IM 1"801110E.- - ... .' . • • . . Estate gf. IT'illiam Logafi,'llec'4l. •-. LOrlEitS,Testamcntary (Mille- Citsite of WM Logiiitilatie of FCankfOril township,ilec'd:,Mise becti isined as ilue.form of hits to the attbsevihey r e-. siding iii'qlie-tiairre - Atttqi.shili: . • 11031 CO, is • firrehli ' given to.all' persona . hating . kiiiiins against said estate,: to' keShnt them 'EirOperty -mithenticated for' sett le ment,titid,all persoas.indebted arerequested to make. ~payment to :- thenstibseriber. ' ,‘ . • • 'co ' --- • It DDEitt LAIRD. . . . December 8,..1'84,,Gt.'' • , •• ' ' t)'1111C11. - ;;.. , • r — Estill - Of faines 11.7.1011, &TV, • •• • • LF;.I"I'ERS of . 4Ntlmitlisti - attop op the eitato of.Jaines Wilson, late of NOrili ton'towtistiip,ltt:uitierland county, ttee'iL, have lieeit isSuediri due fortis of low to llieSlttlltriber residing to e.d l township. Notice is herbygilento sit 'ter sons having claims ogianSt said estote,to ',resent them nr,oprly aittlientiewed for setilet»ent;iind nit pry:lnns indebted are requested tit Make 01) Milli to the..sub scriber .1011. V WILSON, Adau'r —December-9, . . N 'e • • .•• • • ,Esliti fr. of . 17 r.'foltn..Prazer, --- r urrEits OF. no the state, of Dr . Jolia Frazer, late of South Nlitt • dleon town , hip, ileu'd., have been, ErSated to, the sabseriher residing, in said towashm: Nerme is ° , hereby given to atl persons haviiig claims against. said . estate to to present them far lettlementothd those in debted to make tale - lent ott before the fiest 01" . February next, to . • -ialortGE O'I)3N.StF , L, .Ctiner. I Peuenaher,• 15 To the Afflicted: TIV;PC who are,suffei ing from various ilisens'es in- I eident to the Imman.latpily, would do, well' to ,pro :pure Dr. llarlielt's Compound- Strengthening and German Apperient Pills, which are so pre-ymin elitly reedinmentied for Dyspepsia ,Liver Con nu:ta. Sitlei-Baek and - Ilrelat; - Ni - YFVTinti Alree•-• tions,jlead Aelie;and all the diseases of-the Stomach and Bowels. J'amphlets he olunini:ll genii . which - contain full and explieit'lltr,:etions for using. Theyeader is referred to several very interesting eertificatesa cures in another eoluniii of this paper. which may be relied .upon, as they arc taken from the erigiletl... olilce 19 Nortlili }light street, 'Yu/1r sale al, theDetigSthre pf J..Y. lfi r cvg W teid " I.) it': , . I Notice. All persons bighted to- the subse!lber nre_lieneby . Potilintl Ina:We - up their respective accounts by the Istor Janilary next Carlisle 2 . 11.0,,1841 1E; Et0 . 113130ti49N Az, CO. IL:ve Carli:ll4' fur the 'purpose - af matiapeturing and. selling . _ • Hathaway's Pat e nt "llot Air Cookiw ,. Stor_es:" . .And ltc h .); aware . that tile people i 0 Ibis peke and haye-been much-iiniaised- upun-by .the - • trothiction of new and highly recunoitended articles which they have kern induccil to purchase, and which have been au slightly made, and of such bad materi rid, that:in a blrtrt tinotheybasitt. failed - and become useless: . tlierefore,ilo not hdalnril - Keing Stoves for sale !HMI tlit;y are Curly tried.kii this ennununity, and pronounced !nom durable in their ennstructioh, better adapted to the plirpasessof bakinvind all the varieties of cooking than any other stove; also, that they are a great saving of fuel as well as labour. ( . :1* We earnestly invite farmers as well KB resi dents of this plase and tlie neighboring. villages, to call. on ui at S. NV ontlerliOt hotel, m• notify Hs by letteri(postage unpaid)that this are willing to try nor stove 7 -and the stool shall he p laced - iii the kitchim of every person giving, us - such not j or, and taken away ager.trial, without say expense. to per sons ma king' trial. The stoves will he kept for sale at the Tit, Shop of Nlr..lacob Fridley,and at the Foundry of Messrs. Lay and Stouffer, in Carlisle. fI wing contracted for One hundred Tuns' of Castings, we will, in a few days, supply stove deal ers with all the different sizes, on the most liberal terms. - FAX I.ZOlt ItOiIINSON, of Carlisle is agent for selling the right to make and vend the lIQT alit STOV.I I :, and will dispose of enmities in this and the adjoining States.. We publish the following remmendatinns' from some of those who are using; the stove, to encourage others to try it. - Carlide .Sill. 12, 1841: I have in use in my kitchen one of flathaways pat ent Hot Air Cooking Stoves; and ran recommend it as a very superior article. The one I have is No. 3. It has 5 boilers and an oven sufficiently large to bake six loves of bread. The haltim , ', roasting and-broil ing can all he done at the same t o ile and with molt less wood than is,rmoired for any stove which we have used:. This size appears to he pccoliarly calculated for Farmers, amt lOC their benefit I invite ,them to . call 111111 sell this stove in use, as I shnll take pleasure in showing this stove to all whom interest or cariosity may Mime to examine it. SIMON •W CM/ERLICH. . • Carlisle, Sept. It, 841. . .Itessrai E. Robinson E? Co.—U e.yrctnins, I have during the few ditys I have had your Hathaway's hot Air' Stove .iu use,. become convinced of .its -great-superiority over sdlothci:.stoves Ihnve used-or seen.- `I Mid by the trial that boiling, roasting, bak ing..and broiling may,all be crone nt the snme time, 'n tt Most perfect manner, and with less. than one fourth the fuel I have ordinarily used for the same purposes. I have heretofore been of the opinion that. bread could not be r well baked in a cooking stove, but lam convinced upon.triaithat it : can be done as well in your stove ns in a brick oven. , - - I believe that the general' introduction of Voim stove inte'use.will be very beneficial to the labile, therefore I shall tike,pleasure in recommending it to my friends. , Yours respectfully, • Movnv. &pl. 10,1841. Oleicrs. L. Pobinsott Co.—GentlemehT 1 have fairly tested the ” Stove" which you put up at my house, told can recommend It as possessing principleti of economy - and convenience far Surpas sing any other , stove which I have' ever seen. ' The boilers coming in immediate contact with the fire gives it greatlicilitieS for boiling; and the oven is heated on such a principle that bread is baked in as noon manner as in a brick oven. I find it also a great saying of fuel and labour, and would advise all to adopt it.,MITCHEL. MeLELLAN.. . . Chambersburg, Sept. 6,1341. I do certifithat I am now Halligan° of Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cook Stoves, No. 5, and de recom mend itas superior, to.any stove I • bare seen,. the great saving of fuel, anil the variety that canoe. cook ing atrthe , snme, time,makes it an object to those who wishto facilitate the, operations of the kitchen; ,JOS. CULBERTSON,. Carlisle, September , . .