Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 26, 1842, Image 2

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ikrald Ex • •
.1.951 01.
or • C
A/cLivinED, JANUARY 18, 1842
'FELLOW .Urripiss to cuter
upon : , my second and last Constitutional
term of office; as the Chief 'Executive mag
istrate of the Pontriton wealth, tzvail my,
self iof the-oceasion'.now presented, to re
new.-to-my felltitY-Oitizens the annuncia
tion of the prificiplOi*iiith will guide my
oUrse in the „perforMWe: of the high
ties imposeu dim. constitution
and laws. It iS'O'souree of tnneh gratill.-
•• cation to -me tn:state, that it is comparative
ly a brief and -easy iaSlt. The address
which 1-had the
,honor to deliVer to my
fellow-citizetis on, my first induction into
office, - contains, so compridiensi've and mi
nute an expression of my. views on sit great
Aufrition 'y, that could reasonably
be arise., and almost to preclude
- the necessity of adye4l6c to.them again.---
After a deliberate perusal of- that'addi
• ind a carefulconsideration of the mime
perplexing -and "vexatious questions whit
have hitherto been presented to me for no,
tron,:or tvhi ,, ll-1 can.expect to have presentr
ed here after, 1-do not- find a single word
or sentiment that I would change'or mridi-,
fy. As it-e.preemAl my opinions and de
terminations -three years, ago.,
and laitphatically expresses them now.
fur To t - o it in ca eh - a ru 1-t ;•.ty
• sentiment still. Additional light has ntily . i
made it-inore clear Li) my.-thind; addition-•j
• al experience - has only strengthened - the I
convictions then felt.
I need only say ; in - connection with it,
that the present collation of. the,„ cnintnen—,
wdaltho tho' appari , ,ntly•more, ethharrasing
than it was at tlfpt period.,, is. idreality- very
• little if at...a1l I,dialig,ed. 'Thu pnlifie - ,debt. is
'subi3iatitially the same, = the pnblic burdens
.only increased to. tneet.obliglitions then in
.currett-=the public ImprtiVements are more
liroductirera nd-tpublie—revc,llues„essa tt
• augMented. Obr lianking.:systetn;
- then tottering, to its fall, has been examined.
- with searching SerulitrY by. ithe public. eye,
its. faults have been detected, its um:
soundness e x posed, and its dimgCrs,guard
,etlagainsH3Y the disSeipination of correct.
'information. The wild and-headlong spirii
-of speculation 'has been checked: • The
. undue miihiplication of the public debt lids
' 'beep restrained, and improvident and waste
'fa-expenditures of:the funds . arres-•
tcd. Experiencelms painfully deniotistra:;:
:t%(l to the conviction -of all, tt hat the saga
',cious foresight of sotne apprehended-41W .
'nations, like individuals, when they make
''.-too-grcat haste to get rich'' -.tire in dangi.r
of bankruptey_and ruin'. •
lir f J
r. silt, tiirt•-xticretr - tn - de was no pro" s
peat of •escape; but we were, - verging so
•near, as to. render our•reseue alike timely
tand perilous.' Cases of individual hard
:ship no doubt exist, but patience, industry
and enterprise will cfrecL a cure in most of
-them; and- for ' those that retnedilcss,
'we can but express otir spnipathy and our_
•soyrim. I trust the latter class is but limited
in nurrihcr and extent. The Common
.wealth, herself, after' a short struggle biq-ne
-with fortitude characteristic of het-citizens,
anti the integrity' that they would• scorn 'to
:Cornish, will overcome all her pircuniary
faithfully fulfil, her engage
ments and proudly maintain her honesty
and her fame. If there be any oilier citi
zens who 'would pursue a different course
they. wilt be left undisturbed in the enjoy
ment of their peculiar opinions, and will he
pointed at by the rest of their fellow citi
zens, as the victims of some mad and dan
gerous. delusion.
. Reformation in its abuses, and economy
in tithe „expenditures of government,. are
r•now made cardinal maxims of policy, by
all who have the good of their country at
Much benefit bias already resulted,
and more it, is lioped will in futpre result
from the 'practical operation of this popular
Let it reach every department where
lightteu'ed prudence and wisdom point the
• way. .liappily •we • have not, under our
government,• any of thoie time honored
abuses and corruptions, which in other
countries strike their 'roots so deeply, into
the constitution, as to smdanger its existence
• by their extirpation,. We can correct eve
ry almse, 'and • eradicate every' corruption,
without touching the vitality of the consti
tntion itielf.. , • • •.
In entering upon the last•tCim of office
,to which the constitution restricts me, I",
may , Vetiture to hope; 1 shall be credited
,whenl assure my fellow citizens. that my
_ ambition-is•satinfied,.and my gratitude for
the honor conferred upon, me, most . lively
and sincere. trust•l shall not be deemed
. justly obnoxiouS to the charge in my offi
cial course, of looking on ,my acts and re-.
