El T.._ . ~. . •. rr _ E . . i SPEAKING! -: ES eilnez-i:Vix • VolOe . '4lktgouth •llki atiSton gird tiaelidjoistint To 109; • • A hnitrand.respuctable meeting- of the,cilizetre of.So'uth Midilletorr anti the , adjoitting.townahipa, ivithout'distinCtiOn of party, convened at the pub., lielicnirai of Peter McGlaughlin on Saturday ; June • thi 18tli:'• n • = TheArreeting--wati-cailcii-to-order-by—Wm..-13 -„ . rassinCaT, • ..- GILBERT• SEARIGHT, Esq.; ~, T{CS. NItESIDENTB, • ,• WILLIAM' MOORE, r JAMES 'MEHAEPIE, GEO. '.GRIIIGHEAD, Sen., •• JACOB: BURICHOLDEit, -THOMAS BRADLEY, • . • JOHN KIJNKL , E i • . ADAM -PEPPER SAMUEL SOVVE:IiS, :JOHN 'ROYER, - .ISAAC RO YER, • - ' -JOHN ZUG, • 'JAMES OROCKETT, • • , DAVID SHE AFFER. ' - . 1511SORETAJIIIII, • ' 'STEW AliT, . • . ' - - ADAM LEEMAN, ' MATHEW MOORE, Esq:, . , .TOIEREIGHE A - D, . - , WILLIS J. WEAKLEY, JOHN - BRINDLE; ' -- -- M ~P. Eog: . - - ' ' • On motion, Maj. Saniirel Given, Win. B. Moore, Jacob Lehman,:. • Edward W. :WeakleYi . Jo4n t • Moore, (Dickinson) WilliamE.-Vullen, George. Eisenhart, 'David CoOk and Edward Stiles Ege, Were; appointed a committee to draft resolutions. •, During the abserice of the Oornmittee, the meet ing was ably, practically and eloquently addressed by John R. Longknecker, , ' . - • • • . The following preamble and resolutions Were then repOrted by E. S. Ego, one of the committee, , end:after tieing -fully and -.freely- discussed,- were ; adopted with great Unanimity. . . Whereas, Through the misnianagement, stu . Tidily :Or knavery of the agenterif the People, in every depaltudint ofgovernment the State of Penn- Sylvania- has been plunged into a debt of Forty Mitlions;of Dollars—for which she has nothing to 'show hut : unprOfitable Canals and Railroads, and lho Splendid fauns and mansions of retired 'Super- , . •: •intindaints, Engineers and lOritiaatorn: ', ' -- - • And Whorl:am, We are now threatened within creased:taxation,,as tho 'only.neans whereby •this enormouedebt can ever : be, liquidated, our enter prising - public ! servants -supplied,- with the usual . quantity of .. perquisites," and the faith of the ,-Commonwealth preserved: : . . • .. - And Whereas, For one, the county of Cumber. :land h—as..-.--reeiiiierifirberfejits,from'ther-tinproee . menfs !in whose construction:, these , borrowed millions. have:: been recklessly and perfidiously equandered;•against her will, and in 'utter disregard of the frequeneand , earnest remonstrance of her eitizenin_ , . . . . . And Whereas; In: they - present - pinching times,- ' * when the most.-able among us can scarcely feed --- theirfaufili . ,- whilst,' the Poorer - classes : are in a - state ver , n , on Want,' we - feel that the irriposi: tient of, an-'additional -, tax would be unjust, isirr . g s lawful, oPpresiive and -ruinaiis: . - • ' -- . And Whereas, When great calamities, like those under which We now 'suffer, arebrought ' -upon the .community by the unfaithfulness of its_publie ser - vents, it becomes the duty , of every citizen to avow and.reeord hie sentiments in krir i gurwe arlinillingof no nas-corratructitt - *- And Whereas,- iiiPiriiiiii;Miieliiiiiics, Labor _erstarilManufacturers of -South: Middleton and ad joining townships, have this day met, notas-parti- sans pledged to the support of. any political clique 1 — o or- or faction,- but-as -aggrieved , citizens -to . consult-tor' a their own condition, and, the • •post and threatended measures of Governrient: Therefore,. Resolved, as the deliberate judgment.' of this meeting, First; That the people have been cheated and betrayed by their agents, who in seek- 1 ing to prothote, their own personal views and inter eats, or the'wicked measures of profligate adminis trations of all parties, have disregarded the will of their constituents—trampled upon the welfare of the Commonwealth•-gambled away to villianous Brokers that public faith. which they now so lm- , _ pudently prate of, and ask a deceived, insulted and plundered constituency to redeem. -------- : Second:„Tharif the public debt is to be' paid ':' - bytaxationMiose coantibs wadi have beelienricli ed by the public works, and those iiighmindcd and ' honorable public servants, whoeeorn the doctrine , 'of 'repudiation,'.' but feel no qualms-o(coneeieari • in stealing hundreds , bf thousandit froin thectiffers of thetittate ougho bear the burden. Third: ~1", t:t hat the iCanals, . Railroads and all . other,unnecessary , property of the State' should be immediately sold, and State stock taken at par value be received its payment. , .. • 7" -- V' 'i 'Fourth: That, the 'lnternal Improvent System,' has been a pecuniary and, moral curse to the coin monwealth—draining-the Treasury—impoverish ing,the people*—supporting foreign swindleraand stock jobbers,-and_inciting thousande of men_v_r_l_iftl might have else been honest, to the commission . of frauds peculation and perjury. . ,F.ifth: That we. are, emphatically , opposed to any increase of, taxation , and .will moreover, resist such increase, by every means which man is justifia ble in using to , resist the most hideous fauns ofl , Tbranny.and mipiession-zlieliding that ilia col lectirintif taxes from the :people.for any other Pur pose thaw defraying the necessary and legitimate expenses of,Government, to be'an invasion of the protective rights of the citizen, and an open viole tion' of the; spirit of the constitution,: ' Sixtli:' That ' we-earnestly''request and urge our Senators m thwLegislature, to vote, against all Proposittoni:Tor laying & I SM° tax, until' pioiris ions steatitic made for the immediate stile-of_all pub.: • lie Priopertycnotreasential to the due administration of Government,, :: :' ' • , • • ,Sevinfin . That ,we vieW' as- a highhanded and guiviciris Outrage upon a Offering people, the an nual nppropriOion of lVty '4^housand Dollar's to ... Colkges" „and "„..remule . Seminaries,", those institutions whose Only Ostensible end seems to be the support Of lazy : ,ProfeSsoriiVerriekins Tredear6 era— , !aristoCritiefamiliesinlorted Malik-Ides , , tare, and Fyench Gove rn esses ond•that Svc inure- over, paiticularly and earnestly yequest our Repre sentatives in the House, to introduce and strents oissl,,V advocate the passage of a bill, repealing' the law under which , such , appropriations - are made:' . Eightkirhat dorgeting .811 minor—political dis tiocttoner and ittety, yvin,emetitietS, we will strongly oppose ail. men Int otr.tee_ who. are in faiot 'in cressini taxation t to•Supppyi hie public works,' • and that we will supPorestlentionsk vhch Men only;for „alljdationain• the gilt orthe' People; whit are open ly avid aeowedly,opposed to that iyetem of oppres stow which has been ,the,bnnefnl .Yesolt.of . put ,in tesiud ~improvements ,•mon,. sole' 'd e . sign shall he, if elected, the iinmediate dicritie - ek of taxation,• - aale or public _works, and the.cuitail pent of all unnocessaty.eponse and approprietktms. —theteb, revidonen of .1 their • friend stip for ' their 'donstinieuts,' and 'their desire: for "advancing tlie'Fartning•and i nginteresqo of Cumberland County. ' That•we Inv strongty„ opposed to, that - PP,tenA t„o l ,krP(Ct:t - PertnereAip, in which' nunteniina.. prominent - Wok dicers and 'politica mod , luive haeri timing : o; and thatthatwe boldeny Rep..: 'r entatliie of:thelfeeplislii the tight'of an errete7, Ick his sanotituenta ~ a nd their.. Moat ,taacrodi-,righce; . ;who will beoonteietiioent parlace,' itt'llut s opsisd!v 4„,rAjto„f(thi,trfit4,a4 him l en , 310 Willf tth P direresf itititteetit of the coinntuni-, tittiitittigenteallx - edif-T taay , lin4 41;4'0411 ;etteraptio3 . 044001114 04 1 - 0 4. 1 f!tby;lifii;:re:r411. - 011kr‘Virt#.1P, ma k 4lo4l l** *4 ol! l !**VMti*;,loo:o4 thi4 l 9lkAtkitAttv...lL-,l9;blOri!,W,Wekeivii, 1 1 0 110 X 1 J? 0 * I i i k7V 5 FOck!etorrge_titglyiik r "vaittet,' iibp - traciformtlo-- rthet theirtieekenianayl4;dlt4Oliaritft:Zi vrodifetive6,4o44 ere c1,t,44,1144404.4.„Nt,t,1271 .ortioneft4n4uftrymwsptiam,..ll!: OR. ef,W4 g ;5 1 ;;n0Of 'ef {hi Tam , Colk,eier!e tirectifloil; Eleventh: That We ate itaa;i6; of , tive4itionei;iiiiii of reducing the pity, oillie finiei.l- nortiftkie 0fRCP 1 47 4 4 11 . ReProka.Oktil'alS4fidift . plea t iriandla) 'othittaliv:Zthe Jiblitkot ttiii_44s4. i Tii4lfttuf ,at 't t it. ii,* ini;'7 4 : 4 'iift?t a '.:.-,ntttro vfilidtisill' rii tlut,'WsiltiidAtis . itik annual !Pit- S i Politelf'lit the,OendiattloiernniiiitesCio he'iliAt'ilitf intithg" . SO 4 to - grad,. incidehird 'iirOtebtrinifte Dorheitio Manatee:tyres. '. •' ~ ':-"•' ' 7 , , • '', , Thirteenth; That these prceOdOgib'e;eignidiiy. 'irie7OilECivii ;tibia meeting, end that john, (Dickinson,) • William B. Mullen, ,Edward W. 9 Weskley, , and Edward , Stiles'Ege, befit committe e to farwardr copies to our Senators dad Rem : I ta tiva in . Congress and the kste'liegislisture. Fourteenth:' That' these iniceedinge be si . gdedby the officers of this meeting. and publishea to all our county papers opposed to tazation,,afid -favorable i f ithe Farming, Mecbonical, Laboring, and KUM' facturing interests of Cumberland cou nty: . _ ' • - LIIE wt SEA RIGHT, President.' •' • 4 •• Joists . 7.l"austers; ' • • 1 .. Osimes CAt•thussn, •BEW. • ".• Vuoitati Bnsisisr, . : : ; ',t , ' • Anam'Perren. • tilaistat.;BowEns, '• • • - lons Koran, Iff,CAC ROTICTI, • • •i • t • • Jour Zuo, ; • -. 3.M*II,C,ROcKETT, , DAVID Surivrin. • • flee.: -Presidents., . Hugh Stermirt, • • Adam Lehman * • . Nagel.," Moore, John IV. GYaighead, , Jah'ia • • ' Searetriiiei: •-•• Voiceot•llopt*ell; • - TAXPAYERS In pursuance of Public notice, a large nurnpar o - the: Tax -, Payers - ok lippewelt - und - the - rieight;oring; townships; assembled tit the School House; in New burg, on Saturday the 11th inst., and organized by calling - JOSEPH WAGONER to the chair, and appointed Peter Dasher, Christopher. Au, David Duncan, Robert Elliott, Abraham Grove, Robert McCune, Joseph - Quigley, John Heperley - St Joseph Sharp, Vice 1-residents; and John McCoy,' Win Craig, Samuel McCune - and J J. Hemphill; Secre taries. On motion, . Resolved, That. James Boyd, J. 3.• {emphill, John Craig, Wm. Wherry,D. S. Runahaw, Wm.. G. Lee; A. P. Kelso, John Elliot, W. Craig and- W. Kinsloa be a committee to , report resolutions for -the-action of this meeting.. - During - 'the absence of the Commftteerthe - meet-' tni was ably and eloquently addressed by S. R. HAsirra.:Fsq., bn the subject of disposifili of the State Improvements;-and laying bare - the manner by which the peitple are wheedled out of a large proportion of their hard earnings. The committe then- reported the following 're solutions, which after having been supported by W. 6..-Kitploo were , unanimously edoptedr• . • Resolved, That inasmuch es the public ImprOve ments gave been, 'still are, and if retained, we be. lieve will be a . sonrce of continual heavy exPende— are therefore,- ei a Caatter-of--public ,policy, . of the sale of the public - walks. - Because: by ' disposing. of them • we would not only reduce, the publie debt some 20 - millions of dollars, but at thesame-funii:lreethe State_from_a_best_of offichtl_ leeches', who are sucking her life's blood to' the tare of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol lars perennurn. . • Resolved, That if the Legislature dippose of the public works, and apply the proceeds thereof to the liguidation of the public debt-that we arePrilling to paylc reasonable _tax to meet - the deficiency; Otherwise, that we will, mach as We marregret be forced to repudiate. the public debt.. • Resolved; That we request our Representatives to oppcise any and.every _Tax „Bitl;nntil the public' works Are disposed of. Resolved, That the friends of the best end-true , interests of this Commonwealth . , be requested to send en their petitions in favor of the Bale of•the state Improvements. 