Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 20, 1842, Image 3
inttts? Charges tyrants" the `t . • • , - Presidcnt., lit.••l:eharge , John Tyler-with. 'a *ass , itsiirpa• lion of powerand.violation Of law; inrattomPtibg' to exeroise,it'controlingint/uenee (Werth° lecotint ingofficerser.the•Treseury,Department, by order,- ' ing the' Paytttent , iof accounts 'that had been by them rejected, add threateningthera with eirpulsion• from Office artless his orders. wore: obeyed. ' 1 2d. 'I charge him with being . guilty Of a high misdemeanor is retainingmen in office for months after they, hay beeaMjet.ted by the &Mate ail un worthy; inCompeteht and un faith ful,,fo the great detriment , of the miblic interests , and hazard 'Of losS to the',Mtblia Treasuri ;'the Government having nolietinrity for the faithful application 'Of the pub. funds passing throughlheirhanda, arid he thlra_ by defeating that :proVision, , of. the ~.Constitution 1 which requires the. adiice and "consent of the Son-' ate to ` iill nut nominatians'de by thi,l"rC*iident.- 3d. I charge him 'With gross official misconduct in.ottempting, in a spirit, of revenge, for a Caosti' tutirmal 'exercise of Owe! by', the Senate, rejection of one of. his nominees to' office, to re move a large number of :faithful and "ineriltarious subortnato officers from the Custom-house of Philo ' delphia, with whom no feu:Corm found save that of a supposedpelitical preference for another, and Who had discharged , their.. duties with entire. 'Skis 'faction' to the collector of ciistoms; and for attempt ing to substitute in their stead men having no other recomreetidation than 'that of a supposed alai:pies eence views. • • 4. I charge him with the high crimp and misde meanor of endeavoring to excite a 'diSorganiaing find revolutionary spirit in the country, by inviting I a disregard of, and.disobedience to a•law of Pon:" gross, which law he has himself sworn to see faith - Tully executed. • .5. charge him with the Itigh,crinte - and Misde. •rneanorin office ofwithholdiug his assent to laws indispensable to the operations of Government, in volving no constitutional difficulty on his part—of .•deprivihg the Government of all legal sources of revenne—of assuming to himself the whole power 'of taxation—.and of collecting duties from our citi • .zens without the authority or sanction of law. • ° charge him with the 'high crime and misde meanor of the open prostitution and profligacy in willingness to barter away the offices of Govern ment, and •the principles he professed, to obtain the support of one of the parties in Congress to which „ he has heretofore been opposed. • 7. I charge him with gross official. misconduct, in having been guilty of a. shameless duplicity, equivocation, and falsehood with his- late 'Cabinet and Congress Such *IS has brought him into dia.._ grace and contempt. with the whole - American pea ple, which has disqualified him from administering' this Government with advantage, honor, or virtue. ". 8. I churgc him with an arbitrary and despotic . abuse of the veto power, to gratify his personal and politiCal resentment, with such evident marks. of Inconsistency and duplicity as' leave no room to doubt his total disregard of the interestsof the people and of his dUty to the country. 9th.. I charge him with . the high misdemeanor of arraying himself in open hostility to the Legis lative department of the Government, by the publi cation of *deuterons and libellous lettere under his own signature, with a view of creating. a false and unmerited sympathy Torhiinseffi'ai) . Minging Con gress which metnittlyat Aminiyibetween thO Ejtecutiv,a: diipartment&Atilriesseffttal:to-gOotl „ government ant the welfare of the people has been _titterlY_destroyed— • 10th. I charge•him with an abandolimMit Of an acknowledged constitutional--duty, in refusing to , render such aid to the constituted authorities of Bliod Island, when. called on, *as Ito had . himself :previously promised in his letter to Gov. King, as a ,sarred constitutional 'obligation resting upon him. 11th. I charge him with pursuing such a course of vaceillation, weakness, and, fully, ammust, if. he is permitted to remain longer at the htiatl of the Government, bring the country into dishonor and disgrace altroasl, and force the people into a state of abject misery and distraction. • I2th. I charge hitn,with.being utterly unworthy and unfit to have the destinies_ of this nation in his hands as Chief Magistrate, and with having brought- upon the Representatives of the People the imperious necessity of exercising their consti tutional prerogative of impeachment, or of surren dering the Government to him to be used as a ploy tning and a toy,.for his vport °tulle ono hand and his malignity on the other. MORE lairEActrarsra.—The Aludisonian, as an off set to Butts' twelve charges agaimt.the President, publishes the peoples charges against Congress, embracing an equal number as those of Botts, but somewhat more forcible in their application. List of Tariff' Laws. Our Washington Cc:um:penitence furnishes for the Express the following list•ol the dates of the several Tariff Laws, or laws uiying duties onimports, whirl, have'been passed by Congress since the adoption of • the Constitution, with the volume and page,of the Laws of the United States whereTound. The laws providing for regulations for the . cotteealki -a pluties are notincluded wilds list, It is 7 t list of laws ins posiug!luties only. . . July " 4, 1789, Laws U. S. vol. 2, page August 10, 1790, ' 4, 't • " 176 Alareh 3, 1791, • .11 61 203 Miiy 2; 1792; " " " '279 Juno 7; 1794, • " " 435 January 29., 1799', March 3, 1797, " 16 • " •666 July 8, 1797, - • t 6 17 May .19, 1800, 16 11 598 MarCh '26, 1804; (Mediterranean funil,)" 613 March '27, 1804, • 4. et " '621 July 1, 1912, - .4 -• •It 559. July 29, 1813, " di • " 582 February 5, 1816, . e 6 . 16 12 April 27, .1816, • 66 • " it 105 April 20, 1818, (coach furniture,'&c.) "4:6 April 20, 1818, (iron,alum, sir.c.)" " 339 : March 3, 1819, " 4 'B 415 May i 22, 1824, (genera(.) 7- • " 268 May ' 19, 1828, (general.) 8 " 49 May 24, 1828, (wines, &c.) " " 130 May 20'; 1830, (tea, coffee and, cocoa,)" 307 May 29, 1830, (molasses.) ". " 360 May . 