-Aliplitl.p.tioO 'for .Tavern LictO§O. - - Notice is hereby glipti, that I intend .to apply at the nest tyrin of. the /Court of Quarter Sessions of atinnerland county for a license to keep a tavern or ptiblieVusa,lii the villiage of Newburg iu Hope well tltviisliqi in said county, in the house at present by SPonsler astt ' public house. - ItANIALLS February 15:12.77-3 • • We; the undersigned, citizens of Hopewell town :Ship, in the 'county of Cioulierbuttl, do hereby certify that the tavern nbOye pra„yed tin; is necessary to -ae 'cola is the public, and entertain strangers, and Artivellera, IMO further say, that the abOve unmed C. Itandglls•is.or-gntnl,repote for honeaty mid temper-. lance, and is well provided with house room and con= ye:dear:es 'bribe iteeoloioodation of strangers and 'travellers. •, 3.•SpOnsler, AleOpy, '!bower, Robert Clark, 3nlin garret,_ Joseph Geora,e:Gunkle, John Green, • , .. .. . • • . N oii cc . • . . •-• , :Estate of Joel rail; dec'd. P.T:rolis op', - AnmiNisTßA.TioN. on the . •11 A ratite' of Joel 4411!.11, Into of ..the borough of Shipp.lifibuFg-, I le:C'a:•,lia , ":e been granted to the sub. 7 ...• • • neribei;Fi:" 1\ °rice is Ikereby given to all pertons hity n4,l4,ing claims against tnid. eßtfite -to present theqt - for . settlement,.find those indebted to anfike paymentim , to ALpittV3 Southampton tp. Franklin county. "JOHN CXREY, Shippentsburgi . .90 fty2.--fe ' , SCHEME. 6'l) - ',.51;500 , ---20 of ,2007-50 of $1;000. • • UNION L 0 - 17 T RY. . . - ....; . . Class No: 4; for 1842. . • . . • s . - 'ro be drawalit A lexandria;D. C. on..SaturdaTi the - • 19th of,Mareh r tB42. . . - - - • TIIIILLIA NI SCIIEBIEI . 1 growl en?ital i:1; 2 , 10,000 10 rrizes oF 1;500 ' 1 sple:did ppize of 21.0301 21). do - , 1,20f150 1 do . :,- I 3 ,t .. . so do ,: 1;1,1 - -.. i. di . . 1, 2 tml 50, do . _ 500 'l. d) •• , 30,01;3 13.3 (ally S.noß.) (Cr 4110 l ' do ..- •• . 0 0.1 w 65 prizes . of : 250 • i ,do. , 7,000' -65 do. - . 200 •... . 1 ' 6,666 65 do . .400 •e. mlo ~. 5,064 - - 1.19 do ..: ' - 80 3 do _ 4,00.1 I '460 do .-- 60 5 (l3 '• . 3,00 1I 260 do 50, ..- 5 .. do .'..2.00 ,1 I 4-25 do - 40 '.. : 4 I6'l 'I , :t , n• 2 1 dr.rw 13 nit , nbcr) prizes of So'. •.. 621 1 II or 4;.!1 :0 , 501 drawn.number) es.:. — 7 - I.o,fit t - tm v -9t-11,9 , -t I v4i w,:itunnbei..).__________ 20_ . . _ . I:. no.po.nkl,ottyry-13 deatvit haf10t5...... -.Tiel:ots j2,)--Ifillilei jlO-Quartet'ss-Eig10.1142 50 &— , --Gerl46-unt,o43-of-pau.'.....t ., di.' , ~. 0 , .••; • . .280 %1 Do o - 26 halves _do 110 .. . ' D.) • ' rlo 26 granters do ' 70 . lif ••.. lb .. , ..i,.. do ~ 26 eigliths tip , - - 55 . , . . Tirkets Old 'shores andcertilleates'Ol.pnekags .'.in the above itel , Aliilicent scheme constantly for sale. - In di , grrateq var:ety_ of number', at the office of •., the I.l:ll,:tgers, next door:east orGadbbey's Hotel, -. -Washin..t.too.... . - Orders 'frnin a _distance will s'eceiVe the most pr - nnitt attention, and as soon as the drawing is over On arennutpf it will-he sent to all who order from • us. Address - ' .!:. G. GIV.GlittV he CO. Managers, - • • - . AVashington City, D. C. rehrtniry 1G,.1842 - •.. :. ...... Ta- 0.. n ery .f.o r 11 erit .. ` The. swoeriber ofr,rs foi , .rent the superior Tan 4 ,0 nitig establishment, recently the property . of David ' ' r IS. FOI - Wy; ditOti, situated on the corner of East and LoutheF treets,itt the borough of Carlisle Pa. - - It ii The' most complete property attic kind in the ' place of its lucatiim---having a large , . - 1 11'iso sitoo .il;; A ... • • S . HOUSE S t o n e _ P w e 'll i ng 110 • , ' •4••:: 4 —r...!. '''• fine garden and all other buildings lice. necessary to carry on the tannhq.business. P.)asi:ssion giVen on tlielstof April 1841. Terms mad:: Ittlowu on apptication P to . P. PAT,. Opposite the Carlisle Bank. , 21,1V1 Novembei • 79ZORM IT Z 7?" =CMS. ARNOLD & ABRANIS ha's.° just received at Moir new stoic, an additinual supply of • • Fall -& Goods, to which thry invite tle• [Mention of the public Greta liargails will i,e.given.• Sliippolistitir,;,.l)2 l :!. 8, 1811.—th ••-•.- - - . G . timuTzs so of iill kinds just receiVe and sate atAlin.St.,re of di.wPixnEit & CAREY. WiirinfriThum, .1 milinry 1% 181.2. - . . • JANE .13 RETTEN, - i Action of Ejectment, in 'the e t Court of Common Pleas of GEO. BRE'PTEN. J Cumberland' county. 33'A pril Term, C1'2.4. '29th November, 118 11, on motion of Mr. A fexander, At orney for Delenlinot,•iltde on the Plaintifrs heirs to Subsaitqle thsmselves, as Plaintiff's, or show cause why the suit Should not be stricken from the records. By die Court: • . .GEORGT . *. SANDE:2SO.N, Prothonotary. February . . JANIESBEEDIN Action of-Ejectment; .m the Court of Com- CZOTIGE StiZAT , I , EII. C rnon Plens'of Cum- WILLIAM 11 \ ERNESS J berland county. No. '26 Anil , Term 1835. Atti'rney- for •Dvfeinlants,..ltule on the .Plajtitiff heirs to sulnrtititte Iltentselyes ns PlidetilTs, or Amy cause why the .suit shoidd not, be . stricien from the records: . Br the Court.- • • . . ' = ri,F,i)HGR SA NDERSON, Proth'y. Carlisle;VehroAry 9.;1.442 :. ai.ots.aud Shoes:. 59"Cnise.s of boots and . 6110Cli receivect troth nervy tion,•n , l:l;elil Laic ian.'ehasinint prices that Will ena ble me ti sell eheai,yr than any other establishment in the county. : „... • Carlisle, NOV. '24,', 841. Is ALT'S cAPO. .1 have just rt•lnvnvil from the City with the latest !kyle , and t.; hard Slen's and Boys' ; Oitir `4lto;^ Bvosli -Usti, for CIIA.S.• ,Bmesirrz. Carlip)o Nov.: 24. 1841. ti.hoe. J)e:alers o ~ . . 