Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 03, 1842, Image 4

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fp :/.I`4o6iik
Ceiltre Skiniare, S:111 7 :
1.1(»•Ite1.," at the Old Stand,
. 'ivtlAnn.WvvuutAlAyvvi.
The HERALD-lk EXPOSITOR is published
weekly, on ationbie royall3heet, at TWO DOI,-
' LARS,.per mintlin, payable Within three months
from the thine of subscribing ; OR 70:0 :DOLLARS
AND PIETY CENTS, at the end of the year:
No subscription will be taken forloss than six
'. months, and no paper diSeontinued until .511 ar
rearagCs Rte paid, .except at the optiOn of the
publiSher,and failure . te notifyAdiseontinu.
anell will be eoilsidered a iiew etigicolwent.
Advertising will be done. on the usual . terms. •
Letters to insure attention must•tio post paid.
iNednesday, Atumfst 3, 1542.
Mar eo unto:left Mettrtor
- Dank of North America, par.,
. spurious; vignette, filitires of Justice and Giber
ty; reading,” we promise to pay, Bce., 011 "tun"
in specie, or paper of the Llank.oe North America, ', 5
. and I.o's, old plate; none genuine remaining out.
10's and "L'O's, altered from l's; vignette or s's and
. of altered-notes, a figure of Commerce sittingoin
' eagle before her, and ships iu tlMAntek ground.
20's, ICUs. 1) i; Jam 19, 1813; pay 1). Cutboard and
D. Vaill; lett. 11, April 20,1817,pay It. Chesney.
Bank of the Northern — Liberties, par.
10's lett. C; 0448, 1831; pay .1. Taylor; signft
tures poorly imitated; vignette heavily shaded.
10's, lett. A; July,.4, 1838; pay J. Starry printing
ink pale and yellowish.
altered . from countetfeit 10's; badly doiie.
.20's, lett. G; Jan. 1, 1815; pay J. Jenks.
Rank of. Pennsylvania. . 7rt
S's; leg : NI. 8;.
,April 2,1838:, pay W. Warder;
a plain white circle around thej.s at top, not in
genuine; lett.,C; 'April 7, 1829 jury E. Leans.
.s's, lett. P. 8; Nov. 6, 1838;• pay N. Nolencoarse:
10's, of various filling np; the E in President con
- side larger than the other letters,-
10's, lett. • ; Sept: 1,0,1838; pay J. Ifielcs, - signed
.G. Lewis, Pres.; no such officer; Aug. 6,183 t);
pay 'S. Bray; April'4, 1829,pay 0. Say; Motto on
Pa. coat of arms roughly done; others, Sept. 10,
1837, pay C. Clay. . ,
10's, letts. C na nd E; April 16; 1833; pay If.- Clay.
10's, lett. 11; April, 1823, and July 10; 1833; en
graver's firm 180. for Co.:. others, Aug. 27,1838;
• pay 11. Clay ; Chamineyi- Cash.',, instead' of
' Chauncey. .
50's, Icti; II; Jan. t,m7.
50's, lett. C; Alarch 21;:18.21;•jmy J. Ilbond.
Bank of Piinn Township'
_____Ers"..-11r-itsbiligtott-otrtfurrgriliisg , nd orltt4 .
• -Ws, VArioll3 dates, well done, except the Franklin
. on right margin, which is coarse.
50's, altered from s's; • NiiipeTtarii r r.CO', commerce
sitting on A bale-of goods; right-cud piece, Frank
\ lin; left, Penn.
Bank of the. United States, 53
-7* 10's and 20's; lefts. A &11,11 mids and each end coarse.
left, Di, Dec. 2, 1335; end pieces coarse.
50's and 100's,letts. •A a mid G; Get.. 1, 1838; pay
Somerville Cash. at 10 days. paperihin uud
. .
reddish.- •
-A-- 100's, lett. 1I r ; §epf..1,1835; pay..l. Boss at 10 days.
1000's,'-nitvrech from lOU's; Oet."11, 18:58: . pity to
mid endorsed by It. Buchanan,
. _
'Commercial Bank-of Pennsylvania; •-.par.
S'S lett. D3March 4,18111; ;lay T. A.stley.
s's, alter from the Commercial•\l illinGlmy
brokem•by silbstituting'Pqmisylvania for Milling
ton, which observe; vignette o(gennine's's,,Penn's
Treaty with the Indians.
Kraopuriotts; vignettWorgenuine,-Washington -and-
10's, lett. A, Nev. 17, 1830, pay It. R. Lee: Match
and June 2, 1828, '29 and 30, pay Gem W. Ash;
Sept. 15; 1830, pay S. Girard. '
10's, letts. A a, Nov. 17, 1822. pay , E. Lyman; Nov.
3,1829;pay M. Carey; letter,C,yay Clay..
20's, signed Bei:j. P. Bwitli, dated 'before he Was
100's, altered from Commercial Bank of Millington
Md. Railroad cars on one cad, denomination of
note on the other. Entirely different from genuine
sop's, 50'a, 20'5:31114 Ill's, altered &mill s'N.n
only has Penn's treaty with the vi; 7
nette. I;:rlieniiine: 500's are printed in arm
Farmer's anal Mechanic's. Bank, par.
10's and 25's, altered from Farmer's and Me
chanic's Bank of Wisconsin; yignette of s's, a fe
male holding's cop in - right hand, left arm resting.
on an eagle; of 10's a female reaper; of 2.o's, a
• female smutting. None genuine engraved by Bin ,
ton Sc Gurley: • • •
10's, letter kl; Feb. 5 ; 1803; pay P. Saley; letter C;
Feb. 5, and 10, 1820, '25; pay A: Moses, C. 1,?1111,
J. Noun; letter G , p: it 2, 1823; pay 11. Clay. •
20's, well done; paper reilder and signature lighter
than genuine; some letter A„ Nov.
.20,1804, pay
20's, letter- E; Nov. 29, 1834; engraving very bad.
50's, letter C; Dec.. 25,18193 pay G. Hirst.
Girard Bank, 40 a 45
to , s, 20's and 50's; altered front s"a,,whose vignette
is the Phils'ilelphia Exchange. Hold up to light.
Kensington Bank, par.
Manuf. &Mech.-Bank, ' 14 a 17
10's, altered from s's; vignette of genuine 10, a fe
male and SPINNINO WHEEL, which last is not
the altered notes,
50's, altered from s's; the word FIFTY is crooked,
and bunglingly inserted. ,
MoChanics' Bank;
3's, old emission; long since withdrawn
20's. altered from counterfeits on Alechanics's Bank,
New HaVen ; miniature of Washington pa the
right, and Clay on the left.
50's,-altered-from- -Psi , A pril ---1-,- 1'833;-Ftrrr- is
placed too, close to DOLLARS; smalyetteritig of
FIVES around the edge rubbed clear;
Moyamensing Bank, • 10 al2
Philadelphia Bank, • . par.
s's, OM, plate, withdrawn. The plate in Qv has for
vismette•a female; and end pieces, Washington our
the right,and Robert Morris on the left., --
10's, Lett. C, lan. 1,1819; Sept. 7,1819; Dee. 8,1820.
10's, letter Arch. and "Alny 8,1832; pay.J. Kantend
D. Evans.. Vignette, three female figures with, a
ship-in the distance, and a view Of - the - banking
house on the left, very imperfect. .011„
lila right, and Washington on thedeft 'math; ‘
10's mid 20's, altered from .s'st vignette.of s's, two
females sitting; between theca, a shield, on' which
is a ship - and plough: of Ccnnile reclining,
her right band resting otia shield, on Vhieh is Pa.
coat °farms: of 20's, Penn's Treaty with the In
20's, old plate, letter E, May 9, 1814, 1824, 1825-
. ,
and 1827 ; pay'D. Edwin.
Southwark . Bank,. par.
500's, altered from 10's, old issue; of large-size; "on
.demand' extracted, and "Five Hundred" sub
Schuylkill Bank, • !par.
plateofvnrious - filling Up: The heads of
Washington and Franklin imperfect and coarse.
Western Bank, . -- A-- par.
_ --. • CoUserlity DANIts.
Bank of ChamberSburg; • 6 a 7
Bank•of Chester Co., Werst66: ter, par.•
' Bank of -Delaware Mester? .
20'e, altered fr0m.5'.3,33. ell • .
T. Clytle;Chas. S. Fol weil, each. The,woiirrirrir
after hearer is blotted; the circle dark.'
Bank of Germantown, *. / . • - par.
20's, altered from s's; hold the,tfOta up to light.
Bank of Gettysburg, 1. 6 a 7
s's, Nov. 14 , 18 ' 28-9 , Pay _IC', Smith ; without the
. circular water-mark seen in genuine..
' S's,old plate. which rends Gettysburg, Bank.
