Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 29, 1842, Image 1

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:! , : , . , !C'iRL 1 SL Ei.)P-.VN,N.,
First laier.lirat of Spring & Stammer
AvE jiiet me:hived from Philadellihia,a olden.
dideasortment of
, et the latest styles, to which they invite the atten
tion of Purchaser/. They. are prepared to offer
ids' at such prices tui cannot fail to meet the
'Wishes of those desirous of purchasing Cheap
Country Produce taken .in exchange for goods.
Bhipperusburg, March 16; 1842. tf-20
HE subscriber, having concluded to do'an en
, - 11. tire Cult business; offers for salerhistarge and
eplendid amortment of
bzxt,Al.=t.a; , _•z.ami,
• • Nails • dr, Cutlpry,
- lower than it was ever bought for Philadelphia.
- Thictolldwini will give you some idea of the prices
•that I ant determined to sell at:
6 inch Carpenter's Patent Rim Locke,
from • • $l2 to $l4 per doz.
6 inch Drifts Strikor, ----
'Newton Darling Grass Scythes, 10. "
NeWbunt's ". " 9 . "
Hay Forks:Solid Cap Ferrule, _'s •- "
Cast Steel-long handle Shove* 7 "
Cumberland or Reading Nails, 4,621 Keg
Phoenix - or Juniata " 4,44
• Other makes • • • 4,31 "
I will sell 'any 'articles in my line front 20 to 25
per cent. lower than can be bought for on „credit.
Call on me—examine goods—get 'a list of my
prices—compare them with- the prices' of other
stores, and ascertain- for yourselves where you can
buy the cheapest, . • .
• HENRY L. ELDER., Importer.
493 Market at.. abeVe 13th; North side, Philadelphia.
June 1, 1842. . • 6m-31
No. 55 Southffliird guest, Pnritanxtrurs, Op
posite the Banking House, recently °acts.
pied by the Girard Bank,
WOULD respectfully offer the. citizens of Car
lisle and - county of Cumberland generally,
a first rate assortment:of the choicest • .
Selected with 'great care, Which he will pack and
forward by rail road to the a2dress of those who
may favor him with their ci,rders. Having supplied
a number of (kindles . in Carlisle and its vicinity, he
would be pleased - to increase the 'number of his cue;
tomers there. Hia . business has- been exclusively
to supply families with GOOD GROCERIES for
the lut twelve years, and he flatters himself, that
for first quality goods and fair prices, he cannot be
surpassed in the City:. His stock consists of a
general assortment, some of which Ile will ennui.
orate: . .
Burlington H AMS, of lone. - & Dutton and Grif
fith & Booth'i curing.
Green. and Maeli TEA ? some of the -latest irn
portatio_ns, and of very choice qualities, •
Sperm OIL and Sperm CANDLES. .
COI: FEE; of every variety, some old Java, forty
years old. •
, Italian FIGS, a very delicate article.
Pamaaau,Englialt, Sap Sago, Holland and Arne
rican CHEESE. ,
Underwood's PICKLES and SAUCES, of every
variety. - - •
• French, English, A merican . MUSTA RD.
SUGAR, Loaf and Brown, of choice qualities.
CRACKERS, of every .variety, Philadelphia,
Boston, Princeton, Itc,
Canary SEED.
Hemp SEED. • . "
English Split PEAS.
SEGARS of every quality, some very choice.
CURRY POWDER, India SOY, &a., with an
eitonsive assortment of every article a family can
require. WM. L. MADDOCK,
55 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
May 25,1842. tf 80
► A
ple as these complaints ire usually considered,
no one can deny their being the most common
- Caine of this fatal and distroasing disease. It is
indeed a melancholy truth, that • thousands fall
victims to Consumption every year from no other
• cause than nagleeted'eelde. Yet, we find hun.
dreds, nay thousands who treat such complaints
with the.greateist indifference, and let 'them run
on fbr weeks and even month s without thinking
of the danger. At first you haVe what you may
editeider a:slight. cough or cold; you allow busi.
ness, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from ,
giving it any attention; it then settles upon yOnr :
breast, you become hoarse, have pains in . Sic
side or cheat, expectorate large quantities' of mat.
ter, perhaps mixed with blood; a difficulty_ of,
breathing ensues, : and then you find , your min,
foolish neglect 'has brought on this dlatessing'
complaint. If then you value life 'or health, be
warned in time, and don't trifle with your COW,
or trust to any quark nostrum to Mire you, ha t .
immediately procure a bottle Cr two of that fa
mous remedy the "BALSAM Of, WILD CHLIIRT:"
which irwell jpisedrieure_.
ever knew -- n, as thimsands will testify whose 'lives
have been saved by it. .
QTlie very particular when you : purchase to
al& for '
'as thartit Is • lase a Wean, argils sate in use.
- ' Prepared, whohliale and retail, by -Witaxstss,
& Co., ChamiSts, , No. 3>i 4Soiith Fourth street,
' . Sold in Carlisle by
Price One Dollar a Bottle.
.',4une 22,1942.
To Abe CoMMunity ad Large.
wish to inform the afflicted, through the me.
dinni of the inblic press, of the 'wonderful el.
. of that valuable' trimly'" discovered
ifsaame,"irt - Dri,IIARLICH'S .1:10MPOUN
PILLS.. feel, and consider it my duty to do so, in
Ardor that others may receive relief from the same ,
ioinist:' Tot two years I was'iubjed to that Once
destroying fliganiaN'i4spoinia, and ice aersimOiti.;
iiisnti."o6aiiiside"Cenottipation of the ,80vi614
pain in the ri& and Stomach; trickneee
in;the Nede 4 *K4' angFugthd outdid= until Lbegan.
to think there woa no help (or lOW I hail little faith'
W 44 011111hda 0 111101" until' I On &One of
- *hos . oldie hose Mess *id by the aboio Medicine:
*Ott bahiela lo* Sivnit *Mg, Ig4mmrof the
sails* ated wad - Ut . :ll4ffia walks, when MY
heettliwoo ontirotY reetttrid; Je llowSibout
numlut owe I quit u s ing it; and no-return of the
d,bionakqf its aymOtPnwliprautto feel warranted
testimonytttihihel(ot °then! ? before
tho , ainununktYrl;* 4o * b ed and tat
116T0#45aver r2uri; 44, -
• vinximit
If. 1 )344. ' - Pittsburgh
- liteludelpithv Mao, No; North B th street
wheys the above medicine, can always, bo , tmteirti
:Abla drng ,00ra 4 -. 1 -MTEP aft
4 0 49ellittle*4 lathe drut,onv of vi!* • r444
ShyPeOblirk •
- pop 16,'114W , • : - -
. • . • , ' ,' ' • .• . . , " _,.... ......... r_ . . .. .
