Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 23, 1842, Image 2

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e raid &—E Kips tor.
fertireeks ago. favored
. our. readers ' Witha brief sketch of she jdi 7
tied. character of that erratic genius, Henry
A: Wise' of Virginia. •• We non:Y - o'e Them
.o* . bitetcli of that "old man eloqtient," John
'Quincy Adams, of 111.1ssachusetts. ;• • It is .
• vdttlimplirtiallY author
. .
p - on ft to eq ti n• ill] the citarry
• actin. gf our great: - men. - 7 We next
week s kivo our readers a •sketolt .of the
•- ton: Jdlfli Sergeant& of l'ento.Tlyania,• and
arnard i of 1'404 York.
. I.r6in the &mkt Slo-11 , 113 Sevr§: .
• Gilfaitpiri •qt etragrcx . s?tracet.
• , TOritt: QtrlNta' ADA
• • It may4ippear like presumption ionic to
Undertake td"giveu.sketch, however brief,
.this extraordinary mum I shall never
.Co speak of, his talents or genius: They
are universally known to be unsurpassed
-- --vnepialied. • Ile is a philosopher, a states
. pan, orator; poet, critic, and historian, and
- is,withont any kind , of doubt the mu s t. re
• . 'makable man of:the age. He hits filled
"almost .every 'important station under his
. government ; has been a. member of both
• •
houses of Congress, Minister to Russia, to.
England; and to Chant, Secretary of State',
Under Mr.. Monroe, and President. of the'
:United States ;.and. was at one period of
his . life•PrOfessor of
. Rhetoric in Harvard
. College.• He is toiw about 75 years - of
age, and both physically and . mentally has
-- all the vigor, of you th . :lie uses touch
. •
bodily. exercise; walks a great deal, rises
• very early in the -morning, and, makes. a
. practice, winter and summer, of
' inersing himself in , cold water, as soon: as
91b . getsup... No:doubt this - has,cooduced
greatly to his• health., Ito is very abste--
. -rnious . in his. mode of living, mid all - hipi
•- • habits.areimifortn, ronsiste4 and thorough
. Ytiletuatized: In person .he is shirt;
perhaps 5 feet 6.inehes, tall and round; but
not stoutly built. He., has a quick.
step, and seems to'possess much agility.—
' His head is athiost as bare of hair - as the
Palm of his hand, and is of the most,pr
.-:—ltTeit-sy. Mallory. .It . really -looks as if it had
• ' :been turned in a lathe and. polished; it is
so' smooth, glossy and regular. 'His fore
head is hold and wide.. Iljs eyes are small,
dark2a.tokkeen; 'has a' florid complexion;
. iting; sharp nose; a - 6,11:13CV. and /argil
. tnotsth , .. When 'much excited, his headibe
, tinmei like a. ; ernal of living 'fire; and his
face-deeply :flushed ara - iiithitated.
At other times he looks calm and medita
tive. temper is irascible and 'intgov
ernable; is impatient of contradiction and
• wasPish. Ile never giVes up his , point lei
it be ever so trifling, 'or if even proven to
be in error. -ludeed it always appeared•to
me that the.more you convince him of the
• untenableness of his poeition, the greater
pertinacity would he dis Play in adhering to
. it; and lie is-frightfully bitter towards all
- who oppose: his 'views, and cuts right and
left, Pt friends and foesi indiscriminately, ifl
they happen to stand in his way, and he I
has one of the roost' . venomous -sareastic '
• tongues, that was ever put into the head of,
man,"inid he takes real delight in using it.
For piercing, rancorous severity he never
had his match. All 'that comes within his
grasp have to feet the full force of his over•
whehning invective, keen wit; and biting
sar• s and at,times_he_is-swuntnereifol
as to, cause „feelings of commisseration for
his writhing victim,and fiorror at his cruel
ty. His disposition is unamhible, cold and
. unfeeling.' lie seems void. of a heart; has
no charity or sensibility, lie is a' severe,
inflexible patriot of the Cato school. He
is fearless in the pursuit of what he believes
to be . right, and will turn aside for no ob- -
• ntacle that-May interpose. He outer con-.
sults mere expetliilicy. .If a- meastire be
right in itself, that is so flittient for him;-he
will advocateit, Ae aiegislator. he is not
happy, nor useftil in proportion to his pow
. er.• Ile is not conciliating, and is eiceeth.
ingly indiscreet. •He mattes injudicious
Movements, and is-governed too much
. passionor impulsp,. His manners'are gen
erally cold and distant, though lie is oeita-'
sionally play fol, and kites a joke as Well
as any one. His information is more ex
tensive amid varied, I firmly believe, than
any man's- living. .There is no
either he the arts, the _sciences, or in his
tory, that he is not perteetly,familiar with,
and every event that has transpired.within
the lust half century he can' describe, par
. tieularly, even to_nuenes and elates. • .He is
literally a locomotive chronogleal
His 'knowledge of human ... nature is very
g . Teat, s and . .he is an admirable judge, though ,
n very severe. one, of men. His manner -
of speaking is 'vehement and impassiunad,
and lie uses roach base harsh.
but distinct 4oide, _and modulates it with
• powerful.effeCt. When indulging in his
favprite sarcasm, his manner is inimitable:
The . peculiar-pcornfolz-enrloilipohe-point. , -
edfinger,and flashing of its. watery eyes,
and attitude of his - body,
.unite - in giving
additionaLeG,o-,to the
.pungency of his wit;
administration was `characterized by
-simpliejty,eeonomy and misfit : u, and the
• •fUture histairian will :record it as the best
and ablest that lies ever bethirred under-the
- govern m ent. The whole 'country. tinder
„enjoyed' tranquility and -security, and
every :department ;Of ' business went ; sing.
