6pleaadid Lottericslor JANUARY., •1842. • . .. • I r ir ; inia , Well bur--;. Lottery.,_s: , . , CIRCA A; for 1842. . To be drawn at Alexrndria, ,Va. on Saturdny'„On • • -'. 22,14.1:nuary; 164 e. ,--' GRA NI) CAtkI'ALS. •,. • I prize of $:;0 3 , 1-10. - :* 1 prize of •- - t1;363 1 Al of . , , 10,000 10' prizes of • •1,3( 1• do of s,oiiii 10 do of • I,talA 1 do of 4,1100 si •do of ' 1,000 11 -Ito .of 2 500 'ro (10 of ' 600 1 711-of 2;00;.) --10 da—of-----____slll - '• di 'of 1,8(10 10 (l o " of 400 Ist. 11.-Iwn nulther $l6, 2.1 draws, linniller $l5, Oil draw ; muntle.q..;,lr, 401i1miwn.mumber irs, sth - orlit'l drawn number sl•2,iowebi.prize $10; ... Irin!cera olly slo—'.lalves's6—Quarte.rs..s2 50 'Corti fkates of packages of 25 whale litlkr.ts $l5O Do .' do ', 25 lie.tv6ii , 'ilo'. !• 65 Do - do 25-quarters do 52 50 , Virginia:Leesburg Lottery, - Class 13; for 184,2: To Le drawn at A lexnutlr4i Vu. oti Satordpy,i:2(l • 'January, 1842. . • . 131-VILLIANT_ST:IIrXr....7, . , .. . .. . . t pi ize of • $40;000 • - ill Indies of . $1,050 1 do of 15,1)00 t.').o. .do. of • , .1,260 't do lof', • - • 7,000 '5O do of 1,000 1 do Of ~ • 5,190 60 do of. • 500 6d0.. of ' 2,0001 7U do of • 200 . 2 'rickets $1.0.,-lialr'es S5---Qcnt . ters:s2' 50. ,• Certificates of paoknges of 26 Iclittle tickets $l4O ' do . - • do ' ' 26 half. do 70 do - do 26 quarter do 35 no. Di'rkeis.and Shares. prr •Certilicaten n f -Park agi:ain the :donee Splendid Itotterics,--addi•ess .I.*G GIti.:GOIZN" S. GO. M3ll:l;.erfi, • ~. , IVashington City, D. C. am'sviogs 'tent immediately alter they arg over to all Who order as above. . . . _ . -N ot i ce,-.. - . . . i • Estate. of Dr. John Frazer, deed. tfrrzits OF, ADNIINIS'IIt.\ TtON on tin -14:4 estate or Dr. Jahn Frazer, late of Smith Mid Ifietr):l - tf)Wll'llip. Ilt•e'4l., have •heen - graidial to thi• 8;11).3:libel. .residing in said Iniviiship: •Nnrics: is ' lii.v..ehy given to nil persons liiiiiv.v claims a•sainst said eitsite in ri prese.ii them tot settlement, nii'd'tlinse in -11,!!)(C11 ti. inake : p iyment , on.or before the first of Fehraary nest, I.' • . - GEoitar. -o , DoNNgu,,,i,:drer. ne.ember, J 5, 1,314.--Gt ' • , , • ' Noike ' All persons iclebted in tli st.ll, , e.rlbereare. liert•by n uiti d to settle up Cleir rrsi+eetivc aqcounts ist of Carlisle, Doc; 3, 18/1 E. Et BIN A: CO. JZ.ve Joatzted in. Carlisle for thepyfßose. grii2anatiatluting:anil-84iia; Hathaway's Patept ':! . tiot :Air Cookinw Storeg."' • • 'And_ being aware dint the people in this place and vicinity., bare been much imposed upon by the in. troduction of new and highly recommended articles which tlicy have been itidneetlto ptirchase, and u hid) have Wen so s,ightlylivole r atul,ot such bad materi ill, that in it 611111 time they latve.faikd awl become --useless...iVe, therefore, tln not iatetal ttlferiu,g:staes - fur silo u n til they are fairly tried i - a this community, and prononneed more (hirable iu •their construction, better adapted to the purposes of killing, baking and till the varieties of cooking than any other stove; also, that they are n greatsavik; of fuel as well tin laour. t n . ". We earnestly invite farmers as Well an resi us_of this place and the imighboring villagesitn will on tis at S. Wontleelicit's hotel, or notify us by ,letters (kounge Unpaid) that they are willing to ley sole st-ive—and the stove ahail be placed in the kitchen of eveey perpti giving stick notice, and ' , taken away atter trial, without any expense to per sons making the trial. stnyes . will he kept for sale at the Tin Shop of Me..laeob Prittley,and at the Pountlry of •Alessrs. Lay and SmMil_tr, in Carlisle. ill.tving emir:toted for' One Hundred Tont of castings, we vi ill, in a few clays, supply stove deal ers with all the different sizes, on the most liberal • • 'term, ROMNSON, of- Carlisle, is agent setting the eight is make, and vend the lltrr AIR STi )V t't will dispose picounties in this and the adj~ini t{ St,ties. Po'dish the follnwittg rernmendations from ',lnv! of dElse wit') are using the stove, to encourage others totry it. ale Refit. 12, IE4I. I have in we in my kitchen .me of Hathaway» pat= eat II it Air Co-king. Stoves. and can recommend it as a c'ere nt;teriar article: •The one I hare is No: $. It Ills .0') till , rs and :I'l ovoi snlllyiently large to hake sic I ty).s of borml. I) )king. roasting and 'broil ing can nll he done nt-the same time and with nu& le r) w' )1:1 iltio is regained I . Jl* any stove Which we li:tvi• lo.mears to he 'peculiarly calculated for Rt,on,rs, old for benefit I invite then' to cull WI I iec (1114 St we in usr., Rs I shall take pleasure ill showing-, this stove to all whom interest or cariosity moy induce to examine it. • • SINIDN wuNDEnum. ca rbre, sept. 11,1841. trs.' E. Robinson & Co.—“EJITLEst est, I have during the few days I have had your Ilathaway's Hot Air Stove in use, become convinced of its great soptaileity. over onetime stnyewl have used or seen. Iftmi by the trial that boiling, roasting, bak ' ing and Limiting may' all be dime at the same time, in a unost perfvet intitmer, - and than one fourth the fuel I have ordinarily used for the same purposes. I have Iterrtnlhre been of the opinion that • bread could not be well baked in a cooking stove, but I am convinced upon trial that it can be done as well in your stove [ism a Mirk. oven. I believe •that the general Introduction of your stove into use will be very beneficial to the 'bublic, there're I shall take pleasure' in recommending it to my friends. Yours respectfully, WILLIAM MOUDY. • Carlisle, Sept. 10,1841. . 1 1fesys. E. Robinson Z.s Co.