Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 05, 1842, Image 2

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T 1 -1U 11 , 1Y'rEttY OE 11ESAUELZIS:$1,
" Rtit., E - XI I I,AiN El). " •
Animal Magnetism bas; for some years,';,l
ativised and beivildeiect the lovers of.the I
marvellous , . _Ritkettled as s mere allusion
or delusion,, it has nevertheless perplexed
-the scienti,fic; its*efTects a rOoo.palpable 1
'be denied, but au y.ratiotuf.solution of the
cause, or causes in which they have .origi
pitted has hitherto eluded, detection.;
honor of unveiling, this mystery was . reserv-.
ed for Mr. James Brap, an eininent,surn
geon in Manchester, England; Who, having
ents - of Mon
Wen FTiiitOtainti, •i n or that
town,. determined, if poSsible,:to bring the
system to the test of PhYsiolpgical - and nua
tonticA T*. g entretivatii. hav
ing satisfied his owil:Jultit) that; be could
produco4e, phenomena tvithofit_ personal.
.contact . ,- and' even iodnee..sleep -when in--a
differentroom from the person to be thrown
into-a state of sonmelency, announced'a
public lecture on the,subject, which he tle.
-livered at the, Matichet-ter 'Atheineum, on
_last, , before • seven 'mated pOr-
Mr,BrAdlirst placed on a•ctun
'mon blaelt wine .bottle, in the motal
• 'which waS , a . .Cork having a plated -
The, individual on. whom the experiment
was to be performed, was seated on a-chaic,
told directed to gaze intently at the cork
%I/it - hoot winking or averting the eyes:The
cork was - about two • feet fioM the person
operated upon, whose head was inclined
liackwards, forming with the objectan an- .
gle of forty-five degrees. In this position
lie remained fur aboutfive minutes, when,
- profound sleep was produced. _
. The- secood- imperiment_was—com pleted
in the'. same time. in the third ease, a
• bandage was placed round thehead, for the
Purpose of retainin g in an itninoveable."po-
sition, a eatmootibettie cork, a little above
the roof of the • nose, as the object to be'
;,:gazed,at, and:in abontlLllY,in4 l6 tes a est). 11 ?:
, ;,,•;;I",e - tkii;
~ i ii- t e of vo innelene
• •01413 , proved . by: . ef;tite
tient to open the eyelid, although conseious
: ness was in no -respect suspended, its. he
teas able to reply distinctly to - any queStion.
' The fourth expeament failed,vither - thronglr
the noise that prevailed, or . owing tit - 111W
• p erson- mit -11 xi og--his-ree-cmitentrousty - tsff
the object, .
-' -- succesik t i, - lint! although
t h e party -made . desperak effort to 'Open
his eyes, so to agitate his whole
frame; ltii'.y re-tnained'as-though--hermeti
cabby sealed; 'Whim Mr. Braid took from
-- ruler, atid drew Ail
• ' end ofgmitly over the upper eyelids oft.
-both eyes,:i when the spell was,broken, and
the Sense Of .; Si ht restored . with perfect
ease. -These-•experiments 'folly demon
strated that the phenomena, was perfectly
independent of .animal magnetism, as in no
- one instance was there the least approach
to personal contact or any manipulation:
Haying thus •couvinted the audience that
eleepreould be prodoced without pressure
of the-Aliumbs or waving of the hands, as
employed. by ,' - Monsienr I,afionline,
. proceeded to explain the rationale of
, The artificial mode of,ptoducing sleep is
to.fatigue the rectos and levator muscle of
the eye, which is effected by a continously
strained, and intent gaze at atiohject view
•ed under -an acute - angle. UndeJs Itch - cir
cumstances, The irritibility_of_those_mue
des becomes exhausted, as well as-Elie ir
itability of the optic nerve, giddiness causes
a mist to rise up before the eye, and sleep
ensues. Congestion is induced hi the eyes,
and carried front , theiu -to the optic and
muscular • nerves of, the eye, and owing to
their proximity to the origin of the nerves
of respiration and 'circulation, affect them
through sympathy and enfeeble the action
of the heart and lungs. The heart thus
acting, feebly, is Unable to propel the blond
with sufficient force to the extremetiesi, and
hence their coldness.
• The blood consequently is accumulated
in the region of the heart,•and it is tints
stimulated; and-in order to remove the in
ordinate load,* is compelled to increase
the'freqUency of its contractions, in order!
to compensate for the feebleness of its el- ,
forts., The brain, head. and face note
ctiirie 'Congested tin censequence, and varied
phenomena . resulting from irregularity in
• the cireulation of-.that important organ, the
brain follow. The, inability to raise the
upper eyelid Mr. Braid accounts for tin the
principle of temporary paralysis of the lc
ttter muscles, owing to excessiveand long
continued exertion at the 'cominencement
of the operalion.—Liverpool Chronicle:
. ( T EN.) Dec. 7.
The judiciary (I novel
scene, inui one,wlkich iio'irust way never
. 'again be exhibited in an- American court
Voniu,,.Was preeentOd nit Monday Jaen at
Holly Springs, it the openingpf, Or rather
in the attempt to open, the December, term
• Of the 'Marshall circuit court. . Thieve seonis
• to have been.a.' . yegillat' squithble betwecd
• Xessis. Huilittg end ildwry for the judicial
(Holing.) who
contends thatAbere. was no vacancy, .and
' boritieipiently that tho laie' election was:null
o . .
ath/old', refused to' recognise the 'hike . e
leet: - but - - preceeded'as'tieual-t&tilie his, seat
. on the bench. , :The heir , Judge. (116 Wry)
alisir made' his aPpearaifee,..and.elairned the
seat. Then jolleared ' the `farce of - eaelt
- claimarktordering die other to jail, while
. the sheriff and:Clerk'V'ery . ,prOperly,refUeed
to obey'eitlier.'".putfu'ilii*
jaw. - and . fOr.a While there .wes: every
prespeCt 'of it‘ 'very; pretty little' bit ',Of
a reW.lietWeen . - - these whose especial duty
it islcirmitintain the's.`majesty of the la*.."
