Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 29, 1841, Image 4

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..E l staie of 1171liani - Zogan. deed._
rerrEits-reaimadary o
,i the I%tutc•ilt '\l'in
tetanjute of Frankforci slet'd4havti
beet' issued iit • duu forni.oflawto the siibscriber-iy
'sidiu,,.. in the 19:1111Ctownship, _ , NOTICE, is hereby
.giretith all persousliaviiig,chu ins agNiiist said estate,
to:present them - Organdy authenticated the
-meat, and 'till kraut's indebted are requested to make
Oayruelit to the subscriber.
Zacetuber:B, 811,-6t.
••• morrica3.i. • .
'Estate of James
LET .MIS .of Administration an. : the
e4tnte of .I.totek:Wil•ton, late of - North
Ton tawasttip,CLutberiandiequaty, dec'tl., !mire been
istried i t due farmtttl 7tTTI the sulneribrr rt•ittiog
la wild tawnShip Notieels•lterehe gii , eo to 1.11 per
sons hovinkeluims opium said estuic,ta preseot theta
,neopk•lv nabg,iticated for Set t teniebt, sof I 01' person!.
itslobtedrtre requested- to Woke pa! meat to the WI:-
• 7)eoemberB, 1841.—g t •• •
:N otic c . .
tif , Dr.-John-Imizer..-( cc I
A Cst a te of lir. J,allit Fritz .r., tdo of Sant!' Ilith•
dle v artann deisNl., lone I.eiot p.tto•feel t o the
ibseriher' resolin g it. Ttce it;
he. eby g iven 0 all persinsltsvoi g Ittolts said
estate 00 i n•esent- Ottni furs •ttlement;sai
cleltted tir ino4e p taunt an or before the first et
• ' . GEORGE O'D.Y..s:NTAL, Adra'r.
Con.itimption. and I)entli
.• AVM mist ass,nr.elly be the earl, ni tlto.e uho
'neglect themselves n hen u i:b the pronwai
tory svinAlbni of p nomotptioo, stich as coal, cough.
bre tuintis, or soarness of the throat, hoarseness, flit . -
' .. fine ilt expectoration, astliina,•spittiUn of blend,
De. 1)1 ,eau's expectiount hens it is expressly pie
: • •pared fir the4reoloval and. core of those dang,ratis
-• wultilutiblesente diseases. Tl,t•rcl itt,s en mita e
lalmriug ti:aler the - infltunice- te these coniiklaists,
• ,_ rena.ere metlicive hetore it he too
• late,. o:te . Wittle may he the me:nut of prolonging;
I.2ur life. Alwayn ask for Dr. Dm:can's Ex peetorant
henietly-, and See that you ttet it, and nia he per
, suatleil by some- who sell different medicines to take
saTrie, of their ritedici - e preferehte. Thise
tioni obtain some cheap and [lain it on
public at full price. It is thereforieipportant fur
• „ . " . . !. parchasers le be their gt!ard: • •
I)oncait's 'Espreterunt....redy tt.,.pnt op.
' 1"`
arge size! itt maw! d bl.ite_paper.— •
' • -• forth,: tentaitas'ii- flue 444.14 piate cage:3llli,-;
repreisentinz Itope in a StOrni.",
•• Principal office 19 North Eight'strcet,Phindel
. thin. •', •
Tor agleat the Dritg Store of Meers t O.
:itorWiiii'. - Peril:Shippriiihtere — . 'Dec. fl •
Ell{ - 01111L.N;tibriN — & - 741 O.
lime locate:! in Cailisle, fir the purpose
of manufaquring and selling
Hathaivav's..l 3 atnt 44 IIot.Air
. Cooling Stores: "
• . And being aware that die - people in this place and
• vicinity . ,,bave been merit , imposed upin by the
tr.-nin e t e e n of new and commeode d articles
Which they have beets induces: to wird in se, and which.
• .
leave been as s.ightly made, and of earl, bad Materi—
al, that in a ',hart time:they leave failed and beemee
useless. We, there:Tire, do not intend offering ewes
for sale until they are surly triedliiThisliomniunity;
' and prOnonneed_mOre durable in their construction,
better adapted to the purposes of boiling, baking and
all the varieties of cooking thawany other stove; also;
• that they are a great saving of fuel as well as labour.
(thAVe earne•dly invite farmers as well -- as real..
- de its of this plane and the neighlioring 7 vipages, to
seall,nn us at S. Wooderlich's hotel, or n;tify us' by.
letters (postage nimaid) that they are, willing to try
nor , stove- 7 -and the stove stall be placed in the.
- -kitalten-ofevery pePson 4 gifing „us such 'notice, and
taken away alter trial, without any expense to per
,:sonivirrikingthotrial. • 4-
The stoves will he Up) for sale at the Ti., Shop
Ale..laeoh Pvidley,nnil at the rotindry of Messrs.
Lay and Stottifer, in Collide. .
it tying olaterieted roe One, Hundred Tons of
Castings, we Will, in a few days, supply stove deal
-Ors' with all the. different sizes, on the moat liberal
terms. • • .
ELF.% ZOR RORINSON, of Carlisle, is agent
for selling, the - right to'make and vend theolUlT AIR
STOVE., and will di spa - Coif counties iil this and the
adjoining States. -
We publish ihe• folloWing remroent a ions from
some of t h e who are, using the stove, to, encourage
others to try it. ,
se pt. 12. 1841.
I have in use in my kitchen mie,of Ilathawayspat
ent.llot Air (; , )11 . king Stf)VeS:filld can recommend it
as very snperior article. - . The one I have is No. S.
It has 5
.blikvis and an oven snlilziently large to bake'
si?c loves nr bread. The biking. roasting and broil.
ingcan fill be dune nt the same time and with moult
leis ‘t , ».I than is required for any- atove which we,
have u?e,i.
si !lavas., to he peculiarly" calculated for
Farm nt. •nel bearfit I ihvite dim to call
na 1 sac th 4 St are i a tis:!. RR I shall take pleasure in
shawisz this stare In all whom intrresa or curiosity
may Lid we to examine it.
.• SIMON' wu:vDmitumr:
'Curb's/0, Vept. 1 I, 1841.
R Almon .11 Cn.—t;Et rcx , lcvllmve
ttiri tit few • day. I 'hove hud paw llothoway' s
H .10. r Stove in tile, hl•cotne cam - laced ni its
gr.•at so toil t . rity ino.trall other stlYes I hole met! r t •
seo..t., I f 1.1 In- the trial that •roosting, hal:- h • tilin nrty all he done at the same time.
•in a in 14t el !winner, awl with Iris !b an our
cl.llOl-thaiNoti_liaye. (or - tlir - innie
• tri4 , 4 . ..s - I kw , ' •t afore IP•rii or thin that
brinel o nil I lint he well baked in a' conking , •t
hint tamennvinrrdttpnn trial tbsitsit can lie• done as
well in emir wive an in a hide& oven. • ••
• •1 lielieve,tbat the Ice:weal iiill—itinCtinn'tirjhtle
inite into 'vie will he very beneficial in,..tbie,piablir,
th ver!re I :shatt.take pleas rein recommending it
to m' friends. • Yours respeolitlty;f . .
. . . MOUDY•
• - ' • • •• Cartier, Sid i 1.9,4R41.•
,fta.sinson& - Cn" --fientienlen, - ;1' have
fa m i sly tested the lot Air Ptive" a Web you put tip
, at 111 V 11 , 11414. a .11 cin rocnininenil it as pOSSefaiag
pri.toiidesafecmmnty an d •enaVeliiellee 6111711a1e
g l itz our lake /It.7lVe which I have ever area. •
The wining in invntiilinte , enntait shah the
fire gives it'greut Civilities for bniling,and t oven
• is heated on such a principle tliat bevel is link e d i n ,
as fine a• manner as to a brick oven; find . it also a
great saving of fuel and labour. and walla advise all
to adopt it. McLELLAN.
- • • ' C4anthersburg, .8.14: 6, UM. •
I litkeerlify that L miieg one of I fathaway's
Patent llot - Air Cook Stoves,' Nn. :Laud do reeoin.
mentlit•as_superior to any stove I have seen; ihe 4
-.great saying !Wind, and the variety that can ht cook.:
ine; at the same time, makes it an object to those ullo
wield° facilitate the tip:rations of lir kitchen. ."
•Carlls'e, Sapterither 15. 184 t.-»v. _- , ,
. 'oll_ RE. 0 , 1 0 -
The sonall two
,stnry BRIM,V
Me..eakley's, tims,neetittsill by tworge
Fleming, E dilly. tenni -Ist: of
Pee ! , 7, IS. . -
• •'.z I) . OSr-300011S. ..,•• • -
isoplity7of gOods,notheveralyVeces or oaltotinp,P.,
377 / 7 h - lffitekteeiraLl,lirilocTiliOlrliargiiiiii
are always •
. • • ' .CIIAItLES 11ARNJ17..
." 2 ' ' •' ' • '
, - . /71/ 0 1:F. •
17,stiito . ofilliiNie,tVrowtt.• deed.
T:IftTi:},USArP . 4 . 1 ).NliN 1 00411: 10 3N
entuti• :11
to 5 .,, .1. 8 *.-crOm*.toool woolly Iler'sl., tine Lein 4.117
' r the sqlostwuber Nvy.,lo , l,tpwnrlA . ip
T ,k, E
:1 4 ;Itli;r6lly,iett to ail POEoOoliiMtell,tr4 t 0.00.1.
tosts tkr immrdiatgpa
meat„iliutHi ose, hating.
to : ipment ,
~.~:~ ~-zr , - ::.
'::•'-'':'!' '1; ';?..,:'k,.. , 7•'-,:.,,,::::...
'''''.: .`,.414.:-.:',„:„::,
, . Siter t . .:. :8 , 1 sok , s y., ~. . ...-ci• • ....-. mos
Y.'Yirtilet.orA wgit (ii'):ikitielitE;;takiiie'tlA.eetedi. '-‘,\,..:,. 1 41 6 .1' 4 21 Vi a _Sizt.. 4:fie:A:, ItP r a v ,
;: jup rsiiie4l . Obehr the Ciairt'iif thiiiiitiOii - Ineas,'Of ''".'"-' '. • ;oar ' ale' ' ;• ; ' ‘
•( Blatt aottitiyVtifil - be'Vkiiiieeil 'lb' iiitliiiii'stik: eitiritiiiirtsio"*.4',VcttiVA:itii
arthe•CoOrellott4 lit tlib liiroitglh'irCiOlisle,itit s` -,,,.. •, .. • ' • I . ,-- ~...: . ►
•-• • ~, •. i
Shirtlpy Ifie lith (14 - ot.latiiiii.j , ilE4Q; at 10 o'iiioelt,' . ....,, ;; ,IN
~.11, 1 E ItutA ANT& '
A. 31., the following described reall'estnie viz: - • • ' !Wye realoVeir to*thecitiniilialia W.Mleliattaft - teentic'
. . •.
