Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 03, 1842, Image 3

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    Rana 6mangainiaa
VlVednewiay, Argint 3, 1842.
• Sui‘ject to . .tho decision of a National Contontion.
°-Union Temperance • Snidely.
'("CrThe Annual Meeting of, the Union Temper
ance Society, for the Election of Officers; will be
held in the Methodist Episcopal Ohurch on WER7
NESDAY (THIS EVENING,) at 7} o'clock.
The public are respectfully invited to attend. Sever
al addresses will he delivered. There will• be a
Discourse delivered in the Market house at 4 o'clock
in the afternoon of, next Sabbath.
Xtztliik Note List.
o:3.ourliank Note Liat and countorfeit.Detop
tor wdl bo found on the 4th page of io-dayla &per.
. .
.Tl&e.D7a rkets. • '
e'l•Flour in Philadelphhia, ou
,Saturday last,
$5,75; in Baltimore $5,52 : 1 perd)arral..
Apprtintitati - Wanted.
• OT Waned, urimedlately. at this office,two mart ,
active and.intelligent boys, 15 . 0 r 16 years of age,
to learn the Printing business. Bays front tee
country; who are netashamed to work, will have
the preference. • ' •
"test _ll i I I_o4os o._olf
to-This Post .Office has been abdlialted. Our
subscribers there'are informed 'that the packet i 4
made up,and directed to illikeland's Store, care of
Mr. Robert 4, Innkeeper,,.
of this place, whore it can
be had by 6 o'clock every Wednesday•morning.
•_ Sa I e 4.
We ask attention to ib e - P r operty advertised
for sale to-morrow by the Sherilf. The advertise
ments will be found on our first rage.
ocrOuy Court commences on Monday. next.' We,
shall be pleased to see us many of 'our_ country'
friintls as can Mid time to drop into our log
cabin. We will put the string out "a feet" or two,
so that thelatch cam be easily taisedf•
Our Public Schools.
- • i.••7'he greater part of- last week was occupied
with the Bxaminations of the Public Schools in ihja
- Bore - ugh.' We had the pleasure of being present,
a portion of lIM time, whilst the. Scholars in the.
Male and Female High Schools were undergoing.
nn examination,and most cheerfully bear testimony
• to the very gratifying 'nipper in which ihey itll
, acquitted themselves-giying the :must satistactriry
evidence of the care 'arid attention
,bestowed upon
them by their very . eti;icient teachers, M r. / CeAm F.ItON
and criuss. Tlie'exhibition by the, boyS' on
Friday .eveithrg •vas . also highly creditable the I
pieces were well conqiused,and their 'delivery would
have dour' no discredit to older Whilst OM
Teachers deserve g,ratt credit for,the satisfaction the
ox'antinations gave to the - public, zto little share of
the praise is due to the Board of Directors for their
zeal and praiseworthy efforts ;n 'iehalf of-the
-- . Belroale — A - Tptere — extendarTtiondi - ialatilr
- be taken, of the; ! Sebools_in our next. .
lion. A. V. ,Piiiions.
I;Zo"The Superintendent - or the Common Schools
— iiftifirState, ;the Hon. Axsox PAnsoNa7wa's
present during the examination °four High Schools
- on Friday afternoon and evening last, and in a very
neat and highly appropriate addiess expressed his.
gratification at their management, the manner in
which the Scholars acquitted themsidveS, the care the Teachers: and the zeal displayed by
the Directors. So well pleased were we with his
remarks in the mening. that we, most heartily give
place 'to the fitllowing justly merited tribute to Mr.
Parsonsi by the Board of(DirectorS':
Resolved, That the Doan! of School Directors
of the Borough' of Carlisle, hereby ieturn their un
feigned thanks to the Hon. ANSON V. Pauswirs,
Superintendent of 'Common Schools, for his very
Ole and appropriate address, delivered at the Ex
hibition of the High Schools, on Friday evening,
the 20111 . of July.
Resolved, Tina a copy of this resolution be for
warded to Mr Potions; and also that the differ( nt
Editors of this BurouLdi be requested to publish it
in their respective, papers. . . ' •
Sabbath SchoolCelebral fon. •
rr J A Sabbath,Sehool Celebration Will be held
at Shirem . anstown on Saturday neat, the Gth inst.
Great preparations have been and are 4411 making:,
to wake it a .eplendid affair. I%ro sVish sweet:s
to it.
We ask ottention_to the Harvest Home cele
bration to bo 41,1 by the Young Men: We hope
there will be a good turn out, as it is intended to be
free of ezpense to all who.see proper to Wendt,'
ID"We ask attention to this Meeting, to be held
Legislature instead of lessening the. Taxes.. have
passed a hill laying a tax of one mill in the dollar
Upon the people 1N ADDITION TO TON TAX
ALUEAIIT ASA F:SiED Timm who have already
paid - their taxes, AILIST liE WAITED UPON
up, den; to the meeting on Wednesday evening
next, Tax Payers of Old Mother pumberland,"
and show your unworthy RepreseritatiVes that this
system of wringing your hard earnings from you
by TAXATION will no longer be quietly borne!
Lome up, Freemen !
Mr. Clay's Speech
( 7,- .. 2f.T0 the exclusion of Miriast every thing else,,
we give to day the speech of lic.Nar CLAY at the
Lexington Barbecue in June last. •We would have
published it smile weeks back, hilt absence from
home and other matters intervening, precluded us
from doing so until the present time. No apology,
however, is needed, as it has not spoiled by keep
ing. The speech is a faithful narrative of a faith
ful public servant and of the country for the last
few years.
The Scott Meeting.
a:rA writer in the Volunteer—adopting the
• course of one or two would-be-tattoo-beaters—at.
tempts to sneer at the late meeting held by the
friends of Gen. Scutt in this place! Because it
was not attended by Rale 'Shirts and, Silk-Stock
' .ingsi. but onill by 'FAitmens and MECHANICS, it
must be ridiculed and sneered at, and those who
• participated in it, taunted and insulted in the streets
and public houses! This course may- do for such
' Gentlemen as the writer for the Voluntßer to pur
sue; it is, no doubt,' quite characteristic in them to
sneer at us for being "dirty Mechanics" arid ',hard
fisted Farmers." .But. we have laboured so long
side by side, with our brother Mechanics, and
fought so often shoulder to shoulder with the hard
working tillers of the soil, in.defence of freeMent s
rights", that we much prefer their company to that
of such powdered Jackdaws as those who attempt
to ridicule and abuisc'us fok:holding and expressing
.opinioni of our own.
Look out. for Fun,:
(o.D.Z,eighbour Sanderson has called mien — hie
disciples to meet in the Court-house on Monday
planing next, when the lash is to be applied, and
every mother's eon objecting to swallow the ticket
titreudg cut out b.O our neighbour, or says one
word egainsttaxation, is to be most awfully whip
. pad! The operation will afford much fun for the
Whigs; who 'must all be there to see it! Oh! for
the short-hand pen of a Drake to sketch oil' the
co-Our late disclosure about the nice little loco
., flier) tar :ticket already prepared to be rammed
r. down the throats of ".the party,"' has most aw
• -
fully "adumbrated'' oui learned and very amiable
neighbour! It has caused:him to open hie mouth
so wide, and turn:up the whites of hie - eyes -- ea
e _ monstrously, that we fear they will hover become
righted again—at least until "after the dog-days!"
