Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 02, 1842, Image 3
C ' -- HORIG,D4'•TXPOSITOR. e_itvLiglt. EBNESDAY; FEBRUARY 2,.1842 f• . .F.T'111,4 IC .1111P;;.10T.kil',.',' All: persons who are interested : In the Manufacture of IRON, mul.oh . erl*nufaa-, ttirine interests,' in,curnherlin4,emirity, are requested to' meet at' the Court! %num, in Ca ~lislm, •on r/YIRD3 Y tfi e 1 2th day of February if . 1, 0 5 Fitiek,` M. for the' purpose of Considering the present state . of •those. interests, and- the practicability of obtaitiin relief front., t to Oils tinder_, winch they • ' SANIIIEI. L^XANDER. • , • • Chairnian'of Coritmillee. Febrnary 2, 1842. • - Fusel—On Friday inoraing last,about , two o'cldck, a tire was discovered on Cha pel Alley,. in a building ocenpied as , an nil :and candle Inctory,. by u Gerninn° whose name we have : , not learned. Millen' Orvi "seen, tlte flames were issuing frinn t b ilieTOo 'rue building, wltli its contents, : was en -1 ti rely rthlSPllled,as. well as a stable on the opposite side of' the• alley, the property 9,f lir: Alexander Woods.. Very luckily no wind was astir, or the destruction Of pro-I 'potty might' have been erect, inasinueh as the neighboring buildings are generally Aleit Fire .:(3nr)pany bore. away all the glory. Their Engine was --- first - 11 - pim - thirgriftiffetTiiirspiititedlie first_ water, and by their, efforts a - Stable con-' tignotia the one consumed, was preserv ed.. '!'h is company,: since _their organiza.! have hait . but two opportunities (if dis-. . playing pieniselvei, and in Motli . „iiimatires stave shown : their . ability. Now kt 140- . Periy . holders eimmiage them. - TheY peed more apparatus, and it . bslioottesi.tliose.wiio are .possessed of` coniumable wealth to . ,give their picuniary . - • . . DR.. VALENTINE.—AII yam' are not of sueli - "vmegar aspeet" . as to be .to 4. 1+47-a-ilea House on this and' te-worrow evenings; and witness 'the eccentricities of "Dr. Val entine. - When you see the Dr,- instanter - • phose that queer face-of. his, your eachitt-1 naticm will be uncontrollable; ,but when, pm hear bint,,gentlenien open yopt waistcoats, - and ladies take:4llre .of;,Zur / corsetp. - k'We have an interesting letter from Washington,. penned by one who knows how to write a letter, but we regret excee& ingly that. it came'ttio.,late .for 'to-day's pa ,per. •It thalLappear next week and be ac companied by another • from the same. hand, if mails do`riot-dally too much on • the way. RESVIIII4I9N.—The Legislature ofOhlu have passed an act compx"lling the banks of the.itate to resume specie paymeno; In the House of Delegates of Maryland a bill requiring their batiks to resume in twenty . &lye frtiM the date 'of its passagu has been enacted. It is supposed it will pass •the Senate;and become a law: We bear from .Harrishurg that resolution'has passed the :11ouse:and been sent to the Senate for eon- .eurrenee, requiring our banks to resume iimmediately, and relie . ving them froni the :redemption of their small 'notes. „ BANNe.z—The Commercial Bank at'Buf lain,- Nem; YOrlt; has failed. l'he Girard .Bank Philadelphia has chised. The' P, t aiuta MIA ;it 'rtiwantla, Pa., is out,at the i ihiows.• , s' • ' • . • - • The Cliesapeake.l3ank-of-Baltimore kris gone:th fiot. - Alte•State Bank Of Mighigan, at Detroit, Us also gone by the board. • •• ,Vest • Brimeli Balik at Williams port,. Pa., is "relioetiltl, Wive .‘7.reilie.,l. Lifis o . l . •nilwrs , in wit . state are daily ex , peeted . tn The Bank .of : Pennsylvania, 'broken, is ;Imiiihly crippled.' Slie jield ;the money :for the payment of the interest lin the state Aylkieli Tell due yeatorday,• amounting . to .r eight . or'nine hundred thiniaand it would not be paid. . The Banks of Phila delphia held a convention..OnSantrday, and entered into •an arrangement , to take the - ricqeii . of , each'otho 7 The Banh of Penn. ,tylvania-was not represented: • •'• -On Monday - her doorswire not ope.nvd: the . Governor of the Commonwealth bay. trig. - proeured'Againsther an injunction from the 'Supreme -Court. in 'order to prevent her front eguanderikAefundsof the Govern. ' : inents; The . Branch at yarrisburg is also She has in her pusseSJitin•tWO 'thou- . .Aid dollar in specie. deposited' by the „clerk:of : the linuie of , RePiiiiiicatives fur —the'paymein If its postagtLdueyesterday, ',.no , cent of wl ich. can nowle Lad.. . . is to be the final result of all thin; -Ohinieeiette.alone can tell. • Oee thing, is teen aie;,ei~; fur se I enitsylve"nia.concern -5t ti l e" e►itl is not - - Ao..have not the gif l.o (4segintd. sight s but w ..quireen . Far , penetrutinii' futurity tit 9oivors'4l,l„ivreek;• our:bank'ing,sys- . , ..-ore,.sliatte!redt-16:cie . dit of our sttite • 1 e e ... ''n • .