Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 23, 1842, Image 3

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11C3"Our office is 'being fepaired,
,every thing is topsy-turvy. •
licrWe are sorry :we have this week : no.
Washington letter. ' •
ro , We aro
„indebted to Messrs. B &RR
and GA 8 for various interesting public
mj;..We, have: in - sT3,siott a Special Court
of Cominon . Blees, Judge Blythe presiding.
Our presence there interrupts the run of the
pen, editorial. •‘
crThe.leeture of the Rev. William T.
sprole, on yesterday evening 'a week, was
worthy its..atithor. •
• On next Tuesday .evening, the third' of
the oonts`e. will be deliverod•by Professor
Our Legislature is doing but 'little.. We
understand that in the BOuse, Mr. Stevens,
hatioffered a resolution 'which, it is,thonght,
pass 'both branches, and take the
cof . dte--Resumption - Bill which has been en
acted by, the House, as well as that peed•;'
ing in the Senate.
A bill was read in the House on Friday
last , to annul the charter•of the Chambers
burg Bank; I?ecatise she comply .
with the requisition of the Governor for a
loan to the State of five , per eent. , on her
capital stock in accor(lance with the-. act of
1824. WC , are .- toldithat the.Carlisle Bank
also - refused compliance with: the Geyer).-
nor's demand. She did rightly. .We have
said-beforethat-our - Banking system . is a.
- • - Vaitime and — Vl/lid will - At - my wheit
banks are subjliet to b e ruined-by foolish
. • •- .
• - legislaticiii - :: - .The. - State•
stroyed them, and now-tat the very moment
when they are threatened with the passage
.• of
.an act compelling imtnediate resumption,
she attempts 'to complete_their ruin by
• forcing them to roali — titOtief
ecutive. It is vileimposition.
paThe Locofocoe heriaboutaLarr"not
,_at all pleased with the conduct of their Re
presentatives Harrisburg. They
. say
that Thiy Want more - iittiQit and less - talk ;
and - purses loud and . deep . are heaped
upon the heoo, of pertain •Trntnicitg-- A
foco members. The shout of "Down with
the Banks 1" may do very well as a rally•
ing cryto secure a candidate a seat in the
Legislature; but 'when it comes to the test,
the Locos have always showed themselves
as fond of "bank facilities" as other mortals.
Itcy.Petitions to the Legislature of Penn
sylvania are in circulation in this neighbor
hood, praying that honorable body to ad
journ and go home. • Men of all parties
,have signed these petitions.
fsa"ln the Senate of
,the United States,
in the debate concerning the New York
Custom House Investigation, Mr:Buchanan
said that "Samuel Swartwout was at one
time . the Whig candidate for the Vice Pre
sidency.”. • The tocofucos hayectteredthis
foul lie so frequently, th4 : 4lsn 'the most
honest of their party'belit to be true.
General Robert Swartwout, aisliant soldier
of the late war, and'a true Whig, was, at
.one time, spoken of as a candidate for the
Vice Presidency. He; - however, waa.,ne;
— ver . nominated ; and the locofocos, always
ready to shill the responsibility," . have
"ever since asserted that Samuel Swartwout,
- General J . Ason's pet Collector; was 'every .
inch a Whig.'
'pleasure to state that the temperance cause
is gaining' friends and advocates in the Ar...
my, , as wellas:inivory other ; classAn' this
community. •'A portion of the United States
Dragoons, stationed at the Barracklq in this
imiough, .haVeiecently formed' theinielves
ink) a society, on the' total abstinence prin-
elide, and already. 60 of_ their number haVe
signed the , pledge. , They appear confident
that, ere long, there will not be man on
t.thestation'!whose name is not appended to
;ilia pledge... - Thie.rnovement, , on the part
iofthe Dregiions f much to redeem
:the - % . name of SOLDIER from the obliguy
hich hae heretoforeiested.upen These.
of ourcitizens.who axe- in thetirtietice, of
Mecturing",shotild visit the -13Srracks, and
,aid the:Soldiers - in :their - . - endeaversto 'Pro
mote the cause oftemperince...:: n
The' names of Officeri otthe eociety
4or the.preserit year, are_ r
' . ..,President.÷Pergeent.Citsit.eir IlArtrol!.•
;Vice Preeideiit:Setieint A. IL
Secretary--JosE . PERRY:7
*ALL.••: n•
TOWANDA 'MONEY:—The money.of the
Towanda Bank. must:certainly be very
irditbleill;is we obierve that•the Bradford
.bgerS„totake it , 4 in.-payment for
job' work , ~ enbseription.''
It le asu enihat money is ad
folks advertise' that they'll take it.,
Oda The Harrisburg . papers , speak in
very, high terms of . a Mr ImiiLAND,. SIQ
architict, who his pleased the people of
that:place by the success of his designs.
• .'We ~know • not how successful Mr.
Haviland has been' in his designs of Pri
sons, Churches,. &p. - ; - but-we think that
have in this borOngh an' architect who
to •pay the least, in every reappct, the
equal of Mr. Haviland. We allude to
PETER B. &turn, Esq., one of the ablest
architects in the country. Ifyou doubt it,
try him ! .
J. Q. Anards.—..The correspondent of the
Baltimore: American:reports Mr..Adains as
having uttered the following in a recent
"I IMYe been accused praerirnony, in
some of.mY relations to members here; but
I ask.the House, and. the world; if I have
been -hunted and persecuted with a fdrY
That could only be. equalled by the blood
hounds.wnicti were , imported from Cuba
to throttle the Indians?. " And am I not en
titled to some little indulgence under these
The .Washington corespondent
,of the
,New York Commercial applies to Mr.
A.dains'the - following lines, deseriptiyce of
the stout old warriorin the siege of Corinth:
Hough aged,he is Iron of limb, •
Few of our youth can Gape with him ;
. • , And the foemen whom. singly, he keeps at bay,
•• Out numher his hairs °halm,. gray."
We learn, says the Philadelphia Inge
rer, from VVashington, that the Whigs i
Congress will make , a powerful effort, dur
ing the present session, to pass all their
prominent meastires._
SESSION has exhibited more action and
more digili'sition to carry forward public
business than any three weeks that have .
preceded it. The Hpitse.of Representa
tines having on Monday, apparently under
the influence of the intervening Sabbath
day's reflections, hastened .to lay aside the
- priiliege - kquestion which - tor several days
had suspended all the. proper functions of
that body; next - got . through with the- call
upoii members for petitions, eo oftelfintef;:
rupted arid so long - suspended; and on - the
next day, the flood-gate once raised, a great
body. of reports from committees poured
into the House. The number of these re
p_orks_proves__bow_industriously the work-d
ing Members on the committees ,have la..
bored during the weeks which have elapsed
whilst-the House, aSra body,was making
almost no progress;' and the result •is most
creditable to.them:l
The House has. also _mails a begiooing
upon the-Annual Appropriation Bills, which,
'under the charge of the very efficient and
abirl.Thairman of its Committee of. Ways
tmk-.64'eatis, - hale
,Tteren — JlXeiited. - a - fici pre
pared with . a care,,lWeciston, and minute
ness of explanation, never eiceededoo say
the least of it, on any former occasion. Two
of, these bills, having passed the House,
have already become laws, the Pension
Appropriation Bill being one of them. As
for the remaining Appropriation Bills, and
especially the Civil Appropriation Bill, if
any opinion may be formed from the nidi
eStionS of the last week,ils passage through
the' .House Will be very deliberate, if not
slow, and even . tedious: . With this pros
pect before the House, desirable as we ad
mit it to be that, the Appropriation Bills
should be passed at an early atiy, we can
not but think that, in regard to anothermea
sure yet more urgent—the Bill for the AO- .
portionment of Representatives under the
new Census-4i is very desirable that its
passage should be expedited by some such
order on part of the [louse as was pro
posed onaturtlay by the respected Chair
man of the Committee ivho reported the
bill, viz: to make it the Order of the Day
from a given day until finished, and to limit
the discussion of It day_citiliin, (so
.that it Should:-not for the fong a time ob
struct the passage of - the Appropriation
Bills.) The time is, rapidly drawing nigh
at which-some tit the States have been ac
customed to make their elections of Iteph.-
sentatives.3o . Congress; and' since, as every
teSder-knows, the action of the Legislature
of every one of-the State Will behecessary.
to give effect to the ApiAlrtitTnment Bill af
ter Congreis shallhave passed it,,it is quite
obvious that Congress cannot wit upon the
subject too soon. In addition to which, it
ought to be an influential argument with
membets, that the Legislathres of some of
-the States hays expressed sin earnest desire
that Congress will act upon the subject at
the earliest possible moment.
The two last days offthe past week were
commendably employed, acoording to the
injunction of the Rules H of the House,, in
the consideration of Bills end Reports upon
Private'Claims.... It would be a great honor
to the piesent Congress, and would dis
tinguish it" in history, if it were, in judical
phrase, to clear thefloeDi of all •inisiness
or this Character', The, ends .of
well, as .of humanity, .tiould, be thereby
promoted, not to speak of the honest pride
which every Representative. would have in
beingablo to eay to his constituents, 'When
he returns to his home, that, as far as' de
pended upon him, he has left undone 'noth
~that he ought to have done--At duty
corelative-end equally. imperative with that
of doing nothing whick,he ought nut to do,
The Sete has not been less industri
ously engaged in its legislative duties.dur
ing the last week than the House of Repre
sentatives; and hati, in.addititin; spent much
time in the consideratiOn of business oCan.
Execatire 'Character, whieh',.•wa .sUppOse
ear` kligtirs . , is always transacted
,With ;dooors, and the particulars of
which- are . iarely,nmada. public until after"
they 'have.beconie cOldiaactpOsiesS interest
. eitly.aslistery.—Arat..../nt. • '
Aitios Kendall, having &Hissed ebOut
a hundred acres of land adjoining
,the eit:y
of. Washingefin, and ,built a small frame
house upon it, Proposee *devoting a. portion
Ohio time to
.the,pon,and another mtinn
to manual labor on his farm"
1.- . '.".-,- iso:-- . ,--14::: : ii;.4.-)i.,,,-: .:741) : .*;. : ** ! : 1 : ,:.* . ,..,*. 4i:*.: ,:.* : „* . . 1'.*.10. i .-_*:,*,i *....
On Titurstlay , the .10th by...tho Rev.
J. Heck, Mr. John...Finkbeiner,'. of. New=
On township, to Mies Elizabeth Barnet,
of Mifflin township.
1 4 /011 Thuisday 'the 17th ult., by the same,
Mr. Daniel S. Dunlap, to Miss Frances,
daughter' of -Mr. Michael -Heffilernan--all
of Isiew;ille. .
. •
/ Near Lisburn, on the 13th of January,
by the Rev. Wm.. 0: Bennett, Mr. Henry
Landes, to Miss..Elizaoeih-Lou'climan—
both from the neighboriMod'Of . 1-larrieburg..
or the , same, on .TuestitirtitS- lei inst.,
Xndre . w Shell,rto Miss:Nancy-Miro,
both from the neighborhoOd . :of New9um.- .
