortment of the choicest Main street, formerly the residence of the late: A: .Carotheri . a few doors west of the Court House, I FAMILY' GROCERIES - ~ g . J. -W. EBY. I Selected with great care, which he. Will pack and tr'' 46 forward by ruil.rotd to the address of those who . .„ •" may favor him with their orders. Hiiving supplied; `4 - TEDI..- - 9...t a r.ti-=1 ".. fga ._..rc2. a number of Carlisle and its vicinity,te ' •- - • I would he pleased to increase the number of his Mrs!- Dr. L C. Loomis, - DrittliSf, " turners there. Ilia business has been" exeltudvely IS permanently located in Carlisle, and'will per.' to supply families - with GOOD GROCERIES fur form all opehitions that arc required in the the last-twelve years ; end he flatters himself.-that practice of his profession—such as . for first quality &Mils and fair inices, he cannot be Extracting', Filial;, Pa 21.7 411 1%.:, and surpassed in, the - city. Ills_ stack consists of a .- • Inserting Artificial Teeth, - . general assortment, some of which he will enum 'from it single tooth to an entire set._ • I crate: • . . - - N - . -- 11: - For-a- few months ensuing, Dr- Loontsi_ ii„,.H„,,,,,,,Lfi_x_visi_of_jone. st_Dut tona4Grif. -Will be in Carlisle,.the first two weeks in each rah & Boolit s (me mo. . month—after which, he wilt be absent, until the smoked TONG ifES. ,- first two weeks Mauch following month—at which i . Dried BEEF. ' period he may be found at his . - , I Creel' sail Ihlark TEA, some of the latest im- Office, Pill Rt. near MTh:lanes Hotel.. rort,aimii,al.d ..i . k...ry choice qualit ies. tr. , 27 Sperm I IIL mid Sperm CANDLES. Carlisle, May 4, 1842. . cOPPItIttI, of every variety, rune old Java, forty • I - 7 • I years old. BARGAINS; BARGAINS..' ASI ,S. FIGS, . PRUNES, ALMONpS, and Ph. AN NUTS. - FRI 1 - 1 E subscriber will sell off at greatly redue. " Italian 1 , 11;s; . very delicate article. it rd prices, FOR CASH, a large and general - lia liati_MAC.A II!INI and Yr...IOU:IC ILLI. i Painassu.Eit. ; fish, Sap Sago, Holland and Amer assortment of. ', ~ „ . .. , ! rietio O. o.ll'.hE. - DRY" GOODS AND GROCERIES, .. Utolerwocul's PICKLES and SAUCES, of - every The stuck is new and cheap, consisting . in part of thr " l3% Pritelt, English, and American M UST.% RD. ' S.per . Blark, Blue,lntii,dtble Grern,Polish SUG A It. Loaf and Brown, of choice qualities. GrePti and Brown Cloths, . ; CR ‘KK Kits, of every variety, Philadelphia, . . Superfine Cassimeres, Cassinetts; a good assort. Boston, Prit retro., &C. merit of Pants Stuff, such as Summer Cloths, '!- ( ,!, 6 "ftrY SEI - a). . . .. . . Ga.nboons, Merino Cassiinerds, Cottottade " c*ITI P Si!; - 1.:1 . !! ' • . • ' . . , English Split PEAS.' , : , Linen and Cotton Drillings, &c. &e. ' . SKG %Its of every 014104-i-some very elmice. . A good assortment of Yestings, Stocks, Shirt - PRKSKRVKS I .I\l ES 'CI CRON, PINK AT t: Coll as, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &c..&e. A largo pLr,s, (it NI:Elt. l'Ii: \ Its, I'ItUNI.I,S, &e. lea. stock of elegant Silks, Blank mid Bloc Black, CURRY POWOKR, India SOY, &e., with sit Figured and' Plain Light Silks, new Style. Mau s . extensive as,iortrnent of -errs- arliele a liunilv can fin de [mins, Lawns, Muslin deAtigletures, Born. require. - WM. L MADDOCK, bazines, IrisliLinens, Checks, 'Pickings, %I uslinti, ! i 55 South Third Street, Philadelphia. : Wats, Carpetimr, Dress Ilundkerchiefs, worked May 25, 1 , 142. , . . . tf SO . Collies, Canabricks, &e. &c: Also, Braid and •—,. .., , Straw! Bonnets, Ribbons, Oimpe, Leghorn and - IL' A'V CITA WO NDSOR Palm 'Leaf Hats,:' and a great variety of goods CHAIR MANUFACTORY not enumerated. . r Purchasers will do well to call at the old, stand No. 113, Sou.lh Second &reel, Philadelphia. opposite S: Vunderlich's Hotel where .they will HE subscriber respectfully invites the citi. find stacks of goods, selling cheaper, than ever zens of CarliAiTand County.of Cumberland sold in this county. generally, In call tietbro purchasing elsewhere and • ,CHAS. OGILBIt. • examine Ids Carlisle, June 15,11342. - •-tf.33 ADVERTISEMENTS Carlisle, July .6,_1 3,42 FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE!' '11"8 proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil, aileirthia and Baltimore during the present season. Their friends will please apply to Wm. L. Foxy Broad st. and to Castner, Christian & Curran, Na. :6 South Wharves,. Philadelphia, and Joseph E. Elder, Baltimore. .Until further notice, the following. prices will —be-adhered to- , between -- this - place and the uliove . cities, • , ' .11:1 " - Et•g : /. :&• 1 §. 9,1 F. F 9 rz o ' l V W 45 . F A ;_.• w W 'E '4' • 5 . • s• 15e. 22 $1 per bbl Ale par 100 Groceries, Q Ware and hardware, Dry Goods, Furni ture and /rugs, Wheat, Rye & Corn • per bushel • Oats' • •do • • Lumber per 1000. . • feet ••: -- $2 75 . 50 •Skiiighis, do • •1 50 200 Flour per WA. 314 35 50e • Shad des • ' 3711- 50 Herring do .• • 314 . - Salt per sack, 28 32 , Pitch, Tar and Rosin:, '. per 100, 16 21 Plaster gross ton, $2 25 $2 50 • • Hides . • • . , 25 .Fig-,Metal-gross 20 etalfgross , ••.• Blooms & Castings; 3 12i 400 Bar Iron, , 3 50 4 50 • Nails per keg. • - 18 23 . • Leather por 100, 20 25 • , Whiskey per bid' 50 55 • *. Burr Blooka per 100, 15 20 • ' Curb Smile; do 12i . , Tin, do ' 20 _ 25 _ _ 20 • 23 40 25 28 43c 10 11 .1. & P. MARTIN.' Successor to Miller & Martins. Harrisburg, May 4, 1542: 6nt-27 .•.' 14.011.1.E5, juat received a 'splendid lot of BRAID BONNETS and GIMP q at the store of A. RICHARDS. tf-32 June 8. 1842. 7 ''-' -. r ' ' . OCOA I XO' ili a d ;:..VICENS Valley, Pine Grove, Linn e.biirn e rs, and .Bituminous' GOAL, constantly' for ea c o by ' •J.& P. MARTIN, • ' ' Successors to Miller & Martins ' Harrisburg, April 20,184. . - 6m.25 . . . • , ~. 