. commendations;-to further preferment or
. re-election. I trust too the labor,of , those
who have felt it to he their duty, or :their
interest, to assail:and pervert the measures
which met my sanction, will beliglifettiedi
" and their ingenuity relieved of its onerous
taxation,to render their hostility effectual.
all act harmoniOuily together, in our respec
tive capaCities, forvt.he advanCemem. of the
public goosVforgetting every other consid
: eration, and dismissing every other counsel.
but-those which patriotism inspires. And
May that Being whose Providence Ims ever
guideitatid' guarded our beloved Common
wealth, through the vicisitudes of both
_'..prOsperity mid .watch.` over,
it, and Make the . promotion.'of all its inter
. eats, his peculigf ears.,
. •
A Washington letterAuriter says that the
Hon: •WhittleSey, 'appointed by
Genera(Harrisort , icuator of Muth.Treasyry
for the Post ofliee Department, ciontem-
pintas resigning , his pdsition,• m ~ cirdcy ',to
1 - -Akeeapt that is made on him ,by
4""..111,0hi0,'t0 stlsnd , aka elntliclatelor
',' . ' .4 ,lt , ,,State" at:the edxt -91e6-•
'in the 1 ie711,--A:
. .eorigspotiiien . t..i)flthe
. .
Lapisville Attierti6er,(L::'-P.) tiiiitingliona
Fratilifoi•G::Wheiii the Legislature ii ilf:Ses
.sion, S;IN'.S:..
(it . )]...h1h11t.i01) , ., will be nominated by the
Deluclei•atie• meniberis'''or the' Legislature,
andathers,„en Saturday - ne.xt, as a eanli
.late'for,President,'Pnd MI add're'ss will be
p seated, to, the people of the, United
States, setting forth sonic Of his claims.,
How: C. C. CLAY.—When this Sett:6i
tar's letter was read . in . the Lekislattiri of
Alabatna,•aluember, in'ridicole of the stuff
it ecitained,mov,ed that 100 copies be dag
tierreolyped with a fpll length, picture,of its
author. " Another MeMber, saidlie was not
die Posed to lei oir the .miserable slanderer
so easily. Mr. Hogan, a friend of, the
Ex-Senator, thought this wus.going too far.
It is painful to witness this violence if lan
guage, and still more so tafeel that•it was
monied. The .Setiator.front Alabama has
had his-day.. hlis slang.. .speeches
rank. him first among the' 'deinagogne.s.-7-
In the Senate, -. 69 Saturday, quite an anr
imated diseussion.nrose on the resolution re 7
latiVe to the Public Land. Fond. Mr. Gib;
bons expressed the opinion that the fund is
Merely temporary, and that the land
will be repealed. Cochran. took issue
with the Senator from Lelkigh,.and briefly
addressed the Senate: against the proposi:
tion of repeal which his language support
ed. Mr. C. declared that the people-, of
I)entisylvania,:hy the. land bill, receive their
own,.Which — th - ey - have for years de 7
_prived sof Lthat thgy favqr of •keep
ing that- bill in force, and.orstistaining the
n tienal llov6rirtnent
. y . y import duties--a
fund•of which the States separately cannot
avail thentsolves.,
- Gibbons having stated that tile Erie
Extension and . f\''orth Bran,eit..inust be-sus
pended, .or Trip Oeht reptidin'te . (l,;Alr: Ear :
relly,hrietly that will cost iv:Ore
stojt.thati.,to ;go on - with the 16e Extett--
Mr. 17!:wiiig addressed ihe Senate on the
i . subject of the debt, -embarrassments; and
resources of the state. lie ,thought•the
Fftiiriritthif - t he - firesent'adMinistf,aoo ti. - - qugl4
not .to throw any obstacles hi the way of
any tends of which the Commonwealth may
be able to awail herself. For his own part,-
he would like: the-dominant party intro
duce a bill to - provide the ways and, means
of replenishing the- ptiblic treasury, If ad
ditional taxation is :to be - resorted to, .Mr. -
E. said he-iVould perhaps vote for it, but
he Must first have a. provision that not one
dollar_ is to bellded"to the public debt.
..__Altezdtscusision was then interrupted for
thepUrpose o f going into the - election. of
bank direetors.,-110'risbui'g btelligencer.
-Sale of the Public frodes.---ac - solu dons
have been Offered in both houses_ for an in,
public works and taking stale stocks In
paympt. \%e believe that such a sale, at
this time of depression and panic, would be
a suicidal act on the part of the State. We
shinild -then loose the Public .Works and
have the State debt to pay besides; And state
taxation will be fixed upon us forever. If
such an' act passes, State stocks will rise,
so that nothing will be gained 1?y taking
them in. payment. Their depression is
mainly owing to the large amount thrown
into market to be sold at any price above .
50 per cent. by the Barrings, to whom they
were pledged by the United-,States Bank.
A. demand for several millions, to purchase
our canals and railroads, would bring them
up. to par, so. that the public works would.
not bring one-third. of their cost. :It %ay
be well enough to sell sonic of the unelM
neeted portions, such as the Delaware Di
vision, but not even that,-unless it can be
sold fbr something near . what it is worth.
The people upon the Susquehanna will
object to . the
. sale of the canal upon its
banks. The great anthracite coal fields,on
the Swatara in I.ykens Valley, f on the Sha
mokin, and. iii the Wyoming Valley. ; and
the bituminous beds upon the\Vest Branch,
and on the. head waters of the Juniata, are
just beginning to afford tonnage. Let them
not be turned over to the tender mercies of
a company, or what is worse, a number of
companies.. This .canal will soon become
a source Of great income to the state. Next
year the coal trade will be doubled, and iii
five years half a .mill,ioo_of
-tons, will be'
transported to market on this portion of the
Public W,Orks.—Harrisburg Intelligcncer.
