analo) • 13,14241424)2,, —' . g.... 4 ' ' ..t1 ' . tt - '' ''' '' . ' - o"' ... 1, 1 .- - 14 ., e i4 : . •-• .IN N.i' ..)., a . Iv ' 1 ;',1.. ~ .. • 1- .. 9 - 1 '.., ,' V ~ ' ' ..."' t - .. ''' ',, , P . . . . . „.f. • '' 4, - - ' *. . . -,, • '..-', ... 0 . - '7,,,, , - -,N --- 5'...••`'.;0,,c',- ; -••' - W- -,,, ~ ~Z,..'- ' r • /1 -14;:i?,-- ) 't.;. • ' 1 Yl4 c . c- . i t ,,t,,• :'O4- ~ ...:L1 t . . ." ,' • ~,NN. tt \ ~; , „ g ...-- 1 , , )' ,- .Lk • -.,,, • '' N q .A4`,l: - .. •-• •'' ) '' *L . _ 6 5.D., -.,'•-;: , , 1s ~*•',,•• 7 , -,4 ,a ,.".:::.-- ~,p • -• • •-•- " -. ‘„• 2 4 ' „ , 7 - .-- -• .; t-,,. - ' 1 4:', , .?. ir=Cus. LAweAv - _ - _ •NI.M% %.' • _77 , .^... , ." . • -.Z.. , . , F.- ,.- .' 7 ~;.:;.• . ' . ... 4.-. - "hia' C ' 6". , • MI 0111 Ci, 'Citre, Sivfare, S. .I Corner,'' at the Old Stands fI.I,MaNt , i , VVVVIAVVVVIi TERMS ,OF. PUBLICATION- : The HERALD • 4.-• EXPOSITOR is. published - weekly, on a double royal sheet, at TWO DOL • LARS, per annum, payable 'within three months from the tide of subscribing; OR.TWO nom, Awn turri , dorm, at the end of the year: subscription :will be taken for legs than six 'months,' and no paper diseciitipted. until:all' ar. rearages are paid, except at the;; option of the publisher, and a• failure to notify b. discontinu ance will be considered a new engagement. Advertising will be done on the usual terms. Letters to -Mauro attention' must be post paid, R, WHITE MIDDLETON, EDITOR 84., PROPRIETOR, CARLISLE', PA: Wcdnek . d.34 , ,,,JulYo, I 542, •. N • 10 . TIE .nno co mutt Et mrteetor: • PENN 9t ifiVANIAL LATIPELPHYA. BANK-4' • Bank 'of North America; pa . --- .s's;spuriona; vignette, figures of Justice and Li er ty, reading,"we promise to par, &C., on dem. tut in apecie,or paper orate Bank of North Atnerica'" - • S's and 10's, old plate. ' none genuine remaining, ou . 10's 'and ..20!s; altered from-S's; vignette of s's and of altered notes, a figure of Commerce. sitting, an eagle before Iter, and ships in the back ground. . 20'sylettti. 1) i; Jan. 19, 1313; pay D. Cntboard,and vain; lett. it, April 20, 1817, pay ',l.Chespc: Northexn-1 Tar. in lett. C; Oct. 1.8, 18.37; pay Taylor; signa tures poorli . imiinted; v ignytte heavily shaded. 10'5,1ctt.4; -July, 4,- -1338;-pay .16 printing- , ._:1111C pale and yellowish, ~ Z trs, altered from counterfeit “Ps; badly done. 2,trs, lett. G; Jan. l; y ..1 1885; pa. Jenks. Bank of. Pennsylvania. 7 rt 8 'si-lett-Nl3;—Aril-2T - 1-11-30pay-Cl,lVlrarder a plain white ,circle tit onnd the 5 at top,-not in genuine; lett. C; April 7, 1829, pay E. Evans. s's, lett, P. 8; Nov. 8, 1838; pity N. Nolcn—ronrse. of various filling up; tb; E in' President con siderably larger than the other letters. - 10's. left. F; Sept. 10,1836; par .1. I lieks ; signed E. •• G. Lewis, Pies ; oflieer; Aug: 6, 1836; ' :pay 4,,1 , 829,pay0;5ay; motto on Pa. coat of arms ronglily.tlone;•otliiirs, Sept. 10, 4837, pay 10's, lett.. B; April, 1823. and July 10, 1833; en graver's first & Bo..the Co.: others, Aug. 27,1333, Chauncev. • 0 • 50's, lett; fit, Jan. 1, 117. - lett. Of - March 22, 1821; pay J. Bootie. . Bank of Penn Township.. • ilia 12 10'1. Washington on the LEFT instead of niGIFF end. 20'8 ,c;it•ioua gates, well :lone; except the . Friinkliti on right margin, which ismourse. . 50's, altered frotn s's; Vignette nE 50's, commerce sitting on a baliVtif goods; right-end piece, Frank lin; left, Penn . Bank of the .United,States, . 10's and 20's; letts. A &DOl:ids and each end coarse Stl's, left, D; Dee. 2, 1836; end pieces coarse. 50's and 100's,-letts A a and 6; Oct. 1, 1838; pay Jno„Somerville;Cash., at in days; paper thin with -• reddish. 100'a, Ititt.ll;.. Sept. 1, 1833; pay .L.Ross nt 10 ; days: 1000's, altered Irons 100's; pet., 11, 1838: pay to • arid endOrsed by R. Buchanan, at 5 months -0-0 Oltileroial Bank of Pennsylvania, par. _ Pi lett. I); March 4, 1819; pay T. Astley. s's alter from the Cni hnnercial Bank of Millington, lroken, by substituting Pennsylvania for Milling ton, witch observe; vignette ofgenuine s's - , Penn s TimatyWith the Indians . . 10's, spurious;.vignefte of genuine, 'Washington and . Franklin. ,- 10's, lett. A, Nov. 17, 1830, pay It. It. Lee: March • and June 2, 1823, '29 and 30, pay Geo.-W. Ash; Sept. 15, 1830, pay S. Girard. - LO's, letts. A a/Nov. 17, 1822. pay E. Lyman; Nov. 3,1829; pay M. Carey; letter C, pay H. Clay. 20's, signed Benj. P. Smith, dated Wore lie was Cashier. . 100's, alterell from Commercial Batik of Millington Md. Railroad care on one end,.denoinination of note on the other. Entirely ditierent from genuine 500's, 50'.5, 20's 'and 10'a altered from s's which only has Penn's-treaty -with , the, Indians for--rig ^. Farmer's and Mechanic's ' par: s's, 10's and 25's, altered from- FarrneA and Nle-. clumic's Bank of Wisconsin; vignette 015's, a li male holding n cup in right hatuLlefi arm resting • on an eagle;- of 10's a female reaper; of 20's, a female spinning,. NollegeituitieNmgrAvO by Bur . • ton & Gurley. - 10's, letter 5 ; Feb.. 5;11325; pay P. Saleyf letter C; Feb. 5, and 10;1820, '25; pay' A.. Moses, C. Dull, J. Rutin; letter 0, ttp , it 1, 1826; pay H. Clay. 20's, well done; paper redder and signature lighter. • than genuine; some letter A, Nov. 20,1804, pay G. Hurl. . 20's, letter E; Nov. 29, 1834; engraving very bad. 50's, letter C; Dec. 25,1.819; pay G. [Brat. Girard Bank, 40 a 45 10's, 20's and 50's, altered from s's, whose vignette is the . P.hiladelphia Exchange. Hold up to light. . Kensington Bank; ` • par. Manuf. & Mech. Bank, - 14 a 17 • 10's, altered from s's; vignette of genuine 10, n fe male and SIINISING NVIIEEL, which last is not on the altered notes. 50's,altered frOm s's; the word FIFTY is crooked, ed bunglingly inserted. Mechanics' Bank, • 3'3; old emission; long since withdrawn 20's. altered from connterfeitteon .MechalliCB'B Bank, New Haven ; miniature of Washington on the • right, and Clay on the left. SO's, altered from s's, April 1, 1333; Fury. is paceil too Close to DoutAns; small lettering- of FIVES around the edge rubbed clear. - Moyamensing Bank, 10 a 12 - • par. s's, old plate, withdrawn. The plate in iise hats for vignette a fetnale; and end pieces, Washington on the right,and Robert Morris nu the left. 10'e, left. lan. 1;1819; Sept. 7,1819; Dec. 8,1820. ' 10? s, letter D,Febdand May 8,1832; pay 3. Kam and D. Evans. Vignette, three female figures with a •• ship in the diet/lake, and- a view of the 'banking - house on the left, very imperfect.. Franklin on the right, and Washington on the left end. • • 10'amml 20's, mitered from s's: vignette. of ..Vs,,tiv o females sitting; between them, a shield, of which is a shiptuid lough: of 10's,h. female reclining, her right hand resting CM a shield, tin -which hsPa. • coatol arms: of 20's, Penn's Treaty with the In ' slitting. 20's,-Id-slate, letter -May 0, 1814; 1824, 1825; anti 1827; pay D. Edwin. Southwark Bank, • Par, . son's, altered from 10's, old issue, of largi site; "on demand". extracted, and "Five Hundred" sub stituted.. . • Schuylkill Bank, ' par. s's, old plate, of ValliOUS filling tip; The heads of Wasloogtoeand Franklin imperfect and coarse: , Westertr:Sank,' .• -. par. . . _._.:—,- --- '` . .'