Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 09, 1842, Image 1

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DAN IMP *33LO ac 3,4
, .
Pgspepsiti •
More.:tiroofs. thn. eteaCki:of .Dr. • Hnrlioh
itierlieines: • Mr: Jonas Hartritan;'of Sumnitytnwit,,
entirely-: cured of the above disease, which -he.
was afflicted with for-six years: His
symptoms were
a. sense of-distension . and oppression after eating,
distressing pain in the pit of the stornaelr, nausea;
loss of appetite,gilincss and dimness of sight, ex
treme dehi lity, flat. eddy, acrid erubtions,sometimes
. and in the right side, depreision of
!spirits, - disturbed rest, fiiintinesi, and not able to
:pursue his business n ithout causing Immediate
haustion rind weariness... Mr. Hartman is..hap . py,
stitelo t6s l ubli,r , and is williwito -give any tutor- ,
mation ;ft) e:tiMieted, respecting Ole -wonderful
, beliellt received from the use of Dr. Harlich's
(Compound' Strengthening and German .Aperien't
• COPRINCIPAL OFFICV,Wo. Ill:Northr bighth
!Street, Philadelphia, where testimonials may be
+seen: • 1•
-For sale by John Myers Irr, Co.,Carlisle.; and'
Wm. Peal,Shippenshurg,Pa. „ kb. 9,
Just received at the New Store a ile.staiscribers
A Tons 10 R ][llol,l, -of first rate quality, and
for sale very low for C9Bl, per ennsignmetit, 90 half
Boxes 8 by 10 and to•halfllmies.lo by 19.
order,for sate to Merchants at Pittsburg
prtu •e s and Difti - eitimon best
. r ,
e t m anu r ile tu r ,rs prices, also. . on Nand Witherow's
Celebrated paten:.PLOUGHS,PLAX-SEED OIL,
by the m u m, I ;•:4.rrel, OIL MEAL, We.theriii
se: BroCi: Pure •wiliTE- LEAD, MAHOGANY
VANEER.S, Elc. &e. •
Carlisle, May 5,1 W, .
-• FOR RENT., ..-..
T HE tw o
. cornannOintts-Scht:Pl notirne, in
- , the lissemerit of the Methodist ' • 7.,.....rt
EphicoarChurch, now oteu'piril by. ,-, 1 ,-;,; - `ig ~ 11 - A .
Mrs, Stevens. . Possession' wilt be - IA 1 1 A!
g,iven on the ' first Of April. ~qa- i ii' : ' I (.:. •
'For terms
• ..
. . ; WILLIAM D. SE.VMOI.JR,. ..
_. -- Sgent for Trustees:
,Carlisle; Jammu 5; 184.1.-3 t, :-- • • - - -
. ••
rriHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public, that, lie is carrying cen business
in the• Ilium) recently erected in the rear of lilteem
and Halbert's ware house; where prepared to
do all kinds of work with neatness, durability and
despatch. • lie, hopes by strict kittention to -business,
and n determination to please, to Meritand receive
a shareof public patronage. -
Carlisle, Jany. 26, 1841.
To the creditors of Daniel P.:Sherban.
The assignee under a deed of assignment for the
benefit of the creditors of said Sherban, gives notice;
that he desires all. claimi and amounts against the
said Daniel, to be left with Williath Irvine.'Esq:; in
Carlisle,ns soon as practicable propet•ly authenticat
ed for settlement.
DAVID COI3LE, Assignee
Caps ! Caps-1 ! „Caps !! !
Justreceived_an extensive assortmet of Otter, Fur
Seal, flair Seal, Ceylot and Cloth Caps, which will
be sold,kt reduced prices by "
Shippensburg, January 12, 1842.
• •
.JUST received a Int -of StvperEne WHITE
WHEAT FLOUR, and for " le lit the
store of A. RICHARDS..
February 16,1842. .
NOTICE: . • •
Estate of :taile'l;lcbannal; deed: '
LE'rl'EfiS Testamentary' on the estate
of Jane McDannal late of Mifflin township,
Cumberland county,dec'd., have been issued in due
form of law to the subscriber,residing in Dickinson
township: Nosier. is hereby girin,.to all persons
Vaving claims against said estate, to present them
properly authenticated for settlement,and all persona
indebted are requested to make payment to the sub
Febrttny 25, 1842.-6 t
. .
TO' LET, • •
NEXT, the premiies adjoining thellostimn
Office, In Nor th Hanover street, now in th e 11[1111
occupancy of GeOrge Alighinhangh.
Carlisle; February 2, 1842. , tf. - : /,-...
~lie Sale of
Real Estate.
. .
In - pursuance of an order of the Orpheus' Can't
of 'Cumberland county, will be sold at public sale,
on the premises, on Saturday the 19th day of March
next, at 2 o'clock P: M., the following described
real estate, late the property of Francis Herron,
deceased, to wit: • ':
. • 1
A. Lot Ground in theliorough 1
or Shite . rbarg; bounded on the earth b . land of 1
-thslurl a, thelUmtlttit• • t • - on ie out r
• by a lot of basis!' Irvine turf on t e West by a puti
lie -road, containing about one' acre, having thereon
*ranted a . - ' - . ' C. 4-. . ,;
Two story' ston6 .i . :.': ,,, .. 4
. „ , . 'Ft a•• ..
, ..
used as a brew house. - - • . . .----, - • •••••••• • .
.. . •
' The termenf sale skt.e, one 4011 of .the purchase
money to be paid no the conation of the sale by
the court; - one4bird - m - six-motrtha-tind- the-residne
in twette months thereafter,.to be securedby judg
ments with approved security.
_• ,-
•. . • • WILLIAM McLEAN,
r,klio'r: of Francis Herron deo'd
February 23 , , 1842.-4t -
• , . .