27, 'lB3O, (salt.) " " 391 Jlll3 l,- 7, 1832,;* (French wines.) t " 674 July • 14, 1832, (general.) " 691 . _ March- -2, - 1833; - (COmptoinise act:) " 788 March 2, 1833, (hardware,tobacco,&e.l" 810 • • This act was continued from year to year, to the 3d of Mareh,lBls, when it expired by !iwita tion•—N. Y. Exprer. • Absurdities of tiro Common Law. It icsot little • surprising that, in -this en. lightened age, a code of laws can not be framed sufficiently perfect to- answer the lift:poses of justice,without a resort to the max ims of other ages for rules of practice in our halls ofjustioe. ',There, are doubtless' instances where no special rule ca n, be made to apply, and: where, much must be left to the discretion. ofjudges and, jurojs; but leading Principlei could certainly be sop defined, that it would no longer :be a doubt. fdl question.whether an injured man might obtain redress by litigation, or whether a rogue might escape by one I of: the thousand quibbles of the common law. We -.have been led to marks, by reading an article on' the' Subject of "Judiclal 'Testimony: , in an eastern paper, in which:the absurdities daily. exhihited 'under' the °Sanction ot common kw, aro treated with nierit. ed severity. "Suppose," says the Writer, "in a' suit alai*, a witness offered and directed to hold up his hand to be sworn. At the moment, the opposite,. party objects on account of, the infa my of his character. "Ali," 'but says ille,witness, stretching his.hand b!kher,. l l baYO alpligieo be lief—l' believe in future - rewards . and -.punish ' meas.'? "But says the Objecior;"yo'u wore never known to speak:the truth, when it was your, inte. 'rest to toll 'a lie. You never paid a debt, when, you could cheat your creditors out of Yon stand noevicted by the unanimous'voice Of" the public as a liar, a knave, and altyricrite, , More than . .Bnit, yap was convicted sheep.Stealieg not two yeersaince:' "But I have beets pardoned," says the .ivitinise: - "VP& now4tarid .convicted of perjuiy.," Ways &I.bjeciter'... 1 1E34:Mont 'is' 'not yet . pronsouneed,":saya the witnees; • 'Arid iitretch ing his' hand as high aabe Can • reach, "I • htivtt moreover Curry religious belief. I hold my book higher, and mad-iityl Prayers loader; :Ban' tiny man in charett.-• - "l.prity Tour lionera,•am : not , a competent,t'viitntita” anyticthe .Court"accordinglo" Common Law, as-held. by sound lawyers. You must thorefuiv be-sworros • , , ke , * ''of potinier, „ Which' it lighted candle Was • incautiously plaeed; ' in, the awn of Jlicobe . tom , HineX, ''cluitatertiwn;',l%fd., exploded on tbo morning of the 4qtjpit.ind blow the:W.:km . lo Monis: . • The • hOuttei adjoining on 'each aide, caught' fire, an 4 Were deati'oyed,. and, sibirtder•to say, no person was injuicil. • • .1114110'.4i," niNggitN* R. WHITE PiIDpI,LETOINI4piTOR litcll s ,Fll TOR. ,CARLISLE PA: WeOnOsday,' . Jitly.2o,;l:B42. FOR PRESIDENT CEN. WINFIELD SCOTT.. Subject to the debision . Of a iCationarCoivention Gen. SOH, 0111 the Tariff. Lam not only in favor, of a TAuiri.-Fon RENE, nri, but also FOR PROTECTION."' ' c WINFIELD SCOTT., Gen Nefott on Removals. , . ~ `''',l%fy rule would he. to TURN OUT THE BAD' AT ONCE, and displace the indifferent as last as h might conveniently be done."' . . "1 bold that-on a' Change' of parties, vacancies— no matter how„inade 7 :4 mean by death resignation or removals, ought tolte filled bilSeleclions from thy political majority, and always. with the .best- Men that can he had for the several places." • . • WINFIELD ' SCOTT. . . . ..,..-- V. B Noma, Esq. at his Real Estate and Coal Office, N0.':104, - South Third Street, Phila., is authorize to iet as Agent, for procuring sub. scriptions and arcJertisements for. the "Herald & Expositor." • tI.III.IIAVVVVVUAILN Public 1:•Ont. thanks are due to Messrs. Wm. R Gon GAS of the, Senate, and J.. M.'o,l.unx of the House fur public documents. .• • I- rrWe give to, day several letters from our at. tuitive Harrisburg correspondent. They con tain Ynuch valuable information and will be . read Witkinterest. , Plunder: oi'Wo regret that our neighbor takes our quer ies about the Legislature plundering the 'People, and esPecialy in the knife line, so much to heart! It scems that the question we asked is a culling onm--even More cutting than the BRITISH knives in The pockets of IVlessrs. 'Parr nnd Culver! if it Seems "mean" in the'eyes of our neighber , to• -ask questions - aboutthe plumyr in re sinall,-way;' , :boyv Ti s v . ill•heta§it ii,l l - 4444Mftii61ri c i4ntii.H,diaint latripubliETie-n-for 'certain - higlr-ha tided robber ies, committed in their public' capacity, anu the proceeds appropiated - to - tireiroWtyprii , rtle - osol -, ,.. Lo t ok out,-neighbor; we have some AWFUL ItIS CLOSURES to make, and lay 'before the injured people -of this heretofore-'hood-winked" county, "after the dog-days.'! , • ' “I'Rean: 7l 'The Volunteer thinks it "mean" to let the talv r pnyere. knoW that SIX or SEVEN HUN DRED DOLLARS are yearly thrown 'away, to purchase:HM . llBH penknives for our servants at Harrisbur4!" :Very well--but what say the )abor or and tax-payei'l Look Here: iri"3.37e lma.n_that_neigitbor Sanderson-and his "delegate" clique have already selected the men to be swallowed up by thoeikOf their patty willing to be duped by ikeiriiHOw convenient it is, to have asthinking Cannittee !" -ft saves a monstrous sight . of 'trouble! . . Dcatocrattic Scott Meeting, at Ilairrlsburro c:1-In another column we give the proceedings of the late Deniucratic Scott meeting at Harrisburg We learn that it was a most enthusiastic one, and was well attended. The proctidings are highly rauriotic,md with which no true Whig can find fault. Thl meeting was addressed by Mr.. STE 7 YENS, Mr. LESLIE and others, Mr. Stevens' speech was a powerful one. - The capitoliawx—n Clay per, possessing apparently but for Mr. Stevens or Old Chip " says : u Mr, Stevens' exordium was an eloquent description of the con Prete prostration 'of all' business in this country, and the Consequent sulfrings attending it. In his narration le: portrayed, - in most .vivid colours, the heroic bravery, indomitable perseverenco and suf fering of Gen. Scott during the last war. These lost nothing of their true interest by this rehearsal." •Vile ask attention to the proceedings, and trust hat they will ho perused carefully by our readers. , The Elarvestt., (r From -4mry quarter .we : learn that the Wheat ankilye crops are very abundant,. and ,Our own beautiful end luxuriant valley - the :yield of these rich grains will be great. beyond prem., dent. - ITbePais and Corn, also; never et thii sea. e'en of the year looked bctter,and.. from every -aii.-- pearance the husbandman will be amply reivard.: ed by a kind Providence for his labor. rich harvest And a PnerzeTivE 'new are the only things which can relieve the country fro:nit:a cm. barrassments. • - The Corn Crops. 