• gone, her faith -broken, and the property of every individual debtor sacrificed under the h rimer: '• •.' " • :• but: right {o .say Iliac ; the Crrli~le Bank as firm'as•the,"everlasting.hills," aand will bear the. pelitngti .Of .:the storm. without the slighteststietriinent . f,•She has not made• herself: a,..and thus preserve's her credit and, her:solvenex.. The Britannia. arrived in Boliton on •the ;22d of January:. ; She hrought.over,Charles DiCkens; Esq., the most popular'author of the-age.L - HTlitWMtilgrave came out also, in the BriuMiiia.. • . arrival . ;:briiigi note mud'. important .politioal - netir;eicept. the appointment th the United States of it SpeCial Embassy, Tor the purpOse of adjusting the . 9iien paints of controversy beßieett. US' awhile British cloveranteat, The following extract s from the I,malou 'Firnes ' I: ”it E ivrs. os nivel' • pleasitre•m announce that the 1044 pen.' bord . Ashburton, at the request of fler. Alajesty's "Government, is aluint to the United . States on a Skein! mission, with the object of settling . :nll existing differences hempen that coun try and, our own. Ilia Lordship, who. will s it iirri lea weeks,'llad 'been asked to. um; I ()mike Otis service, and had consented' to do so, beforellte President's Message -had hem reeeived, en that the'tniesion in:qiies . - .tium. whatever' be its - tharaeter or:results,. has been haul recourse to, wittillyirrespi•c live-Of-any-thing limit - mil in that docuntent.” . The name of Lord Ashburtombefore.ltis elevation to the Peerage, was Alexander Baring,•one.of the great. Banking firm of Baring & Brothers. His wife was a Miss llinaliami-the -daughter - of a Philadelphia :merchant...,..Lord Ashburton , hail .a vast , , , . amount of Property' in . thin Country: and it is thought by some that on tiria account' he Will be.disposed to setilellie clifliculties-be -tweeuTtite:- tWo-Ci!overnment.s :to our satis faction. The Philadelphia Ledger, bovi : • I - ever, thinks that Vic...noble Lord has come - - "endeavor _to-obtain from the General Gov ernment an assumption of the adds . of the - states, i n _ consideration . of: the surrender- by the ritish Government of the North-.Eas-, t n boundary goestiott,..the right of searelt. There may he more troth that fiction 'rhe Ledger , sometimes sees far &e. in this Icy , Governor Porter has appointed John 8....8ut1er, of - Allegheny, Levi Reynolds.. of Mifflin, and George' M. floilenback, of Luzerne, to be Canat . Commissioners of Pennsylvania, from and after the Ist day of February, 1842. - UNITED STAT:Es."--There is more good reading in one number of the "United States" . lmper, than iat half a volume of an Eastenn "Mammoth." • The letter which we publish today from the NVashingtor: correspondent of the U. States Gazette, will be:rcatl .11 . 'e designed putting in type the. Sitbse-• quent letters of the. Gazette's correspon dent, detailing the ftirther proceedilgs in Mr:Adams's rase, but arc compelled to omit them * mid substitute a very brief condeuia tion of their contents.• . Qii yednesday Annrning the Mr. Wise had 1116.11nm:11nd vented his spleen againsiMr. Adams in immeasurinf ,ternts. Lord Morpeth was presets, and MK - Wial t a ll ie d of ahe English nation Avith a person-. alVindietive feeling as though the t' , eritable John were before him. Mr. Adams 'followed and lie:idled Mr. Wisu severely, hut genteel lah!unar. ' As Mr. Adams proceeded. the most pro. fintndaileneeyeigned in the tiotise; . uu one scarcely daring, ‘ to breathe, kat he should lose.a Finnic word. "Four years , ago," said ,Mr. A. ':there came a man into the Muse .anti fare were drip ping Id( aol,- the .blotches. of which 'still (dim!, to thtlll;—that "'whose hands Were dripping with the blood of -a felhnv member, 'had desired to he excused from venting insthis case, because had then been 'instrumental in saving ltiM from cxpulsion: I. dolt Ilid,express, my opiniOn 'rgainst the rig!ii or ilec. house,to prp.cofd 41141 min. ner.' is , likely that I saved that blood. Stained man from being : The Dottie was • thrilled by this terrible attack; r an 'attack which Mr, A; , sceined not go out of his way to find, an,oCcaaion but'Which, came , hiS.Way,,es he ; :weit Smiting an .apposite case. Mr., A. miered this septeuee dwelling With emphasitrupon !dripping' and 'Wood', ,with powerful dra ninth; ;effect, and it produced a corresponds, ing sensation-in the house. "= • '• • , . .; M.r. Adanis.then - Aurnetrppon Mr.. Mar-, 'shall,. eint•apolie ,- of, the :spirit • which *the preamble ;inkif!sofitioils‘ hive tloK:a rd 111m.,' ,He was te . be 'treated , mercy! He disdained'. timl•easvaivny _their grage'and mercy=die defied then-7-Aeli'ad mils to go . te..and it 'not - be leni,betore iheY4ouithiee: " • ty - le it Ai"t gen eman.. rom. .t o as erect piles .of newspapers, and other deco.: merits l'orthree.,'ears in sorder'tl) Itpon.bint . . , sed;be'liail'itone so— he wished an opportunit y. to reply. to him. ..Mr..Marshall. Made'.e . f!riefreplY, endear • yorind ,to show flint: - ,Mr. Adams .Inietnok the ediargn ; 'that Ae/Wes-inn charged tv,itk:tieaeon sebornetlen of per jury,. but merely , with offering- an „ ittdignit, , y , to* t he, 1t,,,A.....,1,..7ii0:'1r.:1f , :,,4.