Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 06, 1842, Image 2

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Wednesday, July 6,1 -
Populationot Cumbetiand Co'ty.
Allen, ~• .• 2,122 Carlisle, 4,351
DickinsOn; . 2,701 East Pennaboro' 2,391
Fran Void, • 1,263 liopqwell, . 1,036
MeOhaninsbuit h. 670' Mifflin; . 1,412
Monroe,' - 1,570 N. Cumberhind b. 284
Newtorw .1,499 Neviville ' . 6 5 4
North bliddletan , 1,990
,Shipperthurg tp.. 184
,ShiPPensbing b. ' 1,473 . Silver Spring, 1,938
South Middleton, 2 4 055 •Southampton, 1,48.4
West PennsbOror 1,867.. •
Total Cumberland,
Buffalo, 948 Buffalo b. 147
Bloomfield b. 412 Centre, -, 982
Carroll, 1,100 Greenwood, 725
Millerstown b..• 371 Juniata, . 1,450
Liverpool, - • 763 Liverpool, 454
Madison, —.1,299 Oliver, . • 796.
Newport 1): . ` 423 Penn, • .839
Petersburg b., • - 203 Rye, 451
Saville, • 1,283 Toboyne. " 1,442
Tyrone ; ', • .2,391 Vylieatfield, . 617
Total Perry,
• : - Ilerwitk, - . 1,962 ConeNkragii, • - 899
Cumberland, • • 1,217' Franklin, 1,698
. Freedom, -- 46,5 Gettysburg,. 1,908
Germany, ••. ' _ 1,553 Hamilton, 1,069
Hantilton Ban; ' 1,460 Iliintingdon, , '1,481
' Laiimorc, ' 1,013 Liberty, ~ , 77 , 1
Mewing», ' 2,269 Mount Joy, • 1,031
Mount Pleasant, 1,588 Readft, '• .1,026
Stiabano; • - . 1,376 - Tyrone, 756
, , , • ~.
Total, Adanap;
Antrim, • ' 3,130 Greencastle b. 931
Chamberaturg b. 3,239 Fannet, . • 1,658
Green, 4,518 Fayetteville b. 411
Guilford, . . . • 3,125 Hamilton, ,1,719
Letterkenny, , 1,918 Lurgan 1,143
Metal, - 1,113 Pennctsliurg b. 253
Montgomery, ' 3,217 Mercershurg b. 1,143
-Peters, . 1,939 Loudon, • 340
—Quincy,. 2,504 St..Thornas, 1,724
Southampton, 1,703 Warren,.662
Washington, 2,404 'Waynesboro', 799
Total Franklin,
Correspondence of the Iletald & Expositor.
LANCASTER, Juno 29thi184
Fair i MinDLETorThereTis always a right
•.side and a-wrong aide An every thing, and on the
• subject of Aninialllagnetism we: were re) , car . -
jiitriped down on the - right side;
but we must confess, and it is in all sincerity of
heart, that we have recaiVed blow-from the cud
gel "of conviction, Mat hag formfer. dissipated all
our doubts as Lillie trutlr of. the science. Our
prayer has beenleard, we have had perception of
the truth, tangible, occular, personal demonstra
tive evidence, and as • • '
"There'irtl olle over fearellobat the truth .should be
• huarti, •
But they-whom the.trutli—woultl
,we now cheerfully 'and uneritiivocully'retraci all
we have uttered in r;_fcirmer)etter against. it.
Individuals may believe as they please about
the "philosophy of the milkiri the coca -nut;" but to
.those who are sceptical on the subject of Animal .
Magnetism we would say, try it, .persevere, and
'they will discolor that there is a state between
slepping and waking, a mervellous.phenomena in
nature, a strange, mysterious agency about man,
that can subdue his fellow man and render him
entirely subservient to his will.
- We tried the experiment ourself, arm cycnings
since,-on a boy of liboUt ten years of •age, •in the
presence of a few of our female acquaintances,
more for the object of mirth than in any hope that
we •shou Id succeed. 'To our utter astonishment,
in a few moments they boy was seized with a con•
vulsivo shuddering of the whole frame, his eyes
presented a glassy appearance, then gently closed,
and he sunk hack in an apparent shiniber. A
Sew menipulationti calmed those spasmodic actions
,before alluded to; the arms, legs and body were
perfectly rigid.• The boy was in a magnetic state,
and we were in an excited one, consequent upon
the novelty of our situation. - AVe then requested
a Physician to be sent for, and with hint about a
dozen persons entered the room. The Doctor
then pointed out where the different plienological
organs were situated, and on our exciting them,
F. the expressions of the ,countenance were in all
cases opprnprite;the orgdn of Combativeness be.
ing more strongly developed in: our patient than.
any other. I• '•
In Clairvoyance we were not so successful, but
are thoroughly convinced that It was owing to
the operator and. not the intient. We could not
concentrate our thoughts, agitated as we were, to
bear sufficiently strong to, producethe effect. For
instance, we willed him to rise from his :bat and
walk towards us—he made every effort to do so,
but was unable in consequence of the subjeot not
being distinctly and vividly impressed on our own
nihid.. After having been in this "Situation for the
■pace-of one hour and a half, we commenced re.
moving the magnetic fluid by reversing timmani.
pnlations,. and.'in a fow moments he wee in
natural - statei - 'lv - . have silica operdted liviee on
the same the presence- of a`•few
select.friandr, and on .each occasion have sue.
These arc frotsithat-cao ba vonched for by tiorrie
ef the "nest reagettable. Ladies and Gentlemen in
our place, persons whose integrity or voracity Can:
not be questioned. We do not prctendto assert
that our exlieriments were perfect; biit we do say,
that iMeliaited a mass of incontrOvertible ovi.
deuce, than which, nothing could be more satis
facto:ivy' to the 'Minna mind
• Yours truly;
Wlii4a 'of Colernbus, Ohio, h - ave .
'laminated ions Diert it.: of Namieetiusette. for the
Vice, reeidency. They also exieeem
nee etippart if lie , nominated ,by
a National Convention. ' '
- :Aninfier - ClMoictod Crimina/ • admitted to Bail;
The. Courl:44:,Generat Seasione of,Fhiladelphia
h`ve, Admitted , Thot. §. ITiCilelaon to bakin, the
sum nf_fl r e,ooo; On a certificate of a - Physician
that he is 011ieticT With ii'Aiseaae of the' heart,
- cansini.confindmentio endingt# Iris life. , lsliehbl. -
son had been convicted of .a aeries of moat extra.
