HERALD 46 _EXPOSITOR, . - . Office, Centre Square; "8. at-tire 'AoIIAft,INVV9.I/IWIA/VIA - . O 1 1 0131,ICATION:' The HERAT/D. & EXPOSITOR - published weekly, on n doable royal 4lteet,, at TWO, 1)oli-- I;A:11S, per annant, tety.nble'within tbreednOntlis 'from tho,tim . a of subscribing; - on. riso 13011.LAtt8 AVD,III , IIY Otyltt, at the end of Alto No subscription will be taken for loss than six and.ne paporAimeoptinued Inn ii all lir yeara4La; arc paid; except. at the optien , a the publiAtor, and a, thiltire to notify a diacontion . anao,will be eine:blared a new engagement.. Advertisin will be done on: the usual terins. Letters to insure attention 'nest be pfist paid. ADYEII.TISEAIENTS . 4 0 . 01V: . - .1.f11 : 4:t1ei.14 .- lite. • • • - rreamperan."(:te, ceße iLtdra Goa 4f the 4i9 .of The-temper,aneZ , men of Carlisie have resolved to celebrate tho. Fourth of July,. by..Anarching'in processinu 'toa neighbbring grove, rdiere the day. will be ilevoted to addresses, songs, music, and other rational entettaiolnents % • . Ti,e friends of 'remperatice everywhere arc re.- 'Spectfully iovited to join us; and especially all the Temperance Societies of the County, with their respectiVe banners-and badger The Juvenile Temperunre Serf eat e of C a rlisle and elswhere„ are invited to join the procession, with appropriate badges. Also fhe'Sunday Schools andiColllllloll'Schuols of the Poreugh, wider the ' direction of their respective Teachers. • The Ladies of Carlisle and vicinity are also re - spectfully invited to give to our enterprise their countymmce, and to favor us with their pre sence , on - the day lifjoTii - firdPest - MtiTar - iis ei7-titFar-. • - re ngementscvill be made for their aeronuflOdatioll 13y - their countebanco Anil presence, we hope to make this a great day for Carlisle and Cumber land counly—:a day of triumph to the cause of lin Man happiness—a dky where. decline shell bring hap ' "pitices to many a heart, and sachus to' none. behallof the Committee of Arrangements, 111. CALA/WEIL. • .12113N10E AAiyGNgY, ' .13,'PEN1/13G13.AtiS, „wiLLIAm . • DR. JOHN ARMSTRONG . .ArArEERS-Ilis-linofeotionol--ocrviccs-to acne of Parlisio anti its °nice s at the-North East Corner of Hanover at Loutlier 'street, and also. at bis reFailenee in Wi Loather :street, lbw doors below Professor • • April - 27; . 18.1:2. - \ • YE OR .9, Ifirs removed his Mien and dwelling to.the - three story Brick on South ILtnin't_Tr adjoining the residence 'of Mr. John. nays and "131 Can's IlOtel2l Doctor Myers informs his friends and the pub• lie that he can be consulted at all holm; at his of flea:, (When WA. processiollll4 engaged) and that he will devote his undivided attention to the several dAtira.uf.his.profilirsion,- and particularly to the practice of raid wiiiery a 6 Surgery. t%al• _to the Country will-be punctually attended to,bo Night and Day.. • Carlisle, April 13, lE4'2 DA -P • Dr. Y. C. Econ: SFS permanently located in Car and Will per il'. form all operations that arc required in the practice of his prefession-:—sueh as EXtErtettlinZ Fill n;.r, Plugging, and linisertinx Artiiiciai Teeth, from a single tooth to an entire set. • N. B. For a lbw months ensuing, Dr. Looms will be in Carlisle, the first two weeks in each month—after which ' he will be • absent until the first two weeks in each following month—at which period he may be found at his Office, opposite - APParlane's, Carlisle, 'lay 4, 1.842.. • 0127 34 TlllEstack of Now Goods, belonging to the firm of 'l3osserman & Hutton, consisting of • 170. ND greaut_E; HAMMERED AND ROLLED IRON - GlNicerici3, Paints, • OILS, pl - E STUFFS &c. IVill he sold for CASH, wholesale and retail, at re duced pricee ,, These wantik,,e- bargains, wal do well to call seep, as the entire stock will ho sold to close the concerm don't mistake the place, at the Store Iloorn ofdilkisserntin & Hutton, North Han over street. ' GEORGE HUrl'ON. ;Surviving partner of the firm of- BOadERMAN & .lIU'I'TON. • May 18,181.2 S/Pit/WM G 0 OLP S. rill HE subscriber 11a8 received a genera: assort iL meat or SPIRINV A:VD OVI EE: T.2111E II? 500.L0 0 0 consisting in . part of Fignred, Plain and Barred Mouselin-do-Lanee; figured, Plain,Striperl Lawns and Ginglianis, English and French Chintzes, plain, figured and Barred Swiss, Jaelrenette arid • Camliria_iguslins; a general assortnierit of Grotto.. nap, Grodeswa, India apd Italian Silks, Ilonnet • Silks and Ribbons, ,Straw, Leghorn ) Braid and Willow Rennet:3, Ila;.v Silk, Cashmere aratfotton Hose, Silk;Alolniir, Kid and Cotton Cloves, Urn- Shadds L , new stilu, Freneb, German and Irish Linens,.oradliiiiiitid . T.Tifeii Sheetings; Linen Drillings and Gambroons for Pantaloons, Jino Cords, Stripes and Nankenes, Carpeting and:.Thigs, Brown and Bleach. Muslins, ll'ickings'and' Calicoes, Fans and Ilaiikerchiefs, Pglioitt` and Valin,Leaf Hats,. Straw, Ginlp and ."•,• r Edgtrig;Cloths,Casinicrs and Sattinette. . • 44,,neensware Grocerie, all of which will be sold on fiworable feints at tho Blois of . ••• • RICHADS. Carlisle, May 18, I ,12. • furl • . 100 51.'d.". i r io eshiV r ia r ( i l n ....• . , ~,, • ~:... , . .: .. For sale by - .1. 4 .P. StAIiTIN," ~ , Successors to Miller & Martini. Harrisburg, April 20, !8 . 4 . 2..' -. , .:;,u=2s aLarDILO MANUFACTORY. MILE subscriber informs the public that he has AL Purchased of 51r. G. IC KANE his extensive establishnienti Borou'gh of lreitk„z Po t :roil. ,‘y ill aly;ay# have 'on' hand: any quantity of S Oar CeiIicAVALES: vihity'vrillWdiepiied wiialianie . Or'reini ri reasen - able - 'jerina a 8 the can'be-piirehasiti idanSrof,•the'rities;Or,iiiSevihere..'*-•.'". t n - 7 17,1 rders'ffeerabrOadiirritriiitty"itetided . to.' • • - 3e.;21, • „ , rove; TA tne-biliji!Fs; . 4' , and - 134umlnous:. 