4 . Resolved, That we are decidedly o pposed to the, ti •piesenniqUitods, unwise and reckless system of adopted by the Legislature to effect the passage of unjust and partial laws. 'Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be . forwarded to - our - Representatives. - - Resolved, That the proceedings orthielffeeting be signed by the Officers and, published in all the newspapers of 'this County. • (Signed by the Ware: The Voice of Shippensburg. In pursuance of art. adjontriment, a large and.re apectable meeting the Tax-payers of Shippens burg,conaned in the Council House, on the even -nig of Saturday the 11th of June. The meeting was organized by calling:Mr: 301 SEPH P.'NEVIN to the ehaW isfessra.,E: 14011, J. Rebuck, Samuel Progue,,John.Ctark, John Butts, -Jacob-Engle, JaeoliZteinntaii,lemes 14"NeaLwere_ appointed- Vice Presidents; and Messrs. A. A.An derson. AlPheua Dale and Joseph Mifflin, Secreta ries.' On 'niotien—Mr. Kirisloe, chairman of the committee appointed for that purpose, reported . the following. Preambl e and Resolutions which he sup ported bYrafoTiThie appeal to the patrietilinVapart from party,, of the community, and Which were unanimously sidopted: LW-here:Lai irs cot men with the majority of the citizens of Pennsylvania, we hold that the origin of ourpresent pecuniarydifficublea may bv traced to unwise, premature and hasty legislation on the. part of those to whom have: been• entrusted from jimetolimetheptivier to make laiSe for the good of this Commonwealth;—and whereas: - The people have an inalienable and- -Conotitu. tional right to instruct their Servants in all matters connected with their intermits—quid whereas, A Bill has passed the lionise of , Representatives of Pennsylvania for, art increase of the Biete which should it becetne a law Will drain from the hard earnings•of the people 'some• million' and +a half of dollars in addition to `the • 'channel:iv 1 sum • they now pay— r and whereas, The , embarrassed condition of the. Treasnry of thin Commonwealth calla loudly and earnestly for retrenchment; and re l i - form in the, administration of our State affairs:7" Therefore Resolved, That the priiposed bill to increase the State Tax; and thereby enable the. Legislature to pursue its former extravagant course of appropriat ing large sums •to tuielein and unproductive im provements meets our unqualified disapprrobition; and 'our Representatives in the Senate, Maud:Gor ges and' McLanahan are reapecfully - iequested to useall fair and honorable means to prevent int be 'Coining a•law.• • • • ~ • • ; ' Resolved; That the word 'repudiation' is not to be, found in outc-vacabulacyrAilll'WeedireP"' peal,to the Pennsylvania Legislature now in ses sion to cease goading their constituents to •despere tion 'else ere long the motto 'resistance to tyrants is otedienee to God,' will be engreven . on our political and never furled until those who have been and areengaged , in crippling our resources and par alyzing our industry ahall have been forever: politi cally annihilated. ' ' Resolved, That, in 'the opinion of this meeting, our lines of Internet' Imeroventents never can be productive in 'the r r i de of the State—past experi ence having fully sit fled us that : under the admin. istrilion of either, of thepolitical parties; State Set r, vsatteare public planderers. : • ~f,tt•ss,lvefil That we highly appreve' of- thi-bill• . I ns:ll.B , l4y:the Committee of Ways and 'Means' of laat'aervision providing for the sale of all the 'Paha winks and to'..tteeeme t e e d,t e the, citizens of the State to poui petitionS the, present Legislatute approving of said Resolved,, That the resent pgj e kit e re in pro. siding for t he printing of theAnditor general's Re. port far the next year be requested gii , e the Ow. Ole awe:epee° of thwitems purchased' under. th e g ee . oral' head of 4 eontingeneW7se feutid in sew* . heretoforepublished. „ r • ge iß O V Mdf,..rhat detee'Preceilinge 1 , 4' 44in - id hi, ,lhe.olncein l d, poidisind in all ther:Piperit';iif the County and' a copy:aatO onr'SiniakinS Agi 6 mo l l - teeti;'" , ;. Pi n 'iti l4ll 4. 4 phi1.44.2140.Ana finn*, 4 4oe:fatototion 3 ni,tOfY.,M. P 0 g14 1 . ) .: , : t 7* .440 P# WigAket) l 9ll.,l l rApmstiknea tot rmAtl• 44 'tat,o* - 0.'00,.. - thaw to** otiorioo - ti t it thetibit bfsee eat' iii XlOO l O4/ochliivs c.f9 lll i *Aim. *Sid: 1411 1 , ,o,o,up.#::tioipe - ,pe*,'lva. pni.xl PP dogs, `or yilti* of einleite nig kw flab,; .6 • ;;.! . =BE R. WHITE MIDDLETON, EDLTHiOtPROP'HIETOtie is MOZIO32M f8 . 4q1. ;:::;,.?,-,.!?=;;,;'.4i:t- -°Y:.rOg';?,iPAPl.'t.'i-'l' ICyFIN. , WINFIELD SCOTT. übjecilo 015 dedinioiitiqliC - CifilirentioneAl ; wAttftwvvik-I' , r' I V. B PAusArt,Effq. et his Rear Ccial Office,' No.' 104, South' Third Streiti , Phila., is authOrized toict as' Agent; foi pi Denting bolt aciipt[oria and idveribieitientS for.' that 'ellierild Eipositor.'t ' • r< 111! , To ' the IDetnocraer renn sylvania The Undentignedi hividg hien appointed aState Central Committee by tba friends of Major General WINFIELD SCOTT. •assembled at , ilarrisburg on, the SOth day of Ocieber v lB4l, beg Isave your attention to the selection , of a candidata, to be supported •by the Democratic party it this Presidential election. • , The siltra Whigs and LocofoCos are already in Motion, forming clubs and , holding,meetinge to in- Democrats not to be inectite and indifferent to the greet interests involved in the electLin•pf 'IS44;— but to make an eakly selection of thqir candidate, that the peoPle . May have full time to' study and scrutinise his character and qualifications. • - The present Executive having committed him- self to the principle of it single !arm, and being in- flexibly ,tenacioua of his personal consistencytcan not be expected to yield any perenesitaito become a candidate for re-election. Undcr these circ.tanL stanch* we have determined . tci calla • . . DiWnoc iatte Conventional Delegaies from the several Counties of this State, to be held ' •:AT. HARRLSBEIRG, -, ' • -• • On Tuesday, lhe'2oth day of July next, to consist of not less than the number of Senators and Representatives, which each county is entitled_ 'to in the Legislature. We invite the hearty co-operation downy Daries erotic citizep, and Such others tra goose to Unite with Mr; not doubting that thoie who, honored and reintrded the lamented HARRISON, will elect his Companion-imArms, in Danger and im_Glory, to the same exalted station.' • • THADDEUS ,STEVRNS; Adams county. - FRANCIS PARKE, Phila. city. • • JOHN M. WALKER, Erie.. NER •MIDDLESWARTH, trition.' 1.... - ,-..._JAMES__STERIo Huntingdon:- ,• - • JUSTUS M. BARCLAY; DedfitiA. • ',SAMUEL -.T.•KREPPS, Fayette. • ALFRED. SUTTQN, Allegheny: •• MILLER noßT . mg, - Luzerne. • J. R. EDIE, Somerset. • • •J.--,TENKINEt ROSS,. Nortlisinp en- - _____ _ ROBERT M. BARD, Pranklin.t . ROBERT IREDELL, Montgomery. • May 25;.1842. . (0.1[.. shall appear in our next. Single Copies , • (o.of this dai'a "Herald 0 . 4 &Pallier" can be bad attba publication office. 