• The Erie Extension.--Several petitions
have been presented to the Legislature
from North-western Pennsylvania, for the
immediate completion of.the canal•to Lake
Erie: As several millions of dollars have
been already expended on.this work.on
which the State is now pising.interest, and
as the canal is - nearly,eompletet!, requiring
only a small sum to finish it, it would, be
the height of folly . .to
. .We know
that the. Slate Cannot now borrow money
for That • purpose; but if it can be finished
by an issue of state stock to the contractors,
we say let it be done. •
W Besides, the t?acle of the Lakesovhich
will be carried nn this canal, a large amount
-of bituminous coal from Mercer county,.
-WM passmier this canal to 'Erie,.for con-
-suinption in
,the thriving cities and for the
There are at present in HarriabOrg,,a
delegation from the board..of Trade at Pitts
burg, arid , we believe also from' .P.hiladel
phia, also a number, of for Warding. , men
froth tlie•'cities, and representativeS. of , the
transportation • Companies upon the canals
and rail
. roadS. The 'object is . to •effect
reduction of both tolls
,and freight upon the
Pennsyls ania . public w . erks. ?
We understand that
. these.
have had Several conferences 'With 'the .mi
nal,Commlisioners and that a-reduCtiori..Will'
take' Which Will enable .our, publec
worlikto eontipeie.with3hose oflsiew York,
that!.,W,C,Filay year,.an in
'crease; and .A.,,,ciirteOqucpt
'I iiinal."*ininisSionerS•lave:agreed
_ii. - 4 , tv . ALI - : :::cji . ,: 0.....g 4 0.e.v.0 I',;c.,,i(int.lßlrOa:;,
reduce the toljs, only lin'the condition that
there Simll , be a corresponding reduction of
freight.."•.:Thk acceedeeto . , - the
reduction to commence on the first' day of
May next, and that after that day a regu
larstandard of reduced freight to be main
tained hiroughout the year. This we. dt!en,
highly important, as - uncertainty in 'priee,'
above a fair standard; - , is aura drive. the
western.merchants - OtT of our public works.
We nderStand 41itit. both !kill qua freight
:will be .redttc,ed ooe-third of its. present
pride.'ThatilOtir'ill be narriedilfroligh
.for $1 per barrel; and that the reduction
will be .so great that biturninotis - Coal mill
be married from Pittsburg to Philadelphia,
-41arristni4 Inielligencer. ,
APrOitTIONIiIENT.—The Baltimore-Amer
iettn of Saturday - last says :—"_We. learn,
from Waihingtori that the Select Commit
tee Of Congress,,have - recOmmended. 68,000
as the ratio of representation in the House
of • I,?..epresontativee - , At this ratio. Mary
land will have sixL memberS, and an Un
reliresented fraCtion of 26,125."• - I.
Pennsylvania at 44is ratio have
twenty-five members, and an Unrepresented
fraction of 24,000.
From the Cincinnati Gazette
. .
Moti,rule reigns again in our city`!
Monday evening, the Miami Exporting
.Corripanyßank assigned its efi'ects, and on
yesterday..thorning the-Bank of Cincinnati
closed 'deers. -
in,The,Morning the crovid,.in xion
sequence ,Of iheir failures, began to collect
around the doors of these Institutions, and
by II o'clock had. broken into them, de=
stoying •all:the moveable property and
whatever of books or papers ctitild= be laid
hold of. •
About.this time ten of the.6ity'.Guards,
headed by b6ve (Japtain;
atipeared, drOve' the rioters•away,.and Jot
a tintie,-galloily maintained-their. position',
'But they -were called -off.. On. retiring.
•thvy were awiled; they, fired and .wotind
ded sonic-one or_two persons. • • ,
Th e inob-h ad-with-this-exception_und is,
puled possession of the city,. and eornmen
ced an attack. first upon Bates'
Bank, and after that upon Lougee's:E,x
chanoOflice, both of which they . destroy
ed, mitkieg - .hei , oc Of every thing . which
.Was at all -destructible. - . • •
The City Council met at 12 d'elocic.---
But:they were unable; as we learn; to pass.
an ordinance for tlie,preservatiiin - of the .
public &ace, eleven votes being necessary
for this purpose; in consequence of only e;
Leven Members . lOtig - present, an'd_one - of
that number voting against it. All that
could'be - done.Was then done, vii: to pass
an order appropriating five hundred &Mars
to-defray-expenses-in - employing au extra
The citizens organized at 4 o'clock, and
put themselves in strong force : near -the
scene of the disorder. NO further 'violence
has been, committed,. and we hope, from
appearances, at-the time our paper. was -put
to press, that none will be attempted. The
guard of citizens was under the direction
of Sheriff Avewy; and Marshall"Satlin.
The causes of the public excitement
were great. It is-enough to disturb anv
people WheiV:men deliberately set to work
to prey Atpontheir necessities, and swindle
the poor and needy among them out of
their honest means.• But nothing will jus
tify lawlessness. It must he checked peac
ably if possible; but forcibly, if nothing but
force will answer.
The city is all quiet and no' further distur
bances . apprehended.
- CINCINNATI. --There was further
Outbreak at Cincinnati up to the 14th inst.
and the city Nyas becoming . quiet. - The
Repot)Wean of the 14th says: •
"There -were rumors . yesterday that the
Hamilton Bank, Cleveland :Bank, and the
Bank of Granville had exploded. As far
as we can 'learn from brokers and oth ers,
them is no founds on for these titre:M:6.H
Granville fives are bankable, and smaller
notes are redeemed at 2 per cent: as usual.
"In the present state of excitement rela
tive to. the currency, it is to • be expected'
that a . thousand- idle -rumors Will prevail,
'which must be•received with great•caation:
''The late Bank of Cincinnati has posted
up a - notice that :they. will receive their
notes in payment for all demands due the
bank; if presented within ten days; and in
terest will be 'allowed on such notes as have
not 'reached ,matority.7.'
The disgraceful . moli which broke out at
Cincinnati, has extended to Louisville.—
We copy the following from the Louisville
Advertiser of the ilth
RroT.—MfreV e larm was caused in this
.city on the, receipt of the • news from Chi
cinnatt yesterday morning. The fact of
the destruction of the banking house. of the.
Miami Exporting Company, - of which -Mr.
Lougee was understood in be principal
manager, and,his exchange office, directed
attention to the establishment of Loygee
Moore, ('Louisviile Savings Bank') on
It appears that Moore, 'in anticipa
tion of trouble r • withdrew . . every "thing of
much value from his early hour
yesterday morning, and coneedled,,himself
also. , They floor;lrot . behig, open at the
usual buirinefis hour„increased . .the interest
felt, antra crowd_soon assembled. But
littlra exeitemeitt Otiited--nearly_all being
mere. spectators : who .cnrrte• to , see what was.
to. be-done. . There Were several; however,
gathered round, the tlctorstvlto ,appeared
is.ent.eit mischief.
9 At a few mintites past ten, a'shutter was
forced of the. windows, when a
intik followed: The window,was soon de
tnolished—"several sprang inside--opened
the doors, _ when The'crovvd rushedin and
soon; books, letters, papers, chairei, tables,
in- fact, the entire eontents of the ,office
were; into the streetts....smidst the
shouo,o(the mob, - • '
. .
. . . . .
. •No eftort.iwas made to arreitAlf* pro,
cc : a - flings, until ,Mr. Turter,'*r gallant
and :efficieiitTiiy •Marshall,...riivett,. , w.lio
got into the office and commeneed tumbling
the: principal rioters into the street. Being
ifded•b3 Messrs . : Colgan; Cocke, and 'bth
ers,. the room ,ryas soon. pleared,.and, quiet,
in a great degyee,:reStored. :•••• • -• .
We have .not: ascertained whether the
papers . destroyed .were of value, but *pre
sinne.not, as such werellopbtless removed
with the funds. The entire Joss carinot•be
'e are persuaded that, had • Mr. Moore
opened his office at the usual hour, and at-
tended to his linsinese in the ordinary way,
ihere'would hare been bui little excitement
and no Violence: A rim might have been
expected under the circumstances, 'but the
fear of . beinz called upon to redeetri his pa-•
peroiiight not to 'have drawn his
post,. •We have reason to believe that he
• had bad advice froin Cincinnati! r
Btit notwithstanding ilia ill-advised•courSe,
there .vas no excuse for the outrage commit-
ted by the mob. We can conceive of bat
few cases in which a'yesort to mob law can
he excused, or wen tolerated, in a civilized
conimunity; and this certainly is not one
of them! This transaction is a disarate
to the : city, and' ought to fix the mark of
public scorn on all engaged in it., Nte
hope they will be„,hrought to punishment.
Give us any kind of law but mob-law.
MOB IN MACON, (GEo.)-11 - e copy the
following from the Macon (Gee.) -Tele.;
graph 4:if the 11th inst :
A. - great excitement' has prevailed in 'thi4
city, and the circutnjacent country, for the
last 'few days, from a report that Gen., Grif-*
tin, the President - Of the Monroe-fail road
and flanking Company, was about absquat
ulating with his .property to Texas. The
report originated, we. believe, from the fact
. his having disposed of 'a number of his
negroes to a: gentleman in Ajabatna, who
was taking'Them - awiy ; and from his re 7
moving negrcies fron,T,Oe::' . of his platita•-
tiens' in .MOrirae county to anotlier. So'
great, was :the :dxcitemeot 'in the ,country",:
so - . Strong .the.apprehension that au-‘,
other affair was .. about being iplayed
Off upon the community, that he was ar
.rested ,_and_.kept in ,custody for,everal
hours*,.and hi s . n all 'lodgediojaif for
spfe keeping,
On hearing of the 'matter, the Directors
of . the' Company had a. meeting, and
promptly took such measures as the nature,
of the-case — seemed to ilempud. One of
their body was appointed Agent for the
bank', - who'Proceeded - immetliately to- For
:Sy-0)-e, took the General from the mob, : who i
had In duressc;abd . yeturned with 'him
'to Macon. Since_then,,a - Satisfactory settle.
menthas taken place.between hirirand tlj,e
hank, "and the excitement has subsided. (.5k
• MORE , RTOT. , --AllOthOr Ismdhing scene
hat qui\c,R l 4tiv afellaritrB.l., Gmr,uentl yu.
mounts in substance to this, which we dip
. an - exchange. It appears that a man
was seduced into one of a number of shan,
ties in a particular part of the town, used
for the triple, purposes of brothels, drink=
ing and gambling shops. The visit of the
poor vtctim resulted in his being robbed,
murdered and throWn,into . the street. The
citizens, indignant at the outrage, turned
out with the sheriff at their head, and 'ra
zed the buildings to the ground.