4 - " • . '-•• • , . • • , . . . . . , .. , • • • . , . . '-'...:,L'''• ' ' ' ~ • ~. . .. ~.. ~. , s . . . • , - . r '.' ' , s . ' ',_ , . l - I :' , . , ‘,. ' :''. . .;:...'- ',. "" 4 I'. 4' , ; .. ., ' ';', , ' !..., i . : ''',..:., ..,,.:.,,,• --. ~ . .. • . a t :, . 1 . 0 ,,,,,, ..:..:.....,....:,„?..,,,,.,.,..,.....,.........,.,. ~. ~.,3,... '. '4 • , ' - dr.!;-, ,:,-:,.". 'l. ~ ~ , . , ' • t l * - - - 'l.: ~ '.' ' . • ' '.. ' . 1 z ''' ° c.--, - , ~, k , . . . - ...: ...: • 01 , , 4 ~, • , , . . • . _ • . , • . , , • ‘ ' . . . ' , . • . . . . . ' ..'„ 4 1; •.'...:.,. .--,,.: ~_ -14_,, , , -' • .2 .• . . • • • .. •„,• . , • . . ~ . ' .' ' -.- -....',' ._-_ .'_ :_ ) '__. .-_ .• ....._ I_____'_:__L.L L.L____. - ___. - - - ,' - - - ---- -....-______. .. . .I:::3•AkLta CM , dlQ.a.&276aJ. • TThE stock of New 'diode,. belonging to die firm of. Bosierman4littton, consisting of • Bran A 9 HAMMERED AND ROLLED IRON; *Nail's, Groceries, Paints, OILS, DYE STUFFS' &e. Will be sold for CASH, wholesale and retail, at re duced prices. Those *hitting bargiiins, will do well to call 'noon; s the entire stock will be sold to close the concern; don't mistake the. place, at the Store Room of Bosserman & Huttba, North Han over street. GEORGE HUTTON. • Surviving partner of the firm of, BOSSER:VIAN. 1 HUTTON. Mny IR. 1842. tf-29 ' re,; ,- ...: • • • „,„., • 115,.. , .. ..,,....„, PLAIN&ORNAMENTAL I ,i,-; i t , of every diseriptioii; which are manufactured under'his own im mediate direction,of the best-material; by Superior workmen, Mid which he warrants of the beet quality—and at prices as low as can he purchatied in the United States. 1)7-Ule also manufactures an 's ,- en‘ the superiority of which consists in the astonish• ing ficility with which an Involid.with the slight. est effort, may by the use of one or Ituth hands, move to and fr.) in the: house, or in.the in a garden or elsewhere, and turn quickly round without requiring any more apace than it occupies while standing. • , - •' ABRAHAM MpDONOUGH",. • No. 113, South Second Street, Philadelphia,. Juno 15,1842. • 3m.3-3 COUBMS COLDS q .. CAUSE OF CONSUMPTION.—Sim: it pleas these complaints are usually'considered, no one can deny their being the moat 'common cause of thin fatal and distressing disease. It is indeed a melancholy truth, that thousands fall victims to Consumption every year from no Other cause than neglected.colds. Yet wu find , hun dreds., nay thousands , who treat such . complaints with the greatest indifference, and let them run on for- weeks and even 'months without thinking .fthe - darigerit'firet-yooltalkfzeoliat—Staflixity consider a slight, cold; you' allqw bosh iiefii4Tpleisura or ca:rclessness to prevent you from I giving it any attention; it then settles upon your breast, you become hoarse, have pains in the side or chest, expectorate large quantities of mat. ter, perhaps mixed withblood, a difficulty of breathing ensues, and then you find your own° foolish neglect has brought. on, this distessine domplaint. If then you value life or health,. be warned in tithe, Emil don't trifieWith your Coin; or trust to any quack nostrum to cure yod, but 'immediately procure a bottle or'' two of .that fa. mous remedy, the "BALSAM OF WILD CIISRIti," which is well known to be the most speedy cure ever known, as thousands will testify whose' lives have 'been :saved • „- UM° very particular when you purchase Ito ask foi"Dr: Warsti's BALSAM OF WILDCHERaIri"° as there is also a SYRUP of this name in use.-- Prepared, wholesaldand . & Co., Chomiets, No, 33, • Sontit -roarti strest, Philadelphia. • , - .„, • . Sold in cirlislo by . • SAMUEL Price One Doilar.a Bottle. . June 29,1842. . ' 140.38 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF IFV:ag - # - R - 6 -7 6 -1 1 1- ER -11- OR - A - & • ata s'• . CT 10 mp uPaviamlaasocsn.moxacta.tPiantbad 43 aamac;:as. -- Danwi S.,DUNLAP dittorney at Law diLFFICE..ICo, 3 IFleetorn's Row, oh the Pub-, lip lie Square, Carlisle, Pa. - April 6, 184'2.- . tap, ' I •MS. za ? y UMBER of every description & SHINGLES, IA for sale cheap, by . J. & P. MARTIN; • - Siicatigors to Miller & Martins. Harrisburg, April 20, 1842. 6m-2;/ . . NEW GOODS. • First_ arrival of Spring Summer • " „Goodi. . - • • CLIPPINGER Sr CAREY,: • NEAR THE RAIL,KOAD, SIIIPPENSIMA. HAVE just received from Phifadelphia,a splen did assortment of . . EASONA. BLE - G00D.4 5 of the latest styles; to which they invite the atten tion of purchasers. They are prepared to offer goods at suet' prices as cannot faiPto meet the wishes of those desirous of purchasing. (Meal; Godds. . . Country, Produce taken in exchange for goods Zhippentibtirg, March 16, 1842 caobp -EIN-omiLmENEI 'MQTHERS; 7- BE -0 1 $1 :YOURHGUARI)l -3- --7 This is the season when this'destructive complaint attacks your interesting little.children, often robs'you of those you fondly duet' on, arid carries himdretiti to the • grave: Every 'nether should therefore,lnow its symptoms, watch them closely, and always be prepared with -a. remedy as many are daily sacrificed by such neglect. At first the tittle patient is seized with a shivering, it 1 grows restless, has flushes of heat,the eyes become.; red and swollen, it breutheii with .difficulty, and I. , then ; comes that fearful Comm that will surely ter. 1' rlO s 'll-1E PUBLIC minute in convulsions or deatirunless something ii immediately given to cheek it.:, In this complaintlli ANUFACTURED) and kept on hand,. for the "Balsam of Wild Cherry" is weft known to i , ' sale, in the *city of Lancaster, - near the . be the most speedy ever - a 'Rail Road, dicovered. It is indeed . , precious remedy—mild, safe and innocent,. and ~,,, • „ is sure to give the sufferer immediate , relief; and : 11 U 411111 . 1 " 9 - 46 Choio , Horse I PoWer quickly restore it to safety and health. Fund. . 