Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, June 08, 1842, Image 2

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iN D tigiii:1141:&;2111;i . -Tilt It LT•
the ammo AraeKtFan,Parmer.
• • ; ~ • •
7, 1 6VZ IA
. .
~,I.ezak. the first Of iniminer'Mentlis; With its clear
iind'warm Siins,'has come,' bringing with itits .
toila'and its 'pleaSurek . The former itv't , i;
owing to-the :unnsuelly Mild Wintar,Wbieh it'PlCaa'-'
• ,Providenie to, blase, us with, will be toned to
•,' have been' not, hnereatie.4while the
`jattcr _is mast plea'shiniv inherited the - bright •
prospects, ; which, ,every : , where greet the eye; :of
• abundant harvests, calling forth from ovary bosoin
the werni'.andheaitfelLaspirationi nf`tratitude'and
joy, for vouchsafed blessings. When the husband-.
mari looks aiound liim, ia his broad fields, covered
' With theluxtiriant 'growth of . .vegetation, how in
stinctively should his thanks be poured out at the
_footstool_ of that Great Source of goodness, by .
whom his interests hag bean prod fur, and through
whose rigeeey snd paternal kindness, he is. about
to-reap tiro-rich reward of, his labutni.'and thus to
beotitibied to provide forthose who look' up to lam"
-for ituppuii mid comfort. edwideralloOs and feel
ingt .thiae, are M. honourehle to imtrian.
hatore, as TOO will i irdvo - acceptable oilim to
whom they.,are'doe, and by whom . theY . Will be re.
cehod as evidences_of our tesenins. •
With theie.rell,qliti'one upon • the *ch:nine of the
season: l o t uki turn our minds to those objects' vintielt
more immOiaety claim . ogizittentien •-•
117iiiin Cie Farm. y'
Iritetti:—Owing To the openness of•the last win
ter, and the fadOureblo condition of the weather
throughout the spring, the wisest harve3t has been
pushed forward at least three weeksyarlier than oc
curs in_ordinary scasotr, and from . Mull we have
beard from the States Smith of us, it will have
been begun in many quarters before our papers of
• to-day reach their respective places of dihtination.
But to these whose fields ma`y not be ready for the
'cradle, ww• Would. recommend, that they should cut
--,theirl.grain_befureit_becontes..deaa_ript, as kV eo
• doing they will not only prevent inuch - loss from
Shattering; but 'secure tbeir.• taw -rondifion
infinitely•mere •nutritioust, than 'when left . Ado loag
standinl, and cortiequebtly &prided, by. the effect
of drying and evaporation,; of thosejuices which
impart to it its greatesit w aluo n•i food for ster.k. It
edited be 'an objecktuoashave pion ty of tipre, Fa
that the gram may be cut and got in in good tin e,
__ Aw d_th u s preserved from injury from theslemeots.
The slacking should be well doer;_ anti, toensure --
this; it would be best that that ditty he confided to
.faithful-and competent hands, under the, immediate
superintendence and direction of• the proprietor... 7 - od crop_of wheat, has ban impaired in
market value by ebr. , enly staE:k ing, or stcrrin',r,
thing tchiclt should never be permitted to occur, as
after encounteririg -all - the trinthle of culture-and.
--harvesting, it is sinful to . rxml . .:, to be , wasted by'
indifference or neglect.- - _ •
=Corn —lt should be - an of ject of primary rim
every care grower, to beep his eorn•ficld
well worked and perfectly clean froM weeds and
grass, as without the soil be kept open and free fed'
— the — admission of air, rain and-dew, and the plant's
be-preserved from the intrusion of those pests, its
product will' be greatly_diminished. To succeed
Well, corn mue• have no neighbours but tlfose of its
--own kind—the companionship of strangers being
as fatarto its existence and vigurou , growth, as the
presence-of a Paid. Pry in offensive to the' sensi
bility of a Well-bred gentleman: And an there is
no .time to be lost now, let us enjoin it upon you
as a duty you owe yourse'S, to push onward, with
all your energy, in the cultivation of your coin. •
• Fall Pedaloes.—Tim3e who may not have gotten
in their fall crop of potatoes, should bear in mind
that they should he promptly planted, as they . re
quire time to ripen the loots. At all events they
• should be in the ground by the 10th or 15th of the.
month, and would be ell the better of having been
panted by the middle of the last month.
To those who fitly nut intend to provide other
roots for their milch-cows, we would respectfully
suggest the propriety, of putting in a pateh•of po
tatoes for that purpose; besides furnishing a most
grateful change of food in the dead of winter, they
would add greatly tu, the yield of butter by the
cows, either of which consideratione,„are worthy of
attention; the first, as it conies commended by sen
.timents of humanity ; . and the lust, by motives ef
iaterest. •
Clover Ilay.--If the auspicious and forward sea
'son has not enabled you to cut. your cluVer, do ts
55 soon as it is in full blossom: cure it clf'y ou
stock it away es soon as it is dry. ;ralo iedivaa
sprinkle a peck . of salt eit . each
riayputit-up:before that_peripd, ludic hay much
vent its heating, besides -A. - alter!,
'more acceptable to your sto:dr da.
• If you wish your clov i e! s ' e u the utmos'
Liti.ou. should
service in the melioratic
youri nor suffer the cattle to
neither cut the atter-o'
su n lTering the second growth
• depasture -on it.
ip ' ound, you will pros ide forthe
to p erish u p", t} not only warm protective cover
roots next Wittr 3oll i tself a pretty fair top-dressing;
t but i ho
s t s .t 4
you will witness in the vigorous
lobo q r theyoungiderver the succeeding spring.
grow gro
wevbr,'You'design turning in, your • clever
el,. and to sow wheat thereon , or to plant it hi
ti •
next wing, you: m a Y auffer .your stock to
on-it.. But if -you desiln corn.,to succeed,
the clover,. by alrincans you' should riowitidt it
snon'after cutting the Clever—about AVE, bushels 'to
• the hcre—by" io doing you'll' deafroy the cut and
-grub worm, and thus preserve your young corn
plants next Spring. ,
Soilip,g There are but few farmers whose
stock do not suffer for the want of pasturage in the
latter part of Atugust,...and during-the month of
• September.' The,' falling elf of the cows in milk,
and consequently in the producilan of huller, dur
ing-that , felt-by all; end' too often
wave, we to Witness: a . distressing depreciation in
r the appearance of the . eattle.alSoo r , 'Nowes the in
convenience 'end-loss to ourselves, and dircetrifort
tour stock', can be obriatid, et *trilling expense
,unit comparatively little;trbulle , wo do think that it
, lone&Twoasiercev . • _ • •
, rnannred rind preParetlifaiWin in Cdrit, broadcast,
.1113/st,..would furnish
,'green food twice a day. for
twenty heoil of cattle.lori6 weeks, end the trouble
• of;eutting ank,feedityritto the - stock; would not
take more than an totieti time each day„of a smart
haeq, 'l4icir:',isool.'be more than 'paid tiar•
.by' the. manure Whicli! , .Wetild: be made:, as, cattle
f soiled Should always boleptin the ;Yard through
the eight. r In, sowing;, either' : .of these grains, the
'pities, of ground. allotted be,SoWn in
portions, at interVale; . :Of'sciiiii,..4*kinpattr - 0,1,4it
theWholeanght,:be cut over before it should;let
If . ',corp' Sevin; 4013initiele to.: - acre ‘is.-tito
SUantity, of, seed.:—lf, millet, half a bindle!,
110:thied cc
tae a ng p an o -rot mg in the latter
'Port of ouro`roo fail; besides the laige
manure which - would be made,
.Yilliforiner', or Plantar, would have"the itatiefaction
peeing .his 'stock' enter . this , winter in 'geed • con
ditiort; , iiq;orinie,,, , ,ltrialthy l , and, consequently ;rain
. hely, letter,•able trkrorat. l l4:'ilgOure and pi mations.,
the - virtues of millet
i;f9r, to; grow-'for'
iiibTnito.iilvOiSY - oi'. , '44Tifi ttigrtr ~,•iiik,,a4, 4 'w, Mai'
lei* "
description:hlintadq.iiii,Moilad ' and irePatred; or
"•auPPlied neitr'otiolr'i r ,tilet leaVe doing '
r till thejaat titooriditt..