'COAL; „constantly' 'for. , " ' . SueeesSiirs' to Miller `Hrrisburg", April 20, 1812. • t1a.25 IlllDt 110 itilaovallil4 GREAT INDUCEMENTS .TO COUNTRY. MERCHANTS. fIB subscriber, having concluded to do-are-A tire Cash business, offers for sale Itial4rge and, splendid assortment of FOREIGN & ,- • • . NnigS, at Callleiy •.1 lower I.lup, it was ever bought for in Philadelphia. The iollowing wiji give yoi: some idea Orilla prices lliati am determined to sell at: : - .: :' ... . 6 inch Corpet!ter's Patent, Rim Locks; • • from' ~ •: , - $l2 tiisl . 4: per doz 6 irrch Brass Striker; " . •." 6,50 •. "• Newton 1/arling Grilse. Scythes, 10 "'- NeWiirn's • "' - " • . .9 ". . • . . .. Hay-Porlcs Solid Caji Ferrule, ' 5'.. 4 4 ' Gist Steel long handle Shiwels,, 7.. ," • Oundiviland-or-Reading-Nail6,--__.4, 521 _1 Plinhrit or Juniata ',{l , .... 4,44 4. :Mier makes " , 4,21 - l yvill sell any articles in my line frint:2o W.. 25 per cent. lower thaocnn be bought lin on .credit. Caldon me—examine my gotida—get adist of my pritys—eollipare 1110111 with the prices of other .4oresi- and aseertain for yourselvea where you can buyNite cheapest. • HENRY L. El,DER,thoporter. .193 Atm I; et 14. :dlid'e 2tlt, North side, Philadelphia. June 1, 1812. - Om-31 . . • Ed's . #47.1# (4-It l o cerieg'; • • ,WILLIAM PIIADDOCK: No. 56- Sfitrilt Mira Hreel; Piil LA DELPHI A, • op phiite the Banking Mime,- recently don; • pirdAy the Girard i r 'xp,le, • ou I .1) respti'dfully ofrer the Citizens of Car : - C r retie and county of Cumberland generally, a first rate aasortment of the choicest FAMILy GROCERES, Selected with great 'care, which he will' peek 'Mid forward by rail road to the address of those who muly-Ta vorli ion_w i th Altair ordc - rs—llaving_supplied a number of fan ilies in Carlisle and its vicinity; be - would be pleased to increase-the7humber of his cus tomers there, His business has been exclusively to 'suptify (*amities With 0001 l CROChilllESior the InSt twelVe years, :end he flatters.himNelf, that for first quality goods and , fair prices,he.cminot be surpassed in the city, stock consists of a general assortment, some of which he will MUM-, etate: Iltfrlitigton II A.MS, of Jones & Dutton and Grif fith k Booth's curing. • •-• " • Stied: HI ToNt.7l.ir:S. . Dried 111.:E.P. " ' - . Green and Black T EN, sonic . of 16 inte•suim onlaii,,,,,,, .1 of ,cry choice ipialitivs. . Sporn' !MI, aml , Sperin CANDI,ES., COFFI.:E; of every variety, same Old :fai', fatly - eat's old. ' , -, _ • RASI %S. ('ICS, I'll UNFIS ALMONDS nod VEGAN Nl.l : l'S'.• ' ' `-. • . -7- 11Filliiirlit:STIFT/Vs ; lle'lli , fite - irrt ill (3 - . ---- - 4 - Italian )lACA ItONI mid Vl.ll'ol - 1.1C11.1.1. , Pion:ciao : English., Sap Siigo, 'Jutland and Ame rican Cl.lb7ESl.:. • Voile'. wood's l'tCli LES and SAUCES, of e‘.l 7. miuty. . ._....__...,. ' , J....eh; English, and .A mericati MUSTA Ira. : - suGA It, 1.0.ic and Brown, of ehniye ipi.dities... CII.ICIiERS, of every variety, Philadelphia, -Bowan', Prince' on,S;c. _ . Canary SEED.. -- , .. • • -. . •. 111.1111; SE E 1). English Split I'EAS. SEGA Its or every (piTility, !-oniei.ery choic '•e. I'IZESI 7 .II \ - 1.1:4,_1 ANI ES. Cl 1110 N, PINE Al'.. rms, GINGER, PEA BS, PH ONES,,Stv. &e, . CURRY l'O 1 V DEB, India SOY, 'ke., with no extensive assort:lona of•vvery article a family can require : .. NVNI. l, MADDOCK, ' S 5 'South Thio stre,t, Phihtdophip. - Anty. 25,d • 513._ ''. • ir 80 , . . ... • , ''' Sinkll bickiness'or Health Peevaill. evident that the further will if there is not more rare a fiention paid -to ourselves: What are the primary causes of the Very — great variety . of Aliseases which We daily behold, A dlieted!..person, were you not first attacked With bile on the stomach, attended wi h siekne,s, costiveness, a de• rangement of the stomach and digestive; organs, (probably caused by indulging too freely- in rich Mod, a setlentaly life, irregular. meals, exposure,late hours, intemperance, &c.) These mostly are the cause of Sfiliction ut the present day. Wheil the'se symptoms occur, if you desire health to prevail, procure immediately Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient l'ills, as they are a sure medicine to remove thekc distressing at tacks. The properties of this medicine are first, cleanse the stomach and bowels, `remove bile Ord bilious matters, purify the blood, which, when ob structed, subjects the body io pain and disease.— This is elfixted by a few doses of the German - Aperient Pills. After "this is accomplished; the Strengthening Tonic Pills are used to givcstrength and vigor to system, restore the debilitated func tions of the Alfa 'economy, &c. a.course of this trcatmcntrthe patient will be restored to per fect health; when all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver 'complaint, sick head-ache, pain in the side, limbs, and Other" bodily infirmities, will be completely eradicated. • • BIEI Principal race 19 North Atli street Philadephia. For sato at the Drug'Stoie of .1 ; .1. MYERS & AVM.On., Cmlialo,,anti PEAL, Shipnensburg. June 8, 1842 NOTICE. q‘ RS of Administration upon the estate of Mrs. MARY D. RAMSEY, late of Car lisle, deceased, have been this . day isstard by the Register - 9f Cumberland county, to the undersign ed residing in the 'said borough. 'All persons hav ing claims or deinands against the estinc'ef the' said decedent, are requested to make known the sante to Jilin,' properly authenticated, without' delay ; figd• all persons indebted to the said estate are requestd to pay- the same before the lst of July next. , - , W. B. MURIZA ,Carlisle, April 30,.1842. 64.27. THE WREATH. 