( ,HERALD. & EXPOSITOR. eigritfitt._ E.loi,ESOA:le,:.7.fiNtiAlg, 5, 1.842. The abseiiie of the editor must be , an apology for this week's want of editorial One devil says that his poetry beats tha of Spoontiall hollow. , The, picture gallery of Spoons is a perfec gem: • . , . I,Nuttat. M - aid &vases upwatds of „three. columns .to the.task of proving.that this pretended "sci.. - ence" is not "what it's cracked up to be"-- iu other wo'rd's, a humbug. One fourth of --theivomWouldhave_auffeed;—Pennsy/va nia 110slyer t - • .• • ." • When came:you to ,this-- , ennclusion? . If our memory- serves Us,atight the. Reporter, a few :weeks ago, admitted *that . its editors were at half duped by Tohnson and 11"'"Imetes M. RUSSELL, ES the W 111 ,candidate, , has been elected to Congress froin the Somerset,' Bedford, and Cambria over Philson, (Lorofoco) by 'm jo c i of 77,-111e: v ata rey—svas,oec ione_d_ by tire death 'ofilreAtott...MrAbiek.. Mr. gentleinnit whom the people of that district have. elected to rep resent them in 'die : present Congress ' : • tr:T^The latest necounts from Washing tiin indicate that. President. Tyler's Fiseal - Plan cannot poOsibly .pass, • at least at the poneesti:- ate, 04'86; — ltonn; (Locolocoo,) have denotitieid it; Mr, • Mangum (I*itig,,yis opposed to it,.and Rives (conservative,) disapproires:of if in 4ts presentshape.. , . ler.lootctr NI. "BARKER -has-beeif- . nomi hated-to thf _Senate as__Eirs_t_Gorriptailler_Of the 'Treasury. vice Walter Forward ap pointed Secretary of the Treasury. _. . . _The_third .week. nr.the session. has , pas --=sect-away;,-,;andTso--far--as-concerns,,:setioh on the part of the popular .branch of Con - geeiCllie - biiiiiiieSTOf the sessionis- pretty \ mucli Where irwa - g"arthe - close'of . the se 'cond week ; - that is to say', itsprogress con - - \ 4inues to be entirely obstructed by the De %towhich .supervened a proposition for di is N poling of so 'much of the President's M /loge as relates to the Customs and to Mantractures. As long as that debate con ' dunes; there is no such thing as edging in • a proposition about any thing else, unless by consent of two-thirds of the• members 'present. We made up our minds from the begriming of the second . week •of the ses sion that no important business would be Constimmated in Congress until after New , Year's Day; and, s there being no apparent slackening of the debate in the House upon things in . generidand the Tartff in. piirtic ular; and the one hour rule Of -debate-being at present suspended, we do not know that . 4. ,he pending debate will terminate even with . the end of the year. • : . ir ....i 'w.. The debate, however,, is ' r from being' altogether unprofitable. At som time or ,other,,opportunity ought to a allowed to every member who desires it to present to his.felleiv-members his views, and those of ;hie immediate constituents, in reference, to the tariff question, nod also. as to thingS in general; and all the time consumed in suclf, debate now will be (or ought to be) so much. Aim° *Owed for the House or the country.. -when specific propositions .op the subject -shall be reported by the pr:mer coat la ittees. In the-olden time,. when it was customary for each House to anetver • the Speech (in stead of a Mcssage).then annually delivered by the President,T'die discussion of the an swer in each Ildese aliened-a 'field, which„ it; the House --a- - Representatives, was-ea— gerly seized; fit'r a full and free debate appe tite State of thf . Union. .This debate, tho' The . neusit ea . sisted of leis than half of the preientnum er of members, sometimes oe• eltPied that ody, exclusively. tilany 'other - lusinese iv utterer, for tenor twelve of the -t days of the session. . The Hoitse has, - - I' , 9 ..ssiom practically reterned,to the ' . •: f -the :olden_ time, , the ' abo)itioe of . . we reinernber to ha've.beanfregret q old Members. - •of . Congress, who • ought that the debates 'of each session ad.bacothe moreprolix le consequence of the want of an opportunity for debate at ithe beginniegl of it:: We shall' see• in the , course of the session, What effect upon the 'debates will be-produced by the present re ' 'eurrence . m . the -.old :practice. • . .1n the.Seente•• there were , duri ng the four,. Nclayoof lasviveek's sitting, plain noleifea lotions, of eAlspoSitinti not 'Hely, 'to bring • fOrWard. ltusineitt,' but to push it on. Many. bills wero.reported, chiefly of a private tchartieter; and several' bills :forihe adjust ; anent of - claims . passed,their third resding‘ vrkere wers"-tieveral 'incidental discitssivo4 also,on patters ofgreater . consequence.