.... _.., , .....„„ . .„.. _ . .. . ,
- : : ~Yt . ,...••-•li "•"': ' -. • „ ' "":" .." - ''-',;;,, -.;:. - ..' : - , , , ,
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- ON OCEitIES, •
IFIE bl 8EC...;'04111 se• a, ai
JMT •• received a iot" of Freo lt Na. I. Trimmed
• suAD; ALSO, • •
LOAF_ SUGARS, Angle,. double and treble*
refined—best qualities- 7 at 12/,,,14 and 16 cents
per by . the Laf=together with a general assort
ment of best Rio'ds hill - COFFEES, 'Brown
and Whilb muctites; - Itu*s; CHOC°.
LATE,, TABLE-OIL, Ace., a general
variety of otherrartieles in the'Grocery Line. All
of which is for sale at the jovrest prices at the Gio
ceiy and Tea Stine of the eubsdriber, one door west
of R. Snodgrese, Esq. Main Street.
- J. W. EDT.'
Carlisle, June 6, 1842. • tf-82
72P=UX2.6e3 13 CMClD;t3tra° g
HE ' subscriberwill. at EFTIIiST
car, a era l c i f
GO 0 D S
-Cloths t Xassimeres,
Ticking's, Bleached Ind UnbleaclieA MV dins,
Lawns, Chintzes, Monad° Lains, Figured and Plain
Swiss, Book, Jaeonett and Cambric 'Muslim;
Figured and Plain Bobbinetts; Barred, Jaconett,
Bonnet and , . Dross Silks; American Nankeens;
- Eithiwandßhtid Bonnets, '.
. .
White arid Black Crpper, Merinos; 'Shawls and
Handkerchiefis of every description; a larte and
extensive assortment of Gloves end 'Misery, Bue
pen4ers, Cotton Carpeting, Cotton Stripes, White
and Brown Linen Drillings, Bleached & Unbleached
Table Diapers, IRISH. LINENS, Long Lawns,
tocks of every description; Palm Leaf Haiti, Um
brellas, &c. &c. Together with a large and. exten
sive assortment of .
. Persons wishing GOOD BARGAINS would do
well to Call on the subscriber, as he is determined
to close his business. His store may be found next
doer to McClellan's Hotel.
.t:CrCountry Merchants will, And .it to their ad
vantage. to call..tis BARGAINS may be expected.
Carlisle, Jurai 8,1842.
11211i1BI4ITIID mat E
of Coughs; Colds, Consumptidn, Liver Com.
p milts, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore,_ Throat, Aga.
pepsia,"shortness of. Breath, Pains in the Side,
Breast, Back and Shoulders, Ague and Fever, an
intallable cure, and all Scarlet and Bilious Fevers,
diseases arising from exposure and de•
bility, no matter how long standing—in fact all
diseases to which the human family are su bject n to.
These pills are unsurpassed by any medical
compound ever offered to the public as a general re.•
novator and family' medicine. They are very
gentle in their operation, causing neither pain,
sickness nor debility ky.the use._ofthem; but on'
the contrary they- strengthen the stomach and
bowels in a wonddifil .mariner, and soon restore
nuttirelo its former ; costop_and vigor. The per.
scia;*.asint the Olive-;aranoh- Pills soon forgets
Olathe was sick—;-which is ver' easily accounted
for: there is not that prostration of strength in
these pills as in many other remedies of the day,
because the,materials used in manufacturing them
are in hiamony with the powers of life and act
in concert with the opiniens of Des,Brown, Buslf;
Armstrong, Montgegied, Hersey, Kendrick,
Shepper and the celebrated Dr. Waterhouse,
formerly. Lecturer on the theory and practice
Physic: in Cambridge University, Massachusetts.
Purchase of them,. and give them a fair and im
partial trial, and you will find that permanent re•
lief, upon which the proprietors depend to make
them the most universal family medicine used,
and which will stand unrivaled , by any 'other in
the known, world. Price 25 cents per box.
is one of the moat certain and effectual auras for
all rheumatic, chronic and inflammatory Rheum.
tiams that has ever yet been discovered, .and in
numerous eases has eradicated that dreidful
ease from persons afflicted entirely. All sour
drinks and victuals are strictly 'forbidden, and
epiritous liquors mud. not be taken inwardly by
any means whatever, or it will be of no use to
take this medicine, as it will destroy the good ef
fects of the medicine entirely. Price 81,50 per
These celebrated drops have acquired the high
est recommendations in this country, as well as
Europe for, its moat valuable proprieties for all
inward weal:incises, cramps,colds s aguea and fever;
and when used with the Olive Branch Pills,nover
tails to cure the fever and ague- Price 25 cente
per bottle.
Is ,
unrivallect for its curative lualities even when
used in calmed' maladies which, were otherwise
incurable. Many 'recommendations have. beau
given of tbs benefidial 'effectsit bas had in the
cure of pleurisy, pectoral_ and pulmonary obn.
sumptione, colds, iftc. Price 25 -
options, colds, 61. e. .. _ .. cents per-bottle. 1 .AND . .
. ,
Cleansing the Bowels.: . Ala per um lbs.
Tine moat excellent article. has a qualityof
THERE are no yills in existence which may be ca Groceries, Q Ware
llusing Mstantl and y • without fail, all crimps of so safely used at all times, ages and seasons,.and Hardware,
ffm atomach, chollo and that troublesome disease- without restraint from living or occupation, as Dr. Dry Goodie, Furni.
called mother fits or hysterics; and when continu. Leidy s Blood Pills. . -- •.. . • ' tura and Drugs, • •
ed far dome length 'of dab, will cure the patient From their composition, they are calcalated to Wheat, Rye & Corn
entirely. .• Price 25 centa:per vial. • - purify the blood and animal fluids during the Inter- , . bush el ,
GREEN WONDER 011 4 • _ val between taking them and their operation; when , • :Pe r
all impurities, as
well at obnoxioul substances of the ',
A certain cure for, all Scalds, Bruses, BernsOats do •
.f stomach and bow e l s , are by their mild ,Lumber 1000
and the inoateffectiral-curelor- - ther - piliP. - - - - - it - wiir 70 - I fiettif. - , - ; -- p - Feri• r ticti es ,-, -- -
.. i • . .1 feat ' - 114F75 --- $. 3-5 (r7 -
cure the 'person afflicted in a very - short time, if •- • UPWARDS OP 100,000 BOXES , , Shingle*, do; 150 , 2.00
used according todir.ectioes. Price2scts. per vial. of them have been sold during the past six menthe Flour ' per bbl. :' • ' Mr _ ' .95 • '.- .50e
• • • SPIRIT `DE' MEXICO. • ' •
shine and - - UPWARDS OF 1,000,000 • - Shed' •do ' • . - 37;
• since their first introduction by the proprietor, Dr. 31i 50.
