Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 27, 1842, Image 3

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Wednesday, Aftily,27-0 sAie.
•'• 'FOR PRESIDENT • • ._ A
Subject to the decision of a National Convention
Gen.. Scott on the Tariff.
. "I am riot `only infavor of a 'NUM Fon' REVS.'
II tt, but also FOR PROTECTION." .
• Gen Scott on Removals.
. _
" ',My.ruie would be to TURN OUT TR U E BAD
AT ONCE, and displace the indifferent as last as
it, might conveniohtly be dcipe."
hold• that on a change of parties, vacancies= , -
noinatter how made—li mean by death resignation
or removals,. ought" lobe fi lled by sekctions' from
the political majority., 'And always with the best
men that can he ha; for the several places::
on . V.. B PALMER, Esq. at is Mal Estate and
Coal Office, No. 104, South bird Street, Phila.;
is authorized to act as Agen for procuring sub
scriptions and advertisements orsrald &
Expositor." . , „
TO 'Correspondents.
CO"Por the information •of those concerned, we
take :occasion again to say: _That no communication
will receive attention unless accotniutnied with the
author's name
CpWeary indebted to Mr. GINTINE, Mr. Cool ,
a, and Mr. N. SAnoEANT for Washington papers;
and to Mr. GonoAs, Mr. Berm, Mr, MeConts and
Mr. Witralms for LegislatNe doetiments.
t" - liur kind friend at Boston has again placed
us under obliiations for • copies *cif •the • London
mime's" and "Exantiner," received by the late ar
rivals.' We shall bear him "in kind ietr.thnbranee."
K, has favoured us with another excel
lent poetical article. It will'be found on our first
pige. -We are always plessed,to hear froiniiiin„.
/ I, •
• -
dj'LArit's BooF.-L We 4 have been furnished, by
thcAgerit, Mr. Gstmt,4illt the Atugitit
the - LAni's'Booa. It contains' si'variety of intei:est
int - _ - _ - talesTand — otheC - readilig—and Is embellished
with two beithtiful engravings of "The Fortone Tel
ler" and "A. Vilfage. Seede." It contains also two
pates of Mali°. periodivd deserves to be
liberally patronized by the Ladies. '3erms, 25 cents
per number. .
• Mr"The_ Episcopal Family Monitor, devel.ed_to
ReligiOn, Literattire and the Film Arts," is the title
of a well stored periodical justissued from the press
of J. D. Lockwood, New York. It is to be•isstied in
monthly numbers oils - pages ea,:ll, at thejow price
ofst 50 per year.. The present number contains a
beautiful engraving of St. - Mark'liChuecli,Williains:
burg, L. 1., sib(' is piece of Mush!. .
cryWe have received the first number of The
Ladies' and Gentleman's Alhenteiltn, devutedlo Li
terature and. tile Fine Arts;" published' by J. D.
Lockwood, in monthly numbers of St-a pages each,
at $.9. SO per year. The number before us containa a
%plead engraving of East Port otad Passamaquoddy
Bay, a-pordrait of William Cullen Bryant; and four
pages of Musk; besides a great variety or interesting.
reading . matter.
Paircuoteov, or 1:/e - iiierits of ci'neto System
. Mental Philosophy, on the basis of diii:iiiaits
ness and Common Senie,,designed for Colleges
and ACademies, by S. S. SCHMUCK En, D. D.,
Professor of Christian Theology in the Theolo.
gica! Seminary, GettyAbzirg.
It :TA work with the above title has just been
published by the liarpers, of New York, and is fos:
sale in this place, at the Book Store of Mr. Lo UPON.
It gives ue pleasure to state that this work has
been well received by the public, and favourably
spoken of by writers in .Northern Reviews. We.
commend it to the public hero. We shall notipo
it more fully hereafter. In the meantime, call at
Loudon's and get a copy.
Stale, t3,ouVetttions.
irr-The friends of SCOTT AND A Prio'reemvs
Tartar met in -State Convention at Ifarrisburg
The friends of iivvity CLAY will meet in Con•
vention at the same place in September twit.
ei.Both Houses of the Legislature agreed it.;-ad
journ yesterday.
The Press of Pennsylvania.
but a single psper (and that one edited by an office
holder under-the Captain.) that supported I .Tippe.
canoe and Tyler too" in 1840, now pretends i
pm* John.Tylpr in his treachery and desertion
of those principles which carried him into office !
This speaks Well for the Deme6ratic Whig Press
of Pennsylvania, and should be viewed by Tyler
as a burning rebuke of his madness and folly. '.
Let tho same press remain thus honesartyirm,
and although there may now be a difference of opi
nion as to men, the time-will come when all will
be again found battling, in union and harmony,
for the same great principles now so basely diem,
• garded .by t i ke political. Judas placed by accident
into the Plesidentiat Chair.
• a" We will endeavor to give in' our next a
synopsis of the Law 'abolishing Imprisonment for
Debt. Also, of the Stay Law.
Just and rrue.
g.The Lutheran Observer, copying the
, notice
from the Madisonian about John Tyler's ap pearing
on the 4th of July in a suit' of Domestic silk, justly
'obseries: “This is all well enough, but surely such
-,a;Wat would feel more at home on tht back of one
who saiwankoze indeed of CRUSHES Auzyur:
O'D. D. DURBOIIIIAW, Esq. has been appolnt.
ed Post Master at Cnambersburg in the room of
Mr. Harper removed. •
• o:?Let the 'Taxpayers of Cumberland eourtty
. bear in mind, that. Mr. CULVER, voted against
Ponnsylvelia receiving her share of the proceeds
of the Public Lands He would ;Martel see . the
. people borne to the ground with 'TAX'ES, than.
• the Commonwealth i should receisie her
,:of the public doniain ! Let this be remeinbered by
ghe • Taxpayers. •
. +Camp Dieetirig!
.Canap,Meoting mill)* held tiy.the Methodist
VfitO . oeind Church' , :otillr .
August, near
keWvittoi and on tile ISt of s6i)!.!lbST.,, near Ship=
. •
. • ,
o:The Annual Oominenconient of this Insti , .
tution was held on Thursday, July 19,1842 .We
understand that the degree of B..was conferred
upon the following gendoinen, thembe;s of the se
nior class, viz: A: B. Anderson, of Pa.; J. S. Bats
tee, R. B.‘Batteo, P. G. Buckingkam, of . Md. ;'J.