#: . . After Mr. - man 4a(kconcludp4 speech, , a'de.AO'la.f.:.,the. whole:400'0 on tbiltble, ; Ayea.oo;,noes IoN-antl:the hoit4o ' :;:i.t•giiintid, : inlteiveilin-:'ilki/itreet he tweerf, of :10itinesiee, ant Mr.i . .4oaritman,:•tif . Conneeiienk . .„, ,.-. ; ,...::: • ", ?,741,1k:::tlip • house, , ,mpoo;'.tlie- . .qtestieti - ;;l4,JnilinOtion, determined to entertain : the, subject.''.'" Eloquent eppeelles:Avere trtat)e4`Mesare. Arnold,. of I'enneasee, enderwood, of and Botts, of Virginia.• : Mr. Potts'.p asEipol a bigh etilogiu a on . the venerable gentleman. 'from Mame in. ts —•spok the imitmer in Which' be had been Irritated and chafed tn'tbat body by othern. aOted 'what .the 'Offe . ne& was , that Mr. Adams had eon - nified? had piesetited e.itetition,•lite.,and had dSkettte have. it referred:tri a SeleetiCiiintaftee, of wiiich he, of:emit:se,: tyould be . chairman,. *llk+ would report . ailverfie to - theprayer,' and set forth in and with all the ability. and , wimliim of thlit. gentleman, Om evils,.'ihat nrotild :follow, :should , the prayer of-the petitioners , he granted., - . But. said Mr.,Botts,•theluestion of solution of thellnion does, , , not sound now for the first time ilt my ear. • • The assertion of Mr. Botts, that the present Secretary of the Navy was an open sind . undisguised advocate of, the immediate dissolution of the Union. and his"re-itisert ing, idler IMr. A . Vieslild denied it, upon his .own personal reap . 'otisthility, and challeng ing the •Secre!4ll....frf.C(!nfe .Iforword..a ny it,tmder Ids own signature,. produced a a‘rojig_oPlifiation in thp House. This... of course, imposes an unperions, obligation :upon lodge lUpshur to -come for Ward, if he can, and contradict Mr. Botts. • Should he do this, a question of veracity is nt 'once raised between thein, which they .. . Must tle=as they cans -IL-cannot deny the eseertion; or -explain ,it away, 'can - ht' longer:r.einnin at the -- tiOnii — n6 one Of...the D,epartromits otthe Poverninent; and that deparnfient the right 'arm of the nation's dc.fence.? - As,suredly in. the-:whip—heavily---upon some : voung members, who keep ilia-house continually in: . dis(irder, and paid his. Com :pi Intents. to. , the-bullies--in-the-house, telling them if thsey- wanted to fight, there_were a few' Seininoleti left, and he hoped they would - go and tight them and let him alone. Ile then run a parallel 'between the tlistingnisheir gentleman _from • • Mass," (Mr. Adams) and the "tioungien denim] from Va.".(Nlr. Wise); Ilia Speech is designateenS "rambling, amusing, sen. Bible, comical, cut and thruin." . Saltonstall followed in.,defenee o Mr. Adams with effect, end the House ad journed. We have no account of The next days proceedings but shall_ be able to give our readertf Ole" result or the affair next week. Extract of a letter•ti,VO Editor, datrd WASHINGTON. Jan'y: 28. 1892. • I have barely time to inform you that the Bill to Repeal the - Bankrupt Law, was lost in the Senate this afternoon. Thu vote. stood for the repeal 22, against repeal 23. So you see, There is a little murey left yet: IMPOttTANT.--A treaty • has been signet in London by the representatives of Ans tria, France, Great Britain, Prussia, ant RuSsia, having for its object still farther n eheeli tlievarrying on of the slave trade. The.precise terms of the eonrtntion not be made public mild after h,slkall havt been, ratified and snlimitted to Parliament. but Abe' main priovision, of it-is.the•conces shin of a mutual right tit search in respec to The ships of ttll the contracting parties. 14A . R.A.LEti. .• . ntl'rups'day ititulti . g the 18th ult., by the 'Rev. James Ittiper. Dr. 12. 0. IlAvs, of Shippensbutr, to Miss CHRISTIANNA, t tallier of josetib Shively, Etut.; of Au , [ tot .township...• t,;pf • •, On the -18t h td!:. in North Middleton 111..4:g, aged -84 vears. della IVetitiesthy' moritin 184 t, •hi * South Middleton township, Mr. ADAM KE NOWE ill thu 4 ibti,jeanashis age,' . Splendid Lidlemi . eslor • • '.ftifittA J. G. Gr4ori:,lo' Co., .i . l.ftFoser' gerth- ,Lpealnirg - T.6ttrry, dais C. for -1842. ,To be amen et Alezau4via, VA , • • onSaiorday, February 5; 184'2. SPLENDID Amcor. • t ' ' CRAkI) tApiTALs 1 prize of do of do of. 1 do of 1 of I do •of • ;- • 1,900 .200“ - '-do of . ; • 500 Tickets only 510—Halves;,.. Certificates of Packages 0f95 Whorl: Ticketsslso . DO. ; -do .. 