This spirit is highly I'recanuneirded for all N. B. Lew., - Herring do
sprins;ewelltng of 'the limb., or loaders. sinews, ,- IN NO SINGLE INSTANCE " •1
Pitch Tar pf: T r
ai sac tin k, 4
R '
oein - 28 . 32 . ,
joints and rheurnatimis an outward remedy, it has have they, ever been known to fail in producing .
~ . . , , !.,..
r lo g O ross ,
ton, _ ,.ei
42 2
no eiral;and when need withthe 'Rheumatic Medi. good effects. .
cline will greatly 'facilitate:the 'cure: ' T he en. , • DV,. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS, . . . Plaster
. _.
nnalL of History do not produce it. equal , and it hi contain no ingredients dangerous toohe censutuuen.
_Hemp per 100, '46'' ' 2.. .
the ,greatest
For perticulara see direitions IPMCOM• which are employed in all Pills manufactured by Pig Metal,,grosi ton 250 350
Blooms & Castings, 3 12a , 400 "
paniingthe bottles. Price 25 omits,
Brij fro.. e "- ' '3 50 450 '
„, , ' '
.'DROPS' • gerousonedleines under the rinpression,(which shows• ~,,. ••s. , . ~. , , . ~..,. •
.. - • : their ignorance,) that ell diseases must' yield to the AN 'Wirer nag; 18 wa • ,
/An infallable'itire . if need 'acciirdifig',l9 wren.etreeits of-Merotiry andother Minerals, -, - . - Leather per 100, •20 - 25 - -.,- • :
den& - Price 25 cents persists' -'. • -,• • ' , • VP WARDS OF ,300 CERTIFICATES '• . I
'Burr ...,
Whiskey per bbl - 50 . 55
•-- ' ' - -SAINE OF DRESDEN. • , 100,15 2O - •
....j.,.. 'Prom Pbysiciens and others, have been frequently , at e .. ° Pi e -, ,?. /2 , 3 . • 7
- .2 ./ 3 a fkoidedly. the - 6 4-al i giciaficiar- -- r9 7 ---wPuw”' - u blishaollhetippreffeistrar-Dn-tAldy'rßkied-''ur"'"'r'''°'—'" 2"---7-7'7.--.77---
`"` Ceo re° , old of new. of kind.,
,and will pre- ,Pills and further comment uninribeir merits is Tin. . ' do 20 --- . 25
• - •' ,• •-J & P MARTIN. '
vent if used'' in time, many ' operations ; and pre- necessary . Dr Leid p . would , how ever , earnes tl y re- 1 .. • • • - J. .P.
vent Look Jaw,' Pahisin'the 'Beek; Head, &ir-- commend to all . requiring *purifying or pergative 1 . ' -e- • . - Succeitsor to M
- tiler &Martins.",
;Females Who.: are eo•anfortunite alto have sore- medicine, to .procure his BLOOD I PILLS,anertry I.
.HarrisburgeMay -4 ; 11342. • ' e-. -- , • 6m.27
breasts; and, srill...nee,thisiworiderful salve will be .:them . No one will ever use any ether hind, bring 1 . ,
eared in a Very abet!, time. It cannot beir:tr...bilih- en ' i '&,,t f ga l l : ' irg`-` l lll . tiftiirrimm o n-5 4 4 - 1 -, I . • . FARM -::110 ~•,,,,
-17 recoMonanded. For ih rthisuluti4"l!°eAk e e' iacured - drom thisolemenufaaturer and Proprietbr,Dr. , l . . 8111 5 1 ..' •.•-- • I rE LI I '
pens. Price 12cents per x. , - ~.. " - ~ •- •
N. B. 1 0 EIDY,at ills HEALTH. PeMpr6/11UM Nit, '' .' . i " '' qtr. - ' - --'• . ' ' ,
,: : •-• .- WORM , LOZEN ( ES• - • ' 4, 7 (. f 491 NOWA Second striet,heldivViireat ,reit,(fliin 011, HE inbiaibithensby•iiilbrimi hie friends and
•,.Al; 4 owelb 3 lt- 48 1, 9 , 1 ,,°, 4br Ah 11-1 • 4 1 10 1 1 or worm in , the'Golden E*leand Berpents,) Philadelphia; there- • . - , the public irtg=id; that he -stiff continues
IC ,
'adults as well .as conureult•A4d will.:eurek #lsen, 'eau A• possibility of mistake. ,-, • .i. ~- - , ..17,,..-','L!'-,.. , :I Q a ,q,:',
~:.,, - t:,.
'other ;--, r,• ~' . • •,- •.•;.• -- -, ai3;-, ''. - : fe , •2
'other Pintail:4.AP.: Price $ Cent5 , 60,1,,i ?.* „,,',, ~ , pia of 4_40 inAllt hY iIiPM or „..,,,,, r ,„ _„..,,i,,,:.:: : ....:„,,,,,,..:.,,._,...
.:„.., COUGH . LOZENOES; •.. -, - Di m wi t . of P v ti;delphia,and by ierpentqb it , 0m,.,1 ••• '- . , I` 7•"" .....,n,....... - "'!":" -- •- :h' :1 - : MI '•
. ' ' " ' '' f ' ' hirffie sad Dm gni &teethe& this UM W'S eq.. in .' ~..,.„
Ainiitarfciriirtinintni Coughi, Coltt4l€ ihr,4l, C-- liatcr,l.T. Drrr,FIVW.pENTS "It'l3o3ti u- I " ; - 4-gl- " a6PT A" IVIII7494 ' I- ' w
iPropekiliken!kdiftleultp 'ef breaddrig. • .
'PA!. 64' - ;7' .„..rieimile, In Carllsfe,.by • , . :
__..% - ; lea,- (ropnctio !'t4 - ihe .6 4144 iiiPwithitandi°2o !'t '
t he.
cap per, !int.:. ~; . 0 •,-, •• , ''''''-' '; ' r 1‘
r ‘:
, .: , STEVENSON s iez ,DNIii;E:,. ,1011D;STAND;in'Ea4 High littnkt4 it raw dijors
Sold wholeridi and retail, at the-prinolpat offk* ~ 1' , ., , , , , - , i .. , .
Arents, for Cumberland county,' 'east of the Aillar.tnotimf: 44 tert he w ill Midi times
No 84 Niiitli 'ad street, Philidelpt and PY , : ..,e4 i iitgiji4. to Ago. " ' , ; g*..ssii • t a k e r k ti oii r e in lehrthdrfienneto'ibi - Oettiroilit of:
General CitMarliind ConirtY:
_,,„. ' l ," - -. .., ; • • els '":
- • ' • • • ° those who . *ay vet' .
~to custom.:
iune..2lo 4840f;:'• •-',-, -", ,--•-• :.r , •• - ••• %', 13r;SVM /141AR : shah beaottatently anna ll id with' the
LVER: -. )INAIIR.ASS . .:ettATING., . • • . I.- - *Bet 4 - tai di
t 020,33
. RtiEfor airetinollterortitid Plaint ,d
it,oeived; ludo chest' them b..
A RFib e t.'- ' st- Gut, W ;mum& •
June'oi, , • it:34
AS removed to the house •recently • ocenpled
by Francis Noble, North Hanover street,
where he carries- on the CABINET
in all its various branchek; and is now manu
facturing, and intends keeping on hand, a great
variety of • • , . .
Sideboards, Bureaus, Secretaries,. card,
Pier, Dining and Breakfast Tables,
Bedsteads, &C -
of the most fashionable kind, all of which he will
dispose of on the moat reasonable terms:7-11e - is
also prepared to - fill all orders for Sprtfig Seat.
ed galas and Fancy Chairs, warranted
to be of 'superior quality.
He will also furnish COFFINS at the short.
eat - notice , ad - haying recently-procuredft-NEW
HEARSE, he is prepared to attend funerals in
the country.
Carlisle, May 25, 1842,
MOE . stock of New Goods, belonging to the
Srm.of Boiseran do Hutton, consisting of
H.IRD oraan., -
• Nails, Groceries, Paints, .
Will be sold fpr CASH, wholesale and'retail„ at re
duced prices. Those wanting bargains, will do
well to call soon, as the entire stock will be sold to
cloie tha concern; don't - , mistake the place, at The
Store Room of Bosserman & Hutton, North Han
trier street.- • ,
-_ , .
• .Surviving partner of the firm of
• May 18, 102.. • tf-29
Alexander's Illessexwer.
Every week furniehing its Patrifte -with Thirty-sir
Columns of Interestihg Intelligedci, and only One
Dollar per annum!
TERMS and PREMIUMS for 184..
For Sixty Dollars-forwarded in one remittance,
in current bills'--the Publisher - will furnish Siity - -
one. Copies of the Messenger for oney . ear, and also
present the agent prOdUring the same, with a copy
of Von Rotteck's - Generul Histoy of the . World,
from. the earliesttimes until the year 1891, in four
volumes; illustrated by twenty;four Engravings--
first American edition, handsomely bound. •
For Forty Dollars--forwarded in the same
Forty-one Copies of the • Messenger, for one year;
will be furnished, and-also a copy of .Sir Walter
Scott's Popular - Novels, complete in twenty-five
For Twenty-live Dollars;—forwarded as above--
Twenty-six copies of the Messenger will be fur
nished for one-year,-and also a copy of the guard,
Edition of the Holy Bible, illustrated with engrav
ings, and neatly !Mudd.
- •
For Fifteen Dollars—Fifteen Copies of the Mes
seliger will be furnished for one year, Wit Pre
mium to the agent forwarding the same of either
of thefollowing works. viz:—The 1000 Night's En
tertainments, iu five volumes, with engravings-7'The
Dramatic and Musidal Olio, consisting of copular
Plays, Songs,and Ballads, set to Music, with En
graving—or a copy of Lvery Body's Album, an
amusing work, in one volume, with Engravings. •
For Ten Dollars—Every agent procuring Ten
Subscribers, and forwarding the subscription price
in one remittance, will be entitled to an additional.
copy, gratis.
The terms for a single subscription is Two Dol
lars per.anirum, or One Dollar for six .months—al
ways an advance. Four Copies.will be sent-for one
year, for Five Dollars at heretofore.
Postmasters are authorized, and _generally wit-.
,ling, to forward moriey'to newspapers - free of ex
pense, where tholetters •are signed by themselves.
Persons wishing to transmit, will, therefore, when it
can be done, write just what they want the. Postma
ster to say for them, by so doing they will only have
the trouble of signing. Postmasters will take care
AO endorse their nommen the outside also—the word
free can be written
any one, and is of no use in
franking a letter. No letters are accepted at our
office, unless the postage is paid.
Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, Philadelphia.
Both therse,-Efecta are .firoduced by
Da. Latny's Bump Pura contain in their composi
tion Ingredients which produce the corn.
bind and desirable effects of
A- /I; kindi effilnheit alma' •
PLittpKolrO , done 'it the ehorteet no.
tioes• in the neattfotiniiiiner, and - fin the moat km
atonable:tonne, at the:Cairiete hlannfeptog of
?o, isti. u
Ukri.ll:tiactiocitt, eauacti 1. ` ll ThAltUntlacs•cal, 71Wciskigkrar.
W . .f.DNESpAY. •TUSE 29,.1842:
SigititAi& 614/0.66i
• ..•• •
llRsabscriber him, received a ; geriera: assort.
• •' • sritiNG4-AND - ---- .
46 ga It: l'itEZ n r itr.o
cenelaiing in ,park of Planted, Plaiit and-Barred; figured, Flail; Btriped Lawns'
anil Ginghams, English and French • Chintzes,
plain, Bgured and Barred Swiss, ..litelienette and
Cambria Musline• a general assortimint of Grode.'
nap, Grodeswa, India-. and Italian Silks, Bonnet
•• Silks and "Ribbons ; Sire* ' LeghOrii,•Braid and
Willow Bonnets, Silk,Cashmere and Cotton
Rose, Silk, Mohair, Kid :and Cotton Gloves,
Parisalls'and Shaded, nese Stile, French,
Gerintinzind Irish Litieniti Osiebigg and -Linen
Sheetings, Linen iDrillings . andAambroons for
Pantaloons, Jino lords; Stripes, and,
Dl ankenes,
Carpeting: and Rugs, lilciwn and Bliich
Ticking"! and Calicoes,'Fans , and Mainkercbiefs, l
Leghorn and Patin Leaf Hatai'litiaw, Gimp and
Edging, Clotbs,Ctusimers and Sattfkietts. .•
all of be - , 'on• favolable - terms at
the store of., - A. RICHARD&
• 'Carlisle, May 18, 1842. • • £29
MBE subscriber will sell off it greatly rano:
ed prices, FOR CASH, a large and general
assortment of
The stock is new and cheap, consisting _ in part of
Super Black, Dive, Invisible Oreen, Polish
ISuperfine - Caselmeres, Case'netts; a good assort.
ment of Pants Stuff, such asmmer Cloths,
Gamboope Merino Cassime rs, • Cottonade,
Linen'andCotton Drillings, dr.c . ../fr.c.
A good ass'oitment ofyesting4 Stocks, Shirt
Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &o. &c. A largo
stock of elegant Silks, Black aud Blue Black,
Figured and Plain Light Silks, nkw style. 'Mous.
lin de Lains, Lawns, Muslin de Ahigletures,Botn.
bazines, Irish Linens, Check., T4sitingit, Muslin,
Calicoes, Carpeting, Dress Handkerchiefs, worked
Colleirs c Cambrieks, &o. &c.- Braid and
Straw. Bonnets, Ribbons, Ginnie, Leghorn , and
Palm Leaf Hats,' and a great 4ariety of goods
not enutnerated."
opposite,S. 'Wunderlich% Hotel, where they, will
find stacks of "goods, selling . cheaper, than ever
sold in this.county;
Carlisle, Jorie 15,-1842
• •
1911 HE subscriber bee removed his StOre to Han.
:I_ over Street, in the room adjoining the Dreg
Store of J. 3: MYERS & CO, atid immediately
opposite to the Storm of Samuel Myers di Co:,
where:he is just reCeiving.a pond assortment of
• •
French Lawns, -Balzorines,
Organdi Muslims, Foulard &c. Also, Tar.
latane Muslims,. Tarlatane Ne d, Wash Blonds,
Plaid and Striped Muslins, Cloth Piano & Table
Misers, Linen do. Linen Daros4 Table Cloths,
,Whito Marseilles coonterpiikes,Atarrusley Sheet
ing of extra width, Irish Sheeting, Marseilles
Skirts, Superior Corsets, Straw Cord and 'Tassels
for Ladies and Misses Bonnets, Wool and Hemp
Carpeting, Straw Matting, Mena, Boys' and In
fants Leghorn Hats, together with a ?eneral as
iertment of DRY GOODS, all of which will be
sold at luw prices for CASH.
• • ' GEO. W, HITHER.
Carlisle, June . 15, 1842: • 3t-33
Estate of Jacob. Melly, deceased.
r , ETTERS Testamentary
,on the estate_ of
JACOB MEILY, lite of Bayer Spring, Cum
berland County, deceased, have been granted to the
subscriber, residingin the saute township; all per
sons indebted to thesaid deceased, are requested to
come forward and make payment immediately; and
those having claims will present them properly au-•
thenticated to the undersigned for settlement.
WM M.' MEILY, Exe'r: •
June 8, 1842
. '...—a—.
THEfproprietors of the: Susquehanna Line will
run their Care.andate as . usual to Phil
adelphia and Baltimqre. the present season.
z a bt.
Their friends will please ap to Wm..L. Fox,
Broad st. and to Caatner, Chr Can & Curran, No.
76 South Wharviie, Philadelphia, and Joseph E.
Elder, Baltimore. • . -
Until further -notice, the following prices will
be adhered to between this place and the 'above
cities. 1
li Prig': .l' E'
S al 8 0 2
ni I:5 Er. r... "
15c • 22 _Bl per bbl.
Acqit:lloth% sad his Rt...
market: ailmfilitiludz.' , A eiridliV OSTLER away*
kept in . allatidatice-6..mid alma be loft
dohs ta please all whocill with him.
130ARDERRtaltari Wake work. month **O."-
- t SIMON viroxEtzuLip .
April 6, 1842 ;N", . tf-28
- '
Green and Brown Cloths,
a; : >_ •
"1,717.7 17'2T!:
20 23 40
25 • 28 43c
10 11
6 ,7
Via63 - 11&/%/41:685.'
. .
L ' ;nth raketeat flowers enrich'd,
Prom various Gardena call'd with care. "
There Glend•the ties that strengthen
Our hearts in hours of.grief;
_•_, • ,
The silver links that lengthen
'Joy's vista when moat brief. ,
[Bernard :Barton
WELL- may the exile sing Of Home!.*Tis he,
And healone'enti trtly know its worth;
hilltirparadiiielif ear
The spot where grows of every jooy thb
The 'very name is music to his ear;
Mots . sweet than richest tones of,hittp-strings swept
Hy_gentle hand. Am often bath he wept, .
• While tender thought has clung,to scenes so dead.
My own loved Home! hciw strong the thousand ties,
That bind•my heart to thee, though far away!.
Parents, whnse love beyond compare I prize, •
Shedding aroundlife's path, a generous vay;
And brotherit MO, and sisters fair and young!
Feebly, , my Home, thy sweetest charms Pve sung!-
ESSIS ZAVPM11110111:3'.
.• •
, "Well, Julia, quppon I ask your father; lilt! M.
fusel cannot make things much WOlllO than they
are at preoentl.... 'Suspenseis-the cause of the 'meet
Miserable feelings„"..,. .
"We - must not be hasty,. Robert, our situation
requires caution, by
_little management we may
possibly succeed, *gloomy. as the prospect may seem
to be: Now. don't
. sity any thing to Pa about it,
-Yet - - - I--had-much-ratherjou-would not.—The-best
possible way for us to accomplish out wishes, is hot
to advalicelotisoon." .
. • "Too soon—too soon, Julia! have. we not waited
two long,years, and morel and you have been all
the whilt;':Preaching the same doctrine, too soon!
Too soon, indeed!" •
"Well, now don't be .angry; throw.that frown
from your countenance and look pleasant, and we
Will immediately set about some plan•by_which to
effect what you so much desire. • Come, smile away
your anger—the smiles of love are aornettriea clear.
Robert Moutbrieloved Julia Ha%MTH, and she
eyed him; two 'yeare and more had paused since
hey had aged—come weal come woe-:- . : they would
Mdge throtigh together, • Twolong yeara!—
Two ye . ars seemed an sterility to Wait upon the eve
of .bliss, and to dplay a - happy — omit:un - /Wow —
Julia's father WaS a wefilthy shipper of the.pnrt
of Charleston, S. C. Some old inhabitants remem
ber the firm of Hallowell & Haddiniton. He was
, •
an'tprlght and highly' honorable .man; lust , 'whose
ipse dixit was law supreme wherever hhi PoWer ,
could be exercised. '''••••':• •
Robert Moulin° wail a clerk in the counting room,
and his salary,' Which. was his, sole dependence,
though far above the pittance usually 'allowed to
young men similarly •situated, and amply sufficient
to Warrant his assuming the expenses of a family,
did not elevate him to that importance in society
'which would justify him in presuming upon the
hand and heart of the. daughter of a wealthy
- •
The charieter of this young gentleman wai un
mpeachable, and be was es much respected for hie
talents is for hie correct deportmehn but (but is a
wicked word) the, curse of Gehaza was upon him—
he was_poor. •
Robert had bean in the counting-roomof Mr.
Hallowell since he' was fourteen years or age: he
had grown up in hiifathily and by ,the skip of this.
lovely beivese, s whO 4,14 been, promised to,a thing
of wealth and show, Thai .thing ; visa in them-
dies, amassing riches-to lay at o a fa a tof his bride, ;
but his soul had.thi,it the,stain ,of dishonor; and
Julia had vowed befirilGod she,wOuld never buhis
wife. Mr. Hallowell knew that Robert generally ,
attended his daughter tachurcb, and that'll() went
and came with her when she visited her acquain
tances, and &I on; but he • never dreamed that the
wily cupid wee witching his dint" enocesafolly into
the bosoms of bothand
.the arrows, of the huh,
god were firmly fixed, and he dtalt,outHns silken
cord until they wefe far out upon the sea, of lover
too far to proceed or return without each Other,
()D o tell =Robert, what, ia the matter with you.
have been a witnesu,thyeur.downcast looks.and
sorrowful! Uppeurance, .until I have grown melon-,
choly myself. What's the matter boyi",
Thii question was asked by Mr, Hallowell- One
day when hetand Robert were in the counting room
alcie, and if any individual has ever passed through
a like.fiery trial, he can have an idekrof Robert's
feeling . when the-man what, 'daughter, he had
lovedi.was contriving' the best plan torget from him
the, secret cams °ibis downcast looks, and address
big him in such kind and affectionate language..
.went too deep however, into the 'recesAt of Robert's
balm for him to return a quick reply. Mr. Hallo
weitplalnly saw hat soinethirig was working upoh
the mind that rade' 'him unhappy, and he wisted .
if pasiblei, to 'remote 'tliecehifsii; he urged candid
rivetation of all that effeCied hie feeding, and prongs'.
ed his' relieve him, whatever it require _
'ed. Robertsucceeded; however,,iu phtting him 'off
that time, and trembledat the thought when at their
_nextnieetinkly; related thet.natter te
!T; tliougbty'.patd.nSe:lapglitpg;?'you wale not"so
aP40140 - 0.4014 - MdlielidiftatilurToti t appegred
to be:.. Now that was a OuPIW, Robert. , Why
,did yon.nottill hint , Why did you Ott Mat tia!'!,
do you think'he susliectsl". "
, NNot n whit mow than - he - doeir the lung.of the
I left 'tide Morning, with the intention, - of telling
ftil; l alf:sftwit 04r .alfeetlon each other, and if
I was ieteniiii4d to act for In yself,With
ont further advice; and, when I came befoni him, I'
o,,flop*kin#J!l thr9 6l 0 49#011, 11 1PAI and I
col!laolurdlY^ , it'eak•tc!itti?ll shout '1211#0°!-F1-13Fh,
lei* *vat love, affairs.. ,t: ::'9, . r ,,
The lavers msl _okten andlieltrage f)oni the
Indies beingdweatined,it ,biCOMPOOVIIMiY that
they ..sho u ld:' prepare, for , tbctrbdo Vot,wemed,
await them. In abort Mr. Malloirellyrasjmdeaiet.i
'ogle discover the cause opals unhappiness,
more' et' the good of the yonpg man Wan tucti*.
he cared for the unimportant made by him
' The neitt eipportientry" that 'offer
rd, he:repeated' rtheforteet-siarstioni, arid' Insisted
epee' ari humediate'repiy.. - '" ' " •
• 'RObertstittlefed and - staitinvered a greet 'dial,snd
nt fastACrati out ivithit--..1 - atit attached ta 'eyoUnk
lady uf this city,: and hade'reaeou - to"believe''that
she is tench attached to Me but there 'is an obetitete
in the *ay, •
"Ah, - indeed. `And doal the obstacle amount to
ova a thousand dollsral'lf it does no4yaii shall
not want it :L . ' I'll fill lip a cheek now. Have all
the parties consented'" . • •• • •'
"Why, sir, the cause of my--the"reason—she
-that is—the cause of my uneasine.s,ie, I am afniid
her father will not consent!" '
the matter." '
" "He is a rich man, sir; and lam not rich."
"His daughter kives. you, does she?":•
"I think—a—yes, sir."
— "Sha - says so• - any how; - don'rshei" --
- '!Why=l—yes--she--she— r yeti,sir,she has said
as much.".
"Is the old fellow very richl" . ' •
:"And he won't consent? By the powers of Love
he must be an.old Turk—hworet hey? Hero
give me his name—l'll soon sate the.matter—But
stop, has he anything against you? Does he know
me?" . •
Here the old gentleman' went over 'a string:Of
questions which Robert felt no disposition to an-.
swear, and which it is not' worth ourwhile to re
late. The conclusion of the conference left , Robert,
in the possession of-the-check-for. a thouiand dol
lars, a letter of introduction to Parson breenVt4e
Presbyterian Mach fad - the following advice from
the lips of his father-in-law in prospective. He
was toraq away with the girl, to use Mr. Hallo.
well's carriage; and George, Ids black waiter, was to
drive and so forth., -
• Robert governed himself - in strict ascordanc'e with
the advice giien; and before darkithi parties were
before Parson.Greeif, whose scruples of conscience
were - -quieted by - the - in trodriettiry letter.', - -Ther
were soon Pronounced husband and wife,end jump.
ed into the carriage, followed by the hlessings of
- Parson Green, whose fee was a s mall part . of the
thousand dollar check; Geoige was directed to drive
to a rich oldlchildless uncle of Robert's who lived
about•five miles from.thecity, and to whol' the se=
cret was told. The old man, thinking the joke too
good a one to enjoyed r sent out for some of the
neighbors. l Midnight still found the jovial-essem
bly destroying•the good things the aunt had
ad, and cracking their jokesin . refererice to the trick
played upon the wealthiest Shipper at the South.
Early in the morning Robert and Mrs. Moultrie
were attended by their uncle-and aunt to the house
of Mr: Hallowell; the young couple anxious. for
the elfervesence of 'a father's wrath to be over, And'
-the- anticipated' pair to witness thei reception' - and
act as moderator on the question. They were met
in the parlor by Mr. Hallowell, whose first weld's
were— •
.You young rugne, yon;
advice was
aided, laughing heartly, "yoU caught me that time;
and you deserve to be rowarded for the generalship
you have displayed. Here, my boy L—my son, I
suppose I must say; here are deeds for property
worth ()liven thousand dollars, and henceforward
you are my partner in business." '
She is far from the land where tier young hero sleeps
And lovers are around her sighing,
But coldly She turns from their gaze and' weeps, .
For her heart in hiti grave is lying. • -
She sings the wild song of her dear native plains,
Every note which he loved awaking— • -
Alt! little did they think who delight in her strains,
Thlit the heart of the minstrel is breaking. .
He had Hied for hislove, for his country he died, .
They were all that o life bad entwin'd
Nor. soon shall the (tempi his country be dried„ •
Nor long will his love stay behind him. '
Oti, make her grave where the sunbeatits rest,
W hen they . promise a.glorious morrow,
Theyll shi ne o'er her sleep, like a smile from the
From her own loved island of sorrow. .
, The evening before Robert Emmett's' death,
Miss Curran was admitted into his dungeon to bid
him her .eternal farewell. -He was leaning in a
melarictie4i metal against the window of, prison.
and the clanking of his chainiemoto diinnelly*on
her heart: The interview, ' wee' tiittertiy affeCtiPg;
and melted , even the callous, non! of ' the'
As for Emmett himself; he weld' and kale' lithe;
but ks he iniSeed his' beloWnl insilence to his heart,
his'eMintenariee betrayed: hisani Otions. O !Ow
voice:haffAokod by anguish, he besetigh . t net
;to forgethim; -herominded-her of their foririeihtip=
piness, of the long past playa -of their childhood,
_and_concluding-by....requestinicher. Boniptitingt! to
,the.s9enes whele'their infancy was spent, and
though 'world repeat name with .
acorn, to :chug to hie memory' with affection. in
piriin' a. 'she turned round; as if once more to gaze
on lor . widowed lose. He caught her eye 'as she
retired;' it Wei but for a moment; and as the - dual,
closed on him; it informed her tim,sur . elyAiiitt they
haifitiie(frir,the !Set time onOartb'," hui,theY should,
Meet in a boiler world; Where'reini could ' goti'soa:,
rate them. " •
alas loved: him,yylth the diaiptorest . ,of a
Nomin'a first-and only. lova. -,When'ovory . w7Orldly
niaxiM, arrayed, ,itaOg against, hip; when ,blaated
fortunesdiTace And. danger-darkened -around
his name,, she loved bhp the more aidinify7 or, is
!tory, sufferings., ,U. then, his fate could awakett
the ,a9mPathYiya!l's4. his foes, what ,mus thava
been tite'B4947 of . her wha" whole s ou l was occu
pied by his ,intage 1 Lot those igho,have nO4.,ttn! ,
portals of the tomb suddenly cloited. hetvreen them
'an d tha . 4)4 4°Athai M!'tt. /7041,41a.qh"77)4 have
sat on the threshold ' as o ne , shut ant i
lartelx i tt , ailit'frant whence , all abet was alait,loety,
a #4- / O n g. ;tt
To reader:her vriAtlrtskjn#4o.on... ll l4TAlAlifo l l4 l ,
she.iaarract• her, fathr's. displataara lairtiaforn
amata attaihment,and watt aa;eXilafroM her pate?':
naktoot:_jlnt te ( M0d11te;19M54 , 1 1,13 4 , 4 4.05.
fried& have_ reactle4l a spirit sasheakat 60 01#043e
in by honor, she wouldbavartiwriattir mot
of cona4ation; for - , en -
00Liskara - Pnor,ortdallY 5k, ,, ,„ r
its - lid - W .
anSi amusement to.dlealpii ( e her ' grief, and, wean
tllt'.':lt'itiltt;M:ltitittliitt - ;
=Refer-Nth to' me; - I9lsettle
INs:raucpo*, ,IN Diursussr...ltyis related.
that Galileo; - whojirividialhie
he observed the satelites luPiter„ invited a, man
'Who'vaki opposed to hip to Took through it, that ,
he might ohairy.sJUpiter's nuukposi.,
lively refus4 lifiYhtWlLlaliould 861 them how
Couldl malittslh soy, opinion's, ~ which. 4 Mayo ad
vanced amorist'. your philosophyl"... Thia - haLthe
' FAO With' markr - . , 'They will net look it the Skutti- ,
Tharavill nothig' it, &ileac that °
thilr have fnuued will be alietre:yed; arid they.
may .be' obliged ta give up 'their Vicious indul-'
The morality which suits itself to all men anol'all
.mstgiottaiTrithrinking_oely.2lrom Al.*.L.*.ilikk,..ttii.._
lEcilrillidiflav - rcirtltirlalit"turrdenmi,'ltillettbrit ------
but a poor covering to it4o - os" a' iiiiivhfiii kallottlititsf
. .
Ate rrro, of ;-li ?x i 1 . 4h0 i trui,s ti tlrp.oviVii,,,,a,tld
int i' nt ' l , 4lt 4 ' ~a sT t • •, ; . 9 0 °' 4 !' i irt 0 .1 ,,, r1 1 .4
oyoiyo*ct.!oii 4 i t? j"Ni,i , q, , T eirj4 #l . 49litp,
*ihriation pio*oithiiiiktviiipsq,T,o.l o rapt99!, ,
an tine 09 ; fl iC• i'"i [ Y 4' ; ', % 4 `i'utip " i i kArP , -.
Thee ernfoent W the best iyhbte he I}we a
-40 fiyith4)iii.*. the resat p o lb!e Vie?
greti dieil,oltiiihied eiti;jie6;
i!IA 010 ti,t,,l,P, 1 4 ", 2 ° ti Tt! n ° PP 4 '"Pl i r '
miktp,4 6 r.
r ieN, for To4iTo the pro i ;
" ito mid obey,
deiWeislro L u 9 rOieStiO;i: "'
-Let no man halo° proud to , wo'rk' 'Let •
bnr.rit conmenanen tm a t at„bina,ba, , as4Laid,
ontiOraporapc,and siot4:l..eta:O s t,rl be-4 1 4 .
Overly': 't6l ag i b,am i
rned,of idionesa and diblionesty.. •
her from the" tragical story' of her lover. _But r tt.,was
all inVa n: here ate ' . o f i game atm eft oca tmlt ,
of happiness--Land
.again, , to
farth . bnil'Or iffositeM. • Slictrievtie objected . ' to ,
quent the'heentiti'Pleasure, but she wes'etii"Mueh
alone there tal in the dinika okaolitude. , She walk
ed about in' a sad. reverie, apparently unconscious
of the world around her. :She icarried within Aar
an inward woo, that mocked all the 'blandishments
of friendship, and "heeded not the song .of the
charmei,eharmhoever so wisely."
On`the'oecaeion of a- masuerade at the 'Rohm
•-. • .
de, her friends brought her to it .'. There can, be
no exhibition' of far gone wretchedness more
ing and painfiff than to-rrieet-it-in-suCh a
•To find it wandering like a spectre, lonely and , joy-.
less whore-all around is gay—to see it dressed oat
in the trapPingiOf mirth, end ' Wan
ivoi-begone,.as if it had tried in vain, to cheat. the
- poor heai:t into. a - mem abuy - fergetful nem. of sorrow.
After strolling- - thrattgli the splendid room'' and
giddy crowd with an air of utter abstractionohe
sat herself down on the steps of sn orchestra, and
-loOking-about for-some-time -with - a-vacant-air,.—
that showede insensibility to the garish scene, she .
'began, with the.capriciousness of a sickly heart to • -
warble a plaintive air. She had an exquisite
voice; but on. 'this 'occasion it was 'so simple, so
touching,, it breathed forth. such a soul ;of wretched
ness, that she drew 'a crowd, unite and silent around
her and melted every one into tears. _
The story of one so true and tender, could not
but excite great interest in a country 'renntillablti
for enthusiasm. lt completely won We- heart of
brave officer, who paid'his addresses to her, • and
thought that one, se true to the dead cnuld not but
prove affectionate to the living.'
. ;She' declined yis
attentions. far her thoughts wore, irrevocably en- -
1 grossed by the memory of her • former lover. He,
however, peisisted in his suit. He solicited not her
tenderness,but hereateem:. He was assisted byher
conviction of his worth, and hor sense of her-own
destitute and dependent situation, for - she wasexist
ing on the-hindnese of-fnends.---In- a word; 2 he- at
fetigthstmci,aed in gainingher,hund, though ivith
the solemn- assurance that her heait wife nputtera
-bly another', ,'
He Cook her with him to' Sicily, hoping that a
change of scene might wear' out the . remembrance
.of early woes. -She was an amiable and exempla._
ry wife, and'made an effort to he, a -happy one; but
nothing could cure' the silent. and devouring mel
ancholy that had entered upon her very soul. She -
wasted away in slow but hopeless decline, and at ,
length sunk into the grave, the victim of a broken .
heart. • .
Beautiful Sintile. •
Br r.n. DJ:VIDE/E. . •
We never behold young and lovely females tend
ing , tlOWers, that we are not struck with the great
ad3Proptiatenees of lhe, association. : Pure and un-",
tainted by the vices of the world; they are the
proper guardians and 'fitting protectors of the em
blems of loveliness and virtues of - which they are
the' livin g' depesitories. In.the 'eprinikidtref 'ex-.
istertee; !helix moral . and intellectUal endoWmenti'
trntl-I.ffirth„, whilst "their
physical charms are growing into' that state - of ma...
tured grace and perfect fullness, which ie to cause'
them to be loved and admired. Their feelings are'
in all their freshness, unscathed by the chilling'
influence of diiappointed hopes or unrequited af
fection, and 'manifest themselves with an ardor un
checked by the dictates of jealous prudence; or
the wary sug,gestiOns •of calculating ',self-prO.
tecting interest.. -For them to think give
terance to their thoughts, and to feel is to give form •
and expression to their emotions, with a. guileless
simplicity, unconscious of the possibility , of mis
construction, and fearless because unsesPi'cions,ol;
ill , natursid misapprehension.. In the blossoming
flowers may be seen the, exquisite ,tints of their,
own fairness and beatity—the natural tastefulness'
of the arrangements ;of its. leaves and
shoots, emblems of their own heaven-born 'graces.
Whilst like them they are lovely beyond expres- , ,.
lam!, like them they , must blOom for the appointed
season, and like them decline in theeeer and yellow .
leaf of existenee. ',both the term of being
short and eirPOseci, .to infinite viciesittnlei. • The
hreath of the . nerth wind may, ere long, scatter be
it the, yet young and tender beauties of 'the
•one, or the scorching nye of the .midAlay's sun
cause them to shrivel,and be trodden' under foot ,_
whilst of the other, all the charms, end buddingo
promises in:ty be destroyed b, the' rutri .. en, whis. per of n' t eeneorie'uti - ip, - er:the 'blightin ~
ence of tinnistrained: Fair and fragile
alike, it'is proper that they should accompany One
anothe';.; happy lk is for her . , who learns from
such 'ciinipaitionehipihow exquisitely beautiful ' and
how unspeakably . delicate is femiile lovelineas,* .
'rhich to be'preiteieixi must be giiarded with more
than a miser's care. : -
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