your: euriplies • of
• and grOorteiCkl , thOlta,rvest; anedon'A.
have tOerld off 0. hand , y
mint when ShouldAitt tleld;r
YoOr 04 0 410 - of. thofle kepi clean of every'; thing 'in:
alrffrre - Tdo - TiA'ri, 'end lii*TatiPtie, earth open ,
to the influence of the Weitheyi •
Ordsyrd.-- yen ng,treelsw,ltielt ?nay hayerhOolok
newly, plaritld lehould eionilnid, have the
irregulaT shoots displaced, so as to give shape and
form;telite heeds.
plo;uted treed Oltould, ilutintthis and the"
succeeabig eurinner.*6oo,2W,-Fitigad - in ; . timti
.draught;by piling wattled; ,
A g frajt trees
ed of all cattorpillais, togbtfier , wits their nests.
'rho lisst,way we. have ever seen practised, is' ta
- fitako'L mop,af,rags.,mrco nil:Lbw-end-14"
-moisten this with spirits of turpentine and'dis
lodge the catimpiThus, nests and all, taking care to
bent- thorn: .
Such• hi y out apricot, nectarin4.and.peocit treee,,
as may be-overhttrthened...w ith-, fruit s slieuld . have,
it thinned otit; to :leave - Only as much rtil:j•ott
think can bo supported by, the tree without fitittryr-,
The trunks of all the more delicate kinds of fruit
tree3.-4hose Umtata liable'to-,be injured,by worms
and insects..-should receive a coating, or. painting ;
of, soft seep ade r ,.and Arwer of sulphur, and have
a InixtUre offsh, salt 'petre'and ashes strewn around
the tree,'Sti ae to form aieirelo of sonic two Or three',
fcait: ?tie - Teach tree, hi-addition to this, shottla
have its'irunk examined for. three or fuur inches
under the ground for t the Worin, which should be,
picked Atilt with the point of a .knife s 'or piece - of
Wire, and. killed; then paint the part of the trunk .
thus ti . 4.osed with .tbe - Mixture of soap, salt ,and
aulphur,JUttLeprinkle 8 parts Mt. and
:salt • petre.,over the - earth:thus exposed, and
t"en cover tip. . • ~ ' • .
"Plum trees, apricot trees, &e.; may he saQd, from
the insect that destroys their fruit, by baving ; a so
lution. nf tobacco and sulphur thrown freely' over
the' branches once a week. , ' ' , ' •
Buckwheat.---This grai • either for the.purpose
of - grain, Or that of, ploughing in, may now' be
sown. 'lf for its seed, -1 peck, or a peck and a ligif
of seed to -the acre will be enough; if for plough
ing n.bushol to three pecks will be
necessary: • • .•--' • •
If any one hos a poor piece of grouii,l that they
wish to put in Rye next September, let us persuade
him to Row it in RuckwhAt, nid•as soon as that is
in blossom, plough it iri; then sow, their rye, and.
the gage of a Man of truth for it: it will add2s or
30.p0r cent. to the yield; and we , you
fifty, if, before ploughing in the:hueittyheat, you
sow on it ten bushels of lime to the ACits. ' , •
Heeds. -]Extirpate them wherever you' find them
on your farmt infrir-none to go to escort-and-as-you
cut "them - down; put them on your ling heap, and
male them, in tin , iottenneog of
. their bodies, repay
you for their occupancy of yotir land and the trou
ble of their.collection.
, .
As we have predy freely dihr.ussed the husincaA
of the farm, let ne direct our foetideps towards ; anti
see if we cannot find aomething worthy of attention.
PI! the Garden.
Potatoes.--SVed and bill up your early - rola.
toei; prepare. your ground and, plant your lute
once if you have i tair de done SU, . Procure
good seed, the, Mercers if you desire farinaceous
mealy; bulbs; be sure fo-prepare the ground well
and give plenty of to-stn.:wt.-soul°
limo on the top of it. .should the worm attack
- the - topsi - when-they - come up, .strew • salt-over
. .
............ onelons, , Cardelcupen, ' Mank • .7nrlnnn,
.S'quashrs and Cacandn.rp, tpust..all, be thinned
out,if not previously done, 'and hoed
. up; keep
thent clean of weeds and the earth open until you
have done with their culture. 'Don't forget when'q-begitt-te-rn;-in—top--thein r 4o-as-to—intluce,
'to form their fruit.
.S'ale_ri - Potatoeio—Thesc — roust have the earth
drawn around them, nnc care Tie Lid n o pre
serve a'nflicient ilatneSs atAlm top of the hill, to
allow of the pehetrntion of the water; and be sure
to keep them clean nt all times.'
.Cauliflowers.—y our curly cauliflowers, will
now be forming their flowers; which you must
protect from the sun and rain, by . breaking the
leavevand hooding tlibm over them, so is to form
a barrier against Roth. - -
Such plants is may not be thus forward, must
be kept clean and watered in dry . weather. •
•Cabboge, , ---plant nut your cabbage plants the
first wet 4ch.oni and see they- -do not alierWards
suffer eitherby drought or weeds; - the - first you
can prevent by watering them; the latter by the
If desire beaded cabbages in_ earlit!iqumn . .
you m ay*cure theim_lpy sowing any of the
earlier varieties of seedy in rich bed and setting
them out as Heel) as they-maybe large enough.
Broccoli plants may now be planted out; but if
you wish them to suedeed, yo'n must give them u
rich bcd,which should be previously well manured
and dug deeply.
celery.— Y our early colery plants must bu: set .
out in trenches; but before you do so,
be sure to
trim off the tops. After being planted, they must
be regularly watered every evening until they
take root, or a good drenching rain shall relieve
you of this labor.
Peas.—You may plant 'a small bed of Pea. for
tat use.
. .Asim-als beds, which mey be ne , running
up to seed, - must be weeded and clean.
Leeks may now , be transpla p u:: 3 d pa l i n ed n . good rich
bed, thoroughly mnnured
Lettuce.—Transplan :Wee plants, nod ki.w.
• ,apply.
seed for a success i ve
Small Saladi" "fa l l Aineor should kips. • titi
Jay contin u o to do sui-ntlntervals
sown, and v.
„...en'everal aueornalve Iveolts; by doing_
of a W
~ " M il vecuisuicontinuous-supplyr -
" . ,Lliey Beans. for late supply, may now be
.anted. Should the ground be dry, don't omit to
water them.
Limo Diane.—,lloe and keep them clean, and
if you have not already stuck the m, do so forth
Rad'alles.—Sow, Radirth seed now, nod at inter.
vals of n - weelt.thronglioutTtfie month;• by 131) do.
Ong you'll be able, to keep up a of crisp
Ones for table or market.