25 do Do. • • do .25 Quarter do' .(. .32'50 • .: i;',U1110.11. Too,tery... •, NO. 1; f0i..1842. To be %Irwn nt•Mexmidi4a,..l.).t. on •Siturtlny, lbS ' Igth'of Feb'ruary,ll342. ••• • , , -, ;...,. • ' BRILLIANT SCHEIBE : ; r. : . ~ r "... --,..-.• . :3 'pPizei'of - - $25,000 -- stqirizoe of.. , ''.sl,ooo 1-do , of : ' 10,000 '5O 116 -, of ',SOO t.. do of • ". 5,000 • :50 , tdo : "," Of .! • !. . '2O tr.. do' of - ' "2,177, ... 65:: -'do'_ of- - -,"--0- 204? Tickets 'maiop—moves $5--Quarters 42 50" - ; gei.jlficitei.Ofitifeksit.4:i7o - "gt) - Whole - t!ekepl-$l9O-; --. MO 1".. *.. . • 'dO ,-.-.. '.6 halves do,- - , - 6A. , ' .s. no' ' ''''' ' ! di) ' VI qu'ayteys ,sIO. 1 , ''s2:so, . Aii• t ricketa and ShaFesor ,G`erts ca as of Pack. eigesi,o the ehoye Silleudild I,otteries-liddres.B'- , °' • - J. G GIIEGORY•St :CO. Mtinagers;" :,, : ',- .... ~' ~' , ._ , Watihintorob - City,ll,C. Pritoings tent ktornedfoteyelterlhey are over to RH who ~ .t; , •r• ,: -, ~ - ' ' : nlllOOlllll R blr 8 . „ Just received 2 bales of n euperioi i quplity q[-the " cLipenrcatit scpA Shippensblit;:hoy.:!.2', 1842,- . - Ein $25,000 12,500 6,00t0 .4,0(81 2 887 2,0;10 t prize of • •" $1,41E10 priz'es goo tfO Of , -I,rot). 2 ~do ,= .1,500 do of 1,500' 5 ~'• do. of . .1,250 ))(:*''. -, •P0.,.-*.,:i4:_t:::,.. - .....4', 1 ..'.,i. , *-.:.40e.t_Pi,.L..4..P.**4: lEEE , Of the Iteceipts,a'ndtlExp - enditures of Cumberland County, by the Commissioners of said Colinty, froth the first dartif January, .to the thirty-first of December, A. D.:184t, inchisive: Dr. Tri balance in hinds of Treasui , er atlael.seftlement, Balance 'oltaxei Outstanding lit litat;':euttlenienti.... Amount of County taxes assessed for. FAT'S - dtie•touiiity by . • . • Thitl/UM received of J. Criswell :,fer taXet-not Assseised "in • -• .• • • his duplicate, Ab'm. ..• • • _. Wag,;otter; Esq., on acei..of • %Vag:goner's Bridge, •L Isaac LI oyd, Esq . . over pay its ajtiror, - Al. Holcomb, Esti': fines St verdict fees. .. Do, amount. of It. Miles' bond due county for costs; ' U. LaritbertoniaindJ. Wunderlich,i ntull of Middlesex' Bridge Bond, C B. l'enrose,Esq. and othera, redemp.. „ lion. nitiev.for Unbeated Lands, ' 26 '72! • M. - Mishler. Esq. costs slue county by - Townsley.• Esquires Leekey St Damaitek, proceeds ' •of Strays sold by tbein, F. U. %Mimicry in bill of tract cf Bedell Lands in Perry-county sold him by Cortinaseioners, Smite of S. Itsinisey, deed. ' MellBl.ll..Staymittc:Eberly & Bryson, in 11 , 11111, Lai & SOndfcr, rev old stove plate's Sold then. by( orsinissionel s. Geo. M'Peely • for old limier case sold' him by Commissioners, A b'tn. (*ore, for countylax on Unseat- Land, W. I , oulk, Esq. Cl'k. Qr:Sess.- verdict fees received by•ldin, • . J. Graham, Esq. Depey. Attorney Gen 'I . verdict feet &c. receis ed by him, • Janus Sturgis, Etiq.'money refunded on inquest, EMI air Schedu . le.of outstowling luxe's. due . County; per return of Treasurer 31st December 1841..8W:fat ex:honerations,4v.e amount assessed for 1841. Tosi~sahifis urn Carßele. • . Sou th Middleton - A • Carlisle Viekinson • 4!.last Pennsbornugh F •aukfor4.__ Hupviwelf Monroe, ~ Meeltaniestrarg, Newton ' Newville New Cumber/mid. North Niilldhion Smith Middleton Silver-Spring Southampton Shippensborg B. Shippeosburg %Vest Peonshurough 1R:19 1840 I/141 .4 - It - Due county .11 Michael Boyle for costs, $36 29. • Since paid in full. • • • t Since paid in part—Peter Overtleer, IL G. M Mee, ,Wilson Sterrett, •r , AlessiHer Officer • - 3acoli Lehman • • ' - 3..l....Brantleberry% • .1. Pilgrim • - To s baltinceln hands of 'Treasurer, - $l5ll 58 . . .. . . . Statement exhibitinz the amount of Ta±es assessed within the County of Cumherland, for the use of the Commonweth'ih, u to the 31st day .of December 1841.inelasive. with the amount of exhonerationS awl fees allowed collectors, the amount paid into the hands of Robert Snodgrass, Esq. Treasurer, a , d the balances returned by him . . . • . . as.outslanding, and due by collectors of said date, viz : To the whole amount of State Tax for 1841, Totanshipt, efe. Allen Dickinson 'Mast Pennsborough reankforil Dopewell ' • • • Monroe Nleelninicsbneg• N'ewton Newcilie -New Cinolrechtnd . North Al4l*lleton • Snnth,llkhticton• Sii gpi•ing • Snmlinnipton• Sli!prem•burg U. Sluppenstsirg• T. Vt (At NitilliOrOggh CUM BERM ND. COUNTY; SS. • . is, ~ -. We , .the Commissioners orCumberlaml , CountV, do „ . 0. 4.? 4 . ' ~. p • Ce r lifv , that the above exliihits'a true nod ehrreetititata-c, ~ . ..r,.:}( r” . inept .of the •Iteeeliuss and' ExpeUttitures of Cutnber . . ~ . . ~ - . , ,•' .. l ''''' . 7 .land county fief; die .ternt ahPas:autted, as , also . of . .•. ...• .., :several taxes. assessed for . the • use of !die 'Coif men aforetiaik:yvith,the aggregate of fees and exlithieratiOns" allniVed during '. the tetitt iillft . aliii, the.imotitit'iif the ieferid taxes tuds.tantling,m the handsid%die several eolleetorsvieehiding to the hest of, our knowledge :bud judgment.' Witu'eas,ou'r bawls •mul f seal of office, at Carlisle, the 3d day of •J'autiatY, 4: 11'"',18,47:;..7 - .... ~ • . - -,. ~. • , .'IifiaEXA.CsiDER A 1..; KERR, '111 011 1AEL111I8HI',E11; ' ' ~cpaigitissioneu. . . ', - J:,''FittiltAß,''.' ',- ' - . . } A dest —.l.onat.lßwltv..-Clerk.. , . - =EI ~ .. . ~, r etisitOle ilea' ENtate ,- itt •' .', •TO OUR CREOIibRS. , , _.• '7' , ' rvoirtice.,,, , , . •• , ravAte,,Sale. ; , - . Take notice ehat Weititve applied to,ihe Judgeiof - 'Estate V`ittet r' i ei,cifid . ,m,:geceaseil. ,The subscriber firers to. , sell, , at.Private Sate ? . a for th e beeefitof the 100tdarent Lnwnefthis COMMUII... j ET FEATS Teatanientamo Mt the' 'Estate of .11 11 0.9 • ' " 'r ' ;r ' - ' ; , inw ' "" I "P l o t w h ea t-C l : tl d 4 t.r a t t:e di t . l C ts ° ,,, in tt7:: e r i i i t e l lA tt i ll d: ei t:C l,: i : r ; her . ll" 4 l . d fi umilli-r' LA Fititbarni, late of Wrest i'ennshorottglf to;ttshlP, c al ,..w .it bv*,:ll4llHrc'n:nitty""llounein:n4SiellijalPultillaPt.cillnult :south ;"t • " ' ' ' •'' '' _ dee'tE i finve 'Men:issued in due form of law td the Et t ippenshurg, containing '• ~ . , . a. cf.v • evi, .- . • • fir the hearing of us andiinr - oreilitorti, at ttie Court : more itite'att: . • ' ' ' Ales--'..1 /tract •of 4aint •coverdit with Chestnut Pme.and Oak timber. ' ' , ' .- • . .. • . • - • go, m•up% , D'A*Vibgel s t for settlement. and all persona irdelitottarereqUested. 0 y iti oTtn e d i y l ci 4 ;t lP en b A l i r f clu t ig o h tt * tl r d C; nk Hr n ii r li o i nt i ; 4' . lit 14 **4 *tes**l lli llie n li sta b le Y ltu iv* lt n r t S h s * ru li t P t e h r et ill p i ro nh oe in r r ly cl at i t i* lte ll :tta i t t e lli d t I 'rho inn rontments attille Gunn sweett,rold. :. . ..-- '-- -- : , D'x'vat? ii,E 4 EID.,',, , . to make payment to the aubscr , bern. ---01 Y" '''l l ii t t i - . ; It a k ; -: uf ,• himark z 0" 151:..:<,,• .: • : ''-•,•• ' • - JOHN' Mr/CEBfIgN.. --- im vat: , , , . -- . ---, - - 7 iliPS'Ai-a .. ~r ~,,..,. :.- ; ',.i-t: r; ~,,,' .r.. -: r' ' ''''',,- f p e h euary ,g, 1342,..,..fie. , ,-,.. , . ~ . , wentiterhoartle• Alit painted • a first . -",.., ,„,, ;, . ' . , Nolr Kn.. , : .. _ .. i . i .., . , , ~, ~ .. .-, .. , ~.. , . 1 • • , ' , .11 • k ltrlk hones, Wagon gIW '4iiiitt,'64l, - Betale,qf 6Tohn -Sanderion. dee'..d::: ' ; For . Reat ' ..,,, i. AiiioA Still ilouie and ove'r-iteall "Wsiteroiltri : ' r r RS or , inillistrail • on de., i ' . non I"4",°' ill fi""d"''' l er• Tin'En. in .nli° n..3" . "'"g ' ....'- n ^..9. 6 ,".--"" li r '''l7, l4l ..i.,"it", ll ,,,e,'lo:;.o,nthese,itl'o,,t 4 ,l.rl e tn. ‘v , g l .H .Nr4 t / 4 nn ti llrl: i i ,, rl N - t l o n/4",,,,1 .t r en g1 0 •, , i ~.., , °P,., 1, : 0 1 .460 gfgroTted filiit!rees utiOntile Ware ? . ;I:fiFre qatulerSon, !noses ortn At scialemn townripp fr , ; ,ectt, ... - 1 ,.. ; r....... ,__-__ __.„,, , „ 1 ., the. co,. , ~,, u r ore , ttriOn . ,qtr i fitrm2fotin or fist, •Iniudreil minuets ; Of have Fbeen.tssuettin dnetform.of taw Witte suincrl- ;`, , 0"7v,.1 1 ,,??1 4 ,V 0 '" 1 ,, ;' s wrivs .. l4 „ . i v ! 9-. 'hiding lii the . bor o u gh of Carlisle. Ishnitr. is "me Rank. '" '' lino ' - " - • • • pest 161 fail rencet'n,94lohe oilier funnies at g 60,1 '" " e • • i" -1 , etilated fara.B l ll l llllEntni family; • er fi ti Tt . • rie.r ks a well. of water and pump near hereby given, tool' persons 'lame claims aga nitt is tl , ~ h . e . e vi. f us_ yon .14v for man .. - ........-,...-.... - 'the hofile;ind *never: fatting spring of water runs cotate,to present them properlt authenticated fir art: having ihrongh the place- ' ', • . . ' -' ,* ''' ... ': ' element'. and ill perilous' hidebted are . requested to pinro- - ,..tfirr.b4retittethetl altmelstaltle , nod ;first This farm is well calculated for grazing ,_ .1 ~ Make payment,totlm subscriher. - ' - JACOB PLIPRII` I GEOit -. - 1 ' - ' - 'o lo Prtr'lll : 40 VE?0'f0, 11 ,44t)%,'. 4. ;," - nr Art4ss PafAteurvf AppT.T. 4i, MIN ,c , Ce.:. -' • ' Janiory 26, 180 ' ''',. P ' •'' , ' • Perimber,42, 041,:+451. -- -• • ' " •. ' - .01riiiireonutikri. gii i ii 044-31t 1 .24 - ,-0 ;•;,f•••• „ ,, 1,‘.: _ . i —_ $TA k w-c7sIVANIr ROBERT Sri . onortiss; Egq.; Treasurer. . of Mt...knit our plicatrat 841 standing. . • 139 82 - 189 92, . . C,ollectpet. 1 . . . P. , Overtleer f , • 1. (;oodyrsir • . •F . G. hupii,jr. • IW Benz V. De • ' • A:11. Alilleif ,S. Monnna .11) Monnut 111. G. Miller , ' S. Ilratton ' . W. Bricker" . L. Selnitt ' • • 11 - . - Sterieilf JIM oore A: Officerijr.f .1: Culver .1. Lehman f . .I.llollaglier f J. Pilgrim t- - 1. L. 11randeberry f W. K. Tritt. , • J. Grayson. ' 1430 Ri2 287 fin 179263 1631 50 997.98 3'o 80 421 32 1147 49 256 001 883 99 164 84 89 82 1321 117' - 1548 846 1411 64 , 1029 94 369 183: 171 71 1235 'B2i $16.943 12 $2O 00 250 00 170 OD 40 00 437. 00 • 450 - 00 113 00 100 00 Calectors enrge Itupp,jr. • lo Bemz, G. Miller, Samuel Mummn. 111mlatz. Fleury C. Miller,. Samuel Ilraiton, ,'Aeorge W. Bricker, LewisSoliutt, WilsouSterratt, .1 , 4414 .kinare„ . _ tlexittidev I After, jr. Joseph Culver, • faro)) Lehman, lolm lames'll,. Ifranileberry, Waliam_K:l'ritt, -- James Grayson. ECM , . ~ill y atruninipaigcnit.s , 44rdets,,Eit. lig follows,l6 snit :• • 4 . • .' ) . ittiesses,tocii in Commonwealth suits„ , ~ : ... - '• $ .491 36. Justices do, .... . do : ' . , . . - • • .. 37 93 .. Justices de , • do, , . : , ',•;;.' ': .' . . 1/Pei:writ of the'Poor, for support of Paupers for 1841; ' •-- - 0 0 0 OW Grind and riiierse.Jurors pay; . ~ . • 42329"00, Auditors pity fowl-134u, - • . -' • ,..r. • , , '. - , . ,43 50 - (Wendy Jail and PenitentiarY;stinitriei furnishe d plia - ofiers , licc: ' ' 194 026. fienerat,'Special,nnel Township Elections for 1841, - -. ' 1070 0(1 ,i WOod . for Court Honile,,„lnry H. tomsariel Comenberi. - Office, 81 00 ' • I:1,Y ilr: Stonifer,,l large Sten, e for Court House, , . 62'45; - Ju de -me l d in ti'v9r Of li. Mayes, Ihrpaperesise for flegisters i office, ' . '39 84 •,, 11; Carnev,.'Whitewislillig public btplelinge, • - - 19 56, Pornishiiig riMice in public'hnildings for Judge; : • ' 53.54 'Henske' and laidenbil expenses of Priblie ',nadirs', '. 669 35 William . Cornman. ilepalring Cove MilVDridise. , •• . • ST , 92,. Samuel Black. in fiill, for ImildingEberlv's bridge-, . ~' 5300 00 : John Mordnit. repairing.7aggooer's bridge, - : • , , , _2 00 John Wunderlich, reps/ring MidelleSex bridge, '!, .- - . -V+ PP John, 1 2 .1.vite,.furidsleing Materia's fm painting Fleming's hridge, - 41 . 38 . Hobert C. Harris: paintingshielltritgrzike. •• ." _ 30 08. Eastern State PenitentisrvolipPar of convicts.. • _ 644.18 Sheriff,Holconib, bete Sheila fres in Quarter .Sessions,.. , • , .' ' 163 44 " Constables reniros to Conk of fie:lt.'sFe l i. . - ' 101 .542 T. Craighead,-Esq ,Keeper of Penitentister ! . ' - 2OO 00 Simnel Eckleti, Esq. pay as Director of tiiii •• Poor f•r 1841, 8(1 00 . Join, Dunlap; ESq. do -do • . do: '• .. .. 30,00 Held. Parer. Esq. ~ - ,do .. • • do - . '''' ' do- ' ' • ' 30 00 1 _ . Poor Howie Visitor fOr the last two yeari, . - ..- •-, ,61r 00 1 Jaime; 14..C.raliani, Esq. Commissioners Attorney, 50 00 1 'Public Printing,. ' 267 4i, ~ . • Taxes . refunded. .: . . . ,I ,, qiiisitinei milked Si3l 18 be-dies, - ' - - -•4407 • 1 . . . -Damages :monied on roads, ,• ~ _•. _ „- . • . - 89 184 , . Dockets for Prod.'s.. Ilegister,Recorder and Clerk of _Courti; • :46 90 • Assessors pay for 1 . 841,', • , • - ' 817 , 871 • Willis Faulk; Esq: fees in Qr. Sess. - •. • . . 185.58 . George Solidergnor rail. rrotlamoiory!f# fees, • , .... •:: . ~ 8 ,87 James Dunbar. superintendent ya. public building?, - • • 85 00 Jarnes 11. Cristiana: Ell. I.)ept'y.Ait•-y..Cen'l...fers-in-Qr.--Sess. -..- 103 00 John Owilmaii, Esq. pay. as Commissioner in full, 139 50 Alex. M Kerr, Esq. do . .do -', fur 1841, 181 50 .... M. Mislilers, Esq. do do' - •, ,do • 193 . 50 Jacob Hherar, Esq from Vali Oct. till Slat Dec. 1841, inclusive, - • rd ,1 , 0 John Irwin, Esq. Commissioners Clerk; .. - • 300 00 • Court Crier's pay, ^ , ' Paul Afartin Esq. sheriff support of prisoners for 1841 i. ' : ~ ..1281 IS. PAST 45i , 4,625 58 '16i943 12 H • 1.12.) 95 00 ea 101 12 22 . 15 SO 90 11 00 S 06 75 00 Eri 1,850 00 2 4 9 9 50 - 12 00 $6. 93 1 1 00 Viewer • of Rnatis and griilges t Ordcrt for killing .Foses,. 87 60 lON - 19 341. 43 - ComArdasionallowo&Treanwrerat 1-7-8-centsper eent,---- -. Exoneration: aVoired collertqrs, • Pees, - do , do . . • . • Balm= due by collectors of 1841, -... an • - do ' 0r1e39 St '4O, -Matinee in bands of Treasurer, 219 11i 120 04 383 994 37 82 571 47i 698 19 911 31 170 Bli 58 71 299'115i 4423 37a $27,216 01 OEM $►0,244 23 Be exlioperation allowed collectors, Collectors fees, Amouot of Taxes received by c Treaturer, BAlance of taxes witststodipg, • • 0,144 22 Bills of'-de. ficiOties, ~rent of !hi Daytcates. 8•l5 - 0° 2125 27 . 782 53 ' 837 58 • 222 fie 190 78 . 196 'Ci4 66 irk 519 ' 97-2 79 140 0.1 51;15 1151 18 737 86' 6;1.82 4711 77' 250 , t1 _92- . 45- 1 ' ' 732x50 $1i),214 22 I $ ss • „WE, • the • updersignell.,Auditors,. Cam herlan d county. d . CPrtily . , that 'wank exanaimul , the eeconots • and ,vouchers f) 11hthert . Snodgras s ;: 'Said' county tro (').liti tg day of January to the :fief &lir ineltb• ix,abliice in tlte l!rezisuret sronetY. of duet tlinasandfive,bandr,ed and eleven dollars , „and fifty-iihf•eents, exclusive of ihe several taxes assessed 'fertile .use t 1.1 ' And - lie:further certify that the AblAVe Oiki4its, a correct statement of the . mttatandiitg taxes 'by illo..res - peaiire ,collectoiei,.apesseir Om , the use...-9( the .dotal monarealth iithin said copity . ' aieatuoie , stiti4." , • • Givemunder, our bands - at the rar lisle,' dile iiannary. 'A. ' D.. 1842., • . • . -, • ' • .~-- ..y Y Co'lectors Fees ' 40 93 6 27 It QS T 3 9.75 1 16 6E3 EMI 6 84 I/3 32 SS 90 91 $lO7 S7i $ jii)74 427 ii $ 2014-S7 '7 ,. ..TH05. U., BILI'll'ON,• '• •• ' • SAMI.JEL WILLIAMS.' Auttioii: :•:: , PATPit . .f l- 41 11 VPM , AI : r ~.,.. y,.,_ .r..., , ~`a ° :sz~~.::V:~y'..,i.`.~ida.'CritYs:~a': ;r~tiC:~r.~'7'.;"~rhlin:R, Mn,'s' • s2o,llim 45P -----S7-5-16-- 15901'' 731 71A 4143633 - 279 T 4 „ 1511 /58 _ to ,216 0/, $10,241 Ti 'ammunt of 91=1 I received. 177114 - 1600-00. ,511W.56 . 649 71 210 of . . Gs og 105 i 0 . 617'SS 149,9 s .1120 oo .119 93 18 00. 5%7 42 47S 00 414,5 s 354 37 ','117 6S ' GO OD 552 73 Balance un paid. 825 27 192 9/ 087 S 7 125.78 152 79 264 R 6 . 244 77 124 4u 133 08 - 52 45 179 77 - •Carlisle.l4 , -tt Arlitle~ s•. A RAW: fin.lrill at the fia;hloll*rn the '2e4l aiNci.k; A.;l4.l4: l whitiir 14iiihritt (with ttiiiies.) ellier el the Captain, 4: H. NEJANAN, 0: S. •Pcbrunry , e, Igo . : . rwid g . ., 1 rill -• , . . .. • - ', ' NI , i., AA 1 4 11-1 : IpnciNt. the ~1•:11,64T ;DAT' dIF ' A iiitir, i NEXT, the'ketnigL•is Itejuitlii gibe hot . , Office, in Nertlk_kfuti.ovr_oit.:!,l, vvy,,n,_.thu . oboupoiley t fUeorge tip,iiii hilioi. . . , 'Caplisle,.ll,l•lttary 2, 1842. :. If'- ': -- • • • • Cr LIST. OF LETrutts Mem:tieing ie the Petit (dice et Owlisle, Vehrturtr . . • - ..rPellyttir •rs will pletisetely advertised. . Ainsworth Bet ty It•, Keel Philip .' Albright C3liiiiAlillytisi ti v t.4 Herry..7 - Albright:Peter '' I • KelP. Mr:. Amato Jessildt, Iscll ' :Kling j.nwrct Ce . ' boner Cuthartne AB at Kreighlattim A dard HIVIVII %%111 lank ' ' .. .1K Plifltir ,Joc.pir v.- • Black llobei•t ' .• .Fats: Srtsttlel 2 - . 13eits.Susaurt. Miss , Kniz.loodit. ,' • • Buitu - rikPreiler'ek . . . Leihy .11.eofi Bell Hasid ( 11"siggoner) Lcidig Genrg• Bross n Mrs , '.. t.esherJettn Af. . Bailey Daniel . • ' ' Lindsay l'honati. Bollinger David .: LogatrJelin •', .. : Bushkirk,Jaltia. .. • , . , kanig.lteV Daniel . Black Mrs JAne ' .1 ' I.ooolls A nuka 2 B°"?4 1 ° 1,111 ; '' • ' Love 31 ten' tabelhi Bell . era Sillith , ' . ' 11:1v.111akin 11•ilitanrs Brenenrian Alirahairr.' , ' ' MeFate Mks A ,al - • Bos'le Michael & Iliilip . Alt•GinteyAlka Rebecca lied William • v•• ' • Mlik'kall ;Rev Bazi:11 Barnes Mks Marials ' AloAllikter•lltunes Bacon John.. • ' V ." Inelijm.Wilson .• . Boil George- • . • 111eMantrit.lrhnt ' Baker Mrs KHz:aim:Os IStaridlidl G. $: • v Mater Samuel .. Martel Hai d f . Brown Samuel - • Martin jet•rtneJ . Cantz Iti+s llar'y 'Atyrew Atis‘ i Mattaect Carson Francis • Matla-s S: Mild ,: Carothers Gvore C Motu ...midi AMlretr .. .- Cm•ter Paul B• . Milky .1. hi; - ' .,:.: Cook Wilk' . A. Ph r M i 55 Charlotte d igi r__ Cook William '• ' v Meernsks Ilet:y:' - .. Cook Stephen.. Morgan Jaan.if .. ' . Cotes Be:•herd . . Mau tz Jsrdi ' ' ' Clark Jo:m A . ' - ' • Alott-a Mat mi . ' Ct•etimeier Priuleriek . Alta, tz ,Inint - 11 rt'iso/GrOl's,e 13 • 'Morel', sid•Stkan E • 1/.111.1. :11 izs Juliann Afyers J elm . ' INtlen. Prier ''- • Nebr.:Jaen!. Doti ze A lla, t•t N • Nt.tri•ev : Ciaa•iel d - Dowd.' .lama ••• - niilor - ceci4;,, • • Di•Ni c ,...-.Nrisr..Siknill - ZS' iekes -A t.tiv.hato ,_.,... ~ v Duh y NirE.V.liztt . Patd Jdnt .. .. . v . . - ns Jahn' '. li,tl; r Pe.'• 11 ,, 1) Cboogk Dr ;I.; t . . ,Qinsmai). Petty Li' 1.1 , ..e•1L P.: t••• , .• .I.:A A. ' ',, - . .. •' Elliott Christiataus•C hiele..rd •AtLitt . " Raman aosepfi ''•. ', Hie's . Jea.i ~ • t; Friezr Nneliftel , Er. .. . limbed - 1 Hiss 'Mary W. Fvv. Muesli's - '...Sanitetuot-..1a1.t.-Eisi----' 7 GOlaelser James . - ,ittals•l • Ph..... 11 .. v ' (411 in' . 2 y .In.a•ph Serukrids ISlnriah -Geerlairt-llcnjurriiu . - . Shifter - I'llV • 1.• Gilman John • . Hand. Mrs I.: liz: loth Gipe Jet , •ll • 14unaliaon :Ho.: at ct - Givs!ni Willism. - Srudlt•St•trt d'j . , Gr , entralt 'Daniel • Sittithers N. 11. !'sue Grialg.'"Hanii 1 -. --- =' ------ Sivat r .11inaTi:d, Ifs milt on Samuel . 'Stabler Ells.d II Hanna fins: it ~',., , .S1:11 AI iso.Elizt.beth - .. Harkness Mrs Isalailla, Stsiinetier Yerg - llsivris,lchli ' V' s - Soles Edusirr! Jos Wards It. C . - " ' Sti!es Benia man— - I lavet•stork Peter- - l'izzard Miss Marish V 1 Ileffaer Jacob .:.. ' Alink Peter ".. ' -.• ' Ilemmineer John Wehherallenry:2 •••• • •Ileir Christ int' . :s.s . •Wells 'Hoses • .. Hoekles• Thomas ' . \‘'t rtz Airs March -' llnt•ner Hem,- 1V ttlesttl...(ohn' 2 . - Ilonv - er Ihs &el : NVit met. tithed , noisier 'Benjamin' 'll hat. TAW: rd I " !lowland Jarnb . - Worntha %M Ltars Iszli e 'IMM - sit Salado : - "Wolf William Hutton Sarah • Vonds 3 Ant Johnson Nlrs Mark 7,Triii . g• John It ' Jones Mrs ' Ziegler Henry - Jones James Zinn Peter .CA RLIsLE. BARRACKS. Clark Lt nnylird 4 241 nrng Gucci' Willis m '' • Kane lA. F.: K.:,1 , Drog. Ilh tot, 11 illirm F 2 Ihihilitt Chants A. 2 K:llam .rharles . • V Daley Ai .• , lt adtmut Letyan 111 3 Furlier,John•d'• Satilli:L74tr(i.a D. _ W. M. POitTLII, V. :kr. SIAM 79 199 1 2.5 51 lIIIETTE.N, Action of Eivetmont, in the vi. Count of Contionit fleas of IiIfETTF.N. t Ctintherlsoe roluity. 4 t , Igo. 33 A t,toll.l'ernr, 0t24. 2`.lllNoventher, I lt4l, on motion tflitt.,A!ermtler, 1t ore..v ftt• IX•fondat I. ITulr no th• boil s suhstituh• tit m cAes, ns, Phtil tifi's, t 'how C 14114: 114 the suit should not laistt for.ot the a CI 011:8. • , •t lc the (011116 GEORGE SAN DV. rt . SCN rr( February '2,1842, , $ 47 is 107 37, 8074 42 V.)14, 87 JAMES DIZEIMN - )•Activri of FTVimer.t, tin.fht•lirt of Crmi.. CEORGE (n u n revs,.(4; WILLIAM I IA IITC!;t:SS• • NI .%;,ril.T.,•rm 20th Voyenilwr IS .1. nit retitiotiff.Mr. AT, mtnt i er kttorney the I)rti•ndni.tß; 'Rate ell the• P18110:11 . '4 h i•s; ft , Rul.stittne thenet.'llcs 116 sl.evr cauFe why:the 1411 slu•nld't of be su•ltken &cm this records. - fly the Cettet; -• t • • MEI Gr 4 ()IZ,GF: sAN Prvib'y Caplisle, F.ll!) . cititi, l '2, 1.842- MEI Saia. - . . 40 • 7, 17 Will be subd st nublie-:eale, at ilie - Conct Muse in 'the lowan!' of Carlislei . onlixtiirdne the 19th day,of . February next, at 10, o'clock A. the- tUllmiing described Itual bite' the.liroperty of Jabal Saliderion,deti'ditto Wet :' • A. Tract of. - Lanil situate •in NortlA CurrOwealri cou::ty, linumled by lands' of David W 611,34111 iimodo-w, • Win• Ileiiwaigl and'7-7 Wvary, cootalLia4 about cr." 166 4lcres, . . ~, .. . Of Whichabeet ,1153 acres are cleared and the residue ' 'itond.titoker land. ' Theee.ia about fifteep 'acres of . first:rate meadow JuadoiithedhOve farm, * The int. - , prceMeuti ire, a' . . vik‘ , sl-.0--sit 6s, yr It.'oA'• •.- • 'N...-.c.. - - - -' , • -'' ..: .* ' . IiOU3.: 4 VII-ISE4 ': ' :.-•' '1 "Ac4 l- . 7 4 , ' • • .. p• Ettl'n '. • /t 3 61 4 .4.6 t ett :N• . 4 ~ ,4 . - • ••••••• 4 : • . 0,6 under' part•nf Sthneiw.Ciden,i'ress, unit•-• good 11.:Pide iCteeltatul a tthtiei : railing !Nett of water coliveliallt ,tO ,tlig, 11Optit1111.,,Other improvements.,su d otte.kuif : . •ialleifront Uatliile, turbidf Mile Item the (;onotim. „ , . oinct. creek', and about; , 2 atlas from thelifftit . _ : I Mountain where gomf littibe,r WWI can befpnrehusett ~ 1 at:a 114 , :rato. A l ptiblie,rtiud from the: turn.i4e,:to, , 1 steerett4:kiap,passes near , the inirritivott. tdu , Xhit _ l' hold instate orthe best quality, and the aloyetleserili. ed farm' is one of the best : ill the nfar..Fuid township. - 1 . The terms of. wile. are'- ~,C,400. to the hands of tint 'purchaser. thirptglites -life of James • " Szinderson, the ititerett thire4f t 4 o'Ve ' paid unidatlY Intl ut liis,iltuith the'vrineipil surivto.lieettaitlf to..he aePaPag r a lien On titii , houlz -. One : II4IAM thiredip. •.. Flu` - to he id ott•the ftrat Or April!iirzt. wh4 ll ,.p rn i,, „.: . ' 1-44 ,t it•asinit Wit he Oven and a died ttitqle.-to the , tair••• ;.! chaser, and die residitelf•Thitln f ie equni• ant,eal jiity. tricots with inferrer, the payments;t9 tii, Seellli3llVit! tlik,,, n fi. t h e +rtillifO r h4lllllell ether wit, as ina,T bif soli:. fiiidnny to the .kihrtinisitittoe.s . ~, , . ~.- ~‘ , , . l'he• ibOreland:n ill - be - told in litteitint : Ei. •. efsthe .. hit Vill ' iliti j ' estOkeetire(the.alori . lntiii jehti r Siin: '; ..! der soil; (iirod. Till injoi t,ip - iikktelited.ltii(l the ti tpi • hrtisputatileS ~ • . ~._ , •.The grain inAltmgeountlis-reserei=d-enit..wilLtiot- • ' - pass tolite..pruertv the umje . ;„ • ,Ati . siOng , . ' tquee:,the pro ertvlifirili , e,till,sitio;d4lr ettil..6fi,)chtt , . - • ' Sande ' esou, or the usulerAgned, both ilWitotp;ret:ltitiy..:: In the horettAti Rf.glitritt: , •„ :; ,• -.' . ,:•.. ! , • • , • - . 1 - . ii . 41. ! .., SV.l 7 l.l:4 ' ,E , R, , iltirelf.;.- •• r .. .. - . .. . dejmnis nob With the yiatitt.titked,.. - , r • • . ni,ipipi Satithiscin, otio'd. --.. 1 Jantutry,l9,•ls424 4 -tdioC`Vi '!:jt, :.:1 ;,,- . .. , . 1.0. e. 01 , • • • " ' liip ! t4:rotO • from auction lOU Otil•fruyOrnSijr., eras '75 pair' Vnm•his' Poota&stibm. ii tied aßtftirc ( 14. - • vier shoray . 50 f pniT,' , 0fr 4 10.7110 'O O 4 4:5 mfr. Wometes moiocoo 00. (10.dil. ;,,"; pis(l. - • " • ',CII.AS. , ' • tiril. •—• ' - . • EMI I. E =6 Di