Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 03, 1842, Image 1

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    tit - a:INCE, YEENN•
1.01122 Allt/41
- - 15" N addition to alOne . ral and welt:selected ap
sortment of
Rio Java Coffee's; II rovrn
White Sugars, Spices, .&c. •
I have just received a large lot of excellent Loaf
Sugare., a part of which at the low price of 121
cents per lb. by the Loaf, and other qualities at
corresponding low prices. • -
Fide 'Green end. Black Teas, at reduced .prices,
New • North River Cheese, Lemou, Vanilla,
Orawberry and Sarsaparilla Syrups, : r
- Table Oil and Cider Vinegar, first .
• Ruality, Sperm Oil, Sperm and
Mould- Candles, Cavan. •
.Ladies, Twist
• '.
.j Plug. Tobacco,
Half Spanisli and Common Segaro, one Tit??ceof i
Superior Honey, Ground Alum Snit, • Finn Table
Snit, Ttiba,Buckets,Churns; Corn Brooms, Brushes
of kinds, Bed Coids, Pkugh Lines,- Market
Baskets, &c. Bakers. No. 1. Homoepathic and
sweet:spiced Tealana Chocolates, as also Cocoa
and Cocoa, Paste, Rice, Starch, Mustard. -And a
joneral assortment of , ,
Chiba, Glass & queensware,
S.tonctrockery, Sugar . House, New Orleans and
Syrup Molasses..
Together with a general variety of all other ar:
tides in the Grocery line, constantly - on hand and
• dolling at the .lowest cash prices, suitable to the I
• ti • .
Aso, fine SALMON. • .
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to tlic
public for the very libeydl eneouragement receiv:
cd, and hopes in future to merit and reecke a like
support._llisiitorti is in the 111:Pick House,
MuM street, formerly the resilience of the late A.
Carothers . ,'a few doors west of the Court
J. W. EBY..
Carlisle; July 6, 1842
"“ ”' +- ”1" "”0 <7?
@EMQLEESBtR‘L-H .._. a,
Dr. F. C. i..oo,,,i4;ipelltisi,
..ipol01(1.1111. I le.c
I.s - perrqatiently lodated in (,!tirlisle,and will per.
fOrm all operations .- that are re:mired in the
piftetiee of his prafession--stieli -- as'
Eitracting•,.Fili Picagging.tutill
. • iluserlitm Artificial .7 1ect.11,
from a siiiglil-toothi to nn entire set.
.Fi - fr—a-finit-montlns—onsuing,. Dr
will he in -Cal lisle; the first two. weeks- in onch
-- rdonthafter Najd) he will he absent until the
first two writs inench ti llnwing inunth—at which
period lie iniThe Ilitind ut lihi •
Pitt st.mear 41.1wArhine'$ Hold.
'Carlisle, May 4, 1.842; • I.r-27
roFIE subscriber will sell off at greatly redue
ed FOR large and general
ssurtnient - of
The stuck is new and cheap, honsisting' in. part of
;Super Black, Mile, Ltciaihle Green, Pohill
Green and Brown Cloths,
Superfine CassitocrcS, Cassinctts; a good assort.
went of Pants Stud}', such as Sommer Cloths,
Gami/oil; Morino CassiniCres, Cottonot:,!
Linen and Cotton Drillings;AC.
A good assortment of Vestiogs, Stocks, Shirt
Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &c. &e. A large
stock a elcomit Silks, Muth and.
Figured and Plain Light Silks, new style. Mous.
lin do Lidos, Lawns,Aluslin do Angleturcs, Bain-
Wilma., Irish IA nens,Checks, 'Pickings, Mushusc
Calicoes, Carpeting, Dress Handkerchiefs, worked'
Cullars,..Carnbricks, &c. Also, Braid and
Straw Bonnets, Ribbons,. Gimpy, Leghdru and
Palm Leaf ILits, arid a great variety of goods
not enumerated,
Purchasers will do well to call at the old stand
npposite S. Wunderlich'i . 3 Hotel, wlun•e they will
find stacks of goods, selling cheaper than ever
sold in thiS eminty. _ -
Carlisk, June J 5,1849,
rjilHE proprietors of the Susquehanna Line will
-A- run their Curs and Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season.
Their friends will please apply to NVi. L. Fox,
Broad st mid to Castner. Christian & curran, No.
76 South Wharves, Philadelphia:, and Joseph
Elder, Baltimore.
Until further notice, the fellowing prices will
be adhered to between this - plaec and the above
g 5, g 5
. -
1.5 e. 21 $1 per bbl
Ale per 100 lbs.
—G roceries,Q_Warn_
„and - Hardware,
, Pry. Goods,. Furni
.lture and-Drue . s, - 25
Wheat, Rye & ° Corn
per bushel 10
Oats do . 6
Lumber per 1000
feet titi 75 $3 50
Shingles, do .. 150 2 01)
Flour per lAA. 311 35 50e
Shad -do 371 50
Herring 'do 31i
'Salt per sack, 28 32
Pitch, Tar and Rosin
, per 100, ;16 1, 21 •
Plaster gross ton, $2 25 $2 50
" Hemp per' 100, : 16' 22 •
Hides , 20 25
' Pig data, gross ton 230 350
Blooms & Castings, 3 124 400
Bar Iron, . ' , 350 450 •
Nails per keg, 18 23
Leather per 400, .20 25
Whiskey per bp 50 55
Burr Blocks per 100, 15
Curb Stone, do ,• 121
'„Tin. . do 20
Successor in Miller & Martius.
Harrisburg, May 4,1.842. „ 6w-/7
"•,..IGIINTIRELY Cured hy the - use of. Dr. 0: P.
11151 IfARLICH'S Compound Strengthening and
German' Aperient Pills. Mr. SOLOMON
SON, or-Choster county, Pa., afflicted for two .
years with the ahove distressing dis6se - of Which
he had to use *his' crutches for eighteen months—
•- his syMptoins were excruciating pains in all his
• joints, especially in his hips. shoulders and ankles,
pain increasing • towards evening, attended w i t h
' heat. Mr. Wilson was at ono time lineable to move
Ilia limbs on account of .the pain being so greet;
he, being advitied by a friend of hiato procure Vr,
~Harlich's "Pills, for which lie sent to the agent in
- West Chester and procured some; on: using the
medicine the third day, the pain disappeared, and
-.his strength increased fast, and in three weeks was
'Ole to attend to his hosiness;•which ho had not,
=done keighteen rriontlis.-Por the bendit -of others
afflicted, ho Wisliesthese lines published, that they
may be relieved, mod' again enjoy' the pleasures of
healthy • "(---
..:I!firidtplifeflierrto - NortirEtthittroet - Phit atle p him
. Fee sale at the • Drug Storo,of4. J. MYERS•St.
