Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 16, 1842, Image 3
CM HERALD & EXPOSITOR. ea,t•ltote l I .VEDNESDAY, FiIBRiTARY :16, 1842 'Ourown scribblinge are this.week crowd- _ed_out..by_the_ etfers of our Washington. ro them We most cheer -ftillfgrve way, ait - d commend -- them to-ourH readers. WelaSt; Week "through mistake'of the printer," defratided otir correspondent of his lawful , . signature. Hayin - g this week ."repudiated w the "P" and established. th e rightful "L," 'We hope to be forgiyen our of-, fence, promising to "sin-no:, more." 10:73.The small Relief notes were last Week no sale in Philadelphia, except at the brokers' offices, where - they were sold by 'poor laboring men' it from 30 to 50 per cent discount: We learn that they are a gain current. Their temPorary •deprecia iion was occasioned by the brokers for their own benefit. • -THE NEW YORK MIRROR of last week contains one of the prettiest eligravings we have ever seen. Sitbscribe for the Mirror and you will never regret the expenditure. which . passe,d the- ifouse- of Reliresenta-• T tives,.hatla first reading in the Senate• and '-Was-then— a.,-eelect,cotutnittee,' who reported a new bill essentially,differ;- ent ,frlut the bill or the. House. It pro vides for innnediatetestuiption - und'er -pen alty of a forfeiture of charter, provided, .h - oWevet; that no Bank - shall, be' `tu pay .mSpecie.during any period , nrinnety days more than .five - per cent.;.on her capi tal actually ;paid in. .71/1 7 :e:_shbulddescant upon.. this bill had we 'room. . We look . 111 - Kin it as - A hunihug. If:7"`TEE OSAOE VALLEY, "- ' . ll new pa, per-established at Warsiw, - Bcnton county, Missend, has.nailed -Benton at its head, for . • the aext President, and the editor is deter mined -not tor-reit - love Until. he Oshall have - been elevated-to - that -high station.- If _twe_mayjudgefroM the - 'siins of the times.' lite name' of 'Benton is-destinetllu'be=taited :there until the end_of time. UNITED STATES SENATOR ELECTED.- . 'The Hon. William Sprague hae been elect ed Senator in 'Congress 'from 'the State of, 'Rhode Island; in the place of the Hon. N. F. Dixon, Tecently. deceased. The whole Whig vole waslo--Locofoco vote 10. AtIOTHER-BANK CONE--The Granville 40hio) Bank has stopped payment. • icrThe following notice, cut from a /newspaper, has been handed us for publi- cation. • Towanda :Bank recent investigation having convinced the directors of this bank, that a. considerable amount of notes under the act of Assent . bly of 4th of May last,. has -been and improperly put io circulation, the pub lic are hereby notified that all notes signed by T. Dyer, Clerk, and J.. C. Boyd, Clerk, :purporting to hive been issued 44 by order of the board of directors" of the 'Towanda Bank, will not be received or redeemed at • the Bank. .•, . By order of the Directors. • • - H. S. VAN INGEN, February 2, 18'42.... ~ • '.lnfamous " repudiation rrnr this ,be the,. way the Towanda Bank designs to swindle the people, her Directors and'oifi oars are villains all. 'RECONCILIATION. Letter writers from Washington have led the'public to suppose that kindlier in- lieen,ces were about to control at Washing- ton. : • The signs of the times, as welNts private information, induced us to suppose that .-. this,'was" mere gossip. Suh. cwe regret to • APPEALS• ~say itwas. There is every renal* to believe County and ',State Tax. remarks ;that UM K he x ed; annoPied from t h e IV OTICE is hereby given to all the taxable in- New. .• - , IN habitants within the County of Cumberland, N York American, are true. Pentisylronia , either for State,County, or Common "You 'have" probably noticed some new School. purposes, that the Commissioners of said An d , count will hold the appeals for the year 1842, in 1 4batehes of appointments and .removals, 1 the different boroughs and townships of isitleounty, ..may perhaps have •suspected them to , b . e a ut the time and places as published below, Qtr the partial realization of 'the dubious antictita-.4 purpose of hearing all persons who may apply for ..tiona of - a gradinilii-vittigification of• John redress, and to grant such relief as to them antilop- . , pear just and reasonable., to. wit. Tyler. Not - so. -ue said yesterday, be . , Franic,f4Td - and alliffiin township, on Tuesday the thould appoint no more 'W higs• and no in March 11;0,M the public house of David Bleat,, 'More L,oictfocos t that duty -bound him to• 'in the boroogh of Newrille. -• . - • Areurville &ad alleloton,onVednestlay the 2d at the .. tittalalia,.thotte' ViihO'su — prirtgril ;him. 'I have same place.