'THRESHING MA CH . INEI lies residing in the country and indeed every tio. - - r flier who loves her children; should always keep -for One horse and (or two 'horses, warranted to this medicine in the house and give it zo them work well, and of greater , drirability than any early, by doing so you:may . often , savet.he life of other 'Machines; for a Similar purpose known' tO , one you fondly love.- Ilememberthis is the fainous the subscriber at present. . • remedrof this distinguished physician, Dr. Wis.l . WM.. KIRKPAT.RICR. ' rar,. 'which has . cured thousands of CROUP; l'; Lancaster, May 4. 1842. , .' . fim:27 WHOOPING COUGH, ASTHMA, CONSUMP. TION, &e.. after every-other-mcdicinc-hait'-miled, cc - 113e- particular when you 'Archaic to' ask for "Dr: WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CREKRY.I" as there is a SYRUP of this name - advertised that is eniirely'a differetit mcdierne. • . . Prepared only by Wu LtAms . & Co.; Chemists, No. 33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, "Sold in Carlisle by . • • ISA INUEL 'ELLIOTT, Price One. Dollar a. Bottle. ' Jnn0.22,„18411.,. ME Both these Effects are Produced b;, Dr: LEIDY* BLOOD PI LL S. ' A COMPONENT PART OF WHICH• IS .SOR SelPii IR 1 L.Lel 1)n. LEtny's Moon Putt; contain in their composi tion ingredients o hick prodnre the corn 'billed and desirohle etTecie of PURIFYING THE BLOOD MI ' • Cletansing the Bowels. •• frill:n{l'l are no Pills in existence which luny - be so wifely used at all times; ages and seasons, a Wont restraint roni living or occupation, us De. Leidy's Blood Pills. ' From ..their composition they are calculated to purifylbe blood mid tbe•ii4ler ..val between taking them and their operation; ail impurities, as well as oblinuiona sillier:niers °law stomach and .bo wets, are .Carried off by their mild propet•ties. UPWAIt DS OF 100,000 BOXES • itf then) Live been gold .during the past six months al tie, and UPWARDS OF 1,00U,000 since their first introduction by the proprietor, Dr. N. B. Leidy. • - IN NO SINOP.. ANCE have ihpy ev:.r been known to 'fail in producing good effects. • . . 1)11. LEMYN BLOOD PILLS, contain no invedie Mingerntis to the constitution. NO MERCURY OR MINERALS, which are employed in all Pills manufactured by Quacks and Impostors, who depend upon such 'lan-. genus medicines, under die inipression.(a shows their igtiorarice,) that all diseases must yield to the effects of Mercury and other Minerals. I MY Alt OS OF„ 300 CERTI MATES From Physicians and oilers, have been frequently, pub,lished oi the happy effects of Dr. Leidy Blood Pills anilTurther comment upon their, „merits is MI. accessary. Dr Leidy would, howe.ver,earnettly re commend to all-requiring a_purifv_ing_or purgative_ medicine, to procure los BLOOD PILLS. aim try. them. No one, will ever use any .their kind, having once,gl retriliem a f a ir erBEWA OF COUNTERFEITS- -If pro- curod front the sole and proprietor, Dr. N. It. LEIDY, ut his UE \ LTH EMPORIUM, No. j PM North S cowl street, below Vine•street,(Sign at the Golden Eagle rind SeriWtitsi Philadelp, there They are also kept by most of thin respeCtable •Druggists of Philadelphia. and by respectable ! claims and Druggists thromainut.the United Stales. • PRICE. CENTS For tale. in Carlisle, b STEVENSON & DINKLE, ''-Agents for Curuborlanil County. • Carlisle, May 18, 1844/. • ly-24 SpWndid Lotterieti for A tigust '42. J. G. Gregory. A' Co. .111anagers. - 324,000—512,000,431) 0181%600-31181 ;200 Maryland Consolidated Lottery, Class No.' 94, for 1842. To he drawn iu Baltimorean Thursday, Au guk 11th 1842: 1 prize& $24,000, I do 12,000,1 do 8,000, 1 do 6,000.1 do 5,000; 1 do 4,000, 1 do SAIO, 1 do $2,500; 1 do $2,058, 90 do $1,500,50 do $1.200, 6w. Ike. Tickets! sl'o--halves $5--Quarterb $2,50. be.tificate% of packages of 26 whole tickets, WU, do do 26 half do, 65,-do do 26 quarter do 32 - Sprains, swelling Of , the limbs; or leaders; sineWs, , , ........... 1 . • jblutsand rheuinatic; as an outward-remedy, it. has 30,000 Capital—AO prizes 01/32,000.. Vir- noequal,and whedused with theithtimnatialedi. ginia Monongalia Lottery, Class K for 1442. To be cino; will, greatly facilitate the cure. 'The an. drawn at Alexandria, Va., on SaturdanAugust 16, mulls Ofliistory do not produce its equal, and it is 1842. SPENDID ;CHEM& I prize el $30,00,1 do 10,06 u -the_ greatest preventive 'against cold, in the tdo 5,000, Leto $,500,1' do 3527, I do 3,000, I do . known world: For particulars see di rectilms accent -2 51%1 do 2059, 30 do 1 2 500,60 do 1 . ,20W lite„ &a. 1 .l Am.(6 4 _,._p_ t i 00 ,25,.-t en t o .....______ VITA ietilatt-Illiiiiii - rlSz:iliiiii - ti.i - ca - $2;3 - OX - e - riiinY "is''' '-','" --- -- - -.--- - - --e.z,ll.o._ d0...el .25....... • ' • TOOTEI A Cii E DROrS, ::,.... lhalves 65, do do of 25 quarters 32 50. • ~ An infallable mire if used according to dime. lions. Price 26 rents per vial. • , 635,294* Capitnl—making 630,000 Alex. : SALVE OF DRESDEN. - andria Lottery, Class A for 1842. Tole drawn et ' Is decidedly the best" application Tor wounds Alexandria Va. on Satnrday, Augnst'2o 1842, Brit- mid sores, older new, of all kinds, and will pre- . , limit Scheme. I priae of $35,294 1; do 12,500 1 do, vent if used ill time, many, Operations; and . pre. 10.000 1 do 5010 Ido 3,0e0 Ido 2,5001'(10 2,000.1 vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Back, Head, &e.- do 1,975.1 do .1;600 1 -- de 1,500 2do 1,250 2do 1,2011 Females who are so unfortunate as to hve sore 20 do 1 , 000'29 fin 500 20 do 400; Sm. lice. Tickets $lO-lialves•ss-Q.tarters $2,50. Certificates of ' breasts,'a'nd will' use this 'wonderful salve, will be. cur." i 0 o ve'ry 'ehort thno-' It cannot lie too high. packages of 26 , whole tickets $1.50 do tkr26 halves.. Wreeemmended. For further partictilaniseedirea. 