4 - My°led k) Teniperrance an Literattite . tw-Tho subscriber proposes to •publish, -‘semi•monthly paper, to he entitled Ti-IL IVIII -, ;, , V1.11, and dormed to the CAUSE OF TEMPEANCE. belim 7 es that a paper ~.rthe kind proposed, conducted in a proper m.asmerovon (ram io_advanc.c_thra. just and holy:cause which is now pervading ail classes of society, from one end of the Union to the whey, and which, it is hoped, will soon he without a single opponem. ..A portion of ."The Wreath" will also i btr de voted to Literature, &c. / Should. he he encouraged, the sulscriher pledges himself that the pape' shal [he every way }worthy of support,. Mid that the best, writers-of the day will be ,solicited to con-. tribute to its-columns; and that nothing of a political character shall be, permittt to replica r." ' • • • • Tur: NV . a."BATII will tiF,. printed on a sheet half the size of the & Expositor," and issued on.the ~ISt arid :id,Sitlnrclay of each 'month; at sl' per atnium, of TWELVE .comEs for 81.0—to he commenced as soon ix ie..Obt i ne,d. II firS -. 500 go oil Temperance friends, a pprovir ig • o r im ;pro . posit irin, are Tegnested - to act es 7 :_ . - Av Akkts . Address (postpaid) W.:.MI.I),DLETON, ~,.• 'Oreilice\ - ina.:l4 l, ait4rerpley.• _ , Fr"E Portional attonilance 'at.PhillidelPhia.. of • RpplichotO:for - tho. -benefit of the* Bunkrupt Law 1 1011 'not JtidgO Randoll. has . , direCte4,°, that in •en lion ,wlsorri e , opposition io. fi le(i, th:O'inbiniinitjOii Of the ' - Petillotter;ohall he inade . tho , * c outity in' 'which the - Thinitinpt Appliconts will thorcfore bcopkicinfie expense of doing: to Philadelphia: th - b tiole sPeCificd for tholicortniof;their petitions.' ' • - P 7, „ . . . Comonskuonor Banittoptcy. . .Car1i514.11ay,.11,.1842. ' ~...10:28 -,inr-FANIE - vittp - Tor: .••• . • . , NOT.• , irjormr.rdirs_Tar:the:i3enefit of the' Banli. Aveie filed 'On - .the mny, 1542;1)T : . „ • JOSEPH MUSSER, late Tanner &Pirrier, •now Justice of. the, Peace, co berland county. JESSE. ,HAUMAN, Merchant & Ironfoundor, "CuMberlandeountY. • , 'JACOB GORGASS; Into Merchant; (of Lanett's ter. rounty4 . Cumberland county.. .• WILLIAM SNODGRASS, late ,Merchant, now Tobacconist, Cumberland county., SAMUEL GIVEN, Into 'Merchant and. 'Maud. fasetnrer i CuMberland County. • • MAY: 31, 184 g. • JAMES WILSON, late Merchant, Cumberland county. • . Which PetitithM will be.heard before the .Dis triet Court of the United ,States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, iirtlmDistriet Conn icom, - iii - the - Citrof - Phil , add ph ia,on Monday the 11th day of •July nex4 at. 11 o'clock, A. M. When and whore all persons .interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the Prayer of the. sail Petitions should not hc'granted, and the said Petitioners be declar ed-Bankrupts, - JIM'S. HOPKINSON, • Clerk of District Court. 3t.32 June 8,. 1812 IN BANK KILTPTCY • -A- PETITION for the benefit of the Bankrupt .Law,lias been filed the Ith of May, 1842, by MAR 0. RUPP, late Merchant, Cumberland County. . Which Petition n•ili bb heard before the District Court of the United States for the'Eastern District .of PenusYlvsniu,..sitting in Bankruptcy,.at the Dis trict Court Roam, in the City of PhiladelPhia, on MONDAY, the 20th day of JUNE next, at.ll o'clock, A. M. yvh,n and Where all ptirsons in terested.may appear-and show cause, if•any they. have, why the prliyer of the said Petition should not be grunted, and the said, Petitioner be declared. '--Bankrupt ' Fll A'S. HOPKINSON, • Oldrk of District Court. . • Jt•29 May 1 t, 1842 Enfa.fe of .Vetthan Reed, deed. 11ETTEft of -Ad niihistiatien on Ae estate of 4 NATHAN' REED, latu of the Borough of Newville; C MnbeHand County, 'deceased, have been granted, to the-subser , iber, residing in Carlisle: -All persons indebted to tai said .deceased, are- re quested to'come forward afitleake, payment im inediatelyamd. those having claims will present them properly authenticated to the undersigned for settle ment. JACOB HOFFER, Adm;.• • Cylisle, Juno 1, 1842. • 6t- 3 0 CABINET IVIAKING. I 61) iN 001 II k6 )4 ryMi3 _V. GI. OSOlat yi As removed to tbo- hpuse recently occupied by Francis • Noble, North, Jlanover street, where be carries on the CABINET MAKINCI in nil its various branches; and is now munn thcturing; and intends keepineon band,..a great variety of OL,II.I=D . In'LV-111R.-7)MZ;.• SUCH AB.. 5 . 1 4 aC6511.013 - , • Bureaus, Seeretnri6,: - Card Pier, Digit and 13retilcrast Bedsteads, (Vc., • • of the most rashionable hind, all of which he will dispose of ohi the most reasonable r terms. He is alsoprepared to till 01 orders-for-Spring Scat. ed Sofas and Va 'icy Chairs, warranted to be of superior duality. - - He Will also rurnish COOVINS at fhb short est notice, and having recently'prceored a NEW 11.,EAZSIV Im - is - prepared to-uttend funerals_io, the country. Carlisle, flay 125, 1842. ta4.30, Alexander's Messenger. TIM ciwarEsT NPAVS JOUIINAL IN TpE wonLD EreiloverUurnishini , its Patrons reala Thirtg-six Columns of intermit's:lntelligence, and only One Dollar per (1111171111! • • • TERMS and PREMIUMS for 1842. For Sixty Dollars—forwarded in one remittance, iu current bills,--the Publisher will furnish Sixty one Copies of Messenger for oneyear, and alto present the agedt procuring 'the same, with a copy o f v on Ratteek's Generatilistory of the World, from the earliest times until die year 1831, in four volumes; illustrated by . twenty-four Engraviugs--- first American edition, handsomely .hound. For Forty Dollars---forwarded in the sAme - Forty-one Copies of ,the Messenger, f o ur one 'rear, will he furnished, and also n copy of Sir Walter Scott's Popular Novels, complete in twenty-five volumes. For TWenty-five Dollars—forwarded as above-- Twenty-six copies of the Messenger will be fur nished for one year, and also n copy of the Quarto Edition.of the )loly Bible, illustrated with engrav ings, and neatly bound. For Fifteen Dollars—Fifteen Copies oldie Mes senger will he furnished for one year, and a Pre ntifun to the agent forwarding the same, of either of the follow ing works, viz;--The 1000 Night's En tertainments,in five volumes, with enkravings—The Deamatie anl Musical Olioiconsisting 'of popular -plays, Songs, and 131diads, set to Music, with En graving„—or a _copy of hvery Body's Album, an amusing work, in one volume, with Feigravings. • .For Ten Dollars-Every agent procuring Ten Subscribersond forwarding the