Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 20, 1842, Image 4

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- , -----01fiee,--Centre_Nquare, S. fr.
„.. ~:Corner, at the Ottl Stand.
nniciAnannormytvanim • • ,
The HERALD &, EXPOSITOR is 'Published
. weakly, on titlonble royal sheet,•at TWO. DOL.,
LARS,' per annum:payable within three months
from the time of subscribing „on TWO uotadots
AHD FIFTY eisrs, at the end of the year.
'No subscription will be taken for than .six
months, and no paper discontinued•imtil all 'lli
rearages ate paid, except at the option of the
and a fitilurc to notify ediseontinii,
once will be considered a now engagement. •
Advertising will be done on the usual terms. ' •
Letters to insure attention. must be post Paid.
.. 1
•..: .I.lltokiiry at Law,-
gIiNFFICEJTo. 3 - 11c'eteires Row,
UV lie .square, Carlisle, rit
April 6,„l Bl'2
i -
Dro L _C. F e oontifi, Drnfist,
permanently located in Carlisle, and 'will per-
A . form all-operations that are required in the
practice of Ida profession—such as .
I?,xtracti Neg . , Pluv:cialg, and
InsertinaArtificia I Ireetll,
from a single . -tooth to, an entire set.
• N. B. Fora lbw months ensuin g ; Dr. Loomis
will he in Carlisle, the first two, weeks in each,
month—after which ; he will be nbfeitt until the
first two weeks ineach following month—..-at which
period he May - be litunclit . his •-•
Opposite Porkpie's hotel. ,
Carlisle, May tf.27
DR. JOl . ll Ai J. in TIE EIS,/
HAS removed his Office and dwelling to the
three story Brick on South. Danover street,
adjoining the residence of Mr, Tohn Hays and
"Blcan's notch"
Doctor ?Myers informs his friends mid the pub
lic that he can be consulted at all hoursat his of
fice, (when not professionally engaged) and that he
will devote his undividlidattenti9n to the several
duties of his profession, and particularly 'to the
,practice of 111141-irifery &Surgery. Calls
to the Count ry'w or be punctually attended te,hoth
Night and Day.
Cariksld, April 13,•1812
estate of Catharine' Dixon, deed.
ETTERS Testanientnry on the estate of
-MLA CATIJARINE DIXON, late of South Mid.
ttletou township, Cumberland county, deceased,
have been issuer] to the subscriber residing in said
toivriship. , All persons itidebted to said deceased ;
arc requestbd to makitiruinediate payment to,blert,
.and thoselirttrineefititT:to4rrese 11 t, them without
di:lay,properly ;1111316ra:cat:ad, oi
JOH ST 1 3 /".' CTafG14140,17,5 , ,,,e4
4'5,4 33
LVli . E:slS o Yalley,„Pit, L drave i Litne-tiorners;
and Bituininous,..COAL, constantly for
\ sale by - - J. &P. MARTIN,
‘liirrisloirg. April 29, 1842. ' 611).25
S .1? LW; GOODS.
trillE subscriber ha's received a genera! assort
mcnt of • .. _
irtanifiAing .in part of Figured; Plain and Barred
Monaelie-Limes; figured, Plain, Striped Lawns .
and Gin iTiri - 47 English and French Chintzes,
plain, figured and Barred Swiss, Jackenette and
Cambria Muslins; a general assortment or Grodd.
nap, Grodeswa, India and Italian Silks, Bonnet
Silks. and. Ribons,_StraW, Leglrurn, Braid and
Willow Bonnets, Raw Silk, Cashmere and Cotton
Hose, Silk, Mohair, Kid . and Cotton Gloves, Um
brellas, Parisalls and Shinies, new stile, French,
German and Irish Linens, Osnehnrg and Linen
Shadings, Linen Drillings and Gumbroons for
Pantaloons, 'Jino Cords, Stripes and Nankenes,
Carpeting and Rugs,'Brown and Bleach Muslins,
'Pickings and Calicoes, Fans and Hankerchiefs,
Leghorn and ,Palin Leaf Hats, Straw, Giulp and
Edging, Cloths, Cusimers and Sattinetts.
Queensware & Groceries,
nil of whioli he sold 'On rivorplile forma at
the store of
Calliisle, May 18, 184
• - • .
Tv HE subscriber will sell off at greatly reduc
'll cd prieeQ, FOR CASH, a large and general
assortment of
The stock is new and cheap, consisting in part of
,S'uper Black, Blue, Invisible Green, Polish
. Green and Brown Cloths,
Superfine Cassimeres, Cassinetts; a good, assort
ment of Pants Stuff, sueli as -,Summer Cloths,
Merino Cassimeres, Cottonade,
Linen and Cotton Drillings, &c. &c. • •
A good assortment of Vesting!, 'Stocks, Shirt
Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &c, &c. A largo
stock of elegant Silks, Black and Blue Black,
Figured and Plain Light Silks, new style. Mous.
En de Loins, Lawns, Muslin do Angletures, Bom
bazines, Irish Linens; Checks; Tiekings,
Calicoes, Carpeting, Dress Handkerchiefs, worked
Collars f Cambricks, &c. &c. . Also, Braid and
Straw Bonnets, Ribbons, Gimp,. Leghorn and
Palm Leaf Hat!, and a great variety of goods
not enumerated.
Purchaiers-will-do -call at the old stand
opposite S. Wunderlich's Hotel, where they will
find stacks of goods, selling cheaper than ever
sold in this county.
Carlisle: June 15,184?
THE proprietors of the., Suiguehanna Line will
"run their Cars and Boats as usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimore during the present season.
Their friends will please apply . to Wm. L. Pox,
Broad st. and to Costner, Christian & Curran,No.
6 Soutti - Wharvea, Philadelphiaiand losep E.
Elder, Baltimore.
Until further notiee, the folloning prices
be adhered to between this 'dude and the above
cities. • •
- • flr; 1 § -
- rx. sp ;7' r. IL'.
5 a 13ca.
"0 0
• :9r 1 1 :1 IT. A '
'P . Z.F::
Ale per 10011 s. \l5O 1.12 per bbl,
groceries, Q Ware
and Hardware,
Dry Goods, Furni ,
turn - and Drugsi
-Wheat, Rye & Corn
per bushel -
' , Oats do •
Lumber per 1000
05- --
$2 - 75 $3 50 '‘
1 50 •2 00
314 35 soc
37A ' 50
314, , !
28 32 •
. • Shingles, do
Flour per hbl.
Shad do
Herring do •
--Salt per sack,
,Pitah, Tar and Rosin
pet 100, - 16 21
Plaster gross ton, '22 25 $2 50
Hemp per 100, • • 16 '22
Hides 25
Pig Iletal, , gross ton 2 50.. 1: 3 50
Blooms & Castings, 3 124 -4 00
Bar Iron . ,
~. 350 4 50-
• Nails poi keg, — lB 23
Leather ppr , loo, 20 • • 25,
Whiskey per bbl ' 50 '-.55
Burr Bloelceper 100, 15 20
Curb Stone, do „
Tin,- .• • do .20 •25
• J. & P: MARTIN'
_ Sliepessor to Miller Martins,
Harrisburg,' May,4, 1942, (int."?
~ •
. .
First artival of, Spring & Summer
, .. , •, • Goods. - , • .
_ , •
Nlaiii -7111 r 1 rAlrItOSEPTSMPPEictSDIMIG, -- 7
DAVE just roceived from philadelphis,a spiel - J . -
(11d assortment of . • •• . • .
of the' latest styles, to which theY'iiwite the, (Moo-,
tio'n of pnrchltsers. They are prepared to .off
goodsat each prices as cannorfiii cot the
'wishes of those desirous:of purchasing heap
F . 10. 1
Country produce tairthrin - il:ccimilige . car ipthas.
'ShiliPenshurg, - March 16, 1842.. • tf•2o
'T ILssliscriher, having concluded Mdo an' en
_ tire Cash' tipsiness, offe"rs Tor sale his large and
splendid, assortment of . . •
Nails - 451. Cnfl rv,„ •
lower than it was ever bought for- in Philadelphia.
"Plig_ following udll'gite you Rome idea of the prices
that lam determined to sell at: • ti
6 inelrearpenter'S Patent Rim (.ricks,
from $l2 to $l4 per iloz.
it 6,50 , .
O.inctf Brass Strifcer,
Ncl!tcm I7airling OraSs Scythes,
Hay Forks, Solid Cap Ferrule, 5
Cast Steel long handle.hoXcla,
Cumberland or Reading Nails, . 4,623,Keg
Phoenix, or Juniata • ‘, 4,44- .
Other makes 4,31
I will sell any articles'in my line . frim 20 to 25
per cent leaver thin s can be' hought for on credit.
Call orrilie—examine-iny gotlaget- a list of my
prices—compare them with the prices of other
stores, and ascertain for yourselves where yod.can
buy the cheapest.
HENRY L. ELDER, Importer. '
493 Market st. nboVs 13th, North-side, Philadelphia,
June 1,1842,6m.31
• .
Ara. 55 South ThirW street, PHILAIIINIMIII f 7I, op
' - p . o.dte Me Daubing House, recently deEul .
pied by the *Girard...B«nk,-I 1 -
1..:A7 01.71,1) respectfully'olfer the citize n of C or-
V-1- -lisle and eountSr,,of 0 - timberland generally.,
a first rate assortment of the choicest . •
- Seleetett - withotia-trair,,,which he will pant and
fofward by , rail road to the address of those who
may favor him wick their orders.• ;laving supplied
a number of families 7 in Carlisle and its vicinity, - he
would be pleased to increase the number of his cus•
tamers there. llis business has been eicelusively
to supply 'families with . GOOD GROCERIES for
die last twelve years, and he flatters himself, that
for first, quality goodsend fair prices, be cannot be
surpassed in the' city consists of a
,grenerat assarbpunkt,.Som_e,of ,wltieit etturn 7;
" ,
illi iliiigtotiVAlVS, of oiies Si Dutton find (IriP
Pith & Booth's eurin... ' •. • .
SMoked TONGVES. - - • •
. .
Drie'd BEEP, . ' • ' .• .
. .Green and Black TEA,:sorne of the latest im
' portatians, and of very choice pudities.
Sperm ()IL and Sperm CANDLES.
___CDEEEE,_oLevitry....variety,.stnue_ol_d_Java,Sarfy• •
years - ohl. • ', • .
PECAN NUTS.' ' •• • - . . .
Italian PIUS, a'very delicate article.- ..
Italian NI AGA RO:il tend NIERMECIL L I. . '
Pantasau,Engliah, Sap Sago, llollitud-andAme
rican CHEESE.
Underwood's - PICKLES-Bin' SAUCES, of every
variety. ' . ~..
French, 'English; and American M UST A RI). .
,SUGAR, Loaf and thrown, of choke qualities.
CRACKERS, of every variety, Philadelphia,
Boston, Princeton, We. - - - •
Canary SEED. -
Ilemp SEED. •
English Split PEAS.
SP.:GARS - of every quality, some very choice.
CURRY POWDER, Indirt SOY, ke., with an
extensive assortment of evert article a family can
require. . ' WM. L. MADDOCK,
53 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
May 23,1842.
~ tf 80
No : 113, &nth Second Sticet:Philadelphia.
. . .
TILE 'subscriber re,spectfirlly
zcns of Carlisle and County of Cumberland
generally, Mean before puielmsing elsewhero, and
LARGB AssortrnENT or ---
\ -11177 7 .' .111 • .
• . :-
p biIAIRS.
goi /
i ._, K y. of every discription; which are
manufactured under his own im
mediate direction,of the best material, by superior
workmen, and which he warrants of the best
quality—and at prices an low as can he purchased
in the United States. ¢j-Ho also.manufactufes an
=l.m,en.l2a:ctu. cm.lamaut e ,
the superiority of which consists in the astonish
ing 'facility. with which an Invalid,With the slight.
est effort, may by the use of one or both hand?,
move to and fro in the house, or in the open alr.
in a garden or elsewhere; and turn quickly round
without requiring any more space than it occupies
while standing.
No. 113,South Seebnd Street, Philadelphia
Juice 15,1842,
pIe as these complaints arc usually considered: -
no one can denytheir being, the most common
cause of this fatal and distressing disease. it is
indeed a - metancholy truth; that• thousands fall
victims,,to Consumption every year from no other
cause than neglected colds. Yet we find bun.
dreds,,nay thousands who treat such 'eomplaints
with the. greatest indifference, and let them run
on for weeks and even months without thinking
of the danger. At first you have what you may
consider a slight cough 'or cold; you allow. bask
ness, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from
giving it any attention; it then settles upon your
breast, you become . ' hoarse, have -- pains_in The
side or chest, expectorate large quantities of mat
ter, perhaps mixed with blooll, a difficulty of
breathing ensues, and then you m your own ,
foolish.-neglect has brought on This distessing
coniplAnt. If then you value life or health, be
'fined in time, and don't trifle with your Cor:r.,
or trust to any quack rostrata' to cure • you, bit t
immediately procure a bottle br two of that fa
mous remedy,: the "Dsr.sAn OF WILD CIIRRRT,"
which is well known, to be the most speedy cure
ever known, as thousands will testify whose. lived
hive beeil saved by it.
