Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 09, 1842, Image 3

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765:1"va mm;
c. V. ED NE SDkit, :MARCH 9,184 V,
llrr'khe Rev: Mr. Pumit,•forraer Gor
'vernor of the Colony. of Liberia, will 'de.
liver a'::teetiire on '"Colohitation," It' the
Becind Preebiterian Oburch,'of,
evening (Wednesday, March 0,11342.)
scrAnOtlter . number, of te"Herahlohall
Vli bly
oaitiot be issued undet our editorial
. l aupervision, and right glad : ire are of it, •
Irjr"The Presidint'orthe United States
has informed thillOnse 'of Representatives
that he does not' thin'it it compatible with
the'public interests to l ,lay before Congress,
at - this time, the state , nf the negotiation be
twe,eit the United StLites and Great Britain
with regard to the DieLrth EasteT/Boundary.
7'7The annonacernent of the death, at
WishingtiM, ,oi` the" . Hon: Jetemiah Mot
row; it apliea c ti; was unfounded. .The Hon.
gen tle tab thoPght,lv _te c o vet_ fro in
,his illness. • •
, . .
The Hon. :John 'J. critteinlen has
? 'bein , eiieted to fill the vacancy in the
''Sthteef,ienate,:occasioned by the resigna
tion of the Hon. Henry Clay. • '
~'l'hroubh, ire politeness of Mr. Barr
• •we have iveopy-of the resumption Bill as
-I-reported hrtirefOoniniittee of. Conference.
11 rho bill flap pained both Houses. :Now
for the•eigmatoro•of.the 'Governor.. When
the act 14cOtnes a 'law, the readers of the .
.lierahl4slsll length; •
- :- - lootthe-zeayilige and - doings in
- areiefoni4ettrt \ of4 . in portanee to anybody.
Bettei.they*ould adjourn and go
We may - say the. same thing of our State
Legiellthre. : • • •
- newiiiatici'atejudge - i - Thosi - C t .
Smirklit\y last,--andga . ve evidence his de
- not- tia__*lotv.
.trarrafrieel upon. - Judge.' Miller' issued a
habeas cOrpui a Lieutenant. command
the United States Dragoons at the Car
Bareticks:, in the absence of Capt.
- 'Sufi - niter, requiring the officer , to bring before
: his Uonor the body of,a soldier-who squglii
,to be dischafged. The`titlenian
tb obey tht , sarit,..when the Judge
ptgriiptly l'sauell 'against !deli an attauhmeht
for contempt: . lien brought before itidge
Miller, the officer declaring that lie had not
btin aware 1101 the froporizince of the inat
tell" was peratitte'd to go tipdn payment of
the costs of the attachment; •
tr - ,741ie Legislature of New they has
passed a bill requiring the_banks of the
State to resume Speeiepaytiietits on
15th of Atighst nest.
Mn. EDITOR.--.:,t8 the. eitiiens of Car
lisle will tie' called on, on the 18th inst. to'
cloth their borough officers, I have thought
proper to tuhniit to,thejr coesideratfon th e .
follovritig ticket. By publishing it you will,
oblige A CITIZEN.
bkiej tlaullagher, Esq.
slastttant Beirgess,—Er. John Croigt:
Town Council -:-.Frederick Watts, 'Esq.,
Robert itleelan; sr., . Wil iartt S. Coteau,
Williarit • drop, Ainistrong Noble, John
Joseph Shrom, deoEga W. Sheafrer;
&mu %Vu
. gderlieb .
. Towri Quigley.•
Public Meeting.
At a laige:and respectable rheeliiit be the
People. of..LIICKINSON
Cumberland county:convened , on the 484
the following
,preedOdhigs Wer6had,
viz:— • .
• After the oljdet of the meeting had heed
briellY Stated by-MG - 4°lp! Momie, the
meetjng was organized by appointing Mr.
ABRAHAM KURTZ ) . President--=Philip
Spangler,. Col. James Woodburn, George
Kinsingeri. Mathew Lynch; William Grob
low, James Moore, Capt. James iNiliiinStryi
Francis •Hntchtion, John
Hockeri ; Benjatilin Peer, 'Wm. 'Galbraith,
David Slieaffer;. eidorge'llViartin, John My=
ers,.EstF,• Jacob Beetemi , lThos.'MiLangip;
lin, Philip Swords, sr., George Kinsingei;
Daniel Wunderlich, John Trego andeo.
terPresiderits—Mtehaellie.' u.der
s •
. •
The meeting,being organlied—Jna; xstr,ooo per annum. . N. Y jour. of Corn.
Moore; Montgomery Donaldson, Esq. Wm: , , '• •
-- Shriver, Edward Weakly, Benjamin Myers, : A Steamboat Expiostmii
Thomas Paxton, and A. G. Miller, were EIGHT PERSONS KILLED.—The New
appointed a committee to draft resolutions Orleans Bulletin Of the 22d 'says. "On
expressive( orthe views'of the meeting. Saturday •evening, as the towboats Mohican
The Committee 'reported. the following, and Star were towing-,over the bar the ship
which, on motion, was adopted by the meet- W. Thorne, the hoilernof the 'Mohican ex
pleded, killing the following persons; Cap.
=taps, The . Public Debt of this Cont- tam Bukup, 'boarding officer; the second
'inenweeitit'llra -no* readted the enormous mate of the ship W. 'Thorne . ; 'two engin
-amOurit, 6T near rorty oflollars, - eels the Molicaro_two firemen of do.,
-.Which • has .been -expended . principally to and two deck:her - A of .d 6 .. •Capt..l - leatoni.