'Money and_ Man!nen Millers. Ott-For our Mink Note List and_Counterfeit De eo tor, see fourth page. CrA mew Courrsarsrs--A counterfeit $5 note on the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Philadelphia altered atom a five on the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Wisconsin, was passed in the city yesterday., It hi no particular resem bles the genuine. The vignette is a female hold. ing a cup in her right hand.her left resting on an eagle. The words ,"State ,of.Perussylvasie ; at the top,ei• the hill,and 4 . Philadelphle.'" at OM hot- . tom, appear mueh crowded, and. beariiident marks °reiteration. The deception may readily be-detected. ai"ANOTITLIL COUNTER/XIT.--The Daily Clireri. offiaturday, says_--Vire . were shown yesterday s five dollar 'note, purportingto be an issue or the CommetiiiilliiiV)fthlireitr -- Itisentirely ferent in Size and quality of paper,,from the gen' Wan notes ofthis bank. The paper of the genu. inn fire dollar notes is whiter and not so stout in texture. The vignette of the genuine, and only Ave dollar notes , or the Commercial Bank in sir. culation, is, Penn's Treaty with the • Indians:. whereas, the vignette of the counterfeit , is Nap. tune in his chariot on the sea. The genuine note has a head.of Franklin ,on its right band border. and a head of Columbus on the lett •On the right handhordir of the cOunterfeit, Is a view of a ca. nal with' a schooner sailing through: On the tjght hand margin the word five.; The signs • are remarkably well execitell, 'especially that Mr. Dundee. "In feet, ;the whole appearance' of the countorfeit,without a knowledge of there being but one kind of five dollar notes of the Conquer- Kiel Bank hreirculation, is Well calculated to de. Ceive ;Wen . good judges of Bank ' " • - :ll3"Specle Paying' Banla in Oltio.•The follow• ing ie a Het 'of all the brinks that at Over:mt pay teirecie iri . the State of Ohio:. Beak. of liftuietta, Mount Pleasant, Xetils, Melts sillon,',Muipkingum, Zanesville; Circleville, Geam. ga, Norwalk, WOoster,Bandusky, ()hid Life In. stivenee'and Trust Comparty,Commercial, Lafity. efts; Beltnont, Farmers' and Mechanies,-..columbigna, Clinton, and W. Reserve, , ' The Bank of. Kentucky resumed epode pay « 'mentain full kat the lit • inst. Thai haaoiiiinf an. tielpated the day (the ist4 . fixed by tiuttaaelvea for.rigumPki?n;, CO'Sgaipen4ion.-All tlie of d 'bieka t Oki ;a New Orleani i r witich lately resumed the PaYinent of elieCie, were cotePelled, with threa' exceptional to anapend_agaiit, .tlie . apeOptijiwt.,'Tikop'#uk upon thorn for are!e was tremendeiti,:liotit',,ii, note.holdera ;aod depositors. Itideeti: r st - elt..irlle the demand that,tito pity -Ban* alpai paid ont to one day $ 169 ,99 0 ; ind the 4er° trithrled.t! 4 0 a,thi • ~• •I. . 0 . 1%1 Pottfifille Journal,ettem . that Ike 1 , 11,t 7 ners'Au*"o thatigaCe_reduced :4:114017 8 - i ties 43Ao,q90,thit .., IM , t0444P0,115,...99;°00 lbe sum 44.*414,9440,:jaPP0P# 93 0, IvNl ai t!P:, ll oT 4 Atilt i t 6 '444:ooil},,liagild,liYilrk tr i fl i ng :and will -#7: l, i!Nerft;4 3 "-k k.944.!!;41 1 4)(te 40.14; ',,P,44f,. 44. SgPP b uli'lil*i*f4i*r' q(illitokai ir offrteq g urfiiuttt. 404 our 46 # 411n4001 0 0r bArin,tion• that the repuistt ilf,*l4 . o** o2 o ol 4.44kgbitt.q44-PtOgir,ool‘ bo , l4lnf with:sabV thcAOhitntbil#l". 8 t*ritioin4oo3ll4,^mii t*4liitti4tiiieiiies4, l trick!Fat" # l or , f 0 1 0*ular of at ' 74 ,C7V2L :14 - IV •," ntilititeiWlli:On& ;C. ": . •triveiiiiegreeed and aniagittdi44llargbd' our Baulk Note Liet 'and Counterfeit Detector this .iweekr.by- adding ukthe l Meniut in ear District . of P s oltimbitt; Mrghtit; Ohio; anti:, fridienv, Titet . Actium'•and :044itirtuka#0,'IMAdekriM, 11111 !W PePerre have been itnt: tothe:aiiieno of pribierfbing for; to tit lay. aer#eintaiterninits:frein time to time before .ounteltdetre We mintier) . the mitrlti rpdeir riOtes of,sw - Banjc,,in:, this and the States inumemi-- 6 4# - Ot , , ri;urul'ot . 4bly. rinye agiattOtiittit,Ol‘earrangeriielitOof the Commit4ti'Spfipiated"by site Tersperationlocie tilos foitiiisiOlebratiOnpfOui cOgnitiglAoniversary IVS.ltiust•that : ell Young 'and Old, - ititlfelireeeedings orihat 'dap' and thatfoi - one day'Raiiy'polities will be laid in the sam e • grave wititinteinteranCe.' Let it bo such a daY as' ne: rer heti:ire dawned onOuiberlend eounty—a day free and the blisiing mildew of Interipsrance! , -Concert. Kerma , celebrated :Clarinet( , per former, gave a concert in this place on Thum. day evening last.„ o lleynut assisted by the 'U. S. Dragoon Band of Carliele Barracks.: Therpieces wee ; most . admirably performed, and elicited Iran applause. . Military Enrampinent. cia'A correspondent in to.day's paper euggeate the holding Of a yolunteci Encampmcrit_im this' plaeeduring the present year. We go.. for the measure Most heartily, and hope that It will meet with favOur in Dauphin•, Adami, York, Lancaster, PeriY : luid other counties. Will', our 'Editorial brethrep in those Countiee speak voutubfy of OM, pioposition „and encourage their _craek Umbpatties to' visit; their brother Soldiers. of . ' • 11 4 e Nice Thing. r.r"Our ne* bore; Mend,. 'Mortirsn. & LINE , . presented us I t Week with a fine lot of CANDIES of their own raanufaettire. We eheedully recom mend to persons, wishing to parches° to .give the manufactuntri a call, "eanfideat that they will find WI good anditirehettp arrarticle i 'wholesale or retail; es canbe foind in Any of thi cities... Illy we;, one of the firm ;, it will be seen by a refe rde to the fii3rtrienial &Rioter," his taken to himself" a helpmate; and if the other one. could - only - hwitrwittinssedibir hoppy - itrAerin. -- which our seven youngsters stowed away theirhandsorne presentihnwould oetn'esly, let another week go over his bead :without. " treading _in - I the "footsteps" of hlo-Partner., - Tail Orifet Mr. Joan gpanare, of this place, has 'sent ins a stalk of rye, .which measures tight fat, Mice hushes! This is the tallest one we have. heard -of yet 'in this County. . • • - •PabDc Do want s. 13:1`We ere indebted-to Mee BkOWN, CCOCIPT.R and Guerra!, for Conirasidonal—and to Meier& Go ROAN, Haargiusstr, -Found-ai' and Psartral, for Legialatitndoeurnente: - • -•• Oliellilayrtsboirg Letters. 