65.dp do eo quarters 32 OD: .. . . ~ , - Lions. "P 12t' cents .. der box. _ ..,, uce zut cents , ' • WORM . LOZENGES:' Capital 80,000Dollais!—UrtiOU Lotte . rv..- ' ! , ... .A. s n excellent • nitiOla ferile cure of worms its Class No. 12 for 1842. To he &awn at Alexanilria, • • • • 1.1, C. on Saturday, August 271,842. Brilliant Scheme , a'auits r - h lei ' "nod will 'when as wel : as it t ran,wt . ewe : 'lOO prizes 9 r . 51,000, 1, d o $3000c4.- 1 610,000, 1 --other-reinedies' fad:- -Price - 6# 'cents ' . 4oLspoctirde; 3,000; 1 'tin 2.500, Ido I,olnBto. Br.c. 1 .." •' • cOtIGEI' . LOZENGES. . • ; Tickets $lO--Halves' $5-Quarterso,so.. Certifi- ..'' A initterior it itielefor Caughs, Colds,Sure throat,. rates ofpnekages of 25 wholefrsl3o,do do 25, halves do do 25, quArterl 132 50. , - . , For tickets and shares or oarti fi woe .of planes 'Bronchitis -and diffieultY of breathing, Priet• 6 65, 'cents: per box. ----- -___ •.. . in the abovesplend id Lotteries, address , J - G , .. GREGORY St C, h. Mana,zers: ' Said wholesale and retail,Ut ti-rincipel office, •' .. ,Washiegtoit D. C.' --' . • 3Ol-IN GRAY, - Carlisle Pa. : IV, 0. 334; North. - 3d street; Philadelphia; and by Drawings sent imme • dlately - after , they are / ff.. vertu ' . ' `General Agent Alai Cum . terland GRAY, - Carlisle, al} who order's's ahote. . • I • . • Jape 22,.1842.- , , ,_,.,,,L1y.34 .yrydl)NES,Dj-Y,; • Av0v5T..1077.1:842. 1-1 , .N 14 A R;',-I‘ll CoMiniN sioner its pritger grptcO. rtFF.ICE in South Hanover ~street, W near:- ILY Clellan's Hotel, where all ftiferination desk. ed, in reference .to the dutiei o 1; b ase intending tofapply for the benefit of the' B 'Act, can lie obtained. •' ' . Carlisle, May 4, 1842. T „ HE subscriber, heieby infornis his friends, and the public in general, that tr,i- still continues to keep 0, 47; . • PITABLIG:i„. ~• • . rf ,„) (reports to the contrary notwitlistanding.) at the OLD STAND, in East Higli*Sireet, a few doors east of the Court Houve, where he will at all times take pleasure „in .rulininistering to, the. comforts of those who may favor him tvitlit,eir custom. • . It is .E 3 AR 'shail be.ennaiantly .suppliad.with the choicest; liquors. and 'his TAB E' With t best the Market can fuinish. A eariful allays kept in attendance-Land nothink shall be left un done to please all who call .with him. tf-20 BOARDERS taken by the week: month or year. SIMON WONDERLIPH. tf-23 April 6, 1842 SILVER AND- BRASS. PLATING. A LL kinds of SKIL IrEitsintti BRASS PL.47`l.lrG dope at 'the shortest no tices, in the neatest manner, and on the most rea sonable terms, at the Carriage Manufactory of , E. D. NUTZ. Carlisle, April 20, 1842: • if-25 ;0; -Q~;AEC-H:--i-Bt~Ei^o-~~-r___-.- . A" person wishing to invest a few Thou. saDd Dollars in now and substantial Pro. petly - iii:Carlisle r yielding-ten-per-eant: per-annum, will hear of an-opportunity of doing so by (Idling on the Editor of the & Expositor." Cal !illy, June '29, I t ,1 1`.1. tf.3s DR. GUETTICH, HAASA CO'S. flirthf2l3lllMirsit2lDlll3lll3 tn2o 33 THE OLIVE BRANCILPILLS.for the, cure. Of Coug6, Colds, Conskiroption,livcr Gow plaints, Asthma, !3roncikitis; Sure Throat, Dys pepsia, Shortness of Breath, Pains in the Side, Breast,- Back and Shoulders, Ague end Fever, an int:attic cure, and ill Scarlet and Bilious Fevers, and nil discuses _nrising from exposure and de bility; no•matter how long sfanding,- 7 - - -in'fact discuses to which the humun f t t roily are snbjttet to. These pills are unsurpussed by any medical' .compound ever offered to thelniblie re a gelkeral re novator and family medicine. They ere vjry gentle in their operation, causing neither p kin, , sickness nor debility by the use of theirs; but on' the contrary they strengthen the stomach;„dind bowels in a wonderful manner, end soon restore nature toils former course and vigor. The per son using the, Olive Branch Pills soon forgets that he Wilt+ sick—which is very easily accounted fdr: there is not that prostration of strength iii these pills as in many other remedies of the day,. because the knuterlls used in in-amluetut int; them are in harmony with the power: of hfe and net in concert with the opinions of Drs. Brown, Bu-h, Armstrong; Nlontgoincry, Hersey, Kendrick, Stepper and the . celarated Dr. Waterhouse, formerly Lecturer on the theory and practice of Physic in Cambridge- University, Massaphusetts. Purchase of them, and give them n fair and im parti-ltrial, and you will find that pormanentre lief, upOW which the, proprietors depend to make them the most universal family medicine used, and which will stand unrivaled ,by 'any other: in the inown world. Price 25 cents per box. . • RHEUMATIC NIED(CI •Is one of the most certain and effectual cures for all rheurrntlic, chronic and WI/minatory Itheurna., tiaras that has ever yet been discovered, and in numerous eases has 'eradie.ded that dreadfirl dis. ease .from persons. afflicted entirely. All sour drinks and • victuals are strictly forbidden and spiritous !hiders must not he. iken inwardly:lly •any means whatever, or it WU; dm of no take this. medicine; as it will destroy the good of.. •feets.ot the - medicine. entirely. Price 31,50 per package. AUGSBURG TINCTURE. -Tlicm:. celebrated drop,l_bayeacquirekthc high. cat recornmendatiims in this cduntry, as well as In Europe f rite most valuable prOpricticrifor all inward weaknesses, ci•amps,colds,agues and tbrcrt and when used with the Olive Branch Pillsorever fails to cure thd•rre'ver and ague. Price 25 cents per bottle. PEC'FORAI,ELTXJR---- . Is unrivalled for its curative qualities even when used incases of maladies which were otherwise ineurable. Many recommendations have hen , given - d the beneficial .effects it has had in the curb of pleurisy, pectoral and Milmonary - con. sumptions, colds, &c. Price 25 cents. per . bottle. EIYS'PEIII(.: OR - MOTHER DROPS,'. This most