Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 02, 1842, Image 1
MI allamm zokix\y:cb--asQ att,) POMTR.T. • Prom the Philadelphia 'Palle Ledger.. LINES WRITTEN BY A •LADY, As an excuse for her zeal in the'cause of Temper ance, and addressed to' a friend who told her she " was almost-a monomaniac on the subject of alco holic drink." • " • Go feel w 7 hat I Ike felt, . • Go, bear what I have borne— - • Sink 'neath the blow a father dealt, And the cold'proud world's scorn—, 'Titus struggle on from year to year,. . Thy role relief the scalding tear. ', • . , `Go, weep is I have wept, O'er a loved rather's *.See every cherished prainise swept, Youth's sweetness turned to gall, • IHope'sllladetllOWer strew'd all the way That:led tne up to woman's day. Go, kneel as I haie knelt, . Implore, beseech and pray— Strive the besotted heart to. melt, The downward course to ?stay— Be cast, with bitter curse, aside, Thy prayeris bet lusrytt'ti, thy tears defied Go, stand where I have stood, • Ant: lee the strong man now, With gnashing teeth, lips bathed in blood, And.oolii and livid brow; , aGo; catch his wavid'ring glance and see, • 'Theve,•mirror'd his soul's misery. • , Go,lienr what rhave heard, The sobs of 'sittl•despair,.. As memory feeling's fount !Ind stirred, . And its revealings there, , not told him what lie might lave been, Had he the drunkard'i fateforeseem . . ' (Go, to thy Mother's Aide,. _ • And her crushed spirit cheer, . • 'Thine wvard.rep anguish 'Wipe from her cheek the tear ,: Mark her dimm'd eve ; her 'furrowed brow, • The gray that streaks - dArk hair now, Her toil worn fraine, her trembling limb, • Whose plighted faith in early : yolith, Promised eternal love nkti truth— ' But tetra, teeswot•n, hada - yielded up This promise iu the deadly.etip; -- -And led.her down from love and light, .• Fiom all that.mAde her pathway bright; And chained her there, 'mid want-andsirife; he lowly thing--a Drunkard's tf;Ve And stamp'd on ultildhottiPs bi•ow so 'The- withering blight—a Dettidsurd'e Go, hear, ace, feel 'and know, .• All d at toy--sotil bath. fetrnnd known— 'Then look upon the - Whie-cop's glow, See if-its-hrigidness taltiatone, - Think if its flavor you will . try, - If all proelaitn‘d--" 778 drink arid die Ph me ',hate the-bowl ! Visuris a'Pcehle.~imvl— I loathe, abhor—Ty very snail With strong disgust is stirr'd, Wcne.'er I see, hear, or tell Ot the dark beverage of lie! vitoctiti . trttotto._ For the Herald & Expoeao: A WALK. ABOUT CARLISLE. EnouTh has been said of the beauty of • ,n a ture; its loveliness has been the theme .of poets of all agog, and therefore it needs -no candied panegyric from a pen like mine. Yet to begin : I -may say that nowhere is scenery found so pleasing to the eye or soothing to the mind, as around Carlisle. There'may be more sublime, there may .be more enchanting, yet there can he none ithat has fewer . defects. I am, a: lover and admirer of every thing about my dear -na tive place; the hills, the dales, the streams near it, are objects of pleasure to my thoughts. In ,a , ramble,lately made along "Conodoguinet," I was particularly struck with the beauty every where displaYed.. 'lt was. such a day ae we often have in Feb - ruary,,nearly' all, spring; yet every few &Mites a blast of wind, whiCh told that 'old Eorea's had not yet given up 'his . .claim to rule the weather: the appearance of .sky was in keeping with the feeling of the :air; clouds - would at intervals cover the ;heavens, - and,..Winter seemed to be strug 7 gling to resume its sway; but these would pass away,- and the sun again shine forth 'bright and clear. The maple trees , and 'hawthorn bushes had just commenced, to shOw their. tender,budeoret as.if' doubting' whether frost and cold 'had ceased, they ,only peeped above their protecting _covering. The Conotloguinet, -recently swoolenn 'by' the Melting of the 'snow, had .began . to clear' its stream from. the discolor-• od water poured into ie . by its tributaries, and tel : Jeanine its natural boundaries.— AlreadY -might the teal be seen flying above The 'eerfacei4inxions ,againlO pay a hasty . visi“tei its'aters.' The 'crested titmouse gave its shrill notes from the;bush . ..and the mel l odione strairof -the 'fflong.:6parrow sounded 'along: the :mrcam: .Every wris'itivigerated 6y tho warmth of the day,. even the creek of your gun sounded livelier and Anicki3o. The terioiseliad thrown off' 'his lethargy and .mighl,be Reed crawling along the bank, or basking on . some rock -that jutted into-the creek; and at every slieit .distance - a frog would spring with his.pecu- Ear eplatsli into the'watei. All things were of cliarnnter adapted to.exhilerate; noth -I,,lstierneil 'Out/ of place ;, the pine. trees,. ;Cove re d with theirperpetnal green, - relieved Alte.desolaie appearance of all arlotaddajtqlotheitharin telhe scene:. -• • .. - 409„0* . t4:93 tre the,.clOsing incident of: , my stroll:. - • • . . . . . \ , . .. , • , . . • . .. ~ . . .. . - ' . . . . .. , . • . , , .. -. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . .•. .. , a• . .-. . , . ' • ......................." . . . . „ . . . .. . . . . ' . • ..' . . ' , . • . ) .. , . •_......,_„,..... .. .. , a , .. ~,..4.1...., 41, . .. •• „.. .• ~,. ~. .• . .. 4 i ~...airi[ i, •; .. ...„..„....t,,.. i-t...,,.. 4 . ... .......! .. . ....., ..• , , .. , .. . • .... , lc . - - ,...a.r..1 1 , ..,, - , 0 H_,.. ; :,...,._,..,....t.„:,..: : .. ; , .,...... c ,,,,.. i ...,•, : : :: :,.. . . . ~ •. , . ~...... ~.. .. , ... ,'''',' • '.''' '-'' ..'i"" , :. — .l'` 9 . , c >' . . " ' . . • , . . . . . ' - • ' • --- • . . • . .- , .. , . ~ ~ . ..... . . . . . .. . . A FAMILY NEWSFAFER: - DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, LITERA,T Were . compelled from weariness to rest in the true hunter fashion, we seated oursel ves upon a log. But hark! what sound is that? again it comes on the breeze. It is the Bluebird's song, plaintiff' and sweet, and tbough it does not tell that winter is gone, yet it shows that there was at least one spring-like day in February, FEMALE, GENEROSITY. In the latter part oT the French'Revolu tion; a young man who .was closely.pur: need by a. body of 'gene •d'arnies, the streets of• Paris, stopped at a door in ,which stood a young .female; and reqUested con cealment. - There was no time to'consider, 'as the soldiei's were close at hand. She conducted him to a back building, and lock ed him in. -She 'had scarcely done, this, when the soldiers passed. As it happened, the -very body of gene' d'armes who had pursued the young man, were invited. by the owner of the house to, take 'up their quarters for the.night, and were put into -- a room in the same building in which the refugee had taken shelter; and, as they oc cupied the room next-the entrance; he could 'not' escape .without pasiing through the room Where. they lay.. In this dilemma j the yOung lady resolved to extricate him, if possible. -. She waited until ,She thought the soldiers Were asleep, and passed through theraom without waking any of them, ac lizainted the.'stranger with his peril, and told: him that if he would consent, she could ,conduct him to a neighboring church, j 0f whieh her uncle kept the Veys, and se .crsieli intim lithe_d a figerit..over—He -eonsented,--She took him:by the arm, and. they entered theyoom - where the soldiers were'sleeping; passing,--he-struck his foot against one, of thent; who jumped rized'thd-Young andillernantled who it wa s ; when the' young' lady, with' great presence-of mind, answered, "It is only I,jwho cante•toseir,"—fortimate ly ahe had nothing more to say, as the sol dier, hearing a female voice, let go the arm. -- They , passed on, and entering the church, she conducted him to the door of a vault, which .was. curiously coneealed be hind the altar, told him to enter there, anil she .would bring. 'him food daily, until Ire should be venture forth in safety. She gave hini the lamp., and shutting the door,-immediately returned.tO the house. • He descended into the vault, and seat ing himself on a ;torah-stotie, he there be held recorded the names of his own illus trious ancestors, :who had moulted into dust ages ago. 06 was overpowered with fatigue, and 'fell asleep, and did not awake until the morning of thezecond day, when he perceived. that his benefactress had not been there, and began to fear that some thing .had happened to prevent her -from coming again. Ile waited in terror, and anxiety until night, but still she came not, and he laid himself down in despair on a tonsh,atone, resolved to endure the linger ing destth which awaited him. He sunk into a lethargy from which he was awak ened on Ihk tyird morning by the voice of hia benefactf6.s calling on his name; but -it seemed as if animation had ceased, Tor he was unable to Move or articulate a sound. He heard the dreadful sound of the door as' it fell ; lie uttered a faint cry, and rushed up the steps. Fortunately the young lady had not left the spot; she raised the t door, entered the vault, and restored new life to the sufferer. She informed him that she had been unable to get to the church since his conceahnent,. on account of the vigi-' lance of the,guards who were. stationed at . her uncles, but that she had made arrange ments by which she could supply him with food daily; she prepared to depart, and lied just ascended the steps .when they heard persons entering the church. She diasely closed-, -the door of the vault, - and the nest moment they heard the steps of -a body of soldiers passitig - about:the - church, and who were searching