...We" hope our "daring and unflinching" neighbour
wilbhold out until then! What an. 'impudent,
baseless; diabolical".—what a bold "conductor of an
independent press," our neighbour am! We did'iat
. • think, though; that "humbugs" and "fanciful fOri
cstiona" could so frighten him! 0, neighbour-0'
Enormous Tai
Four NI ill ions .ot Dollars
OZYA few . momenta before the Legislature ad
journed on Tuesday evening, July 26, an ENOR
THAT AMOUNT! The bill had been referred
to a Committee of Conference of 'both Houses, and
the report of,that comuMteo was adopted by the fol
lowing vete:-
In the House—YE A 5,..-Messrs. Apple. BARR,
"Barret, Beeler, Beers, Brawkij, Corlumght,Crabb
Deford; Dunlap, Elton, Elwell, Felton, Garret Son
Griffiths, Hancock, Heaman, Karns,Laizerty,Lee
.Lowry, M' Cohen; Aremannsalf Williams,March
and, Marlin, Morris, Packer,Paintcr, Roumforl,
Rush, Ryan, Scott, Sherswrical, Sherwood'. Snyder,
Straub, free°. Weiscl,Weston,Wilson,Wrighl , 42.
. • NAYS—Messrs. Andrews, Bondman, Bean,
Cummins Ebough, Eyre,,Fauss, Ferguson Fore
man, Putl:loy, Hahn, Hanna,' Hill, liolderbaum,
Johnston, jCieffer, 'Kugler, M'Clure, M'Crum,
Moore, (Berks,) Moore, (Harlem) Musser, Pen
nell, Picking, Pollock, Pottieger, Ross, Stevens,.
Von Nokia, Snowden, Speaker-36...
In the Senate—TEAS—Messrs. Bigler, Cris
pin, Dimock, Ewing, Farrelly, Fccelly, Fleming'
Gibons, Graft,' Hays, Headley, Kidder, McCully . ,
N A YST-41e4Hrs. Brooke, Brower,.Coehran, Co
plan; Darsie; GORG ASS, Hiester, Huddleson,
Mine; Mothers, AfcLANAHAIV, Mullin, Sullivan,
The names of the Lnco Focos are in Italic—the
Whigs' in Roman. Fist Whigs in the House
and. foul in.the..Senate voted for this: iniquitiOus
bill!' O?r Senators voted against it. Our Repre
sentatives divided—Mr. Barr for and . Oulver against
it. The main features of the bill are:-,-
A provision for the ordinaiy expcnees of the'
Government. •
. •
A Tax of one mill 071 all personal and real
READY LEVIED, for State purposes.
An increase of the lax also on_ stocks, bonds,
mortgages and ull monied securities, to be assessed
at their real . value. . ,
The Governor to receive proposals for the sale
of the public Improvements, and report to the next
Legislature. - . .
..• After the payment of the ordinary - expenses of
the Gorertiment, the balance of he funds In'the
TreaSury on the Ist of August an lit of Feliruary,
to be applied to the payment , f•--ttre Domestic
..,1: .
Tile Commi - sstoners and Associate Judges Of the
several counties to compose a board fur the - adjust
ment of the taxes. . • -
, .. .
-I'he'Plilladelphia Chronicle, of §sturtlay laid,
in taineuncing the arrival in that city of Gov. Por
ter, states - 41d it understands tbp . Gc.trnOr has '
signed the Taißill , And last it is now a law of the
Corrimonivealth. .
Scott. Stitt'', ConrCutiomi.
A State Convention of the friends of Gen.'
Scott and a Protective Truitt - met al Harri'sburg last
week. The proceedings have not,,yet been receiv- ,
ed. A
_number ocßesolutioria and an Address;
116nycver, were adopted; a atate , Coinniittee was
appointed, and a National Convention agreed_mon,..
Slate "C arm SiTerdi D Id ilgato3; -
and the Representative . Delegates-to be choseb by_
the Democratic H trrison party in The ise'veral Con
gressional Districts without reference to their prefer
ences - either - for - Scott - or Clay. The-proceed lugs
in full will be given in our next.
'cij-The Piitsburg Gazette says: " We atie 'glad to
perceive the truly patriotic Sind pacific character of
the resolutions we give to-day, passed !by the
IScovinwefing at Carlisle. They show clearly
,that thefriends of Gen. SCOTT aim only: - at the
welfiire of the country, in Lie, selection of that dis
tinguished individual a; a 11[HW:if(' for the Presi--
deney. fhotild a National Convention decide
against the claims Of their candidate, they dataallt
In yield up their predilections for the good of the
whole country, and Mr the success of the princi
ples that animaie the Anti-Lneofoco party. Will
the friends of Mr. CL an ad with a corresponding
liberality of feelin,g and sentiment. We shall see."
LU*The Whigs, it turns out, have lost their
'Governor in the late election in 'this State; but
elected a majority in both branches of the Legisla
ture—thus Securing ttic de:ellen' pnieWhig U. S.
Senator in the next Congress. I_
("The grie Uhr i oniele is in error: The War !
id:•dirg•• Intelligwieer has been a Tllier piPer,, 'and
MIS nevei in t'avor of Geii. Scott. •
. C":1 - The Hellillayskurg county,)
Register has placed the 11.1111 C ef• Genet:it Scorr a ,
its head tbr the 1 residency. ,
The Ha rribburg . CPuouicl .'
(0 - Mr, Mos•room:er has issued proposals fur
reviving this paper—its publication having been
suspended Mr some weelts past. It will he publish
ed in a reduced form, at the low price of 'sl.ppr
annum, Mr. M. is a good Editor, and has tutor
ed mast faithfully in support of tlw It:arisen party,
and - against the corrupt State AdMinistration for
the past few years; and we hope he will niJet with
that support from our friends which is so justly
his due,
Kr-The North Pastern Boundary Question, it is
stated, has at last noon tnit'sfactorily adjusted ; but
upon what terms has not et publicly transpired.
Te:sas:=l"lie New Orleans,Mipers say that, a
Tattle was fought on the 6th of July between the
Mexicans and Texians, in which the former lost
certainly threi killed, and the Texiens none killed
or wounded. The Mexicans (said to ho 700 strongj_
attacked the Texian camp of 200, but wore heat
off. . . •
'This highly popular periodical IM' August
has heeii received at Gray's news (Ace, South
Hanover street. It is embelliMed with two capital
engravings—“ The Bud and Blossoria," and "J'he
Watchers"—and a piece of. Music. The coading
matter is chaste,and interesting, It can he, had at
the low price of 25 cents:
Mrxrco.,—The most interesting news from
Mexico islhat Santa Anil:. celebrated the return
of his birth day by releasing the Santa Fe prison•
erp. All have been released except three, whose
discharge was rendered impracticable by their sick
ness. They will be set free immediately upon
their recovery.
