• :,...., '-:;:* TPJ.:1;::1,.... _ -..,&. ..,''.= .. F;!Silfg.'j'•;S'., : ,Oritl 1 J ~,, .':?....3. 46t::q.;;.1";i . . -.7 ,-..,.. ~..',-',:,.*., -v4l . = . • , ):.!......,. ,, .. , . , . ,. .. ,- -i, ............._ .. 9 .• .' . .,"',Le , :. -- ::' , t. , 1 -: -'- - - ',.'• 4, 1 ':',;CA' . ::'; ,,, ' , .--'."-• '., 1.i. , ;` , r., , . -', , ::'4, , .- . .- ;,-,; ,, :: ‘ , •1'3,. !;','.-..•.',7,;'4;,t'.;41,Cii),,' , , -,:,ja"414 'eh, 0 4 "L`rl'A' Di@ K ,~~, ,-~.>a . 04gi ' citt; 2 +x, Itz w t,ki t . 0 ! gs: '7 At 6 • " 11§11A1! ) ,,k Ft ‘ 4 iSIVOItf6 7-, trnef . 15r f‘ va d o t t., -gum' ii- 1701 — AW-*/ .(Weeltly,Anitdaidderoyalsbeet, at•TWQ, pat, tailt§, per annum, payable within threetiontbv oVsubscribing; `ea Two IKILLAITS '3,!jOrp at.the.end yeat,. r ; ZAW eulnktiptiO will talsMi fatless than .six. l'Asitit i WHndlne..paper discentinued until all ar: A t-ifearagitedee; Paid, exCept',.,tit 'the pption id:the Vidaisfinic"o4tl4:Eallaill in_ notify a dienention. Vance will , be Coh k eideredi , no# engagementi';', o.9eitisiniritilt , be,deut‘on the usual terma:, Utters tirinauterittention must be 'poet paid:• D,Vf*TI SE Al EN OM Orta . -litiliN.:4RmtxritON'-': Ar', - ' ' , o*(o',.ligit t iiiaiisipiini isot'viCes to tititr,:Otti:; :#0,54t '?,_4ll44_4l.l4its:victnity.'; :,-. ' : I.' ','.. sii., , l) ,":14tf , Cpo p twil!V 9 nr,ir si t fil a n Rye r. end ....k.if.)ut.bilit.;: - ;04040_ , ; : t1i0." . .(0,,,h1it' resideftee ii*Weet . i.tiiitlieliveseek?'rWAetore below.. Profeelior. ~ r/tl%: Olza6eXik ..,.:•,. , n,.; , • 1..,..-:7 4 :, Ain 184 i , liV''',2 ' ' i ,-',r , ', • , ' , Astimovof hie,. Office and-dwelling tenth° three stury,,Prieleon , Sontli 1-I;nneysixst.re_ef; Jotniiii.iiiiiresieence — of-Ilfr.. John Rays tind ti3lenit'ol.lloftiVr .• . ' Doetrir Afiers leering - ids friends and"thii","pub, . thatle . can consulted at all hours at his of ..e; (When not professionally- engaged) and that he • All'ilevotii his-undivided attention to the several duties or his profession; and - particularly to the joractlee,of,,lllidwitery..tt Surgery; Calls to the the G ` o uni - ry will pnnetindatKinded_to,hatlii ,light and day Carlisle, April = ZDIM3REE , Z2PA3cf,E2CI3(U*., - parmanqntly.located in Carlisle, per • - forth all operatiMis that are required iu the •," -practice of -his professiom4slieh as - • Extra.oting i kiiisigt.Plingging. and - . tico a sine° tooth to an.entire set. • . INr: IL - Forji. few intatluf -- - be in - Carlisle, ihevi'rst ttoo i weilciin- each ' month—after which,be will; be absent'until the ,first two iveskiin each foitovvingliOnthz—at rbich • iperiod he may be found at; his. • Olice, opposite 111'Far104'S Hotel.. • iCarlisle,• May 4;1842- : • ' - • - Ls3 l- ''`B..V '.;HAT well known r . Hotise, in north Hanover.a,treet.:kg • the Borough of Curti*, lately•OeCupied !' lik.l4lr. John P. Lite,t' , a'flardware' Store, who fikirsipposed,.halrina . de as much in a few years I‘, 4or would 'enabkrbim to id-ire from business if he 'those to do so,;tti this is ono of the best stands , recommend it.to a Will bred tnerchant -who' understitiadir 'the business,-and :ovould . .W . !trrant hirn.a•fartune in a fait;years, by ",4:-..,:oponinf either 'a Dry :Good, .Grocerytor Hard. ,';',tictl'o Store, for firther particulars; enqut re flonEwr, '.I4•CIJAN, der! , - April 27, 11342: - •' • Jlllulice its Balakritpley. nruiE Personal attendance at Philadelphia of appliCants for the benefit of the Bankrupt Law will not be required. • Judge- Randall has directed, that in cases where opposition is filed, the exatninatilm of kite Petitioner shall be made before the Commissioner of the county in which tbO'Banicruperesides. Applicants will therefore be spired the expense of going to Philadelphia at the time specified for the hearing. of their petitions. JOHN HARPER, Commissioner in Bankruptcy, Carlisle, May 11, 1842,,,, ' tf-28 123 11.4 T"stock of New Goode, belonging to the firm of Boseerma,n & Hutton , coneieting of - Haw n IIPORE; HAMMERED' AND•ROLLED IRON; Nai Is, CroceriCs. , IN, OILS, DYE STUFFS &c, &c, Will be sold fur CASH, wholesale and retail, at To. doced prices. Those wanting .bargains, will do , !"