„... „. . . . , F 19.11. REIV'T.; ,„ . . The. smnll two story BRICK, MOVSE ndjoining, Mr. Weakley's, now crueupie by George. Fleming, Esq.; for tliree.'rtiontlts only. from .Ist of January next. • , • , DAM:LT..ON. Carlisle, Deo. 7,113 H.---. St. • . : '. ' . ..I) G * 1 • '1 tease' rOCCiiieo, Anti -W M" open this day ; a fresh sap *.of dry gamtsonall several pieces Of carpeting, in .9outh Ilanover sfrect, in. aim% street bargains are alwaYs cifrered.hy .. ••• „.. , • . .. .. CHARLES BARNIT&_ . . • . ,, HAL '',. - - • ' . . • /..1. • '...1P0T1C.E,.., - ; -• . ,Zatati3 of Michael'Brancit, d i, . • -L&TEAS 01E 1 ' 4 A IMINISTItATION'AII the /, estate of: Michael ilondt; lete- of ,Diekinson' fownilkip; Pookbritin4 eou'oty;deo'd.; have been sued*, thet.eehioriber rekiding ip . Npwton 6:4.114110 • Novo* hekebr glyee to ell .pereone ifidelitei) te - leitt - efeatelti_oke)ce - ,iiespedieteintyeient;enil,ihos*haelilt claims 4PkTY iTs!ge-to POI a 04 0146 T5#4 1 g. meat -,:-PkVlD4ll,l4pßitt December • ... _ . • t . 0' A Certain 413'round:situate on the 'Nortli - Enstsille gif the" public square in . ; the borough al '.g.hii'limie.,,brattitle'il.oit'tlic-'‘yest 'by tile, public square, on the North b y Mulberry Ailey, on the Moot by !OM' iu the Occupancy of - Dr. John: tiveigh. - anil on the South by the .Nlaiin -street, (said lot being numbered in the generolplou of Carlislci . No. 171.) containing sixty feet-in feont,.tentrtuo hundred 'a 'hotly feet, more orleilinit depth; glaring 'thereon erectell three two stept stone llothseaon Main street, and "tp Ivy Bei houses fronting AN': Public. stpuireovith other, im provements. - . A l'so Tract-of . LatitlAituale, in .11iilliii township, 1e the comitv. afe'resaitlottlynw 'Mg 1511115 of George (IliristTleli,.liidol; CllOBlllOl, Daniel McDonnell's 11rirs,..4olin Monsion tract ond othera..contaitting mie_hundrevi. and forty !Ivrea, more Or less, having thereon erected,-n,two slory. Logi-10'181.0i large Barman(' ether improve'-mcld. R • S eized and lakewiii execution 0,31ie. prop erty`of Ilarper, -.' • ' • And to bc,sold bi me ' ,P.VUL MARTni . , Sheriff. ' • SkIEIIIFF'S OFFICE, Carlisle; Dec. 14, 1841,-731. - JACOB FETTER{ to - retitiii his thinilFs to the ',public for he p orliniLre hitherta ext....tilled to him, rind 'respect- IS:hrann +his otistomersiiiiddlie . penplez . mierolly, hitt lie still emitintit.silin business fa; • • in all , its branches, 'at his old shim] in 'Main street, where lie is al whys tut tto ttiteitil -to orders in his line. • • -Aloreitotmd . The suhscrii,er having' been nppninttul 'Cenercl Aleut for the above celebrated :article, respectful!) offjrs'il ta..the puhlir either•wholehale or rehil. - :'::: - /'are requested to beware •of tcrlots. - • •- S. ELLIOTT. • MORE NEW GOOD3n The Silbseribt.T:linr+ jest opened a now a n d hand 'wing assgytment dr. . Fall and. Wintrf,Gooils • entisholitgoisuper black, like black and other Clothi. Dtts,dlneres,Sattinelts, oew style V estings,o varietri nse_de_Li ime.s—fiee_and__tnouroing—onclidaeic ditto,Thowt,,,hot, flatineht. Rogers. ditto for shirting..ell ves, rl t , ;iery. Laces, corn - - hides, Oil Cl.iths , Artiaeials, Riblions,Nferitio Shirts t ied Drawers. • Also.--.- liens, Womens' and Childrens' Leather- db . Alorneen Shoes & Boots. - •:.:; .1--- Qyttel'Y kware and .Grocerics, S!'/CE.S . , fc ; with a great variety of ntlicr gopds all of _n Ite will sell at O small profit to suit the times. Don't forittlo,call od -.S. M. 11 ARIUS. GEO: At. PUrNEI,I ALAION jw ? t ri'ceive(hitit Conan:tn. . MACREREL toot Codfish for • sale ht. 3: E onffilan.• •• • • ' Frill: best of ble;aelted Sperm mill 'Mode Oil for sale IreJ. Cormmth. • . . TIOCKLINO for sale by J. & E..Cot%)- ' man. sIjGAII. House and New Orleans Molasses of the best finality for sale by J. & E. Corm-natl. • OAF and Lump Sugar. 'The subscribers have R d -received a large supply of Loaf and Lump Sugar, which they offer for salo, w'holesole or retail, at reduced- riccs. J. tr. E. Cornman. cjandles for sole by J. br. E. Coroman Carlisle, Oct. 20,1841: • NEW GOODS. Just received aillic , -§ torc of ANDREW RICH . - ARDS, a general assortment of • Coniistingtio_part of \Von' and Cloth dyed Black, Blue,litylsible Green, Adalahle, (Ake and Greet' • 0 1,3 S • . • Black; Brawn, Olive;. Diamond; • Beaver and Pilot Cloths; Black, Blue, Brown mixed plain and figured Cassi mem', new style. Sattinetts of assorted eolors,from 50 cents to $.9,00, beaverteens, jeno cords, canton flannels, red, white, yellow and . green flannels:—ticks, and muslins.- 6-4 34 mermoes, moslain-de-laine and Saxony cloth, figured mid OA': Figured, plidn, striped, barred jackinett And swiss 'unsling. Fawn, mouse, black, blue black, slate; figured and plain Bonner silkss ',and ribbons, new style. Shawls, gloves, hosiery and shoes. Cloth and fur caps Carpeting, heartlirugs,floorelnth;baizes','mulblankets. Col or ed.and wbite carpet yarn. Fresh Mackerel,togeth .er with m general, assortment , of Queensware Avid Groceries.; whieli will be • sold at moderate prices at his store. . Ca lisle, t 1) c o er . ' • . • - The sobscril.ers have just received at the store room lately ocenpied by Mr: C. Foster, in North Ilanover streetUarlisie, a large and general assort meat of 71' oaciamttaamta e Cltina. Glass and 11111 e QUE - ENSWARE. which thpy will sell on the mOstliberal terms. They invite the public to eall'and exaraine. • - E. CORNMAN. October 13,1881. , .,. •-• . • • . • `S. • DUN LAP :ADA' • • • Has removetl Ilia office to 'No. 3. Beetcm's Row on the public square. • Carlisle, Oct. 13, 1841:: , • ... Liver • "Umplaiiit Cured by , tho use of Dr. Harlich's - Crimnound Strengthening and Aperient Pills. Mr. 'William Hielinrits, of Pitts-` burg i Pa. ' entirely cured of the above distressing disease. His syniptoinswere.pain.and . weight in the left site, losa.of 'appetite; v,erniting acrid eructations, stAlstention Of the , stomach; sick- ,headache; thrred tongue, ceuntenance Changed to it' 2 citron coloriditTi culty of breathing; disturbed rest, Attended with a - bough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great deraugementof the funcilmis ot theliver. , Eicharihiliad 7 ttie tidviec of laveral plirsicians; but 'received 'no relief, until using tine wilieltiorrninnted in effecting.a . perfect Cure. PRINCI 11.01 1 710 E, No. 19 North Eighth Street; Philadelphia; Where" testimonials may. be - For site-bylolinl. Alyers ,Co., qt Mate; nod Wm Peal,Shippefisbeig l'a. ' • deo. 15'.. INOTIC E ir 8 heiekir given 'diet Letters of .Administration ' , j. with the will:annexed,'on the last will and tear: nutlet& of. John %Via lamson,' , lata 'Of the city:or 'Charleston, State of , South Carolina, decealed were issued on the ,11011 f ultimo by the Register, of. CeM,!: .berland county - ;:P4. the:, subscriber', who , reside s in.Shippensburg in the:said county Oftuntberlanth: all persons haying claims (*.demands against ;fate of the: said decedent, ere 'requested to ;make. fttf?wn tho Caine, w ithoUt.dplay, and . thoselindohted'. to make payinetifto "' ;* • SAMeg.; D. HENDERSON, - Adnn!r ; • Vitxnnc d.• Dee 1, !A•'!.,t Sitert w t.of Piicias t i smu, of !the CU'Ait'uf ,Coiitiilo)( - Pleas of, Cuiuberluthl oottOtV,' trill' lie_ eslmar Izoroogli of. enirlißie, on A. M., ihofoliolving . ilotorilied real r.tate; Nov,: 10, 1341 Fall &. Wintet• Goods, FRESH GROCERIES. ME „,fifir,/4 T-tt Bilind di'. Co. r"hvg-• - A - * - . 1. .-x-47.c - v' • •*-7.t.e" , COIIIIIIIgSION &FORWARD- Have removed to the capiteictitsAYereliouse recent y occupied by D. Leech EcCO. at the norig•+fieSteorner of Cherry and BrOatl.Strect,Thiladeltilda. ' ' • ; Front theftigilitieswincli the.laeation andinteruni. lirrangeguent of Ahis depot afford, '3 . 0. to.4otortlicif cars' can be' aticOmModated to unloatraiid' load at the sitme ti tne, with Su ffi cient ronsi to ethic QOM° barrels of Fleur, mid 40040'600:ton 4 1 ,Grain exclusive of the 'fokarding deprtment • .• . , . Produce of every deScription.will lie received as usual nn consignments; and libernl.ndvanees made'on. receipt (if reimiret)'until sales are • CILA,IG, itELLAS Sc' Co. . North-west oornet`of CherrY & lirbad at. - • ' • •': . • PhiladelPhin. • • • W. S.. Cobortn,CaBhier. , l!ciulerroi & Parker, , . • Henry 'Rhoads; . , S:1111111C1 . 5911 bt 110PRerMIT, • •-- .It:cob Swocr,l.Vezirvitie.r . , I)avid Nevin, S'hiepenaburg., Smith, Esq. Caifder3 c hambera pi rs . ';rater, lintz & Co; leolwrt Catlierivonti A:Craig; 6 • - phira d eohlat Wm. R.:Tliompaim & Co. • Whitnillt„nrow.o, neehtiniesburg Line MAW ' • ge 7 44 . SETA% Bytamen.alechanicsfinrg and Illatadelphia or Nattintore: (B r IL di 0.10 . 012 CANAL] _ THE subscribers grateful for'past favors, beg lence to inform their fideilds and the publid general ly; that' they - sti I reontintie t 0 ruii a: line of burthen-Cars m 4,11110- b tween--Mechanicsbneg-ind - Philadelphia or Baltiinore, by which goods and pro duce of all descriptions will be forwarded with cafe and despatch at the lowest rites of freight. ' . . Produce will be received at, their Ware House, in Mechanicsburg, end forwarded to. either Phila delphia or Ilaltivnore, according to the direction of the owner.' - • • • . , (•The highest price Will be given for Wheat anti Flour. . • -- DRESBACII V. I)._-19ito, Parl;vatid Salt :always: kept` on (I; a)iir for atae it ' 1 2% • ; • , k•f__ , , INDEMNITY •AGAINS'r.LOS.S -11317 ;THE FRANKLIN 'FINE INSURANCE COM., • . PANY OF PHILADELPHIA; s4oll,olMpai . CONTINUE to make losuretto;Permanept and Limited; or, every description - of-Property, in TOWN AND - COUNTRY mune. usual favorable ICIIII3. OFFICE, IG3.} Chel3llllt - StreCt.tlCol; Flferitreet. • CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. - DIRECTORS. • CHAtt7..Es S A SITJEL - Cill 3 Ann ;s SCTIOTT, FItrDERICK BROWN, THOMAS-IlAltT, ' TittoMAß WII.IIt.T9N, GEO, W. ItICIIkIIDS, - TOBIAS WAGNER, - MOUDI;CAI D. LEWIS. CHARLES C. BANCE.EIt, Secretary. irrThe snhaeriber, Aiwa foi• - the above Company for the horon.,iii of 'Carlisle and vieinity,will prompt ly' ['IRMA 'to allNtiplickimis for Ittsuratice; . whether onnle-personally or by letter..itesidelirn Main street, nearly opposite the Car Office: : ' • . • AVNI. D. SEVNIOUR. March 31 1841.-:•-lv • Bar Iron,•, Jest received nt the New Store of the subscribers. Tons BAR IRON , of first rate quality,mill for sale very low for c. , s per censignment, 90 half Boxes . 11 by 10 antjlo half Boxes 10 by 12 Western Glass, in good ordcr,for sale, to Merchants at Pittsburg prices, and Duncannon best NAILS, BRADS AND SPIKES, at Manufacturers prices,alsn. on hand Witherow's Celebrated patent PLOUGIIS, FLAX-SEED OIL, by the gallon, or Barrel, OIL MEAL, W . :Abell!' Ic llro's. Pure WHITE LEAD,:SIAIIOGANX VANEERS; Ege. &e. • BOSSEOIAN & HUTTON. Carlisle, May 5, 1841: GOLDEN BALL _HOTEL (VEST HIGH ST., CARLISLE. The suldieriber, thankful for past favors, hereby notifies the public generally. that he still continues at the old stand,nearly opposite the College Campus, where he will at all times be found ready and. wil ling to accommodate in the best'. possible manner, those who:may favor him with n call. The Ilouse is located in the most business part of the town, and is near the stopping place of the Cars, on the Rail Road. The ROOMS are large and airy-hthe TA BLE will he supplied with the very best the markets can furnish—and the BAR with thechnicestLionors. Ills charges are reasonable, and he will endeavor to merit by assiduity and attention a continuance of pub lic BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year. DROVERS and TRAVELERS will find it-to their interest to stop with Itim,ns he has plenty ofstabling, and a careful OSTLER alWays nt fiend. . • ' - ANDREW ROBERTS. Carlisle, Seat. . . Trustee_Account. • . •- In the Court. of Common Pleas of Clan berland county. November 22,184;1 r ,;. = , S)ciiicEi 'Woodburn, Surviving .Trustce of Sailing Caldwell, presented to the 'court,an account of the execution of his trust, and Monday the 10th day of January, A. 1.1,1842, is appointed for its. at:infirm:v. Lion and allowance by the court, if no, objectlons:be. madeof which all persons :interested • will . take notice. • • ' • ' GEO. SANDERSON, Prothiy. Carlisle, Doc. 8,1841.-6 t. Roanonotrotr, Sept. 10 1841. DEAR Slat :-:Please send me two bottles more of! your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like that you sent me before. A have taken nearly all of the first two, and confidently believed this =Maine will cure me.. I, have itsed a great Many "remedies within the last year, but have neverfound any.thing that has relieved me 80 Much. It hai stopped my cough entirely, checked my night sweats, and I sleep better at night, and feel better in every way than I have for many mouths. -Yours, respectfully, ... JAMES KELLY. . '.' • ' • Hoznizseurio, 5ept..12.1841. ,FRIEYD Wrirrza :—.l. must again trouble thee to — . . . send me two bottles more of thy invaluable Balsam. -11ROUP IN CHILDREN. I have now taken.three battles, in all, end can assure MOTHERS, BE ON YOUR GUARD.—This i thee that it.,has done me moregood Oilman the medi.• is the season When this destructive complaint attacks i nine I ever taken before. z. Send by the stage as your interesting" little children; often robs you of soon as possible, and oblige thy friend,' : ' those you fondly doat en,and narrieshundreds to the 1 • • • -" ` •... - ""'. " . .• J ACOII HOLLOWAY. grave.- Every mother should therefore; know its . . • _. : • •Baisroz, Sept: 8.1841. symptoms, watch them closely, and always , he fre4. ' - Diaz Doeiers.—Hearing so•many people talk of pared with a remedy ' to .cure it, as many are daily . the wOnderful.oures yourßalmrn of-Wild Cherry sacrificed by such neglect. At firstthe little patient lie made in. ConsUmption, I sent to one of your, is, seized with a ,sinvering,- it. grows restless, has Agents the other, day for a bottle, and have found it flushes of heat; the eyes become red and swollen, it to have relieved me so Much, thati went three hot:. breaths with diffloulty,and, then cornea that fearful more sent anon, as I believe it will eure 'vie too. 1 coven thaNill. surely terminate in 'convulsions' or have"usediJayne'a Expectorant and other-medicines death, unless something . is; immediately, • given to besides, but nothing has ever done me as much good check it,. In this complamllhe ." Balsam. of ;Wild alt yours has. Sendlq the steamboat Deliver, _ Cherry," is well known to be' the' most speedy cute Notice triily; - •Wruss - st, Tapas. everdiscoVered.k; It is indeed'a precitius.remedy-n' -; - - ...s: - : • . , ' • , mild, " e.and inueeent, and is sure to give"thelittle .e:yßetudes its astonishing elliescy,•in Consu m P", sufferer immediate relief, and trickly restore . it to tion; it is also the most effectual remedy ever di nova -aatiti, si d heath', Fititiliesreatding in'the Oduntif eyed" for ...LIVER'', COMPLAINTS; ASTHMA, and ih" ed egv ry mother whoylores her children, BRONCI - 11,11a,- COUGHS, CROUP, • - sh r alvraYslfeep this medicine in•Alte hoese and IN( COUGH,••Ike„ as 'hundreds will testify who g ive it to', therwrearly ,by .deing .so - you May; WWI. have been' cured by it after-all. other remedies had Aiiv ' t.te 'life pf'otie, you fondly love. Remember • " '" ' .' •• ". "''• ' ' " ' ' 1 ' "' • ' ' 'this lithe famous rernedy of Ode distiguiihed• phi PRUGGISTS and'DEALERRwiII find this Me dicine a voleable,addition to .thelr stock, and should C ROU P:, which es', cured Abounds of 'WHOOPING 'Damn, , r AS ril lvi A 1 always keep, .onen bandies it is nniversally,aeknow- CONSUMPTION, Ike., ellei"triery ether. medicine !edged to lie , pf the useful fatally Medicines h aa f a il e d, ~. , ... •...- ..., ": ' - :,-,,,-.;.' - • ,- , • , - Ow, in 'use. - • -•, •.-. • .:..' ,; :. ''•;. • ,_ • " " rr - "Plle Particular whe n . yew purchaselo ask for '_'Be very particular to ask for Hr. WI.STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. -"" Sold wholesale .".frr.Wrsrsa , s,Bazists ow VILA Cirxtfar,'? as there ofift•retailby,WlLLlAMT'fir, Co., Chemistsi.Noo.3, is a Synur OE this r.amo advertised that hi entirely i ,-, different tit'etliOine. '• :,• -' ''-',.'• - '' ' ' • ''- South Fourth, street PhifadelPhia. ' "- " Prepared only by*rzzisortr, Co., Citemists;Ne. ozrqh 0 . ienuino:ltaliaiii sold in CaP... as SouthYourth street, Philadelphia • ' • little . by, SAMUEL g'f,l,loTl l , appoint 4,.:'';' Sold iti'Corlialle' by, lrotiog 11;yseo, T ti e rg a4 ii•jol i n a ptd:il . it Black e a r int " 4 " , 7; ''• ' ' -"" ' " ''";`''''',./. •' • '.. :- '' , ; ' ..,' -r , •,-• ' : .f '7' : ' ' SAMUEL i ' %T. ,TAVOul l t • reeelied'eelt•giaii,,,diveiti,,!.,..,, ..,,, i ,... ~. , ~.:•,' ; ; ',FI " ,,ZPi," - k4•1 1 A0 -a .11010e. , %•-..- -.- .1 , •-,_•::: . ~•• i. , :::,!: - piice 'Ohe, Dolliti•. it'll - onlc; -:.,...,,'. -r, ~.,,,,; • ~......,- ,-: . • • ',',- ' , ::CfletS. '. 96l4lll6 ‘ ,V ; -:',00016.20;1841,"1:- -•''' -.' ' '-' ,• "'".• .• '.. - .:Sf. • .', ' ''',.:' Ocleifer2o,'lB4l 2 -17 '' .',..,..• ":, • '. '', ,•;.'•'; • •.5...i, ; ,,,-:.-‘, ...,'....-1.1-,..- : . , ,-..:L•,,- , .: : ::., , ,• , :Y; ,,, F.i , ~,,! v.; -‘,. ', , •'1 ,, `, - 6 ,, ,-' -: ::2:,[•:•:,, , ,,. ..-,- , 4 ,'-• ,: ~ : '' V I , :•: - , ' '.; .' :,, ';' .• i.'a,i . ..3.l42aiiiiiiiiii , Hrigeii,4l4qt - iikiiiidilja4; -, agit2t4'k,f'd,';:ilaitai::a.l42:44.l l, :i.;::::::: ~ ..,,-...'i. ',,,_1;;:,,7:7",.,4:',,i-L.--,.,,L.g CHARLES M'CLURE ,, ATTOR.VEY; ./IT L. W. Office in High street a few doors west of the Post Office. - I;arliele, April 2,8, 1841,---tf • Dental'-Surgery... mom SUBSCRIBER respectililly tenders Ilia grateful acitnaliledgments to the public' for the very liberal share of patronage he has received dur jag the past year,, and would still apnligue to' offer them his professional services in their various bran!. rhea at his residence, No: 7, Harper's Row. Hades, cleanses, and pluga, teeth, and inserts incorruptible tarrer metalic artificial teeth in - AIM' Moskapproired manner. Charges moderate. .. • • • J. C. NEFF, Carlisle, Afaroh 18.10.--tf . _ Dry,. GOods 'Cos, The subscriber is noir offering hie entire stock of dry goods at cost foetus'', consisting in Part of , CLOTHS,, 4r CsISSIMERES NETTS', .at- from 34. cts. to' $1,20: *ZEINOES,from 25 cents to $1,25 7 vied assortment of Thibet, Dream, Merino Blanket, Shawls. Montt de lakes, Ciiint*CeSityl Calicoes n satiety : 1 Cambric. Edgings & Inkertiegs ; alsb Cotton Edging . * and Qaillings,. silkEAad cotton Thule, Boonq and Drees Silks, Clienecandßkiii, ',Bonnet and Neck: Eibbonse Gloves 'and Hosiery-of various • • • • ,Decitutie ;.' , • • • • >; • - !• • ::‘ V X tf• New Cooking. JACOB ,ilann*ttred,"app!‘?-• •site tioriiinatteloo; is, a - zent for llie iule of Hatliu:-' wayt* Patotit.'"- . a4,0 1- 00ft,ir r - StiOVCS . . ch lie Warrayktr Le lOU , ent bp - t;wc trjun ugly • u- whAcli tic warrant - CO - 1U ;OW:a otlierstOVe heretofore Unnivn. . . ?Frirtnerif,Taveril keepers atid others are incited to take t rinse Stavaison Anal, and if they are - not-pleased. 'withAhe operutionst,tli4 stove , or.thepricS,they_ may . be returned. , • • . .J. F. 'still contiOga to • • keep on hand ' 'lllll nll deserifitiona,lttnong '•-•:;., which . are. Abe, improved. ) 'Rotary Co,oking , :stovea so • ' "." universally a . pprovdtli stove .ful;oitui.e, stovepipe ' and 'a coeval assortment of Tin, . . , . . . . Sheet iron and.COpper ware, which lie will. diapose of on reasonable terms.;:. - • Orders iii.Town,ind Country, for liaise Spouting -or-otherwork - proulpttv — alleililed to. ..Carlisle, Sept. 15, I*..—ly. . pit; S L STEWART Thothsonian Botanic Practitioner . of•MetliCine And Obstetrics, TsTO H 2 Alexa.nder's Row., near .the - Rail Road Hotel;"" •. RFinformsCTFULt Y infors his friends and the public generally, that (through solicitation) he Intsremored from Shiremanstown to Carlisleiwbere he may be found at all times,unless professionally engaged. The a ffl icted shall at at all times be Wea -1 ed with purely Vegetable Medicines,"No Poisons,?' o ,a in strict accordance with .the principles laid 'down by that great reformer in medical science,_Dr. -Samuel Thomson. • - . • Chronic cases,'such as Consumptions, Liver Corn— plaints,Th;opsies, Ithenmatisms, and • Cancers, are - more - reirtriictilarly informed - that the-New-System-is min - drably adapted to their cases. Invalids from distance can be 'necoininodated with Boarding while under medical treatment, on reasonable terms. -Carlisle, July 14; 1841.--tf. _ • , OCrirCaS 001.22 3, , THE AUSE ,OF ttrthese.complaints tire usuall y ho one 6n deity theirheidg.titemoit corritnnit cause tif:ilds fatal and MetresSing lt is indeed s e Melan choly truth, thatthoniandqtll victims to,Ccitisunt, tion evdry yeas' from-no other cause titan neglected colds:. Yet 'we find hundreds, nay thousandi who treat such comPlaints4itirthe . greatest indifferene;e, .nodlet them rurron fOrWeeks and ovett,MOUths with:l out thinking of-the dang er t first er,A you-have what Yell_may_coniider_n_sliglitcougfi or sold ;-you allow business, pleasure or carelessness to prevent you from giving it any attention; It then settles ttpon your breast, you become hoarse, have pains in the aide or chest, expectorate large emantilies ormatter, per haps mired with Wood, n _difficulty of breathing en siles, and then you, find your own foolish neglect has brought on this-distressing complaint. If then you co, or health, be _ warnetlAn thee, and_ dotth trifle with your tato, or trost - to any, ,quack nostrum to core voit,but immetliatelY procure a bottle ortwo of that • foinout BAtenst or 'Witt) Cucttny,".which is well known to be the tnest speedy mire- ever knownote _thousands Will festjfy_ Whose lives have been saved by it. _ • - ' n'lle very. .particular when you purchase to ask for ~.!__Dr.:W.ASTAIOI 11 AlB AM . OF wiLD Cutany," as there is also a SYRUP *of this name in use; .• -• Prepared, whOlesnle and retail-, by Wit.t.tmit's gr. Co.; Chemists , No.- 33 Smith Fourth street, Phila delphia. . . Sold in. Carlisle by •• .• • &wpm. ELMOTT. -, Price One Dollar a Bottle. October 20, 1841.—1 y. ANOTHER LIFE SAVED. By the extraertnenry virtues of that unrivalled meditine, the "BALSAM OF WILLD CHER RY," the well-known 'lamina remedy for CON SUMPTION' ,AND LIVER COMPLAINT, COUGHS,_COLDS,_ASTHMA, .BRONCHITIS• CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, Ike. • Irilliamssurg, Sept. 4,1841. • to Dr. WISTAR—Dear sir, it gives me great pleasure to say, lhave found much relief from your Balsam that I have to send to you for more. ' I Itaye only used direct bottles out of the half dozen I pur •chased, yet it has done the more good than all the, medicine I have ever taken before.. A neighiniur of mine whose wife was very low with Consumption,' persuaded me to let him have some of it, and bought three bottles, which she has taken also. I saw her tifew days ago, and shetold me she, believed it was the only thing that had saved her life.. She had tri etrevery thing before,but nothing did her any good, and when she commenced taking it was sick in bed, but is now upoind looks better than I ever saw her before. As for myself I. am sure it will cure me entirely; for I feel' better every day. Send me six battles more by,the .beareros my neighbor Wants three rebre: . . . • They sincere friend,' - SAMUEL COLES. VI-The genuine Balsam sold in Carlisle by SAMUEL ELLIOTT." Price One Dollar a Bottle. Sept. 22, 1841.-6 m. Read what it has Done. And if you have it friend, a relation, or know any one that is afflicted with that distressing disease, "CONSUMPTION," persuade them without de lay to try that famous and unrivaled medicine, the " BALSAM. OF WILD. CHERRY," which has cared thousands of this complaint after every thing else,had failed. Read' the following' undoubted proofs of Its efficacy. . • ISIt .::tk - .:0 t.:"t*O-r.•-:.4 pippeksznitle,,..slteil .Iron eyzit 11#601iste •It'a firer • • Respectfully informs the public generally that he' still coot nues`his Wiliness at thellid Stand,'NOrtli Hanover street, next 'door 'to the Cabinet Shop of Williairt C. arson; where he has now on hand, and 'is still manufacturing, every, ,aqicle in' the. lire or his trade.; consisting of , • , . Halters'; and ''Wash ea Il`etlles; ware . of " every desbiiption Stove 'Pipe Drip ping: l'ans . ,..Dre3M,.&c.. • .• - He has also ,for sale the best assortment of Corn— Mon,Cooking and Parlour ffititsbro ever offered in this place. His common woodatovei and cooking stoves are of every size And variety; parlour stoves (for. Wood or coal) arc of. the newest patterns.v He has in addition the Rotary cooking stoves, the Radiator stoves and Radiator drums for parlors, which are unsurpassed for own fort.andeconomy in the use of fuel, • All of which ho offers on the lowest terms for cash:. . . r Carlisle, Aug. 18,11841-y: ta 8..0,1d Lead, Pewter topper and Leathe 'ken in exchange for stoves, tin or copper,ware.' C - 4B 'Still Oontinties the CabilieeMakin'g in,:all• its, TM,. ritins briiiich,esot hiti old Staikd:in'NorthllanOier street, two doors above the store of Wm.l.cotiat;i where he is nowitnanufactitring, nod iitteadskeething on'hond,a great variety of ' CABINET-FURNITUREi- adoli a 9 s - ,B areal' s, Sec ret a ri es, Card, Pier, Dining, and Breakfast ,Tables, Bedsteads, &c., of the most fiishionable kind, all of which ill of on the-most reasonable terms. Ho is. also-prepa red to fill all orders for SPRING SEATED SO..FA.S and FANCY CHAlltzioNarranted to be of superior quality. lie will also furnish COFFINS at the shortestpo tice;Mul having' recently procured - a - Wiry! HEARSE, he is prepart d to attend funerals in the country. Carlisle;.Auglist 1841.-:-ly, Fresh Medicines. Tile subscriber has: recently received large addi tional supplieti of It edicines, Colors, Dye-Stuffs, n, Li seed Oil, Sets. ,Turpentini, Copal - *V - Ash, - -, Paintera' - ' , Brushes, ~ .Farnish Br sties, Hair . Brushes, Spermaceti Oil, (very fine) Sperm Candles, Soaps in great variety,' Glass Lamps, Cap and:'Letter Paper, ; Fruit, Spices, Perfumery, 4.c. ike. which lie'vAll sell to Physicians, Merchants and others, WHOLESALE •or by RETAIL; at 'the lowest rates, having purchased entirely for - cdsh; he will . offer bargains toose who wish to purchase at wholesale r S: ELLIO' T: March 24, 1841. *Mc flardware, GrOcery, P.IRIETF S,TOR,C, - THE subscriber has just returned from the Cities of New York; Philadelphia . and BO timote,add Is now opening at his store room S. E. Corner of ,Market Square and, Main Streets (for inertly occupied by Geo. W. Hitner,) a general as sortment-of . Hardware, tone Ware, Cedar Ware, Briltania' Ware, Groceries,Oils, 'Paints, Varnishes; Glass, rush- es, Whips; Canes, Lamps for bnrning Camphine Oit, and a great variety nitieles useful and necessary for furnishing and keeping a house. He hasalso,and will constantly keep on hand - • • Camphine Oil, a chewy and elegant substitute for sperm 'oil, and having been appointed the agent of s jilessrs. Backers and Brother of Newark IC J., for the sale olJone's 'Patent Lamps in thisimunty, he is prepared to fur utak Lamps and OiL at a very reasonable rate to all who may wish to use this yi aw,and economical light. Having selected his goods himself, and made his purchases for dash; he is able,and is determined to Those having the cash to lay out will find it to their adventage,to ' himgive a ca ll . • HENRY DUFFIELD. July 1840.-;—tf." • ' • NORSE A7r7riS TR re Dn. • 1.,.• Dentist; petnianehtly located in CitiliSle,-arid will "perform all , operatiofia 'that are iegtiired' in Dental er •at k - • - ¬ing :Teeth, and inserting ktificiZT Teeth,froni a single tooth► to it'whole set; 114.1 will also - attend to, f the month - , gum s'ifito:, and direct and replete the first and second dentition so as to render the teeth of children and young.perstinaregular and beautiful. Or. LOTEMIS mky at al ttimes be fonritPat hi if of•• fice, on I ligh street)opposite Macfarlane's Hotel: CarYsici.inpe"23,l.B4lt.y. • ; : MI DAVIES I?a»tilJ .iaiti-Bilioers Pills. Ileac valuable pills are very gentle in their opera; tions, causing neither pain, grtptug nor any nauseous sickness. .They exzeedingly comfort and strengthen the stomactQlnd bowels, and clearing the sight hear ing and. meinory ; of and :,persons,, by carrying off plilegms, watery matter, Putrid give.a avid thick hu mOrs from - , , the. , stornach makes, therri so , celebrated.,Tor;'reinoving Coughs, .rlicumatisms, pains froin the body. and limbs, gravel, Piles, sick stomach, disordered bovirls and 'Worms. This medicine is'alao an infidiblc: Cure for. fever and -- Davin Paiiticea Dl6O .P.111i; • Poi the cure of comsumption, diseased wind-pipe,- -ulcerated -sore throati• lungs- and liver could - Lunt,- nighf-sweatai-Oushes-of-heatiburning in the stomach tightness across the chest, pains in the breast and side,in ward cancers, piles, sore eyes,sore legs, ulcers of-every description, swellings, rhettmatisms; they atop the spitting of blood and henithepant affected. , The Panacea I,lloodills are prepared expressly•fdr the strengthening - o f every part of the system and ulcers and sores, purifying and removing all had humors fens the blood, which is often brought on from too, much sitting or standing,--or by expo -sure front sudden heat to cold . - 'Weakly-debilitated persons 'are partictilary advised' to use them, as they strengthen thebotly a superier:nannner; they are 'net intelideirta operate on the bowele so much as on the blood . ,as too much purging will destroy any weak ly constitution, and has carried off its thousands to's world unknown to us. Take-the advice of one who ' studies fif save lab and not to kill; weakly and debili tated persons should not purge. more than once a year as it often Woes brings on costiveness. ." 'ALWAYS 'BEAI{ THESE IN MIND. 4 Staffo . county, Va. Sept. 7: 1840. Dear Sire—l write to let you know that the Lord has. done great things for me, whereof I ..arnitifir .When I saw you in FredericksburgX:think I said I hi! been Acted with a very acid (sour) stomach, and subjectio a violent pain in my head for more than twenty years, for which .1 tookrhuba - rb and soda three or four times every day for this many years, with little or no relief, awl my legs and ankles were so much swelled that I was unalite,at times, to attend to ' my business. • But since you made me a present of a box of your Family Pills I have taken one or two .of thein at-night iii„going to bed, and now my acid. • stomach is relieved, the swelling in my legiThas new t Irdimppeared, and I do not think thatl have been hindered one clay with the 'pain in my head since I began to take your valuablermedicine. I ; thinit the Lord directed you to Fredericksburg, to .administer to my relief. (Blessed be his holy ilame,l am greatly relieved.) is living in my neighborhood a poor old woman who had been sick a long time and could get no relief, at, length I purchased a box of your pills and gave them to her, after a while I, saw her out and.about her business, anilislie said that the one box had cured her. I have spread the fame of your valuable medicine amongst my-acquaintances, and many have purchased. NOW, as it respects rap:- self, my friends tell me when I go to town, that they have not seen me look so well for many years, and I say to' them, ' I will tell you the secret why; a short time ago I met with a Dt:lhtvies in town, and he gave me a box of pills, and.: they havemade me look as you now see me.' And-now, boyfriend, I hope that the Lord will continue to be with you, and make you useful to your fellow-creatures, as he has hitherto done. I remain with respect, - • CHARLES BRUCE. Several Females have been'cured of the falling of the womb; by takingverrsmall - doseiratintervidsr - 1 Harper's Perry, August 11,1840. Wat.-Davu.s.—Dear. Sim-=1 am happy to in form yfini and the_public,thatl have been- cured bt thatilrettilfel disease the Rheumatism ; by takingyOur Family Pills. 1 have been laboring under that dis ease for more than a year;during which time I tried the skillefthe best physician without effect; sitlengthl I was induced to try your medicine; •I found relief alter taking half a box,l continued to take them until I had taken five boxes; mirage is 71 years,and Icon-7 eider that, none but the and rheumatic persons know how grateful I feel to the medicine' that - has' `restored me to health. . • Yours, respectfully, • -Jame Dir. " - W.a, the undersigneil l ate agents - at Hairlines Ferry for.the sale',of Davies' taimily Pills, we know. our neighbour, Me.•;Dye;aold hint the pills of which he speaks so highly, and believe his statement to he substantially true. • -•. " , .• . Respectfully,. W. lit 8:R. ANDZOSON. , Mr/. C. Burton, near Locust street t was diseased `-or seven years with a 'lump in the left side, bumps all over her skin pains around the small of her - back mooing into her stomach; which *vented bee (to . use her own words,) front eatingoneparticle of meat; thefirst dose motored the lump, and two' b fixes set her at liberty: • I %ma Severely' diseased with the:blind - piles for , twenty months, and.prostrated.from the lessor blood; and ope and a half: boxes of Davies o,mily Pills his e made anntire cure ' f me. ' it,,;: : /..jontowiri.;: Washington,TL C.,. May'7,lB4l. • Manufactured and. sold wholesale sand retai4 at No. 265 South third street and by Mr. Joni Gail.," Carlisle, general - agent for Cumberland county Penna.. '• - . • • . • Also, for • sale by NV.. fie F. Leuden i Kingstowni . taws 4 Fi r ecNiti 3 Oog. uestown, M. G, Rupp, Shire?, menstotiti,J. Longnmiker;Wormleysburg; lELBree venni% NeW'Cumberlandl. Stephen Culbertson,Ship.: Peusburgy :Wm.. -Barr a ,Newville 'James ,Leeby; 'NeWberg Henry Leas; .Meehanieshurg t, Josiah. flood, Spring fi eldf John hood ;Stetighstone: , .. Persons wishing to liecome:tgenta in the voila.% 'get lit - which.the pillitaric-not sold in •Ciiiribeilaiid 'county, will be supplied with them by balling on Mr. 'John Gray,'Cirlisle;Fa.,Whe is empowered telip -obiat agents: 'Family' pone to those who purchase to sell again,AVill be charged s'' per dozenAtailr,;be . 4 52,11 tp sell on isemmissiont' and the Panacea Blood, pills at 's4„pash,,er.:s4 •50, no • .coiri inissi on ' price for filially gs.cti,, per box; Panacea blood,: .pillii7so'*nts per direations•fer themaimorePany each box. •"ailiiile;Sppt 15 1841 ..=Cmi • OLIMIDGE§ BALM OF COLUMBIA' FOR TIIBI'Ii4IIL-fr-Ito positive qualities ire as'foi.i. . , ... I.' • Ist.' 'Per itifitnt°l keeping thelead freefrom sear( and.aausingi luxuriant• growth . of hair., • • . • . - 2d - Por. ledies-afteEohild-birth,rieetating the . to ita usual strength and firameas,and prevontingthe filling 'out of;the hair. • ~ . , ~, , , , .9d. For nnyperson recovering.from any'dibility 'the same effect ts;prodneed. , . . , • .:, . . . ,:. • 4th. If itsedin Infliboy till a gOodfroirthii stated, ,, • it may he preserved liy attention to the latent Period rof 'tith". It frees the 'held frtir‘dandruif,'itstrengthena , the roots ; impart bealthinSVigar ts? the circulation; " lend prevents the holt froth thingingeolor or Otting • Bth. It conies the. heir to aorlboantlfully ~arkett; . 'done up in oveii;night: " : ' .. ~. ~ , ,N *."=":_:- . ;..;, arrNbladieii!ttillet should ' ever be guide w . jthlintit: 7th. 'Children who have ,by, any: meanretantre trteV vermi!i: ii..tibe head. are -inittletlfil. 6 %,,lt e ttlrf 6 CIPY eured a theniby its uso.:4 l ktif. In '4 • . ' ? i t 'A 20 lie* a ItAISINB;eteI for itato:br For e' at theor tit of Comstock ,Ss Co., ..:. _ us 17C018111A A , Ii- box ' only ' . .'... ' ' 4 ' •laill‘S‘' BAUNITZ .. 'PI r ItivevAi via; and • in Carlisle by Ste Decem ** l : ' ''''' '''' '''''' ' ;; s;s'''' ,.- 4 , - ---, venint,,koo . , ~ ~,.0.1 i isio.—l r .,. ~, ...i. , •-,•. , "e.,',. ,,,,, ,;', ,, ,, , , ,,, i , ' , .' , : . ;3: ,. ...7), -,,,, , ,, f ,,, ;.,..i. , ,4•:.: , , , , ,. .. ,, , ,, 0,, -, ... ,, ....,, - ,..• : ..,0,c., , ,,..;.7.:, • :. , - kk;i•,,k,i-A-I•Ad.;:„•/;4f,,,,‘-,:: , :,t...4dfa , ,- , ,ki:.sLK_:s1:•.:::.-:,.:t:, , ...i,.,4i.q.w;?:y , ;,-.6,..;..;lt'.,y..•'-.1-,.,,:i'.,.r.,..r.'•-ffv . -6 Ingreini . lrenjtinn; jutit received lind for sat verj• - low' bit." ; Dec . " COAC ' This , extraordinary. clieinical, composition,the re., . Sultefeicience and•the inventjonef a celebrated Med ical man, the introdultionoot. which -te• the .tiblie : WasMvested - with - the - erdsratfilY, o te.! s eat .-.ed be. . quest, he's sibee gqiined.'a . ieputation unparalleled: fully sustaining the 'correctinesi, or the lamented Dr; • Griilllers last, cenfeision„ that "he dared not die without giving to posterity the benefit of his ,knowl edge on this subject," Mad 'he - 4herefoie bequeathed to his friend and attendant, Solomon Hays the secret. - of his disCovery. , • It is now used in the priCeirial hospitals, and the Vrivate.practice„ in our country, first and most der tainly.for the cure of the,PlLEfi,, and also extensive ly and effectually as to balleeredulity . , unless Where' its effects are witnessed. - .Exteroa ll y in the follow log_coMplaintio ..•: For Dropsy7--Creating extraordinary absoiption at once: - Swelfings--,Reducing- them in 'a few hours. ' --Rheumatism---.Acute-or-chronic-, giving, - quick -.• ease. • • 'Sore Throat--By cancers. ulcers, or colds. • - —Crou p - and — WliciTyiiiiltough---Externally and 'over the chest. • • • • • • All Bruises, Sprains, and Bnins& a few hours; Soresand Ulcers&--Whether• freak or long stands ing,and feifer Sores. Its operation upon adults and children in,reduciok rheumatic Swellings, and loosening. coughsand tight: tress ofthe chest by relaxation of the partsilinsAeett surprising beyond 'Conception: The -common re- • mark kof those who have used it- in the Piles., is "It acts like a charm." , , . • • THE PILES.;--The price,sl, is refunded to any • person who will use a bottle of •Haye Liniment for the Piles, mid return the empty bottle without being. cured.' These are the positive orders of the preprie : , tor to the agents,and out Moony thousands sold,not one has been unsuccessful. • • We might insert certificates to any length, but prefer that those who sell the article, should exhibit the_original to purchasers. , 7o .: ;Physiciansand Patients.— The Blidd :Piles, said to be incurable by external _app,Beations.---Solornon -Hays warrants the - contrary. !jig Liniment will cure Blind Piles. Facts - are more stubborn than theories. He 'solicits all respectable physicians to try it upon their patients. It will do . them no harm, and - it is known that every physician who hashed the honesty to make the trial, has can didly admitted that it has succeeded in every case .they have known. Then why nrit - nee it? It is the recipe of one of theirinostrespectalde members,now deceased. Why refuse to useit ? Because it is sold as a proprietary medipine.?- - Is this'a r. cuse for skittering them ; holiest *ail:lWO linger in: -distress? Wethink net ~P hysioians'shall, b e•edo-.' ilimeOliatther&is • no!'humbug ,Or'irnickery about, this article.--WhY then not alleviate litiman sulTer ' • in g ? It they won't try it before, let them:after - till other prescriptions, fail. PhYsicians arerespectfully rerpieste&to dothemselves and patients thejustice to, - use - this : article.At - shallttaken:froirtAlie - _bottle - iift _and_done_up as their-prescription - if they desire.. - , SOLOMON HAYS. Sold by Comstock Rz:Co. Wholciale Druggists, No. 2, Pletcher street; New_York. • - *. • -' -For sale also *by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Carlisle, Fa. --- . 1)0. SPIO:O3V% HEALTH ELIXIR; There is not one case of Fever lira thousand r but. - maylie effectually broken up' and removed' by the • - Use of this Elixir. It removes all acidityindigestion, bilious-matter and:constipation - from - the*- - - stomac - add bnviell: - It operates gently. and effectually ou the bowels, and powerfully on the kidneys and It removes all unpleasant feefingsafter a hearty meal, and promotes n good appetite; It needs only ati jai I to give perfect satisfaction. Dims become a generit practice with use.this article in all cases o• -colds, painiin the bones, or heavy disagreeable feel . ing, tendering to 'headache or chilliness. For lef:erse,.- nese, lftaken through the dny,it completely rest%. the voice without producing sickness. Whop:of; . cough, and all coughs of children are cured bY f it.— The stomachis kept in perfect order by it, and it is quite impossible that any disease should commence While a person is using this Syrup. GZI• If taken daily itproduces a rudy, healthy , and • young.appearance, by driving off all the humors of the system. Sold genuine at 9, Fletcher street, one door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co. ' and by all respectable Druggists. • • For sale also by STEVENSON & DIN- • KLE, Carlisle, -Balm of Columbia. - - • • . British Consul's o,fre, ' S ? Philadelphia.- - • r FqLNOW ALL PERSONS , to whom these pres 7 - ents shall come, that I, GILIIERT Ronewracips, .s. his Britanic Majesty's Consul for the CRY e' d • Philadelphia, do hereby certify, That Robert WAL , ,,:I: ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing CertificatWo• . Mayor of the City of Philadelphia; and thatlifat thewßatidall,Raq.' is Prothont_italy of the Court o Common Pleas for the city and cdtriity—of_ . Philadel phia, to both whose signitures, with the Seartrof their respective offices, full faith and credit is due. I further certify, that I am personally acquainted with Joseph L. Inglis,une of the signers of the certi ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy of the Balm of,Columbia, and that he is a person o f great respectability, and worthy •of full faith And cre dit;.and that I luivejleard him express his unqualifi ed approbation of thin effects of the said Balm of Co lumbia, in restoring I;ls,ihair. • Given under my him 4.;nd seal of office, at the city of Philadelphia, i n the Stvte, of ;Pennsylvania, the- United States of America. `•,' , ' SILBERT:ROBERTS9 . _ • Read the foNating. tOBERT -WHARTO'N"' late :Mayor of Philadelphia, has certified, as may 14 seen- below s t o the high character of the following getntlen3 en. The _undersigned (16 .hereby certifi',, that we have used the' Bohn of Columbia discovered byJ. Old ridge; and have found it highly,serticeable not only ai a preventive againstthe falling off oftmir,but also a'eertain restorative. . , ' , WM. THATCHER,sonior . Methodist Minister in St. George alare • ' • . . . No. 86 Northtrir JOHN P. UsiGLIS,33I Arch st. " JOHN - D.. THOMAS, M. D. 163 It • JOHN S. FUREY, WI Spruce st. . , HUGH- McCURDY, 24.9 South 7th at. JOHN YARD,jr, 143 Arch at. • - theiaged, sq . those who persist in wearing wig. may not alwaYs emierience lte'restorative qualities, yedit will certainly raise itsvhtues in the estimation of the pnblic, when it is known.that three of the a. hove signers are more than 50 years of age, and titc,', others not less than 30. • \ 'Prom the Mayor.] • C63IIIONWEKLTII or • , City of Philadelphia. I. ROBERT WHART9hT, Mayor of said city tff: Thiladelphia, do hereb y' certify, that am well ac— quainted with Messrs. J. P. Inglis, John S. Furey,. and Hhugh MOCurdy,whose names are signed loth°. aboYe certitreatu, that they are gentlemen of *harms*. ter and respectability, and as each full credit should` beglyen to the said certificate. In witness whereof, :I have hereunto 14444mnd, f . and caused the - seal of the city to, be affixedl • I.'" the sixth day of Decenther,&o. ItOBRT WHAII,TON Maycir DIEM3=3