* ---- ::-.. ! '•_Cif.1.111.T.J1LX:11/AN.R,S...=.7-r±:—. - Bank . ,of Chamberabut, 6.a 6 „ Bail k , ,ol'eheater Co.,.Westchester, par. Batik' of.Deteivore Co.:; Chester. par. 20'a; altered front 5 , a, well' executed., . 50'e, altered (rem s'oi-tatter A, Jan. 1, 1896; pay ...T. Clyde; Chao. 8. Vol tv7311, - Ciiiill: Tlitiiiiird tarry ~ adter breartirlablotted; the'eirele dark. .Bank of Germantown, ^ par. 20'i, alterid 'Worn Vat' hold Ihe,,,tiote up to light. Mink of - Gettysburg; . ' 7..1. , :' I - , ' . -. 6 ,, a•-6 s'e; Nov. 14,1828-9, pay R. Smith RI with * out the circular water-mark seen in genuine% 5 , 401c1 plite:. 'whinh•rengs Gettyaburg Bank. - Rink' tft 4',.*iffitity, 0. _.:... .'' ' , / 5 a.lB . R. - OX'•,01:-.t.4.4Adioo,sii.n, .. ~-. .. 3 a manic 9rAloa tgamery Co., , Nonewn. par. P2,s;.l.etier.,./1,00or..;21; 1828.:paji' V. Litez; Nov. 1; ...;isitilokiA::Wptltt . t: 'galore in 1 826-6, some, 2d 57e, letturn • • i auid 17; i ily, -2, 1825*,.v srin , ueli, fi , l , i ed 044, Ylttiettellettand coarao... ,: ' .10k:?f , ,41iiiiiplbatiand, . ~ i,a,a -. Bani of Piiiiburgh, ;•' '.'' 2 a 3 ' Vs,slettee.C r ohl platapwiddenwn fromeireulation ; l et '..... v nette,-ie , binnicsinithiouein; . ke. ‘ .0:- ",' ::"., : ? , :i i , . teeXttiec..4 r !BSf; pay Wut.,'Wtilklnal oth.' ' ' , ItLiyA, 1825; pay H. fialdwla. • ,'. . . .. 10'8 and' 20's,aliered from counterfeit s's; badly '2o's ,vignette, a female leaning On al vase of flowersj of genuine, a blaeltsmith his toolt„•• Bank "of. Susquehanna Csolontrose,Ba Berks'County Bank, 1i,640144' . .'," r ,511: a' 60 2'n; relief notes, letter it; vignette .;State. Arms, rather coarsely eieotited. Carlisle BAnk,' • - ••, • • 5.a'6 s's, letter 0, April li / 10129; pay J. Citessler:' • The heads of Washingtontight and coarse. ' to's, and others; altered from s's• .poorly '' Cold tnbia Bk. & Bridge Co.bolumbiais a 6 ton; altered froen rsj Afereury and a female res-t .ting on bales of goods; of 100's; at large female figure, One. arm resting on a ahield .witya'.plough and shin, on right.end; a figure of Commerce. Doylestown.Bank, , • .par. Easton Bank,', • • • .. par. s's, old plate, letter C, Aug. 1, 1827 'and 1830; pay C.Rice; some Mn' 6, 1829; May .1, 1831; pay J. Thintz;,engraving much lighter than genuine. • 10's, letter C, Feb. 1,1824; pay J. Post. Erie Bank, Erie, . 10 al2 Exchange Bank, Pittsburg & Branch, 2 a 3 Certificates,: • • . • 2a 3 Post Notes, • ,•2 a 3 s's;*the•vigmette is.a sailor leaning against nil an chor, while'the genuine s's have Justice and an .otlier female figure. l's, letter IL pay IL Nash, R. Lansing;and Win. 8.. Wallin; June .1836; paper railer heavy and coarse, and the whole -appeamace clumsy in 'distinct. 110's, and altered' from fraudulent ExelnAge flank and Savinns institution 'of Philadelphia; vignette, Perry's victory. Clic geniiine' 10's have for 'a Vignette a female figitresented betweentwo"cliests. All notes signed Thomas M. Howe, Cash,, since ' July, 1839. , 10's,leiter Aolated Sept: 7, 1839. The names of the Cashier and President are lithographed. • Farmers' flank of Bucks• Co., Bristol,' par. s's, dated Bristol, March, 1,110 April 12;1828. . ins-letter A ; Feb. 6, 1815; pay F. Pincor; Meach 29,1815, and '3, 1817, at Ilulnie Villei 'pay It. Ely, Sept. 4 and 10, 1819;ntlwrs, letter 8.. 50s, altered from s's the vignette pf 20's is .a bandman, horses and barroWa. . • , ° Farmers' and. Drovers' Bank; Waynes-. • 'burg, 10 a 15 Farmers' Bitnlc of Lancaster, . 2 a 3 sn,letter A; March 7, 1832; 'pay S. Wind; no gen e uine notes of tills description. in circulation; oth ers, March ir, 1831, and other dates; pay Geo. I-I, Krug, filling tip and, signature in same hand. lettee A; March 9, 1837; pay J. Wind ; vig nette, a mill. lOs and 50's, altered from s's of the above coun terfeit. . Farmers' Bank of Reading, % / Reading 3 ,a 4 ss, letter A; Jan. 1,1835; pay G. Ludwig. Paper has silk mark; fair appearance. ss, letter % Jan.,1,1833.' pay G. Smith," May 20 1836; pay A.S trong. Coarse.. 100 s, lett. A • pay John Ilareold; none such genuine. Franklin Bank, Washington, • 5 Is 'rind Rrs, altered from the broken . 4 Bank of Washingtm," hy_prefixiag 44 jelraniclithlLabis hoick opened in 1836. .Observe the date. l's, letter.A; Nov. •1, 1830 A, pay IL Wylie; .1 chit • . 1I:n.81101, Cash.; theseitinines cagraved."-Impres sin. somearliat Wet, particularly the lines under .signittiires which arc distinct in the genuine. Ihrrisburg Bank, ' • 6a 7 ss, letter, D. pay H. Alwaril,"ilated May 14, 1819. 55, fetter C, pitr J. Ross, dated Noy. 3,182 th 5 sjetteik pay R. King',atited Jan: 1,1823. ' May 4, 1829; letter K. pier J. K. Whiteside. los,_vignette, T a steamboat,• I . llNroad curs, The . genuine. 107 s have the goddess of Li testy, and the Capitol iif the Back ground. - 29 - , - altereilfrom-counterfeiriors;'vignette-,--n- view-of the State Buildings. • . • Honesdale sank, Honesdale, 1Z: . a„ Lancaster Bank, • V 2 - a 3 s's, altered from' s's, letter A, October 3, 1896, No. 4987. ILancaster County Bank, Lebanon Bank,' Merchant's & Manuf. Bank, Piieg.. 2 a - 3 ',Miners' Bank of Pottsville,. 7 s'h, I iitt&• F, pay J. Lyon, - June 13,1841; others, - .1. White, Aug. I, 1840. The letter under the . I.C. in Stileiylkill; in the genuine, it is below the L and K; the cross of the yes in Pottsville' inclines stp wards, instead of horizontal. Monongahela Bank, Brownsville, 20's, altered from s's, easily detected. • 50's, this Bank has tto o'a out. ••-• ,New Hope - Delaware Bridge Co. 10 a 12 ( Removed to Lambertville, New Jersey. Northampton Bank, Allentown, 15 alB l's, letter 11, Atte.: 28, 1839; pay S. Lippincott; sig natures and.filling up engraved; vignette, cont of arms, while the genuine s's retailed since 1837 have a view of Mauch Chunk: Towanda-Bank, ToWanda, - 70 a 75 West Branch. Wit, Williamsport, - 45 to's of various. filling up; some to I. Nelum• T. 0)1701, Cash; J. H. Cowden, Pres.; vignette, a eagle, - railrnad cars in the distanoe. Presi dent's signature too light and stiff; general appea rance light; 'the first! in Williamsport resembles more a tiguree 1. 50's, altered from s's; vignette, which is that of the s's, is a view of the townen. the fell cad of note. . Wyoming Bank, Wilkes Barre, 12 York Bank, .' 6 l's. letters A and Bi Feb. 2,1830; old plate; pay W. Wagner; which naine is spelt Wageor. In the word Ftv.E, on the left hand margin, the I Is not dotted. llie•F of Five, in the body of the .note, ' doeknot exactly line with the other letters. Vig nette iriiit&fr et in many places. 10's, alteree from coutiteileifs's. See preceding. Trtylarsvilla Delaware Bridde 10 a 15 NM MARYLAND. BANKS IN BALTIMORE • • -, • - • Bank of Baltimore, at Baltimore, s's, April 15, 1829, pay .1. Coleman. Paper tight, engraving dark, filling up bad.. litY- In the word BALTIMORE the lettCr 0 is liut hall finished, and the E badly done, resembling a -B. The gen uine on the left band figure 5 hovel; circle of bold white, dots; iu the bad are hardly seen. • s's; letter dated Set. 15, 1840, pity J. Coleman, WV. J . Lorman, Pres. James Cox, Lash: the Presi dent' is rather heavily written'—well cal ' culateci to deceive. s's, letters A and C, dated June 18, 1830. 