Carrots:- . ---Thin out limp
and be aura to keep them as dean as a -new pen
Turnips.—lf you desire to have early turnips,
either for market or to grace your table, prepare
a deep loamy bed, by manuring it. well with cow
dung, which should be - dug in deeply; rake . tlio,
ground fine as you dig the ground; when your
bed is made as tine as the rake can make it, sow
your turnip seed, then strew ashes over the bed
the seed in. This done you must Press
'down the earth with the back of a Spade or shovel,
and tiles reeMPle,te year work. '" When the plants
first.ceme up, sprinkle fish oil over them with .a
I mop, and cleAt them with soot or defies.
Endive.L-Transplant your Endive plants and
sow more seed fur a late supply.
Okra ' Egg, and Tomato Planti must all be hoed
up and *weeded. •
Horse Radish,--Hue and weed ,between the
rows and plants. . •
. .
Red Peppers.—Your pepper plants mtist - he sot
out and watered in dry weathtr until they -takp
firm root.
• Strawberries.—You may now make newiplan
tatiOns of strawberries, and provided' you - keel).
the plants well watered they will take .root; thrive.
well, and bear butter next spring than those plant-
If You ; have no atrawberry bed in•your garden,
let us have sufficient iiifluenCe with you, to in.
duce You to plant out one 'now', or at farthest in
August next. Besides' being the most delicious
ofall the garden fruits, they:are among the most
liCalthful; and, thereforerho husband, and father,
should. fail •to provide,' for hia family a luxury
which has,so ruanylgood - , qualities'io recemineful
,to'favor.. • •••,• ',•z• • ,:,
Grapes.—Careftilly tie up the young shoots of
Your vines as they advance, and wheit the bloom
Is over give the..vines Mooing, so as to de.
strhy the weeds.
•Hyurentha and Tulij)s.—Tiiniardi the latter parr'
of . this morithoruu should take, up the, bulbs of
these. ',Whim takhn Up, entr,:the' stems off' close,
they Avill be dricid'pailiiktly, -.When :perfectly
dry, put-them away in tlinitai,ar..liti," and Jiang
them uptn dry , room •unti!.litanting time.
Ofiggatitinalli kyr
layers, as adon arthe plants a 14)cionii or:
it., may, the'llovOr.a aka OF4iliet" de:
..;„•-•••- • •••-••• ' ••
eind vorption.Se4linen !Jul' mini • be:
e%:OUit'4!!4 l. :-keiSt 'well watered:until (they - take
Aron ' • ; r•
, - of•Ulinost• - •everk; kind, may
,ppyie by set pat: : : • ,
Edgings must now trimmed.,
cFlower':tiardere and SlititbAeries Should •be kept
`44ati'and neat, or the beauty of their effect will be
• ' y . -
11PetfrringSeetial nothing requiring. it' fails
to reeetrestlietias - of.`yrsiter t ,
around yours,
ltieutf, ta. k'esOper. that y9u , bel
jirirtified-.with r Ztni. i4ilf Uriant:groWilt. and rich and
gWies Piuet:ill gr'Y
tneatAer; be kept moist by , watering; tor , oeiog ,a
platiCof Freatt4uCculatiest, and' hunery r: t ; "#liali•
theyjcquiro telekimirously treated.
•••ierjs—See tlp4;Yo4:eniou,:hed iikepe
Vit tAeatit
thiaMiorith: •-•
111049,h. We, have ,endeavored to avoid` 1w&
liive . doubtless ethitted to point out • mani''.ctd ll Bl l ,'
requirliiiiittentioe', and have, theiefore s tiOeeceet'
you te,east a daily, eye though every departme n t'
of•your•garden;.and.give.auch directions •as.•llitt
necessities of each May require at..your, Ikaudaf;
If you have het.' been used to such-topernited
denee, begin it 'now,' you can- never commence"
the good . work . youriger; . and ydu may take, oar.
word OW it, that When once fairly enlisted 'in
you will-find it among the 'sweetest sourecs of
-Hleasure enjoyed by you.. With this. injunction
dm will-take our leave, first wishing, that your
toil Of . the curreet year may bo crowned,•es. they
ndci prbmmise:in• prospective, witiv.frtiillitl crops,
that aids!) 'croin may bririg•goed - prices,..and that
you-and your 's may be blessed with good-health
to give }you and them zestto enjoy , thefruits oft
your labor., .
Central rtutetitionet.
Pay, according
The following good thing appears hi a late Hum
bar of the "Kraidie-thisiefie-ri7—'
WsPen's episode of tooth drawni,..feminds-
Utt of ti- country patient somewhat akin to his, who
culled on one of our most eminent dent'sts, being
."troubled with a raging tooth". Nyltich he wished
ex tracted.• . Seating himself, :the politiheil instru
ment was displayed before - his eyes, end the -next
instant the tormentor was . placed in his hand:
!Well doctor,' said he, 'how much do you ax for
the job? Guy but you did it quick though!' My
terms.' replied,the dentist, 'are one dollar.' A dol
lar/ for half a ndnute'a World! One Dollar!!!
Thunder! Why, a doctor down't our place, draw:
ed a tooth fur me tivo year's 'ago, and it took him
two hours. Be, dragged me all, round the room„
'and lost hiegrip halCa dozen times:_ I never see
such hard work; and he orgy charged Me twenty
five cents. - A dollar for a minme'is work! Ge
ri/mu/I—you. must be jokin!' This economical
victim was but following out the popular utilitarian
ta.ttritte, that the labor necessary - ;to" produce a re
sult, should form its standard-devalue"—
. The. Reading Eneampunml•
0 0
• _So far as respects numbers , and in this respect
alone, our Encampment was a sign failure, But
about 800 troupe—all told—took - their quar
ters in-the Camp, when it was rcasonably.exPect.:
dthat-themumber would-have-been tin. ..e* times
as large. This elini attendance was owipg to the
pressure of,the times—and the' 'disappointment;
°cal:stoned by the dastardly conduct of the Phila.
dolphin Volunteers. . .
But in all the essential particulars for which our
Enda inpment lima get up,it proved eminently suc
cessful. The Volunteer Corps that inere in- at
tendance.were.sccond to none 'in the State, both
In regard to the respectabilitpsf their.nppeakance
ud.their taot_and-di- ,, inlir- ' AI ...natter
A more - gentleman
could-not- have been
minder in Chief on
ed them on Monday,
licly thut 116 ndvermi
of regular 7seriicoo,4
to the Baltimore Encampment _
ry of the Saudi were assembled.
he-Review-on - Saturday — mOrning - was - truly'-a
noble sight, of which thousands .partook no doubt
with pleasure. The sides of th'e Mountains were
licrally covered , with - a dense mass-of human - be
ings--a large number of whom were ladies—
:While the plain "below also teemed with lifer mill
animation. The number of spectators was 'vari- •
ously estimatad et from 10 to 15 4 000 4 The day
was „beautiful—the slty nnehnided—end the eye of
the speetateryturning from the Objects Itn mediate
ly around' him , ---gazed with' rapture. upon the.
broad 'vista of a . verdant and thriving-country-that
met his gaze fpr miles around. We have lool:ed
over the same surpassing landscape many a thee
and off,-but never did it appear so brightly beauti
ful to our view. Immediately. in front of the camp
the troops were drawn up in a line, while his Ex- .
e'ellefiey Guy: Porter, with his staff rode along
the lines to the strains of martial music that float-
Pd - oti - theireeze. Anon; the 'reaps teak up The
line of march—and with trumpets sounding—
drums beating—and banners flaunting_in the
breczeo—passed and repassed his excellency .in
tine martial style.—'Twas a splatlid sight! Of
course the Governor was pleased at the gallant
bearing : of the Troopt,and so we venture to say
were all who witnessed the review. • •
In the afternoon a sham fight was got up wt.
der the auspices ofCapt. Allen Partridge—a gen.
'lemon whose knowledge, of military matters has
been obtained from long and tried experienee.
The gallant Captain elicited universal admirs.-" n
for his skill and activity—and in his worn
Regimentalq,preeented the yr.,r• Velure of the
Av...orere not a little umus.
Veteran Cuntinentnl.
ed at nn honest Geen countryman atour side,
~ hi. had 10 „,.1....4 ry
ine Captain for his especial ad ; ,_
Al i e ,.•ion; and when after regarding him formorne
time; he. broke out with the eiclarnatiorf (fiat "fhe
old•fellow knew more„about-rdilliary affairs than
aittberrest-purTiiiither,' we could not but sub,
scribe to the sentiment.
In the evening a splendid exhibition of Fire
Work was had un ler the direction of Mr. Sam
uelinclison---n celebrated Pyrotechnist of Phila-r
&Vila, at which Gen. Scott, and Gov. Porter
With their respective Suites, were present.—The.
exhibition was witnessed by thousands' of cur
citizens, including a large n her of ladies, and
if the "oh Fr- a nd--"ohsP.' and . eXclamations_ of
"heautijill!"—"magnfir tr , sr,c. &c. are to be
taken as a criterion, their-admiration Was um ,
bounded. '
•On Sunday the Camp presented a very, quiet
appearance and the strictest order was preserved
within thelines.—On Monday the troops • were
agairi reviewed by Gen. SCOTT, whose expressions
admiration have been clsewhere stated. Its
the afternoon a Target firing came off for three
elegant Gold Medals. ThoThest shots in the re
spective divisions of force were WILLIAM GLASS
MYER, of the Pottsville Troop; WILLIAM Yintozn,
of the Washington Greys' of Reading; and Cuss.
GpTlinle of the Harrison Guards, of Alllentown,
respectively, to whom, of course, the prizes were
awarded. Another display of Fire Works in the
evening, by Mr. Jackson, made ~up the round of
the day's amusements.
Tudsday morning the Camp broke up, and. the
various companies proCceded to
~their homes--
our new Corps of National Greys. accompanying.
(by invitation) Capt Dean's: Company of National
Light Infantry, to Pottsville. .
Upon the whole we may say that the Encamp.
meet passed off creditably to all concerned, Nose.
rious accident occurred to mar the incidents of the
week:,/'man by the name of Fix 'was aeciden al.
Iy injured in - the neck, in attempting to pass one
the sentinels; ancra - bot had his , hand slightly
Sewed by'rt.thseliarge •from a :musiset, but we
aramppy to say that the ridioulous.stories, that
• . ierfal,Aut
4i, &rind the other dying, had not the 'slightest
fatindation in
L tnith, and both perhaps ;
"ere this,
have almost feirgotten't hat they were hart-at - all.
And here ehds the 'account of: our--glorious. En.
campnoceat.r-qcrxs/le;,-, • ; •
aye - or e common
liouse-fly hi,,llxod en 'aato onahle, its prominent or
gans of vision to view accurately the objects around
in everpiliractioni it isfurriisbed with 'BOOO boa
gOnal faces, all calculated to convey perfect images
to tho optic nerve, all slightly convex, all acting as
ao many'cornea---8000 included withiria 'Taco no
ihrget than the head of 'a phi!, all hexagonal—all
of the best Possiblo forth to ,prevent a waste of space!
"liiii-is:ao-wonderful:Lthataxioal : er belief
if not vouched-for by being the result', of the :rni 7
croscopical reeearclies of. memos. Lawenheeck,. and
otliersprjually:*nifOpt. .
• •
It is said, that irititiotts bit planted in- the same
hill with vines, they tyilrpmteet the latter from the
,deprtilations of :the striped bug:
It is - a' goad'Orin toptit''''new earthenware' into
cold water and it heat gradually, until it
lion coet_ngain: 41rown eiithenwareo
niay tr toughened in this
Tjt vvay. ikhandtul,of
eor {illiaat bran , thrown in while it oiling,will
Om so that it' wit' not, be'destroy
preserve glazing, ,
la by, 'held or, halt.. • - - • • • •
r ittould-4—gentleman—oF4espeitebilityr-iftand.7
, leg and piety take fifty,,tlipusand dollars
bank,,make false records t k conoial it; adlply,alir
1 on, Um Bible to the ..truth; '
of ,these reserds;',.,his,
7'.e,rinie'is-ixrtirsor - hriiiir - Feefnuits• - oi - Ittefaleatteei
I aeil' fie ' -'4oifiiitha#,te . gentleman. ')W. l d .
some imaltnieellepid , lie:S!thployed,by a*thei
collect a, soialt stint of money, und,,OQuld Fmitioo,
to pay it over; his riime , is. ftituck ,auti be is 'a
stsiodter. • . iispicnsiow I ridges,
Thia`ele ins. , structure iß?sthrown ' a
OttigkfitiY.)l#l4;*.the',.site..oCii. x .tiectifUnti by
*oito6. 'e'r'edtio.o;rroi ,
rati.l.l4eP.rido':,nf Oar ',o4,T . ittid
As'betngthe longest, ,hridge cif it siegfeliteh.
• 404h0:101biyir,ivori4: , e.The.trOldnes
114d:rfiii.,041filly',.ro6toile , ;:,wcii 014; Aide'
iv' hadrm"ration.: Few~:will forget;
Ati:€ . :Saiiilho,litihe, - . !obeil: 4.*i . iitof,'o,okr„
4g.„o"crp s iii:,; ktiet
of this favorito;"thbrie, by;'fire, in Elie ;fall of
1838, Was-regarded assn. irreparable loss.
flameti Were'firist) ; :fieen,
the . 'ehterti entrance of ilie,'t‘ridge; and In ti
verifeW minutes' the 'whole:44llc - , Was'it.
'The - Wind was - ,t3oWii.; the
a,trearn, 'OW:patching the . flarries as they,;
'breltkfro&the; : ifflOoring'' of the • bridge," it
swept ihenriCfarAway - tinder; until a 1 -fiery,..
04ttioiis,;,re4004e . fpm shore ta,'shOre.
his firneTp,.:%.,ot f ors 'hega n to throng
r Una, and, before thelll - dge fell;
thit adjacent . shores and covered; the
side of -the overhanging• hill, looking doivry
on the scene below, as from the seats in 'an
amphitheatre. .
•-.This splendid sight continued for some
tinie,r,thagfizerslooltin,,,i , on. in a rapt silenee;
until suddenly a lOw murmur, fol lowed
. by'
an, involuntary shiver," rim through the:
crowd, ON lie ()ridge, with a - graeful ctn.-
tesy, descended-A few feet ; hesitated, and
then, with
.0 entle,.swen-like motion, sank,
like o'cireitni,.dOwn Millie waters: • Hut the
moment the fabric touched the wave, a sim
mering,-hissing sound-was heard, while ten
thou'Sline sparkles shot up in the air and
sailed away toleewaril. Thefire
dill _how
ever, burned fiercely in the tipper worki,
which had. not reached the water; while
volumes of smoke rolled down the
blending the eartii,lthe wave; and the sky :
into one dark, indiStinct mass, Se . that the
.oinbers; occasionally detached
from t h e bridge,
and. borne. along by the
current, seemed, almost without the aid of
fancy, to lie lurid stars floating through - the
firmaitient: --- Thotetion; which Was jest ris
ing, and which' occasionally burst - through
the dense, veil of smoke, appeared' almost
side by side With these wild - meteors, and
affded to the illusion. The °fleet was pia ! ,
turesque;nt times even sublime.'