; .ordinary forgeries-mi . -in employer-with whom he
hRd Aop4,helsvengaged aapri
son anajting thor,esnit Cf a matter' before the Pu,
- iitOrne Court foi4 ;Oink " lt t eeams to be quite:
rettnitoin ie Nerd York and . - Phihidetphlit to 4(14:
mircomicted Criminals to bail.- :Jastice Wiley,
' 0 4?.9..w0 in-. the former _ eity,-of re,
cowing the :money na .the stolen ,frohO Frederick
thfil.Piliiik;knawitig lift; bebtoleri, is yet
at - tierge*ball'.l ctHe, is awaiting
. tbp,r,olult -of.. mitian •They, at
• legist v tia; afti!sp apaiplairs.,of • ttla, .."law.a7l
'" . • ' • ' - ' • •
tui. • r r
t A t t'e ' ele 'eh
iling ;the 39th
itilt;:cf;11,118fr; 000 , ba I , of:oornrnand,
nnitsoi7.o o .bukihohic)f3yhogt , xportecl frcipT,
-- •
a 0,053
. , . ,
Aye, come , away from the hot ,walls of the city,
friends f And if you wish to enjoy all—and some
thirg mare—sung of by Mrs. Winans, • '
We have, for the ludic. beautiful a founts and
hewers". where they can "lightly stray," and he'ar
and feel "faint winds whisper," and all else delight
ful to their hearts-rts well rbs beaus in abundance,
from the little fell - rw just beginning to.dowir t to the
.polite. and ever-attentive bachelor of three score
k!or , t he gentlemen; we:have i!forester and fielderrind
streams," wherein to "roam, to ehoot_ or, to r bathe,"'
and the finest trout "in the country-:' _ too!
the - o - fairest,brighteintifdloi(eltettTf)
In short, there is no • Plade, like Carlisle! . Oh, for
the pen of a CHANDLER or a tlonnts, to appeal to
our suffering city friends to •
" Come away" to Carlisle!
Waste from the nse of Intoxica
ting Drinks.
0 -f- r rn thelTnited Stat e s there were tirodueet!
the year 1810, 41,402,627 gallons of distilled spirits,
and 23,267,750 gallons of beer; ale and. porter.—
The cost per gallon to the consumer is not less than
50 cents for the spirits and 30 cents for the heer, ale
and porter. The whole cost to the . consumer, at these
rates, would be $27,681,682 50. - The value of for
eign .spirits, wine, ale, beer - and porter, consumed in
the United States the same year, has been estimated
at $5,060,413. If these estimates be not too high,
and the presumption is that they are too low, there
was consumed in the United Stains, in one year,
property under the name of spirits, wine, beer, ale
and porter, valued nt $32,742,645. 50. All - this vast
amount of property, the product of man's labour, are
consumed unproductively in one year. It is a useless
and wicked destruction of property. 'The use of these
intoxicating drinks is neither useful, necessary, nor
agreeable to man. The consumption gives nothing
in return but diseaseoleath, vice and the ruin of
, The aggregate debts-of the United States
are estimated at about $200,060,000. The interest on
that debt, nt 6 per cent., would be $12,000,000..
Timi., then, it would appear that the annual con
sumption of intoxicating drinks' in this country, in
value, wottlil .phy the yearly interest on the debts of
the States, and leave a large balance of Upwards of
$20,000,0 — nyear;;whielt. if:Tidied, would in a few
pars estin 1131 l this debt.
ok r,
Let th e 're perance Reformation, thcii,go ahead,
and the States can pay their debts. Let the temper
ance reformation progress and triumph, and; we
will h_ewithoutdebt and Tree from taxation. ;+ Who
call refuse to embark in so noble a cause ? the
cause of temperance is the cause of the whole human
family . . „The high and the low, the rich and• the
poor, the ignorant and the wise, the young and the
old, hav e
, felt and experienced the desolating effects
of intemperance. Then let one' and all enlist tinder
the cold water banner, and toilet in keepini the
temperance ball in motion, until the use of all intox
icating drinks be entirely banished from the land. '
. Let noone . anticipate evil results from the tempe
rance movement. It is a moral movement. It aims
at the eeformation of society.• Its'aim is the general
good. Its aim is the moral elevation of man. It
contemplates injury to none, but good tdall. Let
the sincere Christian notanticipate vil resultsfrom
this wonderful :moitement of the da, ectuse uer-
REGENERATED man takes part in the pro Lige.
Let him not fear good, results.. .because even some
bad men may be active leaders._ Let him look at
the history of the Chitral, and see the' minaber of
hypocrite and wicked men - 414,hav0 been active
lefideril itOder the Christian banner. • Still Christi
anity is on the onward march. There may,aitd
.. (loulle will, be retrogrede-nootrementi in the eempe
mune cause; proceeding from various csuses. - ;But
we ardittisfed of one thing, that' the cause itself is:
a good are—one which has the be'st intereite of the
human family in view--and that the fOrwird Move•
meneef iich a muse Will and Must he much' stronger
than all relrograde•moves. Tlie same fienefieient
Being who Juts Christianity. under 'His care and di
rection, will also take rare of the temperanie
as welt as every other gocill eause, - amt "not allow it
to fail because unregenernted men may be active
leaders in it. . . - •
6, 02 allay and linamt,lleel"
Our Locofoco friends are worried ft toad deal
that any Whig shoidd prOpove =ranch vow's,
Mt' . the workingmen: We dip% know Who it was
that iet this Vann ulainiotion"—bit t it strike's ue
as being ir good 'deal better motto than "LoW tra.
gee anditto meet,"" under which Mr. Williams
Locofqco rcernbet of Congress .from *Manchu.
setts, easityecl to rplly thc "democratic party" it
1840:-4md a*rhotto, by the way; under which the
Locofoco leadcre are, itt 2 .effitct !Wow' ' endeavoring'
4 0 drill thoif forcetuft if it httoletlftZtv.ttlay and
r o a s t ! t eet)? . against Mow, ;wages' and , ''no, ment.:!'
there will not he' much: difficulit 41,:detoli,utinifite.
which side to tike. It la surer slug to ta' that
thigh 'wages and, good living for the
should be tio zealously opposed even by AntLßaitit
hard money Locnfocos.-.L•Daytcm Jouttrol •,•1
Sergeant, at Arnr",,Nitin was,sen
niter sr. aretTheakhee ret,prneol, frsia,,.ble*yo9;
without tieing. able to arrest hint; ,
:I. • , '
'VarThe (hi' the
relief Of the mitteritiyiby - tliti'dmihigitittioiiiitit t i,;- .
burg, exceede4r.f2o;ooo, . • -
Kir The Ricinin.rind7iirh s ie tn'entinnlr 'the
Hon. RiehiniT.Ribth among :the , earttlidatte for
the Treasury Department, in the event era change.
COME TO 041L.Tr4,.. E!
.• wwe read, 'ttife* . days ago, fn ; one of tlitt , Phil.+
adelphia Papers,,.estrtnig• th*,..buE*ge
portion of thS Whit hivOireen strilgOngl
for the past year, in . Indil dollar:' 4, 'dollar to;theit
already thousands : —t4 relimitheir'toil for a season
and seek the pure air of the country; that their
"flan.-worn likpbs riiight'thiieby in.
vigorated and refreshed. This appeal was right.
Man, whilst labouring • to amass-'wealth,' should-
never ` forget that he has it also in his povVer to ,
lengthen or shorten his days. Of what benefit - is
wealth without health andleingth!of days to enjoy
it I •
h The city derives its wealth from thti conntry-;
and we in the country are not anxious thattlui rich
and enterprising of the cityshould themselves
'olf by toil"-.-at least for yearti . to come.' Hence It
iv natural that our feelinge should be drawn fewer&
'them; and induce Us always to be ready to,contri.
bute our mite in , iprelOnging , their days upon earth."