MonElitoT.—A rising is apprehended
in Pittsburg, having for its object the de
struction of labor saving machines. The
Mayor has issued his Proclamation calling
'on good citizens to static] prepared to pro.;
tect•the sanctity of the law.. -
Snother Failure!--We have been in
forined by persons just from Canton, that
the Farmer's Bank of Canton 'fins again
closed its doors. We believe it will not
be able to redeem its issues—it is uti;•
certain, however;whetherthey will attempt
it; we have not time to add any more than
thiirwe do not believe that, it will be able
to pay more than fifty cents on the dollar.
—Masdifon Gazette.
PRINdt DE JOlNvims.—Mr. • Walsh
writes in' the National Intelligen6er—loive
ly satisfaction has been expressed by the
royal family and the ministerial Journals
at the American reception of the Prince de
Joinville. The Charivari styles him.. Ad
miralissitiie de - la Belle,. Poule,
but his
character and conduct .have a degree of
merit which render such irony harmless.
His chief object in his -American tour, is
said here to be a th&rough .acquaintance
with your steam navigation.
:Orders ii2VO been received at the Navy
Yard, Charleston, to immediately fit out
the receiving ship Columbus for sea.
ExaMiners, - appointed to report on the lo
cation of a 'Western Armory, arrived at
Nashiille orO the Bth instant, and were
waited on by the Beleat;Committee of the
House of'RepresentatiVes on the claims of
'Tennessee to the location of the Armory
within her limiti.,
Sbolitionfst arrested at dnaapolis.
—A Slave Convention, • or rather a , Con
Annapoliti several days last week. An in
dividual named Charles T.' 'Corey,. was in
attendance, as a reporter for certain aboli
tion journals. He was discovered, says
the Baltimore. Clipper, taking notes, and
from`writings in , his; possession, •is• Sup
poded to have violated a law of-Maryland,
which prohibits the circulation afineendia
ry publications, 'Sze.. He has ottert•rethan-•
ded to 'Anne Arundel countOttil . nntil
Monday. Great excitement is aid to pro.
vail in that city in-reference to the subject:
In the examination Mr.. TOrey • was'aided
byablecomiSel. „ ..• •.: . • .
Major Richard'A. Zantzinger, of the U.
S. Army, died on'the evening of Tuesday,
the 4th inst., at the'Plapters House, in St.,
Louis, MiEisouri, where 'he was in, atten T
daneff•:es Metnber of ..a Court Martial.—
itsl.been indisposed -some days, before
, •
- ,
'.. • ,
• Mr. Elder, the Post Maker , at Somer
set, Ohio, has. hieen 'arrested and imprison-.
ed, on i . oharge.of taiingloirloined a letmr
or letters fronethe mail containing money.,
Bishop."Chase.,--This-Venerahla prelate
readied hers on Su clay.. evening.lost" on
his-returh-heme -a four month's tour
nt 'the known'that thkobjeet of
ills . visit to the east was to' triake . a.last ef
'for, in behalf.of.,Tubilen'College. . We are
under the impression-that he hasimen i more
4utcpsoßtj.than_ l eould reasonably have been
hope,d for,-.-Ecori - a - Register.
Retraction.—We see it.noticed , that.
Mr. Rernird Oastelli, whp some time since
addressed a letter,to the Him: D. Webster,
stating:that the.Biehop of. Detroit had.been
called to Rome and imprisoned, liaercient
ly.puhlished another letter, in "Which he
says that hi f l former statement•, was In•nO
respect true but was dictated merely by
human passion.—Ball. Sun. •
. . .
' Mr. Linn Banks, late • a Representative
in Congregs:fram the • Fredricksburg
trict, Virginia, was .thrown from his horse,
and drowned; on Friday last, - while attempt
ing, to. cross .p oniv a y river, in .Madison
county. . .
It is said that the expenses of the State
government of North Carolina are smaller,
in proportion to the population; than those
Of any other State in the Union.'Ohio
comes next in economy.
. .
Hon. Thomas Ewing, late. Secretary o
the treasury, has, returned to the practice
of thelaw f - at his former . phacepfTesidence,
LancaSter, Ohio. .. • .
. .
On. Monda y , the 3d instant;it - Was (Hs . -
covered that the keeper of the first toll gate,
On.Che - turnpike";road from Georgetown, Ito
Frankfort i 4cy,, was not at. is post,,, usf-piciotts .