.• • •
• .
. Estate of James. Cumings ; deed.
L"PERS of Adminietration on the
estate of James Cumings, late, of Allen town
ship; Cumberland county dec'd., have been granted
to the subscriber residing in the', same township.
Notice is hereby given to all persona having claims
against said 'estate, to present them properly authenti
cated for settlement,and all persons indebted arle're
quested to make payment to. the subscriber. -
. February 23, 1842.-6 t•
_ O. , • •
. • .NOTICE.
' estate of ..Robert Calhoun, deed.
Estate of Robert
• Calhotin,late sof,the, borough
of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland- county, deceased,
have been issued in due - form or law to the subscri
ber residing in the sarn.borougli. Notice is hereby
,given, to all personshaving chi ms against saidestate'
4o present them
. properly authenticated for settle
meta; and those indebted to make payment to •
February 23, 1a42.-6t," •
- Estate of tirotbel Fernald,n dealt'.
. LE'r'rERSVESTA MEN'rA RY on the
estate of Crowd Fernald, late of the borough
of Mechanicsburg,. Cumberland county,. deceased,
have been issued to the-subscriber residing in same
borough. Notion is hereby given, to all persons
having claims aaitist said estate to' present Vim
properly atitheoticated for settlement, and those in
debted• to make Payment to,the subscriber.
. ' JACOB WEAVkit..
February 23, 1842.-6t'
• o. .
• ~_Eatate_pf_ddam_Ketzauter,._cleed:
ETITHS • TESTA MENT A IIY on the estate
14 of Adam; ICenower, late of -South Middleton.
township umlierlsuid comity,dec'd., have been grant
-ed to. the .subsci;,:ibers_residin gi n. the same krvitSh
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons indehted to said
estate to make payment, arid those having claims to
.present them legally nuthenticateil for settlement,tO
JOHN PETERS, Executor, -
• of Adam Kenowor deceased.
February 23, 1842.
- Estate of Jone - frlcDannol, (leed.
- .
Testamentary 't h e estato
- of Jane Mcllantial late 01,1%11111in township,
.Cumberland cosinty.deed.,liare - bwiwoutil in due
form of law.
_to the subscribmresidiag in llickincon
township e- hereby--giren; to all-persons
having claims against said estate, to present them
Properly authenticated for settlement,and all persons
indebted are reqUested to' make payment to the sub
February 23, 1842.-61.
Sate of.
Real .Estate.:
In.put 81111'lee of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Cumberland county, will be sold at public sale,
on the premises, on Saturday the 12th day of March
next, at. 2 o'clock P. M., the following . described
real' estate, late the propeity *of Francis Herron,
deceased, to wit:'• •
A. Lot of Ground in the borough
of Shippensburg,,boundedun the ,north by land of
John Ileum, on the east by the B , such, on the,,SOuth
by a lot of David Irvine anion the West by'alith
lie road, containing about one acre; having "thereon
erected a
TWO Story Stone 4!'" 11 :;,,
53 . 71711)111 . 0 • tal
used atia brew house.
• The terms'of sale are, one'lltird of the purehnie
money to be paid on the - confirmation of the sale by
the Cnurt, one-third in six mnnths and the residue
in twelve months thereafter, to be scoured by judg
ments With approved security}. •
Adm'r. of Francis Herron tic:Al
February; 23, 1 8A2.-74t.
Application far Tavern Lficense
Notice is hereby given;that 1 intend to apply at
the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland
county, for a License .to keep a 'tavern or public
house lately kept as a tavern by W. S. 'AMU, in the
borough of Carlisle.
We, the undersigned, citizens of tgeborcingh of
Carlisle, do certify that we are well acquainted with
theanhostemtmed 'David Blear), and that he is agouti
repute for honesty and temperance, and in well pro
vided with house room t.nd erinvetilences for the
lodging and accommodation ofstrattgers and travel
Paul Martin,
Isaac Angticy ,
T. 11. - Skiles..-
John Harper,.
Thomas Ctitigheacl,
A. Rioluirds, •
Christian initoff.
Februsry 23, 1849. .
App4p . Oinn for Tvaern Licenie.
Naiad in hereby given, that T intend to Apity fn
the Court.of gnarter Sesnimul of Cumberland county
to ha held on the 11th April 1842, for a license to
keep.nn inn or tavern in the house I. now, occupy in
the horough of Shippensburg. . .
IVe ; t is isubilciriliffs;citizenv of - the - bornegli -- of
Shit penShurg,in which the above mentioned inn or
tavern prayed to be licensed .propnsed to he kept.
docertify that the, applicant. Robert Cochran, is of
good repute foe honesty And temperance, and is well
provided with house room and conveniences for the
lodging and accommodationiif strangers und travel':
lers, and that such un inn or tavern is necessary to
accommodate the Oldie and entertain strangers and
Benj. Reynolds.
Samuel `Nilson,
Jae, Gilliard,
David Deal, -
John Reichart,,V,
Levi K Denman,
of ~Daniel p. sherban.
The Assignee under a deed of assignment, for the
betie6t. of the creditors of said Sherban,givis notice;
that he desireis nil claims and amounts against . the
allid.Danilo, to be left with William Irvine. Esq., in
Carlialeins soon as practicable properly autheutteak
ed for settlement. • . „ . •
DAVID cOßLE,..i,ssi g uee. .