inns° refugees W horn they suspected were ealicealed there; They were conducted 'by the unsuspicious un d e : w i ve l e d them to every part of the building, to prove'his innocence. • Their footsteps were ; often heard by the trembling couple, passing over the vault,. but they did got perceive it._ When they left the chinch, she left:the vault with -re peated.,assurancas of dhily supplying him with victuals. - She performed her - promise, and. in a feW days conducted him film his place of enneealmertt, and he was enabled to' reach his home in safety/ A Utisbauid's Lore; Incidents of life occurring from ; day to flay, , and we suspect.. some not altogether devested of fiction„are not Irequently to be ,met :within the public 'prints,in - Which they are heralded as ,instances of the all-absorbing and •ever-enduring :ntrection - ,which burns Witlteteknat brightness in 'the • boseins of wives..niethers,and ~ :sisters • But who has ever before peen, In the,bolunins ofour pub lie journals, a- record exhibiting to the world the.eqtudly . .intenie and not less abi ding' devotion • of husbands, fathers, - and brothers?.,_. Buclerecords are rare indeed-: pint, as we believe, that the latter instances are' ess, frequent than the . former; hilt be ! , cause there • is in them lees to :impress the ainiable.feelings of onr...natnre„ and excite' inn peculiar interest whielyeurrottods every thing hallovied by feenale Virtue or itero , The Lowell' Jour n al :relates 'a e ase . in point;, Which, through. enceeedingi yeare, bad failed to interest "the 'pen piths ebron.; MORI 'Editat'and . , Published Or the. Prol3 i . icier.. In a grave yard, situated in a wild; rural place, abciut a mile from a vil lage in that vicinity, stands. a very neat, granite monument. It is die only . mottu ment in'the yard; and stands by itselGover a solitary grave, apart from all other graves. The history of that monument is interest; ing and Melancholy in the extreine, It marks the spot where' lies buried the young. wife of one of the most interesting young men of the village. He was married a few years since-to one !Om 'xieemed . in every way calculated - to render him happy., At that time - the prospects 45f the young coup le bid fair fur a long-life , of happiness and usefulness: In . -a year or; two after their marriage, the . entail pox .broke ant and ra ged in, the neighborhood. The young wife was attacked with this.dreadful disease,.and became its victim. W. M. P; The fears of the - community prevented her friends . from attending her during her sickness. Her husband, -her physician, and &a or two attendants. were the only persontrwho were present to smooth down' her dying pillow. The same fears took a way the usual form of a christiari burial,--;-, A spot for her grave was - pointed out in'tlie graveyard remote from other graves, by the proper. anthorities, the dark hour of night, With 'notie.present-but the husband, the pltsieia4, and otje or two: fearless friends;lhe burial took {dace.. There was milong train of kindred to - witness the cer •i •emony ; the afflicted husba'n'd Wasihe only relative, Who, at the burial ventured to shed the last tear loier : •4lte grave of the loved and-the - departed. . ...- , * Months rolled on, and black melancholy still brooded over the young man, but "snbit -I onied-i ta-hol tl f -somewh at.---Sprro*-----sti I I remainedi but it was soon mingled pith resignation. He resumed his accustomed . occupation 'atirseerned,to - forget the past.- ,} 1 'nepait was not-forgotten, however, nor the oh et which the past had endeared to him. 'Ph i b orave of iris wife was solitary and a- .lone. ..0-Verlthat-graye he resolved to erect a monument: to lice - memory. That monti ment,-although-a blacksmith by- trade, he chose to plan and•work tvithhirown hands. He. procured the - rougli - , - ,hineltri Of granite and connmencedthe pleasing task. .iEvery leisure hour he *could obtain was spent in his favorite wink. No otherhand planned, and nn other hand, than his own, executed. Month after month, alone and unaided, with no knowledge of the art, except_ what.r.o.. tore had taught him, sometimes at' min day, and sometimes at night, when other's. had lefi their tasks; he toilekon, until his work was completed. That monument. which, as a specimen of art is exceedingly fine, and would be an ornament even in Mount Auburn; now marks out the grave Of his wife.. While it serves to call to . mind the. i. ' memory of the dead, it speaks also of the 'constancy and purity of lace 'inns which'death and . not des troy. .., THE HANGMAN AND TDE JUDGE. • The follnwine terrible paSsage, extrac ted from a British Magazine, is .specially commended to the attention• of so many of the people of the United 4 Btales A arein favor of ;he punishtnent.of death, as a pen alty . e f t h e law..... Star of Bethlehem. "Did your lordship ever attend a kill. lug time at the Old• Baily ? If not, pray favor we with your company. 