— ' On'etio'Stihject,' especially, "sufficient' was diticlosed ; to satisfy us .that 'them it'll() in. timbal •on this part •of the, Senate to , touch the . Lantl, Act . ,the last session ; which arty', iherefore - ,lio:secdpwri ,as: safe,. not _ only ••for• the residue -Of the piTeent Cen great, hut, as -weluipe' belieVe, fOr'the remainder of the present century. One act, only has yet passed both ',houses received: ; the signature of ' the fresi deat. ' That' act makes .. appropriations, in: P,,n;r_orfileftlity g - expenses of {ire , l'e l i!t)oit An atlemin„,. ridnei.euggaistion; laudable in ' its motive,- '? - o•lnaild:htthe,,Senate, to Includen i .the - '^artial,Tappropilations,liitthe of te„,offlcers, p ninon rift Jae '4l o B : r oreongrigt, i, but a!Ohengs,44o p =III the 'two 'lronies, `Were . .then 'prepared to make,Oderstandirgly.ihe c.a.timate..ef ex- 1 l•peirditures' for' 1842.,not,being. ;Itch,* Their possession, (though they have:. since been irent'in4 • Some-such -change in' the Aseal year, so as -toinake, it begin on, first April,:ar, first of July, instead of ,the first of January, is in everrrespeet desirable.: The •Arrunal Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. was sent to both -Houses. of Congress on IVlcitiday last, and• is'now be ! fore 'our readers. A bill, has already been, brought in, in the Howie, of ,Representa fives, in pursuance , to that Report; to make such an alteration in. the tennis cot'. the Twelve Million Loan of the' last - session as'will render it available;,die:; -which, will, it is presumed, become , .a...lew in the course of 'this • week, Or,else, s before' the end of it, there will be, no money - in. the treasury to meet the demands upon:- its even for the compensation mi members of Congress. • . . But the:most-interesting,incident of the _last4eehisomrloubtedly,_.tho Report &our_ thirTreasery Deparunent on the subject of The proposed-. Fiscal :Agency. There has been no actien - trporiit - yet in Congress; though there -is so,rne.promise of -an expres! sion of sentiment upon it in the Sehate, by, individual inembeti, within a driy or two. Our engagements brie not allowed us to mix -With members of Congress, so as. to hnow. :what - is. the ,prevailing opinion or feeling concerning it. It is altogether prob able, however,- we think, ,that before the lend of thisoha fourth week of the session, we and the public will he in possession of cies re r.ll gh t. on .the_sebj ect.,-National 14 7 . tellikencer. _ . FROM WASH N ' Coiiisliondenee of die United States Gaiette. WArmoroig, Dec. 29,. 1841. J. R: Chandler, Esq. : Dear. Sir:-The. Senate was yesterday the grand -point of attraction, as. it -proved to be of eloquence, interest amtimportanCe. New atid..decideittlevelepeminti-were there made in iegard..to: the 'PreAdent'S. Exclte.. q e en.l'cOrisider 7 k able t.irect. thiorighout the 'Chien; aileait so far as the Locos are concerned. If . treif: tongaNe - ,±thenii -a - partial and genera( air; when the President's Message ,was read, they_.will, the course pursued. 'by .ou chanan and Calhoun yesterday, have - a sairde -- by --- w hi ha'pe their'emirse. _ The:yigo against the Excite quer- Plan in general arid detail, except . only so'rrittch cif the Sub-treasury 'scheme as they say is—included. They cling -to that cxplcided 'phantom .as the darling of theirhoTes,'. • _ • • Hui io comm — e — ne — e minutes, were, read, arid sonie•unitnpoitant private . . business - diSp — oier or, 'Mi. - Crik,_ agreeably to noticegiven . the day previous. introdncedoilth a few .mild remarks, his three several joint` resolutions,. to provide for amending the constitution ofthe United tales, the substance . of which, as nearly as I. could gather from hearing them read at the clerk's dl*, are— . First—'Thatihe Veto power-shall be so restricted, that a bill, returned by the Pre =idea:m.ly become a taw . by the vote ,of a Majority of all the members belonging to :ach House, after it is so returned.. And if Congress shall adjourn before • the ten ays shall have expired, which . the Presi ent is allowed to keep it in his possession, then he shall return it within the first three , ave_ol7 the - next session.._ Second—That the Secretary of the 'Tea sury, and the treasurer of the United Statqs shall. both he elected by a vote of the two Houses of Congress, in joint ballot, instead of by. the President and Senate, as at, pre sent. Third—That no member of'Conirees or person elected for the fraction of a 'term, shall be aPpoipted - to any civil office under, the Administration. • • . • They were' all 'twice reat4. there being no opposition to them, and made the order of the day for Wednesday], the 12th Janu ary, when there may he - :something worth Bearing for those who may choose. to visit Washington. . • • • A• few private bills were disposed of, when Mr. Preston moved that President 'hree s Exchequer Plan be taken up, with a . view. to reference. Ile made a few.mild, conciliatory, non-comMittal retnarks,•stat- . ing 'tha t . he should itot.' move its reference, as he did not deitire to be chairman of the coin.nittee. • • • It was taken up, and Mr, Ta J 7►nlidge, after a few brief remarks, not AlecitleilTeith nr way, moved that, it be referred to - a select comMittee:of ninc,te_be appointed by the chairman. Mr. Buchanan then took the "floor, and , defined his position so plain, there . was no mistaking that he - was opposed to it out and Mitt although' he took particular pains to remark,• at least am .times, in his pecu liar eintriemis . way, that lie , , wished it ex.,. preSsly:tutdersteod,thet he meant. no dis respect to President Tyler, by his Opposi tion to his ",Fiscatityi" or by any remarks he :night ajiply. to it,• . , . ~. . , . Mr. Calhoun followed Mr.. Buchanan; in .open ,and direct . hostility to -the , Fiscvl .Plan. He - -would:oppose it in every shape; and after speaking. stiMe:fifteen:,or, twenty. minutes; Mr. - . Hives rose in reply. to. Mr, Brie hanint and, Mr..Calhoun,-butuot io -- fri= vor -. ..rif ;the . bill :Ili its! pr'esent' . thaPe. , . He was oppesedt.e this '‘• horse race, kite fly ing" systetrireinhinges;:and should go fur lopping of t..diat . andOt4er - abjectionahle' features....- - 4d 'he,hoped, the cominitteet - to :whonyit wati;:moVed.to'refer it, coulttso re-' :mOdet it't*to:make it . answer:thi:ptirOoSis, 'required for t.GoiertiMent.; :He charged etrortgly.2and .' b oldly, that bolh bf,.tlM .gets'-. Aleinen- who A. just ,- precetlea hint,. were.; 'opposed 'to-' everything for, relieving'thi: Government, 'except. their darling' hohhy, the . ..odidlis . - :: . suli' treasury, . which . he. was equally op posed - 1 - c4 ,, ..- Hrit', pl:Mke 'With . , grea t 'eliroestnesti - for i.,lOng : ti'mp; : .•,.;VV,hon . : •bn eleseil,.. MrMangum;,,or.NOl34 ,. .!2:stolinti, •nbtaineiftlis:#oor,‘, ivileiri•On4notiOn ()UM e.. ~tliiiiopgdob; the' Ben Ste, at hallpeet 3 :Cr': 'clock, odjourned,.:• - •,., •' :. ••• . • .. ' .. ,:- , ltli:- Mangum 4 will ;continence:Abe _debite: to-day, I ' tlitlikj"-irtor* :ihan . :pratiablp',.. in. :strong and decided, onpOsitiott ...,to:tli bill; in4tsTpreannt•:slis , ..lti fiet,',l 'do' not know .fiheiv...6i4 Votes, C.0014... , ,b*10und ; fns ii:iii ik':, , ,:sionti. 4 - The dcbatO:,•:loo,oii . l.;r etiticl,' • (.1 • ,;- • ;;;. ' '• ; •.• . .rArit - It' * V 4. pete, will be. One - Of - t highly' interesting tharacter: •-' • - President • T s &es-,so n Was :present dur r ing the' Whole CAW, and „appeared much „interetited: ' , In the, House,' but little '._of importance Wai.'done, eicept to lalh about Loco iicto ries nodet the pretence of discuseing . the Mr.' Cushing, ' ' from the:Comaiiitoo on Foreign Relations,,reported • a to'pro vide for the relief of the suffeOrs by. French previOus to 1800, whiLlt was ordered to a second reading; and 'referred to• Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. TUE FISCALITY. It will be seen that our Washington'eor respondent" entertains an opinion that it is impossible' that the Executive . Fiscal bill can pass the Senate in its. present. form.— On this ,subjeetthe National.-Intelligineer holds, the' following langnage: Accotding to our anticipation, theilact .suggested.in the President's Message for a GovernmentExeltarige Agency has bedome the subject of Jisctiseioti 'in Congress.L.r. The 'debate sprang *up yesterday in the Senate, upon a motion by Mr. Tallmadge to!refer.the Treasury Report and-hill to a Select CoMmittee. , Of. the gentletnen who came -out in the- debate no- one expressed. himself in favor of -the plan :as it stands, though it seemed to be thought by some to be Susceptible of 'modification or -amendment, which 'would make it aeceptable to From what we.can learn, there are coin' , paratively - few members of either house who are in lavor'of taking the plan exactly as it Stanchi._, Whether it is likely., to be. so modified. in its progress, as to'be,'aecepts , . ble to the two Houses Of Congress, and:al- . so-AO-the-Executive,, our readers will,,upen reading the debate, be able to deteriiiine for thermtelvea'qUite as satisfactorily as we can frrina any information in our possession. In looking :over the• more' extended re: . 'ports of debates in theiftenate; 11'hi members tonchtnOltiei, the' Exefilkiner:bill; 'proposed; , evmeing a . --clegire-to-do-sOrmohing, but a fear ofdoing . rouch with.the Willa present'sliape,--= . while' the opposition members are spur and, heel,against the scherne,*and every part of it eXcepting only that which smacks of the sub-treasury. - -The - Globe says the - Cabinet:plan is: knocked on the-head, and , Mr.-Clay's plan is knocked 'on the head, and now. the coun tr_y ia , to look : Tor a fiscal plan from - Mr. Guz. Expositor. _ THE FEMALE BENEVOLENT SO CIETY-41F. C A RLISLE. is quite pinbable,.thet there are. many persons in this town who know nothing of the existence of the aboie named institu tion ; or, if aware of its existence, are un acquainted' with its modes.of operation and' extensive usefulness. It is doubtless known to a considerable portion of the community that-every year';abeut..the first of the year, a sermon is preached in one of the churches, and a collection made in aid of the Society.. There are others, too, who are aware that, oncea. year, they are called on to pay the smolt amonni of theirantioal subscriptions. Rut we venture, to -say that not an incon siderable number of the citizens of Carlisle arc practically unacquainted* with the So ciety.. There is,. nevertheless, a glass of . individuale,iNho; though they - do not hear - - the sermon preached, nor are they called on to subscribe even the windiest sum,.yet who are conscious of its existence, - and ex perienCe to , their own gladness the benefit of its operation... We mean the destitute 'wife-who is encumbered. with 'a helpless family and drunken" husband ; the widow who, though deprived of kindred capable of relieving her, rejoices that Providence has raised up .some kind'. friends - possessed of means by which , ' she, may. be Ted, -and clothed, and kept warm. From_the-Annuat Rep - nit of the Society, - W - hich. was read last Sunda'', in . the First Presbyterian chinch, it appears that thirty individuals have been • supplied, either wholly or in part, • with the necessaries of life. From this we would infer.. that there are thirty persons in Carlisle incapable. of supporting themselves, but who, neverthe less-have. heen - assisted .by - the - Society.— This fact, while it. shows the, amount 'of benevolence conferred, at the, same time speaks. well for our bar. ugh. .To have but. thirty indigents. and those, too, for the most part sick or superanuated females; in a - pop-. utation - of forty-three hundred,is absolutely nothing when Compared with the numbers, in suffering want -in some of the Engliik and continental' town's: ': From the-:.RepPrt it' appears the Society furnishes, light work to such aged and weak females ? , who, 'though wilting to - Work, ore 'Unable . - from their infirmities to engage in rough or out of doors occupations. we believe - the Society - has never. expended more than two hundred dollars ,their benevo lent operations. It has been found that this stokii Sufficient to' provide' their keno'. ficisries with food, `clothing, and Wood. The. Society is infitteneed',by.:oo,sectarien . partiality; its.Board'of Manager s is nom posed of ladies . taken from 'each of the dif- . tereni Evangelical • chiirehei. that' ; is requisite to secure the aid of the Society is, that the sufferers 'be - ,virtutine, and : beim been;. br'o'ught into their kesent: L oititationi by ,crreumStances, not under theiMtin von, .Thiii.owp is divided into four wards; to each ward twoladies'aroassigneil;-whose duty k . .t.i . to 'find .out,such, as are : the 6f -the • SoCiefy, .and , reportlhesanie to' the-neXt rig - of the , ' Reard.iif, :rite amount-ofz - henevoleneOlthnir ferred coriiparatiVely', very, great., ‘. ' The' ladies i r thelSPeiety- are: •wilting,..to. take upon.',thentselieS;the: labor, of 'discoitir.iPg_ and riAe*iiig the Wait tti-Of the. 'deititute Is 'it iei - the Atity of the eitizeos'ef Carlisle . _ • to . eneporage, ap(t.ciuo,l,linihem in their'ope=i riitionete.§tippitsen - fel' the: SoCietYtad . Would-dbiolye-on , (he . !o*ieuiliiyaL and we; ortieurOthat Oyer.* ' it would performed, so well , nor so eftretuallyk -..; Carlisle, at preiiinOof\frenl„freiti. that .piiiittive:liiiigtfai*Otiii!ttiOPY 1.1:. That; ;dye: no constant :'beggars is, we belieie,:oWing to the existence or this So 7 ciety. If the Society did nothing than this; r it would be. woithy. of our .en-, coUragentent. • But its , influence is not con- fined. tit, this ,; bread iii.,provided for, the hungry, clothing is furnished i 2) the naked, and fire is-given to,the shivering inmaie the cheerless, hovel. Does not the Society that accomplishes this deserve,to ;be sus• twined. ? A. CARRY ‘Mt'S ADDRESS' TO THE_PATRONS . OF THE', Carlisle Herald it' Expositor January 1,1&14. ' Conte harVee Iceiglibse-7--"Vstra - pOet; My'simil bath sweetest song Within it, Just tarry then, and hear-me "go it," With " perfect looseness " for a minute , Hut stop . kind sir',—erd To emu my yarn in honied rhyniii. Hand here n dice of Hook's " tin," - • • Nowitem 4 how from my tongue:shall roll - The words,—like thick shutoff a shingle Till •I enchant your inmost soul, - .; With,pire, poetic, homespun jingle. • • _ iShice list the Carrier's song was stitig,. • . ' 1 How much of change this world hath ItiOwn ! HoW many bosoms grief bath wrung! ... How. many brightest hopes have ; How . many.naaida by love entrapped ' ' • • Their. sighs and tearshave since expended! How many love sick- hearts have snapped !. How many cracked ones haVe".been mende I ! But B ah! 'tis sickening to reflect' How I rime bath raged through Out our land, • How nien - ivlio - ourehad gained realiect, • Bear:on their front the villain's brand. Baido)fficers hayozot to thieving. And robbing widows of their cash, While Speculators by their shaving, • Hive turned our.currency - to. trash. -Blind Justice too, has got . more And lets the rogues escape her . slyly;: They say though, she's made up her.mind _ To fix tier clutches of gill Wiley. , 3,4M7thief,-diefeliFeiikepo.. 'coop OM" 'lsliPtd;iled,ReilistiedMMdetested,-; . While be istio.-steals the svidow - s mite Is too gente'el to be molested. . . Think not I'm speaking too severely, No.qunrters caul give to crime, And my opinion is sincerely . It triumphs at the present time. ofthis,_And now n word . • Al!out the Twat; thoughts because so long deferred— l'he plan would guard 'gninst bank rasOnlity My notion is, thut after nil -It's no great thing 7 -- , -11n not iti'fan to-have-a,bank.at Let's have -a good old fashioned one; ''Tis thought - that cowards-need not.fear_ A fight with Vic:tor years to come. But there's,a war now raging here • rf wixt temperance folks and friends of run 3.. . . . Victoria vow?s too much engaged fo'gctiltig bullies foi• her' \MI crti ' 'To let herself become enraged . .• • • And send against us sword and halberd Now dearest friend, I'd bid adieu— But I've a thought I oannotampther,..- - Thi !I world's ft humbug through and through, Men the by gulling one. another. . • And surely 1 mny just as *ell • . Turn humbug the more the merrier," l're got ybur snoney,go and tell That you're , been humbug'd by • . • • The Carrier. y;: Y c, Counting-House Almanac, Vi 4 For the Year 1842. 1 7 25 4 43 4 2345678 7 25 4 49 I?, o - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7234 56 / 16 17 18.19 20 21 22 7 195 5 w, , 4 23 24 25 1 26 27 28 29 7. 14 5 131 - . • 30 1 31 • •...4 1 2 3 4 5 7 65 22 ~ e , ' • • t... ' 67891011126 58 5 31 f ; V , . .. 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 6495 39 ~..,, o aa 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 6395 48 4 27 28 , 1_2.3 _4 _55 Q. 29 5.555 ''• 6 '7 8 91011 12 6 17 6 3 n ' l4 ) o 13 14 15 18 17 18 ip few 66 10 ;Ns• { 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1 8 5 55 6 18 27 28 30 31 - ,'-i - . 1 254 4 3456 7 89 53 362 0 632 5 : : 2 { : ''' 10 11 2131415165 20 6 39 .. 11 :c' i 17 18 9202122235 "9 6 47 :,,, 24 25 6272829 30 5 06 54 ' _ ''..o 1;2 3 .4'55 8 7 4 53 7 1 ''. • -880111213 14 4 46 7 8 741 15e 18 19 go 21 4397 14 # { •,. l 7 1 , :, ;4% 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 4837 21 2930 / 1 . .' ' ~ ( • 1 2 3 4429 7 26 • ..--; 4 1 b 6 8 9 10111 428 7 ; 80 ~ -ti 1213 4lb 10 17 1 18 4287 38 ''':' .', 19 20 1222324254 30 7 35 ;', 4 , 26 27 29 30 . ' • h.; „, • : 11! 151 i".. 13 5 1 .- 4 1 5 5 11 1 22 6 4 44' 4 33 2 62 7 77 . 3 2 3 9 35 . ° 17 18 1 20 21 22 23 .48 '7 24 .. .-2 . .• 24 25 6272829304 54 7 18 31 . ,-' • 1 3 4 5 6 5 11 11 • ' . „.. 78 4 , 1 1 0 2 1151 19 12 2 1 0 3 5 5 1 8 5 7 0 '52 5 , 4 ,.,., ta • ° - 122 •2425g027 5 22 04 _.-r _ { 829 1 31 . . '• ',. ' at .{ ' ' 11 ; 1 2 3529 0 so I r% ' 45678A10 3 36 6 19 ry , ' 11 12 314 15 16117 5428" 7 Z . * -18 19 0212223 24 5 49 5 55. • ''' 2520 7282930 .- ,- • , ' 1 5 56 5,43 2 a 4:-5 6 - 7 86 1 3534 1," . 1 9 10 1 12 13 14 lb 610 523 t4 L , *- 16 17 :19202122 6 18 5 : ;12 , CI 23 24 •26272829 6 go 5 3 1 2 3 4 -.5 5 4441 55 . , '°, '6 7 8 91011 12 6•,434.40 '" 70.• 13 14 . 16,17 18 19 6514 OD • 1 . - t. 4. 111 .• 20 21 . 1 23 24 25 26 6:59 4:84. ..i ii • : a ; 27 .., A,2 3 7 ' l 7 4,4 , 4 1 . -, 14 . , - 4 4. ; :i ...8 ,•0 10 7..14434 { ~.g ..: il' 't, . 14 15 16 17 7 , 18 436 11 . "':..3 'o'. ;18 19 121 22 23 24 7 22 438 1 : ;."; • .' l l 4 -• ;25 2; 128 20 30 pi 7 , 25 4'42' .. 1 '` ke.„gkt . .4v,,x .... % . '. ~_, ",. ';•,e.. , ~,,,,,c,..,.;.•;,,,:4, .....,„•,..; '!......_.A2...,.. _,..,...•'•;:.- ;:..,.. 14 ,, A ;;;&,.,•, , ,t. -- ,' , ..;',,'„r.„.•;.4..).. .. 0 . t 1 , 5,6- v":I W. g ~~~ ~.,. ' °~"~': ~' - .. MARTtIEIYI • On Thur fi day gle,„oool,instant; - . l ?jr, the Rev - . John Heel 4 Alt.;. - Abraham -Geeee;,to ies,:,A ..Whieler,'hoth ;of Itilitliintp, , • In this borough, On Tueialay :. e vening the 4th instant, Mi. SAMUEL THOMP SON,,son 'of Paiaaiti Samuel. ThOmpson; ,agettabotit .20; 'ears. 'rho deceased was kyOung Min Who Ae,esteemed by hisac quaintances and frienda for his amiable and affectionate dieFinait'ion'.:, . =RI MI , LAST 'NOTICE. 'All persons indebted to the estate of Jacob Good hart,- of West pennsborough township dec'd., either by Bond,Note, or Book account, are requested to Call and settletheir respective accounts on or before the 15th of January. nest, as after that time the books and papers will be lefewith the proper officers fol collection. No longer indulgence can be , given. WM. PALM. January 5 . ,18412.--9t. . • . • • FOR RENT. 1111HEI - wo dornrnbdintin - Snitaillitionis, in -IL the batienient of the',lllethodist • • • , Episcopal Chunh, now 19nenPied by. - .1,111 - V.rs. Stevens . Possession mill' be *74' .given on the - first of April.. For terms apply to • , —= WILLIAM D. SEYMOVR,,.. agent for Trustees. Carlisle, January:s, 184ig.—at.. STItAY. STEER. • gIAME to the plantation_of the dubsoriber, abciut I_,) the first day of . liovernber, 1841,0 - • • 'BLACK. STEER. • , • ~ Saul steer. is about eighteen months ,V, 7 40; yr. A old; hied' legs white, has .one 'white spotin the foreheakand a hole in each 4 1V.Tift ear. The owner is desired to come forward; piove Property, pay,clairiv,, s, and take.hira Away ;otherwise ho will be disposed of according to law. • JOSEPH BRANDT.- • Monroe tp., January 5,1842.-•;-St.° • 11 - pROM the. FiltST DAY OF APRIL . rdi NEXT, the Itoom in the occupancy of Doctor IILVIN as an olgoe,- For terms aii . - ply,at ths 4 mljaining IMuse. Carlisle, January. ~,L.442., 7 1 ;4114.11 - -x.. , ~.- A t, a dated .Orpliane: COUrt.be began arid held at Carlisle; for Cumb'erland .coupty; on Tuesday_ the 14th day of December, 1841 I' before the lion. --Samuel liepburn,• Presidenti-:_:Mid-John •Stuart and John Lefever, Esqrs4A:ssociateJudgetiof the same court, assigned,'&e.; the following proceed logs were . had, to -wit --In_the-cascof ilietprit of Partition atid Valuation on. the Real Estate of JOHN SHEAF FER, dec'd., Now, to wit 14th December 1841, In quisition confirmed, and-the Rule on the Heirs to appear on timfirstday_ of nest stated Orphans' court, and aceept or•refuse to accept the Real state DLitt", testate at the-valuation-r-TIM (lima Order and direCt -personatt.otice to be given -to all persons interested residing within forty miles of Carlisle, and• public notice ot - said - rulelo - brgiveir irrtwo - newspalierilif Carlisle to those ,iot*sted , residing beyond-- forty.: milcs of Carlisle. • - ~ . By the Court; • -' . Cumberland County; se. • I W.. FOULKE Clerk 0. C. dO hero c, ... ,cl p c ye r ot i ff yit e h c eo r es .re g l o r it e t s bs - 1: rl e . :a h t a rn ...b„. Z. ),. vr. :.)I and seal of said court at Carlisie,l7th ._,„ • , lecesnber 4 1241. " • January 5,1342--4 t At a stated Orphans' Court be gan inn held at Carlisle, for Cumberland county,on Tuesday the 14th day of December, A. D. 1841, be fore the Hon. Samutilgicpburn, President, and J oho Stuart and John Lefevre, Esqrs., Associate Judges of the same ceurt,assigned,lko., the following proceed ings werehad, to wit:—Upon the petition of . Wm. NeVin, Esq., Admr. de bonis non, Bt-. c., of Elizabeth Hunter dec'd.,' Respectfully representing that he has settled his account of the estate of said decedent and is now ready to pay ovcr • the balance found in his hands as your Honors may direct.' He therefore preys your Honors to permit - him - to - resign-his office and trust as Admr. as asoresaid . Now, M wit, 14th December 1841,•Rule to show cause_ by next stated Orphans' court why the Adininistratni should not be' permitted to • resign.: Notice to be given iu two newspapers fox, three weeks. • • By the 'Court. Cumberland County .88. • .„„ 1, Wilms Poeta, Clerk 0. C. do • hereby certify the roregoinw to be a true r copy of ltecord. NVitness niy hand and spat of said Court at Carlisle, 17th De-. sember, 1841. • Rising and Setting of the Sex every Sat urday. StIeSISETS • W. routAt i Ci'k. C Janunry 5,1842.-3 t. -Remaining in the Post 011hle at Curlisle,January .1, 184'2. i...eltintlirars will please say advertised. - • Arnold Robert Mullen Anna Mrs , Angney Renneck - Martin Ann Miss Armor Gent Edward Moo - re Stewart ,• • Allen Miss Hannah. - Martin Jerome J Armstrong Joseph, Esq Mitton Isaac Bricker Benjamin- .. • Moody Catharine Miss •Bates James,G • Moore Jelm.(sou of Wm) Bindle William H. • • Mathes Blis.• • Black Mrs Jane ..• McAllister James '' Brown Ann Mrs Mao: oskey Blackburn Cato McCord Alex. Beaty , Mary MiSs , -Neal Mary Miss Bonham J Ellis, BR Norris Wm H Rev Bnswell.lohn D. Esq, O'Neill Charles .. Brandt Henry Oakes,`Caufman It; Co. Bowemer.lacob •• • -Oatei GeO. Esq Brown B F Plank Jacob • . Buchanne Arthur - .......R0u5h George COrnman George :Robinson Hunter „Clemansjcilin ' Roth John -• ,". Cortiman Jonathan 7 .-- 711111ii - s — efS - Esti ,Ci•urnlev„ P.e.tterßitter John., Cleperlosrph • - Sangertre Marjr"A-Mlas Clouse Ann • Stay man Catharine EMisa Cornman llebert Steel .Anit.Mrs Carothers Akatthew L • Spahr John H Esq Diller Peter- Sink Arnold Digges John .2 .- Shaffer Susan - Miss Duke John Jr - Spahr John' \V ;'Davillsost,Elizabeds Mrs Suydam Jacob . ; F.liiabeth, Mrs Sheets John Dig I Frost William H Shirt Edward • • Gainber .Peter Stacy Catharine, Mrs GreaSon Shaffer Cotirod ' , Hurley-Sa:6nel- ' Shaff Jacob. • Heagy, Henry. B ' Schlosser Daniel Harman. Mary t....A.an Atha Shambough Fltilip - 1-Harria John • ' 4 Swinge , George,, ' tinnier John .. Tizzard All • r Ileum:nod William Tytter,Nicholas. . Iltiffmtitt John W. Rev 'Townshend Tobias G 2 • B . Trough Moor .Huthes Anti Miss • • - '.‘lTootls.Jitite M Mitts Hines Williant,ll Ward Joanna Miss Irvine Ede r^ Wellcome: Catharine ... Jackson JOseph • Wilson •• • Kiisinger.George - Walls Sabina:. ,- ,• Kreps Jacob • Alriggoner Philip Revd Lewis J6lOO Airattlobit:) . .•. _ lAne Ann B Mrs . John Morrell James '': WrinderlichEliiabelliMrs 'W Mita* Iti , Etti.,lVeibley:Peter'." • • ' F.sti Mark . { it e m ism • ; :4011Ittlioff;r7d nna L Miss Mouldy Mary Miss ' ' 1;i; Bernina Johrt • . • . • • • CARLISLE BARRACKS . • • Adirne r i , Pae.t.M9t ,9, .. ,3ll 4 ll ke r 11NrOul Lawrence ;Greco WMllO5;k- , ,7,c , ?7:•,r,,t•-..q , lltile V. • I • v:'W:i..III.,PORTER; 1 9 c also n E i• I' ll, 47 1 1 k e'll ; l' 1 Si6Sli 871 : ' ; 1 , 4 1 . tri ;;' ) 7 4 1 krl 14 4' in grent'vartetr; ‘P),2‘ S 601111 y. pci;' • TO LET, W. FOULIC, CPk. LIST OF LETTERS : ,` :z .- ~.. '.' ~..•.::,'- .. , %t '. :if ' i ,,;. : ,- ;:' '.: '"i- .:',4„.0,f7:•:;:',.' -i',..-:',1,4.' ii!4,,:r.,,,,,,,44t.:;,-.114,..,!,.,i -":4:SiEr2A4',OIP. '7. • . ~.. '- - '' • PU'~,IC 111C~T1~~Vt~~.._ The. Citizens .:of „Carlisle. laWiable tq the ISSUf.' OP 'SMALL BILLS; by 'the . BOroUgh,'are reqUeited. to - asienibla at at ,McCLELLAN'S HOTEL, THIS EVE- NINO; (Wednesday,. January . 5,' 18420 for_ the -purpose of making :arrangements" preliaretory, to, the coming election. Mer chants. Traders; IVlechanice r and:-I,aaboring Men ere:particularlY invited .to ittend,. January_ 5, 1842. Splendid Lolieries tor JANUARY, i 842. Sio,ooo - 16,00 1 0. VirdriaLit• Leellibuit Lottery. thas; A. for 1842. To be drawn Meiandri a , • on Saturdoydonunry 8, 184'2., 1 "prize of $30000; 1 of $4,0691'1 of 0,090; 1 .. of ' $5,000; 1 of 4,624 I,of $3,000; 1 of $2,500; 1 042,000; 25 of $1,000; . 35 of, $590; 28 of $300; 200rof $250 &c. - --75 numbers-13 drawn ballots. . Ttckets only slo $ 5-- Quarters "$2 56 Certificatesof packages of 26 whole tickets $l5O. - Do do - • '26 - hslf. - "0 - - Do do .26 quarter do • 62 h Mougalia Lotte.ip . . Class B. for 1842. To, be drawn at Alexandria, lra on Saturday, January 15,1842. • • SPLENDID SCIIESIE. • ' 1 prize of $5.5,04 S 0 rirlies of 61,000 'do of 'lO,OOO 1 50 do of 400 1 do of , 4,0001 , 50 : do - • 300' I.du of ' " 1,603 I IN do of 200 Tickets' $lO-ITalves $5 7 -Quarters $2,50. Ceitificates of packages of 26 7 ,X 61e - tickets SISO ' Do. do 26 NU • do 65 . • Do. do.' , quaitep 4p • ,n 50 • • Virginia Wellsbnig — Lnttery.. • class 4 k, for 1842. - • • To be drawn at Aleximilria, Va. on Saturday; tic 22d ofJannary, 1542. ' • • . GRAND CAPITALS;', ..Z 1 1 prize of , $30,000 . • 1 prize of, $4,363 1 do of ' 10,000 .10 prizes of 1,300 1 do of - • 5,000 _lo do Of - . 1, 2 00 l• thi ' 'of " • 4,000' 10, *do -• Of 1,000 1. ~41 , ; 2 4....., - ...9 500. :.- 34,.. : ,do ~ of, .. - :15a0 1 ; , :416, 71';71.'-'.: -. „..1 . p00 -to - :a.0.,"-Of.o l- •• :','- -- .'i..9gtt 1 ' do -of :: • : 'l,BOO . - 10' ~ irld -of - c.- 400 Ist drawn number $l4-2d drawn inimbei. $15., , „Iti drawn number $l4, 4th drawn - iiifiltber•sl3, sth. : or 6tlrdrawn_number $l-2, lowest prize 'IMO. _ s- TiCket only slo—Halves s s—Quarters $250 Certificates of packages of-25.-whole tickets sl3o— - . . do 25 halves ,do '. 65 ' Do • - ' do . 25 quarters do 32 50 Virginia• Leesburg; ottery • - Class 13, for 1842. . To be drawn at Alexandria Va. on .Satiirday, 22d • • .laritriry , ' - BRILLIANT SCIIEDIE : 1-prize-of • $ 0-prizes-of 1,050 dic - 15,000 20-. do. of 1,200 1.. --do; of .- - 7,000 50 do of - 1,000 1 do of: 5,190 .60 do. yf W- 500 70 do of . - goo Tickets .$lO---Halves ss:::Qiiiitersli --. Certificates of packages of 26 whole ticket/s'sl4o do 'do 26 half do -- 70 - ,_ -- do .. do 26 quarter do 35 For Tickets and Shares or CertV cafes of Pack= again the above Splendid Lotteries,—address J. G GREGORY* CO. Managers, Washington City,D. C. Drawingssent immediately after they are over to all who order as above. -,I\CORE NEW 0001)S. - . ARNOLD & ABRAMS have just received at their new store, an additional supply of Fall & Winter Goods, • to which . they invite the Tittoution of the public. Great bargains will be given. Shippensburg, Dec. 8, 1841.-,-4t. Shoes! Shoes! Just received from auction 100 pair Tavern Slip. ern 75 pair Womens' Paton leather lined and lured over shoes; 50 pair Mens'.do do do do ; 25 pair Women's morocco do. do. do. weltsi; unifier lair by CHAS: BAIINtTZ. December 15,1841, • T E PRR11 7 ,9 I. . 1 • THE. VERY-LATEST & CHEAPEST YET !! • New •Goods !. • ciap_poc-En CA.RIEY.-.. sm - przsyssurlC;, have from receivill at their old stand, near the Rail road, from the eastern tides; an extensive assortment 01 4 s il' Ider Goods, • of the most fashionable style, which they are-dutch mined to sell at irises to suit the times. . Persons desirous of pUreitasing. goods are most earnestly de sired to give them a call. Ilar , Ahts.tnav be expected. Heeember '22, 1841. • Stray Beta. • , Came to the premises of the sub SC„) V scriber, in South ..Middlebbn town ship, about one Mile east of Paper ' 1 • 11 " 04 't. town about the 27th of Auguit last '.4V Blackl.ll‘llcy supposed to be about two years old. .H is marks ore apiece off each ear. The owner if, reqbested to come forwardi , prove, property, pay chargee and haw him sininywill be disposed of according to " • .I)SVID ,GDEEN,Ji. December ' " ' • —4- . , .. . ,:.:-....-NoticE. • . , . TlTElR4vrase Jimmie, Psaitcs & Wrrrmiel iwal cases pending in the Common Pleas, fo•• .the two weeks of' court to January next, are !web' notified not to attend aCtliat time; but the attentlaace of the'Glistin J, raises: and ;the, Pstcrzes and .WiT rirMss in all eases in the Quarter 'Sessions will he required. •_. . . ... •r' This notice is given iii consequence of the indis position of Judge flernuns, and tile opinion of his Physicians that it will be impracticable for him to hold a court in Jaunitry: -:. r • ,-. • • - r '.: "- -' . • . ' , Ggo. S.-B.74ilEtiOlC Proiler: Carlisle, Dco, 29; 1.841: '"•• • • • . , , . . . A Ternperanie.meetinir will be field in thc, itev. Mr. Cummins', Church, Dickhkisoo:towOhip,On the evening of Thursday, .I.onuort6th. Thei:Rev. Mr., Slirole ~u kdilrese koevtiug in ,be,half•of the. PuOlberlitud ;county Tonnirrimeo Society. ; . • : ;.-•,3I.,CALUWELL,'Chn. . Deseiriber 49 • • • fiSheriff's ,9f. of .Velolitiont. xx i inuas DI- dirOitte d ;liitied,Out of the Citiik . cOrn.. mein 'Vleit.it.4 . comberlantl bO:e4pOsetl;to . public sttlei - et the . Court Ifoiase in tho' borou g h of Vetlisle," on :.Satureay tlee 81.1 i the .foklo s ttitg deaeribed real jk..p4rt.. - Of i .ii; hot :of 410' hoiouglt of Car/ e'otinfyiitmi s oioing .:60 feet ill .- tieidtli on iirioll.o;llll(l4 s . , ree. l .l 4. btteao ol-1 more or loos; on. Viiiiiri#,llll7oeti(tuf OM* 1 :MO e*coptelE from'. .'said "Ilit),*oo;l4o..feet in Atiatif.spOro SOTieit. John me,";'' WI:EDITORS. 'Take notice that *e inaveliptilibil to th'e - 3 adieu of the Court of Corinion Pletis of Cumberland county,,, for the, benefit of the Ininlyent,LOetorqd,,,,v Coluint9n-1•• Iveilthiund they have appolatedAfotidii:y,t/ir•1(07• 4 4100flaiiigry nest, for theiMaMnp;4l na..00 1 .our erefilt - ora.at the Court liouse;ln thelkor'our,li of Cur= ;when and ehere y.cou. may, itiend , yoit FREDERICK' A. KENNRUY. 8. 0.3 - • -PETER 1-IAIILACIIER,' , , ii..o .] A DikI.W.SINI.OI4%. . ••, • tr. w.] JOHkt SOtIII.IIRCR, , • el • • JOEL "UNPRIZW,OOD. • 1/inember 22,1841. ' • • . SPECIAL; COURT. , . . . 'HY virtue of a writ froth the' II on. Artsort V. Pen dia, Boys, Presi ile iit itid,,, ,, 0 hr the .Ifith ''J tudi eitit District of Penesylieinia; llearieg dote _ kit CtirDole, 'the 4th day of Decomher - Az - li - 1 - 841:,...,' . .. ... •-• :Orotice is herity that a Spat] Court will be. held.hy the said.rfori„. Anson V. Persons, pod, the, A ssoritde of the Court of Conianon:Pleastoulay, et • the Court House the borough ni; Carl mencing:iiii Monday 'the '2lst of FebitisiT,,A. 184?; continue one, week, for . the trial. of ~ to main , , causes depending in the Court of Corniiion I'leati of Cumberland county, lii which .the• lion. Su 11l lel Hepburn was "'concerned its eoutisei of the.' parties, prior to his appoiotment . as Presitl yv Judge • of the 9th Judicial District--an0t.04 , 1 , e6 etb.: braced with in the prOvisiena of the 39th 'section of an - .Act ;of e Perot *rtt s Serabl.V ;TOO ei I the 14th . 1894, relative to the orgailization of Courts of Justice.. Of said Special Court, Jurors and uli persons Concerned, will take, notice. , PAUL. MARTIN ,Slieriff. Sherirs Office,. , Carlisle; Dec. 29,18-11 Just received .10 dozen PALM'. f1C013% and 'for sal . • . CHAS. SARNII'Z. Decembe , ls, : • .., Just received a fresiiupi4 of GIiGCEIM:..9,eLd forsale, by ' • • CHAS. BARNITZ:- ' December 29,1841. . . ... NOTIC L4l To ga izata bk . s, Retailer . s, N and by an act ottlie - Ginteral Assembly of • Pennsylvania, entitled " . Aii act graduating the duties upon wholesale dealers and-retailers of NI er-- chnittlit.e,and prescrihing the Mode or issuing liven- - sea and collecting said duties," and its several super pletnents; is Made. the ditty of the Constables-of of the sevCr:11.1.0W11011118' and boroughs within - die , comity of Cumberland, anti they are hereby requir , ! ed to triitke out, on omit or atlirmation,and deliver to the Clerk of the . Court of Quartet; hessions, a semi - rate I i St of ", a l l _persons .enga grit in the eel ,„ I or veinling:of goods; w:ires,gilleilliatidiae,of'sritaP, or-iiefitre' the fist day t' 41iVadiljainttiry'.,SeSsicrOS,',fielag the'lOth day: following i classifietttion under the act of the 4alt '- of lilay,ll34ti • ' Those whose salCs aninunt to $300,900 and no. wards shall Constitute the Ist /00;003 and hiss than 000,000 2tl 10,091,0 --- _ -- . - titr - • 200,000 - lOU . 8.5,w0 do 100,00(t .4- 80 7.1)00 (16 85;000 - .; 60,000 'do - 75,000 6th ' l , 50,000 • do 60,000 7th . 40,000 do Sti,tiob sil l " 80,000 - ilO. 40p00 .9th - . . 20,000 _ do - . 20,000.10 th 20 15,0110 do • 9.0,000 , 11 th " • 15 10,000 ,' do 15,000 12th " le.sd • 5,000 do -10,000 I-3th " ' 10.00 " 7,00 " riovt Drat, 'Mutt where such whotesale or reloill dealers-Cr/1111We their purclUtseentul . ...so les An 1: oying-, and vending goods, wnres and merchatitlize. the , growth, product and' manufacture of the Unitwtl 'States; he 111 , they sliail.nay aid_krone - littlblie amount ~ of the licenSe rrerptircil by the proVititins" Stated. " And evciy . seller or voider of nines nr distilled liquors, either with or without other goods: wares, Merchondize ' commodities,, efrects, att- aforesaid, • shall pay for his license rim PF.R csicr lit addition' - to tile . rates above speci fled for the reap ept i V . ° el a eses:!' . Merchants; Dealer 4;• • • and others interested in tile said act, n: e cd, that the Associate Judges and Commissioners of said coUnty,will attend at the Commissioners' Office, .on Frithly the 14t/rday of January, 184 e. at one o'clock P. M. for the pirpose of hearnig and classi— retaihirs w ithin said ctiontz,agreealdv to said act, where all such as Oink proper,mac attend. ATrEsnr-JOHN 111. W IN, . CI, rk to Conitnisiioners. GommlFsioners' Office, . .?Carlisle, Dee. 251,1831. t'. IPI . SSOLUTIO.II . , The partnership existing. between J. 11. k W. G. Reed, has been dissolved by consent .of parties. rim books are in the hands of J 11. Reed. Per sons indebted will plpbsc call and unit their ac; counts. .1. ft.& W. a. Weil. The subscriber will be pleased to accommodate at the.old stand all who reel disposed to pt.tronize him anti invites them to gall Newville. Dec. 22. 1841.—St cure your cough Itefcre it be too lute. • .1)r. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy k only raudicine that peril)ct confidence eau he relied upon A for the immediate removal of thiatronllesonle Com. This medicine always reliivei a Co4ll in u few days, mid when the diseasels setucti in 1 1 1 6 lungs it eintses it to be dis,liiirged by Expeiforai thusrestorinit Sound health to the happii enjoyment of those who have long been 1.111ktei1.4^:44( VP' Principal Office, No. I 9:%lurtli ELlitli suit Pltiholelphia. For sale at the Drug Store of J. J. Meer ' Corti sl coutd Wm. Peal,Sltippettyllmrs. I? wr .R. e'itt : 111111 E lirielc Dweliii4, ,Let, Stable . • . v .,;: • .. •••11 ,and carriage House, on Wl'Et ,Acf . ;'. In •• "' the ! ' " ' I . ' itic;il street.. Carlisle, ad,joinin t , , i f i , ~. die'elling of John Brown I ar•ker, noir , :2 i .... ~,,, •,!••• occupied hy John J. Strove, ;11. D. , ' ::'''''..' "'` 4 Possession will he given °I OW first day or Altril next. For teints up* to . . , . JOHN tilH/Vir+V P.iilltigal; :,, DeCernber 15,184i.:--tl. • . • ... Alt .CIIIIANDLIAG I.ta3Viitalazaautlaavea. PRE Subscriber respectfu4 infornis‘bbi ' 46 .• friends mid *the ppublic 'generally, - tlud 'tic luta . 601111'mile:ea 'the Olt ANDUSG , BUSINESS in West Louther street, Carlisle, the,Gernisii, Re.• formed church. Ctotilteil 'en .emierieueett hand ot the I:iteiiiess, i Shute- of public putiamige. : • r, TALLOW will be' tAktiniit"Ochinige,for'4antiliiii, or the 'cash sir all tinieigieen fOr it; • •-' cc7Ordets in . lowitor be 4 0ivistrAtr: alit:tided to. , Nerilittoimin tie - igkbothig townsi hy setuliiig 'word by nialr'ot Otherwise coil bC 50:461d. Modnted with ate}' iluantiti, • WhiCh ott die stforteitliotiite.:• Dece'mlier th1,1.841.-3t. • • • PO~'A'ACIE::; ~ . . Eslatt'of • L EI" 'MRS. of - 4k4tiiinitratinil non' um testament° sinneX o;tii Ilie tam:to:on; !rah of North Mitlitleton toienship;tieo't4?; Ike been issued in 'dun fortit of Doe to the sulisOtiii; t k evies,iiing in the borough of Cliklisl4:: , NoricLE Ig , boreq given, to all ilersons hatingtigj . ti nit estate, to pf*Eetit thehi tirbilerly.nuttientioi.ted tor eel.. rri tteentitaid tilt persons tnilebted are ',rev: tested intake 'payment to the subscriber.:-• ' • ' _ •, . ' th,veititier trotl.-6t. Assigsice,phip2llo-Cousati .e& till of AtifilbtortlYeas rutig; Gerlaszd'aounty; .Deccm6er 44, 484/. acsount of Moses thy.inkll ll 4o ,l ll"ehtic.... , inßo `Atiiigkleei'or - presLolhtl to fhb Coon MOlaliSar 0 6 ite11 9 1' 4114 k - t h e ita.10t,,,,„p.0 Jiinu!try Court lie lt -which' Still take uoce 5 ' 7- GtO, gAtnglisox„ pci,22,191*-4t '>• ' , El 50 40 W. GI -REF.D. MO