Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 16, 1842, Image 4

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I . 4oetip*kgSef.: " •:, I
[JOY, 104 2 ..:::_: : ;;,; . n.:'
. 45' (. 1 0., WOnq. I
ion -Lolt'er,y. • ..
A.14I818i(li - in; . 1). C. on Sattn7i4;lll - ii - J
' 12. th of 'l',.;b6ntry, 1842. •
• .uttILLI.AS - r.sciir.aii: : ' •
- . .
. .
r .l prilde 'of $25,000 .. 50 prizes of
~ .$l,OOO
I. do 'or;,: , .. ~10,00.) 50 do- of .. , - •
.500 .
I do of , :•-: 5,000, 50 'thi 'of . - 2 60
1 do 'Of. . 4- - 2;177. _. G 5 -do :of - - -..-200
Tic!cets wily $lO 7 -Halves,ss—Qmirtorp,,s ,2s o
'Ceriificates,of paokiiges of 26 whole Lieket,iit apt__
•.no ' da t.`6-halves . do 65- '
), Da, ... - do_ i _ . ,.._ . ;26 quartet' •do 32 po .
Virginia - Alongalia Lottery,
7 - blass C, for IS4g.
• .
To be drawa al Alexandria Va, c on Saturday,26th
• ' - - February, 154-2.
1 prize, of 531),9 1) 1 i prize of . .$2 - ;117t1
' 1 ilu , of. ' • 12,b03 1 .1:) do of Im ' o..
1: .0 of . 10,00 i6O do of 502
I. do of -. . ;Gm, 0 -do`.. :of ' • . -400
1 do - 0r... . 5,00;1 , 12 , 5 -- do of , '250
I_, do• o f . . 3,000 &c, ':fee. • &e.
..,.___.Tiuk,:ts.ilo.:--116.1i:Sr $5-Q , lat term $2 30. ---, -
Certhi . ell , ..s of paektrsea or 2.. ti u iai!ticii eta 5130 .
• do. - • • . do . . 26' h.tlf 'do , 63
-- -do • do. , -26 quarter do .. '.52'50
.100 Prize -o l. sl 000,
. At. •
. . . gJI iuea .11 4 61107. • '
Clas4No. 2—for I 8.0.. 1)11 . 4 . 11'NVII ut Mexandriii,
IJ. C. on Sattirclny,, Fe:A:natty, t/tith,,tB4-2,
. .
1 prize.of „
l'of $10.000; 1 of $5,000r1-0t
53,,Kh.1; I 6r 2,5u0 ; 10 nrsl,ol7oooig
la of '3kl ); iu of j'2so; 54..0f $221yt.1;
Tickets $.lO-1-lalves,s . s:—:Quarters • $2,50.
• certlik;ites - q .packages of 25 110,1e.ticketi . $160
. - 'half do . . 65.
' do.' quarter do 36, SO
gloves oLCertilfrateb l'atk. ,
.. GItIf.C.ORY Fc„ CO. Managers, .
. . NYnihinzton City, D. C.
Deaivings sent immediately alive they are over to
101--who order as alkiVe.
it-11 iiery fo r
. "Thesirhseilber offers for rent-the, sttperior:Tan
ning estnidishmentirecently the property of David
'S. Forney, dec"d „situated an the corner of East and
Loather streets, in the borough cd — Garlisle Pa, , -
!t is the of the kind ill ihe
— ...jyhte - e — of 'ifS'location:--ha t tug a large . .
•", - ...„ . . 4. ; ' - ' T TAY 0 k4tlory •• -
...iS i f 4 t ° ii i . r , Bto n c D w (3.11.1 n g
'fine garden and all other_haildings btu...necessary to
carry on the tanning business. , . . ,
PoSsession given on thte - Istof April 1841. Terms
. made known on application io . • ....."
P. F. EGE. •
.. • , . . ', Opposite the Carlisle Bank:
• Noventber, 24, 184 t . . .
. .
Estate of George W. Clippinger, dce'd.
LE'rrEttS of Administration on the
estate of George W. Clippinger, late. of Long
Isl a nd, New York, deed., have this day been grant.
ed to the subscribei• residing in Itippettshurg, Cum
berland comity. Notice is herebywren to• all per
sons having claims estatC, to present them
- iiiittetTed ire requested to make payment to the Sub
CAT Alt.T,
Shippeusburgs Ja.n•. 13, 1842.,--6t.`
IT.ZATir 0.001)5.•
ARN:obo & A.1111..1 ItaVe just rtweiveci
their new 11101 T, 1111 WMIOIIIII
Fall & 1 Tin - terliood4,
to which they invite the attention of the public.
Great harguitts will be given...
Shippensburg, Dec. 8, 1841 =4t.
um suoEs of 01 kinds just received
for pBIC at the StOte - ot
, fildope..6iburg, January 12; 1842.
JANE BRE'rEENIAction of Ejectment, hi the
vs, ”... k . Court of Common Pleas of
GEO. IIItETTEN: • Ciimberland county..
No. 3.344;ri1-T0ran, ; 1834.-
29th November .. ,AMl, on motion ofMr.Alexander,
At orney for, Delendant, "Rule on the Plaintiff's heirs
to substittito thamselves, as , Plai nti RN, or shoW cause
why the suit should not be stricken front the records:
• ,
fly the COMA.
GEORGE SANDERSON,Trotlionotary.'
• .CaFlisle, February 1842. •
. ,
.IAMESSREOIN ACtfOn of Ejectment,
' , :vi. . in the Court of Coln.
GEORGE..BI,MAFFER 8t mon Pleas of Curet.
WIL . LIANI 11AURNESS j heilland empty. :
No. 26 >April Term 1836. .
- 29th November 18 ll on motiOn of Mr., Alexander
Attorney for DefendlintsOlule on the. Plaintiff's substitute-flit:M*4re. as Plaintiffs, or show
cause why the suit should not be stricken from the
records.. -. By tlie Collat. c • ' ' . • , - . ..
Carlisle, Pebrnitry 2,18.0 • -, : -
56 Cases +111)001s and, shoes received from hue
tipa, which 1 have purchased at prices that will ewe ,
ble me to sell cheaper thpa any other establishment
is the comity.
Carlisle, NO. 24, 1841
HATS . Ar.'•C.AlfS.
hob juicretnimed lerini.the city with the, lates
styld of Om. Cloth anti 'Cl4ed . 'Men's 'find 44.
Clips,, A186:131.11411 Hatijor saltichenj);by
Nov.. '24,1811..
Shim Dealers,,
'CalLaitil,sott - the large lot of .Bogle Stoics I
bnoght nt metion..villial I intend to Sell by the case
ox4lozett, Ott:allay tlaut,ever.. . .
'-'.(4ttlisle,Nciy.. , 24,- . l,Stif;
Shawls .
, .
Ele,,noOt•EmbroiOered Thitiet'ShoWls from $7 to
026;piti4'';nlanket,111efirioorid other shawls
sii•kt*Ait vittiety,aiol irets , ••-• •••;,", •; .
DoO. 141841 ' OGILBY.
Teas Teas' !,
to4iiittiii;lotevid, GrAnilowdei, and Black
TA4540, Yti'vfttitorodfre-sh;
tasY; arum ,.
-4 1 i;okQf MQQ.'II . GQ - kkl'Shciiii tuald.iti•idst tbe
• ,
_ .-•
0 :W. 'urYNER.
‘•••*. •
. dr, Putlinonaq.Cotisurpption, is a very .pievalcut
disease, and carries miliinns to the cold' and 'silent
grave, Delikate younk,yernaloi etanitionlv,fall
prey trill' siesikoyer:of -
. inittNeres t l ,first,vritlva:ds'y liAtelting cough;
pain the hide and,breasi,lostill app
less night's. At lenul t.a , wasting or;ileitay yl,the
whole body is prol;:peivell,,.# 4 lil4lrts•:6alled
Consumption, -or ' a ilecline'.."'d emtljiliinA
that'thoussiiids are laboring Under with. faint 'Popes
Leximreccrierlottylot knowing that there is a Miliii
stsgo. TlifS'is 1)r. I)Uwean's Expeksiiiiit - Re.rnedk
thr .Consumpfai, Coughs, Colsi; Spittibg of Blood,
- 13ronchitis, 3sihiiiii, mai ail iliseaseV;of - AlieJ,iver
A full is give,ii diseases•
pamphlet, which Call be had gratis• O r. tho
Ag?ntoi lien.: the medicine can always be obtained:,
Price) slolar per bottle,' •-'
- 0:7'1'12 I NCI PA I. OFFICE,No; l 9 North Eighth,
Street, Philadelphia, ..wher.e testimonials ,may be
seen'. '
-andria;-t . k
1,500 1
Ip o '
q• AOO
• e, •
• Ce.,
• ct,9
. Itiave just retuilied from the ' , city with•a•-actionct
sapid,' of 'Winter godds; auchluiClotlis,Casim6res;
Satrinetts, FLnroels , Illankets,Shity
have becii• selected •witli•csire,tuurwlitilr
us cheap if not cheaper, than at any other establish,ment in the borough. • • •••'''-•''
• '
• Carlisle,Nov. '24. IW'. • • • •
, . .
Just received 10 dozen PALM iItIODS, and for
sale by • , 13A1tNITZ,
Deeernbe 15,1 fi4l.
All persolisidehted to Alie subscriber, are hereby ,
notified to settle respietive aeeonnts. by the
Ist or January next.
havitig'enteretliitte Co : rartitertiliii,in ilie
5...00ke and s.thve bgsilia ss, Muter the tit•nt of
I{OIIINSUN , respectfully inform the
public'that•they . intentl Carr 3 ht;
,on tbeit• Misiness,in
A c , m ph
ri ts li6, Ik e old_ wept of hut Fritlle,
- North 11.attot - er• s t reet Carlisle At here t ley vt ill at
- nll tidies, he 'maliarctllo - serve.pitrehasets - wjth eny
article in:their line, on the most reasonable terms-.
-lti addition to all oilier vsrivties or stoves, w hich
they will constantly ha . ve on hand, they have iturehats
eil oh Mr..l. G. IlathaWay., the exclusive •to,
the, counties of Cumber-.
laud and Dauphin •
. 4nd being aware that the people in this pi:sec:and
vicinity, have: been much imposed upon "by - the in
Us:Auction of new•and highly recommenilrilarticlei
itsbich they'haveleen induces: to purchase Sind which
Iniv6 been so. slightly made, and of stierli
had materi
al, ilat in a sit in time they-hare:ll6lest and become
useless. We, therefore, do not int" olfering stoves
for sale:until they sire fairly tried in this community,
and Pronounced more durable in their cots traction,
betteradapted to the purposes of boilisiv,, baking and
all the varieties of 'cooking than any other stovetalso,
• that the , ' are agreat saving of fuel as well its labour.
cr.:7NVe earnestly invite farmers as well its resi,-
dents of this pibee and .the neighboring.villages; to
call on us at S.•Wonderlich's hotel, or notify us 4_
letters (postage unpaid) that they are willing to try
•our stove—and the stove shall be placed in the
kitchen of every person giving us such notice, and
taken away after trial, without any expense to' per
sons making the trial.
• The stoves will beicept for sale at the Tin Shop
of Mr. Jacob Pridleyond sit the Foundry of Messrs.
Lay and Stouffer, in Carlisle.
IlavnnS contracted for One ' hundred Tons of
Castings, we will, in a, few. days,,suppiy stove deal
ers with all the: different 8141:s, on the most
F4141'; \ZOI2 ROBINSON, of -Carlisle is agent
for selling the right to make and vend she eIOT
STOVC, and will dispose of counties in this anti tli‘,
adjoining States.
We pulilish,the following rerpmendations from
some of those who are using the stove, to encourage
- , Carlisle &pt. - 12, I MI. .
lime in use in mylitehen kllle. of 'laths ways pat-
ent Hot Airtooking, Stoves, anti can recommend it
AS a very superior article. The one I have is No. 3.
It has 5 boilers and an oven sufficieatly:largeto bake
six loves of bread. The baking, roasting and broil
ing can All be done at the same time and with mull
less wood than is required for any stove which, we
have used. ' '
• This size appears to 'be' peculiarly calculated for
Farmers, and for their' benefit I invite them to call
and see this - stove in itse,'ltti I shall take pleasure in
showing this stove to ill wh om interest or curiosity
may induce to examinelt. • ' ' .
--- • Carlisle, Sept. !WM: -
Messrs. E. .li obinion t.s • Co.-6 EN rLEmEN, I have
during the few dayS•l - have had your 1 lathitwoy 's
Hot Air Stove in use, become convinced of its
gettat'superiority over another stoves thave used OT
seen. -I find by the trial that boiling, roasting, bak
ing and broiling may all, be *lie at the same him f
in a - ninstAierfect - manneriand - withless - thaw - m ,'
fourtl the fuel I have ordinarily used for the same
purp sea. "I IlliVelleraOrOPC.llLteli dike opinion that ,
brew could not be well, baked In a cooking- stove,
but I am convinced upon trial that it can be . done as
well in your stove as to a brick oven.
. I, believe, that the general.. intrOdindion. or. Ymir
stove into vise will be very beneficial to the 'public;
therefore I shall take pleasure in 'recommending it
to my Meads: , Yours respectfuilr, ~
~ :.
, . . ; WILCIAM.MOUDY..,
. ..
:• ' • 1 „,,. 1 . • „ .., - Carlisle, septoo.lB4l. .
.3tessrs.,E. Robinson e Co.—Gentlem en;, I have
fairly tested the "flotAii Steve- which you , put up
at my houie, - and.cntilisniommand it as , possessittg
principles of enonorny and. convenience litr , sullies=
sing any ,otitet stove which ,J hitie "ever seen:, " '
The boilers'Annabigin - linmedinle °Wait With the'
fire ki vas it great fimillties foii'boilingiand On, oven,
is heated on such Fkriaop!ethat.breati:is .bniced in
as linen tiutundeits in a back oven:'` I tad It iiltio'ti
gieat saving tiffuel'atid tabnuicitutPwould 'Advise al
to - ittlopt it. lIIITCHEL IkICLELLAN.I.
. •
• • • • Mambeiwburg, Sept. 6,18,41;
I do certify dual' aro now using one of Hathaway?!
Patent lint Ail- Cook. Stoyea;No:'9,apd do TeeOm
mend it as -tamer* 'to any' stove louveneM4• the
great, saiitixelfue I, and tlie,:farietY that:can bt cook
ing antic same time;"makes it an,ob l jact to those who
otilt to facilitate - the-op'emticiiii Of t e kitchen."' !'
- , 7 705. CULBERTSON,
• I tinie received; itnl7ivill open 'tlein`dayi :areal
supply of dry goodn, nod aevernl . pieeesofnnipeting,
in South -llanovv.otreefi inreet ,bargin
.are always offered, ,by ; •
iatt , - •
• . ta.i 1841: • .
Dian;ond,'l3eim' r, and Pilot C lllll . lB- 7
le ;at > t~dNce
Just received itOdfYlctipPlNGPA b 4. CA .
! '
S . hippetisliurgipf . ar ; : 1841 * • ' •
pteitiotoEs—iEl.,e,,iiNqeitnan and nng
118 h *erunoes; just risuivea atr.ex.telqiivp akaptimeat,
at theatara,of . . '•.
MatAt7rFio.f - Boo.til ~.,
J 4To or_ 530 •Boys.wear
to on . ,
tiyeit,Vikl(B•4l4 ORA'S?
- /tt
."ftwo , viviomr:,4!f).
•A: dileese t ChPiola,!Fl t ,
f ee , Molatlyth • rid .
Spices, Sta., co.;
.. . .
Darlige. Dee: 1.1841;f
..Phileisics ;
...„ . . . .
For said by John J. Myers:tr. Co.,Ctirlislev ,
Witt Peal,Shippetsburg,Pu.- .
ladtan Vegetable Pills.
-Just roo"eivell a fFesh lot of-tlie geoulae
PO , .
Cavlible, Dec . . 1, S4l, - •
Cavlible,'Dze: 8,1.841
Tin,..Coppers . mith, Sr, Stpve.,
• -‘ , •
Business. - 71:7
.. • Cooking Stoves:"-
„,, 7 . 7 t t = • ~, ..t. ~,
, c ;:14 ,s, . ~....,„:„ , -,,,. 1 L . , ,„ .2
..,,” l'• . - 2 - -, 1e,,.. , 144:7 ' .:,..;,'' '''
4 - I,` , ;
7; ''' 4ii 4 ' 'ti s '''6' l : : ' ''.: : ::l,' ` ' -'':" , 1„14,r 1 , ' ', 1 :: ~,-. --- r' '" ~-,. ,—,-- .'.'. - -;' , ,4•6,.. '- .' ' ,
''' '''
- - '''. tle t 't ' 41. ir Xialif IC 7112) VIC A t 140 el trtg _Worta_ol .I;att
rll Sir virtue 'of a writ from, the I lob. AtlinN
ja SONS, Pretlideid, Judge' of tike„l2th JAdicial
Astr(ctrtsf P,ennol,TillOthetiri,,, ,, , ,, date , lit C: . 4rl.i.s!e;
the cbg'df Dcesirfibeit:A.:l): JAL - '
-AmOtitbc ig•hereby gate*,
that;.al'SPtcal.CoOrtAyill .11rt
A iIsT.SU - liqutsosrs,'llidt 'the Judges of 41)4
Court 'of .Conundn Pleats of Cumburlaind couidy; at
the'Court 'House in, the borough .of Carlisle com
lueniitig on. noudni th.4tsp , of,Tebruaryi:S.:A ) .
f3.P.2, week, or drain'
causes (upending iu air GOlirt of Common-Pleas of
.CumberluOtt-county.,-y.whieli4-the,_llou._ Sanutel
Ilephoun _was couctrileci as 'counsel for one of, k
parties. prior to his uppoininupit. as, President:Judge
of the 9th Judicial I)istrict—_said ,etinSi9i being em
broccd.withidthe.provisious - ofthe 39th section, of
nit: Act. 0,10 .Glenerf& Assembly,psssed the lAtli
April; (834, reintiv.e tile organrzation of Courts
of .19stiee:, , Court, Jurors air
versons concerned, wilmake. uotiqe. -
- •• , '.PAUL
Sherilr's , Or;
,lustrecer• CHOCTIRIE.S,aO
coPlinle . , by • • CIIrIS. BARNITZ.
'•December,o•l434l. , . • • ••
FgittEli .
• • .
log thmiks to the publii -I . or
he p11n1111,41, hitherto eittmlecl to him, anti reSPent
,tily iiirormt hia unstom2rsand the propleg•eneraliy.
hat he still emitinues the - husineSs"
' 1 • Aeofibialet .
. ,• - . ,
in till its br:iitellei;4ll..his.ol(l .stand iu Nlnin.street,
where he is alenip yea ly to .attteintto•ortiers in his
• • •
'CM7liele; Nov. 17; 18 4 11.—.1m: -
. . .
Pease's Clarified essence of
• • Iliorehocend" Candy: •
• .
• the hnyiiig been rippointe4 General
Agent for Ilia above ce lebrated article, respectfully
offers it•to the pUblie either.wholesale or. ret•til.
(tr I. l tirebasers are requested to beware of coun
terlcits. - . . . . . : .
•• - • -
The - Sabscribei-haa juat'opened it new and hand
•sotne as4ortmiintor , .
Fall and Winter Goods,. ‘.
eon4sting Of super liinek,lilueldnek ant !Om ClothS,
Cnssimeres;Sattinetts f neni st) le Vestinigiof variety
01 - Mouse de Laines, second mourning and black
ditto, Thibrt cloth; Weld, Flannels. Rogers ditto
IfTssiery.: - Flgingsjacerc - parm ,
bries. Oil Uloths;Artificials l ßibbons, Nterin6 Shit 4 rs .
aed - Dra were. •
• .• .
— l2 if PCUSWfI r e 7 ryarel f -ar
SP 10ES;,Eec i with ti mat vaiiety. of 'other goods
till of which he will sell at a small profit to suit the
times. Dote.t,forget•to•eall on _ • •
------------7 •S - AL - lIAIIIIIS.
NCREREL and Codfish 'for sale 'hy J. B
X / I
•Coroman. •
besfof.lileacheil Sperm and Whale Oil fo
.1. sale by - J. & E. COIIIIII.IIII.
SUGAR Iletite and New Orleans Molasses ortho
beat quality foraale by &E. Corumuu.
OAF and Lump Sugar. Tho subscribers have
A •recei red a large supply of Loaf ittul Lump
Sugar, which they offer fur sat:., wholesole or retail ;
at reduced prices.., J. & E. Commun.
SPERM Candi cs fnr stile by J. & E 6: gm turnnn
Curl isle, Oct. 9-0,18414 -
ARDS, a geneffil a ssoriniyarcif ---
- •
consisting ih part of Waal and
.Cloth dyed Black
Blue, Invisible Green, Adalable; Olive.iind Green
filiA,lllrown, Invisible- Green, Olive, Thalamic!,
Braver and Pilnt Meths i• Mack. ttie. Wow n mixed
plain and 'figured Cassi wive, new style.
Sa tti nett s of a Rsorted cal ors, em m 50 cents to
heaverteens, jeno cords, canton flannels, red, - white,
yellow and green• flannels:—ticks, and mnslins
ii-.I 0-4 meritinea, moslain-de-laine and Saxony cloth,
51.turcil Mid plain. INgsired, plain, striped, barred
jackinett and swiss muslins: Fawn, mouse, black.
blue black; slate, figured : and plain silks. Bonnet
salves and ribbons, ,new . gloves,
hosiery and shoes. and for C111)11 Carpeting,
hearth rugs, floor cloth,haizes. and lilanketa. Color
ed and white carpet yarn. -Fresh Ntackerel,togeth
er with a general assortment of Qwensware and
G4ierieB, which will he sold at moderate prices at
his store. . •
October 52).
••••• •••• - •:FRESI - 1 GROCERIES.
• 'vie fiubmori!..slifive-Jimt veil at the stnrc.
room bitchy occupied by, Mr. C. roster, hi North
Hanover street. Carlisle, a large Mel general assort
ce,..0, 111 ID CO ,MIESIIM 0 0
China. Glas . ..alid
• ~ .utz 4. ) IT E E N.S A: Ito
WiliCtitl*ywili,sell on, the Moil iiheto -
invite the public to call and •
• ' J. & COTLNMAN.
October IS,
• 4 •
S. ,, DUNL - AP..A DA, I It,.
Hne dakis'(;nice to NO. 9.4lcotem's Row
oti the : . • . •
Corltole, Oct. 19,1841.
More proofs of lhe_effleaey r. Flarlto .8
medicines. Mr. Jonas Hartman, of Sumneytown,
Pa., entirely' cured of the above :Unease, which he
was afflicted with for six years. His symptoms were
11.:.atmse , of . tIletension and •opprestiotV-after eating
diStressing ; pain in:the ; 1440f-die, stomach, 'vodka,
:loss of apataitoi - . Kiddinesti afid nnie'ss of ox
eeme ' Atleooy,acrid erup9ons,sometimes
paha; in:the side, deprepsion of
SPiritei-4tittirbed' r - est,.faiiiitmesa,ratifl :not able '9 l '
pursue4sis InisineSinttltetit 0:111619g ' li . tdinediate. ex-,
it:1110i 0,11 Rust weaeinetia:' 1111111 8 lhap py to
atato i kß bjsc,, and is willing. to., give.any • Infer-
Lination•to the'nfllieted,':restiecting. the wonderful
benefit he received front :tile use ;of-A!'•
C nimound Strenfr,thetting 'and Oermaic.A.perleat
._ . .
-- 1 .,
il-1114011141-gagettiPNVi4iilith Street, Mandel
.piia. rt'7'f- I , • 't 511 -j l-
For &ale at the Drei Store off.J.4.Alyers St. Co.
Carlisle, awl Win. Peal Shippensleirk. . .lany.29
.3f •,. • le.Wre• . • 00 • .9 , 4, - ; • _
70rfluen,. pave_ tttet• ecowv. .t. their.
o ittind,'near - ;t,he th&coetero °West .
1 : 44. .jr4p
' 6t ii 4. 4 l 4Vo l 44l4 l !iilloq glr
l; - 416b . tic‘ny,Vie deter.
mrinoci 410,4itncli p ., T Persons
ditoiroasof "pOrchasing gOodwiroatiost - earilestly tie
sired to give them 61'411. 'Bsirpititi may be timpecied.
• Pecember 22 4 1811. , •. •
Also Mens,' Woinens' 'anti Childrens'
Leather & - 11 - oi•o'nen - SIToa & Boots.
A L.
Catiiile,Sept. 18-41.-ly
clat,MON just received and - for sale by J. , St•E
Corm - a:m.•
ICKLING 'Vinegar for sale by J. & E. Corn
1111111. . - -
N 14. W (,-'6I).D.S.
:lust received at the itdi.e. of ANDREW RICI
.9NOTgaRi aIiRIV.4L
I , Craig, Deltas 4tP
, Co.
, tats_rt
loomAtigkiblit •P s OIi.WARD-;
4 - 1 :,- ING04tER,C,HANTS, 1 ;‘ )
lia4remokil 'to t.U . l(Ptinii r :itti %it... Abase, recently
From the theilities which the locatioti.and internal
arrangement of this depot afford, 30 to 40 Barthel'
adiiiiminmintedto unload and load at the
'tame' Wine with Sufficient room to store 20,000 'Arras
of Ploar,miti_4oo t0.600.t0n of qrain.exclusivo of the
forwardingdepartment. . • ,
• Froduee ol:evdry n
usuat Op 'ecnisimimeatif,and'tiberitl advances mail on
receipt (if required) OM saleft areeffeeted: '
oiIAIG - 31a.t.As se Co.
'-...:76tll.!l".e,lieeiiraer of Cherry
. -.••-• .. ~tttiF.IiliNCES- -, -.1, ' • ,
. , . . ..
'Vt',:.S: Co4e;in, Crisiikr. .
- I!endersnn & Parker;.. ' c ar k Bl ,,,
IniirY Rhonda,' .
_ . .. . .
• Satinclerwiti.k. Lioeimrman 9 V .
..rei - oli - SWiiii, er,7treurvilte". . .
'.. .I),mid 'Nevin, Shippensburg. • • , _
J... Logan Srilitli,V,sq. Ciialiier t Chamberittirg
Ityster, Thitz..k Cp,„ . -,_
It nbeH Flembig, ~ , .
, CsAtlter‘,vond k Crftirr.... • . ;-, phit a d,iph ia , -"
Wm,;l3...T,tiompspn k , Cti, , ,
Whitall k Jlrown , ,,, • ~ .*-1
. ~ ........ ,
harii es b u ro• Line
.=.l=l trt t
- • -
ttetiekai3Oleclitinic: ; :irg• and
Philadelphia or Baltimore.
, .
PILE , Subscribers grateful for Past favors,
beg leave to intbrm their friends and the inildic
generally,that they still continue to run a line of
bortheu Cars regularlylletween Meehanicsburg and
Philadelphia or BaltitnOre, by which goods and pro
duce of all descriptions will be forwarded with care
and, despiltch at the lowest mites orfreiglit. .
P;odiice will be rectilvCirat 'their - Ware - Houk:,
in Mechanicsbui•g,.and forwarded to either Phila
delphia er Baltinoore,accordini,o9 - the direction. of.
the' owner. a'
OiCr The highest:price will be, given ,for Wheat
and PlOur..
N. B. Pinker of PnriciandSalt always kept on.
hand-ond f6r salemt the lo‘rest price's. •
July 29,1840.---ly. .
I N DP:AI N IT Y AI NST-10S8::._
FIRE..„_. •
. • 4 ' 4 " PANY• OP•PaILADELPIIIA, . •
• . a J 011400,000 paid in..L-harter Perpetze fkl, •
g-i ONTINUE to make insuranne,Permaneidand
L.) Limitedion• every description .or Property, iii
TOWN AND COUNTRY; on the usual favorable
p FE: I C 63161a-mIM street. near IWO street: -
BAttettEtt, - SAMUEL Droott,
---,THOMAS HAUT,' • Acon - 11. SMITH,
Titostts I NV:murim, GEO. W. RICHAIIi/S,
, • 1 ' CHARLES G. BANCKEIt., Secretary.
rO-Tbe Suleicriher,.Attent fur the. above Company
for the Imi:ough of Carlisle and vicinity,will prom fit
ly attend to all applications for Insurance, whether
madepersonally or by letter. Residence Main street,
nearly opposite the Car Office.,
Bar Iron, Glass, &c.
Just receivedaiibe . New'Store of the subscribers,
t Tons BA . irtoiti, of first ratelnality, and'
for sale very•low•for c-811, per consignment, 00 half
Boxes Bby 10111 11 1 IO Indf Boxes IO by .12
WeSterus Glass,
in good order, for sale -to. Merchants at Pittsburg
prices, and Duneannon best
-at Mannfitettirers prices; also, on hand Witherow's
Celebrated patent PLOUGHS, FLAX-SEED OIL,
by the. gallon, or Harrel, Oil, MEAL, WetherPl
VANCEBS, Eic. Sze. •
• • • 1 • 5 1841.
.41'1' WINE Y La IV.
Office in. High
. street a, few, doors
;west of the Pokt ffice.
Citiliate, April 28;
. ,
Dental' Surgery.-
171 E. SUBSCRIBER respectfully tenders his
' gra t e ful acknowledgments to the public for the
very liberal share of patronage. lie has received dor
ingthe . past veay; and would still continue to nile, .
theM h is tircifessional services in their various . bran.
clues at his residence, go. 7, Harper's Row: He files,
olesnspi. and ii ‘ luptleeth, mut inserts incorruptible
tarrer rnetalic artificial teeth in.the - inostapproved
manuer.'..Charges dla
FF, M. D.:
Carlisle, March 25,1, . ,
Dky. Goods at cost.
The subscriber is nn* offering his 'entire stock of
dry gnocleafost fiar cash; consisting in pert of
CLOTHS, 4• q.asswEßEs.
NETY'S, at from 34 cts. to $1;20.
MERINOES from es cents to $1,25.
A good assortnicat of Thibet, licocha,
Meriilo. 'at ' Blau kc,l Shawls.
Mons de laines, Chintzes awl Calicoes; -A variety of
:.Cambric Edgings & Insert i ings
'oho Cottini iPidgings and glinting., silk and cotton
Thule, :Bonnet imul :Dress • Sil ks, Cherie and. Plaid
Bonnet and leak Ribbons; Gloves and Hosiery of
' ' • • :`'
P t
-Dee'embe fi; • •
Persons wtthing to: purchase, cheap reading, are
requested to cAort the suinteriber iin Carlisle, where
be had Magazines of-alt descriittions, and...sold
ut the publishers prices free of postage.' •
For- Sok - as..abbve: • .
Graltem's Magazines,,, „Lady ' s
Ladles . ' .Cbm Dalt4 .' l% ll % l l23,W;
People's Library,— Young Peoples Book, ,
Ladies' Amaranth, Knickerbocker,
,New York Visitor, Fowler on Matrimony,
1 -Binkliell'sUotinterreit Brother .lonathan, .
. . Now, World, ..!.;
Boston Notion, Universal YanlideNtitioe s
Weekly Herald, Public
Daily .Chroniciley'l SpiritidAkelimes,
New York Daily Hernia. •
Tin-WI? , of the Seas, Life in a Whale Ship, and a
variety of Coeds Almanacks for 184/ ' .
pu fa c S a c ti h o s i o ui riNizie - y celtreil for all the 'principal
N, B. The Miitioinath - Brotherlenathan andsTew.
World, receil4 and ,for, sale,on, the first of
'" ire4Alber 20,1841. .- - .
4 ' BONNET SILICS,A . gip . e
Of' the 'veyy Int* style, fist
PPtrslepag , l
CL Shippen4iiii, r lSe4 ; . 2; 1841.. ; • ,
: ,4
Tabkil•Velie Dam
Spa], apti**,Dail liftitha zes and ilkapesjust °Den.;
id'and selliiitoTataducact prices. .
Dia. 1,18 at.
r;.l • . ••
'New Cooking Stovet
I'AdOII'FILIDLEYIFortIi Hatiii'ver 'itreitofrpo
iiitccoratil#4s!,tliAti; is ascia tittle '61.1141iii. ,
ix,ay s' PittinA.
Hot air Colaiag Stoics„ c'
which . fie4.fti•infiia fo' 100`per'eltdbeiteiAban any
other-stern - heretofore known.:, •
Farraers,Tayern,keepers - and' others arell)l,4o to
inise those Stoves
,they ern noViite'aiied
operatfon.tit stove',or. the price Alley may
be returned...... .14
• „ . .
• ". '' 1 " , . .'-' ' '_.'• hand: i' F. still 'eontimes
. k eep on ban t- . ' ',. '
F a — __..27 -- r• ( ..c '1- . . • .
, • 0 or saki CBCrlptiops.•rtmong
I *-:-.. ..Y. , ''';'': . ~, which ore the .._leprevee
".' I-
L. . • "•-• .-:- / _., Rotary Cooking Stoves, so
• ' ' —.--
- . uniVersullyeppreved; sioVe .
--Furniture, stove pipe, and - a
ienernt assortmcnt of • Ti n,
... . . -
Sheet iron and eopiier trare;wltieli he will .dispose
of on reasonable ' ' .. ", ,
, Orders in'toWn'and Pountry, for House Spouti ng
or other work proniidly attended to. , , • ' ' .
.Carlisle. 5ept:15,1841.-Iy. ' ' - • • - -
DR' .S..',L,_ST..WAfqi
. . , ,
Thomsonian Bolan Practitinner
of ciiieind Obstetrics'-No: -
, near .the;
li ,
• -
I[lllt-F4P,BUTFULIN infor'ins his friends:lnd (lir
Llt• public generally, thut(tltroitglishileitatiehjiw.
has removed from Shiremanstown to Carlisle..wliCri
he may be found 'at all tittles', unleasicerolesslonall
iingaged.• The afflicted shall at at all'limes he treat.
ed with purely Vegetable Medicines, “Nis Poisons,"
and: id . strict 'accordanee with the principles. laid
down by that great reformer in iriedicalscience,l/r.
Samtvil Thomson. , .
• Chronic easeS, such iisOinsurOptions,Liyer Com
plaints, Dropsies, Itheniniitisms,. and Cahecrs,, are
more particularly informed that the New System is
admirablyadapted,totheir cases.
Tnysilida from a distanre can be aceomraridated
with lloariling . .while under medical treatment, on
rCiticfali de — Wank --
Carlisle, July 14; 1841.---if.•
ns these tomistaints arc usually considered, no mu'
Can deny them being the most CORIM9II cause of 'bk.
Jtidal and, distreasitigpAidease: It is inllecti tinelnii
choly. truth, that thousands fall victims to ponsanip
tion evdry year from . no other cause than heglected
treat such complaints with the greatest nidiffel'eneb.
j run on for weetis'aui! even months with,
outt hinkino. of•theJdangeV„... At first you have whai
you may consider, a alight congh or cold ; s you
bit siness,pleasn re or carelessness to preient you from
giving:lt any. attOntion ; It then settlei upon your ,
breast, you become bonrse,linvetusitiaiti the sitle , -or!
chest, expectorate large quantities 4 matter, per
imps-mised_witivilotal, a - difficulty. ofh r entbiugo_l,
sues, and then you find-your ow Donn , b neglect Its a'
.brought 011 this . distressing complaint. :If then you
value lire or liitalth, be warned in time, iaud don't
trifle with your CoLn;uktioist to any (park nostrum
to cure yon, but immediatclv prorinre a liottltori wo
of that i nfl ow; ' r emedy, the - rr W.A!•SAIq or
CHERAW, " which is well known to hr ilienonf t speedy
cure ever known, as thousands will testify whose
lives Lave been saved by it. -- • • '
Elie very ; particular %%ben you ;milli:ow nsk
for "Dr. Win %ICS B ALsilM OF WILD CIIFARY, "
. _
there is also a svaur of this name lora Fe. _ , '
. Prepared, wholesale and retall,.hy''s &
Co., Chemists, No. 93 South Foarth street,,Phila•
delphia. . . .
Sold in Carlisle by
.. Price One Dollar.a Bottle.. .
October 20,1841.-Iy. .
Ify the extraordinary virtues of that unrivalled
medicine, the "BALSAM . OP WILLI) CI iElt
the %yell-known famous remedy for CON
11'ifliaurs!~ru g,. &pt. 4,1841.
'iltr-Dr.=WlSTAß_Deur—sir r -it,gixes_me_42 ,
pleasure to s:ty, I have found mueli relief Ti•ont
Balsam that I have to send to you for more. have
only used three bottles out of the half
,dozen 1 pm.-
uhasekyet it. has done me more good than all the
medicine I have ever• taken before. A neighbour• of
mine whose wifewai - Very 'lloW with Coosnintlion,
persuaded me to let him have mime of it, and bought
three bottles, which she •lias. taken also. I saiv her
a few days ago,mid she told me she Believed it was
the only thing that had saved her life.. - She:ll.o tri
ed every thinglefore,but notning (hither sinv good,
and when she commenced taking it was siek . in bed,
lint is now up, and looks better thaliq ever saw he:
bel'et•e. 'As. for myself I am sure it will cure me
entirely, for• I feel better every duty. :Send me
bottles-mane 'by the hearer, as mraeightiur' winds
three more.
They sincere friend,
4J The genuine Balsam sold in Cnyllelehy
Price One Dollar a Bottle.
Read.what it 'has Dane.
' And Ryon have.a friend, a relation, or know any
one that is afflicted 'with that distressing disease,
" CON.iIIM P110:1, 1 ! persuade them. without de
'lay to' try that limos's and nariveled medicine, IN=
".BALSAM .OF. WILD CHERRY,” . which. has
cured thousands of this complaint after every thing
else' had tailed. .Read the following. undoubted
proofs of its efficacy.
.• . RoxoonottoitiSept.lo•lB4l.
Dann Sint—Please send me tvio bottles more of
your Retsina ,of Wild Cherry, like that you sent me
before. I have taken nearly all'of the first two, and
'confidently believed-this Medicine will cure'me. : I
have used a -great many remedies 'within the lest
year, but hive neverfound any thing that has relieved
me, so muchi It has stopped my cough" entirely,
Checked my Hight sweats, and. I sleep better at night
andleelbetter. an every way 'than I have for many
Months.) 'YOurs, respecttully, '" ' '
, . .
- , • HOiidEElitTG, Sept. I 2.1841.
Witxr.sto NV/WiElt u.-4 must again .trouble thee to
send me two bottles more of thy invaluable Balsam.,
I have now takeiathree bottles in all, and can assure
thee that it hais done me snore , good thatinll the medi
cine I have ever taken. before.:' Send by the stage as
soon as Poisible, mid Oblige thy. fri it I, ' -.. •
- ' .; , pIUBTOL ePt.B'. 1841,-
- Dictszi'Docrimi:—llearing so mat people talk, of
the !wonderful cures your Balsam Wild ,Cherry
has made' in Consumption, I sent 0 • 0110...0 . , your
Agents' the other day for a bottle nd have found it
ta have relieved mese Much. th .1 want three bet-'
more sent soon, as I believe it .will mire me : too. I
Have used bytte2s-rapectorant - anttother — MedMira
tresrdrei, - blit nothing haaever done me as mash good
asyours has. , Send by , theStearabeat Deliver. ,
• . Yoprs'truly; '.-'''' - WILI:i.A3I TA03611.
aßesides its astonishing', efficacy in Consump
tion, it is also the most effectual remedy elier discov
,CQUGH.S; QUOTA' W 110,0 -
ING COUCH; &a, wi ll testify' , MI6
have cared . 14 it after' all other remedies hail
Bit tjpGIPTS and,BEALBRS will t li d this me-
"diciie a viihiable additibii to ,thei should
ways keeP ten hand; as t is' tinireiltially w
hedged lobe one of the mestuatifulfluaily mudicineh
now in use.
• lane veryy, particular lo oak' for Di . ZPISTAR'S
B RAM OF' WILD 011BBILY. Sold wholesale
and Mail by W,II,t,IBIVIM Co.,.Chotliats, No.-33
South' • 2,
11:1 0 1 1 1 a"gruria . ' B . laaai
• . a
e 0 Agpnt.. ,
Pride MAO" a Boat;;'
October . 20,1844:=4. - -' ' • -
N 3
„Sliept Iron
iefiii . ms . the puhlib i genertilly•Ant lu
'in emit h i ts , his !nisi Iteg!l iit.the Lk'
A-111110'er street, next deer , 1•1 the Cabinet e
liilisrei..‘rtiei•elit. has now hand,;
is still' manuftOneing; *every ‘astticle:in the film .0 ,
his trutle;; consisting
Fullers' and [vial&
i A 1 44 ' l ` ' l `
Li . E
Tea Kettles, of .ever;
-• (lOseriptiOn •titoi•O`Pipe.
i(e has also r‘ir sale tile best ussoriment`,of-.Cotii•
111011, CO - 010. , g . and l'aeltier '. • • •
. .
Vier offerrit•iatthis plaiie. Ills coutoi , to,yorolAttv.•
ottivitn- are of 'every .grAo 40111 , v:trit•l
alOl ilia plyi nlr
. stovPti((il• WO I:I 0, c'1111) f!i th
Ittltlitiois the -Itotitr.
cooking st,tvei, 016 - It-oh:tor
*drools rov Ravioli - es; Whittle 'ore ti.otorpti3seil emu
fort owl etio moil' iu the we - argue'.
All or which ha otras 04 the lowest terfoi fo
- Carlisle, Aug. IR, 1/34:1. 7 --)'. ••'. • •
N. B. Oh Lead,,Pewter,Capper, and Lem.!lei"
ken in exellange - for soveso in oe copper waive,
Stilt ebini litres the Pihioet all its va
rious limiocliesoit. his oltl--st:i h ltiii Nr , rtlt IL9mter
sti.e6i; two l) tars the store of AVin. I a2mtiti•il ;
wlft:t:e is now tosiojtlictoroi c , „;tiltl inteutiskeepiog
IniZicii - 64:est vAtt.i(ty or -
slick as 514lehoards ; Il m reafix;Seeret v ies.Car4l 7 -Pier,
liinin g and Ile•nktlist: 'rabies. it;ilst e nds; Ste., of the
most ,shhmide kind, it of which Tie will IIiMIOSe
___... ~
Dr VIII the t 1 1 ,151 1 .0 ,11111:tiole 1. , 1 . 111c4. Ile ,18 :11,30 pl•epli
-14.:(1 0 - 1111 an A' ll.l's 1 .-, 1 .- 81!ItlXG !iv. vr RD so eA s
iiiia -Frx CIVC TIM It -- ,=iiiiVriiiiiiiifto - litTriirsi i l le ri or
_ .. i
( l osoty. '- . . will :OSP fi r oish Ci)FFI XS al the shortest on
tiie, and !Livin g r;meifile pricored-n Vnyv ilnittcE:
he is o re t lnl,ll.tq otte.ol 1oler:0%1-n the como r y. ~.,
. Ca r lisle.l4ogoo..4 1 ! I ii.--.:ty ... • ,
The subscriber has recently received- brgc addi
tional supplies of
Medicine*, Coiortr., Dye-Stuffs,
• Linseed, Oil; ‘
. T11)7)(11340, Copal
Varnish,. • Paintere . 13 , ushes,' "Varnish
Brushes, Hair Brushes, Spermaceti Oil,
.-'afx2ll,AlliSpgrm Cooilles....Soa is in — g•real
candy, Gass Lamps, ('ap, and ,encr
Paper, Fad', Spices. Pc,famery, :c.
which lw will sell tol'hysieians, Nlerchaitts
and others, witot.usAt.r. or :)y utrrittr.:
thelowest.rates, halving purchased eniirely
for c a sh; he will offer harffains to those
who wish to poi chase at wholesale.
S. ELmorr. .
Mardi 24, 1841.
Orete• lifirdiVare, • Geores . y, 4'.
'VI subscriber has just ) resurned frQm
4°- the Cities of flew York, Philadelphia and, Hal
thurwe„ now opening . al his attire I'ODIWS.
cor,,er 1;11. , 7,011 511 , 1111 . 0 anil Vlllll Street? , (for_
nicelytwcapitql by Gco W. Ilither,) a general as
snetment of .
.Tfardware, (Vie Tare, eda - r
Briitunin 51.7 are, Groceries, Oils,
Pain's. tarnishes; Gass, Brush
es, Whips, ('rives, Lamps
/ for'
burning ("(imphine •Oi ,
and a great carielt of articles useful and - necessary
for furnishing and keeping a house. • le Itusalsoiand
will constantly keep on band '
u cheap and elegant substitute for sperm oil, and
having been ap,ointed the agent of: Nlessrs. Ilaikers
and Brother of Newark fbr the hiIICIA
Patent Lamps in. this county, be IL prepared to fur
nish Lamps and Oil, at „It Very reasonable rateto all
who may wish to use this now and economical light.
' • Having Selected his goodaltitnself, nod' made his
purchases forcash, he is ! )le, mmHg determined to
Those having thecash ;bitty out willttlnd it to their,
advantage to give him
cArlisle,.luly 8, 1840.-41.
moTimits, BE ON 'UR GUARD: 7 4Ias
is the st4soit when this destructive Complaint astaeks '
your interesting little• children, often robs •ybu 'of ,
those you fondly dont cn,antl carriesliMidreds to the
grave. Every mother should . therelbre;knoW' its
syMptoms,'wetcht Item closely, and always; be,''preL
pared with a remedy' to cure it. as inittn z y are daily
sacrificed by stick neglect, tiritt tlua little patient
is seized with a shivering, it gron*Vestiess, has
flushes of heat, the eyes become red'.4nd'swollea, it
breaths With didicalty „and 'thee Comei that fearful
comsat that will surely terminate in convulsiens or
dead tudess — moinething - --.isj tamed tat vt. n to
elteeß.jt. In this complaint the • " PM/
well known to be the most speetlY'ett,•e
ever disonvered,.*.:lLis'intleed precions i Celne4ll'•••'
mild; safe and innocent, Mad is HMV to give OM little
tinfltrer'ismitediate.relierittnt quickly restore it to
safety and health. FamilieS residing iti:the cOuntr,
,stitl„itttleed every mother •n Ito:loves. her vlii Wren.
shoald'always keep tide enediritiei tht- lionsi•{1111!
giveit :Willem early., by. doing so, yen may
save 'the life •of . oae you -fondly love.,ltemenibei ,
this is the famotts / resnedv;•nrithis ploy:
De. Wistair;:wlithliTlitts •tlt'Ousidnis•ol
Ci INSU3fiP r r ION; bttalloitn
has failt;tl..• - 7 7-- -•
particular wlign ynfi pfifttlifisp tn Usk fo ,
,”,Dr. WISTADA 1114.431 a W„tt.Tllll,,pantti.,l!s4l4llllM4-
is Sitsufir nr 'this fame, ifilvertisedAinit is efitirel,)
,difrerent n 10044116,
Prepared ntilyliY . Witl.tAstsit diteuti ate, Nil'
33 South Fourth streo.PhihAlpitia,, . „ ,
• • • Sold in. Cprlisle by • . •,_
. .Price One Define Rd - tie;
October 20, !841.- 7 -Iy. •- . • • • '
t-*- t.itib^rt'o-
tA NB 1 Ai SG.
It 1 RIETY . . TORE.
Ca mphii!o Oil,
DR: I. C. -LOOMIS I)en i t : •
IS pernianently ideated incarlisln, and
li'w•form allopeiiitionii,tharare required in
Dental Snegery t intlh, as • PlukOng.„and Ex
tem:lingTeeth,atiif inserting,Artilicial Teelliifyorn
%fill Wild attend to
alfditwasess ofthe to mth,guniti,&n.yand direct awl
re~id;:te the firm. and ileemititriiiiddriii ;40 idild rendei•
die taeth ehildren null young peyactnirregdlar and
LO 0 . .1143ti1l
.ipy.' 9 l. Ili "nit Ivo .91tionsite;:11.telitvlant's
Carlisle .11itte.2.3 1841 j—y •o.
, . .
ISC:i " •
VSO • the,.,Cyc.
. .
• ,
•". )))
, , , J.-•
- D 3t. 130:74TOCK'S
Cekbrati4l e Alria '
the (we Of I 4 .
.Slim Eyii,
. 111 0 1 OWT,9 a 5 , 1 IdlamiltionArthe
Ardit & 47.• 1 • . • • •'-
',.l•t•vbfni• Act Ij...c,f't tot ii.exe ,
err' aill 111 , 1 !Ins the otrht ellet.tut I restiettv lit Ithe,,
••ii , it :vitliloitt riil4l6, rein I.e niiV iliee"Hireetinas
,‘ a raiva•.:•licutiuus;rvith ntrtlie least ineonveniente
whir atieirrilibleilvilli DINI.NESS'
SIG, I -will nb,,lint it .a.valtialile-reilmlyllor
Arrogtlitoli tlio sight. and prk
veotiow rilirn straining tlitln.
it 'will also, be loom' particularly tistlitl as a wash for
the even or vnttitg yltildren, to remove iiiflanuitioa;
Intl sislolut• tht humours vli RO
Price 501' 1 ,e•ii.9 a .Battle will; fall dircc."
'tows for using. • • •
- - -
Sold in 'Carlisle, by
A lira
%V S •
Family .1.111-Biliotts Pills. , ,
- h lt pills lire verb gqntleht their Niers
ions cansmg neither pain, gloving new itnv nauseous'
TIICV tixzeetlingly comfort and w strengthen
he atom:leis nail bowels, ttml - elt , Srin, the sight hear
lig and memory Amesons, by carrying' off
ddegms, matter* putrid Arne.; and thick ht
moos from Vie-stomach bowels anCidood, which
mikes them' sn celehrAMl • Icir removing. coughs,'
•Inmotnitisms, pains froth o'lv limbg,gravel,
.ifes stonmeh; a:49111014.d bowels and worms.
Phis inialiciae,is also an inllilible cut a for fever and
I ) tinicert ..11.1tiod
For the.cure or r eutmsumption,diseaseut wiud-idpe.
ulcerated sore throat, Things and liver complaint,
night sweats, lluzlies of heat, burning in the tamanteh
"gidness_a ern ss-due-el uesty u--the hremt - a tud
side,in Ward cancers, piles. sore eyes,sore legs, ulcers
of e%eluy ilvseripii9g, swellings, rheiumatisms; they
stop the spiting of blood "aurd,heal the, part affected.
Ttie oil pills aye preparMl expressly for
the stre,,uudienkng of ,sexy syAtelli and
healing an - ule es and sores, purifying auto removing
fill haul lutfuttorsfroMulue is Mum lurtutuglut
on front too • tumell' sitting mu :standing. or by expo
sore- iiruniu:mtuitlettlll•lll to .rind. Vvakiv, drlailuatcd
pt-rsons are parlit•tilar-ail%iiiial to 11151eifiem, its they
. 14111.1%1be1l the body in •a superior manlier; they nee
not 'mended to-operate on the bouiels sn !midi as on
luc WOO, as too much purging - will'destroy an,: weak ,
Iv eolustitittilte,Mdl has rt!rrtetlolfitsibonsanthtfo a
%;•neld tintin - own to us. , l'Ae•the itchier of one who
stutires to !duce Ide and sot to kill ; weakly and
persons should not.pnrge more than once a year
as it often tques brings on IttlbtiCelle6s.
.., . .
StuforWinitniy; rd. - Sep; r• 1840.
Dear Sir:-1 wt ate to let you know that
,the Lord
has done great things for me, whereof I am glad.—
When I saw you iii Fredericksburg, I thinkl said
I had been aflicted with a very acid (sour) stomach,
and subject to a violent pain in my head for more than
tweily years, for.Whiell I took rhubarb and soda three
or from times every day for this mativ years, with
little or no eel el, mid, My legs and sales wore'so'
much swelled that I was tinableout thnes„ito attend to
toy business. Hut since on .made ion a present of
a has el your Family,l'illi - 1 have taken one or two
of them at i L iglitlit,, going to bed, mud now my acid
stoinaclegi.elieveil,llie swelling in my legs has neiir
• teilisappearell. soil I do tad tliiiik that I have been
hindered with the pain hi me bend` since 1
ovg:iii wial,e pitar s.:ltnilde - metliein-thitilli-tlie
Lord directed ~nn to Fredericksburg. to administer
to my ridiell ( Pleated be his holy itanue,l rimgreatly
relieved.) `( . bore is li% hug in my neighborhood a
• poor old woimii who bail been sick a long time and
could get no relief, at length I piteelcisMl a boil of
vniir pills and gave thine to her, after a While I saw
her nut and about her business, and she Aaill that the •
one box hail eured tier. I have spread-the fame of
your valuable medicine ninoutsl my nmptailutuners,
and imoiv hate 111113.11Rfil•lk NaW,IIR it respects niy
sell; my leielids tell me wOm I g.') to mal. that they
Inset' p••; vor i ne look an well for many years. and I
gay to iliu al. ' 1 will tell von the secret why: a short
iiiii a 0 I met With lini.:ltiviesititown;iiitil Its gave
nee • Of pills, and they ItaVa in %de me look-as,
sm.' e..e. Pte.! And now, me friend, I hope that •
Om Loralifilkeenutiiisie to.bei wil li yout, nod nr aim you,
useful: toift !low-creatures. as he has hitherto
i . done.. , -' I remain a ith respvct, ;
CIiATIV.tS ntt nee.
Several. Females have been cured of tliefalliug of
the woitub, by taking very Saudi liaßt•R et inter% ids. •
• , , limper a .11h!,' y,aruitst 11, 1840. .
Dn. Wii-,13.4u-s. : l lleiir Sir:—l ant. happy to in
form you nail the Miluliis.: that I haveilieeii cured of •
that dreitulftil disease the Ithettmalism s py takiagyour
Fondle' ('ills. I have been 1.-boring under to tut ilis
eite for more thdii . ii year, Miriog whirls time I tried
the skill of the best physician witliout'effeet; ailetigth '
was induced to 'try vain'- medicine; I found relief
idler taking half at lion, I contitmed to take them until
I loud token live boxes; my age is 71 years t and Icon
eider that none but the oil and r heumatic p e rsons
Lknow,how grateful 1 feel to the medicine that has
-,Ostored me-to lieulth. '• ' " •- Li ... :: ~. ; .
."Vours; reaps ctfully, -4 , -:: ;. ; • Joys Dye: -
. IVE i tlie istilleriiigneittue agents at Harper's; Ferry
for the sale of-Dr, JJavies' Family, • Pillia c ese ',blow
our neighbour ? Mr. Dye, sold him the)pillitit erhiek
he speaks so htghlyi and believe lifitittatetiehtio' be
soßtantroiy,trite: . : , - • ....,„:: - ::.::: -, 1 -.-, ~.-...
RespectfullY, W. St, S.D. AstatAta"
.. • .. . .
Mrs. C. Burton, near Locust street, Wait ilisemest •
or seven years,with`ii' lunip in thoAeft: aide, bumps
all oyertier skiu 4paitig imouad,th ttot411:01. her' back,
runiiiit.; into hoe-, stomach, irbi*preveuted her (to.•
;miter own worda,)frOm
the frst.dose•removed theAratOtativo 10;a: set
her et liberty.' 4," ~, ' 4
I•wassevereii diseatietl , with.itho,Wind.pile*,foe
tp.ontlis, and proSlNteilrytipirllo4 oriTifodl
and one and st hide. boielorpaSoa• ataifyyll, ti has.
ithitlenit entire' thee 'of 'nfe,f'7-• r i" ,, - . •:"Ar.:olatiiiitrillOii•-
•'-' L WaSh i egtir; IX C.,,1tt1iiv:7,441. k -- ' ''l"7:'."i•; •
• • Maitulitetured-Amitta;dil:wtialeiale ;• - a;#l - - , retail: it '
No. 4265 South third streAtPhiladoljihi , a, and by Mr.
JO/M G RAT,. Cal lisle. - geniial ascot for Cumberland
county Penna . : ~:••', 2 : • z :..4 , . •
Also for sale by W. &. T.. Loudon, Kirigitown t
• Eekel s
• FireoYlif,HogiresioWn;•M: Gi litipp,Sliire.;'
niniN.fauM,l.l.oltgtieeker,;Witionlesidnitig; HiD4VII-
eeman,.Newieuitherhinil l SteplietiCulbesisoti.Ship.• '
jail; sburg f • Mai: Tharr, Nrwville's - .114W 8 .146.1) Vs 4 '
Newburg;,.Henry Leas, Mevlatuirebarg ;,•• JoSitih
1 1 9°d , -§1 1 . 1.11 Igfi," ,1 " 1 4 19 1 1 , 1 019 101, !! 9 .9,'&111 1 • •
iry' • become; rillB
- in which tho,pills aro ant lold;diOnimherlaild
van atv•.'W i Itt Oitiplilli•il'ii iihilMattis,•katlttg Oto'Mr.
',lf obir 0 ray ; Ciirl i sir Jilhi: u fii.o.liiii, i 4tiii4i,o'Cred , P.:air
-119ilif-Llig.ellllc; - I: l 'llni . .!‘i l'iltiy:',lll;vififflsi! Uhl , 1 , 11!/ 1 4 •
'in sell again wilhhe iliarittAfoPyr iliiitep
..5‘.1 'Mtn aittrin conitYSidiWiiiiittlieritutiezillitind
itille at- 'it, t efftli ,• or ~S t 5 il` • oii . cailiiiib.ticia. ipltetii i I -
twice 6. - family p•Ill a .24, cl s -lpor •,1 iroi;TO,nceKblhed
'ills - 50 , cents per , bot. : run directions ter, Using. .
thotoaccomtiany each bilitu. • • • •.- iii ; - i'Li LL'
Carlisle, ,5ept. , 15.11011.-r-fhit. i . fl'•'i; - ..u,!f•it ,L, •
• _
jam reciiived.ond '
tat '
Juit received 2WtosieoltAlSlNSi and for todeby
the box only. " . .rd' CHAS. :BARNITt.
Dedeinber t 5,1541