smoothly and prosperously. - In airhiii.of
7:`),fieiaraets ;fie - ..alone:lennettited the public
go - ,o4,HarbiliS rtbi alMn his pnwer... to
...parts7 strife,,and . to unite-the whiale-penple
• and ell seepone of the. country in one, bor.-
- 111011 'nue purpose. Isis private. lite ,
pyre. as his, puslic , patriotic, .aucLielt‘n
ball- have hoeh gathereil,to‘the3orrib of
his: tathersliC:willi . leave behind him-a fame ,
that will endure . ; as
getting, and patriotimif..arp I
eonitlit lie;.niany,'aneedotesato illustrate:} mr:
Mr.•Adimer eharadter,„but
- Whilsi;gli.,ink:'hiMeredit‘forthat.whiefr,.irc
contneridal4q,l 4 havit A tint-hesittOd . .to^:le. •
tieOliiorcot,*hie i h,Rltithunthie. ju
meetiner 'ailitetiidirratdi deurep,, .
• • .
From-tbe united States Gozet!e; -
,It is : somewhat difficult to. - decide whe
ther wickedness er folly.mest . predominates
in the legislation of this State:- Ott one
day, the credit- of the-State is. destroyed by
decisjoit of the House, that the, notes- is
sued under ; he law• of May, 1841, areuot
'to he redeemed actiording to promise. •On
another arty, that'of individuals is attacked
by the threat of alaw,-by which sales un
der execution are nt be stayed, and,.theere
ditor--is ud be deprive:ll pf his rights; sYitlt
the vatn of benefitting diti - rieb - for. - -;= - done to destroy credit, pub- ,
lie and private, and to oil - id capital from
the State;- the consequence of. wine!' is - a,.•
ditninution in the 'abbe of property, land- ..
ing to_ render it exceediogly difficult to sell
fir ritororage it; and Alien we are offered,
by"way remedy, a stairlaint. - -Suelt are
the effects of the mice:is - tog, regulkaion of
the past few years. We had a gorid -sys
tem, bat it has been broken doWn, and now
every man that chances to find himself Oc
cupying a- Jeat-he the Legislature,--fancies
that, by additionallegislation, he can apply
a remNly to some of the - evils, that have
been produced by the legislative interference
o f past times: - •
Theme:lst - it:es of the: past few yearehave
tended greatly to promote a spirit of ganth
litor, the increase of %Odell has manifested
itself in the operations of: the stock ex
ch.:we. With a view to apply a remedy,
a law was passed last vear,Arlyidding•sates
upon time : as great an interference with
the rights of individuals, as if men had
been forbidden to Contract for the future de
livery of cotton, rice, or tobacco. That
la* bas . proved, as might have been anti
ciprted,- entirely inoperative. It is now
proposed to abolish the Brokers' Board,
and, we suppose a penalty will be attached
to the mere carrying on -of the business of
a-hr~ker. 't'ltis fie to be-flutes-that - the - pry
ple may he prevented Irom gambling ! It
scents to be forgdtten that the State has
Cleated urge amounts of stnek,.and that it
has authorized its ereationTor the formation
of Railroads, Canal's, Insurance' Compa
nies -and Banks, and that the Brokers'
Board is only the market established for
:the promotion of the public convenience,
for the sale of emelt- property. As well
-might it be rendered criminal to take a seat
in the .market places for the sale of cab
-bagel and potatoes.
Such legislation is, in the highest degree,
ridiculous. .If. we wish to- prevent gamb
ling, .tve. must go to the root, end-ascertain.
what it is.that e.anses it to exist. •• In no
. part of- the World'does. the eapital field in ,
the form of transferable stock, hear enlarge
'a proportion to :the Whole amount, as in
Massachusetts and - Rhode Island, .and , yet
in none is there so little stock., jabbing..—
. In- neither- there a Brokers l - Board:—
Brokers are few, and !their business is tri 7
fling in anormat. By ascertaining the cause
of this differencey wevan,nseertain how to
abolish gambling here: :In neither of those
states 'are .pri,vilegres grantellmrS -they are
with us; • Monopolies arettriknown.; What'
A..and 13. con'do, all-the-rest of the:alpha'
,het can do..
_Men arc_, free td-tirid&Atidir '
viduall} or collectively.--under the 'general f
liability. of - thelaw-of.partnerahiptir
der that of the limited' partneriship
and if they prefer to become a corporation,
the power to do so is obtained without dif- '
ficulty. The consequence is' that Banks, ,
precisely as new' she shops or grocery'
stores areopened. There -is no' speenla
tine, no eambling connected with them,—,
Theare made..4)3! men witiO:href capital
to invest, not ity those who have to horroiv . •
it.; The - shareholders take' stock•to keep,
not to gamble with; The consequence is,
:thatewheneYer - i . .eoMpany is Created,'the
hock -is 'avonee-placidt whereat; with
it never. reaches :Ate: hands::of those wlio''
Mean to keep ivuniii nftee'passing.years'W
the ,hands of speculators, and peying•tett,l
tifteen; twenty:per .'eent:in.-tommisilion
to brokers. 'lf we desire' to prevent gamb- ?"
lion., we, must relingnish-the•bribiiof grant- - • Pinhsylvaniii: Stale Debt .7siteresti-4-
_priiilegirt, and :1160 ihe . tittly demo-. We learn front the .Philadelpitia - W'S.'Gai- -
erotic AiyeteM di MaisaAuietti, wheie •tril:i Otte, that yesterday' Governor Porter' was .