For this , reason, we were plea'sed to see. the appeal
alluded to above—and here add our endeivours
to persuade our, city-friends to tie& the country--
'and in doing.llo, believe we cannot do it more entic
ingly than by copying that pretty appeal of , Mrs.
Ilenalts, entitled
.. .
. The Suipmei's
COME away ! the sunny hours
Woo thee far to founts and bowers !
O'er the very,waters now, .
• .In their tiny,
Flowers are shedding beauty's glow,
Come away !
Where the lily's tender gleam -
Quivers on-the glowing stream,
.Come away !
All the air is filled with - Sound,
Soft, and sultry, and profound; '
Murmurs through the shadowy grass .
. Lightly stray;
Faint winds whisper, as they
Come gray!
Where the bee's deep music wells, •
from tho tremblingfox-glove,bello—
C6me away !‘
In the deep heart' of the rose,
Now the crimson love-hue glows;
Now the glow-worm'ci lamp, by night,
Sheds a ray, ,
Dreary, starry;, greenly bright— _
Come away !
. . .
Where the fairy cup-moss lies,
With the'wild wood-strawberries,
•Come away !
A;ItIEnic4IITINDUS,Vpir. , c-..
PROTEGitHCIS THE - WiHiliii "... :t.
Preirs the stoats . of Maine to 'the -exuberant soll
of the South,. Protection to American Industry
is the instinct of the times.
A meriatiltilion iCIIIAMIII - atifig-tho final eel of
independence: True it is that the venaileaderi
of a party my, halt ,tio the . ,larrny of the people in
Their,onward march to thisl great result I the P.m . .
mer, the tilacksmith, the Shoirtittket, the Whole
mechanic interest, the Labourers-of thelandrpass
on, full of high, resolve, regarding the treason that
would - bid them pause, with the Contempt due to
treachery, •
It is a great work and it must be accomplished: .
it is not in American hlmid that it ihotild be other.
wise. It is a revolution 'the be g in n i ng o f w hi c h,
though but yesterday. a speck in th e h or i zon ,
thickening, and widening,' end 4tx3iiening over, the
purifying element of the storm/it its progresi.
..Never,", said the 'eloquent hiAttimezz," 4, will
Ameriea he trulyindependent eo long , as our own
'tabour is left 'unprotected—never so long as it -is
the' darling object or our: Government to dash I
down the enterprize It should protect and foster v".
And a nobler truth , was never uttered. In •
our midst we behold, the matchless . enterprize
of our free people:, fretting for a' sphere in which
to conquer, 'and overlooking our vastempire, ex
haustless in every resource which the energies of
that enterprize demand. • ' -
We behold thousands of honest Mechanics, eager
for the bread of honest industry, impatient for that
independence• due to their worth of character, to
their families, and an honorable old age.
We behold , the rich :harvests 'of the, farmer
bursting from the earth in luxurious superabun
• We witness the countless labourers , whose spot
less hearts, health end strong' arms, are their only
legacies, panting for the, reward of their toil, and
looking forward as that reward, to a homestead in
a republican , soil, asking for work for their Wide.
The widow, with her orphans, and the maiden pi-;
ning for'honest employment, through the avenues
of our cities and villages.
Yet this enterprise droops; this vast empire al
most in vain unfolds its resources; those mechan
ice yield to despondency; to. the pressure of the
times—the rich productions of the farmer. Moulder
in_his barns or bring pitiful' returns in gliitted mar=:
kets—those lahrifirers ask in rah' for more than
the scanty food of the day; and female virtue too
often yields to female want. The Sheriff walks
abroad in the execution of the final process' of the
law of the land, and all its-gloom.. . This is not
To this distress there is a ready solution. Mal
government has, brought. us to . the-doer of ruin
but just at its threshold mime awakened to the
evilhud its remedy..
American enterprise, Amid= . productions,.
American soil,-American mechanics , and American
• labour are bound in the chains of European. vas- .
salage ! •
'Tsn thouiand productions of the industry of
Our mechanics; are brought in competition. with,
those , of. Europe. Those of Europe flood our
shores at prices below the rates at which freemen
can live. They are-purchased, and thei , proceeds
fill foreign treasuries; and fatten- a foreign-people,
while our own are !eft to languish. •
American labour is made to 'compete, with the
Starved allowance of isthmian]. ' •
And as the methahic antt-labouring interests
suffer, thelermer droops and suffers. '• • • •
And while this havoc - is going oniononrcusT - our
people are ,sued and sacrificed for money. due be
yond the ocean—for" the derriarids of foreign mer
cenary creditors ! - .
• Does - any man ask "how-is thisi" The answer
is at hand—sti plain that he who runs may read.
The goods of foreign lands flood our nation free ,
of duty. In other word's they are sold here Eft
nearly the rate at which -they are made there.
- There, labotuers are slaves. They are hired for .
pennies. They. . are, half. starved. They. are' fed
like-dogs on brines and Kuck-. Where labour can
What' thus low, the thousand departments of me.
ehanism are -readily Set .at-work. The respite - of
this labour come'- here. Our Mechanics cannot
thus - procure labour. Therefore foreign Wares are
cheaper, and foreign' wares are bought. And the
laboureg 'and: the mechanic, whose MOW is our
blood, pay the penalty and the traffic.
flo the ask Great Britain to take our products
in return for hers.? SHE SCOFFS NT'THE
EXCHANGE. We have a fat soil. Our far-
niers have a surplus produce whibb Great Britain
needs, but she, will not have it. The products of
our soil are taxed by her Government, at such rates
of duty as deny them admission there.
And so we are in
. debts for her products while
she refuses ours—and while her pauper is crushing
the energies of our noble peoploorhe is demanding,
in the midst of our distresses, the gold and silver!
the pound of flesh—for the • amount of money
which we owe her
' Are wp premed for this? No ! We eny to
tho American.Government—Shame on the policy
which thus invitee to ruin ! Shaine on the slavish
surrender of the bone , and Muscle of the land, to
theocoffers of 99,41:3ritain - We call for protec
tion and we mean by that; our laws shall be
framed that the manufactured and other .foreign
articles which come to our shores, shall be taxed
in the way of duty, a sufficient sum to prevent
their competition wi th American Industry..
The Almighty nevei'deeigned us- for a race of
skies. There is nothing in her dominion for
which we would even bind the head to Gm.
Britain, much less consent to receive her goods
fine; while she refuses oars.
. We say PROTECTION!. and the People
trumpet-tongued are demanding it. We ear a
place on our own soil, for our own enterprice our
own labour, our own manufactures, and our own,
agricalturalistal They pay the taxes, and when
heed requires it, they shed their blood for this
Union ! and this Government, for the paltry.con
eideration or dollars and cents, must not barter
their sweat for the trumpery of Europe..