5,71. t , at - fw it.'the large lot of Boots lank Shoes[ , hofight intend to sell llythe'eatte _.or_dri.t.iff 2 .ehespor:than FT'.4M-114137.11T Carattd'; - N0r. 4 24;:t841 Shawls!.. ,S b a1v1i1...:, :..:, Fleinq-Erilbeniiterthf Tlllliet 9ltnivle ' 6`otn $7 to Niet;i no, niid shn wis t i'evy..:ACFni) • • ,! L , •-; 1. ii.tt - CHAS );;.0G43311, Teas, Y.lll3:"nY'9rl3: Gunpowder; cttr ....B itiCk• "" t4cOAl 0 11Cesh OGILTL% Sliost •""",- A 16t'of• '1'1" subs„tiber 9llll l' Shoe 2 forlAetieci;st b y G. W. /11/1031 .Wm. P. Hess, Roht:1111l4tt, - ' - .14mes William Greeii; David Wherry, David [Asher,. James IlLendererm, thiAS. tiARNITZ.. • ' Comithiitit , . - Of-ten-years - stantling,aared - liy - Atie'itseOf - Di. : liar Hobs CtimpOund Strengt94ening :land German . ' Aperient PHIL .Mts. Sarah Boyer;wife: or witoit* Boyer, North Pout•th street above Ca llowhill , Pld la delphia, entirely, cured of, thOthove distressing dis ease. tier Symptome'were habitual' costiveness of the bowels,:total loss of appetite, escruciatiligpsia in the:side; stein' aeh 'and back, depression:of 'spirits, extreme debility, Could not lie an her left side with. out , an aggravation of Pain, with other' symptnine indicating great derimgernenrin the finictions of the liver. .Pilfrs...Boyer M . 4lllatti . nded by severat of-the received but little. relief from their medicine , --at ,last, a friend -of. hey&-prociired A package of Dr. Harhich 3 s Strengthet ng and Ger=. man Aperient, PHIS, which,.bv the us of nne pack age, induce her4oemainuewith the ieine,whicli resulted in effecting a Permanent' car E, beyond the expectations of her friends. • 317 PriampiilOffme,,No.l9 North Eighth Street Philadelphia. For sale at the Drng Store of J.:J.Myers k Co. Carlisle„and Peal,Shippensburg. feby. 1.6, • • 0.002:0. • `••1 have just - returned from the . city. Ai iib R second supply of .Winter:koodsi such asClorhs, Cllbitywres, Sattinetts, Flannels, lankets,Sha VOA, cArc., which have been . sekctell whir care, and which val be sob! as - cheap if not cheaper, than at any other establis h meet in the borough. . . Carlisle,Nov. 24; 1841 Indian. Vegetable Pills. Just received fresh-lot of The genuine Indian Pilla. ' OGMBY. Carlisle4Tieo. 1,1841. " Juitreceiyed 10 dozen PALM HOODS, and .fOr fade by,. •. • . • CHAS—BAHMTZ. Decembe'ls";lB4.. • • . Notice_ . . . 'All persons idebted to the stibScriber are hereby notified to settle up their respective accounts by. the let ofJaituary.next. ' • - • GEO. W. lIITNER. Carlisle, Deo. 8, 1841 Fit ID L S Oi Coppersmith, & Stogy e• Business. ACork - FRIDLFN ZEB 'ROBINSON laj having Mitered into Co-Partneeshi p, in the TM Copper• and Sto; business, under• the tirm of FRIDLEY:I , s IJOBINSVN, respectfully inform the publie:that they intend cin•rt MA ciu. their Misiness - in all its brandies, at the old 'sun T of Jacob Vridley, Hanover street Carlisle; where they will at all titnei,-be prainvred to seFve purclinsers with any article in their Ime, on the most reasonable terms.§ In addition to allother varieties of -stoves, which they will constantly have on hand, they have purchas ed of .bit•: J. G. Hathaway'. the exclusive rieht to manufacture and sell, in the - ceubtica Of ',Cumber land.und Dauphin ' ' . athaway's - Pateilt " llot Cooki6g . StOves." aware-that-tlic-pcopleia-thisplace_soiL .vieinity,have been winch imposed Upon by theJIM trodnetion of new and highly recommended articles which they havebeeninduccilto purchase, and which have heen so slightly made, and of such bad niateri, al, that in a short time they have failed and become useless: - We,therefore,do not intend offering stoves for sale until they are fairly tried iuthis community, and pronounced more durable - in their construction, better adapted to the purposes of boiling, baking and all the varieties of cooking than any other stove; also, that thevare a great saving of fuel as well as labour. aj• We earnestly invitg' fimmers as well Gs resi dents of this place and the neighboring villages, to call on uaat S. Wonderlich'S hotel, or notify us by letters (postage unpaid) that they are ' to try our .stove—and the stove shall be placed in the kitchen of every person giving us stick notice, and taken away after trial, without any expense to per- . 'Anna making thetrial. The stoves will be kept for sale at the Tin Shop of Mr. Jacob Fridley,and at the Foundry of Messrs. Lay and Stouffer, in Carlisle. Having contracted for One Hundred Toni- of Castings, we will, in a few days, supply stove deal ers with all the different .sizes, on the most liberal terms. ELENZOR ROBINSON, of Carlisle, is agent for selling the right to make and vend the HOT Allt -STOVE, and will dispose pf counties in this and the adjoining. States. We publish the following remmendations from some of those who are using the stove, to encourage others to try it, Carlisle Sept. 12,-1841 I have in use in my kitchen one of Baffin ways pat ent Hot Air Cooking Stoves, and can recommend -it as a very superior article. The one I have is No. S. It has - 5 boilers and an oven &anciently large to bake six loves of bread. The baking, roasting and ing can all be done at the same time and 'with moult less wood than is required for. any stove which we have used. This size appears to be peculiarly calculated for Farmers, and for their benefit I invite them to call and see this stove in use, as I - shall take pleasure in showing this stove to all whom interest or Curiosity maxioduce to examine it. : SIMON WUNDERLICH. • Carlisle, Sept. 11,1841. Messrs. E.-Robinson ei CO.—Germ:Elms , I have during the few (loyal have. had your IlathaWay . % Hot Air Stove in use, become convinced of its great superiority over another stoves 1 have used or seen.. I find by the trial that boiling, roasting, bak ing and broiling • may all be done at, the same time, in a most perfect manner, And with less than one fourth the fuel I have ordinarily used for, the same purposes. I have heretofore been of theopinion that bread could not be well baked in a cooking stove, but I am convinced upon trial that it can be done as well in your stove as in a brick ovens I believe that the general introduction of your stove into use will he very. beneficial to the public, therefore I shall take pleasure in' recommending it to my friends. Yours rcapectfully, WilsClAM MOUDY. Carliete, 5ePt. , 10,1R41.. • .3fresrs. E. Robinson E.s CO.