are ;tell eqindim the-eye 'of 'thelaw;.titid';taltlie Bank,tif ',''PentraYlYania, Wiittrn State
all. are- permitted-to - *elect tlieneitelfen;'offieer'seil - the:•;lStter paying
the , irtodwin interest duenn die State delft; in paper
others, leaving it for :those others to deter- half,' per
mine themselves . .whether they likeilhe tn6l-11: The l . taYtitent. continued,
terms mr:not-whether they:loll'464i until noon;
,when, it . 'cc:lSO, notice
haYetiaitithilnis'Lthat reiennied::thie -- Morning fr L.:
State,: in the. laefieven'.YearS,:tlditY!olll,:`-':QP.cOnrSOftetii±Alle interest
lions of dallars. : ::'the'etipital'setittoirickti.,i'Ohr
hurgearititil'Oulft;i4e.;;:iyntild:!hiitterlteenp.:The payment tif , the 'State' Interest*l e
applied;to',the Creation of oit + iiii?` iieetetdig;"tiVithe'Rekieylvitniit
.„ „
)tmig lltoteuftsox - ,:f
deiSon is a native New - Jeriley
_when quite young•titati . itmigratetl:Adthe
State which he now in part repreitents,
the highest branch orthe National 'Legisla-
Rite. • His 40'. is about 47.. Previous: to
his eleetioUle liii . .presetupositiinf, lie :ne
cupied Seat ''u'pon' the "bench 'cif the ter-,
preme Court of his.adopted . .stato, - ",and tvae,
very highly esteemed -as 'a judge. by. the
members of the legal prOfessiOn.7,,
.In person .he may he 5 feet 9 inches tall,
lind rather inclined to be 'slender; litis-ilark
hak. and gray . eyes; large brow, square
•fOreead; and thin visage. The expression'
of bis e, ti. pt ce s„o ri on c a
his dress and address he is very platk.and
,itifoernal.„ speakingls,'eold
and indifferent; uses. ,adtient-.has a disc-
greeable voice, - and appears
"however, a sensible, clearheaded
man ; very mind in his viewi, and eftcient.
kle is, a member ofthe judiciary committee,
rand .t ook a very active part in : maturing:the,
treat jubilee' measure "of thelate sessiou of
Congress-the general bankrupt law. As
a public man he' will be much More-useful
Ithan Who possess a more brilliant in
_He has.great industry,,a dise,rimi
nating mind, pe.iseveraii - ce,. arid turns-his'
whole attention to matters of practical ilxf
ppiianen. - Ile don't exhaust hituseirin try
to.find.ont, what ought not to be done;
but directs- his attentiou to measures whjeh
the exigencies of the-country of the wants
of the people demand.. H e is-a positive not
'negative legislator;: and, therefore, will be
serviceable. -
private life lie is roost cSernpTary, has
a kind,.gobd heart . ,..untl. liberal disposition.
c(11 - ..0. - c__gt:4:tx.,.1..1011 . /.r •mjfi.c.lco!j..p.' 4**.1.-:i2w:oti
antrthe,:eiDelting tifqrott,' Mid we should
rejoice , it) lute up; ve rip! s . pene,of prosperity,
instead tf .niourniriepier our beithen "far-
WO's and disappointed hopes. It islime
.thitt we should open our eyes to our past
and, e fuleavtir . t6 amends there
for: and: N,(?,yv. / . England
~ arc'
pros'ering Under" one :Systeiii; while We are
ruined 'tititler another. Let us folloW their
example; and we shalistpeedily see a elianke
that Will glittldery, , the heartskif,!ulf.
fierindthe past two weeks, the time of
the I.egislature . has been'ticcupiedin'an'atl
..tempt .to,compei the-banks, tu 'resume; the
i main object of
. resumption being . ..that of
enabling tlte people to obtain, in return for
their-laboron mcreliandize, better .
sort of. money than That which'theY have
had during the,.past Twelve months. , What
has been .the result of,,tlreir labors? Have
I the people, who pos,sessed notes issued . un
-1 der the la w of May,.1841, - profited. thereby?
Have those, who had in. their possessitin
the (melee of the various Ganks.of.theiote- -
,derive 4 any advantage therefrom 'l--
I Have not, en the 'contrary, both classetvisUf
, fermi 'greatly,' and have not thn . , brokers
'gained harvest at their expense?..r--
Does the state of the exchanges mark any
improvethent . resulting:fretn the action of
1 the "Legislature? Does it not; on the con
trary, mark a constant increase of distrust?
—a constant diminution of -confidence ?•='-.
and does not thehigh priee of-specie spew
-the 'people have no,confidence in the .
effect to be µreduced by the Measures pro- 1
The error of our - whole
regard to the banks, for . several years past,
consists in a want of steadiness, - and we
"might also say, honesty, of purpose. At
onetime they art...bin - lied; atnnother, they
are' cajoled. One week we have a report
full of fire and fury;•accoMpaniediiy . a bill
of . . pains' and penalties." In the. next there
is a total change„ataLthe bank may have
their own terips;preeidcd They - pay.
They li've paid until they eau pay no
'limiter. They haveAie . ed bled by the peo
ple . who desired. to riake.canals and_rail 7
roads without paying taxes,.tintif but little
bltiod .is left, and now they are insulted
ot'.nctiiiti in
ole - course
this *Matter•has Jim 'disgrace:
lid, and that in the 'highest degree.