—gentlemen, 1 have fairly tested the "I - lot Air Stove" which you putt up at toy house,.and can recommend it as possessing prinelplesaf economy lied 'convenience 'far surpas - sing tiny miter stove Winch I. have everieen. The, boilerti coming in immediate contact with the fire gives it greastutiiities for boiling, and t' e oven is heated on such a painciple that bread is baked in as fine a manner as ma brick oven. I find' it also a _great saving of fuel and labour, and would advise all lo'aulopt MITCHDL McCELLAN. • Chambersburf, .Sept 6,1841. • dn certifs. that,' MA now using one of Ututhaway's Patent 11t t Air 'DMA Stoves; No. 3, and • do.recom mendit its superior to any stove I ..have seen, (lie greet rovingof Nei, and the variety thaucan ht. °Oak- Ing-Wt•the same time, makes it an object to those who wish to facilitate the operations 6ftfie kitchen.: .1104. CULBERTSOI4, --.Cartisle,September Dry 0 tioilf; I have received, and will open this day, a fresh BRIMOS of au gotals,and:aeveral j)iecee of carpeting, street, in which .street bargains are always offerad by' CHARLES 13A1114ITZ. Theeember 15, 1541. • Diamond, and'Pildt -Cloths— Just received 111'0 fur sale at reduced prices by QILAPPINGER. be CAREX. Shippeulburf,o, Dee. '22, 1.8414:: . • •.• . _ . M 4 RlNoEs.French,Ceiikaii and Eng ' fish Steria.)esonst reeived An extensive assortment, at the store at: ' . CLIPPINGERICCAREY... Sliipponsintrg,Dec. 2!2,1.841 ' • Water Prooflideits! . . -,llnet received jai Men & Bois wear , and selling to, NIKO° times sit. hiteheep ekore. .• Deee. Ist, . ,CHti:S. Temperance Almanacs irusr,r 9 ceivw and for sale by S. ELLIOTT Just.receired 111 dozen PALM }MODS, slid for sole by CRAS.,I3AII..NrCZ. ' Deeembe 15,1341. , "*"" • . . ' • Jr AI C 0 g 3 IF Erick: it . . Ream le.ivo to ,retntot him thanks to the public for ir.-tlyttrool7,e hitherto' ext.: titled to him; and respect, illy i•tr•ront him enstoniermand the peoitie generally, hat he still eontinurs the hominess of Cabinet ..Trak 41g,- io all its branches, zit hitt old stand in Main s(reet, where he Is always vett: ly to attenNto orders in him line. ' , parlisle;Nriv. 17, 1811.-51 n • • - Pease's Clarified - Essence :of: ..trokieholeild str!andy., The subscriber hating been appointed Geoeral A. , tent for, the, above celebrated article, respectPlll3 offers it to.the inttilie either wholesale or ret.til: . (r:ri'urchasers are requested to bewitre of coun terfeits. E. NEW GOODS. The Subserilum bas just o'pelietlfit sonienslbvtineut of _ . consisting of sillier black ,iihieldnet: and other Cloth's. Ca ssini eres,Sattinc , its, nem , -style V estings, a Variety of Manse de Laiiies, second . .mourning and Mack Thihet Antlf, Welsh Flannels. Rogers ditto for shirting, Gloves, Hosiery, Edgings. Laces, earn-, Mrs. Oil Cloths, Artilicials,RlLlialle,Meriho Skirts e ns' anti Cfadrens' GEO. \V. lIITtiEll Qurenslvare' and .Groceries, SP./cr..% &C ; with a great 'ills:let's. of other wtods all.of whiSh-he will••sel I at a sip All profit to suit the thisea. Dou't forget to ealrosi . • • .. • S. M. ;lARRIS. Carli.le,Sept. 26;1841.-Iy. ALMON - just - rcceired and for pnle by J-.-& 1.75 'Coromao. ICIACKEREL and Canlfiab ,for nig by. J. tr. E Corainun: fill= best of •bleaalied Sperm mid Whale Oil for .11_ • sale by J. &.E.. Carman.. IDICICLING 'Vinegar for sale by J. & E. Corn :a_ Ast, ,wir. . ' . NI CIITG A R Iron se and New Orleans Molasses of the 17, best 044 tor sale by J. & l. Comtism lOAF and. Lump 'Sugar. The subscribers have . A received n large supply of Loaf and Lump Sugar, whfch the'y offer for sal q. wholesoie or retail, at reduced prices. • _ St E. Commun. - PERM Candles for sale by .& E. Cornman. LJ Cnilisle, Ott. 20,1131. • G ODS. .lest received at the store of ANDREW RICH ARDS, a general assortment of • Fail Si'Whiter Goods, 0-insistli l in part of Wool and Cloth dyed Black, Blue, lirtisible Green; Adslaide, Olive and Green - c T.: 0 T S • Mark, Brown, Invisible Green ' Olive, Diamond, Beaver and Pilot Cloths; 11l ne.Brow n mixed plain and figured C a s..i meres , new sty l e . Sattinetts of assorted ertlors,lronl 50 cents to $2.00, beaverteensjenn cords, canton flannels. I ell, white. y e ll ow so d green flonnels :•---ticks, and muslins 6-4 3-4 merinnes, moslain-de-laille and Saxony chat figured and plain. ,Figured, plain, striped. barreti jackinett and swiss- muslins. Fawn, mouse, black. blue black, slate, flowed and ' plain ail ks.,, vpßonnet salmi and ribbons, new style. Shawls, gloves, hosiery and shoes. • Cloth and fur caps Carpeting, hearth rugs, floor cloth,baizes, and blankets. Color ed and %bite carpet yarii. Fresh Markrrel,ingeth er with a .general assortment of Qtreenerenee ond Groceries, which will be sold at moderate prices at his store. "Carlisle, October TO, 1141.--if. FRESH GROG .R TES. The; subscribers have just rece ived at the store room lately; occupied by Mr. C. Foster, in North Hanover street, Carlisle, a large and general assort ment of VE US Mi 'Mill 16,1 China. Glass and I 2c — ' QUEENS WARM whichtimy will sell on the nspt,liberal term's. They invite the public •to-call and. examine... •._ _ J. & E. CORNMAN. - . • October 13, I FAL S. DUNLAP . ADAIR, afittlorney at Leitv Has removed his office to No. 3. Beetern's Row on the public squire. : • Carlisle, Oct. 113,,A84. Liver',Gemplaint Cured by the use of Dr. flarlich's. Compound Strengthening. and Alsiient Pills. Mr. William Richards, of Pitts burg, Pa., entirely cured of the above distressing disease. Hiis symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting acrid eructations, aitfiiffentioir of tim stomatli,•sick headache, forret! longue, countennnee clump(' to a citron color, diffi cult/ ar breathinkOlisturbed restoittended with a cough,great great derangement of the functions of thekliver. , Mr. Richards had the advice of several Opticians, but received no relief, nail! using Dr. Harlich's 'Medi cine, which terminated in effecting a perfect cure. trl'PRI NC IPA L OFFICE; No. I 9 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, where testimonials may be seen: r azdeliy John.J. Myers Co. ? arlisle; and W . Peull,Shippenaburg,Pn, THE VERY LATEST & CHEAPEST YET!! • . . New ',Goods !H Sliglinturl4", I;7' us ~ 1 1P II L E a Ttlieir old stand, the Rail ro tl:froM he eastern Cities; an extensive , issorttnent ;, • ; ' Fan 10 - leidter. GoodS of the most Thshionablemyle; Which' they are deter mined to•sell at prices to suit the times, Persons desirous of Mit-chasing goods are most eardeitly de- Sired to give their a call.: • 'Hargalas way boexpeoted.. December 22,1841. - . CM • SPOCIAC COVRT. „, ~ - • • , .