excellent article has a quality of calming instantly and without faikall.crunips of the stomach, chilli° and iluttlrouhlespine disease called mother fits or hysterics; and when continua" 'ed for: some length of time, will cure the patient entirely. Price :35 cents-per vial. GREEN WONI/14:11' OIL, " A certain Cure for all Scalds, Bruscs, Burns, and the meet, effec.tual "cure fur the pike—it will cure the person afflicted in; a very short time, if used according todirectinne. Price 25 eta. per vial. SPIRIT DE MEXICO. This spirit is highly recommended for all FADERS ) HOTEL Selling oft ajt first Cost. CHEAP , GOODSI NO MISTAKE, AT THE STORE OF ilamoLD a i BRADAS) SIIIIPPENSBIURG. WHEsubscribers intend winding up their busi. ness, and are'now determined to sell goods at such unusual low prices as cannot fail to con vince the purchaser that they have the cheapest goods ever offered•in this 'region of country. Their stock is NEW and CHEAP, consisting in part of • Blue Fthick, IHne Invisible Green, Brown and'..Drab Cloths,. Cassinteres 4 Satinets, of various colors and prices; a variety of Nowlin de Lames, • Plain 4- . gitred Siks, Black . . . ¢ Blue Black Bombazines, , • , Stimmer and Winter • Shawls,. . . ' dfm ling, .Calfrcoel, Dress .Han . kerciefs, 4-c. 4-c. There numerous advantages in • purchasing goods which were frequently made known in for mer advertisements, will be Sufficient proof to satisfy, alt Those "desirous of Obtaining bargains, that they are now prepared and fully determined to eel', them exactly cheap enough. Come then all ye who have so long been stitTering..under the sewe'praisureTifthe - timcs -- 8, ndAdopt - t he-rem edy, which it hero' provided "fur'-you, f, e. CHEAP GOODS. - - - OCTThey Would particularly invite the attention' of-purchasers to their Cheap Cloths, Cas llle+l'ffs and Satlinetta. P. S. Those who' are yet indebted tothe sub. Scribers, .will please sutksfy the same between this and Dercember- ShiPpensburg, u 0,1842, in inankeleprey. Mte110: 2 2 , 4 • . PETITION for the benefit of the Bankrupt ill Law has been filed the sth July. 1.42, by JOSEPH FRY, formerly Cabinet • Maker, . •.; now Laborer, Cumberland county; Which Petition• will be heard. before 'the Dis t-Islet Court of the. United .States for the . Eastern DiStriet Pentisylvania,sittiog in Bankruptcy, at :the District Court Room in _the City of Pbiladel. phi.; on MONDAY the 22d. duy of AUGUST-{ next,. at 31 o'clock, A: 111. Tien nod where, ell persOns interested may :appear 'and show cause, if any . they, have, why the prayer ofthe. said Petition eboulit not be granted, and tip said Petitioner be I declared .B..nkrupt. FRAS. HOPKINSON. Cleric of Diskrict.Couit. • --Philadelphia, July &,-1342.-3071 IDDETITIoNs fur Discharge and Certigeale utr EL der the Bauk.upt Law riaye been filled by A BHA H A M HAMI LTON, late Merchant of - the firm of tlatnilton & Graff, now rasa AI3RA HA M W. GRAFF, late. Merchqr,t of the firm of Hamilton & broil: now EMU .„ EDWARD A. SMICER, -Teacher., Cumberland county. and FRIDAY the 30th day of SEPTEMBER next.-at.-1.1 .o'clock, A. M.. is appointed for. the heari-g titeteof, before' the said Court, sitting- in -11a tiirruptcyrit- the- Dis trier-- Cou rt-- Room,_in :the City of rhiladelphia, when and %here the Creditote of the said Petitioners, who ititieepoved their Delos, and all other persons 'into:est, may utipesratid show cati-te, if any they have, why such Discharge and Certificate silo:11,1 . 11ot tie granted: FItAS. HOPICINS'ON, Clerk of the District Court. Philildl4lllß. J u ly .11, 1842. 10-38 :a GB's' ~ a' A PETITION -eor the Benefit or the Dank* yf rupt Law, has been .tiled the 22(.1 July, by ROBERT SNODGRASS. late 'Mgt-chant or the City of Philadelphia, now Agent - of • Cumberlrnd county. Whieh Pctiti . bn lie heard bet re the Dia.. ti int 'ourt.of the Unitvil States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court IlTrin, in the City of Phil. adrlphil,on ihe 19th day of Sepunber,at 11 'click, A. When and where all persons interested.may ;ippear and show eau.u, if any they I have, by the prayer of the said Petition ahould not he gr, d, and the 2111t1 titiOner be declar ed Bankrupt . Fr: A'S.. HO PK NSON, . Clerk of.Districi Court. July 27, IRO. 301 egaLEe.rr's aPotice.: Il Entsrtnt's OFFICE, 'Carlisle, July 16, I vie.). 7.'*7 OTICE IS hereby given to all persons inter. .1.29 eked, tb..t the tbllowing accounts hdve been filed in this office for exatninutinn, by -the nc. co:lntact'' , therein named, vied will he prevented to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, for confirtnation , and 'allowance, on ..Tutttday the 16tIkitry of-Augst, A. D., 184:2, viz: Tho-Adirtitti;crutiOn-neeiaia: zof George r.larit,. Administrator of Elizaboh lato of,the Borough of ShippensbUrg, deceased. • • The Adm inistra 0 , 41 iII:COMA of Joh n Adiniriaratrir of. William 11. rialwiicr, late of the Borough of Bbippensburg, deceased. , !rho Adiuiniotral ion account of Jacob Biz!er, Administrator do bords•non cum nexo, of ! Ilainiltorirlatti 'cif Cumberland (now Perry) county, deceased. • —The Administration acautut of Samuel Woods, Administrator ofSampson S. ilitullen,lato.of Dick. !ascii township, deceased. The Guardianship account. of Josiah Hood; Guardian of john Cope und James Cope, Minor Children of Philip Cope, late of West Penns. bOrOugh township, deceased.' Tho Guardianship at.cotint of Jacob Keller, Guardian of .Mary J., William and Elizabeth Stephenson, minor children of John Stephenson, lute of Silver Spring township, deceased. • ISAAC ANG'NEYt Regist-tv • July 20,1812. • 4t:38 AIi"VENTION, Nilll.llTl THE Enrolled Inhabitants residing within the bon - as-of the lst Bittalion, 23d Regiment, I eposylvenia Militia, -are hereby notified..that an eleetion will be held on Monday the 18th day of Aquae Mixt, for theelection, of Captains, and Ist anit2d Lieutenants, at the following places, . • Ist Company of the lat Battalion at the public house of Mr. Jacob Walnut Bottom Road. • Capt. M.. DONALDSON.' Superintendent. 