Estate of Yirattlet :remold, deed •
„ L estateor Crowd Feriwltl, lati of;theborctilgit'
( Of . 3TeiliiiniesbOrg; - Cithibetiliind county, d6eensed,
ha, beetchisued, the. subloriber residing in same
<albortglgh,.,:yNPOcelatiereby• giNien, to all pe'rtnitts
•Ilumlag charms against. said' estate fto present Otero
'ProPerirstothentioated for, iettlement,And titose'in
'.debted to make paytnene to iHe'suiitterittem
February 23, 1842.-6t* •
, 1""-'.'".ratate' of adain KenotOers tf`
.11117411113,,U5T A 115 V.Wr AltV r g i th e palate
.liFlwer, ihte of .o , suth MlOPleton'
-.oeowo,tsiiCiOolierlfold °purity.; deird.; hoi , el? - eon
etelk i the sOboorlbers residing
_!!)s the same tow nil!
14 4 Yrom i tk lierebygiTeo personiiiolebted to, too •
~,istato*,4 o o 3 payment, and those4avirik claim)! t
Present anthenti4ated for iii*Oettio,
• •' , 'JO H*, FETP.RS,-Executor E • ~ • • •• ,
-• • I : • A" .4 O I 4*ItET.-KENOWEIg, r*eutrix
- • y.; , :of Adani
...,—. ... . - •
. .. .•
"1 . -......:' . : `_-C:•:.:'!.. , , ; e, " ''' ', :le,' :,..., :'';', ~...-,,,, - . 7: - .. — l , , :77. :.7::: , ;, - .:. - : :.' - ''' ,, :.l . ' - '''".Z. ~:- ..- --:•. , ...J: . , - t'-.': - - .. i. , -; ,. . , .;:,' , ;7' - .liiltq . '-' ° ,+. • r.. 40r f.t...::; , :f 4 r',:' . .. - 1: : ::: "•,:! - !rrr'"rr. , ' . .‘t . r" , ::7?"`'''7""4 . : - ''" -. "?" .. """Y' -, " ,: n' 4 ,77 , '''' ' r, '''" '., : ;'''''''' , .f.'`, , 7' , 'PiZt " : . -VVY* l.,,, tt - 1','''.410 . ..ric:' , 1' ,1 ,''..- . "
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1 ' -'=:.":' 21
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• -- - .'' r NOViCE., - '.. ~., . •
' Estate of James Cuinings, deed.
. .
I,ETTERS of Administration ,on the
'•-....i.i. estate of • James -, Cuminga late of -Allen town=
. ,
ship, Cumberland county , deo'd., have been granted
to-the subscriber; residing in, the *MC township.
Notice is libreby given to all in,
hiving claims
against,to present thein properly authenth•
cated for settletnent,and all persons indebted are re
quested to make payment to the subscriber.-
' ' • . : „ ' HENRY BRENXEIVIAN:
February 2S, 1842.-=6O l • •
- • "NOTICE. '..
• Estate of Robert CbMoan, deed.
1.4 Estate of Robert Calhoun, late Of the btirobgh
Of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, deceased,
hate been issued. in due forM of law 'to the subscri
ber residing in the sante boi:legit. Notice is, hereby
given, to all persons ving alai m ngoi list said estate
to present them properly authenticated for ;settle
ment, and those indebted to make payment to
February 23, 1842.-6t* : .
• ."
Application- for vaern License.
Nctfice is hereby given, that J intend to apply to
the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county
to-be lield.omtheAlthApril 184 g, fora license to
keep an 11111 or tavern in the house I. now occupy in
the borough of,shippeusburg.
We, the subacribers, citizens of the borough of
Shippensburg, in which the abOye Mentioned ion or
tavertfprayed to he licensed is pre - I - Prised to be kept,
do certify that the applicant; - , Robert Cochran;. is of
good repute foe honesty and.temp7rance,'nod : ts welt
provided with' house roam and conveniences for:the,
lodging and accommodation of•strangers and•travel
lees, and that such an inn or tavern is necessary; to
accommodate the public and entertain strangers and
travellers: . .
Benj.. Reynolds_ Geo. Hamill,
Samuel Wiison, - - Aleiander Stewart,
Jas. Gilliard, • Sturgiss,
- 11)acid - Decrr. • '
John Reichartje. . - Cobs ugh; . .
Donayjn, J. A. Clippinger.
: February '23,284.2. _
ECal Estate. at
TIM subscriber• oilers to sell, at Private Sale,
first tatte firm, silnuein Southampton township,
Cumtierland county, one-mile audit half south of
hippensburg, contambik
.• • .
Mai/ A/ P C/VS, . _
more or less.. -
. .
Also—,,A_iraet of-.laud-covered with Chestnut,
foie and Oak timber. .
Theisnurov'ements on the farm are, a good
( D) Z 1,12 1.8 112 II . •
'I 7 •
wentherbo:n•ded and painted ; a first . ',.t
rate 111211, BANK BARN,-
a new Brick House, Wagon Shed and Corn
Also—A Still House and over -head water, with
Hog pens in good, order. There is also a y oung
Orchard of grafted fruit trees upon the place... Mere
'kyr upon the farm four or five-hundred panne% of
post and rail fence, and the other fences are in good,
order. There is a wcll of water.and pump near
the house, and a never failing spring of water runs
through the place.
This farm is well calculated forghzing. : •
January fifi, 1842.
NoTicrE . ,
Estate of Mary Graham, deceased.
r .ETTE 4 s Testamutary on the Estate of Mary
- LA Graham, late of West Pennsborough township,
deti'd., have .peen issued in due form of - law to the
subscribers re.lidino• in the- same township.
is hereby given to all persons having claims againtit
said estate ; to In'eseift them properly authenticated
fOr'settlement, anthill persons indebted are requested
to make payment to the subscribers. •
February 2,1841.-6 t. .
