iGii Adains conrit*„ Itti' i grant „tavern .11 • th'. oMOSLin certain canal ra ion .o f .. tile:s4,,WetiOie die Flank's tchredgem their . Relief NoissOtit'd'lfytancelf*eise, in-tiitiTreta The bill 40.*fipibie*: htivilfg - i>"oid r 4444. 7 *. r likliitbSus;il4ll„n%as leild 'Raide r ' (itlialiigftPinfrailii4ltat no agreementcOuld be come toqiiitarpiiMaiatis3o and that, at l ength,t waspu ori - ilecota,..kau t ling, and _before_ the ..House . ad- OiiTintraility., *tithe Senate, Mr Gratz presented. • lit.. - -Petition-frotiathe. Atlantic lnaurance.Compariy of Pkeurolfidai. for a law to enable them to go into liquadation, Mc., Sullivan reporte;il a bill to elibrd = 'seminary 'relief against Methanies and ma : . -1 1411t4 tll6ll,Wrongftilly' ..retaining,Peasession,of Mr. Ewing offered a real:dation callingupon the Suite Treasurer for informs:flint as to the con dition 'Of ihe Treasury -the amount of Relief Notes isSUMd and their character, and what amount. . to, the fund few the payment , of eituAiltmosa estimate of trite amount likely to, he treeei4eifprlar to tare let of August, which, will be to the payment of interest. .It was 'stdepted. Several communications from Heads of Departments, in answer to resolutions, were receiv ed, and without reading, ordered to be printed.— The bill to incorporate a company to•purchase the public works from' Philadelphia to Pittsburgh was ipasscti. , . • - ' In the fiduse; Ittr.'Citibb -- offered a resolution, 'which was :adopted; to -inquire into the expediency of bringing in a' bill authorizing the collectors of Btate.Tax to bring suit against - and recover . front any administrator, tnisteer, individual, or corpora tions, who, may refuse 'or neglect to pay such tax. The bill to redeem the Relief. Notes, and to can cel that are or may be received into the -Treasury, &c.,_ passed ;final reading to-day it five o'clock, and was sent to the Senate for their cent 'currence. The vole was—Yeas . 84,:nays_ will send yOil 'particulars in my 'next contra uni cation. . , HARRISBURG, June 18th, 1842. Yesterday, in the Senate, Mr. Fleming present. ed a petition against the - sale_ of the public im. prose cents;. and Mr. Kline one in favor .of it, and also a eemfinstripice against any him - mine of taxa. Lion until the- Improvements ;hall first havp been told. The bill relative to- cancelling the Relief Notes; &e. was returned from the . House, with amendment; and it , was ordered to be printed, and made the order for the following day. The bill for the-reduction ot the stock of the Western Bank of Philadelphia, passed final reading. The bill to -recharter the Farmer's Bank of Reading, was under consideration for sometime, but not !disposed of when the Senate adjourned. ' In the House of Representatives,—Mr. Pennell introduced :a reaolntibn - • making - a - call - upon the Auditor General fliiinferination apjlo the Militia fines, &c: returned by the courts of kppeal, Laid on the table. - , The hill relative to the piyment of the Domes. tic Creditors was again )(ikon up, and owing-to semealleged.imperfeetionin it, it wiia,referred_lo_ theCoranaittecoof Ways and Means. • The bill to abOlish irnPrb; * Onment for Debt, and to punish Fradulent Debtors, wail discussed on emend rending, when, after being amended, it -was read a third time and -paased=—Yeas49; Nays 36. • The-bill from the Senate,to autlioriie thi3 Canal 'Commiesionera to purchase - trucks for the trans. ports/ion - of boats over tho Philadelphia and Col u in ,bilr and Allegheny Portage rail roads, came - and a motion was made to postpone its considera tion for the present, which • gave rise to a debate • on the general merits of the proposition, Which Jaated till the hour of adjournment. The Ruse having met again, at three o'clock, and the dis cussion war renewed and -continued for more than an hour and a half, when the Bill was postponed by a-vote of 47 to 43. . ln - the - Senate, to.day, the Stay Law was under .eonsideration for some time,but was nut finally die. posed of—when, on motion, the amendments to the Bill relative-tothe-suppression of the Relief Notes, were taken up and read, and then discuss ad striatum. The result of the debate was', a very general disapproval of the amendniente.— %Among those non-concurred in were the follow, ' ing, viz: The allowance of 30 days to the ; Banks to say whether they will accept the provision to redeem the Relief Notes in gold or silver, (The' I Senate proposes 60 day's,) 'To suspend all work • on the unfinisheirlines, and employ but one fin, • gineer, dm To sell the kirk held'hy the Com . nionwealth in private corporations, Thie Bill will most likely be returned to the .110100 on planday, with a message apprizing it of what the Senate has done. When, I anticipate, a pretty warm discussion on the subject, and 'particularly In rc. • thrones to the, reteintion• of the Senate's provision that the work shall be progressed in on the unfinish. ed very_ much mistaken if MriStcyons • at least, Woil'ehavo 'something to say. - A Me; morial from the Domestic Creditors,who met hero in convention on Thursday, was presented, Mr. Lint, immediately after the House Journal . . of yesterday had hpon read , offered i resolution, vshiith'wts amended, end then adopted. It ison polish:Tee—that the 'Committee of Ways. and Mums inquira. intto the expediency qf bringing ina bill asseesing alax of three per cent. qn the dollarfor the payment of the State Debt. Said taxi to be paid , in three annual instalments as fol • lows, vizi The first arindal instalment at the rate of two per pent. iheftret.year; the second instal. ment at thrcp per cent. the second year; .and the third inetaltrient at flintr per tent. the third year. Yeas 49; Nays 37. Mr. Wright then submitted a very falNljnint revolutiOn (bill) relative to the putt !in debt, Sherwood oared a resolution, which was. I,doited k -vizOliat - the' JudiCiary Committee tPtireilttc the expediency of byinging in a bill . au. titoriatngtherA l reasurertrofiheA-severarecninties to iipt up qt public sale any" of the unseated lands main their respective Counties for taxca due and to and limiting the time for redemption to one year,, The, Teseletieti f u r the payment of, the Domestic Creditors was again under consider -I ation and discussion • up to the hour 'of adjourn.,., ' meet; An amendment offered by Mr. Fermams, wiuNagreed to—that all payments heretofore made ,to Contractors shallho applied to work done' prior 'to the 4tit'of May, 1841. Mr. , Boon's amen ment was also agreed to, ‘not • to allow -„pay, _this time,-for