~ ..conetruit public wolks, mhich are now :a of the Mehloath was 'badly scalded, as were,
.rother than an adVantage to thiS alio the; pilot three of ,Ilie.crew. -
Contelortwealth. ' ;phonies, 'Tinder the 'Shine writing the above, weliave
•th d thef 11 " diTtletial arti 1
avora ocircums noes an notwi c 0
~OWlng a p cu ars: Capt.
standing the heavy_ burthen imposed on the Bukup Was blown. entireljr iciest; the. W.
ttite' payers: of 'this Commonwealth 'there Thorne and landed on' the Star; Juries .
will e menu in the. Treturary for:the Nickerson, ) not found; Geo.
, sent TCar;i oft no4less. than two milliene Brady; 2d de': dead; Capt Sonia 1 - kateei
01 .clellara, which. west' be. Met y increased of the Mohican, slightly sealilidlA..hiaon
',,4xedell• Or loins *at.a• ruinous eactilfice, aid; pilot,• do'f' Capt: Anderson, of ship W.
Mierercire, : Thorne, do; the'rnate'ancl` cook of
*volved, That it in.thO Of this dead.- ThOehip had her blown
Irje,*here :. (undirexiStir% OircinnattinCes,) that out, and m'ost of her'rigging tlestroyeb
appropriation Mode to extend' One of the'. boilers Waif preeinitated' upon
, ppiew t o4 ffi hnished lutes' f ourietertial .the forecastle -.of the - ship, Four .of the
improveinener ) ;Oth r er than to pay . for work boat's crew are"-missing—three others ' who
. Oread*)4oe, O4n e oessah• repairs ; that it were found scolded;- htiVO been' Beni th the
'74:l l ''itiTe" -tendeit 6 , to destroy the confi, Charity ',foe
• - •
, • , •. : •
Once of the taxvaYers of: this Common
wealth, as tothe intention . ,of their 'public
servantii,too;unile-witli them to accomplish a
reductionjohlit Stani, debt; and as much
depends in the confideorqhe , tax -payers
laVei that they can in some-reasonable time'
liquidatelhe State , debt, it Would be ruinous to
the creditorsef this . 'Commonwealth, should
' that confidence be lest. , , ,
.Rcsollied, what we a're 'Willing *to Make
a reasonable sacrifice, that, the laborem On
our public **lts 'should be ,iaid for work
already done; but, at the same time, it is
our opinion, that, capitalists..or contractors
who will, hereafter lend their aid, under.ex
isting_.cireurnstantes,, to . enable this Com
monwealth to spend money on - public work;
tof, doubtful utility,. will injure in
more thin the tailiayers. - .__ .
Resolved, That the internal Intprovententh
of 'this Cominonwealth, should be stAelten
off in divisions and leased for a 'term- of
years tnthe highest bidder, the rent to he
paid in State stock falling due; and such of
them as ate.not finished, shoUld be offered
to indiviclualif or companies, •to finish .them,
the consideration they should have for finish
ing them, should be a lease
,of the finished
with the unfinished paes,.for a term of years;
drill if no offer can be got on these conditions,
it' should 'be. taken as. an ,evidence of their.
unprofitable character, and they should be
abandoned - for the present, as experience
has taught us'that this government -cannot,
through its agents, manage business where
the object is to make money to as much ad !
vantage-as an individual or company.
Resolved, That. it is - the opinion of this
meeting, that there ought to be a reduction
in the expenses of government to the amount
of at least one hundred and twenty-five thou
and dollars. If the tax-payers desire to
sustain the faith of thieComrnonwealtli, , they
must subject 'themselves -to • a considerable
reduction in their expenses,. And' it is but
just that their public servants should bear
their share of the burthen,,as there is evi
dently more room for reform in their man- .
ner ,of living, than there is with the - tax
payers of this Commonwealth.
• Resolved, That we respectfully _recom
mend to - the tax-payers of-Cumberland and
the adjoining , counties, to get lip •petition's
against anyappropriation tnfinish or extend
the public yorks of this Commonwealth. /
Resolved,• That the proceedings of this
meeting be signed by the offieers, and pub
lished-in-all-thnnewspapers-of-the county;
Bepresentatives in the Senate and House,
with a request.that they be laid before their
resp p ectlye bodies.. .•,,,,.
__________ ._ _ •
- ABM. KURTZ, President, &&&
GEO..KINSINVEity -_, Vs Pres' ts ,
MAT. LYNCH, &Ci. - _ . ',
• Michael Render,
. Secretaries,.
- .Hetity_kytel,
It known that pure metal cannot
be obtained,
,except- from the purest ores
without the Use of quicksilver; Consequent
ly, the quantity of the precious metals is
dependent upon the supply, of
and the price at which it is held., The.on
ly mines of quiCksilver in the world that
are worked to any extent; are those in Spain
and Germany: Those in Spain have'. , " 1,
till within the last eight years, worked by
'the Government, and the price of quicksil
ver 'Wes kept at about forty dollars per quin
• Sirice then, they have been in the pos•
session of Mr. ROthschild, and - the price
of the ,quicksilver has been raised, to - one
hundred and twenty dollars per
which is treble its fornier price; The pro
prletof of the mines in Germany, probably
through the influence df Mr: Rothchild,
sintithaneonsly raised .the pried of ttil aril-'
cle there; . ' •
The effe6t of thbse megiures has, it is
estimated, reduced the 'supply of the pre
clout metals in Europe diiringthe last eight
years, no less than twent r iniltions.sterling.