January SG, 184:1.-0t. , • . •
• . 1
.11`0 • • -
lirpßoNf the'ijits'l':l6terVir". APRIL
NExx,..d.rtit - 6 - 10144111(li0101 MC Post Lilt
.firorth liaimeervistreet, now iu Ole " •
.oupalipko r c Geergo'Atiihiubaligb,
'Carlisle, February " 1842; lE+
George Drown,
John Monroe
Snmuel M'Kerhan;
Chneles Fiernite, .
George Saoderson,
. , . .. . .
. . - ralnable.'Real Estate at '. • ~. ..
TO OUR CREDITORS. '. ' .-,•. -111011 ICE.. I . ,
. ~
Private Sale. ~ .- Take notice thet r ;e hare applied Judges'of Esta te o f Ma ry Graham, deCeased.
,to the. .
'ii l t b il r e "i eb he l. b t e l ne f tl C t ol in th in e 9 lti P ol ea veii s t 9 La iC i um so h f c t r h il ti n C d O e nt D in " o t h
wealth, anothey'have adnointed . , • ' r ., . [4 E4T h A a n
, S 1
a T t
ec ,
The subsoriber °dere to sell, at_ Ferrate
,Sale 2
first rate farm, situate in Southampton township,
Ciiiiilterla lid minty, one mile and a Ulf. south, of --- - :.---,_-...........:-....:.---::-..,..-......a.¢---- - .--. dec.M.,.haveLaeistvissuedin due form of law .to the
g o t t a 73 .W e e n st tarY Pe g un n s t a e ro glitate to o mL 31 9171,
Eliiptensburg, containing . . • ' - - - - nudely the 15th of February
,next. • subscribers redding in the same tiiiiillip. ,
.111itely acres . . .
• 9 . • ,— far the hearing of us and our creditors, at the Court .. '
more or kss. . ,
* • House in the .borough of Carlisle when and ,rwhere
Also--;•A tract of laud covered with .Chestput, r • ' - '' • said estateito present them' protierly authenticated
is here:;g ' ivse ..* to ti N itmi O r T so i n C a l E iarlettislaiMC:•sigal . Mt:
J! ; ine and pak , . you maY attend if you think ytroner. ,- ' . •
. SAMUEL . DktrIHSON: far settlement ! , and all persons indebted,are req itesteir
lo rti a iii lt il ro m rem m eti uti ts oit al thr o fat a m area a gi . sod . .. • .
10 ," , , i84 ,... 2. . , DA, vr
:n..u5D..7 ~_.
_ .. y Lk in ! lmp .tl i T ient . tqAbo : ,sutqcoribort.. .
.. ..._.:
''. A' . ...10111N• MiliEttlitP4
110 1.1 4 41 E, ::-. - ci., CNN
,• . ,
, . .- ' • - i GEORGE . M. GRA - HAIL ..
February iii,1844.7.4.. • , , ~, _ • . ... .• .
wectliet•boarded and : Tainted IA -.. first_ ~.,,,,?:: 11 ,., I• . . , „ „ .
... .
.... . , ,
Nt i •
• o , ce . •• , • , • .., ... :- • ~.. -
rate new BANK BA R N, ::*-!' - z. , •
a new Brick Milk House, Wagon' Shed. and Corn - Estate VJiiel• Arell.•dec'd. . -. _ • ' '
For-Relit. - - .
crib. ~.
. . .
Also—A Still Honsei and over.bead water! . .with T :kTTEits OF ADMINISTRATION L'on thei : „,„_. 1 .,..,_,.......
itiii in , itii
g il eu inci . 6i ,„ joi4N. , ri
flog liens : in , good order .,. There ; is • also a young. 14. ,estate ,of Joel 'Hell; late of ' the ..boroug h of , •.i ......2. , ...m .. .
Orchard ofgraftetlfruit trees upon the plaCe. -. lthere.Shil)Penobeeffilidedn have been granted to the . sub-:..tft/n..:21413,19,,,.45rt
arc upon the form four or five limPlred lttenelit,of scritterat: • Notlekis hereby given to all persons bar- :E,Ta i 74 . 76T ii ". y r iti a ti. :nr.., ' . , * '.ll t e ' l e iri i o 7. c irr . : , !.. :', ; ` :- • . .11 -- -.1 . ,' '
Post and rail fence, and the other fences arein'good lug'.claims against said 'estate to: p resent them for "'"
order. There is a well of water and pump near.stlement,and those indebted to raite payment im- . .0 131 ..te. dfee ICISTIMMod fOinitti - ' •
__... . . potful-been used, wade*. rgrzAnnY.. - - , - .••. ',- - *
the house, and . * never failing spring'.of of ; rams niediateli; tit .„ ...•'. - • • ~•
. • -. • b as t .--• ' ='' .-:...,- .*• r.‘ -•'-, • ' -. .. •-
-1„.0„gb the place . . . , . ~,,, ; , .. -
~_ , - , . ALFRED 'MATTHEWS: Seutliamptcai , years_L - mbm..o kk.,itti.,oo A gitod..atable:.and . •.firiil;
This farm IS'w ell calculated
jAcciß fer e grsi or i r ie l g iip , Ew:, : . ' ''.. ....r!'..; -' r. :tp: Franklin etitMtZ.:.
~,..' ~...flte Warebeelle.!•' .6"•` , "i "T'."4 1 ..."'' 4 ' .:: ' - '- ' "- ," .
1 ~. ,:4011.5, , CAREY, Sh/Ppeosbart, - , .. :, • !