E.Bulkley, of Pa.; 7t. Cieery, of Md.; A. G. Mil
ler, of Pa.; R. P. Morris,. of Pa. ; J. R. Pattison;
of Md:; T. W. P. Rider, of Md.; C. P. Wilkins,
of Pa.; •and,B. F. Wright, of Pa.
The degree of Bachelor of Laws was conferred
upon P.' Wright, A. 8., of •Philadelphia; and C.
Spence, 'Esq., of Baltimore. • '
The. degree of A. M. was conferred upon the
following Beelikelore of Arts, of three years' stand
ing. B. M. lidos, of Del.; W. H. Butler;
of- ,, Pa.';ALLM—E.IDeemo, W. Lyon, of,
Pa.; J. Lyon, of Pa.; J. 0. 'Proctor, of Pt.; J. B.
Scoulei, of Pa.; and T. Wright, of Pa.
The honorary degree of Master of Arts was Con
ferred upon , the Hon. L.. Kidder, of VV,ilkesbarre,
Pa., member of the Senate of Pennsylvania; and
W. Kingston, Esq., Piofesscit of Matheinatics m
'Victoria College, 8.. C. . • •
The Rev. H. Malcolm, President of Georgetown,
College, Ky., A. ilL,.of Brown University, Was ad.J
mitted ad eundem gradam of this College.
The honorary degree Of L. L. D. wa4carife - tred'
upon the 'Rev. IL - Newton, of England. .
Tho honorary degree of L. L. waa conferred
upon the Hon. James, Buchanan, of Pa.
Charles W. Roberts, Esq., of Salem, N. J. was
elected a 'member of the Board of Trustees. ,
The Tariff and neniovals.frpm
Letter from Gen. Scott.
a7The Harrisburg Telegraph . says it will be
remembered, that at theyeeent county meeting of•
the friends' of Gem Scott, a committee was. op
pointed to propound certain questions to him and
receive his answers. ThiS committee, consisting ;
of Messrs. Maclay, Dunlap and M'Clur;
mediately' wrote to Gen. Scott and • received his
prompt reply. It is unnecessary to say more
than refer our readers to its sentiments; they will
speak for ,themselves—broad, . definite, and not to
'be misunderstood. 'To the - - vital of
policy, which the Harrison democrats were anxi
ous to propound to him in some formal manner:lie
has responded in a
° spirit which will meet the
hearty approbation of every man in the. Union.—
There is no disguiser-no shoilling off, thmisiue—
he comes boldly to the pOint and giv'es•us his de
claration of principles, which we may inseribe'on
the Scott banner, as a certain ;message of success.
Let every•friend of the warrior and statesman,•
wlitan we delight to honor,' well this letter,-
and see if it'thies not eontaimt i lie 'very principles
fur which the nation, is coiltending-s.a Protective
ariff, and no foco office-holders to
ael ; as spies and traiforsin• our camp, poison the
ears of the peiiple ,and impale 'the
_progress of
WASHINGTON, Ally f 5, 184'2
GEN rLEdIEN:—A. have the honor to .acknowledge
your-letter of yesterday, written, its you bettering.
ly inform me, at the instance "Of a large and les=
peetuble meeting of your Tiny) friends, convened
at the Court House,liillarrisburg, 'Dauphin coma.
ty, Penusyltiatiia," and propounding certain quo
ries;Twhich I shall cheerfully answer. . -
lot. "Do you believe that it is .the duty of an
Executive, in an elective Gqvernment to appoint
to office, us a general rule, persons of his awn poll
tiaal opinions and friendly to his administration'?"
I not only believe it to be Ilia duty 'to appoint to.
,off ee, persons of that general party which 'advt. •
him,but,l am of opinion that the exceptions to
the "general rule," if any, ought to be exceedingly_
tax; and !bonded, not, on congidcratiops personal
to the Executive, but on the good of the public
service—as the possession•of -some qceidental
peculiar qualifications in opponents, for the partic
ular employments in question,
2nd. "What are your views with regard to a
Ta rill of duties not only for Revenue, but for Pro
tection?" •
Alt.hour,)110112; in the way of extnessinr. ms,
bumble views on MIS subject, . have never before
been called upon to' give them iii writing.
. , That the necessary revenue el the federajgov
eminent; for general purpuscs, may in tithe of
peace, he most Cheaply and conveniently raised in
the form of custom 'House duties, and that it
ought to be so raised, in the whple, arc questions,
which, in my judgment, do not,,adinit.of a doubt.
From a familiarity with the principal writers
on political economy, I was early much smitten
with the doctrineWcifr'Fiee Trade; but bevels% the
years 1824{-8, being stimulated by the discussions
of the period, to reconsider first impressions, I
soon became thoroughly persuaded that that theory
of wealth, however beautiful,
.would impoverish
this country in its trad-i with the many, whose
rival products aro shielded' by duties generally ,
high,. and, in - many vases, .prcilAitory. Until,
therefore, the other great commercial nations can
be forced to practice upon as well as. to propagate
in speeches and writings,. the liberal doctrines, I
shall be in favor of countervailing and retaliatory
duties at hurne—se that, in raising the necessary
revenue for au een_noinical administr ion of- the
federal government, we may by disc •iminkition,
effdctually protect our own indus i.y.--a ticultural,
mining and mechanical—against. the h If starved
labor of foreigricoulitrics. • .
. .
I consider this line of defensive policy—which
has_ heretofore succeeded' with us; and for that
itasoni'again entitled to a fair experiment, in the
present general distress---4o be as much in the
spirit of national independence,, as it is , in my
judgment indispensable-to-the-internal-anhusting
proaperity of all parts of our cherished - Union:
Deeply sensible of the high honor done' me by
the meeting, which you represent,
I remain, gentlemen,
. with great respect and esteem,
your friend and fellow-citizen,
Messrs, R. I': MACLAY, •
DurnAr, •
J. M'CLoax, Committee, &c,
The Apportitienuent
n%We give this bill to-day as agreedupon by
the committee of Conference aid sanctioned by
both Houses of the Legislature, It will be seen
'that Cuniberland, Franklin and Perry aro wedded
together for the next ten years ! 'Of course Porter
will sign the bill. •
AN M e.
To divide the State into Congressional Districts
'for the election of Representatives in The Con
. gress of the United States:
Samoa 4. Be it s enueted by the Senate and
nolfSe of Representative of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and
it is hereby wiled by.the authority of the same:
That for the purpose of elicting representatives of
the people of this Commonwealth, to serve in the
Mouse of Representatives in the Congress of the
United States, this State shall badivideitinto twen
ty-four districts as follows: --
I.,.flouthwarh, Moyamensing, Passayunk, King
sessing,"Blocltley and West.....Philailelpliia, in. the
County of Philadelphia, and Cedar ward -in - tha
city of Philadelphia; shall compose the firsttlistiict
and elect one Representative.
11. The city of Philadelphia, except Cedar,-Up. ,
per Delaware and North Mulberry Wards, shall
compose the second district and - dlect one Repre
HI, The Northern Li?ertiea, Kensington, in
the county of Philadelphia, shill compose the third
district and elect one Representative.
IV. Spring Garden,
.North and South' Penn
Township, Roxborough, Germantown, Bristol, un
,ineorporated Northam Liberties, Oxford. Lower
Dublin, Byberry and Moreland, in the county of
Philadelphia, shall compose the fourth dit4riot and
V. The counties of Obester and Delaware shall
compose the fifth distriet:antl elect one Represen,
tative;• '
Vi. The counties p,f: Berke ond Lehigh' shall
eopp . ose.the'sixth district and'eleet one Represen
tative. ,
VII. The counties of Montgomery. And Bricks
shelleornPoso the seventh district and elect one
Representative. : , ', • •
VIII. The county of Lancaster ' except the
townships mentioned in "the ninth district, shall
compose theeighthilistrict and elect oriut Repre
sentative. , . • \
IX. The counties of Dauphin and Lebanoniwith
the townwhips of Raphd,,Wgrwick; West Cecelia,
and West Donegal, in the county of Lancaster,
shall be the ninth district and elect' one Represen.;
X. The counties of Northampton, Monroe, •
Wayne and Pike, shell be the tenth district. and
and elect one Representative. ..
XI. The counties of Schuylloll,Northu mberland •
and Columbia shall be the eleventh district and ,e
-lect one Representative. •
XII. The counties of Luzerne, Wyoming 'and
Susquehanna' shall be the twelfth 'district and elect
one Representative. ,
• XIII. The counties of Lycoming, Potter, Brad
' Tord — and - Tioga - sball - be - the - - - thirteenthAdietrict Audi
elect one Representative. ---•
• XIV. The codifies of York and Adams shall li
compose the ftiurteenth district and elect 'oho Re
, XV. The counties of Cumberland, Franklin
and. - Parry shall compose the fifteenth district and
elect one Representative. • • -
XVI. The counties of Huntingdon; Juniata,Un
km and Mifflin shall comp.'s° the six'eenth 'die.
teict and elect one. Representative.
XVII. The counties of Bedford, Somerset, Cam
bria and Indiana shall compose the seventeenth dis
trict and elect one Representative. ,
XVIII. The counties of -Fayette and Green
' shall compose - the vighteent li district and elect one
Representative. .
XIX. The counties of Westmoreland and Arm
strong shall compose the nineteenth district sand
elect one Representative. -
XX: The counties of Clarion, Jefferson,Clear
• Centre and shall' compose th twen
tieth district and elect one Representative.
XXI. The counties of 'Washington and Heap
ver shall compose the twenty-first district andeleet
one Representative. - •
XXII. The county of Allegheny shall compose
the twenty-second 'district and elect one Represen
tative.'- '
XXIII. The counties of B utler,lVlereet,& Veitan
-0 shall compose the twenty-third district and elect
one Representative.. •
XXIV. The counties of Erie, Crawford end
Warren ' shall compose the . twenty-fourth district
and elect one Rept esentatiie.
SECT. 2. That the • election of Representative:l
to serve' in the House of Representatives of the
Congress of the United States agreeably to 'the-
constitution of the United States and the direction
of this act, shall be held by the citizens of this
State qualified to vote tor, members 'of the State
Legislature on the second Tuesday of October net,,
tint!' obt-the second Tuesday of October of every
'second year thereafter until an enumeration of the.
inhabitants of the. United States shall be taken
agreeably to the•congtitntion and laws of the Unit
ed States, at the same places respectively ; udder the
care and direction of the same officer4und.subject
to all the laws p nulties and regulations within
this-Commenwealth: . Provided: That' the afore
saiduirangement of districts shall not be construed
toy apply to ttre filling of vacancies which may oc
cur by' death; resignatioh or otherilse in the •rep
resentation of this State In the present congress of
as thostzh this act had not been passed.
Sect —3._That.the_returne_olthe_election
under this act shall be made at the tunics and man-
tier prescribed for making returns of elections by
therseventy-sixth, seventy-seventh, seventy-eighth,
soventy-ninth; eighthieth, eighty-fast, eighty-sec
ond, eightptliad,. eighty-fourth, eighty-fifth and
eighty-sixth sections of the consolidated acts regu
lating elections within this commonwealth; passed
the second day tifJuly; A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-nine.
SeeT. 4. That the Judges of the first, second,
third and : fourth district shall-mect--al r the.State
House in the city
The Judges of the fifth district shaltmcet at the
Court House in. the county of Chester..
The Judges of the sixth district shall meet at
the Court House in the countyof Dears:.
"Ile Judges of the seventh district shall . meet at
the Court House-in the county of Duck‘ : ,
The Judges of the eighth district shall meet at
the Courfllouse iu the connty of Lancaster.
The Judges of the ninth district shall meet at the
Court House in the, county of Dauphin.
The Judges of the tenth district shall meet at the
Cow t. House in the county of Northampton.
The Judges of the •eleventh'ilistrict shall meet
at the Court House in the county of Columbia.
The Judges of the twelfth district shell meet at
itnitatt rlctut eonthaniel uatterelt,in
the townslup of Providence, in the county of Lu
The Judges of the thirteenth district Shall meet
at the public house now pccupied by Nathan Van
dust'', in the town of Covington, in the county of
.The Judges of the finirteenth district shall meet
at the Court I liouse in . the county of York.
The Judges of the fifteenth district shall meet at
the Court House in the county of Cumberland.
The Judges of the sixteenth district shall meet
at the Court House in the 'County of Mifflin.
The Judges of, the seventeenth district shall
meet at the house - now occupied by avid Easton,
in the borough of Johnstown, 'ln tho county of
Cambric. .
The Judges of the eighteenth district shall meet
at the house now occupied by Jeremiah Bake, in
Luzern° tow,nship, in the county of Fayette.
The Judges of the nineteenth district shall meet
at the Court House in the county of Westmoreland
The Judges of the twentieth district shall meet
at the Court House in the county of Clearfield.