Bank of Lewistown., 15 a. 18
• Bank.of Middletown, 3 a 5
Batik . of Montgomery Co., Noris' wn. par.
s's, letter A, Oct. 1829,:pny 11."Litez; Nov. t,
• 1823, pay J. Wells; others u,'1821-6, some ; 2d .
; May..
A% a and F, July ; letters 1825, variously filled
out. Vignette light antlioMae.;
• Bank
-of Northu,mberfantr -*5 a ' 6
Bank of Pittsburglk, 2. a 3
s's, letter C, old plate, withdrawn from circulation;
, ' lunette, a blacksmith, tools, Scci • .
- hclettor..C; Mo. 4,1831; pay..Wm.l l 7iilinas oth
ers, May 4,1825;p - 0y ,
SU'a and 20% altered [rota •cotiattirett 'Sha . badly
• •
' 2(Fs,vignette, a femare•leaning on - a.datie of - flowers;
of genuine, a blacksmith with Ida t 0015 . , ;,, .
Bank . of Susquehanna Co.Montrose,l3,dio
Barks County tank, Reading;` : ' .50 a 6.0
notes; :latter B; Btatd. Arms,
rather coarsely exec,uted.
Carlisle Bank, . : ." • O'a 7
s'e, lettcl B, April 1, 1820; pay J. Greasier.' "The
heads of Washington light and eciriese.'; • '
Columbia Bk.'&l3ridgeCo:Columbia,s a O'
attgu . otered from s's; Mercury, and a female res-t
tins on 'Sales of goods; of 100's, a 'large female
figure, one arm resting on a shield, with a plough
-and shin, one i:lgtit cud, a figure; of Commerce. ,
• _
Doylestown Bank; • , . par.
Easton Bank,
s's, old plate, later C, Mg. 187 1 " 1 " 1 kautircty
• c.itier 3 -Holue May, 6, t 8:19;. May.l, 1831; pay J.
. Dinnzi engraving much.lighter than 'genuine.
10's, letter C, Feb. 1,18:24; pay J. Post.
Erie Bank, Erie, •
Exeltati;ge Batik, Ptttsburg & Branch, 2 a 3
Certificates, . 2 a 3
Post Notes, 2 a 3
s's; the vignette is a sailor leaning against an an
' Ada., gendine. s's have Justice and au-
s?s, letter 13, pay It. Nash, It. lansingyand Wm. B.
Wallis; June 1,1836; paper ettl her heavy and
coarse*, atuPthe whole appearance elmusy.and - in.-
- distinct. . - - , ,
Ill's, altered from frandttlent 11.1.eltattn'e Ilimk and
'StIVIIIII3 :Institution of Phi fadelphm• vignette,
victory.% I'he trinsine lU's Lye fOr
vignette I fenutle.fighre seated between two chests..
- All notes signed Thomas 11. 11 owe, Cash., since
. .
July, 1 A 39. ' : •
Itrs,letter.A, dated Sept. 7; 1839. The.. names' of
the Cashier and President are lithographed.
Farmers' Bank of Bucks Co., Bristol, par.
s's, dated 11:111.11 April 12,1828.
lus letter A ; Yeti. li,
18153 pay F. Nucor; Alraeli
' '25, 1515, and 3,- 1817, at : llulme Ville: pay, 11.
Ely,-Sept."4 iiil 10, 1819; others, letter' B.
50s, altered from s's' the vignette-of 20's is'a hus
bandman, liorSes
Farmers' and Drovers" Bank,' Waynes- .
burg,,,.. 10 a lb
Farmers' Bank of Laneaster,.. . 2.a 3
ss, letter A; March 7, 183'2; pay J. Wind; no gen-.
nine notes adds description in circulatiOn; 'oth
ixs, March 17, 1831, and othur dates; pay Geo: H.
lirlig, filling np and'signatnre,in same liiind.
10s, leitcr A; March 0, 1833; pay J. Wind,; v,ig
nette, a mill:
10s and 50's, altered from s's oilbe above coon
leacii. . .. .
Fanners'. Bank of Reading, 'Reading,3 a 4
Ss, letter A; Jqn. 1,1835 v pay G. Ludwig. Paper
has slk mark; tide appearance.
ss, letter I); Jan. t;t83,1, pay G. Smith May CO,
I 836; pay A. Strong. Coarse:
I 00s, lett. A ; pay .101711 114rold; nonesuch genuine.
Franklin Bank, Washingniif, -__ 5
.So and ID's - , altered from the broken ." Bank of
.Washington;" by pvelhing "Franklin." T,his
Bank' opened in 1836. Olisery , !. the date.
thee A; 'Nov. d., 1838; pay 1t... Wylie; John
Marshall,Cash.;these tattnesehgraved. Impres
sion seinen•hat faint, particularly the lines under
signatures iihicWare distinct in the genuine.
Harrilnirg Banff; -- • • . 6 a" 7
So, litter D. pay 11. Alward, dated May 14, I'Bl9.
ss,,letter C, pay J. Boss, dated Nov. 3,1-8311.
;Is, letter C, pay IL Kingoulted Jan. 1, Ind.
May 4, I letter A. pay .1: R. Whiteside.
virvtle, a steamboat,' railroad ears, 3tc, -The
I...mume have the ginlclesS 'of Li eety, Mid the
Capitol in tieback ground. , • • .
altered femn -!s; vignette, n view of
the Slate Bitildiogi. , •
Banki..lionesdalp, • • lh a ;•-
f,a'ricaser I3a n kr, • • 2a 3
,-5 2 i4-tritereil-levnr-fr's-iluttur. - kcectot;cr-30-80;-? , 1-o7-
49 . 87.
I.:lin:aster. County. Bank, 2 a 3-
10 a 12
,Lebanon-Bank, . : 5 a 6
gereliant's & 'Ariinu l; Bank, Pitt'g. 2a 3
Miners' Bank of Pottsville, 6 is 7 ,
s's, letter F; pity .1. Lyon, .I owe 13, 1811;. others, J.
fil?White, Ning. I, 1840: The letter tinder the K iu
irSehtt)loll; itr the genuine,-it
is below the Land
K; the cross (lithe yrs in Pottsville inclines op.,
wltols,instethl or horizolitut.
Monoilgallekt Banlc, 13Tow.psville, • 6
20's, altered froms's; vasily
50's, tliis Bank has no 50's citit.
Nu.w. Hope Delaware Bridge_Co. 10 a. 12
(Remo - vcd to Lambert% ille,.New J cre . ey.)
- iNkirthaaptun Bank, Allentown, 15 - a 18
s's, letier 11, Aug. 128, 1839; pay S. Lippincott; sig
natures and filling up engraved; vignette, eout of
arms, while the genuine s's issued since 1837 Italie
--a-view of.Matteh Chunk.- - • '
Towanda Bank, Towanda, = - 11) a 75
West Branch h'k, NVilliainspbrt, 45
10's of various filling up; some to I. Kellum; T.
Cory ell, Cash; .1. 11. Cowden, Pres.; vignette, a
flying eagle, railroad cars iodic di stamen. Presi
dent's signature too light and stiff; general appea
rance light; the first I in Williamsport resembles
more n figura. I. '
rPs, altered firolll Vs; vignette; which iv that of the,
is a view orthe tOWIIOII the left end of note.
Wyoming Bank, IV lilies Barre,
York. 'Bank, 5 n 6
i's, letters .\ nod B; Fob. '2,1 R3O; old Wide; Fly IV.
NVagiter, «hick iitril• is
,spelt Il'agnor. In the
wood Fivi, on till'll4l.llllllll 111;1111:111, the I it not,
tutted. . The F Five u. in the both• of the' now,
. does tint evneily lieu tvitb ibe °OKl:letters. Vig
nette kniperfret iu noiny places.
10's, altereo from ecitint..rfoit s''s. See preceding.
'fay la rsv idge Cu. 10 a-15.
liank'of B4ltimore,•at Bahialore, •
Vs, April 15, 18'29, pay .1. Coleman. Paper light,
engraving dta•k, filling up bad: - Ala the word
BALTIMORE the letter 0 is but half finished,
and the E badly done, resembling aB. The gen
uine on the left baud figure 5 have a circle orbold
white (lots; Mille bad are hardly seen.
s's, letter A, dated * Sept. 15, 11140, pay J. Col ellloll,
W. Lotman, Pres. jams Cox,'Cash: the Presi
dent's name is rather heavily
tailated to deceive.
s's, letters A and C, dated June 11i . , 18.10.
10's, letter 13; of various dates and filling up; signed
James Crane, Cash: tires. I%.qspersons
of these names were officers of the bank. I
ltrs, A, trebly lettered, C. R . reel„lan. 12,1835,sign
ed lames Cox; Cash., \V m. Luria:kit, Pres.‘tn-
stilt of NN'oi. Lorman
C. Thomas,Pres.: others,Jan. 10, I/137, No. 1616.
26'6; letter T, dated Oct. 10838, pay C. Need; it
.reads,..* Ilaltituorepromies topay,'.!
while the genuine reads, "The president, Direc
tors & Co. of the Bank of Baltimore promises to
pay, ke.."