11713 e very particular when you purchase- to
us there is also a t sritne of this name in use.
Prepared, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAMS
& Co.,- Cheinicts, No. 33 Sduth . Fourth street,
.Philadelphia. • • •
23 40
. Sotd by.
Priec One - Miro. tußutile.
June 22, 1842
Estate of Geo. dltig - hinbattalspireed;
ETTERS Testamentary on the Estate — of
. ILA GEORGE AITGRINBAUGH", 'late , of the
Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, deceased,
have been granted to the subscriber residing in, said
Borough. All persons indebted to said. deceased,
are requested to, make payment-immediately, and
all those having claims to present them without de
lay, properly authenticated for settlement.
June 22, 1842.
• •
• DissoluliOn of Partiutership;
Jill HE 'Partnership yhcretoformexisting- under
. - the" firm of CATHCART, &, A VHF'S,' in
the Mercantile husin.eas,was this day 4is
mutual consent .. All transactions connected with
the late firm will be. settled by A. CATIIO4RT, who'
t optinues business as Ulllll.ll at the. old alami,
Shcplicrdstown::f unc I 8.1842: • . Gt.*-q't
a2a)Ez3 a
-•-. .84311 ai 'Erni:BT
COST,4O his
Cloths, CaSsitincres
Satifiets,Veslings,losinotels , CheCks
'Pickings, Bleached and Unbleached Inshni,
Lawns, Chintzes, Mous& Lains,Figured and Plain'
Swiss, Bnok,, Jaconott and Cambric Muslim;
Figured and Plain Bobbinetts; Barred, ',lacono%
Bennet' and Die3s Silkst American Nankeens;
Straw and Braid Bonnets, •
White and Black - iiiaperl; os; Shawls and
Handkerchietii of every description; a lanie—nnd
extensive assortment of Gloves find Hoisery,
genders, Cotton Carpeting ; Cotton Stripes, White
arid 13 rown Linen Brillings,B leached & Unbleached
Table •biapers, IRISH LINENS, Long Lawns,
Stocks of every ascription; Palm Lerif Hats, Urn
brelhrs, &c. &c. Together With a large and exten N
sivc assortment of . . •
Persona wishing GOOD - ItARGAI.NS would da
well to call on the subscriber, as ho in determined
to dose his business. • His store may be found next
.door to McClellan'e-'Hotel.
cCiCountry Merchants wifl find it to-their ad
vantage to call, as BARGAINS may be expected.
June• 8, 1842
41: kinds of SIX, 11r^ltil. and lIR.ISS
.PLe17.1.1r417 done at the khortest no
tices, in the neatest manner, and omthe'most rea
sonable terrns i at the Carria g e Manufactory of
.E.-D. NUTZ.
Carlisle, Ap r il 2 . 0;1842, '' r. 2 5
• • •
A/FANUFAoTTTRED and kept on hand; for
.1.V.1 sale, in thy, city of Lancaster, near the
Rail Road,
Endless- Chain ltilorse Power
for one horse -and for:two horses, warranted to
work well, and orirater durability than any
other Maeliiiies, fora similar - purpose known to
the subscriber . at - present. -
Lancaster, May 4,184 - 2. " .15m.27
/ T 3 11 '2) al
lUMBER of every description & SHINGLES,
for sale cheap, by
. J. &P. MARTIN,
_ • Successoirs to Miller & Martina:
' Ilarrishurg,z Skit 20; .1542.: -0 • •
,VATTIY Dr. Harlich's .Compound Strengthen-
V V ing and German Aperient Ifills are used
by all . classes of people,. preference. to other
Medicines, because. they areprcpared from a pure
exteaet of Merits, wholesome :'medicine,' mild in
Fits operation and health, a safe and effectual-cure
plaints; a preSeiver and purifierrOf the whole
I.lce,ause they soothe Old nerves .0 - sensibility
and fortify the nerves of motion, 'imparting to
.their most subtle fluid its
- pristine tune; • thus'giv
itig strength and clearness of mind. .
pceeuse they never destroy' the costs of the
stomach and bowels, as all strong purgatives do..
Because science and experience teach us that
no more purgative alone will - cure the disease of
the Stomach and Nerves.. •Weakness is the prim
ary-cans(' of a host - Of — diseases, and, by continu
ally resorting to drastic purgatives, you make the
disease much worse, instead of better.
-Because Dr. HarlichZB Medicines are put op_
upon s the common sense prinCiples, to "cleanse
and strengthen,r which is the wily course to pur
sue,to'Cffect a cure. Lastly:
Because these Medicines really do cure the
disease for which they arc recommendcd.
Principal office 19 North Bth street Philadephia..
For sale' at the Drug Store of J. J. MYERS &
Co.. Carlisle, and WM. PEAL, ShipPensburg.-
„Tune 29. 1842. , 3t-35
CoPPerstnith l Sheet, Iron and
Tin-plate ii'orker,.--
ESPECTFULLY informs the public goner.
allyiluit be still continues his business at the
Old Stand, NoiTiri - 11 vorewstrcet, -whore he has
now on hand, and is still manutieturing, every
article in the line of his trade; consisting of "
. -
• Flatters', Fullers' and Wash
• •
Tea Kettles, Tin•trare of every descrip
tion, Stove Pipe, Dripping PIM,
. .„
Drions, 4.c. 4.c. •
Tic ham also for sale the beet assortment of Corn
mon, Coolsing and Parlour
ever off e red in this place. His common wood
stoves and cooking stoves are of every size and
variety;-and_hia_pArleur stoves (for wood or coal)
are of the newest patteffii. — lic-has-in_addition
the Rotary cooking stoves, the Radiatof stoves
and Radiator drums for parlours,• which aro un.
surpassed for comfort and economy in the witeof
fbel. All of which he offers on the lowest-terms
for. cash.