'cO - Trom every appearance, ae far c have been able to judge and learn, the c p *of Indian. Corn, in the .Cumberland, Va , promisee AO be immonse. - =Tr _ and= about our borough, we have' now every indication ,of a most abutideint yield,. and, we trust that nothing will occur to blast the hopes of the thrifty •huabaudirian. Ono field 'in particular, in the eastern part of the boronghi owned and farmed by our wtrthy Chief Burgess; Jszoe Zua, Pig.; alyeady , presents a very beautiful and luxuriiet appearance, and bide fir to rppay. him ten.fold for his, laborious exertions. Verily we ahould all, citizens as well as farmers,. feel grateful to a 'Bountiful .Providence who has eon- . descended, in these tim i of pecuniary embarrass ments, to bless-us in our baskets and our stores.. , .. „ . o:rit the; %Harrisburg Qapiltonion loolt the : query . propodnded ihseterence tri - our'Members, it NV ill.find thrit their'omberiabohts" on theAth of July was not giveli. Thoeditor must feel much in want of 0 , small' game," when he volunteers to give , the vwhereabouts of Loco Foco members of the Legislature about whom an'entluiryis'made, through Whig papers! Better Nave such things such papers "night r 'O:7•An . mae arm be-ore lait; .to: the house, occupied by iheMissiiis Kernan, , of our borough ;- the robbers ancaaniled in entering tho house;' but were alarmed tiy the family j•The 'otoKO "or ' 60r,, worthj;tovinointtn--dhis. Barnitz 7 -situated Berlie,,titts short !Imo' since :And !abed - two heeded deltas in inoney,stul . twtt silyei• watches. We are softy to learn' t!tet,t!te to*toets Itave riot. se yet boon arrested. (En he surplus eindnetii of Orantillis ?CoMity, has 4ear—tiMsO whiqi:t4ti by iirtied".Or ni*r49t, ties estimated at aboyt one millien of doilars, • titerit ;Scojit arA highly' ,4 13i,b CHIP" was held in Gettysburg, on Hatur-• 4(4 EA. Presfde4 an eloquenteloquent ? 'set`of reioltitions Were • wloptOil, and the eting__was addressed by_D:, M._ SDITSER and. Atix. , STEVENSON, EsqrS. Delegates to the Democratic Scott State Convention were also ap pointeil—amondthem, Mr.Hitvigiva, Col. CiAlfIC..- 40N, Mr. Thomson . , Mr. T. J. Coorsn, Mr., bus rrizylAin and,othOrs, whO labored. !At and most lealouslrfoLlhi election of the lamented Har- MEM The meeting' was iitioet 'decidedly in fiver of a Protective Tariff; as'well for the hblding of a Na tion&COnventien. • The proceedings . in_ full twill be.gitcn in our next. . . Since the above was 'prepared, the sproceedinge have appeared in the. Gettysburg Star; but we have•oßry room forlhe names of the dele gates appointed to- the Convention—which we annex: John Dickson, pen. Jas. Cunningham, Wm. W Paxton, C. Zecher, John Ilrough,..Jas. A. Thomp son,. Thaddeus Stevens, P. W. Koehler, A. D. Buehler, Daniel M. Smyser, R. W,.M'Sherry, Ja cob Martin, Henry Munfort,,A. R. Stevenson, W. McAdams, Valentine S..Fehl, G. W. Bowen, C. S. Swope, John Beinkerholl; Dr. J. 'N. Smith, D. Z. Little, Henry Shltzgiver,,Col.:jno. Wolford, Samuel Sadler, Wm. Cobean,George Trostle,.Jno, Neely.,,Ozias Ferree, A-X. Myers, Peter Shot], A. Heintzlemon, Di.. Geo. nines; Arnold Gardner, !Wises Tyers, Geo.. Hersh„ Peter 'Diehl. 'Wm.)/ Rime Harman Wireman: Peter Raffensparger, Henry Hunt, Pfeffer,. Wni. Loudon, exander Harbaugh: Joseph H. 'Culbertson, Wm. Albright, Conrad. Weaver, David •ffeagy, James Major, Thos. J. Cooper, Jas M'AJlister, Jacob Dpl lone, Joseph J. Smith. The Cabinet. o"We' have still rumors or probable changes in the Cabinet.- "The opinion," says a Washing.. ton writer, "is hourly gaining ground, that, as soon as Congress has separated,tlirce of the Cabinet will be indtned to resign their places, and their room be made good by gentlemen of the Opposite party.L— Mr Forwatd, it is said, was not even consulted by the President, relative to his last and a slight so great, if it indeed be true, no man of - the small est particle of self-respect,. would be willing to sub mit to. Mr. Spencer is the intimate and close friend of Mr. Forward—and tilde fate will not be separate. The Secretary, of State will remain,. it is certainly to be hoped, until the foreign nego tiat!ons eve closed." Steamboat Accident. t.,..The steamboat , Edna colapsed both flues of her larboard boiler on lie, 3dinst. at the. mouth of the Missouri'river; yhile on'her , •Sixfwthi_te..poroo - , - we t °. Arendink. - .nrounileolopieny since died.. • • . . We learn by the Missouri ,Reporter of Oie' sth inst - .-, - -thatTorrtheAthz - forty7o. ftthese—urtfortu nate victims were followed to the .grave by a large num ber of the citizena.of St. Louis. .0- -- : f -Owing to the. many rohficriee lately commit ed in Harrisburg,, the atithoritieS have found i teCessary to organize an efficient force to patro he streets every night. - _ • •Itis,intended to the remains of those galhini s men wlio fell in "Datle's Massacre;" In Florida,. in . the garden of the U. S. l3arrucks, at St. 'Augustine. • • ct—yrhe Gettysburg Compiler, copying °Ur' ee 7 arks iu reference to advertising Wives, appends vreto the following.approprinte confmunts: • • We copy the foregoieg• from a late neither of the Carlisle Herald &.F.spositor,find the sentimnnts ex - pressed, our approbation. We-have ev. r regretted to seethe course pursued by some MEN (?) in advertising their wives, when in it large majority of cases, if the ''whole truth' was knowh, there is little reason to doubt but that cruelty, on th.part of him who has promised to shield and protecting wife while life shall last, has impelled her to a seperation. We, too, have refitted suck advertisements, and no inducement Will_constrain -us to — depart Trerri—tlie cotirie of conduct laid down for our guidance. The Almighty dollar,' potent as its influence 'almost always is, will fail of its desired effect, when tender ed to us for the purpose of procuring the insertion of nu advertiselnent .cautioning the public against tent - ding a lady who has separated from her liege lord.' We want no such notices; and in miler that we may not be 11111.00 ceder the necessity of refusing them, we wish that no person will offer any to us— but, if it is done, they may rest assured that their ap plications will be useless; they must be taken to those who view the subject in quite a different light from that in which we look upon it, in order to pro cure' their publication. The Land Question. IMPORTANT TO PENNSYLVANIMS. following