3d Company at the public house of Col. John ----------Capt,DA-V,IDSON T ,-Superini 4 e'ndant: --- - sth Gaup:my thO Toisom Hill chool House, Frankford township. Lieut. MARTIN, GEORGE, Supeet. • Company at the• public housomf John My' 7 era, Diekinson townßhiv. - • . • WILLIAM LINE, Superl.• The election - to commence at ID o'c'ock, A. M., and close at 6 o'clock, P. The Captains of said,companies will furnish the roll on the morning of the eloblion to the Suporial. tentianta, Vndef the penalty of fifty dollars. SIMON ALTER . , „ , . . Major Ist Rattal!oh,2Bd Regiment, P. DL •• Carlisle, 25th Jilly; 1842; ' •' teAtt llate P 11410:: Ir,UST received 100 dozen Palm Leaf Hate; &W *blob will he sold wholesale 'or retail, cheaper than e:or-ollisrekheretofore, CHAS. BARIsitTZ, ' Carlisle,' I/14:25, 1842: lif UST printed'at thii office, afle'itssoitroiant of 00 DEMOVS., MORTGAGEE* ..11114 other IPLAWKIS, 111111112111) .(UThe HMI. Mr. Fut.sloar,member of Congress from New 'Vail:And the present able Chairrnati oldie Committee of Ways and Means iii.the House of Re presentstiyes, declines a re-electian to Congress. His letter to his constituents is an admirable on e,and shall be placed before our readers in it week or two. cjr•G en. 51Asorr, of Ohio, declines a re-eli•eti6O tO CongrEss. ' 0 - The Ohio I..egislature c inet in spcs.cial session on the 25th tilt. for the - purpose ordividing the Slide into ,Congressidnal districts.- cOsA valuable Coal bed ha's boon discovered on tile farm of Mr. Porter, near Augusta. 1:1. Y. AN ACT-CONCERNING EXECUTIONS Sseione• 1. Be it' i enacted by the Senate and House of Beprtsentayes.qf the Corn filOnWeati it rf Pennsylvan.n• in General Asfenibly reef, and it .is hereby enacted by the authority of the riame: That in all cases where lands, tenements, or here ditaments, have been, or hereafter shall be levied on by virtue of any writ of fleet facial, or •other writ -or-execution, inquest efztwelve men, sum, mimed by the - sheriff or coroner of any of the cities or counties agreeably to the existing.laws of this• Common wealth, shall find that the rents, lames -end profit(' of such property are not iluffiiiient, be yond all reprises, within the spare'of seven years, j to satisfy the dainages kidi costs, or the debt, in-. . •terest or costs in' such writ mentioned, it shall be. _ .9ECRET.IETES, the duty of the same inquest tn'value and appraise 11.. - w; TmUDDLETON, of.Curnberland. the said property, and in all eases where the de . . THOS. ELDER. Jr:, of Devine. fondant or defendants shall consent to a veniremna• • INO. 13. RETHERFORD, of• Dauphin tion..ftereealrly - to arract, entitled oen net relating, CHRISTIAN LONG, of York. to executions;' passed the sixteenth of June, eigh- 1 case where i Ori motion, Mestaa. McGeehan, McClure, -Mc; teen hundred and thirty-04x; and in any an inquisition and condemnation of such estate. as ' Addams and Hoffman were appoirited a Committee aftheimaid, shall not be. deemed necessary in law, it to draft resolutions for the consideration of the shall be the - duty of the blieriff or coroner of the '' (.l , lvent.ion. ..- proper countv, to :summon an inquest of twelve . ' -,, • good and laWful men .of his .baitiollek, who shall' On motion, Messrs. SmYser, '. l . Pr riethetterdi, be under oath or affirmation,' and shall receive - the, Eilmaker, Sotton and _ Hopkins were. appointed a same pay as jurors ere-entitled to in silnilus eiseei:•Cominittee to prepare'an - address to the People of to value and appraise the same, end the 'sheriff or' ' p eeek ei vaa j a . •• • - : . • . .- . . zcoroner shall :make lewd' of such valuation - or' ' • • • - - .' - erppraisemeet with the Writ aforesaid, to etli . ecourt j - - . Oil motion, Messre„Fonn, Miller,lTurst,Ehrinan I , froin, width the same issued, and 'winch valuation `and Foreman, were appointed: a c6morittee to re- . , or appraisement shall lie conclosive in any future port any bosinesi for the action - ofthe Convention,. execution will& ' may be levied on the samepro-• 'which had not.beenalreedyiprhvided.fori - - party, - atiolierease - any - Vin d i tie-Ma - ex venue, ': - _ or other writ iliall issue , for Tlee Convention then adjourned to meet- at o.'• the ale of said lands, 1 ' tenements or heredilaments, and•the thine eanam quarter before 7 u'el.ocki P.M. _ . . • I • _b_e_imijl to public vendee, Or am:cry - fur - -two-thirds i . EN'ING - sESSION: : --- :7 or more of such valuation or eppraisjinent. thit , r. - V then, and in such case, the sheriff or eel - ober ehallT The 'eronvention'inet'inireuarrt to adjournment. not, make sale of the premises, hut ,shall Make. re= ! ' Mr. SMYSER, front the Committee appointed turn sof the some accordingly to the court from— • r to prepare an address to the people of Pennsylvania, which the exception :soiled, arid that thereupon all further procceeinge far the sale effendi lands, tone- : reported the following - '-'• 'merits or hereditatnents, shall be stayed for°not- 6 2 .1 11 , ' - ,I_sieNt Te ~,t -4 5. 