`('he result is.lherele no court •to be' held
thii term, and the . .SUPrerne - . Court
State Will have,-toAletermine - between the
parties, -.So muck fer the -practical, opera-
Sion otoltra.-I;iiee
lima/att.—it is quite uncertain whether
this young Republic will continue to main
tain its independence, or return, as ;Invited,
• to the embraces of the Mexican government.
, ( ,
lios44o4TA o AltthatOs has tleter
mined to roPeofvocootillionollY , the 'law of
that stge mtbiok;Provideii-fotNin elr•otion
`firniPO B entaglieg'to'Pigagro B On'tliO,Go
msta • ).'
. I lie Lngislinfitrn,:ii, tridiafin';'lrirtte Etionnil
jt!hl le, iiv -,b,Oti"
aPlifiiyed . by -' the ,(..;o'verrior; a . lafir,- .
pus yorritig . . the - 4 '1 , of pertinal . - property,
eseentinii how levied ant! odvertised,o;
hich' 'nay be levied hereafter, and before
the firs; day . o(...,F,ebrutiry :next; until.
,setne .
clay to be flied.hy•the proper office " r, and,
after rite rst day of February, next,''!...
The Loudon papers Mention that Mr,
!,,:yere.t.t, Envoy.. Ex trattcdina ry,and,
ter Plenipotentiary from the United-Staten
'to. Great Britain, :arrived in London on the
24th of No'venther, and had 'an immediate
Rep id . Alo ~- ents. The'New.Betiford
people; i siit'e6. got up '64;
melted •Somo' spermaceti; Made - it .liux-Or
two of candlesotnil wpm :u p' to Alhany, apo
burnt them on the eveuipg.of.the mime iltty,
Alhany is now. uhout.teit hours from jlos
oil seves4d49,froitt York.
ef.--11,ta Pittsburgh Gazette says—:
feet teti,inches .in the Chatincl,- by
ndia, and
,falling., Weather cold, and.
tl deal ice running- .out of the: Rile=
glieny.- • Nat.igation •still continues; but
ntut,n.,.unon close, unless' the -weather mo t
,(lerate.... • • • •
The right of search granted by TeiTts.
-:- . llll4tigeree has -been . received in Texas
that . General Hamilton has'sign
the treaty of commerce and.antity.between
Great Britain .and Texas, and
,also to sign
a separate treaty for the suppresSion of the
Africatr.slave trade, to include• the "right of
each nation' to searcll•thitiSuSpected vessels .
of the other. •
A. great revival has recently., taken place
in ,the Episcopal congregation
of baiville, •
, . .
;;t44,/'aiz.- Ottre.9; 'of F's;ioiti; 1:kl.-.Y . pi4c,
I.w 4 . : It. illetl: re'r e it . tl y 4, lly , faili!tg-:.strer a ftre , -
- cipire'r - stitrie 't . r . el.e.e . Feet ::high, lir - a- :very.
dark night. He was 70 sears of age'.
lik•red .11;qa—A. laborer while work...
ing_ a:elay_. §outh Amboy, on 'Manz
he — eartivjeavinw.,
• brow - hito - . -- 11e - hail not teen got out at a .
late hunt - on Monday .
It is said that ('resident Tyler intends to
open his (Louse to •visiters In the manner of
evening leVees, once every: toitnight, after
tlfe•C ltristmas " •
. - •
A movement is . about .he made in In-
Alia — ni"'faViit of "J udge• I.lle Lea n fo Abe'
rresidenry. •
• .
Springfield, Illinois, Jouri 1 says
that State is bankrupt,
.Brkama3.—Einiaration into Arkansas
has beep unusually large this'season. The
Arkansai.Thnes mentions that one huudretl
and eighteen persons from Alabama crossed
the river .in a body at Little Rock, and
settled in Saline county.
There was an article in the. New York
Evening Post of Wednesday, signed James
B. Glentworth; setting forth reasons why
an exposure.eheuld made—hut nut mak
ing any exposure of the fraudulent voters.
—V S. Gaz.
The following eloquent_ extract is a por
tion of the speech delivered by the, Hon.
T. F: MARSUALL , of Kentucky, on the
nd of DeceMher; the question being, whe
ther so much of the President's Message
:IS relate's to the Taiiff, should be referred
to the Committee on Manufacttires, or 'to
the ( c)mrnittee .Ways and Means:
The question of protection, Mr. M. con
sidered as virtually the question et national
independence. Without this, england
would keep us dependent urton her 'forever.
Mr. M. said he was no - enemy to d South•
ern labor. when advocating the' protection
of the labor of the North. Ile never, for,
liis part, - had beee - able — tolook — upott .the
people of the North as the natural enemies
of the people of the cotton growing regions
of the South: Ile knew that Southern men
called them " Yankees ;"- but they were
Americans; our brethren and fellow-citi
zens. With some Southern people 'the
term "Yankee" was but, another name" for
"enemy:" , But who had shed 'the first
blood in our struggle for freedom ? The
first trigger, that ever had been drawn in
this land in resistance. of British tyranny
had been drawn by a Yatilteefingery and
they had followed out the feeling and acted
on the same principle from that time to this.
The policy of theentatry .had repeatedly
shifted;.but the New England man had
:conformed himself to its several changes.
and had
. thriven under them all. He had
worked so hard and lived so economically,'
and conducted his business so prudently,
that"the GOvernmenf could, not,crush him,'
do 'what it would; and its course hadnome
times looked Very much as if it . wits in
tended to accomplishthat very end. New
England had at one time, possessed a great
• Our neutrality during the convnlsions of
iptrope, threw. into - her
%SIM. and it 44._ a rich c harvest to her:-
irk at:.last this Government had itself gone
to • war, and; all this trade of.the enterpriz,
inankee -was at- once; prostrated
profits ceased, and his ships were. left- to
I .rot,at the wharves. :Well, what did he do?
Ntit .you did, not catch the New:
England man despairing, ; , The countryhad
at that . man ufactures. . . coneniv ,
ed nc,atoMpting •• to -supply; the
want; .and;from very small And . . feeble
ginnanks , :tha systOkof . New England.:.
efactpreegrewitvand prospered under a'
wne . to which the - Nen , Englander-had be en-
utterly .opposed.,
. length peace, came;;
and it fnund the Yankee groWint fat on his
fltantifacturea: here, saidAr.',st; let
it not be , understood.' . ogreed:';:with Ida:I . : a
.0h:n0.;,-1 was 7 trlkar:
thn,Lnrdfarhi(l' that ptijir v 4o43r.shOrtld.Stbitik;
t]rte:4,nilterwito ,- ., -laugh.]: rßut.;penci.
40*, • i;fi r WtikeV; ntia',"=tftttVl.k!l'inincritrafr,nntl
414.04'*4c.ikt* . iillte , 'itinttrtfictttinra
040 ,1 1,*( 4 0 4 014,b(9:00:00000
-. ..' 4 8401.4911 atattatXtsl.-:
11) g ivt , l I 0
tfp • loSplly. ealSed. Our'etvit . ; - Isbor must)be
he...ahtuttlatied ;to its.ol4,
'WOtiltl be'illeverylSienen of tyrannyJa.
protect t h e infant.niainst the attack-of the
foil-gri)woand .pdiverfut, rival: for it 'is Lt.'
part of the state -rights dociritie to. Withhold
:the protect - tug tsid ,of ~GtE,VertiMprtt in
shape, under any eircumstanCeS. •
• - ht . 'exchtlineri - Mr. if -1-•i3ltould •live
•• • •
to see When -all- things that are,
needed .for hirtnati itle'Still:eine r fore•Shall -- be'
,produced,,tind _bought, nutl,.'soldtvithin
these, United States—When all
shall have been opened. , oll'our ,rich mo`un
tains ezplorbd 'and covered. witli - Sheep
walks for the-•use Of 1 our owoirtanufattnr-.
l ! lg-,estodifiluneets,—tylum every, American,.
citizen, 10.404 encand wear, and eenSuMe,
and use Whatever be- desires to make. him
happy; 'shall - find all• here- . -here, - open our
own soil, within, our own boundary Then,.
though , tiro wrath, of • God "should:, be let
'loose upon the.nntions of..the .
though Europe should reel Anti tremblebe ,
neat') his blows, and Britain' . anchor- •
ed - ile. should, gá down . ,, - and sinit.lp the
trighty.tleop,.;'incl_we,remain „so nOrnoved,
so self-supplhid, as, not . to feel the loss— !
-this, this w0.,h1 be, team, the very renli
zntion of American pros
perity. But thiStmuntry is not-alislilevee
can . be truly independent, So long as our,
oivn labor and our own capital are 'left un
tirotectedveNeKer : so; long as- it, is, the
darling:object of-our own-Governhient
crush the industry-arid • dash • dovvn all {he
enterprizd of these it should protect anti
foster. • •
. .
If to hold that, 'is, advocating •a - Protec
tive Tariff 7 ;4' can't. help it; no—l. can't
belp,it. - 11_1 am a'shiner, Fain at least a
hold sinner. if- to - feel - the, glow sof one
common nation in my bosom—if to hold
that the' man wli'o . resides at the extreme
North'is as lunch my•hrOther as the cotton.
planter of Qcorg h t—if this, is hostility •to
.the Sp9OGlben 1 am J pr,snemy... 'H •.•
.. .
, 1•..„--.- 7 : - .!• • ... - .'''' ; ',. , ,,.',*: : :,..--, , ,::7 '. 's::. s•, :
~"•- • : ..'•..
i i .....
' .111tr.'.1iA'Itiiit •i.lldeiti .r :LOocll4.,(o.:ltilite:''
—This individual holds a seat' hi• Congress,
in.known violation of the Constitutions , At
the beginningpf the extra session a reinon
strance against his'right • to a seat Was sent
ItiAtint - Lrmssoilth--a41111 2 -p roof , that—lie-did
not receive a majority of the motes at-the
clectiont He asked time to answer, 'and
lie matter was postponed to the 'regular
session: Instead of setting ab - Out *the busk
ness•as - soon7is he got liortie, he did midi
ing till -week—three date before the
- session commenced,- when_he servedll
bo !
ces to take - depositions in differe . nt-toiviis
iihimit - the District;' - gisving - dreoviseLki time
to reply. Thii - is done merely to get - de
lay_ as he knows he cannot maintain his
right to 'the seat—and' the people of this .
nasrfpresefitcd District Call . upon the'Reps
resentatives of the Whig Districts of this
State, to take care of their interests.—Eaal
port- Saltine'. . ,• . ~ ' ,
~.. -„• . ~ .
‘,„. ,
To the Postmasters
The multiplied and increasing attempts
to violate the law and defraud the revenue,
by writing on the :-wrappe'r or margin of
newspapers and pamphlets sent by mail,
enclosing memoranda or other things with
in them; underscoring, dotting, or pricking
letters or words, and by various other de
vices; with the view to evade the.payment
of legal postage, force upon the, Postmas
ter General the necessity of directing me
to call the special attention of Postmasters
to the unflinching discharge of their duty
in this particular.