subscription price in one remittance, will be entitled to an, additional copy, gratis. g'else terms for a single subveription is Two Dol. lays per anuum,or One Dollar for six Months—al ways,in advance. Four Cynics will lia_seld for one yestrObr Five Dollars as heretofore. Postmasters tare- authorized, and generally wil ling, to !byword money to newspapers free of ex pense, where the letters; arc ,signed by themselves. Persons wishing to transmit, will; ihereforeov hen it ran he dole, wrdc just what they want the Postmas ter to say for them, by so doing they will only lease the trouble of signing. Postfunsters will take care to emlorse their names on the outside:dui—the word free eau be written by any one, and 'is Kilo use in o:inking a letter,. No 'letters are accepted at our office, unless the postage is paid. Address CHARLES ALEXANDER, Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, Philadelphls. 'Elm Public RE directed Irv. Dr. Harlieli's Celebrated "'` -- Malteirecomm ended sands as a preventive and cure for .diseases of the stomach and nervous system: The Aperient Ger man Pills, are a direct Purifier of the Blood, and pertain to remove Bile from the stomach,. which is _the great cause of Bilious and other' distrbss ing maladies, regulate 'the bowels, &c. 'The ,Strengthening Tonic: Pills give tune and vigor to the organs of digestion, restore the lost appetite, • quiet the nerves of the debilitated, and produce sweet repose to the restless. The above medicines are fast superceding tho drastic ihineral prepare. 'lions Which hom - e.physicians have heretofore boom in the practice of administering to their patients. nde the - introduction of Dr. 1-inflicted prepares 7 tiontririto the Unitedßtates, many have abandon ed such,vile deleterious drugs, and commenced 'administering theatiove medicines whenever the.. symptoms indicate their use. • • N. ni—Phy sicians; and others, who order the above medicines, Will please direct their orders in future to the Principal Office No. 19 north eight ati-ect,'PhiladelPhiai . ftstead of o'rdering'thrOugli other houseso 'Which will ensurb them to obtain the medicine Which litey.expeet to receive.' • - _Philadelphia „Office No. 19 Milli dth street, where - hera - the aboVO rnedieine - can. lwaYik be obi - Sin: ed. Also 'at the - drug 'stem 'uf J. M YERS Sr . . 0 0;:iirlisio,and.at the drug store 'of WM. PFAL, 5411.8,1 p, 0 3 111 :PEIP-'"gP,, 4...v../madiraDtrCP CAME. ti 0 3110 3, Pr°rniliwi,,,,of, the subscriber, living ha... Monroe Aowitship';;;Amobarland county,' abOut one,: .1(tilO South frOoyelutichtown, on thO 12th .• uf Nia. 'a • • ..'ED,, ii.E.i t rE ) 1 " • With a white head and three' white S,V 111141, logs,,.a'apposed to 'he, abop.2 peep - and a half old., 'rho owner is, requeated. to.come torivanl, prove proliot:ty, pay charges - anti tOco it away..' • . , • GEORGE:II774' , , 3t*-31 Juno 1, l 842: . CAMP,. • . - VORIVIERLNYorihii - Wtishhigkon Hotel, has AL ,. .. 4 reMovetftb.'•-::!;r• .931 . 1111024110020132 . 9 . Cornerpf Sicond and Ruil-Road Streets, ,When 3 she will be pleased.to ,accommodate her old customers , and. others,. in the best style and' on the most reasonable forms. . ' . • Harrisburg, March 18,1842. if-20 H 1 'the hereby informs his friends and 'the public in general, distill, still continues to lrecp.a gp - - PUBLIC dc• 4th. MI ' M a (rettorts. to tho contrary notwithstanding,) at the OLD' STAND, in East High Street, a few doors - cast orthe tonit - Housc, wirer° he will at eittiutes . take pleasiire inr edmimstering to the comforts of those who may favor him with their custom. . • His BAR shall be constantly .supplied with. the, choicest liouors;and his TABLE with the best the market can furnish.. A careful OSTLER always kept in attendance—and nothing shall be left un done to.please all who call with him. • . BOARDERS taken by the week. month or year. SIMON WONDERLICH. tf-23 April 6, 1842 MANSION HOUSE East aide of'the ;Public Square, (apposite the Bank,? eIIAMBERSBURG, PA. TILE subscriber respectfully informs the Pub. lie, that he has cein'pleted , his arrangements in this commodious establishment, and is preiWir ed to accommodate Boarders and TransientVitti ters'ivitli every thing usually tube had in the lick Hotels, except • Ardent Spirits—instead of which lie supplies, flee of charge, the adVantage of a Reading Rosin, in which will.be found the Latest News from all quarters, besides mimic materials -forj - ipentlierleis4re - himrs in intellectual amuse. ment. A Circulating • Library, cobtaining "all the New Publications " is also cl ose at hand. 113 fine the subscriber flattersiimself that the Nan. sion House will be. found to meet every reason. able expectation. He solicits a trial. ' . . • J. PRITTS. ' • May 4, 1841 ' — • • 4t.27. N.' B. lia'sling ample Stable room, Tlorqes will he-fedi:did taken care of on motleratelerms., FOR. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, • ime i . fea :l b eku _opt T"E - proprietors'of the Susquehanna Line will run their Cars and Boats: as usual-to Phil •adelphia'and Balthnorc'during the present season. Thtir friends will please apply .to Wm. L. Fox, 'road st. anittiV , - LliFiailluTd No. 76 South Wharves, Philadelphia, and 'Joseph E. Elder, Baltimore. • ' . . _ • Etna further notice, the folloWirig pricbs will be adhered to between thin place-tidthn above 11 . A r • PVI = Groceries, Q.Ware . andflardware, Dry Goods, Furni ture and Drugs,: Wheat, Rye & Corn per liuxhcl Oats. do • Lumber per 1000 ; -feet $2 75 Shingles, de 1 - 50. Flour per WA. - 314 Shad do - • 374 Herring do 314 Salt per 'Knelt, 28 Pitch, Tar and Rosin per 100, 16 Plaster-gross-ton, .$2215. Hemp per 100, 16 Hides„ 20 Pig Metal, gross ton 2 50 Blooms Iron, onis& Castings, 3 I 2 Bar A . 3 50 Nails per keg, 18 Leather per 100, 20 - Vhislcey per bbl .50 larr Blocks pbr.loo, 15 Curb Stone; do 124 Tin, do 20 J. & P. MARTIN. Sureessor to Miller & Martins, Harrisburg, May 4, 1R42.