11:rWe'ialielientloW"t0he ramintble letters of our Harrisbutg correspondent.' He utims.u.propm: notice of every thing- transpiring at 1-Ifirrisburg of importance to the people. We hope he will con.; ewe his favoute, and that„ they will be carefully read by the public. • Scott Meeting+ The call for a Democratic Scott State Con• volition has' been before our friends for several weeks. We URA that the 'Democrats friendly to that distinguished Citizen and' Soldier, will take earlikueernisisfti have Cuinberland Cinnityt "fully represenoiin that CoUventiitn.' We',WOuld stip. gest that Meetings beheld in the geferaftownships on 'SATURDAY the octi Jpl..Y. to appoint two or Mole delegate; hinn each meet in this, place the Tuesday foliciwingrOhe 12th, toselect dela gates to - Darriaburip,' • Wehopa ,the,siiggestion will be taken .into coisideratiori; 'and notices for town4dp- meecingt, sent in neat week, or as early as possible., - „ • • , MITI•TAX MEETINGS. The People altiving t. cd•We give to,day•the proceedings of vanes more Meetinp•of the People nlion'the subje . ct of , taxation! Our neighbaur have to stretch his arms and legs mighty wide, if he expects to step, the people—those vibe heye to labour from the rho ing to the setting of the sun—tostipport the laiy, dishonest horde,of officeholders battening upeo the state Treasury—in their tletennination to withhold further supplies frohLilifeif re w ilypiiclefiirWe' hope our (tends, Mal% GORGAII, BABB andCot van, will read the proceedings carefully ,; before they vans assist in further INCREASING the iow oppiefudve burthens of their• constituents. ° The meeting at MiCilanghliesi on Saturday last; was addiessed by 'Judge STrirAiti, • Mr: P*Xiillf, Sc* 1117 gAiLiT anflifi: y t. 6 ivigrt; ' tiPon the read ing ofiliereeolutiotur; end' by Meairs , ..lortu Moons, (Ilichinsolf,) . sad' ;EDWA3!I:I OriLas • Ear ) after adopting , . 04rif ever the conductor of a'vess deserved the charge, of being a film, sentinel upon; the watch tower of the people'. .righte, our; neighbor of the Viluntetwil /foully entitled*. that reproach... We do' net like:to dietrirb his amiable temper, but jUs tiee to the illeoPle4-'llie , textPeYere 9f j 1, 03 county- requires that* passintipptice should be taken of his serpentine 'cOurier. ' 'l-1112 • ! ' ' lVisewth# people beimir moving upod the subject Of failatibM: 'tint ;neighbor one week quietly pub'. lOW -,thelir (rk quietly a :week or so omitted^that's her Is found ilepiiiiliiig the - votefiiiiineinbers •theimr bill. and ainted' swearing.thet.did'ntvols . at all Next we find biorWenrf# te thd pee. 'pie on. id their maven:ide i .r titi; anon=-after the reeeption -oPkerYi9S:'teic6:fini:liini t OOPi'r- l '' 1 16 408-:lil°94faC*.? and ifig.the an* 04 movement oui!'t trick of the enemy, tvielifed hY - # l 9l4 , fie vow. viro:m4,4o4cpr, , , , eieh* mtpy.J.+ go, the fiatne ""eftuolve# iise4C O 7? B 44NAC ) ?' theffaa:TrTleighbee!l senclerePOlTiee fiol4ei , --0et1 01 44408 ,1 100 1 44fier tlik?M6tiiii,, the %troy A0r44,71 'o* , :lll,,Ottoki,inip . **ltssitarts; , the 1 4 .4 Jioktfor.4l# l 4.Midirtent,rriefnbent‘lefibla, it, • jereeoh. felts` attic', ';'together and s atin theit ' nghts Wit out'f rst thl'apooittiiii ~ *nst ifirnfne,*fiti 144 isre the .:-• . 'Country,. when.our noighbouf r iv4tting, unheard .of,in somt : K at e corner covp_Oc„n44*g,---Vvithititi d i;iiii4pooi a village! `kkitiol—wa=: , Opeat;ntialt t4tit nieti*denounced i i i-o °6l o *l 4; fo r; ks#„* li h0:14:44#°- I ; ar -gO of it .' e k. day—notiMly to themtielvei4bUtia tbeir children, by a man who can see and .heitilltothing but-party in the whistling.of every.hreeze that passes 'He ti,pr,etty,flontinek indoedi when those over whom- ha.. is placed. _ta keep_watch, ttro,,,permitted to be robbed: of their rights without his daring to Siound'llta alat.M - 1 ' ' Nor do we ixdiave that_ the - honest, hard-working tax-payers of the county ,Will:perinit such conduct to pass unrebulted. _:--.7.4ittiose,who have entered_ upon the good work of meeting- together, declatiugin favor of their rights and best inbirestef withatit - respect to party, . 'have p - uty hancia to the Plough i po Nor-roost De signing: admagogues may thitaitnaaandinisrepre sent you ;:but the surety c ui, being right, and an ap proving conscience, will bear you: throughLthe . • ' _ , The ApporaionmentlliW, r}-This bill has passed the /101160 of Represen tatives as amended by the Senate = hdopting the ratio, 0f70,E380. Rennsylvania will lose four mem here; and the House will consist, after ihe termink tiott of the present Oongrese, of 223; members, in titead'of 2410- .. , Emit' .-Enrciper* , 'in-The British Steamer' Britannia arrived at Boston onßaturdaylast. „ There have been two attempts made by man io aisassinotb•the Qtteed of ,England: The British.have 'not- retrieved• their lost laurels in India." ' • „-. Halloo! 00tivigeld neighbor of the 'Adams Pentitie has caught a Tyler.-man over in little kdaime Hold on to hint! The Rev. 'Mr. IYlooat —elected some weeks since to the charge of the Second Presbyterian Chnrcli of this place—was . installed yesterday afternoon.. Clay lflarbe'cue. 13:TA great dinner was given to Mr. Cr.eiry a few days since, near LexingtcM,Ky., by his friends and neighbor's, upeir the oc c asion of his • retire. meat from public life . . He made a very eloquent address on the occasion. , There were some vex. cellent toasts 'giicn, and •dll drank : without .one drop . of Hyitor of any kind. The foilorringis of the - reguirtr toasts: :...' • , - GEN. `WINFIELD SCol.7—The iunapl4hed Woldier.: His niilitary'seivicee -wilt.be-reivordeil , liy-a grateful country. : The Hard-Currency Boys! 0: 1n a. message to thO Senate; David R. - .. Porter states herperrnitted-:andauthniized-the -Middle town Bank.to issue 'thci Anther aum of 100,900, and the Lewistown Dank the then sum in $25,- 000 "in • relief -.noteir l . undevt e.aet,-Of .4th May, Congress and the Tariff. acj-We copy the following paragaph ,froto the National Intelligencer—of 2 -Wednesday last with much, pleitinO,t • . . _ , lions The temporary or provisional _ Tariff pill, for con never fails, tinuing the ()inning tariff until the Ist day of August, with a proviso against its interference with an d men, totielt• the operation of the act,for the ..distributitin among toltold a Levee; that .. the States of the proceeds of the sale of public , h elmets , en d s h are t h e p i e „„ lands, passed the House of Representatives by a in miniature, if nothing •else. maktrity:'iif thirtien voles, in • one pfthe fullest ;- . • _ with .yol.l neighttor Houses of the session ,. two hundred and nineteenCorresponden.. "he — r — rChavine v orp.i ' - ti. boun s t ; riga e, a , ore , • autti naeriabe — r — eChaving voted on the question. , This de. ctsioh is considered important, as indicating, beyond reasonable doubt, the disposition of the ' House of Representatives to pass at this session a bill for es• tablishinisur" 'Se necessities and wishes lemanding. • c& The fo, the present Lf ernor may be efincron I. That the certificates of the • pro thonotary of any court to an acknowledgement of setheriff's deied heretofore mada. shall, be suffi cient evidence of such indneorfadgement s not-. withstanding no other record;wale abide-I'lllo4of at the time of such acknmylectsmilents.lorovidad! that the provisions of this sictibieshill' construed to affect any bona fide holden of pu►. chimer, who had', neither ; actual' or"'constitietive notice of the , execution of such sheriff's deed." Scott on the Terrill. ;re-There are those what:cum 01'c-disposed to mill/ _understand and plisrepresent Gen. Scott, ea the • itirioua points' ofPigliCy which he avowed to tank. ly in , hie letter last fall, 'This was equally the fateof Gen. Igarrison, beihie a National donVentiori ed his name before the united anti Nan :Buren par. ty—no language alpha but some were .willing to consider it incomprehensible, and no eteltriowledg , m;ritt, tiC flUttlt - but - Wiiie sneered,w.ci ' nonmom. ,mittal. ...Fortunately' for the co u ntry, , meet similar charges, by replica from Gan. SCoWs own 'hand; which cannot be niisconstrued, and Particularly..;o4„ the sutdeet of aTariff.' o We Attie now a letter - IVoni - him befere us, in • Which he speaks thus plainly on this subject, so all .0p !, grossing in interest to Pennsylvania: . !`l saY,to,all with wham 'I &inverse . ; and my sentences are almOst stereotyped , on my lips, that I AM NOT ONLY IN FA VOR OF A.TA RIFF - FOR 'REVENUE, BUT ALSO FOR PROTECTION.",, , , betels no "blinking the queetien "-41 e speaks promptly, as a soldier, and the ivordi. Will haye their . weight throighout the -Union.., , lle : is , no 4RCEllkentiPs'li--Wittkeemthqe . FieciPi :e l ' w Van,' that used up Man—but a New'Jersey man, with principles for , the , goofl of the whole [Triton. Me , promulgateti the very doetrhute for, which 'both North and Schith are ' now ' contending—he is for Protection to American Industry,. and that is what the countryVvante,,, and that , gained, ~would „relieve the 'distress df - the nation '''rnole ski : aily r ibse ' all r•the izileeelities" whicikthe brain 'Of man ever coo calved. . The -.banner ot,"Seeit ;and, the , Tariff". yitlbbe proudly supported throughout.the, l j.r s nibt' . t... 7 we; are willing to make it the question by which he 'shall atatid'orfall; iind . - ,being';ihe . .'enly 4 ctitidldite - Wlle kill.airlkiiiO4!y.tind i 4ol 4iike'.q l6. 'iu'OL°' i . ; we call recognize no other Varitr, candidate.' we want no' Proleetivekariff,'which-Will. he' but I.the: keeiaental result of a 'teritte'rl!refortnewit do not "approvesti thai,eelftah„ proilcy „which, swats tdiOvertiment to' provide for itself, end.let the oper atives of our country starve: We want falki*p_l! star certain protedtien,fer , every branch Of, A q i; esti inlisiti,'agatast _foreign' thoabioly. and 0 , OUper _labor., of,pu r ope and 48 . ,4epp : iiii#14 . es. - M \rt_ WhiiitiyAlias Pcumaxivaniart mho will ,refuse: then . •:q iliiiliii*Oh's:iiiiii . the 'candidate pledged to faior AtiOtrfe) t fiO:ii4,4o•llo4*. i ; ' : ! , ' ;' '' ' l ,:'' : . ' l ', , i'ilT` . .'' - ~,, , : 0, 1 1 t , ,itl it', ;:irN*C.4; .1.• , 1 ... ~. —., ~ ~ ~. :c4l. , izzild); : i LAR* 2 9lRi:Pg': l , lll lll9?, -,44340/.y.ylivi..., #.4i4/Ititliicititit,ifte*leoglino : tio . hip. compompip iiiitiliii i'vifil'Of . 11 iiiiipileiatiOnitoiienoti: .q '' . o4, lo iOßßlNk4olii!ii.r- Tatitt Beilitini 'out .4: 'ifotptiii: '.: Hit gitocoti said to amiStot,,igtemdt, ~ 'otiOttt $lOOO. t ':: . . :'' -,'",t , :'?4:,;4::f4 . , -, :i4r. ,,, 0; i t;iitko-A Oita* 'Tail . * its4iootNer*.',o 6 o.l#4 o ' •ttiOtailiiiitry'tit liD,ytW'irifiviiitth 4l l ll ' , .4 l id q*l; cd~:',• • N i .' - ' - ',,7.1" , ..i,,,',.V. , r , i.'‘: , '- , e::'Mk4 , :•;7.. , '4., : f.c . :',.i l ,- ,': - ..'-!•;'•;;•':i.Rc;k 0, "!" , :. ( ..:%if:''''' . , 16anientitblek, . irrailikitoria,aaiiteitAtrtirt t j'a.; have„ana 'OIP I I. Iti4drid 1 4,1"..! beti;lthur ' ° !4A°V.Oh;YnienC. , -411:he,,guntour trap . Work , Danv lte, Pe lava 41U° euepepded iiianitiOna;* catai l iky . 6ve' l hundred hands have been thrown out of emploii meat. Several other establishment!! will be compelled to atop huvinesa before many month!). • . • , Vhafin — Jafut ieeponeibility — ' rests.upon Jun portion of, Congress opposed to a . sPeedy passage of a Protective Tariff Bilrl * EdWards . COnvicted O :qox...MONRCIE.EDIVARDEI," alias 'J?tur P. 'Cabbie the Great Forger; has been • :convicted upan one of the indictments against lum in the New,Yark Eourt. There are' seven or eight yet remaining, and the 'Prosecuting Attorney• declitiut he shall upon'. very one' Of . them. Ed wellsis:unfottunate,'as it is not every great 'Tin& ler that „eau, get a jury, :honest enough to find a verdict :Of guilty , : reirry fillitary-Llectionk.L _ ID T.ho Perry , County Freeman give:i the fol ciwing mi the result of the military election for hat county: • . • . • Henry, Fetter, Brigadier Gener.l; G." Robinson, Brigadanspector; Robeit McCoy, Colonel , an,d Jobc. •Makeittie..LieWN•lonel of the 118 ftegi. menti Villiam • Charters, Major of the,lst (Clarlt's Ferry) Battalion- Win; McCracken, of Xlie 2nd (Milletstown) and David Treeslex, •of the 3d (filaoisfield) Battnlioa.:2 - • . : James Kacy was elected*COlonel; and John neld• Lieut. Colorii3rof - the -- 39th - Regiinent;.and Alexander Barns, *Major of the bandisburg Bat. tenon. - Henry Zimmerman,. wee elected Major - of the tipper Bittalton. ••„ • -' Navigation.--The -French-papers-state that aperson named Coimuichi,has invented a bal. Mini, with -which hp can navigate the air in any direction and in. all weathers. An experiment lately, made on its powers, under very unfavorable circumstances, near _Lyons, France, was cam pletely successful. , , . Tus STATIR STANDING' ARAIV.