.Carlisle, June 29, 18.42,
N. B. Old Lead, Pewter, Copper and Mather
taken in exchange for stoves, tiu or coppet ware
PLEBOWER, of Cumberland County, have .
presented their Petition, duly verified, praying that
JONAS MlLLER.,.lately carrying mOhe,Trade
and Business of a' Distiller, by purchasing Grain,
&c. anil manufacturing it into Whiskey and Spirits,
and buying and selling for the purposeS of Trade
and Gain, of Cumberland County, may,be declar
ed. Bankrupt. ,
Which Petition will be heard before the District
Court of the United States for the Eastern District
of Pennsylvania, - sitting in -Bankruptcy, at the
District Court Room in the city of Philadelphia,
on Monday the 25tti day of July next,'at II o'clock,
-- When , and--where personi hilerested
appear and show cause, if any they have,
' why the prayer-of - the-said Petitio n —should not be
granted, and the said Jonas' Miller declared Bank
June 27, 1842
Lin ilialiTlClMPlraZsb
PPETITIONS for the Benefit of the Bankrupt.
Law have been filed the 20th Jone, 1842, by
JOHN GRAY, individually and as a theM:
her of the late firm of 'gray &
--man, late Merchant, Cumberland Bounty.
JOSHUA OGlLBY;individually and as a
•of Charles F, Mitchell,. un
of Joshua Ogilby, late of •
f—=Y late Merchant; • now
t 020.33
ATH, late Merchant Tailor,
now Agent,
GEOME V. HALL, late Merchant, now
• Shoemaker,.
ABRAHAM PHILLIPS, individually and
as a member of the firm of Egolf and.
Phillips, late Merchant, now Clerk. da.
WILLIS - FOULK, Cleik of .The Court of •
:Quarter Sessions, &c. and Recordei . of
Deeds &c. do.
Whiah:Petitionavvill be heard before. he Dhitrict
Court of, the United States for the Eastern Distri4
of 'Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankntritoy, at the Mil
trict Cotirt Room in the City of phikthilphia, on
Itrandly, - the2sth day of July riexVat 1 it o'clock,
A: M. When' and 'where ,all persons:interested
may appear and 'hoar cause, if any they have, Vrhy
the prayer of the said Petitions should not besiant,
ed,'and the_said Petitioners he declared IfankfuPY 3 .-
Clerk of District,Cour
r 'a 35
June 25, 1542.
Clerk of the District Court".'
:ci, l 44!rgg,,Tii,:',mAKlNG'-'
- ,-V -- --; IC __--'--:,,
---: ,;,.
i . iliiiiiii , l , i i , llliij oi ~.
I' lll lllll l ll l illlll'll' '1!!!II Plin ' , fui ..,,,
_ ,
l k 4: )
___ --_-:,
~ _
~ a --,-,.,;..
re. -.4. ,_,----- - - ----
111 AS reiniWed tdtlio hintio . recontlY occupied
-LA by ,Frencis Noble ; North'llanover' street;
:where he carries on:the CABINET MAICING
in. all its, varioes branches; ind is now ninpu.
lecturing ; and, intends keeping on hand ; a great
variety/of •-
6La13457M1L' ;,Fo'3Bgll7o'D'llllnf6
eocN Rs
Sitiebenrds . , Burcaus,'
. Seeretaries, Card,
Pier, Dining akict'llteakfast
' Redstenda, &e.,.
of the most fashionable t kind, all of which he wilt
diem° of on •the most opogniable terms: He is
prepared, to 511 orders for iipri rig Soya.
ed Sofas and Chairs, warranted
to be of superiorqualitY.
He will also furnis h ,lC o .loFlNS Nt the short:
est notice, and having recently procured a NEW
HEARSE, he is
,prepared4oattend_ funerals_ in
the country,
.-Carlisle, May 25, 1842,
.I=3 I:az cw ,
--' - • '
THE stock of New Goods, belonging to the .
firm of Boaserman & 'Hutton, consisting of
:Atoils,"Geoceries, :Points, .
- OILS, DYE STUFFS &c. &c.
Will be sold for CASH, wholesale and retail, at re
duced prices. Those wanting bargains, will do
well to call somas the entire stock will be sold to
close the concern; ''don't mistake the place; at the
Store Room: of Bosserman & Hutton, North Haw.
over street.
Surviving partner of the firm of
May 18, 1842., • tf-2t)
111121111aVID 111111111D13
OLIVE. BRANCH.PILLS for the cure
of Coughs , Colds, Consumption, Liver Coin.
p Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Dys
pepstafahortness of Breath, Pains in thw. Side,
Breast,, Back and Shoulders, Ague and Fever, an
intallahlc cure, and all Starlet and Bilious Fevers,
and all diseases arising from exposure and de
bility, no matter how long standing—in fact all
diseases to.which the human family are subject to.
These pills are unsurpassed by any medical
compound ever offered to the public 8A a general re
novator - and family me3ieintr - ,They - Pre
l'afekries_iriorldablßty by the ' :them;
'the contrary:Peg itrengt ten the • stOriiiia and
bow* in a wonderful manner, and soon restore
nature to its former course and vigor. The per
son Using the Olive Branch Pills soon forgets
that he was' sick—which is very easily accounted
for: there is not that kostration of strength in
these pills' as in many. other remedies of the day,
'tire in harmony with the pOwers of life mid act
in concert with the opinions of Dr's. Brown, Bush,
Armstrong, Montgomery, Hersey, Kendrick,
Shopper and the• celebrated Dr. Waterhouse,
formerly Lecturer on• the theory and practice-of-
Physic in UMnbridge University, Massachusetts.
Purchase of them, and 'give them a fair and
partial trial, and yeu•will find that permanent re.
lief, upon which the proprietofs depend to make
them 'the most universal family Medicineused,
and which . will stand unrivaled by, any other in
the known world. Price 25 colas per box.
Is one of the most certairtand effectual' cures for
all rheumatic, chronic and intiaminatory Rlieuma-
Llama that has • ever yet been_ discovered, and in
'numerous eases has eradicated that dreadful dis
ease from persons afflicted entirely. All sour
drinks and victuals are strictly forbidden; and
spiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by
any means whatever, or it will be of no use to
take this medicine, as it will the good ef
fects of the medicine entirely. Price $1,40 per
package. •
These corated drops have acquired the high
est recom endatione in this country, as well Ili
in Euro for its most valuable proprieties for all
inward we kntiiiiel, cramps,colds,agues and fever;
ptcfi jeb r '
and whori - used with the Olive Branch Pills '
tails to cum2s
thq fever and ague. Price cents
per bottle. '
h unrivalled for its curative qualities even when
used in cases of maladies which were otherwhie
incurable. Many recommendations , have Veen
given of the beneficial effects it has had in the
cure of pleurisy, pectoral and pulmonary con.
sturiptions, colds, &c. Price 2.5 cents per bottle.
This most excellent article has a quality of
calming instantly and without fail, all cramps of
the4trimaeh r eholie.,nud that troublesome disease
called mother fits or hysterics; andi ffie lratitinti:
cd for some length of time, will cure the patient
entirely. Price 25 cents per vial.
. ,
A certain cure l'or all Scalds, Bruses, Burns,
.ancithe most effectual cure fur the piles—it will
cure tfie person afflicted in a - very short time, if
used according to directions. Price 25 cts. per vial.
This spirit is highly recommended for all
sprains, swelling of the limbs, or leaders, sinews,
joints and rheumatic; as an outward remedy, it has
no equal,and when used with.tbe Rheumatic Medi.
tine, will greatly. facilitate the cure.
_The an
nuals of History do-not:produce its-equal, and .it is
the greatest: preventive against cold, in the
known world. For particulars see directions accom
panying the bottles. Price 25 cents.
An infalloblo nitro if used according to dirce
ons. Price 15 centsper vita. •
. .
h decidedly the beet application for wounds
and sores, old or new, of all kinds, and will pre.
vent if used hi time, many operations; and pre
vent Lock Jaw, Pains in the Back, Head, &c.—
Females who are so unfortunate as to have sore
breasts, and will use this wonderful salve, will be
cured-in_a very short time.' It cannot be too high.
ly recommended. For further particulars see direc
tions. Price 12a cents per box:
excellent article for the cure of worms in
adults as well as children, and will cure when
other remedies fail. ,Price 64 cents per box.
A superior article for Cruighs, dolds,Bore throat,
Bronchitis and diffmulty, of breathing. Price 64
cents per box. '•
Sold wholesale and retail, at the principal office,,
No.-384, North 3d street, - Philadelphia; and by .
JOHN GRAY, Carlisle, Pa.
General Agent , for Cumterland County:
Jul s 2, 1842. • if-34
WIDE '.11103 . INETT,
UITADLE for notating Mirrors end Pictures;
just_received and for sabecheap. by k tho sub.
Scriber. Ggo.
June 22; 1842. tf.34
THE subscriber has just- r&lred_w_further
supply of Gimp, Florence, Braid and Straw
BONNETS; also,a few Misses Straw BONNETS.
June 1842. • • tf.34
Hats : Hate Hats
ir UST received 100 dozen Palm Leaf Hata,
0 which will be sold Wholeaele or Mall, chriaper
than "eifor offered heretofore. •
•- • - • - tf-30
Cailiiile, May 25.1042.
.J,O N H A.R P E R I .
Coministioisei 4 1n llrnferuuptcy.
CkEFICE in South. Mannyer,.atiect,.near
Clallan'ty Held, whefe nU information desir.
eiya reference to. the duties - of thosc intun4ing
to apply for the benefitof the .Banhrupt Act; can
be obtamed. '
Carlisle, May 4, 1842. tf:27
voRMERLir . of the iYaeltinti*:}iet'et: hee
rem:wad to :••••• •
--Cotiler of-Second' and . Rail:Road Streets, •
Where she will' be pleased to accominodale her old
customers and gthers; in the last 'style and 'on the
fuoet reasq6abfe teims.
Harrisburg, March 16,113424 • tf.26
hE autiscriber hereby informs his friends end
the public in general, that he still Continues
to keep re
• d 4 ; rni •r PUBLIC •
• i;;
(reports to the contrary notwithstanding,) at . thO
OLD STAND; in East high Street, a few doork
east of the Court House, where he Will at all times
take pleasure Lin • administering to the comforts of
thosidWho nifty floor him With their custom.
'Dis BAR Shall be confstaritly stipplied with the
choicest liquiirs, and his TABLE with thebestthe
market can furnish. A carafuj .OST.GER always
kept in attenarree—and rtothilrg shall be leR
done to please all who'call with him.
• BOARDERS taken by the week, month or year.
.April 6, .18424 ' . • tf-23
Eisttite of Nathan Reed, deed:
ETTE RS of Administration on the estate of
N 4 NATHAN REED, late of the Borough of
Newyillei Cumberland County, deeeased, have
been granted to' the, subscriber, re l siding in Carlisle.
All persOns indebted to the said deceased, are re
quested to . co'me forward and make paymept im
mediatelymnd those having claims jvill present theni
properly authenticated to the undersigned for settle
ment. •
;IACOi3 ITOFFER, Athir s t. -
.I,une /`, 1842. - 6t-36
This-is the season when this destructive
complaint attacks your interesting little children,
often robs you of those you 'fondly doat on, and
carries hundreds to . the grave. Every mother
should therefore, know its symptoms, watch them
closely; and always be prepared with. a remedy
as many are daily sacrificed by such negleet.. At
first the little patient is seized with a shivering, it
grows restless, bap flashes of heat,the eyes become
red and swollen, it breathes with :difficulty, and
then comes that fearful Cot:row-that will surely ter.
minate in convulsions or death unless something is
inimedintely given to cheek it. In this complaint
the . "Balsonr of Wild Cherry" is well known to
be the most speedy ever dicovered. It is indeed a
precious remedy—mild, safe and innocent, and
is sure to give the sufferer immediate relief, and
quickly restore i td safety and health. Fami.
heti iding i"" c Country and indeed every. mo
ther wlici etc her-children,• should 'always
thislP 6 ! di..0 11 0.44,4 - -fenfe And 24,0 4 W-2. 1
mily; sayctlji.PlA9(
rein e 0 - of th M . distinguished pbysi c kart vr.
W is.
rar; which has cured thousands of" CROUP,
VON, &c., piler every other medicine has tailed.
cCTEIe particular when you. purchase. to 'ask
as there id a SYRUP Of thisimmitilvsitieciLthatia
'entirely a different .
Prepated - onll6y.Wii.tissis & Co., Chemists,
No. 33 SoutlCl ourth street, Philadelphia, .
Sold ih Carlisle by .. • S •
Price One Doflara Bottle.
.J,nnc 22,4842. •- • • tao:33
Both these Effects ore - Produeed by
Dr. LEIDY'S 111. 0011 PILLS
DR. LEIDIeSBLOOD PILLS contain in their cotnposi
• tion ingredients whicli produce the coca-
binedsand desirable effects 'of
- •
Cleansing the no" Wets.
rrIHERE are no Pills in existence which may be
so safely used at all times, ages and, seasons,
witflont restraint trom living or occupation, as Dr.'
Leidy's Blood Pills.
From theW composition, they are calculated to
purify the blood and animal fluids durinithe inter;
vat between taking them.and their operation; when
all impurities, as well as obnoxious substances of the
stomach and bowels, are carried off by their mini
purgative properties. •
of them have been sold during the past six months
alone, and UPWARDS OP I'ooo,ooo
since their first introduction by the proprietor, Dr.
N. B. Leidy.
have they ef.v been ~known to fail ite producing
good effects.
contain no ingredieats dangerous to the constitution.
Which are employed in all Pills mantifactured by
Quacks and Impostors, who depend upon such dan
gerous medicines under the impression,(whicli shows
their ignorance,) that all discuses must yield to the
effects of Mercury and' other Minerals.
From Physicians and others, have been frequently
published of the happy effects ofDr. Leidy's Blood
Pills and furthercoinment upon their merits is un
necessary., Dr Leidy wouldihowever,earnestly re
commend Wall requiring a purifying or purgative
meilicine; to procure his BLOOD TILLS, min try
Nivone use any other kind,having,
once given them a reit trial.
cured from the manufacturer and proprietor, Dr.
191 North Second street, below Vine street,(Sign of
the Golden Eagle and Serpents,) Philedelphie Acre
can be no possibility of mistake.
They are also kept by most of the respectable
Druggists of Philadelphia,and by respectable Mer
chants and Demists throughout the United States.
For sale, in Carlisle, by -
Agents for'Clunberland County.
Carlisle, May 18,1842. , • . ly-29
Splendid Lut!cries fin- July, 1549.
J. G. Gregory Jr CO. .11Ianageis.
35,000 dollars-12,000 dollar's. Virginia .
Monongalin Lottery, Closet for 1842: To be drawn
at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, July 16, 1842
.arznoto senzsta.-1. prize of $35,00, I do 1,700, 1
do 12,000, 1 do 1,600,1 do 6,000, 2 tlo 1,600,,1 do
4,000, 3 do 1,300, 1 do 3,387,5 do 1,250;1 do 2,000,
101 do 500, 1 do 1,000,100 do 400,1 do 1,800. Ito.
Ue. Ticke4Slo—fiedves ss—Quarters $2,50. Cer-
Aiticates of packages of 25 wholes $l3O, do do of 25
halves 65, do do of 25 quarters 32,50.
Copilot 30,000 Doligrii!--Union Lottery
Class No'. 10 f0r.18.12. Tivbe drawn at Alexandria,
D.,C. on Saturday, Jul ..y 29,1842. 15 drawn num
bers. Grand Scheme. I prize of WA*, 1 1 do 1,-
800, l do 10,000,1 do 1,700, I do 5.000,1 do 1,600,
8g55,-10 do 1;500; 2,200, 10do 1,0004 do
2400,10 do 900,, Ido 1,900, Ws, Ike. Tickets $lO
—Halves ss—Quarters $2,50. Certificates orpack
ages of 26 wholes $l2O, do do 26 halves 60, do do 26
quarters - ' .
25,000 dollars! 32,500 — dcillars.Virgiont
Leesburg Lottery, Class X for 1842. To be drawn
Alexandria, Va.,. on Saturday, July' 30, 1842.
Grand prizes. 1 prize Of $25,000, 20 do 1,000,1 do
12,500,t 20 do 500.1 do 7,000, 40 do 8000, t do 4„..
420, 1i.t0. , 6c0. Ist drawn No. $2O; 2d or 3d $l6; '4th*
or sth
. 02; loyest prize $lO. Tickets $lO--Hal
yes $5- -Quarters $2,50. Certificates of paiikages
of 22 whole tickets, $l2O, do do 22 half do 60, do do
22 quarter do 30. '
For tickets and shares or certificates of pakages
in the above splendid Lotteries, address
GREGORY 8z CO.. Managers.
• Washi ngt oil, 1). C.
Drawings sent immediately after they are over to
wfctprdcr tijs.abovo. • _ • • '
WE have just received a splendid lot ol'Bßalto
BONNETS and GIMP; at the store of
June 8. 1842: . • , 0.32
- '.
..4,' tr+ 1i;11 i p,,,,i ' --..-. 4,:• ••• . • . -
. - ..:11. SI •4 4 ' ; i 1'.',..,' ' --• • . -
.• - . ?irFF,t9.2,;;;L:. •;; ;- 1... .h . • ' - • . '
ii . k ; - v ..4: i!.;.-,.••;
' .- i/4 ti - .
-- -
041,--,,2-,---,0.-,.--(,,•7 --4,06e.,.' 4. ,
•. •
h -- . . A ,. -, , t- - , .
---k •:
_ .
, . .
UCbg§gOß *F. A. Kennedy, Coach Maker,
S takes. pleasure in informing the public genet..
a Ily,:that he is prepared 'to render, satisfaction it .
the construction or repair of ..,-, . -__ ,••
. .
of every , description . . Iris Workmen are of the
first class, being originally from the city of Phil.•
adelphia, (amthimself.likewtse)—anil his mater.
ials'are of the best kind. . '-' . • .
CARRIAGES will be finished in the most Mi.
proved style; and nothing shalt he wanting to 'give
full satisfaction to all • who •may favor•him with
Pieiectistom. lie therefore hopes to receive a
Share of'public patronage.. -. • . . -
The .establishMent is in Pitt street, south of
ugh, in the__rqat of _the_ _Methodist --Episcopal
.church; - ,• .. •
Carlisle, March 30,„1842.- •. - • tf.22
. .
N. H. Old carriages, or any - kind of trade that
is Marketable, taken in exchange for new work.
.E. D. N.
• . .
•. • -
' ---
• ' : - AlLlfrz•v, .
. . r.g.itt' 4 ' •
.11 . 1edicaiC d Extract of Sarsa.
iIL be forfeited tir. N. B. LFilin, for a
preparation of Sarsaparilla equal to hia '
Medicated Extract of Sarsaparilla.
. .
•It positiiely the strongest preparation of Sarsa
parilla in existence. ONE 1101TLE is equal to
six pints of any • other Syrup that is made,-and is
bought by intineronapersons throughout the city and
country for making therefrom, and , who sell it at
seventy-five cents or one, dollar per bottle (abouthalf
a pint.) ' • , •
The efficacy of 81ifs.ipArilln is Well known in
Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the
Liver, Affection of the Skin and Moues, Ulcers of
the Nose, 'Fliront•and Body, as well As an Antidote .
to Mercury autistic - Mirierals, Constitutional -Din
eases,and a general purifier of the Blood.and Animal .
Fluids. Comment upon its virtues is unnecessary,
every body knows its efficacy. Ii is only necessary
when 164hig it to get it good preparation of 'it, and
•tlien there will he s ()disappointment in its effects.
Dr. I.eidy - would efer to the most respectable phy
sicians- in Philsule phis, as wet' its throughout the
United States, for .the character of his preparation,
as Well also to the numerous certificates fkoni-physi
claps- mid.. other!), that have been -from time-to:t
Published,. noVileenied unneeeffsart'-iisilie"eliarso
ter of It prePifeatims-iefietiilfotgubhStheff.; 'nit:high , '
out the. Southern States it is used -altogether,- and
throughout the North taken the precedence over nil
others ; particularlyamong the physicians, who,
the benefit of their Patientiodways.-recommerd - iti; -
Theyeader is relerreillo the directions accorn--
pew v ;lig each bottlefor reco mine tidal i ons, cert i fi elite s,
tinilfurthertertificates. .
- '
..(Q — '2,,ltter....o7sB..xibilan.:grix._norrt.x.
/Prepared ond-aold,. wholesale and retail at Dr.
Second street, below Vine, sign of the Golden Eagle
-&Serpeas,,Phirmielptiintanif for sale in Carlisle, - by
, Agentsloe Cumberland County...-.
, Carlisle, MaY 18, 1.84 , 9 i. . ' - .. ty-ti9
ileeli - ariiesburg Line
pr z. "
Between .114e,ehanicsharg .and
Philadelphia or Bali/int - ore.
[Br R.lmr.heo k lp ()It
subscriber grateful for past favors, Legs.
leave to.inform his !kends and the public
generally, that he etill.colitinues to run a line of
burthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg
and Philadelphia or Baltitno'rei by which goods
and produce of all descriptions will be forwarded
with care and-despatch at the loWest rates of
freight. •
• Produce will be received at his Ware .11ouse,in
Mechanicsburg, end forwarded to either Phila•
delphia or lialtiniele, according, to the direction
of the Owner.
rrThc highest price will be given for Wheat
and Flour.
N. B. Flasteriof Paris -and Salt alWays kept
n hand, and for sale at the lowest prim.
April-13,-1842c tf.24
. Every Body Baglit to litioixr of
Pulmonary. Preservative.
O effectual in Coughs, Colds, influenzas,- Ca
.lo • tarrhs, Asthma; Pains of the Side and of the
Breast, Broqchitis, Spitting 'of Blood, Shortness
of Breath,' Whooping Cough, all Diseases of the
preset anti Lungs, and for the arrest of approich
ing Consumption.
So popular is Dr. 'Bechter's Pulmonary Preser
vative throughout all Germany, and al effectual in
Diseases of the Lungs, that from its miraculous
effects and wonderful cures—it is there generally
knoWn and styled "Dr. Bechter's Life Preserver."
As numerous certificates of its very good effects,
end Wonderful cures in this country, have been fre
quently published, it is deemed necessary only to
re - mind-the-public-of-so valuable a medicine, and
inform them where it can be procurcd•genuine.
%. )Price—Fifty Cents a half pint bottle.
** Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, at Dr.
North Second street, below Vine, (sign of the
Golden Eagle end Serpents) . Philadelphia.
For sale in Carlisle, by •
Agents for Cumberland County.
Carlisle, May 18, 1842. ly-29
..••• • . -. ..._1D . 1...:L . 7 11`1 . 17i7 S .
T E r Vt rat
. .&':-ITC_Ir ....:::,
( 2 5.. c I s')OTN.'1 1 111n(25 .cis)
THIS. OINTMENT, is' a safe and agreeable
application, and ,has never been known to fail
in curing various affections of the'skin, when used
according to' directions. ••
Hundreds of certificated might be procured ofits
efficacy from. Captains of Vessels ' School Teach
ers, Principals of Factories, and Parents, were it
not for the delicacy of having their names publish
ed in connection with so loathsome and disagree
able affections.
• Kt - Price, Twenty-five centsqt box. ' •
Prepared and sold only, wholesale and retail, at
North end street. hear Vine,v(sign of the Golden
Eagle and k?erpenta) Philadelphia.
Tor sale in Carlisle, by
• Agents for Cumberland COUnty. •
Carlisle. May 18, 1842. : • ly-29
A,PETITION for Discharge and Certificate.
under the Bankrupt Law has heen filed by
WILLIAM S. ALLEN, late Innkeeper, Cumber
land County,
and Tuesday the 90th day of August next, at I 1
o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof,
before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy at the
District Court Room in the City of Philadelphia,
when and where,the Creditors of the said Petition : :
or, who hiva prowsl their debts; and all other per-
Pons in interest,' may appear and ahoW oanse,iranY
they :hive, Why said Discharke__And CertifLato
should not:be.granted. . :
F.R413 : 1 - 10PKINSCO;
Clerk .of the Districi Court.
V T " P°stage must be paid oh alt ietters of
business, otherwise they wilt not be taken out of
.11e.Post Office, • ' •
. .
- •
,Estate of Jacob dice as sear•
r - ETTER'S . es entary on t e esta eo f
.8.-4 JACOB MEILY,Jaie Sifver Spring,Cuni
berlarid Countypleceased;have been granted ,to the.
subscriber, iresuling in the sauie township; all
,pra ,
eons indebted to the said deceased; are regueeted
come _forward and make paymentimmediatelnand
tho ! ie haling claims will present them properly au.
thentimited to the undersigned for settlement.' .
WM M. MEILY, Exer. •
June 9, 1842
• DR.IP irr f ErE
9 .
A BEAUTIFUL. Material-,For Gentlemen's
1.11 Summer Wearjuet received by the euhserTher
June 22, 1842
•toppersmith, and State
Attirsiness.... •
-01 SON, having entered intoCO.Partnership, in
the Tin Copper . and Stove 'Begin*, Midst .the
firm of :FRIDLEY & .ROBINSON, respectfully
inform 'the public that they' intend carrying on
their business in alllts branches, at•the old stand
of Jacob Fridley, North Hanover street, Carlisle;
where they will at all times, be prepated to serve
purchasers with • any article in their line; on the
most reasonable terms. •
In addition to' all other varieties .of stoves',
which they :will . constantly have ori hand, they
have purchased of Mr. J. G. Hathaway, the ex,
elusive right to manufacture andsell, in the eoun,
ties of Cumberlarid and Dauphin
Hathaway's Patent "Hot Air
Cooking Stoves."
.And being aware that the people in this place
and vicinity, have been much imposed upon by
the introduction of newand highly recommend ,
ed'articlinftvhichthey have been induced to purr ,
Oboe, and which have been so slightly made, and
of-such bad material, that, in a,short.,time" they
have failed and become useless . We, therefore.
do not intend offering stoves for sale until they
are fairly tried in this community, And pronoun.
ced more durable in their donstruction,. better
adapted to the purposes of boiling, baking and all
the varieties of cooking than any other'stove;
also; that they are a great saving of fuel as *ell
as labour.. •
ga•We earnestly invite farmers as well as real.
dents of this place and the neighboring villages,
to call on us at S. Wunderlich's
,hotel, or notify
us by letters (postage Unpaid) that they are will.
ing to try our stove—and the stove shall be placed
in the kitchen of every person giving us such no.
tics, and taken away after trial, without any ex
pense to persons making the-trial,
The stoves will be kept for sale at the Tin Shop
of Mr: Jacob Fridley, and at the Foundry of
Altssre: Lay & Stouffer, - in Carlisle.
having contracted for One Hundred Tone . of
Castings, we will in. a few dims, supply stove
deniers with all the different sizes, on the most
liberal'. terms. • ,
- .
ELEAZER lIOIHNSON, of Carlisle ' is agent
for selling the Fight to_make and vend the HOT
AIR 'STOyEiand will dispose•of -copnties in thlb`
:and.theritlipinkng S3ates,.. . ; ,
I fhnt-of atti;;;lnti•efr4-tifian gliteltove, to,eneour.
age others to try it: , /9, , '• ••- ' •
- CAIIIJSLE, Sept. 12, 1841.
f !note in Use in my kitchen one of Ilattiaway's.
Patent flot.Air Cooking StoVes, and can recap.
mend.- it-arr n very' superior article: .." - The one I
. • • • • • t
clently large to bake six loves of bread. The
baking, roasting and broiling can, all be done at
the same time and .with- much less wood than is
required for any stove which we have used. •
This.size - appeare fci be peculiarly calculated' for
-Farmers,- and Tor-theirbencfnainvitelhem_to call
and-ace this stove in me d als' l shall take pleasure
in showingAls_.atove-to-all whom . interest or
curiosity may induce to examine it.
CARLISLE, Sept. 11,1841,
Messrs. B Robinson A. Co.--:GercruistEri, I
have during the few-days I have had your 'Bathe
way's not.,Air-Stove in use, become convinced of
its great superiority over all other stoves I have
treed or aden,,_ I find by the dial that boiling,
roasting, Wring and broiling may all be done at
The same time, in a most perfect manner, and with
less than one fourth the fuel I haie ordinarily used
for the - lathe purp3ses. I hare heretofore been of
the 'opinion that bread could not be well baked ire
a cooking stove, hut I am convinced upon trill
that it can be door as well in your stove as in a
brick oven.
I.believe thatt.fic general introduction of youir
stove into use will be very 'beneficial •to thc.
therefore I shall take pleasure in reiontincnding
it to my friends. Yours respectfully,
CARLISLE, Sept. 10, 1841
Messrs. E. Robinson Co.--Gentlemen, I have
fairly tested the "Hot Air Stove" which you put
up at my house, and eau recommend it as possess.
ing principles of economy and convenience far
surpassing any other store which I have ever "seen.
The boilers corning in immediate contact with
the fire gives great facilities for boiling, and the
oven is heated-on such a-principle that bread es
baked in as fine a manner as in a brick oven. I
find it also a great saving of fuel and labor, and
would advise all to adopt it.
CHAMBERSBURG, Scpt.4, 1841.
Ido certify that I am now using one of Hatha.
way's Patent,Hot Air Cooking Stoves, No. 3, and
do recommend it as superior to any stove I have
seen, the great savinkof fuel, and the variety that
can be cooking at the same time, makes it au ob.
ject to those who wish to facilitate the operations
of the kitchen. • JOS. CULBERTSON.
Carlisle, June - 22, 1842. t 515.34
AND ifyou have a friend, a relation, or know
any one that is afflicted with,that distressing
A.CONSUMPTION,"persuado them with.
rout delay to try that famous and unrivaled medi
cine, the
. • "Balsam of Wild Cherry,"
which has cured thousands of thiis' complaint af'
ter everything else had failed. Read the follow
ing undoubted proofn of its efficacy: • "
• ' Roxaonutraii, Sept. 10 1841. •
-Due Sm:—Please send me two more battles of
your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent
•me before. I hive taken nearly all of the first two,
and confidently believe this medicine will cure Me.
I have used a great many remedies within: the
last year, but have never found any thing that has
relieved me so much: It has stop* my cough
entirely, checked my night sweats, and, I 'sleep
better at night and feel better in every, way, than
I have ler many Months. Yours respectfully,
HOLMEEDURG, Sept. 12, 1891. _
FRIEND WIEITAR:.-.1 must .again trouble thee to
send me . two bottles more of thy invaluable Bal
sam. I have now taken three bott%es in all, and
can assure thee that it has done more good thari•
all the medicine I have *over taken before. Send
by the stage as soon as possible, and oblige. thy
friend, ' • JOSE/11
BaisvoL, Sept. 8, -1841.
DZAR Docros:—Hearing so many people talk
of the'wonderful cures yofir Balsam of Wild Cher-
ry has mado,in 'Consumption, sent to one of
your Agents the other slat for a bettle,. and have •
,foundit to have.relieved me so much, that I want
threelsettles more. soul.'soon,-as 1. belieire it -wiWc. )
cure meld°. I have' used .Jayno's Expectorant
andidlier 'medicines besides., but nothing hie done
Die as much good ati, your, has. 'Send by the
steainboat Bolivar. • 'gonna, triily, •• .
WiLusx Tetomm.
—Q9 Besides 'its asionishing -- efficacy in
Consumption, it is alvo the most cactusl remedy
ever discovered for, LIVER COM PLAINTS,
WHOOPING COUGH, &0., as hundreds will tes
till , who have been cured by it after all other rower
dies;had failed. , • • •
.DRUGGISTS and DEALERS will .find this
medicine a 'valuable 'addition to their stock, .and
should always keep it on hand, as it iv universally
acknowledged to be one of the roost useful family.
medicines now in use.
Be '
rne very . careful An Ask for Dr.' */S TAR'S
BALSAM OP W 11.1) CHERRY. Sold whole.
sale and retail by WILLIAMS & CO., Chemists,
N 0.33, South Fourth' Street; Phlladolphie.
WThe, genuine B Ituni sold 'in CO
lisle by, SAMUEL ELLIO TT , appote
Agent, Price--$I per Bettie,
`June 22,1801, - •' to2u-33