Were.:dxciteti,,and . the :cloor,':a his
louse vas , broken - open, when. a horrid
spectacle Presented itself. thelieepei,...a
Mr. John 13, Hodson,. was found lying- in
his bed, with liis head .so mashed that. one
might have laid his fist in the - wound, It
was suppoied . hibave — beetfinflicted - by - a•
I blow from a stick -of wood, which. was
'found neat...the bed. ; No- traces of the per
petrator of this most diabolical act hive yet
been discovered,buvv.ery cflort . w 'doubt
less be made to ferret him out: 'His object,
it is .thought, was 'to obtain the inoney•in
the h au - se; - amounting, according -to theTeiti - -
tries On the keepees "book, to aho'ut forty
The'deceased had a family living
a mile or two from the gate.—/exinglon.
(.1C . y.,) • .
-Front - Florida.—By_ die arrival of the
steamer Beaufort, the Savannah Republican
lIIIJI/1 riui!till to
the Bth inst.
The news from Tampa is, that 'small
parties of Indians continue to come in. Near
ly all the renegade Creek Indians; it is sup
posed, have arrived there—which relieves
the settlements of Middle Florida . from all
dread of these hostile wretches.
11alleck Tustenugdelias giVen our troops
infinite trdulde. His own brother was late
ly with the troopa'at Fort Mellon, but has
been enlarged by the order of Col. Worth.
The steamer Isis was burnt . at Tampa
Bay on the sth inst. having just , returned
from . Gadsden Point lightening a vessel.
She accidentally. caught fire near her after
hatch, - after reaching the: wharf, and was
entirely consumed..
Col. IVorth declares, that the war shall
be ended in a few weeks. .lihe can do it
by no other means,'he will probably do - so
by Proclamation. The recent Indian out
break in the vicinity . of Mandarin, does not
seem to dampen in the least the ardor of
the gallant Colonel. He has directed a
prompt movement of -.the- troops to that
quarter, as , long and, as far as provisions
can be forced to them, or until the enemy be
Com,panies . under Command 'of.,lllaj.
Plympton and- loeut. Col. Riley, have
joined in another attempt to seize the mur
derers, who, together with theiretiief, — the
arch . bandit Halleck TUstenugee, are now
knovin to be secreted on the eastern bank
of the St. Johns. •
PIRE.--CAuTiox.--The roof of. the
back building of the dwelling of Wm. H.
Collins, Esq'r. iu North Calvert street, was
on fire on Saturday afternoon, but was ex
tinguished by the prompt action of the fire
companies without much damage. ..
• We.deent it proper to state the cabala of
the fire by, way of precaution: to owners of
houies. Alperson undertook to remedy the
smoking, of the kitchen chimney on the
terms, "No Cure, no, Pay." . A part ,of
his plan was a cap on the top' of the chim
ney. It was painted to look like skeet
iron, and the family .did not doubt such
was the material. it was wood. The de
position of soot in the top of the cap pre
pared it fOr ignition by the ascending sparks
which took place on Saturday, and a part
falling on the -roof, endangered.the destruc-,
tion of the house, - We state the cause of
this fire, in order to warn owners of hous
es against similar impositions.—Baltimo re
American.: 7.77 . .
PHOBIA.—On the morning of the 9th,
Thomas Moore, an estimable young man,
lerk in, the Savings Institution of this city,
ied in great agony, his dreadful
ase, Hydroehobia. tat rendered it
more distressmg, the' deceased had been
married but five weeks at the time of his
death. One week after his marriage, kid
hand was lacerated by a dog, and healing
ver, no,syraptoms of disease appeared un
it .within a , day or: two. His paroxysms
were violent, and must have been heartren
ing in the extreme. Every remedy th i at
couW be ihotight of, wastried in vain. : His
reains were Joilowed to the grave -by a
large procession, more than, two hundred of
whom were firemen, he being a member of
the Mechanic :Fire Company, antl.univer
esteetned.--Louisvilre Ggzetie.
The debt of the State of Maine, amounte,
not inauding the
,Indian and school hinds;
to'.41,100:,000;'U• considerable fortiOn of
tiOtich has arisen from the neglect, for sev
eral.years, to la)" , a tax for the supportof the
Government, under the idea that enough
would be realized front the sale of public
lands. • ' . •
- •
We learn - that the Anieriean Missions-OF
the Episcopal Church,.ot Cape Palmas, in
Africa,-are .highly prosperouS". The, sta
tion is". in - ore healthy Than had been antici
pated, and tho converts'we:re •both numer
ous and increasing.
~ •
Perinsylvania . lifilitia.---lrhe.liumber of
enrolled militia in . , this Slate, between. the
:Ines Of 18 and 45 years, i5.'230;397._ Were
these men 'properly disciplined, with able
officers they. would be able to compete with
.G.reatßritaih'for the .possession of the ',dis
puted territery?
TEIAL, OF Covr.--This exciting case still
occupied' the attention of the New'' York,
Oyer and 'N
, Terminer, from B.e'clock in the
Morning until. a late hour at night, on both
Friday, and Saturday. The examination
on Saturday night closed witlrthe-testimony
of -Mrs: Adams,-widow of the murdered
Man. Her evidence; it is Stated, was giver.
in , a cold, unfeeling, and, , as Many thought,
a ilipptmt manner. The trial, it is thought,
will not be concluded before Thursday or
Priday, of the present week:
Found.—ln removing some logs
which had been lying for a year past upon
the conimercial wharf, at CharlestoniSouth
Ciro Una, the laborers found, in a rattole,.,
aboutiouchundred in ,the
the. Georgetown :Bank: One man' found.