.. - ' ',trot fgrther34004 1 . 1 ri!40 1 3 .11 ' 9 • 1 4 1 9 , e'! l /e'e''
•'" ' • ' " ' '- ' ''' .' ." . FchreniC•flt,'Hl42.-4te . '.`-' ' ~.. .... , ~ .. Polish+ lanuarre!/# lit.V..--/fil
'Geo. Hamill,
Alexander Stewart,
JAME'S StUrgibb,
.1. Wunderlich,
U. Ccdiugh,
J. A. Clippinger.
Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Cumberland County, by the
Cominissioners of said County, troth the first day of January,
to the thirty-first of December, A. D. 1841, inclusive.
. •
To balance in hands'of Treasurer at lastlettlement,
Balance of taxes last settlement,
Amount of County taxes assessed foe:1841i •
Fees due County by delinquent
d 4
ntcu i l i l en ec t l e fus, • •
This sum received of J. - Cr i swel l lfor t axes'- not asssessed in
" _ Waggoner, Esq._ on ace's ,of
• • Waggoner's Bridge, ,•. • • __
r" - • - • Isaac Lloyd,Esq. over payee "tijneo - F;
M , Holcomb, fines& verdict fees,
Do. amsfunt of R. Miles' bond •due
canal for costs; • •s•
U. Lem berton and.). Wunderlich,infult
of Middlesex Bridge Bohd, r" .
C B.Penrose,Esq. and others ' redemp.'
thin money for Unseated Lands,
t. Mishler, Esq. costs glue county by:
,Esquires Lackey & Henniker, proceeds ,
of_ strays sold by diem,- ' •
F.-14.•M'ICoskey in full of-tract cf Un
seated Linda 'in Perry county sold
hini by Conimissioners. • -
J. Rimer, dividend due county from et
tate of ,S. Ramsey, dec'd.
Messrs. Slsyman, Eberly & Bryson, in"
full of. Bridge Bend,
Lay & Stouffer, for old stove plates sold
them by tommissionere,
Geo. M'Feely, for old paper case sold
• him by Commissioners,
Ab'm. Grove, for county tax on Unseat- •
ed Land,
_ W. Foulk, Esq. Cl'k. Or. Sess.-verdict,-
_fees received by him,..
J. H„ Graham '
- Esq. Dept'y. Attorney
Gen'l. verdict fees &c, received by
James Sturgis, Esq. 'money refunded on
inquest,' .
IE gi
. - '
'Schedule of outstanding, taxes, due Cou nty;.
per return of Treasurer 31st Deeent4er'
1841, subject to_ exhonerations, 4.c., ~with
amount t assessed for 1 444 . :, ~ • . ,
Carlisle. •
South Middleton
Allen- -
Dickinson ••_
Frankford . •
Hopewell _
Illiilliu _
Monroe • -
Newton . • - -
New ville •
New Cumberland
North Middleton
South Middleton
Silver Spring ' -
Siditharaptu • •
Shippenslitirg H.
Shippenshurg T.
West Penniihorough
Due counti lii At'tc liiie - 1134 c`for costs, $36 - 21: -
• Since paid in full. •
t Since paid in part—
•Peter Oterdeer,
A.G. Miller,
Wilson Sterrett,
Alexander Officer
Jacob Lehman •
John liollaglier
J. L. Brandeberry
J. Pilgrim
To balance in hands of Treasurer, $l5ll 58,
. .
. ... .
Statement exhibiting the amount of Taxes assessed within the County of Cumberland, for the . itse . of Me , Commonwealth, up
to the 31st day of -December 1841 iii elusive, with the amount of exhonerations and fees allowed collectors, the . .
• • amount paid into the hands 'of Robert SnOdgrass, Esq. Treasurer, wit' the bdlances returned by him . .
. . • - • as outstanding, and due by collectors of said date, viz' :'.
. .
To the whole amount of State Tax for. 11141;2-
7'wwwhipe, fstc
blast Rennsborough
New vine ' •
Now Cumberland
North ,Middletink.
South NI
Silver Spring -
Shippensburg T.
est Pentishorough -
- . We the
,Commissioners of Cumberland County, do
certify that.the; above exhibits a true and correct State-
Tvt i - Inritt of-the-Receipts and Expenditures of Cumber-.
• 14 *-.„
'land county for the term above stated ; as also of the
. • B,eve . rtil ifl*Cs assessed for the use of •the Common
wealth,*aforesaid, With the aggregate"of lees .and exhoneratiOns
allowed term and al4 the amount of the several
take; outtitarating ip the hands of thB. - severaletillectors, according .
to the best Of our, knowledge and judgment. , .
Witness our hands. , and seal of oiliee,- - at Carlisle, the ad, day
of January; . A . Q. is4g.
MICHAEL MISHLER, • - Co - mmissioners.,
— .1. -- REHRAR;
Attest —Ram lawrs. , Cleric. • .
January 25),111.3.4
. .
ROBERT SNODGRASS r ESq., 14i6a,Stirer.;
:9:WI - of Du
i Collectors
P. Overdevf
I. Goodyear! •
G. Itupp,jr.
W. Bentz •
A. G. Miller 't -
&Mumma-- ----
D Mounlz
IL G, Miller '• -
S. Brattoin
G. W;.llrieker•,,,,l,
L.- Schutt - -- •
W. Suirrett .f. ' -
J. Moore
A. Officerjr.nt -
..—Culver -----
J. Lehman*
J. Hoiirtghdv t
J. ril_gpm t
I. L. B raid eii eFiy7f
W. K. Tritt , -
J. Grayson:
WO 112
- 1792 63
. 397`38 -
'.3,0 80
421 32
1147, 49
- - 256 - 94'
- 883 99i
• 164.84
-- 69 82
1321 1)7
1549 84
1411 644,
171 71 —
,1235 62a
!'16,943 12
$2O 00
250 00
170 00
40 00
437 00
450 00
113 00
100 00
George Rupp Jr. '
Weirich Bentz,
A. G. Miller,
Samuel MUITTII3,
Daniel Mountz,
Henry G. Miller,
Samuel Bratton,
George W. Bricker,
Lewis Schutt,
Wilson Sterrett,
John Moore,
Alexander Officer, jr.
Joseph Culvor,'
Jacob Lehrtinn,
John Hollagher, •
John Pilgrim, •
.lames L. Tirandeberty,
William K. TOD,
Junes Gramm
. , .
~ . .
• Ay amounfpaidoui on orderl4 - Efe - .as faitpwi,to salt i i • „' •
Witnesses fees in Commonwealth auks, '. . : '' VI 4 ' ll 6 0i
Justices ' ' do s : _ : 'do ..
, . ,
! '
Constables do, " ••
do .. 56. 64i
.• Directors of the Poor, for,support of Paur* for 1841, 6000 tY)...
'Grand and traverse Jurors pay, • ' - - • . 2529. 00 •
Auditors pay for 1840, .' .. .... .;. • ~, , • ,.. . ~, . .1.1 50'
CoUnty Jail and Penitentiary, sundries furnished prisoners; Sm. '194 02i.
General, special arid Township Elections for 1841, 1070 00
Wood.for Court gone, Jury'llcoms and Commis'rs. Office, 81 00
Lay lit Stouffer, 1 lineStovelor Court House, - . • - 62-45
• Judgment in favor of H. Myers, for paper ca s e for Regtaters'nflice, , •'.39 84
B. Carney, Whitewashing public buildings, , .. ~ ' 19 56
Furnishing room in publiq Wildings fOr Jridge, • ' ' 53 54
.Retiairs and'incidentrit - expenses,of public buildings,' ' ' 609 35
William Cornman repairing Cove Mill: Bridge, . ° , • ' - ' 27. 92
Samuel Black, in frill for building . Efferfe • 5 9 00 00
s bridge, -
• John Mordorf, repairing Waggoner's•bridge; . . .
• :•.• , ,• 2 00
John Wunderlich, repairing Middlesex bridge,' •. ' . ' 94 30
John P. Lyne, furnishing materials for painting Pleining!stridge; .41 38
Robert C. Harris, painting said bridge, icc. ~ .„,.. • . •• 30 08 •
Eastern State Penitentiary, support of conficts, ..• ... - .- .. 644 18 •
Sheriff Holcomb, late Sheriff fees in Quarter Sessions, • . 16y 44
Constables returns to Court of Qr. Sess. -• . .. 101- 54
T. Craighead, Esq Keeper of. Penitentiary,. ' . • 900 00
Samuel Eckles, as Director of the Poor f0r.1841, ' 30 00
John Dunlap, Esq. do • do do • • '3O 09
. Benj. Peffer,.Esq. .do do .. . do* ..• • . 30'00
Prior House Visitors for the last two years, 1 • . .60 00
James H. Graham, Esq. Commissioners Attorney, . , . . ..50 00
Public Printing, • - - 267 40
Taxes reilmded, . - • .. . . • St 18
. .
Inquisition on dead brdies, . - 4.1 07
~ . , ; , -.
Damages awarded on roads,. '
Dockets for Protli'Y. Register, 89 18i
Recoder and Clerk, of COtiits, 46 90
Assessors pay for 1841, . • .- 817
. 874
Willis Fourk, Esq. fees in Qr. Sess. • ' •
George Sanderson, Esq. Prothonotary's fees, . - 8 87
James Dunbar, superintendant yof public building,, ' 65 00
James H. Graham, Esq. Depe h y.Att'y. Gen' fees in Qr.,Sess. 103 00•
Jnlin Cornrrian, - Esq. - psy as Commissioner in full, • .
.139 50 i
Alex". M. Kerr, Esq. do • -do - for 1841, - • • - ...50
111. - Mishler, - Esq...• do • de, -..,. 'do '
Jacob - Rherar, Esq. torn 26th Oct. till 3 1st Dec_. 18 . 4 . l i inel
3 1 005 6 9 0 6 3 .
00 ( 5 1 00 0 0 ..
John Irwin,Esq. Commissioners Clerk, -
,•‘; . ;,
ColiWErTeibipay - ,' , ' ..... - ',l - ,• • • •
Paul Martini Esq. sheriff, support of prisoners for - 1841, • . 1281 18
'53,897 45i
16,943 12
1 12i
8 28
95 00
1 00'
105 12
22 15
30 90
26 7?
17 00
75 00
1,350 00
12 00
36 93
I 00
cilus't out
139 ,89
.189 92•
Viewet s of R'osils and Bridget,
Orders for killing •Foxes, •
1019 19
Commission allowed Trensurei• at cents per cent,
7...xonerations allowed collectors,._
, do .
B - alanc -- direliy - cottectorrof - 1134t, --- . . _
do do _ of 1R39 tc IA
Balance in hands of Treasurer ; ,
219 19i
120 04
383 99i
n 8T
628 193
9.11 31
170 81i
68 71
299 853
$10,244 22 By Cxlioneration allowed collectors,
Collectors fees,
Amount of Taxes received by Treasurer,
Balance of taxes outitanding*
$10,244 e 2
Bills of de
6 27
Amount of, the
825 02
2125 27
782 53
837 58
• 222 62.
190 78.
196 11
614 . 66
160 29
• 472-76
140 03
61 74
651 18
737 86
. .•• ' 651'02'
' 478 77
250 71
92 4S
732 50.
$10,244 22
, . .. ..
... . .
WE,. the undersigned, Auditors - of .Centberland county, d
certify, that having examined the attcouhti and ciiunltera of
Robert Snodgrass, Big., Treasurer pt.saiil county,' froth the , of-January to the. 81st day . of :December, llg4r, ,inclO
sive, do find. a. balance in We hatulc':of said. Treasurer. due said
of one ' thousand :five:huodred and 'eleven dollars., and
fifty-eight:Cents, exclusive of the several taxes assessed for thi
use' of the Commonwealth,. . And 'we. further .certify that the,
aboie'exhibits a correct statement of. the, outstanding taxep due
by thalespeetive collectors, assessed for the use of the Com
monwealth within said county .as above.statel . , •
Given under our hands at the Commissioners .office, in Car
lisle, this Bth day of January, A.' D. 1842. . • ' .
- 1
. ,
. ~_ •
8 .. WILMA A/IS L _ Au_diters,.._
. .., •. ' ' .ARNHART, '
40 9.9 i
11 OS
1 56
, i 9 73
1 16
7 89
6 84
9 26
30 91
J 2 85
$ 107 97i $ 8074 494
$ 47 55
$19,710 79
199 13
• as ssi
$20;008 45i
575 16
159 01
-4143-63 i
279 74
• 1511 58
$2.7,9 t 6 22.9
$10,e44 23
amount of Tax
777 81i
1800 00
589 56
• 649 71
210 01
65 00
185 20
149 95
320 DU
129 93
18 00
473 00
406 sr
354 37
117 65
60 00
552 75
Balance tin
3.25 47
19'2 97
287 87
125 7$
152 79
264 $
244 77
124 40
133 08
sq 45
170 77
$ 4014 87
• •
Application --for '.Tavern --Licnnso:
JOHN. REBUCK of the , Shlppeiis:
burg, intends to apply toAlic.Cour,t of quarter Bei
sionp or qumberiand c*ounty , to - he held on the !lilt
aay of April 184.53, for a license to keep an inn or
tavern in-the house in the house lie now occupies as
a tairEn in said borough.
We, the subicribers; citize!na:th.bei•bo4ll,gh
Shippensbucg, Avhich .the above mentioned ono or
tavern prayed toile licensed is proposed to be kept,
do-certify.that .lohnlielmck, the above named appli-,
cant is of good repute for honestfand temperance,
and is well provided 'with house: room and cOnvem ,
fences for die 1p dgi and a cco mma ditii poi of stranger,
And travellers 'and that autumn o'r tavernis deCessaft
ty to accommodate thepulil4 and, enterta i n strangeri
and travellers: . •
. .
James StUrgia, •
John Altick, ' DaiiirWaggoner,
Jot4thais Carey.'
Win. M. Mateer, George Khrimet,!
Jneoh fleck, Robert Coilierau,
`William Peal, Jacob E n -en.
Fehrintry, 2,3. I 842.—St*
COI4, Consumptio4,
• These•universal complaints we, fief}
every family,rittentled with more or ress r seyerktyk
at the same titne regarded by some with very fifths,
attention, until they begin •to - assitme a very seriotit
character. Why tire patienta so neglectful of them.
selves when they know. that their - IMM is all 1'1.211? '
Are they no aware that it requires a much longer
time to arrest.a.disease when suffered to knit itself
upou the vitals? Will those uliadesire liesilkktake
gooir advice, and . always be provided Wu few boli 7
tics of "Dr. 1./Lille/108 Expectorant Remedy," wlierea
by they cair immediately arrest the fatal progress or
consumption; and not be compelled to spend yeari
in misery and pain, besides making an Apothecary
S4op of, their Stortnichsl This medicine is certintt
in its effects, if used iu due season, and al waysairqr ;
duces relief itithemdst hopelesacases; by its Booth.
ing Ittuf pafliative abets.. This .a consolation
which many appreciate. •
Principal office 19 North Eiglithsfrert, Philadel
phia„. • • . ' "•
For sal(at the Drug Store of J.-J. Myer;
Carlisle, and•Wm. - Peal Shippensbarg. feby.23
• At i'stated Orphans' Court be
gati . noil held at Carlisletor cumberland enmity; on ,
the 15th day of February, 1842, before the
11 - on.Ssipuel4t.:Pburn,, and Join) Stewart
nod John Lefever, L'SqiiieesAricipte..lndges the,.
saine' Court, assigned e.; - the - proceeding
: were had to wit : -
• In.the case of - the rult fin this Itch's of Elizabeth
Ferguson ; dec'tl,, to appear and' accept' or .I:ftise to.
accept the Real Estate of.saiil decedent at the
alien which was returnable ibis day, the Same heing
-returned by::the Sheriff, served
der of the Court:. A fitl now, fo, wit, 15th t'rn-aanF, -
.4. D. 1842, John' Green wood,,,,Licob 'Oyler an' •
Jimatinto - Jacobs, severally •appimi etl' in' , Court and'
refill:ea to accept said real eState, at the valuation,_ •
requested the Court to :mike nn muler and de...
tree for the sale of the tame, and the otherheirs of
pcim.tbe.Ceti rt granted Irt mile on . \ V illiatzferiuson;
Uarul Fergoson, Ferguson, Andrew Patton,
William Nicholsoir, Josepli - Culberison,Deore, W.,
pieftidllitinlrileltzbobver, gosrdian of 'Snsan,
Mitchell, to appear at the Stated Court OP
to show cause why said real estaie should not he sold„
Personal be'ONen 'by the Sheriff td.those
who reside in CumberlaniLeanotr, - and to those who
reside out of saill --- Cquidr, by ,publication iu two
newspapers printed in said county for four successite.
weeks. By ihe Co u rt..