7 - . noron the gallows; but staying in•the sireet, amid the crowd that always assemble when I am at work far you or the' sheriff. Per imps it will add to the zest, if you conic when I have a young woman to stiffen; supplied by yourself. Will the enttecifig of • the, petticoats, as she swings in the ' wind, produce a pleasant Sound your 'ears, i my learned master? Fail not to ivateh;the peoplethe men, women, and 1 1 children, good. bati, • and iudiffeie.nt; who have gathered' to behold the sacred majes trof.the law, you will see such flashing, of eyes and grinding teeth— you hear her sighs and groans, ant words of rage and hatred, with fierce curses on your self and me; end then laughter 'such as it is, of an unnatural kind; that they will make you start; jests on the dead that they will make you sink I You will fe6l-~uo, why should you feel any more than your faithfid jourueyinan ?. We phalt.gla to our breakfasts with good appetites, and a firm conviction that every hanging'bilut, changes. many sneaking pilferersinto saving robbers, fit for murder.. • , . 41 A few years ago, I was called out of town to hang a little • bop" ,who had. been convicted 'of killing %yi' . malice afore. Thought. guilty, he must have been' in the habit of ,going to executions. Ten thodeand came to dabble in the: poor young creatures blood.. That was the •youngest fellow creature I eyes _handled in the °way lirbll64lPip,;;abd - a beautiful child he was, tnevak yquhaye seen by The papers, With. a ;straight no S e,' .eyee , suiti , golden' hasl have no - heart ; 'no feelings; who has in.t>nr tailing I But'. those who came to 'see, me strangle,_ :that, tender youngster, I.6vellearts _and feelings-as we onee-hal-t- Have l:4no!.-had; for, tvhatfijey Saw-was fit to„Maltellism your servant oCiiiti minder. • • • . "They saw. the, stripling lined, fainting, on the gallows; his smooth nheek, of the eolor,of wood ashes—:bie , ,little litntikettem.;. bling t end hie hosom-hesving , sigli;.after siglieeif-,04.1i.0'dy and Opal •Noye parting . -•`• • '"‘Thlit„Wen,clownright.,tourdeirrnithere na scarcely ; ;any life: to',,telte otit"of : him. Wheiii , begtiO to pito,tite:pap,dtte:,..los ba by rice; he preSsed'hiS.sinall 11211DV11111=41):C. . . , , er, (his arms, you :. ,w, were corded fast to his body) and ft -, : pie me a beseechiog Molt, jutii. as the . Cal 'sill lick the butcher's hand. But - eattli4: of speak;.the crea ture muttered,' 'Pt' ''iir, dOn't hurt me.' 'My dear,' inswe; t,J,',,eyou should have spoken to the nuts : , :"I'm only the jour neyman, and innst :. ( its•l'm bid.' This . made him cry, nliti ( - 2. seemed to relieve him, and I do,think. should have. cried trq . eelf, ill hail n0t.,,1 . +rd ahoutrifroin the crowd-'Poorlanibl: lathe'- -murder!'- ' 'Quick; saidthe s'neii . 4 Ready,' said I. The Reverend 'Ot r itl”ian - gave me the wink, the--drop fat - ,- e .kick; and he. swayed to - and fro, ilea as.the" feelings'of the 'Christian wide a , ngland. ' . "The crowd dia?era. ; some swearing, some Weeping' ivith:Ji : Sionate exelatna i lions.; some swearing , a if hell had broke • loose; ' and some Nag! g; while they cracked - black-guard 'ink on • you . and me i i and the parson and the - "ngling corpse. 'They Came for - ,the- ° ht,.they would • have:come .to see •an a el murdered.—' They had come to get d nit with excite went; and the went back .eling and -filthy ' with the luit debaucli. - ' 'I eyllail - come to riot in the *sinew of tea and pity :, they went back, 'some in a fcv of rage, some burning with hate, some itriletied in heart like me, Or you; all sunk down in - •their, (tarn respect, ready ~to Mato light of pain .and blood, corrupted by theledecent shear. • and more fit than ever to inale work for us, the judgeand the hatignian.A 2.. . .0 'wise law matters! wholltink-to' soft n-A .ee hearts of the people ; la make them ' gentlel'and good 'to. give the a feeling- of respect for themselves and ottilrs, by show= inn' them a eight•like this! -1.--,`? - 771C'Hindoo Girl,.—The ; 'lowing in teresting fact - wa - s stated in ti - rcent lectuie by itli.:•Pierpont;--- .' 1 . • - "At the present • day,' the Uneducated Hindoo:giri, by use ollidltands sum .ply, could surpass in, delicacy lid fineness of texture, the production of tl most pur :feet machinery, in the manilla() re of mit-- ton-and - muslin cloths. In Et(l, land, cot ton, Nail been spun so fine that ii would re quiie a thread of . four Madre(' til_ninety miles in length to weigh # pottnlF—but the Ilindoo girl had, by, her liands, - •elmstructed f a thread, a hich would 1# nire tobe exten ded ono thousand miles, weigh g, pots iul ; and the Daeare i mistli t .r. - .,. , 40.r . tr.r.0ar , - , -»., , , ,- wite - n - :" - iffeea - ii -- iiii the gr find and covered with dew, were no long, visible." It is a very errnneou less some folks entertain get along . very well with. "these hard times:" WHIG DOCI' The admirable Washii on correspon dent of the, United States • t ,zette, some of whose letters otereaders !ll inive seen, in a recent communication. sp4ks of the men and times, that have - been," tid that are; as follows: . - - - "Being one of the OLD ' nom,, it will, perhaps, be said by • those ho feel them selves obmitious lo the . renarks -I have made, that- it is to be expeetell should hunk upon nothing as rightand prefer that istlot , ancienn—that, like most met have got upon the shady side of io 4y, I can sue .nothing in such bright color 4 now as I did when young.. Perhaps it ig, so : for one thing is certain; that when l call to mind ,the Hriuse of Representativerras it. was un der the 'ghirious administratik of HENny CLAY, when his• eloquence, and the elo gamier, of a Calhoun, a Lowieles, a Web ster, a Rodney, a Harper, a \Randolph, a Pinckney, a Sirius, and other, kindred spi rits, rang through its Hall, whn.e, enter and decorum reigned, and high bisd - iiourtesy characterized the - members, ,L, cannel but draw a comparison between the bo\ly as it . then -was, end as ii NOW iB, eomenhat fa vorable to "the laldp,u time." Appe4s from the. decision of the,. Speaker (Mr. Clay,) were then rarely made, and his de isions ' serer reversed. The House was nt t then kept in confusion and disorder by the eon -.J stunt raising of points of order for thittptir pose. The public opinion of the -body would not Man ha, e tolerated l suchimpro.' , per practices. • . • • . •1 1, I Mr. Clays able speec iin support Of his ' propoaitiOn to restrict the Ryecutive.Pow er, I observe, is, published and commended by the leading Whig papers, Mr. f.ij has in that speech shewn himself a sound ()eh iicallphilosopher, and Me advocate of lther.: al,, democratic do trines. The trtititis, and i(cannot be denied, thaylie WhWare in- . foirorof the party, °FAA, people: !they are the iVoint party, and the Journale , pf tbe_tivci houses of Congress, whicl, give., the yeas •and nays on various important question,%, will Blom It. Who in.fay,or. of a fair and reasonable protection and en courageinent of American 1a1i64 llieWhigs., Who were -the advocates of that benignant measure Whieli - isrtThßeve the oppiesired and set the prisMier free zhe,'Whigs.: - . .- e. ' • Whir oppose both.- these -meastirerit '.t,he Locrifiros . ..: 'Whe hare been in ,fairof of making those iniprovements• of rivers,, liar , bors,'&c - ,, which . enhence the iretne.ille property, facilitate the 'intercourse" tietWeen: different perti of the - . Conittry, and •pronrioie commerce? the-Whige. And it is the wigs who are endeav'Oing to reducer tlie.exPen-. , . Ses of the GOvernment, so'be to relieve-the, people of a pertioc e.Ctheir'bur`denis- 7 - -- 'Mho, tom are -for - Maintaining the feith of the rtates unbroken and Unternialted,•.sacred RE, T HE - ARTS AND SCIENCES, AGRICULTUPE, :AMU,SEMENT~ '& C. • . . ors, _at Carlisle, Caosberland County; It intaMellilfas aa4.194 notion, nevertite . I , 6;4 printer's ran t mongy (luring .ww=woc.m.mmac.,mcwomo %lA. 011.11 TI :NES. EIS . . . • . , as our - country ' s honor, anti bright 'as heel , ,4...Resoleed, That. in the adhistritent of t glory 1 the Whigs . while . the Locofoces, ! a tariff to raise an amount, of •twenty- six wherevel' that faith•hae been broken and! midland nf 'reirenue,. the , princiPle, of the the State dishonored, have been, the au-lentipromise act:generally shOuld'he adhe thors.of the crime,. aad the instrumente of, red.totand that especially a maximum rate the infamy. Who 'are the ahetutrs. Of re:, of ad valorem duties should be eatawlishetl, pudiatien in PeansYlvitnial—thartit God.* from which-there ought to be as little de soil is disgraced by the foot - of but a feW•a-,parture as possible. .. . .. • . '' are. they ,Whigs ? - no, no ; not re . Whig a- .7 rt. Resolved, 'rtlat the' provision's ofthe mong them I will vouch. Once. more..•-6 1 ect-rOf the extra-neision for the .distribution Who are the . friends-of. the Ilevalationaiil'of.the. proceeds of the, public lands,"requi soltliers, and of those Who have been cries :ring the Operation of that act to be suspend- pled in their country's service? the 'ayes ed in Aft. contingency of a higher rate_of and noes by Congress will - answer, the duty than twenty per cent., ought to be, re- Wiliffs. The Whigs, then, I repeat, are pealed. ••- '- -• • . • --, . the true friends of the - people—the genu 7 I - ti,' Resolved, That his the. duty Of the Inc democracy of the co u ntry; they go for Government, at all times, but , niore '&40; the largest liberty, and- are for oustaining, eially its a nasal' such as now l'-eiists, of the honor of the country, as well-as popu- general embarrassment and pecuniary'dis lar rights."i tress, to abolish all useless institutions and . . offices to rurtait all unnecessary expenses, and to practice rigid economy. • .... From the - Richmond Whig, MR.,JEFFERSON, A TARIFF MAN !!! Mr. Scott made the self-styled Demoera: cy open their eyes; on Friday, when - he read extracts from Mr. Jefferson's Messages, to prove• Mat the "Father of Denuieracy'l tV_as_ not eitlys. in .favour of internal ImproVe ments bk-Ae Federal • Government, but woe warn) advocate of ti. Tariff. ..The Ow( Was . cOnclueive, .and produced quite a sensation in the Hall.: it is ,not generally known . that,Mr. 'Jefferson entertained these opinions, and itilaci;•directly opposite ones •having been attritnited to him we annex the extracts.- It will be seen, that ihe,. in the spirit'Of an" American, was net disposed te- give - For ! . eignerSiin iitlyintageover our.own People, and hie Democracy did not - illitulder at_the i(1114 - 0E.ttropen n_du NB ries_fer_t he sup_port Gpvernment and the encourage ment of "Domestic Manufactures!" The thity,•he says. falls upon the rieh, and he puts ft to their"patrietism" to sziyiif they . moult{ not prefer to pay- tles-tax, • iimti ap pro•priate -the proceeds-to Roads:Pii?ers, Canals, - We -*tilt, • Mr. •Jeffeisim was Wrong in reecommendieg Internal Int prgvements by the Federal Government— ler we consider_that systent notszonly•uw constitutional, but highly impolitic, and in its tendetwies corrupting and consolidating. Hut as to the policy in_taxing foreign luxu nries for the maintenance of the National Independence, and -fur the advantage trf our own citizens over foreigners—we entirely concur wiklt_binta.b.wa.t.tLzlo ie most:of his pelitieal'vtews. • . Here are the extracts—first -from Nlessagein 1806, and.agam two years lat er, from 'his Message in 1808, • "The question, therefore; tiow,cenreafor-. ward, to what other objects shall thevesor plusses, he appropriated, and the whole sur plus of impost, and during those intervals when the ourpose of War shall not call for diem ? Shall we suppress, he impost and give that advantage to foreign over .do!. 'acetic Inarnfaciares? On a, few articles of more general and necessary use, the sup- pression, in due season, will, doubtleas he right, but the great mass of articles im which impost, is paid,•ure foreign luxuries, purchased by those only, 'trim are rich e nough to affml themselves the use of theM. Their patriotism -would certainly prufer its ' continuance, and aMication• to the .great purposes of public Education, Roads, RiV ers,Canals and such - other objects of pub improvement, As it may be thought proper to add, to - the - Constitutional enumeration of Federal, powers. By those operations new channels of communication will be o pened between the States; the lines of sep aration will disappear, their ifiterests will be identified, aqd their union cemented by 'new and indissoluble ties."—Jrgerson'a Message 1860. ' , The probable accumulation Of the sur plusses Of revenue beyond what call be. ap , plied to the payment of the public debt. whenever thefreedom and, safety ()lour commerce shall be resterek Merits thevon sideration •oftongress. Shallit be unpro ductive in the public vaults ? Shall ,the revenue be.redueedi Or shall it not rather he app*priated Oie improvements of Roads, 'Canals, Rivera, Education, and other great foundatioOs of protiperity aiid union, under the power 'Congress may already pOssess, or such amendment of the Coniititution os,may be approvill by the States 1 1 '...ltrerson s e .4feti,,vage, MB. MR: CLAY'S RESOLUTIONS. The following are the resoltitiritte Of Kr. introduced into-the Senate on Wed ! neaday: • • 1.: Resoivid, That it ;a the duty of the General Government', for conducting ministratiOn, to provide an -adequate rave-, nue Within the year, to meet the ,current penSes:ol the year.; and that any caritriliek, either . hy loan or•Treastiry 'notes, to,suprdy , in time of Ocoee, a . tlefleitiney'revenue, especiiik - during •sutieessive „years, is un-, wise, and must lead to perniefous Coniequeii= , Resolved,• That such an idectuate fe -venueriannot he , ohtained by Oup , s,on,fih•- eign• intitiirts • ts'lttlnintr . adnpting 'higher rate . than SO per'eent.; ,ati.lprovitleil . Pr in the emplininitise jet, 'w HA, at the time of its p'assaga, tvas s,upposed,,aud aisunted Ati a rate that would supply tititiNetit,.reyenife' cur economical aclinitiiiitratiOn "of.. the . •Vroverninent. - •••. - • • • . 3. Res°kid therefore, 'Vint the rate , of duti'es on foreign imports ought: to , hefittg mented beyond die'rate of,twentY,per cent., so as to prodnee n nett 'revenue of pvertky, six miilione of dollars-4, for 'or dinary .expenses "or,oovonmeris, two for the payment Of die existing debt, and two million, as' a reserved, fund for gontinguen- ME I . 7.' Resolved, That the eontinguent penses ,of 'the two Ifouais of Congress ought to. be greatly reduced; and' the sae of members of Congress ought to ho ;reg:Olateiland more Clearly clef ned. 8., Reitifur d, That the expenses of the judicial department of Government have: rnflate years, been greatly, increased, and . be diminished.. . 9. Resolved, 'That the diplomatic..rela tions of the United States with -foreign. Pottirs have Iceen unnecesiOry extended during:the laet twenty,: - ea rs; an - d Ge ledneed. • 1., 10. Resolved, That the (ranking lege . beliwther restricted. abusive uses of - it rts,-trained and 'punished, the post age on letteriW4Uced, the mode . of estimat. file distances - miire clearly defined and pre scribed, and a .small. additidn to . postage hooks, , pamphlets and packages transmitted by the mail; he gratin:tied and 'increased accortling4o_their respective weights. : • li—Remoked, That the Secretaries of State, of the. Treasury, .of War, and of the Navy,l)epartments; and the Poinuaster - GenrraLbe severally, directed, as soon as practicable, to..repOrt what' offici , s can be abolished, and'what retrenchments of pub. lie expeinliture ran be made: tyithont pub; lie detrintent,-in the respective hranches'of the public service under their charge.. DEURREF.r ARTi-elXs.- WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY "In reply to a resolution of the Senate in relation to the nomher and rule of appoini ntents of the Cadets at West Potot, thie - Bceretary of War states that the number of Cadets tallteentiittihe Academy is 240, and that they am apportiourd among the several States and Territories as COHOWS ; From Maine 8 lowa 1 • New Hampshire 4•Distrfct of • Massachusetts 9 Columbia .4 Rhode island . 1 Appointment' ' ' et Connecticut - 5 large being generally Vermont . 9 the Ilesendants oink . N,e.w York • 33 fi xers and soldiei's 'of New Jersey 4 the Revolution and of Pennsylvania .22 the last war, appoint 'Delaware 1 ed as follows :, . Maryland . . . 4 Sons ofliving and de- Virginia 17 ceased officersoftlie North Carolina 8 army & navy 2l South .Cardlina .7 From Virginia ; • 4 4 Maine 12 P- Georgia ..ick Kentucky , _ .'ennsylvania Tenneoice 12 New York 1 B==9 Ohio Louisiana 3 Rhode Island - Mississippi . 2 Maryland Alabama 3 Ohio . • 2 7 South Catoliiiac I Indiana 2 Charged to no State 1 Missouri Itansna • i Total at largo 39 Michigan - 2 • Flornia 1 Total now in the Wisconsin 'l. * Academy The , itrrangement . which .noW exists in the; War Departinent respecting the.ap. portionment Of Cadets, sp . tuit to apportion, them among the several States, is stated - to be this : • - . • In :the month of_Febrnary. - or March an nually, the., appointments are made ~from Ilritoutthe.applicatits whose names nre on the register: Care being taken to distribute them as nearly ziefcircinOtanceit ill permit, en as nigiie one Cadet to each entigreesion .ll district, e2cepting iwthe Staler 3 of ba n . Ware, Arkansas and Michigan, which in consideratiin of the large .unrepresented fraction in the first and the grotving pnpu-. la tioa of the.ethere , . are allowed: two:cadets it 'further stated that the law,s regulating' -the number ,- ofeadite itithesewlnty . ,'have been" so-construed ns to fis the greatest, *ther of Ofideis•admissible into h at 260; and ,thee.v.erag,e ..nuphei • in" the aysjen4 during' a, 'whole:year has:pot..exceedMso. Fat,al Sffray.—The New Orleans Cres cent City of Alto Bth,instant. says . :—,We learn, from ,Ed.or. - Morton, of the steamer. arrived_lasLeveninglrOm Reilk, that a fatal airr!ily occurred at Lewis. horgOirkensati. .betneen Dr. Menifee'and M ,r, P,hillips, whisk bothmertrkilled. , Bemotlitlferenre arose :Aleut a.nete in pos sesliott of on them:They accidentally ,pietnis and fired. , Men ire° thergreia,,and jn-theshoul. der. They than' drenv.gowie Olives and eleSe,d• on ,eselt "other. , . At: diefirst , cut, Mange°. was.:pearly (savored in,. twis e -,and sh.ool424bitiao /9 1 d - entirglY : op!, ll . Both expiria, op the spot. Mlffiall===lTE am* Diamaatze c?.- r ec, tfeti; '..l'he'Nectr.GrleaOs lowing. letter:from. its editors now in the 64 of Mexico 1,• • u• • • ALexitO,,TuNsaai EVENI:O4i. Seven -o'cloclirlati-i, 7 :251842.` ;• • Good news,! • Mr. klayei,-See:tetary og.'• Legation to the AtoeticaOl Minister, pa 6, .