- The Judges of the twenty-first district shall meet
at the house now occupied by James Briceland, in
Florence; in the county of Washingtqn.
The Judges of the twenty•second district shall
meet at the Court House in the city of Pittsburgh.
The Judges of the tweittyrthird district shall
meet at the house now occupied by J. H. Humph
reys, in,Centresille, in the county of Butler.
The Judges of the twenty-fourth district shall
meet at the Court House in the county of.-Craw
In Dickinson township, on Friday the 15th inst.
Mr.•PHILIP FISHBURN,.aged about 31 years.•
In this borough, on Thursday last, after a lahg
and painful illness, Mr, JOHN noptr,s, aged
about 37 years,
4,Z i o_
o.ffice,opposite 14e Carlisle Bank.
July 27 , 18 4 2 , , • 'fm-39
• '
.Produce, • Commission and
' Vorwarding Merchants. ,
N. W. Corner Brolid 4. Arch Street, Philadelphia;
03 - Reference to William IL Murray, Carlisle.
July 27, 1842: te.39
ETTER'S of Administratioe dpon the estate
..I_l of VIILIP,FISHRURN, lite of Dickinson
township, Own !vapid county, deceased, have been
espied in due form of Law to Jourr„ Fumetran
and AIITIIONY FISIIBURN: all persons whii are in
debted to the estate . will make payment home
difitely, and those who have claims will,present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
- Residing in North Middleton township,
• • Residing in Dickinson township, •
July 27, 1842. • 609
Estate.of John 'ranger,.
ETTERS of - kdiiiiuistration on the.Esuite or
JILI JOHN TANGER; into of South Middleton
tawnship,cumberland cnunty t. deßeaseQkavint
restairig in
same township, all persons. indebted to the estate
will make payment immedaitely, and those hay-.
ing Claims will present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
July 27, 1842. • •St• 39
actgan, I;Pa.so43.4ptrur
FAR BALE. :.:;
TIIE. qubpeciber efferent private sale, .
.44•Tra4 9 t Tweillitraiwo.Atwes of
situate in Cuintierlatutcouuty, On tint, road leadt
ing from ShippensburK to Newburg, one mile
North of the former place, bowing thereon
AWL! •
s 11 . . '
•ODBEOTT . 24 - 4/la9.
A two story storm DWELLING HOUSE, a
choice fruit, stabling, .
The Mill is in complete order, containing
three run" of stones driven by the Middle Spring
a never.failing stream, and located in the heart of
an 'mftensive grainxiowing,.conntiy; affording a
Icir — gi3 calvary enstom'and having*cellent-facili;r
ties for conveying merchant mirk thMarket,being •
within one mile of the CUmberlaini Valley. Rail
Road. '
The Mill property will be shoWiptO any person
wishing to purchase bYltir. J. fissm., residing on
the premises.
The subscriber will also sell, either in connec t
tion with the mill property or . separately, ' ,
A Tract of 48 Acres of, thriving
lying two miles South of Shippeneburg, near the
toad leading to Mary Ann Furnace.
Terms will be madereasoneble and payMents
to suit 'purchasers. For further itiformatiott ap
plication must be made to the elableriber, at Car
lisle, Pennsylvania.
Carlisle; July' 27,1842. •
(1 - 3'hu.VOlksfreund and ExaMiner, Lancaster,
insoft 4 'times.
?Aura on. SSE,
rinHE subscriber will dispoie of atpublie gale,
on the, premises, on. THURSDAY, the 20th
of OCTOBER next, . '
Taaat.aafallail zteinva
of Slate and Limestone Land, in North, Middle.
ton township, Cumberlandeounty, containing 117
ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands ofiCoover,
Zi er, and others—said farm is a portion of the
eat t of - John McClintick, deceased. The im
prov cnts are a i : ASG
am I
=:t 'CE) •M • L ;• W
H I : •
• AND 11.11:11tN,
There is also a never failing spring of water on
the premises, convenient to the house.
Said farm is but a few miles distant from Car
lisle, and is well worthy the attention Ofcapitalists:
Persons desirous of viewing the farm previous
to the day of sale; can be-gratified by calling on
Alexander McClintick,who resides on the preiphigo,
A ' The terms will be - tnade.oush - and a clear In
disputable title will be given. / , •
:Residing in Chaniberstiorg. •
July'27, 1842. - ' • • ' is-39 ,
- 4 PETITION Tor the Benefi.i of the Bank
rupt Law, has- been flied the 22d Jun"
1842, by
ROBERT SNODGRASS, late, Merchant
( . :if the City of Philadelphia, now Agent
'Or -Cumhetland"cOnfity
Which Petition will - be - lietird before ihe - Dis.
trict Court of the United States for the Eastern
District of. Pennsylvania, sitting Bankruptcy,
at the District Court R.oona,,in the City of Phi).
adelphia,on Monday the 29th - day. of September,at
!o'clock, 'A. M.- When_and,whcre all persons
interested may appear and show cause, if any they
!laic; why the prayer of the said Petition should
nut bYgranteci; and The Said Petitioner he declar.
ed. Earacrupt
;Clerk of District Court. •
July 21, 1842
Estate of Jacob Ilarnish, deed.
Ik.TOTICE 1S HEREBY GM:N. that Letters
ToStamenfary on the last will and testament
of JACCID HARNISR, Lantntv—ifeceased, h aveti iie
day been issuen by the ...iigtster of said County
to the s ubscriber who resides in the said township
sa: iitnatit Middleton. All persons having claims
or demands. against the Estate of the said de
cedent, arc requested to . make known the same
without delay, and those indebted to make pay
ment to - JOHN PETER :4,
Executor of` Jacob Harn Wt.
July 20, 1842
splendid Lot terieStoe August '42
J. G. Gregory IV Co. .11Ianag,Trs.
$24,000—512,000-3A b 1 .51,500-30 $1,200
Marylatiii \ Consolidated Lottery,'Class No. 84., for
184'2.! To be drawn in lialtirtiore on Thursday, Au
gust 11th 102. 1 prize 0f524,000,1, do 12,000,1 do
8,000, l'ilo 6,000,1 do 5,000, 1 do "4,b00, I do 3,000,
I do $2,500, I do $2,058, SOdo 5t,302,30 do $1,200,
tac.4i.c. Tickets $lO--Halves ss—Quacterss2,so.
Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets, $l3O,
do do 28 hull do 45, du do 26 quarter do 32 50, •
30,000 Capital-40 prizes of $2,000. Vir
ginia.Monongalia Lottery, Class K for 18.12. 'To be
drawn at Alexandria, Va., an Saturday, August 16,
1842. SPENIND OCHPIE.- 1 prize of $30,00,1 do 10.4300
ldo 5,000, 1 do 3,500, 1 do 3,327, 1 do 3,000, 1 do
2,500,1 ito 9,353, 30 do 1,500,30 do 1,200, iStc.
Tickets slo—Halves $5 , -4,/uarters $2,50. Certifi
cates of packages 01.25 wholes $l3O, do do of 25
halves 65; do do of 25 quarters 32 50.
$35,294 etkpitol-;—mtiking $30,000 Alex.
andria Lottet7, Class A for 1842.. To be drawn or
Alexandrii a. on Saturday, August 2* 1842. Bei!.
Sant Scheme. I prize of 05,2941 do 12,500 Ido
10,000 I'li(1 5,000 - 1 do B,ot* 1 dcw4.,500 1 do - 2,0001. -
-do. 4,9754. d 0.1,600 1,500 - 2.dtr1,250 2 d0,1,20Q
20 do 1,000 29 do 500 20 do 400, &e. &e. Tiekets
slo—Halves V.—Quarters $2,50. Qertificates of
packages of 26 whole tickets $l3O do do 26 halves
65 do do 26 qqtoers 32 00. ,
Citpita.l 30,000 Dollttra!—Uoion Lottery
Class No. for 1842.' To be drawn at Alexandria,
D. C. on Saturday, August 271842. Brilliant Scheme
100 prizes of $1,000,1 do $lO,OOO, 1-do 10,000, 1
do 5,000,1 do 9,000, t do 4,500, 1 do 1,017, Ike. fire.
Tickets slo—Halves $5 — Quarters $2 , 50. Certifi
cates of packages of 25 wholes $l9O, do' do 25 halves
65, do do' 5 iplurterS•97, 50. . '
For tickets and shares or certificates of pakages
in the above splendid Lotteries, address
J. G. GREGORY & CO.. Manaxers.
Washington, B. C. •
Drawings sent ihtmelliatelyufter they are over to
all who order as above. ,
July 27, 1842.
THMlEnrolled 'lnhabitants residing within th e
bounds of the Ist Battalion, 23d Regiment:
Pennsylvania Militia, 4re hereby notified thee , ati
election will be held on Monday the 15th day . of
August next, for the election of Captains, and let
and 2d Lieutenants, at the following places, viz:—
let Company-of the ht Battalion at tho-public
,house of Mr. Jacob Ttego, NV-aluut Bottom Road.
Capt. v. 'DONALDSON. Superintendent.
3d C.ompany at the public house of Vol, John
liFynkoop, Smokeytown.
- Capri - DAVIDSON; SuPerintendant,
sth Company at the 'Persom "School House,.
Frankford township.
Lieut.,MARTIN GEORGE, Super't.
7th Company at- the public house of Jobn My.
ere, Dickinson township.
The election - to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
and close at 6 o'clock, P. M.
The Captain& of said (Ampules will furnish the
roll on the morning of the election to the Suporim
tendanta, under the penalty of tiny
Major 1# Battalion, 28d &errant, P. M.
Carlisle, 25t11401y, , . te-39
To the Electors of Cillitherland courity:
ELLQw orrizEN's: affeelisptg to our,
Recorder and Clerk of the Colurto
of Cumberland
.County at the ensuing general
election, and if elected will discharge the duties
thereof to the best of my ability.
Mechanicsburg, Junp-.91),- I ,-- ---te. 34
SeMug of at nest, cost..
A'T' 's•roßE,'
ARNOLD inamisp
. ,
irplE subscribers i n winding up their busi.
nem, nnd are now determined to sell - goods
at such unusual low
,prices as cannot fail to con
vince the purchaser that they haie the Cheapest
goods ever offered in this region of country. '
Their stock is NEW and CHEAP, consisting
in part of
Blue flack, flue - invisiltqc
Green, Rrown and Drab Clothe, Cassirneres
4 Satinets, of :various colors and prises,
a variety of Mousier: . de Lanes,
• .
gored Silks, Black
• .' Blueliktek Bornbozines,
Sumngtr and Wit;ter
Calicoes., Prato Hank ercAiepr ;
. 4-o. 4-c
There ritioterous advantaged in poichasing
gaiods which were frequently made known in for
mer advertisements, will be sufficient proof, to
'satisfy all those desirous Of obtaining..hargains,
that they are now. prepared andlully determined
to sell them exactly`cheap enough.' Come-then
all ye who have so long been suffering under the
severe pressure of the times, and adopt the remedy
which -11 here provided for you, i. e. CHEAP
. .
,would particularly invite the• attention
of purchasers to their. Cheap Cloths, Casa.
mores and • Battlisetts.
P. S. Those .who are yet indebted to the enti:
scribers, will please satisfy ,i,hc same between this
and December next.
"ShippensburgOuly 20, 1842.. -• • 10.38
,cc)w2 . gcmula
P .
for Discharge and Certificate un
der the Bankinpt• Law have hegn Oiled by.
of the firm of Hamilton esc. Graff, now_
Farmer, , Cumberland county,
ABRAHAM W. qRAFF, late Merchant
of the firm of Hamilton & Graff, now •
' Clerk, Cumberland County.
Cumberland county.
-and FRIDAY the 30th. day of SEPTDMBER
next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., is appointed for the
hearing thereof, befoxe the said Court,' sitting in
Bankruptcy, at. the District Court Room, in the
City ofFhiladelphia, when and where the Creditoge
of the said Petitioners, who have proved their Debts,
and all other parsons in interest, may appear and
show cause if any they have, why such. Discharge
and Certificate should not he granted.'
Clerk of the,Disttict Court.
Philadelphia, July 'II; 1842. • 10-38
,Union rapei Mill.
tabclit 'eubecritasi respectfully . inforths - the pub.
lie atlarke, that he has leased the- a here. ea
shinant, six miles South of Carlisle,for a. term
of years, and the MILL having been recently re
palred,-an'd-noi,, machinery_introduC.ed,_he_i.4
therefore, prepared to manufacture to order, (and
alscrluts a supply constantly on hand) . .
raper of every Wield akio
which he' will furnish to printers, merchants and
others, in any quantities at the lowest city orices.
All orders addressed to the subscriber, at Paper.
town;' Cumberland .county,..wilb.rcceiyo prompt
attention. ' •
• Having lately received a supply .c.f the very best
materials, he flatters himself .that'lle-will be able
to Manufacture-paper equal in quality to any other
establishment in the country.
WILLIAM- B.- pkll : L IN.
Papertown, July 20, 1842. 108
. N. B, The ItiOiest•fri ( ec paid for rags.
IA ICE notice that we have applied to the Judg•:
de of the Court of Common Pleas of Cum.
berland county, for the benefit of the Insolvent
Laws of this Commonwealth=and that they have
appointed MONDAY the Hth day of AUGUST
next, foia the hearing of us and .our creditor; at
the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, when
to our discharge, if you think proper.
July 20, 184.
Register's •Irotice.
Carlisle, July 16,1642.
NOTICE is hereby given to all peaions inter..
ested, that the following accounts have been
filed in, this office fot examination, by the ac,
countants therein named, and will be presented to
the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, for
confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday the
16th day of August, A. D., 1842, viz :
The Administration account of George Clark,
Administrator of Elikabeth Deihl,• lute of the
Borough of Shippensburg, deceased.
The Administration account ofJelin Fulwiler,
Administrator of William B. Fultviler, late of
the Borough of Shippensburg, deceased. .
The Administration Account of Jacob Bizler,
Administrator de hoots non cum ' testament° an.
nexo, of William liainilton, late of Cumberland
(npw Perry county, deceased. • -
The Administration account of Samuel Woods,
Administrator of Sampson S. Mullen, late of Dick.
Moon township, deceased.
The Guardianship
,account of J.osiah Hood,
Guardian or John Cope and James Cope, minor
children of Philip Cope, late of West Penns.
borough township, deceased.
-- The - Guardiansblvaccount — oflacob — Kaller,
Guariliao_of_Mary J., William and Elizabetk
Stephenson, minor children of John Stephenson,
late of Silver Spring township, deceased.
July 2,0, ' • • " n 4t.38
couftgr.r.nov L A NI Al' lON.
WHEREAS the Hnn. Ss swim ljuntrim Pre
. sident Judge of the Court of Common
Plait of the Ninth Judicial district of Pennsyl
and the Hon. Jons SMART and TIMMAS
C. Mtatts, Judges of the said Court of , Common
Vette fortlie• county 'of Cumbei land, have issued
their precept bearing date of the 22d day of April,
1892, and to me directed, for holding a Court Of
Qyer and Terminer, General Jail Delivery, and
General quarter Sessions of the 'Peace, at Car.
•lisle, on the second Monday orAugast, 1842—be
ing the Bth day—u; 10 ti•elock in the forenoon:—
NOTICE JS HEDY GIVEN to the Coroner,
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the Bald
County of Cumberland, that they be then and
there in their, proper persons, with their
Records, Inquisitions,-Examinations and other
remembrances, to do the things which to their of-
See respectively
. appertain—and those' who are
bound by recogenzances to pfoiecute 'against the '
prisopera that
,a r t. or then mijr be in the Jail of
said county, to, be then, and there to .prosecute
against them as shall be just and right. _ •
Dated at Carlisle, the 25th day of June, A. D.
11142; and the 86th year Acclaim/ WV"'
deaca. • - •
-- I , Atiwlraimr, -- litorl t
:July 13, 1842
To the Electors of Cumberland county,
VIELT.,i)W cITIZBDis: j oiler myself to your
consideration as a candidate for the office, of
of Ciimberiand County, at thu electionin dauber
nest, and if elected pledge myself to 'perform. the
duties ctf toad ofrtee with fidelity, and to the beet
of my ability. ' WM. REETEM.
Carlisle, June. 22, 1842. - tf.34
To the Electors:ofTutoberland county..
f ig .L.powzrrizzNs-4 of 3, myself to your
conaldpration for; the oilice of , ,
*7'REtsF3B it "
o f Cumberland county at the ensuing enteral elec
tion, (Subject to the decision OA Democratic otoin.
ty Convention) and if elected will discharge the'
t tutiea pereof to the beet of my ability.
, -South Middleton tr. July 13, !SC; te-37
- It) al vire a tte
VeIPACTFULLY iriridevi his services tothe
Jul , cifizein q of Carlisle ind'itc thnt.he
will attend to aild,:peiform all dental operations
such as Cleaning, Raging . and .gzthieting na
tural Teeth, and inserting ineorrupicblo artificial
teeth from n single tooth Wan entire set.. .
• 13:7•01fice opposite M'Farlsinteil gutel.
July 20, 1842. _ • • tf-3S
' OFFERS his profeseional services tti. the'„citi.
zone of Carlisle andits vicinity; and that he
intends to devote his time to the duties of his pro
feasion, having been many years engaged in the
practice in 'the State of New Jersey. He flatters
himself that the experience thus acquired will en
title' him to public patronage.-
izO - Calls,to the Coluitry will be attended to.—
Residence, East, High, Straet, next door to Col.
. . • .
July 20, 1842. • , • 3t.,38
rev.BLIN isAor =
IHI subscriber respectfully informs public
in general that he is prepared to accommodate
Boarders, 84 Vlsxters,
ut.tho above well known and justly celebrated spring,
situate eight miles. North of Nevrville, in a plea
sant little valley or clap, of the. Mountain. • - The air
iapure, the scenery heautiful _and_ romantie; the
Mountain abounds with game, the Laurel or Trout
Run, about two miles distant, will afford atousernent
for - thoo who are,fond of augling—and every ex.
cation will be used for the accommodation and
comfort of thoac who may wish to qbtain benefit
from thin iroNtuattic wqoct •
WILLI4I4 1)441AN,
July 13, 1342. . • • ~
Y virtue of a writ of Isevari Facias,to mo di
rected, hatted out of the Court. of Common
leak - of Cumberland county, , will be exposed to,
public sale at the Court House; in the borough
ofMarlisle, on THURSpAT the 4th day of
AUGUST, 1842, at 10 o'clock A. M,,of said day,
the following described 'Rea) gStilie, viz % •
- „I
and' bait Lot of Ground, -
situate on the North side of High_ street, in the
borough of Carlisle, bounded East by a half lot of
the heirs of Joseph Knox, deceased; West by a lot
of Jame 4 Hamilton, Esq.; South by High street,
and North by a twenty feet alley, containing thirty
feet in front on High, street, and two hundreland
forty feet in length from the street to the Alley.
Also, -A Loiot Grooild,
Situate in said borough of Carlisle, on the. North
side. of the road or street extending, westward
from iaidborough, and north
_of the Colregitequare;
'and running parallel with. theturtiPike road; bound:
ed East by a jut bf Andiew Oarothers;ort the West
by. a at of James Noble, and on the South by the
aforesaid road, containing TWO ACRES or
thereabouts, Seized and taken in execution as the
Cooper; and - to Witold-by
me, , PAM.' MARTIN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Carlislo,q
— July 13, 1842.-
SaEllftlFr'S , .STILE.
101r1 virtue- of sundry__writs of Ficri raolas, to.
_Lk me directed, issued out of the Court of Com-
OD fleas of CuMberland County; will he expos:
ed to public sale, at the Court !Muse in the hermigh
of Carlisle, nn THURSDAY the 4th day of AU.
GUST, 1842, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, the
following desirable 11 cal Estate, viz;
situate in the town of Sl•ringfield, in the county
9f Cumberland, bounded on the North by a lot.of
Young's heirs, on the East .by a let of Samuel
French, on the South by a lot of bane Marguart,
and on the West by land ofJapob•Keller, contain.
lug about one half acre, having thereon erected a
LOl/211 1 1:44 1110131 ir - (. •
4 se a
part brick and part frame) elso, a log
fastened in ' l
the glPiPc ait&the neeessary apparatus
thereunto belonging; also, a log . Sprlng House
thereon erected, ALo,
A Lot of ,Ground, „•
of -r),s-161.4* containing
one fourth , ore 44444 .13 W.
the North by a lot of Daniel Swigart, on the East
by a lot of Josiah Hood, on the South by a lot
late tire. property of Andrew Morris, and on the
West by a lot of Samuel French.
Seized and takenitn execution as the property
of Deter Noaker, and to be sold by me, •
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, /
July 13, 18.12.
1" virtue of a writ of Levari racks to me
directed, issued out pf the Court of Cymmun
' eus of Cumberland county, will he exposed to
public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of
Carlisle, on THURSDA Y h the 4th of AUGUST,
A. D. 184 Q, at ton o'clock, A. M., the following
described real estate—to wit:
A Piece or Parcel of Land,
situate in Monroe township, Cutnborland county,
bounded and described as fellows, to wit; Begin
ping at a heap of stones, thene - 3.y landikifJaceb —
Bricker and Michael Ege's heirs, north eighty-one
and a half degrees, east fifty-rune perches to a
Spanish oak, thence, by lands of Michael Ege's
heirs, north hienty.eight degrees, west forty.six
perches to a stone, thence by lands of the heirs
of Martin Brandt, south eighty-six degrees, west
thirty-four patches to stones, thence by lands of
the heirs of .1;40 Bricker,
sopth twenty,* de.
geese, cast five perches mid two i ptnths 4a a - stone,
&c„ having thereon - erected latuxiaßlitOrltvall4 log
OliJ SlE,and stable, •Seirod and taken In
,execution as the. property tifJac e ab StiaeffFr.
And to be sold by me,
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,
July 13,1842.
To the. heirs and legal reprpsentatiies of
GEORGE SHE AFFER, late af Earl
township, 1 4 anpaster. County, Pennsyl
deccOerl. _
IN Pursuance-of an order issued 'out of the Or.
A phans' Court of Lancaster County, will held
an inquisition upon „the Real Estate of the said
George Sheatfer, deceolecn FRIDAY; the 601
day of AUGUST, A. D. 18 42, ail o'clock, P. M.,
at lila late residence, in Earl township, to make
partition and appraisement of said Real Estate at
which time and place you may attend, ifyou think
The Real Estate of the said deceased consists,
of the' IPILATTATION, in garnewnship;
upon which thltil deceased resided when he
died, contiiining out lag ivi ACres, adj o ining
lands orJelin Wallace, John ankh' David Raiick
and others. A PIECE OF LAID, io said
• town4iP• ecilltaining about 4$ 'tore., adjoin
ing lands of Jolgaligh "lid Gideon Homier, and
said township, containing about 111 Acres , ad.
joining lands of Wendel fell, Jesse Line and
ejhers. E. ROBERTS;
• •. • -Sheriff of Lancaster county.
July 6, 1842. # 64211
.„ .
A PETITION far the benefit of the Bankrupt
`ilk. Law has been •filcd the Bth July, 1842, by
JOSEPH FRY, formerly Cabinet Maker, .
now Laborer, Cumberland county,
Which Petition will be heard before the Dis
trict Court ofthe United States for the Eastern.
District of htineytwmia,aitting in Bankruptcy, at
the District Ca.:Rehm in .the City of
phia, on MONDAY, the Std , driy--4fAUGUST
_neeLet oigliik,,gtal.,,,„W, keltnal•Wherri
persons interested ri,t4y
. apppar inufeliiinqsaute7 l
any they have, why the pre,yerrifte said Petition
Should not ha gistited, end the Fatßioner be
declared Bankrupt. ,
• • •
• Oprk of District Court.
- Fhilatielphis, Jitly 8,184; , . . qt-o,
. .
• - .1 •
.e s o,
•;• : •
•••.:1 •
x -
Corkispondence bilk° apra,l4, & Espo3iitz,
A Vamo SattOday last, the Go
vernor returned the bill to repeal the Act allowing
the Bank of- Pennsylvania, to make a special as
signment, with his objections:
In the - Senate,, the Speaker gave notice
that he would resign his seat in the afteritoon, in
order that the Senate might elect one whose term ,
of effice.duea not now expire. •
Mr. Gibons presented a petition that,a sufficient
tax mighthe_imposed_to_suatain, thc_hteter_of
Commonwealth.. • , •
The Senate proceeded to tbe considefation of the
amendpents 'made by the House to tlifiniend
•ments made by the Senate to the bill itrinexingtho
County of Schuylkill to the Eastern District of the
Supreme Couit; end for • other purposes; The ,
amendments repealing the license law -was non- •
concurred in.—Yeas g,Eih Nays 8. , •
• The -Repoli of this Committee of Conference
on the bill extend the charier of the fanners'
Bank of Reading, was negeavei, consequently the
bin' hos fallen through, .
The bill to provide for the Inspection of Leather
in the 1 , ..9ct of Philadelphia; was passed.
In the afterioon, Mr.Stfohm took the Chair and
made his Veledictory in very neat and excellent
address-,when, on motion, the Senate proceqed to
ballot for '4 Speaker, pro.. tern.; and after voting no
less than ilfteentinies, the balloting ceased, as it
was perfectlrevident no election could be had...,
Therefore, the
. ae rt ate :adjourned till to-morrow
morning; in the hope that by that time, they would
he Ole to elect a presiding officer ' •
' The }louse-proceeded, the grct thing this mein?
ingvto act an the bill (returned, from the Senate,
with amextriments) ranking provision for the sup
port of Government and the payment.of the in
terest on the public debt, &c. &c. This Wilt
an .Pomnibus"• of the largest calibre=it provides.
among', other thirigs, for the payment olDomestic
Creditors—fur selling siock held by the Common-
Wealth - in Titivate • corporations-”laying a tax on
Banks; Corporations and Divorces---sale of the
main lino of the public works, &c. This is the
bill is h was .read, but it underwent considerable
The tax on divorces was struck out. Mr. Ste
vens Moved an antendritent for the sale' of the
Phibidelphia - artd Colunibia Rail Road, which was
Mr. Culver offered an . amendment which wan
agreed to, authorizing the Governor to receive pro:
posals for the Sale of the Delawere Canal. Mr.
Scott ,moved an amendment that the Governor
shall receive proposals for the sale of all the public
works, and communrcateto the-,next Legislature
on the. subject. ..Itirced. to. .
' Mr. Elwell mo v ed , amendment authorizing
the'county conn:rnissioners of each county, to ink;
pose an additiOn to the county , , , rates and levies. of
'one mill tut the dollar on the actual value dell the
real. and •personal property, for State purposes;
which 'ivas. agreed to.. _ • "
A r wits — id.rirtlcarthitTßlTsfilfiiraii - re-
!awe to an increase of taxation, shall not extend -
beyond one year.—Ye'as 42; Nays 37. •
Mr. Stevens frorit'the coinmittee of Confermice
on the'amandments to the bill to provide for the
education of the Poor in the non accepting dig.
Wets ofthis Com monwealth, reported the bill with
. an aniendnient" authorizing tho:Canal Commis,
!loners to examine into the account of the con.
tractors-on-the Gettysburg rail road, and to settle
their - claims pro rata. The:report was adopted.
" Skii a Gitlin' up Stairs! ),
qrHE Subscriber, at the solicitation of many, of
his friends, offers himself to the consideration
of his fellow citizendlor the office of '!
(2) O' 05.
of oombortood county, at the elation in October
t•subject to the decision of the" ballot-boxes,
He deems it superfluous to prate about' honesty,
capacity, modesty, tiilelity; &c. &c., btit if elected
he pledges himself to be ashoncat as the times will
admit; and to' perform the arduous duties of said
office to thesetisfaction a j nbirLige f ted ir ii r:
Carlisle, July 27, 1842
Y virtue of suudry writs of venditioni exponas
directed, issued out of the Court of
ommon Pleas . 11 h
expoied to.public sale mine riouri n ilinitie v % to:
Borough of Carlisle,' - on•SkrUBDAY the 30th:
5 CITY, A. D., 1842, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day, tlie following described real estate, viz:
It Lot oilldy
• ,
situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing sixty
feet in'breadth and two hundred Mid forty feet in,
depth, more or less, adjoining a lot of Air. Richard
'son on the cast, Benjamin Fenian on the west, an
ldley on the north, and Louther street un the south,
having theretin crated a Two story
,F.R.A . Mg
11011 . 4, a kitchen and frame stable. Seized and
taken in el.cention as the ;property of Jonathan
- Also, A Log of Ground,
situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing sixty
feet in breadth and two hundred and forty feet in - •
depth, more or less, adjoining lots of the heirs of
John Delaney, deceased, John Parkinson,Pomfert
street, and an alley, hiving thereon erectd a small
LOG HOUSE, Seized and _talt4iini' execution •
as the property of - John Peck.
Atgo. A Lot of Ground,
situate on the south aide of the road in Leesburg.
Cumberland county, containing Sfty.three feet in'
breadth and two hundred and forty feet in length,
more or less, adjoining lands of James Chesnut on
the east, the Walnut Bottom road on the north, and ---
1 an alley on the west and south, having thereon.
etecterra - leg - stable. -- Seized -- and - taken - in_execu . __
tion as the property_nf,James C. Cummins.
Also, all the interest of
John H. & Matthew L. Carothers ,in a lot of'
ground, situate in the borough of carlisle, con,,
taming slaty feet in breadth and two hundred.
and forty fee! in depth, more or less, bounded by -
a lot of Christian Inh °flow the West, Main - street
on the North, East street on the' East, and an
Alley on the South, having thereon erected a two
story log HOUSE plastered, and a frame Enable,
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
John IL Carothers and Matthew L. Carothers
• Also, A Tract- of Land,
Situate in North Middleton township, Cumber.
land county. containing sixty acres, more or -less, -
adjoining lands of John Lune, Peter Lane and
others, huvng thereon erected a two story Stone
HOUSE and a log Barn. - Salted and taken in
execution as the property of James fir Own.
Also, A Fart of a Lot of Ground,
Situate in the beiough of Carlisle, pumberlanc.
County, containing forty feet in breadth and sixty
feet in depth, more or less, adjoining a lot ofJacoh
Garver on the -North, Bedford street on the East,
L. Heckendorn on the West, Mrs. Green on the
South having thereon erected atwo story log
HOUSE. Seized and taken in eseetttion as the
property'of Henry Lawson.
And to be sold by me,' • .. -
• PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff
Shetifrit office, Carlisle,
July 13, 102. )
MITE P.i•oprietor respectfully Informs the pub,,-
Jll. lic in 'general that he is prepared to acFoun v
modate a large number of ,
pOAVDEIR.S Sb_VOS3ll7:lEfrlt.
The Springs are situated 45 iniles north of Cut
lisle, C'umbetland co, Pa.. in a fine: healthy and Str. r
mantic place. The Nord' Mountain is convenient
for those that are (bud of gunning. In addition • ,
to the
there is clio an extensive BATHING, gtSTAB
LISEIMENT:both warm and cold.
- BARolicit will' run front Carlisle to the
Springs during the season for the acultnnnlodn4on
of visitors.' • D. CORIINAN,. •.-
vlgne-29;1842 - .'" .
ANOTHER Lot of aupt!rior , pratell atm.!
ivsB.l.l:,,kceind And sellivvery low, at
the stole or ' • ''' l oll4s !
Carlisle Jutregq P 1841%. • tf:•l34'