TRY! ire the words. One may alnuistread that
sentence in the 'Heavens. It Ws word that has
mewed the Limi•of Democracy—THE .WORK
ING CLASS. ,Therare coming from their work•
shops, their places of labour, and their farms, and
who shall resist theta? The conquering balky/hose
energies :are aroused, in -behalf of the. American
interests will never: pause, until the object which
has aroused them shall be accemilished.
reminds its readers and the ptiblic that In ten
years prelious to Gen. Jackson's waf on oar cur
rency system the number of banks traded wets 2 2 ,
with'a capital of 8Q„010,900; that its the next two.
yeare,the.number of banks created created,wae . p,6tl, with
a capital of 8368,000,000; that the former ,banka
were generally Sound, and the latter blisid goner,
ally proved unsound; and :that the loco focus are
now breaking- down .the very currency they . gave
UP, bad as it is, and are fast red u cing us to the
Condition of po eurrenciat all.
And pas,, it round, we add, that,by the reports,
of the Secretary of the,Treasury, it appears that
the bank bills in circulation-in the, whole of the
Union inrlBl6, 'amounted to $60,000,000.
was before the, charter of the second U. S. Rank;
and when we had been without a National Bank
for tow n yeirs. .The 'charter of that Bank was
then granted, With a capital of A 64 :fine *Mime
qf didkop.;:DidafiyhipalasiOn tollowt ';olrno—
very: thr limn' it. ..Puttrieen yearrafrtrufarde, or
in IE3O, the whole ' amount of•bankpaper in oir
ftam the hank5;w1m.1161,3)13,8913i be.
ing DECREASE. In tandoeri years, .while the
U. S.-Bank war in operation, or •nearlY'sevin
!. • 'b;
Well *befriend , ' ThlPPreiddent vetoed
tO, r&charter the Hank id-1832, exillAhenrwliat
followed?,. • In 1897, the luink• paper, in, Circulation
had lxicreitt 6'8189,185,899, or tin INCRI ABg
in revenyeare f ofill87,881,994:1 'There tithes are
worth looking'it. The - firctii,are indisputable;.z.
OPIE.THING , M9R440 141 . ew , hew the sPecula,k,";
bug fairer was set aping, and Wlietko,'.Ae aeon its
the public 'deposit* were re;rideeteilOhire
rash. for' them and the Was (Airn'. foloiy.
staitetilarids, eastern , timber, tracts, decouttfor
this ; lourpoda nwmay was borrowed' of the banks_
and 'pe‘l , bar k to, were creator' male more Thank
pa lON la thematic *Lip In 11138,114;
a &UR Of hifilelorine Otalr thelianlier Stith.
1 1 11 N llllOll 4 wite.8200,451,514. In 18374 arena
idler die 14 , . Hank.. charter bad ; exPiredt th e
loins had mica - aid Indi o woonow i iinw, $52,1 r
In Illeiferrilierlif.:the'lienie 'year, : tlin;'
ortlibut harrrnotlet returned! r,
^?, • - •
• s&ClettieTauil,,OlNOi tholitonbotPrecedotir
ainounts to about 8,090 t,.. s.„
. . ,
Fritl*Tßl twinAitA. SOI7EIiAL
16'184 it ROtitiid,:.
Gen. SeotiVen Rottiovals.
,f,lzThe,litirrisbur g Telpgroir eve: There hen p erhaps,
iterhttPx:htfennO,poft of Mr.',l,TyleVe conduct, Aldo
die ticcesgoit IWO° ! - Presideitcy, fraught' with
disappoiniMent thcise,whqiChieved *hat they
hoped would bitii revolution of metrOnd rneastsita,
atehie petfinicietis resistance of lhe.wishes of his
early supporters, by retaining in office those, very
PeroonS.Wbq wumilte Most bitter opponents of hi.
election., 'heretofore stated that no man, '
should ever ieCeivortitirlupPiort fdr the'Presidenor
agaim'who wax ncd , !pledged to fill. the 'public °fro
ces from ,thepelitidal majority. _• We. have now the
initisfitctiott,Tof 'laying before oar friends the Ad ,
Towing!sitiactfiont ti letter written Geni — ff'cotti , '
which platieti , hin opinion beyond any doubts, which
may haieOriginated from the tenor of hie loiter of
October last. , After saying, that •he , had probably
failed taloa, explicit' in that_litter niche intended
to' be, he spelksthutis
'"MY .. RULE / would be to TURN OUT
THE BAD AT ONCE, and replace the - i
- different as fast as it might be convenienti t
done." 2
Otter entering at length int - d-ant-ahle &gun:lent-,
the General sumo up lueopinion'ae failavvet
"On this point,. I admire the principles
laid down by Presidents Jefferson and Harz
rison is their respective circulars, and the
practice of all, oar earlier, presidents:
"Ofcourse,l held, that, ,on a change. of
partiesotasvicies—no matter how made—
! mean by 'death, resignation or rsmoval—
ought to he'filled by seleCtions frani the po.
JiticalmaJority,andilwayswith the best men,
that, can be had• for the. several places.
".1 can only repeat my solemn convic
tion, that withaut a rigid adherence to the
principles sketched above, government can:
notbe adniihistered with all the• advaritages
totthe people, which they have a right to ex
pert and demand."
His Excellency Johri j , Tylci
The manne t in which some of the journals of
the day dilate upon the• virtues; both developed
9d undeveloped, albs Excellency John Tyler,
41 exquisitely fine—the most fastidious taste could
not grumble at it. President Tyler, according to
some of them—those, ',.of course, who come in for
the pap and' pickings—is one of the most indepen,
dent 'characters that ever tat upon the "thione of
the Creature* is the tOolof no set of tnen, owes no
'fealty to faction, and stands erect above the jar
ring elements of dictation! He came into office
. by pledges, and unincumber od by
measures!' When accidentally called upon to
upon the loftiest throne
Of this—his mighty country!
his first= was' to avow an entir e indep.en
deuce iques, factions, and parties, and em
phaticallito- come.out upon his "own hook"—.
which caused the cliques and parties who imag
ined that their claims to his services and influ
ence, were undisputed, to make him the object
of systematic, vigorous, and constant attack! In,
short, President Tyleemust, be set down as the
profoundesteage, and most uncompromising '
/hot of.the nineteenth century!:
This sort ofdoctrine is all gammon. We hive
heard and: read a great deal about whit has been.
miscalled Mr. Tyler's independencel,rmeh_as
Ili spurning the majorities of Congreas, the Tex.
pressed'will of the people, . measures which he
was pledged by every honorable - Mid upright prim
ciple to sustain, notwithstanding -the pretended
freedom from obligation which some persons
would claim for him. Yes, this is the boasted inde
pendence of Provident Tyler! a total disregard of
the people,a spurning contempt for the majorities
of Congress—but a peculiar love for tho veto pow.",
er, and the hideous idols ofhis own mind and fan.
cy. Thu donstitutiom is nothing, Congress is
nothing, the peoplethCii Will are nothing, b u t
1 dm Joan TTLER!—the President of the United
States!! and I will veto Congress and the Consti
tution, and show the people . that they don't know
what they want; rain independent of all parties,
and my independent notions shall. be the law of
the land..-lam, John - Tyler!!! That's the doe
trine—te wisdom—the egotism—the indepen
dence of President Tyler! '
But is it true that Mr. Tyler - came into office
independesittirall 'portico and measures? It is
not the fact. The leading measures for which
the people elected the lamented. Harrison, :and
whose principles John Tyler proclaimed to be,
his, were not kept back from the world; but, on
the'contrary, they floated upon thousands - ofbaM
ners—fiom the seaboard to beyond the mountains,
and from the Gulph to the St. Lawrence. The
majorities then elected to sway the public coun
cils, were elected because they declared them
selves friendly to these measures. Mr. Tyler
was as cognizant of these facts as any, and being
so cognizant, he accepted the nomination of Vice
President s as one to carry out those measures;—
he was pledged to that party as an honorable man
to sustain their cardinal points; ho was pledged
to supptirt their doctrines; he was himself sensi
ble of this, And in his firstmeseage adverts to it in
a manner which proves that he was so wen.
Bible. But then his views have experle_teett
a revolution, his ambition has been somewhat in.
fluted, the e:lango of station - has infatuated and
bewildered him; and now he has neither the honor
nor the honesty to . carry out the measures to
which he was pledged, and endeavors to cloak his
recreant) , to the party that placed him in power,
by giving to that recreancy the name of indepen.
dente!. . •
President Tyler has neither the firmness nor
indepeltence which his friends claim for him.
Witness hill recent conduct respecting the remov.
all, which, In the first flush of power, he ordered
to be made in the Custom Houses. They were
not made, and he "backed out" froth any further
proceedings in the matter. The fact is,Mr. Tyler
has but few friends and admirers, little influence,
and commands still less respect. What • foto he
has to uphold his interests and trumpet his virtues,
stick to him only because he sticks to the robes
of offieerthe mass of the 'people, (Wall parties, arc.
More disposed to take up the rhapsody of.a uck.
eye bard—.
"Of Tyler young.—Of Tyler old,
Of Tyler's Bank--Of Tyler's Gold, • .
'• Of Tyler's first—LOf Tyler's latt, •
Of Tyler now—And Tyler past, •
• Of Tyler's wor&—Of Tyler's oath,
Thank the Lord:-:•-••We've had enough."
The - carsi - offiitif Sheri -Once
more! •
The Supreme Court have at length decided this
casein favor of •Johri Shaver. The opinion of
the was;delivered by Judge Kennedy, 'and
itis Said to be long and very conclusive, - 'We do
not know upon what : grounds thefhavo 'rested
their dectiton, brit presume it was that the - law
had been antlered, and the offence wai not an infa,
mous one as theSupcicedaturnecessarily implied.
Thus has Governor Porter, been frustrated-in his,
high.handed,attenipt to usurp power and author.
ity which is hot evert him by the constitution and
laws, and which none but tyrants would. long af
ter..Andthnstoo, has the Ipng protracted, . sav
age persecution of an hone'', unassuming, bite de.'
cowed man, at length terriundted, greatly to the
satidfaction of all except. s feW v indictive 'knaves']
who sought to rob him ofcharactar, of office; and
of everyxthing
.that dear freeman. • • I
Sheriff Waiter Waa through the 'ciretrinVention
itfdeeigning pollticiarie, induced to enter into ate
agreement Fier to. the late general election, Which
eras prohibited by the litiVa Of the State; but like'
most of the honest end retired men of the• coon.'
try, Mr Shaves' knew nothing of the,existenee.;of
the law which ho acid others violated. The of
fence was in anbstince thie-L.iinother nandidato
rtte the clßee Of Sheriff made ari ogre,ment With'
John Shaver, iti which it wits itipnlatedAluit-the'
former Shot:dd. Withdr4w front 'the - Pollan] arena,.
' and ;nee his to elect the latter, and if giuc:;:
'cklieffil;dbentglielitiiiiis,lds able deputy
o,ffier . S*Votire for they:
proeurid: itir;agreinitent to'be-rtitider,:: and three
'alined it as ,Witneeiteti.'' la 5 thought that 6'o'l
othbrilltslijnirdanii its' and that'
they, will prothicittheriibefoie the:Court ofQuartoe
ffeeelinis onillinticohd• Week in. - August.= We - do
qictivi•liiivirrittedi;tfuthlkeyO'llt in - this. , ituppo.,
itioid ifirdlittritoW thafjoierdenit'tufbretrishi
'haya become quite cementer - a n•thoeeilagsi of Por
e , ediiiiiiicrity.c. •, - • • •.•
But to' iStiliiii 'again tit the 'subject. 1 troy this
,viiiiiiititofthi liii.W , loon lilimiar
; weir' etterwards
; singled oft tkoin suiting the rest.. and was , Indici4
;eil .s. ttloilosinnieted 'arid Sentenced tie the ht;so .di. , ,
reeved. It Wie evident to everrkone› that ,the
'l4Mloeoo6,l9houghlt:MV;Pl!v.e' been !Mit/tits*
SOKiiiliti ho'neeo, l ,oo 1 1 T9E4T.Inotiieji; . 3 i ci. When. it
~Wee citicelconmoittied, the; WhOttr Ogle larlio-had
bebn disappointed in their hopes ; entered into , - it
with a - bitter vindictiveness that .would raise a
blush of Shame eVtin,on the cheek , of :a - Cannibal(
The perseMition was.cruel l deide and .vindictise..
'His pursuers, as ifdetertnined to autahylock old
Shylock ,hinuelf, Were not satis fi ed with the
4 .lpound Offilsh'44or had Silly suffered
the, penalties of the violated ; law, they pursued
him still further with increased savageness, and
sought his , utter deal:fiction,' We have ' necem
-1 sarily Used harsh ter ms in this , article, but we
have only called' things by.. their right names.
`They ramcd•their savage• deatluscing,' Mid were"
joined by thivChiefot the ifickapm:i tribe, who led.
them On, bearing In hie hand a . bloody scalping
kitiAltaintied—suriiiistimaa. But forturtatelyfor
the Sheriff, flying from hie pursuers, he got a.
among eivilized men where the •strong arm of law
in the last resort interposed—the “ingins" . were
captured—and' the "scalping.inife" and an other
instrumente . of :death .add, totters taken from
them.—And now ive.hope that the ' Sheriff will in
future keep out of bad company, and avoid similar
dingers."Hdatinvion fourruil. s n . '
Beetaking Ay- of the Winnebago
'llliate.mEsettp 01 . theC
e helt, dud
Its ,
The attempts of the Governor and his unworthy
fellow *whitens in the !limber bUsiriessoflB4o,
to paralyze the efforts of the Legislature in ferret:
ing out their misdeeds, will probably be perfeCtly
successful, as' a "certain • Daniel M., Brodhead''
so called by thnKeystone, leas .mizzled, cut his'
stick arid run G. T. T., and is evidently non
comeatibus to the subpcena of the' Sergeantat
cams! Previous to the examination of Mi. Han.
dy i the Committee had no perftet data' by which
to shape their queries to the parse-bearer of the
Lumber Merchants and wee consequently unable
to chide the guarded cautiousness of Mr, Brad
head's replies. As soon as Mr. Handy was 'made
a witness-the Governor's most eitraordinary mete
sage, was , promulgated, after the Attorney. Gene-
ral and his carpet bag had made a secret vitit to
Harrisburg to concoct a scheme of. defence. In
compliance with the Indian talk then. had, Atty. ,
gen immediately indicted Solms, Handy and
'Broadhead for conspiracy and - thus precluded all
possibility oftheir being used farther as witnesses.
The Legislature however, 'determining not to
be headed; iassed O. law to compel witnesses to
I testify or be imprisoned until their stubborn lips
were opened.' This and Judge Barton's prompt
I deCision on the,question of the humbug, prosecu
tion, and the rightof the Indiana to possess thein-
SCIVQII of those papers by an ambuscade, knocked
all their plans i nto confusion; Kickapoo and Win.
nehago saw the rope was being drawn around
them tighter and tighter, so 'the Governor went
down to the city and had there nn Indian talk
with this certain Daniel M. the result of which
was that he, Daniel should put off un
known, and thus elude the,aearching and rather :
inconvenicinAnestions likely to be propounded to
him.. Accordingly , a few rafts, joice and other
lumber th n on, hand, were converted 'into cash
as en outfit, and the Ex-Commissioner of Loans
nbsquatnlated! And thus the matter now stands!
Evidence has been developed sufficient to show
that all the corruption fund went into the hands
of Brodhead, & the Handy letters prove that D.
R. Porter talked Indian for the' purpose of fin
/tiering the intended corruption; and was doubt
less privy to overt' step taken • by Winnebago,. in
the transaction! The absence of Brodhead,
thus cuts off an important chain of the evidence.
'Whether a clue can be dissovered_ is probably
dOubtful, hut enough, Ave think, will be developed,l
to convince all, that the continued suspension of
the banks in 1840;was brought' about by a direct
aystenref bribery; planed,n i arificeitid executed
by ICickapoo & Co. and that a fair and accurate
division of the spoils, was made among all the
members of that worthy •
n - QuEnr:LWili any of the frknds or organs
oflfickapoo explain to us why the Governor
went to Philadelphia on Saitsrd9 the 20th of
May and.returned on "the Monday following!
What business it was that took him there to be
transacted on Sunday, the only day he spent in
the city? Whether he was not closeted with
I Brodhead end Johnson on Strada - Yr And Wheth
,yr Brodhead did not leave the city within two or
'three days after the Governor? There had been
some strange movements on the part of certain
notorious individuals, that we deaf& to sec - ex.
plained or exposed, as their explanation or expo.
sure might go far towards confirming. the meld
cion now resting upon the guilty.—Pa. Tel
The Columbia Railroad..
The Pennsylvanian gives the following as the
result of the management of the Columbia Rail
road for the months of March, April and May
Amount of motive power tolls $63,891 00/
Amount of receipts and liabilities
Balance in favour of motive power
•' over and above all liabilities,
Amount °frond tolls, April and May, $25,975 2
Amount of receipts paid and liabi
Balance in favour of road, over and -
above all expenditures and ha 4
. .$27,940 86i
Whole amount cleared in' three
months by the road and motive
53,720 747}
_ has often been said that figures cannot lie,
but if wo are not very much mistaken; the above
must be regarded as an exception to ' the rule.
We do not say bnt that tho statement itself is
correct, but we do say, that it is intended for pur
poses' of deception. Three months are selected
when the business of the road is quite as good, if
not better, than any other period of the year..
The time chosen is perhaps that in which the
road requires less repair than it does in any other
period of the same length. A . large - stock of all
things necessary, as wood, coal, &0., was
probably on band, and under these circumstances
the above unfair exposition has been trumpeted
forth to prevent, ifpossible, the Legislature from
disposingof the public works. We have repeated.
ly said that Porter and his ',adherents
deavorhy all means in their power to retain the
management of thu rill roads and canals, so long
as they could , by any monns contrive to enrich
thimseives and plunder the public. The above is
another proof that this opinion is, well founded.
But suppose the statement above is per&elly
-fairirmi - and - theta - centinikineo of
results may be expected fiom a prudent, careful
management of the road.k—in what en unenviable
position does it place the former superintendents,
and all who had 'control of this portion 'of the
public works. Many of the Porter pipers tell nit
they -Confidently, expect the road to clear this year,
over and above all expenses, the rum of info ken.
tired thousand dollars. We do hope their anti.
eipations may be realized, ,but if they should,
ever' mail who reflects, cannot avoid seeing that
the former managers' of the road must have stolen
annually the like sum' from the pockets of the
People, in addition to the large. amount of, debt
in which the road became involved while under
their control.
However wasteful, extravagant. and dishonest
I the predecessors ofthe present officers may have
been, and no set of men were ever, so harshly
dealt with by-public opinion if they are not' guil.
ty.ofall these charges, we'cannot -believe 014
they, went into it so strong as this statement indi.v
cates. '• They may have been guilty of 'pocketing
all they; could lay their hands - oni•but -we are free
to express ou i beliaf f that: so far 'as the-'Columbia
Hall• Read is catmerned; 'there was not that' a.
mount made for them to appropriate to their overt
use, although, iftht above statement be correct,
they must have vi*ed Or. stolen a - mitchlarget
sum than we - hare/rat down—dbr the burin as of
the •,road .has bben hack less lb ,amount: this:
c t
sMing; than it haa been of several yeampast: • ='
- .Halthe truth is; that P atciry,Of making so
Winch Money. in the list iee monthi, is a- sheer
Itairketlim, aq'timil wit! l*ns ) tile be in. When` ,
liti. tainerOnitput SupermtMdent; the 'Bait Read
Made money fait; but when to seteled s iw'it . wan;
fo&that in , the whele,:pclrhd of hie ,. Mime.
Ment, Money :had • beept
,atiokipateitd of made.
His sueeesser, - Mr Tustintillukinconey at the"
commencementof his career, bitwEam he Went
out _ofoffice,,the road was one hunkeed and-seven. ,
ty thousand -dollars in debt.• Mr. Morehead is
making, money, tcio; tont how Mgt". amount of
debt, will bp,When)te Atka', is a queston , which
time:will oply.4iscicrep.... eheuld he folloi in. th e
footstdps of hui .illustrinuapredecemrs"tt raj;
blYtnalat ,, the ••end of a ' year or two, 'tet ( ol 2 l.-
quarter ofaMtillioii.o •-- ='• '. - '-' - . ..i, • ,
•Let 'UM :People take Para that they ,be 4 114,- de
ceived by statemeks Beth Mr iii hatreijMuiti at
the had of dna article. The devil eau rttave
form hinsself into an angetof light, and one of
Porter's - railroad - Superintendents may act honest.
to selntlre. fair,
chance:to plunder the treatniry foi2 a - year :inept
undistirbed..'.tietj,nur representatives ' look to.
this Imit.ter; fietlirevepeat, that if, the Coltimbia'
rail road is cnpabletif.predacilig profits like' tho,se
with a diminished business, the former rail road
officers were the greatest set of Scoundrels un=
'ung in.thoworld. An investigation should -at
once be had.ind if the matter turns out as this
exposition of Mr. Murehead's weuld seem to
sate, the thei '
ves'cvhn iitole,•itrid the Canal Coin.
..misaioners and .oovernor r.Who eonnivea at and
probably shared in the plunder, should be brought
- toeondign punishment. ,
-fit-Lowo-- •
Beetem'a -Row, on the Pub•
O lie Square, Carlisle, Pa.
'April 611 W,
Dry I. C, ..Loomis, Dentist,
permanentlyloeated in Carlislo,tind per
.. form all operations 'that ire regnired in the
practite of his professionL•such'lts I -
Extractingi Filing, Plugging. and
inserting Artificial Teeth, •
from a single tooth to an entire 'set.
IV, B. For a few months ;ensuing ; Dr. Looms
will be in Carlisle, the jlrettwo, weeks in each
montht-aiter which, he Will bo dbsent until the
,first two weeks int:sett following rhonth,--at which
period he maybe found'at his
00 e, opposite M'Farlane's Hotel.
Carlisle t May 4 s 1842. tf.27
AS removed hig '6lBco end dwellingto the
IX, three stoey. Brick onßouth Hanover street,
adjoining the reeidence of Mr. John Hap and
"Bleep's Hotel." •
• Doctor Myers informs his friends and the pub
lic that he can be consulted at all hours at his of
fice, (when not professionally engaged) and that he
will devote his undivided attention to the several
duties of his profession * . and particularly to.the
practice of Midwifery & Surgery. Calls
to the Country will be punctually attended to,hoth
Night and Day:
April 13, 1841
Estate of Catharine Dixon, deed.
illr4ETTEßS'retitamentary on the 'estate of
• CATHARINE DIXON, late of South id
leton township, Cumberland county, d ed,
have been issued to the 'subscriber resitlin said
.All personi indebted to,said . deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment to him,
and those having claims to preientrthem without
properly authenticated for settlement!.
June 15,1842. 6t.33
BITERS of AdministratiOn upon the . eidate
of Mrs. MARY D. RAMSEY, late of Car
-1 lisle. ,deceased, have'been this day issued by the
Regie , ter of Cumborland'county;to the undersign,
sahibitrough. Al! persons hav
ing claims or demands against the estate of the said
decedent, are requested to make known the same to
him, properly. authenticated, witheut delay; and
all Persons indebted to thirsaid estate are requested
to pay the same before the Ist of July next.
• ,W. B. MURRAY, Adner•
Carlisle, April 30, 1842. - 6t-27
-w - 4 - Valley; - Valley;Piiiii Grove, Lime-burners,
• and Bituminous COAL, constantly • for
salo by
Successors to Miller & Martins
- Harrisburg, April 20, 1842. 6m .25
Coppersmith, Sheet Iron and
'Tin-plate Worker,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public goner.
ally that he still continues his business at the .
'Old Stand, North 11..nevcr street, where ho has
now on hand, and is still manufacturing, every
article in the tine of his trade; consisting of
Finiti•rs', Fullers' and. Wail)
• UM LE/a Ra/ ( i ch M 3
•Tea Kettles. Tin:trare of every descrip
tion, Stove Pipe, Dripping Puns, •
• ..Drums, c. 4c.
'He has alao,for aale the best assortment of Coin.
mon, Cooking and 'Parlour •
T 0 _NE .
ever ()Cored in Allis place. His common wood
stoves and `cooking 'stoves are'of every size and
variety; and his parlour stoves (for wood or coal)
are of the newest patternii. Ho 'hes in addition
the Iditary cooking stoves, the Radiator stoves
and Radiator drums fdr parlours; which are cn
surpaised for Cpmfort and economy in the use:of
fuel. All of which he offer' on the lowest terms
fbr cash. '
Carlisle, June 290841 ° ta1.8.35
N. B. Old Lead, Pevitei, Copper and Loather
taken in exchange for. Stoves, tin or copper ware.
226,379 89
8,326 461
elf FLIEBOWER; of Cumberland County, have
presented their. .Petition. duly verified, praying that
JONAS MILLER., lately carrying on the Trade
and Business of a Distiller, by purchasing Grain,
acc. and manufacturing it into Whiskey and Spirits,
and buying and - selling for the purposes of Trade
-and , Gaineof-Cumberland -County r inay be declar
ed Bankrupt. '
Which Petition will be heard before the Dietrict
Court of the United States for the Eastern District
of Penneylvanta; sitting in Bankruptcy; at
District Court Hooka in the city of ,Philadelphia,
on Monday thtitilth day of JUly next, at Isl . o f ilock,
A.M.- Wheii-and `where all. persons intereated
niay - appear ,and show cause; it' any theyhave,
why.ilie prayer of 'the said Petition ehonld not be
granted, and the said Jonas Miller declared Bank.
June 27, 1842,
aizt 11141,137111a1f/PifeMb
iIIpiETITIOIN'S for the Beneilt Of, the Bankrupt
Lew have been filed the 2.oth June, 150, by
J GRAY. individually and de as mem.
ber of the late Jinn of Gray..; tte Cana.
Gumbeilinti county;
JOSHUA OGlLBY,individualliand as
: a it
late partner of Charles F:'Mitchell,, un
*. der the gnu. of Joshua Ogilby; 'late' of
Lockpor y ,N. • late Merchant,: now .
JAMES 'MeMATH, late Merehitnt taller !
now ' , •• • • do.
GEORGE •V; HALL, late' Merchant, new •' '
Shoemaker . ,
ABRAHAM,;PHILLTPS,'-individually an,l ,
aealiteMber of the , timr; of:DOW:and .
late Merchant., nevi-Clad:. dor, .
WILLIS FOULK, CIO& Cof OW' CouU'af "",
'Warta. Sessions, , Ore, and Recorder of
-'Deeds, c, • - , 4 0 4 -
Which Petitiond will be htiard before the District
Court oohs vninstrtatar:for th u Eastern District
of .pennsylvanie, eitnitg,in 'Hankruptey„, tit the
'trict Court floom in the City, of Philadelphia, on ,
Monday, the 25th day of July meld, et it O'clock,
A: Mr:. • Wken and where all Persons interested
may ; appear and Shoat cause,, if any they haie, why
rh o prayer of the said Petitions alto:Add not be grant
ed, an d rh osa id petitioners he declared Bankrupte.
- ' •• l ' •• Ocrig. or District Court: '
Jiiti7 26; 180,
4a. cmfamal:::)„
Clerk of the District Court.
IPHE , Tiiro-fßory House,
SKtitited' SOO End of
HulriOet Arid . ; faiithrerly . occupied by
"I I>,
Mns.: Rummy, decedeed. koseeesion - I
giveh iunnediately.. • For
,terms apply to
Carlisle, June 22, 1842. , • , 3t.34
Tan Ward Property
ILL be sold at public sale, on the premises ;
on SATURDAY, the 23d day of JULY,
at 10 o'clock A. M. in the Borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county, that large and commodious
situate on the north east comer of Loather and
East streets, bounded by Lctart Spring, and on the
north by a lot alt. C. Hall, Esq. containing 260
feet, in front, and MO feet in depth, more or less,
belonging to the estate of David S, Forney, dee'd.
having thereon erected a large
riymllan [gnat
—• . a :Two Story Stone Finishing Shop, a .
large two story Buck Beam House, a large, frame
Bark and Moll House, with a Bark Mill i n it .
There are 44 Layaways and 1' Pool in the Yard,.
.5 Handlers, 3 Limes and 1 Bate in the Beam
House, and a good well of water at the kitchen
door. The property is in good order, and in' a
very desirous situation for a Tannery or a private
07'Terms of sale will be made known on the
day of sale, and any information will be given
about the. property' before the day of sale, by
June 22, 1842. t 5.34
BY virtueof sundry twits of veuditioni expon as
tome directed, issuer out of the Court of
Common .Pleas of . Cumberland County, will he
exposed to public sale at the Court House in the
Borough of Carlisle, On SATIJADAY the 30th
JULY, A. D., 181.2,4 it 10 o'cicitlNA. M. of said
day, the - following'.deseribed real estate,- viz
• Lot of erroortd,
situate•in the borough of Carlisle, containing sixty
feet in breadth and two hundred and forty feet in
depth, more' or less, adjoining a lot of Mi. Richard--
son on the east, Benjamin Fenian on the west, an
alley on the north, and Locuststreet.on the south,
having thereon erected a Two story FRAME
HOUSE, a kitchen and frame stable. .Seized and
taken in execution as..the property of Jonathan,
Johnson: - ,
• Also; A Lot of Groundy •
situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing flit . ) ,
feet in breadth And two hundred and tarty iect
depth; more of less, adjoining lots of the heirs or •
John Delaney, (localised, John Parkinson ,Purrifert
street, and an alloy, having , thereon erected a small
LOG HOUSE. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of John Peck. •
Also. A Lol 41 '4l64round, ,
situate; on the south side of the'road in I;essburg,
Cumberland county, •containing fifty-three feet in
rt f
hreadth.und.two hundred a' 0. forty feet in length,
more (Ow, sdloining. /ands James Chest] ut on
the east; the Walnut Bottom. oad on the north,and
an • alloy' on' the west and uth, /toying- thereon
'erected a logatahlo,.. e.i.z.e4._. ruLtaken_in_._exeen—
tleTt :tape property of Jarnds C. Cummins. And
to he'sold by me, .
- • • ^. PA UL - MA RTlNTSfirriffr
Sheriff's office, Cailisle, Z
-_,llunq-22; , -1842, 5
To the. Electors of Cumberland county.
FELLOW" CITIZENS: I offer myself to your
consideration for the,office of .
liecoriler-and-Clerk of - the'Clatrler
of' Comb:omM County at the ensuing general
election, and if elected will discharge the duties
thereof to, the beet of-my ability,
Mechanicsburg, June 22, 1842, le-34
. .
To the Electors cif Cumberland downy.
FELLOW CITIZENS: I. offer myself to your
consideration ni a candidate for the office of
of Cumberland Oounty, at the election in October
next, and if elected pledge myself to perform the
deities of said office with fidelity, and to the best
of my ability. WM. M. BEETEM.
Carlisle, Juno 22, 1842. 0:34
A Iic_SaILVIIVSMO /11317.21130-
GREAT. Variety. of GAMBROONS and'
LINENS for Gentlemen's Summer wear,
just received. GEO. W. HITNER. •
"" June 22, 1842. - • . 6.34
. 'Notice.
APETITION for Discharge end Certificate
under the bankrupt Law, lies been filed by,
WILLIAM ALLEN, late Innkeeper,Cumbir
and Tuesday the 30th day of August next, at
o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof,
before the said Court,, sitting in Bankruptcy at the
District Court Room in the• City of 'Philadelphia,
when and where the Creditors of 0113 said PetitiOn
er, who have proved their debts, antrall other per
sons in interest, may appear and show cause, if any
they have, why said Discharge and Certifi..ate
should not be granted.
Clerk of thebistriet
Philadelphia, dune 11, HOW:. . 19t-33
0;) -The postage must . be. paid on all letters or
business, otherwise they will not be taken out of
the Post Office.
. .
Jane Shenn6r, hy PCtittO lor a
her n'ext friend, •
David Lamb s
Jacob gleaner.
rin ANt NCTlactlaatthe Grind of Commors .
Pleas of Cumberland 'county,, ha!*sliricted
a 'notice to be published for you to shim cause
why, your, wife Jens &mann shall : not be divot..
ced frenn the bands of matrimony entered into
between you and her ; and the Court have directed
prig_ Second Monday .
mg_ or. anis' case, w Hen and, where you may attend
if you think proper. . .
. " PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff:.
Sheriff's OfEMi, Carlisle., /
June 21; 1842. '
, ---
- Dissiilittion - Mr 'Patin e - rsliip . ;
. .
HE. Partnership, heretofore existing under
the firm of CATHCART & AYRES, in
t II
m mercantile business, was Otis day dissolved by
mutual consent: All transactions connected- with
the late firm will be settled by A. Cs . rucarcr,, who
continues business as usual at the old stand.
•-, '•' A. CATHCAWY,, •
. ' ' DAVID AYRES...,
• Shepherdstowd, June 18, 184 g. • . t. , -34,
. _
. .
Estate of Geo. 4prg/a4tha ugh, Ifec , d,
ETTERS Testamentary - on,-thb Estate of
otough of Carlisle, Ouraberlazut co9ityLdreassed;
'hare been granted 10 the subderibarresidingin `id -
Ih:trough: - AU Imrsona indibtedito said' , deceased ; -
ifre-requesfed-to -male-paynient-inarnediately,-and.
all those having chtime to present them- without de.
Tay, propeqy anthenticaied for settlement: • ,
• • • :•, ''" GEORGE. 'KELLER, '
•Eer. '
" - •;, 1 ' , l 6t-94 '
512084%.' '
ANA. I4 ;OP:AV*O•I4,O' itoPligus.liand,', foe
17.11, , ea10.-W; tit*. eily.,.a.iitueaster, . near, thO
Rail:Road, . •;.; , ;
Endless~'victim - Hotse'POwer
T N ll'E g -A A C.HIN'Ei v
feeone • lU3rew• 'and for two :horses; warranted to
work Drell , , tid' - of iieater durability than' any;;'
other Illachheeobru'ehnilar purpose known to;
the subscriber at present. ' ; •
'• • • - " •;:WM. KIRKPATRICK.
•LaitettstetyMay'4. 1842. . - ' 8m.2.7
•••'B3ll, ag,•,•15 1B .•-• •
Le j iffiEß &tier , )description&SHltGLßS - „,
for sale .cheap, by!
• • , • • etueoeseciiito 'Miller & Martins.
I:l4,rtisbuig; tifri) 20 ..184Z • ,