-• , • Gzii-27 t -S • A 33 ; 7 Fr:7 7 144 RS A r?) . A R I L 001)4Y-11T - I - qs. ''cents . PURIFICATION • AND PURGATION Both these Ejects are Produced by Dr. LEIDY'S DLOOD PILLS A CO3IPONENT PANT OF WHICH IS S PeIR 1 14:1Lel. Da. LEIDY'S 131.0011 PR.LS contnin hi their composi ties ingredients which produce the emu notl desirable effects of • PURIFYING' THE -BLOOD •• Cleans:m— the Rowels. rrurEity. are no l'ills in existence which may be I so safely used at all times, ages and seasons, - without reap.aint trout living or occupation, as Dr. Leith's Blood , l'ills. From their composition, they arc calculated to purify the blood and animal fluids during the inter nal between taking them and their operation: . when all impurities, as well as obnoxious substances oldie stomach and bowels, aro. carried off by, their mild • • . . purgative properties. UPWARDS OF 100,000 BOXES of them have 'been sold dnring - the past six months alone, and UPWARDS OF 1,000,000 • since their first introduction by the proprietor, Dr. N. 1.1.1.cu1y. IN NO SINGIA INSTANCE • have they ev.v been known- to fail he producing good effects. Dtt. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS, ' contain no ingredients dangerotecto the constitution, s 11-KRG4III.-V-011--MMItATS-- which are employed in alt Pills manufactured by Quacks and Impostors, who depend upon speb dan gerous medicines under the i mpressi on,(w bleb shows -their• ignorance,) that all diseases must yield to the effects of Mercury and other Minerals. UPWARDS OF 300 CERTIFICATES F rom Physicians an d others, have been frequently publiihed ol the happy elfectuof 'Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills and further comment upon their merits is un necessary.. Dr Leidy would, however,earnestly re commend to all requiring a purifying orpnegative medicino,:to - procure his' BLOOD PILLS, ana try them. No.one will ever.use•any other kind;having &di' given them a fair trial. • 11!;r1BEWABE OF COUNTERFEITS—If pro cured from the lobe Manufacturer and proprietor, Dr. N. B. LEIDY,at his HEALTH EIIIPORIUM, No: 191 North Second street, below Vine street,(Sign of the Golden Engle and Serpents,) Philadelphia, there ca 6 he no posSibility of unmake. - Tlte' are 11190 kept by most of the respectable Druggists of Philadelphui,and by respectable Mee-. chants and Druggists.thrOughoutilie United Stake". .Plt ICE r TWENTY-FIVE-CENTS - For sale, in Carlisle, by • • STEVENSON .& DINKLE, Agents for Cumberland CUunly. — Carlisle; May 18,1842. . Iy-29 . g UST received 100 dozen _Palm Leaf Hata, el which will he pal&Wliplesale orratail, Cheaper, titan eveidlrcied hatatpforo. - ' . EMI Carlisle, , May,2s, 184P7 SILVER ;AND BRASS P,LATING , ticALL kinds, Of $l./GlimEß andand 'BßASS. ' rx.sier.fira. done ~at' the, shortest no. .4.n,jhe neatest inannpr, and on din moat rm.: sonablsAssOs, at thd 20 / 1842. - • • • • -• • FARMERS) HOTEL. txs ,1 • ir Oa 7 , ,a g . '= 4 :. 5 °. ♦ 15c c 6 j. 2'2 81 per bb $3 50 2'oo $2 50' '22 25 3 50 4 00 4 50 23 EEE Mats t; CHAS. BARNITZ. • NEW STEAM SAW .MILL... rivig STEAM. SAW MILL; recently erected! 11, by the stiblmriber, about half a mild below Harrisburg, on the °sat bank of the .Susquehanya, near the Rail Road and Canal; containing TWO VERTICAL: and • TWO. CIRCULAR' SAWS, and Constructed in thermal approved Ond efficient mariner ; is n6w in, operation,. and ready to execute orders with the utmost despatch. ' An alsorttnent of the various hinds of SCANT. / LING, PLANK, BOARDS,PLASTEBING and SHING,LING LATHS, stuff for Windoni Blinds, Venetian Shutters, &e.' Will he always kept ready for delivery. • .. WILLIAM GRIMSIIA •*. From one to livelorso' power, ivithoultable room, to rent. ' • . April 6, 184:1. ' • . ant"..23 • COACH & HAZINESS MAKING. _ • - mi Yyr 111, r• • • - , . - &,-s.4o.•era=• EBENEZER D. NVTZ, UCCESSOR to F.A. Kennedy, Coach Maker, 1..7 takes pleadure in informing the puhlic getter , ally, that he is prepared to render satisfaction in the construction or repair of of every description. His_ workmen are of the first class, !Icing originally from the city of Pliil adelitia,(and, himself ' likewne)—and mater:' iale ere. of the best kind: • CARRIAGES will be finished in the most im proved stile, and nothing-shall be iventind to give full satisthetion tO all who may favor hiin with their. custom. He therefore hopes to receive a sharOof ptiblid patronage, , The establishment is in Pitt street, south of High, in the rear . of. the Methodist Episcopal church., • - Carlisle, March 30, 1842. . tf-22 N. B. Ohl earriagiis,or any kind of trade that is inarketablre,"taken in exchange for'new work. E. D. N. *Medicated ]Extract _ol- Sarga- 6NS.HUNDRED - DOLLAR§ ot-b3 , 4)N-'Y.-,-LE.lllY r ior-o e" preparmion.of Soriaporillit eqiial to _Medicated Ectractsof Sarsaparilla It is posit - icily the strongest preparation of Sams parilla existence. 'ONE Jim yLE. is equal to six pintrof- any-- other -SyrOp , that-is - mule; mild - is bought by mimerous_persons throughout the city, and country- for making therefrom, and who sell -it at seventy-fire cents or one dollar per bottle (about half a pint.) • . • • • The efficacy- of Sarsaparilla is well known in Diseases of e Liver, Affection of the Skiti and Bones, Ulcers of the Nose, Throat and,Body, as well as an Antidote to Mercury and the Minerals, Constitutional Dis casea,and ageneral pnrifier of the Blood and Animal I Fluids. Comment upon its virtues is unnecessary, eery body knoWs its efficacy. It is only necessary %%hen using it to get a good prepneation of it, and then there will hi; no disappointment in its, effects. • 28 43c would refer to the most respecitilire siciaiis r Philadeliihia, as well as thrOughout the 'of as well also to the numerous certificates from physi cians- and others, that lime been from time to time published, now deemed unnecessary, as the clime ter of hi A preparation is firmly established. Through out the "Southern States it is used altogether, and throughout the North takes the precedence over all others, particularly among time physicians, who, for the benefit of their patienth, always recommend it. 35 50c 50 - . The reader is rclerred to the 'directions necom pallyingeachbottleforrecontmehtlations,certificates, and further certificates. (OVRICE ONE DOLLAR PE , R. BOTTLE. Prepared and sold, wholesalq apil retail at • Dr. LEI DVS lIDALTII EMPOIDUNI,No. 191 North Second street, below Vitteoign of the Golde n & Serpents, for sale in Carlisle, by - STEVENSON & DI NKL.E, . • -Agents for Cumberland County. Carlisle, May 18, 1942; ly-29 Mechanicsburg Line _ . . Nsetioeen qlechanicsbarg and Philadelphia Or [RI' 12.111, R O,R.D OR C.R✓V:RL) TtlE subscriber grateful for past favors, begs leave 'to inform his friends and the public generally, that he still continues to run aline of kurthen Cars regUlarly between Mechanicsburg and - Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods and produce or all - descriptions will be forwarded with care and dospalch at the lowest rates tof freight. Produce will be received at his Wire Ifouse,in Mechanicsborg; ' and fbrwarded to either' Phila. delphia or Baltimore, according to the direction • of the owner. higlicut price will be given for Whoa and Flour. • MARTIN MEILEY.• N.' B. Plasterorraris and Salt always.kept hand, and for.sale at the lowest prices. April 13, 1842. • • Splendid! Lotteries for June, 1.8412 J. G. Gregm3l . 4 Co. Managers. Most Brilliant LotterV. , . 30;000 Dollars! Union Lottery; Class No. 8 fur 1842. To bedrawn at Alexandria D. C. on Saturday, Juno 18,1842. 14 drawn num ber's out of 78! Grand Scheme.-1 prizo of $30,- 000, I do of $1,995, 1 do 10,000, 30 do 1,000, I do 5,000, 50 do 250, 1 do P,500; 75 do 200, 1 do .3,000,,75. do 150, 1 do 2,500, 125 do 125, &c. &c. Tickets $lO--41alves ss—Quarters $2,50. • Certi ficates of packages of. 26 winkles. $l3O, do do 26 haloes 65, do do 26 quarters . 32,50. Capital:s3s,29s—making $30 . .000 nett. 15 drawn numbers out of 75! Virginia Lee's- Virg Lottery, CliiiiirfOrlll42: — To - be--drawn-at. Alexandria, Vu. on Saturday, 'June 25, 1842. BRILLIANT SCUSSIE.-I prize of $35,295, 1 do of $1,500, I do '10,515, 1 do. 1,400, 1 do 5,000, 1 do 1,300,1 do 4,000, 1 do r 250, I do 3,000, 1 do 1,200, 1 do 2,500, 50 do 1;000, 1 do 2,250, 50 do 250, I do 2.000, 50 do 220, I do 1,000, 60 do 150 51 . c.-&c: Tickets $lO--Halves 25-Quarters $2,50 . Certificates of packages of 25 wholes $l3O, do do 25 halves 65, do do . 25:quarters 32 50. • - For tickets iintl.shares or certificates or packages in the aboie splendid.Lottories, address • • ' . J. G. GREGORY & Co. Managers, Washington City. . . Drawings sent immediately after they, tire over tool( whO order as above. May 25, are. , 1(25.-C is4OrN TIVIENT.(2 , S c ts. firms OINTMENT _IS, a safe and agreeable '1111: igiplictition,lind has never been known 'to fail in curing'various affections of the skin, when used accoilling to ,directions. -• • • • . Hundred's of certiOcates might be piocured °fits efficacy from Captains of Vessels, -School Teach ere, 'Principals . of Factories ; and .Parents, were it not for,the delicacy of having their names publish ed•in cOnlieition with ao loathsome and, disagree able' affections; • pii , Pricti, • Twenty4lveteents a 'box.- • Prepared. and sold - only, wholeeale and retail; at lbi LEIDY?B, HEALTH EMPORIUM, 91 . North ocond street, neat Yine. (Agit of the Golden Eagle and Serpents) Philadelphia. ' • . For- Bale in Carlisle, by . • , ;.; . - • . STEVENSON - SC • : • Agents fot Cuint!etian4 County,. - Carlisle; 'tray 18, 1842.,, Iy-29:, , • 00110115 001,1)0, THE CAUSE OF CCNSUMPTION:--7Simple . as these eomplaints arc usually eon'si tiered, no one can deny their being the most common cause of thiS fitaLand_distfessing,disease..-1 is udeed- a-melan choly truth, that thousands fall victims to Conatithp• lion evdry year from no other cause than neglected colds. Yet we find hundreds, nay thoitsands - ,who• treat such complaints with . the greatest ' indifference, and let theni run on fur weeks Min! even monthandth- Mit thinking of the danger. At first you have what you may consider.a slight cough or cold ;-you allow business, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from biving it any attention; it then settles upon-your reast, you becomelloarse, have pains in the side or *chrtd, 'expectorate large, quantities of Matter, per haps mixed with brood, a difficulty of-breathing en sues, and then you find your own foolish neglect has brought on this distressing tompland. If then you value life or health, be' warned in • lime, and ,don't trifle with your COLD, Or trust to any quack nostrum . to gum you, but immediately procure a bottle ortwO of that famona remedy, the . "'llacsast OF Virtim CztEnnie,"..w.ttieb is well known babe the most speedy cure ever kilowatts thousands will testify 'whose 'HITS have been saved by it.. . • ,•; rylle very particular when you perchese to ask n x,l! there is also a SYRUP of this name in use. • - • yPrepai-cd, wholesale and retail, by 'Viritt.t.sm's Co.,Cheinists, No.. 33 South . .Kotirth street; Philo, _•• . . . Sold in Carlisle by . •• • r-S2AMITEL-:PLIA011%--- - Price One Dollar a Bottle Maier 20, 1841.—ty. - CRQUP IN. CHILDREN. MOTHERS, BE ON YOUR GUARD.—This is the season when thispestructiVe con!pliiint attacks_ your i4teresting little children, often robs yOu of - those ysiu fondly float (nand carritishimdreds to the grave. Every mother should therefore, know' its symptoms, watelvtlwm closely; Mid always be pre pared with a remedy to cure . it, as many qre daily. sacrificed by 5 TichAeglect, At first.the little patient is'-seized with a shivering, it geoWs restless;liatr flushes of lwat, the eyes become red and swollen, it. breaths with- difficulty ,and then comes that fearfoll couowthat will surely ,termimite in convulsions or death mileg. - something . Is immediately .giveiri to check it. In this complaint the " Ba/sOnt of 7/ ihl Cht+r:y," is well known to be the most speedy cure ever discovered; It is indeed a precious remedy—s mild, safe and innocent, and is sore to give the little sufferer immediate relief, and quickly restore it to safety and health. Familiesresiding in the country and indeed every mother who loves her children, should alwilySitt,wp this medicine in the house and give it to them eat ly, by doing so you :lvy often save the life. of one you fondly love. Remember . this is the famous remedy of this distiguished phy sician, Dr. Wistor, which has cured thoussods of CROUP WHOOPING COUGH, ASTHMA, CONSI PTION, after every other medicine has &Red.--; ("'"lie particular when you purchase to ask .for `Dr. WISTAR ' S BALSAM OF Wl LD CHERRY," OS there 8 a SVIVOC of this Larne advertised thilt is entirely a llM•rent medicine. . Prepared only by WILLIAMS F.: Co., Chemists, No 33 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, • Sold in Carlisle by. --SAMUEL ELLIOTT. - Price One Dollar a Bottle. October 20, 1841.—1 y. • Everyliody Oaght to Ilnow of DR. BECFITER'S • Pulmonary ..I'reservallve. 1 ,0 - 0 - elTdctual in Coughs, Colds, Tufluenzas, Ca /...7 (awl's, Asthma, Pains of the Side, and of.tho Breast, Bronchitis, *Spitting of Bldid, Shortness of Breath,-Whooping'Cough, -all Diseases of the • Breast and Lungs, and for the arrest of approach ing Consumption. ' _ - • So popular is Dr. Bechter's Pulmonary Preser vative throughout alLGermany, and sa affectal in Diseases of the Lungs, that froni, its miraculous. effects and wonderful cures—it is there, generally known and styled "Dr. Bechter's Life Preserier.' As numerous certificates of its very good effects, and wonderful cures in this country, have been fre quently published, it. is deemed necessary only to remind the public of so valuable a medicine, and inform them where it can tie procured genuine. k ).Price—Fifty Cents a half pint bottle. , * 4 .* -Prepared andaold, wholesale. and retail, at Di. LEIDY'S 'HEALTH EMPORIUM, No. 191 North . Second - street, below Vine, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpent(). Philadelphia. . _ For sale'in Carlisle,. by " STEVENSON &, - DINKLE, Agents for Cumberland County. Carlisle, May 18, 1842. Iy-29, BONNETS, BONNETS. 50 LADIES' to purchase BONNETS and SHOES; at the store (if - Carlisle, May IS, 1842 . • • itroVcr • GOOD& . First arrival or:Spring & Summer •. ' Goods. . CLIPPINGER* C.AREY, . .: NEAR THE RAIL ROAb, mien:mm.lll'o. WIFAVE just received from Philadelphia,a splen ' gig did 'assortment of - . .. SEASONABLE GOODS,. of the latesfetyles, to 'which they invite the often. tion of . purchasers., They are prepared to offer goods at such prices ea cannot fail to meet the Wishes of 'those desirous of purchasing • Cheap G 0048.. . Country Prodoce taken in exchange for goods. — Sliiiipertehhig, March 16, 1842. ' • itl2o TO TILE PI[MLIC ANVEACTUREIr and : . icept on hand, for INJL Bale, in the city ; o,Paugaster, • near the Endles4:Clinjoi:'lol,Ore rower THRES H.L G°r MA, t 141 E S • f or o k k r, boas' and'inr . two horses warranted to Work well,' - and dirreiter dirrabnitf„lhan any other .141aehifins, - for litirpose•known'to, th o ooheariber at present. . , • • I • • .'• WM. ICIRKPA'FRICK. Loncaster, -May 4, , 1842. , 6161.27 • 1114 u 'recpiiiiitl ,a and May 18; 1842. .;• • -' • LAW Noncp T'mere,. and inieineee with which I wag •", profeesionittly connected, are placed in the handle 'EGE. Eqq., who will attendrto the same; during my absence.. _ • . W. F. ,LINE. .CHARLES IVI!CLURE, ATTOILVEY Office in High 'street, -. a. , few doors west of the Court . House: • • ..cnoisle,-Apror6,lB4e. • cr.23 ;S. Ci-UN LA - P aittOr . ney at 'Lair,. OFFICE' No. 3- Beetein's Row, on the Pub. lie Square, Carliile,Ta. April 6, 1842. . , tf. 1 2:3 % 1 . 4'0 HN HA It P,g R: ,. tommitigionerin Itesaltruptcy,± et i FFICE iirSouth Hanover, street; rca . i. lur CICIIIM'S Hotel, where all Intormatien.desir. ea, in reference to the duties' of those intending io apply for the benefit of the Hankrupt Act, can be obtained. - Carlisle, May 4,,. 4842. .„ tf.27 113 EaLJ IS Eh, c • y UMBER of every description& SHINGLES, for sale cheap, by J. & P. MARTIN, Suecesliors to Miller & Martins. Harrisburg, April 20,18424 . 6ma FRIDLEY & ROBINSON. Tin, CcipOersmith, tic Stove ...Business.. • ,• J ACOB FRIDLEY & ELIAZER ROBINSON. s having entered into CO-Partnership, the. Tin Copper and Steve business, 'under the firm of FRIDLEY & ROBINSON,-resp'eetfirly informthe• all that theyintend earryins on' their business in all its branches, at the old stand of Jacob. Fridley, North Hanover street Carlisle ; where they will at all times, be !mowed to serve purchasers with any ' on-the.most reasonable-terms In addition to all other varieties of- stoves, which they will constantly have on hand;they have purchas ed of Mr. J. G. Hathaway. the exclusive right to manufacture and Sell, in- the couldles of Dumber land and Dauphin • Hathaway's Patent "Hot An. • • Cooking Stoves."- . And being aware that the.peoplein this place and I vicinity . , have been much imposed upon' by the in troduction of new and highly recommended articles which they have been induced to purchase, and which have been so slightly•made, and of such bad matoni al, that in a .short time they have failed and become useless. We, therefore t do not intend offering stoves for sale until they are fairly tried in th is community; and pronounced more durable In their construction better adapted to the purposes of boiling, baking and all the varieties of cooking than any other stove;also, that the}} - Are n_great saving of fuel as well as labotir. (rf We earnestly invite farmers, as well as dents of thiti -place 'and the neighboring villages, to eall'on us wt-S:WonderliCh's-hoteltor,-notify-us by letters (postage unpaid) that they are willing to try ,our stove—and the stove, shall be placed in the . kitchen of every person