work-done after the th May, 1841." • The. Impreision on •my Mind is, from all I can learnin the Houses and out of them, that no bill can be liassed at tbe' present evasion, making pro. vision for those contractors who went on With their :wetk after the 4th MaY,,1841, They;will;: ost i probably, be-doomed , to wait - until the . Treasnry ~is fmia ~.inotit flourishing condition for . those whem money has .been owing _for years, for nr,ork done prior 1841', they ;,think, be pita before the ,Leglitature 'idjourps:` The hill retatiVe to the -suppression .tto'r Re, lief issues, 'ace., contains, among:othei- provi-1 Aims, thosel Will here B;o;,Whieh hunted Relief' Itt"otes shop,imelir peiceitt:insdclitimt to the tine per effit ll 4olitai, l ,4l9vro' ti t e T , to be paid senti:an; ag aft er stictr:pfpoii 'Act; andio•COntinne alt ' M. 74 4, 4 0.d„,y,,,a 1w then : pusage this act, " • -PPRAtirtli''Of the Dotter tie/AS:J.O:n in the Tree: AlliTY 441 be filnitelled,4mi`kiet?iLittl#l4litlienit ,er / e Aa r rli -. 4r 4 rbill'i gio beie. the . i^ • ' EOM OM 3, No Beniz.shall. be' 'entitled to the tenefit of this provision unless if lir:Copt of it within 30 days; l and must • cop tinut to , rodeo n. in ,gO,P.I' 4: N 6 Beikk'itian‘ ifseltl of thinie pioftisionik that did not comply with tho'not authorizing an' issue of Relief Notes; • *.` ••Bank violating," the prOvielotor of dila act obeli forfeit ite charter, • , •• • • , • , . 6. Provideisrfor stile of stock held bs ,. cinilmkiti: wialth in priiato corporations: • ' • 7.• To so opend all.imark urifinisbedlilies;ailil' &open - see with services of all b,ut one engitieei with a salary of $1500 ; dic. , ' • In the Senate, Mr: Spackman reported a , 101 l to repeal the act Passed at the billsessionoo enable, the think of Pennsylvania to make an. assig,nment . of its effects. Mr. Farrelly reported a bill to.au thorize Canal Commissionere to place possenger cars on the State rail roads, with a recommendation that it be:nig-hayed. - Mee* offered - a' reselu lion for the appointmenrof a committee of eleven on the subject of the apportionment of • the - Bffe into Congressional Distsicts, with leave le. confer with the , CoMmittee appointed by. - the House on. the subject; adopted. Mr. Gemini offered a rase- lotion calling upon the Auditor General for a state ment ihe condition of the Banks on the let of May last. The Bill to recharter the Fanners' bank of Reading was /osi on third' reading.—Yeas 14. Nays 48: , In the House,' Mr.'Snyder - presented a petition to cornpel the Susquehanna Canal Company- to take their own notes in payment of toll: Mr. De forti, presented a memorial- frons-the Bank of Penn sylvania asking for. relief. . ,Also, O petition from Fayette; Washington:mid Green counties cent: ploining loudly ofJudge Ewing's conduct. They; allege that he interferes most unwarrantably in . matters of trial by jury, and ask an inquiry into the — ribuses,',' Mr - -: - Vambie presented-the proceedings and memorial of the .Convention of Domestic -CreditOre held here last Week.:— Messrs. Hill'and Johnston presented petitions to prohibit brokerage-in this.-Commonwealth. Mr. Sharewood presented o . WAnistrance from James Hondas end others, of Philadelphia, against the ? usa g e of'any law compelling the assignees of Batiks to receive the debts . due the 'sane, unless such notes were held by the .debtors at the time of the assignirent. The* resOhition offered -e--few days since, asking information ,of the Canal Com missioners rie to the alleged conspiracy 'ef, persons to control the businees done on ,the: State works, was taken , up, amended and then adapted. , The resolution to prevent persons from travelling free of expense on the Rail. Roads and Canals of the' State, and for other porposes 4 which was vetoed_ and re turned to the'H.iuse,was taken upored a question of recontideration was agreed . to, and then the- Yeas and Nays were called, in pursuance of the Consti tution on its passage. The - vote stood 42 f0.47,..50 the bill 'was consequentlY rejected.. Mr. 'Straub of-, feted a resolution, which was adopted, to inquire into the e*pediency of reporting a' bill for revising the 'statutes on Writs of Habeas Corpus.: The -rest-of-the' day- was _ioccupied- with, the-hill-for-the- - paymentof Domestic _Creditors, which,passed se coed reading et 6 o'clock this 'evening. _ Z. military meeting was held at Camp Kos ciusko (Reading,) some says since, in relation to the_reform and improvelnentof the Militia system: Resolutions Were adopted, declaring it necessary to parade the whole mass of the militia for discipline; also in favor of raising independent military acade mies through the Union, on the principle of the one now in operation at Norwich, Vermont. ,' The whole matter was referred to • committee of fiteen.fonsisting of General John Davis, Adj. Gen. k Diller, Gen, C. Shernier, Gen. Hough, Gen. High, Col. R. M. Lee, Capt. Wynkoop, Col. Pur dy, Col. W. P. Smith, Col. K. Smith, Major W. K. Keirm-Capt. Boase-Cept:—Mathews;—Capt — doseph - Areharnbault, and Lieut, R. K. &mt. A resolution was also adopted in fevor of a Ni tional Military Convention, At Washington, on 2d:of December naxt. rPhe Harrisburg Reporter, one of the lead ing. paper!, nf the' Federal party, publishes an . ar. lieie which . declares that Governor Porter has adopted l;tie of public policy, which, to say the least of it, is not decided, has no PRINCIPLE about it, and doei not work welt' for the Govern »Nut erjor, the people Jiving under its law;."— Look Out for, more "lumber'disclosinesi lIEV,IEW OF THE MARKETS, FLOUR & MEAL..--The Flour market, con tinues steady, with a fair export demand; the price of 9,uperfine Penna. of standard brands has settled down at $5 62} per bbl. at, which rate abont 2000 bble has been sold since our last report; the receipts are moderate, and : Meeks . et present light. Rye Meal is without' change; we continue to quoits at $ 3 37k; Penna. Corn Meal $3 62k. and Brandy wine do $2 876 per bbl, with sales. GRA.IN..----The receipts of Wheat have been on ly moderate this week, and have found ready, sale; since last report priees'heve been maintained, and in one or two instances a small. advance . obtained; 1600 bushel, Penna. Wheat afloat sold at 123 e which we quote as the market price of Prime Tenn. and Southern to day. Corn is firm at 56c for Southern yellow afloat; and•63e for .white do, , per Nisbet. Oats are dull..and would not bring to day 37c. per bushel. . • —• ' WHISKEY—stock moderate—sales at 18a a 10 cis.iper gal. in bids. • . • • , CATTLE MARKET.—Beef Cattle-550 head were at, market, which sold at $5 to 'O6 25; 20 left over; Cows and Calve.s-317 at market; sales' from sta to 24; extra $27. to $33.' Dry,CoWs $5 to 1. , Springers '$ ,10. 'to 113. , 'Hogs-470 at market settee at $3 a • .$O, '164, left Over. Sheep lambs--1820 at market, sales at $2 124,. extra $3, FLOUR.-The sales. of Howard streei.. have -been-tora.quitelimited-extento;sith-less-firmnessim the part of braes.. $5 58* appears to be the ruling rate from atoms, although some refuse to evil: at less tharkss.sl) per bbl. City Mills has sold gener ally, butmoderately. at $5621;' and under some' circumstances probably at $5 75. The stocks of -elldescriptions are light, but in proportion. pales of Susquehanna have beea larger than any other,, and uniform at $5 623. GRAIN,-There. had • eor no• Maryland Wheat in triarkeCthie'Weeitf and,l ew thousand bushels of Pennsylvania which havasol , have been marked with an imprarierneefi:_Primoilipseriptions commanding 23. to 194 pet bushel; ; Wothing done in Tlye,. • Qom has 'advanced,• MOY land., white h a ving - told, et,48.1.0 and'yel lOW 54 le 55. cents; a lot of Pennsylvania . at 58. Oats' remain at abotit 98 cents' for Maryland,', arid. .98 for-Penna. WHISKEY -10 to P.O . cetittiptr . gillon.forithde. , CATTLE_ . II7ARKET:-4leef ,Cattle,zz-Thone were nearly 800'head• in' drOverti•hande the Gist of the week, but lessAbin 200' were . offered, '. which were all taken by the butchaii at $5 to ' the bal, c oca peesed_enontlitwardly. HogS,'Conttnue indicts as last week,'Withant variation hilnieSe; $Bll2l to 04Sr,i1)0 .; '• . , xi, E,,inibsormor fieajitaw — Avceived a furtlWa ;Ripply of Gimm.Floranc4 Braid atl , Straw NETStatso;a 6w4fiagoe Straw BONNETSE -, t 3 , 4,-,t. .e.p. .1 ~,f,•GISQ, Wt...IIITVER., tiaiiwOlsiir. .'"1 . i: .. .- r. "..,/ tf.34 i ,,, •vonzt , aOll2l/1111201,1i ititairAnym for et:mei:lt Vtroiirand Pkotpres, 'M jilot tec,llo4'Ujr-iwr. 4-44,11bitthe''OI top sonbei..;• ,- %. --1:',,i..,. , , - fri Air , 11 trErt ,JUlii gir /1 3 4qi '';.- ';:' r:: 1 - '-.:',: -•;:',`' ' , ' 034 .: ", r r ' ' " '''''.,:.; ''.'‘ ' ' ' e • . ..4 j 1 . ,: t? ....;: . ' r c: . e . . 4 e n ' '. .' r . ' =I ME = 1 :7 H4ttitlSßU - 130;Itme 20th, 1842 Military. More Disclosures! PHILADELPHIA., Juno 18, 1842.. 'BALTIMORE, June 18, 1842. XDyEtt7ISEMENTST: Temperance -- Celebration . ot our National Indepentlencee• r.RobrO joisf thefripa4v4-TeniOceneVj 0111 4. , 'from Auirkereii ‘ ietliiir ; jihieete, will be forgied, on ihe4th'ef.l‘ll444o,•,ifi• ;ter beroVi;: - mill•f*o6ei* ificrienear .iThe; ;tlloollflihtiv hdiiid4f our Urriii, - 'ivith see tihriners.: Theeo theypurpose, to.derote f, the ciley ,Aio. Oa• . pttii/' of Temperarice,,and' . 6T eoclalyedjdyment t:sherd,. tuid'illiteleibni . hicie been 'eh: gaged for the occasion. • All' tri6nds Of Temperance' eVeryOrhere hfiited to joln'ua; and espeelellY the TerOpertance sbeleiles'efthecounty,lrieluding - Juirille gate- - tibe s •with, their respeetivp harmers , intl. hedges. The phildren of the Sunday Sehoolir,: and elf the Scheele oftheboroigh are restitidtfuliy invited to join in the procession undertheir respectiVe teach-. The Laritis of Car Hide in& v4ettlit'y ate dedpeet.- fully informed that the Committee of Arrange: meets tire making extensive provierion , for their accommodation. .:Surely they-will, not Withhold their countenarice,from•this cause, on the surmise, and final triumph OfWhich depend the -interests of their husbands, fathers, brothers and friendi,. as well as their own preimut peace' and fUture proa; Ulm behalfof the Committee of Arrangement's, NIII.,CALDWELL, - , • RENICK ANQNEY, Ei PENDEGRASB, . . , NATIIAN HANTCR,, •. , • • WILLIAM ' Carlisle, June 22, 1892. • • . BrirThose Societies Whiehpurpuse cele• liming with us' will pleasetive us early in formation. To the Electors of Cumberlantteamity. • ELLow CITIZENS: I Offer myself to your F conpideratimi tor the office of Recorder and Clerk of - the Courts of Cumberland County'at the ensuing •general election, and if .elected will discharge the duties thereof -tathe hest- of-my;ability. GEORGE r CAIN, " Mechanicsburg, tune 22, 18.12.• te.34 f r o the'Eleetprs . of Cumberland county. FELLOW CITIZENS: I offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of PROTHONOTARY • of Cumberland County, at the election in October next, and if elected pledge myself to perform the, duties of said office with fidelity, and to the best of my ability. WM. M. BEETE'M. Carlisle, June' 22,1842.. . tf:34 e&w.malseme, /ammo. AGREAT variety of GAMBROONS . and LINENS for Gentlemen's Summer wear, just received. GEO. WI, HITNER. lime 22, 1842. , • tf.34 • FOR RENT • . 7 TBE Tivo Story Molise, Situated at the South End Of • ' Hanover sheet, foriaerly occupied by Mrs. Ramsey, deceased. 'Possession will be given itutnediately. For terms apply to - . 'N. B. - MURRAY. • ' , Carlisle, Juno 22, .1842; , • 31,34 ' VAILIUAHLE-- Tan Yard Property FOR SALE. - ' . .. - ILL be sold at public sale, e . n - ,tlie premises, on SATURDAY, the 2.9d•day of 'JULY, atl o'clock A. M., in the Bototigh of Carlisle, - 1 9 ir Cumberland 'county, that large and- commodious %=r - liso • situate on the north east corner or Lout her and 'East - streets, bounded by Letart Spring, and on the north by-a lot of IL C. Hall, Esq. containing 26 . 0 feet in front, and 120 feet in depth, more 'or loss, belonging to the - estate of David S. Forney, dec'd. . . having thereon erected a largo TWO STORY STONE 11)7111113Y13 a Two Story Stone Finishing Shop, a -large-two story : Buck - Beturt - House — a, ITarte-Trame Bark and Mill House, With a Bark Mill in it. There are 44 Layaways and 1. Pool in the Yard, 5 Handlers,3 Limes ' and I Bate in the Beam House, an a good well of water at the kitchen door. The property is in good order, . and in a very desirous situation for a Tannery or a private Il:3`Terms of sale will be made known on the, diy of sale, and any information will be given about the property before tho day Of 'sale by • . . G. W...SHEAFER,„ • .. JACOB SHROM, June 22,1842 SHERIFF'S SAGE By 'virtue of sundry writs of venddioni, exponaa to me directed, issued' out of the Court of Common Pleas of , Cumberland county, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Carlisle, on SATURDAY the 30th JULY, A. D., 1842, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, the following described real estate, vie:: A Lot ot.Ground • • situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing sixty feet in breadth - and two hundred and forty feet in depth, more or less, adjoining a lat of Mr: Richard son on the east, Benjamih Femall on, the weet,, an . alley on the north, and Locust street on the south, having. thereon 'erected a Two story FRAME BOUSE,,a kitchen and L frame stable. Seized and taken executkin as the property of Jonathan Johnson. Also A Lot of Ground ! situate in the, borough of Carlisle; containing riity feet in breadth and two hundred and forty feet in depth, more or less, adjoining_ lots of the heirs of John' Delaney, deceased, John Parkinson,Pointed skeet, street, and, nn alley, having thereon erect ed a small LOG HOUSE. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Peck. Also, ‘A Lot of Ground, • situate: . eln the,south side of the road in Leesburg, Cumberland county, containing fifty-throe, feet, in . breadth, and, two hundred and.,forty feet in length, more .or less i adjoining hinds of Jiim,es Chesnut, on. the east, the .Walnurßottorn road on the north, and ? g •n alley on the weal antriouth,' having thero n erected a log stable. Belied 'arid taken . in.:ex cu tion as the property of James. C. Cummins. And PAUL MARTIN, Sheila'. Sheriff's office, Carlisle, Z . June 22, 1842. j • • • COUCH"' & O®(OSO E CAU.S . F. OF CONSTJNIFf It:%l.' 7 'Eom. plc as these complaints are usually eonsidered,, no one „can deny their being ,the, moat common cause of this fatal and distressing disease., It is' indeed& melancholy truth; that . thouaands fall victims to Consumptiovery yea' froth mother' cause thareneAlecterbfolds. Yet we find hun 'dreds,•ntty thousands who treat inch -.complaints with the•greatest indifference, arid let..them ,run 'On for/ weeks and even monthEevrittiout' thinking * of the daaiger, At first. you have , what 'Yon May consider a slight cough of cold: pin , aliew ham neat, plea Sure or carelessness to prevent you from giving, it. any attention; it then settles upon m youh trenat, you • become hoarse:, have • nine ir.tb side or chest expectorate: large quentities of mat ter, perhipsenned with blood,. a difficulty of. breathing ensiles, and then 'you find your Town 'foolish' neglect Ins brought, ' On this,. diate4ing' 'complaint -- If then you valu e life or , health, , , be mimed itetirne, and don't trifle with, your 'Polo, , tr4e4oMy.,4ltmck nostrum .to you,hit Itialmeffiti l tely.Prmsute a bottle or two •of that fit.' meustnle?edf's. the. !!litaisatt AFAV,l4l.:Ciiettai,P :vvhicktfalvelihnown to be the *nit Speedy owe' ever known, as thoneatid* will ,trotify whom:Naga', hive , ,betuasivcd by - it. • • 0 713e•very'particalavivhan'•pair pnrehasei to teleffirifDri - Wilittalfliktitat'or•Wtraaenitaa,v, as them ii al iiii: c ottpi:orthirniuno in use. • Piopiiiidowaniewileind. motif,. 'by WiLustas ' 43° ' Cc° ' eh et 9 htiNgtikl 3 **4 ke l Artel l tee e to • ar -g- • ' .. — "g4itlUEL ELLltert rriei d4 t Aiiiice "0:7$'10 1 silgt ; dhigi)ieri , by, 'V eittil 6n.'t ii' e,itt ' liti nekt frienot , 'A r.•••• ,,,, t: 'ElitiO it•i6 -' ,-.‘-.. ,; • - Ditrit Lainb,;-:` -- • " *.‘1 , , 11 :, 1 0;1'1 i' • .1. .iad ogftib in ' t r-i iir.. l .l :Aliggir SHEAlitil:' AlCeNollooEpthe die .Cotit* of onimon' Pleat or effninnitind;einintyfba*diretkted: ,a; not* to lie inibpilledrforypn, ,1.0., alio* ', dente why your *ire YANIC''SI**I.„ ehga Pk; U . dis t , eed from ilia- inutaa - Of Oltrilunitkf , :ent6id into betweed.yon+ and;her;and the. Court have directed' the SieetiiilviendaY.infAttiost nexe.foi the , hear: Ihk of amid erenNwlien'and where yeti may attend' iri#Okiiiit OPI ) ," ' ',. : . i ... ' , , .;.,' ;' • '-' "' ''' ' .flialit';"3lAltTiii l ;•f3heriff. , Slieriii%.o . f&iit;%ceuiliele; /•;: s. ',' • • '':irOni 24,184 . 2: , , ,: ' V' ~ - '' —ii-S4' Dissolutiotti fit Pafisiershiii. t 7 , ' HE ratluoriihip,hh,r6tofot'e exiating under : the firth of CATHCART, '& 'AYRES, in e rnermintile bushie - 4, was - threday - dtrieolvid by mutual ceniient. Alttaapsitetions,honneeted with,. the l'ati, firm will lie settled by , A , . Civriiciwr, who continua - bueihesti iiirusual at the old stand. . • ... • . ' ; . A CATHCART,. .. - : . . •• DAVID A YRES, Shepherdstown, Xune 18,_1642, . ~_...,_ Eitate or Geo . ..atteg*taibaitgh, deed. UTTERS' Tenementary on the • Estate of GEORGE AUGIMIBAUGH,, late of the Borough of Oartisleo ttimberfand cOunty, deceased, have hien , granfed to the subscriber residing in said Korough. All persons indebted to said deceased,' are reguOrted to. make payment immediately, and all those having claims to preset:A them , without de lay, properly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE 'KELLER, Then • -- June-22,484Z . DR. GUETTICH, HAAS 86 CO'S. 111111a4111.11D MINIDIIIIIIIO HE _OLIVE_DifANCRPILLIS for_the cure ..,:. x of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Liier Corti p pinta, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Dye. pepaia,-Sbortness of Breath Pains in the side, Break, Back , and Shoulders,. Ague and Fever, an. intallable curc, and ull &harlot and Bilious Fevers, and all diseases arising .from exposure and de bility; no matter how long standing—in fact all diseases to which the human family aresubject to. These pills are unsurpassed by any medical 'compound ever offered to the public as a. general re novator and:Arany, medicine. They are very gentle in' their operation, causing neither pain, sicknessnor debility by the ase . ,of therm bitt on the.contrary they 'strengthen the stomach and bowels in a wonderful manner, and soon restore nature to its former cobra° and vigor. The per. son using the' Olive Branch Pills soon fcirgets that he wos sick—Which is very easilyacconnted for: there is not that prostration of strehgth in lbese pills as in many other remedies of the day, because the materials used in immufacturing them are in harmony: with thd - poivers of life and act , ,in concert with the opinions of Dr's. Br'pwn, Bush, Armstrong,. Montgomery, ' Hersey; Kendrick, Shepper. . and the • celebrated Dr.. Waterhoute, - foimerly Lecturer on the theory and practice - of Physic in Cambridge University, Massathuietts: Purchase of them, and give them a fair andim- , partial trial, and' Ou will find that permanent re lief, upon which the proprietors depend•to.rnake them the most universal family medicine used, and which will stand unrivaled 6r-tiny other in the knOwn world. Price SS cents per box. ---- _- = RHEUMATICIgEbICINE Is.one of the most certain and'atFectual cures for all iheunialie, chronic anclinflammatory Klicuma:= llama that hes ever yet been_ discovered, and in numerous cases hal eradicated that dreadful' dis. ease from persona - afflicted entirely. 'AU sour drinks and • victuals are strictly forbidden, and epiritous liquors must not be taken inwardly by i any means whatever; colt will be of no use to ' take this medicine, as it will dostroy.the good cf.,' fects of the medicine entirely.. Price $1,50 per package. . ' AUGSBURG LIFE TINCTURE. - . - . These celebrated drorishave acquired . the high est recommendations in this country, its_well as tn-Burope Rir its, most 'l4o.tible:proprKtlerfor all inward weaknesses, crampa,colds,agues and fever; and when used'with the Olive Branch Pills ' neter tails to cure the fever and ague. Price 25 cents per bottle. • PPICTCI I 3AL;EXIXUR Is unrivalled for its curative qualities oven whets used in cases of maladies which -were otheassise incurable. Many recorffmendaiions have. keen , given of the beneficial effects it has hid in the cure of, pleurisy, pectoral. and pulmonary con. 'eutnptions, colds, &c. Price .25 cents per bottle. HYSTERIC OR . HVIOTHER DROP.% This most °sealant article has a• quality of calming instantly and 'without fail, all cramps of -the stomach, chalim and that troublesoine disease called:mother fits _or hysterics; and when confirm. ed fort' some length of time, will cure the patient entirely. Price 25 centa'per • GREEN WONDER OIL, . CEB A certain cure for all Scalds, Bruges, Burns, and the moat effectual cure for the piles—lt will cure the Person afflicted in a very short time, if used according to directions. Price 25 Cta. per vial. This spirit is highly recommended for 'all sprains, swelling of the limbs, or leaders, sinews, joints and rheumatic; as an outward remedy, it has no equaLand when used with the Rheumatic:Medi. cine, will greatly facilitate the cure. Tha•an. nude of History do ,notproduceits equil,'-ind it is the, greatest preventive . figainat cold, in the known world. Foeparticulais see directions ctOeom. panying.the bottles. . .. Price 25 cents. . TOOTHACHE - DROPS,.. An infallable cure. if used according to direc tions. Price 25 cents per vial. SALVE OF . DRESDEN. . ' Is decidedly the beat application for' wounds and genii+, old or new, of all kinds, and will pre. vent if used in time, many operations; 'and, pre : vent Lock Jaw, Paine in the Back, Reid, dr-c.— Females who, are so unfortunate' as to have sore breast's,- and will use this wonderfill salve, will be cured in a very short time. It cannot be too, high ly recommended. For further particulars see three. Lions. Price 121 cents perbox. • • WORM LOZENGES. . • An excellent article Tor the' cure of worms in adults as'well as children,, and will cure :When etlor remedies fail. Price fa cents per box: , . . A superior article for Coughs, COldii,Sure throat,' Bronchitis and difficulty. of breathing. Price 61 cents per hox. • , • - Sold wholesale and retail, at the, principal office, No. 384, North 3d street, Philadelphia; and' by • JOt)N`GßAY;~Biiigte: Pa. General Agent for Cumberland County. June 22, 1842. MO GROW MN GELDEN. .40711ERIEt, rnfi.'olq l YOUR. GT.YARDr;-e This is , the seaso,n when this deititiotive comp aint'attiekslcnirinter;oisting little children, Mken rots! you 'of these you fondly &at., pp, and carries .hundredc to the irave, Every.. mother should thereforeqknow its symptoms,' watch them °lately; and; always be.prepared with' .a,*.remedY. as many are daily sacrificed by such,negleet. At first:the little pauent level/4)ll'o,th a shivering,. it_ grmvs-re otiose, has &shell of heat,the eyes become red and swollen, it breathes - with 'difficulty, and. then•comestbat fearful Cotrim that willaurelyster. dilate in convirlsions or 'death unlesi'something is• immediately given , to cheek it. • In this complaint the "Balaton of IWO Chfrrris ' , well known toi be the most speedy , ever Aicovereci. indeed a preeious reniady—rnild, _safe .and innocent. :mid is sUrE:to give the inforcir immediate relief, and quickly ;cetera it to .health.., Jiee residintii:this countryruid'irofeart every.Moo' thrW.WhO3OVekher,Obild{cinst. stamid - Aw.airp keep this medicine- in the house and give it:lP:them early, by doing iio.youvMs: ofttlii save the- ;Wed: on. Y9u fbndkrit Realm* , this lithe flume= remedy ofthierdiithiguished which: bee'* ,CureC,thousiiiidge W.HOCTlNdeoVGWAirturo;•CottistrAMi tioN , ' , llo : ;t*i*Y t V I es ' o 4 .rp r •LrrrW s , , l ) Au l kiOrp'vYliz ,, cra diet*isAll f:Ohl ,VRO o that ie entirety 141fraterajoidigree. Prepared only by Wittrintriii•,co.,•:Cliemists r . agi: Mouth Vodalkstree4fbitadelpt 0.. * • • • "SAMUAi t ELLI6I7:' Piirie tine -Iloqar %Sitio 2N1134,44 A ' ' ' SPIRIT DE MEXICO. COUGH LOZENGES. BATltitllLßMajtlll4 l .,"fde SurneneilNtifjuitteieived*lbeilabidriber; ~ • :•; i • . ' "Jtinfi' 1:842;- 4- tf..34; F CI) itY & 0-111N1011, Tin Coppersmith and. Stove . • - *". •`.. - Business. ; EI,IAZER ROBlN sort . hailing entered into Co-Partnership, in the Tin, Copper and Stove Buyinets, under the Thin of FRIDLEY.. 4t. ROBINSON, respectfully inform ihe public tliat they jotend carrying on their business in all its branches, at the old stand of Jacob Fridley, NOrth Hanover, street, Carlisle; where they at all times, be prepared to serve purchasers with' any article.in their line, on the most reasonable termer , • ~• . In, addition to all. 'other varieties of stoves, which they will constantly have on hand, they have purchased of Mr. L. G. Hathaway, the ex clusive right to manufacture and selkin the coun ties of Cumherland and Dauphin '• • • • 'Hathaway's- Patent ''Hot -- Air Cooking • Stoves: 9 - etm-34 .And being aware that the people in this place' atkvicinity-, halie_baen_muck_imitose4 - JaPon-ly. the introduction of new and highly' recommen - cd-articles which , they' have been'induced to pur chase; and which hive been' so slightly made, and of such bad'material, that in a short time they , hive failect-and:betorne useless. We, therefore, 'do not iritend ofikring. stoves for sale until they' 'arefairly_Ariedin_this_community,_and_pronoun._ ced more (irable in their _construction, better adapted, to the puiPoses of boiling, baking and all the varieties : of cooking than - any other dove; also, that they are a 'great saving of. fuel as, well as labour. •' CrWe earnestly invite farmersrui well as reel. dents of this place and.the neighboring villages, to call'On us at S. Wunderlich's hotel, or notify us by. letters (postage unpaid) that they are will ing.to try. our stove,--and the stoveshall be , placed in the kitchen of livery person giving us such no tice,. and taken away , after trial, without any ex. perthe to persona making the trial. • The stoves Will tie kept for sale at the Tin Shop of Mr. Jacob' Fridley, and . rit the . Foundry of Messrs. Lay &Stouffer, in Carlisle.., Having contracted for One .Hundred Tons of Castings, we will, in a few day' supply stove dealers with all the different sizes, on the most liberaF terms.• - ET.RAZER ,ROBINSON,,of Carlisle, is agent for'sefling the right to make' and . reed ►he HOT AIR STOVA-ainf wm dispose of counties hr this add the adjoining Mates ' ' , • We pahlish the IblloWingrecomin endations fitan Rime of those wfity lire using the stove, to entour age others Co Cry it.- • L CAULISLE,Sept. 12, 1841. I have in use Irt my kitchen one of Hathaway's, Pqtent Hot'Air Cooking Stqvcri f and Can' recom mend it u'd very superior article: - The One I have is go: 3. it has 5 boilers and an oven safe -cientlr largeto-bakm—six—leves7-ortiilo,7-71fe baking, roasting and broiling .can. ill be.done at the slime time and with much-leas wood th a n i s required for any. stove which• we have .used.. ' tThiii, size appear to be peculiarljt calculatedfor . Farmer's rind for their benefit T invite Mein to call and see this' stove in,use, as I shall take pleasure in Ishowingthis stove to all .voltorp. interest or curiosity may induce to examine it. . , - SIMON- WIIDIDE12.11€11.• CARLISLE,SetireII,IB4T, Messrs. - E --Robinson' dr Co:—Gtmt,mr.n,- I have during the few days I have had-your-Thalia way:s Hot Air Stove in use, become' convinced of its great superiority overall other stoves.l lava used. or seen. I find by 'the • trial that boiling, roasting, baking and broiling may ail be done at the same time,in a most perfect manner,•and with less than one ourth the fuel I have ordinarily used foi the same purposes. I have hereto_fere.heenof bread.could not be well baked in. a cooking 'stove, but I am convinced .Upori that it can be done as well in your stove as in a brick oven. I believe that the`general introduction of your stove intone() will be very beneficial to the public, therefore I shall take pleasure in recommending it to my friends. respectfully,• WILLIAM. MOUDY. CARLISLE, Sept. 10;1841.' Messrs. E. Robinson 4:Co.—Gentlemen,•l have fairly tested the "llot Air Stiive" which .you put up at my house, murnan recommend it as possess; ingprincfples of economy and convenience far surpassing any other store which I have ever seen. The boilers coming in immediate contact with the fire gives great facilities for boiling, and the oven is heated, on well a principle that bread is baked in as fine a manner as in a brick oven. I find it also a great saving of fuel and labor, and would advise all to adopt it. MITOREL McCLELLAN. CJIAMBERSIMRG, Sept. 6,1841. I do cm tify.that I am now using . one of Baba: way's:Patent Hot Air Cooking Stoves, No, 3, and do recommend it AS superior to any stove 'lave leen; the great living 'of fuel, and the variety that can be cooking it the same time, makes it an Ob ject to those who wish to facilitate the ,operations of the kitchen. . "JOS. CULBERTSON. Carlisle, June 22, 1842. . t 515.34 HEAD WHAT_ IT HAS DONE, A.ND if yeu hive a friend, a relation r or know any One that is afflicted with that distressing disease, "CONSUMPTION,"persuade them with. out delay to try that famous'and unrivaled medi. tine, the "Habrm of Wild Cherry," which, has cured thousands of' this complaint ter everything else had Tailed. Bead the folloW.: ing undoubted proofs of its efficacy: . . , ROXBOROUGII, Sept. /0 1841 - :'! Pass Sia:-;4lease send, me two more bottles of your Balsam of• Wild Cherry, like' that Youlfent me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two, and cmifidently , believe this medicine will cure nie.- I have used - a great: many remedies within the last year; but have never found any thing filet has relieved maze much. It lies stopped my cough , efititelyVelfereUd:Wifilift — aWeets7 - Mfirtefeeir: better et night and feel hotter in every wayv /ban' have for many menthe: YOurs, 'respktfully,. . ; • Imes Kstr.v.' • • , rlourasevab; Sept. 12; 11341.,- taterii' Wisistuf 'alma lagin trouble-thee to send, mil two bottle!, store of tlfy invaluable . Bal. sem. I have now taken three bottles in allyand cawassure pee that ,it bas done more good than all the medicine I have ever, taken before. Send by the stage as good as possible , and oblige thy friend,..• . . lossru • HOLLOWAN . . • BIIIIBTOI, Sept. 8, 1841: - ' .DEAR Docrolu—Hearing so many people-talk of the wonderfhl cures yourDsboarn °Mild Cher. `ry made' In Consumption, I, 'sent to - Goa of youi Agents the.,othor dayfor a bottle, an , • d 'have found itteo have reheVed ate so mirth, Oat ',want three bottles more ,seat soon, as, I believe it ,will , mire me too. 1, have 'used - Jayne Expectorant 'end other Medicines, besides,lnat, nothing has done sine as much good, as, yoUra hair. - -fgeed ,10 ,. /ho steamboat Bolivar. 1 • ' . • ' .llllsavisir TncotAis. • „. , NP l atisides. itu a itnashing rstrici4cy in, . Consumption; it also the , moat ettisotual remedy ever discovered' for Ltvr,ff, cOM PLAINTs.. ASTHMA,. BRONcUITIK COUGHS." OROUP,. WHOOPING COTlotr, US Imedted*.*ittek: tity mite lutieleen meted by it Oswalt titilisfy.64m . - "dies bad . niilede-.. _ VROOrISTS , rogAtebat*Nrili::ttii this raiatitaina: a valuable tiddition tg their , .stock,. • and sbottld alum's. keep , tt 16t, bind , as, itte trutiereapy ,solinowreded be Oh* of t . ite Most wend turrdY' meibeinedt 4 o coe*ri cithsfuviiifi*Obi-irrr:Fiinnißts, 4,440540; DP: ClLPgßY;'.`'Sald *hotel lisle sad rffisifity:WlLLlAMS'S6CQ.,.Cbetniits; South WirThe sold 41' Cif ji,36 fli;SA'MustiE LLlOTT,,npioitied! Jane,22JB42. , 4)3/0.33: =ll2=l , tb2043, ' ;e . *luerk",,, - - ma theCominituitrat Large: . wish to' :Anion* the afflibtedpihrotigh the tite. diem or the public .preas, of the wonderful ef. elle) , of that'. inil7, Vidtiabin' diocnrCred ]Medicine 7init ! Dr '. l 4AattlC.4l3. VOW: I OI7ND PILLS, , feelAttettonihlo iny'dnty 'to do so, in onter•that others inay ! rebeiicrelief from , the' genie source:, rotiWo years I!vrAA , tittbject ni'that Peaw !destroying dititease, , Dyspepirt e and its ttebolnpint. 'Moine; Ofstioate, 'o,oputipotiori. 'cif gm BoWels, i , Flatnency4ain int the:pi& ind. Stomach, eidltriess' in the head, its !Adapted' initilcilitr until f began :101.1116k tliOre wait no hblVfoi'inei Thad lithe faith 'in' published' reineilies'! until' I called on softie of those ,wllO hove been cured tiq the",atioOe'medieine, which inthmedi me tbliVe it a trikh. procurer!. the medicine and Used it for three Weeks; when my healih was entirely restorer;' lt is now about 8 inonthsoince qint Using ifeand:no'rettirn• of the disease or its sympfonitrappeoring;l : feel 'Warranted in adding any testimony ih behalf of . others, before the,community.• 'Accept' my. polo, witiks, and , be tier& me' Mier !yours, &c.• ° °' . •,WILtliV4 01.010,.• . . . s' ' ilt J'in. Tr, 1 k ' i', , ' Pittskirgli city. Philadelphia 011fce Isl . o.• 1 . 9•140rt1f Stli et'reo i . where the Okra medicine can always tie obtain ed. Also at; the, drug store of J.. Y.ANYEIIS - it CO.; Carlisle,andatithe'd`rug store of 4VIVf.I'ITAL•,- Shippensb n rg.. • . . . .June 1.1;184V... 3t-33 .. SHERIFF'S SALE BY virtue of sundry Wriftiofllitiotti Ex po : nes to me directik issued brit of the Court Of Common: Pleas of ternberland i coilmtly, Will lie exposed to public sale or outer Yon SATURDAY the 2d day of JULY, 1842, al 10 o'clock at tlie Court . .House, in the Borough- of Carlisle, the followmgdescribed Real -Esthte, • _of d _Groun situate in Newburg; HOpewell townbldr, Ciktniiew land county',-adjoining High street on. the East, an Alley on the West,endlohn dhallenivirgeer dti the North; containing sixty- five feet m'breadth ahtlone hundred and "sixty-five feet in depth; more or- less, having - thereorrerected - wtwo=story - weather-bOarded - HOUSHand frame stable. Seized and eskerY in execution as the property Of Henry G. Miller: Also.A Half Lot of Ground,. Situate'in 'the} Borough of Carlisle, containing 30 feet in breadth, and 240 feet in dePth, more or less,adjoining•lots of George Foland on the north, Rufus E Shepley, on the east, Ephraim Dosser: man on the south, and Hanover street on the west, having thereon erected a two.atory . U312/1(.911i 1111(0Z163113 and frame stable; Seized and taken, in ezecutien as the•property of Joseph Egelf. . And'to be,sold by me, PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff.• Sh - erifrriOflice, Carlisle; Jime,B, 1842. ~ . . WE - have just received a splendid lot of BONNETS and GIMP ;'at the tote of A. RICHARDS: . , • Anne 8. .18 , f2: 7 tf-32 . , , • tANCr "as IVlrtipSoit CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. ro, South S'ecdract Mrtet, Phitarte6ihict. , . . fJit; sulisoriber" reipeeiftiliy , zone of Carlisle and' Couirty of, Cumberland .generally,-Coodl before purehasing-elvorrhereand examine his - • - . • Ass'olurk”ElNif -ot . • . •" - • PLITN&ORNAMENTAL 11 limm.•••11 M= of every discriptiem which ore' manufactured Mader his own link mediate direction,ofthe best material o hy superior' workmen, and which iVe uiarrrints' of the. best quality—and' at prices as low as can be purchased; in the United States; vrHeilso manufactures-an' LlEtircr CMEtrlenftric. E ,' . 'the superiority of which consists in the astoniSh- Ing facility with which an•lnvalid,With the slight eeit move to and fro in the liouse,. or in the open , all' in a garden or elsewhere,. and turn quickly round without requiring any more' splice Than it occupies while standihg.' - ' No. 11.1', South Second Street, Philadelphia: June 15,61E42, . • • • 3in.33 An Ordinance, To raise by Tai the sum of 81300 to de , ' fray the expenses , -or the. -11arougly of Carlisle for the *sent year:: THE people of Carlisle; by their. Town Coon' .eih hereby, ordain' and. enact, that the'etint,of *51,300 be rissessek levied'and - raised ; in punmance of the Act of tricorporation, from an& upon' the in habitants of the Borough of Carliali.,•• for the. year 1842—to.be applied..to• defray the expenses of the Borough of Carlisle; and to meet such appmpria-. dons as the Council shall make fibm time to' time for the' re sent year for Borough purposes. Otdamed and enacted by the Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, the 7th day of 1ifay,•1.842. il. ANGNEY, Prest. of Council. Attest—R., Moon a ,.Cl'k. June"ls, 1842.. . • 31-.1 Notice. APETITION for Discharge and' Certificate under the bankrupt Law, has been filed by. WILLIAM S: ALLEN, late Innkeepet,.Ontnber- -land County, and Tuesday the, 80th day of August next,. at li o'clock, A.' M. is appointed for the hearing thereof, befOre the said Court, sittingturfaldernptcy at the District Court Rouen in the citt of whea.and Where tite.CreditotifOr tins Said retplori et, who , have' proved o4s4'M:ifs, Ina all other Pep . krins interest, may rtppear imd show realm, if any they have, wiry, said Discharge' and Certifi-ate . should not be granted: . • - ' • - -FRA'S, iIOPKINSOI4, Clerk of the District coat. ••• Ante 11, 1842: .101-33 ••' • • • . o;Yrhe postage must be paid letters of btsmess, otherwise they *iff npt bec takerfont of thn.Post Offreo.• , . • . • - ITZololl4 l rai o . , LL pertioriti it4oS(od-to'dre suirgerilktr i win plomo,to notice that their accounts must be eettleid" 611 . 4 . haiiiiluf9 CHAS. OGILVY. tarlieleaune I's; 1841 MRS. WM. E. CAMP, FORMERLY of the Washington Hotel, hat removod to 21111 Illall3TDV 1 D113.M0 Corner of Second and itai Streeter Where she will be pleased to trQate her old m e rman and others, M• thb . hest Idea and on the most reasonable terms. Harrisburg, ltforch 1H,1847. . .;tf-20 i'FAIIIIIIERV HOTEL' - TiFIE ideal/pm hereby informs hie friends and the public in general, that be still continues .--,, .. runik.ic llup toucovost3E3A. di (taPorta to the contrary notwithstanding.) 'A_ OLD OTANI% in- East IBA Stmt. a few &Ina Gael pf the Mutt House, where be will at all dwelt tae_pleasure in adtnitdstering to the Comforts of those who may favor him with their etuatera‘ Hie BAH shall be c.omitantirmenplied with the choicest !ignore, his TABL.rerith thebest the market Mu fawn' A careful OPTLEII alwayri u V inul kept fn,attendattno -,- Itedtthit altall Pa. lalintt• (forte to platten all who' call On., , . ° 1 BoAmsettekgn 6) , the , wnelt. Innagt orr . , , BIMON VirtHlPE L ßitt9 . 3 ' April 6, 1842. —. , t i 'UK' i- ^`"V'. l • ' BB EiekOVI P, t PCLOR arr • 2 ' • • riol3'o'ff3cYTOSSiiii4l4,46Unthiem th4n, ,'Filet C oat 910 , • , - ' Ont. Oulply:r • Carll4e4u4lsN • ;103, = . • ittoff 'aggpstt' tly reduc.: gkittioeit o F01b46144; igid• - DRY GOON' AND GROCtRIES, a • ,• 'The atim naliflf new, and.chelp;.eoting: in Part of . . Stipeatiitek :Blue; Inbisibte een, Polish and ijkiwit 6160 a, Superfine, eiisifiikei b itaseinetliqi a gird' assort. went of :Stan , midi. at !Saidliibr Cloths,. Gainboone,;'Onakiieres • Cottonade e Linen end Cotton Driiiiriguei l keedrL • A good aflortritentipt Vestingi s Stbcke, Skirl; 'Collare,•Hoeiery',. Gloveft; &d: &c: &c.• A largo ift.ollk of olkigant Blitok. in& Blue Blacke Figured and Pltia Light Sillir e ne* at le. „Moue. lin do Lainet.Lawneintuelin de,Autinttireseßom bazinclic hien Lineneveheake,Vickinite, lifueline.. Caliixies,earpering e Deese Ran dkereilibfo; , ikorkerf Cambricks e &c. &c.•• Braid and. Straw• tfonnete,. gibbons,. Gimpe,. Leghorn , end' Paint' Leaf flatly and a• great tariety . ,„df goods nor enurnerated. , . • Purelnisera dull: at the ofand opposite! Wunderlich', Hotel' where they will find.sthelta of good ' s;, sollingt , cheaper than ever softlin.this county,- OGILBY. tf.33. carlll3l6, Yung 15,1'84 NEW 81.014EAFF COODS., rrifituthedriiiOtOr ierliblidd hid Wore to Ann. over Street; ih tiie rooni'adjoirithg the Drug Store' of S. I.hfritrts & irnmedietety. oppbsite-feetri Store, Of 8 r utilefltryerer& — Cri.,- whel'e he ig jOhe receiVihr te - pads aelo_ifment of. =MIMIId souk Lawilsi 11aUorinesy Oitandi' MnaliiFy foulard , illes,•&e: Also; Tar-- latane . Mitstimfe ,Tarfaftine' 11:orty Wash Blonds. ; Plaid' and Strittif MnslintyCloth Piktico & Table Ceivers, Linen (Kg- Dbmasli, Tatife'Cloths'e -White Maliteilles Conhferpanse r Vann?* Sheet. ing of szfra width ; Sheeting,. DfirseiLler Shires, Superior Corsets; Straw Cord and , Tassels , 'for LadrAs and. Misses Bonnets, Wool and ffemr Carpeting ; Straw' Matting, Men's,. lEfoys' and' In fants Leghorn Hats, together with a general is... sortment of DRY GOODS; all , of which will be sold• at luw prices for CAM; • GEO: W HITNER. Tune 1 . 14 t. 3t-33. . Notice is Hereby Given,• TO' aft %rat consented; at Eegatees or der the Will of, ELIZABETH HUNTER, • late of Boutharlipion' tonmehipeCurtifierlindl county, that the subscriber, the Auditor appointed' by the Or- Court of 'aid county to distributsthe assets eeniainitig in die handed' Wst. M. Mem, Adln'r.• de bonis non, &c., of said Testator to . and' among the legatees, will attend for then purpose; at his.'of fice irr the •Borough..of on 'IIIDAV the 15th day of JtrLY NEXT, at ten , o'clock in the forenoon,' of Which. alb concernetr wilt take notice. 'HUGH OieIJELAGHER. garliel'e, June 14 ; 0842 • tm 33; t 5.32 ■ CM;AAUUU)'., I.lAs removed his Mee and dwelling to' the: three story' irrick on. Soutblianover street,. pining the residence of Mr. John Hays and !'lllean's Hofer."' —Doctor Myers infOrins frientleiiiirtßFPW, lic that lib tan Be consulled at all. hours at his of:. Roe, (when not professionally engaged) and that he will devote his undivided attention to the several d.lties'of hilt profession,. and- particularly to the , prinitibe of Midwifery & fillurgery: Calls to the Country willbe punctually attended - to - ,both ;Might and Day. . - Carlisle, Apri143.,•1842.4.. • JOHN ARIVISTRONC, OFFERS his professions l services to the citi ;rens of Cariislorant its vicinity. • Office at the North, East Corner of Hanover and' Louttier sheet, and-alo at his residence in West Louthea sheer, fevr doors. below Professor . 10E- . •Ctintock'k• April 27, 1842 ifir'. 47. Loomis, Dentist ; TSpermanently limited ioCarllsle, and will'per- • form all operations that are : required in the practice of bib professiom—such. Extracting,W 11agrPlay ing,and Artificial- Teeth / frons a single 'tooth to an entire set.- , X, .IK, Far a few months ensuing, Dr. Loomits. will be in' Carliale r the /rat Ewe weeks in each. month—after which,. he will be aliment until the first two-week, ineach fallowing month—at which period he may be found at his, Office, opposite Ill'Farlaite's Hotel: Carlithi e lday 9,1842. 047 NOTICE, '4" --- 4 ETTRR:I3 Admitrisfratiort upon the estate of Mrs. MARY D. RAMSEY; late'of Car , lisle, dace:wed, have beer this &y issued by !the Register of Cumberland. ceinty, to the undersign ed residing in the said borough.. All persons hav ins claims oideniteide against the estate of the said decedent, are requested flurakelccio'wnthe sante to properly authenticate& *lthaca delay ; and all persoffs indebted.. to flresaidestate ire requested to pay the same before the fat of July next. Ilp. B'e IitIII6RAir, Adm'r. CariNfef,April• 00,18 M • ' , 81.27 Mime in Demknptcy. sr" , link Personal attendance - at Phitadetphia of JIL Appticants for the, bonefifor thv Bankrupt Law will not be regotted.. itidge Randall ban directed; that in taxes where oppbsition is fileki v the examination of . the' Petittoner shalt be made before the' Coramisatoner of the eeunty in• which' the Bcrittrupt resides: . Aptificants theiefete be sptired the expense of gong to' thiltuferphia.at the time apecifiedfoir the hearing of their petitions.. • - t‘• 'JOHN ItARPER, • • • • Commiesioner in Banliraptcy. Carib/le e May ff, 11!". ,„, tf.2B JEffifettfiLetailantgeitPitTen dee'd betoETTERS tiatatteAtaty on s the estate of CATHARINE DIXON, M 1 s of South Mid. n 'township, Cumberland county. deceased, fittc beerrisseed•to fits subrotiber residing in said: i toWiteMp.- 'An Krum indebted to said deceased, are' iMprested to Mate immediate payment to him,• apd Alums ima,lag eblimato,preseet them' without delay, eyeperfy authenticated for settlement.. .1011141 V. CIIAIGHDAD, Eer. Sane 16;1842. • .. ' . ' 61.33' 'ho Cattle or' Disetts lat/Althrart classes of diaease are Caused by ektme obstructions in the system whicli•pre: vent the regular and wholesome, operation , of the animal timetions. This state of the system is diaesse,rchieb is nianifhated inn variety of forma, more or hiss milignant'in their tifutraetere Ter restore the system to a stated health then,4 it iir onii,neenessaty :ha centavo same,of ifn maser.; and the end is. accomplished. rye c au se if sh.. eduction somewhere. . .This removed bY , Pnritatiei whiektetheinftnsdinietliatsbAxdd be resorted t o. beeltele.4 o llllllo 4 by .reentet end lor, nature. :Dr. ihriaeh'Ontengthening and': Getitlnn • Aperient rale' ant I .l,tio'nen'lb_y the thou: • \ alidtlaiho-have usod themi to be the beet 04 11 - . tire Medicine in 14010 0 4 -- 13 9 414 0r0bil cot Only ?' Tense'', ebeff ul ' i n- 1 / Pktte,tbe ! s ystemof Ste impuitied;nnetteestmeinndwiiMb'ili 'extreme. ly. impartint‘t*lntlititen and give proyeklime to the stcunaelijand prcatice a laNthr action of all 11 0 4 4 1.0.; Hoide° tUt maid arid ' 4,ntle hr sir npMatinn si to them at .11 .Itines , \ it;Pealbotly 'safe and (*Arable' iertedY. The 'VetititieeldtLdliiettAiditilkpnteliatie s i box or: 'itornicklhie lye fair' t.tin4•4llinettd of ,dettrostitair.nEAertik*ith oft. *ieatierdosen of GO indi‘tKei4ftigs se . • jurions th liumatt ' • For sale 41%3.1961 , 41th Bth fXVbibtdeiPbii 006 at ti*Vigg Store ,„,„. • , Cadisle;:initit,thoStiut *tore of William EPtiepensbutt. Tu r4 , • g t .ii . - MRS weft A:l3' 3m-24 61-26