• , • ~
~ ..••
~ . ,„ ~.... • .... , ~, •,, • ~ . . or.t.upied hy 1). Leech 'Bl., CO; at tlie OOrth;•w'esteorner
...4. :Cella ip - Liot,ot ' M 1 nu, situate= al.Citerrypoollleoad street, PhilatlelOhia. H !.- •• r ,
owthe North 1. / ast alOitf. 'tlittliablity'aquatleitt ale ' . 1 .1'9. 11 1 the tueitittes whioh.the locatido and internal
borWogh ;Of taeasle, liana - tied' Oil the Weat .,t , the ttraitiMindist Or this 'lleliot .a1fbi41,..40 to 40 Ilinibea
•publib tqumi . i.;'oii.tftd Nerth . hr:ltitilberr.i. Alley.; on Cart eat' be aitteitinthdated la 'aiiititit 1111(1 loso at the
:the., Esa b• ..a lot, iii t; e 'oreutianew .of•:::1oliti' same titne:ivititait ffi eietit room to.stom 20,000 barrels
Creigh, au n t oirthe Stint!' 11
. the. Allit/ii Street', (said of Plow', and 400 .to,6oo.toit of 9raiwekelasire of pie :
lid heing"litimbered Ili iliegendral 'plawor Carlialic; fi.)l4lli'difik drimortment; ••. • •
.N m . lit .)•e,init:1111111g Six iyleeil •in frill it , Mid l't ael Produce or evei.y. description . Wllllbe eeielveita9
lnired and fartv fet t,nic . ire cir less ill deptltOtircipt; , lialtal'orrentssignmenta,and liberal advances niade on
thet•eon ei•ertvilAlicre,t,cB'F,triey itditd.‘ Menses' on [receipt (if rctiniced) until sales acre effeeted. • t ,
Main aliTl.l, and . lice - ttCrt. shot"' 'Brick dwellingA, '. • . ' . ' CRAIG,. 1111ELLA,5 . & Co. ~
!unities. frontiogibe ralill6' .. taltotre . witli othee Itri : .; • • ' Nerth"..wesi'coraei of Cheriy & lilviat ,
iCsf.• .•
ppm ement s. . • - '• ' ' ' ' ' Philadelphia.
. .
Also--:ATiii6i:i . it .Liiiiil. situate
in 'Mifflin towtialtin, id the Crididy afliremiti,:trijnim•
big,. panda of George•Citrist'ieb,,•ltionh , Christ licit,
theliA illeth 1111 l 4l's heirs, :John Ilarpersr 31nOsinit
'tract,anti newt-a, containing tow hamirettioal - tbrty,
sierra. more or leis, having, titeyenit erected, a tdo
story Log !louse, a large Ilarn and - ether iittprrWe
eowti Seized arid hiked iii exccution as ' the-prop
city of John Ilaciler„.grrd: ' - .' -
.- ••ritliti.,tolte sold- hi - mte . - '' - -:',---- ---••:----
- —•--- . ; % •'- - 1 ) .k1. 1 1,• 1 1 41AHTINi Sherif ..
. .
. SttEnrres Orrwr.. •
Csrlisl,, Ws. 14; 1 841.--3 t,
~.Iy)BElit LAIR')
to eAtiel, his tlin , iks the. Nt•
I.t') ur ut ize liitQei to ext :tiled q respect.
•ttly inrt tri his 111`001.1.3Jileraily.
114 ha stilt u iiitietfrs the !intim. of
in nil its.branchen, nt 4i5 old stand in Main street,
w•ltere Iw is:tine:lp rM Is to uttetail to.oriters in his
Cit•lich!.N Iv. IT.
l'ease's Clarified E. cuce of
• . Liar/Isairird
The .u?).crii...rliavin g been 'nppointril Peneral.
(mot furAliu aliacc;celvlirateil.iirticle, respectfully
treys Rin tlic. 'either whnlesule ret•iil;
ri . P,l,•cliiiscrs in requesicil to trwii^e. of cntiti-'
. • .
„ .
S6llle a ss.lll . !tiCtiit , of • ; ...•
• • • -
MO" IVitavir.ijontN •
consisting Of sillier black, Anil other Cloths,
Cas.itriereF..lattitietts, stile V estinge, evarieti
-of-Almis-c-tiet I :;tiees - Jcuwelit'iir
Thilivt 1 1 1;lotiels..i.t_tgers ditto
hrie.s. Oil Cloths, 11.i1)4oas, 7}l..ri no Skirts
aril Dram ers. •
Meng, Womnthe atulChilarettai
_ Leather & Montero Shoes'& Boots. .
SPICES, &c ; With et . great variety of otter polls
nil of which hoiwill.soll at a small profit to Slat the
lilllol. Don't forget nr cilltn
• S. M. lARItiS
Carlioe.Selt. - 29;1841:-13••••• ' . •
!MON just ceived :aid fur ealc:bp:St
cortityali, ' • .
. NI A J ;KERF,t, and Codfish fur sale
. 11r, J. St F.
btst y of illcoc4e4l.Spei'mjatV
PTCEILING Vinciav Ear sale hy J. b:. E. Corn
man. -
V h G e;t l - g rtZ i n t 7 . 7 or a . n c c i l i N e e i . :3 ot. „ ,pii‘ ; t o r i l . l n a in cii n e n s of the
1 OAF anti'Lump Sugar. The sithsecibers have
14 received n large supidir of
.L iiif and Lump
Sugar, which they offer for aril I,:whnlesnie or retail,
at reduced prices. . 4. _B4 E. Coretunti.
S n 4 l c e t s fop
;Bari by
8c E.
C °"'
31m reeei'veil at the store of ANDREW
a general assortment of
• •
• • I' lill & Winter Goods, —
ennsistinpi•lti part of Won . ' and Chtli dyed Mack,
Blue, Invisible Green, Adelaide, Olive and Green
flack, lirnan.ltle, Green, 'Olive, diamond,
Beaver awl Pi Int Olc.ths; Mack, Ohm, th-nwn mixed
plain anti fitment! Otntsi tneres, stew style.
Sattinetts (ifassorted-col , ws,film SO tents ta $2 Osiii
•beaverteens, jean cords, enntrut flannels. ted. white.
Velltttv and yreett flannels:—ticks, and marlins ••••-•
3-4 nterintien. ntoslnin-deAtine and Sfectiny
figneetl anti plain. Fl trek. plain, mei pia, 1)111%41.
ittekineit and swiss Tina Pawn. nrittae• lake •
Mile black, Male, fi c ored Hull plaiic silks. fillinet
silks nod vilihntis, new style - . Shim's, glnees,
kn.:lvry and Cloth and file exits Carpeting,
hearth vtizs, izes. and blankets. Color
et' nntlyt !the carpet urn Fresh Nfarkerel, tngeth•
VP with a cenernl assortment of qieenruutre and
Grocerletorhicle will he soltlia l _ moderate prices at.
Carlisle, October eO, 1841,—itf. , .
The subscri!,ers - .hare just rereiceil - *film store
room lately occupied by-31r. C. roster, in Nmils
Ifennver.strcet, rarlisle, a large and general assort
nufni. of
..C.-M 7 " - AaZik•DOM. Iti 1131 tab
Pft „ Chilln• .Glass: and
U. N B:WA lt
whiehthey will sell nn the most liberal ierrits. They
invite the public to'call and examine.
- . October 13;1841. ' *- •
S. 'DUNLAP-. ADA 111',
aliffirmy .tri L r *, ) , ..
Ms removed his office' to No. 8. - ilekvm's Row
on the 'public eglintre.• -
Oct. 13, 1141.
Liver Complaitit Citretl by the
use of 121%.11:ulicles Comoound Streogtliening and
,:0118..• ".:of,
burg,-Cu„- entirely cured, of the Simi . ° rikessing
(Inseam.; Ii s symptoms Were 8010 and wei OW in tbe
left Sote,lnis of simirtite, vomiting ;mid trtteltillwita,
etlistentims'of Alto - stomach; sick liesithicho;furred
'Lange, countenance:changed to n• eiteon . eolor, flit%
cult/ of breallsirg, thottirbed..rett; attended'. with a
cough, great debility, with other syMptoins Indicating
great derangeibent of the fitrttiottaot the - liven Mr.f
Richards had the. advice' of several ii4micians, hut:
receivedno relief, iteing Dr. liarbeles'lljedh.
cyie, whirh .termi slate& Ws fleeting st - perfeet
onfirPIONCIPA OFFICE, No. 19 North Eighth!'
Street, Philtidelpitia, 'where festintoniala Mar , be
• For Afgera • ISt Co., CaNliiile Vita
iv ,-;,
~. . ';.,, ;;. -,;', ,','' ~ ,i , - '
- . .NOTICIP,.' -,
IS hereby given INK ;Lettere - of Atlntinritint.iitni
• ; with die wilUarineied.' will 'arid lea
tanient of John 11 iintIMS9D4, late- el ghic , liiii i , , 01
Chtirleaton,Btate of South .Carolion i Akita t eft Were
. l a.atiett. i onEttniaotb.4l:triOo , byttlieJlegniter:bCcifre
Leyland 011141, Pa: to the anhteriteri,:vain:•reaithiti
in Bttilipthietaiiitt in"lbattitjeontity Oft ..tirnherlintei .
all lierenn a hari lig claims 0 r INntlfooooi lOtgiti.'l46 , '
4 1
1ikit.,017,1114 Atilt tkerActitZjitv;..ri ' ' i ‘tii.l o ..„„,''‘
k e, o*l # l l..stline•!!thoPt•xle4 , i i Pn r i ' k ;,',!. 1 1",414
to l *' o ;'l44#ellt. Via: 6 l''. . } A r::, ' . ti' i t — 4 "'f
.'• •-- ' , l'• EAN G'D. :uy, . , SPX r i
', • ' ~,' ' '",,.. 1' ' ; ;: - .4tiner-itildri rioOieked.• .l
r.'i w
~ ", ;;~:c ;~,
•lisle, Nov 10, 1341
, „,,,,.:•.,:),_::_,,,:,
4 ' '!'',',''. '',',''-kl,°,':q',i,:ililif.,
litk•••. 1 , 1" , ,• - •,•• , " • • - ,
%•,•:* 1 1; * .51.. • : .•4 ': ;
, Pi. - •-'
„. . .
' - - ' ' jrgi'ltli.ePlCES. •
W. Fl...Col)mini 'Cashier.
ItotyleilOo Bz . Parker,' . ' c a i.t, fc. • -,-
Ilemy itlinailn, ' . ' ' • , . • .. ~ -
~; .