10's, letter B, of various dates and filling, upj signed • James Crane, Caslu L. Baker, Pres. No persons of these names were officers of the bank. • 1111 10'seA, trebly !Uttered, C. K reel , 12, 4835,sign ed 'lames Cox, Cash., Wm. 'Airman, Pies in stead of Wm.l.6rman. Others, E. Clifford, Cash. C. Thom 8,1 3 re5.: others, Jan. 10,1837, No. 1646. 20's, letter 1 dated Oct. 1, 1838, pay f. Neer% it . reads, "The Bank of Baltimore premises to pay," while thC.'genuine reads, "The President,Direc tors 1k Co. of the Bank of Baltimore promises to pay, Ate." ' 50's, altered from s's, letter B pny:to .1. Carson, 1u lie - 24, 1821: - .111 - th e•S'S, th'e woiiTa'~llnnk 'b Baltimore," commence in the first and end iii the second line; in the genuine 50`a, "Bank of Bahl morel' stands Wholly in the morn) liue: 100's; 4 iettera A if',..l.ittig; Ca sh,.l. Bier, Prep. • Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road!Com. 40 ChesSpeake•Bank,e Baltimore, Citizen's Rank, Raltimore,. • Cohena'. (J. I. jr. & Biothets Bank, • Baltimore, : Commercial and Farmers' Bank of clfrom 's,niteredlimm counterfeit s's on Commereisil Dank of New York " Gamine' eial Bank of Baltimore. . . Detect by the thick 10's, IL tterS, pay J. Patterson,July 4,1891 antllB34, others, pity T. Cross, Dec. 4, 1830, and March 4, 189 f. I'o's, letter A, Nov .10,1839, pity J. Cross. 10's, Jan. 8, 1831, pay J. Brier.. Farmers',,and Merch. B'k. Baltimore,. .10's, altered from s's, in the genuine 10's, the word TEN oi the left' - ornamental border is nr.Acir. geountl,.but is upon a WHITE in (he altered Tomes. ... , . . .Fartuerslit -Plantqr4l3!k. Baltimors„, i 751aTiiii — "Ya, spurious ,, sitidliilie made Troth getPne plates, but.thn name of the . ?resident is printed . Clinato,',, iiistend'of Cheaton. .. : .. • Fell's Pbitit'Sdvings Ingtittition,l3alt. i Franklin Bank: or Baltimore, -i: .25 s's, letter 13, pityl.L.llarry, Aug. 20, 1824 100's, 'my A. Leakin, Dec. 1; 1819. Marino Bank of RBlOffline, S's, spurious, letter A, dated Marrh 1832.. Vig nette, steamboat, ship and sloop: On right hand riledalmn head of Franklin, tienominatton (5)14 -top and brin , -wm of bill. , s's, latter A, dated Oct. 14, 1826. " ' • s's and' 10%,.- letter C; pny M. Morris, April 4, 1828, J. Filet, enabler.- .• 10'e. letter A, par W. Hanson, dated Oct. 14; 1826 tOO's, letter.A pay G. C. Miller, well epgraveds little. smaller than the genuine notes, and the head • - of Washingtonnntho lefthand aide has lA and unfinished apPearrince, alien closely examinfid: . In the 'entniterfeit; the first part of the•letter 1 . 14 the-word Mirine,heglns little distimee &ova tlie vignette-=in the geaulne notes it toucheeit;!-" .'• Sirs, letter.% pay to ptoildart; Dee. 20,1815 ' 10's, letter'Ai vignette'w railroad. ' 10's, altered from s's; vignette of S's;tt rabroad and train bf ea ra", With • the heads of AVashington and ' franiclin, • s ' ' •' • 50'a, altered from ys. See precacfllng nom/ Merchants' Bank, ' Baltimore, Union•Bank_of Maryland;Boltimorei letter D, of variodi•datee and 'fillipg up. *, 20% old' plateiletterffaune r lBlo ' • 50'a, letter C, May •2, 1812, pay, S. Etting,l4W l - . -dent's num has the, arpearanpe of 4e!fig engraved. Wesiern'Bank; . l3altimore,• • • . COUNTRY BANKS.' . • • Batik or, Westminster, • . -- • • ' 3 10's, old-plate; well executed, b ut can be detected by' observing.that.theletter.N. the numbering of , the genuine-notes is not perfect; the first part not finished,7whereas the counterfeit is complete.- - Fartnera''& Mechanics' Mk, Frederick, 100's, altered trot; Farmers';' lk - Menlianitne Bank. ii Wisconsin. Vignette, a feinalnenciroling an ea gle with the left arm; left end piece, Was i ngton; right, Lafayette. Frederick (to. sank, Frederick, 10's, altered from I's. Vignette of the vglinuine 1 and altered instesra female one hand a siokle, and in the.other, a sheaf of wheat: . • 20's, altered from 2's. . • • - Hagerstown . Bank,. „. lirs, phper of a blueish castA the genuine is reth. vignette indistinct; bill shorter aml narrower than the genuine: In the genuine .the .Mgritiors' names ren'on the light lint at the bottom: in themoum terfeits, arove. • Os, letter B, pay to A. ho ling, dated July 29,1257, Others,- diftereiirdtitnitliintpayablo - ACFnifinifffer= sons. The paper, of the counterfeit lias..a blue tinge; ,that of genuine reti.. The navies of the engravere,Murray, Pram St Fair Man StUo i , are miserably engraved,. having the 'appearance of Mmray, Draper, Faiimmii & Co.' . 50s, letter A olated May 4;1240; signed Eli Bealty, Cash:; Wm. - Aleyser,.Pres. Mr Helmer is some years deceased. No genuine 50, of this plate out. Mineral Bank, Cumberland, 5 Patapsco Bank; Ellicott's -• • 14 Sank of Patapsco, • • 12 Ciimberland Bank oPAliegbeny, 5 'Washington C 0.,. Brk Williamsport, . Farmers & Bank,tlagetstaw,n, Farmers Bank of Maryland & Branches, 3 3's letter 13, June 0, - 1 WV pay-. 1. Jones. 5,5, of Branch ht Elktondetter, H. Sept. 4, I 8 . 34. ' s's, letter D. of Branch at Easton, pay N. Hammond dated April 27:, 182 r; other's Sept. 7,182 t. • s's and JO's,letter B,pay at branch at F 4 irederioktown s's, 10's 'and 20's;altered from ßank" ) Maryland, a bioken batik, to:Farmers Batik of I aryland. . 10's, letter J.C.Weemssor bearer,Oet. 9,11126 10's,dated at Ftedericksburgh,Dec.'27, 1834,1etter 13 pay J.l/ylee; Joseph Pinkney,Cash. 11. W.Har wood, Pres. • - 71ISTRICV - , CC/.1711.181A. Bank of the Metropolis, W sliington, 14 3's, Jan. 1,1818, Kerr, Cash., Van Ness. Pres. ' date_d March 10833, pay, C. 11111. - • Bank - of Potomac; Alexandria i - •'1 Bank of Washington, Washington, 14 Farnters Bank of Alexandria, 14 . s'ajetter pay John Jay, dated Nov. 5,.1821_ 10's, lotter 11, pay John Jay, dated. Nov. 5,1821. - 10's, let. A,pay Simon Bolivarolated March 22,1826 10's, letter I), pay H. Clay, 5ept.•1,1824. Farmers & Mechanics Bank,Georget'n, 14- Patriotic Bank of Washingtor, 14 ICKra, letter, whom ply, date, 3M., unknown. Union Bank of GeoregtOwn, - l 4 letter 83-Dec. 93; 1815;. Miy : ll4Stodifart. , • ~. I s's i letter Ofiknown;Dei. 1,1813; pay Wan. P'enti: • 1 - • Bank of tke Valley c hWinellester, and ---- 11Fanefine, • - . `3 a 5 ss, letter A, various numbers and dates; DavidGitt• - son Pres: " • ss,Jati. 1;1839 ,payable at Liriestburg; Signed ron the officers, while Uri genuine notes, above Ss, are signed nr them. irt-Thia Bank-has no Branch ' at Lynchburg. • 208,-letter 11. May L 1734, pay J. M. Broome. 20s, letter H, Sept. 2, 1838, pay J. Wood; H. 'M. Bunt, Cash,Obed White,Pres. Engraving coarse, paper thin nod oily. "Do, Branch at-Rminney, Is, letter A, July 1,1839, signed John McDOwirt., Cash. instead of McDowell. • 3s and ss, letter A, May 11;1838, aigned .1.111cDow • ell, for Cashier ; David Gibson, fOr President: Appearance both All notes over — Ss - are. signed nY the officers. .