The wrappers of all transient_ papers and
pamphlets, -which have reached their desti
nation,•should be rentoied, and the papers
examined. Those. used in the manner
above alluded .to,, as the vehicles of com
munication, should be charged, on delivery,
with letter postage; if refused or not - taken
out, they should be returned to the"oflice
where first mailed; and the Postmaster,
there, should invariably collect the 'legal
penalty of five' dollars," of the person who
committed the' offence. - Such papers
should be stamped when mailed, and. mark
ed with the rate of postage. '
The Postinaster. _Generat_ cannot bring.
himself to believe, that public sentiment,
When welt informed, will fail' to, sustain
. in the faithful-discharge of this duty,
as imperative; upon you' as any other.
• By the law of It 25 "any memorandum"
.in writing on a newspaper or pamphlet,
subjects it to letter postage; and in ;the
opinion - of the Department any Weida.
however few, other than' the name Qf the
person addressed, constitute a " memoran
dum_" within the meaning of the law.—
The very great abuse - of the franki'tg privi
lege, ond.the consequent loeti to there Venue
of the Department, and
. its demoralizing
effect ow the community, has also attracted
the attention of the Postmaster 'General,
and on this subject he cannot but repeatthe
language of one of his predecessors:
" It - alight be preowned. that 'the high
character of officers entitled to this privi
lege, would be 'ilutiraittee for its restric
tion' within the lititits of the law ;•- but it is
much to be :lamented for the honor of our
country, no less than for the - prOsperity oh
thb-Vepartnient,!that such has not always
been. tile "Lefterts' to - others,, are fre=.
quently eachnsed to persons who are will._
w,ritten by others are eftettSent under their,
frank;,in opposition 'ie . the :express letter of
law. There is .cause to apprehend that
Postmasters; have, in seine 4nstances,_ been
gniky uCthie-,fraud,.upWw.the.. revenue.;-T;
This nolpss.- ii shalli,find a
,remedy in
the Vigilant aod.',;pnergetic-:co-operation. of
Postmasters with the head, of the Depart
meet; must tend .t6..parelYZe all its ',opera
tiOnii.'".lf is therefore 'etpeCteil,:that: yhts
'Will watch .with the utmost 60,'agninSt,
this . ullewful::,prectiee,;..andrwhenever. you
have - causp.':'for.,,,suspieion, use ;ell. lawfid
means to obtain eVideneeetainetilhe.pfrent
'der, •Let:.,np effort:: be reinitted,..
digaity'nf.'atithin ' deter 'you ,' but hotve"ver
eitilieffiriakbelhe.emikr . Orthaiitteeriirfifr
7phill'violate,ithC , 4*,lB; ibe.LabOse s -4:lis.
feankipg pilvAogo,:ppyqr. fail, to.'enfOrcti the ;
rnow,,bylei#OppleiyanO.' , iepgri,oo
1 .6 44! , 0###!4,k..0 1 00 1 . 1 1 ,- .)#0 1 0 0 00O3
-01 004!:(0 •
• 714.5 e 41% 0 V+
. • - - ••• N • ‘•
filtirs VIA will beirsititained
but. o:Twain aster can eXpeCtAti re.;
fain''the of 'the
.De paittnent Who •
shati woutonty. violate . 'his franking proi
lege,or,,tvhO.knontingly shall suffer
I others: with inapunity."
•T49.' . .:l4 l s(t.trigmht.of sei . vice,
mait estelishment is compelled to perform
stion,:4llo.,thit. many additional, mail...facili 7 ,
ivldele the. piibljc.•vOic - ii Jodi enilifOr,'
rentler:ik,absolgtelymeeessary ,not 4030,114
sverk- dolfai - cit lawful revenue shall
1. - colle - ctethnttl:tteequittetFintt - Otlhat rtOds' .
antVleaka . Of 'alr kind; be pre vetite
Your. attention iss, also - called. to
struction . .tylatixe,to your duty in.the•transL
iniseion of - moley l to . .the 'publishers of
.newspapers .:or • acting as , 'their ,agent.- 7 ; ,
Mitch imiMirttleistanding 'appears . to exist
on this subject.tvldelk it is.desirable should
•be corrected..4/1011ft you ..'
.is,"enatitined. in . the .fullowing ; 'and : if, this.
is .not strictly.. 'observed, the ;Postmaster
General' be:pornpelled„tO withdraw the:
-instriiminn,entirely:,:“.-•,.,- '
" A Postmaster may. enclose money. it' ,
A letter to the publisher of a newspaper, to
pay the aiibsciiption of:a third ,person; and
'frank die. letter, if written . or , signed by .
himself the letter, e signed. tfyin
°ther- peison , the. PoStmaster.cannOt. frank.
it. But this is 'a service - not required of
hint, and lie may perform it as a matter
of courtesy or decline. it at his option.-
- Such letters should contain only.; and relate .
to, the transmission• of money from
Jniiiiridual: subscribers to .linblishers of
newspap.ersi . and not the collections of
agents• or . others; Anti They should not
cover correspondence on any other subject
whatever; and it is not proper for a Piist-
Master. to become the Agent of newspaper
publishers or others, and use his frank in
the transaction of such business."--:
SnMud you., be ,requested. to •.attend to : 1.,
oy,ncivicpaper -husinesslequiting . , the : tisol
I'am instructed . to add, in ,view -of the
numerous applications On the .subject, that
of The Laws,"- Instructions and Forint!
last publiShedin I 832; and the "'fable of
copies have for: some time past bean :on
hood for ilitribution`.; but is the- intention
pf the -Postmaster General to -Order.a - new
edition of both-to be published as soon as
_appi:Opriations - are made to meet ex .!
Lam, very respectfully;
Your obsdiem servant, .. .-
. • PH. 0. FULLER. •
• • 2v.. AssiWr. 'P. M.-GEN.