`".4{rell to call soon, as the entire stock will he sold to . t.:clotar t .the concerti;. don't mistake the place, at the letoce Room of bosserrnan do Hutton, piorth flan. pvoriireot, ..GEORGE•IIII3TTO'N. . • Surviving Parniei of tiur &11l or • ' • BOSSERMAN 'tli. AUTTCYN: May 18, 1842. • •' •' , 11129 PRI.VG trl HE rubecriber luta received a general asseit.;- , menc of • SPRING AND • •OWDIELrIMDB (160CVEDg30 in part of Fignitd, Plain and• Barred Monselin 7 de-Lanes; figured, Plain, Striped Lawns and Gingbarne, English . and French Chita*, plain, figured and .Barred Siviss,,, Jackenette an .: Pambria Muelina ; a general assortment of Grode nap, Orodeswa, India and Italian Silks, . Bonnet Silks., and Ribbons, Straw, Leghorn, Braid Ind Willow Bonnets, Raw Silk, Cashmere' and Cotton ;qee, Silk, Mohair, Kid .and Cottini Pariealle and Shades; pow stile,. French, Irish Liiiene; Gineburg and. Linen lio!ieelinge,:, Linen Drillings and .Gambrootie for Corde,.'Stripes' and Nankenes, Cd' ,ling and Roils, BroWn.imil Tielilkimand'r Calicoes. Pans. r - • . of. an. •a m. "Hate; Straw,9ltoit an clr Edglite,Clothe t - Ceelm4ra end Sattinette . :' . • 'ittneellOSWElre 'tlireG,l7oit i riefit s , , , all-pir.vhiali will be sold on faverable.tenge at t i i i . , stor „ f . :. - ~, '', A. R , ICHAR I DS. ',Cerliele, May 18, 1840. ~ ' , f l y, , .. .... , - ~, the-rubile, - . . . ''' 11'1,'6 , -Celebrate d • , ' ''''. Rr,,dirliejed , 6 •,•PIC 'l lo ar ntrit e eii cited by.tbalt,-. I?, high-1/41ton? t.,_ atmo, or .the I'S:3' medicine , w,.--- _dtoro,for, dr., . a s a preventive ay ~ o Denent Oer.. +IA .A- Blood, and ttob 'and nerVous sy ste m . pjAei,,otoe ..,_, A ,„:;,,,pine,,ttro.a oirti?t-f. Z"tbo- otoinaah. :wiri.:,lo4.'", .. , . - -t uen , f .i n to raini3vo.2ließlittion4o4 Otber_dte , ,• .•Pnt., then - rroat eauea...,of-i2,,i--4,-,- howkli;: &c.... -The to ' v," 1..'n,..' ' is(ftga'...n,.*7-•ttri3:tane end sig,". ,- , •••• 11 IS- ' maladies ,„ ''n l'arkteZt`•g,- ..:the Net apPet'tei• " - . ? •;( 7 - kigthrt!' if.dige,tipi,,;,rspra. 'O , i 64 produce; l ir 54;..+7- ‘...P...riti11.0:° ''0f.,:1kiti14,0111itif1C,0,1,„,..,,,,, j.,olllo4nktl ''Aff iiil,:ttle nerves • ,ioitiosti,-31.40isssm','Ll-giaoa. •", , a -, l# -' • t;_rePOSe to 111e'' W'aralaWl4l.."enri '' ' a tei li c ''`f -`X fiu4 asPer.4ointt 'atnial,iii•ghtt-ei° '-''' nta , •• ,. .:_r , ,e1 j .,., • - --whiuh sonte,oo,.. tet.to..,* ,r 310410 , . i ti !A;fl,,,,,toona„__- rintioe prei Ortle, 1' bur- liiirk'PrePi".4. 14,1"4!tiph.—introdUCti,PA:V*PrN .--,4,ikaoguyism. :f l ia c s l + , , - -- - ,- • I,T tied tiltatee,,lnslt,..4 ,^ iornorieed • -liens°. Int° the - - nt terionti:ilregilnniNiti-oi4*,ttS' ',l - nett -ilk d!'1,,t..,‘, ~i netttooote,y, e . ,3., n ~,,„,, , .. . • - .• feting IRIS A..TC ) : , ‘.:;• ,, ,•41,,.. .. 1. . ,',',, ' , ,1, ~. c . ,- l'i4 l illnat!.: • indicate their.oB.o,,t,'-'••• i.ciiikitfiriier.the, - F,t7SSPOnntpip,eiolans int!, ' °""?'!".!thwiyAte,ipqr 'Y-rr.:, It n • -- 4 ' • 111 lenee‘direst yo-- ' '''zilllt ~.i , i i. 0 - Ph ' r...l,..bisiiii,N.,irtn,Pol44- . ii , • s, e ' tefibe-P;4nnirt • Aof oidesisit, .• 4 ~., future . -1- hiii;(inatea , --, • teit R -thole ,-P-,- ': rt O rOt i ll ' i l lide P joy, wilt. 04 salre: , --,•-•• ~,,<:,=•.. i-'4,sdhei-h°°"B') wt.'hoh,theYo4lsmil° tecelejtetinet; • ~.,'fini medicine w"it)foco-_,,Na,,,.„-*Na!th,-, , , ' ll , • - ••V' l` -, 1 1 1illidelpl!bl, ` didoo,cattraliyail * 'II :Vhe rb h , Wlll34 " lnle • ''staiiiit-J•04,14 ,x4tl4, ' • b oii the , druf % Lmote , of,Vir . ~„.r , ..„. a-- (.4"-1,-, dam- disthe..,o7.lllg,- ,-- ~*,"- a -- ( . 4 4kr a l yz' , isoulpra,,..ll,.ei4 • :', `....-: ., ..Y.' '.'. `.1"•' .. ,' ',. :'• .. '.,' -. , rt:A.i . -: : : , ~ .10 , i gi,,,..,10AP'•!"..,Y-, 7. ',.' , . ••„• _. i , .','; t : ': ''. : ' , '"4 : :?.ii" . : C4 ' . /Y-,:•.' .;.: 1. i .. ..: ''': .' • , :-. - c .. ' ' :" --, '::•.' '::' ...• 0;1. -:' , ":0'• •%.'-• .• , 2.' 4 ...,. ~• ,_ ~ ,_ , ~•,,,!: ~ ..,••,.;" ..`„:1: '' .',', '. , ),iii-e,,1‘.k 5 1. ' ' • . '' • •.. . ...,,- - ii. 1.14 , , m r....„4 ='''',,p-7,,,,WV1A 'l' - ''' ,4 t, , . '.; '.'''''L - . 'IT W. i',V4**M.. ' f 't' t- ' , 741,0V4 4 :0,1‘;;:ii4,14,,,q , J4w,L •' '' l *'''' '" '` ''' ''''. .I . '"' i,-i w.i.P.---:. Aftwo.wlW4" 4 o'. - t .--9• 01.1. ,„, ! pl i ~, :4 , i .•:, ~,., -.., ~, . . ..« .... ...,,,'" ~ f= , ... ~,, 1 , , , ... ,--- ~:,,,,.„---,,,....,,., ft,; , , , :vq, ,, ,445.., ~,,.; .;- :„, 1 ,q .ikV5.i,11 t 47:, , };,17;,.:',Myt,ki,' 0 %.: ,: •,, Ai ; s -Ai; : -.):‘.-?-. -,' g' .0 r„‘t. -.- ~..;.: .w . ' ~ 4 t4 -I ,;:W,V. tri kt . ''' o.lr • ~' ' .'' 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" - Ak ..•, , , , ,,I•.ms, „..., ~ -,,:...,:.;......,,_,,,,,,,., „,,,,,.,,.. -,..., ,, ,...., , ,,, , 1 :-. , ...;.5.,,T, - ^ , .., - .r , :;-.4 , 11.•:: , !4- - ;..'. , - . " - -, '+.l"' .;',. `•.V44 ' , 7 4- i „4.1 4 -, , , -:,.14.zt.':10 , 0 ,, - k ;- ..,, .-...- . :, -, ~..r. .., „ . . . ,„ . . . ~ f T - .• ' :',.,.;.:,'...1...r.''';..r, S' i '''''',44l 4 ,.- ".. ,. ...1 . '''''4: ..-. OW ' '. ''.- ' ' ' 1 :4177 3' ''4:' : I . . , • ':' ;4 '.: i r,.'t •V . i . 's . ''',..: 4 ' '';'.. gN''' gl t C Y WV4o l ' ' ; ''' ,' r: :'' toikiiia ttetm ,.. l34 , 41p , t:;P' . ...r x......_., ~-; -- I , ,efficitiß" . ' l' --.''''' : 14 4 1 1 1 0-RA! II Y4 , ;4WD* sl‘.. „,,,,.,--i ~ 4 ,...___, .z, eREATINDIRAMENTS , TOCOUNTRY.fitiIicfIANTRi ,_,,.i/M:r ~.flitri9 . , • , _ l 4 - , ., ,„ _...,,...--..., - ' M,R.Ft_etijnicialinv4,9nyingi-cenclaaed4r"anen.'aii;• At: tirerChinh hithiketat (offer/114mile his large:and ', p0ni#4,1,0.0.*: ::: ..:1, , ,,5,-,,, 3_ ... _ • : ...,....,1 iy-„,. , ,:- ; ,, , :-Poit:Etok,' , :poitin , ,4 , l6 , 7' ' 4 - 1 Ua4 , II , ZO.LID: z UFZeid4aI.4AI, '''':' , 'lii#liiii - :rite*iittliff '..:.,..); '''''' !wirer ,thiin it, was (mar l ! hoiight,...fei,. ; niphiladetp!ijn.7 ! The following:itill grim you some iAin-ar pl . pnees, thit Uenr ; deteferaaell;fo, eel!, et0::::•:71; ..• ,, ,:ii , c , ••' 6 inch Cnrpen!er',illitint• - ,ttitivLeal4nc , ',1' 1 , - if.,„ - ,.f.`,..'„ 4 ,, ' '- -: from - ,-,- ''',,:' r.. • , ,' 1 0, 1 9',U),1 1 :14i*11*.i . • '6 inch itrafs , g4riktei,- 4 1 e 5, ) .1' s , f` . 'i 6 ; 0 0-" i'•'l i *:', ileivtiln'POitill9,...9 l,l2 / s P93"theno 4: •-''', .}.RXEk ; .i , 1f2f„,.., Newhaven. ~:,,, -• .4 . - ;4!,,- '- ~.4 . - :::, : ..--;s,,pf.'. I- . :;,•-:or ; .? , ,. HO Porkni,Boll4-qapl..Feirtilp;: i a d ,,, - , ,,• , ./ , t , . :!,..; ft ^ , Cit bt Steerleig handle Shoiialsik ~.,,7, ;' , q -', 4 6, ~ Ounibeilaint- or, 'Reeding Naiin?- . .A-,,,-' --- 4,69t•ilek, e t Plieenix'cir'-• uninit. , - "' - -• , ,r;; 4,, , - 4,44..1"*" 42.thirjrialt'. t . :l, :, :. 1 't , 4 . ' :',., :.; .:.,,,'_ 40. . ,vi ~.. , :;.7 , ..ii:Cirillleilt. TV articles in 4riy 114'.fifini 26 to 24 ! Or cent. laviiir' 4 ,than tan:. bechoug o ~. ol,'Ve a . ;Call enliap- , , 4 **mill my' gth ' 497414 ; : 11 i . : 4 '° c * V prices-:.erailikat* -. .'them 'with t he ,1).,-,u,t,ctiter, store 44l4l .4 s eirtabiAf°r:YmPelvVYl* l l°* 6 l 6 / 41' 1 40ee'lteet;.:"- , "-=' C . - . '- : :::..::e. , :, ;''":•t. , '\ , '')°, - -:41E111!,'f 1 i,.1. Et,,PlW.lniparleir''. 493 Markel 8 4.4.119v-elOgh Midi iide;-!hagaidfillif - - • • Ji.ine -I 1842. • :--", , - Vv. --, -'} r, _ . ..._, - ',,-,. mn:3l. OM , JeollaifyA:,Gi:-reee-riego: IIYIWAM L . MADDOKJ: • 65,i.VOitth::.third street, Fo o t - 141)21am op ' piysileYkOila4lng tiouolyrecentlyoeo• piedby'lheyqfrarorMo4,-.:,',, • • WOULD' respecifullioffer the citizens of C or , lisle and coninflor Cumberland,: zenerally,, irflrat riaP:worrnentl : 'GROCERIES,' Selected with great care; which he Will.paCk and forward by rail road to the address 'of .hhose whit mailayorhim with their'orders. Haiing supplied a,number of fanitlios iri CarliSlo and he vicinity, hi.. -would-he pleased-to-inerease thri-ntamber-of-hismis touters %here. His busineOs has?ssett excluslitely to supply fdmilies with GOOD'‘GROCPIIES for' the•lnst twelve.years, and' hit, flatters . himself, that or,first'quality-goods and-fair 4ttriiiii,.he cannot-be surpassed in the city. .His strielceonsials of a generarassortmtit, erste: . . pm. 24 _. Burlington HAMS, iifJonea fiDuttettmiul Grif- Stk.& Booth's curing. ' Smoked TONGUES. • . ,'.. , - Dried BEEF. .. - • Green and Blnek TE,loeme of the Intestim-, •Vortatio4, and Of itry choice lualities. ' -.. Sperm OIL and Sperm CANDLES. • COFFEE; of every variety', some eld YON' forty years old._ - , ~, . , . . .RASINS, FIGS, PRUNES,' ALMONDS, and PECAN NUTS.. • ,'.,- • •;•• Italian FIGS, n 1: - ery delicate article:. : Italian MACARONI MM. VERMECILLI. • Painaaiii,Eitglieli, Stip Sago; Holland and Awe ' rican'ClIEK.SE. . • • every variety... PICKLES 'auk§ AUCES, of every • . Fretio i, P nglisly and American 1144.1.5 TA `.SUGA IL-Loaf and .Brown,ufblioice qualitiek , , CIIACISPAS, of every variety,' Pitiladelphia, Boston, Priaceton, Canary SEED,. • . • -.; EntialiSplit,PEA - S. • '.SEG ARS 'of very:qua • PRESERVES, - LIMES 'CI ['RON, PINE AP PLES, GINGER, PEA RS, PRUNES, &o. &o. CURRY POWDER, India SOY, am, with an extenaive assortment of every article a family can require. WM. - L. 'MADDOCK, ' SS South ThiedStreel, Philadelphia. May 25,1842 • • 11'80 ' tt-26 • • .• C. Oibson IL 4S remored toile house recently occupied 1.1 by ;Francis ',Noble, North Henovei• .street, where he carries on the CABINET MAKING in all its various branches;* stiut, is now manu facturing, and intends keeping on hand, a great variety of . ca.V.ll=4,ll' IFUMVIIMIEE9 SUCH AS Sideboards, Bureaus, • Secretaries, Card, Pier, Dining and Breakfast Tables, • " Beilikeads, :arc., • of the most fashionable kind, all of which he will diSpeso of on the most reasonable terms. He is also prepared to fill all orders for Spring,eitt ed Sofas and,Faviey Chairs, -warranted -to lie of, superior quality. - • Willalso furnish COFJPIIysi attire shoty.: est notice, .and having recently procured ,a NEW) HEARSE, he is- prepares! te Attend funerals/in 'oe:country. • Oarlisle, May 25, 1842- • 'be .M) • LETTEPS i ef Administration tiponlta estate L of Mrs.-MARY D. RAMSEY, I+.'sie luf Car lisle, deceased, have been this day -is,eued by the Register of/Cumberland county, to tte/e undersign ed. residiniz in the said borough. Mll e persons hav ing clairns or demands against the esirine of the.said decedmn, are requested to make knrifire the same to him; inoperly authenticated, wilt/out delay;, and all arsons indebted to the said esti t ite are request : etl t. .ay-the same before the• lat of , 'next, ' • ' W. Ti. MX s--r 4. o. • a't; T . UST 'receive , , 0 , ,0n . ea. , - 'w . hich bo eold-whi •,,i o sat o , o r reta il o loo t, or than ever offered heretoGn • ' ' ' . qOAS.' BAttNIT -. '..PariCalei May 25,18410; WASH - 011170 N( NOTEILD Diarket,squas UlWrietOitif rat* fir 13.144'aitabliehri n 414. late . 130 'fairtsa lylo9iii • .11t. ea 'C r amp'l3:'!" , ;:,is.coiltinuedliy l tliit inibacri -ber,-,liii.will tptyworiwpaim!:ift t biliconititar of the house tn"initain it I *' fainter. land narne,..llosl°' cati?n is. 13 i 1 L 111 ,•*aftili..iiiidor it n.convenierd, and" 1 deeirit_blp eaaPPlat s itfacii• far na4era, af Alal,eg kllol4.7flo•v,P*34 ~144Bciaidisie:'':liefealligrcttal hErar:tha),Par,O i!,fe";fo,xtiiiiitad fAt'biin_i ; an the *liiiiiir.-At i,,tiatrunii and(l.ll..e o.9l3l.ialtanar / 1 - aliy:ssiirasiiadtir y,onlinitild, , ': '''.:‘ . ' .4 . ' •• .' ` . ' V: ; ~. . • ' 'l lkiiiirN icOSLIN. - Hatilistthrg, Artiio;l642.' :.. k ,':3t".30 `SILVER 'A ' 't j , ND ~ M IAsS .. L A I I . 443 .;',, A 4 sl , l i rl4i:rro of SrL MEP and , MAR4IIB '•'' ''' Orldra done at tho , ahotteet-464 b. t 'wake 41.nentest maisner, and on the,rnastrea t ,, bona tes itaifs. , at the ' C Manuraptaky.orli- J , r , - - -!, 4 1"1 15, ::rc - ' ---• ' ' j i. ''' - , , '' E. D,, isturfz44 '-' ; 0 4 114 PINAOril 200 r;sll.:lf.V , i. `4".11."`' 0125'; i i .<.:. '-;.'"? . .... j , 7* 10-042 ,88 14 8 4YeriiEfhacl:,qe ‘, - 4 0 dolf' di), Enenilitg. ' - Vif-'O l, 1 ' • ', ',l ellA,caltrn bir ,- '••:;1 , 1 1 ' 0 -,`‘ , . , .Eua .` ll :^ i r aviai .wt.Yt.;„ . * ti . ll P eK il N4 , i r t/lnDk : t ,' I lariisbu '''''''- f 444 ,125. * :,... ' 1 , ', ' .. ~, , • , ~, , ,i 7,4 ~,!,,,,,„ ~.• , ~, 4 P• 4 '' riV" ' ''''''', ''' ''Z':' 4 "! ; ; - - x'- , ii1 . .,. , b . .4V;':. ' : - f 'IL Y, ;,,!,.., c . ~, - PI: :: .... i , ' `4". . r' -.1 ., , ..., alkJ.l4-.4,- NOTICE. ,‘ 7' •; 7 '; ' • at. % t. ' • ''"'-:.TH,WONALAN om;l6m 4 Al4:garilfte .cuir d ith'ca.MsA - Fos Tits ciatastx inettAis '; ADDRESS F. TAOTIOUS TOINE:g; SENATE, On being regiseated to, accept :111i,S 'OlOl4 ,of Rome; Committer FAiliftB,are,tliese ' Strang to hear the` arthoilr weight; When the shout Or hattle On the dark'nkng clouds of faier , Can I, when The din of arms , ' ' ' Clash . upini the eager ear, Bid'y. ou joy war's alarms, 4. 131 - 41 , ,Yett banish enivird•rear? Can i, wily en eagle eye, the'Otalatiiref the foe,. . "When illetn.avey!elit but to die' And . looi~in toj rents Bow?. Nay, 1,404, tip has tient '." ‘A, tram* whose vigor 'all is spoilt, Yetyou will it, and I come . • Weak of limb but strong of heart,. • • One; Who 7 danger. ae'er, ; wilt Shun Or.from duty e'or depart. •: If:heleak n.stilwart arm, If immOurn an iron frame, ....74evia shill he flee:from harin, earn 8 - recreant's - mime. • Noce shall ever , pointithe Saying there's a traitoi , hold; • . Orin anxious waitiinglinger , • - ' For the ingrate to behold„ But' his highest aim * shall be • ' ' To.pro.ve worthY qtbe Fara.. ' . , . , Not it Sceptre I desire, --Not a Gest of willhigilaves;=l: _ _ Or vain'edurtieri to adMire • - _ of goiour laves, But n people ever - 1611114' •"' Truda tuuil t lAtice to r maintain, Virtuous preeepts oft instiftiou--- That the route may worth - attain. This the power I desire; • - " This the pledge' tor which I long, Imams( Fsteannia: - - - REAllo2olYlflii., kindling at the theughforwrang.. , - ' Sarl, shall the !Lance ; in truth be:given? If not, ray rock of s;ior.' l .4iven't _ 'I sek na; more--I sed it Wi11. ..7. 4„, " -BS the bosorti't! heaving throes _ . ' . 4 " Truerfat:.thati - .;Vordireftn'tell • . , „ Ityliitgtuika'a patience. aett and low. ~', -,': Mt tts ii.thenitic . :_ii,ae,t6 rear ii' •, Isr.r.MOldgh-Mtd:ltitly dome," , .., ,-..... vv;l:lrherenb:ltnitlttnitlta'llilent. tea 1 ii.. x .., ' . ' - ' l 4 l... alliFillietc;;.Pi c itli4f alike: '.".• i ',';,.l,Topiiistintiiii s tr . , i firm 'tO slam! '.. ~..._ Heedless of Pkriiii4;loiiiii' , , Drotheri Ora holy band, i . ' ' - 'Sworn in Heaven's appro.s. , lng sight! Thus one in heart, and o,'Oe in mind The gerin of pease we?iet may fi, ( 1,.. E. ,11. IC MEM LA IiCA 67E11, PA THE. REP(42IOOTORY. TRUE 'NOBILITY' 9 01 ,12, TAE • BLACKSMI/tH'S.QAUGHTER. Br MBI I / 4 . EMMA C. EMBURT "This is the pettiest low,bgrn lass that e'er Ran on the.rteensw.ird." , "Well, w ell 111021 ,ami, I will not argue the_point_w ith_you; -as an Aniericon' you are right Va holding such n belief; 'but• you must allow ace to Think that there 'is somethijag not , to be despised in ancient and honourlble descent. 1 cannot but believe that t!",le descendant of those.wha for aene rntio,as have been ennobled 'by Ipfly„deeds 011 ' , Ab empriseovill be more Nicely to er forAn g ag mnani ou ms actions than te h um: b!ch-plebetan." • '• - ' • "You' agree with me precisely, tend; ' but we differ in terms. I assert that the children - rife in - icily 'which •can look back with honest pride to,the deeds of integrity ' and uprightness, of virtue and heroism, are the true scionsofpobility; for their pa tent bears the signet of an Almighty hand." •,"then the son of an honest blacksmith ought to bees proud of his birth rip the heir of a Montmorenci or ti Conde; is that your opinion? "Soniething very like it, I confess; Henri; what was the origin Of the nobles of the' old world?' ,Ip s pine and,violence. gn*e them their l 'herilete of, broad lands, while servile sub . mission lon monarch, perhaps treachery to his enemy, WitA ohlen the price of their . t,sounding,,tities:' ' Had they been ennobled fiir .1 heir and had they trails , Mitred "thes4', - Ttegether With their . rood o,,atigh ..14ucce- ing enact ions, then , Well ,might, Iheir - .descend/M(0. .have `glerfed ititheir birth"; but sorely,' yoti need not 'I lia" reminded Of4he , b 1 ick catillouge if might be impended :to eVery, genealogical ohart in 'rneri•ik ...ng Eln 'less than in your igransle natioir won't quarrel with you a:6OOW, Franici but Fallen, never.became_ a beireit, to your I; 64 hitils JO° deeply 'in rected with sue!) ~prejadicei; Atuty,, were,it Orf of:mylawful he ritage.'! . knoW if, -Henri the thool , ofigntiethp ' rakftia,under such iainriPtgn'o 3 ; ?, , 'PAEMPirk ensseds:B o muoitirue "What dorittnnfittO' r ': fikft#Priii(t elcampla , 6lmaai oak; :and, Mike ikvfame :,.aifeas tosa a lidensa for your own fvi orthiessneSs:.' "Frank; pin:* incotrigible, ri, faughing; "according to pour ~ereed.'Lli ought to, rank jinni:MK!, polseaa,.,io : ;;niant Judi mablo qualitins;„*.m.ppg the lo west of 'the ' ' ! 