'nearly two hundred dollars, including three.
fifty, dollar bills.
. .
Two Men.llfor . de'red.—thi the might of
the 25th, of December last,,a .man : rod6 up .
to the. : house . or Mr. .Charles.SpeitCer,•re-, 1
!West. Tennessee., enquired : lor]
Mr. S., and on his coming to thedoor; ite-1
liberately shot' him down and fled. Sus
picions of the .murder - rested on a man
named R. J. Purnell, who became aware
of the-fact:and fortifieChiMielf against ar
itest,by_precuring. arms and making Port
holes in.his house, so as to oiard tar any
,one who might come-to take him'. 'On the
night following the murder, an officer haV
ing a warrant, with -sonic 'two or three
others, proceeded to Purnell's house to ar
rest him. - IThilst 'they were approaching
it. Purnell.singled,om one Of, them,_ named
Spencer, (brother to the,one pre
viously killed) and shot' him down, when
lie immethately exPired. :The balance re
treated behind trees, where they remained,
and watched the house untiknorning. By
this time about forty persons had, collected,
when -Pu rnell- opened - his - do - ors - . — Tlie - c - Mri:-
612/3 .11{14.,0 ;10 , ,••••" ,7- Y
prehended, an taken before a magistrate
for examination. • This is the last intelli
gence had of them.
• , Vessel Seized.—The WilmingtOn (N.
C.) saes:--The 'British Brig , ' Auguita,
from Jamaica, was seized last week by the
-ollector of that port„for having on board,
in violation of, the. Revenue laws, several
casks of rum of smaller _dimensions than
90 gallons. The Chronicle suggests, that
as it is not at all likely there Avas'.any pur
•pose• t( defraud,. as the -irnpOrtation was
regularly entered at the Cu.thno House,
the Secretary of the Treasury will doubt
less, upoh representation of the case waive
the enforcement of the law.
Dedlle .qf Judge Hoginson.—Wa: re
ret to state .that the Hon. Jose th Ho tkin-,
son, United States" - District Judge for the.
Eastern District of Pennsylvania; (lied at
Philadelphia on,Sunday morning,•from the
effects of the • apoplectic •fit with which he
was attacked abOut- eight days previous.—
Judge 'Holikinson was in his seventy-se
cond yerr. Be was appointed Judge dur
ing the presidency of John Quincy Adams.
Temperance Department;
Of the Executivi.Committec of the Cum
berland county Teniperonce SOciety,
To the citizens of Carlisle. .
One year ago, we addressed the citizens
of Carlisle on the great subject,. which,
since that time more than-ever before, has
agitated almost every town and village-in
our land—the subject of Temperance.—:
The principle - was never . before en well
settled .*:ii at the present moment, th,at Total
abstinence from all that can intoxicate is
the only remedy forAhe -fearful evils of in
, temperance. This we. believe now to be
the motto of 'all the -enlightened friends of
.our cause, and this we propose to' present
to you in a few days for the sanction..of
your names. 0
• For ourselvels-7e are delighted with the
idea of carrying the pledge into the fami
lies of our borough.: Whet parent with
his children and dependents .before him.
will notconeent to take on'himself the obli-.
gations it imposed? All questions. foreign.
to that implied on the very_ face of the
pledge we repudiate. Our
.: principle s and
the only. principle we acknowledge 'as con
nected with the enterprise,. is Temperance
on the •basis orTetal - AbstineiffglrOni-Ais,-
tillo find fermented liquors as a beverage'.
The eommon sense of the community has
decided, that this excludes their use whether
' as a common or an occasional think, dictat
ed •eitheeby appetite or l by the usages of
society. -- And - isnot - thi4,aeare principle?
Is it not the .only . safe prineipte that. can
be carried' but in]practice? What parent
,then; we again adlc,-or:bead , ofta family, in
view of, the...ruin that strong , drink has
,wrought and' is 'working around himi will.
,give.. 'hie heart and : * - his .16 I to. this
pledge?. And when the parent tit 'lone this,
what child properly trained and Instructed
on thO subject; but will do theChrhe? ,We
....wish'.io have appended . to • this: pledge the
name of every man in the beraugh.of Oar
!isle, and orevory wqmen ; :andivery : child
old.. enough ,to understand ini , nierining..7—,
Thoilgh Our eitorto'Nyere directed triniojy,te
pilfer rirti.6l4he .coutattlie• last year; yet
im and vicinity, we now number
490 members, who have all' signed. or re
signed the pledge. within oneyear: '
This pledge will fall into the hands - of
many of the old members of the Cumber
land county SoCiety,,pho did not ' re,sign
last Winter, We wish all inch, - who would
be considered as-acting with us, now to give
us their mimes.- And why not act with
We are acting not .for ourselves,;bu for
those. around us. and especially for I the
inhabitants of our county.. Nor - lati our
action. the past yeSr been in vain. -•-
- It will also_ fall iuto the. _hands
.of most
of those who' signed ottr filetite'rwhen cir
culated last winter, and some of whom have
passed a. !nippier year from having thus
done. Ve address all such as fellOw,mem.,
hers of the society, and ask, can ,you not
procure the signatures of . some of , your
friends- or your neighbors; who peed the
protection which. an _association with us
will give them? A single pledge_has been.