Cumberland. County, ss. - - .
. 0 ..u.y. t I,lv. FOUL, C.. 0- C.,--do-hereby--
1 . 4.0. t. certify that the . toregoing is a true Copy
irA Ar.. of record. •Witiiess my. hand and seat
:I .401)1:- of said Court,at Curli . !.llo 19th fulatta-•
i. i r s ry,1.81,2.,
I ty.
, .
February 23, 1 $.42-4t , •
County and. Slate
NOTICE ishereby given to all .the taxable in.
habitants within the County of Cumberland,
Permsylyania; either for State r County; ter Common
School purposes,. Mint tfre., CotAmissioners of said
county will held the apiiiials. for the yelir 1942, in
the different borough's and townships of said county ' ,
at the time and phieei as published below, forrthee
purpose of hearing all peremis who may Nil) , for
redress,und to grant such relief as to them 6.411 aik;
pear just and reasonable, to wit.
Fratutfirthind Aliffitt township, 011 Tuesday the
lst.itlitreli next, at the public house of David Mean,
in the borough of Newville.
Xe:oville and arivion, on Wednesday Itte VI at the
Caine place.
Hopewell, on Thursday the 11, at the public house
of James Sponsier, in Dtewburg.
Southampton hilt! Shippensburg towiiships,onF'ri.
day the 4th, at the public house of John Roebuck, io
the borough of Shippensburg.
Sluppentburg borousla, on Saturday the sth at the
same place.
.A''orth AtirltEeton, on :Monday the 7th, At tile Cote.
missioners' OINC hullo borough of Carlisle. "
Dickimon, on Tutdsay the alb - , at the public Wile
of Jacob Trego, (Ctimh.rland
West Pennsboro' on 'Wednesday the. 9th, at the ,
pub io house of Geo. Slietiffer, at Mount Rock.
$ 47 55
107 37
6074 42
2914 $7
- Silver ,Spring , nuThursday the 1-9th at the public;
ouse of Joseph Grier, in tlugnestowu. .
Aart Pe , lnaborid'.on Friday the titl, at ,the publio
ouse of Andrew Kreitzer.
New Cumberland, on' Sutorday the at the
nbliu house of Jacob Poist.
Mechanicsburg. on Monday the' 14th, at the pub•
u hOuse of John Hoover.
Allen, on Tuesday the. I.stb, at the publio house
of Raid Sheaf Fer, loShepherdstow ti.
.Monroe, on Wednesday the 16th, at the publio
house of.John•Paul, in Chureldetvn. • -
• Srouth-Atidrileton, on Thursday the 17th:, Si the
Commissioners' ofliee, in the borough of Carlisle. •
Carlisle Burottz.rh, on Friday the 18th, at the Com
missioners' office, in , said borough.
By order of the Commissioners... , • 5:
. • • •3UIIX !WM, Cl'k.
Carlislit, Feb, 9,184..
Application for Tavern . Licenie.•••
NOTICE is hereby gien, that 1 . intendjoisp r ;i,
ply at term of the ,eourt of Wig rt de' 'ttictionti
of Cumberland county, for a ,I. 4 ieense to keep'a tav
'ern or public house, in the houso %Web 1 now occu
py in the horongh of Carlisle,
_ .
February 16, 18.12.—,3t: •
We the undersigned citizens of the Borough of
Carlisle in the ciousity*Of Cumberland, do certify thst
we are well acqUainted with the above named An.
drew Roberts, and dint lie is of good repute for;
honesty and temperance, and is well pro Sided
house room and conveniences for the lotlging.'Mf4 , .
accommodation of strangers, and travekleep, saki v ci„. 4
therefore reccotnmend him-tesqui , Poncrii as
deserving of n licenSe, - stl further sti;i•, , thats tirvern--.
at the stand is an Acomroodation to ti?e
•1110. Harper, — 'high G'aiitsgher; ,
Geo.lEge, Geo. Sanderson,
M. Holcomb,. ' • W—Foulk, '
Robert Snodgrass. Ikiigh Reed, ' • '
Jos. D. Harbert; . , 'John M. Gregg,. •
James Postlewait,
John - D: Gergas,
• R. A. -Noble •
C. Macfarlane, W.Crabb.
Application , forr i ral . reeriT7Lkiiise:.
, rffwE i s . tricki , given, that 1. intend to , apply
at the next term of the Court of Quart,yr Semi
aiona of Contherlanitoounty", for a
a tavern Or public house, in theltoutte I now mum
in the-borough-of Shippenshtur. ' - .
• • • , CHRISTIAN' Z.1.1c.K. •• ••
• • • • , • ~ • •
' tatbserihers, citisenieo the berovgh' nr :
Sid ppenshurg, in which the above' inentineed; inn. or, ' -
tavern, prayed to be licensed is proposed to be kept, ,
'dg hereby. eertily . that Christian • Znek, - the 'above'
untitled applicant, .s of good repute for honesty and
temperance, ate] ievell provided with house room
and cenveniences for the lodging and accomnindatiorr
of atrangers and travOlgra, Avid that. said tavernlb Ai -
pbblie.'ateorotgotialiblt, • - •
.lacolt , „ J.tztieph : _
Hatn:ll, " • Reht. Couhren.
attnnthan Peal, - ; t i. • Sohn, •
.• ,
MY II 4 Kencluterk . JoljlißoblAK:k , , : :•.- .
rnar;e' Aloginmer, • Jacti!) . 'Engl6l. , 4,
4 Wereig4 , , , -) 3 2 T 3 'Alexander .I.tetrarr •
16t42.—$ I '