questions, propounded through the Nfitional Intelligencer, to our •Senntors in Con gress contains information 'of the highest impor lance to Pennsylvanians ; and sluauld be reindilislied in every newspaper in the State: THE - LAND QUESTION. To the lion. JAMES DucuANAW andpANIEL STVR ov.ol, Senators in (Zongress from Penn . . sylvan a. GENTLEM EN! As one of , your constituents I claim the prieciplege respectfully to propound to you the ,following questions in relation to the votes which mu have given in &vor of the eituitous surrender of tlre - ptheeede of - the 'sal es ,Of- p MU el in d s-to the United States: and, as republicans aud responsi ble Representatives, you are tliMbtless prepared to give to your c.pustituents prompt and explicit an swers, Prelithiliary - to the proposed questious,:it may be proper to state that, originally, the public lands belonged to the States; that, after the forma-; tiodof the Fetleitil Governmeat, these hinds were ceded, by the States to which they , belonged, to the Federal Government telpay the Revolutionary war debt; an when that was discharged they were:hy the terms of their eession,to revert' to the States. L-. lhu last of , that debt 'saving been, discharged some years ago, Congress aceorddiglYiTsseitalaw#rtrthe 4th or September last, surrenderii g the proceeds of the sales of the publio lands to th Suites, In pur ' suance of the Arms of its original cession. 'By the official reports made at the late extra ses sion it appears that the publiclands,to which the In dish title has been 'ektinguislied, aniounted to 220,- 000,000 acres, and that to which the title remains to be extinguished to9so,ooo,oooacres; Of"which Penn- sylvania ' according to her representation in Congress is entitled t 0 .101,785,704 acres; that is, 4,241,071 acres for the Representative: The title of Pennsyl vania to her just proportion of the Public, lands;Viz: 101,785,704 acres, is. now; by virtue of the original cession and the act of Congress of the 411* of Sep tember last; as perfect and indisputable as your right to seats in the Senate, or the farmer to his 'mots for which lie holds the patentot The share of Pennsylvania in those lands, at the minimum price, ($1;25) would be ,worth $127,232,- 130 rand, at fdrtreehts per acre, would pay 'off the whole of her .State, debt, iamountingto Onwards of fdt:ty 'Millions of dollars ,Whch never can be paid in' any other way, withciut iinhabing the:.people under insupportable tairdeos. Take away the proceedief the public lands' an Pennsylvania' must become bankrupt, or, what ins worse, repudiate, to this edn dition of things, would it not bo more wise Mid Pa tricide in her Representativesto endeavor to procure additional means to inviter debts, than to give away; 'fur nothing, the only , means she II s? ,The question, litenito:lN_ltich_tieg.uestapiswera (and ; they must be given to thp, tax-paying, people by all who voted with ,you,oilitlifi subject) are these: Ist: Pennsylvania in a , condition lci..gire away ' the avhole. of her distributive:, share. of her public landsliiihout some equivalent? ' Pennsylvania . surrenders to Abe United States ,101,70,7,,04 acres, her distributive :share Of public land, worth, at forty cents per acre,more than forty millions of dollars, ought it not to-be on condi tion that tho United States assume at least that Amount of the Pennsilvaniii, debt, fOr. which her creditors would gladly:accept a United. States three per omit. steak, which whuld reduhe the lands'io twenty cents ,per Imre, lesS titan cue-sixth of the present mutt mum price? „ . 9d. If you give up the puhlhilande,what has Penn sylvania, or any other indebted State, left wherewith to pay the principal and'iriteteit of their State,debts?, This is and itogrtant questim t o ; ' N epa l there is but one.answert.,aud, thatts,- toavitioki-sji-! irraftikT faratipn—nokl, heisceforth,ondforever.—; Will this answer be satisfactory? t 4th. But . why is . l!ennsylvanlit , andtbe other States ab soon tilled on to: , retrtieedi te• lbw United Stites • the proCeedsof the, public :land' to • which they are nOwboiliequitnbig . and . ,''Oitky',„entitted?, - • , The . Only answer, io avoid' the'n'eneslity - of increasing' the turvr, n firOgit sth. But ,aides tt,has become ner.eastiitiviropOse • taxeliither.onioreigisPrOdinititina 'oilreint pea - ple) - ie it not-hetter,to jutposelheponforoigners,es- • pecially when foreigners impose ditties Open) then double the ailionot on must 'of ottr'staPlesf and when the'elfect•of. the tariff .:on • tbreignioods Woulifbi -create home markets for 'our Sinners ) entleheekihe exportation of .our,specie to pot for Whitt we canned ongld to produce at home? ' lOis then, in fact,. a questimf taxation .betiveen . foreigner' on the' one 'side and , Anierieignir on the other. It will be 'discUssedrand understood by the people, who alreatly gee clearly that their:indeed the. tart/questions are inseparably•connected. • hose who vote to give theland proceeds to th e States-gafor the- taritT-'and . 'against_ State , taxation; and those who vote to take the land from the States and give it to the, United States, vote against tat , : - itf, and iii favor pf increasing State taxation. Such is the obvious effect of thcirvOtes, and it cannot be long dis,guised or evaded,. - , _• : 'IL his bringS up the great' tariff question , itself, : which so deeply concerns the prosperity" of all the 'States, and olnone more than the State Yon repre sent. • P.ennsyhenia is essentially- ggrieultifral; and orallinterests the farming Interest is the most deep ly concerned in the result of the tariff question;, for it may be safely af fi rthed that more than one-lire of the value of an the goods imported 'from abroad con sists of the agricultural prottinstions'of foreign coun tries, Worked up into cloth, iron, hats, shoes,. and every_ - species of merchandise, Ste; sent here for sale, add. our specie, by millions,T exported tmpay for'them, while our fanners are left without a mar ket, without motley, and without a motive to jitilus try. Fur ex:imply: Take a yard of foreign Cloth, won't' six dollars; oite.lialf the Van, (83)• is wool, -the product of sheep, sustained by , the pais. and gram nbforeign countries; ode-fourth .of its _value ($t consists of bread and meat, and other Ma gri-' -cultural supplies consumed by the liaads employed' in its m a nufacture: Thus three-fourths (Attie whole price (54 5.0) is sent its-specie, to pay Tor English and French wool and other agricutural produce, worked up into ,a Yard of cloth, and sent- here for sale. The -same result will attend the analysis ,of iron and - a thousand other articles. .Is it not ruinous to our ag riculture (on which every other interest' depends) to 'pursue sdch a policy? And- can 'it be -sustained by the votes of American Senators,. and •especially those representing the great farming interests-of the country? • • . " But I will not now trouble you further on-the tar iff question but may hereafter add something in another letter Yours, resptctfplly The Mormon Troubles. noticed a few days since (Gaya the Phil adelphia: Inquirer) the excommunication of Gen. Bennett, of the .Nanwio Legion of Latter Day Saints. .3Vo now have from the Burlington'llawk Eye, his defiance of the prophet Joe: - NAIUTOO, 111., June 27, 1842. • Mr. Edwards:, In your. paper of the 23d, pools!. I hide' to the... Trouble among the Mormons, anti express a desire or hope that the schism is :incura ble,' and I,assure you it is really so. The holy Joe fears the consequences of my disclosures,_ and has threatened to take my life, end, has ordered, some of his Minh° band to effect, the murder clandestinely _ he.B;hall' - If ,liemurdeie Me, oth , 'ers.44itayeisg_ro4tilOod,,and - iehdaiiithe'Cilitir6nt 6 fikto 6 if"lir ir int " ' : /die , siispentrY4r judgment a fuwdaye until you 'my 'my expose in the "Sanga . riin journal'? - t - j.fne'xtmeets of the week following, over :ny name. In haste, • ' JOHN BENNETT. I Debt of Pennsylv;inia. c0 - -.A recent report of the , Auditor General to the Legisluturc, give'silio funded debt of the State us'_follows, of couise not , inading unsettled C 1111138:- licld by citizens.orPetin'a. Citizens of other Status of - the Uoion i Subjects of foreign Maidens, Specie of the United States. ErThe fdlowing is an °slim* of the amount of specie inthe United States Treasury, made by the Register, in a recent communication to Con. ESTIMATE. press t, has beau estimated bysome, that there was specie and bullion in the country oft the 30th September, 1820, $18,000,000; but say . -120,000, 000 mportcd from 1821 to 1841,20,y0ar5, 181,589,84 201,589,814 Deduct exported from 1891 to 1831 138;085,922 Balance, CROPS IN lifissouni.—The last Hannibal Jour nal says--" From present appearances end information, we are led to believe that the forM ers neverr,had better reason to rejoice over their prospects of an abundant harvest. The of wheat, and that of the finest quality, that will be.gathered, will be hemp, greater than last year's crop. Corn, hemp, tobacco, Ste. 'protnise to be abundant." tO - A RF:LIC.—The packet ship New York, -from tiverpool, it New York, has Bcnj. Franklin's Printing }quail on board, consigned to J. B. Murray. Kir INTERESTING • CEISEMONIES.—The ceremonies attending the erection ofa monument to Uncas, tho celebrated Mohican chieftain, took place at N orwich, Conn., on the Ath, Among the performances was an,Col. Stone, of the New York Commercial Advertiser. - - :Kr EmIG,I2 ATION.—The emigration .from Europe to America will be iiiirocnse this year. The movement is especially from Germany— whole' towns and villages are coming over in a body. • - . . . REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. . . PHILADELPHIA, July 16, 1842., FLOUR.—Sales of • superfine, $5 376 to 5 50; Rye Flinn. $3 75: Corn Meal $2 56 to 2 94 per bbl, hhtls $l3 50. Wheat 131 c; - Coin, 52 to 54e; OW; WHIBKBY-21 • to 22c per bbl. CA'T'TLE MARKET,—Beef Cattle 4 to ssi; per lOU lbs. Cows and Calvesll3 to $39; Spring ers-10 a Vi; . Dry Cows 5 to $9; r !logst4a Sheep-1 624.,L0 • BALTIMORE, July'l6 _1842._ FLOUR AND GllAlN.—Flour, $6 per bbl. Wheat $1 to 1 30; Rye, 86 per bushel; Corn 54 to 57; Oats, 91 to 85. WHISICEY..—None CATTLE MARKET.—Beef Cattle, $3 50 to $5 25 per 100 lbs; Hogs, $4 50 to $4 75. • . itEoIgTER. MARRIED On Thursday last, by.the Rev. Henry Aurand Mi. DANIEL . LEEDS to Miss ELIZABETH CLAUSER, all of- Perry County; On the evening of the 28th of Juno, by the Rev. J. Marsdoni Grandib, - Ikle: ALEXANDER BIL. LIFETT to Miss ELIZA IL JOHNSON, • both of-Dillsburg, York .k . ounty, Pa.. . On Sunday, 15th - May, by the Rev. John Lind. say, Mr. 'JOHN STOOKDALE, formerly of Car t lisle, to Miss CHARITY, PRIME, of Igeiv York. , • , . . On . the 1 0th inst. by the Rev J, Marsden Gran din, Mr. ARNOLD SINK, of Mechanicsburg, to Miss MARGARET • KENN EDY,.. of hepor do-, OBITIIARY - .REC,OIiV. . . . • D LED, ' -fit his residence in Columbus Ohio, on The 26th Juno, Mi. 'SAMUEL LOBAOH, formerly oft:or lisle,-aged 27 years, - - • . , At his residenco in Southampton lownonip, on 'the 6th inst. 11 , 1 r. SAMUEL , KELSOi 'a - god _l5 years. • ; • •- • • • On thu 11th inst., in• South•lVliddleton town. ship, Captain DAVID COOK; iged ' about '4O On,„hiriday raornine, last. in'. South-Middleton township, Mr, PHIL4,I I- ..IF,A§IIKUKDI,,•I6. agoo About. 38 years, - On Monday morning last in South- 'Middleton, t4inokip;Mr, JACOB HAKlVlSlt'agOirabout 30 years Mr. ft, was an - honest nun, n,good . lien; and wag nitwit beloved and cemented 'by: , all who knew him, *coil, avid a Viotective Tariff: fE Peopbs of thimbeliand COtinty friendly to the:election of Gen. SCOTT to the Pre= .eidency; and in favor of a PROTECTIVE TAR IF F--a Tariff that : will give,not onlyseyenuti to the Government, but voiection,to the Mitnufacturer, Mechanic and tabOrer without any compromise whateyet---are relithisted to meet in Carlisle _ On Satimday..Plext, at 1 - o'clock; P,.„111,. • • To appoint delegges to the State Convention, whielf assembles at llarrislarg on Tuesday next. - All 6;001y - to the objectof the ineeting,are inviter to attend, • Friends' of. Scott and a Thrill' July 1842. . (0 - . We ask attention .to the ahoye•call, and hope that all who cake it convenient to attend Will do so., Adams, Allegheny, Dauphin,'LaneaSier. Frrinklin, Erie, Lebanon and many other counties hrive appointed delegates. ", SCOTT AND A PROTECTIVE ; TARIFF ". will 'soon by' the _ • war•cry in old Democratic .Pennsylvania. , Old Mother Cumberland " roust let her voice be heard, as she has .t_vithin her bounds many friends of the Gallant Ole. Sealer who fought end bleed for his countfyare anxious to express.their approbk tion of his worth and great services. Let, then) dome up then on Saturday, next to his help. Selling off' at first Cost. CHEAP GOODS! NO MiSTAKE. FAYETTE. AT THE STQRE OF pRaOdD t onaNisp THE subscribers intend winding up their busi. ness, and are now determined - to sell goods at such unusual- low prices as cannot fail to con. vine° the purchaser that they have the cheapest goods ever offered in this region •of•coun . try. . Their stock is N.EW.and CHEAP, consisting in . part of Blue, Blhck, Blue Invisible Green, Brown-and-Drab Via -Cassinierei. 4- Satinetir,: of various co*s and priecs, a tvirieig:urNotssliri Slimmer and ;Winter • • Shawls,:" _ ' Muslins, Calicoes, Dress Hankc - rchiefi; ti-c. There numerous advantages - in purchasing trier advertisements, will be sufficient proof to satisfy all those. - ilesirous - of 'obtaining bargains, that they ate, now prepared and fully determined. to , sell- them exactly cheap enough:—Come Moli na ye who haVe so long been 'suffering tinder the' severe pressure °Nilo times, and adopt the remedy whieli iv hero provided fur you, i.-c. CHEAP GOODS. - . $9,635,613 47 irrThey would particularly invite the -attention of purchasers to their Cheap.ploths, Cassi.; 'neves and Sattinetti._ • 1,060,536 00 24,736,t106 06 '. S.. Those who are yet indebted to the sub. scribers, will please satisfy the smile between thus, acid December next. , ' - 634,444,346_47 Shippensburg, J uly 20, 1042 it. I3ETITIONS for and CertilicaCertificateun - der the -Bankrupt Law have been filed -by A BRAHA M HAMILTON; late Merchant of the firm of Hamilton & Graff; -now Farmer, ' Cumberland county. ABRAHAM W. GRAFF, Into Alerchalit of the . firm of Hamilton & -Gran; now Clerk, • Cumbefland•county. EDWARD- •A. SEIKER, Teacher, Cumberland county. and FRIDAY tho 30th day of, SEPTEMBER next, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. 'is appointed for the hearing thereof, before the said Court, sitting-in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room, in the City of Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors of the said Petitioners, who have proved their Debts, and all other persons in interest, may appear arid, show`cause, if any they have, why such Discharge and Certificate should not be granted. FRAS. HOPKINSON, Clerk of the Distriet Court. Philadelphia, July 11, 1842. 10-38 $63,503,992 JOHN W. HENDEL , - ID Lla St 12.11. fa 12 0 • ESPEPTFULLY tenders his services to the citizens of Carlisle and. its • vicinity, _ that he will attend to and perform all dental operations such as Cleaning, Pinging and Extracting na tural Teeth, and• insciting incorruptahlo artificial teeth front a single tooth to an entire'set., cO - 011ice opposite Wrarlaine'a July 20, 1842. tf-38" • DOCTOR J. T. - WARD OFFERS his professional services to the citi. tens of Carlisle and its vicinity; and that he intends to devote his time to the duties of his pro; fession, having been many years engaged in the pra etiee-in- the Stater:of - New - Jersey., himself that the experience thus av_quired will tan title hini to public patronage. c 0" Calls to the Country will be attended \ to.z— Residenco,'East 'High Street, next door to Cul. McFeely's. • • Jul . • NOTICE TO UREMIA OBS. TAKE notice that we have applied , to the Judg es of tho Cpurt of Common Pleas of Cum. berland county, for the benefit of the Insolvent Lavis'otthiti Commonivealtk—and that they have appointed MONDAY !the Bth day of AUGIN7 ne2st, for the hearing of us and our 'creditersdat . the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, when and where you may, attend and make: objections to our discharge, if you think 'proper. WILLIAM NOACRE, BENJ. BRUSECKER, JOSEPH MOSSER, • • •• • - HENRY GINDER, • ADAM , al LIBHART, • JONAS MILLER. • GEORGE MATTHEWS. July 20, 1842. • • 'REGISTER'S OFFICE, July 16,1842. °TICE is hereby given •to all. Persons inter. ested, the tthe tellowingeccounts have been filed in '.this office' for examination, by the ac-: ' iogntants therein named, and will be presented to, the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, for coutirmatibri, tin . d, allowance,' on • Tueiday the I . 6th day. of„ ugust, A. D., . 1842, viz : • ' The)Administration account of George Clark; Administrator - of Elizabeth Dead; late of the Borough of Sbippensburg, deceased. • The Administration account ofJOhn .Fultv ller, AdOlinistrator of. William B. ~,Fulwiler, late of the_Dornugh . ef . Shippenshurg, deceased. ' The Adniinistration'eCeeituil — cirJaeolf - BiZIK AdministratOr, de bonis non cum testament° an nexe, of • WilJiarp Hainilton, late•bf Cumberland _(now Perry) gognty„deceased. — The Administration acicoun t of Samuel' Woods, •Afhe iriistretorof Sampson S. Mullen, late of Dielc-, irloon.Ow l lo lll / 1 0 it* 1 9c4a,tic4,„,..._ beard un. account of.Josiali ilOod, Geardian of Jelm Cope and James Cepa Minor dtildroll 2 of-Philit* Cope latO of West' Penn borough lovinship; deceased. , aeoeunt.Of Jacob Keller, Guardian • of Mary J., William - end - Elizabeth Steptienhon, minor children of 'John Stephenson, late of SPring townithiP; deCeased. • ISAAC ANGN EY, Register. July 20,1842. • ~ • e 4.38 ) - . • • . _ • . Scott:Cpunty llleetitarp.. ADVERTISEMENTS. -QD‘.l.-S-T..?(D3L. THE i'ma the pub. large, that he has 'lonia the above es tablishment; six miles south of C liisle, fora term of years, and the MILL , havin een recently re., paired, and new miiehiner -introduced, he is therefore prepare&to Ina facture to order, (and also has a' supplieonst tlicinhand) , Paperof4arCey kind and Quality", which he vital furnish to printare, merchants and others,'M any quantities at the lowest city prices. All orders addressed to the subscriber, Ixt Paper. town: Cumberland _county, will receive prompt attention: • Havirig lately received a supply of the very best materials, he flattersliimself that he will lie able to'nanufaeture paper equal in quality'to any Other establishment in the country. WILLIAM HI MULLIN: Papertown, July 20,1842. tf.3B N. B. The highest price paid for rage. - .RHEURIATASIU ENTIRELY CiffedThy the . use of O . ; P. r d lIARLICH'S Compound Strengtheningand German Aperienu,Pills. • Mr., SOLOMON WIL SON, of Cheater county,. Pa., afflicted for two years with the above distressingolisease.of• which he had to . use hie crutches for eighteen months—. his symptoms were •exerilciating pains in all his joints, eepeciallyin his hips, shoulders and ankles, ' pain increasing towards evening, attended. with heat: Mr. Wilson was 'atone time notable ton:love his.linabs on, account of the pain being so great; he. being advised by a,frierid of- his to.procure Dr. Harlich's Tills, fur which he sent to the agent in West Chester and procured some; on using the medicine the third day, the pain dissppeared, and his strength increased that, and in three weeks was attend - to - his:husiness,-which-he had not done for eighteen months. For the benefit of others afflicted, he wishes these lines published, that they may be relic , ed, and again enjoy the pleasures of healthy life. . • ' Principal office t 9 North Bth street Philadephia. For sale at the Drug Store of J. J. MYERS & C.o.,,Carlisleonia WM. PEAL, Shipbensburg. July 20,1892. . , 3t-38 A RARE COANCE! NY person wishing to' invest a few Thou sand Dollars in new and substantial Pro perty in Carlisle, yielding ten per cent per annum, will hear of an opportunity of doing so by calling on the Editor of the "Herald & Expositor." Carlisle, June 29, 1842. tf•3s • To the Electors of Cumberland county. FELLOW CITIZENS: I offer mystlf ttnyour, consideration for the officeof s - Recorder n.nd Clerk of the Courts of Cumberland. County at' the ensuing general election, and if elected will discharge the duties thereof to the best of my ability. GEORGE F. CAIN, :Mechanicsburg, June 22, 1842.. to-34 To the Eleetor of Cu thberland coimty, ir eovv , brriihNs:l offer m0:01f,0174.-4„1 /* YROTyuONOTA ItI of Cumberhnd County; at the election in October next; and if elected pledge mysellto perform the duties of saitroffice with 'fidelity, and to the beat AV-1117:51,41EETEM: Carlisle, June 22,.184.9.. tf-34 To the - EleCtors of Cumberland dputity. ELLOW-cm4EN.S-lOfrermyielltoyour r _ coli6Weration fur the ifflicii.of • REGISTER - ' of Cumberland county at the ensuing general elcc tion,'and if elected will discharge t h e duties thereof to the best of my ability. _ 'WESLEY MILES tp.-July 13, 1842. to-37 in Baniernptcy 10-38 OV,T1(.0120 APETITION for the benefit of the Bankrupt .L'aw has been filed the Bth July.lF42, by JOSEPH FRY, formerly Cabinet Maker,. • now Laborer, • Cumberland county, Which Petition will be heard before the Dis trict Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Room in the City of Philadel phia, on MONDAY the 22d. day of AUGUST next, alp o'clock, A:, M. Wlien and where all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why theprayer of the said Petition should not be granted, and the 'said Petitioner be declared Bankrupt. . • , PR AS: 110 PK INSON. • Clerk of Diedrict 'Court. • Philadelphid, July 8, 1842. 3t-37 coluirr. PROC LAM ATION.. WHEREAS the Hon. &slim. Hr.rsunn Pr'e- Sident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the Ninth Judicial distract of Pennsyl. Vania, • and the, Hon: •Jotirsi• , S•ruAnT and TIIOI4AB C. Mita-nit, Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cumberland, have issued their precept bearing date of the 22d day of April, 1842, and'to MC directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Delivery,"and General Quarter SessiOtis of the Peace, at Car lisle, on the second Monday of August, 1842—be. ing the Bth ddy—at 10 o'clock in the forenoon:— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner, Justices of- the Peace,and Constables of the said County—or Cumberland, that they be then and heri3 in their proper persons, with their Records, Inquisitions, Examinations and other remembrances, to do the things which to their of, flee respectively appertain . —and those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are; or then may be in the Jail o f said county, to be then and there to prosecute . against them as shall . be just and right. Hilted at Vatksle, the 25th day of June, A.D.. I 184t,T; and HIV 66th: yeaitof American Indepen dence. PAUL MARTIN, Sherirn. tc-37 July 13,1842 Trial List for August Turin , 1.842 ~ .Stuart vs Stuart . • ... Pjper vs MellingellTiir ----- ' Spotswood's Adm're vs ' Carver & %Valises Monis & Brother vs • Lyon Reigle vs Aul • Palm. e vs. • Readier ' - Reynolds & Mosher vs . Moore and Biddla 'Samevs Moore, ' lliighes' Adin'r.- . " • vs'-Moore & Mahon • Noble's Ex`rs. vs Harper -,Cake vs M'Clure . Myers of al • vs Myers, - . Brandt vs Givide i ,Same ~vs Same Gillingham et al vs .Given's,Ex'res. . Same vs Same ' . ° Gorgas of al ; va Alexander Snavely , vs PoOrman & Sheoly Thorns • vs Ditiow Sturm' , ..voi Zeigler'a Ex'rit. Commonwealth • vs -Leas ." . • GEO. SANDERSON, Vroth'y• Carlisle, July 13, 1842. . l' te.37 Jr'Q.Td CE. To, the heirs and legal-representatjaes of ! GEORGE SHEAFFER, late.of Earl township, Lancaster County, Pennsyl- Vflilia; deceased. . . - g - N Pursuance of en order issued out of the Qr . phans' Court of Lancaster County, I will hold an inquisition upon the Real . Estate of the said George Shaffer ; deceasedon FRIDAY, the sth day of AUGUST, A, D. 1842, at 1-,o'clock, P. M., at his late 'residence, in Earl township,. to make. partition and appraiscment of eats:Meal Estate, at. WffielftinWand - placiryou•miy-attend ifyou think The Real Estate of the said deceased consists of . the 'PILAW TATIONG in Earl township; upon-Which _ the said 'deceased'; -resided when he died,'contiiining about llao. - Ac resondjoining rands ofJohn Wallace,Johnitlartiii,'David Rarick andisth era, A PLECEr,imx N &aid toWnshiP,eci :o ntainlng about 12 A eres, adjoin. Inglands of John High ind Gideon Ilituder“ind A PJECE OF SPROUT .14A111.0sAn said township, containing about' S Acres, ad= joining lands of , Wendel.illoll, JOSSO , •Line and others. • - A. "E.' ROBERTS, • ' r. sh• e ilift of Lancaster county. Shcriff'slOifloe, Lkatitei. • . Auli , :0,185.,. - OltatTl l / 1 3 /Et 011013111760:4 • /THE sotSicribet respectfully infOrtns,the pubic 1 in - gaeratthat he is prepared to accommodate Boaideris6 Visiters; at the above well known and justly celebrated spring, situate eight miles North of New vale, in a plea= east little valley or. Gap of the mountain. • 'ho air is pure,\ the scenery beautiful arid romantic; the 'Mountain abounds with game, the Laurel or Tiout Run, about two miles distant, will afford amusement for those who are fond of angling—and every ex ertion will be used for the .accommodation and comfort of those who may wise to obtain benefit from this invaluable water. • - • • • July IS, 1842 VA LUARLE Tan" Yard Property FOR "SALE._ WIL be sold at public sate, on the preniises off SATURDAY, the 23d day of JULY, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, that large and commodious situate on the north cast corner of Loather and East strcets, bounded by Letart Spring, and on the 'north by a lot of R. C. Hull, Esq.. containing 260 feet in front, and 120 'feet in depth, more or less, belonging to the•estate of David S. Forney, dec'd, having thereon erected a.large • • • ; TWO STORY STONE - ;;;11 ' , Tl7/11111111 liltill32, fist • • a Two'Story - SforieTinishing Shop;mc large two 'story Buck. Beam House, a large frame Bark and Mdl.House, with a' Bark Mill There are 44 Layaways and — l — Pool in tlio Yard, 5 Handlers, 3, Limes and 1 .Bate in the Beam Hodge,. and a good well of water faille kitchen door. The property is in good order, and in a very desirous situation for a Tannery ore private Dwelling. '‘'YlETTermis of sale will be mile known on'the day of shli t , amid any information Will be given about the property before the day of sale, by G. W. SHEAFER, ' JACOB SHROM. " - June 22, 1542., • ts-34 SIIEJ{IFF'S SALE. 'My virtue of a writ of Levari Facies, to me di rected, issued out of the Court of 'Common Pleas of Cumberland county, will be exposed to public sale at 4he Court House, in the borouglt of Carfiale - , - on•• TITI.IRSDAY — the" 44thr - day . - of AtiOUr3T, 1842, at 10 o'cloCk• A. M. of said day, the following describes} Real Estate, viz: A CERTAIN • BRICK -HOUSE And- hall Eat of • GrOund. situate • on , the ...North •side rifk High street, in"tha .; 'borough of CtirlialS,-bounded a half hit thri'heini•of ;:leSePlatutixLsteeetui4; ; :W.ust h t y . . - 4,oiltanT Es4,Matfth . ly:friigh4STOZ , V and North by a - tiventv feeralrev, containing . !r• feet:in front on !High street,: and two hundred and forty feet go length from the street to the Alley. • Also, •A Lot of -Ground, Situate. in said borough of Carliple c on the Nortlp, side _of the road or street . extending westward— from...said borough , and north of the College square, • and running parallel will' the turnpike road:. ul - a lot oLAndrew Carolhers,on the West by a lot of James Noble ; anti onthe South by the, aforesaid toad, containing TWO ACRES or thereabouts: • Seized and.taken in execution as the property of Charles R. COoper.und to be sold by me, . • PAUL MARTIN-; Sheriff:- Sheriff's °lacy July 13, 1842.- 5 • SIIERIFF'S • ▪ Y. virtuo of sundry writs of Ficri Facias to • me directed, issued out of the Court of Com- MOB Pleas of Cumberland County, will be expos ed to public sale, at the CoUrt house in the borough .of Carlisle, on THURSDAY the 4th day of AU GUST, 1842, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, the following desirable'R cal _ A LOT OF GROUND, . siluateli4thc town of Springfield, in the county or Cumberland, bounded on the North by a lot of Young's help, on the East by a lot' of Samuel Freud), on the South by a lot of Isaac Marguart, andon tl.c West by land of Jacob Keller, contain ing about one half acre, having thereon creeteda, TWO STORY 117/33114 . 10132 9 HIV* part brick and part frame; also, a log building. erected for a distillery, with two stills fastened in the.same apd the necessary apparatus thereunto belonging; al . s%, a log Spring !louse thereon erected. Ah-o, A Lot of Ground, situnto in said town of Springfield, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less, hounded on the North by a lot orVaniel Swigart, on the East by a lot of Josiah Hood, on the South by a lot late the eroperty of Andrew Morris, and on tho. West by a lot of Samuel . French. Seized and taken in execution Os the property of Peter Noaker, and to he sold by me, PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff . a She ¢''s Office, , July 13, 1842. ( ‘11E,1111'10.3 ,57 . .11,141:.• Y irtue of a wait of LOvari Facias to mein directed, issued out.of the Court ofComun leas of.C,umberland county, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House; in the borough of Carlisle, on THURSDAY ,the 4th of AUGUST.. A. D. 1842, at ten o'clock, A. M , the following described real estate—to wit: ' A. Piece or Parcel of Land,.' situate in Monroe township, Cumberland eimnty, lioiivaed and desciibed as, fellows, to wit: Begin ning at a heap of stoncs,,thencehy lands of-facia - Bricker and Michael Ege's heirs, north • and a half degreed, cast. fifty-nine perches to a • Spanish-oak, thence by lands of Michael Ege's heirs, .north lwenty.eight degrees, west forty-six ,perches: to a stone, thence by lands of the heirs 9 ,C . Nafriii.Brandt, south eighty-six degrees, 'west thirty-lbw perches to stones, thence by lands or the heirs of Jacob Bricker, south twenty-six de grees, cast five perches and two-tenths to a stone, &c., having thereon erected a small Stone and log , 1110,1 USE, and log.stuble. Seized and taken ill execution as the property ofJacob Shaeffer. And to be sold by me, PAUL metwrEsT, Sheriff: N . Sheriff's Office,Carlisle, / . July 13,184. s t 5.37 . - - - ._ . • Interesling-Intelligisce. • TO THOSE WHO BRING UP CHILDREN; • PR. PARIS—Dear Sir—l take this present. opportunity of itifor - ifaifig - you of the won effects of your invaluable SOOTHING SY-. " RUP FOR , CHILDREN TEETHING. •My child was first taken with fits of screaming and. • crying; attended wits a dreadful bowel complaint. I sent for a, physician; he came and told _me ho ,could de nothing for it. but "to lance the gums." Thiel would not submit to; lie then recommended your invaluable "Soothing Syrup," which 'Jr-. cured at your office; NO. 19 NORTH EIGHT II STREET. Atrneon as Lobtained the medicine - , ---- I used it according 'to the directions. !rho effect - ' was astonishing; the child went to.sleep and rested well all night. The next:morning! used it again',: and continued it for several days. The child re covered immediately, and is hearty to 'this day. Happy would it be-both for parents and little thil droll, if they could have'access to a smolt pardon ' • of your medicine. lam sure' that • money would be no object in comparison with human suffering.. ' . MRS. H. HCILMES, Sept, 9, 1840, "' .. SPruce Street. , , . , .. REMEMBER, nonaje-genuitte_.o Riese (bp_ Sig- , - - nature' of Dr. PARIS is impressed on the' phials; , also, bo carefutNand -purchase only at.. the Metlicalr • °flie s , No. 10. NORTH EIGHTH STREET„ . ' and advertised. Agents. Beware there are several, persons imposing a deleterious, article on th e , rub, -. • lie for the above mit up in plain bottles, with the, name of rATIIS spelt different. When you pnr. chase, see that the name of PARIS is 4 sr4t 4 6 .Y.91 1 t sea it in this notice, and unless the phtals" , ,ao;ioP- - ' pressed with " DR.f PARIS! 500T4.11X0. , P . , Y-- ' ° RUP,". touch it not. • .' • -, , `.. 4 "' ` 7 '- ' ' For sale at N 0.1911 North Bth St.Philadelid)iai also at the Drug Store of John J. Myers dt, C 0,.,•. :„, Carlisle; and at. the Drug Store of William Peal, ' ' Shippensburg., •, ' , , . July'' 13; 3t..31 6t-36 WILLIAM BLEAN. ' • • 3t-37 =I Iffil CM