—Gentlemen, 1 have irl tea ed the Air Stove'? which you. put up principles of economy and convenience far surpas sing any other stove which,T have ever seen. • The boilers coining in Immediate contact with the fire giveslt great facilities for boiling, And Une oven is heated on snob a principle OW bread . is baked in as fine n manner es in a brick oven. • I find, it also a great saving of fuel and labour, and would advise all to adopt it. • . MITCHEL MoLELLAN. • • Cl am_ Sept. - 6, 1841: •b do certify, that I am now.using one of Hathaway's Patent Het Air Cook Stoves, No. 3, and do recom mend it as superior •to any-- stove I Wive seen, the great 'saving of fuekanil the variety that eon bt• cook ing at the same time, makes it an ob i ject to those who wish to facilitste . the operations of tie kitchen. • JOs. CULBERTSQN,' Carlisle, September 15: 1844.—,-y Dry Goads, feeeased,'iliA.Ewill':.o.pen , This clabst••freslLl family of dry goodsom.ill seqerel j)ieced . eof in South Hanover : sweet:On which: street bargains', are always Well b 7 , et- _ *". ` - bIIAttLiES BAnxtrz. .•VecenlVer- • ^ Beaver, and pirot Flid - fqr - ,sale at rethiced pricey by ~CLIPPINGFA br. CARER. Sliippensburglji..22; 1844 "m-ERlNOlKe t io..Frencli;:GOAß,n.oll Ezig Atevieoes4ttit•reelyed ars extelisive g astiortioent, ,pt the store , -.5 , A CLIPPINGAR-Sz CADDY. r • Shippemiburg, Dec./2,1841: „ • , Viriitii• Pro . . 611313 .- JtOst iitefttlie`titheiAiblecheskiti ' =lll .6.ro c e,p lL Lgroceries,. . r h'ltii CBAmnlind Izof prime,Cof fee, Moloises; Cheise, Chocolate; also, fur itlitiVigl SpiGes, 87.41.;8r.0..;a5t received and for sole O bi lly • . 10 • • 141 , • ,o; ... . :'4'7-,ii.i.'.;;(i...i.--.1-iJ6:l(.:l:',.7i_ii'.lo.*',:' ''0A5Z151.4114.021n7. • _. ~ Indemnity. against 1 Ihos's or 'Damage by 'Fire,' C.IIART,EII7 PERPETUAI, • ' . Ike Spring,"gardenFire Insitrahce Com . • • :' .- • • • ,:. PaOY.4:-Philartelphia, . .. AIM INSURANCES, either temporary. or , ,-.perpetual, againstloss or damage by Fire, in . i'l own or Country, on 1-louses,ll.irns • and Buildings: of all kinds;.on !leasehold Furniture, MereliAlltlize, Houses; Cattle, Ageicaltoral, Commercial lit Manu Ifactoring Stock, and Utensils, of every description, as wall as Mortgages acid Ground gents ?poll the mostfavorable terms..' • ~ The following are the loud rates, viz: -On stone and-brick-buildings, from ~ . . . . •ssto 40 cis. on $lOO ''‘ Log And frame : " , • 60 to 70 cts. on • 100 " Merchantlize and furniture -. ,- ERPETUAL•RISKS iii brick or atone buildings, . . from . . . 40 to 50 cts, on 100 . Do. in log or frame, . 60t0.70 eta. on 100 : " - Horses,cattle,fin.minguten. . sits mid-sundries, at about 50 etc on 100 P... ' On Brick or Stone buildings, $25 ow $1;000, the premium Subject to be withdrawn,at any time by the party ill/Wing; :q. a deduction of s,per cent. on ..the amount lii i iitl. , - . Appli idiom for Insurance, or any' other informa tion out :b subject, may be made either peragnakly or by letter, at the Company's -. olfice, at the north west corner of.SiNtli and Wood streets. • ' MORTON AIPMICIIAEL, President. . L.: KRUM II .lANR, Secretary or' • . • 'JOHN. J. MYERS, Aatrrr,.C;rliFle s , Pa. , CIIAS. BARNITZ. - " D'IIItECTORS. . . . Morton Ctitorge M. Troutman, Jose. ph %Von'', , Samuel Tonfuscod; -P.:f...Lagnerenne, - .1.. Lottgiteatt, Dollette. It. \V. Pomeroy, Chas. \V. Schreiner, Charles Stokes, ' Joseph J. Sharpies'. , • • Fclirnary, 9, _1842.-3m. Just received iw fresh istipply - of GRO6I.IRIES:ntitt Cars:ll°,lT - • • • CHAS. BAHNi'lt. •llecember 29,1841.. . 3.111:COB FETTER - • _ leave to return his thanks - to the public for Ile it ttrona7,e hitherto, extctulini to hint, and respeet ntly iiit en +his enstornei-sand the people generally, ha he still- eoittinues the lisiness. of Cabinet &Making, • • in all its branches, at his - old stand in Maid street; where he is al Ways ready. to attend to orders - in his Carlisle, N0v..17, 1841.-sm. • • • Pease' 'Clarified of • • • .Iflorehou.nef Candy.. —the- stiliscriher baying --been-appointed-General Azent for.ibc above celebrated article, respectfully offers it ic", - ithe public either ivliolesale or rctiil. .(•Pure.liaser are rcquested to boVare of coon -cricks. • The Suh'scriber has just opened a new Mid hand, some assortment of -7 - Filllain(' Winter Goods, • consisting of super blaok,blue black and other Cloths, Cnssimere'sSattinetts, new style Yestings,avariety of Nfottsc de Lilacs, second-mourning-and-bhick Thibet cloth, AVelsli - Flannels, Rogers ditto for shirting, Gloves, Hosiery, Edgings, Laces, earn brics, Oil Cloths, Artificials Y. Itibbons,Merino.,Slairts and Drawers. Also Mens. liVotoons'arid Childrens' Leather do Mbnieco Shiies -do Queensware and Groceries, SPICES,gc; with a.grent variety of oilier goods all of which lie will sell ata small profit to suit the times. Don't forget to call on - . M. 11 ARRIS. Carlisle,Sept. 29,1841.—1 y. ALNION just received and for sale by J. & E Coruman. . • • M ApEttEL and Codfish for 'Mlle by J. 84 E MITE beid of bleached Sperm and Whale Oil fot tale by • J. & E. Common. pICKLING Vinegar for lisle by J. & E. Corn man. • S AR House mull New Oilcans Molasses orate best quality for sale. by J. &E. Commun. . • OAF and Lump Sugar: The subscribersAhave I received a lame supply of Loaf and Lump Sugar, which they olfer for whnlesole or retail„ at reduced pyices. J. St E. Cornman. PERM Candles for saliliy 7. SEE: Commun. , . Carlisle, Oct, 20,1841. . . Just received at the 'store of ANDREW AIDS, 11 general assortment of . te. Fall &Minter Got)!ls, •"'" conniathriv 19 part of Wool and Cloth dyed Black, Blue,lupsible Green, Ada!aide. Olive and Green • •C I] 0' • , Black, Brown, - . Green, Olive. Piamond, Beaver and Pilot Cloths; Black, Blue, Brown mixed plain and' figured Cassimeres, new style. Sattinetts of assorted oolors,from 50 centato $2,00, beftverteens 'eno cords canton. ; ' • ye low and green anneltur—ticks, and muslinar-- 6-4 3-4 mcri noes, moslain-de-Inine and Saxony cloth, figured and plain. Figured, plain, striped, barred jackinett and - swiss MUM ins. -Fawn, Mouse, black, blue bliik,.slate, figured and plain silks: -Bonnet silkis and _ribbons, new style. -Shawls, gloves, hosiery and shoes. Cloth and fur caps Carpeting, yarth rims; floor cloth, baizes, and blankets. :Color.; ed and white carpet yarn s Fresh Niackerel,togeth er: with a general assortment of - Queenirware and Grolviles, which will be sold at moderate prices at his store: - Carlisle, October t0,1341.--tf. - FRESH GROCERIES.. The .subs'eribers, have just:received at the store. morn. lately oectipiedby. Mr. C. roster, in North Hanover street. Carlisle, a large and general assort anent of . ' : ~-..- l •:- . .GAY 'ia)gaus.aaa o. . -, hina,.GlßSS s •and 1 11% :: q EENb WA R E. "whielitheylvilliaon the.aitist liberal terini, They invite the publio`to - eall and etamine.', - • -.- 'J. & E. CORNMAN. - ;Oettobe"!1 18411;.?; , !-,•'. - '.:, v , '7.... .4, "•.',. ',..' =I ~' • • S. ELLIOTT • - Cnrlisle, Nov.-10,1841. . MORE NEW COWL ALSO, NEW GOODS. 6-U 14L tA A IR .'4Elektie# at nit,i removed liti,otrice t0.:46..4. ileetem's how: °WmliybU equare. :SCarlede; get.l3 k . • . !.'Sliot! , .!''S Roes.- , ... , just re,cstired tioril l atidloti 100 pair Tavern' SI ip. era; 75 pair Worminii' Patton leatherliiia and fired t es oter,'elioia i5O pair Mena' '-att - dOTiTo f 2Apait. TV.i?Usetita"tiioi.ocatidtr:tlit. do is.' tiid-for-saTelsy Deceniber 15,1811. ' • ';- 74 . - '''::' - ;',, ..'w!;= - --,!-,,,, r''Grien - t 4 oo,tllit . -0,4. l ilt 4 110 Juitireeeived 150. ia!!!' ''''lor.r> li 9 91 sale ukeaPlT :., 1 E 4 , 1"' carbide., Dec t l, I E141 1 ,t -.0, 1 0,... 7 .:',, .: ,'-',..:',' ..,,' 'L' , 4.'l"-'A-,1 , . , ;. '', • • .: - .,,,r . , :(!...:=l,•-z.:,,,--:::.-„_*. C rat." :Mr 8 dt Co. • e.... 4•;,... turio•••.• • • . 0• -• 11 M 0.... u• 1.. 01 0 1,- . 1 :I VT; """' "•-• • -: I ,-, - 'A §AC.. v , . gilt I. ~ - COMMISSION ,' FORWARD --." ING MEN a i ! ANTS, • 'lnge removed to the ca , : (. us Wr;eliouse recently 'Occupied by D. Leech lit . at the north-westuorner of Cherry,und Broad stria' Philadelphia. , Front the facilities whi .. he location and internal arrangement of this.dep fibril, 30 to 41)Burthen Cars can be aecommodat I o unload and load at the sante time with sufficient, .to store 20,000 barrels of Flour, anti 400 to pet ? of Grain exclusive of the forwarding departmem Produce of every' Option will be received as usual on consignmenp, l liberal advances made on receipt (if required) sales are effected. ' Ft `:St IG, BELLAS Co: i N....„,_wesibgber of Cherry St Broad at. P 4 hiladelphia. _ ItPIOtENCES. W. S. Cobenn, Ctlikr. 1 • Denderson k Pailif, c dr h s , l / 4 . SHaeannrcyleßrahonalk"lloB • :'''; an, i - • ' Jacob Swoyer, N je. David Nevin ? SII!.. - burp N J. Logan Smith,rvapaasier p ham b t . r a urg ,, Eyster, Butz St igp '' Robert Fleming ? , ...4.‘ •, catherwood t; Crir:: Wm. R. Thompsolit o , 'Mani ISt Brown 1 j Mira - de"ta. 1 Meehan' .:burg Line •A•tre •••••• IVIL°q 'PALO " • . .. ~ . Brltveen .111' laanicsborg and . LiPhilfidelpit or Baltimore. ,O AD [BY R,IIIL OAD OR C:X.M. , ll.]' , THE subscribie: . :giateful for pOst favors, beg leovO to Wiry their friends and the pbblie geoei'ally, that lileYttjP continue to run - a line. of linrtlien Cars regulsly4etween 'Mechanicsburg and Philadelphia or 13ahtitre, by Wide!' goods and pro— duce of all deseripl i biiiwill belorwartled_with care • and-despatch at themest rates of freight. .. . - Produce will be tceived at their Ware House, in Meollailicsburg;int . forwarded - tineither - Phila- delphin or Bailin:x(4 . ccordilig to the direction of -the owner. . . . • - c'''l'l../higliest? cc will be given: for Wheat and 2 . 10ur. • • ..i - .- - -• ' ...7111111SIIA CH & AIEiLY. N. B. Plaster -O ris and Salt- alway s kept on ( f . hand,and for sales .• lowest prices: - July' '29,18.10.--1 , '. • .. : : ' . . • - . . .., . , . .... INDEMNry -- ; A-GrAINsT. LOSS' - •- IIY . FIII,E. . , THE. FRANKLE , IIIE I NSURANCE , COM ' PANY tk, i 111LADELPH/A,.:, • -- .apitO7s4oQ,ooCatifdin.—horter Pet pettt al, • el ONTINDE los to iiime lance, erinanent and 11) Limited, on gety description of Property, in TOWN AND CEISTRY, on • the usual favorable OPPICE,_I6II.C4!inut street, near Fifth street. . .CIIA•RLSIN. BANCRER, President. • . __ •>. /IRECTORS•. --- - - -. t.;it ARLES N.-RAA ER „, SAYIDET. GRANT, . •.IAM CS SCHOTT', :l ' .FR rDERIEX BROW:4, .. ' • THOSIAS.IIART, ~- JACOB 11.. 8311 Tit, .THOMAS I. NVIIRITIC, GEO. V. RICHARDS, Tosins Witoter, 4 , 111ountext 1). lAwnt.---_- - CII.ARLIS!G. BANCKER,Secretary: . . „ .i . il:rTlie suiliscribq Agent for the above Company for the borough ror,sirliste e nd-vicittity oval Trolniit- ly attend to all aidleations foe Insurance, whether 1 'mad' perlionally miiiletter. Residence Nfaiii.street, nearly opposite deep Office. I ' • ' .. n WM. D. SEYMOUR. :_Marcli :31,1841.-.41y - ' s' :- • dNO Ti r 12 .9R.RIPI9L! THE VERY L I A!".O O ST & CHEAPEST YET-!! NO 4e• -Cl i f 00. d S 1 • ' CiATIP_PI WAR etz CAltigir••••-. SMPPL-VS/Wth, have Just - received at their old stand, near 0401 road, from the eastern cities; an extensive asSinetifint 01 dt . Fall 4111" tater Goods, of the most fashion le stYle, which they are deter mined. to sell nt;acts to suit .the times.. Persons desirous of purelislpg goods are most earnestly de sired to give diem 411. Bargainamay be expected. December ‘22,,1 . . - CHAR S - M'CLURE, , .4 I'D &VEY AT LAW. Office in 11' i street n. few . west lithe Post Office. : Carlisle,Aprilitl;lB 4l . -- tr . , . - Den. 1 Vtrgery. 