• Y virtuo of a 'writ fi•codi the tiOn...A.rrsott Y. PA . '', 3 3 itiss,• - PiTsident ,fudge of the 12th1.tliehd m j_ riet of Pennsylvania, hearing' date , at carlisl4, the: th doy ‘of'DecorobtiriV.TVlB - 41, . . - n oce .is horeby given that n Speolal Court will heheld by the= said - Hon • AnEO V. Parsoasotatthe - -Associate Judges of the, .Court of Cominon Pleas of Cumberland county, u the Court llouSe in the borough of thirhsle,en mowing on iklotalny the eitt of February, A. L 'lB42,titcmrtinue oneweelc,forthe trial of certain causes depending in the Court of Common Pleas of .Calmberland-county, in -,obrelt Hepburn was concerned ns counsel for one of the 4 parties. prim = to Iti& — iiiipointme . nt as President Juke' or the - Oth Judicial Distract--said rouges being em braced sjthin the provtstons. o t •seettotrof• sn Act of the Ceneral Assembly. pa ss . 6l the 14tIr A pril, S 3-1, relative . to • the organi z ation of Courts of Jostit:e. 'Of said Special Couq,JurOrs and ull persons concernedorill take notice. PAUL MARTlN,Sherifr. Sheillf 's OfriCe, Cstliste, I)6c. 99,1)41 .la4t.reccireil a fre3l)-stipply of CI26CERIES.and 'arsale; by • • December 20,1841.. . . • S. ELLIOTT Nov,10;1,841. , • . M=U=M Leather & INltircieen-Shoes & Boots ALSO, .4NO,THBR .1111111VdLI '(271 4):t: - : : ,0:4*.Ti_-.0.1,. - r - .''. W - C AI .1U '. ciLO 0 ,:':.:04214.14:04,1...:, WM Craig, Deltas 4s• Co. ' •,_ . . - • . - rilt,,,;•-• &;;,*.tk '4.14 7 ;f- .- -. , .• ;lap ' :X,7#-e• ' MIR; .. , ibbIVISH . S.SION -7 iic FORWARD : .... •IN G.: MERCHAN TS, have rerricived to the capricious Warehouse recently becupicti.4.l)._Leuch 6c,_,Co, at the nrirtli-westcOrtier ICherry and, Broad street, Phlhntilphta. Prom the finalities which the location and internal arrangement of this 'depot 'afford, 30 to 40 Burthen Cars can be accommodated to'untoad and load at the same, time w' h sufficientroom to store 20,000 barrels of ploar,,a d 400 to 600 ton of Grain exclusive of the tr i forwarding; d, * a lment. • Produce o f .every ileScription Will - be; received as usuaton , consigmuente,and liberal advances made on receipt (if required) until sales are elibeted. ' ' Clt - MG; - BELLAS4(. Co.-,----L' . • . -. . 14 ortlt-Avest - cortier of Cherry &-Broad st. • . . . Philadelphia. , . . - TIEFEtiENCES. VV: S. &bean', Caihier. ~ , •• . Henderson •S: Parker, - Corrine. 'Henry Rhoads„ ~ . Sanntlersonk,Bosserman, ~ .Texol) Swoyer,Nettroille: • • Parid Nevin, &Wen:door S. Logan' Smith, . . Esq. Cashie-;' Chainberoiirg Eyster, Hum e. CO,. , Hobert Fleming, ~ . Catherwond lkErai,.., phitaeciqu ,,:: Wm. R. TlOmpso4iCti... 'i" !.' 1 . Whitall /54,prown, - J liee , laniesburg Line. • Belatteens'.lPlechanirsbarg and Philadelphia or-Ilaiiintore. tij - 0I? CANAL] T HE subscribers giateful for past faorS, beg eave_to inform their friendsund the public gunerally,That they still continne42. run as line "of Mirthen Cars regularly between Nlechanicsburg and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods and pro , duce of Lill descriptions -will be forwartird with care and despatch at the lowest rates of freight Produce will be received :at their Ware House, in Mechanicsburg, nod forwarded to 'either Phila delphia or Baltimore, according to the direction, of the owner, cj'The highest price_ will be given for \\'heat and !loin.. • • Ir v EST3 ACH Sr. MIILY. N. 11...lilaster of Parfs Mid Salt .always kept on 'hand, and for Sale :tithe lowest itrices: • - . . . • • .• . INDtIVINITY-..AG , AINST. LOSS:: • Fl - Tim FRANKLIN FIRE 'INSURANCE CONI • - .PANY O[ PIIILADELI'II IA; • Apia/ S4oo,ooofiaid in.t-hrter-l'enpetu at, C ONTINUE to make Insurance ; Pet:Rumen! and •Litnite(l, on ever,y description or Property, in I'OWN AND COUNTRY, on the naiad favorable OFFICE, I G3a Chesnut street. near- Fifth street. • CIIAIILES N. frANEKER, President. 'DIRECTORS. - Cli ART.E.I3ANCKER, Sk:itUr.l; GRANT, 3AM 15-SCIIOTT, -* • Fa'`nsnrcx. 13noNSc k THOMAS I IA TIT,' .1 ACOII R. SMITII, TIIOIIIAS I. Allif TOBIAS Irsounn; • , Monny:CAl lAMB. CII MA'S C:.. 11.Y.CCKER. Secretary. tb - The subscriber, A7,eut rot the above comimy For the boroug`h of Carl 'file and vicinity,will prompt ly-attend to all appri . eations 'for 'lastly:rime, whether made personally - 41r by letter. Residence Maio street, nearly opposite the Car 0111're. IVNI. Morel' , Bar Iron,Glass 9 &c. Just received at the New Store of the subscribers, I Tons BAR , of first rate qual it) , and for sale %cry low for c-s e'r con%ignound, 00 half Boxes 3 by 10 111111 to k c lrß ove ., In by Wl...terra Glaxs, 'in gond order,for sale to Mth.chants at Pittsburg prices, and Dunennnon beg ' NAILS, BRADS AND SPIKES, at Manufacturers prices, also, out band Wit heron's Celebrated patent PLOUGI(S, FLAX-SE E D OIL, by the gallon, or !Carrel, (HL MEAL, Wetberil IJro't. Pure WHITE LEAD, MAHOGANY VANE[ HS, IHASERMAN &. BUTTON._ Carlisre, May 5, 1841. GOLDEN BALL HOTEL WUST -THIGH ST.;- CARLISLE.; The sithkeriber, thankful for past:favors, hereby notifies the public generally. that lie still continues at the old stamLitearly opposite the College,Campus, where lie willitt all times:be found ready and wil ling to accommodate, in the best possible manner' those who may favor him with a call. :The house is located in the most business part atilt? town, and is near the stopping place of the Cars Mt the Rail Road. •The !MONIS are large and airy—the TA-. BLB will be supplied with the very best the markets eau furnish—and the BAR with thechnicest Liquors. Ills charges are I.: winnable. and he will endeavor to by aviidnity anti attention a continuance of pub lic pan-Maze. • BO ‘RDERS taken be the week, Month, or ye r. pROVERS and TRAVELERS will Sad trbitheir ibtei'est tp strip with him,as he has nlenty ofstabling, - and a careful OSTLERalways nt band.• ' ANOREW ROBERTS. Carlisle, Sent. R. 19111 Tiustee: Acem'iltiL In the Court or common Pleas . of Cum berland young/.. - November ‘.22, 1841. Slides Woodburn, stirvicing Trustee of Simnel Caldwell. presented to the eourt an account nr the execution of his trust, nod :11ondav the 10th day of January, N. 1). 18-It2, is 'appointed fol• its-*nitfirnin- . tion and allowance by the court, if .on objections be made—of which all persons interested will take notice. • GEO. SAND! . .RSON, Prath'y Cm , lisle, Dec. 8,1841.-6 t. CHARLES iVOCLURE .. 7"/Vit ArEi .IT LA If.. . . ... . Office in - High street a few doors . west of the Post Office. 48,1841.---tf , •i Dental Surgery. THE SUBSCRHIER respectfully:: tenders his grateful acknowledgmentato the public for the -very liberal share of patronage he has received dur . ing the past year , and would 'still continue to offer them his prOfesSional services - 1u their various bran ches at his residence, No. 7Harper's now. He fileS, cleanses, and plugs teeth, Old insertsincornuptible tarrer metalic artificial teeth in the most approved manner.. Charges al ways moderate, 3. C.`NEFF, 141. D. Carlisle, March 25,1841....;-if !! , I.# . -D ry- GO o at 'Cost. The subscriber jp noir offering his entire stock of dry goods nt cost for cash', Consisting in•pnrt of CLOMS, Cd2'S S:TIVEII2; S. f'd SSI RET7'S, at from 34 ets. to $1,20. MERINOES - from 25 cents to $1,25. .‘ A good assortment of Whet; Beocim; Merino- AcHlasilLetAlipivl@._:. Mons de hdoes, Minim:sand CalicO6s; *moiety of, :Cambric - lulgings.. Triseitings also Cotton Edgings and . Quillinds, silk and coitoo_ Thule,. Bonnet Dress Silks, Cheoe alikl — Plaid li t. and Neck .Ribbons; Gloves and Hosiery of various kinds. . . • 1 .,„. • GEO. '%V. INTNERI '4Deeembe•Bi'lB4t. •• • • Tetie, Teas, Young' Upon; Inporinl, _Gunpowder, ,and .111a014 Ten,jiult received - very fine Mi C d fresh. • ' : ' . • • WAS.' OGILBY: New Cooking Stove. ,JACOB FRIDLEY, Nortb Hanover steeet,Optio: site Coromaos' Hotel, is agent foiAbe sale of, Hm.1t,7 , ., .ways' Patent • • Hot idir. Cooking .Stoves 7 . which he . U.arranta to he 100 tier cent better than any other stove heretofore known. : --Farmers, Tavern keepet:A and others are invited to take those Stoves CM trnkand if they are Noi pleased • witb'tbe operation oh the Move, or the price, they may be returned, . . . . . .. . - . . ' . 3. F. 'still , .continues to ' • T'""' ' , , , ' llt , • , . •• • •• • I r .t of all deserlptiona,among -.--- I.* -.....7 4 1. , ..'....] ( 4,,,:—whielt- - are - th e improved ' •:-&"_.) Rotary ,Cooking .atovra so _,.,.._,-,....... . .-. 1.... r. Uniref'Stil l Y approved; stove _ _—_,.—..—• —furniture, tove pipe.; and a ----'--. ---- .-----... ''.-- --- _ general assortment of Tin, . . Sheet iron and Copper ware, Which lie will dispose of on reasonable terms.. . _ - . . . _ . ' Orders in Town and Country; for House Spouting or other work promptly attended to. . . . • '.Carlisle, Sept. 15, 1841.-Iy. • • DR. 5..4: STE,WART, Thomsoniftn - Botanic Pr . actitidner of r lone anitObstetncs, 2 .Alexander?s Row, near the Rail 'Road Hotel, • • V.SPFICTFI Y 'informs , his frbind,sond the IR. public 4enerally, that (through solicitation) he has remorMl from Shiremanstown to thirlisle, where he May fcnind at times, unless professimmlly engaged. The afflicted shall at at all times he treat ed with purely Vegetable Medieines,"No Pols. " and in strict aceordanee with the principles lafd . down by that grant reformer in - Medietaseienee; Samuel Thomson. Clirnaie eaSas, such as Csnsamptions, Liver Coin plaints, Deopsies, ltheamatism.s. and Qttneers, are more p r icnlarly infirmed that the New System is admirably adapted to their eases: . Toy:111(1s from a - distance can be aceem — m - etlated with B lartlitor - while - under - medical treatment, on reasonable terms. •Carlisle, Julyl4, I 84L--tf. 001.T6ITS 001=2.' CATIST, dONSUNDMON.—SimpIe as these complaints are- tistially - . considered, no -one can'tletiY their being the most commins cause of this liital Indl distres sing disease: 'lila indeed a melan choly truth; that thoustnids fall Victim's to Consunip. ticin evdev year:Poniiid - other cause than ?weeded rohls. Yet we -final littutir6lB, Many thousands who treat such complaints with the greatest nlifference, and let them run on far . weeks and even months with out thinking of [ll6 danger. At first you lidve what you•may consider n slight cough or cold ; ydu Ocasu re or carer(' ssness to prerou you from giving it any attention; it then settles upon your i breast, you become hoarse', have pail's the side or ' ..chest,_:expectorate_large_mnantittes_of_mater, per— hap.s tiaxelliitli - lifoint - ,=a - iliffTeultv of -breatliing..etn, - sues. and then von find your Dim . foolkh neglect has brotte;lit on this distressing complaint. If .then you mine his or Health, lie warned in time, and don't trifle %dill your COLD, or trust to:nny. quack noatrum to cure you. but immediatily procure a bottle or' wo - 1 - 4 - 11 . ust faint-sus remedy, the '.IIAI SAM OF Wmn -Ortnitiev T tl-whieltissrell_known tribe the Most speedy cure ever known, as thousands,.Will testify whose lives luive , been.svetl by Cylle very ftartieular Ai hen you purchase to ask for Dr. NVlsrtn's litt.siot or \Vim? t.4tEnnv," as ther,e is also a SYRUP of-this name • p re pared ; %tholes:lle and retail, In' WrtmASPikli. Co., Chemists; No. 33 South Fourth street,Phihr , Sold in - CaVli=le by• S AATU EL ELI:to - FT : . Price On Dollar a Bottle. October .20,!8,11.-L-ty: ANOTHER .4 LIFE SAVED. By the extraordinary virtuea_oL that unrivalled • medicine, the "BALSA:NI OF WILLI) CliElt- RV," the %cell-known Minims remedy for CON-1 SUNIPTION AND LIVER CONI PLAINT,' EOM: DS, COLDS, ASTHMA, nicoscurns• CROUP, NVIIDIMING COUGH, bm.• IVillianis%rg, Sept. 4,1841. To Dr. WIST AR—Dear sir, it gives me great Pleasure to say, I have found much relief from your Balsam that I have to send, to you for more. I have only used three bottles out of the half dozen I pur chased, yet it has done Inc more good 'than all the 'medicine I have ever taken before. A neighbour of mine whose wife was very low w kit Consumpion, persuaded me to let him have some of it, and bought three bottles, which she has taken also. I saw her few daysmgoomd she told me she believed it was the only thing that had flayed her - She had tri ed every thing . hefore,bnt notning did her any good, and when she commenced taking it was sick • in bed, but is noW up, and looks better than I ever saw her before. As for .tnyself I urn sure it will cure me entirely, for I feel better 'every day. Send me six liottles more by the bearer, as my neighlkw wants three more. 'They sincere friend, • SAMUELCO!..ES iriTlie genuine Balsam sold in Csidislety SAMUEL' ELLIOTT. . Price One Dollar a Bottle - . . Sept: 22, 1.841.—Gm. . . Read what it has Bone. And if you have a friend, a relation, or know any one that is afflicted with that distressing disease; DONSU NIP HON," permute them without de lay to Cry Ihlt Cullom; and unriyeled medicine, the " BAILS M OF WILD COMMIX," which has cured thousands of this complaint after every thing else hail fitileol. Read the follewineundoubted • ptoofs of its efficacy, lioxaonouoit, Sept. 10 1841: DEAR Stu :—Please scud me two bottles more of your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like OW you sent me beTar6. I have taken neatly all of the first two, and confidently believed tilis metliehte will cure one. have used a . o,reat many remedies within the last year, hilt have neVerfound anyllsing, thathas relieved me so much. It has stopped my cough entirely, checked my night sweats, and 1 sleep•better at night and tbel better at every way . than 1 have for many months. Yours, respecttully, 'JAMES KELLY. HOmaatimmo, Sept. 12. 1841. FRIEND WISTER :-I must again trouble thee to send me two bottles more of thy invaluable Balsam. 1 I have now taken three battles in all, and can, assure thee that it. has done me more goad Than all tlie:medir oine Inlay° ever taken before. Send by the stage as soon as possible, and oblige thy friend, • .1 AVM 11014.0 WAY. Dictum, Sept. 8' 1841. • DEAR Docroa.eariug so 'many people talk of the wonderful cures , odr Balsam of Wild Cherry/ has made in Consunmtion, I sent to mse of your Agents the other day for. n bottle, and have found it to have relieved me so much, that lovant three bot ' more sent soon, as 1 believe rt will cure me too. 1 have used .layne's.Espectoraurtutd..other medicines besides, but nothing has ever doneine ns much good as yours has. Send by the steamboat Boliver. , . Yours truly, IVnit.sst Toost.m. (o:Besides its astonishing efficacy in Consump tion, it isalsu the most effectual remedy ever discav, ered for . LIVER, COMPLAINTS," ASTHMA., nitoNctirrrs, COUGHS, CROUP, :WHOOP-. ING Cot)Gll,..Ste., as hundreds will. testify who' have been cured - by it •after all ether remedies had DRUGGISTS and DEALERS find this me= valnalile addition th their stock, and should alwayakeep it . oW hadrl , RS it iivnitiversally acknow letiged_tobe-cine of the most usefut fi imily medicines now in use.- , • (y . 'lle very particular to oak for Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CI I DRILY. Sold wholesale and retnil by wuLumvtrlie;Co., Cliemista,No. SS South FoOrth stree',Fhlhulelidlia• . . itcrThe genuine:Reis= sold in Car lisle by, SMittUth - ELLIOTT, appoint i.i. Agent. ,' .• - .:. .. _ j - rice 1111..00 a Bottle. :piiOnfpb ' 20,1841.—...1. 7- . .- • . ~. .- Ali r.:i4 -.4i, , i0. - tiiWitr..; - Tin-plat ii, eWork& . s Respectfully infuems the• pnblic generally .that - he still cunt nues his business at:the Old Stand, North Hanoverstreet, - tt . et thui - rilci - the Cabinet nop of W Milan- 0. (Alison, where be has now on hand ond is still manufacturing, every article. in the line of histraile vconsiging - of .. - , . ' • Haile's?, Fullers' and Wash K S Tea: Kettles, Tin-ware of every description; Stove Pipe, Prip- . ping - Pans, Drums, He has . also for sale the esi assortment of Corn mon,.Gooking-ainl Parlour- . - . sivbro ever offered hithiS place.. Ilts'common wood stoves and conking stoVes are tif every size and 'variety; and his jeirlour stoves (for wood o. coal) are of the newest patterns. lie 'ltns in t ditinn the Rotary cooking stoves, the Radiator stoves stud Radiator drums.for parlours, which are unsurpassed for com fort and economy in the use.vf fuel. All of which its offers on the lowest terms for cash, Carlisle, Aug. 18, N. 13. Old Lead, Pewter,Copper and Leathe" ta ken in exchange for stoics, tin or copper ware., , CAIIIINET • iII,II,KIN.G. VV. M . .C.'. 'G.1,8 SO.N Still . cootiiigcs th'e.Caloinet itt,nil its :vs rititts.:bliattches, his old ;stand in North .11aitiier sweet, two doors iiii • Ove.the store of .1 . 14 m. heroism' ; where he is now" : rOariticacturing, and intendikeeping on hand,a great taritdy of . , CABINET FURNITUR E, such as Sidelmards,.Bureaus,Secrelaries, Card, Pier, .Dining and BreaklitsCrahles, Bedsteads, of the most fashionahle kind, all of which, he will dispolie of on the most reasOnahle terms. Tlircjis_alsoliiepp-_. red tn ` filrifl orders for SPRING SEATED SOFAS and FANCY - c-; - ut-A44 0 --wari.anted-40-be-or superior , quality. . . He will also furnish COFFINS at the shortest rot-• tice,and.lhiving recently procured n New WAUSE, he is prepared to attend fipterala in the country. Carlisle, August 4, I f341:,--ly Presh_Medicines. The subscriber has recently received large addi tional supplies of • Medicines, COIOES, Dye-Slugs, Linseed Oil, Spts.. 'Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Painters' 'Mashes,. Varnish BruShes; Hair Brushes; Spermaceti Oil, (very fine) Sperm Candles, Soaps in zrcat varied/,' Wass Lamps, Cap and Letter Paper, Fruit, Spices, Perfumery, 4-c. 4.c. which, he will sell to Physicians, 111ereltants and others, wuoLEsm.v or by RETAIL,III, the loWest rates, having purchased 'entirely for cash; he will offer bargains' to those who• wish to purchase at wholesale._ March 24, 1841. Orew . procery, fi V.IIIIET.I' VIE subscriber has just returned from the Cities of New York, Philadelphia nnd Bal timore, and-is. now opening at his store room S. E. Corner of Market ° Square and Main Streets (for merly occupied by Ceo. W. Hiner,) a general as sortment of Hardware, tone Ware, Cedar • Ware, lirillania Ware,' Groceries, Oils, Paints; Varnishes, Glass, Brush es, Whips, Canes, Lamps for - . • -. burning Camphine • Oil, and a great variety of antfeles useful and necessary for furnishing and keeping a house,. He hasalso,and t will constantly keep •on hand '" Cauiphiiie Oil,' • • a cheap and elegant substitute for spertri oil, and having been *minted the agent of Messrs. Backers and Brother of 'Newark N. 3., for the sale of Joie's Patent Lamps in this comity, he is prepared to fur nish Lamps and Oil. at it.rery reasonable rate to all who may wish to wise this now and economical light. ' Hiiving selected his : goods himself,and made his purchases for cash,he as able,and is determined to sell I. ow. Those having the cash tolay'ontwill r fjpdittgtj9 advantage to give him a call. HENRY DUFFIELD. Carlisle, July 8, 1840.—.4f. CROUP IN CHILDREN. • MOTHERS, DE ON YOUR GUARD.Thii is the season when this destructive complaint attacke your interesting little children, often robs ,you of, those you fondly doat t.n,and carries hundreds to the grave. ' Every .mother should therefore, know its symptoms, watch them closely, and always he pre pared tvith a remedy to cure it, as many are daily . sacrificed-by such neglect. 'At first the little patient is seized with 'a..shivering, it grows restless, has Hushes of heat, the.. eyes begrime red .and swollen, it breaths with difficulty,and then comes - Amt. fearful 0011011.*tlivilt surely terminate -in 'convulsions or death unless semething . iti immediately gii'en to check it. In this complaint the-" Balsam of Cherry,'t is well known - to be the most speedy cure ever discovered. It is-indeed a preciousyremedy mildj'sife and innocent , and is sure to give-the little sufferer immediate relief, and quickly restore it.to safety, and health. Familiesresiding and , indeed every .mother who loves- tier children, should always keep this medicine in the houlie and giye it to ,them eauly, by .doing So yeti may often save the life of one „you londly love. Remembir this is the famous remedy' of this distiguilhed IhY- Malan. , Dr. Wilitar, which has ,Cured tho man( s of CROUP. WHOOPING- ..COUGHi; AgTHIVIA, CII!NSUIVIVEIOI% . I, &c., after every oilier medicine has failed. , . , (Re' particular when von purobnie to ask for "Dr. W f srAa's.Decs4nioF Al7.lLn Cuennv," as there is n SYntrp of this name advertiled that is entirely a different medicine. • • • =. . 'Prepared only by Wmusits & Co., chemist., No 33 South 'Fourth street, Philadelphia,•, . Sold by. _ SAMUEL, ELLIOTT. Prtee One Dollara . Bottle. . .oetoher 20, ' „ ' DR. I. C. .400 MIS, Den list, IS permanently located in Carlisle, and '• Will perform all operations that 'are 'required in Pental , Surgery, such us' Filing, Plugging and Ex tracting Teeth, and inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth to a whole set. lb• bill alSo attend to all dipeases ofthe orndll, guars, Ste., and direct and regulate the first and second dentition so ;113 to render thwteeth of children and young persons regular and beautiful. Dr. LOOMIS may nt all times lx' found at his of fice;M) PILli strect.nrmnalte Maefarlane's Hotel. For the cure of iria/c. Watery. or !food .Shot Eyes, •Erleeps. limn on's, ,I;;.1 InAinuition q'the Eye-litls;• Dimness of Night, I'ersol.-91 I ject.t.., any of these, maple:is:tot disor ders. will kid • has the aaiost ell;ictlaiat remedy in use, Ss it seldom rails to Emu „r may these alrectimis by at Caw apolicaiimucvith iattlac le,ast ineinivenieuee ThOhe whia.ireirotableil with a DININESS 01. sir.ii.i. laid it a vistilaW remedy for stretagthmiing the eyev.improviniz'the sight, nod pre venting the ilimilesstlaat areises from straining them. It will alsit-be Maimd particUlarly useful as it Wash roe the eves of young children, to remove isallamlition, mail subdue ilie humours to which they are so liable. . . . Price 50 Cents a Bottle with fall direr lions for using. --- - Solltiii Carlisle by • . - S: - ELLIOTT: April 28,1841.-1 y . • ' 'Mese valuable pills are 'very gentle in their opera= tions causing neither pain, griping nor any nauseous sickness. They exoeedingly cumfort and strengthen the atonatelrantl bowels, and clearin g ; thesight hear:- iiy attil memory of 4tgctl persons, •by carrying- off pblegrns, ivatePy matter, putrid geoSi and. thick hu m Ors Iron). the . stomaell 'bowels. and blood,. whielt .nitikes them ~so '.celebrated far removing conOk, rbctunati sms; 'Mini' front the, both- a nd limlis,vi ive j, pile's: sick Stonua.th, Ili stirdered bowels' and werms. This Medicine isnlso iw infitlible euve-for fever and agile. For, the cure, of comstimption, diseased wind-pipe, ulcerated sore thraut, lungs mtill liver complaint, -night - sweats, hushes of - heat7linctiing - iff (IM - stomach tightness across the chest, pains in the breast and side,in Werile:et cers ; -piles, sorepyc..s.,sorelegs, ulcerS .ar every description, swellings, rhenniattisms• they stop the spi of 1:111011 and heal the port alfectedt !file l'ittlaceo Blind 'pills 'are prep:trill expressly for. the Strengthening' of every part of the- system-and healing. all ulc rs mid sores, puril;yine, and removing all bad humors from the blood, which is olten brought .on front Min ntitelt sitting or standing, or. 'by expo: .sure from sudden heat to cold. AVeakly debilitated_ .persons 'are.Particulory advised to use them, us they strengthen the bully in 11 superior Manner; they are not imentled to operate on the bowels $n much as on the blood, as too much purging will destroy any weak ly constitution, itiol has carried off its - thoulunklitil world unknown to tts. 'lakelhe adi ice of Otte who studies to sage lilt and not to kill ; weakly and debili- . Wed petions slmuld not purge nonce than once a year 118 it often tames Wings 011 00111.1V00ellb• ALWAYS BEAR TIIESF. IN MIND. • Shuford county, Pa. Sept. 7. 1840. Dear Sim—l no ate to ,let you know that the Lord has done great thingsliii . ' - me, whereof I am glad.— When I sin you in,Fredericksburg, I think I said I had been 'acted with a very . acid (soar) stomach, nod subject to a violent pain in my head for more than twenty years, for which I. took rhubArb and soda three or four times every day for this many years, with little or no eel ef, and my legs and - ankles were so much swelled that I was onable,nt times, to attenitto Inv business. But since von made me a present of n box of your Fondly Pills I have taken one or two of them at night iii liming to bed, nod now my acid stomach isretieved, the swelling in imy legs-has new ly disappeared, mot I do not think that I have been hindered one day with the pain in Thy head: since. I beyputto bike your vainalde medicine. I think Lord directed you to Fredericksburg, to administer to my (Messed be his linty nome,l am greatly relieved.) 