• Jul,/ 20, 1842... , • • 3t-3A
• •
l i r - EN. just roceiveTa spletlAW . lot. of: DRAM
' V Y- -BONNETS ti yid GIMP ; 'at the , Mon . , of
,Turjo B. 1842, • • tr-32
- 4
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. .
THE stock of. New Goods, belonging to the
firm of Bossefman & Hutton, consisting of
i f iraßD - W a adirjfi l l
• * .Groeeriet.4 . , Palmas, .
Will be sold for C AS H, wholesale - and retell, at_re
duced prices. Those wanting bargains,.will do
well .to call soon, as the entire stock will be , sold to.
close the coneern; don't Mistake lho place, at...the
Store Room of Besserman & Hutton, North Han-
Over sheet.
• GEORGE .111317 ON.
• Surviving partner 'of the firm of
• . . 130SSERdAN-& HUrFON,
May 18, ! 184.2. • -
- 1111111131/111112 0 ' , 2111111M1245.
r .
THEsusciiber, having concluded to do an on
tiro Cash business, offers li r sale his largo and
splendid assortment of
-2,„4,4" ,‘ a-4 7,
Nails ..& Ciuflery,
•lower than it was ever bought loi in Philadelphia:
The tollowingwill give you some idea of the prices
'that. I am determined to sell at:
6 inch Carpenter's Patent Min Locks,
from ' ' sitt, to $l4 per doz.
61 - ncli Brass Striker, • ' 6 . - "
Newton Hailing Grass Scythes; 10 • "
NeWburn's '‘ 9 - '
Hay FOrks i , Solid Cap Fitrrulo; 5 " •
'Cast Steel long handle Shovels, - - -66
Cumberland or Reading Nails, • 4,621 Keg
Phoenix or Juniata • " 4,44 • "
Other Makes " • 4,3 I
will sell any article - win:my line frdni 2 tri.2s
per cent. lower than can be bought for6on credit.
'Call on me—exainine my goods—seta list of-my
prices—compare. them with the prices of other
stores;-and ascertain Ibr yourselves where you can
buy the cheapest. '
lIENRI"..L. ELDER, Iniporter.
493 Marliet st. a hoVe 13th, North, side, Philddelphin.
. , June-I, 1,842..' . Gm-3
Fapzily .61)°,6c-cries.
No. 55 South Third .../reel, Pit LADE t,oli Ai op
. posilr Ihe liaqcorg, HiiireTrerinthi - vceip
1)4(11)y -tile G Irani Bank, •
WOULD respectfully offer the citizens of Car
!isle and county of Cumberland genbrally,
a first rate assortment of the chMeest
Selected with great care, which he will pack and
forward by rail road to the address of those who
may favor him with their order. •I laving supplied
a number of families in Caillislcand its I'icinity', hr
• would be pleaseA ttyincreake the nulnber of his cus
tomers there. His business has been exclusively
to supply families with. GOOD - GROCERIES fgr
.the last twelve years, and he. flutters liiinself, that
for first quality goods and fail_ pikes, he cannot be
surpassed• in the city. His stock -consiAts of a
general assortment, some of Which he will cnum
. Burlington 11 A MS, of Jones W. Duiten. and Grif
fith•be Bombes •.. -
Dried 10•11.1 F.
• Green and Mack TEAL, some of the latest im
Sperm 11 L and Sperm CANDLES.
COI' FEE, of every varlets, some old Java, forty
Italian' FIGS, n very delieate.artiele.
Italian NI AGA 11.145T1 and E 101 EGILLL •
Parosau.PAL;ligi, Sap Sago, lalland and .Ime
• riean CI:EI:ISE.' •
linderwoUiPi PICKLES and SAUCES, of CN et•
French, English, and A Illerka MUSTA‘R D.
SUGAR, Loaf :Ind Brown, of Anire
CRACKERS, of every variety, Philadelphia,
Boston, Princeton, S:it.
Canary SEED. . '
letup SEED;
English Split PEAS. •
SEGA Rs of every quality, sonic ver;e' choice.
CURRY POWDER., India SON', bee., with all
extensive as . 3ortment of every article a (*amity CAD
require. 11' \l. L.' MADDOCK,
Soutli:Phird,Streel, Philadelphia.
May '25, 812. tf
H 133
- FANCY & tilarDS&D 12. .
No. 113, South Second Skeet, .
THE subscriber respectllilly invites the citi
zens of Carlisle and County of Cumberland
generally, to call beim purchtisitrg clsewldfre, and
examine Lis •
__ •-•• 'a 0 . i ., , 1
...ili, , 1
O ,A,
• -----A- -, PLAI N& ()RPM ENTAL
i= of every ' discription; which 'ere
.; manufaetved under his own im..
mediate direetion,of the beat.matcrial, by superior
workmen, and which . "U • warrants of the beat
quality—and at prices as low as can be purchasdd
in the United States. 0-Ile also mann Ilictures an
s"" Ef l e a
ti. Crla C.. Eln. ..---_,: 012'?a
the superiority of which consuls in the astonish
ing facility with which an Invalid,with the slight
est effort, 'may by the use of one or both hands,
move to and frain,the house, or in the opemalr
in a garden or elsewhere, and 'turn quickly round
without requiring any more space than it occupies
while stvuling. ,
No. 113,South Second Stsect, Philadelphia.
Juno 1.1,1842. 3rn -33
- 43'd
. plc amthese complaints are•usually considered,
no one can-deny their being the most common
cause of this fatal and, digressing disease„ It is
indeed a melancholy truth, .that thou Sands fall
victims to Consuinption every,,year
no other
cause than neglected colds. Yet we find hunk,
nay thousands who-treat such .complaints
Ikitli 'the greatest indifference, and let them run
.on tbr _weeks_and even months without thinking
of the danger. At first you have what you may
consider a slight cough or cold; you • allow Emig-,
ness, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you froin'
giving it any attention; it then settles upon your
breast, you become hoarse, have, pains-in the
side or•chest, expectorate large quantities of mat
ter, perhaps mixed with 'blood ; a difficulty of
breathing ensues, •and , then you find your own.
foolish neglect has brought on this tlistessing
complaint. If then you value Weer' health, be
warned in time, and don't trifle with your CoLo,,
or trust to any riwra• nostrum to, cure you, hut
immediately procure a bottle o_r_ iwo_of that,-fa
mOtiii-Teinedy, the 4.l,,sitst OF %Vim Ctisnav,"
which is well knovin• to be the most speedy cure
ever known, as thousands twill testify whose lives
Have been saved 'V , it.
' — lr.rllt7vt — fry'rialiteular when you 'purchase to'
ask for "Dr. WtEITAR'S BALSAM by Wit,oCitElimr,"
-as there is 'also a fiYRUp of this name in nee.
Prepared, wholesale and retail, by • WlM.lmas
Co.. Chtimicts, No; 33 &Atli FourtW , street,
Philadelphia.‘ • • '
Sold in CarlWe,by -
• . ' - SAMUM , EtLIOI"i' . .
. Price One Dollar y Bottle.
. June 22, 1842.
WIhII N . O -0 T E ERAL N 0 . EX; 141'1 I Aft NGA CV
Ottorney at Law,
®ArtiFFICE No. 3 Ileetern's Roof; on the Pub
lie Square, 'Carlisle, Pa.
April 6, 181c2,. • ta,23
• •
/UM 1'
UMBER of every description & SHINGLES,
114 for sale cheap, by '
• J. & P. MARTIN, •
. .
- SuCcessors to Miller & Martins.
Harrisburg, April 20, 1942. . 6m.27
XLIEW 0:00.
}First arrival Of Sprisag &Summer
. .
1:F01/1 Pilllakliphiß;R.4l . sloll AVE just received
did,ossortMent of •.
SEASONABLE G 4 000.§ ---
of4he latest. styles, to which they invite the atten
tion of purChasers., They are, prepared' to offer
goods at Such pticis as .cannot fail to •meet the
wishes of those' desirous of purchasing cheap
ioOuntry Produce taken in exchange for goods.
Shippenanirg, March 16,1842. tf-20
) 4. „--1 , r? a , 3 ©a-3
.1? 8
wain subscriber will sell dr, mt [IaTIRST
C05T,..00 entire stock of
G . 23
.s v
CaSSiiitCreg )
SatinetsArestings . :Flattivels,Clitecks
'Pickings, 'Bleached and UnbleaC)ied Muslins,
Lawns; Chintzes, ANUS Ile Lillis, Figured and Plain
Swiss, Book, Jacone:tt and Cambric. M'uslins;
Figured and Plain Bohhinetts; - Barred,. Jaconett,
Bonnet and Drosii' Silks; American Nankeen's;
Straw and Braid Bonnats, . '
. ,
White '.and Black erapes; eriffns; Sh.iivls and
Handliiiiclifels of. eS•ery deieription; :a Large, aild
extensWe . .m;siirtment of Glows end Hoisery, sus
penders, Cotton - Carpeting,,Cotton Stripes, White
and 13 rown Linen Drillings, I) leached iSt; Unbleached
Table Diapers, IRISII LINENS . ; Long Lawns,
Stocks.of ,mory• deacription; • NMI Leaf Hats, Um
brellas, &e. withdlarge and extol
t;ivt4•rfssortinent of • .
Persona wishing GOOD IIikEGAINS would do
well to cull on the subscriber, as hip is determined
to close his husinesii., store. may he Mond next
door to McOlellan's hotel.
. (r_j-Country
_Mei•rhants will foil it to their ail.
vantage_to call, as 13A1Z6tAINS nit lic-eshrcted.
Carlisle, June f, 18y2. . = t.f-32
This is the season when tlds detitriictive
complaint Mtlicks your interesting little children,
often robs yen of those you fondly doat on, and
carries hundreds to the grave: Every 'nether
should theieffire, know - its• symptoms', watch them
closely, mid always be-prepared with 'a remedy
as many arc daily sacrilieal by such neglect. At
first the little patient is seized with a shirt ring, it
grows restless,_licstlushes heat,the_ey_es.lweinne7
'red i i i i rl swollen, it breathes with difficulty, and
"then conies that fearful Comm that will surely ter
minute in convulsions or deet It unless something is
immediately given to check it: In this complaint
"the "Balsam of Wild Cheri-y" known to
be the most slimily rye'. dicovered. It is indeed a
precinus remedy—mild, safe and innocent; • clad
is sure to give the. sufferer immediate relief, and
quickly restore it. to sillily and health. Fami
lies residing in the country and indeed every min.L
ther who loves her children, should always keep
this.medieine in the house and give'it to them
early, by doing so ydu may often save the life of
one you fondly love. Remember this-is the famous
remedy of this distinguished physician, Dr. Wis
rm., which • has cured thousands of CIIOI I P,
'PION, &e., alter every other Medicine has tailed. •
iX •••lle'paxtienlar.when you, purchase. to tick
"j)r. \VISTA Ws BA res e t M tie WI ten CHER R Y,"
as there is a svauc of this name advertised that is
entirely a different medicine.
Prepared only by NVii LIAMS & Co. , Chemists,
No. 33 South fourth street, Philadelpia,
Suld in Carlisle Ivy. ,
Price One Lollar a Bottle.
Jntic tn, 1812. t0`20:33'
y 7krzi rpr, i 5 ,rp:A ,s ,b
r, v 4
.. ANI 4 : i y
ci • r
0 Nt
.„-4ri • 'A r. ; 4 1 ,67. 1 0 ,( *L 4 :A4i .1
, ro
e ...,:14 , 0, 1 :030 , 16,4, :ia
1)... BLOOD Pt r.t.s contain in their composi
tion ingredients which produce the conk-
binctl and desirable effect's of
C;C: 1 31145111111ff Iflovrcis,
rpri EIRE are no,Pilis in existence which luny he
so safely used at ;dl times, ages rind seasons,
willannt restraint li•am living nr occupation, us Dr.
Leidv's Blood Pills.