1 THE SUBSO ER respectfully tenders his grateful ackti, lodgments to the public forthe very liberal shay patronage he has received dor ing the past year d would still continue to offer them his professi '- !services in their various bran= rhea at his reside4,No..7, Harper's Row. He tiles, cleluses, and pleir teeth, and inserts incorruptible tnrrer metope niif cial teeth in the most approved manner—chargi Awoyspaoderate. • - J.: C: NEFF, M. D. 5,18.10.--tf . ' . . Carl i sl c,"Afitra" Dry, o9ds.,:it Cost. . . The subscribed now'offering his entire stock of dry goods at cosi i cash, consisting in part of • . CLOTHS, 4. SSIMERES. CASSI • NETTS, - - MERIN from 25 cents teg $1,25„ , A good assortraer _ I Thibet,-Brocba, iill . , fflcrino. k 1 1:1:11:et S l havel@., Moivide lakes, Cl ties and Calicoes; a variety of Cambric 4 : "iligi & Inspiings ; , 4,0 i- • • , I 1 tis mr. k and cottd^ beside nfl 12,11tiongs t Fiff nn Ores Silks, Chene and Plaid bbont!iGloves and llosiery_of alio Cotton F.dgin Thule, Bonnet fill Bonnet and carious kiwis.., Decernbe 8,184 • READING ! n purchase cheap reading, are ie subscriber in Carlisle, where ' riot' all deseriptions,and ,sold ceslree of postage. • • OEM Persnons wield r , requested to call can be' had Nlagai at the peblishers; :For Graham's Maga Ladies' Compa!l• People's Library,' Ladies' Aninrant% New York Visite,. BicknelPsCount. , . • peteetor, lioston Notion; Weekly !Jerald:, Daily Chronieltq New York Dank Tragedy of the variety 6f Coiaic '• car Sublariptid!; puldications of N. B. The Ma' Worldjiill be January, 1842. 40't Its above: ; Book, Dollar Ningatine, Young People's Book, • Knickerbocker,— „ • Bowler on' Matrimony, it Brother Jonathan, • ,'New World, -• Universal Yankee Nation, • ':.rublic Ledger, • Spirit of the Times, • s„Life:in a Whale 'ShiP, tind.4 manachs for 1?42:, recei,Ved for-.all • ihe:prificipal „ • otharother Jonathan and New tved , and for sale,oti the first of Decembe UM & IRIBBON.S, jusiTicelivedif the fithie . of LIPPINGER & CAREY. '..22;1,141,7 BONNET, veryjatgetl 9tiippensl rg~, !,! • Clclh,Sll)c... Sent andlPur,gail ed and selling oft% Yel vet, CeletL, . jitzea iindlshapee,, , just , op,en etlfted:pritee.:,,', • L •—• CHAS.. 0 GILBY, Dec. 1 1,1)*K. ,+;1 rice A.lmanace and for. splk by TATriO, MtIEM - li:t( - 4' . *Jti:T'Itk'' ..- •k* - 0 . *:'.. .JACOUHFR IDLE . Y'Noitit Hanweer 'stizet,9lipb! site Corninana' Until', it Agent foi. the sale of flatlka kvaye'Patent ' ' : • Mot Cpolciaig Stoves which he warrants to-be 100 per cent better than tiny, other stove heretofore known. '" Firtheri,Taverit keepers n e tt ethers are invited to take those Stoves citi trial, and if they are, not pleased With the operation of the stove, or the prich;they may be returned. . ir • J. F. 'still edutinnes to • , • : -keep on liked . • • • r , I Val 0 'of, all. deSeriptionis,'among 'Avifich" are the . improved ( 71. , ltotary Cooking salves so universally approved; stove —==`-- furniture; stove pipe, anti a general assortmentof Tin, - - , . Sheet iron and CapPer..were; which he will dispose of 'on reasonable terms. - . - .Orders in . 'ro . svn . and Collar litaise Spouting or other Work:promptly anent,' to. ' Carlisle, Sept. 15; 1841.-1... THE CAU S E .CONSUMPTION.=—SimpIe as these complaints - are usually considered, no one can denthett• being the nsost.connfritin cause Of, this fatal and. distressing disease: It is indeed A•melnn, clioly truth r that thohsadds fall victims to Consuutp• tion ohlry year from no other, cause than riceccte7l colds. — Yet we find hundreds, nay thouSroids who treat' uch complaints with the greatest indifference; and let them -run' on for weeks andevert months With.; out thinking - of the danger. At first you have what you may consider a sligitt cough 'or cold you allow business,pleaSurcoreardessnessto iweveutyou from giving -it any-attention tt_theo settles upon . your breast, you become hoarse; have s pnit.s the stdc or chest, expectorate large quantities of matter, per haps'Enixed with blood, a di ffictilty of breathingea sues,,iniLLlfen.you find your own 'fiallish neglect line brought on this di'stressmg complaint. If, then, you value lice or health, be warned in titne,•and don't trifle with iiiiir - CoLD;or trust to any quack nostrum to owe vott i but immediatelpproenre a bottle ort wo of that iltmnps remedy, the ''ll.st SAtet OF W,H:I7 Cithanir,"which is well known to be the most speedy cure ever 1. - ilo•Ar, as -thoustmds - will - lestify - Wbose lives have been saved by it. .. . rille. v e r y particular:when yon.purelinsedo .. nsk for " Dr: WISTAR ' S BALSAM OF WILE , CHERRY," as there is also Usynur of this name in use. . , Prepared, 'wholesale and retail, by WILLIAM'S k Co., Chemists, No. 33 South Fourth street, Phila delphia:. • . sad in . Carlisle by : ,•• • ,:,0. „ . . SAMUEL ELLIOTT. ' .. • Price. One Dollar a i3'oll.k: .. ' • " . October 20; 1811.—1 y.. . : . .. ANOTHER -LIFE-SkVED.--j GEO.- W. lUTNERL JOTIN dRAY; lEEE 'a6"f..i..F' , :l, \SlM6k7s.' New_ ifioOking.. OVIIPIES 8& COLDS, •• , - Bate extraorilinnry vi r tues •of ' dint unrivnlletl medicine, the, "BALSAM OF WILLI) CHER RY," the welricnown 'famous remedy for CON SUNIPTION COMPLAIN'F, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, nitoNctitTis• (Atom', wtioopiNG - cocuii,kc. Williumentrg, Sept. 4,1141. • Dr. WISTATI —Dear _sir, tt gives me • 'grent pleasure to say, I have /timid much relief from yoiti• Balsam that I have to. send to you for more. I .have only used three bottles out of the half drrien I pur chased, yet itihas done me more good than all the medicine I bate evertakenbefore... A neighbour Mine whose wife was very - low with Consuntpioo, persuaded me to let him have some of it, and bought three bottles, which she has taken also. 1 saw her n few days ago; and she told me 'she believed it was the only thing that had saved her lire. Site had tri ed every thing before,bni notning dither an• good; and when she commenced takiiig it was sick in bed, butt is now 'no, and looks better tbmi I ever saw her %elem. As tar myselt:l am sure it will cure me entirely, for I feel better every day. Send me six bottles more by the beat-w, its my neighbor wants thMe-Morti. They sincere Newly . • • • SAMUEL COLES.- Err The genuine Balsam snbl in Carlisle by SAMUEL, ELLIOT T: 'Price One Dollar a Bottle. Sept. e 2, 1841.—fim. • Read what it . has Done. And ifion have a friend, n relMion, or know any one that is afflicted with that distressing disease, "CONSUMPTION," persuade them without de lay to try that faMons. and unriveled medicine, the i.i..BALS AM OF WILD CIIERRY,". which has cured thous:6.lsof this 'complaint Mier every thing else: had. . Read the following undoubted proofs of its Olney: • . _ • _ .• . • . ,Roinoiteuoit,SePt. 10 1841. DEAR SlR:—Please send me two bottles more of your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two, and confidently believed this medicine will cure me. I have used a great many , velocities within the last •year, but have neverfound any thing that has relieved me so much. It has stopped, my cough entirely, checked my night sweatsoml I sleep better at night and feel better In every way than I have for many months. " Yours, respectfully, JAMES KELLY. • '• ' Ilotxr.souno, Sept. 12.1041. Fritr.sn WIEITER-1-1 must again trouble thee -to send me two bottles more of thy invaluable Balsam. I have now taken three bottles in all, and can-assure thee that it has done me more good than all the medi..l eine I have even taken before. Send by the stage as soon as possible, and oblige thy friend, JACOB PIOLLOWAY., pRISTOLIept. 8 1841. DEAR Docron.—lleari4 ao-man people talk of the wonderful cures your Balsam ef Wild Cherry lies made in Consumption, I sent to one •of your Agents the other Jac for a bottle, and have founitit to have 'relieved me so much, that I want three bot more sent 10011, as I believe it will cure me ten. 1 have used Jayne's Expectorant and other medicines but nothing has ever done me ns much good Litt R haa. Send by the steamboat Deliver. Yours truly., WILLIAM Ti 1024.1.8.. cryßesides its astonishing efficacy in -Consump tion, it is also the mosueffectual remedy ever diner ered• for,. LIVEM. •.CO%i'PLAINTS. BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, CROUP, WHOOP COUGH;.Sto.,as•lnindreda, will testify who have been cured' by it after all .other remedies hail DRUGGISTS and DEALERS will find this me &lite n valuable addition to their stock, mid should always keep it On hand, as it is universally acknow ledged Lobe one of the most moral family medieinei now in use. cryßp very par,tionlitr to ask for-Dr. WISTAR'S .BA LSA 1M OF WILDCIIBII lilt. gold wholeaale arid retail by wipu Awe. &Co:, Cberoiatti, Nor 3 Sonth FOortliatreet Philadelphia.• • • lirrTlie' genuine Balsam -844 in Car lisle by f 84MUEL I..Liorr, appoint ed Agent..: - - , Priee 181.00 a Bottle. October 20,141.-1..' ' ' Sheri , '-s 'D V :virtue ors writ oftevwFacias, Me directed .11,1• issued out of the Court of *Conimon,Pleits of Cumberland county, w ill "lfe,exposed, to public oak, at the COnitillense 'ollie hi:Tough ;of Carlisle, on Saturday the ,Sth day of Miircli;lB494of 10' o'Cleidc, M:;,• the folloWing deScribedl•eal,estate; 41z; of tuate in Chnreh, lown;Monroe toirashiP,'Cundieriand ed bylaudi-of Rudolph I{ryilieroßicliael Morrett; and - Arian and High streets, youtaining. Ono 'and a, half acres more, or lessi•haring thereon. erected a two story BRICK ; DWELLING • 110CSE,and.Log Barn, with other out houses.' ; ; , 'La.. of rou ' 'bounded lands Of Abraluitrilfauli Beduin!' !Cuellar, Baw,and 'Main - 4treet;Cantaiping about one :and half :twee, vted a• one - Mull half. ;story Seized and taken in:O.Nbtitioras the proiierty•of, Piter.Livsn ' I - b 11 - b " " • ger. • ; of to be ; ' - • - PAUL •llAR'llNiSheriff... , Situntres Orricid;, v :• A ,; ~,~.--~ .. ~.-,~ IJ, UIiU:T t 2 ~a4L GIBSOV W M. C • Still continues the Culibiet.nikiig-iti all its a- Mons' branches, t: his. ; out stand : , in North Ilatitner Str e et, two, dpovs the store or Wm.l.connr,d I. where he is lmty inatedlictnring. nut! intends keeping on grit variety oY. CABINET FU,RNITURE, :such as Sideboartis,llfirettus,SeCrr talles, Card, Pier, llini ti n t , to tr.t.tiLklast . Tables; Bedsteads, ke.",.ni The , most fas.l ioaaltle kind, all of which lie will dislr:r, 1 ct 0 r on'the nost reasonable tarns. - - Ile is tilsolict , lat- -r e d-04,11- 1 -orders for SPlt ING - STATE - 1 , ..54.40 1 A-& -1 . and FANCY CILUILS, warranted to be of superior tonality. • fie will also farnish•COFFINS at the shortest tia ,-- ! 'lke, I iii -living recently procured - a Nets TIE AHS rlj 1 he is preparid to attend fonesals in the country. • ; ' - Carlisle. Atignst 4, 1841:7-ly Presh Medicines; ..,,,.... . .•t .' . ir.v. !. ,1t"). -, ---,.....' '' l '' t: • ' ~. illik ~ tr, , ~...... --..;.-- • •,•- ) • 1 ~f,ft;. -c r44l v - - 7. - ' l r o-,,.!'1'; iA , o'.,_ 67 A lk r.. 1.41,10. )'. .. ; ...,,, i eF, .'..-n.. •041if.vtz2, 0:f esr': i 1----- _: .. - rati.l:Blg . " p. - --- ~..s-:•;yl,l;l4.fitioi.i w., . . ALWAYS lIDAIt:TIICSE IN ADND. Seaford minty, , Va. &pt. 7 .1810. • Dear Sirt-1 - al ire to let you know that the Lord has done great thiogs for me, whereof I am, glad:- When I saw yeti is Fredericksburg, I think I a ' • I had been allicted with a very acid (sour) stoma, and subject to a violet.' pail. in my head for more , Oa. to clay years, for which 1 took rhubarb and Soda three: - or four times' every day fur tins many years, with. little or no rel•ef, and my legs and Hales were Se. much swelled that r was unable,at times, to attend to inc business. But since vou made me a present of a box of your Family Pills I have taken one or two of them at eight in going to bed, and' now my sob/ . sto,naidi is relieved, the swelling to my legslais nese , ' . ly disappeared, and I do - not. think that I hate' been hindered one day with the pain in my head sine, T ' began to take your valuable medicine. I think ~`-:, Lord directed von to Fredericksburg; to 'adatinistt c ~ to myreli et: (Messed lie hi's holy name,' am madly relieved.) '1 here is living in' my neighborhood a poor' old woman who had been sick a long time :1-0 . •• cold get no relief, at length I purchased a box of your-pills and gave them to her, after a while l• sits. - tier out and ahem her busbies/lined she said that the ' one box hail cured her.„. I have spread the fame 'O, iyour valuable quedicine amongst-my acquaintances, and many have purchased. Now, as it respects my , self, mylriends tell me when I go to town', that 'they I have not seen the look-so well for many years,nndl s ayt ic , Efa i r d ware , G rocer y, 4 4. say io them, 'twill tell you the seem why; a shot, ; time ago I met with a Di. Davies in town, and hegaie • Val:lEl' V' .S TOR AV. I me a Inik: of pills, and they'llaVemaile me_1001, ,,,,- y frietid, I ho re tha.: -' - THE Sithseriber has jiist returned from "you .)eL ' o n r u i . t-A se c e ill m on e ;:tin't k i . e la t i o n t o et w u'o m ithyou and ma e you the Cities of New York; Philadelphia and Bal- ' useful to your fcllow-creatures, as he has hitherto timore, and is now opening," . , t his st o re room S • r " ; done. . I remain with . eaped, • to , . Comer of Market Square tool Main Streets (for-, CHAnt.r.s Battei. Merly occupied by Grft.lY Ilium,) a general as- ' .Several` Females have been cured of the fallit4, ~, 1 ~ so intent of . , • • . . the womb, by taking very small doses at intervals. '' hardware, tone . Ware, Veclan Ware, —• .- . Harper' s Ferry, August 11, IMO. ' Britt ania Ware, Groceries, Oils, . Da.. Wm. lityiss.—Dear Sim—l am happy to in- • -. . forrq. you soul the, public. that I have' been cured. of Paints. Tarnishes,' Glass, -Bru sit- :that 'dreadful disease the itheumatisth, by takingyonr es, Whips, 'Canes, .Larnps for Family Pill's: ..I have been laboring under that dis •, ease for more than a year, during which time I tr , •• ' bUrnin 0 - Camphilie Oil,: . p• the skill of the best physician without ern et; at leo _ ' • and a great . Variety.of artielennseful and necessary ' I was induced to try your medicine; I found relict, for furnishing and keeping a ; la p se , • •H e hasoap,and after taking half a box, I continued to take them until ' will constantly keep on hand , I had taken fiveboxes; Menge is 71 y ears,and Leon ? , • Camphine Oil, 1 sider that pone but the old and rhennintuilsersons - ... . i know how rateli ul I feel to the_mediento-that-lias---- l et gad thi 3 l,l2wt"M" l4 -' -imi m i ' d restored me to health.. .. , . . , having been appointed the agent of Messrs. [lnciters, . ~. ' Yours, respectfully , . Joint lizz. fo. Wc, the undeysigned,:lue , iii - entan t Harper's Fere., and Brother of, Newark N. J., for the sale nlJoie'l,! • Patent Lamps' in thiscounty, he is prepared to fur nish Liimpamid OiLat ii'very reasonable rate to'all o r "ii c - 7;,',,:ri 'l,4,:pt;','6l"„olliaPily, Pills, we liana iitn . t ie.pille Of wide.: ~ who may wish to use this new and 'million - deal light. h e spe aks so ! highly, ' mach I ! • e tete his statement to Lc • ' Davin selected his goods , himself, and made his b ~. su stant.auy true, , . • .ptireliasesfor eash,lot is atileood is determined to l . Respectfully ,.' . ,‘ W. k S . B. Arinumote. sellt.ow. -- . . . 1 Mrs. C. ,Rurton, near.Lociist street,Vra's diseased • : •Thoseliavin. the cash to lay out will ,find it to their r • lor seven years with a lumpin the left side,bututis . advantage to giveltim - a call. ' - 11E.1 4 .1RY DUFFIELD, all her-skin .Pains around the small, or her back :: , „ Carlisle, Judy'll, 18-10.-- - 4.- . .' running into her "stomach, which prevented her (to • use her own words,)fromeatiog'ono - Paitiale.of)meats • the first dose removed the lump, and two, b =es, let , her at liberty. - • I was:severely. Aiseased 'with -Abe Ailinti.pile'vfor .. twenty naontlis, and prostrated li-om the loss oflilood; . ' and one and a half boxes of Ditties Family Pills low . _ - fib - de - an entire tore of me; • , '4.10111 4 111 . 0-, • 4 ~,' Washington, D. C.,' May_ 7;' 1441..;, 2 .' ." 74•7 ,": : 7*. Manufantured and sold wholesale. ,apd.,retat,••• ! • N0.2t5 South third-street Philiderpliiit,7andjoil;' ~ ' JOAN (1 RAY, Cat lisle, general ,agent for Cumber.ci , :-.1 , • county Penna. '.. .; . : •.. • . :. ,i:ls,'4_,''.',;;; 'i - • ~,, -,' ; Also ; for sale by . l Ar!, & T. Lowiiin,''ll!D g Ot*lt j . CeltelskFireovitlillognesioWT;NOO•Auilb,g.* - : ' nonnstown,ll'. Longnecker; Wcirinleyelitirga-tt'unen-r-' deinnnishieti CUinherland;:StephenCulbertsoni•Shipvt, , pen.shurg; • ..WlP ? ::..lin rr,• ,Neyv vain ;: f Jamea',l4telty, : Newburg ;,. Heavy Leas; :Meclianlestiott; :40* , ,`• I Ip'od; Springfield; - 'john lloOd - ,,Stouglistown.:' , • ',- cior- Personii - Wisliipete lientone agents in the villa. get; in:which the pills - are not- seld .3a Cifiabetiland county, will be supplied with them by calling on-Mr. John Gray; Carl i sle,.Pal who , is empowered, to ip.;.' point agents. 'Fetidly: pills' to those who pinfasso :- tO sell•agalkirill be' cherged.s2 per dozen cash; on $2 25 to sell on. - otimMission; .and tlieTantteett DiciOtt palest $b cash, or. $4 50 . - on commission. Retail price for - family. pills, 25 ere: ; 1 )0 box; Panacea - him:id :;,' pills 50• cents per ox: : 'Ttill : direntioni for )tainifi,:7 them accompany each box. . ..J, : '•":,' 7 : •t' ',.. ':' . ' '-'," Carlisle,-5ept.15i•1841..--Gii&, ,:..:-..,,, „' , . has recently received large addi-. lionsil supplies of 101101Heillefii; Colors, 'Dye-Muffs., Linseed . Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Painters' Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Hair Brushes ; Spermaceti Oil, (very fine) Sperm Candles, Soaps in, reat variety, Glass Lamps; trip and Letter Paper, Fruit, Spices, Perfumer!), 4.c. (S.c. which he will sell to Physicians, Merchants and others, *IICILESALE or by RETAIL, at the lowest rates, having pnrchased entirely for, cash; .he will offer bargains to those who wish to purehase at wholesale. , S. ELLIOTT. March 24, 1841. CROUP .4N CHILDREN. • moTnetts, PC ON: YOUR. GUARD.—This is the Sea son'wheo thisdestructivt, complaint attacks, your interrsting little children, often robs you. 'of ftindly;doitt im;aittl earrieshundreds to the grave. Every: mother . should therefore, know -its symptoms, ivatelt thein :closely, and always mired ‘Vith a Vernedy tO 'curqt, as many are daily sacrificed by'sitch'neglem.. ,- A t first the little patient is ,seized with a shivering, - .it, greivs.resttess, ; has tinsiteit'efiteacilte ityesbeeprae•red riad.swollen, it biestbs - witli ' difficulty, and 'then omiteic that fearful cotion in eenvul sions. *deatlx.ltinlestriemetiongl'i is ;immediately . giveo to check it:. 4n.thisceroplatottite, ".Balsotts.-of WWI Clierry;" isr‘ieltkiinwit - id he thetnost imbedy cure ever discoießil..: 'lt ,ii - indeed .iirecitius:rtmedY--;; mildOsafe'end innocent, and ib ,surtke give the little I sofferer immetliate•relief.and quicklx.reit;tre it 'to safety Families residing m thiVen'untry and indeed every mother-who . loves het; children; should always, keep this medial he in the, house moil .givejt Ati._them y.tloing ,so,you may often save the.life. et' one vitt. fondly toye. - Remember, thi la the ramous :remedy, or this distiguished' phy winch - has embed .theitstutds,of CROUP:: WHOOPING, ASTH CtINSIMPTIO,N,Atc.; after every' other Medicine has failed , ,inciro.k. - partleular - mitten, van Jiut4ilaise to ask: for • ‘S,I)K,Wmr.A.A.'S,F4I4I4II.orAVIr.n EAR s there is a: &Your of. this ramie advertised that is entirely a ditibient ' ,' . „ & CO.; Chemists, " §°9lllTOertilltlreet; Philadelphia,' !• • .• SAMUEL ELtatotTr.:, Price Dne'Dollar'a . ROttle: • . October9.o; 184, —ly . E= .DR. I. C. LOOMIS" Denial IS permanently located in aarliSle: and. wit , ' perform all operalkms,thit are vetwaired its lye t ai Surgery, stills as Filifil„Phorgging and Ex traking Teeth, and inserting Artifisial Teeth, from a single tcrot6 ta a whole set. , He will also attend tro all diseases active mouth, gums, &e., and direst and regulate the first and seconddentitino so al to reader the teeth itif children and young persons regslar and' beautiful. ma alitimes be foond at his of fiee, o f t Hight oppysite MaCrartint'S HOW. • Carlisle,.l- CC, Tor the cur; Dimnccs Ulcers. lI ders, will as it seldom by.a fewAur or pain...l' OF SIGH" strengthens., ah .pre vialtang• the_ dimnessthat avrisesfrom ati'aining them. It wall also' be found laudiculairly..useful as It wash for the eyes of voting chitdren, to remove. ballot:lotion, and subdue the h u mours to which they are so liable. _. Price_ 50 .Cents.a„.Bottle • • • tionh.foi• •Carlisle by • S. ELLIOTT. - • . April '23,1941.—V DA VIES . . Family ditii-Billoirs [hese valuable pills are very gentle in their opera-. lions catutink: neither pain, griping nor any nauseous • tickness. They exceedingly comfort and strengthen. the stomach anit - bowels, and clearino ' llie - sight hear big and 'memory of aged persons, by carrying off phlognia, watery matter, putrid gross and thick hu mors .from the stomach bthiels and blood, ,which makes them so celebrated for - removingg coughs, rliciimatisms, pains, front the body and limbs,gravel, sick:stomach, disordered hoivels •and worms. Tbia nic(litino is also au itifdible cull: for fever and ague. . _ _ Myles Pthmeea Mood `Pills, For the care: of coinsumption,diseased nind-pipe, uleerlited • sore tbepa,,t • lungs. and liver complaint night sw6ats, ditsbeaorheitt,burning.in thestoinnen: 'tightness across' the chest, pains iu tLe breast .and Rlde,ln ward vetivers, piles, sore eycs,sorc legs, ulcers of every description „swellings, rhenmatisms; the:, stop the spitting of blood and heal the partaffdcted: The Panacea Blood ,;rills ate prepared' expressly.' kr the strengthetihrg.ef every. part of the system healing all tile rs and sores, i purifTinF, and removinr all lout limners from the blood ; wine , ' is often broughl_ on from ton much silting or standing, or by expe sure fritm sodden heat to cold. Weakly debilitates' persons are psi tienlitry.advised . to nse them, as they strengthen the body in - a - stiperier - mannert' they are not inCelidril,to operate on the bowels soMmch as or. the blond, as tooninehpurging will destroy tiny-weak ly uotistitittion, and hst tarried off its thousands to a NVrirld - iiiiktiown to as. Take the _advice of one whi. 'studies to wee life and not to kilt; weakly and debil. tilted persons should not purge more than duce a ye: as it often timeshrings oncostiteness. • • • : Cariipts! • Itlr„rain;,Vehitinu,tlvnp; and Cotton', Carpotiog, ju_pt, receiye;il and for,sale Tory lon , by. ' ;;-Vil AS ..1()G1,143-Y.: 'Jult,reeairptl bows RAISINS, anyllor the lips only. •• ';• MIAS. LIAIRNITZ; -DPeirkb.e.r 15, 184'1. . - • , . r ' , • . iA v. EV Cil 0 jot Eye:.7, nt disor ly in use. ifrections ivenience ENINESS Anedy.tnr-