1 acenti Swilyil.,',Areurvi ll e. ' , )
1 llivid Nevin'. ShiPpeuanutlP. • • • • • •
... _
- -- .1 - . Le an Slnitly.l:gq.' : Ctir4er3
tvAter i I liit_z 1 1 / 4 .. Co, 2. , .......----- -- - - t
lerifiiiri Pliiiiiiig, .. ', '•.' ' ")• .
...., ....
'Catlii.i.'‘viin(lN flrair o ' • . I, g/dradq/pla. . • 1
Wm. U. "rlimmpsnn & Co. - •
. Wltitall & Ifymwt!, : , j • • • • , : • .
Ream ) iesim rg Line
Plialadelph,hr or lilaltintort.:
['ir 4IL It 0.4 D air CAA:AI '
1 1 11 E subscribers es for past furors,
1 beg lustre to,inftirin their friends and the public
enerally, that . thee still continue tq • run . a line of
'horthen'Cars re.nifrirly between Mechanicsburg' and
Philadelphia orlisubonrc. by which grinds and pen=
of all 11 , :seeiptinns will be linyarded with care
and at the Inivesteates of freight.,
,Pentliter will he inmeiveci at their Ware - Matte,
in Nfreitittliesloirk, and ttrwarded to either Phila
I.laltiolore,acaording to the.ilirtNtion'of
~the owner:" , .
e Tr'rlie highest pric will be given ror.-Wheat
. •
and •
• • - - DitESTI.%CII •
• N... 11.• • Pitlttirr.rif INris mid Salt illwaya -on
'haat!. at?i) j .
Ittlx 'PS,; • •,.••: ":. • " •
'_' , '; l ltt 6 TE'm •titi'ir - X - dlii:..i• aiss
B Y - FIRE. •
:rim •I•'H tNKLIN plum INSUIt.kNCI cpm:
P:INS Or l'11 • 11,A•01.1..1.111.1.' _ .
a pleat sititTjailipalif in.—built,. 'erpetrt 0.,
...mire nreiltVil AlOil•SlIto p.
Arl ONTI N UV. to task,: flistiminee,..Przatattenl-sstal--"Tp mr, — Tt - 1 - 67 - 1 7tt en t a n i: it t' en Pellltn - lipnii. 3'OllP
i ll-, 1 7 • , 'lTlik.... T 'ii• U .
•i - vt'
\t ry 11 '* 0 "" • ' l. P r'lwrq- l i n•' r ~,,,;,. yn'n beenine hearse. Itase paibs in the able ne
:;:i ° •aX ‘ T... -A ..
" Co
U T itY'
" t he
1 7 1 1 6 :171 1 :1111 * •:1 1 :7 1.i'i w t i7,7:10 1 :::lf: 11 1 :M 111 ( 14 i t i l l :: :a nf e ._ l l 1 i rl l 7 ;l l t t l t i . i r ti'it il e v i r i -- ''
OFFlCE, ei v ie s i t:
t. e ls iw N si') . tit il m ot tl . ,sr m;t4 i: Si l l, ;: n i t z • e); , iT e tl s t i s ti t r r i e a e . t. . 1
. . mc ,.
11 . 4_1 , 1 0 1
i;1„1„:1,,,,, find
t:.. i , i, ,, ;14 . ,
noilmillid ' i r al 1::. b .
1 , ir: , il , l4 . iiieect: !
in it-V.C.770718:-." ...,
~ . trnue dam 1 5 1
. Valill• lic , Or . health. he witotellilf time, anti don't 1
Cli Ist , .r.s Y. ILisie ß Ei ty 8 ', m u g! . GnAVT. - ti•itl e . with slate Cabo: or least-to an,"rynark nostrum
.7 4 , 11:6 SCII. , TT, . FII,OE'I.ICIC-ibt'lWN
, iiMIT, .7 ACOD 71 SMITtI . . .
ii BAI SAM or IViSn
,I tn care yon. lint immellintrly proenve is bottle twist.°
nf that • lion•stat rraitedv„ the '
Tans! tit 4- Wit firrott, Geo. W. II irtiA ans,
TOBIAS WAG:IF:II, NI , R•I , CAI 7). LLIV'S. t ' '
whielils well kanwn to be the omit sneeily
I i i . : ii i :,: R i n .,, Y l . l .k, inwit . ns ihnitsatalte-will testify whole
• • • C"
A Iti ' V ' S
" "K • F ' lt Sveretsu.S. - I Ilene bits • •e.bee„..enseil.lis. it.. - . , .• ' .
fri - Tlio sq'isel•ili•T. A'rent fir tle. ennqatn'y I,p ß i. veer tairtienlar alien ynnintrehase tn ask
fit the irselitzli'nf Carlislo amlsleinity. will iie , tnat.. f ,. r --„.,,,
••1* aIST Iris 11.11..A111 or WiLli CHERRY," Oa
trend t.'l till•21111) 1 10th" f.r • 1 ~," 1. .," , • '... . 1 7 .11 ),"' 11,.., also it AVROP or this name in 'tie.
insi•l•• •r•r•rreille •ie is hater. ttesi•len e e 11iiia street, i5 i .„ 1 „,,,,, ~b,,b.m ib s mi d re mit, by WiL L TAx , , i k
. .
nearly oppnsite the Car'OfTiee.
- ' C.s.:Clitaniste, No. 33 Sciutli. Fourth street, Philo- ,
WNI. I), SNYMOUIt 1 1 - I . . ' • -
i ir e i• lei. , •
Si4ti in Carii4lP -by -.- . -.•-
• SA NI IT Er. T 4 E I.LiOrr,:, . -
%-' -- -• ; ' ' - Prier ' Oikc pciiiar if .potile.
,- .
Oetnber 9.0.18 , 11 .-71 y. ' I
.. ,
I , llreli 31,1911.---1 c
B4r &c.
Just received lathe Nvw Store FORl•riliel . l.
Tons•flA It lit 9'; , of fist rate quality. and
fir salt• very low for c Fh. per consignment, On half
'loxes Bby to and lo half Ito ea In by 12, •
W41'06411 - 161 - I:1 •
in good nrder,fm. sale to Nleruhants at Pittsburg
priees,nuil Duneannon best
at Vrtnafiketorera price*. elan. on hoed WiiherOw
Celebrated patent PLOUGIIS, I I. ‘X-SEED OIL
by the it Anil. or Itarrel.•oll. MEAL, Wetheri
VA NEERS, hte.'
•Carllslei-May 3, IS4f.. •
The subscriber, thankful fir past favors, hereby
notifies the, public generally. that he still contitmes
'at the old stahl,nearly npirpate the College Campus,
where he will ill all times lie foul! :ready mitt wit
ling to aconmiamlate in the best pnssible mintier;
those who may favor him with a call. The !louse
is located . e.most Mss p are atilt! Vtwot, cad
is near the stomiiug place of the Cart on the
Komi, - The ROONI.S.ttee large-aidmry-r•ilte / 1' A.,
MX. will beshintlietl with the yrry hest the markets
rah fiultisit-- an il the BAR W . :th theelthicek Ligitorti.
•Ilitec'etrtres are rzhisonstble:aml he will eittleavor to
v't awifiitt ity and attention continuance of pull.
lie natehtuttre.
1111-It-MRS -taken week r _mnath . ._er yea
DIM P.ItS and Tit %4t.:WE:IIS will raid it to their
Interest to stqp with.hirnots helms 'army ofstabling,
and a wart sat hand.
%! , 1:11t1'.1V ROBERTS.
Carlisle. Sett. R. RAI •
Trustee Accont.,
jor the Court of Common , Phi is of Cum
berlapur county., November. 22.-1811.
SUN' , vitoodlown. surviviog Trustee of Samuel
peeseided to the • rouet sits 111 . C11111,t of the
execution r f hu 11 . 44..1111d M91111141' the 111th any of
.littitutev, A. I). tip/. is appoititt ti fir its tau firrna
lion and allow surety the court. tf no oljt canna he
made—of m hick all persons interested will take
notice. •
SAND'•:RSON, froth 'y. ,
Carlisle, Dee. 8. 1 R41.-6t. - .
, AT LAW. •
Of in Etg!) street a few doors
west of tho- Post Office.
, Carliitle, April 28,18410.-1
. . .
• Dental. Suivery..
Sirl3SolOtEli respectliolly tenders. Ilk
gritani•oicknowletiginejottto the public for the
veil' Mersa Blanes. ofipstrornigelle lons received dur
hog the past yeuri still. continue .to ()Rev.
thero.ltis prlfessonnal 910 eviorti in their varion
thee tot• his reitidener, No. 7; finrjoeVtio . ;ltOsi.
Uleftfoses. iCid4 and: inserts incomtoptilde
tarrer, mytelie ortifieisl teeth in the ; inost.npproved
rottoinoer..Choorgeetol wny imf.iderate.
• • ' • 't- , ' 'NEFFi
?5,111 , 10.:-41 4 , ,; .
.; ,
117, Ciootl4, at, C4st.
the subscriber. is ruiw offering hisentii.e . dock of
(4'71%004 nt'enst for cash, tonsio ink in part Wl'
WRritS; cts. , 'to $1,20.
" 1::%1E(11,
..gptts,:fyging:fitte tn - $1,15.
/I s l°l :trf l ° l t Thita4. , rOcha,
nelrii l 4 Rls lll Ptiti.
gloitdelainer,,Chlataaaao CaliooceiavailetY of
.8t ,I
colttnitifongii and „ nand enrol'
'llanuOty a‘u.L.:Riess AlihsShe 4 and Mall)
iiittaretand4ecic , mut
tifi~ibilifliiiriis' •:,-
on bipt:4l' J*- bd res e•
uo A
4. 101 'hi fi
ymin ,
• 45061
; ',"!r•
"" '"Or i 4.. f Cr , 4,41.7,rai1tU4. 4414YA;*k/V'ereP',P..CVafakTk'riVtiar' '''','°"-W.4}VO6-47.M4.001ret4704,14VCA1P ''.I4.•*:',I7Z.,,VIV4T'If:M2M ‘"..l'4o.nlSEVkarVia....4l,r
'''Neyei , P4r, o • o l l * e;
9itdJo n~:
Hagin= ,
wgr,r,yamit - 1;t , I :r!, l
~ v •
'i'.lSletr'ggif it a clang
alit[ L , be wit•rints'io Le LUG kr•Vvit bitter:ooi any
°Mei: ' I
Failneilatravent kerpeil itisited,to
otkelbase Epve.s,m) il,they, tire 491 pleased
wiib Abe, otifiti,tittkire; krOe ,tlkei•
be t i in netl. , '.• • • •
3. 1 7 : still ' coptinieds' UV
.:: , ~:. ::1 • ',"
7 - -_-.7-__L". :; keep oil hand: t ,
~-........._- , -
. - " , --'-ri- , ..t...Z.41 ~'. • .
'-r - -- 11_„,
~ . J,.. :4 ~ ..- Il ; , ( ,„ x ~ nr, fill , tleheription . s. (=Ong
.1 •••_.... V.A''''::.: il (2 , , :will ie1,i...0 o the poprorolf
: ,
.....: ,• . , ...-.: , !,__„.,,,
.11.1i . tity,) Cooking is , s . tre s l o iT
:t , ,.. . ipi”.l•sat, ) iipproe. il 1,, v ,
- --•--,.. „:1, - , __
.., I urnit ure, gime titiie,
,li . ii!t,a_
--, ..eneral assortment ot. I. la,
Sheet trot: :teal Clipper NVIII'Cii which l i e wi.l dispose
of on rinnoinililii terms. ', • '
- Orifers iii town and Country , (or ,
House Spouting
other work' irOmptli'utienifeil to.
Carlisle. Sept. 15, 114.1.—,1y. ° ., .- l
PrininiF4niinn • •Jlinantti, :Practitioner
.—i)t.lleclicitie and Obstetrics, No.
2 :Aleiander's . Row, ;Hear .the
Rail Ram! Hotel, •• . • r' '
• in; informs hie feint& end the
generally. that (through solicitiitiOn) he
liatiremived telm Shiremanstown to Carlisle, where
he may' be fniind at,idl time.s,ualeen prokurionally•
eugaired, _TV: afflicted eleill.ot at Atli tim's lief cab
ed' with 'nicely , Vegetable M c(lieinei,"No Poisons,"
and in strict accordance with the principles laid
Own by that grJat reformer in medical science, Di'.
minium! thninem."
• Chr 1111 C Cilqi•A'i such as C msnmptinns, Liver Com.;
plaints, awnrAen, Itheinnatinms, and Cancers, are
orwe !vie hif.irined • that the New System is
ad nil rahly adapted to their canes. : • • ,
fri:ti •14 distance can he - accommodated'
with while nailer medical treatment, our
rearmilile.terms. • •
Carlisle,.ltilv 14, _ . . .
aou . a.Es gr, aczpv,
as theini.covoolnioi ore oval:illy .conhillereil, no one
i , awileny *401..1 ring zhec,inV,LcOorito'ii• i34otq,or 1111 N:
itukeil n melsin;,
1141) +Actin.; to Coninints :
%ear Porn nb, other' heqleard
,Vet.]we find jatiiitrix!s. pay' th , .osatiaii who.
Weill mod; comphthas with th; gresityst totliffiTelice,
HMI Ili 1111111 roil nkif r kit' •ks ont!e'ven-mnoths.witli
ool I_ l- Ljo.king_nntiLdino;.ree...__LAL-fieg.--yon-lim'e what
gnu lin l y 01,04 t. , .ogh nt
.colzl - ; z•
inednef.s.o!e4sne •
..--- • wei•eni von kern
Stoliaq rounilli Pu Sept i 18i0.
bear Sir:-I.wi ne to let ytat know tied the Lull
has. done great things 1.1- nie. a hereof 121111 end -
Whim I mw vim in Fredt-ricksloorg, I think l-said
I had been ,#flicted with a very acid (split) stomach,
mid subjt:et to it t iolm.tpainii. my head for nwethan,
twenty i ears. for uhich I tal - rhubarb and soda three
er four t i 11l es every day fur this many wars, with
11v the extraordnialy virtues of that unrivalled
medicine, the 1. HA LSANI OF WILLI) CI fElt..
. little or no eel et, and my legs and ankles were to
' • -
much swelled that I was unablealt ti )fiw l to attend to
ItY." the well-known Informs remedy for CON- ',Medicines, Colors, Dircii.,i hills,
tee business. ' lint sinee
. v tat nistle me a present ot
i Reed 0i L .5 . 013. . Ttikleill gni.
7.. 4 . • -
Brill's!' Consul's OJF f . e; -) •
. .
.. 7 Copal
.41;f!s the m ef
m y t ou u r ig ta t unily l'ins I have taken 0.. e or two ' 11 ,. 1
in going ; in bed, .14 11(1W my avid_ .sl-41rit. an of ' COG UrilEfrt a•
~ stomicli is relieVekthe swelli. gh. ni3 legs has noir- ' .:'
C co IIO w Li a I'T . W C PIO L O D I S 'IA S , .C I. O II U NI t A dI, I IT.?. NCIin f I . S. , j T'l l i - r i- n - ish, - . Pabtfe . i•e_• .B. trornes;- r arnisn
wallamenns-, sepr...44t•it, 1 Brushes. Hair Bfetshes, Spermaceti Ai, ly ilicippeared. mod- Ido art' think that f , 1114% 4 .1 been,
kii • lnY il . l " ,:l i iit g i i k l : e 4i! it rr NeOjitlVsll.lll,l. PEII.SO -P N l S lii t m . o th w ;il l ' i ll o i n in i . theS e I S Tet, - .
, ~.. .
• Co Dr. WliT ‘ll.--Dear sir, it, gives rue great (very fine) Sperm Candles. Soaps.ill trecal
pleasure to Sar, I have found mush relief Irolll yO41. 'varlet
Paper, !'last. vices.
i have ~ti3 O 'rLss
:,.' I . orripft.. C , up and Feller I .,T r d n i f i f:.. l .: l ,n - V o m e r i,`-,7.... 1 1 "4 1 ,1 i t '; i :,' L ',71:17,7 . ..i.,
1111 l 4.. r ,
reriumer . It.e. li.c. h om y rog e r- otl eft . e il Ileitis holt. liIIMP,I am greatly Esq. his Britanie Alejestr's• Corsul for the Citi I
lli.lsalii that (have to send t , , you for more.
oaly need three bailee out of . the %ill dozen's lour-
I I ' Mingi • 'I I I .1 iii Plailadel I ' do-lei -- • ' -. 0
alai others, witougsALE. or liy ' RETAIL, at 4'll,:trir old
wainsi l l ' . .r ! , :i l i e 1 111'11:133 ° 3 1 • 1 11 1 1 11r 1 l i e •32 ni tit ton .
Mayor LI ‘ t v l i l l t? nft.!tit.rllolift:°lllll2Thtmdirlgp°llaliVi Latt:t!llit'fl:lll4.illteliiti..B
chased, yet it has done 1111 i more good than all the teltielt.ite will sell to Physicians . . Merchants rhet'e'li)•- ii'lenll:ll had hero i ll s - l i l litiiit I myloo
1 • 41
ne, II IT •y by eet .. tif . t „ 1 Ida ,_ft/ hi . . r i It. b or .
medicine I have ever taken before A neighbour of
mine wltose'n lie with very low with Consumpion „ ... . . ild get no re st ,t t lea; 3
.. 1$ _
rite low ep t-rates, having purchased entirely win ,. p in g mn i !No. diem tis lire, tideen. white I woe thew, Handal!, DN., ia-Prnthnaptary 41 . . r twbc.. orpo
her nut Mall oboist her business; end she- , mid If C•minunt for the city and cMints o f Phil d• l
one,lrmitnnitieerenin7.. ~.t. Ir . e i .. t apeetso . n:e . nlie, 01.. p 1 .1121. to . both whose Epitomes, with tht•Scale of their
for 'cask; he will aGr bargains •to those _ . . . ..
..... .. . . • . .. , . . ..., a 41
rll e • l e .fi e n tf i l e ll l ll. l s n i i' st t lli li X s il l i ni n t v u s i l k i e n t e i a o ll f s i o t . ,l 7 l sa b w "" l" " te h r t '
a few days 'tinting! she told me she helievol it was.
the only thing t h at had saved her life: - She had tri- -
-- -- - iS. ELIAorP. .. • and ninny hove purchased. ' Now; as it rt.ttlit l OS'lny6 1. I farther certify . t i l!i! ' flr . iiiii . p i et:so i llilily . 13 CIX aerated •'.
yam• taea , I. MCIIIIIII. 11111 1 X pry 311 g oun.lllllreil i main e i lvt . i ci • pa. al hit 1 siii ei it is ime.
.ri , ho %Visit to pa t C base at wholesale. • • •
ell every thing hene,hitt nothing dill her now Bond; I • - ..,,,... .
24,..1A0..1... •• • • , .. . .
. .. . . • selfi'mv friends tell me when I ovt•to town, that they .
. 6.wr i
a l I 1,
x . loM
,pli l .L.l ni ~ .
.p ' x i! . 0.
.1 i:. no r ,. T t. ,... 4 7 gm , ,. , , ,. ft i. :wsic , ii i :iii,iie , . fi i , .. ltei;
.11 thelllalm•of Colmithia;•and Dila he l* aype•r; , 'on' o'i : •
and when she comtnenee'd inking it was sick in bed, i Ma veft
• . .
t ls , 2l 3 7 l , , ta i it i. st m e . 2l , , m i c w i l n i n t k eit s i o il i t • l ed;f:n .si r t m im a . l;y4 i t;a:•l ;
~a l li b r o d r i. t 1i..111.1 ilto si (11 ''-1 ' 1
but ii now up, and looks better than I ever saw her .
b,r fir i . .. A n . Inc inc sell'A 'Nor sure it will. C 111•13 mit :Slew 1 / 1 10.7.,..10.0 . 43 . /*e l . G.r., 0 itir'l' lyt .. t i,,,,. „o, r n i t 1 with WI) wi..stivelivnottill tic gare great renleCllllllllly. and-worthy .01 Fat faith mid i • re-
entirely, for I feel- letter every day. Send me six • . •
r till r7 l I• l ',' 41 1111 . TO Hr. - men lime. or pills; and - they , hare in - :tle me look. is ' fit. , n , n o r I h art : hi.„,.d !lira . : :- .- his •• . .
truth.' more by the lumen., us my neighbor woofs' '- • -• •• ~ • P , t) . . .. .. ;.
vim no w ... A f f•. I il . ' 8 • • ' B l'u" th. q!thlifi ''• •
three more. . aee my,. .
,ta. now, my • i•f,lq ao mist that . et, ',miniboom, of C r ee p hller
ai is of the laid thijit-Lat_Cn-
. 11......-litl ' to' yOtte ft 110W-creaturei.'iii ne - hoi.hlth er t o i • mr e . ,, :wider env and . and aril of efFie.sithe oily
•1•1 1111 l -• ' -
a • I . IIPI en tat . '•tn hr ..ith-toarwan-lik.„y4iit,t im ta ß. in renter
to i 1
. 01111 timniriell,211 subscriber .
i i e S a tln'l ‘ V e ri w pe, 'l ' ;' al :
.a . ; :i . f is s l i t s arl s ei f . o tiu re i 7 r n n e a ud n ili t 4r S 6l .l ll t n : doloi.: • . -.• I remaittwith respec t . is
1.1 - 11 - ' ce -- . , . :
u nf il P it h e i d la s t I t g e l e di o t: r i A n iiii : rim. r,St at.c ef , •:Peunsykatla r •Alle . .
I' Corner of Market Square and Mein Streets (for r _ , -..: - : - ,. • ' -
merly occupied by Geo..W. Hillier;) a general Raw' Several Frailties hare been cured . of th e labia o f • ,
~ . , ..•, •• "! r .. 'l lll 4 l " 4o 3 l s•priltaw:
~, •• ' . -;.' ',the wittnb, b y eaking'Vety small rinses. at imeessils. '.'- ‘ , .
Hardware.' ton e- ", Ware,' Cedar ;Ware, '' - ' :• . -- -r Harper-81'er,
,y; ArGtitst 11 1 840 7. • ." • ' R ea d . di e . •fa s illoi.j.ini; ~'-'. ' , • •.;
• • • ,___ll2..l3Tu:Davits--4.l.)eur-Sirt.--1-am-happy-or tn ., '* -- 4 ,*
,„.• , . . ,
' -- lira Ia lt i a ---. IIW ei - - Grew er! e xi - 7
Oils; ':-- r ne . y „„ „,„1 fht..faddie.that I lime been cured of • TiOntllT •WiIARTON, ,lath, late Mayor of •
. .
Paints. raritishes. Glass, Brush-. -., that drendfal disease the Illteamatisit, Ir, takingyritir Philadelphia,.has certiflyd; as ril7l be 'Wen" bell"' /ll°
• : FII2IIIV Pill,,` thaie been I.l,4ring under that dia, the high uttaranay of the follnwitls . 4tllttll'll.”l,
es,• Whips, . Capes, Lamps for
• inure than it year Osiris g which time I - ried : The undersigned - de - ItCrel4 . CO " 1 ,, i hal II e have
' ' • • the skill of Ore best pri.-! s' an a Komi of et l at len4th used the, Didm of Columbia tl st7: 1 : 1 1 :: it) " l e . 7 • i .. , ( 0 , r at ' .
' • • burning e - amphine Oil.;
stud a great variety of articles useful 21111 necessary I was ;minced in tn . y %medicine; I film, relief -ridge, and hare iciand felkighli er Oicr chit. t•Vit or!)
for furnishing and keeping a house. He hasalut,ana . after taking:hal a fin . Militated to take them Mail ai a preventive sgainstthe r i di n g.
will conetatitly keep on hand - a certain reatorative • • • . •-- -
~... . - - alder that anne hut, the old and rheumatic persnils . ' IiVIL THAtC,llCit.senic. , -
. 51...11.11P1111111e . Oilli ~ . ." , 'thaw heist" gritteful I feel th the medicine dint has , .'• .' elf.'
f - scr • vve ihorre .
. . . . r, n• , leo? • e
. . , .. pr n .Ai i gccirtlt, Vire _
a eleap.and eleriant sabstitatis, for sperm oil,antl. reitered'me-tn•heilth. •-' . - -- . • i .
having" been.nlv,enated 1.1113,81,7ent of.,Nfys,srs. Hackers --• • . ~.- Nome: respectfill IY, - . - .: •• : JetiteDrz• : i •• . 'JOHN' P2INDLTS.:3SI ArellA \*l• • '. •
and Deother of Newark - N. J.', for the Sale of Joule's . . WE, the intdersigtml. ate agents at HarPer's Perry -'
Patent Lamps iii . dila enmity; he la - prelnired:lo'fill f or th e aolec,OF.Dr..Havieal-,ramit) ii r e liilil;i.swiker
. ..•
r; ,
~.• H i li f ic ir n ' S. ' t F o U lp ß i F i l tl Y s ; 7 l , o s4 l. 3 fip s i:ii n c li e .. i 7,
nisi* mpound Oat a very. reasonablerate ta all
our naighlibur. Mr. I..te; sold I_•'
who may wish to use t h is. stew. and economical NM ? - 110'spesiks ti.highti; and beliete:hilf.statentent to . 60 -. • . 4OHNSAItb...,II*.• 125 414 h at; . •
substant;ally - true.-..t. _ :,- • g. , i .....' 24 , i . .f . ' .'• .'4.•- : : ' ' . The:aged; and ihrdie;33ll3l-tiiiiiiit in Weariie `-`•1.
Haring selected his goods himself:and "0111110 his
purchases for cash,fie i s able,tind is deternduen to , 1 ••; •
ItespectfullY, V. ~ Mr.. Ili„ S.: n. P ANII/11110X. , , luny tint always - ralirriencr, its -restoratitr quit "
sellt owes • .%.". ".! ,- '- " - '''' '•
:',.. ''' -' - • 'life,. C. Dorian .hear L?ausi.'sirret, was ditait oe d yet' it will certainly reier its TIRO,' in the - editor'. • ....
Those having the cash to.lay kut, will . und it to their : or soroo ,ilro with b
j a
.1111111.112 the lift side ,huitiiis of the public; when it is ltitoirtv that three of. the.
Irlye sigaera are more than Stt Toirsof,sge o tuailth give him a call. ,-
' •• • all over her skin ' parimaarotmilthe'small of her back
..... -- r • -.• '--• '• -•," ''',' lIFINRY •DUFFIELD.i - ronelik , i - eto b et 5t .,, - , 4 , e h a w hid i , pr o re a t t id her: ( ti iitheri not lese thimSO.'"' - ' 2'• • - •• ' •'•••'• •,'• 4 - .•'
- Carlisle, Jelr SO 1i40.74f. • --.-- -'•: •- ..
ww, tier own woolsakintadingo,se lantiele of watt, . . _ [From iht.Jfirpor.);) ..1 , !••.:.::;,:: , ; .
•• ~: .-• • • . -.' . ,••
-' , ~-• , L , the:first date removed lite limp, and two b Ault let '. --- -; • --.-- Connosytrivra of_ ri-vi.iii -- :0,it,, - .4 „ -' •
...' cp,O,up,xN cm I,xpix_ EN. ~- -. ha. at liseilf: 2 -•:- -, -'-• ' ---.: --.--• - '' • - ''' ~ .: .... •'- ', ' ,--. :- :--..:,' •'-'"-',• -- 04 of•Plaili'dekhia.'' • ' ••
. ,
• • . ... . • . .. ..1. . _ . • ,
- tp • : v Quit
,c't- 1 4,0 1 ?..:777., h's ift - iias'aereitily* diseased With 114. blind 'pare ruir
.. -... k - ttonFair ,, WilAß3l, l -NsMayoarittinithcitylif • ' '•
is the - se.tent when : this deatruCtiVerroitiptainfitgai•ki ;• itoc ,--_,( , ,.
grave ; , Every ar/th • Ft - ; ahoultlltherefot-e; ktiow 101 . 1- "aillittlitita:' D. e 4 ' ,10: 5 4 7 ; 1841 -
mblio.o...smd 061,03.10 tnuirthe.lnsanf blood; • itiollidelphia;'do her% by certify:that Lain welt. sic.
00 , one 21111.21124, bOXV! of i Daa iv*, Painily ; Pills .has • ittaiif . A , witli , :tlii6iii.Jrlti, - big : liit'dOliiiliiipiii• - it,
tYl6insurnryiloitue.rfi:intiilll7(iliotatitetii'4llliludirclaCr4l.:lrklte,(4otrifieter: t o xic as ci ale e t i l l'e6 r 'nVe: % • --. '.- • J.
, ;10 . H . ii ,
, il_
, 07 , ,: ', ,:- . 3 ,
.1 4 , ti I , 2 l l 4 , fr. i o te tl ..,: u o rf m b;
ti lt?
n io re lir en e t t e *.e me h n igi o r : ha lt: a tti c !'
symptoms; walela • II ' l l i- eloleli'.ii,4 1 k.iiI*.ii3 11 2.„1 , 0•1 1 e,e,- ! '„ Maimfactueed.} mat solewiroktside r itiul retaih!t" ter ituil:rettpeettiliility. - antleai auph - falt 'credit should
pared :With a - remeuyito" massy sre:Fittitty • No" , AO - , ,- g - o - rwthir,l.,ateat•Pltitailelplo r ia,, --- ana by, ,hr. he giren to the said certificate.. : '
sat'"ifie"l'hyst6*"(lgiV°t"."'l,At rfirilffiell"le•POie4
Joni Gikii: c4. l iik, ri.itilli.:sivii!fol' Ciuilboomip; ''':- Lei. lioetiiNi litiVe'h4initiln ieeihi hind,-
is . seized with it slit vering, it '-groWs reniess.--has iloootprema,...i 2 •':.4••.;. ~. •••• : - ..v• •• • •••,'"' 4 -,:•,';•• ~,,. .. , r • 1
n 5l l ( Illisc.d,thP , Scal ofitte...elts toktaftittgif .
IllasbeSoUheali'llie e Y eIV-b eemne'redlitul'lllol it ••!..Alsc;lni...tatltilv.w.afi_m•; toutiem. Kingstown.; `'l.l•ii B '..i t( sisitltAY orlfeceitilier. tic. . 7 '. '.: '
brool . l wit k': an IthalllY iaa4 Ilisik9ollllSSJOiLl•Ptulilliiknhonlk.Fireovitl,Hoguestown,sl.R. ituirbskiit.s...,.• ~.„ ,-: :- ; . z..!, ?4 - .i.. f•AtonitralluAiqqNM'ayiii.' - ,
,cOtron that *4 ettrelt.tnriainate. in conyulaions ar manstoirso. Leagneeker, Wallah! *lures 111:11Iren.... ' , - .: '' .• •.:•, ' • .. : ,- 1 2 <.' ...••.- -•,- •
itratli'intiess soureittoug:ls" imittedunelY •giien 'tit koOfo o ';:w ew emold.rtiOd r stf.f,li on • bviti orii sf i f p .:, ...,,,,,,,i c. , ..•'. • ~, .f ~
,?,.,. ..-., li-r - 11-••:-2•.ti: ',..r11••• •'.- - / ...- I .,Jl__. .
~ .
elteckit'.... 111 this ennlldami th 4 Y : •"• : -Iiedsion- °J ., it qd - nslitirg; -:•,Winir,-,Atirriii,Neaintllira.linnea-t4ebi. . - , firkLDTIIDGF I A II VLSI Dy
.. . • 4 , .
Cheri *ell kit***,• lo ,,he I .l . l,iirist.liel!i..cll,l , .re la bur g ;,, Henry' 1 La1,13.,', Wercitigrgo -:414/01141: r i"M! 8:/14/R 't" / If 4 / 9 1 . 1/1 ' 034 0 11 , e 0 i i e *S0 .- • •: -
i v A
everthscoreCed. Jt' l ht,indetall w preiliotts tWitteav,•• Ho o k Sp r ji 1 ' 1 44 1 1 a. - 36I i i i if i j o it ' ojiiiiiito v iif, ' ,•, ,, ,ci,W 4,,k .1, - ,:-...: •f „ , 1' , ..'-•...... - . 1"
,4' . ---'L- . 1 , 1.'-' ..,, seller • .
- mild, safe. mat JUR:tit:od, anthill:ante' te*lve thy' filo , :,-. I ~,--.„ ..--,,• ...,.! ,- .. - 0:1::,..,.,.:•.,vi!,27. 3 / 4 _,,,7.-..i - -T..t... - ::; , -,7:, -. , :- . .v ,-- ‘-' • ist." . Fo.i ihrowt o`optiit,flloTieliff TreC from ..
totroo iniMedlite'relseCittitl;' - quitiltly,reatOriVait 4ti ' Cl?-1)-firn:F.P..:IrgAlielF#7.1•Fin1401.1.'6711•TItivIliIII•ensiolc IOAD 1 r •
4qgr-Wi1k11F)11t•'•...:... - .f.• •
safety and .healtli. , ' Rand Iteaieilthog IntheOttontry Sell .wlll I' I c".l I. War 't iiVIO R., tirOerLail .
,Std. gar latlietnw et. child-,hirthereetormg the skirl .
an.indeed , every norther Aolf, hives: - her:v.4llo'par 4 rP t Yir r * i ! l ite o 2l ) l4 l V. IIIIIIIIIIPX*NlYtigti& tAir.'_-ii iiiitsiiiiltati*Nitlisi4fietitneelOuld?•pitirVenlingthe.
141 : 111d iiiiijiYikerif thialnedielne hi - ilielltin**ll4 49141 iiliiFt ir te t i lhi * . ll* Y l •..4 : r 4 Pk ir O e Tti-*.!..callltitnit: o .F•thrilair,:•: :: •t....- - z - t., :•,.';.l . :., ;...11z e .. -4-,,: , "
gwo it. to: theat'c ea,rly - i - -14 filigni:iciTouiiis,, f:tift6ii . :PO!.. 0 11(510.-i5t . L... 11 ,,..
_1111,1.Viit1111,1..2 rlK i lv-11t.1,1n.e!111.r. -- 81 Fl6l4,pettsoti'reanterinr fi . t.hp r ol q . ...
saye , ,,the • lifth' of,tioe,.'you : fondly.' loYe• , ••. l tetnerniter ' ,i.,..""tifr' igfiall.t i ll' ue.e"rgea ' 0 Tee nozeq,en 01 q9i- ‘thesamnitifeet ha prOthieed.:o -, ,r;'..t'i-• Is '',"..'".•.- •:,:. E (11
this lithe famnus•remetly'trAti.distignishkrh:p . hy.,., ..11 1, P- ttl'ilatSssit-T.. 410 11 1 44 01 lealldill6 , 01p11Ssa Moo& , - -Ath,, If used lit itdittowill a gooth . groadhipstartefl, , -
• .sicitia, - Dr. Wiliam' Whichlialliaretir tliStiaailds 'Of "l i ii llt• a ( 4 - 410 0 .4 4. ).w.!*) , c0n 3 020(.033;.14411' tit maybe 'Presel‘i , Cd , ,ft,t.,attentratt!iit , :thalitteSl*eriod
.0 nOtTP, ,WH 0 ()PIMA ';' ,. :.C.0f.7. 6 4 - i' , i AM IA; - ltko ll t.•••PA.A: , .o4 o, :lk.Cli ' PO.• 6 0 4 1 Y.itliceit !AI 6 001 '.;tit lik4.' ', `.. ,- .i,'( - 1 - ..": , afia'-! . .A, , ,' , "":!;a:•4;,0i.i4a• •••.y.,.• •
hANsuNipirso,NAF.,tdiet,OTery,A!'r'-AgdiCine. -0• 111 . 8 ..'t,
,u.• - eelgivre. * - 11 "1 1. ;•• #o l :`.o l o l c#o, l iir . '-iiiiii.!4. ' ~ si h:- I tiiceii,lhellicadfedak,'43oootr; Etc` `°
imi z rilied; ~,,,....,..,„..,...,•-•-,. -• ‘ , ..„ i: :,,,•, ,, : 7 , . ~ : 7- . .2•:, . ..-- - --- :-',-, tiltir,, , eili4libn.liic-i11'. : ,t5•:121.„5-• •!.•••,:pt:.,...:;:t:.• - ,40.e . roi l oi,rtpartpliot k ithOthi t t*flt 010 0,1'04040 .
'..teurile, :ArticraillZ444 .'S'iaWiltii'diStol.s . . ask for:: .# 010 9i 0 14 , 14.M.! k ir ,,, ••4002,..•... - i. , :: ;:01•0'.'.1.,..44 ; ,ttiti t .„..0f1t ANxiiitritioNlirprg!.°! 6, ;..T:lrtgif
~.0,.7, lynOsiett-JRaptisst:lllf-NVI tit ctlatlttrs7,lll Oldie -;FI,-;,:1.;,,q--,,.'':-,".sksiiii",.:''':' •'' .l " . .l'''•' . "`' - t i. ' ii. '''' '''''' t ' e7 ' - •' .--- ' - ' -I ' .. ' '' ' ' ' ''l : ' l7 ''
' ''111; 4 11 . -'' l ,
iliffis 4- s Y lNTRArAbikliirn o ; - P i l v er i s er l . " l 4.o 4 s.iit.i.l3lY- 14 ;. ; • ' - '4'• ... i.:.:. - ': ,. ;•. - - • .''....i.": - '" , ,f tr' 44 4 . 1)P.1p-v' ..-••': ' .... • • , - ';;; - E'!( , ;:r re• ligth;;t..ktr;;.4. o l.464,CiA°:: TR: . ~.,FP.014 9.-iIT4 II
eor . iptiiiii. .. :.......'': ' -..---.. -- . ' "-.:': '.....'.. -..-. .... .-- ''!.;' ' . ;;;1 . .:•.' .. :. ..': '94 ,' ~4.... ‘.,
. r ,ifone.up:in .2:oYera, g 1,.-- ;.;
~•,. :
~,., - .•,. • - . -,•:, .
ioitoroidj , ,by,..tvitlt tat! - 04'4 , 04, clioi.oistialvd.. , ' -. i ,ln g r q n iY oll4, " l ; ,l l ol o.l' . -anil Olttllt • ; . C, '1rP t1 . 1) 4 .,- . , o•Nb„fildliii4 . 4 ll ) - alitkilillAlee,l)oo.litteocitlih.tikil. .., •
, , ;lire „
os:Sciath , F.Olirth,toreeki,floillioooir4. , .4„! . .,i-,,, : . ..4 , •...„:' vtu,Lit""o",,,el4l.l.•,agi 1 ib i11 ".;i j 0r 1 i.: v i e : i i.., ,, , t ,' 14 4 11 1b u i;;,,•...;.1" , r - ',,, e ii, h ' i r . - ",:i.: . " - p.'',: - L Aq. - ;,',, 1, 11 4e*, , IL*. 1 1#•:.!I4 /1 ,,Y-e41 . !*i.Y..<,--•- tn Fil r '' 16 0:19.0" 46 t i tt^' ^ :"-' ^ x - ^^ , ‘ ‘•
'''•:' Sdldlitl . • Citrl isle - hi? ~"•,.'.'".,:, ; ,,F.:, : :.:4 f•:',- .1 ~-.. - , ..77! .. ..r''',.° _ 7",- . ! - r;:, , ,::• , .; - :•. i - :,, -,,. . . - 7 .7" Z ir . 7:!•:...! • -,• - , ~•,• :1,4 • 111 Iv, . ii,,_fi tico, qt,._lt . ' lieknlOtliatel s tftld-,044
. • -,... ......
.. , ,,...,..-...,,r,,.. ;.,,. ,
~...„..:.. .5 ..,,i - -'
•L..;•..- - : , .',L••••• ~,,...•.,!•2'4.i'•.44tll,l.TF*P;i:-FtkilLilPF4,tr•.,•-•-• -,•i ' : . ` t•• 7 •' - ' .;, .: 2-: +- -:• .• : .• 4 ' 47;, 4.i: :-:. ' 1 ;.•-•.W+;" : `:148i t ,04titunII24:+4 7r,r4ir ao a -'iit'''k te`.'tlitig• stink 4orcofil:" Jot :81-m, '(_IC. ".Iri'e:brie,'46444EK it of i gl e.,‘ . ,- .: :,. ;::...,„r: , : ,- ; ,, Vittionx4aliO'.;',-,_: ,- -- ~,,,l-i:,-11,A,42.,,,__.r-,,,,411pA- r.Ot c h etiltr e etra r , relkrki." lo4 Kearndtci trate . .• ..
October oo; to - 41.- -- 4.7•:''...:,.. ~.., ;'",'i"., '',.. -2 ' ' '.':'''.‘: -:: • I *.: 'Y' . 14i ll3T I F:SCOON,A1rWit 4V,P0:91 Ol' , w; a l l nry - ...L046'41% - `,4:Dlnklet ' . . -, :.-' , ,F ''...' I, l Pe',o.' l l/ 447'7 ;ri: ,'';''.!' • .
. • • - r..
.'' . •
..,;.. `.'.... •. . ' ~. ' ..
; ...,'.';': ('' ' :'• . .: f• ,'..:i•.-.'. '., '': ', , .; ,- ;:,,;% - :'-• , -, ,,, :;':.:‘,1 :'1;;;;''-,•..;',..:1:',•)i,':,,.:
' .: '77l,"'''':-•',,•.,"';'-,;' ~.,"Z'''''
, •-'.. '''' . '" - t.. , ' 1- ';-.'i''' =i ';',' ''''. ~•.; ~,, -:, . - , ••••••''' , 6 , ;', , ;•:.i'' , ‘.,-V:. i." , •,':,;.'i 4..:.,.!,'• 7: i v' , -:.:,..••;.:, ..' ,1 :: , .• , ;‘ii:7. ,-. .. , ';''''t !t:':L.' '• , ''.,.'t . 7 ,i':..:,:..; , ,,: . ,....:, ' :1-:,;,;,,. ,7 ,';'..',,?:,,,;',.;.,: -.4 ;1'7!,•f'^,7,7
''-'. '''' ••'''''''' ''' 4 ' :4 ''''''''''`' ; ''''''''''"''' 4l '''''V''i' • :`;r`::,:k . A l ' l ,l"':'4-1 1 ,41.1,AtVZN , :i:•1i'...1 , -„,:„ r,„J ',. , ~- - L', -‘, .t,,,,1....-.... _. A .. . .
ler The genuine lIIIIRAM ' Mid ill Carlisle by
- , SA MIJ Eli ELLIO 11'.
Prier ,One Dollar : a Bollk.
Sept. 12, 1841.—Gm. . .
-- Read - ivhat - ft - hOs - Baise; — ;
And if you haVe a friend, a relatiott, or know any
one that is afflicted with that tlistrening disease,
" COIsTSU )1 I' 1 1 10)1," Oerstiatie them. without de..
lay to try .unrivaled medicine, the
'• lIALS LM ()F WILD which has
mired th msa ads of 1144 ciPmplaLtt after every thing
else had • tinted. Read - the folios ing undoubted
proofs °fins efficacy.' - -• :
• . Dottionmlost,Seitt.lo 18D.
Desk $i ti i--Please send me two bottles more of
your. thibuind of Wild Cherry. like that you sent nie:
befere. I' have takeiimeart,•all of the first two, and
confidently believed this medicine will cure me. I
have ~sed a kreitt many remedies, within the last
year, but have ueverfouml any thingthat hes relireed
me so much; It his - stoppeilmy. cough entirely,
checked my tqgytt moms, ebd I sleep better at night,
and feel better in every way their I litivelor many'
months. Youra; resnec(fitlly, "• ••
JAMES 11EbLv....
HozmassonO, 5ept.:151.1841.
Filtivitf WarEst;-1 niustagain trouble' thee to
send me Iwo bottlee more of thy invaluable Balsain.
Iftiave no* taken three bottles in all, and can assure
thee that 481$ Anne raerpore good dim) II klie,imptli.
.oing Imo evertaTken before.. Send by tlr. stage,as
eooii as possible; Mid oblige thy friend,
• '•Saco!)
'•, '; • :Maack; Seit; , B 031.. I
Djait.,Dpcsoa.-r-Denring• so
,many, t eo-de tailhot!
the': wmadei kirk iturits,your Italtiani. of Wait a Cherry 1
l made ia,'.Coaaaaataimi; I iiel& nryour
Agents the otheeilay tor ti,bottle • , , iinehthimfointil it
to Wive relietied sp Mat I ematibree. hot.
more sent s mei t r:kti I believe:RA(lll cure rne' teo.
have used Jayne'i 15.itieetPrant rind ether tneffleinet
hits-des, but nothing 4ms'ever - doite me us much good
as yours has. .tiend.bitise steamboat. .
. •
111 , sti leo AO; Astonish i efficitoi .ip Ctinsunilw ,
runt, it is Ulm) tha-ii:Ost effeUtoill stquethr ever iliseov.
er 6 1 ;. , LtvEtt.: CitAt PLAINT'S; ,ASTOMN;
mitoxernxis,, COUGHS, C ItOU WHOOP,
LNG Sto. t oi, Noplee44 . who
havObeeneortol . b) !trotter all other_ rowedies " Nut
MUOGISTS DVAI:.1:111$ will and phis
Iliciik+4a - vmktatilgikikl!took'px.their,St9sk,v4 should
vilwcips,keep hand, as: kis; acilEnoy .7
li4fgell . tiibtionee:of the - I:not usefut
; : medicin e ' s
Ki a - ,110 , very piketicklai , !o ask foe .STA,
:11/4 4 f ,W,11.I? (111 Flit it Y. 004 yskolTstle,
MT' Sr_ en,.Cllemisti,..l
:gtivikrootipi suet ; , 9
•- env. ,
!tide ' ,- hSr'‘ , SA:MU.E.I4-' , •pl41;101'1%, • s!ppOiti:t. ,
Prieeiet.:oo-a ,
' •, „ ; '
Copp leanaitel
. ' I le. ttate''!ll'aell'ee,
" - I II •
ItispFctfolly t Nan me:the wool% Jiiecli e
still coat noes nt dal; Ohl 'Stilud,l47iirtla'
llannyet..street. tieNt door',' to .. - 11te'Cttltioet Shop,,ol'
'Witliotti C. Itillsoo,mtt;re. Ima tiow:On bawl. doll I
is still .Inoutittittitink, every the: 'of '
his trailO rCousistlific of - •
, . .
• 11 (4 ; 1 :',..: ',
gl i Il ' , -.
•:• ' ' -:, , • ..
''''.l. - ', #)) 1 ' - - - ,
. . .\ \ ..........'7 " —. •
. . : . .
•, , . ,
.. • . ~
.. . .
Dlt. 1131)STOCK'S
, -. CelebratrA , i4'.31 %V,a.t, , r, .
• ,
-For,t he ctive - of4";,tik. triiteiv. ni.. it 004 .'11i , 4 t.:llet,.
Istria. - /17iirourt, a al fityani.l4 . ln/ Vitt:: Eif-A41;,.
m:Ais of . fitrAt, , ' - -. .' : = '
rei•sots. s'a lject t 0 4 ty .ot 11.47,e': 1 4lianr•
den!. sill f 1441 1111/1 Ilk: t C.rvlll 11 reased.% ids si-e,
:is it siel‘l,llll tittle 19 rem s i• :my s f alit•he fdYertms.e,
... ~ h\'ll C4W ilqrslitltitrlS, WWI !lit 1;11* ItiARS i•ipAssressiessui ,
or pain. -.Time wlot.trc scnititletlw;thn 111 11.XP.1.4:,
- st e l le d r ti ° 9 lT Ok 4r i e t4 l s k t i nTe i s s l u d :• l e ce o . f' o li v i e s r l r i si n z i e l l w ni n l ? % ll- 11 N 1Tei . .3 .7: 4 oP.sim Fr w ilt ala, ii. a i , i • a
~..aa . t .t. i, „,,..„ 1 , i .„
and his itirlottr . sttives ( far wo H i.a : apa i). H i v (i 1 jot'. strengthening itte eye', itis,ta• svas l ih. ‘ ; g l, l . n „,i 1 ,,i...
newest Inliterns• '' Ileits in addition Illie, 16 . 0 1 1 %1: xetunnt the tlininesstliat asTedsen'renasssi , .ni-d si; tis,mt.
.conking stoves ; the liatiiatnr.
.stoiea and Radiator 1 will also b e f,„,„ 11) ... 0 ., 1101 . 1 . 050 .„ 1 ,....
._.,, ~, .
(111111111 for parlours,,whielsare ItasOrintaiell . for cunt: ,„,..„ 2 , , 1f .. v01 ,„ . ,..
vii . kixe , o,,
,v,. " i.. " A3 4:7 11 ' ,, : .
fort antl eon lomy ht the use Of fuel:
... 01 110 !NIIII/111. die I ' , llll:l4 ' ii , A9.;1•11 Mt .% nil. s” HAI..
All of which Itir offers on. the lowest terms 1 • . . p rice 5 , •
( , earra,.../11,04.
u .. ,iihp,ll
Carlislei.Aug. 18, 1841.---c.
N. 'll. 0111 Leak iiper
l'ewter r eacal Leather t'' ' 1 ,
I S ll o f i n ti r ' ri s i ii rld . Ili s it' liv - • .
ken in exchange for stoves. tin,or ttnitlito• ware.' . .
. • S. E 1 5 1 . 10 1 . 1 7, ' -
. .
' . . Nin:il 'VI. 181 . 1. 7 -- ly • .
... - ' I
I. S 9
, ,
l'ea eftle; Tiii wa of .evet.y.
- Oseri p Liao, tope
Pipe, I)up
ring,-.- •.--
Tle Ii also. for Aide tarsi best ns!sort moot of .Com
mon, nod' l'arJour•
.2 .
7 *.fitit'Lti
CA E AI A It: I G.
W. C 04.1.1
Still t tit t firs the CaMOOt Its Tsl
rides firaochOO, liis: 'staVol .M4lll IL 'yr
store.'of L1. , 11111 . 0 ;
uhel:t now ilia oofactoriog,uod ifitehilskooltiog
on lintoloi glvat varlets of . • •
math ns Sideboard% Flaresia%SeerelaPies, Card, Pier,
r .-- Diniag - atal - Ilr - toklirstA.'ableiTlMbiradcbt o .. of the
I . llolli 1.;e11111111bie lie will iliaj~ovl•
I of nii the in'oit rels.thable Ulan% Ile' is also peepa-
rell t, till all orders for SPIII)T(: SFATIII)SOr7AS
'warranted to be of superior
_ .
Ilc will also Furnish COFFINS nt theidiortest nn - 7 ;
lice, awl 'having recently prnceired a New lli:Atesoi
lee is prepare d to attend funerals in the cemitry.•'
Angnst el. R41.--ly , •
' The subscriber:has recently received large addi
tional supplies of ". .
~a ^fir i <~: i:" , ~;:i i. s:: I'SO ; i
D. . .
...E X . T 1 S T. 1437,41:.: .•j. , .'t. ,
',.' .. '':Dit I.' d. 'LOOMIS '-nehtlitli ''
, , .
IS'fidnilatidntliticidEirediti lAtlisle . ; and
..., ,, ill`p.ii.orm-Aki.maruti,,iot„,,issit 1, i.,,, rrvoirtullu,
'llijutal Surgery, tmch, as Piiing,'Piup,ing piad
InkstliaiTeetit, mid I loci±rat Arfilicial Tvellilrenni:
a_ single tooth'n Ivw,lpie . 7 e.t., 11,..‘, ill also otteni,l.lo
all di s ft' , it•i; nrtr, tl iiir ail li. gaiies; 'REV.;lfiii'il i il•ei'm lal
i•egpitormic , Arm H 1 ,1111 .7 1 . 11 1111 , h , ti1iti? ,, 1.'Q 34.1 to .redder:
the Vteill •?rel,liitti•i:4 and you ig p,ertiousyyrAir aind
fitniitillii:'' '+, 't' , .-.. • , :4, - . , ' , ~! . . - •:1 . ,-, 0 ' . Iw.
i le. 1 4 0 i )IHS nsay at, nll I i,mep,l)- fnu•nl at IS i 0,9.1. ,
11.4.4,"nn Hi 'li stivi . t. :l o , l-isiie:„744lliiiinit's I fiiiel.:
:Carlisle; June t 3, 1141:--;—y. /.! " . ',' ..
I.L4:ii{i*. i ilii r 'll Ilc r '' i46.'
t I
F,aNili . Ull-"3.1, ; A9•'l;ti,
. .
. .
• • nopite voilluithl, pats at , v,•, .t ., !,‘ , 1 , .. i • tt.t.L :• •11 'a.
tj, ing emitowl.mill iv i• pails, gelpl., .4.1- l' :1".. iP/111St•.111:4
bil:ktleNS. 1511.:1. (*WIN. illligi% ~..! lII' . i ~.i..i ~ I, .. , ,fii.•
till• 1.1 , )111.1011 111100.1.1 X 11.. A el U1'.11., i 11... ~ , 4 1 , 1 IL:A.
ing•st.ornfein•wy:ur ni,d. 1 ,,,,,,... 1,,•....,ii i., i,. ; ;;,11'
iiiikgins, m e eey :,•nott,4-1-itittgi r d.•gi - .•ii ,, ,1i ..I • I Viek,.111i,...;
vl4-11.4' ti• 114 (ft,- hl ' , m.telt.low,•l% u: d. 10;441. ' W11•1:11
mike:, .1111.11,11,
.S'. • 134.04 . 44 jel . ~..17:.1.\. 11 '611i'%. 1 % li. ~', i 44)0:
011.111111111q1411?...;1111i4.4.41.14i1Vit.fl• 1 0 ,1 ": 1 10 - 4i1114 . el,
• piiva—ic!‘ st•itisitt , h, In 401.11j•ri l 1 .ligirejs
,1 4 1 ,11 worm%
This medicine is :as.). ace ifilitlible
,ell e for feveriind
slime.. ' • .
l'anaceo.. Blood Pills ,
di Reused wind-pipe,
ulcerated sore thr-ott. longs and liver complaint,
night sweats, flushes of beat; horning in the idomaeli
tightness iierrisb`Lhe chit's!. pains in the hiautlmd
I 5 every l V-l : 7 a t::
stop tlw spi ting of blOe'd Hutt heal-die tart affected.
Tke P.lllWee3 11l mod pills are prepared expressly (*Or'
the strengthening-id 'every` part of ilitv , systeno and
healing all lOC vs and sots, pueirvint; unit removiim
nll had humors limo the l'lnott;Avitteli is olden brought
oil tront , Pio 'noel' sitting or standing, or - he -expo
sure from stnitlen hest. to cold. Weakly - debilitated
persons areitariietilary advised. to use them;:ts they
strengthen the body in a superior manner; they are
lint in.entled to operate nn the towels sn nitwit as nit
HI too mu l c h lowgii.g. Will desire') any weak
ly coustittition..tnil has cnrried - tholitainiht to it
world unknown to us. • Take the ads ice of nue who
rive life ow l ant to kill t weakly stud debili
tated persons simalli nil imp. more Man omen year'
as it often Glues brings oiVn
. „ ' t ' .i . c ,- - .
.. .
4 .: 1
1 - .
. '
V7l/11q`.V1',iLic ki. 4, l
' o t *
-0 .
% ' ! •'l': 1
1' /0,,0.. i . ' rtii.ixti ,, orniaatt-elinite4, eiiilioaots,tle re.
stilt'or st,ie.;lef.t . stlykiliejllVl;lll, i 011 ttl;a't:olo,i'all,ll,
~ical aiiiii .. ;'llii!".saletl'ilig, - of Wliii'll:tO ilse'riublie
aitiveshiml vitli-ilitt, siolettiiiiit'y 61 ii 111:0111-lii 41 lie
• lieit" liiiit:liaireitilliiegl.:,.;*PfejlatiflOriairpmiqiiroott.
11 , - , •
i 14 . .
ta k ly Tkaalaiatimr,lp . t: lairs :Ail.orepapf . tilt; /a,,tltt.Lie,t,:r 4 ..r . ,
!.(41 . jilltit:.1, Iftgt i . di.legtifon: trilq "hl.• ilareil .'itottlle
,wiaimil i)ohturit,'lllebeiiit;tr,l•liialk,flowir
r,eitoalaitl:iii•ha,ltiv.(•t„7.l.4(l,,l4e Jkitlroli , reb,tilptniihd •,
I . tolpillileal mail atiett(lay
'' t,..SplPPrio!' Itit'F:§,tile`ilecret
!,at hja Illiiciivt.`rtee'. .. ' ' ''' '., i ' '.. ...."' • ..', r '. • •
' "It' ik•tiow timed iti t ild )irilitsipa l';.,linapila fa, End . lila
t -r• -
:1 ,41,,,,t0 ),I•ii,,,iy . , ; 4 , 1 , ,11- ~, , ,,,,iryi fti.:ai -' aa (I m ost cc...1.r.
18 iillY rir tllee!ire () rill(' l'll. - §ol,ft •
tirso ex!eiveg
_ry linit.eireolpirry w. tti bifitle.ersolaliir.:iiiiirclait:ii,lfitiilt
its i•fre:bla in u•itiii.i.seilr.".' !.E.r.teencilly lit itte . :liillow=
lag e4iStalakatae..:
F ,
~' ;
~,,;• ~, -..,,,,,,.....,-.......,.:
91. ,l/ropip•-,-.7C,reatlng, .:cirsioi:ilitiat'y. absorptio'it
lit mace, , '
Sul.,lllala-;-12erltiviiig tiinni fn a few litllirs.' - :...._;-. --
'lllt&uitintfaril..--Att.ite,'-or-,clo,oiiic; giylne 'qiiick
.. , •
' filart+ Thraat--lly ratteria: tileer:Orcolds.' ' '
~Croup noel ,:l l rlioo o i ng - Congle-T4'.eeternally ,11011
.tree the chest. • • ~,, .- •. ,
All Ilraises,Spraiiri; alai tlarart-i4e4,:tire4 in 11rew
!yob's: :" ', ' .. , ' 4"; '''- - :•-•:-;" , --. - 7
..+l++4Sa'nel Iller es - r,Wlrtlier,.creth or, long stand- •
' intr. awl f..e . er'Soren. ,'•• ' ,
.. .
' -'-ll o:e.r,itierti. otirrena dolls and dinaren in eedoei"i'
oa ll i na t ie swellings. a tallnirsettine• eratples alt! tight. ; -•
lei+. 4.ftlut eland Ilv"rel: %loin,' of ibe parts; her' leet , ti
ittir4trici-a4,l+l4tnall elocenti•ev, ~ The-
,ain 61ik ~,, ~,, 4: wir , have use& it in the . P i les is ~ It
no. 1: 1 ,. II 4. lin ortll " , • .• .
T t ft:: 3. 11.",q . --Th r • pi.; . er. 41 in rtillterterl to tOttV
p,.. trii , ililtr , j4t• a (bottle.t ti , ,,,..., 1.; ,, ;,,i..,.t•r, r
th , t !' 0 .0.-^". 7 reheat tine r• f,
bottle+ witl+nat lief rj t
noted "I'llesti',ll.l* t . llO loft. I ;%•(• nrerrit, Of tIII. /11.rprie..
t ,p ',A,. ,i tre . l , l a n d no t e 'lf imply lb niivistiils mold. wit
'lr.. rrir , rl.i
,igre+tit -eerie: tintlis' in ant.' leeneeth. toe t
r.' , .re'r • it,t t.,.1• wui^ . .e. l l the article.. shonlei•exliibit
the IIiTINII to •.111.1,8..1111.
- • •
• '
7$ ' Physirimis and Ptiliridi.
Tiii, Blind Piled, said to be' istenral+lrLy ext . ( nail
iiiilli Ca i iqus.7--,Solotiauil )(lays 'Narrow's therm bail.
.lis I,,i,iiiii 4.1 a ill 'cure. litiairl'iles. Foos sire'niero ' 1
41.11)691%i than (bringer+. Ile solitita :till respectable '
:tik *Wittly. t't lI'S it 1111111 tlll.ll* 11:1111.111t1. it VI ill ',do
i twat , iii Itarae;nail it is known . that etely : plty l ith I ,
agr+ la+ , feel the l , en ett% iroltake the trial, has '".'ran-. :
dilly teltaitierl that" it Ita• 4ticecellerl tin , eiery
c ase
they Irate. kletwit. •Tlrentot ley tint 1114. it ? It ja the
rod Pi. need l e of thei pm tot rospertabir mem)). rir."nOw
lis•e•eisesit., II by vanity to Ittir. , • 11 .? 'Ill.T111;14.. it is said •
as a nrgpri •It;ry iterlrcitie? 1, 1ji1h,.31 f•fillit'6 lii 'llsX... :
tg111.,!!..r p,;..);),1r-li.i.tptheir iltleig(
,1 1 1%01.141 , , - to :' Bo'o't in
.1* f , 174:., F{ ?•,. W e thirty:not : Pht siCiarrs ~sb4l; kr eon- • -
• e i .: yret'llint:itte , o' 'le We) • /nide/Siva: 4i ineetlier.r"eitront
'this skirt.: -:-11 lit • 41teit'llet allutiatr+ Introit+ 'Refl . ! . r- s
iii.:" , Intim. won't try' it itelere. let ' tbtto after all
+idler rtrerteriptiona fail. . I s ltysicialts are roiprelliellk • .
reei;setiql In 410 thoMIOVI•ft mid mitiettP9,llol.l.Stitelp,..._
mitt.thiß artieler—it-sbnll be taleiln 'frrni tiii. , bottlei
.(-)0511 ; 11 T -- 11 - Al".ft:' ----
:end done lip ns their prescription if filer desire.'
Vail by fiqmstack & Co.. Vi r linlasale DrOggista,
No. '2. Pleirlirr street: New York. '".
Pot Pile allm .by STEVENSON &
NI. Iti.E CarlisliTa. ---- - 7 - --.
. .
. ,
The., i. not one. case of Fever itr.n4hottsand, but .
,may be etrectually - briakei t up stud removed by the
use 01[114 Elixir. It removes all ilcillityindigthtion ,
bilious matter and coiiitipation from the 76t(iSIIRL il
and bdiVels. It ripernies,,gcutly and eat Walk Oil -
thehowels, and powerfully:on the kidct)r a n d ;Lill.
It rentov'ec all unpleasant teelingsarter a his' rip I al ,
31111 r prompt cE a good appetite. It needs mil) alt ill 1,,,
'to give perfect Satisfaction. •It has Luce ler a gehrt n -
practice with maii% to use this atilt le in all tries it pain's in.the . bories.orheavy tlisiv I.' El le It el ...
ill, tentlering,lls lieritkielte or chillircis. Far I OT MI -
stet's, If taken through the day, it ceinidett h e re its 1;41
the voice without peotioricr sickcet or. , Alit ''l lug
'rough:awl all 'coughs of children are cures. 1.% it...
The stripiurp is kept 111 'perfivenrilr r by itortil it i s
gu't's impossible that any disease should conin.ence
while a person is irsinl_ Ibis Sy re p. , ."-t-: ,
(•• If taken daily it proeuces . a rudy. health . , . and
young appearance. by drivine Mr all Ibe Lunen, ( f
:the system. SIIII genuine nt 2 Fletehirr street one
[lnor.helow Pearl - street. N,. 4 1r: -- by COM s' rick & Co.,
Ilui p h i;r ' 'B kl ni: s a P isen t n i lh. : y s n ' i l l ' i re 4 ? ; V l 8 E"•N S 0 N 4, DW-
I fifer; Carlisle. Pa.