Post Office Depgrtnient;
December 10, 1841. '
Report Of the Secretary of the
. • --. • Navy, • •
We' tike the fullerdihvirem the Newark
Daily : • •
'i'he Annual report of the. NaVy'S"e'Cre
tary. is_ probably the longest document ever
issued froethat• Department. It would
occupy at rtst ten columns of this paper.
Of course . w readers will take the trouble
to wade .through it, and. a hurried outline
will be stfflicient to show its general topics,
of which the proposed reform in the ser
vicels the chief. After a • brief statement
showingthat our Navy_compriseri 11 ships.
Of the line; 17 frigates, 18 sloops,•6 brigs
and sehOoners, 4 steamers,• and :sundry
store ships and receiving resSele, the Re
port reviews the conditiokand importance
°four naval force in the Pacific, and re
commends a large increase' as beingespe
cially necessary for the protection of the
whale fisheries, in which- forty niißicitis of
American capital are now employed._
general naval rendezvous on the Pacific,
coast is also recommended, for the repair
and convenience of our vessels: • A naval
depot at the Sandwich Islatids'is also,eug- .
gested. .
• A favorable report is made from the Weil'
India; Brazilian, and East India artuadions.'
rbi, operations of the Exploring Expedi
liiiii,--are-Comthended,-•_tviticb, ii:.expected
home in, 1842. The. squadron of - 8 - e — treir
schooners on. the Florida coast appears to
lave done good service, as have the veSsels .
employed.on the coast of Africa against the
slave trade. An additional number of
sels, however, is - called for by the progress
of that nefarious trade. ' '
The steamships Missduri and Missis
:ippi are nearly ready; and three other
-reamers have been ordered for the• home
-quadron, besides- one •new•in progress, i
Philadelphia, under the'llirection of Capt.
toekton, to be propelled . by Ericsson s
ropellers, and another. at Norfolk, to be
nopelled•by Lieutemitit Bente/It subtnerg
•d water wheels. Valtfable results are an
icipated, from these experiments..'. Order's
ave also been given for a first rate• sloop
f war and 3 small vessels of war.
'The Apprentice syste,m continues to pro-
Ince good fruits. The number of enlisted
pprentices,,now, about 1000, is to bc. in
reased. Great difficulty is constantly, ex,
erienced vin the inlietinent of seamen.—
MeaSures are 'in favorable progress to eup
ly, the navy, with imprOved guns.,
Soine.ferce is, called for to' preserve the
ive oak and - red cedar forests on the, pub
is binds from depredations.,
--We—shalLialca...enether_cippertunity to
:ive.a fuller view of the Jeforar proposed
'n the report, The first step recommended
is the preparation of, a full.code of laws and
tiles, for the government of 'the. service.—
nose adopted by the , Navy.Commissien
:rs are. pointedly objected•to,. and . tho ge
era' derangement, if .notthe total
be navy; is anticipated, unless a reform'eit'
hiuubject is effected.'
The next reform proposed is the . re4er-",
anization of the Navy Deparittientiffielt
t is said lit in truth not organized afitlfi . :!'4
aterial increase of . the,
,ed,of the:Ark , The,' , 4 4 4,41 6 f:
!14::09..1 1 1 , 0 1 0 41 ProPeitY'llulluallf,01 1 00.:•
.p , lOl enemy on the ', oetiaiW lak
erB;,&e. is estimated , at.*159,909;00:
n surveying,the-:impprlsnce- ; ,,,),'-thieOpiek:
hP,PeOcatarY, 'reoymOrids ?i9POri3l*
team:dope and frigatile , Hi'
,*0 -;ettintinO.z;veptitOtlehded;
tie*thil'AAV '44:looo,litifiN)
;, • •
tnartoe corps is,.suggekte, , 1s : is the estali ! :,l',
I islitnent:lof nayprohookw;.l, effect these
reforms' ihcreaSed appropriations will of
course be iodispeoalde.;., • •,
An. enlargement: of- the Brooklyn Navy.
Yard is 'Said :to.' be cslled for, as. Is, sonic
improvement in. , the;g'round of%t,ie Navy'
Hospital . -at 'Nerfolk. More • clerks are.
- thought necessary 'for' the C,otumissioners,;*
,additiortal.Knarine barracks,.artd ; n 'depot
for eliarts and nautical innirtithents'.'
latinn..te ths.cost.of an.theseitoprovements,
iti s well suggested • in concluding the re
hporl—ilustythelpirrit- , -#.ltieh—pauses=to:
late:the --emit -of. measures rendered neces.;
.sary forthesupport of the honor-lin& glory'
.our ~countrY.; should 'never be. permittet.
to prevail. .it is,.enough,that a: necessity
for this. expenditure ..can. :be : -shown'; .11?6
amount 'alit will be a. secondary consider . -
atioo widti.. a .people who truly, love their:
country and , • properii value its institutions.
"[Postmaster General's .11teliart.
'-This is the bnly.briet - dcieuiment present-,
ed froth eay of the'Depatiments. - •Theothers
are too uftwieldly . fcir 'any practical purpose.
The:General Post Office is _in...want 'of
funds, and the Pestmaiter General seems ,
to have .intagined, that' he could procure
them by attention to sundry very'small
fairsin the - details .of the • extended service
of the Department... He will be mistalten,
as all - his'predecessors have been. • The
Treasury will.have to.lendiits-asaistanee
again,.and Xo it ought to any amount ne
cessary to the, legitimate imposes of Alm_
Department, , It is an infinitely preferable
mode of...usiug the . general ,revenne, than
thousands-of others daily-employed.