It is stated in the Banker &Circular that the
yearly produee of silver 'alone froni the
mines in America, .forttlerly
quicksilver was supplied at d cheap,rate by
the - Spanish7GoVernrrient, wiig sixty-three
millions of hard dollars: But at present,
thousands of tons of silver dui out Of the
niines of !Vickie° are thrown aside,.b&Ouse
they dontain too little silver. to.admit of go
'flit when working:them with quicksilver at
its present high price. At its former : price,
every .poiled szif this pre would hate been
worked to bring' forth the silver contained
in it.. 'the exports of qUicksilver from
Liverpool to Mexic:ii, Peru, &c. were as
Years, 1837. .1838 i. .1830. 1840.
Bottles 14;800 14,573 10,811 11,003
- If the supply of the two latter years
d'ere increasetl_thirtY percent: it Woad be
brouOlt toThe level of the two former years;
and If the price were reduesitto‘tiii Old rate
of forty dollars per ciiiintal, ff *mild be' of
: vast iinpoitance to the commercial workk—
At the fife'derit rhoh--w"
" .
elb V e . i* - 1 g ;)
By rt stip froni e ,tke Southport Telegraph,
Wisconsin s .we learn.that the lion, Phprlps
C. p. Arndt, membe't'of•ihe *4141 from
Browq couaty, ivial)iiit dead; on the 'floor,
of the - Connell Cliarribef,'br.fathes R. Vin
yard, meriiber...fromrtint -count Y -. The
affair grew -out of a nomination for slietiff
OfOrient couilty. - Mr. E. Sr Baker .was
nominated and ,supported by)Mr. Arndt:—
This nuMinatitio ,was opposed -biVinyard,
who Waitte'd the appointment to vest in his
own brqthe. 4q the course of the debate,
the Aeceased inacti, some statements which
Vin . yard,,propounced false, arid made--us,,e of
violetikand iptittlting language, dialing large ,
ly in.,personalities, to -which 31i. A. made
nu reply, , Afte_r the adjournment, , Mr: A.
stepDed up-to Vinyard .andrequested _him
to retract, which . he refused to do,repeating
the offerreive words.' Mr. Arndt then made
a blow at Vinyard,who stepped back a pace,
dreiV a pistol, and shot him-dead.
The issue appears to have been provoked.
on the of Vinyard, who was determined
at all hazards, to defeat the appointment of
Balcer,• and who, himself defeated, turned
-hiS -ire and .reveng,e upon tife unfortunate
On account of the uncertainty 'of legislation iii to
lation to the Resumption there has been, ot
several dhys past, totat'suspension of mercantile'
transactions.. Superfine wheat.fiour is $B,
and Aye at $, with small Sales. In ,wheat there
has been no transaction worthy of note for'a week
past. We quote• prime Pennsylvania wheats at
$1,26 a $1.30. Corn is without demand and the
stock on hand small, • Penna. yellow is hold nom
inally at 58 cents in store. Oats are dull at 42 cts.
Flaxseed ie in moderate demand at and Clo
verseeddull at $6:76.---Inquirer: •,
BALTIMORE, Marcia. 3.--Ritil-road Orders are
from 26 to 29 percent. discount. Holders of How
ard street flour ask $5.50 for . good - brands. C •..
Mills without demand, but • held at $5.76. The
wagon price is unsettled. Prime • wheat is,warth
$l.lO to $1.20; yellow corn 56 cents. Small lots
of Virginia Rye and Oats have been sold; the for
mer at , 7o and the latter at 42 cents. no
thing doing in Provisions. The sales'of whiskey
are very limited; wagon price 16 cents, exclusive
of the barrel.—American. • '
- MARRIED, .. .
q Oh 'Thursday' the 24thult.-hy the Rev.
John Heck, Mr. - David Lehman at West
Penn.eborongh,lownehip, to Miss Margaret,
'B ilekiballei., of Ftankford' township: • •
On 'the same day; by the lieme, - Thilf.
William :Leitrim; of West .Pennsbormigh
Mr. Japolk Hemmiqer; of Dickinson to w
/On' the same day, by , e same, Mr.
SiiinOrßeisii.; Rehecce47diku Viler
of Jacob Myers, Esq., all of _West Penns
An - 'Detroit, on Thursday eveninohe 17th
instant, by the Right Rev. Samuel A. 51,e
Coskry, Mr, Ihnry L. Ringwall, of Pitts
•burgh, Pa.4.olmerly of Carlisle) to . Miss
/Vary RulgerB, second 'datighter of Robert
Rjimney, Esq.
/On the 24th ult.,. by the Rev.: Henry
Aurand Mr. 'Phillip Mehl. to Miss—
Boddocf, all .of North Middleton Town
ship. •
Tuesday— the same, Mr.
'George Ditla, of thirliste - ta Miss-Carnzt
rine Nailor of Westpennsborough Town"-
/ •
4 , On Wednesday morning, the 2d inst,,
yeirtia respectable citizen of this, borough.
Application for Tavern License.