-A letter from the Secretary of the commonwealth,- says the Harrisburg Telegraph, to the?. Legislature, states that there will be Nina Thousand one hundred and thirty seven :Military Commissionp• homed this year! . •• fQR TDE'CAULISLIC lIEDAiD AND EXPOSITOR lllilitary En camiiisi'c I was very . glad, Mr. Editor, a week or two since, to' ea in yoUr neighbor's paper, an essay inviting the Military of this Brigade .to'holit an Encamp ment. at thiseaee diiring the, present summer or fall: 'lt was a judicious . move; and I' think - there • • is-not-a volunteer in our digging but will second ft. —for; I opine, they allfeel the neecesity•',Of.Perfect ing-themselves in the knowledge and use of arms, -and of farming attach - Monts and acquaintances that will in the and, promote • friendship; and create - an unity feeling and interest that' will restitt in • strength,locin..unity_therisisafrengthi and strength ensures safety. • Let-tis Unite then; like the bundle of sticks in the fable, and not • be-like separated stieks, single-sod -- without strength. . , . (ATmoat all our neighboring towns, Mr. FAilt,:ir withid a fe* years, =had. gatherings to give ife to them. York has' had her parade, Reading also; Harrisburg hni,Cenventione, ShipPenslaurg her Temperance fair; and other townwtheir assoCia tions of - different kinds; and" Carlisle, so - far, has never failed to throty in her'. mite, - both in money' and men, to help them along; an? now it is her time tiihold a Levee; that she may at least divide the honors, and share the pleasures of a militOy life, in miniature, if nothing I can bear witness with yarn neighbor's Correspondent that wiihin. rit.atirul place cannot be tonna for samilitify assemblage, nor one which hoarin dip; of yore been more honored as the rendezvous of Soldiers and Patriots. In our time, or others, wai have had a WARRINGTON, .a VVsznz, a BUTLER, a GIBSON, an lavlrrs, and an ARRSTRONG, and abort of Hznozs,' who have signalized • themSelves".in the Revolutionary, Indian and other Wars, as well by seaes by land; and should the Volunteers of _the surrouniing Conn ties make !Carlislia the • quarters" of . the Brigade. for * the term of only one week, I would venture to predict, that it will be remembered by. them, as one , of the happiest periods of their lives, iniutY#o*Jhey • will have formed !associations wilrl: o 4oViini,Santit.of.patriots, never to be fort; if. l ll,ilM:'', The press -if its; Condttc s fp . ol . *t!, interest or a pleasure. in ben efittitii 4t#itti-- wilt lend it hand .in: he contemplated pantrigne; fist tbrs Press,. like military , achievements, has often . Pinverfol. igo'cr niaking'wOnders 'anal in'Nmaking great nieu: ' ' • A. passed by by tho Gov. our readers: lIY,M•I4II,IAL - %REGIBTVR. • On Thursday last, by Rev. Henry Aurand, Mr, PETER-MONYEAR to Miss ELIZABETH ECKEL eill•Uf this place.' - • On the 16th ult. by the Rev. Jno. Heck, Mr. PETER OILER. to 5.1158 SUSANNAH HENRY, both pf 'oboyne townshiP, Perry county. •On the !20th ult. kv. George Titzcll, Esq. Mr. DAVID, SHOVER., of J quote county, to /Whit CHARLOTTE BROWN, of - Perry - county. - On thb sth inst. by the sante, Mt. JOHN. !WET to Miss SARAH CLOUSER, both of . Oliver township ~.perry' county :: - • •• ' ' On the SN'nst. by C. Jones, Esq.• Mr. C.'FOOSE to Miss MARGARET 'FAGAN, all of Tyrone township, perry Williamson, , On the ,7tliinsL, by the He'v. - Mr. Mr. STEWART THRBETT, of.JUniata'County, to Miss MARGARET A'. ANDERSON,ef Ferry county. - iTtrAR u D. On Monday 'morning last, in this ilium, MT; MARGARET. GILMORE, daughter of Mr.. Peter Gilmore; in the 97th year ahem age: Her last Ivor& ' wereAsWeep not for me,deat blends!" en dig" ,and she died, believing in bee Redeemer., Died,. at the residence of her uncle, Env pus Borough, on the 6th inst. of Ocin. riumPtibri, Ml* liIARGARDT DAVIDSON, in • the 29iblear of her' age:.:.o. • • 'The subject of this notice *as one of that mod est retirintelies,..of ChriiTtiiiti; 'Whose ,Worth 4e; 41°1 F 1 " Piri4 intiTitnittioPPreeister Amiabh: in 'herditopoeitign, and Winans:id hy,'Dvine •Drin*, flee , charades, , rie her:" profeasion the private klYollo,!and'edeaed : her wa '4 n "ri r h°, Areic !it . oti ltriendk:M k n i v • lance of * hill spirit, notthit P.Stofii°7' of - heice ° - duct. "Patient, h ' 'of' her it may be said without flatteOesistrp: have lived long. but not half so well."' Durlicttht herdisease, by which it pleased diaoremdvO her 11. ' 06 her ' , friends on earth;ahe lion td' i"will: t 40; i'oo l ,loitgiiid: i iipit o il iollotlent.)mpnisched, view, , her tte. exceedingly preciratootiln.the fAiiiso* idea*, -she felt-no sting;-.and gave up hAr 004* 00.0* i 4 2l 4ii e : i k il .l4l'l 44, POM i* 144014 11 .1 4 #0;n 114 ' . 40!Oh.'''''t experLve itOPriTA.Ms .. $ 11 0 1 tql.4 41 ! ki ra ,P4Mir tii9lol*!. , ' • ' • 0 1.73 PCno.PIER. MARRIED: commuriicknexi IMIIMM IBM INESI HIGHLYINTERESTING FROM - HARRISBRIO , fz.lo l e: Pal*ll 4 Lu!te. , P e cri4! lo *tne 6 g! . ., fte, .1, • 1 1•• • • •• "•• • - Vo ' rtespondencOofthe Herald& Expo - altos.. I '",;IV • :' , IIARRIBBITIIG I .Teerffiay, June .14, In the Senate, to.dei; Mr. Kline presented several petitions praying' the - Legislature to Nom a law f9r.the sale of the ,Publio improvements; and 'against itriposlng:riby furtliC tartatiniton the peo: pie of : the CorinnenWealtlf. :. , lijr.Oborfapresented a petitian_in favor of such a .tax "Bill as would raise sufficient „menne trr'etrehle the Common. wealth to meet 4 Afier the presentation of. several'Other LPetitions,?if no pub. teported, coffered a reaOltitiea 'rehiririeg the CoMiriftiee on ,Finance , t o. inquire into the ex... pedioacief l anifiorleied iliet'Shrie 'treasurer to receive in liOnicitt for latifis;'tolle errii, Wes; 'any . . certificates of loans , of-moncy . to the Comnin: . Wcalth,"of the ainaufat of "any part thereof Of !gig sum. at 'which any' person - mar , Ixt - creditetton Air . beeki.of"-;:ikis Auditiii,CLehevel„iff pweettnee of a' "Reeblutiret` 2 ;praiidingtoilihe.p4atent of ititerost, 'to Domestic Creditors;.' passedltliApril, 1842- Mr:Awing, animadverted with Emit :severity on. tho hypocrisy of, or; tepiq,or, friird InOtniogsiut thoseof his party_ Wilici prefeenediC, , iegard With' 'abhor`rence the. Relief Isepeg •y!ittat . ,ti l ay,. at th . a earn& limo would nowdoundate the State with an' issue of a much' worse' and; more' objectionable character, for it assuredly Would, not be received by the Ranks,•or lu,pointent of dobts' by individ : uale. Mr: - Fleming repoilealhe chiirga'. an his charatteristic and violent . Manner, ftndinsisted tliat Oita wits a mailer df necessity that could not be avoided, and Milled fer, by the Condition of the - Domestic - Creditors,- - and - tho atiVAlUte,nlllllo7f a currency of some tort: This discussion :was ex ceedingly animated„tind was participated in b. Messrs. Farelly, Siewart,parsie, Kline, Gibbous and othors, and, the rceiplution was, at length! adopted by Yeasl7; Nays 16. STAMPING or Itios:—,On motion . of Mr; Darsi ' a reconsideratio n of the , vote wa s had regUlatin the Bill vequiring the sta m ping .of Iron; and t question ilk the bill was then postponed' for tii present:' Mr.' Plummer - submitted a' resolutioi ,rthich ties on tho table; requiring the'Committ of Finance to bring in a bill to repeal the act The support of:Collegee, Acliderities;dee.;"also LI act granting apiennium on silk; cocoons, dee., al . to suspend the Common Sehool law for a term ~, years, and apply the Monies thus appropriated, ~. tho clorncetid-cieditors, in lieu of an increase taxation; Mr. Darshruireied a resolution, whi . ,was laid on the table for the present, calling :up"... the Canel Conornisidoners for -certain informati ' in'relation to the tOCOMotive Knglnesi ordered! 1840, of,Dotterer,4k.co.,.the amount paid to 111 firm, &c. &c. Mr: Gibons offend a fresoluts that the Committee on Banks report - .a;-bill, Monday next, io 'enable the _Bank.. to make assignment for the payment of its debts, and - Eithif iliiiiiikiiiiiiTr — A:diTis -- d. - — IVI E - Kidd er'ofilire ( i '--. resolution calling upon, the elate Treasurer :state whether the Relief-Notes of the Tonto ' . and, Licrks county Banki-arc received in pay m of dime to the Commonwealth; which was adopt CANCELLING or RELIEF Neres.—The debate • resumed on 'Os scsond reading of tlic bill to vent the further issue of Relief Notes, and to q , j vide for cancelling them. Several aniendm were proposed, and all. of them were rejected, Copt that offered by Mr. Plainer to authorize State Treasurer to cancel Ciii;b - gr - onw R Notch in the'treasury, and the one.liitfillt of amount issued every six months tboreafter. 7 ,. l 19; Nays 11. The bill then passed second re ing. In the House ,Mr: Stevens offered a resoled which wai adopted, to inquire into the expediel of making endorsers on negotiabe paper liabl contribute to each other, as other co-sureties now bound to do. Also , a resolution, which also adopted, to inquire' into the causes of largo amount of the contingent expenses of House, that they may be reduced,.with powe send for persona and papers.. Mr.Culvor a bill to confer on Rebecca and Jane Martin rights, &c. of children born in lawful wcd Mr. Felton reported a bill relative to the Ins tion of Tobacco in the Port of Philadelphia. Tug' LUMBER INVUEIGATION.- ME, Shari • made 'a report that Daniel M. Brodhead had • before Ao Conunittee • and was examined. testimony 'teas not satisfactory, and he havin presented, that' he lied very important busi . 1 refit iring his 'presence in Philadelphia, the • reitteaUllotved him tc,depart on his'Oromisi be feraleeleailht, at •a: certain- ) day named. howevei:did;notMake lioarance, and. SergeantatAiMs was sent in,scarch of hi the 4th instant, and S.:Mud Brodhekt's up and not to fie found Resolved,! fore, than the Steniker issue an attachme.! compel Daniel M. BrOdhesd'ir. attendance the . committee. The ScrgeantatArms,it is is on the qui vine for this distinguished else ter.: tbsolution relating to the papule " the domestits creditors was, for sometime, u Consideration in Conniiitteo of the Whole, was, firially'pestponed for the present -` I The bat for the redemption oi'the'Relief N in specie, and the cancelling the same, in theY nary, was taken 'up and .iilmost7inntimerabl, mandmenta were offered, and voted down-4 was the great diversity of opinion among in - beri.ao to the best course to be adopted. The ill iMicigconki,..lip on second • reading, Mr. t3te .no rcneirid hie amendment 'to peiMit the flanks to issue 'small notes, but that failed ,again..--Yetul33: On-WednesdayOn . the Senate, Mr. Sttivari re porteg a 'bill to Beanie toProthonotarys and oilier olaccrk.-IticirlcathandAr.,-,Earvlly-aitio-rectrtpd 7 . abill for ' ` the; construction of an outlet Jock at Eddy. Thi bill to cancel the Relief Notes, , &a.; was read a third tune and pa u sed sub Silenf• ,tie, and was sent to tha noose. ' • • • Vbwresolution" asking information. of the Coat Commissioners, in respect 'to certain Locomotive. engines authorized to be purchased of Dotterer do Co., Darks county, M'5!140, came up on second loading , when, Mr.-Daredesdated the • extraordinary facts connected with the case,*which Certainly re quire exilanation. It appears, then;that the Berks . centiti.Dank'took $200,000 of the'.lstate-104-.- that eight locomotives were 'Orilereil fox f 180,000,. to be` paid by - the Bank—that finiheif,", the , I llank, passed:to the credit of Dotterer ille. 10c.'400,000. , and that 'the Commonwealth hid receliiedler but°, engines; and" thus the, Canal 'Crnmilieefig*isp,of that day, hail allowed Dotterel . . de Co.' lo..pocitet $44,000, without'Aiving sicnrity for lite-engines, or the moritii:' - ' After much opposition nri lins'ifirt of einne of thiiciovernor'sfkiends, theierilntionWras finally passed—Yeas siB;lllays, 8.. , ~, ,„,,,,,1 House of Hepresantatiees.:4ls:.fitevinsinibMk tiul a resolution dug after, die lig of Juls,ii4i,,Only, one englinien. at 4. , salary. of 40,500E-aigoo4:lllln ployed by the State, A t [Hr.,'B. l suecfeiliny in, carrying. entliis wish , on' tliksyliect On IWO*. „3 „ 4 1 ft dayi IR' ii 1 ! 1 bin. l'4l,4,tiftft 4 1 .. 01 44 theltAbik• Pietas:l Hr.:l4'o4in enbmitted- resohttioil,Whlnk lies on the tiAlele. cellixiinial ,', l 943l . znikftie-. aionere for information touch ' *nut Viet Akerti ! hadat 4 ' ecuil MnO tco an i l l c iqrk l P l PY.-; 9 1 1 14 4 WA of stein transporters to:eontrol the 'Orriiine-#9O °magi. Optic iinprovenients. lkfr. Alceehili'. lll .: Neill ttill - TAhoriziPs. dAT .- afA99o.f?'. l 4! ? e° I ~.~~: 1 =I
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