We.wantnow the-adoption al d.sykem
of such ti character that the -peopleand the
can be S'atisfied that resumption will
come Tit the time.fixed, and that it will re
sult from measures of such easy and grad
ual action that both hanks and people - can
carry them out without difficulty, leaving.
te the State no necessity for any further
We hazard nothing in ,assertingfhat such
a syslentdmight lie tleviSedt-tote that Would
enalile.every man in the community. to see
that there:Was land ahead, and that it could
be reached with hilt little difficulty. Let
that be seen, and we shall have an imme
diate. change of feeling in both city and
State. Capitalists will no longer feel anx
ious to :place all their means beyond onr
limits. The credit of 'tile State will im
prove, and our.- stocks-wantaanger return
upon ut.4 because all.will believe that the
new system cannot fail to produce. bene
ficial mats. The weight under whiCh we
are now pressed down is- almost literally
nothing, and all that is required is that we
should calmly and deliberately enquire what
is to be dune, and then determine upon the
best-means of. doing it. •Were the mode
rate Men of both parties in_the-Legislature-
to go into this enquiry, With a sincere de
sire to find the .trit and to do that which
would •hess pro ote kite public immestS,
they would be surprised to find how little
Was required- to he •tkine, how easily it
could be accomplished, and how immediate
would be the• change consequent upon the
adoption of the measures required. Could
we see, such a Alisposition among the lead
ing men of ihe'two Houses, we should feel
our Wilt revive, and we should be disposed
to believe that prosperity wait in store for
us, and not far .The whole people
would unite with tie in the belief. Hope
and gladness would take the place of dis
trust and anxiety, and the laboker and the
capitalist would be found . . putting their
shoulders to the wheel, and • uniting their
efforts to produce theittect so much to be
desired.—U. S. 'Gazelle.
The Washington correspondent of the
New . York A merican, writes as %follows
ahout'the movements of Mr. Clay: " . • -
I - •
1 "'There . has
,been -touch talk „lately of
Mr. Clay's suPPosavintentions 'to resign
about this , time:. ; I, heve ...reastkto-•think.
'that lie will'se,inain in. the Senate till . .near,
the deed of the month of March,, but in,
the menu time he deeigns to tat educe it
*flee f.itri•Ceillirthniii'lndeCraiiitia ii"- of "Ith e
I proper system of - Finance, of the trott'eld
I Annerieen system of Protection for-limed
' can ' , labor againat fo'reign• capitalise, and
hostile foreign' legislation, • 'and in "further
• enimeistion of all .the great republican pritt; -
" ciplese4d_me_asitte_e_tiL,,the_ailicacatiy,ot
which he has de'veted hie-thirty-five yeare
of great' .publie 'serviees. 'These resole
: done he will presebt anti' support -with -a
great speech,. worthy Of the Mian, , ,the Sub-
ject, .and the occasion, cent:huh:nil.. with a'
solimm " fare well fo 'the •• scenes: or li m it - nisi'
legislative action , in which . he has-milOng
shone, 'the '4lelight :acid. the glory "of the
Union. He will then :resign,"and 'retire tit
his lare in-41,etituckyi. leaving the',appre-:-
elation of "hie pithlic- life " and patriotic la
bors to , his .country, to - the. world; and to'
posterity.''' ...., .' • ' • -.- ,-- - •
'Exchange on• New York, 103 notice, tie
ainedto srn . slt• , We do not
ef,the:redititticiti:was booseqtient upon any
perrnanent improvement in funds,
a temporary cessation Of demand.
"fhe small n'i4s Bass' egrrently in busi
.;ess, thougfi-the dhSrge . for, 'ex
Changing tfiefil. • . • -
.. It is What in ..the state, pf
the bank note 'necklet; or what causes it to
rise Yesterday, some of the Blinks •
refused to take'on deposite any notes of the
fierrisbiirg 6c the Leneeiter
,Bahke.' • '
The public mind neetis.Sti be
by sonie Cegislatiotr.: •• ft was wrong
to . Micii,,
bad; for 'smile' weeks, past„ wiled a .
some bill,might'be framed to suit the
eneie9,,and mitigate all the-tvils i which•
can result from the present statdof the finan-
• , . •
• Slate Inierest.—Tlle:.payrtent
,of the
State Inte'rek is a matterfliatiCOncerns-the
honor of the Commonwealoi, and : in a.Re
.00143 liener!, no snitill.ddgree,' con
cerns .the
,credit of every •citi;en.'
of 'our Stine 'AO - rerently'.' visited
other parts of the.'l.lnion‘littveofe)t
much of individual. respOilsihility. seems' to
belong to the,. citizen toy' the 'acts . of 'the'
State. Nor, perliapi, ouglit',komplaint to
he Made, since' wefee'lz'pricre in The
credit which evidently. attached to us for
our 'criiienship, this view, it ap
pears to' us that we.all owe Governor Por
ter thanks for. his spiiiied exertions iu
bringing ribeilt the payment of the - Interest,'
at a time when' the prospect.seemed most
gloomy.We . are r not apprised of the means
adopted by his Excellency, 'but he Must
have times to have .
proCuied th e m.-United States Gazelle.
•The District Jtidges on receiving 'a pc•
titinn for•the benefitpf the, law, and in-thii
progress of the case; must first • decide
whether ,he. appli'cation is by - a - person who
is entitled to relief, and is
,within the pro
visionsof-theact; whether the appliCation
relates to a .person 'resident in the. State,
'District or .'l.ownehin ; and in ease of iit-
Lvoluntary=bankruptcy--whether-an=act of.
,has - been committed. "1
-in -the
last description .of eases, the inquiries. to - be
-made- by--the-District Court are ; often ex
, ceedinglyintricnte and always important—
In -such cases, .on. the:application of the
imputed bankrupt, a ial by jury-in the
District Court must take' .place. .
2. The nature cf debts 'dee by_th . e .pe
titioner, must - be shown to - the Judge, as
debtors fur breaches of . trusts and defalca
tions -as public ollicers, can-not obtain the
benefit of the bankrupt law.
- .3. The appointment of an assignee is to
be Made by the District Court, and the co- .
operation of creditors in the choice and ap
pointment,. is not provided for: This duty
imposes heavy obligations,, and a careful
exercise of- the: power so given,
4. The whole of the acts and doings of
the bankrupkin course of his business may
be specially brdtight under-the notice and
examination of the District Court on the
application of a creditor, and on the integ-;
rity or fraulent conduct.of the debtor, the
Court must decide before a certificate of
discharge can be given:
5. Proof of the - notices required by the
law given to.the-satisfaction of the
6. When allegations of unlawful. prefer
ences by the, bank rutare made, the District
Jidge is to enquire into them,.and if prov
ed, he is to ascertain the 'amount of the
. dtie to -the creditors; as the Court
cannot give a discharge withputthe consent
of two. thirds of the creditors who have not
been preferred.
- 7. To tho,Court is assigned the duty, on
exceptions to the allowance by the assignee.
to the bankrupt, to decide on the qbantity,
value and nature of the furniture which:
may be retained by the bankrupt:
e; Although examination of the bank
rupt may be made before a Commissioner,.
the whole - of the Matter tat e in the same,.
must be returned to an ppn by the
9. • The Court. must inspect the list. Of
the d ebts by the bankrupt, 'although the
,of debt may be made 'before:a nom
missioner. •
. .10. This .involves and linposes the duty
on 'the court to see that every debt is legal
ly and properly proved. The duties stated
in Nos. 9 and 10 are made absplutp,by the.
provisions of the fourth' section.
11. The'creditors who have proved their
debts, may file their dissent in writing .to
The allowance, 'of a . discharge of the battik!,
ru pt,, on, which ; a hearing i must take place
before . the' Court ; mid if the dlechargeis
refused, the bankrupt; May L have•a trial
~ b y
jOrY such time and, place as Al l ay be'ap . -
peinted by . the Court.. .
12..,The,triat by jury stated.
.11,4riust take place. urger. special
orders,:andipthe manner directed by the
1.3 40 hytb.e_Oth, _section_of Atie .act,'the.
assigneele be - appointed by. the Court, is
required tO give security-for the faithful dill- .
charge of his duties, the. Court inualeiam
ine andidecide on the..euf4cienoy et the,
14: By the '9th ,section . •dif 'the. - set, all
moniesJeceiVed. from the, estatee.:ot. bank
by„be paid,inte•court,
and'hy the 10th l ieetion, the, Distriet.Oeurt.
is to Order dividends tOad-.
Piet' ell,Controversies for.dividends. .. •I.
The Legislature ei -Virginia have been,
fora long-,time, engaged inArying to elect
a_governor for the Commonwealth..• Mr.
Stevenson, late Minister, to London,' was
the leatling.candidfite.ef the Locofocosotntl'
on one
,occasion, he. was' Within a single
vote of a niajority-:+but_he soon fellsfrom
eighty-two, to, twenty. is , now
. - I„lbaught
that There Will' be no election,4l4,Aession-,;
in which` easci, the senior-inenibero(COnn
cils will be eating for the year
The Legialptiire'prladigna hati.passed 'a
law`ljmitiii the legal Intakest t State*
to six per cani'...T4o.laar_lnpfora allowßd,
ten`--per;cent: inteiee:tn'heFeltei,iett;'4ll,nn
it!as:ag,, at rceaten*l -that itect. - '.‘
:eVer-..aPpreheneion '::'!‘aslifieen felt by, the
friends of the ''Gelieral • Bankrupt Lard' of
the-postponement °fits operation,.. was- of
put at•rest by a vole taken in the
Senate, yesterday. ,The bill introduced, on
leav,e, some time. agoi•by: Mr. -Denton. WY ,
ing reached a stage in . which it could be
eked upon; no- disposition being-shown io
debate it:
. thw question • - was put, .in due
eituree; 6 . be en ginssed for
a third reading,. and decided in, thenegative
by a- Majority of five votes; 'pe the bill
was rejected;,. and 'o:question is. fiettled
beyond, the hope or the:fear of further agi
tation,lhat-the Pankritpt , Lew- Will-have its
full effect- until the• next session of Von
gress, and until- (should that ever come to
pass.) the public. voice shall demand itti. re
peal.—National: IntelligrnOr. •
JOHN BAEDIN has•been . ,nominated by the
Governor to the Senaie, as. President Judke
of the Judicial District• composed of
counties of Beaver, Butler,, and Mercer.---
A well deserved coniplimeht "to:,an honest
jurist and an able - man.-,- , flarrisbuig. Re
porten, . .
The restimptiOn in Indiana, ae_the report
now runs, *minis . really , to nothing.. The,
banks are permitted not to pay specie to
brokers or to.any per Sons out of the State,
and may examine any one -demandingspe
cie 'on oath! What humbug !
-.011 2 10 BANKB.=CIii - Saturday last the
Senate of-Ohio, with sume . trifling excep
tions•, agreed' to the amendmenti proposed
by the House, to the Bilt ..reej•triritig the
panks of Ohio to resume specie payments
on the 4th .of March next. The Colum
bus Journal of Monday says that the House
would no doubt agree .to the amendments
of the Senate, end". that fly this time the bill'
would ,be a law:.
I • Ilsrats,ny ,CriciNNim—Thetincinnati
~ G azette of the j2th says :—We have •no
new arrangements of banks to. note 10-day;
asJo•country paper. Illinois paper fs'dtdt
ing at about 25: per _cent. discOnnt. , The
price of Illinois , and Other paper-is but
nominal; lhe t .tliscOunt dep_etOng, on the
t. wants•or - the porehaset 'or his knowledge.
as to hoW it con be used.. We hear of no.
purchOserit of suspended ; bank paper on
ispeculation;•therejs._money for .such
- Onto BANits.-:-The resumption bill in
Ohid has fitfally passe) through all the
forms of legislation,
.and beeime a law . on
the I 4tlOnstant. ' It requireslihe Banks of
the State to resume specie l'!aymentsvn the
4th of March next, to go into liquidation.,
_ Virginia . Banks:—The--Ridtmond En,
quirer (locofoco) in referring to rTsumption
in Virginia, says:
"We agree on the nine months—on the
curtailment of the diaciiunts . , (which the
banks - have already commenced)—on the
negotiation of rio new accommodation pa
per, (and such we understand to be the de
termination of the banks,)andon the pen,
altiei to be attached to the bankis by the 'li
mitation laws.".'
• Bank Bill in Senate.Out - Senate is
involved in the mazes of discussion on this
subject and will . require an Ariadne to give
them a clue for extrication. We opine,
however, that when they have done, they
will have: done nothing. From Tuesday
they have been talking, without a vote to
rive any indication of how the majority
think or who the majority arc.
The Louieville. Louis
ville received this morning contains
the affidavits in reaerd to the calumny on
Mr. Webster.,. The Journal admits the suf.
ficieney - of --- the — Coiltradiction, regret's .the
publication of the charge, and adds:
• '"We much regret that we did him wrong,
and we hope that this retraction of the un
just charge will repair any. injury 'that Ike
.publication of it may have done the 'Sec
retary. 'We ha'rdly need say to those who
know us and the character of our paper,
thit, when we made the statement, we had
the very, strongest' reasons fox supposing
it to be true.. We hid it from the lips of
one of the most respectable , gentlemen of
Washington city,(Mr.'George May, a son
of,Dr. Frederick May,). who related it , to'
us in all its minutes particulars.," We ask 7
ed Mr..M. if there - could be no possible
. doubt as to the matter, and he assured us,
most earnestly that there could not. 0.6
the day our remarks appeared, ir member
of, Congress, who happened to be here,
10604 that we had not exagerated,..the-af
fair it all, but that.on the centrary, it ,was
really worse ilian we had represented ; it."
AtLGonz.•—T.he Albany ArgusA Tues.
'!ley ; tiayii,:—,J,The -.bills , of, She State. Batik
,of New, York, at Buffalo; are, no longer
vedeemed by their agents in' this city."—.
This is 'the last of the. Free Banks in Buf
falorall both--Free
and Safet Fund, have failed • Some. time
Thecirculation'olthe.State.Bank. or Bur
faio on the .Ist Dee. last had .been reduced
to 05000 ; as security for . which' it: had
$9OOO Illinois -State :'Sixes, wortir -at. the
prement price about. $l7OO. ':rlts circulation
a yeir ago. was near. $60,000. - - • : - • .
•THE Navy—the New York Express
says that ,the. Naval Vemmittee are about
reporting a bill for. the re-organizatiort of
'the navy,, in 'which. they , will recommend•
some very, ,important
mong - these Will be, ti,ntore-eqUal. and just
mode of supplying 'our seamen with the
,necessary • articles of:clothing . and small
stores,. witluiut their being ,obliged to. buy
thelifiof pursers.
OEN.- Hiativrotes conduct. has been
somewhat eccentric, evert if he is not a de- .
Nutter. 'A . tioston journal says that he has
, three'tionee taken.,kbirth,itt oue,of
the steanters,i*Oi n tioatony and 1 as each Lime.
forfeited.the ,passage Taney. lie,laskiook s
1 passage. in. the
,C,Oltitubje„on her' ,last -triP,.
Nand left;that treasei .tvith the' ;pile*, ,ini,`,.the:
, piglish channel:.
. The , persectition.. of thik , ..ienerable
ot e ‘ . _etteed oa last,.the whole sub
-feet having been litidnif the table by a very
decided vote. This iiexactly‘the way in
which we anticipated. it Woult..entkyct_tbe
ime'.Occupied- in — the — ili - seulisiOn )las--(tot
been Spent in vain. It has been .ctiiiclu
siyely shown that alt - the blustering'oP•the
South:relative fo the. dissolution of, the
Union,-. was but idle wind,
.intended to
frighten the citizens. Of . the.. North
- -
abandonment of measures calculated to se
cure the general prosperity of the nation:
It has beert . .prOv . ed, that the con
nexion is not ' , absottitely necessary to en
sure the welfare 'or the'North, it is of 'the
most vital impurtance le. the Saudi. 'Sep°,
rated •the.; Slave, states could not preserve
their intlePendenee,a single year against the
foe they cherish in their own. bosom, aided
by the forces of the Civilized mold.- It is,
to the -North then' ; -the-South must look - for
protection'-, Upon Northern valor and Nor
thern. bayonets she must depeild for iter
future security. Her, own -sons; in their'
Speeches, Waite disclosed the fact to the
nation ~at large. ~Henceforth the threats
'made by the kliltriers, the Ithetts, and other :
chivalrous herdeg of the- Sontly.will - Ineet
no, more attention than they deserve. The.
North will no More 'be frightened- from •its
'propriety—the South dare not carry its
threats into execution.
Those Who heretofore have
. quaked with
fear when the 'South bristled . up,.may now
calm their apprehensions and learn a few
useful' leesons •frore - the events that have
jest transpired. debate on this
.Subject, they may,see hew silly they have
been in yielding up' the eight, of petition,
"a right - formidable to tyrants only,"! to
order to preserr,e the good opinion'or South
ern politiciaos, and they may also learn that
therran protect their own - industry if they - .
please to-de so, withobt endangering the
fabriCreared by our fathers. On the Whi - de;
we are of opinion, that Congress have not
skit( more: profit-ably. - to t:ite
whole people during . the last fifteen years-',.
than the'time consumed in the - effort to de
stroy the-only Manin Congress, whiff
in all thinge, : to do that.whieli be. believed
'to Am -his- du
Mr. -W . righi - of Litzerne. charges Charles
Brown ..of Philadelphia with having used
.1)W - influence with hini; and others, to pro
cure the passage of the Relief Bill. Char=
lie, in a- letter, dated 'Washington, Februa
ry-sth"; says in about :is many -words, that
"the charge is a lie. • Mr, 1 - 1 - eadly,:who is
a leading-Loco, upon this; comes out and
fastens the I,ion of the De
moeracY,--Mr. Brown... He distinctly says
that Brown' urged him with all - the -elo
quence be could muster, to go for the bill:
Charnels certainly in a bad fix.—Lancas
ter. Uizion. • • _
Crogan, the celebrated patriot, whose
seizure in Vermont' and imprisonment in
Montreal, last fall; caused so much noise,
DEATH VAUGHAN.-A letter re
dived, in Richmond, says the Star, states
that Dr: Vaughan, who shot.young Pleas
ants at The Columbian Hotel, some. three
years ogo,was killed recently in Texas.
Vaughan went to cowhide a young carpen
ter; tOrinerly of Richmond, for some, ex
pressions that were used at a public. meet
ing.: and as Vaughan collered him, the
youn g man seized a hatchet and cleft his
skull to the,brain, killing him outright.—
Thus cloth the life of the violent close in
• John G. Boyd, forMerly the Cashier of
the Towanda Bank, ehot himself through
the head with a pistol, in Philadelphia, on
Wednesday, which terminated his exit
tence on Thursday, about 9 o'clock. The
particulars of this shocking affair are con
tained in the United States Gazette, pf yes
terday, frotn which we make the following
Ile had become indebted to the Penn
Township Bank in T ia large amount, for
which ample .collitetal security was held,
but on Wednesday, it was deemed impor
tant that he should be arrested on the suit
of that institution, end accordingly •Mr.
Saunaers,. the Sheriff's officer, proceeded
to a house in .Schuylkill Seventh below
Vine street„and took him into custody.—
Mr. Boyd proceeded through a part of the
city with, the'officer, and saw several per
sons was at the office of Wm. L. Ifiirst,-
Esq,„ the attorney for the . bank, and went
thence to the office Gull
.Esq.,, departed early this n
morning;; returning, by his- request, to the
house in Schuylkill Seventh street. There,
hiving packed up his clothes, and burnt
'some.. papers, ..he returned to 'the officer,.
_when_be mentioned Ahnthe_had...leftsom
thing. He went up *stairs
.and shot him
self with, a-pistol, which he had .carried in
his. pecket. , -He. made; no'explanation. that
we Could hear of touching hie recent octe t
Boyd was a Morrie& man. and had '
. a :fa
mily'. ~ in one of the : Northern:
A • horrible death occutred a few days
since in Haverhill, Massachusetts. A Mrs..
Kelley of that place was found in thellre
place of.her house literally roasted to a cin
der, having fallen, into The fire in a state Of
intoxication during the absence . of , her far
roily. A tin pail and bottle, partly filled
with rum—the agent of her - destruction—
Were fou'rtnear her.
-A resolution hes passed he Legislature
of Louisiana ; nrianitnousN; reprobating
the tourectpureued :by the Mexico!, autheiriz
ties towards 'the unfc,trtunate Santa Fe ex
pedition, atui requesting the Govern ment
at, Washington. to 'take immediate and.deci
- sive steps to procure lie - liberation, of the
prisoners c , and reparation for the out.
- rages 'alledged to have been committed 'on'
the United Stittes vlon3ul'and other Ainerl:
'tau. residents.
We .yesterday had an interview With's'
gentleman just from the city of Mexico,
who inforntitiffilial ninety of- the - Texian T
captives had reached that place; some days
before his departure. They were brought
in; iii p most Wretched .condition, 'having
been , marched bare-footed and almost naked'
from the place of their capture. c•Amongst •
the prisoners, was-the-son.. of. Gen. Leslie
Cooinbs. The charity of the foreigners
in the•oity fitrnished,:theni, some; necessary
apparel: - . . .
So far kern receiving . -humane treatment
from Stinta Atna,OCreported; ,. they .Were,
chained in pairs and compelled to work in
•the streets as common felons. Our infor-.
mart assures us that the'resident ministers
of foreign countries have interferred in an
informal manner, to arrest this disgraceful
and_ barttaiou s ; treatment,: without success..
Young•CootobsWas,extrernely ill, hiecOn
itittitiOn had proved , to frail to endure the
cruelties to which he had.been eubjseted.z .
The . accounts of . the treacheryresorted .
to, to capture the expedition, are confirmed.
111 r.. Kendall had not reached MexiCor;
was exp6Oteckdaily in company with two
hundred Texians.
• Mr. - Ellis, our minister at Mekico, had.
demanded -- young Coombe as a citizen of
the United States ; but,lttat a week had
elapsed without receiving any resp - onse
•We have read - a 'umbel-of private letters
that speak of the. sufferings of the captives
as most appalling. ' There has been. 'no
clemency shown to the citizens of the Uni
ted 'States.. The general belief• in the city
was that nothing short of force would melio
rate 'the condition of the prisoners, and that
all would he treated-alike.
.174 - Texiana now in chains in the. tity
of Mexico; ,are those who ,comPosed-' the
escort ,of Cook. and.Brenham. The Main --
body tinder, McLced had not yeached that
city et the last dates. , • - - • •
Since writingthe above, a letter Imaibeen
received from G. W. Kendall, dated (Ai
hultua 22d November, in which lie tipeaks
of hiinself, as being in good , health and ,
Mexido - on the Intel February.--- lestates- -
further,,that Ilia treatment ha's been rather
.humane than otherwise} , . It lie more_ than
probable that th is letter Was written in the
expectation of its being intercepted by the.
Mexicannupror . hies. Mr. K; is in compa- . .
ny with the party of twAhundred Texians,
under the corninand of 'Gen_.. McLeod.—
We infer from it that - Mr. K. - was•sentfrom
San Miguel to Santa Fe, as stated by Cap
tain:Lewis.—New Orleans nee,: •
Sheriff's- Sale.-
Y of a writof-Levi - Facias, to me directed.
UP issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cumberland - county,.will be exposed to public sale
at the_Court,,-liawtaa-in-x5.4-1-of Carlisle. on
Saturday the Sth day Of . 111arch,1111,2, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., the following described real estate, viz:
A Lot or pieee of Land situate in Church
town, Monroe township, Cumberland pounty,lound
ed by lands of Rudolph Krysher,Micliael Morrett,
and Main and High streets,eontaining one and a
half acres more or less; having thereon erected a
two story BRICK DWELLING, HOUSE, and Log
Barn, with other out houses. •
• Also—A. Lot of Ground bounded by
lands of Abraham Pau', Rudolph Krysher, Esq., and
the Main street,,contaming about one and' a half
acres, having thereon erected a one and a half story
'Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Peter Livinger. And to be sold by me,
Carlisle, Feb'y. 9,1842.-3 t.
• • rLous. - . •
UST received a lot 'of SuP
PI WHEAT FLOUR. and or SR at th e
store of N. RICHARDS.
February t 00542. . • . °.
fiver Complaint
Of tc ntiing, cured by the use of Dr,
Harlichs rengthening and German
Aperient ralilloyer, wife of William
Bu 3 er,North et above Callowhill, Phila
delphia, entir u Of the
. ahove distressing die: -
ease. Her symptoms were-habithal costiveness of
the bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating ..paiii
in the side, stomach and,back, depression of spirits,
extreme debility, could not lie on her left side with
out an aggravation of pain,..with - other syMptoms
indicating great :derangement in The functions of the
liver. Mrs. Boyer was attended . bY 'several 9f the
firstphysicians, but received but little relief from
their medicine—at last, a friend of hers
. procured
a package of Dr. iiill`lllCll'l3 Strengthening and Ger
man Aperient Pills, which, by. the use of one pack
age, induce her to continue with the medicine, which
resulted, in effecting permanent cure, beyond the
expectations of her friends.
J' Principal Office, N9.l9'North.Eighth street
For sale at the Drug Store of J..J. Myers & Co.
Carli!le,and . Wra.'Peal,Shippeosburg. • feby. 16
Application for Tavern License.
Notice is hereby given, that I intend to apply at
the next term .of the Court of. Quarter , Sessions of
Cumberland county for a license to keep Mavern or
public house; in the villiage 9f Neiviturg in Hopkw.
well totinshiri in said county, in the house at'present
Oboupied by James Spoliator as a public house. '
rebruary 16, 184. St'
We, the undersigned, citizens of' Hopewell towira .
.ship,in the pounty_of Comkerland, do berm certify
that thr..taiern above prayid tbr , is necessary to co-;
commodatc the public, and entertain ,strangers •and
travelleritiand further say, that the aboire named C.
Randalicti of good repute for honestiand temper.
once, and is,well provided with house room and con
veniences for the iccdroniodatibn Of , strangers anti travellers:
J. Sponaler; • •
Daniel IVIWGYs
Jacob lieffiebower;
Robert Chirk,
John Morret, :4 „
Joseph Quigley -
George Gunkle,t
John T. Preen. ".
Wm. P. Hen,
Arai Hemphill,
William Geeen,
Divid Wherry„ •
. David Leshee,
' Jameii
The subscriber, assignee of Daniel • 1 1 . ablirban,
sell . •on the. premises, on the' 2 , 111 i Fet!Nary
next, at 10 o'clock •A. M., a TRACT or
LAND situate in .Westpennslibrongl! townsliT,
aboutliircernilles'from Carlisle, containing, •.-:•
104 A cres and. 60terches. '.'
The Cumberland valley rail roiairiuns-through the.
traotiand the land is - first,rato limestone.'- About
90 acres are cleared, the - 'balance is ocit•ere4,:with
thriving V re
timber. hereare erected UPOttlit IP: first V
rate , • •s fr , - ..
. /3' 0 a 0 ii:* E , - t -
I house °coupled asa distillery, and.oo hop's. 4 .
Mmp of never, failing water staiitis at the door
'Should 'the property 'not be sold on 'tlie.tliti men
tioned,it will be rented for'one year.: • .:." •-•- "-,
. . , DAVY'S' COTJLE,AssigitOt .
' . Jaunary 26,18-12.--tds: . - . ~ • •