— More:Than two *years ehipsetibeforellie
bridge was roplaced by the present elegant
structure, whose airiness and grate _more
than reconcile us to the loss of its predeces—,
so r.
beliese 3 iliefinest,.
if dotlllo, only, specimen ails kind 'in the .
Ainited__States. The-plan is_simple. Two
quait towers-of solid--granite, thirty-two
_feetin leight;irrebuitt:pn-eitber abutment.
Over eneh - efyse;towers; -•iron
pasS five 'wire c.ibles, each cable being_corn
posed of two hundred .and sixty strands,
Nch-Strand being an-eight h °fan hie h
The. length_ of *each . 'Cable i 4: six -- hundred
findtiftyleet. These cables arelsecured,
on each Nre,. in, pits, distant-from the tow
. ers one Intnarfci feet, aril continutn -under
ground filly feet4Urther, to:a: point where
they are Segurely fastenettat ihe depth—or
thirty feet. These pits are built over so as
to excluckithe rain, hut' the air; and the .
cables, being
,painted, are preserved
from - rest: — The cables, in stretching 104
tower to toviipr,•ffirina ,- curve, the.,4v, ePt,
point of wit Wis at-the centre otili °ridge!.
The causeiray is of Wood- 4
se by
e larger ones,:
smaller wire cables, from is. twenty-seven
The widtl;eft•
feet t 'and ats le .n, from abutment to, abut.
/Tient, ih r i,ttnedreti and forty three feet..
Ti kt .„—.rength of the bridge has bren
by a weight of seventy tons. The struc
ture is painted white throughout, tend has DN.
-ready. won the name of the—most graceful
bridge in the.courary.
River.—lt is said that in Peru there is
a river called the Diurnal, or day river; because
it runs with a great current by duy, but is wholly
clry.hy. 4night;.which,eliange is thought to be ow
ing to the kit of the sun molting the snow that
lies on the mountains, but when the sun goes
doWn and the cold night approaches, the, snow
hardens, by.which alone the river' is fed, and the
channel is quite dried up. - --
Not much unlike this river, are all worldly con.
tentments; which are only day comforts. In the
sunshine of peace and prosperity, they are fed
with some pleasing streams; but in the night 'les
son of aftlietion„they vanish and come to nothing.
It is fur otherwise with the promises of the
gospel, whose streams of comfort in thb time of
trouble; do usually .run most plentifully, --- and re.
fresh most powerfully the weary : and afflicted.
so as to preserve It from fainting under the
'ptessure of any evil. '
A COUNTRY Stnnot..- 6 Bible dictionary class
conic up, said our schoolmaster.
Who was Lot's wire?'
'The pillow Of Salt what Moses laid his head
on when ho went up to Mount Sinai to offer his
son Isaac up; cos he had'no sheep' but himself to
do otherwise.", . . . .
'what is said about Jonah?' - .
'Jonah swollnwed a big fish, and was found
the third duy asleep with a passel of James Riv
er leaf in his mouth,:which he gave to the Queen
of Sheba far mendin' his trowses which he busted
instrainin' to 'get out of the; Lion's - , den where
Daniel had beimeatin'lnineed pie and Drandreth's
'Go up bead. • ,
FLATtiOrat. A ovii;e.—A rise every morning as soon
ae ou _et tired of I ing in bed, and if the weather
Lie cold, dress yours° f .e ore going out. a e
your meals as soon as convenient after your appe
tite heroines sharp. Never lay out any more money
than'you can possihly command at the time. Do
no ro 4 . you newt Ira 4 pn-rood a Ti rite lens
have - gPne oft Never pick , an editor's pocket, nor
light your pipe with a piece of red fiarinet En
deavor to find' some amusement whorl' you have
nothing to do, and cannot - deep--mlwaya be con-.
you have nothing to fear or desire.
Cuninsm.—Some English people were
Visiting an elegatn private garden tu•
mo, Sieily,Ated among :the little''ornymen
tal buidings, they, came to one upon .which
was writte n "Nan aperite;" that is "Dori't
spen.." Thirlrnikibition only served to
exchethei7 -• "and
, ......
- eirls.'itijunc i - UT
'forcible jet . !yes top_ 11 in
tfieir_faces—ri very jitst, thougltliut severe
retribution. ' . • . ' •• .
CLeas Su. vi justice tr of the, peace
was called oeir?rsllYrnent °L'11"ill or
cents. Upon presenting t h e bill, Sell squiro
asked him If Its would sWeltr to the acc9unt. •
The,. man *plied 'yes."' The squire swore
him; and :katuted,, him, Or cents.,.'Step
squire,', said the nrn,'you are mistaken in
the'amount; '1405 cents.' ii know, P
turnelthe sq ire;
but : lcan't - swear yon for
' , - , -
' , - • ' ',,,.. , , „ i
in'' ' Sidl,T.e ",PAitleterlY` 4oo Smith* / 116-0-1 1
Smith, Sistittltigtten, end oil:tie principal Mor.
moil letuteri,heitil:ied for the" benefit of the
Ihmkruit•Lavh. ' l i, .`n kiile to be humbugged
j , _ I who rollOW a bankrupt Proplieti
, .
• A. Voice
• ii di
(1W tereyilkm/polt. eTts';i•Jmy., , ,0, • a e.
Hf'ag. one to;.-fight the r iterldillby
. Upon hie
inrotke.!...,OLD,§oste: • • ,
Where, andobrwheie, Is my ivire's.platto. .*• ,
It's g9ne io pay thestaxes,Ahe lotalshiye put on t
An Ugly, red-nosed to: eollnetar'eantetone-th*; ; , .-
And 'tisked for' twelVe • dellaiiiimd because I
cauid!at • •
lle threatened tine w)th'priion ; so fePinifi the lout,
forc - go and put - my wife's Plano up the
Where, and oh where, are my hooks and pictures
, . ,
'They% gone to pay the taxes the locos, hae put on!
The same collector came again [tire, bone !.]' just six
And ssited'tni'for sik,ollaes:miiire;in 'topes eon
.1 coitid'ilt pay, as tuinal,snaksdn With don:nerist
was driven uncle wiiii ipy pietureiand 'Ley
Where, dnd oh 'wh'ere, are - my chairs sont tablet
'Eli!,:y"te wine to pay the taxes the lacoahave puton!
AniiiVer.balf:year. rotted away, and ;struck to. the
licart'a core •
AS,l ' heprd,al~e;t:press for iirtyri!ent
before= ,;f:
Inlna fie of rage kicked the ugly, grinning r ogu e
dotyrraiiiira, •
:And iiesk:td the paambreksr both toy tables and my
Where, and ; oh are my bZids amt,heddhig.,
gone ?
They've gone to ray t 1 a taxes the locos have put.on
The tax collector came annin Gild again with brutal
fic 9.ack'4l his jOicbs upon so I thotight it wsut.
but fit
I should eraek ttjoktots him, and I,crack'd it with
The only way to tidttltt,an incOrrtglblp joker, !
Where, suiloh where, is my house mid Crm:lot
gone) ' -
.Therve gone to pai . 'the taies;the locos have put on
And' now, 'meanie penniless and lionieleas, too
slack !, •
With nothing left but one old shirt, and that's upon
niybaelc v j '
They've popprd me iu a poor-house, with my wife
and only' daughter, '
Where I hi.nakfast on potato •rind, and dine on toast
and water!.
From the Philadelphia Temperance Advocate.
4IVI iltions_for_DeftinCe,_laut not. a
Cent for Tribute.”--
'All editors' are more-or lesesubject to impositiOn,
but particularly those editore of temperance papers
who devotee portion, of their time to Jecturing on
_Ahis_all : engroseing 'subject:"
__For - the last twelve
months, the editer.of. this paper hat' devoted__ him
self to the cause with unabated zeal; a zeal that has
seriously-effectcd-his-healt h--.Althouglismen ues to
preferment and wealth'tiere open to him, 1 -- inieii
preferred. the thankless taste of the "Temperance
Advocate,"-with no oilier rowan! than the conscious-
ness of doing good. He has received, on an aver
age, twenty communications per day, asking his
humble aid its advancing the close of humanity,
-and whenever, his health' permitted , he, has never. Make a sacrifice of' money and of Personal
•comfort, to obey the summons Marty, very meny,.
Who have thus appealed to him, have failed to pay
the postage on their commtinieatiens, and. the toz.
on his slender means has been grevious and Op
pressive. Among others, we lately received an in
vitritiqn te visit "Sitieektranuarr," signed by the
followir.g . comipittee of arrangement: •' •
~-:' •
.:. ' - . JOS. MIFFLIN, '
. ,
.., •
`•-• . A. STURGISS, ' • • .
G. W. GREEN; - '
- • __. .
• R. PEALE. .
We were haft as usual to pay the postage,--which
Nis been gradually growing upon*us, and directed.
the following ritply: . _
, . .
• Gzart.zmras4l regret that a press of engage
-1 mints prevents Mks possibility of a complience with
your request. I shall however avail myself of an
opportunity to appekr among our temperance friends
at some convenient- illie hereafter. . . .
Very respectfully yours, •
P. S,—ln future, "Ppy the Postage.•"
Will li be believed `that a set or men calling
themselves temperance rem, in order to add insult'
to injury—will it be believed, we say, that these
GsarzsmEs!—refolded - c.reply, end directed it
6\ l
to us, postage unpaid? if hey had possessed the
dignity or the wit to have pa the postage on the
retuaThf the letter, Mere mi b ht have been some
!internees in their reply to our \ rude •and just re-
I - proof. As it is, they would be c_ nsidered Hcaors
in "an age of mud"—their names_ahould be writ-
ten in letters of gold, and hung up on tablets in
every market place throughout the country, as a
wonder, 'and as an example to all.\ Although by
nature sensitive to an intense &reap, we do not
allow every trifle to irritate and inflii'me us. Did
these- Gssrzsmirs! expect that, in a roxyAn of
fury, our eyes darting maniacal fires the cold
perspiratiotr Wilting over our' pale an wearied'
brow, we would tear asurider.tho sheet an . dash it
.into the fire! Not so. The recoil of our clings
filled us with indignant shame at beholdin MAN,
converting himself into the cold, slimy, ven ions
thing, and creeping' down to low, degr 'rig'
Tnicazav! While we had just reason to comp in
of the postage net having been paid on the fi t
letter, we-thank them for the privilege of payi
for the second. That one was torittenhya gen
tleman, whose •!poverty and not his will", obliges
him to call the attention of his correspondents to
The 'subject of postage, which though trifling to
them in its separate parts, is of vast importance 'S
him iu the aggregate. . . .
. Br rig IN NEW ORI43NR,—TIic Picayune of the
2lst_ult:,_Containkaccounts of very serious riots in
New crieami, on the day before, originating from
the suddMi depreciation of the Municipality issue
of small notes or certificates. • A large crowd
gathered in the streets, and destroyed four Bro
ker's 9fliceif, carrying off specie and notes, worth
from ten to twenty thbusand dollars. .The crowd
was finally dispersed by the more orderly' citizens
corn i • .he help of - the polirevand-severalofth.
ringleaders were arrested. The names. of 'tiros:
brokers whose stores were broken .into acid phut.
tiered, are. Messrs. Valentine & Williams, .A. S.
; • • , Nrmeerairditrfthl
, Montt liters.—The village of Troy, Miami co.
Plato, has been aping the emporium of that State
in a small way, by getting up a mob. A. tempt.
-mice discussion had been agreed upon , by the
friends end'Ur the great reformi'aiid-sif
ter it had conunenced,some of the intemperate per.
'ty throve egge and either: missiles at 'one of Abe
speakers. which broke np the meeting. Two in.
dividuale were arrested, fined $l5; and sentenced
to be confined in the county jail and fed on bread
and water. :This aroused the fliends of the •laig.
liberty,' and 'they met at Lair's dihaillery, coma
distance 'from the village,organized themsebies &
marched in a bcdy towards* Troy, for, the purpose •
ufj:eacuing the ,prlsmiers., But the: iheriff,' was
too 41:#0k:for Ahem, having celled .out_ two Milita
ry-coniif9.s7,ao.49ogert(odi...-of citizeni!7wilPr
took thew 'allittionie:ridai the Ainhisiedora
were then ‘sinttlitie&WatiltiiinitTorwarde - -betaieen
the eqn ket: ing . partiee l an even Abe juilges
plied to, to releaselhe. ,to save blitods: ,
hed, -
but thcykteiseiy. determine •Ws should, take;
their course. • The, inserge concluded final!).
Illatnlitnicliniv,waii 4tte part - of valor,"end'
eigreed.fe'Oliperse forifevedays and it 'Was hoped
The etfal'i*as all over, although i the jail, continued . :
td be . strongly _: guarded for for,of surprise. --Pitts..
'berg' Gazette. • ' ' ' '
Excellency (bond Oornfort Reading
fr Laltinirtiesoecording_to_ihe—Readiag-
Jouratißrr , ;;Mis'arrival i.xcited , scarcely :the'
sliglifestsinteaticin dindeed every one sleet*
ed to eihna him as an , infected man._ itiLAl
Linnbiii-appci4iWa him *Who
dovoilt-dowN,iivery day or hia exislerten
ititt,,nrnignilhat would sink , et
mdch'mo'reit:pigmY,like, Davidl4`•rapCF•
-:-;llartiOtfig Chronicle.
7 '7•": -- 7 '7') ,' 4 l,!F C : , ' , "::w:',.
-'.'' O t°4 l o i tii !'4 9 l l6o eik t iftl - ' L .- * l r:
j t.
i.1:ei0ia0,0b,,,ig...00*.T041,0::,,...,,( 4 0#,_.-.
4 olio ..if the State Itentito#Htlrott:th' .. _ '
sr:!:„ • 7 . cl - 7)7 1 "..07*'''' , - 7 7 '.• ':..-., c - )477 . ... •
The readers, of this papbtcatirto7,7a,;_,7 nerV er
iv 6 have 4dr:tned Otirmire.:than*** 4 ;gl o l:=4
Thc citizens ef Vorier4il "Onnthirland , ': tnitide
,VivE -
VerY::noneli ntiOtbite.theihdrailer:Ofthe :fOWW.
theydo not find conch to approve iir'lltecpertiehi7
of the Mechaniesbnygiweceedinge which"wg her.°
quoted. It must be apparent . 0 - every ,ohserver,
that the Investment made by - PennsylvanlitinSe:',
'nolo, and Rail Roads has turned , ouv t0.,.,be- motil,
unprofitable atidniiistiotat tO'her. L in ii...peenniary,
;point of, vciw.' ' They ilo not :paY,the'expensez:at:
tendant tifilheir managementimuch loathe inter::
est of the money harrowed for the miipeseof con
otructingit)icin: . .T.he.7: - queetfon ;then te r iihethor
'the peopl6.will consent t0 , .b07. taxed not merely •
for.the puipoaeofpreservingtheirPlighted faith tri•
the. public.creditors, but to pay the ; salaries': of .a
gang-of office-holders .virhd do not:earn. as much
as they coat. , We belieVe with the ' . tax payersof
COMberand County, that the' Proper popition to
as a condition - precedentto taxation, for depend
upon it, if the, latter . Onee be imposed, the former
never can be.-7,offected. 'The leeches in 7 office
could never be abaken from the body politic,
because, when the veins of publie_worko ' were
Zuched dry, they would open a now one in the
Treaintry. and draw thence the revenues derived
from taxation. But we cannot entOri upon this
subject; or comment seriatim upon every. position
assumed in'the extract which we have made from
the •Niceltaiticsburg proceedings. They• appear
to us to be, or two very. immaterial, me.