'I lucre is lit hug in my neighborhood a poiir old woman who had been sick n long time and could get no relief, it length I purchased a box of yoUrpills unit gave them to her, after it 'while I gaw ky nut and idiom her business. and she said that the one box had cured her. I have spread the fame of Snits valuable medieine amongst my. acquaintances, and many have porchnsed. Now, as it respects my self, my friends tell me when I go to town, that they have notsven mtliwilt s' well for many years, and I say to dt, m, I will tell you tile secret why ! . n short time ago I met with aD. Davies in town, and he gave me a box of pills, rind they have m .me look as vounow see me.' And now, my friend, I hope that flue LOyd will continue to be with yon,mid wake you useful to your. fellow-creatures, as he has hitherto done. , . I remain with respect, . . , CitART.E3 Dnucx. S. ELLIOTT. STORE. Several Females have - been cured of,the.fallitig of the womb, by taking very small 01414 at intervals. -Harper aLl'etwy, August I I, 1840. DR, W/kf . DAVIES —Dear Sir:—l sin happy to in form you and the public, dud Fhave been cured of that dreadful disease the Rheumatism, b. takinp, , your Family Pills; I have been I. baring 'ander t ha t dis ease for m a re than n year, during which time l tried the skill4the best ph3sician w it hput eff et; at length 1 was induced to try your medicine:l found relief .after taking half adios, I continued to take them until had 'taken five hoses; my age la 71 e a rs,and'l cop siderthat nonelmt - the ,Old awl rheumatic persons know how grateful I feel to the medicine that has restored me to heath. %Vx, the undersigned, ate agents at Harper's Ferry for the sale of Dr. Davies' Family Pills, we know our neighbour, Mr—Die, sold him the'pille of whit!' he speaks so highly, and believe his statement to be substantially true. Respectfully, W. & S. 13.'ANDEIISON. Mrs. C. Dorton, near Locust street, was diseased. T:If• seven years with a lump in the left. side, humps all over her skin pains around the small of her back running. into her stomach, which prevented her (to use her own.words,) from eMingone particle of meat; the first dose removed the lump, and two b fixes set her at liberty. •• • • • • • • was severely diseased with the blind piles for twenty months, and prostrated from the loss of blood; and one and a halt boxes of DayiesFaMily• Pills has made an entire cure of me. J. Jouttsom Washington, D. C., May 7, 1841. • Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail, at (4 . 265 South third street Philadelphia, and by Mr. Jolts Gnsy, Cat lisle, general agent for Cumberland county Penna. • Al;o, for sale by W. &.T. Loudon, Kingstown; Eckels & Pireovid, Hoguestow it, M. G. Itupp,Shire nianstown,LLongileckeri Wormleyturg; Wen eenitut, New Cumberland; StephenCulbertson,Ship- Nensburg; Wm. Barr, Newville ; James Leebv, eAlirg ; Henry Leas, Mechanicsburg; Josiah Hood; Springfield; John Hood ,Stoughstown. 011CrPersons wishing to become Agents in the villa ,ge*. itiyvhich the pills, are. pot sold in Cumberland county; will be supplied with theritty-callinguit Mr. John Gray, Carlisle, Pa., Mlin •is empowered to 8. 07 :point agents. Yainily pills to: those swim purchase to sell agebt,wlll;he charged $2 per dozen call. or $2 2 5 . to sell on commission; tuultlieTanacett Blood pills at s4.‘citillt, or $4 50 on commission. Retail ! price fec family' pilla 25 , cts per-box; Panacen bleed pills .50 cents per 'box. Full treotionsler using them accompany ettell'box. ' . Carlisle Sept.ls,l/144.-.6 . 11 • • • ,ittpets! , Ingrain, 17,enitian, Hemp, and 'Cotton Carpeting, jupt received and fur sale very- loWbv. DecTlst 1841. - -: • • CHAEL . :OGILtI.V. . Ju'et received 20 bozos RAISINS, and for 'Mel) , " tbebox only. •4 CHAS: 11/iItNITZ. -Deeember,ls;lB4l. DEXTISTRP. • :Disen . s . cs of the' Eye. CAI:1!(.V.51) DR. 130STOCKIS - Celebrated Eye WO"r,4 • • ID'A VIE S Family dhoti-4'lllmm Pills. • rd 7 A LK),„:Lia - 'Davies.Pantic6a Blood Pills, Yours, reap( ctrully, Hays' Linimentb .A 0 FICTION. Thisextraordinary chemical cOmposition,the r'e'- suit °ltch:nee and the in veation of a celebrated med.: ical matu,the introthittion of which_ to the' public was Invested with the' solemnity of a deatik.bed.he 7 guest, has since.gained n reputation unparalleled hilly sustainingtthe.correetness of the lamented DO, cotifession, that' "he . dared not . die _withotd.giyingtoposterity the benefit of his knowl edge on this snbiecr," and lie - therefore begtieathed_ to his friend'and attendant, Solomon Hays : the secret of hiS discovery, ' •, It is now used in the principal hospitals, and the private practice in`nur country, first and, most emr tainly.for the cure:6lllle PILES;and also extensitv ly and effectitally est° bafile credulity ,unlesi'llbere its effects are witnessed • .. Exsernally in the follow ing complaints: Foe Ibropsy---Creating_extraordinary absorption - . at once.: . _ • Swelling-I—Reducing them in nfew hours. Itheumatinm-•--acute M._ chronic, giving quict ' Snre Throat—By cancers. ulcers. or colds. - Croup and . Whooping-Cough--•-Externally and over tlw chest. . All Bruisee, Sprains, and, laurns , --Cured in a feir lours. • • SOresrind Ulcers—Whether fresh or long slant , ing,nnd f:over,poivs. ' _ itsuperation neon adultwantl children in ftqliicrni rhea ITwaic mailings ; nod lonscaine canglia Amt. tight ness of the cheat by rel,uxAtinn al the parts,llllB been snrprisine licyond conception. - The common re-• mark - of those who have used it in the Piles, is "It acts like a-charm." THE PILES.--The price, $l. is refunded to any person whri will use a hottle of Liniment for the Piles. and return the empty bottle without being cured. These are the posh iveorders of theproprie. tor to the agents,and ont-of many thousands sold,not one ha's been unsuccessful. . , . We might insert certificates to any length, bul prefer that thqse whn sell the article'," hould exhibit t he original to purchasers. - . • ..70 Physicians and Patients. ' The.flind Piles, said to becurable by external. applications.