Notice ja hereby given that I intend to apply at the
next term of the Court of Quarter SeSsious of Cum
berland comity, fora iiSenSe to keep a tavern or public
house in the !Muse I now occupy to Dickinson town
.MAI;6 9, 184,2.--St
We; the uuderaignekeititene ofDiclinson town.
ship in the county of Cunc — Xorlanti r doNcerti;i4at
we are well ataitutinted with the above named,jacob
Trego, Rnd that he ifi of good repute for honesty and
teriiperante, and is well provided with house room
and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation .
of strangers and travellers, and do therefore'recom.
mend him to your honors as well deserving of a
license, and further say, that* tavern tit the stand Is
tin accommodation to the public.
T. C; Miller, tlames.bliverc.
Isaac Lenney ,
. David Shearer,
George„Kisstriger, , John Moore, _..
kfenry, Shenk, • - Samuel Spangler,
Francis Hutchison, lanes Woodburn,
Thomas Paxton, Abraham Kurtz.,
A. G:
Application for .Taver n Litens6.
Notice is hereby given, that 1 intend to apply at
the next Court oMuarter Sessions for a license to
keep a tisvern or public house in the hoilse nthifob.
cupigtl by Aactzb Defifenbaugh, as a tavern , situate in
the borough cm New Cumberland '
11a s rch ft, 180,--it
, • •
We, the undersigned, citizens of 'the boough
New CuMberland, do, certify. that we are well ac
quainted with ftb . ove named'John Sour,becit and
that he id of good repute for honesty and temperance
and is well provided Aiiith hallse room -And .eonven
iences for the lodging and•aciommpdation of itran
kers and travellers, and that a public hodse is neces
iart there to acCommditte the publiii. - .
Charles Oyster,
Lewis Yonn
➢nes, of
Peter ume
Jamep Ri Book,
Molina Coleman,
Win. P. Hughes,
Application fot Tavern L i cens ee
To the..:Honorable the .ludges of the Court o
QuArter Sesildns of Cumherlso4:iounty.,
'The petition of Williadt Clark 'respectfully rep=
resents, that he is well provided. with house snout
and conveniences for ItC4flog irtivenl in Leesburg,
in said county, and that a tavern, in.addition to the
One now kept, is newsier' , fbr. the .accommodation
of strangers and .ttavellers. therefore prays
your honors topic! blot a license to keep a tavern
In the hOttsa novi occupies. andhe pity-Ike.
March 9,1864:--St • .
We, the undersigned, citizens Leesburg Mid
vicinity; do certify that weare well acquiinted with
William Clark, the above.nemed petitioner,lhat be
is well provided with' house room and,convenirnpee
fdr the accon(modation.of• strangers and travellers,
that he is of gliodreputc for honesty andtdinperaNa :
and that such tavern nedeisary (o slccommo .
the pdblb3 entertain, ifirabgers. ••- • •
Robert' Me ne, - George Ms Cormick,.
Henry Ho c h,' , • James ' • •
John W, Ciever e , • Titos. H.•Britton . ,*
Wm. Hawk,. • ••• Samuel Wherry,
Henry Hinpensteel,' Samuel Kelso;..
John K. Kelso.' Christopber•Beltz; .• •
Robert W. Eal•ly, Abraham Hoch,„ , •
Cotirod GefilleTrOon.•: •
'Adam Wiest,. Thomas Sibbet, • .
Johnson Williamst;ii,•,• • Henry % B. Itebuok, •
John •• • ; • : • •
35,294 dollars—Nett 20,001
. . Virginia Mongolia
... - Class D, for 1842.
.3",5 - tie , drawn at Alexandria Va. o
. March, 1842. - i.
' 55,294 dollars Nett 39,000 rs. . .
11,764 dollars—Nett 10, rs.
1 "do of ' $6,000 11. do $2,500
1 _do of . 5,000 ' . l dr. 2,961
1 do of ' 3,000 50 'do 1,000
Tickets $10 ---Halves $5-Qua $ 2 50. - ''
Certificates of packages of 25 whol eta $l3O •
do , ' do • 25 half, 65
do do 25 quart ~ 92 50
For Tickets and Shares.or Gerd a -of Puck:
ages in the nbo ve Splend id Lotterie ddreaa
J. Ci GREGORY & co nag,ers,_
, Washingt ity ,D. C.
Drawings sent s i mmediately after are over to
all who order as above.
Remaining in the Post Other at
1,1842., . - . Ii
o:TEinpiirorir will please say alive
Ai:twirl Messri & Co Lenart He
Anderson Mrs Cornelia ...111Sckcoy 1
Albright Peter Myers Be in
Barnes Silas • •-• Millei:ja resin
Black Mrs Jane Miller M . ancy
Baelsrach Nithan 4 . Miller .Ge C
.Butler Miss Henrietta . Nell Sara
Blaivser•Peter , . Moody Jo ,
Bowie Miis - Mary " . Moore Jo er
Boyles Patrick, .. i Moor Joh
Birder Mils Suslin or .illunillore.loli • , , •
Butler Miss Soitin P Mathews n
Buffington Miss Ann McElroy
Bushman Elia " McKeehan ss Sixridt J
Bear Soloinnit - Mori ay,.. ,
Bell Sarah '. Mrisselmat uel . •
Midler John
Derry Robert. .• - Myers Mis
Carter R B Esq • Nateher Gd
Crain MisaSarah '2, • . Neidielt M
Campbell Elizabeth Nebiuger
Cook Mrs Mary 8 Nichols
Culp Patrick — Noble- ah
Cook-David, - 1 • Nulli
Minima Miss Mary Et Givens Au
Dunbar John , •Paelcs•Eil
Davidson Mini Margaot Vaxton.Tl
Diller Mies Juliann Paxton &
Davidson Mathew Peak Mis
Douglass James reffre
Donavan Wiliiaisl• Rainier
Edwards Ivy • , Powell J
Eisenhard George Ritner'
Ebersole John . Robinson
Fishbiirn Mrs. Eliza Robinson
Fleming George 8 'Robinson
Fisher Simon Robinson
Greer David • •Robestin
Gutsltall feXer ' • 'Roth Job
Graham John
b. tt - ut - W Margaret , Stilton G,
Gallagher James. Esq ;Smith Sp
Housuct Mary , • Spicy Ms
Haversfick Jacob • Slitsff4o-3
"r 7 77-7 '
John Young,
____ •
H. Breneman,
Jacob •Deffenbailifli,
Joseph Keiser.
Hawk: • .H
Hoover Frederick,
Hamilton James Esti
Harmer Charles 3
Inhoff Christian
Jacol/s John A
Jacobs Thonitie
Kline Simon
Kerns Abscr
guts Samuel
gibb• Henry •.
Lidig Tlioal • . •
Lauden'W F. •
I, 4 stshaw,Tirs Sarah
LynetWin Esq
Loy Geoege.
Leforer Isaac
Lane Miss Jane
Sammere ElmendortY'Nathan
William folins . Lorenz
Rabbett CharleiAT • • Jobe F
• It
Just received g bates of a ant*
Store of
, • CLAPflitf ,
Tempeianbis A
JUST- 31361 0 6 d and for
Will be del,sgeOd'on
150 inst., in Education Si
Fire.Cornpa,iii,„",: by S. Om
ject•—"-Fditrati , Influenimr,
diealidenitted gratis;
March 0,1842,.,
The Trustees are gratifit
that the peculiar orguniaath
realiied all the ialuable inn
friends, •During the`last fot
sizty.pupils have been receivii
of the most useful and liberal
by keeping the.departmentsdi
the tvils.aild inconveniences cr
.are . avoided,-wltilethe benefit
are:secured. ;Every pupilaii
lion and superiision,or sown
Toe union too; of the
ichen's; combine's timadVantar
disadvantages - of each are-avoid
Mrs. STEVENS, has taken/
ous rooms oath the, view of ex
Ment tinder her care;both in rega
and day Scholars. This in adili
heretofore affordell;presesits new
extrndcd patronage.
It is tonlltlently believed, ti i
'preslented, for the attainment of
tion, substantial and ornainent
most modern and approved pli
in the various departments of tl
where surpassed.
' • - 'JOHN
of the
. March 9, 1842.-4t* -
MARCH, _1;
tir. G. _Gregory 4,
25,000 DOL,
13 drawn numbers in each pacl
Virginia State
Clan B. for 1842. To be dritivn
- on Saturday, March 1!
sezzanin sump.
1' prize of $25,000. i
. . prit
11" do' of 10,000 1 pria
1 ,do of. ' 5,00 u 10: di
1 do of 2,000 li ' d
Tickets only slo—Halves ss—q
Certificates of Packages of 22 Whc
Do. do 22 Half
Do. do . .22 Quart
- Union: - Lone
•Classl:!io. 4 for 1842. To t;e draw .3
C. on Saturday, March,,
1 prize of $60,000; I of $g1,000; 1.
$12,000; lof 10,000; 10 of $9,000;
$6,6661 54 of $5,000; 3.01 $4,001'
5 of $2,000; 10 of $1,5001'2
—5O of4l-,(A40;-50 of-SSOO;A
numbers) 141-$400.8 m
78 number' iottery-13 drat
Ticketss2oi Halves $10; Quarters
Do. ' .do 26 half
Do. . do - 26 Oar ,
Do. eigh
Myers Jo!
Short. h
Scott WI
Stoop H.
Stiles E,
Stiles Be
Mae p
Valentin •
Warden 1
Varna I
Zug Ja
:e . tok
0 f:
.. .
. „. . . - ,
•.. -.. • . . , -;,.: , -.';,,..,:t.. - - .
,----,, , ,, ,, , , ,,,,re ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,
117-,. m r s .ti „, ..... 7 .
• .
min'g aexti-the
foie the "Alert'
. 21f ceßts.‘
. . • -•-.. .
)am uel Eckles, Benjanian Peffer anti ganiUil Clialitini, Esiiisi; Directote of . •MO P , Ileir and Of fth,it,
• h ouse of Employment or Cninherland cnniiti - in abcnniit with Said coitnty - fibril the ist day'de
January•to the 81st ddy of Dibenibei 1841'inclusive' vita: - ---__,.