• - jtud•called at 'my room idformed MO that. young Combs is. li.bvrtetl!:' Santa Ando this - morning ,sent fur hbri, eud: gave brim'his liberty, quite unexpectedly to fvery; body' here.. I.le•Waa - conducted to the Alin liters apartments, and: placed under libp: protection, by Santa A.nua.ts orders./ and iii . hie own cacriage.: . . . • Theother priooners are yet in chains,__._ and_ and are all mails to work - in the streets,: I ain• greatly, in hope that, when Mr. ' . Kendall arrives,,w4ipl must certainly be id . a few, days, he will soon be released., I look upon, the liberation of COtobs as . favorable-omen. . - A letter. of, an,eitlier date states that the. following A meritans (being part, of those,attached to the Banta Fe epeddien)_Aiere iti~liaios iii the oily of Mexico :. • • F. T. Cdirilii,Tourist. S.' 13 • Sheldon, Miss. P. Men•liaitt: .1. It idler, of Penna. - 'rhos W. Adurns, Ten. 11. Gbalabeelain, Paine ' • " J.• A. Caniniings; Jos. 11: Rogers, '" • -F. L. Walker, " • Adms, of Ke'intieli, P. W.. Gilmore, _" • E. MeClaualam • " F. 11oLlivs.1 : It ' " Tl. AL:',lnstrie, N. Sunel - Hinitei•, • "" (LW.- tinned.- I" • ' -- 3iii. - L - 71‘5171 7 y, • . 0 Hap: Coviligton, P. Scurhorinih,, " P. WWI?. , foil% Mass. S. Bower, , • ' - .C. White, Louisiana. Deo. Barbara, Co n t. . D. White'," • F. Toe Ceo. . Grove. Olito. . Jos M. Eilp,ar,NS .1. M. D. uovif, S. C: Lets. Bailve,.New York.; Deo a 'killer, VA.- A !nay) Ytory ". . Whytti•S..C. . 1,. Thigaione _". N. G. Hudson,'Ala. 711% E. "• Jot.' Ward, Ca..., • . ; John Lewis; " • • Wtu. Steger, Misd.•• " • John Talk, ----- . • • „. Non ey • :Tars in .1-)it Pitislifirg•Gaiette of Monday t o t ys. : ..-.1v10 1 c,- of our brokers dirline. purchasinz Ohio 111011(W, at all, except the - notes of (111: , ejle s! , c i a . p a 'y 1):)11 !is. .bond currency, Such as liiiti4l4,iiio,irtito4,l an d Wilecliiiii,paper, and soloe , .tititke h . esi . of the Ohio 'banks. and Nileir diej)l3bOn.., - Ocanan. Franklin hank Colniohia, Purtc tnotah, Zanesville, Mmtietta, St Clairsville, N1'.e5t"rn.,14...1.rxe.....V, 10-per c-enidiscount. 13:10s of Hamilton. AVoolk • for, IJrbnua mu) (3rsov,;ll I)lllTh:tined flank of Cleveland and CornuPrelai • of hike ) rie . are . rated 2d• per .cent. below currency. or :30 per cent. below par.' , The banks of Chillicothe, • Lancaster and Clinton Ituit' of Colo,rokEs.pre rated 10 er 'tent. beloweurreni , y, --- nr - 407-pei"ciTni: be• low par. , The Bank of Pittsburg we un derstand refuses to reeeive'aiiy hank notes whatever, exeept her own s either in pay.. rneni, or on deposit. ...Better...toking',the benefit if the Bankruptdct.;—A gentleman. of a neigh., boring, town called on a friend . a .feW Hayti. ' since, and asked the loan Olfa 4tundred - !ars to enable him to take the benefit pram. - Bankrupt. Act. I 1 is friend inquired the a-. . mount of his indebtedness. '7Two.theits and dollars," was the reTdr. --- liere . ,-,-saitt• his friend. is the hinulred, dollars, but in.:. stead of using in she Way!you propose, call . on your eredjtars, pay them five per cent. of their claims and get discharged by them from your . obli!zations. The • man .did as -advised, and the . .f., , llowing day made n aettlement .of aft the claiMs ndiiingt himHarifard COurapt. Rank :Enjoin ed.-1 ho N. -NV 'York: Eipress of—Saturday says:—The 132uvIcH Commissioners praced an injunction on the, ,Fayette Bank of NeW ,York,tbittAsy at 12 o'clock. The institutionArap been quite a feeble one for slime time, much embarras i,ed and not in good credit. Tint amount of Bills in Circulation: is nut largo and '.ther ileposites moderate., Bath, wi,H.,be paid. and there. will. be someihini left for the, stockholder , much Oisappointment. will beffelt-by the creditors._ 'nye closing,. of.the Bank excites no forattention, t War not unexpected. 240 . , • CONGRESSIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY: Prositleo—deote N:l3rigge, of Mas. sorliosptior • . ." . rice Prctidents-..Thortins W. Gilmer, of Virginia; Thomas penry, of Pennsyl. twilit Samuel S. orki Thomas ,Maisfnill..of..Kenturky.;::Ed• mon& Deberry.. of North Curolitia;, Harvey WattersonEof'rennessee;Jcifiril7hornp. • son .Moson. of Marylon:4; ; Ctritrarf.Morris.'- nf Mai; .I•ohiTlUttaeltS; :of Vermont. • Secretary-301in :M:1)601trt1;,.0(.. gPT; p rcas pr fr H,sCol- ' ol . .; Pli.tek, Ni.Npy . k. 4x.ciulipe ConuriOic•-4Liiil';:(3 l .Men. • of Georgia; Williams, of:Voimeeti cut; James, rvin t of - ,rpoOsylvoniai of . ; 4ewist Arggs.of.'New York: . r. : . . _ • ; Important Case.--The case of 2clward , Prigg, in. Error, against Alta Corn Ilion wealth of, l'e,ntiev;v,a,liia, is pendintbe fore the .Soprerne.:.:Qeort or the :,United • :tunes: ° - Mr. Joiison; , ttorneyAilefierOrof_ Per.ossylvania.:;''ilOssll , rgliiilerit . , on Thursday.. ease. :out or • tilos seiz.brilar: , oigio‘iii'die Slitle:, 'Pinn.. • lake;:.,s'ild." -earl ',111411: info witlicnif no Order of ,rodge,or Dilkw,iii.rute.. • It:ltas lotto rending for e ome years. • I,===Malil fEX A N SANTA FE EX E j'l'l (YN;