There is a deficiency in the present year
Of sllo,ooo ~ • • „. .• . , •, •
The Postmaster General. stateithat he
has essayed the most,rigid economy in the
adnainistration of the service, and yet' lie, is
satistied,the Mcperidituremmiuktbe reduced
Within the -litethitp. - --, • tinder_lhe
atanc le, amt it neeessaryoo re-%
adjuSt the- comeriiSsiena alloWed to ,Deputy
-Postmasters, , by• - •whielt about .$100;000 .
will be added to the - Department., . - Should
,Congrees:mit. approve, of this`step. it can
,bo,. prevented by-reducing , the amount of
intoo — effec
Rigid. enquiries haves
been instituted, not
only into the capaCity of 'the Deputy. Post
masters, but also into the solvency' 'of their
securities. • • • •
Mr.. Wickliffe-410mi not r-recommend: a
-reduction of postage r on letters, but . a Mod
ification of its rates so_iliat it shall confer - in
:to.the smaller United States coin, and a re
vision of- the lawS regulating newspaper
-postage. He especiallyurges - attentimi. : to
the mammoth periodicals, which increase
• the weight of the mails . and the expense (if
transportation, without adding - to the reve
nue. _
•, He. invites. the legislation of Congress
to regulate •establishnient of private ex
' presses. The exclusive right to post roads
`for pest purpoes.he thinks should be held.
by the Government. .
He strongly urges the-purchase of such
an interest in the .rail roads on the princi
pal routes, as shall give to the government
all the facilities and conveniences of these
improvements, . ,at. a cheaper rate. than
they are obtained. A...tileetinrof the Pre
sidents of these• Companies is to
in Washington, in Januaryon.confer_upon
the subject.—N. B. Fredonia.' •
Temperance Department.
This Convention meets in Harrisburg• on
the second Wednesday of January, 1842.
It is expected that the various societies
throughout :the State:will be fully repre
sented, as subjects of vast importance are
-to be-presented for, its consideration.
• P4ttes Exh icingriewo'of the. Human
Stomach . .—Prepared by Thomas Sewall,
M. D., Professor of PathOlogy,- end the
Practice • of Medicine in' the Columbian
The Executive Committee of the Cum.'
Co. Temp. Seciety have procured a few
copies of the Platen to which their attention
was called a 'week or two since by the. Her
ald &Expositor; and .the are now for ix
hibitiOn et Mi. London's 'Book' Store. If
desired, a few copies can be obtained• there
at the Publiisli*is '
These Plates exhibit'tho following views
of the 'human stomach:
'l.. In a state of health._ • ,
. . . ,
The r innee isurfaciE of the Stomach of
the Tempirate Drinker of intoxicating wine'
or alcoholic drinks '
S.•'The , e`onfiimed UrinikartriPtOmach.
4:; The Druiikard ' e Stomach in an,tilcer
one state: • '• ," •
5. The Drunkard's Stomach alter cie 7
6. Thd Drunkard's:Stomach in a cancer
ous .state'.
7. The Drunkard's Stomich after dbath
hy 'the Deliritim Trereene. o .
Distinguished sFtemhers of pengress'who
have seen the Of these plates, state
that steps Obeid be taken to have thularke
sheet, framed, and .hueg% in' , eyerry 'Nettl
ed Salt - 001, Poer:House, Prison; Hospital,
(100-Room; and 'Temperance House
_Ahe:country." , '
Ave* , father of a fear should -- 'exhibit
4heieldate's_to his childienofiet they' inay
see What moderate drinkiUg'leads
. ,
Sitould every minister - of Christ and every
professing Chriition,.exainine
~thetie; plates
jt . migbt , sssist `them in 'deciding , .? whether
the. liquor-: whieli Makes eneli stoinichs aS
they,exiiihit, is 'lf proper eubsideee;tOr corn.:
memeratellie dying lime Of thnitedeeitifi
Orthe,Woill - Should there: : be 0110 - 4 more
individuals, in ilnychuieh who feel 0e
forte nee' Of fine d isetufsiOn 7 oeih is que stion'
oF 4 10 ',f00l that
,lignor, is not.
for ille'soorkoo r ej;.`Weild
#llot • ':
,Measure,: re 'ref 11,fe OA° Airs 4
IS! • `."
~ • '4,,
cherehei . WWa Copy 'of this•w,orkvith or I .s": c s o r : froi, he is not "well provided with
ith en t '442 pl pi,S,? ; • • I.ltetuielimm , mu) conveniences-for :the' ac•
• All TeMperanCe•Lienirers'ilmuld 'odd!)• a uinniodation of strangers;and travellers." ,
it these plates while addressing public bod-. In any•of these .lestiour cases, it, most
haVe 'copies for sale,or distribution; , clearly_ appears; thakthe'jconikare not 'only
that' the eye as well
,ss the ear might be in not required 'to grant the license. Out that,
:B;tucted. , .. l 4Dr.-SeiValPs • fire; i,.lectuie ill' 'they cannot grant it, without betraying the •
Waishington, only 'a few attended; at the trust 'confided to them. Where the court -
•sererid'ever 34100 perrionsf'sed griig , •Shop — have - personal knoWledge,thefeepiiiiiiibility
keepers who were present, were hoard to most unquestionably rests with them; nor
say, "If our business makes such stomachs, 'could they; if they would, by any sophistry
wa m iii, a b an d on .ic , shit*. it o...tipon the .signers •of the certifi. - • '
-- Sheuld.steps be taken. to 'furnish a copy
of the large sheet framed, to be 'hung, up in:
some conspicious, place in all' our C leges,
Aiatlemiesi . and'ittehoolKof. tik - sOrtir,: ntiglit
it not he r e cheap and simple'' . ea of de
livering thousands, :and ithis 'of thousands
'of the rising generatioti.lrotit taking the
first Om? as without, this first glass,:there
would be no Moderate Drinkers, or Drunk,.
'aril's Stomachs to exhibit. .
' A further supply' Of These: Plates ivilk - be
provided 'by the: Committee; should there
be a demand.. for thetii.- We - wish 'every
citiien. arid, especially those • wile use,- or
who: taffic in intoxicating liqUors,.ivciuld
call and see them. •. ,
' • M. CALDWELL, Cliairmpti.