The constituent CongieSs of Mexico has just
assembled, and as it is possible that his power
would soon come to nn end, Santa Aims wished
perhaps to distinguish the close of his presidential
career by im act of clentency.• It is supposed that
the aliempt.for die—re-conquest cif Taxes will be
abandgned.—Httgerslown Nem'
~ . •
DESTaUCTIVE STORM.—On 'Wednesday last a tre
e mentions rain. and hail storm passed,over this county,
doing, in some places, considerable daniage. In,
Dickinson township, the whole distance of whatr- i is
g'allefl.the Savanna,the fences of the farmers, and all
.the-oat crop lying out on the lower ground, were
swept away. The wagon-shed and corn-crib of M.r, i
Mellinger, on the Walnut Bottom road, was struck
by lightning, and burnt down. At Newville, we learn
by the Pioneer, the'storm was quite severe. Gardens
and tellers were ipunchttadi corn was broken down
by the,wiad.and 'swept 'away by the Mod, ilia-num. ,
byre it& fruit trees l tigstroyed. We have not 'beard
from other parts of t - fliTity':= 7 lhit believe the storm
was general, and that more or less damage was o ne
in abaufttevery township.—Stotesmep. "
Excellent Tale,
rAIVe will give nextweek a part—probqbly the
wlria—of aa excellent etory, written 40 a Lady,
fur the La ice. • , •
t/ErA country lad, being laken with the
measles, eXpressell great fear And anxiety
as to the nature oLtl►e disease—not dven
knowing the name cif it,
•My son,' replied the rather, .I think you
Must . have the mt.,asles."
• 'The mailesi- T ivell then, dud,
carp a darn& but by . jingo, I was pinny
afraid it was 7 ttlorn politics,' •
Tllc T;ix Bill.
The Right Spirit.
Le:ais aua.
raha cu's 111.4 . ..gaz so ca;
-Wo cheerfully- ie up whit little space Mr.
Clay's . speech has left us to the call for a Clay
useettng. We hope those Of the great Harrison party.
who prefer Mr. Ctsr to Gen. SCOTT, will rerpond
ta the4all.. Although Mr. Clay is not our first
'choice, nor can he well he'unless nominated by a
National Coeventionryet we desire to see his
friends meet together and enjoy their opinions free
ly, and that • too Wllholit being subjected to the
sneers and unfits of these. prefering another great
champion of our cause. We hope,
therefore, the
meeting will bo well attended, and that ,the same
liberal spirit will be •extended to those of the party
prefering Gen. Scott, whieh they have expressed
towards Mr; Clayand.his friends.
/TINE undersigned Citizens ofCumberlandcequn-
JL ty friendly tothe election of HENRY CLAY
as the next Fresident:ef the United States, andin
fitvor of a TARIFF to protect the Labourer, tlie
Mechanie,the.Mannfacturerand the Farnter4ainst
the labour of Foreign Panpera, are.tesPecefully re
quested to meet in the Court-houscin the Borough
the 9th of AUGUST, for the purpose of effective
organization. All who are friendly to the Uncle-
Wrests of the-country in the election of the great
American Statesman, •
of Ike West,"
are Invited to join with us in putting this 'Dail in
S Foust W S Cobean .
Jacob Fetter , John L'Keller
Henry Hughes , Adam Crouse .
N Hanish .• - . Alfred.D Sponsler, '
W A 'Weaklll Stephen J Keepers
George Spoinder E- Doyle - • -
S h Granslen . Geo A Lyon • -
I John Keller • • Sam' W Havorstick
John °Myrit P F. Ego
John J Myers Fisher - Nesbet
Geo W Hitnet '• Chas Parnitz
John .HaYs... Samuel Alexander
Jacob - Kuhn Jr Jacob Zug •
..Edward Pendergrass Fiancia Kaine
Joseph H Weibley • Wm R Gregg •
P Messersinith - • Robert Irvine:
D W Mahon . - 2 John Hatfield
Samuel Resler John Gumboil
Jacob E 'Diunitz 1) Dinkle Jr
Jacob Barnitz
Abm Stonier - Jacob Weaver
George .0 Disney Levvia Zearing • •
Andrew Holmes .Robt Brygon
Saamel VI - Fought Charles Young
Win Kinedinsht •Robert Wilson •
C .DaVis
Rota Cameron
A Hendel ' John Swisher "..
Abel Keeney . Y. Henry Leas • . ~
Philip Jacoby,.. - - 'Marlin Meily . .
M_P ShaW • ~, - " George Singiser '
Thomas Conlyn' ' John F Spahr . '
A Rickards • • .Davidson Ends
'Alexander Davidson Benjaman Feaster
DShrom • 'J- , ewis Robinson. -
John . Charles Rovven -". • •
Hoid Irvine Jr • Wm 'B Porker
Thomas Groason -A H
John H Davide* Robert Noble
George Weise Jr Armstrong Noble.
John W,Noblo James Armstrong - •
E Byers , - - J'A 'Gallagher ""• • ; '
Robt Wightman - Joseph Slum . ' '
M Brenneman John Wallies_-
12 --- A: - NOI - To VV•m" M Hem
-II -D Porter Charles Part-.
John •D Gorgas Joh n. Venesdlin
. . . ,
Wm Noble • Samuel Crap -
Edward M Biddle_ Jacob Shilling
John. Rhoads - ,- Alexander Stewart
Alexander Woods - ' Robert Cochran
John Officer . . Geo W AlcGinnis -
George Hendel - • W - F Carey
John Zerinan -- Jacob Mark tn ward
George S . :dun D.Cobaugh 0 K
John Gillis - John H 'Cressler •
Geo W Hilton ' ' - -Edward Hurd
John B _Thompson , . John Carey ,
James Celli° John Altick .
Jacob Shrum ti__W Reynalda__. _
James Hoffer - • John C Altick ,
Richard Craighead . Joseph Mifflin
Joseph Ceckley R Snodgrasi Jr.
Henry Rustine ' John Speors •
Henry Holler - It SVott
W B Coch an John Sprovido
Michael Hartline James Bays.
Geo W llimes Wm Pierce
Daniel Smith'''N, -
~ .1 - E Maclay
William Helllefinger' William W Frazer
Moses Hemphill John Lutz, sear.
Samuel Deal John E MeClune
George Slices Samuel E McCluno
George Keel . John Lewis juri
Samuel C Murray . John Howard
Christian Eagle • Moses Smith
David M'ets,m - D H Culbertson
Samuel Stingers Edward 'Scully -
Andrew Frazer . Henry Thrush
Jacob Fisale C K .11lidae•
'Thos H Criswell Bcnj Reynolds
Samuel I.;tze • Peter Ferree
Win Forbis : James StumpOugh -
Jariil) 13rickel. - Wm Peal
S D Henderson s' •a . 1
. v in C [ulna
Gep llainill ~ Sand McCurdy •
,John Rawn • Jacob Keiser- - .
naill Finefrock John McClure -
Win rowley JamesM cNeal
Wm McClure John Myi , ,rs
Jacob Vickey • Ephraim Mull --
Lemuel CI Dudley. Jos h es Titles , -
John Preston PluliP Detrick
James Mackey jr Dodd Waggoner
John Loyd C Cobaugh
John Thrush , Geo Martin •
G•l3 Altick Geo Butts
David Mahon . , Semi Smith - ' •
Henry Au ---- . John Blymier
Stephen Culbertson John Hall
R C Hays• . Jacob Powders
Barton Deforest Geo W Clippinger .
Jacob Snider r John Clippinger ,
Wm McConnell .'• J A Clippinger
John Foreman - • John Elsrodo - •
Gen Kimiriol . James Witmer
Henry A Smith John Fisher
John Feffee • Saml Speer° . ' .
John Rebuck Leonard West
John'Gish , - - -William Marquert . ---
Frodk Scott ' :William Brookins
Relit Peal '
Michael Zeigler poo Heaver
Geo Hamill jr D Rohrer • "
Jacbb Burkholder David H Arnold
Anilw Sturgis John - Dowell - .
' Jas Sturgis ~- W D E Hays -
Wm Sturgis • Jacob Fry.
J.iti"Cobaugh John. Fly
Joseph Redett ' Philip Pogue
Henry Gibson Henry Aughinbaugh
Thos Spencer a ' J E- McClure-
Jas Gillard 800 Myers ' •
Jas S Brandeberry
. 3 R Ti.ompson
John Hooker - Nicholas Fisher/
1 - bivid Br , •nizer Robt Steward
Alpheus Dale - - '. Robt Preston
Olivet Huffman 1131 W Kinslos•- .
Joseph Fickea • Gpo Smith Sr •
800 Herman „ ... i : - James S Smith - -
James Tilled • - Jacob Sheller
Jacob Culp • ' . John Burkholder •
Benj.litint Peter Kreichbauni
Jacob Numer- • Wm Peacock- - •• •
Henry 13 Rebuck
~•-• Mithew•Moore ' --
David. PloUgh , • .. 'E F Haskell
Christian Cobaughlr - - Wm A Linthartit . •
Bertrand Mackey . „ , 4 Wm B Mullen
Robt Koons -' 's••R Givin' ,
David Deal ' John Sailor .
Peter McGlaughlin Wm H Miller . . .
Peter Matecin •. - Sang Girin •
Alexander MeGuwen. . Thos Paxton
Wm Barber jr_ Jame'S Wilson
Win Lynah . ' , L Q, , ,e)3randpbulr .
Joshua 004 . • ,Geo V .Hadt” , ,
Martin Quike- • ',Geo Lei
Juhn- M Ege . James Crever •
Ephraim Zito . Peter Ege .
Jos A' Ege • • " - John' Leonard --- ---
James Weakley .. Thos T Moorhead.
Henry Black ,
~..,.., , D Firiefrock '
Peter. Palm - . - ' Joint McGrai! •
Thos W Black . • lago Doyle
..:_._ ,
- LewisDodglase 3rio Roof, .• . •
Thee 'Headley .- ' ' . rJno W Tuckey '`
Adam Ltmisott ' • Jno_ Tucky .. .
David-Roof . • Michael P Ege •
Jos Bauman • , ' • •
SPenker of, the'-Sellittie.
117 ; lion. Wx, litiercu, Lanceeter county,
wee elected, before the adjourninent,Speaker tif the
Senetc of Pennsyrvanirt An excellent selection.
"John SAtleo
Adam Ruigel
,What hai become of the Anti-Tax-Spirit of Com
berlannountYl Where' are Messrs. Hamil, Ego,
Moore, Stewart, Longneeker, Cain and Weakleyl
Have they been frightened by the-sbusive speech of
the GOVerner's*. loathsonio: tool, - , Col. Jno.-J. Mc
Cohan' , or has the cry of "disorgonization" and\
"Orefticed reprediation," raised by 'your Neigh
bour Saailersovin his - alierisbed yet , Rocket- desire
io retain the Public Improvements, driven them
to the% traces? .Shame!- Shame! But ait,thie is
one of the particular' ways of the Locol'oe.o Nay,
we need not be surprized. A few disinterested
Democrats, such, ai your neighbour and his fellow;
- drones about the County beildings, rule the roost;
-whilst all the members of the gr6t Demotratic
Party who don't walk the chalk line assigned , them
by-their - leahrs, Mareitter reaFe — iliTblack mark
bf excommunication; or like the Anti-Tax :Demo-
Mats mentioned above, step. into the part harness,
where the lash of the Executive minions may
thrash them into'silence and submission!
(Jerson -
On the 20t1t ult., Mr.,, HENRY ;I:CRST, o
York Skings, Adstn county,',Fia., to Miss MAR
THA THATCHER, of-Baltimore co., Md. •
-.-- .
' Stiddenly;ln NewpOrt; Perry county, on :the
29t14 ult., Rev. JOSEPH PARKER, a Minister
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [formerly of
Curlisle,) aged about 38 ygiraz Ms - remains were
removed to this place, and interred in the English
Burial Ground on Saturday 'morning4ast. •
• • At Mechanicsburg, Pa. on 'the Bth ult., Mrs.
SUSAND,'A 'WHITE, aged 70 years, &months
and 24 days.
On the 22d ult., at Shippcnsburg, Mr. JACOB
DE WALT, in the 63d year of his age.
In the City of Baltimore. on the 18th July, 1642,.
3Gth, year of his ago. Thu Jaceasa was a native
of ,Watertown, N. Y. He died in a full assurance
of reeling with Gel; • •
• . . •
THE YOUNG MEN of Cumberland County,
without distinction of paity, are respectfully
invited to attend a HARVEST HOME CELE
BRATION, to be held by the Young Men of Car
lisle at HenderFon's Grove. on SATURDAY,
AUGUST 6th-1842. A procession will be forawd
at the Court House exactly at 9 o'clock.' •
.1;0 -Several addresses may be expected.
August 3, 1842.
THE Citizens of Citmberland county OPPOS
TION are requested to meet at the Court-House in
the -Borough of parlislo, on W-EIINMAY
EVENING, the 10th instant, at 7,9 o'clock.
August 8, 184% 2t-40
PROPOSALS for leaching the Common
Schools of this Borough will be received
mntilthe 26th initant l —TWO MALES & ONE
FEMALE would be preferred. It will be fleece.
sary that one of the teacher°, at least, should be
able to.give instruction in the following branches,
iz-R cad i riting, -Arithmetic,.. Geogra.
phy, Grammar - and History; . and the others to be
able to instruct it: all the &bore branches; except.
iog the two lust.
• The schoOls are to be commenced op the 2nd
Monday of next month, (September,) and contiriu.
od, at least, six months.
ter It will be necessary tlint..all.appliennts be
able to give unquestionable testimemals of char.
aster and qualilleations.
Separate proposals for either ofthe above schools
will receive attention; addressed, post paid, until
the above date:
Big Spring . Adfinioiißile Guaris,
you are ordered to parade at-the public house
.of Myj . llackets, on the turnpike. on Men.
day the 15th of August, precisely at 10 o'clock
A. M, completely equipt for drill. •
WM. GRACEY, Captain.
N. B. An election wilrbelield-fhr campany
officers 4 said place on said day. By order of
FOUl 4 K;Brigade Inspector.
August 3,1842,
Produce, ..Cnininission 'and
'Forwarding . . ffilexchanfiti .
N. W. awner Brim - irk .ifriliStroet, rlirade/Oia t .
• ' - .EDWARD BITER, ' •
Irelieference to 'William B. Murray,, Earlislo.
July 27,1842. ••• • 6.39 .
- nawavaf
,ETTERS of Adininistrathin upon the estate
of PHILIF.FISHLIDAN, late of Dickinson
to wriship l Cunibeilari4 county, deceased, have been
granted. in due term of Law to'Joitts -frenpuitst
and Asritoqi , Fisuautem all pirioria who aro in
debted to the estate willsmake nayment imme
diately, and those-who hva claktis will :present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
• •. JOHN FISHBUI4t4 •
. ,
• Residing in North Middleton towns*,
' Residing iriTtiokinson township, •
• • Admintstratore. •
11147 , • • • qt• 39
DtiikA of Orleans dead.
• •
ICTBy the ardvat of tho drest Wealam:rit • •
Yoricon Saturday last,' intelligence 'Was iateiv . e.
of the death of•the Dithe Of o,r l eAns, , PrinCtf Rb • •
of rrooce I: it Occurred by ont ,
the horses of which had taken fright' • •
was , 'running at full speed._ Ilia ; son, Ohly,,fii.
years of age, is now the heir apparent tot toothr4 .
of France. The'present King is 69 Ye,( 4 is oh!,,
in feeble health. ' .
(...AccrnitirT.---Wo learn from the , States ,
that Mr. , ,PeTrat WILT • of" West Peintsbore
township, was killed a few days . since; Ly r a from the tongue of his wagon. He was 88'y.
of age.
login Talk.
It is rumoured , that' Gov. Perter deft Carlid. the'
evening of the Commencement highly incenaJd at
the 'faculty of glickinorin , College, .. The : ciu m•
stances of the case, as , reported, are as . folle at-
The salutary: address for the occasion being itteni
j e
in the latin language, which tongue his Exce army
not comprehending; he imagined that the 'onng
man was poking fun at him relitivele "That -urti
ber business!" This, as a matter of course , 4t
Offended the "Kicapoo Chief," and conseguettly he
left our borough swearing eternal vengeance ggainsi
this 4nstitution! ' . . . - QPZ'
' Diem% Barr and ,
We perceive that yotir remarks, eooTing the
un-democraticAnd inconsistent courSe of the above
gentlemen, have be taltett in high '4(14100 by
your pugnacious nelghbout t This wa.iiitpic.,ted,
as we were aware that George would exert hlmself
rnanftilfy tn have Mr. Barr renominated frim•Nevy
vile and Mr. Culver from. N. Middleton, so that
the would be some chance for a Certain' disin
terested Democrat to cling to the loaves an 4 fishes of
the Prothonotary's Office. That is “pervided" some
more resolution; can be made ala-Southampton, for
the purpose of cutting Mr. Beetern's throst. ,
1111 r. 13:trr.
. .
The whole legislative career of this gentleman
has been diametrically opposed to the, ppenly ex
pressed*wishes of his constituents! ihdeed,nearly
every vote given by him, at the late session, aimed
ft blow at the Farming interests of Cumberland .
County!' In the very face of public . sentiment. he
voted in favor of Gamble's- Million'and a half Tax
Bill: and lately he has capped the :.alimax ofsfool
hardiness, by aiding in carrying ,the Dente - efta
Creator Bill!!! TAX-PAYERS:—
InforMation Desired:
II E_N I A 1, 1 E G I_ll.
O 11,I"TU A It YT 12 EC 0 Ti
Mechnnica4urg, Cumborland county, Pa.
August 3,1842, 4t.40
11)0 MIC A tEN:itti
.11:T . T00. , .NINY NT LAW.
Office ,
.Ju1y.27,1842. , Bl2l-29
• ,
. •••••
LIST . o f •
Remaining irt the /loaf Oifice,at Carlisle, August
cr7•Enquirers will please te say advertised
. . .
A ' • 'Leidik George' ,
.Abrahims Mrs Hannah Leslie Dennis...
Armstrong Jneues - Liege Wilburn .
Ayers Rev James B LoCkard Jane
Armstrunk Joseph . Lynch Robert
Agilly Jos - • • • Lynthieurn Z:
• '
Biker Daniel . ''.l‘lcMurry Jane
Barber'Joseph • 'McCarty Sarah
Baugher William McCartney John'
Bell Miss Ann • . McManus John L
Beelthan Christian Malowu Mary
Rittman Meichee • Manger Joseph.
Illanflteaben " Mantlis James If
Boyer Margrete V 'Meeker CY.
Bosh Miss Jeui , • Meixel John
Bowmen 'John 2 • • Merkel Mr ' •
Bower Henry •' Miller George •
Bradley Thomas Miller J ti (M D)-
Brandt Henry ••• Milllionse
..Srown George • • Minnie!' Leonard
Brown Rebecca• Moody Capt Win
Wow!' John W' Moore William •
Brown John • •••• • .el , liontland
Mulvany Sand P.
Carr Henry : N .
(formally John J Nelson Mrs II 5.3
Carter Williatn Nelson David
Captains oY Volunteer Nesbit Susan & Anna
• . Companies • Noble Filincis
Clark William Null Joins -
,Clark John A'._ Nutz Ebenezer D
Contbrolie William ~ 0' a •
Cowiik John • Outman Andrew
Crommer William Osborne William.
Crooks•Geor,;e R Jr. .Owens Rev Meer
Dev:dson-Metthew Penwell David :
Dean Moses • Penwell Mrs Susan
. Plate Christian
Donnelly Henry R, •
Doty Elizabeth . Randall Mary .'
liuirey Cliarlea Iteiltarcl Gotheb
• F • •••-• - ` 4 i ltidtlle Martin •
•Fstlinestock Robinson Jane
Fisher Wilson S
Fisher Samuel Banner Jacob • ••
Finch John Sims Allied W
Ford William Simpkins William S;.
Fries Jaime H. • . Shoemaker John • .
Fuf ter J•J' • . Shetron Peter x•
G ' 'Smith Samuel Esq . 2
- Gardner Franklin ' Smith Mary
Caere!' Charles - Sterrett Robert C ••-
Gibb • • Stevens J W
GilbereJ ohn Stouffer Benjamin
Cling Daniel &rock Jacobs
Grove Jacob Suplunt Jacob
Swartz John '
Have Eliza " Thurston C
I felt ier Jitimb7 - Trituble John .
Ileiuley Lharles.(drover)Trembley Daniel
!hatchings Mrs . Trough William
lady illiam TurneeCharlei
Mecum. Andrew , . •
Hoffman Martin '...UpdqrsdiSusan' • •
Holmes Eli4tl : _ 2, ,
Hoover Jacob Wallsee J 111
,HoOver Anna .
1,;.• j • •
I rvi ne-Lueif(irired) Wail) oiriM
Jones Eineliate - Wait{ Edward •
Jonea, Jacob' , Webb Henry L
K - • Wills Aiexander.
ItiiirEliZitheili • _ Wharton - Nr
Keller Francis
Kleeltinunti Henuch Wilson Hester -_
Kutz David Isaac
L • ''Wea Juseph
Ladc's Thomas C Rep Wunderlich John
Llllll4llllll Thomas Woodward L G
Latshaw Sarah - ' Wright Mrs Wm L
Addy James H Lupe Jacob
Ashly James ' McLoughlin James
Burton M McKay Lawrence C
Bruce William 'Peterson J H
Graham Joshua C avid Capt Kara
Lieut Dragl'lloll4)Bmi
- ly:otc—The postage ou all !eters intended for for•
eign countries most be paid. when the _letter is ite•
posited in the office, otherwise they cannot be for.
warded:' -
Remaining in the Post Orli.. ut Giirlisle, August 1
1342, for West liill,4:timberland County, Pa., salt
oilier being how 6ibC.Ontitillivi„ ',.,
, .
Alter'.Willittin Sell Andrew ,
Ilryner Sarah Ann Shan Sinutit
Moon \YUham S Snider John •
WMOIIIBII William :Strome George ,
Hessler Andrew . . Wise Elizabeth, %%Wow.
Itiekabaugh Henry • • .
• ~ W. M. PORTER, P. M.
' August 3, 1342. , 3t-4t
5.2 - 2.
To the Friends of Immediate
Emancipation in' the Middle
Comities and parts adjacent of
INthe pro„:.ress of our Just and hteoug - cause
towards the redemption of our country front the
itiigniUrus system or Slavery, the period we believe,
has arrived when the tricods of Equal Rights should
awaken from the apathy in which they have so long
slumbered, and prepare for renewed aunt more
vigorous exertion. Hitherto. our labors' have been
divided and our efforts weukebed for want of co-ope
ration. Shall we remain itc,ctive until this moral
wart Are shall have been decided—recreant to one
faith ? Or, rather . shull we not in the language of
conduct declare, that Slavery in es cryl,rai and iu
e‘try clime is abhorrent to our feelings; at vAriuuce
with our couvietious of trutli o nwi Jul:Live; 'mil that
We arc culled upon to use all just and lawful means
for its complete andfoal destructioit.
. .
ll' we are disposed to forget tile claims of oppres
sed humanity, self pretterviltinn should rouse 115 l”
action: Do wit %slue the inherent liberty or one na
tures; bestowed upon us by a beitificent Pt tnidence°,
and ffuttranteed by the laws of the,ltind? w,
-cherish and wish to perpetuate the right or petition;
the freedom of speecit, and the press ? -Do we de
sire to see die CollattlUtloll °four country preseryed
Inviolate? "Citizens of enctly Sfitte, entitled to all
the privileges and immunities of the several States"?
Theo most we "remember (hem that are in bonds tut
bound with them " In'the present crisis rate cause
is identified with theirs. Cult we Olen hesitate oil
the coa r se we ought to pursue ? Urged by a spiv
of duty; by the calls.of tatirring by•all that
is 'deacon earth, let us prepare for P more energetic
liamtlievanrcol-these - views - it - ls - proposed to call
a CONVENT/OX, to. take into consideration the
means best calculated to advance the Close- of Im—
mediate Emancination,‘Of such of the Coun
ties and parts, adjacent, as m ty have in them parsons
prepared for snub a measure, to he•lleld in Prters
lairg,( York Springs,) Adaths County, on the-434 v."
Bth month (August) 4842, se 10 o'clock,
which time and place all who are friendly to the
cause are it-vited attenit
- : • WM. WliinFlT.
Chairman of the Publishing Committee of
' York Springs Anti-Slaver;Uti . ,Society.
August 3, 1846.. ~. • ' 3t-4(
Seek Health and enjoy Lite.
IFIT you retain the richest blessing, at
tend early to yourself, whenever you find
that your appetite becomes impaired, -your , bow.-
-cis 'costive - - or" bile 'oft the stomach. Remember—
Dr. Harlch'a celebrated Medicines. Pro.ture
them immediately, and use them according to di.
rections, they will immediately remove all these
primary •sYmptcints from the system. Hut if
you neglect yourself they' will form a host of
maladiei, 'such as dyspepsia, hvor compluints„
jaundice, pain in the side, billions - affections, fe
vers, &c., which are more 'obstinate to , cure, be
sides ratended with pains and much *distress.—
t , Dr. Harlich's Medicines" will certainly cure all
forms of the abeve mentioned diseases.. Thea.
tient must, however, not conceive in the la t er
stages a pure can be performed in a few dayor
a week. If the meetchte - had been used at 10_
very first_iittaak,ithe_ disease could . have_
eradnated in much shorter time, . The medicine
must therefore be used stylatly for a fortnight be
fore much doejdod bepufit will be-realized, -
• • - 4!,. Rgprf,ytw SUreelt)ti
Philadelphia, Sept, 3, IMO,
For ado 4.o,l 9 th'North Elth St. Philadelphia,
also At flip Dritg Stoteo( John I; Myera &
Cariiiigi ana,aj the Prug §tere'ef William Peal,
.penabarg, July 27. i1t.33
testate` qf • Joh* Tanga', ileteaiwt.
ETTERS of Administrution on the Estate of
.111-4 . 40 Ha, ofjouth Middleton
township, Cumbericuld county, deceased, having
• hem; gFanled . to the subcriber,,residing in the
Pa h l° WW 0111 .01 ) ; a Repents indehted to the estate
witreehg payment tremetlettely, it_ed.Ahailkhat
i ng clai mill planet thiO3 dray - itatest4Ated
for settlement •to , • •
• CEIROTIAIS I:ll.3tßi4dm•r.
'Jul* 27', 1842, • • 6t•39
r •
t .cl '
. .
To the tlectotilitCumbeiland citnAtity..
JALLOW-MizENis.;-1 beg , `
leave to offer
inySelf to your considers .. k Oa Candidate
office for the of - . • • ..--,
t f
at the easuing general election; and if ttlet*iil 4vill
discharge the duties thereof to' the best ofmynbilify:
Carlislet August3,lB42. te4o
• •
" Bich a Guttito 7 Hp. Stairs
THE Subscriber, at .ffm solicitation .of many of
his friends, offers •hiniself to the consideration
of his folio* citizens for the office of
tl2 cffas ,me 03 a C:15) En •
of Cumberland county, at the election •in October
next; ..subject to the decision of the",ballot-loxes.
He deems it superfltious to prate about honesty,
capacity, modoaty, fidelity, &c. &c., but if elected
he'pledgca himself to be as honest as the times will
admit, and to perform' the arduous duties of said .
office to the satisfaction of all interested.
Carlisle, July 27, 1842. te..39
To the Electors of Cumberland courity.
FELI.O*-CITIZENS-1 offer' tnyoolf to your
cemideration for the office of
of Cumberland county at the ensuing general elec
tion, (Subject to the decision of a Democratic coun
ty -Convention) and if elected will discharge the
duties thereof to the best of my ability. '
South Middleton 4); July 13, 1842 . te•37
To, the Electors,of Cumberla4 county,
ELLOW CITIZENS: .1 offer myeelf to your.
consuleration as , a candidate for the office of
of Cumberland Comity, at the election in October
next; and if elected pledge myself to perform the
ditties of. said office with fidelity, And to the beet
or Ply WM. M. BEETEM:
Carlisle 'June 22, 1842
To the Electors of Cqrnbeiiand county..
pELLOW CITIZENS: I offer myself to your
consideration for the office of
Recorder mid Clerk of the Courts
of Cumberland County at the ensuing general
election, and if elected will discharge the duties
thereof to the best of my ability.. •
Mechanicsburg, June 2:2, 1842. - .te.34
THE subscriber offers at private sale.,
A. Tract of •Wweoty-Turo Acres of:!
situate in Cumberland Couuty_,on the .ioad,lead4
ing - froM Shippepsburg to Newburg, ime mile
Nurtk..o the former place, having thereon
. A THREE sTorty -STONE •
OGT 118 R ClifoiciteT
22 2 ig emilmx uzza,
A two story stone DWEIsf.ING•HOUSE, a
choice fruit, stabling, &c.
I _lie 111 completxr — order; — cr — nitiiiiiii4
three run of stones driven by . the Middle Spring
a never failing stream, and located in the heurtof
an extensive grain growing country, affording a
large country custom and having excellent facili.
tics for conveying incrchant wrn k to market,being
within one mile of the Cumberland Valley nail
The be_Shown_to_on,y-,Oerson
- ,4 - sT,iiitilp o reliase by Mr. J. Ftsszi., residing on
the premises., " •
The • subsiAber ivillslso sell, either In eortnee,
tion with the miii property or separately,
A .Tract of:4lS- -Acres of thriving
lying two,milca South of Shippcnsburg, near the
inad'icading to Mary Anh Furnace. -
Ternis will be. made reasonable and piynients
to twit purchasers. For further information ap.
plication must be made to the 'subscriber, at Car-
Carlisle, July 27,18. Q. • 4t.j9
rAnvx Pegt SALE,
rofIE s.ubseriber will cikpose of Kt public sale
-11 on the Premises, on THURSI)AY,thc . 2OtI
of OCTOBER next, ,
Ny.dlub - -tramm rrama
of Slate and Limestone Land, in North. - Middle - -
ton township, Cumberland county, containing l 17
ACRES, more or less, of patented lund, adjoining
lands . of Coovcr, Zigler, and others—said form is a
portion of the estate of John MeClintiek,. deed.
The improvements are a
• LUG •
•••• •
\ - 13' c• - • 5 - ,„2.43 1 M 1;
There are al.o 2 never filling springs of water on
the premises, COlTVelliellt to the house, ;
Said fain is but fbw' mileu distant rrom'Car
lisle, and is well worthy the attention of capitalists.
Persons desirUQU of viewing the farm previous
to the day of site, can be gratified by culling on
Alexander McClintick,who resides on the premises.
The terms will be ,made easy, and a clear in
dieputuble title will. be given.
'Residing in Clumbersburg.
Juli; 27, 1842.
aux vr, SIDEL; •
NOD ES PECTFULLY tenders his services to the
audits vicinity, that he
w.ll attend to and perform ull dental 'operations
such as Cleaning, Paging and Exlracling na
tural Teeth, - and inserting' trn!orruptable artitiphil
teeth from a single tooth to an entail set.
(r, Office opilusite'AlTurlane's Hotel.
July 20, 1842. of-:l6
e lk nlt
F'S pr . ofcrisionul services to the al
nue ofCar,tisleand its vicinity; and that he
intends to devote -his time to the duties of 1)6 pro.
fession, having been many years engated in the
practice in the State of New Jersey : He flatters
himself that the experience thus acquired will en
title him VI public patronage. ,
UJ Calls to the Country will be attended
Residence-, East High Street, next door to Col.
July 1842. . 3t-3S
-- ,-
Estate of .If cob Marnisb, decUl. •
IOl'lOE is HERE B Y GIVEN. that Letters
Testamentary on the last,will and testament
of JACOB HARN ISII, late of South Middleton
townsb in, C mbe viand County, demeased v have-this
- day - been- I sued by thd. Register of said connty
to the subsc 'ber who residesin the said township
of SOuth Middleton.' All persons having claims
or demands against the Estate of the said de.
.ere requested tq make known the Bathe
!V itlbut delay, and those indebted to •m• ke pby.
plea to ' 301 IN rETEI2B; - .
• • ,• • Exi3cutp: of .14cob 1 - 11.
July 20, 1842.
..,.. . brnifi
, . . . • - , . .ot-32
THE Enrolled Inhabitants Tesitlicig within the
latunds of the let.Rattalime,..).l3d Regiment.
I ennsylvania 'aro hereby notified that en
election will be held on Monday the 16th day of
August next, for the election of Captains, and Ist
dzlki - Litiotenants; - itt the following places - , vita.-
Ist Qompany of the lot Battalion at the public
.itose...iifAr,Jaceb:YrogoiNkrulnut Benoit' Road.
Caitt;..M. PONALDSON, Superintendent. •
ad Company at the public c liouse.of • Col: John -
Wynkoop, Smukeytown. •
Capt. DAVIDSON, - Superintendant..•
sth. Company at the !Fuse= Hill School flousei
Frankford township: . ,
Lieut. MARTIN GPORQP,Buper't.
7th Company at the public house efJohn
ere, Dickinson .toeniship.,
• • . WILLIAM' LlND,Buiteet.
'The election to commence et I.0•04 1 : 1 41,4.0*.
'and dose at 6 o'cloeli,.p. , At.. .
The Captains of said companieeviliftinil,, shlhe,
'Pallmiat the morning of the election , to the isePeollq,
ioridontfivendr#,Ah4so,lo' QQf Mitt dollars
fitiOrl at Batlat'ori; 28 rt 171 el 4, P, 1K
• Carlisle, 15tit Idly, 1842.; • • , te-RD
Union Paper - VIAL
THE sabacriber iespectfully Informs tho Pub
lie at large, that he has leased the above oa.
hment, Rix miles youth of Carlisle, for a term
of Youtot and ate 11141. tia+ing ben recently re
paired, and new machinery introduced,, he' is
therefore prepared to 'Manufacture te crder, (and
also bas a supply etalettiatlY on hand)
Pape*. of every kind and Quality,
which ho will furnlsh . to printora, merchants and•
others, in any quantities at the lowest city prices.
All orders addressed to the subscriber,' at koper•
town, .Cumberland county, Will receive ,krompt
attention'. . Li
:Having lately. received a supply Of the very beet
.materials, he Batters himself that ho will be able
to manufacture' paper qua in quality to any other
establishment in the country. '
Papertewn, Jnly 20,1842..' . tf.:3B
N. B. The highest price paid for rote. • •
:off at tire` Cest.
MIME subscribers intend winding up their busi.
11 noes, and are now determined to sell goods.
at Ouch unusual low prices as cannot fail to con.
vince the purchaser that they have the, cheapest
goods ever Offered in this region of country;
Their stock is NEW and CHEAP, consisting
in' part of
• Gran, Browfl arid prat) Cloths, .Cassimeree
ep Satinets, of various colors and price's,
a variety o f Muslin de Laines,
Plain 4- Figured Silks, Black .
4- Blue Black Bombozines, .
•! Summer and. Winter •
. aateds. , -
Musfiris,.Calleses, Preis .-Hcznkerekiels, 4c. 4c.
There numerous advantaged in purchasing
geode which were frequently made khown in for.
iner 'advertisements, will- be sufficient proof to
'satisfy all those desirous Of.ohtsining - bargains,
that they arc now prepared and fully determined
to sell 'them exactly cheap enough._ Como then
all ye who have so long been suffering under tho,
severe pressure of the times, ancridupt the rethedy
which ii hero provided fur you, i.e. CHEAP
L7They would particularly ihvite the attentiou
of puseheuere to thhir Cheap.Clutthe, Ca , s9/.
memo and Satticsets. .
P. B. Those who are yet" indebted to the aub.
scribers, will please satts6 , the same between this
aid Deepmber next,'
§'hilipepsbu!g, 20, 1842.
131ETITIONB fur Discharge and Certificaie un
-11.. - der the Bankrupt Law, have been filled by
ABRAHAM HAMILTON; late Merclranr, -
of , the
. firai of Hatitilton-a GralT, nosy
Fernier,, Cumberland .cotiuty.
ABRAHAM W. GHAFF, late 'Merchant
of; the flaw of Hamilton A: Graf}; now ,
'Clerk. ;". • Comberlund county.
. -
EDWARD A. • SEIKER, Teacher,
Cumberland county.
- aml - PRIDAIrthe 30th day of SEPTEMBER
next, at 11 o'clock, .11, M., is appointed for the
heari ,, g thereof, before the said Court, sitting in
Bankruptcy. at the bistrict COUrt Rodm, in the
City ofFhiledelphis; when and where the Creditota
of the said Petitioners, who have proved .their Dehts,
and pit other persons in interest, may appear and
show cause, if any theY.have, why such Discharge
~and. Certificate ohs:fold not be granted .
• f'RAS:
.T 3 0 PK INS ON,
Clerk of the District Court,
Philadelphia, July 11, 1842. 10-38
in Bankruptcy.
A PETITION for the benefit °ram Bankrupt
/1.. Law has been filed the Bth July, lE'42, by
JOSEPH FRY, formerly Cabinet - Maker,
now Laborer, Cumberland county,
IVhiela Petition will be heard before the,. Die.
tilet Court ofthe United States 'for the
• Eastern
District' f renpsylvania,sittin g in Bankruptcy; at
the District Court Room in the City of I'hiladcl.
plan, on MONDAY the 22d day pf AUGUST
next, at 11 o'clock, A. RI. When and where all
persons interested may appear and show cause, if
any they have, why theprayer ofthe said Petition
should not be granted, and the said Petitioner be
declared Bankrupt
Philadelphia, Jul
=AV tiCE - 3•
Carlisle, July 16, 18.12.
AO:OWE is hereby given to all persons inter
eatec, thl t the tbllciiving accounts have been'
filed in .this office for examination, by the ac
countants therein named, and will be presented to
the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, fur
confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday the
16th day of ituguat,A. 1848, viz :
The Adrciinisiration accoulit of 'George Clark,
Administrator of Ehzabcth Mill, late of the
Borough of Shipponsburg, deceased.
The Administration account of Jufin Fulwiler,
Administrator of William B. Fulwiler, late of
the I3orough of Shippensburg, deceased.
'Flie'Administration account of Jacoh Miler,
Administrator do bords non coin tektairiciito
nolo, of 'William HelsellhA, late of Cumberland
(not; Perry comity ? deceased.
The Administration aceoulit of Samuel Woodi„
Adm in istrator ofSampaon S.-11/ullen,late of Dick.
inson township. deceased..
. The Guardianship account of Josiah flood,
Guardian of John Cope and James Cope, minor
children „or Philip Cope, late „ufWest
borough township, deceased,
The Qqadiariahip :moonlit of Jacob Weller,
Guardian - of Mary J., William and Elizabeth
Steplienion, minor children of John Stephenson,
lute of Silver 'Spring township, deceased.
ISAAC ALIGN: A, Register.
July 20, 1R 2. , - 4t.39
30.4,N3KRURT , 014",
rETITION for the Benefit of the Bank s
rtipt Law. hut been filed the Sll,d July,
IS by
'ROBERT SNODGRASS. late Merchant
of the City of philadelphia, now Agent
of• - Cumberland .
_ _ .
Which Petition will be heard before 'the Dia.
trict Court of tim United 'States for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania, sitting in °Bankruptcy,
at the Histriet Court Room, in the City of Phil.
adelphia,on Monday the 19th day of September,at
11"o'cleek, A. M.. When and where all persons
interested may appear and show cause, if any they
have, _Why_ thaprayer of--the aid ,Putition should
nut begranted, and the said Petitioner' be declar.
'ed Bankrupt.
Clerk of Distriet.Ceurt.-
July 27,,1842
TO 114.10911 I ORS.
1 1 1 1 A gE notice that we have aliened to the Judg
--A------as -- Of - ther - eourtof - Commotr - Pleatrof 2- Cuin. —
herland county, for tho benefit of the Insolvent
Laws of thie Commonwealth—and that they have
appoifited MONittAll the Fith day-of AUGUST
next, for the hearing of es and, our creditors, at
•the Court liou'ao in the borough of Carlisle, when
and winirti you may attend and pale oNec.tionl
to our dirohoVo t if you think proper.
• • ' 13ENJ.-BRURECKEI...
• ' •JONAS MILLER. ••• • ' "
CEOfICE 4 , 14 1 1.T111,1N'5.-. •
July 510,184 p..
.., . . .
' 11Z CD .g•TIZErWiZSG.
Ofilicnuer has- jsst ^Tetelved a flirther
0 .1.. 1 p_ply Florence, Braid and Straw
BOM4e,i'SjahstNafhw Misses StrawBONNETS.
jilno ;.1,2 pr,o. W.
•. . 1114 ts: 'tato: .•
Jvar<receivad ;NI dozen rulm Log Huts,
1441111 in lia 4(4471:m1m1° arsects,il, cheap
t 1 an svps,cifere4.4rroofore.
Carlisle, Msy 25, lop, • ! , t, 1 59
Clcrk of District Court.
8, 1842. • • 3t.37