11 ' 1 g th :. ' k e o i tl i e L (!! o A n m r ti t E ti l f o r t Ti L ll n N e r n e ;
in the Oth District, composed file counties of Curt:-
herland, "Perry' and Juniata; and the Him. Jollit
Stuart and John Lefevre, Judges of thetaid Court of
Common Pleas of the county of Cumberland; have
issued their precept, bearins• :Hite thel3th day of
January, 1842 and to me directed, for holdifig a
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail DeA.
,livery, and General Quarter SebSions of the Peacei
at.Carlisle; on the
'Secand, Monday of Xpril, 1842,
(being the 11th day) at ten o'cfock inthe forenoon'
Norton is hereby given to the Coroner, - .lusiices of
the Veace, and Constables of the said County of Cum
berland, that they be then and there in their pro Per
"persons, with their.recordi, inquisitions, examina
lonB arid other remembrances, to do those things
Stich to their offices respectfully appertain. • And
those who are bound by recognizance to prosecute
against the prisoners that are, or then Innybe, in the
Jail of Cumberland entinty,to be then and there to
prosectite awlst tneinns shall bejust.
llated' at ,Carlisle, the Ist day of March,? 1842,
• .PAUL MARTIN. Sheriff:
a tated Orphans' Court be=
on anti held at Carlisle, fur Cumberland county,'on
Tue,sdily die 15th day of February, 1842, before the
Hon. Samuel Hepburn, Prssideut, and John Stewart
'and John Lefevre, Esquires, Associate Judges of the
'slime court, assigned,btc.; the following proceedings
were bad; to wit. . = •
. In. Mc case tiistpril of Farallon and
Valuation on the Heal Estate of John - S l ieaffe'r; cle4
'crased;—Now, t 0 it 15th Fbruary 1842, Rae on the
heirs Sto - WitOtiEOWSliadiEt. - Xatharine - intermarria - . -
ed with Samuel Mary, intermarried with
Danuel Miller, Fanny, Satinet, Elizabeth 'and John;
Samuel' having' for guardian Christian' Crall;
Elizabeth land John having , for their guardian 'lsaac
Neidich,) to appear at the, next :stated ; Orphans'
Court and ,show cause Ix said • estate Shall not . , be
sold. Tlie coUrtniderand direct personal. notice to.
be Oven'to all interested residing withinforty 'Miles
;Varlisle; and ; public' notice: . of-said ; Rule to 'be
given in two
,NeWnpapers in Carlisle to those kiln:
terist residi n g,beyoiiil 'forty, of" Wide.' .By
th 640 6 -00 , - • - • .).
Cumbeiland aunty,' .;••••
• NV: Fon lk, Clerk do,heroy
) ...,„=certif f piatitlie foregoing ie tr Otte
. r or (I: IV.itness'my.laind and seal
„,of said noilitrat Carlisle, 18th Februa;•
• .'• ` "ny.,1842. -; • .
ti ‘, • •
*.ri . ::iitic , ;tPk , .'o:'''d:.''
11Tikrpti 1849...---4t.'
For' = Rent.
The House now iti..the 'oloupancy..of JOUN
L'itl4E.';'' situate . •in North': Hanciver '
:atrier,-trfeir;diniiii north - of the 'Carw 7Ltu
lisle flank. , Thiwilouleia well eat, '
.eulatedlor STOIREanO family"
lie'rhig' heed used -sur such for, ninny .
rears: 'There 'are attaehed stood atatitii anti ',Prat
rate T , •
l~or further.psrtiourar ap p ly, t this office:
Carlisle, January. 20,,1842.4-31.
Etij.terl eissit.,Pkib_lislit i tl for' ropri'f,
• • '_Foi . .Rent.. : • '
THE ST O 1 110.0.4
and Cellar on mmen's corner, W ill •
:be-rented [for:- one'year. Possession
will be given
.on-theist day of April
For terms Ripply to
Marelit, 1842.—5 t.
• •
l "
or aveyn. License.
, Notiee is hereby given that I intend to apply at the
next . Court of quarter Sessions of Cumberland
County, fora , license to keep a tavern or piddle house
in the town of. Wormleysburg, East Penesborough
township, now kept as with by the subscriber:
. March 2 1842-3 t• •
• We, theundersigned, citizens ofEastpennaboro' tp.
do certify that we are well acquainted with the above
natned'Thomas Flo,ivers, and that he'is of good re-'
pute 'fur honesty and temperance, and is well pro
vided with house room and conveniences lot/ the Jolt
ing and'aecommodation of strangers and Aravellers,
and that a public house there is necesaary.,
Geo: Rupley, .. 4impii'qyster, •
A. Erb, Benjamin Longnecker,
George Moltz • Jeratniali Reese,.
John McCormick. • John Moltz; - .- •
Hetkry - ttl•etz
lolm Blitols,
, • • . . ~
Applicatitin, for Tavern Lic - ense,
-- Notice is hereby given, that I intend to apply at the
next term of tlieCuu rt of Quarter Sessions of Cum
berlandPeounty, fora license to keep a tavern ur pub
lie house; in - the house called Eiehelbergers tavern,
in Allen townshipi - 'and uow kept by Elias IL Eyster.
' .' ~ ' - .2011 N MOLTZ., '
Mardi 2, 1842-30
We,- tte undersigned, citizens of Allen tdwnship,
. do hereby.certifY, that we are well acquainted with
the above named. John Moltz,•itml that he is of good
'repute fur honesty and temperance, anthis.Nimll pro
yiticd-vvith--houso-vonm--and-convenitinees-for- the
-lading and accommodation of strangers and travellers
and thuut n pabi' lwnse there is necessaryi
John Eiiltelhorger,• Jacob Long,
JaValt Merkel, John Shelly,
Daniel Shelley, Jacob Shelley,' .