1 . ..t i , . • ... year frump and after the return day of the vendi. , . . . tinni ex,pones or other writ, for the sale of the pre- I • Femme; other state iif affairs as tin. ?likes: F'eu'ded, Thattlie sheriff or coroner shall , toward and disastrous, as it washut a little while ' not:be entitled to-poundage, unleOs'in these cases ago uttlookrd for, has_ culled es together. for the where a Bale of the pi-operty shall take platte, , I purpose of deliberatitig upon the'pereve quearion es Socii. - 2. That in all casts where lands, tens- to vein) ought. to ha selected by the Democratic - merits or hereditnments, have been heretofore le- I Harrison, party attic Union, to Sethi end complete vied on and condemned or extended, or thattere--( the hopes and pledges of 1340, unhappily rendered after may he extended, in virtue of_ sno writ of, abortive .and for the Prese . nt delhatedi by a combi (lett liitiwe, end In nil cases whereseny=ian4 - tene , o_nation_ofecauecn yiiliEf!: we will nut now turn aside mente or- liarerlitirments, have been, or hereaftea! te erfol.l. . - ' . , elm!! he seized• on by virtue of any writ of !eyed :. . Tliii - qoestioe, so fraught with tetereet and toe films, it shall be the duty of the sheillf or coroner,' mentaiis result:4, vies representing as We do'but a before exposing the said moperty to sale, pureuant !eeetion of the country, and a phrtiou only of the to any'wi it for that purpose issue!, oe is pest:lmre : great Dentiwratie tistmly, do not as,mme outhorita- of siiehovrit of levari facing, to summon to elve good tiyely' to settle: ire have assembled, in pinsuance and lawful risen of his beiliwiCke who being first of authority derived from the people in their prim- sworn or affirmed, shall make a true valuntion or , tey astienielies, to express their and our sentiments, appraisement of such property as directed by the' and as we believe, the sentiments of the great State first section of this act. I of Pennsylvania, in relation to the individual to be- Sec r. -3. That in all rases where life eeta , e, or e•oitieeil, leaving . the ultim Ito de•ieion to the au t..- a term of yeri - rs, in any .I.inds, tenements, or .thoiitative voice of a National Convention to be hereditainentse Have been, or shell he, seized and essenibled in due time, til, only proper and lew fel !oriel]. on by virtue, of any writ or execution, it 1 whiter, of this important question, and to whose de "Alan be the duty 01 1 the sheriff or coroner, before - termidat ion we are prepared to yield a cheerful and he, shall proceed - to advertise mid sell the e prerniees I ready aeq eieeeenee, whether harmonising with our tit'. ireisaid' to summon an' inquest of twelve good (private view's end preferences or otherwise. and lawful, men of his bailiwick, Wl.O being first 1 It In ipiet_he unfit that we should take occasion duly sworn or ermined. than make a true valuation betici7t:irexpreis not only our driver,' approbation; en d appraisement of the same, and if such estales but our earnest deeise for the callibg of such a Con fer lire, or fir it term of years 'as arOlesaicl, ithere vent:on. It pre *rats the imply means through which being advertised and effer,ed fur side hy•publie ten- entire and cordial lilroiony and uneiiimity of ['ed ible or outcry ,aceoriling to the laws of this Com- ' ing and iietioti innallget those holding the KIWI monwilalth, cannot be sold for two-thirds or there, political creed, eon iii- insured: it is sanctioned by of the enema of the valuation and appraisement to : see! pre :stmt end the Menges of the party., and is he 'made ae elm °said. the sheriff or cozener shall; senctified by the hallowed remembrances thatgather Make. return wow:dim:oy, and thereupon all further ! around the glothies assemblage that convened hero proceedings for the sale of the said premisowshall in the ever memorable year 1839, and which are be staved for one year from the return day of the indiesolubly moot-kited with the name and recollee said writ of exeentinn. - - the, tion of that great and good man.' the revered and SECT. 4. Tlint in ellmaas where perrinnel'orn- STllUteil Harrison, memo-el, plus!'-in an evil hour n'erty Shell he taken in execution, by virtue of from the seen° of his neefuliore and glory, to'he any writ of fieri fielas issued not of neysnert:of suecaebd by one, holding - contrary snnaments, and common pleas in this Commonwealths, or by v'ir. ' peening an opposite Odidgel '' Did the party which 1 the of tiny execution issued by a justice of the was 4] to a glorious victory by the one and basely • neaeri, it shall be the duty of the officer to whom betrayed by the oilier, harmonize as fully in its struck writ sholl he directed respectively, when it choi•ce of the m in' to consummate the political re- Ishell be requested by the Miter, to semmon.three volution of IRO,' unhappily rendered abortive by `respectable freeholders oreitizens of the vicinage,' - th e &nth - of Harrison, and the train of events which -who-.-being, first dilly sworn or nffirmed by_the _hove follnyveil e _aatlieY do in their prineiples arid Fetid officer, shall vales end rippraise the pefsonal Via . W.l of Public ..pnlicy. there woidd be littleores property aforesaid, for Whielm vain ohm or lip• shin fl• the - assembling of auch, a body. 'But, al , praisement signed by the appraisers, together'. though "see hear ioseribed in our banners, the same with a schedule nf the property taken in exeriution, principles which.were.the Watehwordo r•;f battle and Shull he annexed to the return on said writ, and harbineeerszoretriumplm in 18:10, it is notorious that . l in easeraid - prironnal property, - or any part"the-re,..- much diVereity of opinion prevails, es was but ne er, cement he sold for twolliirde of the emnent et e ure t Ily to be exneeted, in relation to the individual I said valuation nr eppraisement, at a public veedno t o l i e ehe,erm as our leader into the promised lend " Of the WIMP, of which notice shall be given to the of politleal renovatlon* and reform. '. How is this plaintiff or plaintiffs, his, her, or their agent or et. difference to be ieconeileal Surely not by an oh tor ne,v, , noreeably dm the (timeline of the first sk,e• htihate adherenee on the Perrof each, to his or their then of this ect,' that then the sale peach o : ',., ° n - i t e h t .; : favorite candidate, nor by separate, detached and ty shall he stayed for the term of twelve m . efforts 'in divers , and . perliana contrary from that date: Probided, That the said defen.l It!lc". 1 b- ;1 " . d, dire . ctions,.eaell state . or_ , C , :le!), section of the party dent rir defendants, shall execute and deliver to malting room end fur- Ihe Sheriff, coroner or constables, es the case mop , ileum; firenself and . . bY . it.... i iehine ocension tor the operation of rival . "Merest be, ailliond - With coo or more suiliment sureties, in 1 and dietriett. No: our cause n. penalty of double time amount of the said iiiiien. ' "9d. l'ue!.ual jealousy tion or appraisment, eenditioned for the faithful eis too carted, the issues involved too tnementober,to forth ensuing, - nod delis ry of all and eveiy part i putt • all to hazard in this way. Ie l_Tni_n is our 'of the sold personal prim - party upon the expiration ' steength The differ( nt rays of public opinion of the said stay cf execution, to the proper sheriff, j troist all be concentrated mid converged into one enroner - or constable, or his ancensor in office, i ii I intense end phwerfol &Kies by means of a Nlitiohal like' good elder and condition (reasonable wear 1 ConventieMin which all may be repeesenteil and and tear being allowed.) as when the same was so ,by which the seitee of the Nation may he gathered. • as aforesaid ("faired 'for sale, or other personal Then eillY the of the. rnnjority can be starer property, equal in value, rind in like ',rood order, I tained . and the rights of the minority duly respected,. lobe esenrtaillad in the manner aforesaid:Pr in de- 1 anal therefore . all will aequiesce in the result; be. fault thereof, for the payment of the amount of the t Callaa an equal and. fairThance to have 'their wishes • aPpraisment or 'valuation with interest and masts; I made known and adopted, will have been extended or the llMOant of the debt, interests and jest's, for to all, ... . which the levy was made, an upon the execution We th - e - t•efore do nit thesitate to aiiinr:our con and delivery of such hond,t e said personal prop. fidmce in the National Convention, xi - Melvin - due arty, shall be returned and .delivered•into thea t ime, will he Convened; and, tietn4tedby high_pa-._. Pusses Mini: ofethee. a id-rief do nte..or e atefalid e ol e e fir,r irenliPl r filifm:4 alinvralfFonsidiratione-metip. -Prorideihst ty_t f .is orir o,. our. entira.:_willinguesatoyerned shall be construed to prevent any jildgment credi. Iby its d.eision, if fairly expressed. . ~ . tor or creditors, from Navin i. the, property of any I In the meantime, hilWeVer, until eurti Sind dc debtor,or debtors,capmed to h a le et eee time, " 11 claim' shall have been pronounced,. we , hold it no as often as he,' she, or they may thinlypreper, after • lees a ditty to preeent tp the public the 'name,.. - ried it may have 'once been exposed to sale as aforesaid, to urge by all proper and bfirful rimaiderations the, e - by, paying all the costs,thit may accrue in cense. claim.; of the man whom %TO deem qualified quonco thereof, except the time at, which as le by - his personal qualities, public services and polite tmiay he effected, accordin g to the provisions of this lard principles, to fulfil the baffled hopes of 1840, necwhieb ebite shall be paid out of the Kmiec's and whose nomination, we holleve:woum b e , / h e . of the'sale as mother eerier. • . _., • . . , and this weFhlevare to Ile with - pledge. of succes t , . ~ SEnr..s. - .That before any person shall he coati- out t ier ' s, Merits or'disparagtrig the dailies • Wed to 0, 'otay of execution on - reel estate levied ,•-_-, othe r o, . ~ . ~ upon, he shall, pay' the intoreat , chto on thor-debt, °' T r it o - 6 *%;itround for • a 'man' werthy to - fulfil ' ' andlhelriter t eat duo upon prior liens thercon t and 'such ti'x' sited destinies; Wo seek one Who, to di s tiu. .....--t disCharge'ell 10w:000m and municipalcharges . o iihedpersenal 4ualitiei and talents.' Unites enat-' due On, the propititYolitibject tell's judgment,.and ~ e g .int, public serviced a higlt . placein the confidence . . shill - Per i3iilill.annually during ;the. 000tinuance, end` , ...uffeationit of:the , people,'_And,:svperadded to . of the titay, Of ,gxecollPtl.S4'Pe e4 : ll4 !Pg•i 9 !" .e n !'' . all, an •nomiart - fied devotien to the 'priiiiiidea of • - - on the judgments and the accruing ground re , M. 18-10 1 'conibilied with energy' and flxednese of cluir. • them ' • 21AmEw ROSS . sNwDEN. , . : • ' . 'Speokekophelfeises'el ReOresentatires. , e.. . , , , e ~ . ' acter, to.carry nut itt every hatard tem' himself. , . 'h . ' 9 o ' ffirat'ans ~ —.. ~ ---, •••—•-,301iN 6,TROHNi, • ..It, . rnmem*,. theZe re.e and, ,a 1 ....,...„ 9 a, i •, sce Senate; shook' be found united in ono who.ivas - thirWainf• ' of tile. fJuly, i.lorawis,Thea •eikt,aeotti Oily '' 3 I 0ne . .. : . _Harrison, ._ , _ _ _ _ _ t honest:pi eight hundred- and forty.two. . •of the tmmo , tal Harrison, we need look no flArther ' . • DA,VID R. PORTER. (or a eandldati , eyery way werthy te 'succeed- him.' • i . . . _ 10-38 IZIEM= Cuntbedund county THE STAN LAW. BY R. WHITE MIDDLEVON. ---- 71 - Fi1Et.T.211.,.3.1L Old Chip in the rieleil DEMOCRATIC' STATE CO ':VENTION OF PHE' FRIENDS OF dEn. VirMFI.ELD 'SCOTT. Agreesl)ly to previous notice, the Convention of the ft:ienifs - 'of Gen. ,Ntinifield:ticott for President, met at the ijourt House in-.llarri.bdrg on Tuesday the.26th of .filly,.l§l2, and' u Egan lied by appoint .ing the following °Hirers, • PRESIDENT, SAMUEL. PARKE, of Latictan • ,WI CE PItEBitENTN, • Hon. WILLIAM LINE, of tumberlanti THOS. ...RAIHTIEAD, - of pauppin. FRANCIS PA , RKE, of Pniladelphia. CHRISTIAN KIEFFER, of Lancaster.' 'JOHN JACK, of:Allegheny.. JAMES A. THOMPSON, of Mato. JAMES B FERREE,,,of Lancaster. THOMAS, I3AI RD, of Barka. 13 tpaw.) .