• • • . • , BankofVirginiailithmoridolißnitich6s3as s's, 10's and 20 .. .'s payable nt different, branches, as Frederitik stilt rg, rg; Petersburg; of whiter paper than genuine. In 10'll circle on the lett end - of the margin is very ; uneven; in the true 20's, there is a small flourish over the lett. k, in the word Batik, not found on the counterfeit. s's, lett. C: pay at Richmond,-sth May, 1832. L.'s, lett. A, June 25, 1833; paper light• and flimsy ' engraving entirse, but general. appearance is such ' ns to deceive. s's, lett. A, pay L. Burfoot, Aug. 23, 1833. kt.t. B, Mardi 2, 1830; pay L. flatfoot, jr. s's, lett. B; others, lett. D; an imitation of the new plate, by Fairman, Draper, Underwood & CO., with deep borders, all round; vignette, represent ing Hope seated on an anchor; the signature of A. Robinson, jr , Cashier, is well done. The paper flimsy', but the general appearance is well calcu lated to deceive. s'B. lett. D; others,lett. 11,new plate; pay L. Burtoot,, jr., or bearer, dated Nov. 3, 1880; q. Robinson, 2 a 3 ria 6 Cash., J. Rockenborough, Pres. 3's lett.F, May 8, 183.1,15ay 11—Hickson. .. 10's, lett. A, I 1 and C, Feb,•l9 and .23, 1819; Jan. 8, 1819. O's, pay R. Gracy, dated April 2,1828. o's, lett. A, pay George Towns, dated Nov. 4,1831. They can easily be detected by the word "their " before office of dis Count. it is in the counterfeit "there." o's, pay C. Dorsey, June 4 and 10, 1819, and JtinC 1830. • • • 20'F, lett. A, pas F. dated May 4,18:31. 20's, lett. A, priy J. P. May; dated Jan. 8.1819; W, Dandridge, Cash., J. Brockenbordug, Pres. 20's. dated March 25,1832. " Bank of Virginiaa" in the border, on the right hand instead of the left; the word "Twenty' on left, instead of right. 50's, altered from s's. Obierre the heads of Wash ington nod Jefferson; not' n &sluing 50's. • 50's, lett. 13, pay to Urn, dated 22d Mai, 1826. 50's, altered from .I's; very well done. 200's, pay C. Grant, dated April 2,1825: Do. Branch-at Charlestown, Va. 3 a- 5 s's, new plate; vignette a female figure, dated Aug. 3,183 , 1. ' others, of different dates; remarkably weir ~ esecuted. • None are'genuine that are dated Aug. 3,1834. • s's, lett. A, C and D, June 22, 1832; July -8 and 0, . 1852, and March 5,1892. 5"11, J. Brockenhorough, Pres., A. Robinson, Cash. "No number_er letter; Well:executed. s'a, of different letters; some B, others D, pay L. ' Burfoot, jr. The fnce of Hope, hi the vignette, is , Very much blurred, and the flourish at the end of • ' the Cashier's name is engraved. • • . 10's, old plate; no genuine 10's old plate; payaide.rd Char „w_ • 20's, lett. 11. No. 2.320, pay J. A...McFarlanii; dated . April 14,1834. The engraving is, not, well exe cuted; general impression bad, ink thuch 'paler than the genuine bills. ' .Do. Branch at Danvillei a 5 s's, lett. A, July 17, 1834, pay George Town. s's, lett. C, Oct. 18, 1832, pay Geo. Young.. 10's. lett. A Dec. 4, 18.32,•pny George Town. - The engraving of the vignette Is extremely rough. 104, lett. A , 1831. Signatures well done. 10's, lett. A, dated ItichmOnd, July 18, 1898, pay ,„George Town - at Danville; some, Une 4. 1831. Do. Bran - 01 at VrCilericksburgi 3.a 5 s's, lett. D, dated Richmond, Aug. 4, 1829. - s's pay Hugh MCrcer, dated Mny 4, 1819. ' Y, 20's, ;my H. Mercer, dated 'June 22, 1919; lett.'B; April 9,1R38. • g-See first paragraph tinder Ihmk of Va. for \ 10's and 20's, on this Branch..' • - Do. Branch at Lynchburg. • 3 a s's, lett. D, Oct. 9, 1819, pay Wm. Norvell. 10's, lett. D, pay WM. Radford, dated Richmond, 22, 1819; mid also of other dates. WM.Necker - vhi, Cash" R. N, Nicholas, Pres. -Ile genuine 10's on this Branbh are made part._ - Ile to W. N,orvell. ' • 10's; left. C, Riehmond;July 18,1832,pay . W: Nor-. _7 - 20's,lett..11; pay W. Norvell, dated Oct. 2, 1819 ; signature and filling up. well done, ink dark. • 20's, lett. B; and C, psy :No. Early, dated May 8, 1825; Others, Oct. and March 1819. • • , sQ's,lett.:A; well exeCutrd. . • , oar See first paragraph, under bank of Va., for s's, 10's and 20's, milhis Bank'. - . • • ,„ Do. Branah at jsrorfalk. • ' 3,a 5- 10's, letter 1), March 9, 1890,pay W. IL Lamb; sig natures engraved. ' 20's, letter AA; and'D;pay Geo. Newton; of various . . old dates. , , .. ' , 20's, letter A, Nov. 10, 1891,.pav FL C. Lee. • 20's,let, D, pay at Norfolk,to A.B. Lee,Nov. 4,1829. D 0.. ., Branch at Petersburg; •3 a.AS ro's, pay..lohn F. May, W. Dandridge . , Cash.,.Julyi 1882, Mr. D. bay not, been Cashier °bins Drench f. Tor litany years.. - • . - . 10'41etter 0, pay P - May..July,.l3; - 1 839. - ' '' ', 1 20N, letter ; 3,pcy at Betellsburg, to J , May, sTnly • 40; 1810 ' • ' ' ' ' ... _ F ''''„; _, 20 , e, nay attetersburg, - to4 P.May, Oct. 20;1829: ( . ._j 13ee 5 first: paragraph; antler Bank afire. for 's!s, ~ , ,,10's:and 20's onfitis Branch. r. ~.!,:.• ..,:•;,t. ' - 3 .. :-. Exchange Bank of . Virginini ;Norfolk,: '-'••;; :. ,, z - • -,q u i .pt a t i oe s ,,•,,, .- .1 ~... :, 7 , 'a (i 5; ilrei, di event letters end nayableta Various peril:is: event , .. Dated ostly sinen'August; 187.:' , '.'Pr inted frotn , • geuine lates ‘ m.bich no doubt,bad been stolen: Cal.: Quieted to deceive the,bestjtidgear,bnt may be de. tented by Obsessing that the Riling up , and signa turee are In the satne handwriting,. and executed ..4;in a ,bletted stlanner. • ;;' ' • •,Do. , do.'Branth,tittlarkeettille,... 3 - a 5 1 20's,spuriousrdistinguiehed-from.genninehyAaving_ no color or device of back. - , Farmers Bank of Virginia,•Richmond, , • • ,•;..• and Branclieti . • 1 d 5 s's,letter I, dated April.tith, 1832.. 5'14 - letter T0,:41,,pri12;1852, - pity B. Cooper: • s's,thin paper i purperting to he engraved by Murray, Draper, Fairman & Co. The true notes of this . Plate have been called in,and s's issued of the plate :engraved by limper, Filenieri, & Co. on thick pa per; printed on the,baeli in ell'Eeker - Work with an oval in the. centre. • 10's, letter -A,pay C.Greenleaf,dated on varions dates in August,lB3B,beineafter the resignation of P.N. Nicholas, Pres., and Wm. Nekervis, Cash., whose signatures are tolerably well imitaten. The right end piece is a sheaf of whelk' add a - stehm engine I near-the top of-the,,nate,- neither of which are on • any 'genuine issue of this hank. ' • 10's;letter,A, spurious, minus dates in 1898; vig • nette Liberty sitting on a rock,her right hand rest ing on sheaf-wheat.. . 10'a, letter' F, April 8, 1831, pay G.' Gerard. 10's, letter.B, June 11,1 832.,,pay C. Gerard; others June 6,1832, pay G6yega; general' appeltunce 30's, letter D,April 4, 1820, pay C.Dnyne; signatures of Wm: Nekervis,Cash., and P. N. Nichdls,Pres. - - • 90's, altered from s's,branch pinte,E F or G ft The . figue 5 and word five extracted, and figure SO and word thirty stamped instead. 50's, altered from s's. Theheads of Washington and Jeffbison, on the btirder of the s's, are not on, the true 51 notes. The vignette on the gendine s's is a female sitting on efrock, holding in her hand a stalk of tdbaccog of course" he altered At,'a bear the same vignette. • ' " 50's, letter V, April 2. 1827, pay B. Ram: . . Do. Branch atriedcrickaburg, 3a 5 10's, letter .13, Norecer 2. 1819;pay John T Brooke, others Feb. 4, 1819...• . Do.. Branch at Lynchburg, . 3a 5 s's, letter K. ; April 70839, pay Wm Rendford 50's, letter if, pay to W Radford,at Lynchburg,Sept 2,1827 100's,letter, A ,pay at Lynoburg Branch,to Wm Rad. ford, dated April 2, 1818-. i i Do. Branch at Petersburg, • 3 a 5 s's. new plate, letter L, pay William Robertson, jr. -filling-up engraved, dated 4th N0v.1827 100's, letter A, pay Wm Clarke; April 2, year. un known. Wm Nelcervis, Cash., Benjamin hatcher, Web. Remarkably well executed. Do. Branch at Winchester, 3 a 5 10's, pay Daniel Lee, Sept 12, 1819 10's, letter B, Ally 15, 1822, pay Daniel Lee Merchants Sr. Mechanics Bank,Decatur, TO Merchants & Mechanics Bank, W heeling, • and Branches s - 10 pt-All notes of the Merchants /it Mechanics Bank of Wheelitig; - rmrde - Turyahle - arthe - Parrifers-and-Me-- chanics -Bank of Philadelphia. are forgeries North Western Bank of Virginia, Wheeling, and Branches,' „ • 10 -10'sTaltereilfronr5 2 0her-are-rof-the-old plate, the vignette of the - rals tt,Plicenix arising from itaash , es—of the•to's,an eagle holding in its beilk a chain to which it chain is attached. 10's,mnirio,ua, letter A, vignette an Indian and dog, with n prostrate stag.. Right hand margin a steam: limit, the len a female. The genuine note has for vignette a female figure,with An .arm-resting on an . . anchor, aship in the slistance OHIO. I I Blink of Chillicothe, Chilficoth6,. ,closing 40 Bank of Cincianati t ciucinnati, • = Bank Of Circleville (old bank) Circle. • - ville, • Brink of Cleveland, Cleveland, closing. Bank of Hamilton, HamiltOn, closing 50 10's, lett. A, Nov 17,1835. Signed J Woods, Pres: C K Smith, Cash. -. The heads of the Vignette are ,less'ilistilict-than in the genuine. . A - Bank-of - Geauga, Painsville, , a 6 s's lett, A pay S Marshall Jr, dated May.'9,1857. Vignette two Indians-,steamboat in the distance. Poorly - executed: 10'8 altered - from Bank of Vernon, Tekas. vignette, Hope—oti tight end a steamboat, on left alemale. • Bank ofMarietta, Marietta, closing, 6 a 8 3's, lett.A, pay r. Jones, dated Aug 10,1842;, the . small ovals on the le ft hand margin appear to lie drawn with a pen.. 2's, lett. A, July 21,1836. There is a period , after •tie word dears, in the counterfeit, .wanting in the genuine, which moreover have h flourish underthe • words of the on the left margin whieb is nos on the counterfeits. 3 Ittt. A, April 1,1887, pay .1 N'yef paper thin ' en graving bad, especially the dies including fi gsB. 10's and 20's, altered from l's; Murray, Draper, Fairman & Co's plate. There are no hills from thi s Plate over s's. Bank of Massillon, Massillon, ! 6 Bank of Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Pleasant 6 a 8 Sis lett A, July 26,1831. Appearance faint and bad. 10's and 204, altered from t 's, which hive for vig nette, a figure of Justice. Bank of Norwalk, Norwalk, • .. 6 Bank or Sandusky, Sandusky, : 6 Bank of Wooster, Wooster • • • 6 s's spurious; vignette, two Indians, with a steamboat in .the distance. The batik never issued such bills. 113's altered from fraudulent bank of Vernon,Texis. - V . piette, two eagles with shield of Hope; on right _ margin sh p pi ng, and on left ehd figure of a female,. under which is the name or the engraver—Boston -1/lank,Noto Company 99 State st.J S 4sike,Cash.; J S Coulter,Pres. Do' not resemble iliegenuine notee . , 10's, altered front l's. Hold up to the light • Bank of Xenia, Xenia, 6 . 1 6 53, altered from Bank of Vernon, a.worthless con cern; signed II Clark, Cashier, John Hiviing, PresuleiVll signed by these persons and spu rious; vi ette, two Indians, one reclining on a rock, viewing-: steamboat. . 5a altered frcim E - F - Drake, Cashier • Ids, spurious—purport to be engraved by the East -ern, Bank • Note Company, This company have never el - Trip/edam , notes for.the Bmil. of Xenia. 20s, some signed H Clark, others .1 Heeling, Prest. - All signed by these persons are 'upurious 50s spurious. The bank has not issued any 50s . (p;:p!Notes of the Bank of Michigan altered to,Post Notei on the Bank of Xenia. The words Michi- MM . and Detroit have been taken out, and Ohio and Xenia inserted. The bills purport to be issued in 1941, but bear the name of the officers of the Bank of Xenia in 1896. . • Bank of Zanesville, Zanesville, a 6 ss, letter A, pay 'H L Began, Bth February, 1833; badly epoufed, paper thin, vignette ilefeetire. Signature of the Cashier lacks the period at the abbreviation of Charle s , and at the initial C. Belmont Bank, St. airsville, • a 6 ss, letter B, phy J Wier 7 of various dates, some May 1,1827, and others April 7,1828: others Sept 10, .1829, Well executed: observe the letter a in dol. 'r'lttra itritorcrossekor,ll-so, - done - witi; Tem-- - - 5s and 10s, altered from Is of various letters, dates and fillingup. Vignette of is, anaxernmtspiitting slog. 'Clinton Bank, Columbus, a 6 • Columbiana Bank,-New . Lisbon, ' a 6 Comuiercial Bank, Cincinnati, . a 10u, letter A, pay John A Wales,ilated May 4,111371' -signed W S Hatch, Gushier; engraved by Under 'wood, Bald & Spencer. Since October, 1835, no 10s have been Issued, subscribed by Mr. Hatch, who is not now Cashier. • . 20s, 'dated' January 1,1840, pay -Baldwin, letter - A. with an eaglet vignette on the top of the bill. • Th - eiwords cif Cincinnati,' in a line, are crowded in between twoother'lines,.so as to strike the eye at once. 50s, J 8 Armstrong President;James Hali,Ctishier; engraved byltawdon, Wright,. ht, Hatch bt Ekon. New Orleans.. Vignette, a feeding a ea gle; on the right William Tell and the Goddess of Liberty, March 7,1899. It is an altered mote, supposed from the Commercial Bank, Columbus, Mississippi. Coin. Bk ofLake Erie, Cleveland. :Closing. Cdmmercial Bnak Of Scioto, . • • • -6 -:_•• DiiitiiiilltiiiliDilitrOn7EloTtlifg7 7— v - T -- Ex.. Bank dr, Savings Institution, . • •. Cincinnati, , , • , . . Par.& Mech. Bk. - Stubanvilfe, , .„ tts,_spurioue; letter A, pm_.l Patterson, May 4,1 35; Moodry - Cadhiric N - P .l President; name ay- - . able to and President's are Angraved—qignette, a female figure, with liberty-cap and,eagle—..head. • of 'Washington on"right end, and sheaf of. wheaton Ss, spinlous, same vignette as thp 21 with' sides re versed; pity J• Patterson,' engraved, May 6,1898; 'Mondry Cashier,Etike•(engraved) President. s. ss, letter A,. ay Wilson,dated June 6,1840; Jno Andrews Presidint,'DMoodY Cashier. The gen.. •eral execution good, thoughthe Vignette; Goddess Liberty, is coarse; paper - lght and thin. 3s,altered fromthe Farmers'and Mechanics' Batik, Burlington; W The !vignette tottillY . •tinlike the - genuine bills, is. a female holding in otie hand a goblet to an eagle: pi - graved liy . - Burton and ' Gurletr,'NesiqYork:. ' ' 100, lettet' A, dated January 10.1840: pay .B Wells; , sired Jno Aindreivs ~Prealdent, W. SPenee,Cashi Vignette; st female With :one liand reeling on a ,:7; - ..ploullunPaper thin:and engraving-pretty !Omani! WS, ,altercti from . Is. On. the left hand end, ofthe'genuiriti one is a view of a canal. • • -Franklin Bank, Cincinnati, • a 0 Franklin Bank of Columbus, ' 20 Lancaster Ohio Bank, Lancasteri , .'2O Lafayetteßank, Cincinnati ' , 6 a 8 - . 4 10e L letter Al paper , thin, light coloured and greasy; — v - IglietteTkipread - eugley-lell-eltle-aCupid-astride. a Lion;l be engraved by Vliqodruff Hammond. ' . Muskiugum Babk, •,, Ohio Life Insurance & Trust • • Cincinnati, , . • 6.a, 8 • ss, letter B; pay G. Young; dated,April 3,1840; vig-' nette, a drove of cattle and locernotive and elfish' the distance; on .the left end an Indian. A mi • • serable imitation. • • ss, letter B; pay 0 Lane; dated Nov 9 1/199; other • various datelq signed .1 S Perkins' Cashier; T Williams President.. Paper ,flimsy; engraving had and defective; signatures and filling up badly done and all in the same hand writing. - Chio'Railrotid Cci;; ; Rictimond.atv, COnnna Banking. Company. 2s, letter A;'pay W. Ward; June - 3 1898; W Rian. ham Cashier; John H James President. Vignette ; a female figure with one arm reclining on an ea gle. Light appearance. • Ss, letter A; dated June 3 1838. 10s, old pates dated August'3d 023 WestOrn7RegONO.Biiiik 38,314,16 1830. • • • , • . 3s, pay Wm Williams; dated .May 4 1830. Ss and ss, with fraudulent title of. Western Reserve Farmers' Banking signed Jaw. Robinson, Cashier. • • • r s's, badly exeeuted;.they are one-eightfi of winch shorter than •the genuine. notes. Reed, engraver, .dated January 7,18'26. '. • • - 6's,no letter, pay W Williams; dated Nov 5t11,1828, engraving very faint. 10's, letter.D,Murrao,DraperleFairman's plate; the words "Western Reserve Ban" being on 4he leR, • • and "Ohio" on the right margin,—on the genuine notes they are on the reverse • . IDDIANA. State:-Bank . ()11ndiana• and' Branches, 6 5'14 Branches' at Evansvil le and Richmond,) letter B, of various dates-and filling up T -engravingf course, paper thin. 5!sol ted-Jan.l,lB3o,pay G W. Rathbope, 9 Merrill, Pres., - John Ross,Cash--engravers W Dane & Co. The genuine were engraved by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Co, New York ' .s's, letter D, Oat 9, 1839; payable .at. the different. branches; tolerably well executed, of rather it dull, dead look: The letter V, .in. the_left hand marg . in is too narrow, and not well proportioned. The bills - contain . good portraits of Washington and Lafayette, with,a vignette of a woman and a ship. Purport to be engravedby Rawdon, Wright . & Hatch.- s's,letterD,pay at Port :Wayne to J Pratt,dated Dec. 9, 1839; S. Merrill, Pres.,H. McCulloch, Cash.; vignette a female seated on hoies; ship at sea.- - Engraved by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch tk Co. N. 10'a lett. A. 4th Jan. 1837,.pay D._ Deming, at Terre Haute; coarse. 10's, spurious; vignette, a steambeat,• with several vessels in the hack ground, and a town in the dis -10's spurious, vignette a steamboat,with several vas:. stile mem back ground and a town in the distance, 'while the genuine. has a drover mounted,. and a herd of cattle ' 120'a and 190's,altered trom s's.. They are clumsily altifed.and on tlie.S'a haVe retained the headstnone of which bends are on the $2O or.sloo bills. The only $2O hill issued has the Indiana State Muse, for.itamain,desie,while that of theoulyisloo,bill . 'is a Heman.soldicr4and matron.. The, upper and lower margins cut off the s's in making the alter I. AIiV_ERTiSEMENTS:.: IVIRS.' . WM. E. CAM P, FORMERLY of -the Washington Hotel, has removed to • 9111 1114111311bil 1161182 g • • Corner of, Second and Ruil.goad Streets, Where she will be pleased to accommodate her old customers'and others, n the best style and on the most - reasonablerterms. _ Harrisburg, - March 16,1842. - - a 6 SILVER AND BRASS PLATING• . - A - ILL kinds of S ILT^ER and BRJSS 1-11. PLATA:JIM done at the shortest no tices, in the neatest manner, and on the most reit. treble terms, at the Carriage Manufactory of - . . E. D. NUTZ. Carlisle, April 20; 1842. -- tf-25 • AVlice-11i Bankruptcy. TliE Pepional attendance at Philadelphia of applicants for the, benefit of the Bankrupt Law will not be required. Judge Randall has directed, that in' cakes where- opposition is filed, the examination of the Petitioner .•shall be mane before the Commissioner of the county in which the Bankrupt resides. , Applicants will therefore he spared the expense of going to Philadelphia at the time specified for the hearing of their petitidns. • JOHN HARPER, • Commissioner in Bankruptcy. Carlisle, May 11, 1842. • zaniEs4 •"- NAT E have just received a splendid lot of BRAID BONNETS and GIMP ; at the store of A. RICHARDS. June 8. 1842. tf 32, FARMERS!' HOTEL . THE subscriber hereby informs his friends and the public in general, that he still continues to keep a 'PUBLIC r iii •et ' ' to (reports to the contrary notwithstanding,) at the OLD STAND, in East High Street, a few doors east of the Court House, where he will at all times take pleasure in administering to the comforts of those who may favor him with flair custom. His BAR shall bo constantly supplied with the choicest liquors, and his TABLE with-tbe best the' market can furnish. A careful OSTLER always kept in attendance—and nothing shall be left un done to please all who call with him. BOARDERS taken by the week, month or year. SIMON WONDERLICH. April 6, 1842. tf-23 Estate of Orathan Reed,' deed. 11" - ii iETTERS of - n Administratio on the'estatOOf . 11 NATHAN REED, late of the Borough of Newville. • Cumberland County, dedeased, have been granted to the subscriber, residing in Carlisle. All persons indebted to the said .deceased, are re quested to come forward and make payment im mediatelytand those having Ciflilll9 will present them properly authenticated to the undersigned for settle-. ment. , • .JACCB HOFFER, Adm'r. Carlisle, Julio 1,184 i. . 61-30 GROUP ON CHIDE& MOTHERS, BE ON YOUR GUARD!— This is , the season when this destructive complaint attacks your interesting little children, Whin robs you of those you fondly dont on, and carries hundreds to the grave. Every mother should thCrefore, know its - symptoms, watch them closely, and, always be prepared with a remedy as many are daily siterificed by such neglect. At first the little patient is seized witha shivering, it grows restless, has flushes of heat,the eyes become _Tedandmvollen ft breathea -with difficulty, and then - comes theikaithleoucat-tha-t-Williurely,ter— minate in convulaioffii or death unless simiething ie immediateligi'veiho cheek it. In this'complaint the "Balsam of-Wild Cherry" is well known to be the' mOst speedy. ever (Boomed. It ie indeed a melons remedy—mild, safe and innocent, and is info - to — give the sufferer imniediatO relief, - 'and' quickly restore it' to safety •and health. Fami. hes residing in the country and indeed 'every nio; . Bier who loves her children, should always keep , this medicine in: the house Aid give them early, by doing so You 'niny i often. save the life of one you fondly love. Remember this is the famous, rdinedy of this .ffistinguished physician, Dr. Wis rar, which has cured thousands 'of CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, ASTHMA, CONSUMP TION,-&e., after overyosther medicine has failed: ifyße particular when you purchase to ask for. "Dr. WIBTAIefiI BALBAII OF -WILD, Cumani,", as'there swauh of this name advertised that is entirely a different medicine. Prepared only by WiLLiAus & Co., Chemists, No. 33 Stn)th FlOrthrittireet, Philadelphia, • Sold in • . , SAMUEL ELT 4 TOTT. • . ‘. 'Price Ode 'Dollar a Rattle: Into., 22, 1842. . NEW STEAM SAW MILL., . , 11 :HE STEAM SAW MlLL, ° Yecentiy erected by, the, subscriber,,about half a mile, below 7arrisburg, °lithe east bank of . the Susquehanna, near , thel.RailErtad_and_flanaL_coAtaining_T_WO VERTICAL and' , TWO CIRCULAR SAWS, and conatructod in the most approved and efficient manner, ie now in operation, and reedy to execute orders with the utinost despatch. , ' • An aesortment,of the various ktnds of SCANT LING, PLANK; BOARDS,-PLASTERING and 'SHINGLING LATHS, stuff for Window Blinds, Venetian. Shutters, &c. will be always kept ready for delivery. . . • • • ‘ . . -- • - 'a 6 - . • WILLIAM GRIMSHAW. * * *From ono to five horse power, with suitable, room, to rent. April 6, ISO. COACH 64 -HARNESS 'MAKING a 6 EBIENEZER D. INUTZ, UCCESSOR to,E., A. Kennedy, Coach Maker, 1..7 takes pleasure in• informing the public genet... ally, thiit ho is propared to render satisfietioriin the construction or repair of of every description.' His workmen are of the first class,'N ing originally fromtthe city of Phil adelphia, (and himself likewise)—and his meter ? ials are of the best kind. , " ' CARETAGES ~will be finished in the most im proved style. and nothing shall be wanting to give full satisfaction to all, who may favor him with their custom. lie therefore hopes to receive a share of public pajrouage. . • The establishment is in Pitt street, south of the rear-of the• Methodist Episcopa: church. • : . Carlisle, March 30,1842 N. 13. Old carriages, or any kind of trade tha is marketable, taken in eschango for new work E. D. N.. 'Medicated Extract of Sarsct ONE- HUNDRED DOLLARS liV! p L r L ep b a e ra f t o i r o f n ci o te r d s b a y rt p ap r a . , 7 . .. a ß e . , ; u li i, F,Ty, , for a 11 t 1 " - ~ • kis positively the strongest prepnratioit Salta parillscin existence. ONE BOTTLE is equal to sax pints of any' -tither Syrup that is made,• and is bought by numerous peilons throngliout and - country for-makihr u , u l-who • sell-it at seventy-five ceiata or one dollar per bottle (about half a-pint.) . The efficacy 'of Sarsaparilla is well known in Scrofula or King's Kvil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Liver, Affection. of the Skin and Bones, Ulcers of the Nose, Throat and Body, as well as an Antidote to Mercuiry and the_ Minerals, (_';otistittitional Dis ea ses,aild a general purifier of the Blood and Animal Fluids. Comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, every body, knows its efficacy., It is-only necessary when using it to get a good • preparation of it, and then there will be no disapp ointment in its effects. l.eldy would refer to the most respatable_pliv sicians in Philadelphia, as well as throughout the United States, for the characiter of his preparation, as well RlROlothe mimerous certificates from physii clans and- others, that .have been frorptime to-tame 7 published, now deemed unnecessary, as the charac ter ofhispreparation is firmly established. Through out the Southern States it is used altogether, and throughout the North takes the precedence ova all others, particularly among the physicians, who, ~for the benefit of their patients, nlways recommend it. The reader is referred to the directions accom panyingeschbottleforrecommendations,certificates sod further'certlficates. (01 -3 11.110 E ON1: DOLLATI I'M BOTTLE. Prepared and snld, wholesale and retail at Dr. LEIDY'S HEALTH EMPORIUM, N 0.191 North Second street, below Vine, sign of the Golden Engle At Serpents, Philadelphitt; a n d for sale in Carlisle, by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Ag,eiits for CumbCrland County. Carlisle,-May 18, 1842, . • Mechanicsburg Line [7-5-T,2l;g4a Between alechaniesburg mu -Philadelphia. or Baltimore. . • [IIY 11.41 k ROAD OR CANVIL] - THE subscrit)er grateful for past favors, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that ho still continues to run a lincof burthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg and-Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which 'goods and prciduCe of all descriptions will be forwarded with care and despatch at the' lowest rates di freight. Produce will be received at his Ware ilouse,in Mechanicsburg, and forivarded in either Phila delphia, or Baltimore, according to the direction of, the owner. . . trTho highest price, will be given for When and Flour. • . ' MARTIN AIEILEY. N. B. Plaster of Paris and' Salt always kap' n hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. April 13, 1842. , Every Body Oaght to Snow of DR: BECHTER'S Pulmonary_ Preservative. - 0 - 0 - effectunl in Coughs, C o lds, In fl uenzas, Ca tarrhs, Asthma, Piling of the Side and of the Break, Bronchitis, -Spitttng of Blood, Shortness of Breath. Whooping Cough, all Diseases of the . Breast and - Liffigel and for the arrest of' approach ing Consumption. So popular is Dr. Bechter'A Pulmonary Prayer vative throughout all Germany, and 81 effectual in Diseases of the Lungs, that from its miraculous effects and'wonderful cures—:it is there generally known and styled "Dr. Bechter'e Life Preserver." As'numerous certificates of its very good effects, and wonderful cures in this country, have been fre qiiontlyzublished„ it_ is deemed necessary 'onll,to remind the puiblic of .Eo.valuable a medicine, and inform them where it can be procured:'genuine. Price—Fifty Cents a half pint bottle. *** Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, at Dr. LEIDY'S HEALTH EMPORIUM; No. .191 North Second street, below Vine, (sign of The Golden Eagle and Serpents) Philadelphia. .For sale in Carlisle, by, • - STEVENSON .32; DINICLE, ArentaTor Cumberland' County. 111 1 18 1 0 , May 18, 1842. Iy-29 .1 TErrtlill,•& ITCH* C s) oiNr.r.mtwr.(2,s c(s) THIS OINTMENT is a safe and 'agreeable 101icallon, and has never beitti known to fail in,cunng various affections of the skin, wherkused according to directions Hundreds of certificates might be procured of its airman:* from Captains of Vetweli, - School 'Teach ers, Principals of. Factories, • and Parents,• Were it of for the delicacy, of having their names publish.; ed in connection. with tio loathsome and disagree able affections. Twenty,-five cents' a box. l'repitied and 'sold mil*, wholesale and retail; at Dr.' - LEIDY'S HEALTH' EMPORIUM, 191 North &tend street, near Vine:(eignor the,Golaen Eagle and Serpents) Philadelphia, For sal in 'Carlisle, by ' STEVENSON DINKL•E . • " • • Agehts for. Cumberland Cinuity. tarliAc, May .18,194e,' 1y•29 MEI ‘40.33 • Estate or Jacob Melly,: Ekteased. • r ETTERS Testamentary on.: the • 'taste of .RA' JACOB MEILY, late of Silver Spring, Gum berland Comity, deceased, have been granted to the . subscriber, residing in the same 'township; all per. sons indebted to the said ' , demised, are requested tw come forward mid MAO paymeriiiiinnediatifY; those having claims will present them properly au thenticated to the undersigned for settlement. . ' • Writ M. MEILY, Exe'r. • • June 9, 1942. DAP DIZTE, , A BEAUTIFUL Material for. Gcntlemen'a 211...Surimor Wearjustreceived,by thesuliocribot • W: 7 HITNER. • • - tf-364 Juno 22, 1842 FAWLEY Bc, ROBINSON, coppey 7 stiaith,..dnd Stovq Business.. JACQB-FRIDLBX & ELIAZER ROBIN SON; having entered into Co: Partnership, in the Tin,Copper and Stove Business , under the firm of RIDLEY & ROBINSON, respectfully inform -the'- public that they.intend -Currying on their business in all' its branches, at the old stand of Jacob Fridley, North HimoVer street, Carlisle;; where they will at all times, be prepared to serve purchasers.with any article in their line, on the most reasonable terms. • ' ' 3m ~,23 In 'addition to all other varieties of stoves, which they will constantly have on hand, they haib purchased of Mr. J. G. Hathaway, the ea. elusive right to manufacture and sell, in the coun ties of Cumberland and Diuphin Hathaway's Patent “Hot Air Cooking Stoves.” "And being - aware that the peoplein . this place and vicinity, have been -much imposed upon by the introduction of new and highly recommend ed articles Which they have, been induced terput chaile,,and which have been so slightly made, and , of such bad material, that- in a Short time they have failed and , become , useless, We,iherefore. do not intend offering ,stoves for sale until they are fehly tried in 'this community; and pronoun ced more durable in their construction, better adapted to the purposes of boiling, r baking and 111 the varieties .of cooking than any other stove also, that they - aie a great saving :of fuel as well as labour. MEI (OWe earnestly invite farmers ais well as resi dents of this place and the neighboring villages, to call on us at S. Wunderlich's hotel, or notify us by loiters (postage unpaid) that they are will , ing to try our stove—and the stove shall be placed , in the kitchen of every person giving us such rib= tice, and taken away Mier trial, without any ex pense to persons making the trial. • The stoves will be kept for sale at the Tin Shop of Mr. Jacob Fridley, and at the :Foundry of Messrs. Lay & Stouffer, in Carlisle. . • Having i ffintractedfor One Hundred Tons or Casting's; we wit, in a few days, :,supply stove dCalers with all the different sizes, on the most liberal terms. • • • ELEAZER ROBINSON, of Carlisle, is agent for selling the right to. make and vend the HOT AIR STOVA'and will dispose of eciunties in this and the adjoining States, lyepuldish.thefo.llowirig recommendations from ionic of Lilian who' areusing,(he stog4o entiour-_ age others to try it . CARLISLE, Sept. 12, 1841. , , I have in use in my kitchen one of Hathaway's -- Patent - Bot - Air-Cooking-LStoves,-and-caii-,recoin mend it as a very superior article. The onel have is No. 3.- ,It has 5 boilers and an oven-suffi ciently large to bake silk loves of breed. The -baltinv-roalting and broiling calrall be done at the some time and With much less wood than is required for any stove which we have used. Thin size appears to - be peculiarly calculated for Farmers, and for their benefit I invite them to call and see this stove in„,use, us I shall take pleasure in showing this -stove to all whom interest or curiosity ma'Y , induce to examine it. SIMON WUNDERLICH: CARLISLE, - Sept. 11;1841, Messrs..Robinson"l - CO.—GENTLEMEN, ' r . have during the few days have had your Hatha. way's Hot Air Stove in use, become convinced o r.. its great superiority over all ,- other stoves I have deed or - seen. I find by th . e trial that boiling, roasting, baking - and broiling may all be done at the same time, in a most perfect manner, and with less than one fourth the fuel,' have ordinarily met."' for the flame purposes. I have heretofore been of the opinion thet bread could not be well' baked in , • a cooking stove, hut I am convinced upon trill! that it can be done as well in your stove as in a brick oven. . . I bclici•c that the general introduction of your.--- stove into use will be very •beneficial to the public,. therefore I shall take pleasure in recommending, - it to my friends. • Yours respectfully, WILLIAM MOUPY; CARLISLE, Sept. I 0 , 41841.• Messrs. E. Robinson.. Co.. , —Gentlemen, I have fairly tested the "Ilet•Air Stove' , which you' tint up at my house, and can recommend it as possess. ing principles of economy and convenience far surpassing any other store which I have ever seen.. The - bipilers coining in immediate contact with the fire gives great facilities for boiling , and the oven is heated on such a principle that bread is baked in as'fine a manner as in a brick oven. I find Wats() a great saving of fuel and labor, ands would advise all to .adopt it. MITCHEL McCLELLAN. . CHAAIDERSBURG, Scpt. G, 1841 Ido cattily that I am now using one of Hatha way's Patent Hot At Cooking. Stoves, No. 3, and do recommend it as superior to any stove I havo seen, the great saving of fuel, and the variety that can bo cooking at thasamb time, makes it an oh. ject to those *ho wish to facilitate the operations of the kitchen. . JOS.. 'CULBERTSON. Carlisle, Juno 22, 1842. t 515.34! • READ WHAT IT HAS 'DONE, .4iND ifyou have a friend, a'relation, or know any one that is afflicted with that distressing • disease, ..CONSUMPTION,"persuade them with. out delay to try that-famous and unrivaled medi cine, the 4 93aham of Wild ,Cherry," which has cured thousands of this complaint ar ter everything Ilse had failed. Read the follow ing...undonbted_proofs_ofits_eftitacy: Roxseatonaii; - Sept. ICI 1841. Base Sm:—Please send me two mare bottles of your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent.' me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two, and confidently believe this medicine will cure me, . I have used a great many remedies within the last year, but have never found any thing that.hes relieved .me so much. It has stopped „my... conet • entirely, checked my night sweats, and I. sleep better at night and feel better in every way, thatt..... I have for many months. Yours, respectfully, JADES It war, • HOLUESEURG;Sept. 12, 18411- FRIEND WIRTARI-1 must again trouble thee to send me two bottles mere of _thy invaluable-Bal sam. I have now taken three bottles in all, and . can assure thee that it has done more good- than all the medicine I have ever taken before. Send by the stage as soon as possible.-and oblige-thy friend, .. JOSEPH NOLLOWAT. • B rl i sT et; Sept. 8, 184!.. ' DEAR DoeTorti--Hearingato many people talk of the wonderful cures your Balsam ef Wild Cher. ry has made in "Consumption, I see to one, .of your Agents l the othir day for a bottlb, 'and . haie found it p_h a ve relieved mosso much, that want three-hettles-rpcire , sent.soon , curt me too. I have need Jayne's Easpectoratit and other medicines besides„ but nothing has done . me de much good -id I yoUrs.his; Send • by - the, steamboat Bolivar: - Yours, truly, . • ihirßosidSs its astonishing' titlidacy_ Consumption, it-is also the most effeettial remetly: ever - discovered for LIVER COM PLAINTS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, &c.; as hundreds will tes tify witolave beerliured by it afterallether rooks dies had failed.. • MEG •. DRUGGISTS and , DEALERS will find this medicine a valuakle additiOn - totheir stock'. and' ahnuld•alwqe keep,it on hand, It la universally acknowledged to bn,one of the mold:useful family medicines mow-In. tie% . eillervery earefhl to aak for Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF. WILD CHERRY. , Sold whole, sale and retail by WILLIAMS & CO., Chemist!, No. 33, South Fourth Stretit, Philadelphia. The,- genuine Massa' •Car lisle by, SAMUEL. - :ELLIOTT, aftictinted A, • got: '.Price-4I per B.eltie• • :,June 22,1842, I MI tq l 4o-33 '