T 6 inhiriint due Instiution•at settlement In 1840 by J a mes Lou% .. . , 'By payment oii,i4 iidres linsid (iiin'clhased 180) i _,
__• . SZ fi
• . . don, Esq.; 'I reasurer, .. . $552 45 Cads foe- Groceries, Mercliendize,,Gsrdware,Dri GOOds,Clothv
Amount drawn from i ounty TresSerer / • . . ,5'.... ~. 5900 00 t., - thingsod bedding included 1 688 391872 AG
Amount received of Adams county.fot• stiirpore of Paupers, , 1 6 0 00 Grain,„Plonr, and Grinding
dp do of_Philadelphia city do do 6
.4.00 Stock ~ .. ~„ „. . , . • 725 00
do do of Perry County disi
•do. r ' do • ,•6 25 Meiiisk lean pt •stable, paid Slieriff Makin in fivor
J. Heffiebower..Pensioneri ~ ~.. ~. , . J.Oll 65 .* ..., of It., contracted for in 1852,
, Of SPPom,irwin and Graham, for bides & Ili's'. 131 -0 1 J-s ari allllPP nd funeral. expenses of out door paupers
Tallow and Lard, '. - - ' p•stok ' qtvriii imiteertivients 14, for pett,and rail fence
T.I.W:EtCy for use of T. Robinion, --• 70 3.5 i. ' - - Bundsdes for, listchen and Poor house ,
• Cash and Clothing of deceased
-,p 14 IV - • Farming *tensiles, molii and coopering '- - .-,
_ _Siberian apples_ __ .I.__ __ __ ____, ..1$ .Z 5 . - - - Skatisies,..Csi and,Swage,fare,end expenses in settling
Old Iron' . . / , ~, . , .5 St • • .Isilth other counties •. •• .
f Sheriff Myers fop use of' Geo. W. Myers 13 - 00 Hilrectors of the-poor' of Perri , and 'Mifflin counties,
For blank indentures .. 4 11.0‘ • ' '- ~ , 1 for support of paupers .
Blacksmith work • ir2 574 Justice's and Constable's fees, „
_.Wm. Line for green house windows 10 00 Hauling and freight opt railroad
Cash of .Wise•
_, . ~ SOO Shoemaking and Ratting -
Of 1. Apgney for use It Robinson ..- 6 sr. , Talloring.and Weav,ering .
HUndries _ • "65 01 . AllediCal aid for • put door paupers
Hindemith work,
Potatoes. '
testher, . . .
rinting and stationary • ... ,
Jos: Lobach steward, hlrelitigs wages, clerking leo. for
• aline months. • • , '
. .- M. Pi shburu late steward, hirelings wages, extra clerk*
• ing ke.Three months. . ~ , • 162 SP
Dr. Jacolt Banglimsnfor medioisie and attendance 1 year 193 ZS
J.. Dunlap ,`PAq.'l3it,Nector, for foam services; - ' '2O 00
2graueT Itekles i Esq., do. .do dO • 87 RI
Benj. Pefrer,,Esq.,, , dal,'... - do : do 24 00
Jacob Squire, Esc treasuiertir 1841" " .40 00
patitution, has
ciitated by its
Borne fifty or
lit instruhtiott
is fountl.that
bli aliments
and Small
late atten•
whi% the
de pan
Itsfor an
Abll, bare
log to the
leap este,
)14am no
'Y'• '
dria, Va.
To balance.due by treaeuret
r 4 1,747
. 500
re $2.50,
• 25
. . , ,
Jacob Squire, Esq., treasuer ol' the . POoi Howie ` and Bhi l ilnynient, of said county; in ac
'count with thh Directors
o f said ihstitution, froni . the Ist ddy 31st day of betc,thber 1.8411
To amount - due it task s e ttl ement,, $ 552 45 By cgsli paid_ orders aildated aboici
" ". • Received feoni, county Treasiireto 4;• • ••, . ' . :6000 00 . "13abutcs due.county,
" " . INI. Fishbdrn late atealittl, anti Joseph I.9lopti present , .
' steward from different iminves as exhibited in the fore- ,- ~. ,
going statenlenti ' -, . . . . - 896 3B
. .
, . •
Balance due by-Treasurer;
5',00Q; 1-of,
7,000; 1 of
L:'s 3 , ooo i
6 head of :I-totes - a; pi head of hate Cattle, 2 catveo, 6 Breeding 6oWa;, 34 ghoats; 48 Sl'eet; and I Lamb; ''' , _
• Befi-Poik-i-Veal-and-•lVluttciii;_taltened_tititl_killed on rarm, .14 lB4l. •
. .
. „ . •
26 Beeves, average wt. 476 1be...(12404 lbs.) '47 tinge, a;ie . regel7olhi.. (796016 x.) si_liiheeli, aVerage - 48 lbe - . - (23481b1) - 1: li
Calte_a. average 68 1 1bs t (845 lbg.lntalcilig in all 24667 lbs . . .. - _ ' _ • •''
tghts $2,50
. its-s2B e 3
o 140
o •- TO
o. 95
, , . . - • ,
•• • .
• -.' Farming Utensils tin _
_anti tat ititittabi - 1842: _ • •
.. ~_., 1
, . .
• Two narrow ittheeled Wagons, i Wagon Beil, $ pair. vir;e4 Ladderi, i pair, flay Ladders, 2 - Sleds, 1 Dearbeurne, .1. Cart;
3 Plotighs, 2 Harrows, 2
: Cultivators, 2, double Shovel Plotighs;.l Wheelbarrows, 1 'Phrcaliing Machlne ; 2 Fanning Mills;
2 Log Chains, 6 - sett of Wagon Gears,: s.'sett of Plotigh dears, ..1 Flax Brake' 2 sett^Carpenters' Tools, 1 sett Blacksmith Tools,
- 1 - sett Butchering Tooldi and.i . variety Of. Ater!, Spades, Shoveler.'.drubbing icieig; Digging irons, Single_ Trees, Double Treat;
Sythei; Cradles, Forks; Rakes & c , and Woo 1 sett of Blowing Tools: • . ..
. .
. .
