Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 15, 1842, Image 3

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    may take tberd, and. help tiers if while she
. relievcstlftitte§: -• '
. Congre - is'shOuld' Took, fo ti ia
Tbdpeolde 4 7::liiiVe id ti
• whim-whim of Persons ,or elignes, some
great" principle; or some immense intdres
is to be sacrificed ` The Land Distribu'
seSsion.of„Conaresi - anr.i.a. - measure favor.
gdogit,h,pg9pro. ..,benefiutc sheeld
'be bargained EtWay: to p roue re, hat . which is
a benefitl6 . 'tlie eitheripartY'in the contract.
11Or-has Congress a'' `sacrifice , it
dignity, its a-ie.:rdinate brariel of the
ti na government, - bribing another
branch witlilbC- property of Sates, to
d'ci .- iimeivbich'ii'iticarlY;rtght,, and' Cletiriy
" for., the benefit of that' other brtinelt-., • • The
tariff' for revenue= must 'not be, Purchased
• by 't hOadrifieeTtif
t•. , ,
The Ladies of CPl'lisle
MR.EDITOR :—On.reading your notice of 'the
TempeMnee Mass Mecting t ield at Shippensburg.
on the 2d inst., it' occurred to me as one — of - the
ntostpleasant neat - reef of the temperance reform.
tion,' next to the restoration of the drunkard to his
fitreilyend his friends, thlit the Ladies were no
longer excluded from our public festive celebrations.
Soieral •hundreds of ladies were there assembled;
and 'the character of the Hon. gentleman who pre
sided; and of thp . Apeakent who were called out from
the assembled meltituda to address the meeting,
. ,
sufficient guars*, that the 'ladies* found
themselves in company worthy of them.'
I:have freqL.Mntly met the ladidil of .Carlisle at
• their pic-nies, and their bray parties; and now
I' nee the Committee of Arrangements foe,the 'pc
_r oaeion offer them, in exchange; an entertainment
_inti_neigitbering groVe; on the coming 4th of July.
I suppose there will, be no mode-earonatiat exhibit
- - ed; but with the speakers, who, I tindetitand are
engaged fur the occasion, and the thnsia'already be
speken,`l think this part of •the ce,,remopy may
ry well bo dispensed with. .Perhaps the reading
of the "Declaration of ladependeine" will ,take
its place. ' I shall fur one expect to see the. Ladies
of • Carlisle on gle . ground, r X.
y.The Baltimoreans are about presenting the
Lancaster Fencibles with-.a. splenJid Flag. That's
right. They deserve it.. • ,
False Report.
0-_ - _y"A. - report reached this place last week that
the" Perry County Timmer - act had,quit fibbing
"Thc,report had neifoundatiOn in truth'—aS the"
Bloomfield "papers said nothing. on tie subject"
.•The Otidoi Tlcrald of the lies a long'
botitOlaiuing.hittarly_Thati while. England
without, tiuty,• low charges, Russia
_ produce, Russia charges heavy duties on VLT9sli
goods. Will the free trade. people of AmertC-a
look at that? • • '
There in one of the commandments that wo•
men never break: "Thou shalt not covet thy
neighbor's wife."
. .
Soor6tat'y of the.Akenn Itistirance Ctimpa
ny; N. Y. is a defaißter to. the whop! of
$lOO,OOO, which he:has los . t in speculating
7in-stocks. •
'lt is stated in the official report of the. Treasur
er of the fund belonging to the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian' Church, that the original furo
which amounted to $llO,OOO, has been sunk over
$89,1100 ,hy the depreciation of woke in- which ,
part of it Was invested. .
An English surgeon was lately fined...Cls for
kissing a young Miss who had called upon 'ilk,' to
have-a tooth extracted• The lady took the kiss
amiss, and tho law; made the surgeon like all deal
ers in contraband articles, pay the penalty..
contract has been taken in Pittsburgh for
building an Iron Wei Steamer for the U. S. Gov,
ernment.L-The work will employ about 21)0 hands.
for a considerable time and dibuise some $l5O
000 in the "lion City." ,
Binnouu, of.-Virginia, died at his resi..
denco on Wednesday lam, in the G7th year of his
ago. •
PHILADELPHIA, June 11,1842.
. FLOUR ok, MEAL --Last week the operations
in Flour and Wheat mire large, destined princi
pally for the English market; this week the de..
mend has also been fair, and the siiles oitsiderir
ble; over 12,000 bls superfine Penna. at 95 50
per bbl, this leaves the stook unsold moderate,with
light receipts.... The market closes fillrp, with an
up.wa.d tendency, some factors holding it at 85 626
per bbl. Rye Four' is steady at 93 376; sales 35.0
Mils Brandy wine Corn Meal at $2 87.6; Penna.:—
Corn in hhds 913 a 13 25; bbls' $2 62i, demand.
GRAIW--The demand for Wheat cOntinuci
active; , to day a lot of 3700 bushels' prime rod
Penna. Wheat for exPort at 122 c; sales Southein
Wheat at 120 e. The receipts are only moderato,
and find ready sale ;...-salep. of 600 bushels Rye
.at 74e for a 56 lbs Euro has been in good de
mend at an improvement; about 6000' bushels
Southern flat yellow sold ut 51 a 52c; 'white do
ready at 50e; Peyina. 'round and flat yellow mix
ed at 54 . c. '
WHISKEY.—Stock moderate—salt's at 18i a
19c per gal.,•in bhls. , • .
CATTLE.MARKET.—Beef Cattle-320 head
were at; which sold at $5 50A $6 50; . 20
left over. Cows and Calves=2l7 at market; sales
froin , s2l, to 29;; extra $32 to, 36. Dry Cows $9
to Springers $l2 to 17. Hogs-469:at mar
ket; sales at 4 6Q left Over.' Sheep and
Lamb S-2350 at market, salWrif 0,50 to $2 '75,
BALTIMORE, June 11,•1842
FLOUR.—Howard street may bo qUated-at 85, '
621 per bbl. ae tho market - price far , good ..mixed
brands from store ; and for-a fancy article $5 661:
while the 'reeelpt price, rannAns at 85.'50. City
-IWilislas Sold at $5 561,eash r 4thich 'constitutes
the largeStisaieS, while somo holders ranee to op.
diatattetess than,-5 . 621 to $5 75. susquehanna
'has been steady at $5 62,i.,. ,
GRAlN.Marylanti arid Pennsylvania Wheat
has sold during the week at about 1 16 to 41 20
• ' for rad, with' , small stipplieir coming forward.
Rye may be quoted 66 to 67 'Cents. .White Coin
'• 51 to .52 tents, and yellow , ' 52 -t053:, • Oats•ani;
leashrisk yvillnot coriunand 'Over 36 to 3$
WHISKEY.In doiniequetme of the, light stook'
is held at,'l,9 'conts r forllidd,, - ancl
• •
BEEF`, CATTLE. , ,—lnaltiding near 300, in two
drovbs, which passed on to an Eastern Market, the
offerings this week, were aboni - 500 head, of which
140 were' taken by . tile. bittehers at 5 to $6, and
tho.balanCe remain , unsold'. flogs 'have" been
It* m. i iv :x ? t,- - i,'' . - :', 11 .. .r,7*.f !,-.*
,;ii - ;-,
' MARRIP - •
On'tlio 2nd!ino, thelltev44ohn Tgrieb,
WELL, allot North Middleton. township;
• On 'thOL 9th !!inst.•!by ' the 'slime'!Mr,!JOHN
of Noith`Middleten,towrishitty—
. On the same day,;by the "adriii:; Dlr ;,7EdSE
REINFIART to 'Niles :lANp'MHXER, all of
! •!'
on tho ..t6ti, ult. by :Elder Wen. Tiinnp; Mr.
- ADAM. GEN4E4 to. Mistu.•'- - gDIZ,ABETii
MARY ESLINGER, both of dutubetianctcounty.
On the 6th , inet., by A, W,--Mantee, Esq4lllr.
411 'Q f NewPoq, Perry county.
7th inst., by t 4 4 ., Rpe, , J. - ljull; Mr,
nn of. Tyrone tolyne hip, .Poii.ilounty. '
Haa4:4ll:' .4; laall)iilom;
Wethiesti,ay,,Jul?! . lq, 1,842.
[Subject'to the decision of a
,N 4: Convention.
• . • 0 °
(1:j . V. B PA LI.IER;Esq.nt. his'ltealEstate and
Coal Offiee i No, 104 ; South Third Street, Phila.,
is authorized' to ad:. as Agent, for 'procuring sub.
seriptions and advertisements for the '"Herald &
Expositor,' ,
.1Z Having fitted up our, office anew, we aro pre
pared. to 'print .PAMPHLETS and BOOKS to or
der, speedily and inn neat rilanner, and on reakion
able terms. ' ' '
CC:) . ‘lnE DANCING FEATII En," a very interest.:
ng story by Professor Ingraham,is for sale at Gray'S
otelligenco Office. . • • •
Our thanks arc duo to Messrs. 13nowzy , and
Coorra tor publicdoeutnOnts: ' '
iiroindcbted to the How Mr. GUSTINE
—who'has foupd out at last that the Herald is "alive
and kicking a copy cirtltc — . o .Vashingtorc
Independent," containing a.'yast amount of inter
esting matter.
FrOm - lia'rriisburg.
cij ) FliC Legislature met at Harrisburg on Thurs
day last. 'For a sketch of :tho proceedings so far,
see our Harrisburg-Ctirrespondence:
Gen. cot at Danvißle.
Wile reader will find, on our first pagi% an ac
count dew reception of Gen. SCOTT at the Dan
ville encampment. _The 'sketch ie from the, pen of
a correspondent of the Harrisburg Telegraph, and
will' be'found .to be' veryi.metosting.
Jaines 3 New Novel.
Er"MORLEY ERNSTEIN," the splendid new neve],
by G. P. R. .J . xidFs,Esq. is publiheil cornplaciti
,an extra triple "New and can fp hed at .
-Gii.Ws-News-Emporilun, corner of-amth-lianoVer
and Ponifret street,',at the very low . price Of .
'eentS; Go soon and buy a copy. The dcmainl ie
grerit, and the supply
Er - col. NOlltE lient us a rye-stalk last week;which,
ike "Old Chili ," IS t all' affairi It iS Sevin sfeet, ten
nches long! It beats anything•in the Buk line we
lave heard of - yet in this county. •
• rjtr-We take pleasure in saying that the first
number of INS paper will be issued on the 2d 0 f
July next. °Ur friends willoherefore, make every
exertion possible tO sustain it, na they tvililitd
"Tae WIIEAa'a just. such a• pape: now so. mud
desired by the ft : ,, nds of T his
..ea by u. hien, emperance in this coon.
ty. The first number will contain some, able ori
ginal articles. Communications intended for the
first number, should be handed Ili by the 24th inst.
IVlllitark Election litetul'eas.
Ty In another column will be found the.:o ; ffi'cial
returns oldie county complete—for which we are
indebted to the politeness of Gen. IYILLIs FaurAck.
The Meeting , nt.i►l'Glaeighlim's.
Kr The Tax Vayers of the County will bear in
mind this meeting, and every one, that can pos.
silly do so, should be present: The Legislature
is • now in seidion, and a feW days more may
cor - co upon us the iniquitous tax bill Pow before it,
without any hope of relief, if a loud voice is not
speedily sent pp to our Senators. Let every man,
then, see to his rights.
distinguished gentleman-did not visit
our place last week. A part of his baggage came
we understand; but why the General himself did
not come, the public is 'at a loss to know. His
non-arrival occasioned much disappointment, as
well 'as regret. Several were here limn a dis
tance to see him. It is rumoured that jealousy in
a certain high quarter occasioned his recall to
Washington!. Very likely: • •
, ifl-Mr.:Buchanan .haa nap4e another, speech
So look ont fo' a yarn headell'oßetrarlte of Mr
Buchanan" in the next Volunt'eer • .
The Baankrtip►t
IrtThe Philadelphia Tog'firer says: Itis appro..
hended that some of the applicants for the benefit
of the Bankruid. ,Law labor under, an - erroneous
impression, that, after the first. hearing—that is;
on the petition for decree, no further-action is nd
.This is a very great niistalte; , for with
out filing the second petition for discharge, which ,
rendires seventy da n uolnce, the tipplicant stands
precisely in the stmt relation to - his ciuditors as
before the Bankrupt'tdzio was enacted, - ,
litroare eighorized to malto this statement' for
the information of such as are concerned, and
therefore repeat, that, Without the, final action
being had on the petition for , discharge, :an Pre : :
vions proceedbags,nre utterly valueles*
, .
try•Brothei Watsste'mpsi., of the ' , Gospel Pub
, . ,
ishtit," walks into his bad 44 patrons" t;onistiittoi it
the right way. Hero jam ! sample:, . •
"Joseph Keating, Pittsburg, is informed that he
owes $3 on our books for the Publisher, and that
lia,paper,willmin be stopped until paid for,althobgh
he does not call for it. Wo,rousi repeat,:
burg has imposed on us some of the meariest. sill"-
•• I •
scribers we over had."