Frede'fick Long,- nobert
Win. It. Gargis, • Frederick Henninger,'
George Grist, Solomon P. Gorgas.
• .The Nets Iriirk Commercial.. gives a
letter 6etn . Canton, under date .of oi:tuber
- 11, iii - which the - writer expresSee an opi= .
nion, that the Mandarins were pursuing a
course. calculated to involve them in afresh
quarrel with the English. They were•en-•
gaged in obstructilig the northern-channel
front Wampos, and all the able bodied men
in. the distr icts
. and villages , near; had bran
enrolled t o. make their appearance - in case
of invasion. The thieves and idlers had
also been enlisted, and the defences about
the .lityhad been or. wern about to be re
- TheWiftei -
An officer lately arrived here—Chowting
Chnek--=formerly Governer of llowquang,
but superseded for extreme cruelty in his
administration of that province; and sent' .
here to retrieve his -name by-meritorious
deeds; he is said to be much such a man as
Lin, and is forward in making all, these
preparations: But the worst feature at pre
seht is the it will Which is felt among the
people toward foreigners; .and the nexttime
any movement is made. upon Canton, there
;must be ',a, struggle with them: .•
Heretofore the contest has been - Waged
With the Mandarin§ and teldiery,---the pen
.ple flying or. remaining at home; now the
mandarins have managed, 'by putting aside
the eoldiery, to make .their cause 'and the
people's 'one. .
As regards political affairs, all is extreme=
ly close, The ChineSe say there is no
news from Ningpo or Chusan, and no or
ders. from the Emperor;' or if any
~ have
been reeeived, the mandarins have not'inetle
them public, but there are simile hints thrown
out -that Lin's favorite I p lan-of ittopplng
trade is' to be urged:.upon the EinpOor by
many of the influential mandarins—namelY,
'to stop all the tca'at Namhoong, or. before
it reaches that pass - On its WRY lather—to
issue proclamation, iii the tea countries to
check the,grOWth and manufacture of the
plant-for foreign use— . -to lay an embargo
on the introduction and use of British Man
ufaCtOres, Thus by seting'on the de=
nsi ve - en - d'e tiPplin - g - tl*e any' gi tra
.thegenerality - of - parties are of opi
nion that there will be some,order from Pe
king to sustiend all trade, after the Eniveror
tad h'e'ard oldie doiegs 0 Amoy, SlingpO;
and - Chusan. One 'or more . new Commis
sioners are coming also.i The Hong Mer
chants art dispirited, and' do'not'coneeel
their fears Oat there will be'frisli,troubies
.ere long. n . .
GArditco.—lt is stated in the Eng lish'
Papers, that by ,the calculation ete late
eminent phyttictan, it appears in 'that Conn-
try, that one Person In seventeen-moving
in-a-Superibr-atation-in from the
'effects of excitement, produced by an - in
drdgenie in the deetrnctive. vice Of play.
There can , no, ,doubt but , • that'gaming is
as fetal- cOn . sentienies as regards :the
physical, constitution as tb the' fOrtnite or
its victim. But 'vve-lred nn iileit'Pf the_ei' 7
tenaiVe *Valence' Of,,,the Puglaritt.
It hi - singular how extreniee.'meet in the
The rudest merman
ist britirioutt:Etiropepii
)et, ;hien infatu
are more or less gamy=
.e fiat only ; -their orna-
na;.harsee, the
ty . ... din t „Welt'
.they _'depend;' for
ituhatetence;,,and ,a well authenticated fory
le-told 'or , a Ycialig'chief -wi,eik:s6lo"d''°f
isltheie, , end,' having'netliitis ititerett , ith:to
neurt:a2thitnilk of forlune, gained yet eno-
Oter throvti:by '1004'43 ' 8 0 1 p. , 00 110 4:$ 11 .0
0110 he bad just rest to efOrinriate'qpitinient
, Jolit) A. Steilley,
•,The memory of t'• mether'or Washing
ton is highly,andju y honciredlor the in-1
fluence of. her instr Lions farming -.tire
character other ilia rious son: The Moth.:
.er of Ilarrison is ad• d to the: constellation
Of those' who ,hav; virtuously."
Whatever is the mos excellent in the char
eater of that mat,, out millions:-of free
men had .elevated to the highest Station of
honor known on ear ; was planted • by the
gentle. hand of a ,rnO er ; ' and that , illustri
ous character is the er fresh memorial of
a Mother's piety and rayers. This remark •
is beautifully illastra•d • by - . the . following
anecdote related br inf.:'iloddard in his!
address -to the COunc and citizens of Pro-1
videriee; on the - ilelli - of Harrison : His.
journey from Oblate ashington,(to enter
upon the duties ePhls , ffice) will "net soon.
he forgotten... 'Willie ' the pomp of a tri
umph, it had more_lbaikthe honors .of a tri,
utnph . ... , .At the , WOy ink and - -at the place!
orconconrse—in:•the city or hamlet,- , en I
mountain in valley he people, without . '
distinctien of•oge, sex, lor, or• condition,'
,pressed upon hitti, — Withl eir - hearts in-their
hands,. to. bid him welco
... ' Arrived at the,
Government,sent of like i.true son of Vit.
iiriia;, he yearned to revisit:once more hie
native land. Thoughts of , ,other .years, of
ties now broken;•bbt well remembered still,
came thronging arbund . , him ; -and, before
ho entered uPen the ditties of . office, •he
yielded ' • It?' his • . affectionate f ~ : i ;I intis,. and
went to'see,Nirginia: lie went to look,
once more, 4 Iheold__Niiily -Mansion, to
survey its:ancestral halls; , ---to sit again un
der the • shade 'nf• those patrimonial, trees,
beireailitwhielf he ha - d - fteticked . in • boyhood -
. 7 --to live oV . 6..,again,;- in Imemery; the days
when• his father Avis alive, • ••imilhis'children
were about 'him:—and. y 4
,more, to All liis
spirit with most griciouslinfluendes, by the
recollection of,tbat motile) who was wont to
pray ,fei him; and
.Wiio ttaight• him how to
pray V In that 6 - tether's Clutinber where he
was horn; and where he hid. often kneeled
hesidelicroyhile sbe,earnstiy implored the
rich blessing of Heaven o his =future life,
he penned that remOrkitbleitassage_ in 'his
inaugural address in which hd . expressed
his profound reverence Air Um. Christian re.
!igloo: . lloW bentitiftil the lief are here pre-.
- .sented to our vie'! The. 'child of many
prayers has become a grayltaired states
man, and is about to be • clot bed with the
seleCtest honor which. ,a nation•ean confer.
With thoughts.saddened by inticipation . of
cares and responsibilil* of glee, he ur ne
to the image of his 'Minted - maiiir, and on
that spot from which her voicenf supplica
tion had gonenp to the triercHeat for him,
he beers his testimony to ,the vile° of that
relluion.whlch was her hope in:death, and
which, it -is no: too much to say, was his l
A Dish of Scandal.—'Tie New York
Express says:-- = A circumstanee exceeding
ly distressing-in its nature, has occurred in
two• families of . the highest respeCtability
up_ toiieni_t_hich_is likely, Act . °Mild__ certain
courts end laWyers some little eatOloyment;
with a Cabe of qim-con. The ientleman
i r
.is one Ofoni most eminent counse ors, late
ly. returned from a tour in Europ, having
a wife and family; • His victim, isithe lady
of Dr. H-- 7 - - -',ll physician of high stand
ing. The parties were discoverdl a few . '
days since; in a situation which Wales little
doubt of their criminality. , She has since
gone to her•friends at the South, and the
injured husband is left .to seek the poor
remedy the laiv will afford him.-- I .U. S.
Gazelle. .
. .
The Texian, of the 25th of Jn nary,
says . :—"We are gratified that the late
treaty, entered into by General James Hain
iltOn, on the part of this Governmeniv and
Lord Palmerston, oti the part Greatillrit
sin; concerning' the Stippreision of the
slave . trade, has been ratified by. our Gov.
• The New. York Com : anemia! .Adyeriiiei
. .
' - - . 04ms-that-tin t Oututla 1-eitalcd
nomination of Mr . : Clldborne, •Maribal
of .'llimiessee,'iand Mr. Cunningham,as
PoStinatiier at . Trenton, (N. J.), Mr. tun
the present . incumbent 'of tkie
office but he is not , ik Mi..Claiborie
also was an active • supporter of -Mr. Bain
Buren, and aloud defamer of General Hai:
cisow—circumstances which were. probably
nknotin the; Vtesiilenf.ihiiii: hie name
w`ae sent to `Lfie-Senale~ ,i
W ill our brother of the-New TOrk Com-'
mercialA ,
ell -us whv' he itpposee- that the
ciroutaittatiee. of- glessii*. , ..Claiborne and
Cuitningliant's . , , Nan •:Bureqsm . :•Waaltun;
known.tothe President:?:-..U.: S. - Gazette.
, .
The Galveston Civiliarn, speaking of
Generalll amilten i ttates,, that, independent
ly of any direct' financial . ' negotiation ofj
'which he may:bait laidthe.basis,”be brings
wit avian, for - str extensive -sale and settle
inetit or the public of , Tetad. in and
from EuroPe;iby•• which' a•lbrgoilortion, of
the - existing - publie - delit - of 'Feral; 7, may he
absorbed;. andireshil.reeOurces created for
the country.
, .
111.!beiSsilirtLEGULA=9,t.—,They_had_ a
itieciiitt rem , ' in thin` ho'dy a fe tit days ago:
A., bill' 'teas' pielienied, ,one tto
rinimbert'iequested:mii,lit be rend'
thiC 'led: the: iaidiaiit3in
it."' thiii tientettl I#lll4
*llB ended-, 'bjr'llict' menititir, -, lltio*fing
11 ":17 'at bait
' , .
'T i at . Carlisle, limmi4erkind County; Piz;
0 . 4f) l ai,ziii4.6lll:6.9.."rip:‹iii;
The Boston Transcript learns that the
ArchliShop of the _province, of Bahia. Bra 7
hai preiented a project to the Senate
of Rio Janeiro. *Mat, will tender Abe Bre
*Allan china independent of the Roman,
See. ". The Ex-Regent Frijo presented a
nother project to have the mass and , all file
prayers of the church said in tiortuguese,
ins,acl of Latin, • •
Tfiondetful Contiost,.- . -About 47 .yea'rs
ago, in' 1795, Allegheny, Washington and
Fayette counties, '-*.ere full._ of distilleries,
and an , ithmen•ie.quantity of whiskey was
made and sold.'
. - Thu United States, . in or
' der to raise a rev enue,' made alai , to tax
it. The people refused to pay,. rebelled
and raised an army called.the Western In,
laurrection Army and marched to,PittsbUrgh;
IGen. -,Washington sent an .Hrmy of
. about
3000 U. S. troopir and volunteers to sup
press it. • They arrived when the Whiskey
iriny disbanded. In, the .veer 1816 and
i'l6, - the United . States put on a direct tpk;
• and perhaps - then - we-had - 1500 atille_in_
-Washington and Allegheny • cotinties.
Now there is''net perhaps 15 still houses
in pperation in the
,two counties. A' few
days ago- gentleman,. who=was U. S.
Deputy Collector in .Washingtort churity in
1816, informed us thattherctowas then 916
atilt.hor sea taietkand #70,000 colleeted.of
taxes for,the . United States; and now per
haps:there is scar ce
, ten distilleries in that
connty:—Pittaburgh Gazette/ , •
They are nutting it to the 'gamblers in
thick." . The-
Star states that,. on' Fritlay;.the' present
orients nmnbered two .hundred 'and sixty._
and that there - were "lots more to cone.'_'_
Among those • nreseote(i are not a fe* of
the. Members of the•-legislature.•and many.
of the-"first-men" about the town.- .
Ambrose Spencer, second son of lion.
John C: Spencer, has been arrested in Al
bany,-Charged ivith living.committed-sev
cral forgeries on his-own Colter! - From
his .strange, inconsistent and foolish, con
duct, his afflicted family are "confident thet
he musvbe latiorin . g under an alienation of
• -
So far as we can judge by the papers;
the lion. James linOlianan, of ,Penneylva
nia, is gaining around among the members
oG thointo-Ven. Illtirert-partyi;vip • their can
didate for• the Presidency. Buchanan is,
Wo believe, the most talented and courteous
public man attatched to the oColeco Party.
-Temperance Department.
. Having recently been appointed . to. con
stitute the Exeeutiva Committee of •the
Cumberland .Comity Temperance
fot the' yeai 1842, - Our filentle and the
- friends of our common Cause will allow us
to introduce this formal way.
Some of ui weib on 'this comtiiittee 'the
last year; and all of us haVe watched the
progress of the cause in the county daring_
that-time with great inteleot„ And, we he
. lieve you will most :frtiely join us - in the
conclusion, that 'the - Change 'in: our,: -pros
pects within the last, year Ttirnishes.intich
occasion for mutual u _congratulation.' .Much,.
hotre'ver, remains to, be done The de
stroyer, is still among . us.; and mingling
with the delirious revelry of those who
still drink, there bursts upon our ears from
Many'a:cottage the tones, of satibess and. of
woo. ; With-,the ,feelings which this state
of thinga inspires,. wa . .enter on the &idea
of. our office; and offer oursehnia, as Mu
tual laborers with you. in thia_great, work
of benevolence_a tl-reli ion.,
•ur a ors , . epast year we 0 con ned
to that portiOn" of the-.county whizh lies
,west of Meclianitsburg . and, floguestown,
To our friends and ,the :societies east of
these places, we freelyoffer any aidi which
iwytitif estimation it may, be iti.,our power
to lend. ' Indeed..ite alma he eat! .to . form
an acquaintance, with ,you before. ice retire
'from office. •• _ , • •
To the, friends of, temperar.ce.scattured
- tlfrs7lrailiont — the - coranycwhere no : -regitl ar
temperance associations .now exist. we, of
the aid of 1110 . -bect tnle,nt, we-can at the
time furniah.' free of all thargei,rat' a sunpjo
,Upplicafien fo th 6 Chaiint - akof our Corn
twitter. with an , fisaultanual that-a, goo!ll'as*
cembly. ahallr t be , collected, to hear' (fief ad
tiresseb that may'ha rna4a.'-' , .lka areinaccil
ssiouU„twextentl: tjra ephere, of : our user
4' Itiessely-AiffusingiighiP}V tiIAIPW* 3I :9) .
te Peial)Ptiii 9 4 1 d: kwylkitlitig iIK * l O fPrin,34i(T
oft,Teraperance2Sueieties;, l -wherevrr,,theY
dranotno* . exist:.: , _:4 - :,, -, - 1„, , ' , 1-- ' ',_'- ---
- To our AUXILIARY S9CIIMES, Ilip : ' like
the4iberty to lualf6,;the - fuUeWinif fuggelk•
lietisq• -:. ,' '; . -_,.: .. . -',, -: 7't ..,„,,
1. Wchave'o o . , eenfigeom in the efnei•
ency of any; butothe Alipiiniutia
I Pledge:--To-abblifohAw9N , Pledgo , l4 l 'tik:
out the. dennty,...leas tho great 94i4Nttql afoot
Wed Ihe, yeary end in!this t our encomia
present , tley
the-:old : -pledge . [ can only injury.
'hothe all confidendt ih,rthis be at done
:cuid foreirPrzothentloned;
w!t=2;.• We . bel eve , noihingda
ta , iltefatiOulf l l, 4 l7.l4o.9fiv:
that the 'ayatem • of .monthly meetings. has
been so gepeiail k y . adoitted; end (tope it will
soon .becoti4 he
To sustain thetie 'fliontkly-Fnefetinki
there Should:be frequent eiieliangesef spew-
kers bei - vieen The contignous:soeieties. • And
permit us to suggest also, that any Mal or
good • sound conitimin* Sertie;*ho *has . had
any ekperiente:df the evil of . 4rinking
-made any observations of the efi r eets . of al
cobblic drinks,' if z ealous in this can
becomean • acce ptable ispeaker at these
monthly 'meetings. 'Lei the - .farneh wllo
has laid aside the use of,liquor °Willa farm,
or him whor.has conVerted . hit *Corn 'arid
grain into beef and pork; insipid of feeding*
the distilleries,—publicly tell theiesults of
his esFi'erilnents. Let the teuiPerate - drink
er, cit the drunkard, *ho has laid aside:hie,
cups, tell freely of his past history, and of
his present state. These *ill be the best
temperance can hold;
. "Facts
are stubborn ' • -
. . . .
4. Our 'statutes, - as they tiotv eiiiit•in
this . Comtnouirealth; pbt-it into your pow
ei'antl-makriii-vourAlutyi-to--ttidthe coin*
in determining where taierns are necessary,
nnd - 'whO.are proper persons to - keep - them.
Discharge your duty;-'we , entreat you, to
yourselves, your neighbors and your Chil
dren, in alleases where application Is made
by any person . not." ot . good rebuts fur he
peaty and 7tentPeraiice," or for 'lv tavern
where it, is nut "necessary. to accommodate ,
strangers and.traSellers.' The Court, we
,assured, - will 'abstain your remonstra»-
'tes.if Well - founded ; and the phblie will
sustain you in enforcing the laws:
Where -- irear'be -- tionei -- ta:nd where
cats it,not he done?) . carry your pledge into:
every family in your township,. Or within
Oh limits of your kociety ; andgei all to
'sigh it who -will, If you - wait,-for,--ilitiee
.who are indifferent to this matter, to come
to you and solicit the privilege of signing
the pledge; many .of them 'will go doWn
before your very, eyes - to the-drunkard's,.
grave and the drunkard's perdition. Espe
cially labor to save the-infatuated drunkard;
a little time will carry hi m beyond the
rea.'h your in fl uence; 'r
, • (~- ' fake' temperanCe -fitiPers, and circu
late theln in your neighborhende and towns.
Ten coDie's of the Journal of the American
Temperande Union; a valuable monthly
paper, can be had for $5.00; and there are
not less than seven tempefance papers,'now
published-in obi Commonwealth; -tine of
our tioitiUgh papiifialeo containa:iaeakly a
Column or two of interesting temperance
intelligence: •
7. Plates haire.beetipubibilied exhibiting
to the eye the effecta of alcohol on the sto
mach, in all ,lie-different'stageg of intem
perance. These can
.now be furnished; at
the publisher's price, to all who will make
application In bur Chatfinan; or at, the
Book Store of Mr. Loudon, or at the Drug
Store of Dr. -Elliott. . Every parent 'ought them to his children ; and..they
ought to be plaCed in every • school room
and in_every temperance tavern in the, land.
For the•last named loses, the. commit ,
tee have determined _tn_ furnish them; in
franies, for $1.37t. • What neighborhood
Will not Obtain a set 'of these plates framed,
at that price ? , ' .
' 8. As metnbere of dietie eocietici, we
earnestly entreat you. that you he consistent
with 'Your profession. Especially letitnot
e saidi that Ave are willing io' make gain
by, that Which destroil onefellow•trieri. If
our 'societies are. keit' free from - reproach,•
and our members sustain a- character for
ietriperance in' all respects- coniiiieht with
our .high - principles,—our cause,will con
tinue to prosper till it bears doivn all oppo
sition. :The, question of its final triumph
• reifei with Of:selves; •
~ ' to all our friends -tie say, we are in:
earnest' in this ; matter, We are willing to
make sacrifices, if need be: to carry on this
Averts; end, tsmporiry sacrifices 'there -must
be somewhere, Ours-is one of thotie causes
whicit - catnit . get along, atone., But
. bave
we not motives intliOientsto urge 118 je . this
duty? Intemperance is working 'ruin among
ourlrienthi.__Wa,asa,intelleet OvertitroWn,..
418 itinOtitattattiill3.l:ll*.rtitt
asunder. and . ,eyett ;conscience apparentl y dethroned by strong drink.' - If we pause
iii:Otir work.. the dinnkaid will soori c nine
claiMedi gri• to .his final aeboiint. ihe -,,iein
perate drinkerli *ill become drunkards, and
our sons, now • it, ona'y; ho, uncontaminated
with ,this :evil, will-grow up, hitt to 'follow
their, footstepti,:to; ruin, and, our, daughters.
0 tll'become: the . wivei.. of the. itre tletiii: .
kard. .
-.-: In -coneju'eirmbr_way_ of_en-Operetielt . ,
with bur friends . in' Other . parts of the &m%
ty; we propose:P/4On . a , Short notice; to
furriiiii2apeakera(thebsat 'tive ion command
at liits,,time) forthcreteetinge
_of., any society
whielt.wift,ituYithtt.uoitial expense orgoing;
and returning. : ~; t iVet w ish , we.hed"fti*,nds, to.
itertarnithivrervigke.; ttrigis..; This -we ;de
Where totiotiee.erknot Organiied.,':' : scconti:
pyinteit ':rtletigocilAOlP , V4-ic!;'sl'M.sPqt.q,,Y
,which,.iu . qy,Ki443.o i oiostrjtto.4bep!V)fttttgt,t
iis i p-vs;b•lips , ,Ogliborbeo4,,, ,: 7',/t.frjf_./y/.;:,:ppr
aecretary . .Will ~.adiss. afford: for. ,, all teinpe
rando-,retiodlOh4,-.ogiottt, nhatle..i - , , lietts
do2ptir . tlntyaAntiler s telioltl
6 4 4 kt - Ar4 l i
the :blessing of, Proyitleepe a a . yeir p4lO
mirk:4oom-eni.oo eiig€:, ••' :.:3,.,i,Ze
-.lii-behalf. 0440:Esocyti*Poimi ,. it'
M., :.:0 AIM Vf Maie.kNAgifOui4l: :..
,G3:orge. D.: Pre,Ogvicl;, ;.talentiA .4.4kWY
01, , the I , oqieViilo.}4Plgterit,liso ,, ficiPomq
ionvetV 14,1;040040$ ezi4J o lo o 4 OP;M T /F
shii,igthniatzlicl^.EYOY day wg;heoPAr;:nr 7
keinvotelOnCcitOgroat 4914eapiqi,,,nt
iretitt,:c4,4,4o".4 )
itii . '#'o,jiMti . a . ''''ol.fac,•
. .
T.'roin the
Purtuarit to public notice a.Conventiort •
of the' friends of Dome Langtry, and. A.
meridan, labor and capital,' assembled •at
Harrisbu% this day, tvloin on -Motion
folloWing gektiernen Were appoin officerV,
.„ , „
Ciinvettiibui • • . • • •
President T .IIO3IA S C.:,IIIILLER
C u bed d • '• • • •-
qlltftiphirt enmity—Am:ma. 'finr,ENE;
Union county r --Cons: Bnaogo, CheSter, co:
;•;••-Bitc.iartfix HERR, (Manor) Lancasfel. , co;:.'
:-L-PriEn. !LUDY, Cchihrbia
Sticretit codriL
ty;--Simeon Guilford, Lebanon Couhty::
On 'motion of Vivid
.KrauSe, Of Dauphin;' - • •
Resolved, That : this Convention., is in-.
tended to devise- measures for the. protea...,
"lion and eneouragethent of American inittWi -,
fry- in•the largest sense, and that all 'perscla.S.' •
in Harrisburg frail any part of, the State
t;Orabltr- to that_obji!ct, be invited to particii , : : .
pate In.tbe, deliberatiim,of the Convention.
on — nrotiorr - of;George • • •N.-
county,,a committee• Was appoint•
ed to Prepare proceedings for the Conven , ;
as.folfows:' • ,
D. Krause. of :Daripliin - , .Tas. ??Gowen,
S. R. Vtiood, Northuniberlami, Rob
ert Kelton, Vancaster county, Doctors J..
Gardner, Chester, N. llag4es, anklin,'
Jonathan Seidle, Berks,•
flin, L., Fisher,' -Perry, J. Whitahec:,-.Cher..
•ter,.ll..lqtr;iser, Cumberland, 0. P. Duncan, .
Ceotre, R. nay wood, Poeksillo, Benjamin
Philadelphia, .Tacob Lebart-;::
no, Jacob Mixer,- York, S. AleNander, .
ilf r.
R. S. Wood offered the folluwing, -... ,
which, svas agreuil to •
itesolvird, 'flint the •Goernric, • Dcads of
Department and memberS of both branches
bf the Legislature:pe respectfully_iovited to --
attend the sittings of this' Convcritian this
6TM:Ig, and that a committee ollliree
appointed lhern til
Tile Orr' appbinted• S. it. Wood
Northumberland, A. Greene, of Union anti;
Duke of Dauphin, the committee.
A letter to. the Convention ' froin James
Johnson of Baltimore, relative to the con
struction of iroo fire-proof ware 114)11ses, was
read and referred to the corm - ince on reap
. ,
On motion the following gentlemen were
Appointed, a committee to draft a memori
al to . Congress, and -an address to the peoz
•ple of Penn Sylvania, setting, forth the, view's
of this Convention: Henry K. Strong of
Dauphin, G. 'D. F.,kert of „Schuylkill and
Joseph Gai•dner of Chester county. • ,
The Convention- then adjourned, till this
evening at 7 o'clock.
The Governor mid a number of the Metn
hers of the Legi', attended and took
seats in the Convention.
. Ott inotion'of Mr. Eckert, the members of
the Convention having in their•posSeSsion.
statistical information relative to_th_e_xe
ourte - sant — business of the counties of the
State, were requested lo Ilan& the Futile to
the Secretaries. r. Eckert furnished some
very interesting statistics of Schuylkill
Oen. Ale:::andey, of Cumberland, submit-.
ted a synopsis of the views which the com••
tuittee on reoltSitions intended to present to
the Convention, fur purpose of eliciting
the opinions of the• Convention. A discus- ;
sion o 1 some length;- but
.wry interesting-,
took place on the different propositions;
.which were all receiveil'as the sense t.f the
Convention. Gen. tYLE.XANDER,' 1 1 / 4 11.
LYi Lycoming 'county, and .
Mr. COMMA :4, and. the
State Senate, ralikesisecl the
On motion,, the Convent.iolvadjutirned. till
10 . O'cicieklo-porrow tuorning,_.
The Convention net, pnrsuantln fuljon
' Gen. A tlieenTiiMitte.e
the sense of This Cons enqua; seliMiThiirtlni
- I. Resolved, That the faith of the natiint,
and 'proper tegard for the prosperity, of
our own business, alike.requif e,gytt the - Go;
vernment of the U. States ;liotiltf,•yaise a
re,venue by means of &titles cu.,the importat /
don of foreign merchandize, sufficient- te!
pap all the reasonable 'espenses of the Gr 0 . ,,,
vernment, anti 'to secure , a proper and
cient• preptfration), fur , national iltlfence,—,t
Q. Resolved,- That—the -tariff_of_tintieS:
importation ought to be st,) adjtisled as to
protect all the objects of home, industry' from
successful. competition by foreign,inattufac.
Aurora, andi,to sustaim-otil• own labor, skill and
capilali'aeti-that this would be best effected
by specific and discriminating 4oties.— .. o .7 ‘.; ' ' •
Resolved; That inasmuch as thepre,-
slunk nietels,tnut coAstiOte the basis, of
currency; which' is esseittial.:tfi the prosperie,
ty, • of „ony,l) usi pess,„64,l ,
foreign:trade' be agant4 UV;tou r. speck;
tie eilPorled to,PPY thiir
9f,tarirr onglit 'also to be so regulated•
, produce,spnit bitlan4 as will not pet`i
I,ll44,tfi•eitt. of debt,,,but
,:eXpeilatiunpf,our gol4,afild
o'l4inikittl,be s setrteittri 'aro .se ' t'
Lave litables
ciiru'ene and &tie
seffuently. be,parit Agre'e'd
Resolied, trhat'thdtrutlif,V us
tates , startinir
.11(ctsiVfat the
.u. "~~'!^'" ~~M+,.g+;+wiak. , e,.q;e-~x,'.rr~,,,
.. `,'>"~!~'!NiK7+M.""