. ,
From their -composition, they are calculated to
purity the blood and animal fluids during the inter
val between taking them and their operation; a hen
all impurities, as well as obnoxions substancep orthe
stomach and bowels, re Carried ofr by their mild
purgative properties. .
of them have been - sold during- the past six months
alone, and UPWARDS DV IAM,Onn •
since their first introduction by the proprietor, Dr.
N. 8.-Leidy.
have they ever been known to fail in producing
goad-elfcpt s.
contain no ingredients dangerous to the constitution:
which are employed in all Pills manufactured- by
quacks and Impostors, who 'depend upon such dan
gerous medicines under the impression4which shows
their ignortnice,) that all di:Stases most yield to the .
effects of Mercury awl other Minerals. •
Prom: Physicians and others, Ime•been frequently
published of the happy effects of Dr. Leidy's Blood
Pills and further imminent titan their merits is un
ffece•ssary. Dr Leidy would, however,earnestly re
oonmiend lo requi Nlig-a , purifying or purgative
nledicine, prOcure -BLOOD PILLS, mut try
them. No one will ever use any other kind, having
once given Them a fair trial.
cured froto the sole iminufacturer nnilproprietor,Dr.
I.2k.North accoml_street;_helowNinestreet,(Sign-ot
the olden Eagle and Serpents,) Philadelphia; there . . . • •
can be no possibility of mistake. Capital. 30;000 polltir4-+Union 'lo4ery—,
The arc also kept by most 'of the respc'etable.
Glass• No., for.,l • BV2.,TO;lie. drawn at Alistaindrla,
Druggists of :Philadelphia, and by respectable Mei.-
D. C. onSaturdni, - Aligtlsi,27
• PRICE, w F. CENTS A BOX.. • 0 7 . 006' rim t 1 .11,0' 500,1 do I'ol7' &6. &c.
. . , so J, o 4s ,
For sale; in•ftarlisle, by • Tickets sl'o=:--11alfves' $5-IQUarters $2,50. - Certici
''''STEVENSON 'DI N K rates or pockugoOf 95 - 0616 $130:116 do 25
, • Agenisfor'Ctunberland County. 65010 06.25 quarters 5,2 • • . • :•
;Carlisle; NAY. 1342. ly-fn - Forlickets and shares or' 'certificates •of pak4es
• 7 iii the above splendillsbotteries, address • . •, „
• • 4 • , REGOItY tt wat L ngt u on it , er . s c.
- UutieDna - -
USTt received 50 barrels of • No..I.IIEERING '.Drowingksent immdiutelf lifter they
ovpy to
el and SHAD,'CHAR BARNITZ.• .. 0 ,11 who order al above.
18,,1542 •of 28 July 27 iBl9r
t020.j . ,3
"dt-f,Ln L.P Kct a 661*/0 ,aku‘)-•fiz7.
Wl-1; ONE $ _DAY,:::AIVO/4:,517---3-.;1842.
.. - 3 - . 9... 63lra."LR9 EnT •
Fl' • -
AifE subscriber,' wishing to go to the Meet, of'
fers at private sale, his .... .. y- i ;[, , 4.._ . . 1.
: • 1 7 aR . Or - --. ~- ','
• 9' - , 1 1 4. ' '. '
Containing 2 , 9 Acres, more or leitir,V:finst.rate
Limestone Land, L situate in Mcinr.4l township,
Cumberland County, Pa., on the rossili dinglrem
Mechanicsburg to Churchtinvn, aboutylfilierrfrom
the former, tind 'I from the lattei4:',, ,lies
tavern; all in good order, and well •...';;, --about
; three acres in timber. The inartrii4... t ;; tits are a
geed two-story
LOG HOUSE,`',: . '•,-*,,
Darn - and other necessary . buildings , ri , ; ! .!., ,
a young ORCHARD of choice.fruii - t -, ...":..::,.-13- •
trees, a well of water near, the doe 4 .i ctrtdj every
desiratile . convenionee:
Persons wishing to purchase are terpielited Weal!
and examine the premises -r-when theia.iins, Sce.,,
will be- made -known...A good title vag be made .
to the purchaser. 7, , .
• . --..
July. P, •1842.: . .. . ~i.. ' 3t-36
• FARMERSP-'lilltrila •
THE subscriber hereby informahla friends and
the public in general, that he still tontinues
to keep a
- - set!'
• IVel ii; ' s--o.s.a
rURILIC :-.-,, „
.1 1 ••,.....4 .„
; _ • __F,'l; •." ~‘., nil
. •ta.
(reports to the contrary iintwitha*lbig,) at the
OLD STAND, in" East -High Street, a. lew doors
east of the Court House, where ho will at all times
take pleasure in administering to the comforts of
• those who may limy hint with theirlAtistom.
His BAR shall be constantly Supplied with the
choicest liquors, and his TABLE with thebest the'
market can furnish. A careful OSTLER always I
I kept in attendance—and nothing sliiin be Jett un-
tlonc to please all who cull with littM., 1
BOARDERS taken by the week, 'month nr year.
April 6, l 842: - ''
t . . 0 3
I • ,
.1 .
, .
LL kinds of ,qi: I/ "11111, 'l4O ./I.3Ra/SS
i'i,./*.rixtu done atAlie. Shortest no
1 tires, in the neatest manner, and:On.the most rea
sonable terms, at the Carriage Mapufaetory of
Carlisle, April 2p, 1842. • ; tf-25
, - •- •
C u T ie .ll , 7 ll. lD a y
of V a
i l i t r t: l p o i te o r n I n t n e n .r i , f o r thle
Rail Roail,. •
EndletkLs Chain Horse - 4'ol7er
for ono horse end for two hoities, ,, warranted to
work well,
.and of greater' durability than
. ay•
oilier AtoollineP, fora similar ptirpoal 'known to'
thesUbiicriher at present. • •
Lancaster, May .1, HU. - • 6n-27
AAo 4...-Y :6..71.1 0'11)
A - 4 AS removed to the house recently occupied
, by Francis Noble, North Ilanovcr street,
where lie carries eu the CAI . IINET MAU INC;
in all -its various branches; land is now mann
factuyintr, and intends keeping on hand, a great
variety o f" •
.0 \ ;5 7 1 . 0 W:5"1 - t2, \ll 6`6"."1
Sidelami•ds, Bureaus, :- Searctarivs,' Card
Dining and Bretddlist Tables,
of the most fashionable kind, all of which lit ,
dispose of on the too:4' reasonable terms. lie is
0110 preliared to till 011 orders for Sprite;„ Sen-1-
ed Sogasquid itcy Ciaitini, warranted
to be of superior quality,.
Ile will. oleo furnish iIIOWIPIINS at the shrirt•
est notice, and haying recently procured a NEW
EARS E, lie is prepared to attend funerals it)
the country.
Carlisle, May '25, to 1.30
CO unaT PROC Ali
sident Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas of the Ninth Judicial district of Pennsyb
vania, end, the !fen. Jon"; STUART and Tiamts
C. MI u.r.n, Judges of the snit Court of Common
Pleas for the county of Cumberland, have issued
their precept bearing date of the 22d day of April,
1842, and to inc- dir.ucted, forholding a Court of
bycr and Tthniner, General Jail Delivery, and
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at Car
lisle, on the second Monday of August, 1842—be
ing the Bth day—at 10 o'clock in the forenoon:—
.NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN to the Coroner,
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the said
County-of .Cumberland,..that-theY.-bc-then and
there in their proper persons, with their
Recgrds, Inquisitions, Examinations and other
remembrances, to do the things which to their of
fice respectivgy2appertain--and those who are
hound by recognizonees to`.prosccute against the
'prisoners that ye, or then may be in the Jail of
said county, t& be then and there to prosecute
against-them as shall be just and right.
Dated at Carlisle, the 25th thilof June, A. D,
1812, and the 66th year of American Indepen- .
PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. .
• te...37
- July 13, 1842
Splendid Lotteries for August 42.
V. Gregory .9f Co. J?lannag•ers.
324,000-512,000-30 01 . 31,500.40 31,200
Maryland edlisoliditted Lottery, Class No. 04, for
1342: be drawn iit llultiroote Olt
lith. 1912. 1 prize 0r524,000, tdo 12,000;1:do
8,1010, 1 do 6000,1 d 01,000,1 do 4,000, t do 3,000,
1 do $2,500, 1 do $2,058, 50 do $1,500,30 do $1,200,
'tickets $lO--Halveb $5--Quilvterss2 50.
Certificates of packages of 26 Nvilule tickets, $l3O,
do do 26 hall' do 65, do do 26 quarter do 92 50.
30,000 Capital-4.0 prizos Vir.
&Ida 61onouug.a Ihi Lottery, Class li.for 1 . 512. "To he
drawn at Alcihndrin, Va., on Saturday, August 16,
- 1541 - 4r - ci+Dio Setteme. - 1 Kite of $30,00,1 do ttr,ouu
'1(10 - 5,090, I do 3,500, 1 do 3,547, 1 do 5,000, 1 do
2,500, 1 do 2,355, 30 do 1,5(10,30 do 1,200, &o.
Tickets $lO-Alalves ss—Quarters $2,50. Certifi
cates of 'packages of 23 wholes $l3O, do do of 25
halves 65, do do of quarters 32 50.
$33,29 . 4 Co ipg: $30,000 Ale'x
antlrW Lottery, Class A lot , 1842. To be drawn at
Alekagdyla 'VA. on Saturday, August 20 1842. lira
prizent $35,291 1 do 12,500 1 do
10,000 1 do 5,000 1 do 8,000 1 do 3,5001 do 2,000 1
do 1,275 1 do 1,600 1 do 1,500 '2 do 1,250 '2 do 1,200
20 do 1,00020 do 500 20 do 400, &e. &o. 'rickets
$lO-1111106 ss—quarters $`2,20. „dot:titivates 'of
ockAikvs of. 26 whole tickets $ . 130 do tto 26 blares'
-65-dn;do-20 quartera-S2-00:
1 -11._ iQrrp.
. . .
c,e Y virtue of a writ of Lcvtri Facies, tome di
' IV- rooted, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Cumberland county, will he exposed to
public solo ab . the• Court House; in the borough
of Carlisle, 'on' THURSDAY ,
.the 4th
. day of
AUGUST; 1842, t 10 o'clock A. M. of said day,
the following deseisibcd.lieal Estate,, viz: •
• ; 11
acid batik Lot 01 Ground,
situate on the North side of High street, in the
borough of 'Carlisle; bounded East by a half lot of
the heifs of Joseph Knrix, deceased; West by a lot
of James Hamilton,. Esq.;, South by, High street,'
_and _Nortls_by_a.tx4::entv feet allet', containing thirty
feet its front on MIX street, and, two hunilred Mid •
"forty feet in length .from the strect,to the Alley...
A Lot of Ground,
Situate•in said borough pf Carlisle, on the North
side. of the road or street extending westward
from saidberough, and north.of the College square,
and 'running paralled - with the turnpike road; bound
ed East by a lot. of Andrew Caroi hers,mr th e West
by•a lot or Jetties Noble; and on the South by the
aMresaid isiad, containing TWO ACRESi ur
'thereabouts. Seized and ta k en in execution as the
property of Charles R. Cooper, and to be sold' by
me, • • PAUL MARTIN, Sheritt,
Sherirs Office. Carlisle,
J tily. 13, '1842
SLER' 11'1" r LE.
Y virtue of sundry writs - of •Fieri Facies to
.11) inc directed, issued out cifi the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Cumberland County, will-be expos
ed to public sale; at theCeurt house in the buroumh
of Carlisle, on TuuRsDAY the .Ith day M . A.'
GUST, 18.19., at 10 o'clock A: M. ofstiid day, the,
following desirable Realllstate, viz:
situate hi the town 'of - Springfield, in the county
of Cumberland,', bounded on the North by 'alot of
Young's heirs on the East, by lot:: of Samuel.
French, on the a lot, of Isaac Itierguait;
end on 'the West by: lentiof Jacob Keller, contain;
ing about (Inc, halfuere, having thereof - E . arected.a
part brick, and port frame; also,.a log g--I—'l - r% --
!mining, erected for with two stills
fitstyned in the s;inie and the neeessary•apprirems
. .
the i:c titTO ,
lie mon_ ereCte . o, _
• A Lot of Gvonntd - • •
situate in said town of Springlield,.. -- containing
one fourth ''of an acre, more or leas, bounded on
the Nortla..hy a lot of Daniel - Swigart, on the 'blast
by a lot Maid, on the South. by a lot
late the property of Andrew Morrli3, and on the
AVcat - by - a lot of SlantuelErcnch.._ ,
• Seized andlaken in execution •lIN the r- prbpTtiy
of Peter Noalier,.and to he 801.1 6y ins,
• PAUL MARTIN, •SliCriff.
Sheriff's Oilier, Carlisle,
July 13, - { -
- ' S7gE II .8 irk''" A' ',.' , i .t Ai in.
p o
• ~,
.. I.: lir t , ', , i e r t t . l . 7 ,
l 'o s f Bn a. cd t.N o .r t i a t.
, o ,
f t' t
I 'l l ,:
( v
, n o r , i lr 1. t6 1 c r i ( a , B o . n t i o m it
'lean Of Cut:lnv:land county, will be exposed to
pohlio sub', ut the Court llouoc, in the hurting-1i of
Carli.:46,. on 'l'l It'. USDA Y 6 the ' , lin of A 11(4UtiT,
A. 1).- 11 , 4:2, ht ten o'clock, A. M. , the following
iluserilicil :cal cittatc—to wit: ' .
ricer o MI":n•rel Ennel,
shwa. iu monroe township, Cumberland county,
bounded and described us Billows, to wit: fle'gin
idng at a heap of stones, thence by lands of Jacob
Briber and Ege's heirs, north eighty-one
and .a hall' degrees, east perches to a
Spanish oak, thence. by lands of Michael Ege's
Iniirs,,,nortli twenty-eight degrees,•wf Ilirty•six
perelic , s to a .stone, Owner by lands fit' the heirs
of llarjin ISraiidl, south nighty-six flegrees, wust
thirty-lour perches to stoncsi thence by lands of
the lieu or Jacob Bricker, smith twelity-sik de
grees, east" live perelpes :mid•nths to a stone,
&c., having thereon erected a small 41one and log
1R0V,J5.F..., anti log stable. Seized told taken in
execution vs the propi.rty Jacnb Shautfer.
And to be sold by me,
rdieritrs Oilier;
July 1:1,18.12..
IaDO / 5 p
To the heirs and legal ri presentatires of
GEORGE 811EAFFER, [(deaf Earl
township,. Lancaster County, lr'enasyt•
- F3F N Pursuance of an order issued out of the Or:
plums' Gaut of Lancaster County, I will hold
an inquisition upon Ric Real Esta tem( the said
'George Sheaffer,Alcenased, on ER IDA Y, the 6th
day Of AUGITS'I', A. D. 1812, at 1 o'clock, P. NI.,
at Lis late re,idenee, in Earl township, to 'wake
partition and apprniseincnt of said Real Estate, at
Which time and plaa you way attend, ifyou think
• The Real' Esth to of the said deccased`con'sist s
•of - the -- PLAN l'Alillialiiv - in - liarttownshirri"
upon which the said. deceased '•resinhl when he
died,. containing about 159 Aeons, adjoining ,
lands of.Tohn Wallace, John Martini, David Hauck
and •others. A PIECE OF LAND, in said
township, containing about . 1 1. ne adkrin:
in. , lands of 'John High and Gideon 'fonder, and
thud township, contalning about.. S Acres, ad;
joining lands of Wendel Hull,'.Terse Line and
others. A. E. ROBERTS, .
- . Sheriff of Liinco.stcy county. •
- Jul,y 6,18. Q. I • 6t:3G
Triat Limt. for August Tern; Ibl3.
Stuart- . vs Stuart
Piper Mellinger et al
Spotswood's Adm'rs vs Carver & Wallace
Menlo & Brother. vs Lyon •
Reigle • vs Aul
Palm vs Reisher
Reynolds :Si; Mosher, vs Moore and Biddle
Same vs Moore • •
Hughes' Adin'r. vs Moore & Mahon
Noble's Ex'rs. vs Harper
Cake vs IM'Clure
Myers et , • vs Myers
Brandt vs Givlurh
. Same • ..._.... vs Saw'
Gillingham et al • vs Given's Ex'rs. ,
'Sumo . vx ,Same
- Gorges ct al • . • vs . Alexander
Snavely . : • :vs • Poorman & Sheely
Thorne . • vs Ditlow
Sturm - , vs Zeigler's Ex'rs.
Commonwealth vs Lens
GEO. SANDERSON, i'rotley. , ,
Carlisle, July 13, 1 at.l. , • tc-37
f '
4COf/f.!flifiSill/lCr lit anallicrtiptcy:
in.Sotith Hanovni 4trect,-.near M'-
', Clellart's Hotel, wluiro till intormation dusire
ad, tri"fdfouso to the duties of ;those. intending . ,
to apply for tlili-beirit of the' Bankrupt Act, bun
be • • .7 4 •
.• Carlisle; May 4,-180." tf..427
• ..
Y.l{ FINS .Vailey, Pine Grove; Lime-burners;
' ' Slid liiiiiiiiinotw , CO-Ati;--nstontly—fer
a by, ,r. & I'. 111Alt'r1.11 , 1,
(,•: • - • . • - Successo s tq, Miller 8,: . , Martins
'' ,liiiirishure, April go, 1.84 , 2.. ''-: • ..6n3.5 2,,,
7 ,
. . .. . .
oUl',,rAft51.4, for
just 'received. and for sale cheap by, the' sub..
••seriber: • . • . .. GPO. W,, ; II.iTNER:..• • ;
•-• 4une 22. 1,8 , 19. • - . ..., ~ :, .. ~. ~, -, ,:. tf:34
.-^ - _ _
421 Tr' 31'..1
With sweetest /lowers edrieled,
FPOIII variouB gartlo§ criird -;oith care."
110.711 E, S
Ilow•elieering a lau,cut1 au,cut in a cold world litre Ihis,
Where joys melt away litze the shore-driven foam,.
To feel that one's heart is it planet of 'bliss.:
Itevldving in right round Vie cent voof itomE!
The soul may pursue'llie bright meteor of fitnie, •
The phantoms of glBl7 or pride;
ifitt their glitter is.false ai; ;hide- pie:l . 3llms are tame,
Cumpar ' d with theldiss of one's• own fire-side!
All joys are delusive save those'uf the . heart, -
'The grasa . niny be.grpen while it grows out a tomb;
But the verchirc of feelhuy,- can never depart,
When the soil ,rliere it springs is the gartleil.of
node! '
The world may have pleasures all sparkling anttgay,
. „As, ei.yshtts'of :now which the bra . nehes adorn;
lot the first breath of sot;i:ow , tvill sweep diem aNtit'ir
the heart like the trees i t let bare & finlorn:
. ,
Oh! then, whenthe , bosons has 61.01%114 annoy,
And the to sky, of life. becomes eUtpter'd
. with
' gloom, . .
. . ,
. . ,
How hlissfnito think that a fountain of joy, . .
As a well=spring dl' pleasure, is gushing AT eosin!
.17 j::"1S
A vr ( ry cheerless and fallacious doctrine
is that which teaches us to•dony the yield
ing to natural feelings righteously directed;
becauseihe con,equenees ibriy be trouble
and grief, as well a'B satisfaction and plea
sure: The man who lii;es - on Irma year to.
year,•jealotis.of ever placing hinrself in a
silnali6n where the chances Can possibly
turn against him—ice, as it were, surround-
hip: his heart:, and his mind too scrtrpuloitsly
we ;himgin a• balauCethoi results, of giyhig
ttWay to a nyr)111 hose propruisiiies hist:rt.:m(6r
has planted 'in his heart—nrty ben philose-‘
iler, hilt ertn, never he a happy man.
' lipenifie.baliks•of a pleasant riser stood
a cottage; thelTesidenee i;f ntrancient man,
whose limbs were feeble. with the weight. of
yrn rs_andLaciiirnler sorrow:. Its his,a{ipe-
rites, casily.gratified, siinTilFrace of
people amng' whom lie lived, every want
of esislence was supplied by a reW fertile
fir:res. Those acres were tilled and c tClided
hy.tiVo h . rothers: . r.grandstani of the old Man,
and dwellers also. in the cottage. The
paritats_of_tbe..boys ayl...bu ric.d.neq .
Nathan, the elder, - hoc; hardly seen his
twentieth summer; lie was . a beautified
yiTfith, Glossy ha ir clusreyed upd r odiiis.hPfld,
and his cheeks wore very broWp from sun
shine and,,Open air. Though tl,e eyes of
_Nathan were soft and liquid, like a girl's,
'UM] his chocks. curled with a• voluptuous
exercise had developed his limbs into
noble and manly proportions: The band
uI bunter::, as they met sometimes to start ,
oh' higother ally'. the game upon the neigh
boriag hills, could hardly show one among
their number who, in comeliness, strength
or activity, might compete with the youth
ful Nathan.
Mnrk was but a year younger thin his
brother.. Ile, too, had great : Steamy.
In the course of time the ancient sicken
ed and knew that he Was to die. Befbre the
approach of the land hour, he called before
hitn the .two youths, and addressed them
• 'The world; -my children, is fill of deceit.
Evil nfen 61V aCM in every 'dace; and sorrow
and disappointment art.: the fruits 01' ivter
rim rsor with them. • So wisdom is 'wary.
'A nd arl he t bin gsofi fo a re only 'shadoWs,
passing like the darkness of a cloud, twine
no bands of love about your h oa rk. F or '
100 is the ftehleSt thing of 'Thu.: Ob
ject, of our atilttion dies, amt.-We t•bence
forth languish In 'agony; Or perhaps the
love we covet dies, and that's inore painful
}let. ,
'lt is well never to confide in'any man.
It is well to keep aloof froin the Collies and
impurities of earth. Let there be no links
bet weon .y an ot he rs.. Let not and' be 6
ing control you throiigh your dependence
upon unit for a' porlion of your happiness.
This, my sons, I have teamed by sad e:‘;:.
perienee is; the teaching of truth.'
i thin. a- low- days-aflerward, .the.....01d
man \i'as placest t away in the marble tomb
of Ilk kindred, 'Which was built on a hill
by the shore. ~.„
Now the itijunction given to Nathan and
his brother—injunctions frequently impress
ed upon them before by the satire monitorial
voce—were pondered over by. each youth
in his inmost heart. They had always
habitually respected their grandsire—what
ever.catne from his month, therefore, seem,
ecl as the word of an' oracle, not to be gain
Soon rho path' of Nathan chanced to bo
sundered froM that of Mark. :
Anti the trees leaved - Out, and then in the
autumn cast their foilage; and in.due course
leaverhout ttgtiin, and again, end many time
again—and the brothers•met not, yet.
Two score years and-ten! :What change
worksover earth in such a space as two score
years and tent
As the sun, an hour ere setting,cast long
slanting shadows to the eastward, two men
Wit h s red and with hair thin and s nowy,canue
'wearily up from oppoSita - directions, and
stood together at'a tomb built on a hill by
dhe korSirs of a lair 'liver: by do they
start, as each casts his dim °Yes towards the'
face 'Of the ot her? -Whytdo tears 'drop doWn
their cheeks, and their frames tremble even
more than With the feebleness of They
are the long separated brethren, and they
onfold.thetbselves in one another's arms.
&Attd yet,;.said Ilark,aftent few therhents,
stepping back, and earnestly upon
his companion's form/and features, 'and
yet ft weeders mc' t 'that`theu art my . brother.
There should be a-tlrave andheauti 14 youth,
with 'black curls: open • his head, And not
thbse pale - :ernblems of decay. • And my
brother should be straight and nimble—nut
bent andtettering'as thou.7i'
The' speaker„ cast a second searehits
gralle7÷-littitnirl,t';-(+1-4se:antent.1.: •
4 ••:
: •'A ad,l,',,yejoined Nathan, q might Willtre
freer my.brothor,:nrit suck shrivelled
ris4 see, rind inStruid-orthut-cracked voice,
016,1611 swelling music ore Morning heart—
•bin•thatllaff it cenliliy'"isa'fbarfahnelitr,of
comeliness and of. strength; for half a cell
hurY it Is; dear,;fA•other 4 i.', since -my hand
touched thine, or r tny- gii;ze rested dpon-thy
Mark sighed and answered not.
' Then, in a little while, they ma'do in
aboet What had befallen either dur
ing the titne.past. Seated upon tie marble
by which they had met, Mark briefly told
liis• story. •
helitink me, brother, many, many years
has indeed pissed over since the sorrowful
(lily 'when 'Our grafulsire, dying, left us to
seek our fortunes amid a wicked and'sAirce•
live world.
'His last words, as thou doubtless dost
remember, ':advised us against the snares
that Should beset our subsequent •jeurney-;
•infr_s.. He pertrayed the dangers which lie . •
in the path of love; he impressed upon our
Minds the fcilly,of placing confidencelp ho- •
man hon4r; and • warned us to; keep aloof .
from too_elose a cornrrmunication of Our kind;
lie then died; [JUL his 'instructions live, and
have ever been present in my memory. -
''Dear Nathan,why shduld I conceal from
you that at that • dine I loved. • My simple
soul, ungifted: with the' wisdom of our aged -
relative,lilid „yielded to the delicious folly,.
and the broWn dyed Eva was my young
•heart's choice. .0 brother,•,even now, the
feeldrLand withered thing I am, dim recol
leciions; fileasant passages, come foi:t 4 d
• around me, like the joy of old dreams: A
boy again, and in the confiding heart of the
buy; I Walk with Eya by the river's banks.•
And the gentle:m:oo6re bliisheS at my pro--
-testations Of love, and leans her Cheek .upon----
my neck. • The regal sun goes down in the.
west, and we gaze upon the glory of 'the .
cloud:smill attend his setting, and while we
look: at the ir fanta s tic changes, a laug h
sound, out, clear like a (line., mill . merry:aa'
the jingling of silver bells. It is the laugh
of.Ev4.' •• • •
lJ, q eye of the gl st o ned witlL un
IVOhted ji(j I panted, sighed,,)hci
qigt ! tn - e'ss laded rt way; Ittid , ,he went
. ,
• • •• .
his tinrrnYitin.
sAs I 'said,. the dying • lessons of him
whom n'e reverenced . were treasured in my •
sold. I ctinld not but feel theit . L.truth. I •
tiptred that if I again - stood .beside the mai. •
den:of my love•;,and looked upon her face,
and listened to her 'words, the Whole Some
axioms miAlit — licTliott ed - fronrmytheug - hr; ----
so I determined' to'nct es hermitic a-man:
from - that hour I never have beheld the
broWn•eycd Eva.
.'I went..amid tho world Actilig upon
lho wise principles whiCh our aged- friend
suspicious eyes. Alas! rfunnd but too true
that iniquity and dcceit•are•the ruling spin•
its di men.
'Sonic called rife cold, calculating and
unainiable, but it was their own unworthi
ness trait made me appear so tO their eyes.
I am not—you know, my brother—l am
not,'rrourallv o[proud and.repit !sive
fier; but was determined never to-give my
fiiondship merely to be blown A' again, it
tnight chance,- as a feather by the wind;
nor.itherweave my coursepPrlifo With those
that very likely would draw all the advan
tage .of the connexion, and leave me no bet
tei-rha n before. .
'Lyn - aged in traffic: Success attended
Enemies said that my. good fortune
was the result of chance, but I hncw it the
fruit of the judiciouS system of caution
which g overned me in matters of business,
as well ass in social' intercourse.
'My brother s thus have Hived my lir&
Your look asks me if I have been happy.—
Dear Brother truth impels me to say' ed.—
Yet assuredly; if glittering pleasures
mini,tered to me on my journey, equally
I,.‘v were the disailpointints, the hopes
blighted, the trusts betrayed, the faintings
of the soul, caused by the defection of those
in whom I had laid up my treasures.
"Alt . , my brother, the world is full of mis
ery!' •
The disciple of a wretched faith 'ceased
hiS stury, and •tlfi're was silence for a..while:
Then Nat hlin , spake:
'ln the early years,' he said, 'I too hived
a beautiful woman. — NVlloll'o'r my heart
was more frail than thine, orralfection had
• gained a mightier power over 'me, I , could
wit .pa rt from her I loved without the satis;
action ofn farewell kiss. We met—l had
resolved to stay but a moment,-1 had
-chalked-oat-Hit i fd:ader-theyfas hien
thsitt n hast dekeribed thine. .
sllnw it was I knoW 'not; but the moment
rolled on to. hours, and still .we Mood • with
our arms around each other.
'My brother, a maiden's tears washed my .
stern resolves away.. The lure of voice.
rolled quietly from betweert..Ommlitpsiba-
Aiedd me front the reinembrimee of my
grandsire's wisdom. Aforgot his teachings,•
and married the woman I loved.
'2lh! how sweetly sped the seasons! We
were blessed. True, there came crossings
and evils; tait.we withstood them all, - and
.holding each other by the hand, forgot that
such a thing as sorrow remained in the
world: . . .
‘Chi!dren were born io" us—brave boys
and thir. girls. Oh, Mark,...that,ihat is a
pleasure-=that swelling of ,tenderness for
our offspring—which the rigorous doetribes
of your course of life has withheld from
you.— . ,
'Like you, i engaged in trade. Various_
fortune followed my path. I will not deny'
but that some inn — Whom I._ thought - virtue : ,
was :it rung, proved dunning hypocrites, - and .:
wbrthrTho innn's frUst. Yet; ;are,lhere'
ninny. I' halio known; spotless ; as far as ho.
infinity is spotless.. .
^ 'Thus, te me, life has . ()ten" alternately ,
dark _and fhir. Have lived' happy! • No,
not completely; a iS never for mortal so to
be. llut Lean lay any hand upon my heart,
and thank the Great: MaSter, that .the . sun- .
shine has been.fur ollenerthan the darkness . .,
of the clouds. ' . , •-••• '
'Wetir,brother, 'the World hns misery—
but it is, a pleasant. World still, and affords , -
much joynt, the dwellers!' • • - .
As Nathan - coar!od, his brother looked up . :
;Allis theKlike, a man unto whom a simple - .
truth had been for the first time revealed. .
Charlotte, what pnrt
of:the Inullet7Myou safa
'arning to the lovely divinity of tho breakfast table,
whilst endeavoting to do Old amiable. -
"The brush, if you plciiiio," replisd that fragrant
and - delhinie embodiment of sensibility and delicacy. .
"Bog pardoy," Scrngg , " did I Tulorstand ,
you would take .
the head ' . •
rejoindifthe hlnahing Charlotot
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