The same gentleman says: "The paper aker
was lierethis morning for money, bulase,hailmonerl
- reads his paii6f from' year. to year, an then 'discOn
dunes. without "paying ~ Others continue on
and give plenty of "fair. promitteis," Mit nitught'sleci
So', friend; bear with your Pinions; let s your. paper
inaker "call again," and bo:Ut.the'deeii Whenever he
cries for copy or bread! P. • Pitition Wo see
he has ilissolved hiiconnexion with you! • • tr
$l,OOO lite.rvarg Dory!,
-, Gov.,..lttrrii; cif, ,Tilioce tsten4, has issued 'his
.preulamOOni,4?tr9riniu: .
/ttitpre4entiorh.of,r,titasrAs WvitißN Deitu,`,a fugi
tive from plata°, end charged With trettscut tigainst'
saki 73tate • '
OPpq.apatiglp,tc4. - :. )
; c4rD.tstrii, thq" . gicta
poo tutober Merchants, obsquatulatatV•
oat thou that, ifeigh6ourl • ' •
CARLI4Fi-:-PA : .
FOIE ; ;
Book Printing:
The Wieralk.
Gen. Seoit
Look ,007,
' t
; rroviti - ,W . ashington
,crjqN have but "little of g.
intercst from Washin
fotiok , 'CMlgress Nis Atee4:m:, - 6eision..ialf a &ear,
abd'xiothing comParaMy hits been dorie 16 relieve
the'Obtitry." Title Aim riioitineUt Bill hareit*gih
ti \i,.,
.paaScd,t4,SeM'iter,' but materially iilteretliillice its
Eissapiln the liQl180 :.. Therratio adoptedilo.o.ll.o...
with's provlso that fractions of More than half that
number, shall tie rePitiseitted: A's. iteruia front, die
llo:ucte,ii,wili;b«; 7 reeelliected, Abe ratio was a. little
over; 50,000, and , fraetipns not represented. {A§ aeon
as the bill becdmep tilaiii--whidh we' !cilia will be
speedily- r we Aol lay it before our readers.' .
:,Tbe Tariff or 'Revenue 4illreported by the Coro.
mittee of-'Ways and Means is now before the
House: . . It will occasion much discussion and ex
,Wte give:in another Column; an,exeel;'
lent article 'from the Milted States Gazette upon
the subject, , which our readers are requ'ested to
City and Countri Bankie.
Ic" - 'Bicknell's Reporter copies our suggestion
as to the course to bespursued by the City Banks to
wards those of the interior, 'and declares it to 'he
"qte true. remedy and that it will cheerftilly
yield ifs support in bringing about a better under
standing between the sound Banks of the City and,
Country. • We are pleased at this, and the public .
will soon perceive the graat influence which that
paper can exert. ,
We regret:that the Reporter. has' inailvertently
credited our article to the " Vol6nteer "-a paper
that has for years been warring against the hest
ir tercets of the country !..*
ftesonsption of Specie Payments.
'O The spirit of resumption of specie payments
is begininrig to be the Order_ of the day, The
Louisiena'l3anks hay(' resumed, the 'Kentucky
Bunks resume to-day; and the, Tennessee Banks,
by a resolution of the Legislature, are required to
resume within twenty days from the resum
Kentucky and Louisiana., _
The Virginia Banks are expected to resume on
the Ist: of August next, if not' before. •
• In bonnecticut,the Legislature have before them
a bill in relation tn. Banks, which provides that no
Bank shall issue Paper not redeemable at its Bank.
inPiause.' - . • "
___ll3l„eitir own Stete,./sysralßapk_s_e_utiptthe
of Philadelphia are paying out specie; arid :On tlrb
.Ist of September next, all.the Banks in Lansaster
County will redeem all their•liubilities inipecie.--.
Su will many others throughout the State. Those
that cannot resume by that perked at least; eliou ld
he compelled to close their doors and wind up their
business. 'Non-specie-paying. Banks, are - of:but
little benefitto corneitMity.
• o:7'Viaritirre Loan of $250,000,
which was authorized to be made by the last Vir
-gi ni kLe,gisl atu mi.-learn- from - lit Chau - We - Rem=
ter,.hasmot yet been takd% although the Board of
Public Workeiimitedlheprfairto 951 ,If the nego.-^.
tiatiOn be not completed, 'the $250;000 worth of
State Stock, now pledged to Illo , rrisons, will
net be redeemed, the interestdue on the let of lury
.Wilt not be'liaid, and, the credit of the Suite must 1
duffer! Virginia, 'be it known, is in the hands, of
Tyler-Loco F000s! • ,
_Cr BAlex or .li.c...vrt7cßi. ,, --Virgil 'McKnight,
ling:President - of the Barik . ofiCatuckS , , 11 . 114 ar•
rived in Philadelphia.. Is 'is said he brought with
•hhn - a largo amount of new certihcattio of knock, for
the.purpose'of being issued by ;he-Schuylkill Dank,
iswelLas genuino stock.
fl_Trialtirnora and Ohio Rail'Road Orders are
selling in Baltimore at 66 a 67 cents In the dollar!
rrThe proceeds. of the Reading Rail Road,
from passengers, freight, &c. for one tnonth, are
stated at $20,0.00!
([j MINETU PorrsvlLLE.—Tho Read
ing Gazette sayst... , We learn that the circulation
of this Institution is only aboulone hundred-add
sixty thousand dollars—and that she has curtailed
her liabilities upwards of three hundred thousand
dollars since the first of January last. , As the.
notes are taken at par in payment for Cris! by all
our dealers, the weekly shipments . of which at pre,
sent amount to about 19,000 tons, will soon absorb
all the circulation abroad, and bring' Philadelphia
in debt to this place." '
IrriNCILEAtIE OF 13(.78/NE6S!-A fine-lot of WEJ,
Yens made their appearance i,& Wilkesbarre, Pa.,
on the 11th instant, Mrs. Weaver, on that day,
presented her husband with THREE LITTLE WEA
vrits-7two sons and a daughter! This is cheer-
ing news to the friends of dontestia 'industry!
tern= COAL TRADE.—The Pottsville papers
state that the, first train of fifty cars, containing
1.5,0 tons of coal, destined for Richmond; on tli . e
Delaware, by the rail road, was loaded at. Mr. as
mines on the West. Branch rail road. The train'
left Schuylkill HaVen on Monday evening last. at 4
o'clock A. M., and was disilharged in a vessel which
set sail for an Eastern port on the evening of , the
day. This despatch will give our readers
idea of the facility with which the coal busi
can be conducted, as soon as the company'
completed'the necessary rtrranOments, to ac- 1
commodate those engaged in the trade. .