giving- us such 'notice, and taken away after trial, vithoutany expense to per-- sons making thetrlitl, , ---The-stoves-will-belept_for_c_salent the:Tin:Shop, of Mr. Jacob Fridley,and at the Foundry of Messrs. Lay and Stouffer, in Carlisle. • . Having . contracted for One .hundred Tone of' Caatiiigs, we wilt ; in a - fliw days, supply Store deal ers with all the different sizes, on the most liberal terms. ELEAZOR ROBINSON, of Cnrlisle ' itellgent for selling the re , i) mke and vend the IIOT Alit STOVE, and. disp 'e ofeounties in this and the adjoining States. • 'We mthlisit the following remmeodation - s; from some of these who are using the stove, to enemas° other's to try, it, Carlisle Sept. 1?.,11841. --- ,, hitve . .in mie in kitcheti oar - of Hathawityspit ent Hot Aie•Cookiug Stoves,-and can recommend it as o very stMeriornrticle. The ofie I hare is No. 3. It has 5 boilers and an 'oven sufficiently large,to hake six loves-of bread. The baking, roasting nod broil ing.can all be done nt the same time and with metih• less wood than is required for any, stove which we, have used.. This size appears be peculiarly cal - 01840 for- Farmers, and for their benefit I invite them to call nod see this stove in use, as I shall takti`pleasiire iii slioiving this stove to all whom interest or curiosity may induce to examine-it. SIMON A Carla , Messrs. E. Robinson & Co.—( during the few days I have had .- llot Air Stove in use, become ,t great superiority over another stov seen. 1 find by the trial that boiling ing and broiling may all be Alone at I in a most perfect manner, and with' t fourth the fuel I have ordinarily used ,purposes. 'I have heretofore been of th 'bread could not be well Lilted in: a co I but lam cOnvincedup . on trial that it can t well in your stove as in a brick oven. .. I believe dint the general introductin stove into use will be very beneficial to 'll e therefore I 'shall take pleasure in recommit to my friends. Yours respectfully, WILLIAM MO DY. Caritite, Sept. 10, 841. Ofessrs. E.• Robinson & Co —Gentlemen, louse fairly tested the "Hot:Air Stove" which you tit up at my house, and can recommend - it - as - pass ssing principles of economy and convenience far 5, tos sing any other stove AS hieh I hove ever seen. The boilers coming in immediate contact wit the fire'gives it great royalties for boiling, and the ven is heated on such n principle that bread is baker in as finest-manner tts in a brick oved. I find it al o a great enving • of fuel and labour, and would advise 11 to.udopt it. MITCHEL McLELLAN . • • elitintbersbnrg, Sept. 6; 1841. I do 060 ify that I am now using one of Hathawa Patent Hot Air Cook Stoves, No. 8, and do reco mend it as superior to any stoic I have seen, th great saving of fuel, and the variety that can ht cook inF at the same time, makes it an object.to those wh wish to facilitate the operations of the kitchen: . . , JOS. CULBERTSON, Carlisle, September 15. 1841.—y Read what it has'ltone. And if ion have a friend, a relation, or know any one that is afflicted with that distressing diseilse., "CONSUMPTION," persuade them without de lay_to try that famous. and intriveled -medieine; the " - BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY," which has cured thousands of this complaint after etery thing else had failed. .Read the following undotibted proofs of its efficacy. • Roxnonovon, Sept. 10 1841. , DEAR Stn:—Please send me two bottles more of yeti! Balsam,of Wild Cherry, like that yon sent me before. l'have taken .nearly all of the first two, and confidently believed this . medicine will cure me... 1 have used 'a great many remedies within the .last year, butisitve neverfound any thing that has relieved me so much, It has stopped ray cough entirely, checked my night sweats, and 1 sleep better at night and feel better in every way than I have,for many _mmalts,—Yours t rcapectfulLy 110Massouno, Sept. 15. 1841. :Fnar:lvo 'MISTER must again trouble thee to sertd me two bottlei more of thy invaluable Balsam, have now taken three bottles In &Bond can assure thee that it has done tnemonegood than all the media clue t have ever taken.before.• 'Send by the stage'as Boob as poptle, and oblige thy frientli, • Jaeon HOLLOWAY. Monet., Sept: S 1841. DEAR Dorton:a-Hearing so many people talk of • the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cherry has made, in' COnsumption, sent to ne of your Agents the Other Oar for n bottle, and liatefoond it • to have relieved meito much, that I want three bet more Henke*, as I believe' it will cure Me' too:: 1 have used Jayne's Expectorant and other Medicines behidesibut nothing , has ever doneme much good . ' us yourto has. Send by the : steamb oat . Deliver, ' Yours truly, • Waitress Tritimmi.. , ' Crßesides its astonishing efficacy in Consump-, tien,,it is alio the most effectual remedy everdiscov.,, ered jor.,LIVER COMPLAINTS. •ASTIRZ4A4 BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, CROUP,'. COUGH, Ste., as hundreds' will Itestifit NAG ' , , have 'been mired by- it after other rentediet.' had • failed:. • A. RICHARD§.. tf-29 DRUGGISTS and DEAI.ERS. will find this the-. Oidine a valstable^addittan to thpli• stock, awl sh9idd aliviyi keep it on% hand; as it is lifiiveimp.rackinew 116dged tittle one of the mostlisefutihroily. allte very purtioular to ask, fox i Dr. WISTAR'S, .BA LSAIWOF WILD coitauty,. ,p,qll yholesall: WILLIAM:F to,.,.c,4,Fiktp, 149 2. 45 : South Fourth street p The g enuine VatsSm,.enhj ,in lisle by, SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoint-, ed . Agent. • Price $.l *0 a , • , DotObei ' • = ; usT received lot of SiferE:ne ,WITTE •Ji - witigitr - fl,( ft mid fCii SA eatVl,' store of ' *. R; 10 , 1 4* " Febmary . , _ • UNDERLICH Sept. 11,1841. nnTl,l3lrfl, I have -our. Hathaway"s \ onvinced of hit I have used or roasting, bak \ he same time, ess than one or the . nine. opinion that king stove,. he done as 1 of your e public, nding it