---Solomon Hays warrants the contrary, • His Liniment will cure. Blind Piles. Facts aremore stubborn than thebries., He solicits all respectable physician's to try it .upon their patients; It will do-. diem no harm, and it is knmen that 'every physician, who has hail the honesty to make the trial, has can • didly admitted-that-it liar succeeded in every case they hare' knowif. , Then why mat - use itl• It is the recilie of one of theirinost respectable members, now =deceased. ,Whylrefuse to use it ? BCCOURC it 113,110fd as a proprietary• Medicine ? Is this a stifficient. ex cuse-for suffering their honest patients to lingei• in distress? - ''We thick not. Physicians 41)811 be Coo yineetl,thrit therP.is no limploig• 'or •quacker:y tibout thii article.--WhY then not, allevidie lorman stifrer ing,'l: If they won't try It hefOrP. let them - . aftee.isH other prescriptions , fait. 'Physicians are respeetfully reque'sted to ilcitliemselyo and patients the Justice to use this article. It shall 1;1 taken from' the bottles and done up as,theie prescription Willey desire. SOLOMAN - DAYS. • Sold liy Comstock 3c. Cu. Wholesale Druggists, No. 2, Fleteher.street New York, For • sale . ali , Tni by S'rEVENSON MIVKLE, Carlisle, Pa '4t -• • - % TIMIS'S - 11EALTILL.,ELIXIR. . - There is not one case.of Fever in a thousand, bNe'l may be effectually broken up' and removed by the use ofthis Elixir. It riimoves all acidityindigestion bilious matter and•constipatime from the stemath and bowos. It operates gently and effee4ually toe' die bowels, and powerfully on the kidnelb 1111(1 skill It remotes all unpleasant feelingsafter ty - meee and promotes a good appetite. It needs only ato to give - perfect-satisfaction. hints become a gene St practice with many to use this article in. all vales colds, pains in the bones, or heavy disagree able feel ing, tendering to headache or chilliness. For hoarse" ness, Winkel' through the day; it completely restorci the voice. without producing sickness. WhoopinE eongh,and'all coughs of children are cured, by it.— The stomach is kept in perfect order by it, and, it i s quite impossible that any disease should commence while a person is usiiig this Syrup. cry If taken daily it produces a rudy, healthy , and young appearance, by driving off all the humors of the system. Sold - genuine at 2 Fletcher street. one door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co. , and by all respectable Druggists. For sale also by STEVENSON 4r, DIN- K LE, Carlisle, P '/ Balm of Columbia British Consul's Office, Philadelphia. KNOW ALL PERSONS to whom these pees eats shall come, that 1, Gantarr RoulJersox Esq.' his Britanie Majesty's Consul -for the C . o Philadelphia. an hereby certify, That Robert bar ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificates, is Mayor of the City of Kau ; and that Mat thew Randalt,"Eaq., li Protlmnotury of the Court o Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadel phia, th both whose signitures, with the Stab of their respective offices. full faith alld Cre(lil IF . d I further certify. that I am personally rcqua!med with Joseph L. Inelis,one of the signers of the certi ficates hereunto affixed. which exprem a li ! e {II ear • of the Balm of Columbia. and that he is a per; great respectability. and worthy of full faith and r. ' tlit; Ow I have heard him exprestihis unquali ed approbation of thc4ffierts of the said Balm of-Co lumbia, in restoring his hair. noder m) hand and kcal of office, at the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the United States of Amerien. ;Read the following " ROBERT WIIARTON. Esq., late Mayor of Philadelphia, has certified, as may be seen, t o the high character of thefollowing gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that vre ',Ave used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Cld ridgeiand have•foutichit highly serviceable not only .its a preventiv e againsithe fulling oft othair,but alsc a certain res torative... WM. THATCHER,senior, Methodist Minister in St. george charge ' No. S 6 North Fifth st JOHN P. INGLIS,SSI Arch st. JOHN' D. -THOMAS, M. 11 , 163 Race st JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce at. . • .HUGH McCURDY, US South 7th st. JOHN YARD, jr., 12.3 Arch st. . The aged, and those who- persist in wearing wigs may not always experience its restorative qualities yet it will certainly raise itsvirtues in the estimations of the public, when it is known that three of the a bove signers .are more than'SO years of age, and th e others not less than SO. Joint DYE , . [From the 3fayor.]`' . . ;COMMONWEALTH OF PETIMITLVAN/A, . , • ",City of Philadelphia. I, ROBERT WHARTON; Mayor of said city of . Philadelphia, do hereby certify.that I am well ac quainted with Messrs. J. P. _lnglis,Jolin S. Furey e and Hhugh McCurdy, whose names are signed to the' above certiffeate, that they are gentlemon.of charms , ter and respectability, and as such full creditsbould: be given to the said certificate. In witness whereof; I have hereunto set my band, rL. .and caused the seal of the city to be affixed the 'sixth day of December, &c; ' ROBRT IVIIARTON, Mayor. . • OLOBIDGES OF COLUMBIA FOR .THE 11A1R.,-Its:p9sitive qualities lire as fol- I lows .. • Ist. For infant's keeping the 'ma d• free from Scurf and causing a lusitrieergrowth of hair.' , 2d For males - after Child-birth, restoring the skin i tejts usual strength and firmness, and preventiegthe ifolling out of (lie hair. ..'" . ' • ,• • Sd. For any tiersortrecovering,froni am debility , the same .. , .. j .4th. if used jiti nfancy till a gond growth is " tarted, 1 it may be preserved by attention to the latestpeited of life. Stli. It frees the brad from ilandruff,• strengthens 'the ronts,imparts !lentil' and vigor to the cireulation and prevents the hair from chaughigeolor or getting lay • ettli, it causes the bait! to -Curl beautifully . 'ilien dime up ipit over night. • .. ~., . -, . ~ • ,V7-Nn ladies' toilet should ever beniade,Withont it. 7th. Children wholiave by 'tiny means contracted . vermin in the head. are iranfediately and. perfectly >core'l of thenri by its use.: Ilia infallible. ' - • ' . (For Salefat the drug. store of Comstock -fiZ, Co.; Fletcher Street' near Pearl, and in Carlisle' by Ste, _i'etisan &Dinble. : - tDes.l.6 11340. , —1ft _ . lIM ;ILBETiT ROBERTSON MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers