Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 02, 1842, Image 2

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,''tab! yali ! sliUtited tonbo
vs-he burst into Lite cellar where Wash-_
ingion _Pomp' w,as just, .applying
full of sr., to a boot. upoll
lastC'yalt ! eoteled you at laSt, liab
Come,- nigger, Come ! • Pay up ! pay. up
'Po way„nigger;
.I's not 4.. lionieun„tite,
Word ob' a gmtleitiari.' - .
'Can't rum ,it.obifr. teplied
Gumbo, a l tp!),•iwiz - his digits to his nasal Or. ,
up'! pay . Upl- 6, :-
14:irgc.i.:inotot to iniike up tO-day--•-aix or.
solicit hundred ilollars,and yait owe.:ine
'Don't dispute ,ilisptite it,'
patting asithi his
throving :back in' at chair,
and displaying his liyase-ringed .fing'crs on
its arms. lint What `1 want to 'say td , just
going; to tbot tiezteqoutit.'
tell nic dal 21
I'N n„
tn . a.eva'to, pay a cent, sir
. ?
ono yolt,:mitim to say,' ., .Chorr,
litfge white 'wiggle eyes growing percep
`ubly. huger and protrudintt , from his head,
'do yali mean to say:'yoWye . stopped pay
ment ?'
;`Noi,'zaci r tly that,
.nig, eyether,' . replied,
Pomp, 'but I've concluded to repudiate
My 'debts.!'
• qluldbil take me if'l''see de difference'
muttered Gumbo, rtiectrily. - -
"'Oh !as fur dat: replied l'onip, muss
refer you to Gubernor MeiNiitt of Nlissis
sippi-,—he'll tell. You . ',Al 'bout it, nigser,
'better dan . I can—he teal de. fuss to 'tart de
'doctrine 01) 'ptidiation.' " •
"Den I tell you what,' said G.tunlr. de
cidedly, 'if 0 tibunur MeNuTT was de au
thor of dot doctrine, thiherniir MeNtrrr,is
ey . ether citACKED,..or oggliter to hit
him nu de-head •and inalio hin , SHELL Kitt.
, .
- ' 'rrlm .thu Baliimgre Arne: wan.
• • A A . l ERICA. • • ,
The Savannah Crergi;ft' recently pub•
"lislie,tl 11 tabular sr.ttetnelit; the
s dates oliettlement in-•the different State:.
icily etnitposiwg
- appears 'front this that some-of the States
yllit!lt — tve are aecust -regard-as_the
soungest of our. politie'al family,: dine the
'period of their si:teentent Itrtherl).ek than_
- tnany.that I : have-stitee.beconitt dounothers
.l9; other.. States.. the Atil that
rloriti, not vet a - St star-antere. territorial
minor, still in a tate. or.plipilage=iiTitilei
in point of settrement_than any nlter.par
. tint). of our -country.. St.•'Atigustitu , was
settled by-the Spailiaids in' 1595; u heri;as
atte colony at .Ltmestown„ had -en existeuri:
-timid 1007 : and it waS
. not until 1020 that
:the l'irdrim. Fathers landed - at l'lyitiouth.
.The aettlitocins ()I' the Dutch at.-Alhatiy.
in the:Statq-ofNett/ York. bitan lu 1611..
-• Mit;ltitr an,-admitted loth- the 'Union but
n few ago, is older than Pelinsylva:
ado ; for Detroit was founded in 1670, aid
the settlement of William Peon took place
fit /Philadelphia in 168:2... l'he French
settled .K.:..skaskia in 1683 ; so that Illinois
datesitVi oriiriti farther bark than Vermont,'
, tvlio received her first settlers - in 1725.. 7 --
Vincennes, .1.1• 1 1 ala, was founded by
the French - in 11 - 600, forty-three years be
fore any setiletnent ••wes made ill Georgia.
The siltlentent or;Aricans;is began in 1085;
Ally' Oren years after that of South Caro
-Tian. Missouri had a Fretrelneolotty at St.
"Genevieve twelve years • before Daniel
ptietratell into the Avildsr4
fuelty, and 404.tenty:Ave 'years 'before 'fl i p'
settlement of
,C)ltio began at 111:irietta.
S4,pitt reflections nater dly arise in view
-of these riots. Itile settlements
siintiltaneoas were going (In rinra two (hi . -
4 1 . rent nation's . of Europe in the territory
now possessed 11 - Y this RePublie; the
t-I t anees'of each, as it regarded future cx-
Itension over an unoccupied region, seemed
-tt(hout equal. • The Entglish, it is true, held
seaboard, hut the French had
an. important colony iii .Canada ; they
enjoyed the posseisiottof the great Lakes;
• they had secured the month of the' Mis
fiSSippi, and thus held control oi•ici t h a t
-Blighty stream and its tributatieS, iota by
4ifeans 'of them had access to the i•ast
t'eriAr west of die' Alleglinny Mountains;
- Mid, to establish
. their Tower the More se
tover *that iinmenae territo'ry,•they'
hail' the, .strong - fortress of Daqueatio at the
head 'orthe Ohio. ;if •either aiation 3 pos:-
,:',seased advantages over the'ether, - lasing
"ireanCePilt, nation? . •
• prcigreis of ,the settlements of the '
,;iwo.. respectively;, 'and • the final issue df
the struggle between them 'fir tha_4Seetel-,
efie-y , this, country,., illustrate in, a , .ye.tyt
striking mannei Ole Itiijily..43,niliqing
ties of the old British stock'-:-thestubhoin,
faciilfY, of t , ruling
to' tlfe.:mixed' hlood'; face - Of I S fati
ers f: Livho, T -ages-agii„tiiiitedAhe - Saxon
ljness and 'hardihood,. With
,the fiery, 'chi
, v:alrie spirit itf the Norman. Th&Englisit
.f_rettlemeets spread westward with a'steady;
Afnrentitting pace,_ Neither. natural !demi=
eles, nor the resistanCe of , savage
,iivailed,to.stepAlteir course, Thirteen, pro
, winces grew- •ep, each with, -its . organized'
_.iltuternment.and iitsittetime... A
. 01)011111in of three inillimis watiln etitn
•pun.-bolti, resolute, enterprising—mady
• -LW, go on as they _ had .starteii,. yet ...deter
ieineil to go oil ie, their Own .wey
,;411eik% own.. account. In . the -iticantime
IYrittae had lost ht;r!;:inadian
,p6ssessions-; .
• ;: the,. - English ; acquired. thrsiri.,,,•rhe
Fp7.llol . B4op*litgat Detroit, K;eiltasliia;
Vilicenneq, St. vi . ; in kritinie;iti,'
ti , Natchez.. ooqt ,-att•ticz, of becoming the,,
- .si ding points for enlarged exteneimor
tillpidesi wereiir6bli6lied
• --4-tusitlltted. , ,pui4sjil„thlr tilitls.t of ,ole r
ih ,:tliemselves to
eireurne,tances—,..not. 'eontrol...
4itig - - them' itecording: to:0o, Engli!lt
to: iiicti;irpstt tltitt,Of
'-the iil
•:•fittritet, tlfeii;gititi . age .
{ ; tit'ighi~ops The. mode 'iep
s a:Abelenejort
aiVilizatiiint "
- : 4lll:llleielittre , spate. where: French set-;
• 7 7-- 7-1-'- ' - . ft d'.. -;• - - '''' . ••,* I
tienientsltatlAkettimad:e, aiid at: iv Weil' tiv I
liiiiiiietnaiikti itailonq; liairgit•li'eetilitirieti
under the hdran6ing tide o f population is?
suing .lion i -the English .side of• tite•Alle-
glianiese:T We have 'inky - liver Ole vast ex
pause nf oer tvOikty-six t States title Fpninivit
lan - ginigti`: It . islliiglitili. : '.- ' •-•,- ': ''. - '-i;
Quy„Fatva,._llor, politwalinstitotions, our
literature, written in that..language. are
tnarlaql,by the eharaeteristies of one origin.
T„be genius of lirhain,. the spirit . of British
:tlics;lmer. or a ratio-antis:T. whom
energy, outran thir action. of their
fiVit nAnstittitiolig,Llinve 'predominated over
all counteracting or hostile, intluenee.% •
SWerican'. - .4.hirVe:-.4arne.e-AL
M. D -.; ;has sent to•the,National institutien
at.:Washington several speelmensiol Ame-:
rican tmarble, whieh were taken•from quar
ries at Middlebury, :Vermont; and Frede
rick-, Alai') .Doetor - (whe,- ; -by.
the' by.-is 'a civil engineei):.states.itvhis
letter to the , Secretary Of-the , Trenattry;
weitten at.•Alhany, 'N. •Y. that there. is
now in - that city an order i 4roM einiceot
sculptor in- latitobiu,-for a- block tel tharble
from• the first mentioned .quarry. for lin:
fie Ore . ...invitee:it from the
Vross,' 'a block can be seetired seventeen
feet high. ;It is preferred to.'mOst of the
having more of the warmth of life.
Ile also says that the Frederick marble
possesses nitwit greater strength than the.
Italian, is not near so friable. and in alew
years Willrbeemint an artiele:ol:vonamerce
and be.exported to Europe. The gi-neral
opinitu . Lef GeOlogists -has . been, that there
was no marble in the pnit 41 States suitable
for statuary. •. The above facts prove they
were mistaken.
Corpar!tirlehre U. S. 6:.,zt:tte
l',Asiit: , ;CTo.N; Jam. 2'5 / 1134'2
:':Frott(the infer
111:itinift..nittaine0 in my letter 4 . 4 yt!r.ierilaycl
your reinicrs:.eonl,l itit hut
Cvntibremile tiNin the ll'ouse-tn-day
uf— LA.•xvitintril ttiontentints 'nature
Mich ha 3. been the ease; ieud I •will. 411) toy
hest to ive vnursrlf and Wein Nil !Ili!: idea.
. .
of.ahat kit e wit nessed thottzli; .
all; ',that idea
,toust be a very 'faint one.
I stated . the fall, yesterday, of Mr. . Ad.
,as . having presented a p 'talon frOon some
persons residintrin Dlaestiehttrettsi 'Ott
(IF TUN UNlON—that :11r. A. mittved tare.
ler -.this petition to , a beleet eottitoittee,
with imrions to report an answer. if
the - y Von • proper. showing -v-0m .reasons
why the strayer of the pewit - iers-should
not be complied with; tiro, -utter snit
dry motions. and points of were
loathe, Mr. Itlihnertoffered 5 rt.tsi)lntion
edisnte ttle: gentle:Man from Nl,(ssnehtis.etts
flir of such a peliti.lit to the considera
ikon . the • house—that the Simakerde,
610 that his muliiat ioolt preeedeiwe
the otkers--tlitA 'the House thetenvin atf
jutirued, and
_that some of the Southern
members of Childress were toloild a dos
eno-or.conotiltation as to the course th e y
'would Lest iiigt ti far -you
were informed.
Well. the caucus was held, anti the pre
amble and residutions offered by . 111 r. Mar
shall. Whieh - I shall Mention directly. were
agreed mini), to he offe'red as a'suhstittite
for Mr.liner's motion... Mr. Mar
bilall mitne to he dramilmo this aftdr, or
at least to suffer himself to he itstA
others, is more, than, I can tell.
°After „the' reading.. of ..the journal, Mr.
Fillmore; chairman of The : Committee oI
-W-ays and Means asked the House to Sus
.the orde4ol luisiness 'until otir
o'clork, in order to allow him e'
. to introdtw
certain hills, which :a as lo treed t 0..: Ile
. intriulneed making appropria
thins for the civil and Diplomatie Serviee
for 1842; a 11111 for the. tinpiiiwt lAf,OM
Army and Military Aeaetnies. in '1'842;
fir the .Nat'al' Service - for 18 , 12 'for the
eurrent tel of the It lian Department:.
and 'fur 'rensionsL4-all cif wll il] had .tiro
reallings, and Were referred An the Cont.
miltee of the Whole on the Siate of the
Union. • .
. . .
Mr. F. then morwl .to talie!ttri the Trea—•
sury Note licit to consider-the,aitnendoient-i4:,
made by the Senate; which
some Irogress , inside ,therent, ben,, the
hour 01 (me o!..loe; arrived. and the-House
:liroceeded .-to : ,the , .. : lttilinishetChusitteis of I
;• ;
The Speakerlnanutieed the, first hnsi
ltesti to he the motion to lay the, resolution
of. M eensureAr, Adams. on
the On'this the; yeas -and nays were
•taken, and resulted—AyesAl4. , lsittys . l4o.;
so it Was not laiti.on-the table.
r-. rah:a I ';',oo4c4iigil'. Minna to
Arraiqp,toll : .:jo 1T15(.1., Mr.
Pilmei to ai:cept for'his rioMlinion
whfch, tliiit'the,`aciiileinan front Vir
ft was,. : (AY hilt 11,.
farce'!) its vvonld .rcauf Ile
reatl.a st thug hook the filet
Of .Me. Adams hating offered •ittiCklt .
tientthat, it struck at.the very existence-of,
ti Governineot and ;Ctillfitittlilltil they hail!
saroro!to uct'wssilh,
-Ike. 211%8 . 2 . ri. ,Bl !) tiliuna
then (followed.; Att.:substance• that ;
sins'ilCserveth 'glom's! .receive,
surtrhf the. HoOse'for what. laid done.--
lie thrill .read
• “NtlieresS; the 4 7 erleral • Omistiiiitititv is
a pc •nuote : l4'l;iiiii. - •
L nyvOromrot,, mid • of
perpeMat 'Mink altered orsinoili;
tied in the'rritnio - piiinted • nut in th a t insuln—.
meat; soil .the tnemb , is o'"this lieuae. ire
eitarmiter .. nit‘l , Piitvera
from the a•tnie; srr.•swurn t 0 srliinuirt it; .aril
the' illiten *itlieessurily.
inirilies`thellestinctinii• (if, tlint'lnsti;fi Mein,
the overtliritii 2 iif- the Anierifinti'pithli
and ex tiOn'Of imr)lational extstene v.;
th•the . ve'presetitii.
fives of the - organic
tir;.` mu) ; 'to
iiiase Cinietiltients
eati "eoter l 'uo, , o Ike tifqhe
t'slrpn , tVeis hi;
hei inj,
tempt 'otteiett to tiiiiH.HoOse; # 'direct Ore..
‘. • •
. ' •
• , 1.7.10 - ;
• . ,
tiOSitiOn toole. Legislittiro• : *l epitit
tut itierfiliYmid
neettti 3 Oarily its o . ceeution and its cimse
quetit•es the tlystruction ok.otir tio . untry 7 und
trOatilitt;-• - • ',•••••••••*---••
it ra3ul d vrd, Oerofore. Thin the Hon. Joint
QnineV Adenre:,`
eette,,in pretu:nting for,the.eonsideration
the lionie of lieprekientinis'Uf
States, Ir. - petition. pray inc.l;tr..fhe. (iseulution .
of the Uniini, has •off.:rett ihrdeepest in
dignity .; to-the . 'llouse. of +di:tell :he'-ie,a
t»einher, an insult to, the people Of the
States, of .whieh thatilense is; the . lekisleT..
•tive,orgen..und this,outrege be 1) - 4-
n-tined . Antpunieliek
hive diigrared etnintry;thrmigh their
represiiqualites, the - eyeis•el . the .‘'rholti
world: '
further; That the •aforesaid
JohitQuiticY A 6104. 'for this insult, the: .
,first of .the" . kiinl ever;otfered. to. the Govein
went; and. hir . ilie' . ivitutni.wirielt 'he vas 'per.;
Mittedfo he Mined, through his instrumen
t:oly; trt 'the vonetiention
his conitCy, the: penee, - .the securkty. pod
liberty of thel people of 'these States ; might
well he held to nierit expulsion from the
national conneilic"..fied"thellottee deem it an
net of grace . and mercy' when they only in-
flirt _upon hiM their :severest Censure • foi
cominet , so utterly- unworthy: of his past re
lations to the state :AM his present position.
This, they hereby. do for :the maintenance
of their own purity and *dignity ; Tor the
Test, they turn himx over to his own. Con
science and the indignation of all true Ame
Mr. illar.qhnit make some re
marks. Ile •tiiew - full well the responsi
hility•he :incurred by offering this preanv
lile and retioltitiotis ; butt he had weighed”
the enniequences, - - Ile. disclaimed . all :per
sOmil lucidity to. Mr. Adtmis. llis whole
rilllrtp towards that inan
proved that lie eould 'be :Tritiated by no 1111-`
'kind feelinit. towsrrels l'he flame of
that gimiletioin,, and the liarne of his family
will' his nameatiti the ,
mante•o' his family tit (lays Inns g~lae. I'
. flae. • II
supporled him when he first mince timitt
the stNte itf itction for the PresidtThey;
.had imptiorted defended :his admittis
tritto; respeeteil Film..
had he itiCy sectional feeling. com-,
,Moon the valite7i4 the — ll4on. :Cs
-the• - bond si twit boulid ;:us ttivetiter. and
made its a 'b.retti anal a pnwrifuhttatio4 !
withoirt itr-wr •Ethrould 'be broken .imo
ments- Ile looked - upon t'he proposition'
even to dismiss - this stiliert 'with ltorritr;
it wits .vropifyirre. - 7lc uld riot la•liet'cit
theie 'was a mum in - this hair that n ottlil
consent to become the of
such a itniniitt r nnA:hing. the lloii n
to be the most stirred trust that had been
committed to tis.'he Imiked as - sae-.
rit:.-ett and hid'_ treason to'offer such a prop
osition. . Ile iviot]fthe more , surprif.eil and
shitelied that die- proposition to diertiss the
propriety of dissolvingilie Union even, had
mime as it Were Inuit a High I'riest who
hail ministered at thn rlitsrr..
shim! hart moue. ion. Truitt Mass reltusetti.!
that readle of liberfyl. she should be
the first to send Snell a l'etitioit here. was
most imaecountablil lie could seareelV
it! Ile st•Oke very eloquently (or a
imit twenty minntes, the llonse, in the
meantime. being' silent as death, and anxi
ety and enneern being depicted upon every
countenance. •
.The substitute was of course accepted,
and Mr. Marshall . mov'etl• the adilniutt by
the noose.
When .Nlr. Nlarshall sat down
I •
-rose, an.. t he ll onse eontinned for about 'a
Mintite ., -perfeeily silent. The . Chair then
"if the gentleman from Massachu
setts %fishes to say .nny thing he %HI he
heard." • -
• Mr. Adams r'ofe, and the• members pith
'ere(' riinfid and 'near him, anxious 14, eateh'
every w4ird he should titter.' Ile did not
kooty an' . ) thing to tiny at this
linomerit at least:— Ile wished to
know the dieliosition Ofthe I lio e 4 ; u t o o ,
it ealled utain WM to defend himself lie
:€414.00,1 1 0 O. Il e would theti 'show that
the riglite 4,f . the pellple of: the North had
been trampled upon in this Howe forseven
years., •
. I.le wtoild liken 'slimy iluit n War
with was proposed for, the
purpose of I,roteeting the slave. trade: lie
,would then Show that even Our late'Minis
ter to EOghool had adv,aneed most 'ilb
sitnl and f a ke , principle s in suliport of-slaz
- 4 .Mr. 4 Adams went '
on. enuonernting . .the
grievaneies which his - constituents:and alts
people .61411 tr free states genet:4llY 'coin ,
lilained of, and which,he,wmittlshow, when
the time coniPS !forAim to 4'notkp' his de.
fener.,, ! , 116, : k eylied to . Mr..lllaishatl= 7 that
griotettiait had diselaiineti all personal:lies?
t.l ty, to : him, and ,yet:heirittl, poured out the
phisds of Iris wis tail' ,it pint liii;head. a nil' had
denotmeed Id ni fir all the riOnnettee'Of which
he wai,tnaster, and . ,with, all the ,epiiAks
the fancy couhrentieeive—lte deniknue-.
eel Ititn,.,us guilty . f if, , TREAS.'qN. 'll'ity, Said
Mr A., clots the . g i ol . iiciiiali think iiis' putty .
Iliteucct entl,ntako . treasOn3 , 'Sit,' thP Ceit
sfitufiO4.llaS defined Wlutt,tteison is. ' ', • •
"Mr. A. spoke of the feeling at the. North.
and _Wf :the'olipretistons Of ibis governMent,
-::-w WO! the gqll tionaii, from Nettinek y.lted,
pilmitte,tl. to him-Lhe Minded to .the ; etintse,
- that- , liatl -heel) pursued': on .the,,Pankrupt,
`Bill; 44Inr.w. 'it had Inien,.introlloped 'hy the,
gentlentim himself and dii,P,prt ; tlsrong,l),the,'
11ouse,•,4whilellte, petitioners.:o . f. the North . ,
~were :standing at. tlitonor dkoophing inTyain,l
ICvnttlek3 had orett ,"
pied • ten tliky,s,„%vith, 'e.,'
Q titions. and the' Ilankrupt hill—a most tin-'
heard 'of (trottreding,, r tw h i le: al t theSaso• Hi
and Northern
States ,tvre,g,ttegelt,:,..,,,These,
• e !(191111iiii1ylt
oft i , thesecvere oppress:lirnf! millieh the gen !
• !Fenian- Iliinself loul,heen elrietly..instrunten,
tat in imposing upon thent; : .and
,it.there„ hi,
no aemid remedv,for. these and other's, the,
people <at Airs c:North , would 41...1,,1610 . Ott',
Unimf..: 441,exalle,d -aloud .for, tiutrpadhig•Of,
the two or 4:three. firsty:llFttgl'ailliPl ot,'llle
fhtelatation -Of Independence, - ; 4, Thpi-cterlt •
wits sometime in finding ti,e . ..l,yoliontf:foriq !
Nr. Adorns 4eittinned-to 4- ety Several tithes
,' to Ishii,iirai. "read the;:lirst: paragraphs 1!f . the
!;I)eeltittit ofiltulependenee',?--"read,them,
sir ? . end let the lituse listen." -..!fite . : (lleik,
rest? -- and as - he ocamir tri,vpaitittiK which
' ‘ ' «.0;
«4'. g.
*: : ..k!)-''t* 4 .r.*"44:t.:
•- ' • " 1 7 -- •
Ite Xcl4mu d •
•''nfii4 again," •• .thi
'llse, reading concluded, Mr..A;
weut on and showedthat the'people have a
•iighl:if:ll)tpressecl,:.,:if the tili . jeetti tits st hieh
govertioirtitis established is notrealized—
toci.lizitige or. i'ihiditiliilieirfgletieiViiiieiiV+ Mt&
*they would •do it: If the ,rule Which ex- •
ing - liere r with their
,petititme : Were.:Anttio-,
iteilL=if when thek 'come here witci them.
they: were
.coutinurtitit be , thrOwn•lnick. , in,
their faces, they • would resist—they : would
di#Sol . ll.o,llo,Witiou,..!;,4le . Sfinketif the liviiteL
Squadron which lie had advocated — lie now
fiiiiYl'A`(ry`'t)te'seeretdiry'iftf N"sty's rte=
port only •iiitent'ecl ifurnish4om
vo . ys ., for' the idave ships. • : 110 , said ithe eon-.
StillitiOil • I,V4ls' violated....from - Alay to day in
that'itintse. All end More he- Would .
show when, put upon his defence.. ' •_
- ,••Being %L r: 'Cooper, .91
Pa.reselind said. he wished to intimate to.
Mr. A. that it' . was: intended •that4he - .voter
_now tiluitn.:lo: he taken Fihriold lie die . final
action our the' ititiject,.:tiitil . if de- .
tided 'in' the•ellirthatiVe, be - the. eetiOure, in
tended." Ile wished ids' friend to under..
stand that this weiuld he ilie'only opportu
nity; perhaps; lie would have of making,
his defence . •:• •
Mr: Adams said if the {louse so deter
mined, he it so,:he most stibtnit;' but it was
an of'proeetlure thus to act, to rad
upon a man without notice. to defend
self against stud' serious charges.
Mr. Ei.erett-iii' , e - tind -said -lie - was 0(4
going to rettyrn'Anto..i triscussion of this,,litrt- it :it, the iiilist'imiineomie
on f ,.lie thtnr U hb.ihatlitdiiver eiiine• before
that house, -, as it in •sottie-..tlegree
the fate 4if the 11 I le•saititt was
undoulucilly the fact that.. the North Was
fast wowing:to the determination to tweak
the liouds with w hii 6 they • were boned
Ilia they imitild be peaceably if 'Ml
eiutild,lorcildy if they ttitoit;, the *list ride
:did if
rtiutirtucd.he'could tint utswer for the con=
3+ gtieucrs.: 'But lie the
Printing of. the . pre:lndio and reeitlutions,•
Mid to' postjitine the further' consideration
of them till Tuesday neat. •
it I — aim - 4st - sm. - ,
lemn Manner said - he ‘ritilted thie.ltouse . .rio
- to a rider frt, a - II a 6 - 4111. 410 f - t4it
1.7 theyklis i ti table_Washingtoit's
Address tUllle read, aMI 'the-clerk- eante
toi•rerttritt, passaues, lie e),:elaituell, as 111 r.
A. hail dime belOre, "read that - agai n ', sir,
reit.l that again." The ithitatriiM 'was too
palpa' le - not to be -- ohserred..and prottuveil
a ludirrenw rather than a serious effect; and
tLis effect was so heightened by some- re
marks of Mr. A. that .01teral1mnill was
the result. readitht -
‘ 1 ise •comineticed a 'spreelt, whichi
for insultinglangunge to au individual, Only
directly Minded to,. not mimed, 'for the u
tilise of w at he—ternied_ the- old EngLisli
Party, and for - irrehiteney to
.the subject.
-tinder consideration, srareely he par
alleled. Ile said at the lirstYoundatinti of
the government tliere was iw English Party
and a French Party in this country, sod in
timated too meads - to lie misunderstood n'ho
belonged to the 11:11glitat !'arty. (Mr. A's..
111 r. F,verett railed Mi. Wise to order,
but the .s..lle:titer derided that lie might .pro
ceed in this Way. lie tvent tin in ‘ the s a me
iorain Everett again de-.
mantled that the Site alitt; 'should
. eiiiiftite_
hint to the sit' jeer .111'fiire the house; hut
the Chair said that he had a right to go oil
as he dill.
Ale. Arnold hoped, Atr. Wise would he
perinitied to go on, but that neither lie•iior
his friends would 911011)2 the,previous ques
lion . upon the house us soon, as Se was
done,. ,
Mr. Wise-- .7 . •
"Come on, Martha,.
. And thttnn'd be he who first cries holi:—enough."
I ea n mit and Will not undertake to report
Mr. Wise's 'remarks. nor to giie the-s
tom 'fee or d i em. All 1 , can say is,
_that he
was. ; Most grossly insulting 'to •Mr. Adams.
OM Nine treading on the grayes
of the old English Party;')lnd of bis.fatlit:r.
and of being a vampvre, &e. ; That*);
father and son were prostrated .hy the .de
_that this same English. party
now ex;sted and Wait in. alliance - with Eng
land against the South. . lie read lon ex
warts Irmo newspapers to show what was
the hottnage and designs.of: the British, to
wards and upon this country. one of which
wks from - frater's - M agazine. shonfing how'
this country should he attacked lif ( i nsa of
war.' '•l‘his was' the 1 ory 'British Emanci
pation plow. "Let the world hem• if,"
exclaimed.' Mr..Adam!)—"Tes. let the
world hear 'The Zuglish•party. here
went paripasszt With The -Britian: Thie l
was -the Ahnlititin, insurrection;' Dissolu-'
Con-oklie4Union P a rty: --. •
iSeetilianste'd himself, and 'at 4 . i411
past'fiveriillllllisit' Wish' that the [louse
Windt! 'adjonfi;i which was 'agreed to,' ayes.
'93,iines.l4; sixty Odd menthers' bating
gist . buisgry 'nail' gone fin' their bread 'and
hatter. Of eiturie'_Mr. W. will go on to.'
anc i ;rioW; and therels'no; ktio w nig howler g•
skink and it'fter . lie' 'has' elan';' ha
the, ',Whithi• Sidipet,' of ..!elitiery :has ,!becit'
throWn open'hy r ltinittelf;:and. the' SAiritiker:'
altii'refusitui to Set' been& tOihe range 'of
the' very'
arehOldin g repreeeplutivil)
thentseliva.'Whieb they liiii*lieetp!'n sox
the' intrtidnetimi ind'•dk:
of . .the -tinhJet. - of'slaiierv•irrtbat
•:" - •
I remi„.that Mr,eVlamkk presented . . iec
. peteien,:he w ; 111 eethe s park'
(1,1;m,.*10,11 asire,at Okerilk eekinflit;th ',but
thsvilth . .nee:orSeme . men
,Norq,, Opera ea a not lie pad,
kvill•not he • 001»eittefl' tale silenee *Mr'
Mains,. himself; has, as, watea.l4l;pf • ths;.
neseem . ;ol ei. as ee rihOses ta4e;lie' has.
"0. physical
e!>ll4etii said van ' Mho:as, much thee' as
he cheeses.. the:mean time en haSh4ss .
eau ? he dune I
the,,lmse acting 11 0eF a
sespenSien,,es, anti: eirt;ii:lcrAo*se
three' •we'ekii •ifi4l chanot • therefeie arrest
the course of, temp, ,be t mast - jet , it come
to n'eliiiii4relfOirfijcli: not . y 4j ,, , likely in
be;tha ,
t em eutprised that MO , Sonthein ,men
fr , v,V - rt "I"}' th,
t'7 4••••
ti - -- 25-)011 00'1 t L . 4
j~'~i ij
•slioaex t it soelittle foresight and- tact kJ':
.a-1: a. • ~.-,. ..• -1 , 1.:. .` - '1; i: . ,pe., ,
Lot .4sloor ,is t teruavet .::-•%.,..''-''•.- '"•'-':.,
`.;111r. Wise's speiiill,`,,containing as it doe's,
extracts of the roost. viaile.nt alit dation . liar=
aeter, 1 should'suppose the Sonther 1 men
would .be,aS strongly opposed tie circulating
ttiong4liek.iinkiatititent.S, 'and Wife - I'6'4;l.sta
.het readily . blaelts,' as they would the•l2;matt
tkat,:lie. : .,,shoold:..tlitti set tlita?:.eXtottOP Of
kringing the stilije`et of Slavery' into. iliSeas-
slow,. in-: the-Itouse.-;.:1)411 he: . pot .see...-tlaid,
throughthe gap he 'had made is the 'fence,
tither ;men :eiiiild,,elater •f ti. fields as well as
he ? Could he itot,see )laattit 'get the sub
jeetla irl y
,'liefOre 'the'• - liittitie 'lt ltd . -the-neat iti
iijOst - what tlitiusatidwout of the house, r nil
seicrat in it, 'want? :• (-%ottld, liittig,See that
in attempting: lit ' arouse - 1W Send) ,lter..-ako,
waked' up the 45,1 - orilly ~ That-'the blows lie'
laid .'o - keertain men.; and 'a certain class of
men,' could .1.)0'; returned:4)y arms as strimg,
and. w i lls ',as good as ili is? • ' ;if CC. did ;mit and
could 'not seetall this:Ate - Will see it befure
the sessinit elosesor the stilajeCt is draipped •
Old :is: Mr. Adanis •is, and•reeentrie as,lnas
been his etatirse, be is • yet. a' lino! - that is
!hangman's to Wake, and still more 4aniger
owe to provoke, lle was. more'. cool' land
di:milled to-day ilia') I have. ever,seen'him.
When Mr. Marshall; who had thrilled the
lonise with a dignified eloquence, sattli4via,
there wasaleeling 'adverse to .11r.Adano.;
it was . a refloat! 4:1 mingled respect, (ten
sure and sympathy; .at feeling «thut wa,s .ex- -
pressed by ' silenee mad copeerta. .13.t0t in
live militates after he :lase, he had larantglat.
Mr. Marskall t hiwn from the big!' jAadivial
seat lie had assomed, land - uide hint .look
I like a child in the hands•of an indignant,
I yet-self-possessed .pareili, and •M r. M. ft It:it.
it. - '-14 . :. 'Wise - mill Itavellis lititir. Rini Mr.
Adams his, mid wo he to him when the
,i latter falls' upon lain); it will be a terrible
' reeltoning for him, ' , ' - . ' -•
'I he galleries %%lie' filled to-day- to over
llntvitig,and will he while this ex.ritiogdis
-enSiion eontiniuT--a dkenSsion ; Of a more
absorbing: interest.than any that. has taken
pine'. fora liinglinie.)t may 1)0,th:1e-ha's 'ever
ttikett ;plaits in theluillsolilonvess; and fur
this resistor! havii - entleavnied givit you
a tolerably fidlaeronnt:orit.
wilttr: el a 3
will : resign his seat in the Senate .ve - ry Cll , ll.
tilViiiiintl - Ftowy - tharitis --- iint - t rue: - jle
may feel it in he his - ditty to .witbdraW front
- position In -phis 'responsibility is
ninell'. 4 o - Fiirei. than bits ability Ili serve'-the
eountry,•at souse future - day; but that day
will not arrive in four, six; - nr eight weeks.
tintess.Semeiniforseen eiretonstailees ihould
happen In eliange his determination.
Ity-the way.' the Sinale of Kentneky has
greatly mnditied the .resolutions of instrue
lions to her Senators, lately passel by the
llonse of Assembly, in tegard : ln the litolk
ru ill Morehead inn eh, more
latitntle of action; and some measure to
his-own judgmrtnt. 'l'hie-is .f v o n s hk Aw _ws.
HENRY A. %V tn.—There are. few men in
the United StateS., perhapS none, who orett
py a more-prominent-position intldie
mind. than this distiounislied Retreat
in CoWEress from the Stair of Virginia.
be Will be prominent. bud nn mist:l6..-
110's rhararter in a sinile'Woitl.
matter 'Where he inily h' played. lie will
anme 11/10 t,r other contrive to make a little
more . noise than any other person; nor is
he very particular 'what kind of_ a noise it
may he,
Ile entered Congress in 1833. and was
elected as a metnher of the then,doinitunit
party; hut,befOre he was, warm in his seat,
he came out fiercely in oppositirin to it. and
ao continited - nntil the' overthrow or.
Van Buren's turministration, ivldektvatt but
a - continuation - Of the one itentediately pre.
reeling it. No madin toiwress so violent
. and bitterly °noosed the measures of
iacks(n and Van Buren as Mr: Wise. and
' he onqu'estionablY tlid much to produce
the overevio lining defeat ;if 'Ate latter, and
the election of General Harrison; ton he
arrayed iiinoelf in opposition to,the
adtninistration . long h?fore the head
aft luul taken the oath of efliee 'l" many
this ereatedgreat aitoniShment, hit to those
who knew : hint was exactly %Om! - had
long been predicted:.
.• • •
. . ,
lie hai,very ttreat talents as a speaker,:
.but they are 41 a peculiar ariti . nnt. versatile
character. His forte lies °alone In attack;
6tlent denunciation:mid invective. II is
manner is bold, impassioned. and sattey
has a liectoriitg, 'scolding, dictatorial tone,
wltieli is particularly: ottensive.' He uses
a great rlual„ of, t:estiettlation, both with his
)) 9 (!y awl, his.arms;
,',ltas a loud,. clear, mo.
ituitions voice, , Which itp. geneeally raises
to its Itigheit Pitch'. II iiiani/nage is always
strong, fe,rystit,:orti; oughtl.spealtir,raPiAly.
and without e..ffort,:anti i certain, to"taint
tumid native. tioilt froM hie:enanner and his
language, : for..fie - ,scarcely, ev"er rises that he
titsea'not attack.. pretty - .shaeply, isome per,
son : or some. thing. .
He is the essence of pugnacity. .11e can
not,breatite except in the element! of ttppo ,
stiimi, and I questiOn whether he would not
oppoSe' any favoriteineasure of his, own, if
- he Amid it- likely •to,proVe generally acrep..
table; As.a?.politician. notwithstanding ,hi
talettui,--IteAs of .tio advantage to any pilaf
:to-which he !nay nominally:Attach himself.
He'iti tori -i nverbe,aring -way wartlcaol rash;,
-hue no judgeineitt.or. - discretion, but drives.
abead'Acentingly:trecardless of:consequert
ces.,,:aird itualwayezteying his friends:, by
hom he, will:never, he advised. lie ,is
an' independent:and pelf,willetl, , that he gait
tinds-thituself .alotteon . ; , itt a . small
Minority, , ant[ 011oulte, in the.
&emir. 4lie =morel nu. Wll.lOlll 4o take . heed.
"tlie4ante44.wou't,.to !Ite .
NOW' Tlikerittilependinice tru c ll:sts,nny
"iitie,Aat 'a Mali may':evett tolo4tulepeli , '
niuCh"aorasTilinfit , liiiit for -any
,practical puilaise.H 7 llV May . he hulsipandent
j'anti.ntihitig slap. 'lt ' aught always .to he:
exist. upon the principle ;of . ieothitr4mise.,
eaelinienther yielding - sonething_t4 the gen ,
'eral girOilf.ani!'*lteneve‘' 'eine manctuttler
takes tit dictate to all the rest, and - In
ptiottlellnitill be Very apt to tender'
Frain tbe S,.mM' lort!ins , Jr.";lt
1 . - - .' . ' •:-., i , '. , .7 - 7 - 7 - • ..- . ---... self ritliettleitti, tie matter Iretv greaf'his . This:hill. retort to the !louse of Repre.,
.., . ,
40 0 1. 1 8 liOf lie:-ifi . ~•.,. ..i.:P:', 4 ), '.:..; ; f :::,- '-e.Rtliti,ves for re-consideration, because of
Nit- %Ville -rloeS not' seem to understand the amendments Which have been ' , made to
this at all. - .lie will-make • others go Iris it by the Senate. Sbould,the 1-19kso l agree .
road, or go trlottet. and as•might .he expee- to the amendments, , Congress 'Will have
ted, the lattr ris generally-his po,itiom , , made an iiiiPortant advance in the buiiness
11e11:4;-tie.iiitlieli41,:iinary;.e.xeelletiftlilaV , of : the ' Session, iiy taking the iirat'step - to=.
hies both iir head and heart.. '.l-le is very . wards provirling.waystmd means for carry
fir "friralititt Ili tif enlil r blUOil.; , (l Sit rig it iniirf lag-04' the:Goterainetir.itTra.. - Int. - ''
perbutr, dull, in many quarters, he has. been : .•. . • - 7 .-_-.
represented to 1w; hut, nn the' euntrary; he • Resuntption in Ohio.—Resolminns to.
is.tiaturally„kieillieartecrand playful.‘:.:lltryeirforee immediate. resumption have..pasied
would not willingly or deliberately , . injure . the Senate of Ohio, and . there is but littl e - .
aity human being,: and the personal ditliettl-Aotobt 'that a_raW . ‘v itt ,a,..„fi,,,e, tiro first
ties lie haseneountered have resulted entire- (if March as the time.
.• .. .• . - •
13r• freni it 'tile hastylemperand iliortglitleVe ,- ~----'•,--":, •-- - ../ .• • ' •...._...• - . ... ,• . .
ne , s . fi e u ttiite's him . 9 . •elf:4o,7l;ie.4lra wII into
. S
o /Mpill."rhototf,Tlie Teitie COrres
embarrassing , rositions i , out 01 . which he pondent of,the New York Srin states that
finds it Aiflieillt to/be •extrieirtntr :witlinut a c ))) i t mitre& of the.. Texas. /louse' of Rep.
Consequences which; -1 know, no one de- yesentatives- has reported in favor of'im
i'lorci3 ninre ,than hinreclf.:. NotWitlititatt. • peaehine Ex-President . f.ainar,:for fitting
ding•tbe rptickties's Of biS tenriter.he is yet out the. Santa Fee Expedition. .
"iingtilarlY cord and :colleeted when .danger 1- •
is impending. ..Hill' . When he is surrounded I , COh•fol.R. NOutorson rerentlY presided
wih angry thrretrtS.:tintl in the 'ink l't of ar a meeting. ..of the : Friende • of Ireland St
excitement. Ire is. alway's fortml, ealui and •Frfn i kf or t,.. ICy.
''Se.lllll)S.9l.FSed. :slid .416.1,,,,..,,,,t, pi
. .orby r .
the storm..'' This' 14 a siorrular arid pecriliar
eharacteristic of Mr. AVite/.'ititil Oil.; MO that
Sl4 - 'lll5l illefifici . Slet',l. .with Ilial!y other (prAi- •
ries whirl' distinartislt him. lie is a matt
in Al respects strietly ItorroralrlC, generous
and brave,--rearly either tof,:lrgive or to. re- !
stint an ininry. llis, personal appear:6,er.
' is, rcrnarka Me, but . 1 , 1.1 i ilre.riltipess ; ite: of
till stature. 'steed, r. and irrw.4l . rtired; very . ,
• leng limbs; has 1104 It:dr.:mil cyan.; .wise. !
, !tilliire l'or , ita!l.!birt. 'not high; very Wide
month, full of regular white teeth. winch
he has a great firetilty of di, , playing: high
' cheek brines; .a thin. visage, , wrinkled:anti
of a somewhat ghastly hue. The express
ton of his countenanCe is always t full id
- im,„"ifie, ?e n d exeer(lingly. varied, .At..tirtres
it i.•;ittirtir fill, at others serious, . angry,.and
bitter, rePresenting pretty faithfully his
particular Mond and, disposition, iln : was
milica c iviiat Princeton Coilege, ap
pearaitt7e_al•plit .40 years : old. 2 . lie never
can rise to•entittrnee as.a.Statestient, atilt in,
' My Jridgetrient he: has already. reached the
zenith of his Clitie: `lie has•gcnius, but he
IS . like a Wild horse: unfit for practical Use.
Ti is Mimi ii - iTinliscintiim . icliMiriiis naiiiiral
priticiPles are not -fiXisl.-.. Ile hi -Useful in
an .assattli, atfirthat is all even then. it
is 'about. an equal (draftee, that•if Ire. finds
the. walls of the'enerny- ennobling froth
efforts Of his , own .well-direeted , and- vigor. :
ons`blows, lie - does not attempt to render
die victory unavailnig,
SESSIONAA over :intriOne. n o d - we wish
- from bottom of our twilit that tve would
eonseietitionsly sa .. y that anY tbinghill nr 7
eurreil, !mina its pass:ige,. from uI itli we;
email ati.;tr favorably his fiarittony eir ef
fieinney itl the action cif ('lmi!ress. in the
Inure-lvflierefentativis, t i n-the•" contrary.
most of the 'last week has +melt spent in un
profitable awl intmetimes angry - soothed
upon questions Avllielt . , I. t them issue
Ihry uri let, had tin necessary r'elatimt
thr various 7u! impotiant natio n al court rns
to whielt Congress is'bimittl by-every eon
shirr:allt-4,f patriotism and duty t t devote
all us powers. and all i►s intellect. We
trust ve•t. however. to see the !louse %loch-
caw its charaeter ht• a rerusuiption of the
habits of and tlrlitteratiou %Chilli are
essential to the successful discharge of the
duties which the Constittitiim has devolved
upon it.
'•l'he only kisines.s iiiiportanee trails
aeted qii tl!it "Iltaise,,nfltf-presentlitiveg (111
ring the last weck .was passage of the
hill to repeal,4he Bankrupt Law, which is
uow bt fire the 'Spume, in Which hotly it
has reeeived• its , first and seeontl•:•readings.
and is expected to.: come up to4lay fi4 fur
ther consideration. .0n- the probable fate
of that• bill we have no „remark to make,
except one, suggested •by an intimathm we
have somewhere seen, that iqc the existing
law of bankruptcy he repealed, an entirely
'new •ael,• enthialying• desired amendments,
may - be passed by Congresb •to fill the
eliaScit Paused by the eradication or the ex
isting law from the statote•hook. Where
upon we say. let no man a friend to
'a uniform bankrupt system in.inty hypo, or
- Oder :any, inialrfiemion, • delude him self
witbithe vain imaginatiim' that .atiy other
bankrupt la w will -ever he subsiittit..ll 'for the
present, or tliatAhe system now estAilish
ed by, law •will ever be iittproonal upon in
Lilly other wrif then bytnnethltimitts engraft
.ed upon that 'stock. '
In pie Senate, to authorize the
issue of TreaSury Notes to unr pty the, de-,
fieieney"firthe Treasuiy, Whie .
Misty passed the !louse a Itt:pille tativeti,
has • been • passed, with amicildniiiiits; the .
prineipOrnne of %ritiel,i goes to strike out
the proviso revoking 'the'
remaining to the
. Treasory tinder .the
tiVhve 'million Vian'aet of the' Eitrit . Sea.
skid, to the 'extent; WhiiteVer . it ri6y . 130,
that. Treasury tiiitei 'army he issued - under
this bill.'. leaVes ;the hill o'simpla an
therity to reissue notes to '
mount of five Millions of dollars, (being the
must c . onvenieni;if not Mode in
ti Bich that al - Min - tit tutu be burrowed in time
to meet the present extgene3. ,in n
, um
to. tlie, yet- ntieice.ento 'outliority borrow
ilifftifent, find: `Wyerit•• prartica ,
_Mode: . .Preeitieb? :stieli 'an
eilaiitineit, the reader'will" . recollect; 'tea s .
rectnmended, by, the . Secretary"' of the
in'his animal TepOrt,tit elingress,
119 10!IP o f the .upeaqs . ., of
eieney ir. , .er . fourteen millitinO of dollars
in the menus *of the current year; 'emitted in
'part by the debts entailed . ' on the Whig: . Ad
niipistr,aiion by Ite'preiltiee'sitir, and in part
the . reiiiictiOn . the' impnsis, - this
year; to the' rate !eitabliiilied -by
the compromise net. • We' ,qUote the" See
retary7e report: , ,••
meet Ole ‘;.il:;fiCiency in the: year
1842, montiiing 4144:218,,57A
respect illy reccontinenile'd tii thingress. to.
i,,A extension •ofY•tittttPrP 3 -:.witliiii
whieli the residue, of,the,
rt4iily-ati thorkzeit: sha reiteetti a- .
lileolinomitimOlNHetol.4V(l4‘lo.o '
e 4.6.480(11V rh.o7!....crefoYqhf,-;noi'ea
liekitopre. mak rixe4 , cmoyoti,u.
to ; fivo qtdpitara!,n.:l,
fir: lluntNr. who 'was late 1p lost near
.111oshy., Ohio. has'lmt•n (Omni dead in a
but n ith no niark4 of viorence 10 his
Dyrrreirre:--34r. Vintliruill. a
nif.a.lter ni•thtitesittlatttre of New •Viirk;
11iirms that the &lit of that state is twenty
seves.isillitins anti a half, inStratl of set'en
tern and a halt:
11.A . 517 ICE.
All peructs intlii.l.ted In-the estste"or Jacob (los&
ha rt. of We 4 imcmhornugh towiiship either'
Ball and sAlle their respective :M(1) 1 11119 all or before
the 15th of .littitttry tirst, tillerthst lime the borks
and papers will he left with the proper officers for
Nol(mgerinilulgence esti lie gIVI•IJI. •
WM. PALM. I .— )
, Jonuary's,lB42.-.-St
'pin; respectfully informs Ids friends
- I 311111 the public, ticit he is.carryink •
M the slit* recently erected. in the rear of Rheem •
:indtbert's ware house-, where he -is prepared to• ••
do all kinds of work With- neatne.4.,dunibilitv and. ,
'despatch. Ile s lyy strict attention In business,
efid let epiiiiiilitioiPti t a - merit - rece
a share of public it:01'011:1RP.
More proofs, of—ilitt-effii•acy.....ofAl)e....llarlicla_
medicines. 'Mr: Joints Hartman of tiinneytown,
Pa., entirely ein•eil or the ',hove disease, which he
ivas t.t hided witlif ir six years. _llk SyMWOMS were
SeltSe 111 lllRlenaltatt and opareSsiol, after eating,
distressing pain in the pit of the stonrielt, nausea, dinmess ef sight; ex
twine debilite. flatulence ,acrid
ramiting and pain in th- rittlit side, ilcir•esii•iii 'of ' l *
distindwi fliatiaess. Awl wit able to -
'miaow Ids liiisiaess t. idiom ettliSing immeilbde ex
-11.111,4bn' and weirini•ss. .l Hartman is happy .
silo.• In the :old is -wino' give aay i
to- th • afil;eted. r.•slecting the
lien, fit die ee - iieised from the use of I),. lharliell's
nmpatind Str.tagtlte.iing -allOl (lermaii -A-perient
l's•inci pal office 19 North Eighth street, Plaffa el
ide in . •
m sal •at 'll • new; Store of .1 .1 . Nlyers 2. 1 : Co.
Anil Wm. Peal Sliippensbnrg. Jany. 29
TE mo.commotlinos School. Rooms, itt
the basement of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, now occupied s s
Mrs. Stevens. PORSP;MOI) will be f.. 11 a "
given on the first of April. . _ I I
For terms mink • -
4gent for Trustee:.
Cal-lisle, January 5, 184:2:—fit.
To eclaa n *es.
Prqpiaxls;will be received, tolmilit a Church, at
ltiddlr Spring, nn Saturday the
. 19di day of Februa
ry next.'sit which time and place a plan will Ike ex
hibited and other , lICCVSEUry information given by
the committee,
3011 N. 'COX.
SA M 1...W11E1111Y.
1). S. RLINSII A..
Middle Spring, 3any. 2-I, 1842.3 t."
. " \ • O'1'1 1 1`
To the cretlitnis or naoirl,p.'Sher
The assiziwe ender a deed of assiqament for
licnefilof thecre,litoeh of said Sherban,gives wdi. '
that he desires ill claims ae•d anicm to agnu.. t tl:
said Daniel to hi• left with William i
Caelisle,na soon as'practicable properly authentic:di
ed for settlement
.Inm:try F 6,1842 •••.6t., .
Noir c
. .
Ethee of Samuel a:Edwar. deed.
estate.' of Samuel C. rolgar, late of Shirprna
hurg,Cornherland county. deed.. liner been granted
to the tithseriker: Norme is hereiy gitra to all per
sona indebted to the above estate tn.makt payment,
and thoae lotting claims to pertent 'twin- legally
proved* to Robert.C.orluom of Sltippenalirg, or the
tathseriber, on nr the Ist into I Sle.or other;
wise be barred of all b‘nwfit n said etude..
January 1.2,.411.12.,—,5t.
CAMR, to,the plantation of the aitbscriber. about
' the first tla•of Ilocetalier, 11i , 1i1,a.. ,
. ..
il..A.Cli - STEER .--•.-- - --- -.-. .
— 'Sad sneer es about eighteen ntoidnir: - Rui f uzi• '',--
old; him: rega white , kali - one white ,1 '''''
! sji?t, iii tlte forehead. and ichitle.i it each ~... ~.0
ear. Ihe owner is tksirtitl 40 :conic
~' - ----2 ''''''''. - "' -.--
forward. drove proPertt . par charges, and take Mot
!away; otherwise lie,will be disposer) -of aceocittagio
. . ~ .
.1().F:Pli . .BRANDT.
. . . .. . . .‘ .. , .
Monroe tp.iJanuary 5, 1842..5t.;!:
. ,
. I. s ! •-•
anextensive nisortmet Otter:Tin .
Seal, hir Seal, Cep and Cloth Caps, *bleb w
.be sold at reduced pi ices by
Sliippentiburk; limitary 19;194°.
• ,
- .I, 4 I)IIGNEIVS' 5,A1141E,: . :' '
The subscriber, assignee. of Daniel P. Sherban,
Will - sell 'on the premises, on the 24th February
next,. at 10 o ' clock A. i M., a TRACT RP
LAND situate in Westp tins ()rough
about threelnilea fr,071 Carlisle, COMA - g
.i„0-11Acres and 60-n lies..
. .. . ....?
The tintibilitaiiirralley rail rt;io - T . , . a t hrough; the
ton:tonal the Inutile firtl ra. ''.:siosie.. , About
20 aeries sire" elcired, the balam... • - 'recereirwitli
thrisiM; timber. There are erected upon it, a, first
rate': .:.. 4 4TOAT 1g .1 ~. :,,..,'''' ~. ;
• Willi MI /11.4. - W l Zti , '-''' : 11 • -
.. • . A GI Kitt , ... = t •S
. ~, . ,
I It 0,4 f; Silo -U*E." ,1 , _., ' ~ ,....s - , ..
.n litrise , oceimitll as n. distillery, Mut out &lilies. .A
:pinup ef never failing- waiee stands 1,4 , the'ilneir, , •
Sleuth' the'prmerty•nnt',he soli; nettle° tiaritien
tioneil it will be , retitlvil Ihl. one t eel , : -'-: • • :,,,. .. ~..
-- -, - DA% ID "poutx.,:ksomee". --
. ,
:fatiniter' 2it, 11142.1ti1ii,; , .:!; . • z, I.i, :.?,,,, i, , ., , 1 ,
+t , o li AlarFistnirg ~Intelligeneer; insert tilt 'day , of
.aale, an d' mark price... ' . .7