brought to us containing twenty names, es- -
es the
. result of an individual's private ef- .
forts. . We ask and .expect -you, to make,
this an occasion for personal. effort among
your - friends who are not-pledged - to the
Temperance cause. . -.-
••Arriong the families of - the boron - gh, - this
pledge will find some, none of whose mem
bers take any interest in this matter. - Such
only can we expect-to return our pledges
to us blank. -To - such we would .say, our
'only fear is, that your want of_ interes t in..
this cause mayinjure yourselves and per
haps your best friends:
. I%lany a parent,
has brought sorrow into his own bosom
and ruin into his family, by the indulgence
which this pledgc• denies him, , and. by
, whiCh no r man - has- even-yet , been really
1 . ,
Wen tt'!'tl. , . . •
• This pledge will fa - 11 -- into7iltiff - lid - Vor
Ladies. And . who among them will 'not
sign it, and get.otlirslo sign it with them?
Feerftil has been the ruin_ wr ought, on the
prospects and •hoppiness of the. female sex
by the use .of
. intoxicating. drinks !. On
yolt •in . A A - Try , great- dgree• depend Alie
irsttges of cam . Mon. society i : . in the cause
of•tei4erance we feel that wii".llave a right
to .yo u _co,i t opparrce and yoursanction
Give this cause yonr pledge, then.shall we
know that we are ,sustained in. our efforts,
by yourkintlly: . feeling . :and by, ybor.iodn
ence--yourinfluence,-w hich : is but the-mea
man's destiny will be .determined by the
manner in' which'llis mother or his sisters
still treat this - ! _ _ -
It will also. fall-into the handS of Young '
Men—same of, whom_perl; aps;from
situation and assiTiations, may be specially
expos d to. ieitiptations to -- drink:.
pledge., if taken and sacredly' observed,
do fur you what a parent's richest legacy
could not do withoutit: We appeal to you
with 'feeling hearts, and entreat you not to
decide rashly in regaid to the pledge We
offer-you ,On - this - decision may'rest yOur„ - : .
To you especially We
recommend: to examine - the " Plates 'of the
Human Stomach." tiow.,for exhibition at
Mr. London's Book Store ; and as you
trace the morbid changes effected on that
delicate organ by the effects of alcoholic'
drinks,--remember the testimony .of Dr.
Beaumont, given" as the result of occular
demonstration in an individual case, that
" die free use of ardent spirits, wine, beer,
or any of the intoxicating liquors; when
Continued for some days, has. invariably
paoduced these morbid changes." And
what occurred in this single case, doubtless .
occurs in all other cases.
This pledge will tall into the hands of
many a one in our borough, whose deepest,'
puha - pa - Whose Only sorrows have arisen .
from the evils which it is our purpose to
arrest. . l And - soine may :have stood near.
the brink of their own ruin. We would
not awa - en in any Bosom one pang a
reference to the past, but we must inquire
of such; whether duty to themselves, if not
to others, does not require that they should'
give to our cause" the sanction of _their.
names to the pledge. •
Finally, this rpledge will fall into the
hands of some who are directly or indi
rectly endeavoring to make pecuniary gain
out of the business which .is. ruining your.
fellow men. Setting all other considera
tions aside, we earnestly ask .you to settle
the queStion with yourselves—How . many
fortunei thus acquired, whether in Cumber
land county, or elsewhere; you know to
have peacefully descended to the third
generation ? Many who have engaged in
the manufacture imd traffic of intoxicating
drinks, have lived to see their sons drunk
ards, and their daughters either inebriates
or the wives of, inebriates; and many have
become themselves intemperate, and-after
wards bankrupt; and have finally found the
drunkard's gra,Ve. And those who' have
not 'themselves experienced any of these
thing, we believe with few and : rare excep
tions. have left their fortunes to be squan
dered by disipated 'and 'profligate heirs; and
tins their names - to• be dishonored and for
gotten. Stilt will,thittblless continue to be!
- tOur Cause ecognises neither sect nor
party, but goes for the cause of human,
happiness.: On this broad principle othr.-
appealls made. We think the temperance.
cause one of the beitevolenCenterPrises Of
the (lay, and one filly ivorthy the attention
of every Christian, • Philanthropist, . `and
Statesnian; and when we ask-the citizens
of Carlisle-In aid in carrying it for . wwl by
giving_their signatures to the pledge, we do•
itlearlesslTand.Ponfidently;_First, because
the cid we ask. is the only_aid which has
ever proved eileetive in, the. cause, and-
Secondly, because it. can •abstractoothing
from the influence, • given by any one .to
other objects' of benevolence which may
perhaps be nedrer• his own -heart. Those'
whoa do not act with the organised friends
of temperance, as•-a generaljerrrnrk;•either.
act ag,ainstihe'enuise,.or do• Pot •act
Andit is deserving of note, that no-one-into
whose hands this paper will fall,;is either
'so high ar ‘ so low, that 'the-influence ()nth(
example .will not, be• feltby - lome others.
In such n:cause, as ottrS,,we see.4Ot why'
every - good man at least •may 'not take a
H. DUFFIpL.D., •
P. R. LovEaciy,,