50's, altered from s's, letter fl, pay to J. Carson.
.Brae '24,18'24. :In the s'§, the ,words" Bank of
Baltimore," commence in the first and end in the
secontrlinet imthe genuine 50's, "Bankof Bahl-
More" stateli *holly in the ,SECOND Hilt!.
tOO's, letters A, P. Littig, Casli,.l. Bier, Pres.
13a1thnore & Ohio Rail Road Cum... .40
Chesapeake 13ank,Ballimore,
Citizen's Bank, Baltimore, .
(:oliena',(J. I. jr. & Brothers 'Bank,
Baltimore, 7 - - A
Commercial and FarMers' Bank of
Vs, altered from eonnterinit . s's on Commercial Bank
of New Vork " Cotumet eial Bank of Baltimore.
Detea fry the title.
10's, litter 13,pay l'atterson,rinly 4,1831 and 1834,
others, pay f. Cross, Bee. 4,1830, and March 4,
10's, letter A, Nov
.10,1 833, pay J. Cross. .
10's, Jan.if, 1831; ply J. Brice.
Farmers' and Mend'. 131 c. Baltinnorc,
lO r i,Mtereaf Irani Ptiiiftthe genuitie the word
TEN on the- left ornamental border• is upon a
.• DiacK ground, but is upon a wui•rs•in the altered
.&'Planters' B'k. Baltimore,
nt.d 10's, spurious, said to be inade-from genuine
Plates, but the tonne of the President is printed
Chaston, instead of cbestoo.
Fell's Point Sayings InStitution,lialt.
.Frart j klin BMilt '• •
s'n, lettNC 11, ng. '10; 1824; .-
100's pay A. Leakin, Dec, 1, 1819. ' • -
iVlarineßank.of Baltimore, •
s's, spurious; letter A, dated Afarth 5, 1839. Vig
nette, stean l iboat, ship and, sloop, Ott right hand
tnedalion head \ of Feanklin,-deoornittatiokt
(3) at
. top mid bottom Or bill.. ' . l
s's, lettOr A„ dated Oct. 14,1826.
s's and IQ's, letter C, pay M. Morris, 4'01.4;1826,
J. Bier, Cashier.
10's' letter A, pay W. Branson, dated Oct. 14, 1826
_I (Ws, letter A. pay G. C.' Miller, well engraved; a
little smaller than the genuinenotes, and the head
of 'Washington on the left hand side 11116 a sluggish
stud unfinished appearance, Alen closely examined.
In the counterfeit, the first, part of the letter M in
the word Marine, fieg . ins a little distaneli from the
vignette- 'inthe genuine notes it touches It. .
Mechanice gunk Otßaltimore,
50't, letter B, pny to B. Stoddart, Dec, 20, 181
10's, letter A; vignette a railroad. •
TO's, altered from s's; vignette_ of Vs, , a railroadend
Irvin of ears; with the heads of Washington and
Franklin: • - • •
'50% altered rrom s's..' Seep reeeeding note.
Merchants' Bank, Baltimore,:
Uni96 Bank of Maigland;
s'e, letter, various tiatea and filing up...
2D's, old 4 vate,letter B,Jnne;
'so r e;letter C, May, 2, 1812, pay S. Etting, Presi.;
s's, Idler dui:flown, Que. 1, , Bf3L vay Penn
• 3 - a 5
ss, lefter‘A,Nariottsnthaers.and dates; DavidC lb
'son„Pretn' - . • -
,ss,Jati. 1,1839, payable at I..trtrithitrg; signed rim the
gettunte.notes, aTVe ov are
signed ay them. •craxiik nailk..hiss Ito Branch
at. Lynchburg.'
120 s, letter 11. May I, 1733, pay J. M. Ilroome.
'2os. letter 11, Sept.:l, 1838, pay •.l. \Vocal; ll. '
litud, Clash , Ohed hite, Prti;„ Engraving coarse,
Raper thin tied oily. .
Branch at Romney. 3 .a 5
soi.m.p,‘„ialy ~183'J, signed John - Mel/own:l.,
Cash.instead of ,MCDowell. -
,Jg'ant,l Ss, letter A, May 11,1838, signed J. :McDow
ell, for-Cashier ; David Gibson, for President.
Appearance had. All notes over 3s are signed
tic the officers. .
s's, 10's and 20's- pa3able ,nt ililferent .Iw:incites, as
stung, Lynchburg, Petershurg; of w biter
• paper than genuine. lit 10's circle on the left end
of the margin is Seth uneven; in the true 20's,
there is a small flourish over the lett. in the
word Batik, 'Mt found - on - the counterfeit.
s's, lett. , C. pay at Richmond, sth May,_1831. , • - -
b's, lett. A o lune 25, 1833; paper light and flimsy
engraving course, Ind general ,appettranee is suck
as to deceive.
s's, lett. A, pay 1.. Ilmfoot, Aug. 23, 1833.
s's, kit. 11, March 2, 1830; ply 1.. 0,..r.,01, jr..
s's, lett. 11; others, lett. I); an imilal inn of the new
plate, by Fitirinaii, Draper, Underwood 8.1, Co.,
with deep borders all rotund; signette, represent
ing I lope seded on an linden.; the signitture of A.
. jr ; Cashier, is well done. The paper
flimsy, but the general appearance is well calcu
lated to 11cecire. '
s's, lett. D; others, lel t.II, new plate; par 1.. littrfoot,
jr., or bearer. dated Not. ;3. 18.30; C. itoliinsua,
68‘11.,.1. es.
20's, lett. A, pay F. dated May 4, 1831.
20's, ktt. A, pay J. F. May, dated Jan. 8, 1819; W:
Dandridge, Cash.,J. Brockenborong; Pres.
29's. dated Nlarch '25; 1832. '• Bank of Virginia".
in 11w border, on the rigid hatot• instead of the
• left; the•word_"'Twenty" on left, instead of right.
50r3, altered from s's. lihs'erve the heads of Wash
ington and jelferson; not on genuine-50'n:
50's, lett. 11, pay to Urn, dated 22d May, 1826.
50's, altered from l's; very well done,
200's, pay C. Grant, dated April 2,1825.
Biandh ateharlestown, Va. 3 a 5
s's, new idate; vignette a female figure, dated Aug.
3,1834; others, of different dates; rentarkablv well
executed: None are gentduc that are dated Aug.
3,1834. -
s's, lett. AfC aitd p, June 22, 1832; July 8 and 0,
.1833;and March 3,1832.
s's, J. Brockenborough, Pres., A. Robinson, Cash.
No number or letter; well executed.
Others, E. Clifl‘urll, Cash
of different letters; some B; odwri D, pay L.
11ff r root, jr: - The - loca - of topc;iir ther•vigeutte, is
very much blurred, and the flourish at the end of
the Cashier's name is engraved. ' • . •
10's; uhl.plate; Ito genuine 10's old plate, pnyahltrat.
20's; lett. B. No. 2320, pay J. A. McFarland,!alated
April 14,1834. The engraving is not well exe
cuted; general impression bad, ink much paler
than the genuine bills. ' •
Do. .Branch at Danville.- 3 a 5
s's, lett. A , July 17, 1 . 834, pay. George Town.
- SN - lett., - C, Oct. 18,1.832, - . pay - Geo. Young. •
10's. lett: A Dec. 4, 1832, pay George Town.. The
engraving of the vignette is extremely rough.
10's, lett. A, 7, 1831. Signatvvem %mu done,
10's, lett. A, dated Richmond, July,: 18, 1336, pay
George Town at Danville; some, - Junu 4. 1831.
Do. IlVanell at.Frederieltsburg, 3a 5
s's, lett 1), dated Richmond, Aug. 4, 1829.:
s's pay Hugh Mercer, dated May 4, 181'J.
20's, pay 11. 'Mercer, dated tine 22, 1919; lett. B,
April 9, 1838.
cc — rSce. first paragraph under Bank of Va. for s's,
10's and 20's, on this Branch.
Do. Branch at Lynchburg. 3 u's
's's, tett, I), Oct. 9, 1819, pay Win. Norvell.
10's,. lett. I), pay Win. Radford, dated Rib!tannin!,
22,1819; and also of ether dates; Necker;
. vis, Cash., P. N. Nicholas,
Pris. •
c• - "The genuine 10's on this Branch are made paya , '
ble to W.Yoryell. ,
10's, lett. C, Richmond, July 18, 1832,-pny IV. Nor
vel I at Lynchburg.
20's, lett. li, pay W. Norvell, dated . Oct. '2, 1819 ;
signature and felling up well donor ink dark.
B, and C, pay. Jaw. Early, dated May Si
1825; others, Oct.lind March 1819.
10'3 a d 20'si on this Batik;
D_ Br uch at No'''o'k' - 3 d - 5
10's, letter D r March 9, 'lB3o,pay W. B. Limb; eig
natures engraved. "
20's, letter A,ll and D, pay Ceo. Newton; of various
old dates.- .
.9.o's, letter A, Nov. 10,1831,,par R. C. Lee.
D, pay at Norfolk,to B.S. Lee,Nov. 4,1823.
Do. 4; \ Branch at Petersburg; .3 a 5
10's, pay John F. May, W. Dandridge, bash.; July,
1832. • Mr. D. has not been Cashier o f this Branch
for many years.
10's, letter C, pay F May. July 13,1833.
20's, letter B, pay at Feteashurg, to J F May, July,
20, 1810. ' ,
20's, pny at Petersburg, to J F May, Oct. 20, l 829,
(CI See first parairnpli.underilank. of
.Va.. for •s's,
10's and 20's on this Brsrmh. , , • ,
Exchange Banh'of Virginia, Noifplk; ••
• . ..`and Branchee,. - • ..• .8 'a 5
20's, difibrent letters and payable to ;yailous persons.
;Dated' Mostly' since 'Angusti 1838." Fri 'dad frerd•l
gPlula plateS,whiali tio donbt.had been stolea Cal
ciliated to deceive the bent judges' but May be dH' .
Mated by observing that the fitting - matt sig
• tures.are in thediatpe handwriting, mid ere - anted
in a blotted manner.
DO.' dith.'Btan - eh . M'Clarkesvillo, 3 . a 5
20's,apurious; distinguished from genuine by,htiving
dent's name has the arpearapecotieing engraved.
Wegter6 DOilc;l3,otiinor.6 2 - • •
Ban Westininster,
_ .
.I.o2.aohl_phig,' es . ..eettetl,liut coil:lie...detected by_
';.:observinr„ that th
the genuine notes is riot perfect{' the first part not
finished; whereas the counterfeit is complete.
Fariners' & Mechanics' 13'k, Frederick, 3
100's, altered from Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank.
Wisconsiii: /Vignette, a female entirdling tin
gle witli.*e'lert arm; left'cnd piece, Washington; ,
Frederick - Co. 13;anlc,
tO's, altered from I's. Vignette of the, genuine l's
and altered notes, a•female holding ill one hand a'
sickle, and in the other, s sheaf of wheat.
20's, altered from f2's. • . '
. ,
Hagersiown Bank,'3
10's. paper of• a blueish cast; thy genuine is' red;
. vignette indistinct; bill shorter and narrowerthan
the geimine. lathe genuine ,the engravers' names
light line iiithdlitiftoin:"iiillie
terfeits ABOVE. '
los, letter pay to . A. Young, dated July 29,1537,
others, different dates and payable to various per
sons. :rite paper of counterfeit tins a' blue
. tinge; that of the genuine red. The names df the
engmvere, Murray, Draper llt,,Fairman 8c Co„ are
m iserably• engraved, having the appearance of
Meway, Draper, Fairman &, Co,
500, letter A,•ilated May 4,1840; signed Eli 'lenity,
tVan. Heyser, Pres.' Mr Heyscr is soine •
years deceased. No genuine 500 of ibis plate Out.
Mineral Bank, gumberlantl, - . 5
Patapsco Bank;,Plicott s Mills,
Bank of Salisbury,
Cumberland Banic-of
'Washington C0.,.1.31c
Farmers& Millers 13ank,Flagerstown,
. .
arrners.Bank of 'Maryland & Brandies, 3
3 , 14 teller 13, June 9, 1.827•, •
s's, of 'travel! at lilkton,letter , ff. Sept. 4, 1134' •
s's, letter D. of Branch at Easton, pay 'N. I lammond
dated April 27, 1827; others Sept. 7, 1827..
s's and 10's.letter ll,mty at branch at Frederiektown
s's, In's mud 20's, altered from hank of :Maryland, a
broken bank, to Partners Bank of Maryland.
O's, litter C. pay 'J.C.llteenris or hen re.r,bet. 9, 1826
o'.volat..:(l at. Fredericksburgh,Dee. 27, tB:34,letterl3
, pay 11.yler; Joseph l'inkney,Cash. ,- . 1 1.1„ W.
wOo,(l,yres. • • .
Bunk of the Metropolis, Was.hington,
ii,tsr 8, Kerr, Cash., Van Ness. Pres.
's;thtted \larcli 1, 1833, pay Q. 11 ilk,
Bank of Potomse,,Alexandrid; • 111,
Bank of Washingthn, NVashington, • I
Farmers Bank of Alexandria,
•• I
s's, letter 11, pay John Jay, dated Nov. 5, 1841.
loovi , 1), pay Jolail.l ay, dated Nov. 5, 11821.
10's, 41. A.rity Simon Holivarolated March V.,18'26
19's, letter I), pay 11. Clay, Sept". 1,1824. •
Farmers & Mechanics Bank,Georget 7 n,.lz.
Patriotic Bank of Wash Moon, I /
lbw's, %%ham pay, date, Ike„ iniknown.
,13ank of Ge(iregtowp,
s's, l•ttrr 11, Pee. 1813; pap li. Sto(lflart
and of thp• Valley, , lVinelte4ter, And
'N kit. F, Ala) , 8, 18.35 i ick son.
(rs, kit. A,'ll and C,l'eb, 19 and 33., 1819; inn. 8,
O's, Isn• H. (:racy, Baled April
U's, lett. Ai pay George Tow'os, dated Nov. 4, 1331.
'11(1 eau eit;ily ISO iletetded 'the word ' their
liefore °trice It IY in the couilterfeit
ON, pay C. Dorsey, June 4 and 10, 1117, and 'June,
a coloror,device on the'book.• .:' •., '• •
' rtnera',B!an . k-..of,V,illinia, Richmo.nd;
• ..-nd Branches; - . ':' ..%,,-... ~...:; 3a 5
5' lettcri, dated April oth, 1832.;;'';:;. -- --:
5' , lettel..p,April 2,1832, pay D. Cooper.••••' , „• [
s': hin paper,purporting to he engraved litOtirrays
- 7 raper, - ,Fatrman-81-Cm---Thiti-trutpoteti. , :of_thte_
,2r,late - beeti Called Millis(' S's issuederdie plate
..‘•';'.Vivs ^ gbY Braper,.Fairmair& Co'.'•on thick pa-
- I‘r, prtm'Ad on, the batik in checker Work with tut
6 11 in the centre.
40's ctter A,pay C.Grectdeaf,d'ated on Various dates -
• hytugust,lB3B,being after the resignation of P.N.•
I,,chnlas, Fes., and Win. Nekervis, Cash,, whose
- 7- 1 .1 attic !- Pre toterably..woutuitateuZrholflAtl
•:l pique is'a sheaf of wheat, and a steam engine
' -' it 1 r
the top 3 of the note, neither of 'Well are on .
ant genuine issue of this bank. •
!Cl's etter A, spurious, various dateS in 'lB3B, vig
neLiberty sitting on a ret,k,her riglit hand rest
lon a sheaf wheat . .. ' ' • - •
10's, Etter F, April 8,1831, pity C. Gerard.
tO's4itter • - E, June 11; 1,8 L 42, pay C. Gerard; others
Jui‘t, 6;1832, pay,C, GryegaLgeneral appearance
. ,
3 crS., l 4ter 13.,April 4;
_I 820_,payC.tloyne; signatures
of - V cm. Nekervis,Cash., and Y.N. Nielibra,Preti: -
so's, it 'era from.s's,branch plate,E F. or G li. The
figtit 5 and wordfive'extracted, and figure 30 and
, . •
Wort hirty stamped instead.
50's, al red from s's. Theheads of adington and
li i
.lelfia on, on the border of the s's, are not on the
true I notes. The vignette on the are
s's Ma .
tem ' sitting. oittt!rock, holding inherit:lnd a stalk
of Mb yeti; of course the altered•s6's bear the same
. 50 14 s, g 4e 'e tte e r . F, April 2. 1827, pay IL }Jassy.
• 'Do. ;Branch at Fredericksburg, ••3a 5 .
to's, lettCr.D, Novem'r 2, 1/09, pay John 'l' Brooke,
',heirs Feb. 4, 1819.
Mk... Branch . at. Lynchburg, • .•
3 a 5
- Aletter-RiApril 7,1833, pay Win Rend ford • •
50's, letter il,• - W It udford,at Lynchburg,St•pt
f 2, 1827 . • i..
10.0's,lettdr A,pay at Lynching Braiich,to Wm. Rad•
ford, thitcd April 2, 1818 -., ' c•-• • ' '
Do. Branch at Petersburg, . 3u 5
s's,'new Vete, letter L, pay William' Robertsonjr.
filling up engraved, dated 4th Nor .1•8'27 ,
100's, lulls. A, pay: Wm Clarke April 2, year un
known. Wm Nekci•vis, Cash., pent: Hatcher,
Pres. 'Remarkably well executed.
Do. Branch: at. Winchester,
10's;'pay Dania Lee Sept 12, 181'. 1
10's, letter E„luly 15 , 182'2, pay Daniel Lee
Merchants & Mdeltanics.Bault,Deciatur, 10
Mcrehants & Mechanics Bank, Wheeling, '
and Branches, . 10
, - *All notes of the Merchants &Mechanics Bank u
Wileelhig,inatle payable at the Farineis 111111 . Me
chanics Bank of Philadelphia, are forgeries
North 'Western Bank of Virginia, . - •
* Wheeling, and Branches,- 10
10's, altered from s's, they are of the old Plate, the
vignette of the s's is a Phamix arising from its :eh
es—of Me 10's,an eagle holding in its beak a chain
to which.a chain is attaelied
10's, stittrions, letter A, vi g nette an Indint; and dog,
with a prostrate sta.% lirghtband iiiargin ai steam
boat; the lefl a fern le. l'he genuine note has for
igneite a female figore,With ma arm resting . on nu
anchor, a Whip in the distance . -
flank of Chillicotile, Chillicdthc,, closing 19
Boilt of Ciiicinoati i CipeinntiO, ' 7 - 7
Bar( of ,
' • - • it 6
Bank of . Cleveland, Clevelp,n(,:closing• 7,
Banleo/ Hamilton, Hamilton, closing • 150
lu:s, lot A, Nov 17,1833. - Signed Pres,
C K SmitU C,sh. Tlielivads of he tigaicticulc
less (listihtt..than.M ilie gemtioe.
Rani( of .(;chugs, rai I - ....a (1
Vs lett. imv S ilatml, Nlflty 9,1837.
two ind M ils—stetmliom 'the
Poorly eseiMml. - •.
10's . nIttim,1 from 11.1ok of - yerwm, Tress, "vignati.,
Ilope -oh light end a xti•ambout, on le•l't n remote.
Bank Of Marietta; linriclia, closing,
_ll a 8
S's, pay E Jones, dated Aog-10, 18.1'2;
small mall; On the left 1011111 toargio appear to he
drawn with :1 pen.
'2's ' lett. A, July 18;111.. There is a period after
tlle - word dui/ars, in tie coOoterreit, - wantiq: iu the
genuiocodlich 111mq:over ha se a nourish iiptkr die
words of tin. \l llll 11 is not oil the
A, April 1,18874 v .7 Nye; paper thin;en
grai log had, especially the dies inclulling.figs 1. '
I Wt. alterJd liens l's; Alurray, Dray r,
Fairman Sz.(lo's plate. 'There.ate no bills trout
this platc'over s's.
.flank of ILt::sdloit, Alassillon, ti
Bank or Mt. l'lcasnnt, - Mt. Plcrtsont (1 a
ktf. A, July '26,1 . Appearance faint null ball.
10's awl '2o's, :tins ell from I's, \I Mich have fur vin
ill-Ite, a figure of Justice.
11nolc of Norwalk , NftrWallc;.
''' 6
13 ank of 5nn( 11131 5.,K. , ..,:i9 1,111 51iv,
ililk of \Vooster, \Vow:ter
s's N on4oos; vignetic:, two !toll:ins; with a stcamhont
in the dist:ince; inn cr issticil such bills.
10's altered from !intik Testis.
igrit•lle, t(c() eagles with' sliil.lilnl right
011 It'll end 11.,.7tirt: °fa 11•111;ili.,
N, Lich ' t
the nano.. 01' the etigravil•--linstiiii
11;iiik Nine Comintny,3oState S
.1 S Coulun.,Pres. 1)u quit genuit/t!
O's, Otero] froin l's. llohl up ((mile light
13-Ink of, Xenia, . Xenia, . d. 6
ssollteretl front Bank of Vernon, a worthless con
certi; signed II Clark, Cashier, John Ilk'ling,
President. All signed by these persons are spu
-11[11151 vignette, two Italians, Vile reclining on
rod:, viewiog. 4 fiteAmboat
ss, alterf.4l from Is E F Drake, Cashier
Itts, wtrioni—porport to be ciip,Taveti by the East
ern Dank Note Conipaoy. This company have
IWNcr engraved KM' notes for the Batik .of
20s, some biped lI 'Clark, of ,I 11 evling, Prest
Alrsigned by these Rersons are spurious ,
-50 s, spurious. The bank has not i,sued am 50s
Notes of the Bank of Michigan altered to ro'St
Noti2s on the Bank of Xenia. The words Michi
gan awl lh;troit ha vebeen takyn out, and Ohio and
Xenia insertol: The bill; purport to be is , ned
,in 1511, but bear the name of the officers of the
'flank ofXenia in I B:ffi.
Bank of Zanesville, Zancsville, a 6
ss, letter A, pay It L Dogen, Bth rehrnary, 1833:
hadly eseeaU•d, paper ado, vignette detective.--
Signature of the Cashier lacks the period at the
abhrevißtion of Charlesond at The initiat:C.
Belmont Bank, St. Clnirsville; a 6-
ss, letter B, pay .1 Wier,blvarious dates, sotne May
1, 1827, and others April 7, 18'28: others Sept 10,
IS^_o. Well exreated: observe the letter ain dol-
hits is noVerossed, or, if so, done with a pen.
.is and LO ~altered front s varion B letters dates
a nd filling up. yignettd of Is, , axenian %AUL; ng
Clinton Bonk, Columbus, ••
Commercial Batik, Cincinnati, a 6 -
10s, letter A, pay J ohn A Wit les,dated May 4,1837;
signed W S Hatch, Gushier; engraved by Under
wood, Haldlu. Spencer. Since October,
.1835', no
lOs him: been issued, subscribed by Mr.-llatch,
who is not now Cashier
10s, dated Jininnry 1, 1840, pay H Baldwin, letter
A, with an eagle vignette on the top of , tim bill.
. The word.''of Cincinnati,' iu a line, are et owned
in between t%•ii other lines, so ita'to strike the eye
at once. 3 .
50s, J S Armstrong President,James 1101,Cashier;
engraved by ltawdon; Wright, Hatch & Elson,
'New Orl V:1118. Vignette, a temitle feeding an ea
i gle; on the right William Tell and the Goddess ,
ot,Liberty, March I, 1839. It is an altered . note,
-- , -suktpfiked from the Conimercial Ilitiik,-Cplumbus,
Mississippi. ~ . • .
Corn. Bk•of Lake Erie, Clevelnnt_l.. . closing
Comerdial - BatiVol . Scioto, .
.. ... Portsrnolith,
. •
Dayton -Bunk, Dayin-i-&tislng.
Ex. Bank t 4 Savings Saving's Institutign,
i - Far;&. Mcrlic - Bit - rSt4tinvillei ------ a - th - -
'SteTsptivin - noTlets - a'ATpxYl Pattersoql3lny , 37l3s3 -
1)131 °miry Cashier, N Pike President; name pay
-' -- able to.:inur President's' are engraved—vignette, a
female figure with liberty4ltp.and eagle---bend
of.Washtt ton on riibt,entl, and sheaf of wheaton
left: - . . 1 .
Ss; epurinua, same vignette as' die 528 with sides re-,
versed; pay J Patterson, engraved, May 608384
I ' Moodry Cashier , Dike (engraved) President.. • '
58, letter A, pay J.AVilsintolatelf June 6;1840 ; Jno
Andrews President, D-Moody Cashier. '1 he gen
eral executium gocal;though the vignette, pathless
Liberty, is coarse; paper lighhnsid thin.
ss, alteredlimm the Farmers' and Mechanics'' Batik,
• Burlington, IV_T. ' l'he vignette totally unlike
the genuine bille,tis a female holding in one hand
a goblet to, nu -eagle.. •• Engraved :by Burton and
Gurley, Neni,Vailt; ' ;"' .i ' ' ''• • ~..
10a ' letter A dated Jannary 10,-IfiAtii -pay 13 Wells;
? e .. -
slet]. 4n9 .A.Mlrows Presitlent,.W Spence Cash:
Vignette, a leinale with One hand resting on a
. plough. raper thin aiiih.piile . l-: engravlM; pretty
, cioi. •, •. • 'lv -
and 20S altered froth Is. ' On the left hand end
of.the ge nine onois a view'of a canal,: • .
. .
Fratiklin 3anfOincinnan,,
- ' '.,. 6 a
Pianklin. atilt orColtinibus,:' , - 20
. . nk . .
Lancasterr IngßaLancastor, .. 20 -
Lafayetti3 Bank, Cinoinnati,. 6 a 8
10syletter. Al paper thin, light coloured and greasy;
vigneft.o - i
, t 41,0eead.eagle; le ft side a Cupid astride
ficuimut . tep - orftitto be engraved' Ify 'Woodruff Eft
1-taintnonth •• - • '
Wishing= Bank ; Putnam, .11.6
Ohio Life . Insurtince . o,Trust C 0..:, •
•.• , 8 -
59,-letter-Brpay-G.-Yoting.ralatetbAtniLdikkgfils -
nate, a drove of 'cattle and loconnftive and ears hi
the distance; on ,the left' end 'ad:lndian,' A 'mi..
tierabfe-imitntion. '
.. • ~
ss; letter 1.1; pay 0 Lane; dated - Nov 9 1836;. other
-_ various dates; signed J S Perkins Cashier; \V 'l'
Williams President. • Paper n fiimsy; engraving
' . bad and defective; signatures and filling up badly,
_Aurae and all in the same hand wyitiag. •
Ohio-Ra i I roa d — Cix, Ric liiii6iiTnity - , -- ="7
Urbanna • 7
2s, letterA; pay W, Ward; .lane 3 1838; W Int:t
ha; Cashies; John 11 James President. Vignette,
a female figure with one arm reclining on an ea
. Or. Light appearance.- ,
3s ,letter A; dated 3une , 3 1838. '
10:s, old plate: dated August 3d,1893.,
rWardeti7lll , s'e - trOltifilt - : -,, - .a . :6 - . •
.as,,lajyr 6 18:10._
3s, pay Wm WiniaMs; dated May .1 - 1830.
3s and ss, with frandttlent title of Western Reserve
-r - ' Farmers' 'Banking' Co.,', signed Jas. Robinson,
, s's, badly executed; they . are one-eighth of an inch
shorter than the genuine notes. Reed, engraver,
dated .laintary '7,113'26. • - .
ti!s,no letter, pay AV \\Tinian's; dated Nov 514,1.8'20,
. .
engrav nig very faint. ' ' , - •
10's, letter I),Murrno,Drapor it. Fairtnan's plate; the .
words "Western Reserve:llan" being on the Jell,
and -"I Iltiot' on the right nutrgin,7—Ott the genuine
notes they nre,oll the reverse ..
• - IDD,IIII .
Slate Bank of Indiana and 13ranclie's, 6
5'84 Branches at Evansville and Riebinoinl;)letterD,
qt various (Ides and filling up—engraving; enurse,
paper thin. '
s's,datO Jan.l, B.3o;pay C w Itathbone,
'Pres., John noss,Cat , li enp,ravers W Dane & Co.
• The genuine were engrai.ed by Raw don, Wright,
!latch St. Co, New York.
s's, letter I); Oct 9, N 59, payable at the differetti
'branches, tolerably well esccuh•d, of rather
. a dull, devtlatik. 'rite letter the left hand
nuirgin,is too narrow, find not wijl proportioned.
The hills contain good portraits at I,.:isltitigtott
inttl il..alityette, "with a vignette of it woman iand a
ship. Purport to be engraved by Itawdon, \V"ri.glit
- 3 a 5
8: hutch.. . . . .
. .
s'a,letterl).pay at Port IVayne to .1 Pntt,dated 1)&e..
U, 1839 ; S. Mervin, Pres...ll. NleCtilloeli, Cash.;
vignette a ;retnale seated iiii boxes; ship at sea.—
Y. Paper coarse.
19's Ictt. A. 411rJan. 1837, pay 1)., Deming, at Terre
11:111W; CO7ll•Se.
10's, spurious; vignette, a . steamboat, with several
,xesseht in the latek,groutal, and a town in the
spurious, vignette a stentannit,with - several ves
sels in the back ground and a WWII in the distatter:,
while the gentilite has a • tit O‘er mounted, and a
herd of cattle . . •
'2o's and I 00's,altereil Ironi 5`F. They are clumsily_
:diel eil,and on the s'sliave.ia•laineil.tlwheail6;llPOO
• Of W111(11 he a ls are on OH! • :1 • 21) Ot• $lOO bills. Thu
only ..j2t) bill issued Indiana State' Ilonse
fur its msiii ib•sigmwhi le 111111 id the only $l.OO bill'
is a Itormin soldier and matron. The. tipper and
hint-r margins cut oil' (lie 'sin making the alter'
aline.. - . • _
ft,/ CD . HA TAME - Li ; .-
A" .pc . rsor. tojnvest ar - few 9 'Thoif--.
,— Faurt — Drithyrsr—irr - tn-r.- - anrl: :- set litqa-ntial--I , !th.
perty in Carlisle, yielding ten per een.t. per annum,
ecill hear oran i,pportnnity . of iloirsg sn by calling,
ou the Kdilor of the "I lerald
Cat fisli.!,.finia 2t) ; 1P:1!?..
11111 0 ,111'tklq) ittß)):lllTil,23
rd I iLF:OLIVE BR AN( 'I PP I I,LS for'the cure
A of Coughs, Colds, Constunittion, L iver Com-
Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat; Dys
iwp,i:l, Shortness of Breath,
,Pains iii the - Sidir, -
nrc , ast, Back and Shoulders ; Ague and l'ever;an
intallabk•cure, mid all Scarlet and Bilious Fevers,
anti' all diseases arising front exposure and tie
' bilily, no matter
,hoW long - standing-1n tact all
diseases to which the human family arc subject to.
'l'ac'e itills - arc - unsurpnsettit - by-any medical
Compound over offered to the public as alfgneral re
novittor anti family medicine. They are very
gentle in their_ operation, c ausing neither NM,
sickness nor debility by lie usb of them; but Cm
the contrary they strengthen the stomach and
bowels in a wonderful Manner, and coon restore
nature to its former course and vigor. 'Pitt per.
son using the• Olive Branch Pills soon tbrgets
that he was sick—which is very easily accounted
lift: there is . not that prostration of strength in.
these pills ait in many Other retnedies'of the
because the materials used in no.nufacturing them ,
are in harmony with the powers of Mb and act
in concert with the opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush,
ArMetrong, Montgotitery, Ifersuy, • Kendrick,
Sliriper and the criebr.ited 14. Waterhouse,
fortnerly Lertttfer on the theory and praetUte of
Physic. in Cambridge Mas'sachusetts.- :
Purchase of them, ;Ind gin' than rt fair and im
partial trial, and you will find that permanentyr
lief, upon Nelda the proprietors depend to make
them the lutist universal flintily medicine nsed,
and which Will stand unrivaled by any other in
the known world. Price 23 cents per box. •
Is one Of the must certain and afibetual,euresfor
aliftrheinnat le, chronic and infimnitatory Ritetima . -
tisms'that has ever yet been discovered„ end in
numerous eases has eradicated that dreadlid
rasp 'front persons afflicted entirely. All stinr
drinks anti victuals are. strictly tbrbidden, and
spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by
any means whatever, or it will be, of no use to
take this medichwias it will destroy the good ell
rects of the, medicine entirely.,so per
These celebrated 'drops have aequired the-high
est. reCommendations in this country, In; well as
in Europe for its inost valuable proprieties for. ull
inward iveaknesses, crarm.s,colds,ag ties anti fever;
and whin LBed - witir - theOlive - Branctrrillsotaver
Mils to cure the fereland ague. Prieb 25 cents
per bottle,
Is unrivalled fin its curative qualities even when
used in cases of maladlea which were otherwise
incurable. Many recommendations have been
,given of the beneficial effects it has . liad in. the
cure of pleurisy, pectoral and pulmonary eqn
ptions,soldsl,&e. Price :25 cents per bottle.
a 6
a 6
This most' excellent article has a quality of
calming instantly and without fail; all cramps of
the stomach, cholie- and that troublesome disease
called mother tits or hysterics; and when continu
ed for stunclongtlf of time, will cure the patient
entirely. Price 25 cents per vial.
• A 'certain cure for all Scalds, Braises, Burns,
and the most cllectual cure for the piles—it will
cure the person afflicted in a . very short time, if
used according toffliections. Price 2,5 ets. per vial.
• This spirit is highly reemninendcd for, all
-sprains, swelling- of-thc-limbs„ or leaders, renews,
joints and rheumatic; as an outward remedy, It has
-tio . ryntl,nnd.when used with the Rheumatic Medi.
eine, will greatly facilitate the cure. The an
nuals of History do not prOduce its equal, and it is
the greatest preventive against cold, in the
knownworld. For. particulars Bce directions accom•
panying the bottles. Price 25 cents. ,
To(syruAcuE DROPS„
04arittIable4wife--ir.-used-accor.d44; • -
a 6
a. 6
tionc— Yrieb 95 cents per
Is dedidedly the best app - Piition for wount s
and sores;, old or neW, of all kinds, and. will pre
vent it' used in time, many operations; mid pre
vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Back, Head, &p.—
FeMales who are so unfortunate as to have sore
breasts, and will use this wonderful Salve, will be
cured in a very, short time. It cannot ho too high-
Iyseeom men ded. For further - inirtieulari; gee direc
tions: Price 121 cents per box. -.
An excellent article fertile wire of worms iri
adults us Well as children, and will cure when
otherromedies full. ,Price 131 .cents per box.
• • •
- -
A superior article for Coughs, Cohfc,Sure throat;
Bfouchitis: and difficulty. of breathing. Price 61
cents per Ifox.: • •• -
Sold Utholesille and retail, at the principtil office,
No. 3ti4, North 3d street, Pffiladulphia• and . by
• ' ' JOHN. Carlisle;
tleneral Agent for CuniCerland County..
Juno 22, lti•iiL • . • Iy-J4
lig UST printoetiit this.olll6o, a firm agt;irtmont of
ether 13.1LMILES. ° •
r_ R
FORMERLY .. of tho Wa'alingtdii Hotel, has
ranemovoit to.
111411133bg 801132,',
Cornerof Second and Rail-Road Sirce&,
- Where - she will-be-pleased to aceoinmodsterlier-old
customers and others, in the best style and on the
. most reasonable terms.
' Harrisburg, March,l6, 1842. tf-20
. .
9dIAI P jpr TE S •
A--QEATITIFUL Material for Gentleman's
2 - 11.StiirtmerWelmjust re a aiv (1 . bylh Subseri bet
Juno 22,184'2; • ' • tf.3l
FRIDLEY 84, 11 . 013INSUNi
Coppersmilh, and Stove
SON, having entered int“lelraitnership, in
the Tin, Copper and Stove Business, under the
firm of ,FRIDI,EY & ROBINSON, respectfully
inform the publie - thet. they intend carrying on
their•business in all its branches, at the old stand,
of Jacob Fridley, North Hanover strcet,'Carlislc;
where they, will 'at all limes,: be prepared to serve,
purchasers with any article in -their line, on the
most reasonabre terms., ;
In addition to -nil' other varieties of stoves,
which they will constantly have on liand;they
have purchased of Mr, J. U: Hathaway, the ex
clusive- right to manuflicture and sell, in the coun
1a of Cumberland-and Dauphin • •
`• "
• '- ~'alenL 6 91110 -
• Cookz log Stoves."
And hcing aWare that the peopleir.this place
.and-vicinity, have been 'much imposed upon by
the introduction of new.and _highly recomMend.
edArtieles whtelt they have been induced to pur
chase, and which have been so. slightly. made, and
of such bad materialokat in a short• time they
have failed and become useless... We, therefore,
do not intend offerirfg stoves for sale until tliey
arc fairly tried in this community, and pronoun
ced more "slurable in their construction,
adapted-to - the - purpoSes of boiling,. baking and all
the varieties of cooking than any other stove;
also, that they- are a great saving of fuel 'as well
as labour....
3 We earnestly invite farmerg as well as rcsi-
dents or thisplace and the neighboring villages,:
to call on us at S. WenderHell's hotel, or notify
us by letters (postage unpaid) that they are will
ing to try our stove—and the stove shall be placed
in the kitchen of every person git , ing us such no
tice, and, taken away after trial, without any
I r ose to •
pet,ott.ittakitt, the trial.
I T stoves will be kept for sale at the Tin Shop
of Mr. Jacob - Fridley, and at the • Foundry - Of
Lay.:SL Stouffer, in Cal lisle.
' contracted for One Hundred Tons of
Castings, we will, in a few days, supply_ stove
dealers with all the 'different sizes, 'on the most
, liberal loins:. •
. - . .
E LEAZ Ey, ROBINSON, of Carlisle, is agitrit
for selling the right to make Und.,veild the 110 T
AIR ST,OV PI, an& will disposti of eountjee in !his
and the adjoining .titates,..
-... ..
- ; We indilish.the reconinientlutions froni
seine 'oh-these Who urc using the stov..t, to eneenr
nge-rdlicrs to tr . ). it.
.'. . , .. • , —.
• CARTA.SiI , ;;7S - clim
linve in use in my kitchen one of I latlniway's
Patent. Hot Air Conking stoves, and ran ~;tt i.
mend it as..a. very sorrior:-artiele. The one I
-hove •It has.s.hoilers and an oveil.sulli,
;el e ntly to'bnke SiS loves of bread. The.
baking, roasting and broiling, entf all be done al
the :Mille time and with much less wond than is
required for any stove whiell we h ivo used.
This size - aPpears to be iwenliardY calculated fur
Fanners, and ihrilleir benefit I invite thew' to call
and set , this—stovejti we, us I shall take pleasure
iii showing this - stove to all whom interest or
curiosity may induce to examine it.
Sept. 11,18'11,
11es'srs. Robinson...V Co.—GENTLEMEN, I
have during the few days I have had your Ilatha-
Avay'silot.Air Stove in use, liceimie convinced of.
its great Snperiorit).c over all other stovem I have
used or seen. I find by the trial that boiling,
ronstimr, baking 'and tiroiling may all be done at
the same time, in,a nuns! perfect manor r, and with
less than one fourth the fuel I have o; dinarily used
for the slllllC•purpDses.. I have keretolore been of
the opiuion that bread could not he,well baked in
a cool; iss4 stove, hut I ain convinced upon triil
that it can he done as well in
. your stmt.: as in a
Joie!, ov,-u.
:1 1), e that the general introdurtion of yThir
stove inio use will be very beneficial to the public.,
thereli., I shall take pleasure in recommending
it to:ny friends. Yours respectfully, •
' WIL1.1.1:11 MOUDV.
CARLISI,E, Sept. 10, 19.11
E., Rohinsott tvc ('u.—Gentlenteit,l have
lairle• -toil the "1 I,tt Air Stove"- which you put
up at houm2, and can recommend it as poSwss
viples• or economy and convenience car
dny other store which I have ever. seen.-
. Th., !milers coming in immediate contact with
the fir. giv,es great Ihcilitirc fir boiling, and the
oven heated on such n principle that bread is
baked in as fine a manner as in a brick oven. I
find it a great saving of foci and labor, 'and
would advise all to adopt it.
CIIA:IIi3ERSBURG, Sc p t. 6,18.1 t
I do certif . ) , that I inn now using opt, of Mahn.
way's Patent II ot Air Cooking Stoves, No. 3, and
do rei:mnniend it as superior to any stove I have
seen, the great saving of luel, and the variety that
eau he 'cooking at the same time, makes it an
ject to those who wish to facilitate the operations
of the kitchen. JOS. CULBERTSON.
Carlisle, June 23,
AND if you have a friend, a relatiom.or know
any one that is afflicted ulth that distressing
disease; "CONSIJAIIMON,"persuaiIe them with.
out dfflay' to. try that lannius and itini.valed
eine, the
witnNant of Wild Clierty," •
whinh has cured thousands of this complaint af
ter everything else had failed. Read the, follow,:
lug undoubted proofs of its eilleacy:
120.xnoninici7 - S - ept.:lo 18.11".
tl Sim—Please send me two inure bottles of
your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent
inebetbre. I hate taken nearly all of the first t(vo,
and conlidentl;v believe this medicine will cure mc,
I have used a great many remedies within the
last year, but have never Mund any thing that has
rolieve4 me so Much.. It has slopped my cough
entirely, checked my night — sVeats, and I sleep
better at, night a nil feel better every way, than
I have for, many montlik Yours respectfully,
J.tMs:d KELM%
Hommsevau, Sept.l2, 1541.
• FRIEND Wiwrna:—l must again trouble thee to
send ine two bottles more of thy invaluable Hal.
sam.-- 1-have now rec. - 11, and
eunassure thou that it has dorm more good than
all the medicine have ever- taken before. Send
by the stage' as 80011 as possible, and oblige thy
Buis'ror., Sept.
PEAR DOCTOR:—HCal' Many people talk
of the wonderfuleures'yuur Balsain'of Wild Cher,.
ry has made in Consumption, sent to one of
Ynni"Agterts-the-othrx-day-for-a-bottle,--and- have
of ut~ it to nave rilieVeDirecTafulitMsll3lilitiNal
three bottles mnro scut' aeon, as I believe it will'
cure me 'too'. I havn tisj(l - Ilayne'S - .Emvdtbrant
and other. .medicines belidcs, but nothing has done
me as much good as yours has.. Send by the
Steamboat Bolivar', Yours, truly,
. • - Wimanst `Ptiostne.
'nFßesides its astonishing effieney in
Consumption, it is also the most effectual remedy
ever discovered for L 1 VER.,COMPLAINTS,
ASTHMA, BRoNciims, COUG}IS, clump,
WHOOPING COUGH . , &c.,.ns hundreds will tee.
lily who have been cured by it after all other reme
dies had failed. . _ • .
- -
DRUGGISTS and DEALERS will .find this
medicine a valuable addition to their stock, and
should alwa:ys keep it on Band, is i4is universally
acknowledged to be .one of the most useful family
medicines. now, in use.
(Elf 13ci very carotid .to ask for Dr. WISTAIrS
dale:Mid retail hy,WILLIAMfi S. CO.:Then - M=4i,
N0..33, South Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
• et:Tlui genuine Balstnn sold in .-Oar
lisle•by,SAMUEL, ELLIOTT, appointed
Agent. Price-81 per Bettie. •
„June 22,1812.' . • t 029-33
• , ,
__ ~_____
.I! AY:RI . . , -
' J. v/1,41
- t m-:: t„ :., 4 4 1, T7 . : 44? , P . l` h
r i liiit6t 4 l , l)27(l7:Plii , ( 6yei4,,__,-tys-----:*.
k, 11V- 10',..:4; - N,, 10,50 3 :77: -- -_ - ' l4 ---- --
-•‘:.-",-:-.., ,'.1i...'. - , 4,! - =-...,,- - '• -- =", -, "-e..- 4 L-7,
t'.----.-:;- ' . 7, - , ----,--- • - .= l , ,k":"'- - -4-,..i'"•. - -!-. - : ---"----' ,
UCCESSOR to F. A. Kennedy, Coach Malter,
taltc t l pleasure in informing the public gener
ally, that he is prepared to rendersatisfaction in
the construction or rePair:of
. .
- a3 a ,
of every - description, His workmen are of the
• first class, hung originally from the city of Phil
adelphia, (and hiMself likeivise,)--4tini, his mater.
lids are of the best kind. • '.
CARRIAGES --- ivilrhe'lliiiiilieilitiltio:most im
proved style, and addling shalllie wanting to give
full satisthction to all who •may firvor.him with
their custom. He therefore• hopes to rbeeive a
share of public patronage, -
The establishment is In Pitt street, south of
High, in- the , rear of the Methodist Episcopal .
Church. .
Carlisle, Murett 30, 1812• . - tf:22, •
. . .
N._ 13. Old 'carringes;Or any kind of tratid tit
is it - inflict:dile, taken in exchange for new work.
E. D. N. ..:
'xiiittet of Sorsa-
••• .petrilia. •
11/11.1., heloilfeiteci by Dr. N. B. LEIDY; for a
prepantion of Sarsaparilla' equal to 103
, Medicated Extract. of Sarsaparilla.
Jt is positivt.ib'„tlie:stratigest preparation of Sarsa
parilla in existence. ONE BOTTLE is equal to
'six hilts of any other .) - rtip that is made, and is
bought Ile nunieroil4 persoos tlirottgliotit the city mot
country ihe 'nuking therefrom, awl sell it at
serpoty-ft refceuts or one, dollar per bottle (about
a pint.) •
ellicory of SaWaporilla is well known in
Semfob owliZrogN Evil, Erysipelas;
Liver, 'Affection or the tklu ad.Bottes," Ulcer§ of
the Nose, Throat and well as an Antidote
,to Mercury and the Minciais, Constitutional Dis
eases,and a getter:ll ptwilice oldie Blumland Aniniul
I;ottiment ytpun its virtues is - unticcessary . ,
every lintV know - g jut ellielicy. It * IS 014 I.(TeSS:ll'f
ben using it,to get a goutf preparation 01 it, and,
then there. will be toi ilisapPoititineut id its rads: -
Dr. Leidy would refer to the twist respectable-I,hr
sivitios iti '1'1dt:0i:11,11kt, as a ell , tin throughout the
triiii,( for the tiliiwaeter of his preparation,-----
tis well also to.the titnnerous certilivates physi
riaits and others, thatliove been frinn time LO .
11pW (Wowed ,•.'
ire of his prepiirat ion islirmly •
tiontherit St:await is used altogether, twit
throe unlit the Nmetklakes the precedence over all'
others, p attictilarlv wooly , the physicians, who, for
The reader is rt ferret] to the 'directions at.cont
lftlllllll.rf.:lo.lltottlella.rcconlittendaltionKttel C,
Mit 11;1'1 iT:f cc TiTiiriFit". — '
- ViTtitrE - n;r:"nt.t.Ait PI.R DOTT . I:II. -
1'1,•loill'eil :11111 Stdil; \11 ' 11.1t.1.1110 and retaihat Pr.
1:1.1111r.; 11'1.1,11:111 E.NI *o. 191 Nardi
Se lol . lll "row r,;01 , 1..5i1En..,i, ,
:th.i th..!,:th , hi Carlisle, by
• •
,V t viiiiTt'or-Ctantberlltlitl County,
Nfay 18, 18.1'2,
fVleehanicsbEiro• I lac
.c A --
11. , :!121::;31 ' . , c . t .
•.L — " •
rlehrec)o . ech tf :a 1 esr.wr,r; sand
17iiilmr: el 11.1)
(lIY 1..0.11) 1).7 .(7.1.N1 IL]
rn !IE subscriber grateful fur imiAl,vors,,,,ez,.,
leave to inform his 'friends and the public
generally, that lie still Qontiiiiics to rim a Ihie of
Inirthen tars reg.nlarly •between .Nleelanicsburg
and l'hiladelphia or Baltimore, by which goods
;lnd pruduro, of all de . liorild ion: will be tinswarded
with care and despatch at rite lowest rates of
Produce will be received at his Ware frou , e,in
31erhanieslng, and fomardt.d ni eithe'r Phila.
dulPitia or Ilaltimure, atemding to the direction
of the owner.
The higlicq price will be given fur Wheat ;
and I wur
ri 1.12T1N,M.11T.1'...).". •
B. Pl.l4lvt: or Paris and Sfilt alw;tys kiTt
hand, ritid for 1,1 k: qt. the lotve,t prices
April 13, 1'61:2
: 15Fri Yin '7, 74lßMl
Evcry Eody Otz2ht to It ow of
../PtdLlto//i6ry .ff. D r:
effeetual in Coughs. Colds, fidluenzas, Ca
tarrhs, Asthma, Pains of the side and of dm
Breast, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Shortness
of Breath, Whooping Cough, till Diseases of the
'Breast and Lungs, and for the arrest uf appeottelt..
lug Uonßunption.
So popular is Dr. Bechter's Pulnionary Presq.
waive. throughout all,Gennany, and al , .allectual in
Diseases of the LtlllgA, that front its miraculous
effects find wonderful curesit is them generally
known and styled.“Dr..Bechter's Life Preserver.
As Wu merou s con i ficates of its. very_ good-effects,
and wonderful cures ill this country, !we been fre
quently published, it is deemed necessary only to
remind the public- of so valuablent medicine, and
inform them where it can be Procured genuine. --
CrPrice—Fifty Cents it half pint bottle.
• *** Prepared and sold, wholesale Inn] retail, at Dr.
North Second street, helbw Vine, (sign of the
Golden . Eagle and !Serpents) Philadelphia.
• For sale in eartisk.
Agents fur CiunberlatOCqunty.
Car May IS, tX 2..
4.41:4 4rots)
rffqlllB OINTMENT is a safe and agreetilil
K. application, and has never been known to fbi
in curing various affections of the skin, when user
according to, directions.
Hundreds VC certificates might, be pi ocit red of lts .
eflicaey from Captains of Vessels, School Teach
ers, Principals of Factories, and Parents, Were it
not for the delicacy of haYing their names publish
ed in connection with Si) loathsome and disagre'e
able affections.
Irr - Price, Twenty-five cents_ a box. •
Preparpffand sold only, wholesale and retail, at
OM! . ti.o o Trit
Eagle and'earpents) Philadelphia. •
For sale itt.Carlislc, _._._._.__: __...
sTE vENsoN &. DINKLE;* •
•Agcrlls for Ctunberlainl
Cnrlisle, May.lB, 1842. 1.3r-29
A PETITION for. Discharge anti Certificate
under the - Bankrupt Law, has beefiffled by
WILLIAM S. ALLEN, late Innkeeper, Cumber
land County, '
and Tuesday the' 30th tiny of August next, at
Weloek, A. M. is appointed for dm hearing thereof,
before the stud Court, sitting ill Bankruptcy at the
District Court Room in the City 'of l'hiladeleia,
when and. where the Creditors of Ow said Petition-.
er,.who have proved 'their debts. and all Ater
scons•in interest, may appear and
. show'cause,if-any •
they !Mlle, why said Discharge . and.Ceetifidqo
- should' not be grwitvd. •
.Cleik of 'the District Court.
Philudelphia,•June 11, , 1842. • '; D.)03
postage must be paid on all letters of
business, otherwise they . willmot be tattert oust
the Poet °Mee. • : ••