ceptions, correct in the positions which they:have.
assumed, and well .worthy of the consideration
both of Legislators and constituents. ••,..:/,- - •
.7 .7 ,
, Loco*:pdco - Cletaveland
(Ohio) paper itates . that the that
place (all loecis hut . one) have flied:the iala
ries of the:Six bank 'recei'vers .appointed to'
close - .llo.lniaffairs - ofthe - eummercial - Bank
ol:Lrike Erie and the bank. of • Clenimlnnd,
nt- fifteen hundred dollars . , each receiver per
annum - The hi vv .- 111104a' ilie - feceiiietwo
years to wind up the banks; so that thisitern .
alone will •ent out eighteen thousand , 'dollars
of the best assets of !he ion,
each board of receivers isallowed.a clef It
with a-Salary of oop—mAinsg the' expense
of the two bank4l3lo,ooo per annum. No
wonder the locos are so eager to demolish
the liiitTta,linch - glo pickings . are To
be had in winding up-the dead. ones.
Mn. VAN :Bun EN was Still in Kentucky ai
last adviceti.• He was warmly received at Lexing
ton; and.among the peraons who turned 'out to greet .
him was liertr:y — Clay. -Mi. Van Buren accepied
the invitation o the latter to ditic at Ashland, whore
they - engaged each other's.socicty with delight and
satisfaction. „-•
. .
ter The Chambersburg Weekly Messenger.
wishes kstated: That in Hotelier or November
Of-1847,-a- family- _emigre Led_ to_the_Wcst,—and
were accosted by a stranger somewhere between
Harrisburg and Chambersburg, who-inquired - for
a lost pocket beek. The emigrants had not at
that time found it, - and answered accordingly—
but afterwards they did find it, a and appropriated
its contents to their own use.
Shoidd the-owner of the -pocketbook see ; this.
notice, he is requested to inform the Editors
the "Weekly Messenger" of t he _fact, _or address
a post paid letter to "A. Z." Bethlehem, North
ampton co.,Ta., describug its contents, &c.
This is to certify, that the. subscriber had been
for sonic time afflicted with the Rhouniatisni very
severely. from which he could get no relief, until
being advised te procure some of Fitch's - Indian
Vegetable Elixir,, which ho acccerdingly did, and
from which,-after a few doses,- he-was entirely re
lieved._ . SA MI.. PEA ItSE.
Columbia, April 16, 1832. " •
I certify, that My son, Thomaa Jr.'aged
15 years has been troubled for 8 yeara.last past with
the. Rheumatism, and for the last three years has
been unable to help himself; his pain was very
vetu, so that he could not be moved without great
agony; his 'nobs were paralyzed and drawn up,
and he presented an object hopeless to all who knew
him. I resorted to several Physicians, for relief for
him, without effect. Having heaitruf Dr. Fitch's
Indian Vegetable Elixir, I procured the same for
my son. On taltjog it t e'vi , as much 'relieved, and
by continuing it to the fourth bottle, hasentirely re
moved the ; pain, his flesh is iestored and he is .-ow
enjoying gtiod health. I would, in all cases of
Rheumatism, earnestly recommended it to -those
who are affected with this excruciating pain.
We, being neighbors and acquaiptances of Mr.
Thomas Mitchell. and having often seen the situa
tion of his son, fully corroborate the above stated
ease, and, as we believe, has been cured by the In
dian Vegetable Elixir.
- - - --SAMUEL MEEK_... -- s _
This isle certify, that the subscriber bad ben.forr
some years tormented with that cserutiating dis
ease, Chronic Rheumatism, and was advised, in .
February last, to procure from Dr._Eitch.someof
his Indian Vegetable Elixir. Accordingly, I pro-
cured some of it, and to my great surprise and still
greater relief, it entirely removed the complaint
er taking-a-Sfew-doses,—onti-I-liave not since had a
turn of it. . JESSE ARTHUR.
Columbia, April 21, WTI.
all at Elliot's, in Carlisle, and get this article,
if un wish to be relieved. •
per bbl fc
stances so.
0 the recci
at $3 50;
o 1 Wheat, of
Penna. was so)
bushel. The .
Bela% which
for tome days, btu
Southern yellow,
at 38c for SoUthe
hainilidvaneed to 19c
in Whs.
*ir4 - otMurbet, which
left oikw.' C<iivs apd Cal
koria9.,l to 29; extra V.
Springeri 1112 to
- • ' ' • BAIX.Iht
. -}IOUIL - - - -Theie - ii a (di
Howard st.;:saleti Irma ator(
at $5'62,1 to , 5 513 g, but the I
at $5 50 per bbl. • .City Milli
cash, to $5 94 credit; and St
cash. Very little oft 10 littl
1 -
GRAIN:-. , Wheat down
1 23 tar prime red, in ludieg (,
and a small lot or g 'ooi Marylon(
66 cents White Corn has sold at
We quote; iinesent nittal&lto , s3;
, KEll
at 36 t 0.38 centO.' and . M lB o l = l
',,Wl•llblll4Elf-;-' -16 i c to for bhe
liarreld.`,.",'t"): - -.`, '' ' V.
ATT.LE-MAR ~,,t:--,llcOf Cattle.- - -The of
farings'en Monday overeb
g etween 9.504nd 000 - Wk
oier, 20g,0f which sold a 5 to $6l, Vlcludin a
emaltPorijou fof anothe market, and ihe fishmeal
Sie3lol.lt4thatit putehaiev*, Hogs remain much
atuotiatthe lost.week dar twos $4 t 0614 95 per
, ~ ,
fib i@ CUM ATisn.
Isinsn RICE QUEER &now's, .?
Richmond District, S. C., April, 1838.. S
lIILADELPHIA, June 4th, l 81?.
'MEAL.--Since our last review
change hits occurred in Flour, the
If which is pretty uniformat ss`, .59
' , lard brands for export; in a few in
...less has been taken for stained
Erch Wire been ...Lout equal
moderate. Rye Flour dull
Corn Meal at $2 621 per bbl;
87 4 Der bbl., uld 813' 50• for
nief sales this week hav been
about 12,000 bushels of good
vpurt to England at 1206 per
mthern have been very
15 a 118 c. per bush-
I kepi very limited
iainhiry - at 51c for
White do, Oats .are-
me scarce,' and prices
gallon in I.lble, and 18i
,etCattle--320 head
65 50 as 3 50: 20
ITat - tnarkettnales
16. Dry Cows 63
logit-463,at mar
&keep and
1 50 tos2-75.
Juno 410843.
1mpt4:14,01 21 , 4 ic
• • bialt•'•lneait ,
it prttifsPinaills ,
sold, 8515'
Mina at as 621
market. .
out $1; 20 to ,
'foul and . Pa.;' '
m his 'aoldnt
to 52 motif;
glow 53 to
i r k,
.Temperanee -, Celebration . of
Tho temperance men 6/ 7 ar 1 isl 6, have 4estdved
to calobratesthe Fourth of 3 !.,v,i.,,:by",pnair,hing in
prnceiSititi;‘itnelithliriring g• vaiwliere,' the day --
millsOdetiOte'il to laddreases; a ga; 'Music . ; and ,
other rational entertainments.
The friends of Toempurance every ' here are re-.
apectfullyinvittd to join us; and espeaall sll the
Temperance &Chides of the County; with the
respective - bannersand badges.. • • -
JulpilleTempeowe Societies of Carlisle
and elswhere,lire invited to ioin, therphateSsioni-----
with apprOpriate badges: Also the Sunday Schools
and Common Schools of the. Borough, under the
direction of their respective Teachers,' • ~
- The I tidies of Carlisle - anti 'vicinity are also re..
spectfUlly invited to give to-our enterprise their'
countenance, and to favor'us with their presence
on the day of our proposed festival, as :special ar,'
rangements will be made for their accommodation
fly their countenance .and 'preience, 'We hope to
make this a great day for Carlisle and Cumberland '
countya day of triumph to the cause-of human
happiness—a day. whose decline shall •bring,bak. •
piness to many a heart,' and -sadness to none.
071 n -behalf of the Committee of A rrangeinents,
• ' • • WILLIAM . IRVIN. -
--Ln-An-adjourned_meeting_of_the Committee of
Ariang,ernants will be held at the office of S. , _
lep Adair, Esq. on next MONDAY EVENING
Devoted . to Temperance and
Jrik"The subscriber. proposes publish
a semimonthly paper, to be entitled THE
- WREATH, and the-Canso OF.-
ToalliortOutit..-7-.lle believes that n paper
of the :kind proposed, conducted in a proper '
manner; would tend greatly toadvanee that
just and holy cause which is now pervading•
all clasSes of society, from bite end of the
Union tothe other, nd which; it-is hoped,
:will soon he without a single opponent. A
portion of "The Wreath" will de
votedici Literature,, .&c. '77777 .
' . Should . he he encouraged, the subscriber
pledaps himself that the paper shot I . he ev.e,ry •
way worthy of support,.• and that the best
%vriters., - con= ----
! tribute to its columns; and that nothing of
a:paliticaLcharacter.: shall be permitted to
11 7 nzATtrwill be printed] on . rt sheet
hallthe size of the & Expositor,"
and issued on — the - Ist and :1d Saturday of
ttefi month, al7Bl- per rinnurn, or TIVELVR
corlesifor'Blo-16 he commenced as soon
as•st)o good subscribers are obtained. - AR
'Temperance friends; npp.roving - ofthe pro.
position, are requested to act as Agents.—
Address (post paid)....
A I ei7.2 muter's, Hies ginger.
Eyery week fern v!, : i its Patrons with 77iirty-air .
Columns of Mee - Felling Intelligences and wily One
Donfin per anutnn t
TERMS and PREMIUMS for 184'2.
For Si%ty Dollars--forwa , ded in one remittance,
io currmd, bills---the Pntilislwr will furnish Sixty
one Copies of the Messenger for one year, and oho
present the agent Trocuri g the same, with a cope
of Von Itotteck's Ceneral ilistory of the World,
from the earliest times until the year IsSI, in l'our
volumes, illustrated by twenty -lime Engravings--
first American edition, handsomely bound.
For Forts Dollars---forwarded in the same way--
Forty-one Copies of the Messenger, for one Near,
will be finniirhed, and also a copy of Sir Walter
Scott's Popular 'No‘Fls, complete in twenty-five
• For Twenty-fire Dollars—forwarded as above—
Twenty-six copies of the .Messeiiger w ill be fur
nished for aite - year;and also a copy oldie Quarto
Edition of the Holy Bible, illustrated with engray.
lots, and neatly bound.
For Fifteen Dollars—Fifteen Copies of the Mes
senger will he Ittritiilied• fer one year, sad a Pie-
wimp to the agent forw artlit tl.r sr me, of i.ither:
of the follow lug x mks. HanD.:Nic lit's F.ti
tertni aaaaaa !tits, in five zolumes. w ith etigesiv iegt—The
Dramatie and iThisical Olin, consisting of popular
Playa, Songs, and Ballads, set to Music, with En
gray ig 7 —or 'Copy of Every Body's Album, an
aninsirg work - , - in'one-volume r with Ergrit3ings.
• For Ten Dollars—Estey agent pt•oeuring Ten
Sukseribers, and forwarding (be subscription price,
in one remittance, will be entitled to an seditional
cope, gratis. .
The terms for a single •subscription• is TwoDol.
tars peir 111.11111111, or One Dollar for six months-.-al. •
ways in advance. Four Copies will be sent for one
year; for Five Dollars as heretofore.
Postmasters are authorized, and getiertillyilr
lino, to Im ward money to newspapers free of ex- • •
poise, where the letters are signed by themselves. •
Persons wishing to transmit, will, therefore; when it
can be do.te r ivrite just a leitthey want the Postman
tee to say for Omni, by - sei doing they will only hnve -
the trouble 'of signing. - ,Posimitsters will take care
to endorse their nameson the outside also-L--the word
free can"be written by any one, and is of tin use in •
frattlittit a letter. ..Isfo,..letters are accepted at -Mar_
'dike, unless the postage is paid. •
Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, Philadelphia:
- • :E7 CED aCO CID '
PETITION for the benefit of the . Zanlirupt
Laot,has been filed the filth• of May, I 842, by
MAR I'IN G. RUPP, late Merchant, Cumberland
Which Petition will be heard} beforethe %stria
Couik of the United States fin the Eastern District
.f 111VyllTarlit nlan ru ey. aOO I in
trict Court Room, in the City of Philadelphia, on
MONDAY, the 20th day of JUNE next Fat 11
o'clock, A. Id. When and where all persons in
terested may appear and iihow cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of the said Petitior4lshould
not be granted, and the said Petitioner belleelared
May li, 1812. -
Eglate of.rathantßecd, dct 9 4.
ETTER§ of Adminiitration on the estate of
.11 NATHAN . REED, late .of the Borougkof
Newvillo, Vuretalrkind county,. • deceased, hire.
been granted .iaaho subscriber. malaria tit Phalle..." I
All person:: indchted to the said. deceased, are re- -
quested to come forward And make • payinent im •
mediatelytand those liaving cl aims will present theirt:
properly authenticated to the undojraigneilfeisUttl6- ,
JACOB - - . #O:FEBRz Ath:6l",:f2,
'fietif"kliiiiel''6llB42.:S' ;7 - -
_ .
mop' acrae.EP.O...
("I piendaelt'of the isubecriber,
'lltori Cumberland county,'
about - one.' oreoli
:Sdi • Iront-Chmelftowti, 4:114he
13th- ; 1 . •
IM L - 1, 1*E1 ? 7
with a . white head aim three wh ite . 01110. '
lege, suppoied to lie about 2 . 4earb
and s alf old/ 'fa owner reqiierne to come ,
foment' . prrere,Or?pbny, ,pay chargie And take it -, .•
. - , OEI:IIICrE'L'UTZ.:: ,
' •
,Jgne 1 ; y1842. ,
nd 194 for .
- - .
4: KENS - Villieh Pine Otove,Lime.burnors l .
r.!,r4),.:11 Ritionitiouo ' , COAL, e - Olistonil • ' f o
r - -
0 , 7 -.:: . ' -v. , . ... J..,& P. MARTIN I - '-. '
~Suoceosore to Miller -& Martini •
Hcirrlsburg,April.2o, 1842. " ,,. €m./5
Liieealsate .
WORLD ! !!
Clerk of Dietrict Court.