The Rhode lishiand'Wor!
, have been patiently waiting to Nee in
our neighbour's paper an official return of 'the
killed, waunded &c, in the late Rhode Island War,
butns our , neighbour' seems fearful to lerthe re
sult be known, we shellwait nu longer. ' Flie fol
lowing is
_copied from a Rhode Island paper: '
Official Return of (14 Killed rind Wounded
Rilled, ' 0
Wounded, ' ' . 0
Missing, ' • .. , 481.
'Snared, ' . . -
... 160
Horribly,,frigh ened, . lp. • • 783
'Fainted me the battle - ground, . . A .73
Pantaloons in need Of the ivaelier women, 631
Wanton in' hysterics,.
~ . • 22
. .
,burned, said to be (but is doubsd,
Shot_expended, ' - 0
Tenipiiisnee pledged broke (before battle) 330
Governor's missing,
(0 - 117, ali.aclvertiSement in the. Harrisbuig Re
porter, 11e perceive that no less than flint) Soldiers
,have, since' the 20th May last, deserted frun.the
Carlisle Barnickal :_thele:nainei - arei - rWilliani C.
TEamp,iori t Jamee M )Vilbur,'Albert °Wee%
iteidiiiir.Lihn - lt;SfarhiWvh; ,latnes:M;
doeksint,,Jantim;k', Hart, James. L. •Cilchriat and
Samuel' D. ; Boice r ,the last nee - 163'4July 17 years,
of,, age. rWe' aro Sorry `Mg . i. -, :liii"ltAtiToer bas i n - )
to Harrieburg to got' his adyertieing
wfien there are , papers in Carlisle*onopprintig by,
'Corporal Sanderson and another by private Mid
dletoni- ":
• '-oz)=Tunliatown, Md„ must'be u broth 9£ alto°,
and possesS great ain't A' Dotitbr over - theie ha's
quit drinising rum, and is ireay , "deleiionajitgl4lrig
lessons to seve:ral - 'stirdents in tie. science. pf:117.-
siololit;pathOlogy, Therapfa s Snrgory;Midiflfery;
and_iutotilarly_i&iho Latin . 'language He ie
of the, "piri-hook" breed Mr. No'ws?
ocr The s uit so long. pending
, between the . "Oki
School' and"NeorSchOoll''partieii in the
byterianthurph,,,has been-withdrawn by tho lat
• •
Fprpicknell's RspriTteitta;. ;143v,,9t5il
no party—giveitlie filllowinghears4R.pioture:oe
Pennsylvania-=:,poer;Owy iideeiyPeepsykoMi,if
!ThaSfate treasury is a' sin
gle dollar. of available mearish, ,, • . y
"Flnn the failure and-weakneha' or the •Banke,'
tlieirsind dollars from what the); 'we're last year, , :
oThe'amount due' to'domestic Creditor:3.3a daily.
increasing,• and now approaches three millions
of dollarsr.
"Tile funded deilt orthe Otitte
.is -increasing at.
the rate °few - 4033nd interest, , and Is now not far .
from, forty millions!. And Abe., expenditure on •
the public works exceeds the receipts upon Vieth
from a 'hail to three quarters of a million!"
What a contrast to, the condition whin" the
Commonwealth presented When, Under the gni&
anci3 of that honest old Farmer, Jotiern
During his edministration, the Public linprove. -
Tents prospered ; Money flowed. into
,the Treasu.
ryi the State,Tax was repeal'ed; andmotWithstand.
Mg the opposition of his opponents, every-engage
ment of the .State was met and 'her faith MUM.
tairied. 'The Old - Farmeelwas turned out and a
petty Lawyer put in his place, and now behold
the result!'.. • • . •
The-State Treasury Bankrupt!
The We:blood sacked tout of the
The Debt due domestic-Creditors
swelling and no men* to'ipay
The State Debt inereaiiing'in the
Most alarming manner! . '
The l'ublie Works yielding a loss
01 near a. Ilion of 'Dollaro - a
year! _
The _People grounorto the duet
Uy Taxoftion, and! the .
7 ture about ihereasing their bur.
What an awful condition- of affaiii!. ,, How
•dtleply, did the people wrong : that 'good
,than, tend
Ail)n in
they drove JOSEPIVRITNER from the Gubernatorial
chair and, placed the State Govarnmcrit -under the
control of Porter.and his mmrincipled associates!
.But the end not yet!
Ewing, V..
o'The lion. TR OMA B Ewmi, "late SecreCary
i .of _t4oi-Troagury r .Inks-addrossed=t.--tanl—ft-Tirtrio
In relation to thg. course of President
Trum on the second Bank .Bill, which he vetoed
last summer. Mr. Ewixo's
_veracity having been
called in question by an Ahress of - a‘personal
friend of the President'S; Mr. Mi't.r.ontr of Vir
gjnia, to hisconstitnents, Mr. Bwt.No called on yr.
MA.l.ronx- 7 and the latter states In his reply that .
the President hul , ussu red ' him (111ALLo a y )that
the charges of falsehood and perfidy_wbreir were
'mail° against hint:in your (Ewtso:s) letter of ie..
ignetion_were_theinttelve4 3 , ..ti5---
taina his statements Made in thatletter, by letters
from the 'l'. 13. Kiro, Hon. J. 111.7. Btattr-
Irg", of Georgia, and try the Hon. JOIIN SEM/I:ANT,
of Pa., which bear lain: ontirrtiiirdeblaration that
Presidetit had approvcil of tlie second Bank
Bill ° , which had _bceir.submitted to him for his ex
amination, previous. to its_being..intrOduced into
Congress-;-the same
. bill. he afterwards - Itturned:
with Iris veto
We agree with the Vlrestininster Carrilltonian t
that it was scarcely - necessary. for Mr. - E:ifi!ro In
have put himself to this trouble--the puhlicinind
was already satisfied that tliti-Prcsident had-
approved and then rejected that bill. .
Church DcOsiiin,
(:o" . The Presbyterian General Aasentbly, lately
convened at• Phi!adelphia, have decided, by a vote
of GO to 11, that a man hue not a right to marry
demented wye's
I:9"Pursun nt to adjournment, the Legis
lature met at Harrisburgh on Tlihrsday, Juno 9.
There was a quorum in each House.
In the. Benateok. lame number of petitions
were presented andrefered—among them, a
number for the abolition of. the Philadelphia
!Court of General Sessions, (Jtidgo Barton's.) A
r esolution was adopted, calling upon the Gover.
nor for information as to• whether any, subscrip. •
tions had been made by the banks or . . not since
the Gth of January last, to the roan authorized by
the 4th 'of May, 1841, and if so, the names of the
banks, and the amount of each subscription. It
Is said that over $300,000 of additional shipplas.
ters have been issued by. the Eric Hank alone,
since the 6th of January. Tho resolution from'
the House, authorizing_ the Canal Coininissitaiers
to discharge all officers on the unfinished lines of
canal except two superniendents, passed, second
reading, and on motion ofMr. l yarrelly, was then
referred to the domutittee internal improve'.
went. .
Lithe House, several petitions on local subjects,
were presented and referred. Among these were
several for the payment of the domestic creditors
of the Commonwealth—one from Allegany Coun.
ty, for a large tax on brokers, and .ono. from Co..
lumbia County, for alaw to compel the Tide-wa
ter Canal Company to receivb their own notes
for tolls. The House took up the bill slating—to
banks and-their assignees, which was under con.
shicration on the night of the last session,nnd oiler
some conversation with regard to its proper order,
it was referred to the Coinntittc ori the .fudiciary.
Corrotipondonce oftholicrala& Expo'sitoe
HARRISBURG, June. 11th, 1842
Yesterday; the attendance of Senators and:Mem.
bars in each branch of the Legislature, was con:
siderably greater than at the opening of the'Ses
sion on Thursday. But Dale business of any
portance has .as yet' been done, though there is
much in embryo which will, in due season, be
brought to the consideration of the. Members of
each •
In the Senate; after the presentation of a few
petitions of .a private character, Mr. STEILART, of
MercOr; presented the proceedings of a meeting
hold in that county, in relation to a Tariff, the
Publitt Improvements;aud . the claims of the. Do.
mestic creditors. .
• N
of.Orrimifor'd,presmnted a petition
from eitiiens of Erie; prayiN for the pasieige of
a Stay . And also, a fieffelon for.tlic,
ioratiorr Of a company to munefiieture •Woollens
in the county o f Crawford. • • '
•• . .
„ . .
Mr.'.FLEtitNo, of- tYcorning, introduccd. , a-bill
explanatory of the resolotion 'relatieg to the 'pay.
moat of Contractors. •
Mr. Denanc,-of Allegheny; introduced a bill to
.enable the \ Prolltonotrjle and other officers of the
Courte of Common Pleas more effectually is co.,
tail' cases, to collect thettfeett, and - for other put...,
'The lill„to.srthorize the Canal Cornniissioners
to place Trnblis on Bre Philadelphia and Colum
bia and Allegheny patage Rail goads, was lead
a-Seat4El and third time, and passed. ,
The joint-resolution 'which passed the. other
40Usn 'te-day instructing , .our Belators, and
questing, our Members in Congress to too theyr in
fluente to get the kpfinitionrnent billpass'ell at ea'r
as possible, was taken nri•aidflnally passed by a.
vote of 23 to; 3.:'
The Governor gent in a lieesuge containi ng, is
objections to the Bill •whicli WUH fassgd at the last
session, - :theiVlttyor • and authotities of
Philadelphia, to rag:lila*. the travel on the rai
road in thli . eity.:" . . , Letit be . remembered-that to
this bill was attacked a section ,granting five oar'
ciiii.'(in . piditAon to the one ono per allowed to .
the Banks that issued Relief Notes,) to the Bunks
thein 'in gold . or Awn.; prohihita . /• them
fran t 'ilatting any more'Notes. `.ls it at , all irepre.
bable.there were not ether reasons operating upon
the mind of the Governor than those assigned by.
hid) for Vetoing the bill in question! Would it,
have,. been consistent in him to hive sigried that
bill, and yet belie permitted the Erie Bank to issue
$300,000 more notes since the adjournment of the.
Legislature on the 6th of April last? No one will
pretend - to say it would..
In the House, Mr. IcarnCe submitted a joint re
solution relative to the 'apportionment Bill, allud
ed to above, which was passed..•. Mr. Roumfort
obtained leave to infroducd:a Bill to enable the
Ranks to redeem their Relic? Notes in specie and
to provide for Cancelling in the State Treasury the
Relief Notaslssned by broken Banks. Thb com
flitter:, npon that subject is coMpoLd of Messrs.
Roumfort, Gamble and Morris.
A message was also received .froth the Gover
nor calling the serious attention of the Legisla
ture to the claims, in particular, of the Domestic
Creditors, as Well as to the necessity of providing
for the payment of the interest on the public debt'
due on the Ist Angust.. He says the honor of the
state'must be upheld, and that severely oppressed
as the peeple are in a pecuniary point of View at
this timei it would be far better for - them in the
end, , to submit to further - taxation to meet existing
liabilities, if no other plan can be devised to raise
the requisite means. Three thousand' copies: of
this Message were ordered to be printed.
A veto message was received from the Guyer
nor, accompanying which was the Bill to prevent
perons from travelling frCe of expense - on the rail
roads and canals of Alio Commonwealth, and for
other purposes. TheTiquse relua to reconsider.
at that time, the vote otr the passage of this Bill,
as is required by the'Constitution. •
' Mr. ELWEL!. subinitted . the following, which
lies on the table for the present: 'Resolved, &c
That all the NOtes commonly called Relief issues
of the Banks; iow in the Trensnry,`ortivLich may
be.receiyod therein prior to January 1, 1.t343, are_
TiTireby specifically appropridied to the a Mont of
such creditors of the State as have , receiVeili or
Who are hereby entitled to coedit for thu'runoutit
of their claims on the Looks of the Auditor Gen
eral, beariiig interest front the 4th Of May, 1841,.
by vhtue of a. resolution passed_ on the ith of
April, I
Thu bill tnestabliSh an Justituto for' colored
youth was passed.. . •
The bill passed by the flouse at the last session'
to incorporate the VV:isconiSCO canal co!npany,Was
to-day'•returned- from the. Senate, w4h.several
amendments, all of which were concurred in. -
The resolution proposing ari amendinent' to the
.Constitution, so as to limit, the term of office of
Governor of this Commonwealth to three years in,,passeiLihrieug,k. committee of the
Whole, without amendment • . „
mill to repeal all the
,acts relative to Fugi
_ . .
vCSlaves,passed L(1 . 1'6 . 411 comrnitteuoftLe Whole
In the Senate, to-day., allerihe presentation of a
fewnnimPurtant petitions,tholbill to authorize the
riiiladel - phiu and trentora ItailKoadcompaey,to
occupy Frontistreet, Kensington, was taken up
on lint reading,,and— was passed--Yeas
Nays 13..-
- -
bill-forlt-ke-branding+of Iron manufactured
in this State wits lost on second 'reading VI vote .
of 16 to 7. •
The bill, which passed the I;truuse at the last sea.
simian:lMM; false swearing befordthe Lekislature
'perjury, was taken up and passed.
_The bill to' incorporate a Company to purchase
the public improveMents to Pittsburg was taken
upon final reading, and on motion Or - iir. Ewing,
the further consideration of the same was post
peled till Thursday next.
In the House, Mr. Hahn submitted a joint re :
solution to provide for the education of Abe P6or
in the non.nccepting School Districts of Pennsyl,
vania, and for other purposes. Lies oa the table.
The bill to abolish imprisonment for debt, and
to punish fraudulent debtors, as also the bill from
the Senate, to authorize the Canal Commissioners
to' urchase trucks to be placed on the PhiLan.
and Columbia and Allegheny Portage Rail Road,
were passed 'through committee of the Whole; the
first avith and the last without amendment.;
Anothei• Veto!—A message was received from
the Governor, transmitting, vith his objections, an
"Omnibus" bill passed at the last session, ..relative
to the lelaitri . of Wm. Bevins, and fur other pur:
gosds: the • whole bill being vetoed on account
of tho th section which extends - the Disttiet Conn
or Evie, Qrawford and Venango, for a period of
five years. The question , of reconsidering the
vote by which the bill was passed, was postponed
!br the' present.
The bill for the erection of a new county out of
parts of Crawford, Warren, Erie' and Venango,
was rejected on third reading.-L:-Yeas 39, Nnys'39.
Mr. Dunlap, offered a resolution, which %Vas
adopted, that the. Committee on Inland Naviga
tion inquire into the expediency of reducing .the
Tolls upon the' Public Works of this. Common
wealth, provided that the owners bf the boats;
cars, &c. shell reduce. the 'charges of campensa
thou accordingly, so as that persons and goods can'
be taken on them at less expense than on othei
works. ~, "
HARRISBURG, Juile 13,1842
In the: Senate, to-day, Mi. Music presented a
Petition' from Allegheny for the passage of a Stay
Law. Mr. Stewart presented one of like import.
Mr. Fleming introduccU a bill to effect an annea l
exchange with other :States of-the-Union-of-the
Arita, &c., passed by their - respective Legislatures.
The hill relative to the regulation of the streets in
Philadelphiaja which railways are laid, and to
which. WllB appended a section 'prohibiting the banks
from issuing any more relief nettle, came up.for re
consideration; it having been vetoed by the Gover
nor. The Senate refused to reconsider, after much
debate, the ,Vote being 18 to 11—not two-tin-ifs.
Immediately after the announceinent of the' vote,
Mr.'Penninign obtained the decor and introduced a
bill fonder+ verbis like that portion of ,the bill just
disposed of relating to the Banktaand Relief Notese
After the ieadin.g of
, the hit), Mr. EVving.rose and
mov - ed an amendment, which was in offect.'to
thoriio the Secretary of the doMmenwealth- to
cancel all the Relief:Notee now' in the Trotiet7i,
or which hereafter
. ehall *mein: • The Senate atl4
journed tefore any quastiori :eras taken..
. .
In the Mese; after the prasunt.ntion of petitions, •
,Mr. Rournfort reported - a bill to enable the banks to
"Yokel:Abide Relief-Notwin speclem. :7 to cancel in
tho Treasury the Relief &ter; of -broken lenkr.;
and for other. putposeS.: Made the 'order.' of' the
clay for ta.ntOrrovr. . '
The bill to abolisit Imprisonment for Debi.: and
to punish eriutdulent Debtors being taken UP,ti - nus
die : Cussed at length bpi Messrs. Sitarawood, Stevens,
M4E - falin, in opposition to it,
well,Soone, Lowry, Karns and Wright in favor '
of the llama. Mr; Stevensmoved. to amendso as.
to confine the amount to' 820, bitt that; tvaa.roject';.
ed—Yeas 7; Nap( 78, Ifefore any fiCclitbn was
arriVed - Aat, the House adjourned, , _ Z.
[oorxrctrsze.kiii,:n.] ..
Itraportatat to Young.ii.adies. •
It has beeui discovered by obserimtion, that onions
eaten whiled Ybirig: anti in aruw stale; bend th'
pro ai the complexion;and rendertho skin trenspa,
rift .• • The fact may 1:o accounted for on phileaophi
zai principlee:• Try it.
, •
Er'LAtoits ! The above was handed hi by a.
Young Bachelor!. Beware, how you follow such
fellows' advice!
cc Snuall`Rt nc~e." ,
Mn; Entrant -In the "herald" of June' Sill, we
perceive, that :you - have volunteered a commenCton
what you are pleased to style tee,,, "exposure" of the
conduct of the Committee of Arrangement for the
Temperance Mans Meeting-, held at Shippensbukg,
oh the end inst. , in reference to their correspoudenge
'with Mr. Levin, of Phila.
coursemaually;pursued by "Gentle
men" when u misunderstanding takei place:hefty - Ceti
parties, is to withhold all OpiniCl, or' at leant, th-s
public expression thereof, Until au opportunity is
afforded for becoming acquainted with the inerits - of
'ln the present i ustance, Yogi, without any qualifica
tiontand without any knowledge of the matter; ex
cept a but.was - obtained thrci' tMr. Lcvlat's angry ar
ticle in the "Temperance Advocate," say that ''the
comriditeehwe Mr. Levin an explanation as well us
• -
an apology." -
In the first place, Sir, there are eases, frequent
gases of misunderstanding, (and for nught-, on know
this may be one) in .which the "explanation" super
cedes the necgssiti fur die "apology." In the second,
We frankly admit that the " business" cal
ling for this "'exposure" was "small," a mere
12 . i
cents basilic:wt—and,
In the third mid last place, we had Intended giving
the explanation; so evidently demanded in the case;
but- haddiot -deemed it necessary tO deprecate -the
wrath of Robert White - Aliddletoil by notifying Min
of such intention before we were ass are of his
lug read the article in the "Advocate?"
Now for the explanation: ••,
' We,the Committee, beingyoung converts to Wash
ingtonianiem, in theaimplicity of our hearts suppos
ed that all the prominent Temperance advacalms
throughout the land, possessed a personal ititerese iii
the advancement of the cause, equal to our own; Mid
did not conceive that etiquette required that our let
tees of invitation should lieliast paid. - limr. Mr. t.
_deiioted_nlportion ot tht time mid inkemployed_bt.
his vituperative attack to the genteel emPoyinent of
politely milking known to us tlie"poverty!' (of which
we were not aware) which Should have made his
case-an exceptiod, we wouldhave gladly, made any '
amends in put. favor.
We wrote to sonic twenty five different Gentle.
men—many of shunt are as efficient and talented
champions of 'Ft-mien - ince as Lewis C. Levin, but
lacking the happy knack of making_ themselves Pre
sidents of State Temperance Conventions, and'con:
couched in the most Gentlemanly landau r• some. I
expressing cep regret at t iew ma rility to attend;
hut the majority cheertlilly accepting our invitation.
of, these came the reply of Mr. Levin,
(the formal and laconic style of which was .in such
striking c.nitramt) tog e ther with bis Lavalier
orilering.:tte louvre to pay. the Impinge, Vnit not
citioted as in his printed copy.) e freely confess,
that engaged us we..were in a Labor of Love, we
were entirely unprepared for'stielt-treatment at the
cause—and perhaits not being possessed of that cool
ir-ss in every line of
his very civil, gentlemanly, and ttnclite attnek, we
were considerably 'excited, and under the influence
ot •rbat exCitetnent, immedinte'y refolded his reply
and-returned-it-to the-Past- Office,
'pie mail for the Eastward closing se' soon after
the arrival of the note, left no time for a "recoil of
°dr feelings" or zither second thought, until the pay-,,
meld Of postage was placed out of our power; which
-we. the nim'e regret as it has given Air. Levitt tit:en-
Mon to sho:w_to the world that a man may become n
11.mpi•rance Advaca.te without becoming a Gentle
man; the whole styLe of his attaeltgiving - eyidence of
How other inspiration than that of Cold. Water.
list we forbear; for When we get down to his how
slang of "slimy" "wnemo '
yes " "creeping," "trick,
erg," we torn away with d isgust; satisfied that if
Nlr. Levin be the tithe ot the "gentleman" he vaunts
hinlself lie must be heartily ashamed of his bitter
.and malignant tirade; anyl irnot, that hais unworthy
of any - other treatment from Gentlemen than silent
,Committee of Arrangement.
' ShippenLburg, Jim: 11, 1319: -
W. :Nfilltlieten,
Having. given insertion in youi. columns
the article of Mr. Levin, and also vauntrereda com
ment thecenm We take it for granted that if you he
the gentleman you would• tiny e 01.1 is ot Id zuvposc,
you will freely insert our“ explanation" (which be
ing for pair own paper, does not bear so _bard upon
you as we_think your tmwitrranted interference merits)
huh if we :ire wrong you- will please, sir, return it
itpmeairacly. oup's Sze.
Our Remarks.
proneness to seek notoriety; oven at the
expense of reputation, hiss not, in the world's histo
ry, been confined to the Ephesian- who for the put-.
pose of eternizing his name,•burned the temple of
the Goddess, Creatures of his caste have always
existed, and are to be found in our very midst. Few,
however, have had' magnaniniity enough' • to ,
Perform a great aetom for the furtherance of -their .
magi), and_ its the_ small fr:y_ of the class we ir.Stance
"Joseph. 3111 i- 4e. Coin." What Eratostratus
sought to obtain by a deed of bold courageousness,
they seem acquire-by meanness ; and impu.
donee! Else they would not.ask us to promulgate
Ern shame, by a . publication of the foregoing ex-
iilartrithcir contemptible littleness of soul! Such
fellows must have been in the cv o of him who re
' marked, that there were souls so small that a thou
mid' of than Might dance on the point of a needle !
Gentecinen,* wo giant your request, by giv
ing to the community your. own trumpetings of
your own Insignificance and contractedness of
soul; and if you gain not front their publidity the
unenviable fame which you appear to be in search
of, put your goosequill again in motion, and we
shall help you on your way, by opening our col..
limns fora further manifestation' of your Worthi
ness •to condemnation-:--deep and lasting—as
the very atitallcsi spechnena of humanity that over
disgraced your species!
We are not inclined to comment upon your
"Explanation. It tells its own talc. We' re.
- mark, however, that it you had instituted a pro.
cess of self-examination, you would have discov.
cred, before your; correspondenee with Mr. LIWIN, •
that,;a man may become a. Temperance Advocate
without becoming a gentleman!"
”Young converts to WaShingtontanisne.Su£
fer us to say to you, lhat the ."peisolial interest"
which you declare yourselves alone to have in, the
advancement of the temperance cause, is not corn
this great moral reformation. They are actnatcd
by the fovo of their fellows; and we - Should won:
der, after your avowal of selfish motive in yOur 'ad
vocacy of temperance, if there was' anything but
meanness in your composition !
Cr" Veteran 'mischiefmaktir, i ` is the epithet
applied to the venerable Jolty Qunicr ADAMS, by
an editor in Maryland who has scarcely slid from
his mamma's apron strings! But this is the pecu
liar age of impudence sublime!
Sucked, In 1
fallowing e: , ceeljent. Whi; 'peg*.
truted'4l • /
Why Place, U. S. Bank . stockholder. like Jonah
in the,w‘hale's belly Because he was tquet con
foundedly ,sue ,
_ .
A LOT of scrritEs will imi.old at lase than
First Cost, at the store of \ .
Carlisle, June 15; T$P,
Estate of Catharine Dix 9)/ A r deed:
1 64
• ETTER,S" Testamentart on - ,tho ortme _Of
, ,111ARINE - DlXOs,late of South Mid,
2.013 ti?Virnship,..Curnherland ioUnt.y: 'doceirds .
have been issued to the Subseribsr.resiaknOrt said
township. 'WI persons indebted .toesil
aro requesta to make ira Mediate Payment to blink
and those haVitig claims. to *client theni without
'delay. pr,aperly authenticated for settlement...!
. •;".,'., ,:..,,- 30111!1.,W; QRAIGHE,4I.I),:Es'r:
Jansi-15, 1842., , . . .!:„ .. • 6t.33
THE subscriber will 5011 °frit greatly reduc.
ed'prices, FY:M.o4Bll,a isrge.and, general .
assortment of - ' _ •
Thci'stuckie new aottoheap, conaisti4 In part of
r. uperßlaak, Blue, Inroisile Green,Polish
Green and. Brown Cloths, , "
, .
Superfine Cassimeres, Casslactts; a good , assort.
went of Pants Stuff, such:as. , Summer Clothe,
Carnboone,, 'Morino Cassirneres, Cottonade,
Linen and Cotton Drillings, &c. ace.
A good assortment of Vestings, Stocks, Shirt
Collars, Hosiery, Gloves, dr.e. doe. &a: A large
stock of elegant Silks, - Blank and Blue Black;
Figured and Plain Light Silks, new style. Mous:
lin de Laths, Lawns, Maslin'de Angletures,Bol7l.
bazincr, IrislAinons, Cheeks, Tickings,
Cgicoes, Carpeting, Dress Handkerihiefs, worked
C:onare,- Cambricks, &e. &C. Also, Braid and
Straw. Bonnets. .Ribbons, Gimps, Leghorn and
Palm Leaf Hats, and. a &cat' variety of goods
not enumerated. .
• Purchasers will do well to call aetho olctstand_,
opposite where they will
find stacki4 of goods;• saline cheaper it haii aver •
sold In this County. •
Carlisle, Juno 15, 1942
NEW & CHEAP.Goop§.
Ig.E6)FITO rem.
ript — H E sObscribei has re nosed -his Store to Liam'
over Street, in the room adjoining.the Drug-
Store of J. "J -. . Mirkits & Co., and immediately
opposite to the Store - of.- &mud Myers &
'where he is ,just receiving a 'good assortment of
Int1)1 1 11111 1111)1)1124„
Frencie Larivas, Balzoviiises,
Ofgandi Mualine, Poniard Silks, kr. Also, Tar.
Intim Muslims, Tarlatane 'Nets, Wash' Blonds,
Plaid and Striped Mualins, Cloth Piano & Table
Cover's; Linen do. Linen Damask Table Cloths,
- White - Marsellies - Cdunterpanes, — Barnsleyßliett=
ing of extra width,' Irish Sheeting, Marseilles
Skirts, Superior Corsets, Straw Cord and Tassels
for dies and Misses Bonnets, Wool'and Hemp
Carpeting, Straw Matting, Men's, Boys' and In
fants Leghorn Hats, together with a general'as:.
sOrtment of DRY' dOODS, all- of which will be
sold at I‘.w prices for CASH. '
NO. 113, .q0!,4 Second' Street, Philadelphia.
rip HE subscriber respectfully invites the citi
zens of Carlisle and County of Cumberland
generally, to call before purchasing elsewhere, and
• :-- - -- .4I . SSCTETIIIENT OF •
'64 14.1.
Of every.- discription; - ...which are.
manufactured under his own itn•
inediztar direetiOn,of the best material, by superior
workmen, and which he w arrants of ,the -beet
quality—end at prices as low as can be purchased
in the United States. ,n - - He also manufacturesan.
accr , -aaadldaimalau- e ,
the superiority of whiek consists in the astonish.
ing. facility with which - an Invalid,with the
est effbrt, may by, the use of one or Loth hands . ,
mote to and fro hi the house, or in the open alr
in a - garden or'elsewhere, and turn quickly round
.without requiring any more space than it occupies
while standing. .
. .
No. 113; South Second Street,Thiladelphia. - .
June 15,1942. • 3m-33'
An Okdinance,
Td raise by Tux the sum of $l3OO to de.
fray the expenses of the Borough of
Carlisle for the present year:
/2.11 HE people of Carlisle, by their ToWn Coon
s. cil, hereby ordain and enact, that the sum of
$1,300 be assessed,-levied and raised, in pursuance
of the Act of Incorporation, from and upon the in
habitants of the Borough of Carlisle, for the year
1842—t0 be applied to defray 'the espouses of the
Borough of Carlisle, and to meet such appropria
tions as the Council shall make from time to time
for the present year for 'Borough . purposes.
Oidabaed and enacted by the Town Council 'of
the Borough of Carlisle; he 7rh'day of May,1842.
111. ANGNEY., Prest. of Council.
• Attest—R. Moonz, , Crk.
Jane 15,18.42,
A PETITION for Discharge and Certificate
ilk under the Bankrupt Law, has been'filed by
WILLIAM B. ALLEN, late Innkeeper, Cuuaber
land. County,
and Tuesday •the 30th day Of Angust next, at 1 1
o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof,
before the said Court, sitting tµ Bankruptcy et the
District Court Robin in the City of Philadelphia,
when and where the Creditors of ihe.said Petition
Who have proved, their debts, lad,all ether per
sons in interest, itfiq appear and show cause, if any
they have, why said Discharge and CertifLate
should-not-be grdnfed.-
Clurk of the District Conn.
4the 11; 1842. 10t•33
V.The postage must be paid on all letters of
business, otherwise they will not be
_taken out of
the Post Nike.
Ta1)Va(91,274--' '
, pbasoni; indobtod to the euliseriber,
11. plonsc,to take notice that their aceounte must
bei'settled on or before July 1,1842.
Cutlislo:Jqne 15, 1842.
No ice is I iert•eby
MO all those concerned, as Legatees ur der.the'
, 31.. Will, of ELIZAI3ETH HUNTER, late of
Southampton township, Cumberland county,.that
the . subscriber, the Auditor appointed by the Or.'
Thane Court of said county to distribute the assots
remaining in the hands of AVM. M. NEVIN, Adlerf
de bonis non, &c., of said Testator to' and among
the legatees, will attend for that purpose, at his of
fice in the. borough of Carlisle, on FRIDAY the
15th day of JULY NEXT, at ten o'clock in the'•
forenoon, of which all concerned will take notice..
1812. tm 33 ,
The' Cause of Disease.
lt,o' EARLY all classes of disease are paused by
N some obstructions in thesystem which pre
y. t therregular and wholesome opertitiOn - Of the
aid al functions. This statts 'of the system ix
disease,which is manifested ina variety offorms,
more or' less malignant in their character. To
restore the system - to a elate of health- theivoitis
only neccessary to remove the valise of disease, -
end 'the end is accomplished. The cause is ob. ,
struclion soinowhere. This-should be removed
by purgation, which it the only iueanstbst ghoul&
be resorted to, because, suggested by reason and
by nature. . ' Dr. Herfach's Strengthening end .
German Aperient Pills aro allowed, by, the thou
sands who have used them, to 'be the best, pitrga. ,
tive medicine in existence. Recants° they notonly - ;
remove all obstructions, and Pot to.alogoto of,
impurities; btitheosuse.and w ie ikextremit.,
ly important, ell:anther' and give proper toms to • r.
thastomach, and produce a healthy action of all
th e puns. Resides ,they, are se mild and gentle
in their o - peratiort as to render, them at all Wul: -
perfectly safe, and desirable remedy. The af.
fliotod would ile - well,theri to pirichase alto* or
tvvo of this inValnable tnedieine, and give it 'a fair'
trlef,insteadOf ditttroyingtheir systems with oft
repeated doses of Calomel, anitother. drugs so in•
jurtous to hunnutlife and hapartess. ,
For sale at'No: llitjt orth' 18th St. Philadelphia
also at, the D r u g Stor'e t ,of,JOlin. J. Myers Ceti.
Carlisle; and et 'thc•PrUg s Storolof PeAl,
Shitipenshurg. 'lune 15 31.4 S