• hoisted the ; Tyler flag, ' cm's his declara- - floposocti, on Thursday the 9d,itt the public house 0 004 ,6 an d I. m e a n to, sus t a in it., ", . , of James Sponsler, in Newburg. Southampton and Shippenthurgtownships,onFri __ day the 4th, at thepublic house of John Roebuck, in, the borough of .Shippensburg.,_ • • . Skippenthurg Lcrongh, on Saturday the sth at the same piece.' _. ' .A iires 'Middleton, on Alf o n day th e7th, nt the Com. missitiners' office in the borough of Carlisle: , ' Dickinson, otiTuedsay the Bth, at the public house or Jnooli•TinO, ptinberland Will . ' West Pennaboro' -nit Weilneaday •.the 9th, at the' 'pub i 6 house of f";eo.'Slieoffer,at Mount Rock.'. Silver •Spriok, on Thursday the ilkiilit the publio ' holm - of Joseph Grier,in HogitestOwn. - ' ' ' ' /:'as:' Peqnsboi.o , ' on Friday the llth, at the public , hotisifor AfidreW Keeitzer.. • . '• .it, ,Cumberland, on :.Saturday .the 12th, id' the public houseref Jacob Poist. : " ' -- - - ' t - Mechanicsburg; too ,Mpiiilay the 14th, at the pub lic house i:if 'John Hooroi• • ' • „" ! • • ' 41/len, on Tuesday :the 15th; at the 'public house of Daviil'Sheaffer, in SfiepherdstoWn. -. ' ':.: ' ' ' ' Monroe An . Wednesday the 16th, at the public heese of leihnTatit,' in ChiarchtoWn.. ' '.'. ," • • • South Middleton', On Thtirstraf the 17th, at- tile Commissieners' offlee, in the borough of Carlisle. , , Ca - Hiatt , BorOugh, on Friday,the 18th, lathe Corn inisSioners' Office, in'said boroup,• , ,,' . • -. By order of-lthe'CortiirilsSiOners.' ' ' ' .• '' i ' • • ' ' ' JOHN IftWIN, Cl*: • . . FRIGHT OF PETITION. SoOthern politicians ,are ..crazy,„, ;I'hey paid' matters so far on this sujecit,",that 'drise honest men from them every The - free States' tell them—every- man who kno ys.a''line of the Constitution tells . them=tb'et elaVery in'the Statel.cannot be • Aoiched„.flt'ip theirs to do with it aa they will! 1t ie iheirS by law. and the country, 'almost to a mani - lays the late as it ; is shell ,bet - maintained. What more can be said What more do they want? Vetter liberty of speech, as we' may, and the, unbought power of the human miqd thOse•fetters grounder as if they • wers -, itaude , of glass. 'No 21st rule, nor '!".ettY:OtheiYale; can-subdue it What 'folly, what cobvardice, then,' tii behind a parliamentary irOmuall' The eliiialry'which . . s . o a9nAllits".itsOf ,should meet any question lopenly, and in the face Of day, and bid God speed to him - who- has thel right. .' I" Nor, will.thiequestion be blinked. Whp so poor_ tut. tabe'priVilegSd tOnoffertip . a prayer? Who so mighty-as to afftroi4that shall . .not,be heard ? It is a sight natural to:van. But it is, also, a right guarantied by the Constitution, and. the, very . whkekbids use leave slavery: Where it is forces us, to' claim that right noWT.Sid alvv . ays, as sacred . --inviolable. And does. he 86aliJhitik—thictlieffee ' States will yieldjt-up;because l liiisooth certain petitions jar. upon its ear? Be it that they ,are foolish. ..Beit that they are fanatic. The denial of them . , the refusal. to receivethem, the effort to.smoother them tip by, parliamentary rule, will make ~Mers who pro neither foolish nor fanatic join with those who are so. We say to the ,South, be'wise in season, be just when it will seem, a virtue to be so.- 7 Cineinnali Gazette. • VORRESPONDENCE.-A correspondent of the_New York Evening Postiesevere upcin Mr.-Stevenson, for his last letter -tv, Lord Aberdeen previous to the former genthan leaving England. Our ieaders.will probe thavearly in December, adoc- Casinna), correspondent of thici paper inform ed-us fiiciin• Washington, touching thcrisitu t atiod'in-which Mr. Stevenson left the . ques-• tics of search in Erigland*his boast of the tenor. of his .lettere,...and ,the ,apprehension, (not fears) - which they-justly excited in the mind . even Of the Secretary of State.* There was - a straight forwarcUrtiovemeolin that correspondent, which -- carded the' Madisorrian, and...that paper came forward with an attemptto gainsay the letter writer's remarks; but it failed in its attethps, or was checked . from other quarters; before it .quite coniradicterfonr-correspondent-L 7. ---- •Perhaps -that lettei writer-had as good an.opportunity . pf knowing virliat was going on:1441;e :Departments, .and in the.. White Ifritute, any person whci 'writes a -letter 'from . Washington. And we have befot..e, ! tis an - epistle, setting forth Clonally matters occurrence , eonne - Med• s •With7tly . • .distribution' of- public .patronage.,..Which would make crime persons blush atjite prisure of their misrepresentations, and all regret that public •Itititi could be ..thus"tap.„ proached. • • , 'cided that the e . .hartetr—or ff tite= Bank of Illi nois, at Shawneetown, is constitutional and Reporter. - • . . . .. ~. . MARRIED. • ' On Tuesday, ;the 18th of January, - in Dickinson ton nship, by thc.Rpv, J. Rosen;• - lcrg,LlVlr. -- Joha M. Richter, to Miss-Na• tilda P. Spankler, both of the above-place. /In this boroughs Mt:Wednesday morn ing last, after a ahort illness, Mrs. SARAH ROLANDER i relict of the late Mr. Con-. rad Bolander—aged about il3 years., OARZISIZ AGilllll . O7. Indp,miOly against • Loss -Or Damage by Fire. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ' • Ike Spring Garden Fire Insurance Conr . pony of Philadelphia, • lt 'WAKE INSURANCES,• either. .temporary or iv perpetual, against loss or .damage by Fire, in. Town or Country, on Houses, Barns and Buildings of all kinds; on Household Furniture, MerChandize, Horses, Cattle Agricultural, Commercial & Manu facturing Stock, and Utensils of every description, as wall as Mortgages and Ground Rcnts upon the most favorable terms . The following ari_the usual rates, viz: • On atone and brick buildings, from 35 td 40 eta. on $lOO 60 to 70. eta. on 100 " Log and Frorne " " Merelnindize and furniture in brit:icor stone buildings, from '4o to .50.0 A, on :100 60 to 70 cts. on 100 " Do. in log or frame, Ilorses,cattle,liu•ming Men ails and sundries, at about PERPETUAL RISKS. On Brick or Stone buildings, $25 on $1,000; the premium subject to be withdrawn at any time by the party insuring, at a deduction of 5 per cent. on the amount paid. Applications for Insurance, or any other informa tion on the subject, may be made either personally or by letter, at the Company's Office, at the north west Corner of Sixth and IVood streets. . ' MORTON ISPMICHAEL, President. ' L. KRUM BI I A AR; Secretary, ot‘ JOHN .1. MYERS, AoLirr, Carlirle, Pa. DI RECTORS. Morton M'Michael, George M. Troutman, Joseph Wood; - • Samuel Townsend, P. L. Lagnerenne, . • Robert•L. Loughead, Elijah Dinette, R. W. Pomeroy, Chas. W. Schreiner, Charles Stokes, Joseph J. Sharpless ,Fehruary, 9,1842.-3 th., . cot Office, Carlisle, ME • $60,000.425,000.415,000••• .12,000—510,000-10 of $1,500-20 of . $1,200-50 of $l,OOO. . Claim No. • at Alexantir' 19th-of-B1 ' HEILLIANT SCHEME :' ' . • . •.• 4-grandeapit . akofs6o,ooo ---10 prises of 'l,-00 1-Spleatlid-pri . ceof2s;ooo—.-24V—do'' ---- - ''..° - 4 -- .250' 1 . do: .15,000 - IQ - - do -- - - .4.000 1 , do , • , .12.000 ' 50 :do '.- • 500 I. • do ', '' ' ..10,000 153 (atg 9 nos:) (O. 400 1 do ... .- "" 9,000 65 prizes Of • .250 1 ',,do 7,000• 65. do i • 200 . .. . 1•. do ',... 0,666. 65 2' , :- do ' 5,000 130 •do - = , •SU 3.., - , do - =. • 4,000 260 -, do. - . •• - 60 5, do . ~ ' .9,000 260 'do . - 50 5 do .; ,- .2,000 4225 Ao. 40 1160 114 or 24 drawn number) prizes of 30 M 1.40 .90 or.4th or .sth drstw'n'nomter'y 25 16,540 ant other dra‘vn number), • ' ' 20 76 nunkb6r lottery-13 drawn ballots. • ' ' ______ - - - Ticketss2o-Halves slo-Quarters $5-Eighths $2 50 Certificates of,packages of 26 whole tickets $2BO •Do • do "26 halves' do ' 140 -, ---Do- Do . „ ' Tickets and shnres.and certificates' of packages in tile above magnificent scheme constantly for sale, in the greatest variety of numbers, at The ( office of the Manngers,sieat door east oT Gadibefe liotel,, Washington..• • ' • , ' , • Qrders from a " distance will receive thi most prompt attention, and as soon as the drawing is over an.account of it will be sent to all Who ord er Address'',eotr's us. Address'', - .. ... .. - o. J. G. GREGORY- & CO. Managers, Washington City, D. C. Applictition for Tavern 'License. is hereby given, that intend to ap ply , tt term of thkcourt of Quarter Sessions NOlre next ie E of th Cumberland count, fora License to keep a taw-, ern or public hottse;•tn the house which-f-tiovoceti ,py in.lbe 'borough of Carlisle., • • ---- ANDRENrROF.II.Ti: February 16, 1842.—5 t. We the undersigned citizens, of the 43orongli of Carlisle in the coon typf Cumberland- i f-do sertify. that we are well acquainted with• the above named An drew Roberts, and that he is. of good r4:pute fir lionestrand temperance, and is .well provided witli house room and conveniences for the lodging' and, accomr* - 1“ ition ot strangeriv and'travelkrs; and we. tlierefore reccommeud hith to-your honors 'as well deserving of a license, and further say, that a tavern at thestaild is an .acco mniodation to the public. Jno. Harper, '. Hugh . ' 4.4c0. Ege, . - , Geo. Sanderson; • ' WHolcomb; W.,Foulk; Robert Snodgrass.,, . Hugh Reed, Jos. - JJ. Halbert, ; 'John M. Gregg, ' James_Eostlewatt,:__ Herkry_Roads, John D Gorgas,. C. Macfarlane; .G: W. Ceabb-.-7 • • A riplication - for Tav e rn -License.. lOTICE le hereby given, that I i ntenti-to apply : at the next term of the Court of •QUarter Sex "sions of Cumberland, county, for a License to keep a utvelii (*public house, in the house I now Accupy in the borough of Shippensbnrg. . ' . CHRISTIAN ZUCK: We,. the.subscribers, citizens. of the borough of ShippenabUrg, in which the - si above mentioned-inn-or tavern prayed to be licensed is proposed to be kept; do hereby certify that Christian Zuek, the aboVe named applicant, is of good repnte for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that said tavern is a public sicciimmodati on. Jacob Ileek, Joseph P. Nevin, Geo. flamill, Robt. Coebrsm, Jonathan peal, ldhn McKee, David Kenower, ' . John Roebuck, ~. George . McGinnis, :„ Jacob Engle,' • 11 Nevin. ' • Alexander Stewart; February 16, 1842.—5 t. Application for Tavern License Notice is'hereby given, that I intend to apply at the neat term of the Court of Quarter 5e3610113 of Cumberland county fora license to keep tutavern or public house, in the villiagc of Newburg in Hope well_ township in said county, in the house at present occupied by James Sponsler as a public Woe. . _ • • C. RANDALLS.- the undersigned, citizens of Hopewell town ship, in the county of Cumberland, do hereby certify that the tavern above prayed for is necessary to ac commodate the public, and entertain strangers and travellers, and further say, that Alio above named C. Handalls is of good repute for'honesly and temper ance, and is well provided With tousc room and con veniences for the accommodation of e, trangera and travellera. J. Sponaler, IVm. P. Hess, Daniel McCoy, Roht. Elliott, Jacob . Heffiebower, .19111C9 Hemphill, Robert Clark, 7 William Green, John Morret,"David - Wherry, Joseph Quigley, • David Lesher, George Gunkle, James Henderson, John• I'. Green.. . 50 di. on 100 • FLOUR. , . lir UST reseiretl a lot of SuperEne or el WHEAT FLOUII and or an e at the store of - . • I . RICHARDS. February 16, MU. Of ten. years standing, cured by the use. of Dr. Harliehs Compound Strengthening hind German Aperient Pitts. SITS. Sairahßefer,wife. of William Boyer,North Fourth street abooeCallowhill, Phila. delphia v entirely cured of. ie above distressing dis ease. Her symptoms were habitual- costiveness of the.bowels, total lose ot appetite, excruciating . pain in the side, stomach and7back,depression.of spirits, extreme debility, could-not lie on her left side with out an aggravation ,or ,gala, with •other symptoms indicating great dersingementin.the functions of the Mrs: Boyer w.acattended:by several of the first pliyaletsaie, but received •but Mild relief 'froM their medicine—at last, a friend of hers- procured a package of Dr. HarlachisStrengtheising and Ger man AperientPipt, which, by the use of nee pack age, induce lieFto continue with the medicine, which resulted - in .effecting a permanent cure, beyond the expectations of her friends. . irr Principal Office*, N 0.19 North Eighth street Philadelphia. ' For the-Drug Store of. J.' J.. Myers k Co. Carlisle,and Wro: 2 Peal,Shippendburg. reby: 16 • virtue of a writ of LeviFacins;to me directed, 1111 issued out of the court of Common Plea's of Cumberland county, will he exposed to publie sale lit the Court House in .the borough bf, Carlisle, on Saturday the .sth day of March, I tin, at tO o'clock, A. M., the following described real estate, vie: • • A Lot or pfpCe of Land situate in Church town, Monroe township, Cumberland oouidp, bound ed by taxis of lltidotph Kryslaer. Michael Morrett, and ,Mai and High streets, containing, one and a half Items more or less; having thereon erected a two story BRICK DWELLING HoUSßoutti Log Barn,.with other out houses.' • Of-GrOunit bounded by landarof Abraham Paul, ltudBipti KiTilter;'Oeci.; and the. Main street; containing about one and a half acres, having thereon erected iron° anta'half . atiory 140 G IiOUSC.\ ,„. ,j, • Seized and talien,lot-exemillon at, 11.f6 property Of Peter Limoger.• ,Atfti , to be 'sold bY me, . , , PAUL MARTl44l,lheiiff. ' • snritiir't Orptcr, Feley. 9 # 1142..—5 t. ' I 1."'"7.'11‘ trt awn - IS Ica) oti-tt ofe MAMMOTH. SCHEME. OTTERY— •,Tor 1842. st. D. C. on ' gaturdni, the rck;lB42. • , UNION L do :26 quortere do - .TO •do 26,eighths do ' 95 February 16; 1842 February 16, 184.-3 t• Lift r Caanp taint Sheriff's Sale. Caps ! Caps-Ili • • • Yusfreoei*,o4 on,extensive,covertmet of;Otter, Fir Ceylpt aiitl Cloth Capsoobtill•tAril I be' iold of. redeceil prices • " • ' • CLIP.PINGER Bt . cAltr t v.‘ Sh;Pret"'"ro,l,l”ll4.l,l,ll3olliF.: Of the Reeeipts andElpendlitires. of,Cumberland County, ly :the Coirimissioners said County, front the -first day of January, to the thirty-first'of December; A. D. 1841, inclugive. - ~Dr._.___ :- • To balance in hands of Treasurer it last'Settlement - , Balance of taxes outstanding at last settlement, • • - Atriount of Countv taxes assessed for 1841, Feei.due County toy delinquent collectors, • This sum received of J. Criswell for nixes not asssessed . in • his duplicate, " , • . ' Ab'm. Waggoner, Esq. on ace% •of Waggoner's Bridge, • • 4, Isaac Lloyd,Esq.overpayas ajuror, a M. Holcomb, Esq. fines kverdict fees, , Do. amount of•lL,Jililes'. bond due ' county for costs,.' • . . • "" R.LambertonandJ. Wunderlich,infull " • -• of Middlesex Bridge Bond,. " • CB:Penrose,Esq. anduthers, redemp- 1 `" • tion - money for Unseated Lands, M. Mishler, Esq. colds dee uoutity •by M. TOwntiley, - •• • • '• Esquires Leckey& Hamaker, proceede of strays sold by them,. , • . F. MlCoskey in full of tract cf Un seated Lands 'in Perry county sold • • him by Commissioners, • • • J. Ritner, dividend due county from es- tate cor Rodney, deed. ••• Messrs. StayMan,Eberly k Blison; hill of Bridge Bondi, • r Lay Btpteuffer,for old :dote plates sold them by Commissioners, • Geo. M'Feely, for old paper case sold !iiin by, Comphisioners, Ab'm. Grove, for county nix on Unseat ed Land, W. Fonlk, Esq. Qr. Seas. verdict ' - fees received by him; . .J. H, Graham, Esq: Dept'y. Attorney -• Gen'l. verdictrees receiveilby - - . Jaime Sturgis, Esq.money4rellioded on inquest, iElniE t 1 44 MI - '`rta • Schedule of ou ndmg taxes, due Count. 9, per return. of Treasurer 31st December 1841i-subject' to exhonerations, tic., with, wriount assessedfor 1841. Townships. I Fears. CoVectori, 1 83 9 1840 1841 Carlisle, South'Middleton Allen Carlisle Dickinson • East Pennsluirough Frankrord EMS= Mifflin • Mechanicsburg,. Newton' NewAille New Cumberland =North Middleton - South Middleton Silver Spring Sontliempton • Shippensbhrg B. Shippensbnrg I'. Vest Penneburough Due county I) . y Michael Boyle &recall, $36 29- • Since paid in full. 1` Since Maid in part. •Peter Overdeer, A. G. Miller,. ♦Nilson Sterrett, Alexander Officer . Jacob Lehman Johntilollaoer J. Brandoberry J. Pilgrim To balance in hands &Treasurer, $1511.58 . . . ~ . Statement exhibiting the amount of Taxes assessed within the County of Cumberland, for the use of the Commonwealth, up to the 31st 09Y of December 1841 inclusive, with the amount of exhonerations an d fees allowed collectors, the • amoient` paid into the hands of Robert Snodgrass, Esq. Treasurer, and the balance's returned by him as .outstandine• and due by collectors of said date, viz 0 , - • Co the whole amount of State Tax for 1841, Townships, tgc Allen Carlisle Dickinson East Peitnaborougb Frankford Hopewell Mifflin Monroe Mechanicsburg Newton Newville New Cumberland North Middleton South Middleto Silver Spring. Southampton; Shlppensburg B. Shippensburg T. NS est Penniborough, • CUMBERLAND COUNTY, w !,' .., We the Commissioners of Cumberland County, do -.,• 94 "" e certify that therrbove-exhibits a true and correct state- F . , ,' cr mein of ;he 'Receipts and Expenditeres of oftit ~ '4. land county or the term above stated, as also he ' several taxes assessed for the use of the Common wealth, stforesaid, with the aggregate of fees and exhonerations allotied during the said term and also the amount of the several taxes outstanding to the hands of the. several collectors, according to the hest of our knowledge and judgment. Witnesszurlancls and , seaLof office, at Carlisle, the 8d day T • of January,' A: 0./1842. • , ALEXANDER M. KERR, . MICIIAEL MISH - LER, Commissional,. J. REHRAR, •' Attpst—Jostri Inwirt, Clerk. . rataablc Real Estate at TO OUR CREDIT„74_ , ;;- --2- , '--- rriVate Sale. Take notice that we have eppliee,... , Wow of Estate of Mary Graham i demised., dieCoto bf Common Pleas ofeumberlanu, County, • _ , The subscriber offers .te vent at Private Bide, ,a for the b ß e n e e efi th t e o y fi lm h ev i enason i proeion t te i tad wo w - t hi n c omm o n - rET 'MRS Teitamentari'on the Estate of Mary first rate farm, aituate:in Southampton township, wea l t h, Cumlthrland county, one mile and a half .solith of . * ...0 it . 4,Graharti, late of• West Perinsboreugh township, Ibipp'ensburg, containing Tuesday the 15th of Fe br u ar y next. deed l have seen issued in due forms. 4 law to the subsertherwreliding- in .0m same township. , , . eit timely acres, " tor the hearing of es anti otir creditors, at the Court • NOTICE • more or less. ' House hi the boroh of Carlisle, when and Also—A trail of land covered with Chestnut, „a ma y *tend if yo u think proper. w h ere is hereby givenutoall persons having claim, s arinst .. , said estate, to present them properly authenticated Pune and Oak timber. \. ' ' ' SAMUEL DAVIDSON. fur' settlement, and all tiersons indebted are requested The it% eovements on the farm area good eo_ ett‘fre, January "k 9 11142. -, - to make payment to the stibscribers. DAVID REED. -. JOHN _MCKEEHAN, ', • I.I)ZautIOND LUMINit C• ' . " ' - -' • GEORGE M. ORApAM; .•.,:i, . • February-6t.':• - -6t. - i weatherboarded and painted i a first -_,,,, .1 .. I ' • N o t-j ot . , . rate new BANK BARN, -- L , , Estate of Joel rem. decw, , , t ide ` ' Riiii; - ~...• a new Brick Milk HouserWagort 'shed and Corn man......A Still Ilouse and over-head:-water,With 1 - EITTEBS OF ADMINIgItitAiIEIN on the .4.5. e sr ons 4 e .i, o i 4, ifid oe ' d a i ' l „;_, o i j oin s i' E. Rog pens in good' order. There is alio a young restate of Joel Nell, Jate of the borough of _ u r ,:4_,..._,_ ~_ ~,, , lia ir oy ‘ r. t Orchard of graTtedfruit trees upon the plate. There Shlppensiturg, deed., hay.ebetm tfrauted.teithe tub: =7. gwwr,,,1,"..014r0f tho,cae- 4: I ii I are upoo the farmtpur or five hundred pannels of scribers: NOTICE tot ishereby r giyoant DSO the{ Irf • er ‘'c o t; lidellanit: u*Thiiillettse is waII , eta? .+ uit post and rail fence, and the other fence. are in geed ing claims against said 'estate Present, ~ . c i l i a ted foe Ilii SZOR,RIIO fate) IT, - • order. There is a well of water old pump near settlement, and those indebted to make paytoent Inta ~ ,in_ , __ _ __ ,_ . c f o* stor ---, ::7-- , • . the house, and a neverfailingcpring of water runs mediately, to • .., • .... - ... c ., c ,... ..' c , ,'i - h u• t w ' rt g ° :,: n , , 7. 44 ~ Rre'iditic)ted A el' Od Stablit end first through the place, •.,. • ' - ', . . , A L vr . -i-2_ 3lA ' aar " 5 " . "t ' 194 al " T.! uu r e* .s;t• '‘"" - - This farm ii well calculated for grisint. . -- \ 1 1'. Frank - Ilk ett4tl,tr: • „ vetelverelteetes. u', , s:, ~ .. • , ' ' (----"----.._ , J4MII cUpPiIeGER., JOHN ' CARFM.shippeirbtirgt•- • ...„ _, , i , Fqr Ne th er p ae i t gmtneo . al4,ly odd s o ft e ,;,. , January 26, i ‘43.,u• . ‘, .. , , l' ehreaq g o 18442,...4.15itt - , , - St. , -, - STATFI,IENT T, = ROBERT SNODQ,tRAS °lnn pliCateBlB4l r. Overdeert 1. Gootlyeili•• • • W. Bentz • A. G. Miller} S. Mum - ma ' • D. Mountz - H. G. Miller S. Bratton • G!_W—Brieker_! L: Schutt W. Sterrett t Moore A. Oflicerjr..t - • t•Culver• • Lehmnn't J. Hollagher t f', 1 L. Brandeberry t W. K. Tritt J. Grayson. 14so $2 1287 60. 1792 63' 1631 50 397 38 370.80 421 82: 1147 49 — 236 - 901 883'993 16484 69 82 ; 1321 07 1548 843 1414 643 1029 94, MEE 171 71 1235 62i $16543,_12 - 44 23 37} $2O 00 250 00 170 00 40 00 427 00 450 00 113'00 100 00 Collectors. George Rupp ,jr. Weirieli Bentz, A. GI Miller, Samuel Mumma, Daniel Mouetz, Henry G. Miller, • Samuel llrritton, George W. Bricker, Lewis Subutt, Wilson Sterrett, John Moore, , Alexander Offleer, Jr. Joseph Culver, Jacob Lehman, Joho Hollagher, John Pilgrim,. lames L. Brandeberry, William K. Tritt, James Grayson. ~ MERE ,'.Eiq,- . Treasurer. '4,625 58 16,943'12 1 19i 6 287 1 . 95 00 1 00 105 19 22 Ay-rimottrapaidotit on orders', tic. co followe,to wii: ' • '. . , Witnesses. fees in Couimilh'syeaith suits, ' , $.• 491-36 i Justices •• do do -* • • , 37 93 Constables 'iiti • '_,' . do ..• - i ' : •1.- ' ' .' , .56 64i Directors of the Poor, for support of . Paupers for 1841, ' • 6000.00 Gravid and Praverte Jurors pay, • ' '" • ' '• 2329 -00. Auditors pay for 'IB4(J, . - . . . ' • • :43 50 , County Jail aml•Perfitentiary, sundries furnished prisoners , fico. • 194 02 ' General, Speidal ititd:foiymillip Elections for 4841, ••.*- • two eo i • Wood for Court House, Jury Roomwand Commis'rs. Office, • 81 00 • Lay & Stouffer, 1 large Stove for Court;House, . , : • '62 45 Judgment in favor of IL Myers, forpapercase forßegisters' office, . . 39 84 B: Carney, Whitewashing publiibuildings, - • . 19 56 —Furnishing room' in public buildings for Judge; • . ‘ 53 54 • Repairs and incidental expensesof public buildings, - ~ 660 35 . William Cornman, repairing Cove-Mill Bridge, •-. , " e 92 Samuel Black, in full for building Eberly's bridge, • . -- ' 3300 00 John Mordorf, repairinp,Waggoner's bridge,.. . •.2 00' -.John Wunderlich, repairing Middlesex bridge, . • ~ ; .• ' 94 30, John P. Lyne,fiiraishingliisterialsfor paintingPleiairies bridge; • 41_38 Robert C. Harril;vaintink said tridge; tic. . -, --:• , ..30 08 ' Eastern State Penitentiary,iiipport of-convicts; , • • 64 4 - 18 Sheriff-Holcomb, bite Sheriff fees, in 'quarter Sessions, • ' 163 44 Constables returns 'n Court of Qi.'Sess. •, ..... - - 101 54 _T. Craighead; Esq.' Keeper of Penitentiary,' ` - , 200 00 Samuel lEckles;EM. pay as Directcit of the Poor for 1841,,. , , ',30 00 John Dittilap, Esq. .do do ". . . ,do - 30 . 00 Benj. Petrel. Esq.' .do do .- • " do . - • - 30 00- Poor Rouse'VisitOrs for the last two years, . • 60 00 • 'James if. _Graham " , Esq. Commissioners Attorney,.. . ' ._ 50 00 'Public Printlag, • . .. 267 40 Taxes refunded, - ' . SI 18 Inquisitiono.n dead brdies, . 44 07 ~Damages awarded on roads; • • • 69 IBi Dockets for Proth'y. Register,Recorder and Clerk of Courts, _ 46 90' . Assessors pay for 1841, - - - 817 •87-i Willis Foulk; Esq. fees-in Qr. Seas.'' ' • . -• 185 58 George Sanderson; Esq. Prothonotary's fees,- - --, • ~,, '8 87 James Dunbar, superintendant y cif •public building, _ ._... - , 65 00 James. H. Graham, Esq. Depty. Att"y. Gen'l. fees in Qr. Sess. , 103 00 .John Cornman, Esq:parailCommisiiiimerin" MI, - - - - 139 50- A:lex. M. Kerr, Eisq.• do . do . for 1841, ' • .181 50 M. Mishler, Esq. . .do • ! .do ; 'do ' 193 50 'Jacob Rherar, Esq. from; 26th Oct. till 31st Dec. 1841, inclusive, 66 00 John Irwin, Esq. Commissioners Clerk, -• 300 00 • Court Crier's pay, ' ° • . „ . . ' . 50. 00' . Paul Martin, Esq. sheriff,'suppoct of prisoners for 1841, . Igstis: . ~,, . ~ . , . ,• , -. -$19:783 79 . . Viewer s a Roads' and Bridges, -' .. I , .• . , 199 13 ' Orderivfor killing Foxes,. - •••• -, I ' . . • - - -25 53i, SO 90 26 77 17 00 596 P 5 00 217- 1,554 00 2.3 90 12 00 S 6 93 1 - _IAXL ✓lm'! atamthig. 139.82• 139 92 . . . _ .. • • , - • - . $20,008 45i -. . . tommissitm-allowed Treastwor at 17-8 _ ieettier bent,. - • 375 (8 Exonerations allowed collectors, • . ' • • . ••• - 159 -- ur Fees, .. do do ‘ • -738 /713 . . *lance - due by collettora of 1841,, ~ - _ • 4141"63i do • do , of 1839 84 '4O, - , , ' 279.74 Salance in hands of Trettauxere' 1511 58 87 60 1012 19 . 342 43 21914 'l2O 04 380 99i S 7 89 571 47i 628 193 211 91 170 813 58 71- 299 853 $27',216 zs By exhoneration allowed collectors, . 47 55 Collectors fees, 107 374 Amount of Taxes received by Treasurer, -- = ' 8u74 42i Balance finales outstanding, • 2014 87 $10,244 22 $10;244 .22 Bills of de ficiencies. 6 27 mount of the Duplicate& 825 02 2125 27 782 53 837 58 222 62 190 78 196 11 644'66 160 '29 472 79 140 03 ,75 651 18 737 86 651 32 478 77 250 71 92 45 732 50 $10,244 22 . • WE, the undersigned, Auditors of Cumberland "county, d certify, than having examined the accounts and vouchers o Robert Snodgrass; Esq.„ Treasurer 'of said county., from the Ist day of January to. the 31st day, of December, 1841, inclu sive, do find a balance in the hands of , said Treasurer due said county, of one thousand five huodied.and *fieVott, dpllars and fifty-eight cents, exclusive of the several' taxes assessed for . the use of the Comtnnowealth. And we ilitther "certify that the above, exhibits a correct statement of the outstanding taxes due .by the. respective collectors, astiesseti for. the nie of the Com monWealtit within said county as above stated. , . Given under Otxr hands at the Commissioners office; in Car lisle, this Bth day of .January: A. D. 1842. og , - ;THOS.. H. 13tturoN, ' • SAMDEL.WILLIAMS, Auditors. PETER BARNHART; Amounttr T. received. 777 81 1800 00 189 56 ~, ,6 49 71' 210 01 65 00 485 20 627 55 14995 320 00 129 93 18 00 • 587 42 479 00 406 55 354 37 117 65 • LO 00 552.73 'Collector. Fees. 40 MI 41 OS I 56 9 73 1 15 7 89 BM 5 26 6 84 80 91 D 2 84 $lO7 3711 ,$ 8074 42 $ 47 55 Carlisle )lAight pARA.DE. for at the the Vtd ihatinti at 10 Wel utoforail ite strides:) • By. or 4elirtiaty ft; 1812. • Roy'. tit. - I , NEXT peoupaney Carlisle, Cr. • Remain ' - ' . • , 1,1242- . • . • OVEmI• • . , . : ,Ainswory - • . - Albrigh' Alban,' - ' '.. Austir - • • • . . . . Bays ~ , • • • • Bet) , . .....inun - s. • Bleat Robert. . • • 7-. • • ' * '— Belly Santini. Alias' - tV,ii, f 9; ti .... • ' &mut{ Frederick , Leib' . ..., • ' - Bell David (Waggoner.) . Leithg Georg- ,• . , -,,, . Brown Mrs - Leafier John M'. '' l .• ' Bailey Daniel ~ . :.. 'Lindsay Tlibmiti , BollingerDayid . •.. ttig,iidlebn ! • . Buslikirk John • Long Rev Daniel . - Black Mrs Jane •• I Loomis Amasitl2. ,, • • Bowirian John • LOve Misslabellit . - Bell Miss 'Sarah ~ • - - McMakin AVillistin Breneman Abraham McFilte Miss Ann a Boyle Michael & Fhilip McGinley Miss Rebecca Belt William;• . , . :. , Mackall Rev Bazell - BarneaMisa Mariali • •441cAllister 'Jima - , Bacon John' , ti . . McKim Wilson- .' " Boil George '-. ' . McMaina Jahn 11 Baker MriEliaibetli, Alarshall C. S. .• .Biller Saninel ; , Martin David ' - • Brown . Samuel . Martin Jerome J . 1 Lantz- Miss Mary . Morrow. Bliss Margaret Carson Francis . MatlitiZatimel Carothers Geare'e Monestniq, Andre* Carter Paul Beck Miller Jelin: :• .. .•• Cook - Wiliam H M iller Miss Charlotte Cook William N Mecrosky Heny. - Cook'Stephen • Wizen James , . . Cotes Besherd Meunte Jacob Clark John A - Monne Martin Cretereeler Frederick 'Mountz.john. '.'„ Denison George B' , Moorhead Suan E Diller Alias 4ulisiiiii - Myeratelin -- 7 --- Diller retei, ',,' Nebel 'Jacob Dodge Albert N - Natchet , Gabriel 2 •DOwden .himes -, .-- Nailor George .• _Dradon',l4l.ll7ilSahli ______.Nickey !Abratiani_ _____ Miley Mrs Eliza -- „ Paul John •- .' • -' Dunbar John '' • • ' PelTer Peter II - '.'l Ebaugh Dr H. ' Qiiomany Peter II ' Ege M. P. & J'. A. • - Rankin JfilnelPh ' . Elliott Christiania C .. .Iticrd Adam - . Finnan leeeph .. - Mid , joniii • . `.:, . • v'• Frieze Michael, Sr .. ltusselt 'M iss Mary W Try Martin •:. Sanderson JolinEsq Gallagher Janie's .. .. , • Sanders Plesent- ... Gandway Joseph; . `Scrogghts Marini% . .. Geerhart Bet jamin--- . Sid bier 'Philip % Gilmore John - Shmik MrliElizaheidi. Gine Jaeoli , • Sinatnison . Margaret • GipsonWilliam - . Smith Samuel J. .. Greenwalf Daniel._ . • • Smithers N.B. Esq: I.Gring.Daniel •,- -•- - Snedaker 'Brailterd Hamilton Samuel Stahlertiiivid - TI . t_21,2 . 16 293. Fianna Sarah ' _Stahl Miss .Elizabeth Ilarkness Mrs Isabella- StaiimaerNtirg Harris John - . _ . Stiles Edward Jiti Harris R:C • Stites Benjainah • . Ilaverstoek Peter -.. Tizzard Miss Mariah Heffner Jacob " Vink Peter - Hemming& John Webbert Henry 2 • Herr Christian - Wells Moses HcrekkylPhomas 'Wertz MraMarii Horner Henry • jahif: 2 _-- Hoover Daniel • WitnierAtialiael Hassler Benjamin , -;; Howland Jacob__ Mrs Isabella Hution Sarah • WOlf William Hutton Sarah . . WoodaJolin • JohnsOn i lgris Mary. Zearing?olio ;II • Jones Mrs Ziegler HcniT Jones Jaines - Zinn Peter • • A IttASLE BARRACKS. Claik 'Lt Bar and ed:Drag.Greeit tVillinm, ' , Kane Lt. E.K.lta Drag. 'llititen F Babbitt Charles A. t KillWYn Piharles Daley M" " • •Rohlbson lj..etnuel U 4 Ferber aw, C Smith Lorenzo- T. M. "PORTER,. P. M. - Publie sak Vl' REAL ESTAt2i Will be sold at public sale, at the Court House In the borough of Carlisle, on Saturday theA 9th day of February next; at o'clock A. M., the 'following described Rear Estate,•late the property of Johu Sandersost, 401, to wit: . . - • .• . • A. Tract of - Land situate• North Middleton township Cumberland county, hounded by lands of David Wulf, Juhn Nautilus*, tlenwood and - 7 -- Weary, containing about 166 acres, of which about 154 acres are cleared'..) the residuts' first land. There is about fifteen acres Of first rate meadow land on the above farm. The int.:. provements4Tu, a . 010,2‘4 22 Balance vrc 325 27 492 97 287 87 125 78 Two st y . HOUSE .4g. ; m g t • LC arrK „if; R the 'under part of whieh-is Stone, a Cider Press and good Apple Orchard a neter failing , well of.watek convenient to the door and other Armircivetnents. The aliove farm is situated about three and one half miles from Carlisle, on half mile from the Conodo guinet creek; and about ,2 miles from the .Isjorth'. Mountain where good timberland can be purchased at a lox rate. A public road from the ttlenpike Ur. Sterretts' G.ap,passeS nearliie improtetrietitt -.The land is slate.of thebestqUality, a ridthe above deserib., ed fermis brie of the best in the aforesaid township: The teems of sale are . , p . m() to remain in the. lumiltof purchnsee 'during the. life of Jana 1.. Sanderson, the interest thereof to be paid annuallr:r , and at his death the prinVtpal slim to be paid, to 'be secured by alien orohnland. ..One half of the resi due to be paid On•lturfirst of 4pril ntxt when pos session will be given and a deed itinde to' the pur. Ohaser,.and the residue in three equal .ananal : pity4, menti with interest, the pay be lieettFied lava lien on the laud, or, insuch other way as may beSittia.. factory to the Administrator. The above land will be sold in pursuance of tfil , late Will and Tegamient of the aforesaid Joh,o San. derion, deed. ' The 'land r . patepted and thrg title indisputable, _ .2 • • . 4..‘. •. • • MEE tsf.' 79 E/173 264 86 244 77 124 40 - 133 08 32 45 179 77 $ 2014 87 The grain in the grodird is 4ressiwodand Brill nbi pass to.the.pureliitser by the utl.t. ...Pemba Nhlking to see the propeity befirre.thesale, , wilf salt on. John Sanderson, or,the undersigned; both of whom.ysiide in-the borough of Carlisle.- - " • ~dII4HWEI.". AdriVr. deilohnis If 1 n with the will anoeied • ' . of John Sanderson; deo' 4 l; • " January 19i1842 . .- . t/s. . • • ' " -;. To the creditors, of, Daniel r...vierban. The assignee under deed of assignment fqr She. benefit of the creditors of said Sheehan, gives notice; that he deaitito till claims and amounts againit'Ass' said-Danielauloc. loft)with . Wilfiam levke.:L~ silty practicable peopeely,authentical4 - edlor settlement. ' • ' tlikiraff CPXII.4, January e 6, 1641.-6t:' , • c • • ASSIGNEES The sub.scriber, assignee of Dania 4 1 .•Stierbaw, will sell on the (PV premises on the 14th rabrintrv' - next, tit 10 o'clock oi d., n TRACT : 1 4 AND situnte in • • estptnnsuorottyl! townsnqi, about three milen from s Cortislc, cenimunig_ s • -104 Acres.ancl 60 perches.. • The timberland valley rail road runs through the tract, and the land is Ara rate limestone. About 90 Beres aro 'cleared, the balance is covered ,with . thriving timber. There are erected upon i t,a i ist rate mtaulifti l itArr x i z,9. a lurise, iliitipited as 01 91!louitIlii pump of never failing,water standout the door. Should the property not idold on thet_3l3i • men ! , tioned, it will be rcnted for one ftF.: • . - WiLrftl 01 IX, • . WI EMMIM E El __ _ ~.,i