'l it ,,ll 4tcemb.iti ) whi 4 Xi:stalio&ttit!ioco 4 oi . andian,longTaa,:yion 4ind.oo:ettiqoAt!)l9- 4 00r1(4•1(344'8ut - ipip. , 0 8 0.041 1 04/0, ,40tthInle nobility -,or - saulVefikktible*lthi 46 t i ili t flptbiitiO4giV***4:440i4 li*filifinl.ofr i tiotioniick f. the 400 I tvo'n4- 111 414:00iii , iii,'fini":''' die' il';,Ar,:iliV' flit—Ah“ E ' ED' *. ; iiioOO 40 ''.i.i!loi.t ,, j'ii.:iik , ,i*ligoit , iggii K,,ivit 66 .0.1' a d d i ng : tt li i t ,Mili f t t6 'kttl ~ l a - !mstgeniftailein,,'f;.„ ~ , , . .k; . .:,., ( ::',' , A, ~,-;,; z vilttpho:uid likeleflp,Sroili.ctititetqfP '*: AtLy9 6 5h4041 gratified ir:yo - • -,- ; .:d ps ,{,• f e, 4o6tnpoo,44?aiqiti,-,tjle 4 ' • : P i iiVittfit ilWitiltailPri - do'Ydi, (09.c1 ia 11i4,4 :, r 1 ”f ,, ft e v , lrr -- Aiiikii#V-Inx. 1,1)f11 4 ,„ 4,00- i t 'Aiii • h • ii - ikspoe , :litiiit -4 - 4 4);-,. -- , , :tOr igitfik, 1 4007ifftiti to 1ie1iei 4 ".. , ,.. ~, V 1-I,i it -, uc ivAtitor "01.41104 sinci'l ot,ihe arlaVcific , ~ , ~ rrilit'liol'Foli.nt,lli',!it,ip.g . Ole'*oxiit• pentregt eirall modes,,ns a`gd t tletnanfaftnek:' and '.,,,, 7-1.4 , 4A..4 . '..,,,* ;'43 . ' Vr4tfri'4.ts;,ltl.f.* s4 .;o;"' , d , .)*.4.;1 1 4.*10,0.? - t. , :iii;;;,i.; , -J-it . 'iii , 3..ii,i4,A , :*:`.. , i,,.-t,' A • 4. - :'`,,'l.. ' -, 1:'; ., ::i.. ,. .. , ", .. 7 . 7. ..-i' .2 '-' 9. V e OlV.:'; ) .."'- '., '• - . 4 , 44, t ~ ,,,,wi ., ,,,i 13 : t ;, ,, 00p. 043 ,-. t: „44,;40#0 , ,41,,;;;,,T, ; ;;,.,` , :..,.4;',.;,, , ;,,,i''',27,V1F-r.:' ...;,;,..::_-,.-.. ) ,.....,7' ..:. " ito 'Tr -, A- - -.oir- ~...r.,, . ; , •,-tv ~,,:! ,•„,q,_:_ , i -. x . i y ..i s; • ~,, „ .1. ,„, ', „, , , : ; : ....,,, ,, ,,..5,: : :,.,-.... , . , --..-- 1 .,...,,,.., 4 i 1 l ~..... ~.,;.: ~ r c Ag ~ ,2 1.47 1 ,4, ! :,, , ,/,', '-.,! . ;;,.71. , ,, i - f . ..,:;,.,:,-;__ 4 .,, -,--,,,,, fg y ~,,, .„ ~c,. ; •,i,, : 7 ..1'...... ' 1 t : , .' 1 .3 ,) .14tv h :- 4, ...' . i , .? , Aib.. " .:'t d*ii ' . 1, k • t•s' ' ,),„.As , , .-.-.; -:: . - , 1-. ..„. ~., , ..v, - ~,,- . f., ; 4%." , ~,' : :7, ' '--- N , • . . t 4:rolo.:f i dVii : ,A,WWl9„ .. ' ' ''*'` ' ;' "'.l. LCkC ? :"'' i 4 '' 7 ?^ . ;'•4 7 '64ei - ::Wt ' .' -4.;!! 1 :',,, ;'•Vilik i - -t . : . ; , l 11 ', , , i'1 . , , ,:- ,'' •,,,' ‘!, e, ,'. : . ' •, , .. '- .l`'' ' '' , .. ~" V ai d Ajo4„:,"4 ,7 4 )/Y o " ,.'3 ' '," -,. 'q ,, '.: ' ''.', .t ' ;': '' i ~'' %!...Y..:l . fr.i . 1V. ,,,,..-1 ,;, " , :i : ..1. 2 ,1L:,,: ~.• .. -,,.?. ~,., ,..:,7.:, : ,---. ., .. .-))... ,J.T.; :' ~.,.S.l " - ; ..t..../ ~. ' d P .. '.- -4 1 ,-. , ' , :.V ) '.!,, ii , X.4.Y./I s r G, A . c...,rx0, .5.•.. , ' : ''.-:':'.,-.- ~::', ' ,4 . 0 , , ;ww,i-g..' ,' ,',';.,,,.:,,,,........ :.,:..4. ~ ....,k V, •' -, q• r.:' , V , ': , 1 . -S:V,''') ,'„,, . ' • : !. Wlf ITE11101) tr. ,;'~ , ~.Mi}ti~,r. . N 2 „,..40 • • 1•1•11MINIP 41011111•1511 Mina• 1- Weiti - nitc , liiiy before' Henri. had ` ;finished finished his '' , lo ll it* ,slumbers ; : and only ', re turned ateVening, while, it happened; somehow er otheWthat • Heari,never met ,hint - •••10 . ,.41; ,. village walks, nor s ever heard bitty rillitde.ta his business. It was not until more then' a Month had elapSed; that . Frank thengfit:pro- , per-,ln T enlighten hiln.L-- : -. ?; , - -L -`' . - , 2 --. 2 .• "lam going to .. .te4e yen b y it new; route, 4 to.day,l " senrt, aid , 'FriPlh'aff:itiP.Y •/i,i'P' . ceeded,to walkinne . mniftieg. '. • , ' • . '"Have you aeyneW beanty to shownier asked HeOri. :q. , - - '--- ' • :: .. e ; "No, but I have an oh] prejediee 10.111 k t - - down, and I am sdek,ing..t,kn' , ,proper field for its destruction. Tell Me; flenri l -- what do you • think of ins, father?" ' "In truth Frank, you • have just reason to bcilmitidf him; he is worthy to have lk v been a Rom , in the palmy days of ,the r epublic, wile the came was a prouder title than that of king."' • -' . . . • ' "And you would. be proud' fir Stich a fath er everi . lf be were of ignoble birth, Henri?" asked Frank with a smile. • 1 Henryletighed as he replied, "I think . 1' may venture. to say yes;• but why do you always argee.from impossibilities?" -- • "Will yotV . forgive me the harmless plot which I have- contrived :o show you the fallacy, of.yout_npinionsr_said-Fiank., "Look there," •he continued, as a sudden turn in the lane brought thern in full view of the blazing Ores of a blaelisinith'S forge. As Henri turned his eves in the direction to which his friend pointed, he was thund erstruck. Towering by a full head. above his wart workmen, and Wielding en im• Theme' pitle, of iron' which would .haye foiled•c, Man of ordMery , strength; _steed Welton.* • His. "face"- 'blackened 'with emoke l his .muscular arms, bared to the shoufder, were grimed with the clust of his forge, rind 'hislenthern apron sfirivelledand Scorched by tong usc,itiftnofpubt,as . to the nature arida. daily 'employment. "You•look surprised, Henri," said Frank; ,!!riughtl_to..be -less proud-of. that parent,. because he - occupies - no - higher. station- 'than ri4nit7of-a-v-illage.blacks-rnithr. • " No, no, Frank, you were .right--the man would ennoble any station,"-exclaimed Henri, as he ran fbrward to grasp the hand of Mr. WeSton. ' - • • 'Softly, softly, my boy," said Mr, Wes ton as Henri sprang to his side," or you 'may chttneerto scorch your broad.clothi''- and' the old man, who had early become participator in Frank's scheme, made the welkin ring with his merry fatigh.. Henri returned home - a:little disappointed, and not very well pleased at this attack upon his. strongest prejudices.: He c o uld not but aeltmityledge to hiMself that had he known-1 Frank's pa eciiing t o'he Would never-have: come his guest, rind yet he felt •tio lion to depart from the hospitable roof. As he tools his seat at the evening meal, mid . .contemplated the sweet Ince of. Lucy Wes ton, he could not help regretting that she should be so misplueed in life. "1 balm seen many-? a lady of fortune and fashion, wourtigive.4l,her wealth for such a face and such it forrit," thought .her "What •ti pity that she should be only a blacksmith's &tighter." Lucy, who 'had also been a party to Frank's innocent ,design upon what . he etmsidered his friend's only IVealc ness, narrbwly. scrutinized his • conduct, in order to discover it them were not some change in demeanoi nseqttent .upon the recent diseoverrrof humble origin. But Henri. possessed too n nat:tre to be guilty of such meanness, / N. whatever he thought, he' allowed no tra .f h is feelings to be perceived in his candu ' Months tressed .eway, and the time.. . near for Frank's return to New Orleans. "Do you moan loaccompany me, Henri," said he, ono day to his friend,- "or—shall vna spend the winter amid the gayeties - of New York?" ' "That does not depend on my will," answered Henri quickly;. "I mean' to be de cided by eirchmstanees." "What do you Mean, Henri?" • "Is it possible you do not guess my mean : . ing, Frank? have you not seen- that I love your sistet, and that ,her decision , must gov ern my future actions?" "My sister!" exclaimed Frank. "I trust you al , ;eje,sting, Henri, and yet it is a sub. Ject'ori *Web 1 can scarce ..bear 'a jest." "I am serious, as I hope fur Heaven:7 "Then 1 can, only say that.' 4101 deelklf regret your-invincpetcred, this humble: abode." •. • “Frank, iet;filt6trittr frienflshipl" "What.irill'ytitir friends, what will the world siY,Menri, ityou return to your fin- tivo land with the.tfaughter of a village me• chanic as your wife? Will they not - accuse me of a mercenary design ,iu thus introdup- S ing you into my family?" ,'.•Givo yourself no concern on that score, Frank; I am an Orphan,. vich and uncon• hected; surely I have a right to choose for "Does Lucy love you, Dpnri?" "I wish I dared answer in ; this affirma= ~tie; I, haue never,• 'spokeit to her ,on , the subject, but my looks,-,and Manners must have informed her Oftry iri;tratii she has beronitt sosfrOlg*ll.ll , served within scarcely can flattei . myself with .11 - epa.'? "She uttdet.too4s,it 011. She- stka' ; npbtti girl; tell her .yOutlititalpf,loie,Henri, ifyou* will, andlhu ' • ”tilhaell'f.; • , "As l'hs,litl'lrrka4o'Pr'cl'iraglfr' •my.,frienoo*. '.11 , 10%/44•but _Site ~tat 4 41440 iiiiittpittie My; iiiitjudiCeii.ligght`to4Ofiqitei ri,tt4;:orOutoeci : fier .'A.OrP.PltSt•P itiAti!i.vo".X l4 4;kth4, iltSllooil9lli•heiiiOrrindfi„. .3 , 9 0 1 6 ihiQk4Ffil were 10%4 Ealian**-Olf hii**:*o 6l o' *,1041';44:t0 make;hc 01,t1"019,:ktiittta':;141i 4or fre4q6,loafo'i,,l, 74 St" yj rit'KVt)itY/0.040.11014,00,,W40ii tOkihe .. ojeCtf..ol:hiii4ti"oievblit,thi o. o),W.4.4o%fttlitilthl 411:614(1' c. MEM if; 39”: ,g , "When you Offered'ina'a true beart,r4,.... De Valence, you offered a stronget,: r temprf: tetion than, all. the. wealth _ of of your Indian' isles:. No—had you been one of up,: heir to' republican reelingi •' • publican poverty 4 could freely hasnOvert.' you the heart and hand which yoir , But you have prejudices which• aritol("litik. of your heritage, and you would '41164r:t0; have it known to the world that' die ',father: of your bride•was an humble artisart.=:f - ritil•-. r' Inaproud, lowly.thrigh I seem; ;', am' ''too _' proud to be looked down upon. „ ; N, ;. "Suppose thOse prejudices **overcome; , Ltiry." "f cannot suppose an impossibility; they, exist" exist in all their early vigrifivtiut ipihis , stance, yeti ;are willing tit *aye: thetn.—' WI were' to heroine your • *ire, you would • he constantly ori the *arch, lest the secret,' of my birth should escape. ".You would:be' perpetually mortified- by my ignorance Of , fashionable etiquetter every .question specting• my early life" wouldbe ((Mare to you; the ermine of my richest 'robes *mild seem to, you bear a srmitch frorathe blacksmith's fingers, - No, sir, - for Your'Sake, more thrift my own, I dare . not reciprOcate- , - your affection," • • : In • vain, Henri pleaded tvidiall the an..itrlpassioned;lover::_*_lacy_ vii - stesolute, - even though her henof strinig.„ ly asserted itts \ alnico to b e heard :.=: Anil thus they patted, Henri to lament over his unre! • quited Imre, and-Lucy to- - Chlirish'- in - the se. -- rret recesses other heart a tender, recollic. Lion of one whose-proftCred. affection she had rejected. _ • • *. 44 rive - years' hatVpassed a ivay—five . years with all chances and changes; ere Frank once more "revisited, his father, and Sister.—; Ede was rapidly- winbing_his way to fortune; but his father; like the mania La Foritaine's pretty - fable; hadfound 'het sitting St his.. door. Oniv.of those speculative - scheme s which make the few 'rich and - the many pear- had brought into grog demand' the land-lying on the borders of the river which divided the village' where he.resided., ing advantage of mimiri which he did not share ,M.r.'Weston sold his-farm at a price fat beyond his wildest ideas-of its, value; and abamioning his . forge, sought an. abode , in the ' populous city, where -extensive . , fibre rarjes and society olcUltivated men effordf him the . aihnnteges he had so long sighed to enjoy.. ----Frian . k fotind the 'old man oecopy ! , . ingli neat and comfortable mansion, while Lucy was now quite a city belle, and, real ly looked prettier . than ever. ,Lucy Wins noiv three-and-twbrity,. every one predicted that she would be nn old maid, for she seemed to , have formed some ident.scheme -of hoppi- . nesa which could searcely'be realized in this' .. .cord *nth'. But Frank had not returned alone; flenri cieVtilerice was again his com panion;-, • . . "I had great difficulty in tier Suedin g. him to come," said . Frank, as Lucy, blushing - d trembling, endeavored to welcome tvith Ito fr - fere m Atut y ~ d mvselt to.your brot het a§,a - el erls he would not listen to ray:- Firoposal; am notv'm Pa tintr, e9alMeram l ;hetise." "Dn you still.-love ma t finnyn . ":. ey, while the Wood; mantled ' ,. eheek 'and - brow' with critninti l ' • . "God kunws fervently," tespondetf tienri; "for, your toher,'llvivebeeoineibliad , ' -twthe.battty- nde 'okvnivt'ebientPtt4f-ki4heLtt...:----- cents of .terne;sif i titt nnt-3213W,;,tioittld e sue for the love whlch you refused to share , ),ll:yttvaalth'ltird:jbart , must now he nonetnAufrernfy;tmVerty' i'Aer;t eet , Miltv . pettril s ! , ,Murmured °: • hatid'in "The toya s lis h hosier; laaga,PrPbati 6l • 4 ac,tot tOPYing l iFe hetid iihei - s'ought It .Meelierftk heeteAred - NatiOkettP , ucv became thiswitd`gr i tlelli)itly''',l64*ty i64`ei-entible4,llo4 :4 16 4 4.,11 f*0rtt1 . " - ' 4 * • -44,1 f 4. A gitYlatt 'TM7111;441111;:l4170407, :4* ~ - 0.(0, „ Itherded'heeir;tr‘ona.the'Weagtiess:F; ',I - OV;g. • = • • • : f. anumi leliPv,..er arding the att r 'rit - pe 'v'i ee to e eke most njtrabtiyelo.'whniaoisi'?4; but kneivAn! you bekuiledlii„it''"diffekenk r spheremniferniind:lAO'_not ei.,one, ihe • ' ihinks might` have" loved 'not, and, even ,now. my ., heart , rebeisi msde."., • deal:eat Lucy, ,with such pleading-for nie in your ',bum boiorn; why will you ,refeet my suit? have Wealth an. bounded; your lire ,shall pass • like =a. ,fairy * SI IBM 'q• ~ -fin^, BEI EMI WS:V