- • Bclieditle"showirig the Pivebeile - of. the Fitriri fo r 1841:
- 344 bushels , of Wheat, 850 of Oats, ' 700 of t'oin, 929 of Potatoes, -48•loade ef . ,Hey, 18 of .Cornfodder, 'l5 bUshels of Itr.,
- •
plea,. 50 of .Onions, 2 of Seed ,Onions.. 35 of Beets, 35 of Parsnips, 6of .Peas , and .Beans, 8 of 'T'omatoes, 1809 Cucumber
Pickles .3000 flaktSage. 55 lli.l. of [tackled Flax: at huaheli Flax Seed; 9bu, and ii pecks Clover Seed;:it elf Timothy SOIL
22 licitifitTUD; . ' --- - ' - • -s • --- --- - - ---•- -- -.--- -•.•- .- . . '
Manufactured and ma the Hods() and Sho p ,
. • • • •
. .
.. . • . L.• .., .„
inn #lanel Frocks,
.6.4 CaliCo Pkocke,.lZs Shirts and Chin:lase; 45 Pettieoats, 0 Aprons , t 3 Pilloir- cases , 51 Caps, 44 pair
Stockings knitted, 3 8 pairtooted; -2ti bble. bnft giap . , 146 lbs. 118 W 804:
JOSEPH ibBAPH; Steward,
. .
.. . .
.. , • ~.,,,, , .
i The Dii:ectors,fikc.; . of said County,-annex the following exhibit of extra ,lbor Ic. performed the
. ., by
Stewards, Matrons and Paupers, froin the Ist day of January to the 31st day of—Decediher 1841, viz i
.• Made 11 woolen roundabouts, IS woolen vests, 0 pair Of pentabiOne,. 1 0 summer vests, 17 cottns; broke the atone - and iiinde
Meeadeinized.pike through the North .yard of the poor house, quarried stone ttif sit perch ofatede fence, also tor ice house cellar;
made two double ;hovel ploughs, 1 wheelbarrow, ...2 large gates, 2 singsfor jtjtclien,
.16 spittle bo?tes, 2 rocking cradles, 1 wash.
stand, 3 sewing stands, lined the ceiling of 2 cells with boards; made a large table for rnilch bouse,,3Q.dollars worth of allocunaking,i.
825 of•blakairiithink, 20 bushel baskets, -18 handle baskets, lathed: and philstered Upper story of Tennant house, made 2 . roods
of turnpike at_ the watering place at spring.:'
The numbersof Tailpers in the institutitm Ist January 1841, (of which 21 were colored and 7
nut-door paupers) is .. ---- ----; . • .. , ;1 -. , ~.. ~ •
.' •, .. -
Number admitted 31St. DeceMber 1841 (of 1_ ,.. 31 . Were etilOred; i mit dOor peupef. tint!
4 barn in the house,) .
isle, Mar'ph
Mak„,ini the whole numhei ihioligli the year. . , ,
OF which 14 died; 1 suicide, 1 killed on the ail, alio . 14 children - bould.niit, 164 dischat
god and ran away, and out door paupers,
, ••
teiiiilnir the number of, paupers in the house let iinnary 1842, gl are colored;
Outdoor paupers etilitforted at public: expense
rge R
Whole nitiriber Supported Ist Jannary.'lB42, . ; - •
remaining those reaining in the pOothouie3lN i )eCeniber 1 8 41,•there,tire 79 (of which 12 art3colored)
66 66 66 66 Fethales 41 (of which 9 are colored and
7 out ea4eii
• adore
, • . • ..
Theft areas neat as can be tiagertained tinder 1 year 4. 9 from 1 to D. II from 10. t020,,16 froni
. 20 to 40, 15 from ,30.t0;40,..15 from 4010'50, 18 fiom 56 to 60, 1S from GO to 70, 12 from
10 to 80. '3 from 80 to 90, 2 from 90 to 100,,
We, the 4iteators of the poor and house of employmeht of
Cuthberiaed.coontys - certify,thp a,boye foregoing stateipept
contain a just and true exhibit of the affairs of the institution,
during;, the' period above etated, aecordin! to the beat o out
Given undei uur Minds this Ist dai et itiriiiary 1844.
ra fargt t
r Wlllixm
qollitutes' -
laapkrd G
• kort . . • •
at -
hs ,; r i e • le,
_, Application . .for T.ivetin 11 6. 0 116
S---- -../!-- ---- —-- • - . -' 6 ' -,- . . . _.. ' • ..',,,:,---.;. , • 14064 Is.herelUre 4 ea. that Ilatand tal'aPPly ai r
'. -,', ';".• -, • .. , - ' - • " Will be sold at 'Publio•Sali UtiVuee4r ta•: ,l .' l "' the next Court ,of Quarter SealiOrif 140114ber 4.
TOY' virtue of e writ of Atenditionillistpruma :to day of *mob trnst, at the late reside_ 2 1 a*,_,.....• 0 4;.:,,,__Wi11,... 1 *,,,m county, for . a . License ,to . keep..2 2 _,tristt or 'pul_e
Elll. me directed. issued.out of thk.geurt of COW! Lailan:ileakt. InTrankrerd•tataada.Pcilt.T A r x t",.. 3 l' hearse lately kep t . as a tavern bp, 711.2 .. 4 1 1,4n : a ttaleb l e
mon Pleps of curaberland county,will be eciosed to county, all the personal-properly,:.ol said .lattet`'` , :borough of Carllslei . •: '- • - '
publiesale,' at the Court, House in the =borough: Of ennsigtiai in. Part a , ~...,.. ... ..._.
Csailde,'ol7l.,Batureay As Bth day
. .of April 184si, - ORSIM,:i ‘. • . . - . ...i. . ..,„ ', ~..
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the fallowing described real ... , ..4:„. , ~„. OR
.... m .,. ~ . : r , ‘4l . ' • .: ~ , - • . .A., • ..1 -•: .. "., `,,, •
esuith, vier .. .. . ' .., ': - Gond :MIIC - VONV.I I 3I: -1 ! - QUI% ~ !) 11. 1 410, , We, the - omiertilgried,vitiaerts ef thti . lirtt°lo l et .
' . • ' - '-- ' •' - , • -•••• ' ' ' '-s• wo '' " - ' • Carlitle; do certify thst.stearii well otaguainted with ,
All the iiAit title ., and inteiest . sheep Anu H0g,,.; ~.., . , the above nansid.bavidßlean, and that halofrod..
Ce P - P
• • ---- - - - ' ' in A. ' Far m Witgo.if :, pail .ra
in ti Certain tractot land a aitante In North Mil eton edi . repatefor honesty ainttiasperanceikandls Wall pr.-,
township, Cumberland county; bounded by lands of Play and Wood judders , Cait; Hair i ' thareand W en d vhied'"lth house '" r°° l4 " " d " a 't r 'a l ei'sal 10 - 0 4
wi d , lodging and accommodation if Stranger. and travel."
John./aeobsvPhilllp .Keigier, Adam Kunkle, Jacob' Pit:sushi, Ileirriw, 14, a!! ,
i t, .
Smitkoad others,. ountnining one, hundred andliev7 m ill, with'a_great variety et 4.1 0 be titedfor . Parns i 7 ierll . : ' '-' '
h I . thereon erected acing' nd Housekeeping too numerous to mauler, ~. Paul Martin ,
iltetn4""llllVC ' tF at i Atba -I r v p 3l ,,an g: d otheroutheese"'s. -ltlaio..-Timotlii , Ha, y' d' about ; of, ]st ye Isaac Angney,
siiis, • et:; execution all the ' property 874 . .-,. .i, , r ..,, , ~.,. ~,,:...,. ~ : . e ._._ __ s
A in -m , , task . .. ~, , , ,
4 .
„,... ~ , . .. o. .commence at 10 ; o'clock A. a. 4!, -,a l t l '*John Harper,. •
'-' ,' i - - . ' '," . coglyiee tad terms trade known, by • • . Thomas Craighead,
A Ilit : !Ail l' Ma -"" - ' "'" --4 - - - •,- -" • 1 " - -' '":' ••••'• •• : HOBERT 1,41111P4:::.... -A. Riotsirdav
• 'l . ''!: 1 ' r i•t::TY#Anl,lfe,Wr i- igt l e ilf r ;7 . --- ,77 : ::: --- ,; , ,,, : = : 7,- gitegutor - cf - rm!; , PO 4 , - .4 1 0004: 4 : Chrletimiinhofr.
tasitit ti
4tot t ai
lett - -..• i .. ' '.:.'"; ' •:C ' ',.;.htir .... 0. 11 3 4-1149 .' • ~'.',"......, I - , ,v,•,-,-,.. i. ~:'. ',.,-;,.' ,". ,:' raso#9trio.T.., ' . ~
~.4, 1 4, 1 1, ~,.., 1v... ..i.,..,.:-..-,-4 .---,,,..,, ..,!-L=.7,;;;.',:.! ...-' ",'.iv.:1 7 ,!`..:' :' ° ~, _ --ii .' . -- •..:1.-,4 - ,;! . .. - / ~'•-,..1
HSmo '
EL. P. Mt
ritu . dity at :tbe.
. „
Poor-House Stateinento
r" --
For the year 1'841:
887 30
, '57148
$811724 0 • •
Stock on Farni; ist Itint i 842:
• -
Balatioe tine clocinty, id Jantiary 1842,b'y treistirer 1187_24
• $2899 16 of this, aura was honer/Kited for:ana paq oa
orders etf.Direstors diring the ooatteuattee Aff for.
mer steward.
We, the Audit , * of Cuinberland county do certify, that. hay,.
ing examined the accounts and vouchers of the Direotore, of 1b.,.
.poor and - house of proployinent orsaill county, from the Ist day
• f Januar to the.glat. 'a of Deceniber 1841 1 cl s 1 11 4 :
a .a a e due said county by, , the directors of :eaid Institution s or
eight, hurultud and ninety ! seven dollop!, and •tirenty.six andi.dr*
half cents. and we also certify 'that wollnita ba . lanos chlellyJacob
Squire, Treasurer of said institution; during said term. to. the
rectors .thereof, arnininting-to : efaht. hundred rind eighty . .savOtt,
ollat~nd twenty sit and one half =cents, ell of which is Par
tioulary, set forth,yit - h - f — i abotestated accounts. .
Given tindei our hrds this . Sth , day Of January 1842.
LOBACI-1; Matron:
110 ' '
' 'Caore:lirtiona t
Jolka moor - 44' •
" Samuel M'Keßlt!ip,..‘•
„Kipp Quhdeb„,
. 6 • 00 10 11 0 164 trql .
r ,J
- Z•s . •
377 64
357 00.
277 .51
- 150 311
113 5181
84 48.
7416 6 1
43 37
93 54
3 50-
450 00
._8 1146,
$6851 56
s7s4s es