Dec. 27.1841.
. • • For the IlerahlE.s Expositor.
out COI] (VI'S A ND'rFIE
• .
Mr.EDITOR - I—Minh said at the pres-'I
time of
spittime ()film statutes now•in fordo in our'
Commonwealth regulating the . retailpf
dent spirits;—some deeming:them trouble
soMe and severe, and others thinking them
,quite. insufficient to guard the public .inter
ests._ Fur ourselves, we think if the retail
traffic in honor is to be legalized at all, the ,
statutes as they new stand, are about as
good as could be -devised. •
Licences to sell ardent - Spirits,- we appre
head hail their origin...din the', r st
ha( iteceSsyry
anti: iipon . cV that - the •traflia:•:iii,Volved
danger. •;- Whi • le: the last idetehas
strength, andhas'AiecotneVerrecily nhvionl
even,to tits. retader himself, the first is be
gintling to 86 as universally: questioned.,—
Even those whei4 . urnish it to others know
ilvit_the less they use themielves the better._
'That the idea of danger has beet! all along
in ill'e"minds:of our legislators, becoMes evi
dent by looking at the statutes regulating
„the t raffle. In theact.4lB34, among others,
are found the following restrictions:—
. 1. No_tavern keeper of retailer - is allow,
or hazard, crick fighting, horse racieg,.or
the like;. or
: to,..furnishany
beer, or cider to persons, assembled for such
purposes.:. (Sec. 18.)_ : •
• No tavern keeper or retailer is rillow
ed to permit any kind of game, either of
address or hazard, on his premises. (Sec.
19.) - -• , - -
3. No 'tavern. keeper is allowed even to
harbor or'entertain a 'minor, apprentice, or
servant, knowing him to be such. (Sec.
21.) •
4. .No ti ern keeper .Can collect a debt
contracted - for liquor Of any kind. (Sec. 2`2.)
5. No person is permitted. to keep a tav
ern or to retail liquor without a license.---
(Sec. 24 & 25.)
• 6. Anti the last section of the act is:—
"If any innkeeper or tavern keeper shall
be convicted of'any. offence not mentioned
iu this act, or shall knowingly suffer drunk
enness,- riot, or other disorderly conduct in
his house,'or shall disobey any Of the pro
visions•of this act, it shall be lawful for the
court which granted the license, in their
discretion, t0,.. - revoke the, same, and such
revocation shall be, entered on' record, and
the license shall thereupon cease and deter
mine." (Sec. - -
. .• „
The penalties attached ic- these several
offeneea are,--fines, (fronilliree dollars to
one hundred,) loss 'of debts,- forfeitiire of
license, or being ren red incapable of ever
after receiving a 'lie keep a tavern
within this OommonWealth. As to what . ]
is theduty of •geoil citizens, when they
know, and can make it appear, that these,
statutes have been violated, it is itot,Oeces
eery, that we should speak; and when this
duty is performed,. the action -..0f the court
Will : doubtless-meet-their-expectations.---
But we wish specially. to call attention,
at this time, 'to the' • guards interposed
by our statutes against the 'granting of li
censes to' improper persons, and the open
ingof taverns in improper places. . '
4. "No court : tiltall grant a licenie to .
any person to keep an inn or tavern except
upon a certificate' inwriting,- signed by. at
least twelve reputable citizens of the Ward;
borough or township, in which .sticlinut.
or tavern i is proposed to be keptv setting
forth thateuelxinn or tavern is necessary to
accent modate:thepublie and•entertain strin .
gers and travellers; and thatsuch . person ie
of good repute for honeity and temperance,
and , is well. provided With house room and
conveniences for the'' accomitiodatiod of
.strangers and . trsivellera." ' • '
5. 4 •N0 curt shall license any : period
to keep an inn' or tavern, unless • from the
petition or certifidate,'or front 'their onin
knowledge, or • upon evidence eititglif for
and obtained, they shall 'be satisfied of the..
fitnetia .or the perenit tind7Of the
sufficiency ,of the aeConitnatlationitifote-,
: •
,beg leaiv to call the attention' of
our - readers' to, the following 'particulars
onnected with' thesi two sections. •'
1:' Though 'no court can grant
withaut , a' certificate 'of tivelv,k4tienr, the
tonne .doed net. require that the
icense shall be trantedon , such teitificpte..
he iSche'rethrOwn - tipoWthe' l
judge's; and firth irplain tveson, 68 wq
pose.-Ahatpori are nien'lv hose integrity_
ughtitivb safely relied upmr.' , .
2, Tile court' may-know, tharthelWelve
men 1 - thc, sign': the fertifioate, are not all
.3. Though theie signers 'May'be whOt ;is;
sually Understood by reputable 06'
court' may , "he satisfied,; from own
knotidedge," that the inn or tavern petition
nnt'"ne . ceqeary" to; accommodate' :
lieublio'and' entertain atrangeiirand
, • ,
eir own know edge"
that thti,
cate.: This certificate was intended doubt
less:as',.aty additional - guard, not certainly
transferring the yesponsibility from the ,
lijageslo twelve. irresponsible; men, brit -by
furnishing the • couti with 'information in
those. eases to,which their personal know
ledge, does not' extend. By ',the language
of the st h
. section already quoted, the . coUrt,
are themselves, "to -be satisfied"- -on the
.question. , • .
'The law of - 1841; Teguiring the publics.'
tion - of the ceitifieate, imposes another guard
of 'this' same kind.- This notice Of-more
than three' ; 4 41.eeks enables the' court to be 'thus "satisfied" on the question of
the necessity of the tavern petitioned for,
and. of tha character of. the petitioner. And
except in 'rare oases; the- public cannot feel
that the responsible trust, confided to- the
court by the Statutes has been faithfully
fulfilled, if 'the petitions of improper per
soni, or' ,fair taverns- where they -are :.not
needed, are granted.
: But.this.lati_of--1841.- T also imposes - Obli
gations. on , evert good citizen:whenever:.
he sees by the public votice - that a license '
is to be applied, for by an, improper pertioN .
or for a tavern Where it is not needed.
And if . our citizens are not willing to take •
the responsibility of remonstrating before ,
.the' court, ' they.. may charge - themselves -
rather than the court; with neglect.of..thity ..
'and'ilisreprd - for the public good;'; .:At any
1 rate, till .thelvourt loiSallighteittitiir re.MCM- . . ;
Stiances,'.llo,le f :'.oinilii:;.,bilthe .. Nit . 'onni.ix?",'! . - .
C. - utti.plain •ilf. any 4efi'iiiciMY i ii, our laws.
Even' the keeperi of respectable.taverns
Band hotels..are not lessinterestei than others,
in having the spirit of these statutes strictly .--
observed. .. ~
The_writer of this, article would not eon-
woad prefer to have•
alt..our:public 'louses-conducted on teniper-,
ante principles ; but he would no(haYeithis
by essitsPillsiost And while our staiittes re- .
main as they are, all . that we, would wish,
is to have them strictly.observed: 'And in
conelnsion, we-. Would limn ire - whether the
spirit of our statuteifdoeirnotslemind, that
the iivelve men signing for of the : .
appliesint' for Heels - se should be ditintereist-__
ed and-that there should be, no evi-•
Bence of collusion between theM arid the
petitioner, as 'well as that they should be
its tlics==c_emmon acceptation of the term
" fe - plitable.'" Otherwise, any twelye men
in 9 ward, borough or toivnship, though all
disinters, Avlolesale dealers, owners of
tavern stands, or even tenants of landlordt,, ,
provided only they are 'reputable citizens,'
could force upon the -community in which .
they live, any number of taverns. Dior is - ,
this the worst. - Unless the judges are at „
liberty to inquire into this, matter, or to
snake use of the knowledge they have—•
thirteen men, all tavern keepere, in any •
ward, borough, or township, could secure.
to each other the necessery.certificate to be
presented to the court, without application
to any other person. These, it is true, are
et Creme cases; but they show most con
clusively, that on' the firmness and integri
ty of nor courts;. rests our chief security
in regard to this dangerous' traffic. •
floweveroor courts shall . coitatrise.the*-- ,
duties arising, out •of these statutes,i4si;
proper for all concerned to understand'. that
!just in proportion as the signers of the
certificates of those who apply, / for tavern
licenses shall be men of acknowledged repu-'
union, and shall he seen to be entirely tlis
interestettin the business, will the public
be.. satisfied' tharthe''tavertis . licensed are .
needed for the 'publie-accommodatioh, and
the men wht; keefesihem are deservitig of
public confidence. • • •
r In this last remark We, have stated" only
oa truth, which 'Would hate been' equally
true_liatl-it not been-stated; and it is a truth--
in which the keepers of onr.public houses
are themselves, obviously more interested
theft any other men... •
_. ' , •
Cumberland Co: Dee... 20, 1841. •
• 11414'T. Or CAIJSES;
For Trial at the Januar.y Term, 1842.
First week Comm:acing on the .10th January; IP
Wilson - • • vs Clark et al
rMoale lir Brother "Vs J U Lyno ,
Played fur title vs M'Clure et al " •
Wise for use. - vs Same
-Reigle . ", vs Alil - - •
'Grubb et at - • vs' "Croft et al
Saving rund-' • .vs Moore • •
I Same vs Moore & Biddle •
- vs • Reislier
Ego • vs Kaufman '• .
&Tend - week cominencing on thel7th•January,lB4sl.
MeGlaughlio '• • , vs.: Wolfs •. • ' • • •
Drafty. tsCo„ , , vs Reitman' '
Shunts for use vs " Alexander'
11,101 lay for use ' ". •'. . vs , Grid et ill
Brindle .„ •.. - -. vs Drieshaugh et at
Rouser vs Same `. -. ' •
;Miler„ , vs Mahon ,' '
, .
hlyei s et al -. .' . vs ' 'Oprr 0.,a1” -
Hughes' adiu'r• ' • vs' Moore et Of '• •
lyres -' - . • 'vs , Noble lk Co:
Squire et al ' • vs,: Underiond et *P . .,
..„ -' . -, , Vs' Creighritl"
1 NQbleN Ears . •• -. vs, Harper" • • ~ '
Wilson : • . • . . vs Alexander' '
o!Dotielr . •vit'' Craighead
' Cake - ' , r. ,• , ~ - - vs* 1‘113(.11ore• •' •
, Schlosser ... ' ' ..... . ...-vs ' Fenner • . '-'-', ' '•
'Same , , ...•• .. ' ' vs: Becher • -) -
I Mateeris miner . '''''': - . .'iii- Thompson . '.
I riult...•; ~ . 7 ''
......,:r - ... 'vs ' Givler• ••• - ' ' '''''' -'
Wilson misfile!) &e :,-..: , 'is ,GiVjeNi ex're ' .
Sadie' - ; its: Same '
Gorges efil ': - - , Vs Aleonnuter. • '
Kennedy for use •• ; ' - - - vs-31131•7i.e1y
I :Harris , • •., ,' : '-vit I.Cherch -,,,-..-'-, .
' ,h,.XiCorgait'i'eer ' „ - ~. vs'• AVitti.i..--• . - . . '
•,-„,—., , 2, ' ' :at•g! gA#rotrisoN.Prothi.
1 , :uPeerol7 iip.. l ,o;i , i1idi, , ..... , ~,... v. ' '
Int - Atrir
F tietalidclOthi•r"
fidinedpriegA kr :
0;22; 184,G-
. ~~: